#magura v5 sea drones
tomorrowusa · 3 months
Yet another Russian warship is sleeping with the fishes. Vladimir Putin, his minion Donald Trump, and his minion "MAGA Mike" Johnson are all in tears.
This time it's a missile-corvette called the Sergey Kotov. It is a relatively new vessel, having been commissioned just over 19 months ago. It was hit by MAGURA V5 sea drones built and operated by Ukraine. The Sergey Kotov sank off the coast of Feodosiya (also transliterated as Feodosia) in Russian-occupied Crimea.
It will not be easy to replace this vessel.
Another Month. Another Russian Warship, Blown Up On The Black Sea. Ukraine’s drone boats are relentless.
The 308-foot, 1,700-ton Project 22160 corvette reportedly sank off of Feodosiya in southeastern Crimea. If confirmed, the sinking would extend the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s losing streak as Russia’s wider war on Ukraine grinds into its third year. Since February 2022 the Ukrainians have blown up or sunk four Russian landing ships, a cruiser, a submarine, a supply ship, several patrol boats and small landing craft and now two missile-corvettes.
Why these sinkings in the Black Sea are significant.
Russian shipyards still manage to build large submarines, but they struggle to build surface warships heavier than a few thousand tons. And while the Russians might eventually be able to construct a new Project 22160 to replace Sergei Kotov, they wouldn’t be able to sail the new ship into the Black Sea. That’s because the only major waterway in and out of the Black Sea—the Bosporus Strait—is controlled by Turkey, a NATO member. And, during wartime, Turkey doesn’t allow any warships into the Black Sea. Allied or enemy.
This was not a short distance operation. The drones had to travel around the southern tip of occupied Crimea.
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A reminder that today is Day 741 of Putin's 3-day genocidal "special operation" in Ukraine. Wars don't end because people on social media get tired of them.
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blueiskewl · 3 months
Ukraine Destroys Russia’s Brand-New $65 Million Warship Sergei Kotov
Ukraine has destroyed the newest patrol ship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, the $65 million Sergei Kotov, and left pro-Kremlin war reporters sulking.
“As a result of a strike by Magura V5 maritime drones, the Russian Project 22160 ship Sergei Kotov received damage to the stern, starboard and left sides,” Ukrainian military intelligence said in a statement.
“The fewer such ships, the fewer anti-aircraft missile systems will be deployed on them, meaning more opportunities for Ukrainian security and defense forces,” spokesman Andriy Yusov told local media, adding that more than 10 ambulances were spotted rushing to help the evacuated crew members. At least seven crew members were killed, Ukrainian authorities said.
Audio of what Ukraine described as an intercepted radio communication also appeared to capture a Russian commander reporting on the “tragic event” and destruction of the ship, lamenting that a helicopter had also been obliterated in the nighttime attack near the Kerch Strait.
The 308-foot, 1,700-ton ship entered the Black Sea Fleet in July 2022.
Russia’s Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the incident, though pro-Kremlin military bloggers begrudgingly admitted that Ukraine had pulled off the attack.
“If it continues like this, the Black Sea Fleet will have only catamarans and rubber banana boats for vacationers. It’s fucked,” wrote one popular pro-war Telegram channel.
The Sergei Kotov had been targeted in three previous attacks by Ukrainian forces before finally being taken out this time around. Noting that Russia had plenty of defenses in place to protect the ship, pro-war propagandist Alexander Kots said that “unfortunately, the enemy is also evolving.”
“The crew fought heroically until the end. … But this time it is a story without a happy ending,” he wrote on social media.
“The ship ‘Sergei Kotov’ sunk,” wrote former Vladimir Putin adviser Sergei Markov, calling it part of a “new type of war” in which “what matters most are the multitude of drones, space reconnaissance, and electronic warfare.”
“This is where we need to overtake the West,” he said.
By Allison Quinn.
