absurdumsid · 8 months
So we have a idolverse and a magicalgirlverse I can’t wait for the merchaverse or a strempunkverse
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i think. u expected a sans. but if anyone makes a sans these guys can fix em up
Steamverse! Grillby and Gaster belong to me ! (my brother named their [multi]verse ! insane)
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the-grim-squeaker-8 · 2 years
Ya got an oc thoughts to share today?
Lots of thoughts. [wall of text incoming]
I made a(nother) Wanderhome character I have no one play to with. She's a crow, self-proclaimed Lady Thief, detests being called a cheat or a monster, and wears a black cloak and a mask and an ostentatious belt and carries around a deck of playing cards.
Her name is Sparkle.
She is a fugitive from the law, falsely accused of cheating at cards and high treason, and rightly accused of grand larceny and lying under oath. She has a secret about the king she's not supposed to know, and she used to have a shiny necklace she got from a noble but it's been stolen from her.
…You can guess which of these things she is upset about.
Magicalgirlverse is getting rotated fairly constantly but I'm reluctant to talk about the current storyline thats actually been rotating in my mind for the last few weeks because like. Do I want to put that in public where the internet can judge me. Even if that wasn't an issue, is it something all my friends would want to hear about. Do I even want this to be canon???
But I have no self control, so anyway. This one time I was trying to take a nap and ended up thinking about that Welsh myth where a guy makes a woman out of flowers to be a wife for his nephew and she cheats on him and plots with her boyfriend to murder him and the family turns her into an owl as punishment, and this urban fantasy series I read as a teenager where one of the protagonists finds out she's an artificial human who was created by the big bad (which I definitely remember being a it/its cloud of evil and not, like, a guy) to be its bride and the mother of its child, but her dead mom rescued her as a baby and fed her magic flowers so instead of being evil and into this she was a normal person who refused, also I think her foster mom turned out to be a previous failed attempt at creating a bride and was trying to kill her out of jealousy?
And I was like "these two stories do not address to my satisfaction the tensions inherent in creating a wholeass person to be a custom-order mate and handing them to the kind of person who is okay with that." And I was like "someone somewhere probably has covered it, but what if I did it myself."
And then I was like, "what if Dark Glory (who needed a tragic backstory anyway) was created as a gift for the semi-eldritch god-emperor of space?"
Is this the tone I wanted for my self-indulgent magicalgirlverse? I don't know. Is it in line with the direction I was originally going for with her character? Unclear. Does it feel kind of mean? Yes. But, is it dramatic and works really well with some of her established relationships (like Shadow refusing to address his feelings towards her) and has already spun-off into an entire storyline with fun narrative parallels and a whole other oc I'm not ready to let go of? Also yes.
Basically what if she voluntarily spent time in the god-emperor's custody and experiences the emotional equivalent of when working dogs finally get to experience the job they were born for and this is the happiest and most fulfilled anyone has ever seen her and she doesn't regret the friends she made when she ran away but also it's okay and you don't need to worry about her. :)
So then I have to figure out how to show her that this is still a bad thing actually. And the answer I came up with is "she finds her predecessor who has been metaphorically gathering dust in a closet this whole time since the emperor lost interest in them and Dark Glory decides living in a gilded cage sucks actually and takes them with her.
I should revisit the plotline where Scythe dies, that was some tasty melodrama. I know Shadow's heart gets stolen him so Scythe give him his, Shadow is like "I didn't ask you to do that and I'm still not obligated to forgive you", and then Scythe gets resurrected and turned evil, but his personality is intact so he's sad about it, dies again and Shadow saves him with his original heart (which he retrieved in the interim) because "maybe I just want you to experience the consequences of your actions did you ever think of that."
This is the problem when all the content exists exclusively in my head, whenever I want I can fast forward to the part where they are finally on speaking (if not hugging) terms.
Also, Shadow crochets. I have no idea how this informs his character or his background as an angsty supervillain I just think it would be cute if he made something out of living darkness for his not-girlfriend.
