#mafalda always look for songs
mafaldaknows · 2 years
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The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) by Fall Out Boy
I'm pretty sure as far as humans go
I am a hard, hard pill to swallow
And I know I'm not your intended dose
We're going low, low, low, low
So roll the highlights
The "got to high" life
Mix the
Low, low, low lights with the
Low, low, lowlifes
On the bright side
Got the wrong insides
Mix the
Low, low, low lights with the
Low, lowlifes
I spent
Ten years
Ten years in a bit of chemical haze
And I miss the way that I felt
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Passed my old street
The house I grew up in
It breaks your heart
But four of the Ramones are dead
I felt you at the beginning
But needed you at the end
We're going low, low, low, low
So roll the highlights
The "got to high" life
Mix the
Low, low, low lights with the
Low, low, lowlifes
On the bright side
Got the wrong insides
Mix the
Low, low, low lights with the
Low, lowlifes
I spent
Ten years
Ten years in a bit of chemical haze
And I miss the way that I felt
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Stop me if you have heard this all before
Too many times after too much alcohol
Oh, but you don't know me anymore
We're going low, low, low, low
I spent
Ten years
Ten years in a bit of chemical haze
And I miss the way that I felt
Ten years
Ten years in a bit of chemical haze
And I miss the way that I felt
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Written by Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, and Pete Wentz
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jerzwriter · 5 months
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I just couldn't let the first chapter stand. This story is not part of my headcanon. In my HC, Trystan is in tune enough with Carolina to know she'd consider an engagement premature at this stage. But, I can conceivably see Trystan wanting to propose for... reasons. So, I wanted to do a little fix it... and here it is in two parts. Oh, and since I can suck at getting subsequent parts up, part two will be posted later today. :)
Book: Crimes of Passion: The Proposal Pairing: m!Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose (F!MC) Characters: Ruby Webster, Luke Watanabe, Mafalda Ginovesi Words: 2,074 Rating: Teen Summary: Carolina makes an unexpected discovery in Trystan's kitchen, then runs out to seek advice from her friends. A/N: Participating in @choicesmaychallenge24 Hera: Marriage
Part Two Crimes of Passion Masterlist Complete Masterlist
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There’s something special about early mornings in New York City - before the sun peeks through the clouds and the first bird has yet to sing its song. It’s the only time you’ll find the City that never sleeps at rest and it can be intoxicating. But the serenity on the streets of New York at this early hour was nothing compared to the tranquility inside Trystan Thorne’s apartment.
There, he slept peacefully with the love of his life nuzzled closely at his side. But while Trystan was adrift in dreamland, he awakened Carolina from hers, courtesy of somniloquy, or as the masses would call it... talking in his sleep.  
“Yes, Your Majesty... Right away... I’ll find it...”
Carolina opened her eyes with a smile; she had seen this show before and found it quite entertaining. It rarely had a repeat, so she never knew what was in store.
“Unhand me, you beast! Otherwise, I can’t promise the search will be thorough!”
She cocked a brow at that one, gently rubbing Trystan's back. “What the hell are you dreaming about, my prince.”
With a quick jerk, he rolled over, desperately reaching out in his sleep. “Don’t go, Carolina! I love you!”
The level of desperation in his voice tugged at Carolina’s heart, and she quickly pulled him into a protective embrace.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered, kissing the top of his sleepy head. “You silly man. I love you, too.”
Still sleeping, Trystan's face visibly changed as he snuggled closer; peace and contentment were the rules for the day. Once she was certain he was sleeping soundly, Carolina decided returning to her slumber was the best thing to do, and she was just about to reach that goal when the ring of her phone jolted her awake. Not wanting to disturb Trystan, she lowered the volume and quickly tiptoed out of his room, grumbling the whole way. She saw Mafalda’s name on her screen and answered with an exaggerated yawn.
“Who’s dead?” she asked, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“If you’re calling me this early in the morning, I’m assuming someone died, and you need me to find out who did it.”
Mafalda’s sarcastic grin was so powerful Carolina could hear in her voice. “It doesn’t always have to be that deep... or tragic... But I have a case I want you to start on immediately.”
She went on to explain that one of New York’s wealthiest and most influential socialites had her dog stolen while strolling in Central Park; time was of the essence, and the heiress was willing to pay handsomely to have her precious poodle back home.
“Really?” Carolina asked. “This sounds like an easy payday to me!”
“I admire your confidence; now, see it through. The client’s name is Nina Ricci, and her address is....”
“Hold on a second,” Carolina replied, fumbling through a kitchen drawer. “I need to find a pen.”
Still groggy, she was quickly awakened when her fingers brushed over a soft, velvet box. Her heart stopped when she looked down—after all, she had only seen that color blue in movies... and she knew what it meant. It wasn’t nosiness as much as her detective’s acumen that made her open the box at once, and she gasped loud enough for Mafalda to hear when she saw what was inside.
“Carolina... are you OK?”
