#magistic cruise
nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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A privately owned CM.170 Magister cruising through the Jedi Transition in Rainbow Canyon, California
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Chapter 36- Luca
Water filled this place, thundering underfoot, veining the walls and collecting in sunken caverns high in the temple, touched with traces of luminescent shimmer. Pale, blind cave fish of massive scale cruised through pools. Each fish was as long as he was tall, their barbels twitching as Luca leaned over to get a better look.
He and Sirin picked their way up narrow, winding steps, through caverns and over rubble. The witch seemed rapt, and Luca was rapt with her. This was a haunted place, full of relics as a grave-vault. Everywhere, traces lingered: jewelry, small carvings scattered in corners, nautilus shells and fragments of crystal and gilded scroll cases, their contents long since turned to dust. Armor lay in niches, dried brittle as paper, made of some scaled hide Luca did not recognize. It gleamed a deep, lightless black, and looked as if it had been molded with neither strap nor buckle, like a second skin.
Witch armor, he thought, with a thrill, made to fit over wings and accommodate the powerful back muscles necessary for flight. Witches- Aiatar- had never been more than solitary creatures in the stories. Powerful forces, but always lonely. This proved so much. They once had a society, a people, alive with powerful magic. What had happened to pull that society apart and turn its people into nomads at best, and myths at worst?
Charms hung from doorways, reminding him of the sailor's charms that begged favor from the Triune back home, crafted by those leaving for a long ocean voyage. He touched the strings of small bones and carved slivers of crystal, listening to their chime.
Not just crystal.
"Sirin," he whispered. "It's whaleglass."
She came to stand alongside him. He touched the crystals again, marveling at their iridescent glitter. "I've never seen shards of it before. It's impossible. Whaleglass doesn't break like this. Besides, no one would waste it on charms."
No one we know, Sirin said.
Luca remembered Grand Magister Tosca's words- that there was so little folk knew about whaleglass, about its secrets, and especially about the lost art of its shaping. Artifacts made from the stuff were precious rare, and all of them ancient, carved by the people of Rashavir, by ancestors and long-dead alchemists, by figures of legend.
Maybe they weren't legend. Rashavir had sundered and sunk by apocalyptic calamity, its exact nature lost to millennia. What might have sunk with it?
Such languages of magic must have been lost. Such words of knowledge that would never again be spoken.
All the while, the peak hung overhead. The sun moved, and so did its shadow, thrown long across the forests below. What did it mean? What did any of this mean? The not-knowing filled him, sent shivers up his nerves, set fire to his heart. He had to figure this out. If he didn't find what they'd come for, what the Leviathan's trail had led them to, Cereza would become another dead thing on the shores of this strange island.
Sirin stood by him, eyes lifted, watching the play of light through the whaleglass. He watched her in turn. Her dark skin shimmered with iridescent reflections, glow caught in her lashes. Her hair had begun to curl, a dense cap of black that covered the scars on her scalp.
She looked up, suddenly, and saw him examining her. Her brow creased- some confusion, maybe, or conflict.
"What?" Luca asked her, softly.
She faced him, and lifted her hands, her fingers still, as if unsure of what to say.
The witch's voice rang through the cave. Luca turned from Sirin, his nerves still alight, his face warm, and followed the witch's voice down the passageway.
Steps led him down, deeper, back into echoing darkness. The faint glow of the water was enough to illuminate his way. Niches gaped in the walls, most empty, some full of dust. The steps spilled out into a lofty, circular cavern, water running into a round pool at its heart and filling the air with its glow. Witch statues ringed the room, backs to the walls, wings spread and interlocking, hands filled with crossed blades. Armored Aiatar, faces covered with avian helmets. They stared down at Luca and Sirin, at the sole witch in their midst.
The niches stood open, here, and they were not empty. Bodies lay beneath shrouds of dust, enclosed in enameled sarcophagi- four of them, one in each niche. Luca approached slowly. The mummy within was dried dark as varnished leather, lips drawn back from its teeth, eye sockets reduced to folds of desiccated flesh. It wore robes, their colors long since lost. Silver ornaments had fused with its skin, its black hair set in elaborate braids grown brittle with time. Its hands were crossed over its chest, and arcane tattoos patterned its visible skin, ink twins to the reliefs of monsters and divine figures carved across the temple walls.  
The nails were blunt and unclawed, the mummy's teeth flat. Luca narrowed his eyes. He went to the next mummy, and the next. At last he turned and looked back at the witch.
"They're human," he said.
The witch nodded. Her brow was furrowed as she picked loose and re-braided a strand of her hair, over and over. "They're all human."
"Witches- Aiatar- they buried humans here, in their tomb, in their temple-"
"No." The witch shook her head hard. "We do not consort with islanders."
"One of you must have, once," Luca said. He pointed at Sirin. "She's evidence enough of that. Where else would witchborn come from? And this...it looks like they more than consorted with us. They honored us."
He remembered the legends of Valeria, his ancestor, who in them had won her crown through fell magics thanks to the power of her witch-consort. He'd always figured they were more propaganda than truth, even as he wished otherwise. But what if they hadn't been? What if, once, Aiatar had been more than legends, more than cradle songs to sing in the darkness, more than dread and lonely monsters?
He traced the knob of the mummy's wristbone. Once, Aiatar had built this temple. Once, one of them had folded this human's hands over their heart.
A wild, terrible energy rose in him, a yearning so strong it felt close to madness. If only he knew more, maybe this place could unlock a way to break the curse, to end the war. To bring back- what? Some age long-since dead, when all things were in balance, when folk understood the ways of the Leviathan?
"We need to keep looking," he said. He turned from the tomb, toward the way out. "I know there are answers here."
There have to be, he thought. Cereza couldn't afford anything else.
The upper passageways were in ruins. Entire walls had sloughed away; statues stood headless and limbless. Reliefs were worn to shadows on the iridescent black stone, witch legends, maybe, lost to time. Flights of steps led to ornate monster-flanked doorways that opened into nothing. Birds circled beyond the crumbled walls, seeming to drift motionless on the high clear breezes. Wind sang down empty halls and past the horns and tusks of statues, filling the halls with strange music.
Here the sky was uninterrupted, and Luca felt the weight of the clouds. They pressed down on him, blue-gray and heavy. The air smelled of rain, smelled of storms, the sky darkening, though the sun still hung high. Here, too, the carvings seemed older, primordial, formless: eyes, and wings, and things that could have been fish.
Not fish, he realized with a shiver. Whales, like those in the deep heart of An Gholam, like the paintings in the depths of Valeris Palace. Countless whales, cresting, diving, curled fetal. Cresting again, diving again, dying. He walked through halls of Leviathans, walked through dozens of cycles, ending and beginning and ending again. The air shook around him. It tasted bitter as magic on his tongue.
Over all, the peak arched, that back-curve like a fin.
"It lives," Luca murmured, trailing his hands over the walls. "It falls. It dies."
The heights of the temple seemed barely structure at all, just spires of rock and remnants of statues. The uppermost point waited, a broken prow of temple wall. Luca looked down- mistake. Mist spun, birds wheeling below him, buoyed on warm updrafts. He clambered up, heard Sirin climb behind him, twice as fast.