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Very good news: Russian big landing ship Caesar Kunikov (BDK-64) destroyed by by Ukrainian MAGURA V5 sea drones  near the city of Alupka in Crimea, Ukraine, February 14, 2024. Screenshot from video published by NEWSADER
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collapsedsquid · 5 months
A dramatic new view released by the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence Directorate (GUR) shows several of its uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) strike and sink the Russian Tarantul-III class missile corvette Ivanovets. The attack took place Wednesday night local time on the Black Sea near Lake Donuzlav in western Crimea, the GUR said on its Telegram channel. A 128-second video posted on Twitter shows what appears to be a complex attack on the Ivanovets by what Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, commander of GUR, told us were Maritime Autonomous Guard Unmanned Robotic Apparatus (MAGURA V5) USVs operated by the GUR’s Group 13 drone unit. [...] Created by the Ukrainian state enterprise “SpetsTechnoExport,” the MAGURA V5 is a 5.5 meter (18 feet)-long USV with a range of 450 nautical miles, a cruising speed of 22 knots and a burst speed of 42 knots thanks to its waterjet propulsion and streamlined hull, according to according to the Ukrainian Militarnyi media outlet. Sitting a half meter (1.6 feet) above the waterline with a payload capacity of 320 kilograms (705 pounds), the Magura V5 packs a significant punch in a hard-to-spot USV. The company says it communicates via mesh radio with an air-based repeater and/or SATCOM.
Every time they do one of these big strikes it always seems like they're using their own home-made equipment
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
A Russian patrol ship has been destroyed off the coast of Crimea after being attacked by Ukrainian sea drones in another blow to Russia’s Black Sea fleet.
The ship – the £51million-valued Sergey Kotov, a Project 22160 patrol vessel – was struck by several of Ukraine’s Magura V5 naval drones, according to Ukrainian military intelligence service Gur.
The service said the Sergey Kotov “suffered damage to the stern, right and left sides” before it sank near the Kerch Strait in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
A Gur spokesperson, Andriy Yusov, said: “As for the crew, the details are being clarified – there are dead and wounded, but it is likely that some of the crew managed to evacuate.”
In a statement on social media, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence said: “+1 Russian ship was upgraded to a submarine.
“Tonight, military intelligence’s special unit, ‘Group 13’, attacked the patrol ship of the Russian Black Sea fleet… Nice start of the day! Great job, warriors.”
Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk said “right now, this ship is on the seabed” and claimed a helicopter may have sunk alongside it.
While Ukrainian intelligence official told Radio Svoboda that Russian sailors on board the vessel had been injured or killed.
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warhorsehistory · 10 months
Magura V5 Sea Drones: Ukraine's Secret Weapon In The Black Sea Against Russia
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jenniferlinda76 · 14 days
The Black Sea Drone War: A David and Goliath Struggle with Global Implications
The Black Sea, once a shared resource and vital trade route, has become a contested battleground in the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. A new weapon has emerged that's tipping the scales in Ukraine's favor: domestically-produced naval drones. These unmanned vehicles (UAVs) are proving surprisingly effective against the larger, more traditional vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
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Ukraine's Drone Arsenal Takes Flight
News of Ukrainian-made naval drones targeting Russian military boats first surfaced in September 2022. Since then, these UAVs have become a constant threat, forcing Russia to adapt its strategies. The exact specifications of these drones remain undisclosed for security reasons, but reports suggest they are:
Relatively small and fast: This makes them difficult targets for traditional radar and anti-aircraft defenses.
GPS-independent: Ukrainian special forces claim to have developed technology allowing the drones to operate without GPS, making them immune to Russian jamming efforts.
Capable of carrying explosives: These drones function as kamikaze weapons, inflicting significant damage on their targets.
The most well-known Ukrainian drone seems to be the MAGURA V5, credited with destroying several Russian vessels. However, there are likely other models in Ukraine's arsenal, each with its own strengths and functionalities.
Striking a Blow: Attacks on Russian Vessels
The first major reported success of Ukrainian naval drones came in November 2022, when they allegedly sank two Ukrainian-made naval drones to target Russian vessels landing ships docked in occupied Crimea. This attack signaled a new phase in the war, highlighting the vulnerability of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Since then, there have been numerous reports of drone attacks on Russian vessels. In February 2024, Ukraine claimed responsibility for destroying the warship Ivanovets and damaging the landing ship Caesar Kunikov using jet ski-powered drones. Later that month, another drone attack reportedly sank the frigate Sergei Kotov.
Most recently, on May 30th, 2024, Ukrainian forces used naval drones to target two Russian patrol boats near Crimea. Footage released by Ukraine shows a drone dodging heavy gunfire before striking its target. This attack highlights the evolving tactics of Ukrainian drone warfare, showcasing their ability to operate under fire.