It was a ring. Not any old ring, but an engagement ring fit for royalty glistening in her hands.
“No... this... this can’t be....” she muttered.
“Carolina, what can’t be?” 
“Oh, uh... Mafalda... it’s uh... it’s nothing. Uhm... I’ll be at the office within the hour.”
She hung up without waiting for a reply, her heart racing as she stared at the glittering gem in her hand.  
“This can’t be...” she repeated. “He’s not planning on proposing... is he?”
She brought the ring closer, the radiant light it emanated assaulting her startled eyes. She had never been one of those girls who dreamed about engagements from childhood, so she couldn’t even begin to guess how many carats this was, though she knew it eclipsed the two-carat boulder that graced Mafalda’s left hand.
“This had to cost him more than I’ve earned in my lifetime,” she muttered. “This is crazy! And he has it in the kitchen drawer... the kitchen drawer. The man has, like... five safes in this apartment! And he keeps this in the kitchen drawer?”  
She let out a shaky breath as a million thoughts raced in her mind. She’d be lying if she said she never thought about the two of them getting married...someday... in the future. The distant future, but this... this was far too soon!
“Is he really ready for this? Am I?”
A vision of Trystan on one knee appeared before her. He cradled the precious gem in his hand, and that sweet, doe-eyed look she had become unable to deny was all over his face. She broke into a sweat. She considered Googling her symptoms. Dizziness, nausea, and a rapid heartbeat could indicate many things, but she felt guilty for hoping to find "discovering an engagement ring in your lover’s kitchen drawer" among the culprits.
The sound of footsteps plodding down the hall pulled her from her panicked state. She returned the ring to the exact spot where she found it and grabbed a container of orange juice from the fridge. Jumping into a chair at the kitchen counter, she scrolled through her phone, attempting to look nonchalant.
That's where a groggy Trystan found her. "Look at you!" He mumbled as his arms encircled her. “It should be against the law to look that good so early in the morning.”
“Really?” She grinned. “You look pretty good in the mornings, too, sir. If they make it illegal, I would have to arrest you.”
“Kinky,” he growled. “As long as we’re in the same cell, I wouldn’t mind one bit.”
He shuffled to the counter to make a pot of coffee. “What are you doing up so early?”
“Mafalda called. She has a case for me. I’ll be heading into the office momentarily.”
Trystan’s face fell. “Today! But we just got back from Drakovia! Surely, Mafalda can spare you for a day!”
 “You have a lot to learn about Mafalda... and what it’s like to be a working person,” Carolina grinned.
“Then it's time I learn. I’ll get dressed and go with you.”
“NO!” Carolina yelled, halting him in his path.
“Why? We are partners, aren’t we?”
“Uh, yeah. But Mafalda only requested me, and, uh, hon... life’s been a whirlwind lately. I think I need a few hours to focus on myself and my work... is that OK?”
“Of course it is. Maybe we could meet up later, at...”
“Oh, look at the time!” Carolina interrupted, planting a quick kiss on Trystan’s cheek before bolting toward the door. “I have to go! Talk to you later!”
“Carolina, wait...” he hollered after her, but it was pointless. She was already gone, and Trystan’s dazed look turned into one of pure amusement.
“I always knew it would be interesting to date an American,” he grinned, raising his coffee cup to his lips. “I just had no idea how interesting.”
A short time after, Carolina burst into the agency, startling Ruby and Luke, who were already there.
“Carolina,” Ruby chuckled. “Is someone chasing you?”
“Ruby!” a red-faced Carolina panted. “I need your help! I need your help right now! It’s an...emergency!”
“If it’s about finding the poodle, I’m not your woman. I don’t know much about dogs.”
“It’s not about the dog! It’s about the ring!”
Ruby scrunched her nose. “Did someone lose a ring?”
“No! No, it’s not about a lost ring; it’s about a FOUND ring! An engagement ring! In Trystan’s drawer!”
The room fell silent as the couple’s eyes grew wide. They exchanged a shocked look before Luke turned to his friend with alarm.
“You’re right. This is an emergency!”
“I know!” Carolina screeched, crumbling into a nearby chair. “This has never happened to me! What am I supposed to do with this?”
Ruby sat at her friend’s side, resting a comforting hand atop her knee.
“ Carolina, I realize this is... soon... and it's a bit of a shock, but the man you adore is planning on proposing. You may not be ready, but this isn’t exactly a tragedy.”
“Well, that depends on how you define tragedy,” Luke injected.
“Honestly, it’s not even all that surprising,” Ruby stated, glowering in Luke’s direction.
“It’s not?” Carolina questioned. “We’ve been together three months, Ruby!”
“Sure. But if you kept up with the latest royal gossip like I do, you’d know that royals operate a much different playing field than us mere mortals. Engagements tend to happen pretty quickly in their world. Granted, most of them are arranged, but still.”
“Well, I’m not a royal!” Carolina huffed. “And I haven’t talked to my Uncle Tommy today, but I’m comfortable saying that he hasn’t been having late-night conversations with Viktoria and Maksim to discuss my dowry!”