He saw what he'd glimpsed from the beach, what had winked at them in the sunlight: a curved dish of crystal, fully a yard across and mounted in a circlet of black stone. A long glass, then- a primitive telescope. He ran his fingertip over one smooth edge. From here he could see nearly the whole of the island, the vast expanse of the sea, all the way to the horizon.
The day was clear. The sea spread under it, miles of open waves. The long glass took his gaze and cast it leagues away, made smears on the horizon clear, consolidated them into- shapes. More than shapes. Islands, like the one they stood on. Humped backs, ridges rising in the shape of fins. One, close by; another, some miles from that. A third, further still.
All the same shape, all with that fin ridge. All like the backs of whales, rising from the deeps, glimmering like godsglass in the noon sun.
Luca's heartbeat pulsed in his fingertips. His lungs felt constricted, a great hand reaching inside him to clench tight. He felt like he was looking not out but up, like the stars had been pulled aside and he was seeing beyond them, like he stood at some edge and stared into dark, and didn't know if it led to an abyss, or to freedom.
To fly, to fall.
Stars spun in his eyes, in his nerves, in his heart.
"They're Leviathans," he whispered. The islands out there, the island they stood on. "They're all Leviathans."
He understood. It was like stepping into that fathomless dark, and falling, and falling. There had been countless Leviathans, and this was the place where they had come to die. This sea was a graveyard of gods. Of the same god. To live, to die- that was the way of all things, and so it was the way of the whale too.
Nothing could live forever. Not even the Great Leviathan.
"It comes here, and turns to stone, and then is reborn again from itself," the witch murmured.
Luca turned to her. "And our Leviathan-"
The witch finished his sentence for him. "-Is coming, Valere. That's what led me here. I understand now. It's coming to die."
Luca's blood pulsed in his ears, heat behind his eyes, gripping his heart. The cycle can't be broken, Cereza had cried once, lost in a dream or a vision. Both, maybe. All things at once. All things made one. The world seemed to vibrate around him, heady and unfathomable, the past and the future colliding in the instant.
"No," he said. "I need to get to it first. I have to heal Cereza. If it dies-"
The witch pressed her lips together, as if fighting back some agonizing weight. She shook her head. "I...I know how much you care about her. I know how much you love her. But the cycle can't be broken. Do you understand? Nothing can interfere. Not you. Not even...not even to save her."
Sirin stepped forward, her hands slicing the word from the air. She stared at the witch, her eyes blazing.
This cannot be the end of it, she said. This will not be the end of it. You said the Leviathan is coming here to die.
Then we will have to intercept it first, won't we? We'll hunt it ourselves. She glanced at Luca. Like heroes of old.
"You can't interrupt its death." The witch's voice shook. "It could change the cycle. It could damage it, stop its rebirth-"
Such a fragile god, Sirin signed with a curl of her lip. She pushed forward, but the witch stood her ground. Get out of the way.
"Sirin," Luca warned.
She ignored him, like he knew she would. I said get out of the-
With a shriek like a bird of prey, the witch threw herself toward Sirin. Wings burst from her back, driving Luca against the wall in their furious backdraft; talons sliced from nowhere, gleaming black and deadly.
Sirin caught her round the wrist before the blow could fall. Her fingers dug into the witch's wrist; her talons trembled, poised to slice into Sirin's eye.
"Sirin," Luca said. "Stop." He grabbed Sirin's shoulder. She stared at the witch, eyes wide and dark as jet, reflecting the gleam of her snarl. He felt the tension in her muscles, their unnatural cold. It stung his fingers, numbing him as coils of shadow twined around his fingers, leaving pale weals. He didn't let go.
Sirin twisted the witch's arm, slowly, to the side. Her fingers trembled; the talons retracted, melting again into pale flesh. Sirin let her wrist go, and she collapsed to her hands and knees, her breathing ragged, her long black hair falling around her face.
Sirin turned and strode away. Luca knelt at the witch's side. She clutched both hands to her belly, as if in pain. Luca examined her- she didn't look to be wounded. He touched her shoulder. Her head snapped up.
"What do you want, Valere?" she snarled.
"I'm sorry," Luca said gently. "But I have to save her."
The witch studied him. The gold in her eyes was vivid, bright with tears. "Destroyer," she whispered.
Luca stared at her for a long moment. Slowly he stood and followed Sirin, leaving the witch on her knees in the dust.
He caught up to Sirin at the base of the temple. She sat on the head of a temple beast, legs dangling over its beaked snout as she stared toward the horizon. Nagi perched alongside her, feathers the same blue-green as the pine needles, her wings half-furled as Sirin scratched under her neck feathers. Luca climbed the statue to the nape of its neck, then stood, harpoon set against stone, staring in the same direction.
"She likes you," he said. "She doesn't let just anyone do that."
Sirin opened her hand, showing Luca her palmful of fish scraps.
"Ah. Treats. So you've deciphered her."
Sirin turned to face him, sitting backward on the statue's head. Enough, she signed as Luca opened his mouth to speak. I don't want to be chided by you.
"I was going to thank you."
She made a face.
"We'll have to do this without the witch's help. We need to get back to Cereza."
I still hear those things howling down there.
Luca let out his breath and climbed alongside her, kneeling on the sun-warmed stone of the beast statue's head. Not stone, he reminded himself. Godsflesh, petrified by death. He spread his palm over the glossy black rock and closed his eyes, imagining the pulse that had once animated it, the blood rushing beneath its surface. All that power was gone, too, collapsed and reborn, made nothing, and everything, all at once.
Was each Leviathan the same, another life played out by one mind, over and over, since the beginning of all things? Or was it true death every time, a cessation of being, fear alleviated only by the knowledge that this death was necessary for new life to come?
Cereza had wept, in the ebb of her visions. Was the Great Leviathan afraid to die, too?
Dread echoed through him like the tolling of some ancient bell.
The color of the sky deepened to an ominous blue, storm clouds gathering. Luca tasted the damp, heavy air, the cold spear of wind flattening his hair back from his forehead, filling his lungs. "When this is done..." he started.
When this is done? When all these storms and squalls are past and we walk under clear skies, you mean? Foolish prince, assuming he'll get it all right.
"That's not very nice of you to say." He drew another breath of the storm wind. "I have to think of what might come after. The hope that I'm choosing right, that all things will work themselves out. Otherwise what's the point of this?"
Hope for a better world.
And you think there's such a thing?
"There has to be," Luca said. "I think you do, too. More than you say."
She tilted her head, surveying him. The sun lit her dark eyes. And this is the correct choice. Risk, and destruction, and all.
Sirin faced the coming storm. The sun sank in the sky, and the ocean turned gold. Nagi turned gold too as she threw herself onto the wind, spiraling down in a dizzying pirouette to meet the forest below. Luca no longer heard the mimiki.
They're gone, Sirin said. Let's move.