Impact on Ukrainian Ports and the Black Sea Economy
The war has devastated Ukraine's Black Sea ports, with Odessa and Mariupol facing heavy bombardment and blockades by the Russian Navy. This has crippled Ukrainian exports and disrupted global food supplies, particularly wheat and corn.
However, the successful deployment of naval drones offers a glimmer of hope for Ukraine. By contesting Russian control of the Black Sea, Ukraine can potentially reopen vital trade routes and alleviate the economic strain of the war. Furthermore, the success of these drones could encourage other countries facing naval challenges to explore similar technologies.
Challenges and the Road Ahead
Despite their effectiveness, Ukrainian drone warfare faces challenges. Russia is likely to adapt its defenses, implementing stronger electronic countermeasures and deploying drone-hunting technologies. Additionally, the production capacity of Ukrainian drones remains unknown. Can they maintain a steady stream of these UAVs to counter a potential Russian escalation?
The future of the Black Sea hinges on the ongoing battle between Ukrainian drones and the Russian Navy. If Ukraine can maintain its technological edge and continue disrupting Russian control, it could significantly alter the course of the war. However, the conflict is far from over, and both sides are likely to refine their strategies in the coming months.
Looking Forward: A New Era of Naval Warfare?
The Black Sea conflict offers a glimpse into the future of naval warfare. Drone technology is rapidly evolving, and its success in Ukraine suggests a potential shift away from traditional battleships towards smaller, more agile unmanned vessels. This raises questions about the future role of large navies and the need for international regulations governing the development and use of armed drones at sea.
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The war in Ukraine has undoubtedly been a tragedy, but it has also accelerated advancements in military technology. The story of the Black Sea drones serves as a reminder of the potential for innovation to reshape the way wars are fought, with significant implications for global security.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 month
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In February 2024, Ukraine reported a pack of six Magura V5 drones attacked and then sank the large landing ship Tsezar Kunikov close to Russian territorial waters in Alupka according to a report from Reuters. 
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"Today, more security in the Black Sea and more motivation for our people were added.
This is important… we will clear the Black Sea of Russian terrorist objects,"
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly video address at the time.
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One of the most recent victims of the Magura V5 was the Russian patrol vessel Sergei Kotov, which BBC News reported was sunk by the naval drones on March 5th based on reports from Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR). 
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On May 6th, Group 13 used a Magura V5 to destroy a Russian high-speed boat while on a mission in Crimea’s Uzka Bay according to Ukraine's state-run media outlet Ukrianiform, which reported on a statement from the GUR.
Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube @DI_Ukraine
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As the fear of Ukrainian attacks forces the invaders to redeploy their Black Sea Fleet’s larger ships farther away from the peninsula, combat work continues against the high-speed vessels illegally remaining in the Ukrainian territorial waters of Crimea," the GUR noted. 
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jcmarchi · 3 months
5 Marine Drones, 40-Minute Fight: Ukraine's Magura V5s Destroyed Yet Another Russian Warship, Sergey Kotov - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/5-marine-drones-40-minute-fight-ukraines-magura-v5s-destroyed-yet-another-russian-warship-sergey-kotov-technology-org/
5 Marine Drones, 40-Minute Fight: Ukraine's Magura V5s Destroyed Yet Another Russian Warship, Sergey Kotov - Technology Org
Ukrainian Magura V5 marine drones made sure that the Russian patrol ship Sergey Kotov would not be covering the Kerch Strait anymore. The ship was attacked at night from March 4th to 5th and is a complete loss. It was reported that the 94-metre long patrol ship was attacked by at least 5 marine drones and despite 40 minutes of struggle will not be fighting anymore.
Russian Black Sea patrol ship Sergey Kotov was commissioned in 2022. Image credit: Cleo00054 via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Dmytro Pletenchuk, a representative of the Ukrainian Navy, says that the Sergey Kotov was meant to defend Russian facilities in the Kerch Strait. The same strait that houses the illegal Crimean bridge, built to reinforce the Russian occupation of the Crimean peninsula. Ukraine has long warned the Russians not to send their warships there. “We warned last year not to sail here,” a navy spokesman said.
Pletenchukalso also noted that such ships like the Sergey Kotov can perform various tasks. From the protection of various objects, straits or a certain territory to the control of civilian shipping. It is said that in 2022 Sergey Kotov took part in the attack on Snake Island together with the cruiser Moskva. Both of these ships are gone now.