Anxiety overwhelming her, she jumped to her feet, pacing the floor furiously before her friends.
“Who does this! Who goes and buys a ring... a very expensive ring, from TIFFANY’S, I might add...”
“Oh! It’s from Tiffany’s!” Ruby cooed.
“.... without even talking about it first! In the year of our lord 2024!” She motioned for Luke to get out of his seat. “I need to sit... I’m hyperventilating!”
Knowing better than to fight her, Luke acquiesced. “Carolina, you could always just tell him you found the ring and, you know, talk about it like grown-ups?”
The three friends turned toward the sound of an exasperated sigh and found Mafalda leaning against the frame of her office door. She crossed the room and placed a steaming cup of coffee before her beleaguered employee. “You need to calm down.”
“How much did you hear?” Caronlina asked wearily.
“All of it.”
“You heard all of it, and you’re telling me to calm down!”
“Yes. Get yourself together! You’ve faced down mobsters, cult killers, and murderous evil brothers; for fucks sake, you can handle coming face to face with a ring in Trystan's apartment!"
“She has a point,” Luke agreed.
“Mafalda, you’re the only expert on marriage present,” Ruby interjected. “What advice do you have?”
“Please,” Mafalda scoffed. “The only marriage I’m an expert on is my own.” She turned to Carolina, arms crossed and a look that was both comforting and commanding on her face. “I know you love Trystan, but have you given any thought to marrying him?”
“I mean... maybe a couple times... in passing. But I imagined it the future... the distant future... Even if marriage was important to me, in the three months I’ve known him, we’ve been busy chasing down those killers and murders you mentioned... never mind clearing Trystan's name and keeping him out of a Drakovian prison! When would I have had time to be thinking about... marriage?”
Mafalda screwed her eyes shut as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. “You need to talk to him. He needs to hear these things from you, not us. Look, some people have whirlwind courtships, get married, and go on to have a beautiful life together, but Carolina, a marriage takes two people, and if you’re not ready for it yet... that’s fine. But tell him that.”
“Yeah, it’s not like he’s going to up and leave you if you say you’re not ready,” Luke added.
Carolina turned to him, and for the first time today the anxious look in her eyes was replaced with one of fear. “How... how do you know that?”
“Because I have eyes,” he half-smiled. “He’s crazy about you, and you’re crazy about him. Just... go get your timelines straight.”
“He’s right,” Mafalda agreed. I always say that if people in a relationship are honest and love each other, they’ll get through anything.”
 Carolina gulped down the rest of her coffee, appearing more at ease than she had since this morning’s discovery. “You’re right. Now, do I tell him I found the ring and have this conversation with him now? Or wait until he proposes and say...no.”
“Offh! That’s a tough one,” Ruby jumped in. “You know Trystan... he’s go big or go home. If he’s proposing, I’m sure he has a flash mob planned.”
Carolina ran a hand down her face. "Thanks for that, Ruby," she groaned.
“You’ll have to make that call,” Maflada smiled, tossing a file Carolina’s way. “But you have some time to mull it over because, right now, you have a poodle to find.”
Part Two will be up later today. :)
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dr1edflorals · 2 years
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Still Woozy Live
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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tw: death, bodily harm
A Bambi-eyed girl with a mischievous streak, Keira Grey is a lionhearted witch born in East London to parents ANDREW and GINA GREY, the family had a relatively calm and simple life. Gina was a nurse who worked long hours though Keira could never remember hearing her mother complain, whilst Andrew worked as a dentist and regularly partook in moaning enough for both her parents. Their life was pretty clockwork in the little street house they struggled to afford off Brick Lane. Tea was always ready and on the table for Andrew getting in at five made mostly by her grandma PEGGY who took care of Keira around school and lived in their third upstairs bedroom. The only thing to break this clockwork cycle was the birth of her sister, EMILIA when Keira was five. Having a baby in the house was incredibly exciting for Keira and instantly when she laid eyes on her she loved her with all her heart. Keira became something of a second mother to Emilia, picking her sister up like a doll and walking around the house with her on the side of her hip whilst her grandma cooked their evening meal. The birth of her little sister spurred her parents to begin looking outside of London to raise their children and the reason they left the house one day and never returned. 
It was just an ordinary weekend that her parents kissed them on the forehead and left Keira holding a little two-year-old Emilia on her side and drove out to Kent to go house hunting. It was such a normal moment that would stick in Keira’s mind for the rest of her life. Their happy faces, her mother’s laugh, her father trying to hurry her into the car. Keira couldn’t believe they had been taken from them. Her grandma breaking down in the kitchen or the image of the car which flashed up on the evening news announcing they were survived by two children of the same names didn’t allow the realisation to click for Keira. It was one day after the funeral when her little sister asked when their parents were coming home did Keira fully accept they never would be. All Emilia would ever have of them were photographs, newspaper clippings and the memories of Keira and their grandma which made Keira’s heart break all over again. Keira became much older after her parents died. She wore a sullen expression on her face and dressed and bathed her younger sister with the expertise and seriousness of someone twice her age. Their grandma was elderly and although she was a no nonsense woman Emilia was a handful that Keira did her best to try and control, especially when strange things began to occur. 
