thefairygodmonster · 11 months
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I still love Maestro Peanut and the fact he just came from a prompt generator makes him all the more special to me. Its fun seeing how far he has come and how he continues to evolve while still being my silly lil crass idiot. Going through the 2022's I realize how inconsistantly I'd post things between twitter/tumblr/instagram but can you blame me, keeping up with all three is a pain.
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merriway · 5 years
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I found some old silly doodles of Peanut and thought Id share them. 
The first doodles were an idea with Peanut that when he plays a certain genre of music he does a quick spin transformation and dons an outfit matching the genres hes playing.
Also Originally Maestro Peanut was known as Peanut Pup and was a silly black and white toon. Its something he became embarrassed about after moving to color since he feels like his old work is humiliating and outdated. 
Also Peanut tries to be romantic but tends to fail utterly at it.
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thefairygodmonster · 2 years
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Bringing back the little Maestro Peanut because this guy has always been fun to loosen up with when it comes to doing expressions. 
Damn hes four years old now...
A lil background for the guy if this is you’re first time meeting him!
Maestro Peanut got his start from a villain name generator years ago. After various ideas for what a Maestro Peanut would look like I came up with a little toon guy who desperately wanted to be a villain but was rather terrible at it.  He’s evolved a little since then and no longer plays into a hero/villain dynamic. Rather he’s a toon whose entire premise is that he’s a genius musician with a hot bad temper. He can compose, conduct, and play just about anything but all of that tends to get ruined by his own arrogance and impatience. He often ends up fighting with music notes and instruments and while a performance may start out smooth it normally ends with the theater being in tatters.
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merriway · 6 years
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Okay so I actually do want to try posting art again and I dont know I feel the safest posting it here. This has always been like a loosey goosey blog. Sorry it got a little inactive but lets see if I can try to start sharing some thoughts and doodles here.
This was just a warmup of Peanut but he actually has a few updates.
So I actually figured out his original name before he became Maestro Peanut. I’ll share that in another update though that goes more into his background.
Design wise there are two updates to his look. First is that he has a small lil nose. The reason for that change will actually be more clear with the update to his background. The second is that he has a buck tooth! Its something he detests and is super embarrassed about because he wants to look intimidating and it makes him look silly. 
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merriway · 6 years
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There was a friend on twitter who had a fun challenge of finding ocs from 2010 and trying to update and I’m all about revamping characters. 
There are some modern characters mixed in here like fairy and peanut and that lil horny toad monster.  Old characters include Lil Blue whose the lil pointy eared bb. The puppet looking chap doesnt have a name at this time. And the armored top hat cyclops is Faquear. Theres also the jester bloke at the top and they also only ever had a title they were supposed to be a nightmare king but now theyre probs more just a gremlin. I dont know what theyd all do nowadays but I had fun designing them!
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thefairygodmonster · 7 years
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Model Sheet for Maestro Peanut! 
Maestro Peanut is a villain looking to make a name for himself with the top big bads. His heart is in the right place but he just cant seem to pull off any evil deeds mainly because his main power is making music and making people scene. It makes for great entertainment for audiences but tends to annoy most heroes and villains.  Nonetheless this looney lil conductor keeps showing up with more passion and fervor each time! I also included some sketches that didn’t make it into the final model sheet. Want a model sheet like this drawn by yours truly? Keep an eye out this weekend for my commissions opening up! I’ll be offering Rough ModelSheets (Sketches only) and Full Colored ModelSheets along with other goodies! 
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thefairygodmonster · 7 years
Maestro peanut is my favorite, we need to show the musical boi more love!
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Oh he couldn’t agree more but also please dont feed his already bloated ego.
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thefairygodmonster · 7 years
Maestro Peanut cannon?
Are you asking what is cannon for Maestro Peanut? :OMaestro Peanut is a villain who wants to run with the top dogs but his power isn’t exactly the most destructive. He can create music out of nowhere and even force people to sing along to his melody instead of speak regularly. It can add for some cool effects to a battle but for the most part it just seems to annoy both heroes and villains. He isn’t deterred though. Maestro is very determined to show his stuff so he keeps showing up to ever big battle he can find. Unfortunately he tends to get his lil nut butt handed to him on a silver platter each time.Originally he called himself Maestro Mayhem but others started to call him Maestro Peanut because of his small stature and nutty nature and it just stuck. Maestro hates it and hates peanuts in general and vows he’ll become a big time villain and reclaim his rightful title!Despite the fact that he is often viewed as a joke, Maestro thinks of himself as incredibly talented and tends to lean towards arrogance. He does get frustrated because of this though because he thinks he is hot stuff so why can’t other’s see it. Overall he is just a looney lil fellow who pops up frequently and pesters everyone around him!
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