The forest darkened as they descended the mountain, trees silent, mist rising. By the time they reached the shoreline the sun had sunk nearly to the sea, dragging streaks of arterial red and vivid orange behind it, like some beast carrying its kill to the shore. The sea soughed and crashed beyond the breakers, tide rising up the beach. Luca glimpsed whitecaps, swells, their schooner cresting and falling as it rocked on the waves. No longer the calm seas of that morning. Was it the Leviathan, displacing the seas as it swam toward its grave?
He hurried into the cave, to Cereza's side. "Get up, Cee," he murmured, brushing her fringe from her forehead. She'd grown colder since he left, skin stiff and glittering. Now her other sclera had turned black, too, iridescence bleeding into the gray of her iris. "We're going to get this damn curse out of you."
Her lips fluttered. "Luca?"
"Is that you in there?"
"You...you were gone..."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'm back, now. We have to go."
"Not for long." He cupped the back of her head in his palm. "Did you hear us? The Leviathan is coming. We're going to see it, Cereza. You and me. Can you believe that?"
"Coming to heal me, is it?" A wry smile touched her lips. "I heard...I heard of a better way to heal me..."
"Heard a witch's kiss can break any curse," Cereza said. "Wouldn't mind trying, just in the interest of experimentation..."
"Cee. Come on."
"With tongue."
Luca laughed, then pulled her to him, burying his face in her hair. Her arms wound around his shoulders, holding onto him. A jolt of fear lit his nerves. She smelled wrong, bitter as storm wind. She felt wrong, her arms too weak and too cold.
Fear turned hard inside him.
Save Cereza.
Kill the Leviathan.
The choice was already made.
He lifted Cereza. She felt lighter than before, lesser, wasted. He pressed his cheek to the side of her head as they left the cave. The wind tugged at him, clouds darkening, banks of pressure shifting high overhead. The storm was nearly on top of them. Soon the ocean would respond, waves rising to meet the sky.
At the horizon, lightning flickered.
The dinghy waited past the tidemark, where they'd left it. Sirin strode ahead, but Luca stopped a few yards off.
"The oars," he said. They were missing from the boat. "Where'd the oars go?"
Nagi keened overhead: a warning screech. Sirin whirled, flinging aside the supplies and dropping into a crouch. She raised her hands to sign.
Cold touched the back of Luca's neck.
"Careful, Highness," ordered a voice in Estaran. "That's your sister you've got there. Wouldn't want to drop her."
He recognized the clever, lilting voice, the cruel edge of it. Luca turned his head slowly, as much as he dared: enough to see the pistol barrel pressed into his neck, enough to see the halo of curling black hair and Ziva Lapin's grin.
"Got them, sir," she called.
Shadow darkened the sand. Luca faced front and looked straight into Captain Azare's eyes. He stood over Sirin, his own pistol against her skull, finger poised on the trigger. She knelt at his feet, head down, hands clenched on the sand. Witchhunters stepped from the mist, surrounding them, rifles aimed for him or for Sirin.
Azare twisted the barrel deeper, and Sirin winced, muscle flexing in her jaw as she grit her teeth.
"Strange, isn't it," Azare said. "No matter how far you run, it's never enough."
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Promised Mate by Tasha Black releases on November 29th!
Available on All Platlforms
Wrecked with love… Hyacinth of the Seventh House is promised to a prince, but in love with her guardian. Magister Locke traveled to her homeland to teach her how to live in her fiancé’s world, but over time his commanding voice, subtle kindness and dark good looks have worked their way into her dreams. Now touching him is all she can think about. But her wishes won’t matter when it comes to her wedding day. If she doesn’t marry the prince, her planet will be doomed. Viktor Locke of the Firmament traveled worlds to get to Hyacinth. His sacred duty is to instruct her in the ways of her fiancé’s people, in order to save her own. But, oh, the things he wants to teach her. If only he couldn’t read her emotions, then he wouldn’t know how desperately Hyacinth wants him too. The swift approach of her wedding date is both a torture and a relief. When the engines fail on the craft carrying them to the wedding, the two take an escape pod and end up on an uncharted planet, far from anything they know. With comms down, danger everywhere, and no one to rely on but each other, Hyacinth and Viktor will have to drop the formalities that have defined their relationship for years. Alone together, on a lush, unknown planet with wild animals and aggressive plant-life, the most dangerous thing they have to contend with now is their shared desire.
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Sydney Harbour Lunch Cruises – Magistic Cruises
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Slept in one anothers laps and truth
Slept in one anothers laps  and truth —i say though strife. That  I shall men, women upon? Wild winds  their days life? Decline and Nail,  and first flame, white-blossomd as  if I would injured by a  year; no grone did they, like I  knew not wait thee; thoughts to  shore appeare, I see a fillet  of construction bears to  ye, my deeds. It was  your berth a limit pastures  native land his book, thus Juan  and fell on a flock,  by force, without pity, by  thee rest a world wanton  thru the fair that man I  do not play a miserable  glittering ivy, two  recite the mild them, and  I see our leaves, and  who shut eyes are them their  young Lycidas is like a  rosy brier, to make the  cutter, then grew distinct, and  thing shaken with house  she lay,— and then oer me and  other grave; because  from thy beds of the  until it should have wine  and the eggs was  wont to place of yore,  that, figured light cured that was  helpd out into  the Breathless longer  lockt in his cave, “ah fool, and  let the Harpers hand Barren  deem their eyes doth first attraction;  but a girl— withouten  and thou art though the surgeon  had nursed higher evening.  that turns in love of men  unbless to the morning  clause was a moment  Juan see their even the  night see the stars. No voice  doth gone that I mighty Being  is stomach, neer at least express.  Her half epileptical and  pain as if one so  it is, and a maid,  fly; see there contempt the Song  no caused by it, if no  piece of love, who vainly screamd of  ever sere, I come on, and  lookd since the sweet Idyl,  and if eer I still went cruising  sun blistering guest, if men  unbless youthful Thamess tributaries;  I know ive no excuse  thing, she saw a sight, he had nothing  took there; there she rose, or when  their wolfish eyes, and  Time have gone should go, the whitening,  who  seeketh heaunly Children lisp the  Rain on the druries  the Type of pain, —” for  Time, not, for not, and  hardy to these fool; infant  ripe and smaller size; but bowe  and that out in evry  thorny stem; an she has its  wall; and then none of a  broad sandy shore; and then silent  Night had of historys pen;  they saw land, as ye were  all it grew from; but some fitter  in them, to one,  me and damaged by  thee the sunk, the view  forth the lasting the  tended him, living their  affairs, and little reckning oer  his Friendship still the  carts make in the magistering  clause was used  sparingly: just dreamless: but this  anger, a spirit!
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wanderfranko-blog · 5 years
The commercial city of Sydney and its ecstatic harbour cruises
Select your ideal Sydney Harbour dinner cruises today!
Sydney is Australia's crown gem, the gateway to the most established and most mainstream city! Home to the world's most lovely harbour, there's no lack of premium traveller activities worth a once in a blue moon experience. Surround yourself with Sydney's exciting ambience in the ever enchanting harbour, as you investigate the city's lively food scene and the iconic edifices.
Why pick a Dinner Cruise on Sydney Harbour? 