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jewelsrxcosplay · 6 years
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After 8 hours of sanding, it's just going to have to do for #sausomecon. Don't get me wrong, I am rather happy with it, but it could definitely be smoother~ Also, it's not a 2018 con without making bows for something xD See you all later! #sausomecon2018 #magicalgirlmercy #magicalwatch #overwatchmercycosplay #caduceusstaff #mercystaff #magicalgirlversion #magicalgirl #overwatchmercy #overwatchcosplay #propwip #jewelsrxcosplay #jewelsrxcosplayprops #fiberglassresin #palmsander #magicalgirlbows #bows #goldspraypaint #rustoleum #safetyfirst
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docdakcoats · 7 years
baile (bitten or da, mix and match! i picked these bc i'm on mobile and they were all in a row and easy to send hehehe) ⊙﹏☉(≧∇≦) (/□\*)・(;╹⌓╹)
(this is a bit overdue but fuck it, I’m drunk, let’s characterize)
⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character
In all universes, he’s lowkey flustered by deviations from social codes. If you put him in a ridiculous or absurd enough situation - especially if it’s a social situation - he’ll be at a loss for what to do and start awkwardly freezing up. In DAverse, calling him out on his views on mages/elves/dwarves and refusing to back down when given a standard Templar response will also get him worked up.
(≧∇≦) = What makes the character happy
bittenverse: undisturbed caches of water bottles
daverse: oh, I can’t say that. not here.
buddycopsverse: overlapping witness testimony, clear routes with no traffic, sensible driving conversation with Issac, meeting their consultant(s) in less-than-deadly circumstances, the occasional odd flying lights that seem to follow them on the road on clear nights. Cinnamon Quest bars. Doing the right thing.
magicalgirlverse: realizing he preemptively restocked the first aid kit.
(/□\*)・゜ = What makes the character blush
Baile doesn’t blush. It’s just not a thing for him. If he’s flustered, angry, or otherwise processing one of those strange Emotions, he’ll clench and unclench his hand. But blushing? He wasn’t programmed with that function. Unless you count flushing from exercise, but that’s different.
(;╹⌓╹) = What scares the character
Rabid dogs. Uncontrolled areas. Hostage situations. Being around children.
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the-grim-squeaker-8 · 2 years
Would you like to tell me about your ocs
uhhhh what ocs. ive never had one of those in my life.
ok like in all honesty the last few months(?) have just been me fixating on a rotating series of indulgent throwaway characters and scenarios that feel like they change out every week but i suspect if i kept notes its actually probably like every other day. they entertain me while my interest holds, and if i don’t make Something™ out of each and every one of them, thats okay. Maybe a couple of them will eventually cycle back in and i’ll figure out something to do with them, idk.
That said I dug through the last yearish(?)’s worth of content I can remember to try and find anything reasonably interesting and/or shelf-stable:
Magicalgirlverse - one of the only things ive actually written for in a while. most of them are underdeveloped (ie. pending literally any development). I know there’s a hearts/love-themed magical girl, a flower magical girl, a sun moon stars trio, a wolf magical girl, and one whose original prompt was “godzilla”.
The problem is... I thought it would be fun to give one of them a monster boyfriend, and then I thought it would be sad if all his friends were dead or evil, so I added a second monster boyfriend, who is very angry with the first one, and then the drama between them hijacked the plot.
The magical girls will get to be the center of their own story. Eventually. I hope.
Characters I can reasonably describe in any detail so far:
Bright Angel Queen: hearts magical girl. Not quite an endless font of compassion, but she tries. Her real name is Hestia and yes she picked it.
Scythe: Monster boyfriend (sad). Used to be evil but defected out of love for Hestia. Has a very goth civiliansona (defaults to his true from in private, no i don't know what he looks like). Used to have four brothers and would literally rip his heart out of his chest to save the last of them.
