miracleboylene · 23 days
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made the other card with my one piece OC! some infos about her:
-She's based on Calabrian folklore, specifically on "La magara" which is "witch" in dialect. She has no name, simply goes by the title of Magara. She wears old calabrian mourning clothes and a rosary
-there's not much known about her other than the fact that she speaks with and for the dead, and is usually followed by a murder of crows (omens of death in our folklore)
-one of her eyes is another color bc it's a vessel for the dead to see the world, so it's not hers at all
-also I used my face as a reference yes I'm a self centered prick but let's move on🙏
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fabartists · 6 months
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Kerem Bürsin y Devrim özkan en su nueva película the blue cave / mavi mağara 💙🗻 por prime video
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bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
i think. while Magara has several points, she simply enjoys being angry too much. and has conflated vindication with justice. I can’t imagine things are going to end well for her
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monsterhuntermusic · 2 years
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guy60660 · 1 year
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© Fabio Magara | LensCulture
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oldyears · 1 year
graduation next week and my mom picked out my outfit bc i don’t really care about it and don’t have any enthusiasm to think about my own preferences and she bought a filipiniana and now i feel… anxious? because i don’t really slay with my outfits lol i’m fine dressing the bare minimum depending on the event but what i got for grad is like actually nice and idk i might not carry the fit properly
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haute-lifestyle-com · 8 months
Past Lives, from A24, presents a story of lost love, hope, redemption as two childhood friends reunite after years apart for one week and leave wondering if the life they have chosen is destiny or convenience.
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ortodelmondo · 1 year
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mssnekiplays · 2 years
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Boss intro: Magara Naotaka
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My most recent art
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bones4thecats · 4 months
hello, I would like to make a request to Ignihyde with a reader like Magara from Hercules (note, magara! reader being Idia's boyfriend(girlfriend) please
The Reader Being Twisted From Megara
Characters: Idia and Ortho Shroud Requester: @marinahavik A/N: Heyo there, Marina! I know this has taken a while to get out there, but I've been busy with some extra side-hassles with the blog. Note; there will be an announcement after this comes out! Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this pieces despite coming out a while after requested😅 Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 6 and mentions of Death
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»»———————————-   Idia Shroud  ———————————-««
🎮 Wow, talk about opposites attract
🎮 This guy is literally known around Night Raven College for being a shut-it, meanwhile you are known for being a fairly obvious and cynical person. One that is hailed at being worse than Professor Trein when upset
🎮 Now, for the many years you and Idia have known one another, he by far believes that he deserves to have a friend as cool and chilled out as you around him. He’s a 'weird otaku' for crying out loud
🎮 When you guys first met, you were settling down from fight with another classmate. Apparently, he had tried to hit your younger sister, and in a fit of rage, you grabbed his hair and began to beat him senseless. And while you were fairly cynical when replying to the principal’s questions, Idia was more timid
🎮 You and him were released from the office, and when you introduced yourself and found out he got in trouble for messaging his parents because it was the date of his younger brother’s death, you swore to stand by his side. No take backs
🎮 Ever since then, Idia has been hooked onto you, which led to your relationship blossoming into what it is today
🎮 Idia is definitely nervous of being in a relationship with you, as you had a bad experience with your past boyfriend who was known by many names, Donovan or Don, or even Adonis! Talk about a spoiled narcissist
🎮 But, every time you notice that he is burying himself into these awful thoughts, you would jump in and begin to help him by reassuring him that he is far better than Donovan ever was to you. As he actually listens and talks to you instead of ignoring you and belittling you in front of his friends like Donovan
🎮 Speaking of Donovan, when he came by and tried to offer to rekindle your relationship, Idia showed a whole other side of him that scared all that witnessed the event
🎮 As the golden-haired man held your hand while bent down on one knee, your boyfriend literally blew up in flames, but, instead of blue ones, they were a hellfire-red and orange. And once he saw just how pissed the dormhead was, Donovan lunged out of there, but not before he praised on how you would regret rejecting him and for 'embarrassing' him
🎮 Please, he's an embarrassment on his own.
🎮 But, despite your cynical and disgusted-appearing nature, you really were a sweetheart inside. This was shown to Idia when you first interacted with Ortho, or, the robot-him that is...