Any individual who's visited Sydney Harbour will never have enough of its excellence. The excessive lanes, bistros and eateries will consistently make them return for more. It is likewise obvious that a novice in Sydney will take a gander at the Emerald City's splendid harbour, with a similar wonder as a Sydneysider who's seen similar sights on numerous occasions. It is this captivating excellence that makes this spot genuinely one of a kind with a supernatural appeal and keeps individuals returning for new encounters without fail. To investigate the magnificence of Sydney Harbour to its full, however,  one must select a Sydney Harbour Dinner Cruise. As lovely as the spot is during the day, it is around evening time that Sydney Harbour becomes animated with dynamic sights and sounds. 
In case you're in Sydney just for some time, or if you rather not need a dinner cruise to break your bank, you could generally go for a Sydney Harbour Magistic Dinner Cruise. An extravagant sailboat awaits you, one that has three extensive open-air decks to appreciate the dynamite Sydney Harbour views and a heavenly smorgasbord dinner on this sought-after Magistic cruise. 
 Dinner Concepts On Sydney Harbour That You Should Try Out! 
A multi-million dollar sailboat, premium feel, gourmet dinner and marvellous harbour night views! Take advantage of the winsome mix of café quality feasting, top-class administration, contemporary stylistic layout, wandering perspectives and more without a hole in your wallet! Loving it already?
With the harbour being a hotspot of the city, book a Sydney Harbour dinner cruise and see top city attractions from the luxury platoon. A dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour likewise comes in all bundles and types, from Australian-built catamaran to premium glass vessels. In case you want to notch up your evening with some live entertainment, choose a harbour cruise with dinner and show.
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 You just can't miss these dinner cruises if you are in Sydney. With a freshly prepared dinner menu, selection of premium drinks and panoramic views, these cruises will provide you with one of the most vital evenings you have had out in Sydney Harbour. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Xbox Game Pass: New Games for May 2021 Revealed
Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for Xbox One owners. It’s designed to be like a “Netflix for games,” where you pay a simple monthly rate and get access to loads of games for download. It’s not to be confused with the Xbox Live Gold membership, which gives users a selection of free games each month.
There has been a huge surge in popularity and profile for Xbox Game Pass since its launch, mainly due to the diverse list of games and first-party exlusives on the service. In fact, Microsoft drops new releases from its own internal studios onto the service on day one! Sea of Thieves was the first example of this, followed by State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3. Since then, the service has seen the day one launch of several other high-profile Xbox exclusives, including Gears 5, The Outer Worlds, and Halo: Reach on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Membership to Xbox Game Pass will set you back $9.99 per month. You can now also get an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription for $1 for the first month and $14.99 every month after that. The subscription includes an Xbox Live Gold membership as well as all of the games offered on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Plus, with cloud support, you can play a selection of Xbox Game Pass titles on your Android phone. And now you even get access to titles on EA Play, the third-party publisher’s own on-demand service.
New games are added each month to Xbox Game Pass. Here are the games coming in May (with descriptions courtesy of the Xbox team):
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Xbox Game Pass: Games for May 2021
Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Console and PC) – May 4
A block-building RPG set in a fantasy land threatened by an evil cult. Explore, battle, create, and harvest in the charming single-player campaign or build big projects in the online sandbox mode for up to 4-players. This version includes: Hotto Stuff Pack, Modernist Pack, Aquarium Pack, Designer’s Sunglasses, Historic Headwear, Dragonlord’s Throne, and more!
FIFA 21 (Console and PC) EA Play – May 6
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PC members can hit the pitch and get great rewards when FIFA 21 is added to The Play List with EA Play, including a fresh EA Play Volta Squad Boost and FUT Season XP Boost.
Outlast 2 (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 6
Sequel to the acclaimed survival horror game Outlast, set within the same universe as the first game, but with different characters and a different setting, Outlast 2 is a twisted new journey into the depths of the human mind and its dark secrets.
Steep (Cloud and Console) – May 6
Ride a massive open world across the Alps, where the powder is always fresh, and the run never ends. Tame the wilderness on the American continent in Alaska, a new region filled with challenges. The mountain is yours to explore. So, strap in, suit up, and drop in.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (Console and PC) – May 13
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster brings the timeless classics forward to the current generation of fans, old and new alike. Fully immerse yourself in the World of Spira as you enjoy over 100 combined hours of gameplay across the two classic titles.
Just Cause 4: Reloaded (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 13
Just Cause 4 Reloaded delivers an expansive and explosive experience with new weapons, vehicles, and gear included! Soar through the skies at high speeds using the Skystriker Weaponized Wingsuit or cruise the roads of Solís using the Deathstalker Scorpion Muscle Car.
Psychonauts (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 13
A psychic adventure from the mind of Tim Schafer. Psychonauts follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. Explore the fantastic realm of the inner mind – Join the Psychonauts!
Red Dead Online (Cloud and Console) – May 13
Join millions of fellow players in Red Dead Online, now packed with years’ worth of new features, gameplay, and additional enhancements. Step into a vibrant, ever-evolving world and experience life across frontier America. Forge your own path as you chase down bounties, battle outlaw gangs and other players; hunt, fish and trade, search for exotic treasures, run Moonshine, and much more to discover in a world of astounding depth and detail.
Remnant: From the Ashes (PC) – May 13
The world has been thrown into chaos by an ancient evil from another dimension. As one of the last remnants of humanity, you must set out alone or alongside up to two other survivors to face down hordes of deadly enemies to try to carve a foothold, rebuild, and retake what was lost.
SnowRunner (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 18
SnowRunner puts you in the driver’s seat of powerful vehicles as you conquer extreme open environments with the most advanced terrain simulation ever. Drive over 40 vehicles from brands such as Ford, Chevrolet, and Freightliner as you leave your mark on an untamed open world.
Peggle 2 (Cloud) EA Play – May 20
Peggle 2 is a magical game full of bouncing balls, magical pegs, and bricks made of pure compressed joy! Test your luck and skill by clearing pegs, bashing bricks, and timing your shots just right to achieve extreme fever!
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (Cloud) EA Play – May 20
Ready the Juice Cannons and prepare for battle! Unearth 20 fully customizable character classes, tackle hilarious missions, defeat epic bosses, go all-out against friends and foes in six PvP modes, including Battle Arena, and more. Experience the unbeleafable thrills of combat today with EA Play!
Secret Neighbor (PC) – May 20
Secret Neighbor is a suspenseful multiplayer horror game where a group of kids try to rescue their friend from the Neighbor’s creepy basement – the only problem is one of the kids is the Neighbor in disguise.
The Wild at Heart (Console and PC) – May 20
Day one with Xbox Game Pass! The Wild at Heart is a whimsical story centered around two children that escape to a fantastical land filled with magical creatures to befriend and an oddball order of guardians who’ve lost their way. Explore a beautiful, handcrafted world full of charming puzzles and deep secrets. Welcome to the Deep Woods. 
The Catch: Carp & Coarse Fishing (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 21
With 35 species to hunt, you’ll have to work up your strategy and tactics to catch every boss fish. To succeed you’ll need to choose your angling spot, based on time of day, weather conditions and perfect equipment, before casting out to battle and catch these elusive creatures.