Around the time her parents died Keira found it hard to contain her emotions, which seemed to spread out from her body. When she sat alone in the garden at times and cried it would snow, if she sang to Emilia as she slept she saw tiny stars and beams of light fly over the ceiling. Her magic always presented itself in a beautiful and visual way that although she had no explanation for she accepted and appreciated. For a time Keira believed it was just her that possessed the same gifts, but when Emilia turned six and she found their cat Marmalade flying through the air as she giggled Keira realised it may have been something that ran through their family. Keira’s letter to Hogwarts differentiated from any other letters that had come to their house. An envelope made from old paper with loopy calligraphy, as she peeled it open a strange sense of excitement built up inside of her she hadn’t felt since her parents passed away. Emilia Gray was a witch and as she went to bed that night dressed in a witches Halloween costume and clutching a plastic wand she felt more alive than she had done in years, her inner child having finally woken up after a long hibernation. Emilia was in love with Hogwarts and although she had no idea what it meant to be in Gryffindor until ARTHUR WEASLEY and TRYSTAN WARRINGTON happily told her over full plates of pumpkin pie. 
A Muggle-Born student, Keira received her fair share of bullying whilst at school but was more than equipped to handle it. A spitfire of a girl, she became known for her kind heart and an East London attitude which meant giving anyone as good as you got, both in the corridor and out on the Quidditch pitch. Keira shined as a Chaser for the team, supported by a gaggle of friends who cheered her on at every game and were more than ready to jump at her side to defend those who dared to bully her. JENNIFER VANE was her best friend and greatest companion as they strolled the halls of Hogwarts, though unlike their friends CONSTANCE SONG and LAUREL LINWOOD they never went looking for trouble, though it still seemed to find them particularly in the form of LACHLAN MCTAVISH, a Ravenclaw student who thought very highly of himself and enjoyed putting Keira down at every chance he got. Bartimus was irritating to Keira, but he was tolerable compared to the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain TOMAS WOOD. Tomas often enjoyed stepping in to defend Keira when she didn’t need his help whilst simultaneously lauding himself around the pitch as the self-proclaimed best player at Hogwarts. Everyone who attended school at the same time as Tomas was in love with him, though Keira had never quite understood the infatuation herself and found him to be quite an arrogant and unpleasant individual. 
Although she loved Quidditch, Keira had another career path in mind and longed to follow somewhat in the footsteps of her parents and enter the medical profession. Graduating from Hogwarts with pleasing grades she began working as a Healer for The Wigtown Wanderers. Keira loved working with the team, bandaging them up and sending them on their way. The injuries were interesting and some of the tasks challenging, but not enough to truly stimulate Keira. Her brain worked in a methodical way, having found she enjoyed figuring out what had caused the injuries rather than fixing them. When a job working in the morgue came up working under PROFESSOR HERBERT SPLEEN, Keira tentatively applied for it, unsure as to how she would feel being surrounded by so much death but after being accepted quickly found joy in what some might consider morbid. As Keira saw it, she used her medical expertise to help catch criminals and enjoyed working with the Auror’s Office to bring about justice.She lived a fairly happy life but it was no small secret that the Grey family had always had financial issues, with Keira working longer hours to support the family as the primary earner and it was that well known fact that someone began to take advantage of. 
The day BOOKER BAGNOLD arrived at St Mungos, Keira had been very sure what had killed him. It was an advanced spell, a one that cut the body like a sword or a set of claws but a spell nonetheless. Keira’s judgement would sadly never make it to the Auror’s Office. Shaking hands with CORBAN YAXLEY they made an unbreakable vow, promising to use his influence to get Emilia her dream job at The Daily Prophet and money in exchange for this change and her silence. A few days later Emilia began her job at the paper and Keira silently paid off the mortgage on their little house in Brick Lane as she watched the chaos she had caused play out in front of her. Since her parents died Keira has always tried to live her life according to what would make them proud, vowing to do her best by them and take care of Emilia the way she always had done. Keira finds it hard to look at herself in the mirror knowing the reason people are looking so closely at SILAS CRUMP is because of the deal she struck, but it has become even more difficult now FRANK LONGBOTTOM and REMUS LUPIN have come back round asking more questions. With her life on the line, Keira knows she has to continue to keep her secret but it’s only a matter of time before someone realises her mistake and her lie begins to unravel with potentially deadly consequences, prompting her to wonder how much it was all worth it. 
