team-starfall · 11 months
✚ Quest! The girls of the newly reformed team star are playing a Pokémon variant of dungeons and dragons. This world is inhabited by pokemon but unlike the real world it’s full of dnd classes and races. Each girl had planed out their character and class. Before the DM gave them their quest they would need to state their characters in a few sentences and their characters signature Pokémon partner.
Penny: Playing a cunning Elf Ranger partnered with a Sylveon. Felt being isolated wasn't getting her anywhere, so chose to travel and see what she could find.
Eri: Playing a kind-hearted Goliath Paladin partnered with an Iron Valiant. Took to adventuring after feeling that she could do a lot to help others in need.
Mela: Playing a street-tough Tiefling Fighter partners with a Pignite. Is close friends with Eri's character and joined her to make sure she doesn't get in over her head.
Tabitha: Playing a high-spirited Aarakocra Bard partnered with an Emolga. Chose to travel to find more inspiration for her songs.
Wes: Playing an Orc Barbarian partnered with a Bastiodon. Travels with Tabitha and Nesilla's characters a their bodyguard.
Nesilla: Playing a Warforged Artificer partnered with a Skarmory. Travels with her two friends to find and study ancient magical artifacts.
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the-shinentist · 1 year
~* Magic Munday! *~
I know Munday is usually used to get to know muns, the people behind the blogs, and all that fun stuff. But I've decided to make a little twist on it! I've been wanting to draw my characters in silly goofy little situations, but no ideas. So, I'll let you all submit practically whatever you want! You want to see Esmeralda be blue? I gotcha! You want to see Arthur as a Pignite? Done! You want to see what Mathias would look like as a pokemon? On the table! This spans to non-physical changes as well! If you think of just a silly idea you want to see my characters do, then feel free to submit that as well! If you want to do a situation, post 🎉 + your suggestion! If you want to do some sort of weird physical change, post ✨ + your suggestion! All I ask is that you keep things within reason, but really, I'll be pretty lenient with the threshold, so feel free to go just as wild as you want! ;3c You're also open to request multiple as well, if you so please! (Note: If I get enough, I may just save some for other times! So not all of them will be done right away. But I promise, I will get to everyone!)
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
To Ash,
I still call tauros’ crud on Trip’s Snivy. A fresh young Pokemon out of the lab should not be able to use Leaf Tornado from the get-go! Snivy almost always learns Vine Whip as their first grass-type move. Unless they had a parent who passed on Magical Leaf which that was not... Speaking of unovan starters, did you ever find out what Oshawott’s hung up was over opening his eyes underwater? He had no gripes breathing it so that rules out somehow nearly drowning. And I have seen other oshawott swimming in salt water so that can’t be it either.
All three of your unovan had their unique quirks. Snivy was always the composed no-nonsense girl, Pignite-then-Tepig was the too eager to please battler who beat himself up over loses, and Oshawott was the passionate Pokemon with gusto who had a more gutless side. They are great Pokemon, don’t take this as me belittling them... Then again I am not a trainer.
Ash: You have a point there about Trip's Snivy 🤔 But it happens sometimes! I remember people telling me that there was no way Lance's Dragonite should know Whirlwind, either. But it does. Some pokémon are just special, I guess :D
And as for Oshawott... I think maybe he didn't like getting saltwater in his eyes (I can relate)
Goh: But... Don't Oshawott live in water?? 🤨
Ash: Well, he was born outside of water, so maybe he needed some time to get used to it!
And I'll pass on your comments about my unovan pokémon to them, I think they'll appreciate it 😇
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
do you not mind if pokemon starters' evolutions are bipedal?
I suppose its a case by case sort of thing, Cyndaquill I don't mind having a bipedal stance as Typhlosion because it makes them look more physically imposing especially if the sprite has flames as I know gamefreak kind of removed that later on and Cyndaquill and Quilava both temporarily would stand bipedally either in sprite or animation and finally becoming a bipedal sprite makes Typhlosion feel more mature he stands he's a friend shaped huggable he's an adult if that makes sense it balances both cute and scary.