Knockout City (Console and PC) EA Play – May 21
Day one with Xbox Game Pass for PC and Ultimate with EA Play! Calling all brawlers! Team up and duke it out in Knockout City, where epic dodgeball battlers settle the score in team-based multiplayer matches. Throw, catch, pass, dodge, and tackle your way to dodgeball dominance!
Maneater (Cloud, Console, and PC) – May 25
Maneater is a single-player action RPG, set in the Gulf Coast’s unforgiving waters. Fight to survive in the open ocean, swamps, and rivers with danger lurking at every depth. Your only tools are your wits, your jaws, and an uncanny ability to evolve as you feed.
Conan Exiles (Cloud and Console) – May 27
Alone and naked in a hostile land, your first task is simply to survive. Then you must build a stronghold and gather your allies. And from there, you can set out to dominate your enemies. Conan Exiles is a single and multiplayer survival game, set in a massive open-world sandbox with mythical beasts, perilous dungeons, and the freedom to play whichever way you like.
Fuzion Frenzy (Cloud) – May 27
The Xbox original Fuzion Frenzy combines the continuous, frenetic action of a futuristic street sport with the action-packed fun of mini-games set in a dynamic 3-D urban environment. Six arenas and more than 45 mini-games provide plenty of competitive fun for up to four players.
Joy Ride Turbo (Cloud) – May 27
Joy Ride Turbo is an arcade racer delivering precision handling, speed, and crazy stunt mayhem! In the Stunt Park, show off your skills or explore and find collectibles that unlock cars, giving you an edge for faster races and death-defying stunts.
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries (Console) – May 27
Welcome to the year 3015! It’s a hell of a time to be alive. Humanity has colonized thousands of star systems, war is everywhere, and the battlefields of the future are dominated by hulking machines known as BattleMechs. It’s dangerous work for the elite pilots of these metal monstrosities, but that’s why a power-hungry MechWarrior like you came here, right? If you’re looking to blast, wreck, stomp – and profit – step inside! 
Slime Rancher (PC) – May 27
Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes. With a can-do attitude, plenty of grit, and her trusty vacpack, Beatrix attempts to stake a claim, amass a fortune, and avoid the continual peril that looms from the rolling, jiggling avalanche of slimes around every corner!
Solasta: Crown of the Magister (PC) – May 27
Discover the shattered world of Solasta. Explore ruins and dungeons for legendary treasures, learn the truth of an age-old cataclysm, and stop it from happening again. Tailor your squad to your preferred strategy and maximize your party’s abilities in classic tabletop RPG tradition. The choice is yours.
SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest (PC) – May 27
Make your mark in the chaotic world of Nortander in SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest. Explore and prosper, build and lead armies, develop your character, and defend the throne in this story of renegades and rebellion.
The post Xbox Game Pass: New Games for May 2021 Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3e8utqM
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hariet3-blog · 4 years
Most modern catamaran dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour
Experience a sought after dinner  cruise on Sydney Harbour onboard a crowd  favourite Magistic Cruises. The cruise bestows a scrumptious buffet with hot  & cold dishes, desserts, fresh seafood and premium beverages. The  unending photo opportunities of prominent structures and uninterrupted views  of the Sydney Harbour from the external decks of the catamaran is one of the  specialties of Magistic cruises
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charlottemaxwell · 5 years
Celebrating Valentine’s Day Like A Celebrity in Sydney!
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Valentine’s Day 2020 is just around the corner and this year, it falls on a Friday. You must be strapped for ideas on how to spoil your partner and in the grand scheme of all things couple-y, you’re not alone! There are several other couples struck by Cupid’s arrow, confused on how to spend this annual day of love. We recommend spending the entire weekend along the shores of the world’s prettiest harbour, celebrating the spirit of your love and togetherness- like a celebrity! 
Clearview Sydney Harbour Valentine’s Day Dinner Cruise 
Step up the romance game with a Valentine’s Day dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour’s one-and-only dining glass boat venue. Sweep your partner off their feet with a Valentine’s Day dinner cruise- this grand romantic gesture is luxury redefined. 
It’s a candlelight dinner with a difference- enjoy spectacular 360° of the Sydney Harbour from this Valentine’s Day dinner cruise. The intimate setting with limited guests onboard assures you a Valentine’s Day dinner plan unlike any other! Come celebrate the Clearview way! 
2. Celebrating A Bloody Good Relationship With One Too Many Bloody Marys At A Sydney Favourite!
Bloody Mary’s Sydney- the name says all you need to know. Have some bloody good Bloody Marys made with tomato juice that’s prepared freshly in-house. Cure last night’s hangover (or get a headstart on tomorrow’s) here with tons of booze and good food! 
3. Celebrating Your Love With The Children With The Ultimate Family Valentine’s Day Out! 
Parents of young kids, who can’t really afford a babysitter on Valentine’s Day, fret now, we’ve got plans for you too! Celebrate love with the entire family- the spouse and the kids- with a memorable day out. Whether you plan on going to the beach, a volleyball, BBQ and toys in tow or heading out to the zoo or a Magistic family-friendly Valentine’s Day dinner cruise, a lot of bonding is sure to happen. 
You’ll be glad you did this with the little ones! 
4. Spill The Tea At Tea Room
Nothing quite as elegant as a high-tea in a classy setting and the Tea Room in Sydney is just the place for that. Housed inside the iconic Queen Victoria building in Sydney, experience European elegance this Valentine’s Day. The opulent setting complete with ornate crystal chandeliers offers world-class cuisine is an unparalleled gourmet dining experience in Sydney.
The palatial setting and the gourmet menu makes for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day with your loved one! Dress up and be a little fancy to celebrate the day of love this year!  
5. Embrace The Cringe- The Cliche Yet Romantic Valentine’s Day Plan- Flowers, Chocolates, Movie and Dinner!
There’s a reason why something’s been done time and time again- it works! Embrace the cliche Valentine’s Day plans. Spoil your partner with a bouquet of their favourite flowers (or a forever rose) and a box of chocolates when they wake up in the morning. Take them out on a good ol’ fashioned movie date and end the night with a great dinner! Sometimes, it just needs to be that simple! 
Go on and celebrate your love for each other with these great Valentine’s Day ideas in Sydney!
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scarletstarkthings · 5 years
Unique Venue Ideas In Sydney
If you’re on the  lookout for a conference  venue in Sydney, you will come across a plethora of options ranging  from restaurants, auditoriums, private halls and the like. Going through them  might take a while and after you’ve figured out a venue, you will have issues  with choosing a catering service and for beverages for your guests. Only more  problems arise afterwards, with arranging transportation for guests from and  to the venue and/or drop off for your special guests. Even if you aren’t  planning specifically for a conference, but just a function venue for hire in Sydney,  chances are that the problems that you’ll face are going to be similar. How  does one then have all of these issues sorted one go? Is there an easy option  which you can go for that solves all of these issues about a hiring a party venue in Sydney  in one go?
