ms-paints-sometimes · 6 months
final day of @jonmartinweek !! we did it y'all!!!!
day 9 prompt was au day and... you could say they got a little stuck at home...
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kinda proud of these designs! :D i love martin's stupidly large horns they're hilarious to me
also i was gonna do some pannel redraws but i don't rlly have time, maybe later :3 (if y'all want send me some homestuck pannels and i'll jmart them!)
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magstuck · 11 months
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desolation gf and worm wife
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joestarlight · 12 years
I just realized Paul is cosplaying all three Amphoras today.
I am okay with this. Ahhhh it feels so nice to be relaxing the morning of a con! Bless Kacie's camera and light equipment so we can do our kismesis shoot on the beach at night! I heart Magfest
Also -
yaexrae replied to your photo: #merida time!
WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO HAVING FUN NOW also you look very nice and i miss you ;w;
I'm at a con in the same hotel we will be at for Katsu!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AAAAHHHH!!!!
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magstuck · 11 months
Life and The Flesh vs. Doom and The Desolation
Life is concerned with healing, energy, growth, power and luxury - being unrestricted. Doom is concerned with harm, caution, withdrawing, equality and limits - being restricted.
The Flesh is concerned with having your body changed or destroyed or grown in some way. The Desolation is concerned with pain, loss and cruel destruction.
Life and The Flesh
The Life Aspect is about pushing past your limits - gaining power and authority and wealth, growing, rebelling, being reckless. Its symbols include animals, food and youth. The Flesh is about physically becoming more than what you are: having autonomy over your own body and doing with it what you like; rebelling against what you were born as. It is about mass farming and raising of animals for humans to consume, letting something grow so that you may use its body as energy and food for yourself. Having the power to butcher livestock whenever it's needed. Life's emblem within Homestuck is a growing plant; in The Magnus Archives, Jared Hopworth had a garden of human plants. Life and The Flesh are concerned with letting something grow and reach its full potential, even if that means pruning and removing unneeded parts.
Doom and The Desolation
The Doom Aspect is about caution and withdrawal - it is the great equaliser, setting limits for what you can do or be. If Life and The Flesh are about growing and gaining, Doom and The Desolation are about diminishing and loss. The Desolation destroys and limits what you can have - Agnes Montague cannot grow into the person she could have been, because she is restricted to being a messiah. She cannot have her own life or destiny; even falling in love with a single coffee shop worker disobeys the 'rules' of her life and only causes further destruction. The members of The Cult of the Lightless Flame enjoy destroying the lives of people who had reasons to live, and destroying things before their potential is realised. Doom's symbols literally include explosions, bombs, and fire. They destroy what you love and stop you from becoming anything more.
The Flesh and The Desolation are opposites in this system due to the above reasons. The Flesh is about mass growth, even if it disobeys the natural ecosystem, with livestock being killed en masse for humans' gain. The Desolation is about mass destruction, placing limits on people's lives and preventing them from growing and having power.
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magstuck · 11 months
Character Masterlist
❤️ Rust Caste
Agnes Montague - Seer of Doom, Derse
Jane Prentiss - Maid of Heart, Derse
Julia Montauk - Mage of Rage, Prospit
Trevor Herbert - Bard of Blood, Derse
🧡 Bronze Caste
Georgie Barker - Rogue of Rage, Prospit
John Amherst - Heir of Time, Derse
Martin Blackwood - Bard of Breath, Prospit
Tom Haan - Sylph of Doom, Derse
💛 Gold Caste
Manuela Dominguez - Maid of Void, Derse
Maxwell Rayner - Seer of Void, Prospit
Sasha James - Seer of Space, Prospit
Tim Stoker - Bard of Time, Derse
💚 Lime Caste
Jonathan Sims - Mage of Light, Derse
💚 Olive Caste
Melanie King - Thief of Heart, Derse
Michael Shelley - Mage of Hope, Prospit
Raymond Fielding - Witch of Heart, Prospit
Rosie Zampano - Rogue of Light, Prospit
💚 Jade Caste
Gertrude Robinson - Witch of Hope, Derse
Mike Crew - Knight of Breath, Derse
🩵 Teal Caste
Basira Hussain - Maid of Mind, Derse
Daisy Tonner - Knight of Rage, Prospit
Helen Richardson - Knight of Hope, Derse
Oliver Banks - Mage of Time, Prospit
💙 Blue Caste
Annabelle Cane - Witch of Mind, Prospit
Gerard Keay - Prince of Light, Prospit
Jude Perry - Thief of Life, Prospit
Mary Keay - Thief of Space, Derse
💙 Indigo Caste
Jared Hopworth - Heir of Life, Derse
Jurgen Leitner - Page of Doom, Derse
Mikaele Salesa - Rogue of Life, Prospit
Peter Lukas - Page of Breath, Derse
💜 Purple Caste
Breekon and Hope - Sylph of Blood, Prospit
Nikola Orsinov - Prince of Blood, Derse
NotThem - Heir of Mind, Prospit
Simon Fairchild - Sylph of Space, Prospit
💜 Violet Caste
Jonah Magnus - Prince of Void, Prospit
Elias Bouchard (original) - Page of Hope, Derse
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magstuck · 11 months
Light and The Eye vs. Void and The Dark
Light is concerned with awareness, perception, information and importance. Void is concerned with indifference, confusion, secrets and irrelevance.