Sergey Kotov was 94 metres long. It was launched in January 2021 and was commissioned in July 2022. It was a very young ship in a young class of patrol ships. Its complement is up to 80 people, but it is unknown how many people were onboard during the last attack against this ship.
Sergey Kotov was attacked for the first time in September 2023, but suffered only minor damage. Now it is completely destroyed. Its estimated value was 65 million USD. Ukrainian intelligence claims that a Kamov Ka-29 helicopter was destroyed as well.
How Ukraine’s Magura V5 marine drones saw the attack against Sergey Kotov:
⚡🔥 Video of the destruction of the Russian patrol ship “Sergey Kotov”! pic.twitter.com/C7XnZqycNV
— MAKS 23 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) March 5, 2024
Sergey Kotov had a large weapons suite onboard. It probably used its 76.2 mm AK-176MA automatic dual-purpose gun to engage the marine drones that came for it, but it also had a Tor-M2KM air defence missile system, which was meant to protect it and surrounding objects from cruise missiles, drones and aircraft. Sergey Kotov also had two MTPU machineguns, anti-saboteur automatic grenade launchers, torpedoes and cruise missiles. It is a huge loss to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, which has already bled a lot.
Ukraine not-so-secretly hopes that the destruction of the Sergey Kotov will open up the path towards the illegal Crimean bridge. Oleksandr Musienko, head of Ukraine’s Military Law Research Center, said that Ukraine must accept the fact that Germany will not provide the Taurus cruise missiles, which would be very useful in destroying the Crimean bridge. However, if Ukraine can destroy the Russian Black Sea Fleet, it can also reach the Crimean bridge.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Wikipedia, NV.ua
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kerryjohnson0 · 3 months
Ukrainian sea drones damage Russian Black Sea fleet patrol ship near Crimea, Ukraine says
KYIV: Ukrainian sea drones damaged a Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship off occupied Crimea, Ukrainian military intelligence said on Tuesday. The intelligence agency said on Telegram messaging app that its special unit Group 13 attacked the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship Sergey Kotov near the Kerch Strait. “As a result of a strike by Magura V5 maritime drones, the Russian ship Project 22160…
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newsfrombbc · 3 months
Ukrainian sea drones damage Russian Black Sea fleet patrol ship near Crimea, Ukraine says
KYIV: Ukrainian sea drones damaged a Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship off occupied Crimea, Ukrainian military intelligence said on Tuesday. The intelligence agency said on Telegram messaging app that its special unit Group 13 attacked the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship Sergey Kotov near the Kerch Strait. “As a result of a strike by Magura V5 maritime drones, the Russian ship Project 22160…
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cyberbenb · 10 months
What to Expect on the Battlefield in the Next Six Months?
UkraineWorld spoke to Ivan Kyrychevsky, military expert at Defense Express Media & Consulting Company.
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Key points – in our brief, #UkraineWorldAnalysis:
1. On how Ukrainian kamikaze sea drones are changing the history of warfare
Ukraine's Magura V5 is only a small part of the country's military innovation that it has chosen to disclose. During the IDEF 2023 defense exhibition, the Turkish defense company METEKSAN presented its own remote-controlled kamikaze boats, so we have clearly already inspired others.
The Magura V5 is overall more effective than anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. Compared to an anti-ship missile, such as Harpoon, which has a range of up to 200 km, our kamikaze boat has demonstrated its ability to cover a distance of 700 km by hitting the Russian warship Olenegirsky Gornyak near Novorossiysk. For their part, torpedoes are principally designed to hit targets below the waterline, but a kamikaze boat is more compact.
The Ministry of Defence has been building up its capabilities to produce robotic systems for evacuating the wounded and delivering supplies to the frontline. Currently, a remote-controlled robotic stretcher is being developed. The idea behind the project to transport wounded defenders from trenches to stabilization points where first aid is provided. Given that the use of robotics has just started and the Ministry of Defence has already stated that 10,000 robotic systems are needed, one can only imagine how urgent the demand for these systems is.
Ukraine is not only skilfully developing innovative weapons, but also improving the ones in its stockpiles. The Russians have shown footage of a missile visually similar to the 5V27 missile for the S-200 systems hitting targets. But given that this is a 10 meter-long monster missile, which is larger than the Iskander, the Russians could have been showing an air-launched X31 missile, so it's a very slippery slope.