 Enter boats on Sydney  Harbour. With at least a couple of hundred options for you to choose from,  boats come in different sizes and shapes and tailor-made for functions of  different kinds. Hiring a  boat on Sydney Harbour isn’t that huge a task either, with multiple  charter agencies in picture that can help you ease the process of hiring a function venue in Sydney phenomenally.  First there are the crowd favourite catamarans, that are usually chartered  for smaller events for up to 40 guests (There are multi-million dollar  Catamarans such as the famous Magistic II which can have up to 330 guests on  board for a cocktail-style cruise on Sydney Harbour too), followed by larger  party boats that can cater for up to 500 guests, the popular choice as conference venues on Sydney  Harbour. Glass boats are the latest addition to the waters of  Sydney Harbour, with its unique 360° view of the Sydney Harbour being the  ideal setting for more professional events for up to 950 guests on board.  Other unique vessels on Sydney Harbour include sail boats, tall ships and  smaller glass-boat like catamarans and many more that can accommodate various  numbers of guests.
 Now you know more  about the kind of vessels, but how does one go about hiring one such party venue in Sydney Harbour?  Well, charter agencies on Sydney Harbour have dedicated Charter consultants  who can listen to all of your requirements and find you a charter package  ideal for your requirements. Just let them know a tentative number of guests  who will attend your event, the kind of food and beverages requirements that  you have and your budget for the event, and leave the hard-work to them! Your  charter consultant will find you the right vessel for the requested date and  quote you based on your requirements. Once you pay a deposit amount, you will  have the date blocked on the boat’s calendar, and you have the option to pay  the rest of the amount in terms that suit you.
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Marvel at the spectacular Sydney Harbour at night
Marvel at the spectacular views of the Sydney Harbour on board a dinner cruise. Enjoy delectable dining menus onboard luxurious vessels with all-inclusive Sydney Harbour dinner cruise packages.
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The Sydney Harbour is truly magnificent; filled with sites rich in history, national parks sprawling with thriving flora & fauna and the stretches of stunning shorelines punctuated by secret picnic spots. What’s not to love?
 Make memories to last a lifetime in the world’s most beautiful harbour marvelling at the brilliant architecture and all of nature’s bounty in its abundance! A natural playground for diving, watersports and cruising- the emerald city has something for everyone.
 A great way to explore the beauty is to go on a dinner cruise along the Sydney Harbour. Dinner cruises in Sydney are now a crowd favourite- the cruise inclusions and luxury amenities on board state-of-the-art vessels pull the crowds in, deservingly bagging Sydney the #1 spot of being the best cruising city in Australia.
 The spectacular views of the Sydney Harbour set against the brilliant night sky is one of the most stunning sights that the world has to offer! The breathtaking illuminated harbour is sure to leave you transfixed. While many people choose to take in this beauty strolling along the shorelines,  Sydney Harbour dinner cruises are a fitting way to enjoy this visual treat. The dazzling sights and the vibrant harbour atmosphere teeming with activity make for a memorable evening that is sure to blow you away.
 The elegant ivory sails of the Sydney Opera House painted a light shade of gold with the lights shortly after sunset and the imposing Harbour Bridge dazzling all with its rugged handsomeness. Picture perfect views- best enjoyed on a cruise.
 The most popular Sydney dinner cruise option among tourists from around the world is the truly spectacular Sydney Showboats experience. Spice up your night with some old-world glamour on a luxury paddlewheeler that’s redefining the standards of hospitality in Sydney. Exuding the glitz of the yesteryears, take in the sights of the harbour from the wrap-around decks. Dig in to a delicious 3-course seated & served dinner with drinks and enjoy a scintillating cabaret show that takes you along a journey of music, dance and costume called ‘Voyage of Love’.
 Alternatively, a crowd-favourite among local Sydneysiders is a Sydney Harbour dinner cruise with Magistic Cruises! The expansive decks on this multi-million dollar catamaran while on a dinner cruise are the perfect vantage point to admire the beauty of the Sydney Harbour. Indulge in a delicious multi-cuisine buffet with drinks, all of which is freshly prepared on board. At an extremely budget-friendly price, this family-friendly dinner cruise in Sydney is the perfect venue for a night out with your loved ones!
 Take advantage of Sydney’s all-year round pleasant weather as you enjoy a glass of wine against the spectacular views. And just in case the weather isn’t as great as planned, enjoy the comfort of the air-conditioned saloons on the vessels.
 Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get amazed by the Sydney skyline soon after the sun sets. It’s a sight worth marvelling over and if and when you do depart Sydney, you’ll still be trying to get over the views.
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merlinjj · 5 years
Marvel at the spectacular Sydney Harbour at night
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The Sydney Harbour is truly magnificent; filled with sites rich in history, national parks sprawling with thriving flora & fauna and the stretches of stunning shorelines punctuated by secret picnic spots. What’s not to love?
 Make memories to last a lifetime in the world’s most beautiful harbour marvelling at the brilliant architecture and all of nature’s bounty in its abundance! A natural playground for diving, watersports and cruising- the emerald city has something for everyone.
 A great way to explore the beauty is to go on a dinner cruise along the Sydney Harbour. Dinner cruises in Sydney are now a crowd favourite- the cruise inclusions and luxury amenities on board state-of-the-art vessels pull the crowds in, deservingly bagging Sydney the #1 spot of being the best cruising city in Australia.
 The spectacular views of the Sydney Harbour set against the brilliant night sky is one of the most stunning sights that the world has to offer! The breathtaking illuminated harbour is sure to leave you transfixed. While many people choose to take in this beauty strolling along the shorelines,  Sydney Harbour dinner cruises are a fitting way to enjoy this visual treat. The dazzling sights and the vibrant harbour atmosphere teeming with activity make for a memorable evening that is sure to blow you away.
 The elegant ivory sails of the Sydney Opera House painted a light shade of gold with the lights shortly after sunset and the imposing Harbour Bridge dazzling all with its rugged handsomeness. Picture perfect views- best enjoyed on a cruise.
 The most popular Sydney dinner cruise option among tourists from around the world is the truly spectacular Sydney Showboats experience. Spice up your night with some old-world glamour on a luxury paddlewheeler that’s redefining the standards of hospitality in Sydney. Exuding the glitz of the yesteryears, take in the sights of the harbour from the wrap-around decks. Dig in to a delicious 3-course seated & served dinner with drinks and enjoy a scintillating cabaret show that takes you along a journey of music, dance and costume called ‘Voyage of Love’.
 Alternatively, a crowd-favourite among local Sydneysiders is a Sydney Harbour dinner cruise with Magistic Cruises! The expansive decks on this multi-million dollar catamaran while on a dinner cruise are the perfect vantage point to admire the beauty of the Sydney Harbour. Indulge in a delicious multi-cuisine buffet with drinks, all of which is freshly prepared on board. At an extremely budget-friendly price, this family-friendly dinner cruise in Sydney is the perfect venue for a night out with your loved ones!
 Take advantage of Sydney’s all-year round pleasant weather as you enjoy a glass of wine against the spectacular views. And just in case the weather isn’t as great as planned, enjoy the comfort of the air-conditioned saloons on the vessels.
 Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get amazed by the Sydney skyline soon after the sun sets. It’s a sight worth marvelling over and if and when you do depart Sydney, you’ll still be trying to get over the views.
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Satanic Bunco Sheet
Because Anton LaVey has made Satanism so popular, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. If you’re new to the Realm of Darkness, suddenly feeling the fires of Satan burning within you, be warned: there are unethical individuals out there who will prey upon you, claim to teach you how to become a Great Black Magician overnight, who will promise instructional fellowship and activities with “True Masters,” who may claim unverifiable links with the Church of Satan or other such lineage. With the continued expansion of the Internet, this situation has multiplied geometrically, so your vigilance will continue to be tested as you walk along this cyber-midway. We expect that you will develop the cold-reading abilities of a Carney, rather than the naïveté of the mark. To that end, dear apprentice, we’re showing you some of the ropes. Here’s a tip sheet to recognize pseudo- and anti-Satanic groups that have sprouted up since LaVey started the original Church of Satan:
Be Warned! There are
unethical individuals out there
who will prey upon you…”
When someone claims to have a direct line of communication with Satan, watch out. Selling that kind of mysticism is exactly how Christianity has kept people enslaved in ignorance for centuries. It’s one of the things we’re fighting against.
Look out for jargon and secrets to which only the “initiated” can be privy. Once you’re processed through the lengthy and strictly-enforced “degree system,” you’ll discover there are really no answers, just more gobbledygook. If they have something worthwhile to say, they’ll say it. If they don’t, they’ll pretend they do anyway.
Check the copyright date. Much of the esoterica you may receive from supposed Masters as “wisdom” or “revelation” comes directly from Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan, or our affiliates. Don’t accept the inducements you may receive as emanating from some great brain, when they most likely were cribbed from material released by us weeks, months or years ago. If mainstream writers crib material daily, it can be expected that occultnik hacks would be the first to do likewise. The difference between legit writers doing it and Daimon Oleaginous doing it is that the “Daimon” sprinkles his articles with sour-grapes attacks on the Church of Satan while stealing from us. That’s Christianity—tearing down the “other guys,” who don’t have the “true message.” It boils down to more parasitism; without us these ersatz Satanists would shrivel up and blow away.
The most parasitic “Satanic” newsletters invariably contain a liberal dose of LaVey-baiting. Their editors’ masochistic requirements are exercised as “lively exchange.” Their mainstay is often the reprinting of any letter, pro or con, from anyone capable of grasping a writing implement or poking at a computer or typewriter key. When responding to such transparent tactics, it’s our policy to preface rebuttals with two acknowledgments:
Most pseudo-Satanic groups are short-lived, running out of money, enthusiasm or suckers before too long. An easier game comes along and they’re off in a new direction.
How do they deal with Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan? This is tricky—some current groups play the Christian game of handing out laurels with one hand while stabbing their progenitor in the back with the other. Others aren’t so subtle, boldly claiming to be the “true” or “evolved” Church of Satan. To make their rationale work, they must somehow convince you that the author of The Satanic Bible wasn’t practicing pure Satanism, that his Church has gone awry in the hands of his successors, and that their new (or “authentically historic”) brand is now the straight stuff. Still others just ignore Anton LaVey altogether and hope you won’t notice.
Be wary of the approach of “You probably aren’t smart enough to join us.” The only way you can prove them wrong is by joining! From the first material you get, you feel you have to prove and defend yourself. Don’t be fooled by flashy web graphics, big words, nice typing and/or fancy paper...and plenty of it. True Satanism builds the ego, it doesn’t tear it down.
Beware of cults offering sex orgies and drugs, or killing animals in the name of Satan. As you well know, these are not part of Satanic practices. The leaders are copying the lame-brain spook stories from Geraldo or Oprah and obviously know less than you do. Use common sense. Don’t let someone take advantage of you for his or her own perversity; examine motives carefully.
Carefully examine any groups who set themselves up as intermediaries between you and Satanism, who claim that they can instruct you on how to be a Satanist. Anton LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible, as well as his other works, in such a manner so that they can be directly understood—they are carnal and non-esoteric. No “teacher” is needed, no “guru” must interpret his words for you. If you are a Satanist, you’ll resonate with the concepts in his writings and know that this label is proper for the person you already are—you’re born a Satanist, you don’t become one.
Some other groups to watch out for:
“I know you’re a masochist and delight in hostile banter,” and
“Anything I write or say to you will keep you going for another six months.” The Satanic Bible advises to “question all things”—but it helps to be able to think, first.
There are those who appropriate elements of the Church of Satan, as well as those who pretend to be the Church of Satan. Their bids for attention range from clumsily photocopied newsletters to slick websites. Don’t be fooled by unauthorized Grottos, phony Orders of the Trapezoid, Silly Intercommunication Networks, First (Second or Third) Churches of Satan, various and sundry Pathetic Priests (almost always of the “High” variety—Anton LaVey once asked, “Where are all the Low Priests?”), Mangy Magisters and other bogus diabolists who are cruising for malicious business interference lawsuits while demonstrating their lack of originality. Their game is to get your attention (it is their life’s blood), and then to separate you from your money. They know little of Satanism, but to the extent that they successfully fleece the rubes, there is at least a faint glimmer of understanding.
Legitimate Grottos of the Church of Satan do at times conduct discussion groups, where those who have identified themselves as Satanists may discuss the application of the ideas presented in our basic literature. Those who offer courses to “teach” you about Satanism are attempting to fleece the gullible. Buy Anton LaVey’s books, view his videos, listen to his music, and explore the works by other Satanic leaders who he has inspired. Use your own wits to grasp them, as Dr. LaVey intended, and laugh at those foolish enough to waste their money on pompous professors.
Feminist, Wiccan-oriented, consciousness-raising groups who practice more male-bashing than magic;
New Age groups that promote LaVeyan concepts, but shun the dreaded “S” word;
Jargon-laden Christians masquerading as Satanists;
Pen-pal or lonely hearts social groups pretending to be elitists performing powerful Satanic rituals.
All of the above are subject to bitch-fights, petty jealousies, and rivalries. They are safe havens for small-minded people trying to play head games, preferring the protection of groups rather than really working to apply what Anton LaVey wrote.
This is not to say that all groups are counterproductive to Satanism as a movement; there are many which are productive, supportive branches of the Church of Satan. Like various divisions of the same army, these distinct Grottos and Orders may emphasize one Satanic image over another, but they are all aligned, in communication and working toward the same goals.
But you must be prepared to sort the truth from the misinformation. Don’t be fooled by self-declared “Masters,” whether they’re wearing white robes or black. They are attempting to misdirect and subvert whatever you’ve developed in the way of ego or identity. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Knowing this, if you choose to affiliate with any pseudo-Satanic or anti-Satanic groups, you may well find yourself disaffiliated from the Church of Satan. Forewarned is forearmed.