The Eye is concerned with the fear of being watched, exposed and having secrets known. The Dark is concerned with the fear of what may lurk in the dark.
Light and The Eye
Light is about exposing things - shining a light on something, and letting all of the information about it be known. Its symbols include light itself, luck and eyes. The Eye is about the fear of having too much importance, focus and attention placed upon you: having all of your information exposed. Light's connection with luck relates to The Eye in the sense that, if something lucky or unlucky happens to you, more eyes are placed on you (see: tripping over in public, winning the lottery). Jonathan Sims is a very good example of a Light player: he reads through statements aloud and exposes all of their information - even getting his assistants to find out more data about the statement - and his marks were often due to him being 'unlucky' (while The Web helped those events happen, the original mark of A Guest For Mr. Spider could not be more unfortunate).
Void and The Dark
Void is about keeping things hidden; obfuscating them. Its symbols include darkness, water or liquids, and pumpkins. The Dark is about the fear of not knowing what's hidden in the darkness. Its followers want to create a world of pure darkness, where nothing can be seen or known. Manuela Dominguez states, 'My work back then was a betrayal of my principles [of The Dark], for what is research and study if not doing the work of the light, taking what is true and hidden and rendering it revealed and imperfect'. The idiom 'keeping someone in the dark' means not letting them in on knowledge. The Dark also shares the symbol of water and liquid alongside Void, with Maxwell Rayner being drowned in a pool of dark water and Julia Montauk falling into a similar liquid when encountering the Church.
The Eye and The Dark are opposites in this system due to the above reasons. The symbol of The People's Church of the Divine Host is quite literally a closed eye.
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magstuck · 11 months
Breath and The Vast/Lonely vs. Blood and The Buried/Corruption
Breath is concerned with freedom, movement, detachment and apathy. Blood is concerned with unity, attachment, obligation and responsibility.
The Vast is concerned with being in open empty spaces, falling, and insignificance, and The Lonely is concerned with isolation and being alone or disconnected. The Buried is concerned with being crushed and drowned, both literally and figuratively, and The Corruption is concerned with being part of a whole; unhealthy love and companionship.
Breath and The Vast/Lonely
The symbols representing Breath are very similar to the concepts involved in The Vast - wind and flight. Open skies where you can go anywhere you want to, being untethered to the ground. Breath's concepts of indifference and detachment relate to The Vast's realisation that you are a speck within the greatness of the universe - that nothing you do really matters in the grand scheme of things.
Breath is free and disconnected - if The Vast represents the idea of nothing holding you down, The Lonely represents the idea of no one holding you down. The Lonely lets people get away from the responsibility of other people, of being truly free and independent. When you have no one relying on you, or no one to rely on, you can move anywhere and do anything without repercussion. The Lonely is even related to memory loss - becoming free from yourself.
Blood and The Buried/Corruption
Blood's symbols involve metal shackles and chains (representation of being physically bound to something or someone), and The Buried's most prevalent form is the Coffin, which is literally secured in metal chains. Both rely on being weighed down in some way, either by literal dirt or by responsibility and obligation. Those that embrace The Buried find comfort in being held down and compressed; becoming one with the earth. However, responsibility and obligation can be suffocating if you aren't prepared for it.