Shadow: Monster boyfriend (angry). Used to be (?) evil but left because everyone he cared about was dead, abandoned him, or in Dark Glory’s case, in danger if they stayed. Would watch Scythe rip his heart out of his chest for his sake, and still spit in his face.
Dark Glory: wolf magical girl. Morally ambiguous. Solitary. Traumatized. Would die for Shadow (he would never allow it).
Princess Pixie Victory Screamer: an eight-year-old girl who wants nothing more than to be a T-rex when she grows up. Some people shorten her name to Pixie. Scythe shortens it to Screamer.
Ardanath – I waffled about whether to mention this one, both because of the subject matter and also because she’s only been around for like a week and I don’t know if she’ll stick, but by all metrics she’s the oc I’ve most recently been rotating in my mind, so.
Ardanath is a princess whose mother (a local morally ambiguous overlord) was murdered by a rival evil overlord, who then kidnapped Ardanath and made her marry him. Honestly, she wasnt supposed to be on this list; she was an npc in a solo ttrpg I played about one of her mother’s warriors (and Ardanath’s father) trying to save her and I was planning to move on from this scenario afterwards but then he failed, and DIED, and it was very upsetting, and I couldn’t just LEAVE her like that she deserves closure. And revenge.
It’s gonna be a rough next couple of years for her, but she will endure, reject her affinity for spring and fertility and instead become the avatar of autumn, death, and decay, murder a bunch of her children (i know she leaves at least one of them alive), resurrect her father as an undead thrall because he would be a loyal and reliable source of eternal servitude, get her revenge, and become an evil overlord in her own right, just like her parents always wanted her to be.
I don’t know if it would be pragmatic for her to make her husband suffer before he dies but I hope she gets to.
Wrath – this one is hard to explain because in helping a friend develop their oc I found my interpretation of the premise so compelling i stole her to make in my own image but since I stripped out all the lore and havent filled in anything new I don’t... know how she gets here.
I know she’s basically a rogue lab experiment (I don’t know who made her or why), named herself Wrath (I don’t know why she’s angry), and has some specific form of magic that erodes her sanity and sense of self if mismanaged (I don’t know what the magic actually does but it was mismanaged). One of the people who contributed to her creation is a wizard who had the same magic as her but he left the project ages ago, tbd to what extent his participation was voluntary and fully-informed, if he knows she exists and how she was treated, etc.
idk I just think it would be funny if she just randomly shows up in this guy's house, covered in blood and like 70% sane on a good day, and wants his help with this one thing and isnt interested in any deeper relationship, and this is how he finds out she exists.
They will eventually found family each other but she already has a found family and isn’t interested in being daughtered so it’s one-sided at first. She keeps disappearing for weeks or months at a time and he keeps trying to delicately ask where she goes (elsewhere) and what she’s doing (crime) and if anyone is looking out for her (other, equally dysfunctional escaped lab experiments) and whose blood is that anyway (hers, now) and she keeps getting bored with his concerns and wandering off to go kill someone. I love her.
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jewelsrxcosplay · 6 years
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Here's what I've gotten done the past couple nights for #wipwednesday (and hopefully not my only post for today)! Got the majority of the glitter sanded off the star (which have I mentioned was only $3 at Target?) and cut into the wood to get ready to attach it to the handle with fiberglass resin =3 Kinda working in a makeshift work area since my basement isn't all together yet, but at least I have enough spaces cleared out there now to have a worktable down there! Magical Girl Mercy WILL have a staff for Friday at #sausomecon if it's the last thing I do xD #propmaking #propwip #magicalgirl #magicalgirlmercy #overwatchmercy #overwatchmercycosplay #overwatchcosplay #caduceusstaff #mercystaff #magicalgirlversion #crafting #dremel #woodworking #fiberglassresin #star #workarea #sanding #glitterEVERYWHERE #craftherpes #jewelsrxcosplay #jewelsrxcosplayprops #cosplaysmarternotharder
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