Blood Status → Muggle-Born
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer  
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Gryffindor)
Societies → Sorcerers for Equality 
Family → Emilia Grey (sister)
Connections  → Jennifer Vane (best friend), Arthur Weasley (close friend), Trystan Warrington (close friend), Laurel Linwood (close friend), Glenda Chittock (close friend), Natan Diggory (friend), Daisy Hookum (friend), Constance Song (friend), Mafalda Hopkirk (friend), Tomas Wood (acquaintances/potential love interest), Professor Hebert Spleen (boss), Remus Lupin (friend/colleague), Frank Longbottom (colleague), Corban Yaxley (adversary), Lachlan McTavish (former adversary)
Future Information → Wife of Tomas Wood, Mother of Oliver Wood (subject to change)
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childoftimeandmagic · 5 years
❤ u always say them anyway, but sure, have at it haha
I feel like you aren’t going to be ready for this, but I love you, and I haven’t adequately gushed about you in awhile publically. I love you, Mafalda, you continually steal my breath away.
My favorite things about you in a list from what I like about you the least to what I love about you most. 
1. Your self-doubt - I hate this because I can understand why you might feel this way, but the proof of people loving your words, and the support for your writing that you receive has to prove to you that it’s just not true. 
2. You tend to self deprecate - I hate this slightly less than your self-doubt, but it makes me frown none the less. You are just so amazing and beautiful that while I understand the desire to hide behind sarcasm and deprecating humor, I want to take a moment to remind you that just because you are critical of yourself doesn’t mean that those critical thoughts are always correct. 
3. Your ability to always see the negative in your work. - this makes no sense to me because I have never seen a negative comment on your writing, your edits, or your musing lyrical poetry. You have a way of seeing the world and emoting it through words or art that is breathtaking. 
4. Your gold glasses and blue hair combo - there is a way of being both unique and yet classically beautiful that just takes my breath away. You are stunning, especially when the sun catches your glasses, just the right direction, and adds to the sparkle in your eyes. 
5. The way your nose scrunches in the cutest way possible when you are embarrassed or being sarcastic. It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life, and @indominusregina‘s puppy is pretty freaking cute. But, when you scrunch your nose and shake your head at my antics, I know that while it might make you flush, you appreciate the words coming from my mind. 
6. Those inquisitive brown eyes that are both secretive but also enchanting and emotive as fuck. Your soul peaks out of your eyes like the windows that they are. If one pays attention, you spell out your feelings on things just with your eyes. Your eyes are that comforting shade of brown that looks like liquid bronze in the right light and I could get lost in them for eternity. 
7. The way that you smile encompasses your entire face, never have I seen you smile with just your lips and not have it reach your eyes. Not saying that it couldn’t happen but that it’s not the smile that I associate with you. There is a comforting notion to a smile that is embodied in who you are. 
8. The way that you treat those you love, the way that your words, are gentle and loving. The approach you have to others that just makes anyone lucky enough to know you feel warm and safe in your verbal embrace. You are one of the kindest souls I’ve ever been blessed to know and I am so so grateful that you shine those rays of love and goodness across the Atlantic ocean towards me. 
9. Your writing and prose style. You have a way of writing poetry that is simultaneously both visceral and evocative and also rings like I’ve stumbled upon a classic piece by a poet long dead to this time. The way that your mind works astound me and the luck that I’ve had in reading the words you’ve put to paper, so to speak, makes my life brighter and richer for it. I am grateful each day for the ability to read your work and internalize those words. 
10. My most favorite thing about you is you. Your soul, your laugh, your earnest attitude towards life. I love that you hate getting up early, and think I’m insane for getting up at 5am every day. I love that you care so so much about your family and friends. I love your inability to choose favorites between your fandoms, songs, movies, and books. I love that you send me sappy song lyrics about how much you love me and that you sing to me on facebook. I love that you don’t get uncomfortable with the public nature that I gush about you. I love your pout, the wrinkle between your eyes when you furrow your brow, the tough and badass attitude you can adopt when you defend your friends and loved ones. Most of all I love that even though we’re over 3,200 miles apart, I know that you love me just as much as I love you. 
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eliottdemauries · 7 years
some lines, things and details i adored in cmbyn, part two:
marzia in that floral dress
elio’s double denim
the way elio says “why are you laughing” in french 
“i am such a pussey” 
“way over the top”
oliver sleeping in this clothes as he fell asleep waiting for elio
*hand through hair* “they are all so incredibly sensual”
elio rolling his eyes at the note
“i’ll try it on for oliver, if he thinks i look like a scarecrow in it i’m not wearing it” 
oliver scaring mafalda 
oliver’s poor attempt at speaking italian
elio’s little dance while squatting as the song he likes comes on the radio
elio’s cartwheel onto the mattress 
elio discreetly trying to fix his boner situation as isaac and mounir arrives
“papa, it’ll look like a put-up job. PAPA, IT’LL LOOK LIKE PUT-UP JOB”
“you’re too old not to accept people for who they are” 
isaac hugging mounir from behind as elio plays the piano
“i’m glad you came” 
oliver’s facial expression as elio glances over to him as they are sneaking though the hallway
oliver teasing elio by not kissing him after asking if he could
elio climbing oliver like a tree
oliver laughing at elio’s reaction to the door slamming shut
oliver’s hands on elio’s back, i mean plz
the thing elio does with his tongue as oliver is taking his pants off
elio moaning “oliver”
elio leaning for a kiss as oliver pulls away from the embrace right before the cmbyn part
the way they keep on switching between looking at each other’s lips and into each other’s eyes
the way elio grabs oliver’s chin before he kisses him
"you know mafalda always looks for signs” “she’s not going to find any”
ok this is only like half an hour of the movie but it’s getting way too long.. so part three?