Emboar I don't mind as I didn't use them in my game but it made sense with the fighting type hes like a strong man kind of character I think he needs to be able to use his hands for wrestling and shoving, he can't really do that on all fours plus standing up made him look bigger and more imposing like Typhlosion but more in a he's a big strong fighting pig that could deck you way compared to Typhlosions he's a big scary animal way. Had tepig stayed quadraped he'd probably end up kind of looking like Mamoswine and with Pignite we got to at least see they'd end up as bipedal same with Delphox needs her hands to hold a stick wand for her magic and Braixen let us know hey they'll be standing.
Compare that to Litten who when they evolve into Torracat they stayed quadraped and made people think we'd get a sabretooth tiger like Pokemon before Incineroar was released and we saw he stood up. Now I would've loved a giant flaming sabretooth tiger companion and it did look as though it was leading up to that, I don't hate Incineroars design he's alright he fits his role as the antagonist in wrestling it's just a shame.
I would've also liked a giant cat Sprigigato evolution but at least they showed us again they'd end up being bipedal and I think that's what counts? Like at least revealing the end goal in the second stage that they'd be bipedal rather than having people think they'd stay quadraped. I think as well it ties in with the fire starters standing up trope that people dislike so if not done right it can let people down, I don't mind so much if it kinda makes sense with Typhlosion looking bigger and scarier but also friend shaped or was correctly led up to eg the second stage is bipedal.
Now on the flip side in the case of Sobble, I would've actually liked Sobble to stay quadraped and I don't really love Intellion, it's a good design for what he's meant to be but after seeing like lochness monster fake speculations I think there was the opportunity to make Sobble a kind of water monster and it is a shame they are kind of human looking in their bipedal stance instead. I supppse I don't like it in Sobbles case because of the potential to be something much greater than what we got but I suppose it is kind of my fault for having such expectations.
As for all the other bipedal final stages well, they pretty much all started as bipedal so can't fault them they started out that way and they stayed that way. So yea becoming bipedal is just a case by case type thing and personal preference. And really I think Intellion is the only example of me really not liking a starter becoming bipedal, I think with Incineroar I was kind of expecting him to stand up anyways so can't be disappointed if my expections are low and unfortunately for Sobble my expectations for him were quite high.
But yea those are my thoughts on starters becoming bipedal, I kinda rambled a bit and it was actually harder than I thought to think of examples so I suppose I can't knock them too hard since most of them make sense and if I can't come up with examples easily they're not too overdone.
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help-mypartner · 6 years
help my partner is the most gorgeous enby in the world and im so proud of them sometimes that it hurts
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doodlemessenger · 6 years
i, for one, welcome our new mint eye overlord
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i am so happy you feel that way!
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wild-battlebond · 2 years
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@heropartnerweek day 5 - AU
magical girl AU!!!! for my gti replay team!! just two normal girls who are suddenly thrown into a battle of hopes and dreams against those who seek to freeze the world…
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cosmicsnowcryptid · 7 years
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bukbot · 7 years
copperplatescript: Toledo Mud Hens to wear my pants Day she totally forgot who I was talking about!
magical-pignite: The tiels to learn.
copperplatescript: North, where my finals are, whOOPS.
magical-pignite: Momma brought her inside but with the AccuQuilt GO!
magical-pignite: The tiels.
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sapphicsonnets · 7 years
i knew i loved you from the very start from the very bottom of my closed off heart it took me a while to melt my ice and when i did i rolled the dice i told you how i felt i asked how you did too it took my by surprise when you said you loved me too my life felt like cold tea with no one willing to sip until you pulled me in close and whispered your love across my lips
-my first love (via @magical-pignite)
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Happy birthday!! i hope you have a wonderful day, sending good vibes your way!! ❤️✨
Thank you! I officially have 4 hours 16 minutes and 37 seconds until it actually starts and I get cinnamon rolls for breakfast!!!!
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sinfulblueberry · 7 years
happy birthday!! -🦀
thank yoouuuu!!!! 💖💖
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hestiaswitch-blog · 7 years
Magic Will and Old Crone for the ask meme!
What got me on my witchy journey- Many things. Tumblr. The “spiritual” section of the bookstore, and just personal taste!
Do I have a mentor- Nope. 
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kaguras-art · 6 years
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Magical girl pignite!🐗✨
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gayaliens26 · 6 years
lou i love u literally so much and your art just made my entire day 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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princesslime-blog1 · 8 years
happy birthday!! i love seeing you on my dash and i hope you have a wonderful day!
ayeee loveu 
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