The assumption that Ukraine could have used the S-200 for the strikes has a key weakness. Namely, this missile is fired from a stationary launcher, unlike the S-125 systems, and is visible from a satellite. That is why Russia uses its S-300s, which are mounted on a mobile chassis that can be quickly moved from one position to another. Only 2 countries could have S-200 systems left - Bulgaria, with approximately 8 units, and Poland, with 3, as of early 2023. In Bulgaria, S-200s form the backbone of their air defenses, while Poland has managed to replace its S-200s with Patriots, but the delivery of this sort of system to Ukraine would not have gone unnoticed.
The most striking example of the adaptation of the Soviet system to modern conditions lies on the surface. The Tu-141 Strizh, a reusable tactical reconnaissance UAV manufactured at the Kharkiv Aircraft Plant, has a range of 1,000 km and was originally intended for reconnaissance. After the collapse of the USSR, they were used for target practice, due to their resemblance to cruise missiles, to train our air defense forces. Our military came up with the idea that if the Tu-141 resembled a cruise missile, why not turn it into something functionally similar. For example, in December 2022, these drones were used to strike the Engels and Dyagilevo strategic airbases. Missing such a radar-visible target was acutely embarrassing for the Russians, because after that moment, Russian strategic aviation began to train for rapidly repairing their airbases, as they had no countermeasures in place.
2. On the possibility of using laser weapons in this war
Even before Lockheed Martin, the Chinese made a laser system that was supposed to burn up enemy kamikaze drones. And the irony is that Saudi Arabia bought this system and it effectively destroyed the Shahed 136 drone. But this system is first of all very expensive, and secondly, Ukraine needs small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery more than laser weapons.
3. On Bild forecasts that Russia can continue the war in Ukraine for another 2-3 years.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russians had 21,000 artillery systems, including World War II models, such as the D1 howitzers, which were transferred to Wagner. In addition to the 2,000 tanks left in Russia, they have another 5,000 tanks in storage bases. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are destroying Russian tanks twice as fast as Russia is producing them. Russia still has a couple hundred combat-capable aircraft and helicopters. So, unfortunately, the Russians have resources to fight with.
At the same time, Bild’s estimates are made not only for the benefit of their readers, but also for German defense planning. As of now, the Bundeswehr has 60,000 soldiers, no combat-ready helicopters, only 200 combat-ready tanks, and less than 100 combat-ready Panzerhaubitze 2000 artillery systems.
4. On whether Russia is able to launch another major offensive by increasing its number of soldiers to 3 million
The Russian General Staff can count on a reserve force of 3 million. This year, they have the task of mobilzing about 500,000 people to prepare for a strategic offensive in the winter, after our counter-offensive achieves some goals. If we recall the previous partial mobilization, 300,000 occupiers looked so powerful that there were estimates that the Russians would try to repeat a counter-offensive from several directions. In the end, the mobilized forces were limited to defense of Bakhmut, with catastrophic Russian losses, the defense of the Kupyansk-Lyman sector, and senseless attacks in the Zaporizhzhia sector.
Now the number of Russian troops amounts to 550,000. 100,000 of them are trying to advance on the Kupyansk/Lyman sector and have not achieved any results in a month of fighting. Another 150,000 are concentrated in the south, which is slowing down our progress, but on the other hand, there are 4 Russian armies that were planned as an offensive formation.
5. On Russia’s intentions to break through the Suwalki corridor.
If Wagner suddenly gets armored vehicles from the Belarusian army in addition to artillery in their arsenal, it will be a red flag that they are preparing for military action. So far, we can say that there is a threat of this, but they are not combat-ready.
Russia has occupied about 20% of Ukraine's territory and continues its offensive in the east. But. Here is our video explaining why it will never conquer Ukraine.
Are Russian claims of taking over Bakhmut true? What does the situation on the Eastern front look like? Are there still people living in destroyed frontline villages?
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ultrajaphunter · 3 months
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The damage caused by the detonation of one of the Magura V5
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is visible in the camera of the subsequent naval drone that carried out the attack.
