#mafuyu okegom
dudd-ie · 8 months
Especial! PAPÁ IDATE.
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Psdt:¿soy yo o mafuyu parece una mezcla hibrida entre oso y orca? 🤔 para pensar 🗿
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Idate:"vaya~ mirate¡estas tan rellena y saludable!"
Idate:"seguro serias el bocadillo preferido de cualquier depredador"
Idate:"¿pero sabes? Si me llamas 'papá' desde ahora,te mantendré a salvo."
Idate:"¡nunca mas tendrás que preocuparte por que te coman!"<-[estorcionando a un menor*(?]
Mafuyu<-[no esta prestando atención*]
Rocma<-[buen oido*]
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Mafuyu:"papi, ¡levantame! ¡levantame!"
Idate:"tú...¿como acabas de llamarme?"
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Idate:("creo que ahora entiendo como se siente la shirokuma-chan....")
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Fin del especial papá idate basado de la premisa del au del rocmate en relacion
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percyhuepsy · 6 months
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ungojirasapiente · 9 months
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merry christmas and happy holidays to everyone, hope everyone is having a fantastic day, here's a quick drawing to celebrate! ------ feliz navidad y felices fiestas a todos, espero que esten teniendo un fantastico dia, aqui hay un rapido dibujo para celebrar! ---  Ice Scream (and Shirogane, Yukisada, Rocma and Mafuyu) by Funamusea
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deepsea-kinniies · 2 years
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Mafuyu transparents!
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ice-dreams · 2 years
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Girls' night was a rousing success. Here we are just winding down and chilling out under my favorite kotatsu table. The only boys allowed were Peraco's brothers.
I can't help but wonder how boys' night went...
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saisuta-art · 4 months
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Funamusea doodl dump!!!!!!! wowie I'm glad I got to draw something and get out of my artblock (⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠ 
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kiwicopi · 9 months
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2a8n · 1 year
Shirogane's dream - Monologues
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As I promised, we will be covering monologues in the Shirogane's dream and some of his changes in the Ice Scream Remake in a separate post. Here will be purely my reflections, as always. However, I would also like to see your thoughts on this theme. And now let's get started!
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Wowww, you're so weak. "Wow, you are so disgusting." Well, did he start behaving less disgustingly from this? ( - _ - ) Crying from a mere orca punch? Gross. Has our hot-tempered penguin ever found Shirogane crying? And what's more, did Shiro tell him why he was crying? Could this be the reason why our depressed wolf is now hiding from everyone to cry, and can not really tell anyone about his experiences? Just be quiet. Hmm… Shirogane said something to our polar bear, but in response she just shut him up? It's curious. Usually Rocma starts a dialogue with Shiro, who in turn either remains silent or answers her with monosyllabic sentences like "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry… (next comes the answer to the question she asked)", etc. I can remember a moment from manga, when our wolf was indignant at what she said instead of "Thank you", but she only ignored him and continued to talk about her own. Hey, Shirogane! You're looking stupid as always! Shirogane seems to have an over-hyper fixation on his appearance, since Suno-san refers to it more than once when verbally insulting a wolf. It is likely that this is due to the scars that were once inflicted on Shiro's body and on his face. These scars apparently bother him so much that he doesn't want anyone to see and/or mention them at all (he even hid the scar on his face from Yukisada, his friend, at one of DSP's official works).
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….. ….. It reminded me of the moment in Ice Scream Round 3 where Yukisada had to remain silent for most of Rocma's scolding with roughly the same facial expression. ♪ Looks like someone was in a good mood. Too bad Shirogane can't boast the same… =( Hi, doggy! ♪ I'll give you a nice punch in the face. Even railroads could envy his directness. Really nothing to add. You really are pathetic, huh… Peraco seemed to hope that he wasn't pathetic (by the standards of the inhabitants of Iceberg Isle, I guess), but Shiro couldn't live up to her expectations. You're lower than a seal, you moron. If "seal" means Mafuyu, it's rather strange that you don't call her by her name, Rock.