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dianora77 · 7 years
CMBYN Asks! ✨💖
1. Armie or Timothée? 👬 Both. But Armie’s slightly in the lead.
2. Favorite scene from the movie? 🍑 The first part of Midnight.
3. Was the movie or book better? 📽📔 I saw the movie first, so I like it a bit better.
4. Favorite song from the movie? 🎵 Visions of Gideon.
5. On a scale of 1-10 how powerful was cmbyn to you? 🔐 11.
6. Favorite Elio moment? 🎬 When he was secretly looking at Oliver disappearing and reappearing behind the pillars at Lago di Garda.
7. Favorite Oliver moment? The morning after their first time.
8. Favorite Timmy and Armie interview? Probably Ellen. And the one with the Spansih guy who asked about Batman and Robin. I liked the Christiane Amanpour one as well. I love them all, basically.
9. Elio or Oliver? 👨‍❤️‍👨 Oliver.
10. How many times have you watched/read cmbyn? 🎞 I read the book once. (Well, Armie read it to me). I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen the movie.
11. When did you first watch/read cmbyn? Saw the movie middle of last November. Listened to the audiobook some weeks later.
12. Do you relate to Oliver or Elio more? ✡️ Now probably Oliver, but I had a lot more in common with Elio as a teenager.
13. How did you find out about cmbyn? 🕵️‍♀️ The movie was showing at a local film festival. I went to see it without any prior knowledge or expectations.
14. Which part of cmbyn affected/changed you the most? 💓All of it.
15. 5 favorite cmbyn blogs? I don’t follow that many so: corcordiumm, timothetee, maraskolnikova, bowie28, laurenluxe
16. Top 5 cmbyn characters? 🔢 Mafalda, Oliver, Annella, Elio, Mr. Perlman
17. What do you wish you could change about the movie? Longer kissing/sex scenes. *wink wink nudge nudge*
18. Favorite song in the movie by Sufjan Stevens? 🎹 VIsions of Gideon
19. Timothée Chalamet, a rap god: yes or no? 🎤 No.
20. If you could meet any character of cmbyn who would you choose? Oliver
21. If you could say anything to any character what would you say? 💬 Dunno. I’d probably ask Annella to read me something in French or German. Or Elio to play something for me.
22. What aspect of the film did you love the most (music, cinematography, story, etc.)? Directing, editing, cinematography, acting, the costumography, set design. The lot.
23. Are you a charmie shipper? 💟 A very mild one.
24. Describe why you think you loved cmbyn? 💭 Unlike most people, it actually made me long for something I never had, something I’d sadly missed out on because I was always so cerebral, living inside my head, ruled by reason and low self-esteem. I suppose some of us are just built that way. But besides making me feel sad about my wasted youth/life, this stupid movie also gave me a smidgen of hope against hope that it might not be too late. (Even though my rational brain is telling me differently.) And in a way it made my present life better.
25. Favorite quote from the movie? 🗣 “Before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it.”
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nisitime · 6 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Spotify
is your room messy or clean? messy clean
what color are your eyes? poopy brown
do you like your name? why? i do cause it was given with love
what is your relationship status? taken
describe your personality in 3 words or less shy / kind / confused
what color hair do you have? dark brown but with shades of light brown and pink????
what kind of car do you drive? color? none
where do you shop? primark <3
how would you describe your style? sweet and ‘’who cares’’
favorite social media account twitter
what size bed do you have? normal , 1 person only :c
any siblings? 1
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Portugal, i like it in here
favorite snapchat filter? dont use snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s) i use anything cute tbh
how many times a week do you shower? depends if im going out or not
favorite tv show? hmmmmmmmmmm been watching alot of master chef lately??? but i dont usually watch tv
shoe size? 39 (EU)
how tall are you? 1.72 cm
sandals or sneakers? BOTH
do you go to the gym? nop
describe your dream date hmmmmmmm i just like a good walk and listen to soft music or maybe watch a movie? i just like anything if im doing it with someone special.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 5 euros prolly?
what color socks are you wearing? striped socks yellow and dark blue and hufflepuff symbol on the side
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2
do you have a job? what do you do? not at the moment, college
how many friends do you have? not many
whats the worst thing you have ever done? oof...idk...