🎮 You held his hand as he walked to practice, you'd allow him to recharge in your lap, hell, you would even allow him to do whatever he wanted with your extremely long and thick hair- sometimes the tiny mech would even match both you and his brother's hair
🎮 Don't mind Idia, he's just rebooting in the background- something about losing to much XP or whatever
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»»———————————-  Ortho Shroud ———————————-««
🤖 Ortho is absolutely the biggest sweetheart you have ever met in your life!
🤖 When he first came back to life after Idia's overblot, he had no idea what happened or who you were. But, once you explained everything about you and Idia's bond, leaving out his death date and such, since he was no doubt overwhelmed with the fact his brother had an S/O
🤖 Ortho hugged your tightly as you just chuckled and gave him pats on his tiny robotic back
🤖 Idia awoke from his small nap in the nurse-ward to see you and Ortho curled up on a nearby sofa, the younger male being propped up in your arms like a toddler would with his mother
🤖 The younger Shroud would be lying if he said that he didn't love teasing you and his brother! He's the younger sibling, and as the younger sibling in a family, it is our job to make the oldest regret wishing for us. I can guarantee that, I have two older brothers
🤖 Like I mentioned earlier, you allow Ortho to hold your hand whenever he walked, have him recharge/rest in your lap, and let him style your hair
🤖 Speaking of your hair, whenever he does both you and his brother's to match, he just chuckles mischievously in the background as you hold Idia up and try getting a bottle of water in his mouth to cool him down from his embarrassment
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psikonauti · 7 months
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Nanna Heitmann (German-Russian,b. 1995)
Magaras, Yakutia, Russia, 2021
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fabartists · 6 months
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Kerem Bürsin en el set de Mavi mağara 💙🗻 como cem
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zsuzso fonoke elment szabira, ugyhogy o is ugy volt, hogy fuck this shit, menjunk el legalabb egy ejszakara mi is a varosbol. ki is neztuk Pennsylvania grand canyonjat uticelnak ami ugyan kisebbnek bizonyult az eredetinel, de azert igy is nagyon szep volt.
mivel a kanyonban van egy 100 km-es bringaut, ugy voltunk hogy akkor mar bringazzunknis egyet, megha az egeszet eselytelen egy nap alatt megcsinalni, de menjunk amit tudunk. gyorsan szervaltunk egy csomagtartora szerelheto bringatartot a marketplace-rol 15 dodoert (tenyleg gyorsan, az otlettol szamolva 1 oran belul kezben volt a cucc) talaltunk olcson klassz szallast, igy semmi nem allt mar az utunkba.
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a kanyon, eredeti neven pine creek gorge, legkozelebbi vege 3 orara van otthontol, de a szallast kb a kozepenel talaltuk es amugy is szeretunk autopalya helyett kisebb forgalmu utakon, varosokon, falvakon keresztul autozni igy egy kicsit tovabb tartott. amugy az appalachia hegyseg nagyon szep, nem olyan gigantikus mint a rockies, de nagyon kis kedves, kb olyan volt keresztul autozni mintha a matran vagtunk volna keresztul, csak ez esetben a matra miskolctol gyorig huzodik.
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mielott bringazni kezdtunk volna megegneztunk egy kilatopontot a patak nyugati oldalan ahonnan szep kilatas nyilt az egesz kanyonra.
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nagyon tetszett, hogy magara a trailre nem igazan lehetett ramenni autoval, az egyik fele a bringasoknak volt fenntartva, a masik a gyalogosoknak es lovasoknak. ugyan nem aszfalt volt hanem ledongolt fold amitol kicsit feltem a varosi bringammal, de nem volt semmi gond mivel az autok nem tettek tonkre, a lovak sem szartak ossze, gond nelkul lehetett keskeny gumival is gurulni. maga a patak es a kanyon nagyon szep a foletornyosulo ormokkal es erdokkel, par kilometerenkent voltak pihenok padokkal es bringatarokkal, de lattunk szerelopontot is es par helyet ahol satorozni is lehetett kiepitett tuzrakohelyekkel es kemping asztalokkal, ezekhez el lehetett jutni autoval de nem a bringauton keresztul.