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Regarding the fate of the Sergei Kotov. Information provided by this source often finds confirmations later, but I still do not recommend to take all information at face value:
“Today, 03/05/2024, at about 00:50, the Project 22160 patrol ship “Sergey Kotov” was struck near Feodosia.
The attack was carried out using five Magura V5 naval drones.
The advance of the enemy boats was detected at about 00:15.
The units of the RuZZian Black Sea Fleet were properly informed about the impending threat.
The strikes were inflicted on both sides of the ship.
According to the source, during the attack an AK-176 was blown up and an onboard Ka-29 Helicopter was destroyed. However, despite all the damage, the ship still remained afloat.
Until an attempt was made to tow it to the port of Feodosia.
During the movement, the Project 22160 patrol ship “Sergey Kotov” sank.
Nothing is known yet about the fate of the crew.” https://t.me/dosye_shpiona/496
RuZZian Naval Crews are being Transferred to the Harbor Patrol.
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ultrajaphunter · 3 months
This night, RuZZian Project 22160 patrol ship “Sergey Kotov” was successfully attacked by Ukrainian naval kamikaze drones near Feodosia, Crimea.
According to RuZZian sources “the ship is dead”
The fourth corvette of the Project 22160 patrol ship series, “Sergei Kotov”, hull number 383.
On July 30, 2022, the ship was accepted into service with the Black Sea Fleet of the RuZZian Navy.
Displacement: 1965 tons
Length: 91,3 meters
Width: 14,5 meters
Crew: 32+8
Armament: 1 × 76.2 mm AK-176;
anti-aircraft missile system "Shtil-1", short-range anti-aircraft missile system 3M-47.
Ka-27PS Helicopter, possible.
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Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine regarding the attack:
“Destroyed enemy ship "Sergei Kotov"
On the night of March 4-5, 2024, the special unit "Group 13" attacked the patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the RuZZian Federation "Sergei Kotov".
The mission took place in cooperation with the Naval Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
As a result of the strike by Magura V5 naval drones, the RuZZian ship of project 22160 "Sergei Kotov" suffered damage to the stern, right and left sides.
The "kotov" was attacked in the territorial waters of Ukraine, near the Kerch Strait.
The cost of the sunken ship is about 65 million dollars.» https://t.me/DIUkraine/3551
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RuZZian sources regarding the attack : “As can be seen from the footage shared in the media, our Black Sea Sailors Bravely Fought with the Enemy Naval Kamikaze Drone, which Attacked the Patrol Ship "Sergei Kotov".
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The RuZZian Patrol Ship Sergei Kotov is the latest RuZZian Warship to be Sunk by Ukraine's Deadly Sea Drones.
Ukraine has Rapidly Prototyped and Deployed at least 3 Generations of these Capable Weapons.]
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According to local reports, the Ship was Lost.
According to our data, the Entire Crew Survived, Evacuated, there are Several Wounded.”
Surviving RuZZian Naval Crews are being Transferred to the Harbor Patrol.
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Sergei Kotov on the 30 of December 2022.
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After a series of attacks on RuZZian ships in 2022, a TOR Air Defense System was installed on the Ship's Helipad.
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“How the Sergei Kotov was sunk”- a video of the destruction of a Russian patrol ship by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine
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ultrajaphunter · 3 months
Destruction of the Project's RuZZian Patrol Ship. 22160 "Sergei Kotov" by Ukrainian Surface Drones Magura V5
The RuZZian Patrol Ship Sergei Kotov is the latest RuZZian Warship to be Sunk by Ukraine's Deadly Sea Drones.
Ukraine has Rapidly Prototyped and Deployed at least 3 Generations of these Capable Weapons.]
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Ukraine has claimed the destruction of another warship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Ropucha class landing ship Cesar Kunikov (also written as Tsezar Kunikov) being the latest victim of explosives-laden naval drones off the coast of Crimea. Ukrainian officials claim that the landing ship was sunk in the overnight attack and available imagery shows the vessel capsized(..)
P.S. The good news is that Ukraine is capable of producing the MAGURA V5 naval drone on its own and, at least in this area, does not depend on the whims of Western politicians who are incompetent in security matters...Western action, or rather inaction, in Ukraine is still best described by the words: "Too little too late, too weak and totally unprofessional...!" Of course, because of such passivity of the West, the Kremlin and its allies are becoming more and more brazen. Almost the whole story repeats itself, almost like in the late 1930s before the Second World War...
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