whats your favorite candle scent? soft and fruity
3 favorite boy names Gonçalo Henrique Guilherme
3 favorite girl names Mariana Susana Mafalda
favorite actor? Jack Black
favorite actress? Jennifer lawrence
who is your celebrity crush? cillian murphy / joseph gordon /  Jon Jafari
favorite movie? Dont have one
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? only when i have patience and time and i really like the Hunger games trilogy
money or brains? both
do you have a nickname? what is it? Nisi
how many times have you been to the hospital? 2 many
top 10 favorite songs i dont have favs but ill just make a top of what ive been listening latelly https://youtu.be/evUe46ua8Ao https://youtu.be/zdVRV8HcgKM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT8cX2-_7pQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaTJU1G-T6c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvJjmWTg7Qo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHAwhZBnI1A https://youtu.be/qkLMPihvKaQ https://youtu.be/e3Ze62AL9r0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vecSVX1QYbQ https://youtu.be/E2Q52cVx7Bo
do you take any medications daily? the pill
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily
what is your biggest fear? alone in the dark
how many kids do you want? 2
whats your go to hair style? short, messy with bangs
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) normal?
who is your role model? no one
what was the last compliment you received? cutie
what was the last text you sent? A baymax plushy
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i always knew
what is your dream car? chunky and cute
opinion on smoking? stop
do you go to college? yup
what is your dream job? illustration and character design
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rural
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? YIS
do you have freckles? hmhm
do you smile for pictures? +/-
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 96
have you ever peed in the woods? yup
do you still watch cartoons? yup x2
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? we dont have wendy’s here
Favorite dipping sauce? sour cream and onion
what do you wear to bed? pijama for winter / panties for summer
have you ever won a spelling bee? its not a thing here
what are your hobbies? drawing
can you draw? hmhm
do you play an instrument? nop
what was the last concert you saw? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
tea or coffee? COFFEE
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? we dont have dunkin donuts
do you want to get married? yis
what is your crush’s first and last initial? x _ x
are you going to change your last name when you get married? dont want it
what color looks best on you? i think yellow
do you miss anyone right now? i do
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? sorta
what is your biggest pet peeve? when ppl coff and dont cover their mouth or when im talking and since im soft spoken everyone interrupts me
last person you called im on call with a friend rn
favorite ice cream flavor? prolly coffee and i love ice cream in general
regular oreos or golden oreos? never had the golden ones
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? why not both?
what shirt are you wearing? cyan XXXL one from the world cosplay summit
what is your phone background? Kamen Rider Fourze
are you outgoing or shy? shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? i do
do you like your neighbors? some of them
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? morning
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? no
last thing you ate? soup
favorite lyrics right now [Verse 2] I feel like all of this has aged me Right on the edge of 22 You look like you've just seen a monster Is that what I look like to you? [Pre-Chorus] Oh won't somebody hold me and tell me it'll all work out Say that there's nothing to worry about now 'Cause I'm so sick of the drama and I hate to shout But you drag it out of me
summer or winter? winter
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? all of them
favorite month? June
what is your zodiac sign Gemini
who was the last person you cried in front of? My bf
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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Schadenfreude is my favorite German emotion 😜😆
Excuse me, I feel a song coming on …
IMAGINARY LOVER by Atlanta Rhythm Section
Imaginary lovers
Never turn you down
When all the others turn you away
They're around
It's my private pleasure
Midnight fantasy
Someone to share my
Wildest dreams with me
Imaginary lover you're mine anytime
Imaginary lovers, oh yeah
When ordinary lovers
Don't feel what you feel
And real-life situations lose their thrill
Imagination's unreal
Imaginary lover, imaginary lover
You're mine anytime
Imaginary lovers never disagree
They always care
They're always there when
You need satisfaction guaranteed
Imaginary lover, imaginary lover
You're mine all the time
My imaginary lover
You're mine anytime
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Buddy Buie / Dean Daughtry / Robert Nix
Imaginary Lover lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC, Music Sales Corporation
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
Why the fuck you all have to constantly deny the chemistry between Timmy and Russell even if you haven't seen the movie? Why the fuck do you have to stand here every day to putting down a work that two actors who admire each other have done when out of here so many people who have seen the film are praising them and how they are together? What's your problem? In what world do you think Timmy can only have one person that he worked well with and everything else sucks or doesn't deserve praise? Can you go beyond the ship for a fucking second and be objective? Just for once? You all are acting pathetic.
Hello, Anon:
I know that I say this a lot, but are you lost, Darling? You seem to have mistaken me for someone who:
Cares what you think
Publicly expressed the opinion that Timothée Chalamet and Taylor Russell lack chemistry when I haven’t even seen the movie yet
Contrary to what you might believe about me, I don’t automatically assume anything about anything. I do my level best to consider the facts in front of me before I form an objective opinion. While I might enjoy hypothesizing along with my fellow shippers for fun, because that’s still a thing that I enjoy, I also still stand by the assertion that “I know nothing, Oliver”, and therefore prefer not to speak in all-or-nothing absolutes, even within the sacred spaces of the Charmiesphere.
