excepttheeyes · 5 years
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James “Prongs” Potter: Born 27 March, 1960 - Died 31 October, 1981
Feel free to delete this when reblogging: But, hello friends, long time no see! Today was my first time logging in in a long while and I just want to say THANK YOU all so much for all of the kind messages that are sitting in my inbox. I miss this community a lot and am glad to still see it alive! I have a few posts sitting in my drafts that I figured I’d finally post although I’m not fully satisfied with ‘em (cause they’re the same crap I’ve always posted); but no reason for them to sit. Unfortunately my laptop that had photoshop and all of my downloaded videos/edits/etc. fried about a year and a half ago and I lost 6 years of my life from it and haven’t been able to find a new photoshop download to start over, but who knows if I can find one. Thank you all again and I hope you’re all doing well! 
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excepttheeyes · 7 years
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“One of the brightest I ever taught. Vivacious, you know. Charming girl. I used to tell her she ought to have been in my house. Very cheeky answers I used to get back, too.”
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excepttheeyes · 8 years
I’ve been getting a lot of messages about the ask I received about not posting anymore and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the outpouring of love. I am overwhelmed by how many of you went out of your way to say something kind. On that note, I have had a lot of people worrying about my mental health and I just wanted to address that and say I am perfectly okay. The feeling I got from the “hate” was more annoyance/frustration than sadness. And to add to that, me stopping was also due to the fact that I have now graduated college, am working two jobs, live with my boyfriend, and really just don’t have the time to commit that I used to. That being said, I am actually trying to put together a few edits for Remus like I did for Sirius because the stills of Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge that I’ve seen are screaming Professor Lupin to me and made me excited to do something with them. No ETA on that though. 
And on another note, I still don’t ship Sirius and Remus but isn’t this a GREAT song for those who do? 
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excepttheeyes · 8 years
Do you think you'll start posting again sometime? You've always been my absolute favourite blog on Tumblr, but don't worry if you've got stuff going on. I can understand needing to take a break, permanently or not.
Thank you so much, but honestly I don’t think so. I really do miss making stuff and sometimes I sit there and plan out gifsets, but I just got tired of putting hours or days into making things only to have people attack me for them. And it’s not fair to the people that did still like what I made, but suddenly the fandom grew enormously and I know I’m not the only one who experienced the negative change that caused. People wanted different face claims, which is fine, but some started attacking anyone who didn’t change them even though we’d been using them for years. I started to be called racist for my choices in actors, and even when I tried to add a little more diversity, I was still being called out and told it wasn’t enough. Almost overnight all the nice comments people would say became outweighed by nasty ones and people would rip things apart because they didn’t agree with them, rather than just scrolling past it. It turned into this battle I had not signed up for and then it got to the point where I had to stop and ask myself why do I keep putting so much time into something that I’m not getting anything positive out of? I loved making edits and composing the ideas in my head on the screen, but it stopped being fun to post them so I stopped putting my time into it. That being said, I still have things sitting in my drafts that I want to finish, I have lots of ideas I want to use, and sometimes I sit there with photoshop open wanting to start again so I won’t say never, but I’m not entirely tempted yet.
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excepttheeyes · 8 years
Have you read the cursed child?
*rises from grave*
Yes. I don’t want to talk about it.
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
You're a racist bitch
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
Are you going to change your Gideon and Fabian fancast now that Eddie Redmayne is Newt?
I should but I’m really really attached to it??? So I don’t know??? Maybe after trailers and stuff for the movie start coming out but it will pain me to do so??? So probably not??? I DON’T KNOW.
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
Any thoughts on how petunia reacted after they find harry on the doorstep?
This is probably a little more than you were asking for but….
Once the shock died down I think Petunia’s major feelings were probably guilt and maybe even some regret, which is what led her to take Harry in. We saw in The Prince’s Tale that Lily and Petunia were close as children, but we could also see Petunia always feared the magic Lily possessed…but she was also jealous of it, as we saw when Lily and Severus found those letters between Petunia and Dumbledore with her pleading to let her go to Hogwarts too. So after she found she couldn’t go, she began to resent Lily and I think a small part of her was hurt that Lily chose to go off to school and leave her behind. And then having Muggle parents, naturally they were enthralled by the tales Lily had to tell about her time at school, which would make Petunia feel left out and her resentment continued to grow (”But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!“). It grew so much that she began to hate magic and everything and everyone associated with it, leading her to strive for normalcy. She found it in Vernon Dursley, who was a normal man, with a normal job, and they lived in a normal house in a normal neighborhood and had a normal son. 