Blood is related to stability, connection, dependence and attachment. The Corruption has strong ties to being one part of a larger whole, of playing your role within your group (whether that be a swarm, hive or family). It is letting yourself be relied upon and relying on others, because then you're truly loved and wanted. You're needed. Becoming a host for a parasite means you are obligated to stay alive and let yourself be controlled, to be used to further its goals, to help it. Your decaying body is needed as food for fungi and worms and bacteria.
Being Buried and becoming part of the ground and being Corrupted by rot after death both let the cycle of life continue through creating and feeding more life: if you didn't do those things, was your existence as worthwhile as it could have been?
So, to make the Entities work as parallels for the Aspects, four Entities had to pair up. I think Vast & Lonely and Buried & Corruption work quite well together thematically. Being untethered and free from everything versus being obligated and deeply loved by something. Escaping the system or being a core part of the system.
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magstuck · 11 months
The Magnus Archives but they're trolls and the Entities are now Aspects.
📐 Space / The Web
⏰ Time / The End
🧠 Mind / The Stranger
🫀 Heart / The Slaughter
🪽 Hope / The Spiral
👿 Rage / The Hunt
💨 Breath / The Vast & The Lonely
🩸 Blood / The Buried & The Corruption
🌱 Life / The Flesh
🤖 Doom / The Desolation
☀️ Light / The Eye
🌑 Void / The Dark
Note: Characters being aligned with a certain Entity doesn't mean they're automatically assigned to its corresponding Aspect. The most it does is predispose them to that Aspect and vice versa. eg. Annabelle Cane is a Mind player that serves the Space aspect; Daisy Tonner is a Rage player that serves Rage.
[Header ID: The Extended Zodiac aspect wheel edited to have emojis representing each Magnus Archives fear instead of Homestuck aspects. End ID.]
[Avatar ID: A pixel sprite of Jonathan Sims as a troll, wearing the outfit of a Mage of Light. He has long hair, glasses and tall curved horns. End ID.]
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magstuck · 11 months
Hope and The Spiral vs. Rage and The Hunt
Hope is concerned with belief, even in improbable ideas. It is concerned with many possibilities, saying 'yes' to anything. Rage is concerned with shutting down beliefs and criticising improbable ideas. It is concerned with a single truth, saying 'no' to anything else.
The Spiral is concerned with madness - believing in something that isn't true; being unsure of which reality/possibility is the right one. The Hunt is concerned with the chase and becoming prey - focusing on a single person or thing and chasing it forever: having a one-track mind.
Hope and The Spiral
Hope is concerned with unconditional trust, faith and naive optimism - saying 'yes' to anything because it will turn out alright in the end, so why worry? It thinks that even in dire circumstances, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The Spiral is concerned with things related to the impossible - never-ending fractals, doors that open to places they shouldn't. It relies on people's uncertainty on whether those things are truly impossible. Those that 'won' against the spiral (like Michael and Helen) got through to the end of the tunnel by sheer determination and hope: Michael used his map and brute-forced his way through, and Helen never gave up trying to escape. Those that enter the Distortion willingly have hope that it will be safe on the other side.
The Spiral's opposition is cold, hard truth, as represented by Rage. The Distortion is permanently altered by Gertrude using a completely accurate map of its corridors, and in the Monument domain, academics tried to puzzle out the underlying truth behind the ever-shifting maze. Rage's truth is resisted by The Spiral's lies and deceit.
Rage and The Hunt
Rage is concerned with unconditional fear, refusal and despair - saying 'no' to anything that goes against its truth. It thinks that everything will turn out wrong and bad. Complete pessimism compared to Hope's complete optimism. The Hunt is concerned with being chased down - the idea that once you are hunted, there is no getting out. The focused predator never stops hunting, and the terrified prey never stops running: the only end or outcome is a negative one. When Daisy and Julia hunted each other, they didn't stop until they had completed their goal - they refused to do anything else.
Characters related to The Hunt have a general theme of fear and worry, even when not directly dealing with the Entities. Basira and Daisy are both sectioned police officers, with Section 31 causing fear among other officers. Regular officers don't want to interact with sectioned ones, with them even waiting until a sectioned officer arrives to deal with the paranormal as not to get sectioned themselves. Julia Montauk deals with fear herself, having a phobia of the dark for a long time, and fear from others, who become afraid of her when they learn about her father. Those in the Forest domain in Blood Ties keep hunting each other as they are extremely paranoid; choosing a new victim based on tiny worries and suspicions and doubts. This all relates to Rage's concepts of paranoia and fear of events not turning out well.