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vegul oda-vissza 45km lett a tura, el is faradtunk mindketten rendesen, azert regebben ennel jobban birtuk, de teny hogy miota amerikaban vagyunk mar egyikunk se bringazik naponta, iowaban nem volt hova, pittsburghben meg a hegyek es a forgalom miatt altalaban csak hetvegenkent teszunk egy-egy kort.
meg gyorsan megneztuk a kanyont a keleti oldalrol is, onnan is nagyon szep, foleg az ott vitorlazo pulykakeselyukkel (turkey vulture).
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gyorsan a szallas fele vettuk az iranyt mert mar rankfert egy zuhany vacsi elott, kb haromezer bogarka volt rankragadva. a szoba amit kivettunk nagyon szep helyen van, kicsit feljebb a patak mellett, tobb kisebb nagyobb ronkhazat adnak ki van aminel az egesz hazat ki lehet venni hot tubbal, de szerencsere volt egy nagy haz kisebb szobakkal is, de azokhoz is van terasz, hintaszekkel es kakas formaju legycsapoval.
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aznapra mar csak a vacsora volt hatra, szerencsere talaltunk egy nagyon klassz helyet, clam chowder-el lenyugtattuk a korgo gyomrunkat amig vartunk a mahi-mahi burgerre chow-meinnel es egy negyed fontos angus burgerre rantott savanyu uborkaval. a hazi chips es a szinten hazi buzasoruk csak hab volt a tortan, megelegedetten terhettunk nyugovora.
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ugy voltunk vele, ha mar eljovunk idaig, itt van kozel (2 es fel ora) bufallo es a niagara. ugyan ez utobbit mar lattuk mikor zsuzso osztondijon volt torontoban, de csak a kanadai oldalrol, ugyhogy ugy voltunk vele, hogy miert ne.
mielott indultunk volna meg betertunk egy helyi reggelizobe, ahol zsuzso egy tojasos-baconos-sajtos fahejas bagelt evett, en pedig egy tojasos-kolbaszos-sajtos szendvicset ami kenyer helyett szirupos palacsintaban volt (nem tudom van-e ott a mekiben mcgriddle szendvics, ha van, ez olyan volt csak kb 10x jobb). amellett hogy borzaszto jo volt minden, magalapitottuk, hogy amiota elhagytuk pittsburghot csak es kizarolag kedves es segitokesz emberekkel talalkoztunk, ugyhogy majd meg visszaterunk.
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a kiados reggeli utan, irany a niagara ahol vegre a masik oldalrol is megcsodalhattuk a vilag egyik leghiresebb vizeseset. azt kell mondjuk igazuk van azoknak aki azt mondjak a kanadai oldarol szebb a kilatas, de igy is megerte, foleg hogy nalunk voltak a bringak, amikkel korbe tudtuk tekerni az egesz szigetet es csinaltunk csillio kepet a vizesesekrol kb az osszes lehetseges szogbol.
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indulas elott meg talaltunk egy olasz pekseget ahol nagyon klassz dolgok voltak, egy szelet pizza es egy sfogliatelle mellett dontottunk, mindketto igen kivalo volt, kar hogy ilyen nincs pittsburghben.
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nem maradt mas mint faradtan hazafele indulni, jo sokaig a lake erie mellett vitt az utunk amin szinten nagyon szep videk, el is hataroztuk hogy oda is visszaterunk meg.
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miracleboylene · 18 days
came back from the dead :) i still have covid but I feel good enough to draw and sketch
soo here's eustass kid for a twitter oomfie:)
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a sketch of my oc Magara, she can see the dead:')
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and magara in one piece artstyle
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quiennoarriesganogana · 4 months
Ma a boltban a nagyobbik keresztlanyom megkert, hogy vegyem fel, mert nem erte el az uditot amit szeretett volna. Az apja egy masik sorba leste a nasit a kisebbikkel.
Majd oda jott egy neni es megszolalt:
“Gyonyoru gyermekeik vannak es on is az!”
Mondtam a neninek, hogy bar en csak a keresztanyjuk vagyok koszonjuk szepen, az apjuk neveben is. Mire a holgy csak ennyit mondott:
“Ha ez a kislany ennyire hasonlit magara ugy hogy a batyja kislanya, majd a sajatja is ugyanilyen szep lesz, ha nem szebb!”
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