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H-Hey, don't say such mean things, everybody! Yukisada is the only one who tries to stand up for Shirogane. Our kindhearted owl is even ready to go against the majority opinion for him. I respect. I'll give you something to cry about. If you finally get off this isle, then believe me, everyone will cry. From happiness. =) I'm just speechless. When someone is speechless, they usually don't say anything, so don't lie to us, Rocma. ? We are often shown Mafuyu from a fragments of Shirogane's memories. I don't understand, why he pays quite a lot of attention to her, despite the fact that the seal girl herself, based on what is shown, doesn't do a lot of things. You're like a water flea about to die! Have you… seen a dying water flea somewhere? In the North? Or is it usually on TV at the Peraco's house?
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Weakling! Worm! Wood louse! And now I'm even more inclined to think that they learned about the water flea, the worm, the wood louse, the caterpillar and the bees from the TV in the Peraco's house… Hey! Shirogane's crying! Stop it! Shiro upset that Yukisada has to stand up for him? Does he feel guilty that his friend has to do this, or is Shirogane ashamed that he can't take care of himself? Ahahahaha! You big baby! Look at the big baby! Here, Suno-san is trying to play on the shame of our pessimistic wolf. But, judging by the words of the snowman, there must be someone else (maybe Yukisada?) in order for the effect to be more tangible from what he said to him. You're dead, kiddo. Heh, it's funny that Rock in Ice Scream Original addressed our wolf not as "Shi*ogane", but as "kiddo". It's kind of a sad that DSP decided to remove it. ….. ….. Now I believe that you have speechless, Rocma. True. ( 0 v 0 )
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The part of the post dedicated to my reflections on the monologues from Shirogane's dream is over. Next will be my thoughts about the remade version of the same monologues from the Ice Scream Remake. I will not draw any definite conclusions, since this is purely reasoning on what has been said, some of which doesn't carry a large semantic load in the context of the Ice Scream itself as a whole. And now - to the finish line!
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Silence yourself. | Just be quiet. The sentence has been changed, but the meaning is the same. Here, rather, the difference will be in which of the options we have for what Rocma said, rudeness and harshness towards Shirogane will be more noticeable. ♪ | ♪ You won't see anything new here. You can safely skip. Crying just because a big bad orca hit you? Gross. | Crying from a mere orca punch? Gross. "Big bad orca" -> "Big bad wolf"; that's funny. I think in the "big bad orca" version, Rock's derogatory attitude towards the Shirogane's situation is much seen stronger than in the other case. You are seriously pathetic. | You really are pathetic, huh… Here, Peraco's disappointment towards Shiro is no longer noticeable due to the unfulfillment of her hopes in his person. Now she just thinks he's pathetic. Heya, Shirogane! Your face is looking as stupid as ever! | Hey, Shirogane! You're looking stupid as always! Now Suno-san puts more emphasis in insults not so much towards the whole appearance of our pessimistic wolf, but towards his face. Hmm… Woaaah, eww. You're really weak. | Wowww, you're so weak. In the Original Idate showed feigned surprise at the wolf's weakness. In the Remake, he pretends that Shirogane's weakness is comparable to stepping on a poop, I guess.