The Spiral and The Hunt are opposites in this system due to the above reasons. The Spiral wants you to believe in anything and everything it shows you, and The Hunt focuses on one thing and ignores everything else.
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magstuck · 11 months
Mind and The Stranger vs. Heart and The Slaughter
Mind is concerned with action instead of motivation or emotion. Heart is concerned with motivation or emotion rather than action.
The Stranger is concerned with 'people' that do things with no apparent motivation or emotion - people that act human, but they have no glint in their eye. Mannequins and wax models and taxidermy creatures can all act like the thing they represent, but they don't actually have souls. The Slaughter is concerned with emotion that has unknowable actions - soldiers that are motivated to kill but don't know when they will kill or when they will die. Anger that can attack at any moment.
Mind and The Stranger
Mind is concerned with masks/disguises, shaded glasses (covering up your eyes and thus soul), the role you play, and blending into the crowd. It is concerned with what the collective thinks is right to do. It is unbiased and emotionless. The Stranger is concerned with masks and disguises and blending in. Roles and masks are used within theatre and entertainment (which links to The Stranger's Circus), where actors say lines without necessarily feeling emotion behind those lines. They follow a script and wear someone else's identity - acting without feeling.
Heart and The Slaughter
Heart is concerned with instinct, emotions, passion, and your inner self. It is concerned with what you think is right to feel. The Slaughter is the fear of unpredictable violence, such as protecting yourself without thinking about your actions beforehand. Soldiers kill their enemies so they aren't killed themselves, and Slaughter-related characters like Melanie are very connected to their own autonomy and inner feelings, with her attacking Jon immediately after waking up from her impromptu surgery. She didn't have time to process what was happening, so she acted on impulse and emotion. Grifter's Bone compels people to murder simply by communicating incredibly strong emotion through music.
The Stranger and The Slaughter are opposites in this system due to the above ideas, as well as the fact that The Slaughter was the entity to stop The Stranger's attempt at the Unknowing in 1787, and their shared connection with music. You could also say that Tim's final action was an example of The Slaughter - he was ready to kill everyone in the wax museum just to stop The Stranger.
The Slaughter also seems to be a good weapon against The Stranger in general. The Slaughter attacks without caring who their victims are: they don't need to know who their victim is and thus don't care if that victim is human or not. Those that die on the battlefield are strangers to their killers, after all.
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magstuck · 11 months
Space and The Web vs. Time and The End
Space and Time are the two 'basic fabrics of paradox space'. They represent creation and destruction, and are fundamental to reality.
The Web and The End are the only two entities not to have a specific ritual of their own: they benefit no matter what the world is like.
Space and The Web
Space is concerned with where things are and how fast they are going: the size, dimension, and velocity of all things. The Web is concerned with where people are and what they are doing. They both see the 'big picture' and aren't focused on minute details; as long as things are where they need to be, they're happy.
In Homestuck, Space is concerned with the Genesis Frog and creating a new universe. In The Magnus Archives, The Web is concerned with marking The Archivist so that the Entities can move to a new universe.
Time and The End
Time is concerned with timelines continuing or dying, and overall it has a heavy emphasis on death or destruction. The Scratch is used to destroy the players' current session, and Time players like Dave, Caliborn and Aradia are all connected to death in some way. The End is concerned with lifetimes continuing or dying. It revolves around the idea that all things will come to an end eventually.
Time is also concerned with repetition - the beat of a song, or the turn of a cog. The End is related to repetitive concepts as well: death itself will keep happening no matter what, and the entity itself has close ties to dreaming, something that happens every time we fall asleep. There is literally a concept called circadian rhythm.
The Web and The End are opposites in this system as The Web is about 'doing things', while The End is about 'not doing things'.
They both also have links to fate - The Web's concept of 'free will vs. fate' and The End's idea that everything is fated to die eventually.
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joestarlight · 12 years
So, going to Magfest this weekend!
And by going, I mean I'm hanging out with friends and photoshooting, I have zero interest in the actual con itself and I won't have a badge. But I should, like last year, get some awesome photos! (Especially with Kacie as our photog!
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