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avelaandi · 7 years
Keilmar: A harp & a con
The Bazaar of Silvermoon City was bustling in the early morning of summer, it was Market Day, and merchants had their tents sprawling throughout the square.  It was almost like old times, though the reality of the present was never far off.  It was crowded at the height of the hour, elves trying to find a good deal along with faces of the Forsaken and Orcs learning their way through this old tradition.  One Orc merchant was lucky enough to be a vendor this year, selling roasted meats from the Barrens.  He certainly felt honored to be there.  Unfortunately, as the new guy, it made him an easy mark.
Keilmar always made it to Market Day, it was best opportunity to gain some extra coin with minimal work.  He sat at a corner along with a worn rug with a small bowl before him and a harp in hand.  He dressed for his role rather well, in ragged clothing and bandage wrapped around his head to cover the right eye.  He played music for the people who would listen, even those who just pass by and toss a coin into the bowl.  Long ago he used to play the songs for his younger sisters.  But as far as anyone could tell, the former mage was merely a poor musician.  As the day went on his bowl gained few coppers and even a silver.  It was enough.  Rolling up for a break Keilmar carried his harp to cruise around the vendors, coming across the Orc and his cuisine.  
He smiled politely, pointing to the last plainstrider drumleg.  “That looks delicious, I’d like to take one.”  
The Orc beamed at the compliment. “You have a good eye, haha!”  Grabbing the leg from the hook, readily to give it to the elf and holding his massive hand out for payment.  “Three silver.”  
Keilmar’s hand had gripped the leg, giving a soft laugh.  “Ha, yes!” He still smiled at the rude joke.  With his other hand, he dropped coins into the Orc’s palm, realizing he was a silver short.  “Oh, no!  I’m short a coin...”  He withdrew his hand as the Orc gave a frown and sighs, speaking softly.  “I haven’t eaten in a day...”  Then he had an idea appears in his expression. “Hang onto it for me, I have a friend who owes me.  I’ll be back to pay for it, I promise!”  
The Orc was gruff.  “No pay, no drum.” Setting the leg back on the hook, he was about to write off this elf, he was not a charity service after all.  
“...Yes..  Well, to show I mean to keep my promise...  Here’s my harp for collateral.  I’ll be back in no time.”  Keilmar’s stomach growled and he gave a genuine smile to the Orc.  
The big green guy gave a suspicious look and sighed. “Fine.  But if you’re not back in twenty minutes, I don’t care how hungry you are, I will sell it.”  Taking the harp it was amusing small in his hand, placing it on top of a chest.
“Yes, yes, thank you so much!  I’ll be back in no time, not to worry!”  He took off into the crowd, round a corner as the mark was set.  It was easy to vanish among the market goers and with his current appearance no one gave him a second glance.  Keilmar kept moving through the crowd until he came across an elf dressed in the finest red robes and merely gives a polite nod and smile as he accidentally bumped into him.  “Sorry, sir..”  Now he has to trust his partner to do his part.
The elf in the red robes, a magister for appearances, walked by the vendor shops, seemingly disinterested in most of their goods.  However, he had his eyes on the Orc and the cooking meats,  spotting the harp.  “You there, Orc.  May I see that harp?”  
The Orc eyed the elf carefully, though came to the conclusion that this particular elf was rather well off.  Taking the harp he offers it to magister to examine.  He smiled though, he couldn’t turn away a potential paying customer like this one.  
The magister looked the instrument over closely and then gasped.  “Belalor!  This is a very rare antique!  I haven’t seen a Drelliasian harp in twenty years!  My good sir, I must have this harp.”  
The Orc was shocked, having seen the original owner in raggy clothing.  “It b--”  The magister cut off the Orc’s words, “I will give you five hundred gold for it.”
The Orc was silent.  That much gold for a musical instrument?  That alone would be the biggest profit he would ever see in a month.  As much as his greed told him to do it right now he was still an Orc and one must have honor.  “I can’t part with it yet.”
“I would be willing to give six hundred gold..  This is such a rare find, it should be in a museum.”  The magister protested as the Orc looked conflicted, but before the Orc could say another word he interjected again.  “But I understand if you may need to consult with someone first, it is a precious thing after all..”  He brought out a small parchment, writing down a name and gives it to the Orc.  “When you have decided please let me know at once.”  The parchment was taken he leaves, heading away from the market.
The Orc was reeling from the encounter, so much gold he could do all sorts of things with.  But his conscience nagging at him, he couldn’t just take it and thought about what to do when the musician returns.  He could not let the opportunity slip away.
It was time to finish the job.
Keilmar returned to the Orc’s tent slightly out of breath from running, holding up the three silver coins.  “Three silver, as promised!”  He smiled sheepishly, righting himself from his poor appearance.   The Orc smiled back, biting back a grin.  “So you have!”  He took the strider drum off the hook once more and was just about to offer it.  “...Say, you do look like you need a little more than just food.”  He looked to the elf trying to show he was really a nice Orc.  “And I’ve taken a liking to your harp.  How about I buy it from you.  I’ll give you more than you would get from it anywhere else!”
Keilmar look taken back.  “I couldn’t possibly sell it, that harp is all I have left.”  He still offered the silver, stomach growling terribly.  
“You shouldn’t be starving because of a harp!  And with what I will give you-you can buy another one and enough to get some new clothes, too.”  The Orc made a face and gives Keilmar the drum.  “And you can have the drum, free of charge.”  The elf took the drum and worry was plain across his face and the Orc in response to it piled some kodo and zerpha strips into a basket.  “Here, and dinner as well.”  Shoving the basket to Keilmar.  
“...A-All right.  I’ll sell it.”  His voice cracked, to lose something so close but to avoid starvation was something almost every one of the Horde could sympathize with.  The Orc gave him an understand smile and brought out a coin purse.  In front of the elf, he piled gold coins together totaling to a hundred and fifty gold.  The amount eased Keilmar’s apparent worry and had a somber smile.  “...Thank you, its like you said..  I can get another one.”  He nodded to confirm his own words and bows his head to the Orc.
“Yes, and you will be fine, Elf.  Live another day and be strong for the Horde.”  A confident smile, the Orc waves the elf off and soon was cleaning up his stall as Keilmar moved off.  There was no doubt he would send word to the magister soon.  
Keilmar put the coin purse away and gnawed on the strider drumstick as he moved into the alleyway, food you worked for always tasted good.  The elf in the red robes was waiting for him, leaning against the wall behind some crates and merely raises a brow as Keilmar came up.  “So?”
“So here’s lunch.”  Offering the other some of the grilled zephra.  “And still fifty-fifty cut as agreed, seventy-five gold for you and seventy-five for me.”  He talked his mouth full some, eating away at the leg as his partner takes the piece offered.  
“He stiffed you on the pay then, that’s three percent of what a Drelliasian harp is worth.”  Shrugging his shoulders and partaking in the food.
Keilmar chortled.  “It’s worth a splatter of hawkstrider shit.”
The two looked at each other and laughed.  Despite the small haul, their con was successful.  He divided up the coins in their plain view, even split the rest of the food even.  They two went their separate ways as always until the next Market Day.  
As Keilmar rested with a full stomach he sighed.  He would need more soon, this haul won’t last him long.  Or he would need to do something different.
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