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Hey, everyone, don't say such mean things to him! | H-Hey, don't say such mean things, everybody! Yukisada is still the voice of adequacy in this madhouse, but, for some reason, the moment with his silence was cut in the Remake (I marked in purple what wasn't in the Remake). You're even worse than a seal, you absolute fool. | You're lower than a seal, you moron. Rock began to place more emphasis on insults towards Shiro. Considering that it is written in his bio that he takes out his disappointment on the poor guy, it becomes clear what DSP is trying to focus on. You wussy! Worm! Weevil! | Weakling! Worm! Wood louse! Nothing new has appeared. It's just that now we know that you can also see weevils on TV in the Peraco's house. You're like a water flea 3 second from its death. | You're like a water flea about to die! Given that both the in-game bio and his chart explicitly state that he has depression, I don't even know if Suno-san is trying to emphasize that Shiro is more dead than alive, or he looks like he's about to die… ( 0 _ 0 ) C'mhere, you worthles mutt. Let me give you a good punch. | Hi, doggy! ♪ I'll give you a nice punch in the face. Wolf, loser dog, pathetic puppy, doggy, worthles mutt… What's next? Mongrel? Squeak toy…?
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Hey! Don't you feel bad for Shirogane? Stop it! | Hey! Shirogane's crying! Stop it! Yukisada, in my opinion, the normal attitude of others towards your friend should come not from their desire to feel sorry for him, but from their desire not to do bad things towards him… Ahahahaha! Crybaby! You snot-nosed wimp! | Ahahahaha! You big baby! Look at the big baby! In both cases, as for me, the phrases sound provocative. It's hard to explain without the context of what Suno-san has basically been saying all this time in the game. ? | ? You won't see anything new here. You can safely skip. How about I make you cry again? | I'll give you something to cry about. You won't see anything new here. You can also safely skip. I am so done with you. I have nothing left to say. | I'm just speechless. Now her phrase in the Remake sounds more like "preachy", and makes sense: in Watch 1, we were even shown how Rocma tried to Shirogane verbally "guide on the right path" while he was bleeding.
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I'll kill you. | You're dead, kiddo. Bye-bye, kiddo… ( v _ v )
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funamuseaart · 1 year
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un dibujito de la mas tierna!!
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dudd-ie · 1 year
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La pregunta no es ¿por que? La pregunta es ¿POR QUE DEMONIOS NO?
Mafuyu le mostro un cartel de hello kitty land a idate.
-"¿Qué?¿quieres que te lleve ahí?"- dice él depredador con un tono perplejo,mirando a la niña mas baja.
La cría de foca asiente de forma energetica,exponiendo el cartel promocional con mas emocion.
Idate bufa con humor ante su entusiasmo-"buen intento peluche ¿Y que gano yo haciendo eso?"- le pregunta él de forma jugetona cruzandose de brazos frente a ella.
Haciendose el difícil.
Mafuyu zumba por un momento con un "hnmm" contemplativo,y le hace señas a idate para que se acerque.
Él se inclina hasta ella y cuando está lo suficientemente cerca, la cría le susurrar algo al oido.
El hombre orca se mantiene silencioso,como asimilando la nueva informacion-"ah....entonces ¿ella tambien vendra?"- mumura idate con algo de emocion en su tono y intentando inutilmente de disimular su sonrisa.
Mafuyu se ríe del depredador mayor quien se vuelve un tonto ante la mención de su progenitora.
Idate carraspea,como dandonse cuenta de la mirada triunfante en el rostro de la cría-"bien, te llevare,pero no me podré ningun traje ridículo ¿ok?"-
La niña sonrie sin comprometerse y idate por algún motivo siente que a perdido alguna batalla .
XD xd
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percyhuepsy · 5 months
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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mysterious monsters have invaded Iceberg Isle and killed everyone... but Rocma won't give up that easily, she still needs to protect the only thing she has left, her daughter! ------ misteriosos monstruos han invadido Isla Iceberg y asesinado a todos... pero Rocma no se va a rendir tan fácil, ella todavía tiene que proteger la ultima cosa que le queda, su hija! --- Ice Scream (and Rocma and Mafuyu) by Funamusea
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deepsea-kinniies · 2 years
I know she probably doesn't have a lot of art, but would it possible to get some Mafuyu icons? preferably round, with a theme of winter/snow.
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So happy to do mafuyu requests.. ❄️💙
F2u with credit!