I have not publicly disparaged anything about Bones and All (2022) except to ponder why Timmy’s pants were hemmed about an inch too short at the London premiere, because that’s really the only thing I can comment on with any kind of authority, as a professional costumer/seamstress/dresser/stylist. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you might’ve mistaken me for someone else within this fandom.
I’ve traveled to a new city every week for the last few weeks now, and have had little time to keep track of everything that’s going on. I’m out living my best life, and so should you, Anon. Life is far too short to spend fretting over other people’s opinions about things that should be of no interest to you.
FWIW, I arrived in NYC this Tuesday in time to stand in line for standby tickets for Bones and All (2022) at Lincoln Center but instead chose to take a postprandial stroll through Central Park West with my beloved, to people-watch and enjoy the sunset, in the greatest city in the world. Because life is short, the sunset was spectacular, and we’ll never experience that beautiful moment together ever again.
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📸: @mafaldaknows
After an inexplicably out-of-place gondola, complete with fully-outfitted gondolier, appeared out of nowhere on the lake, we stumbled upon some random guy who rolled up his Adidas track pants to fish for change in the fountain.
The signs of my favorite ship are always there, even when I’m not looking for them. The Universe winks. And has a sense of humor, too.
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📸: @mafaldaknows
I’m not entirely sure why other people’s objectivity regarding the chemistry between these two obviously talented costars should matter so much to you. Why insist on this absolute validation from someone you don’t even like?
Isn’t it enough to know that you yourself enjoy them together, in what I assume is yet another impeccable movie by the inordinately masterful and talented Luca Guadagnino? You can enjoy whatever you enjoy without anyone else’s approval, which I shouldn’t even have to say to you, especially if you’re a grown adult.
While this answer probably does not address your rant questions, I’m not entirely sure why you think that I’m somehow obligated to do so in the first place, in this space, the content of which is wholly controlled by me, and only me. If you do not enjoy the content that I provide in this space, I invite you to kindly please block me so that you are guaranteed never to see anything I post ever again.
Thanks for your comments. 🗺🙃🤷🏻‍♀️🎪🤹‍♀️
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
Excuse me, I feel a song coming on …
Baby, seasons change but people don't
And I'll always be waiting in the back room
I'm boring but overcompensate with
Headlines and flash, flash, flash photography
But don't pretend you ever forgot about me
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me
Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?
Style your wake for fashion magazines
Widow or a divorcee?
Don't pretend it, d-d-d-don't pretend
They say your head could be your prison
Then these are just conjugal visits
People will dissect us till this doesn't mean a thing anymore
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me
Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?
Style your wake for fashion magazines, ooh
Widow or a divorcee?
Don't pretend, d-d-d-don't pretend
We do it in the dark
With smiles on our faces
We're dropped and well concealed
In secret places, whoa
We do it in the dark
With smiles on our faces
We're trapped and well concealed
In secret places
We don't fight fair (we don't fight fair)
We don't fight fair (we don't fight fair)
We don't fight fair
We do it in the dark
With smiles on our faces
We're trapped and well concealed
In secret places, whoa
We do it in the dark
With smiles on our faces
We're trapped and well concealed
In secret places
We don't fight fair
With smiles on our faces
We're trapped and well concealed
In secret places
We don't fight fair
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me
We don't fight fair
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me
We don't fight fair
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Andrew John Hurley / Joseph Mark Trohman / Patrick Martin Stump / Peter Lewis Wentz
"The Take Over, the Breaks Over" lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Add this to your Charmie playlist 🎶🙃
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
Current mood 🙄🥱😴
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
Tagging Taylor in that. No one read all of that but y’all freaks can stay mad meanwhile Timmy is still fucking her 🤗
Hello, Anon:
If “no one read all of that” then how do you even know what I said?
No one is mad here except for you, for some inexplicable reason.
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Ms. Russell is a grown woman whose business is none of mine, and neither is it any of yours, and not especially when you choose to be so impolite about it. Mr. Chalamet is grown man, and those same things apply to him, as well.
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It’s Saturday night where I am, and perhaps it is, too, where you are, Anon. I hope that someday that you find some friends who will hang out and do fun things with you so you can do something other than harass random strangers in a fandom which should be inconsequential to you, especially on a Saturday night, when all the cool kids are out having fun.
By all means, kindly please DO tag Taylor Russell. Tag Timothée Chalamet too, please, while you’re at it. Maybe they can clear the air, once and for all, and we can all go back to the things that actually matter, like living our lives in the real world, and doing fun things like this with our Saturday nights:
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📸: @mafaldaknows | Panic!AtTheDisco - Viva Las Vengeance Tour | Washington DC, 10.01.22
Thanks for your comment. ✨💃🪩🕺🏻✨
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
Seriously, what century is this again?
This just sounds like a whole lotta
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mafaldaknows · 8 months
Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had
Can make a good man
Turn bad
So please, please, please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time
Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Johnny Marr / Steven Patrick Morrissey
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Inc
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mafaldaknows · 10 months
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Instagram: armiehammer
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