But still, Lily was her sister, and it did seem like she tried to keep some kind of relationship with her even after she went off to Hogwarts…but it seemed to always go wrong. Lily mentions in her letter to Sirius that young Harry smashed a horrible vase Petunia had sent her for Christmas which, although Lily found it ugly, was a bit more thoughtful than the old socks, single tissue, etc. Harry got. Also, we know there was that dinner that went horribly between James, Lily, Vernon and Petunia, and then Petunia refused to let Lily be a bridesmaid at her wedding and Vernon refused to talk to James at the reception, calling him “some kind of amateur magician” within earshot, which was probably the last straw for both parties, and was probably the last time they saw each other face-to-face. The last correspondence between the Lily and Petunia was that Harry had been born, which Petunia threw away immediately. 
And suddenly one day Petunia goes to put out the milk bottles and finds a baby on her doorstep. A baby, who was most likely startled awake by her scream, blinking up at her with a nasty cut on its forehead and her sisters bright, green eyes. She probably snatched Harry up and brought him inside, not wanting the neighbors, no doubt peering out their windows to discover the source of the scream, to see a baby sitting on their doorstep. Vernon would have come hurtling down the stairs asking what was wrong, and started stammering at the baby in her arms. She would have plucked up the letter in Harry’s blankets and read it very quickly. And then she read it again, more slowly. And one more time to ensure the words on the page were real. 
Did she want Harry? No. Did she love him like her own son? Obviously not. But she took him. Lily had died for her son, and if Petunia did not take him in, it may have been for nothing. Harry would still be in danger, but she understood that by allowing Harry a place under her roof, it would seal the blood magic Lily’s death had left on him and keep him safe, at least for now. Petunia had already lost her sister over a year before, but now her sister was truly gone. Not just dead, but hunted down and murdered. Petunia never knew the danger Lily was in, and she probably felt guilty for that. Her sister had been targeted, forced into hiding, and murdered in her own home, and Petunia hadn’t the faintest idea until then. Petunia may have resented Lily but surely she never wanted her dead. But she was gone. And so were Lily and Petunia’s parents. She was the only one who could help Harry, and begrudgingly she took him. Harry, who would be a constant reminder of her sister and the world she could never be a part of, knowing one day he too would get go off to the school she never could. But she took him.
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
Thoughts on POC!Hermione?
Not my personal preference but I have nothing against those who see her that way. And I must say some of the fan art people are churning out with POC!Hermione is truly stunning. 
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
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“Now, my three friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month. I made up all sorts of stories. I told them that my mother was ill, and that I had to go home to see her... I was terrified they would desert me the moment they found out what I was. But of course, they worked out the truth... and they didn't desert me at all. Instead, they did something for me that would make my transformations not only bearable, but the best times of my life. They became Animagi."
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
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"This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"
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excepttheeyes · 9 years
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"'Well, hello, Peter,' said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. 'Long time, no see.'"
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excepttheeyes · 10 years
why do you make peter skinny
because I want to watch the world burn apparently 
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excepttheeyes · 10 years
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excepttheeyes · 10 years
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"I am sorry too. Sorry I will never know him...but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life."
Luke Newberry as Teddy Lupin
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excepttheeyes · 10 years
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In order of appearance: Frank Longbottom (Jim Sturgess), Caradoc Dearborn (Idris Elba), James Potter (Aaron Johnson), Lily Potter (Karen Gillan), Sirius Black (Ben Barnes), Marlene McKinnon (Freya Mavor), Gideon Prewett (Eddie Redmayne), Dorcas Meadowes (Oona Chaplin), Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin (Andrew Garfield), Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Alice Longbottom (Carey Mulligan), Peter Pettigrew (Josh Bolt), Fabian Prewett (Eddie Redmayne).
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excepttheeyes · 10 years
so i was wondering does anyone besides Dumbledore look at the permission forms for Hogsmeade? because wouldn't everyone else besides Dumbledore like freak out if they saw Harry's permission form that said I, Sirius Black, give Harry Potter permission to go to Hogsmeade?
I always figured the heads of houses take care of their houses permission forms, meaning McGonagall would have been the one to see it, which would have been fine since she was in the Order.
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