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r4i0-0 · 22 days
Hi...uhm...Since I've started to get some ideas and theories in my head, I've decided to use this account here to talk about some of my doubts. Like, just a few things that go through my head about the works of okegom.
To begin with, I really wish there was more content about Ice scream, because it's a very cool and interesting work, and it gives me a very relaxing and peaceful vibe. In my mind, Ice scream could easily become a cartoon or an animated series on TV or youtube or any other platform, because of all funa's works it's the lightest, (apart from that artwork of Idate eating Yukisada's arm...) but it would be really cool if there was an Ice scream series, because then we'd be able to learn more about each of the characters better. And also, I think it would be a very silly and fun cartoon to watch, like Adventure Time with silly adventures but full of fights in Idate scenes, and violence. I've often imagined what this series would be like and I'm sad to know that this idea will never be real, because animating is difficult and Funa probably doesn't know how to animate that much, I'm not saying that she doesn't know, just that she possibly doesn't know how to animate that much to the point of being able to make a whole series, because she's an illustrator/artist not an animator, and I really doubt that one day this possibility will happen...which makes me sadder. :(
But it would be nice if it did had one, because the cartoon could talk more about Idate and his family later on, since no one has any idea what his parents are like, just that they're orcas and that's it. It could also talk about what led Idate to be the way he is, and why he's a bit sadistic and all that. It could also talk about how Idate and Rock became friends (friends in big quotes, right, but they are friends :^).
I even had a little idea that the way Idate shows affection and "love" comes from the fact that his parents are possibly a bit harsh and possibly absent (sometimes?) in his life. This has led him to have a slightly distorted view of love. Like, he considers Rock to be his best friend, but even so, I've seen several arts in which Rock is hurt or is attacked by Idate (I don't know if it's canonical or not.) Just as, after Idate and Rocma's fight, he ends up having a crush on her, even though she treats him like trash.
So it would be interesting to know what life was like for Idate and his brother when they were both children and lived with their parents. It would also be nice if one of these "sagas of Idate's past" could later highlight how Rock and Idate met and became friends.
But another character I'd like to see highlighted is Rocma herself and Mafuyu, who we don't know anything about. Also, a big question I have is HOW did Mafuyu get lost from her family? And, like, why didn't anyone go after her? How did she manage to get stuck on a small ice shelf and make it to Ice berg island intact? She doesn't have any uncles, grandparents or anything like that?...these are questions that remain in my head to this day. Just like Rocma's past, because apparently she's also the only polar bear on the island, but where did she come from and what happened to her parents?
But now, for one of my favorites, Shirogane's past... wolves usually walk in groups, but Shirogane is the only wolf there, so what happened to his group? To his family? How did he end up on the island? Or was he born there and in fact his entire group died, leaving only him? It would be sad if it were this last one. But, I really wish I could know more about Shirogane and his past. I even imagined a little scenario/headcanon that the fault of his entire group dying or disappearing was his fault, that's why he gets so depressed and puts himself down, he blames himself for everything and the people on the island only make his insecurity about himself worse, even though he is indeed someone strong inside, but unfortunately, his past traumas will never stop hunting him.
Poor little wolf... :(
Well...getting back into Okegom's works has always been a love-hate feeling. First because I like the works, second because I hate that some of the works or characters that I like have so little information and prominence that I feel like throwing myself off a bridge. But that's it for today.
Thanks if you read this far. And, quite possibly, I think I'll start considering tumblr as my second notebook and post some scenarios/headcanons/ideas I had about some of the characters I like from okegom. (Especially Ice scream, because the amount of content that can be created about them is not written.)
Anyway, Thank you for reading until here! Have a good afternoon or evening! Bye! Byee! ♡ :3
(Note: I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes if I made one.)
