#mag 28
its-your-mind · 2 years
damn imagine being jonathan sims. some woman shows up in like combat boots or whatever, and what the fuck you recognize her. that’s melanie king. she does that stupid ghost hunting show that everyone here makes fun of. and then she immediately starts insulting you and your workplace and the statements, when she literally came here to make a statement. but you recently promised your boss that you would “be more lovely,” so you’re trying So Hard not to lose your temper. you limit yourself to some light sass, and tbh think that’s pretty impressive on your part. she finally starts actually giving the statement, and not two minutes into it she mentions, off-hand, your ex-girlfriend, who you have not talked to in years. you have to pretend to be normal about this. then the youtube lady finishes, and you tell her you’ll look into it, but not to expect much, and she starts screaming at you again about how this whole place is bullshit and then she storms out and slams the door. you had told her before she started that you probably wouldn’t believe her. and now you just have this statement that you have to send your team to look into. what is the job of an archive again? are we sure it’s taking in new statements and doing research? you don’t know, you didn’t go to archive school, you’re flying by the seat of your pants. oh and also those evil worms from the evil worm lady are increasing in number outside your work. and all you want is an organized archive and maybe a nap.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
love this episode because of the comedy of Jon saying "we contacted Miss Georgina Barker" in his stuffy professor voice.... sir that is your ex girlfriend
"Ah yes- mIsS GeoRgINa bAHkEr"
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I Am Very Proud Of Myself Because Today I Listened To Three Whole TMA Episodes! (MAG 26, 27 and 28) Since School Will Kinda Fuck Up When I Will Be Able To! Yay Me!
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aspiring-wildfire · 7 months
doing a tma relisten and i forgot how fucking funny melanie and jon’s first interaction is in general but also the sheer judgy disapproval in his voice when he passive aggressively accuses melanie of committing crimes in the pursuit of ghost hunting is truly such good comedy. my brother in christ what exactly do u call what you’ve been having your assistants do
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 2 years
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meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 29
MAG 28 - Skintight
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tmascrapbook · 4 months
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Mag 28: skintight
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theriverpointace · 1 month
listening to MAG 28 (skintight) and melanie’s describing the hospital and how the red spray paint looks like blood and i can’t help but think, “but melanie! don’t you know red has more positive connotations? why would red splotches in a hospital make you think of blood?” (and that’s very very /s)
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insanearchivist · 3 months
Raw live commenting while listening to MAG 28
Sarah Baldwin??? It's the girl that sent her sister the photo of the anglerfish right??? In 2006...
This is happening in 2015???
Is the chain-smoking a Sarah thing or is there something more to it?
Ewwww Will I ever get used to the body horror?
Come on Jon...I thought you had started believing these things...
I did think the other figure might have been Michael but I think he would be touching the ground. Could it be the Anglerfish? Did the Anglerfish abduct Sarah Baldwin, did something to her and now is ordering her around and making her do stuff??
Also what's with people and figures only being perceived by some?
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generalb · 3 months
MAG 28 “skintight” tiny review: I’m only 5 minutes into it but this shit is hilarious. This YouTuber ghost hunter tried saying her group is more respectable than the Magnus Institute, yet here she is!!! Sims got her ass, it was funny as all hell. Okay I’ll write an actual review after this one
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jesterguy · 11 months
Mag 28 is so funny to me bc Jon is such an insufferable asshole... your whole profession is full of lunatics and im NOT going to believe your statement but I'll take it bc I have to. Also btw I watched your stupid fucking video and yeah everything you said happened did happen plus also there was a floating figure. Kys.
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Round Two Part Seven - Match 51
Melanie’s second statement may have gone to the Redemption Bracket, but how will her first statement fare? Skintight is against Squirm, which had 138 votes last round.
MAG 028 - Skintight | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Melanie King, regarding events at the abandoned Cambridge Military Hospital during filming in January 2015.
MAG 006 - Squirm | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Timothy Hodge, regarding his sexual encounter with Harriet Lee and her subsequent death.
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its-your-mind · 2 years
damn for jon and melanie it was on SIGHT huh
“Into that? You’re joking. I knew you guys were a bit slapdash, but this is absurd.”
“No doubt you’re used to a higher caliber of equipment when pretending to see ghosts in old churchyards and mental institutions.”
“We’re still more respected and evidence-based paranormal investigators then you and your lot. You take any ridiculous story from any drugged-up, dreaming, traumatized idiot off the street. Vampires, monsters under the bed, mind control, really. Who cares about evidence, who cares about scientific instruments, when you can just tell a story to the Magnus Institute?!”
“Let me guess. None of your respectable paranormal investigators would believe you. Well. Let me be quite clear. Chances are very strong that I won’t believe you either.”
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unfortunatelyevent · 1 year
MAG 28: skintight
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oaxleaf · 2 years
mag 28 - skintight
melanie!!! :) aside from jon, i think she's my favorite character for reasons we'll get into further on, but it's go to hear her
melanie and jon wanting to tear each other's throats out was so fun when it wasn't literal. they're both such hypocrites in this episode and i love them
"chances are very strong that i won't believe you either" why did he even take this job lmao
melanie admitting crimes on tape is so funny. the fact that jon presumably doesn't bother to report it is funnier
it wasn't until, like, my third relisten of Anglerfish that i recognized sarah's name, which is odd considering i'm usually good at remembering minor characters, but it was a fun thing to notice going back
funny how melanie and andy live together but i don't think he ever really gets mentioned again? at least i think so?
"light black jacket" i know this probably means a thin black jacket, by my immeadiate instinct was "light black? you mean grey?"
i can excuse being an eldritch fear murder-avatar but i cannot excuse being rude to your coworkers
do you think the stranger is the one providing the cigarettes or does she need to buy them in bulk herself?
"a slight drop in temperature around on in the morning" lmao isn't this place devoid of heating? i can understand making fun of this honestly
what is that smell even? is it some taxidermy thing?
the skin stuff is really gross. almost more flesh-like than stranger-aligned
"weird vibes" oh really?
props to melanie for at least attempting to get some evidence
christ jon, is it really the time?
"i should have known this was a complete waste of my time!" "probably" have i told you i love them?
jon acting like he doesn't know georgie is really funny, but i do like to think they started getting back into contact a bit after this which is why she was so willing to harbour him from police after what we were told was a pretty bad break-up
the stranger going to networking events is also a hilarious image. quite frankly this episode is funnier than it is scary
i love this episode even is i haven't really relistened to it before. i love melanie and i love her and jon's interactions
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butch-chastity · 9 months
im listening to melanie's first episode again and I forgot how funny this episode is from jon's perspective
melanie voice [makes fun of him] [argues with him] [insults his job] [unknowingly brings up his ex-girlfriend] [unknowingly brings up his ex-girlfriend] [unknowingly brings up his e
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
I fully believe that Jon has very few people in his contacts and that Georgie is the only one he interacted with semi-regularly. He wanted either pictures of The Admiral or to see The Admiral. That's it. She's saved as "The Admiral's Other Human"
This statement is a great excuse to call to check up on him then :D
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