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indoorfishs · 2 months
ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Introducing my... SELF INSERTS
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꒰ Relapse ; 🕐 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ her² ) The Boys ♡ Homelander Relapse is Homelander's girlfriend and co-worker. Her supe power revolves around rewinding time though she has more complex feats such as returning an object to it's past position. [ tw dead dove ]
꒰ Freita ; ⛓️‍💥 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ him² ) Hunter x Hunter ♡ Kurapika Frieta is one of the few Kurta clan members left alive, her mother was kidnapped instead of being killed with the goal of having her fall pregnant. The man orchestrating it found a rare red eye dupplication glitch (forced birth.) She is unaware of her relations to the man who raised her until she crosses paths with Kurapika and her life unravels. [ tw dead dove, incest ]
꒰ Aemma II ; 🥚 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ they² ) House of the Dragon ♡ Daemon + Rhaenyra She is the last born child of Viserys and Aemma Targaryen. Aemma, afraid of her husbands judgment upon finding out she gave birth to a girl, sent her away to be raised elsewhere under the guise of a miscarrige, with strict instructions to return her to the castle once Viserys had a son. Years after her death and Aegon's birth she was returned to the castle, bearing an unhatched dragon egg as proof of her lineage and idetity along with a letter from Aemma to her husband; 'I have given her my name, love her as you have loved me.' [ tw dead dove, incest ]
꒰ Anaïs ; 🛠️ ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ him² ) Five Nights at Freddys ♡ Steve Raglan Anaïs is Steve Raglan's step daughter. His intention was to make his secret identity more credible through marriage. He didn't even care about his own daughter, nonetheless some other man's kid, but something about her made her a usuable target in his eyes. She's a college + trade student who works part-time at Tealerland amusment park due to her dream of creating animatronics. [ tw dead dove, incest ]
꒰ Minsce ; 🦭 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ him² ) Okegom ♡ Idate + Rocma She is a leopard seal-girl who lives on Iceberg Isle. She paractically runs her fathers fishing shop and resturant, spending most of her time out on the ice. Due to her nature, she has an incisive hunger for penguins and struggles not to butcher and eat those who are unlucky enough to live around her. She is Rocma's good friend and is Mafuyu's god mother due to her being a seal as well. [ tw dead dove ]
꒰ Ocelotte ; ⚰️ ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ hir² ) Elden Ring ♡ Any characters lol She is the spawn of Dragon Lord Placidusax and an Empyrean. I have a whole wiki formatted doc for her, there's too much info to even share here (╥﹏╥) [ tw slight dead dove? not really ]
꒰ Byleth ; 🗡️ ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ hir² ) Fire Emblem 3 Houses ♡ Claude This is less of a self-insert and more of just my identitiy in a different world! More soulbond related than selfship but technically counts as a self insert! [ tw none ]
꒰ Howl ; 🐺 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ him² ) Zenless Zone Zero ♡ Ellen Same as above however the appearance I imagine isn't canon nor included in the game. Howl or Bleiz is a dog thiren that runs the news stan. Unlike most thiren she is able to go from dog-like, to a full blown dog, posing as a cute canine in order to bring in more business to afford her apartment. She met Ellen at a video game convention and it was love at first sight. [ tw agegap, ephebephilia ]
꒰ Agnieszka ; 💋 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ her² ) Zenless Zone Zero ♡ Jane Doe + Seth Agnieszka, Agnes or Aggie for short, is a N.E.P.S artillery and explosives specialist. She's a akugyo yokai who's been good friends and roomates with Seth since their time at the academy. [ tw none ]
꒰ Minato ; 🎧 ꒱ 𐕣 she¹ her²) Persona 3 ♡ Akihiko I self insert as Persona 3's Femc! Apearance, story, and pretty much all else follows the canon timeline and game! Other characters from P3 would be considered platonic/friend f/os [ tw none ]
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kittenships · 3 years
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me talking ab nothing while my daughter thinks of nothing
I regret doodling this in bright red but oh well.. Rocma needs to get smarter ppl to live with her, this is ridiculous.
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