maimoris · 2 months
౯ ﹒ideiasㅤׁdeㅤ﹒usersㅤ⌅
♡ @oishicake ♡ @rosabae ♡ @fl0weries
♡ @bonbuny ♡ @coolc4t ♡ @miusiqui
♡ @zzzlipin ♡ @adorablien ♡ @baebiboo
♡ @k1ssuu ♡ @bonequitta ♡ @jentoll
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cr @maimoris
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jaes1lvr · 9 days
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(( ㅤּ this is what you came for 🚬 ㅤׄㅤ ✽
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@tinyprincesoul @tinyprincesoul @tinyprincesoul
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b-kitty · 1 month
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de verdade tenho que agradecer muito vocês, quando comecei o blog sabendo quase nada daqui e nem o que fazer com a conta não tinha muito fé que a conta iria pra frente, hoje com 300 seguidores vejo que meu esforço realmente valeu a pena. Agradeço muito todos que elogiam meus mb, curtem, reblogam e etc, isso é a minha maior motivação para continuar com a conta, novamente só tenho que agradecer vocês ! ᰔ
in english (passed through the translator):
I really have to thank you a lot, when I started the blog knowing almost nothing about it or what to do with the account, I didn't have much faith that the account would go forward, today with 300 followers I see that my effort was really worth it. I really appreciate everyone who praises my mb, likes, reblogs, etc., this is my biggest motivation to continue with the account, again I just have to thank you! ᰔ
ㅤㅤ𐙚 ׅ ⁺ ∿ my favorite blogs :
@gigittamic @vg-k @poemale @lil-liaa @thsv @miozciiss @yjinhaze @b4dobee @maimoris @mafleur @katyuyu @mateuslocks @baesol @elleluvv @phuoris @chaeneuu @l-unitas @koosuvi @hyelita @h-isuu @f-eori + is not in order !!
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hatake-no-sharingan · 3 years
A Well Loved Copy (PART 3: Darkness swallows us)
Kakashi x Reader
Story Summary: Your cozy life as a bookseller is disturbed when a box of the worst books you could ever imagine arrives at your store, and with them a certain silver haired ninja to whom you are definitely not attracted.  
Chapter summary: Kakashi goes on a mission, but things don't go as planned. Injured, and with his chakra almost gone, he has a strange dream that might change something in him.
Relationship: Kakashi x Reader
Warnings: Mentions blood and injuries
A/N: Hi guys! I know I'd promised to update this story every week or two weeks, but I've had a few things on my hands lately. I might take longer to update, but rest assure, I will finish the story (I have everything plotted already :) <3 This chapter was a bit hard to write, but it's necessary for the development. I hope you enjoy it, and I'll try to update again as soon as I can. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts.
P.S. This chapter is parallel to Part 2, it's just from Kakashi's POV so you know what's going on while Y/N is waiting for him at the bookstore.
Special thanks to my amazing editor @seventh-line Thanks to her hard work, this thing is readable. <3 I hope you enjoy it.
Darkness swallows us
There was blood. So much blood. He was supposed to be used to it. He thought he was. Before him was a sea of red, adorned with a few colorful spots sporadically distributed across the landscape. Were those in his mind?
He certainly felt lightheaded, and perhaps a bit cold. There was a dull ache somewhere in his body, but he couldn’t pinpoint the spot.
As he tried to raise his left arm, a sharp pain in his shoulder let him know the blood belonged to him. Maybe he was even injured in other places he wasn’t yet aware of, the blood was far too much for a simple gash on his shoulder.
He tried to get past the pain, gaining more awareness of his body trying to sense the usual buzz of chakra. It was almost gone too, he felt it slipping just like his consciousness.  
He didn’t panic, however. His encounters with death had been one too many, he could almost say they were part of the job. He and pain, were now old friends.
Instead, he shut his eyes gently and let his head roll back, crashing with the soft grass.
He stood in front of the bookstore, the one he’d visited a while ago, in the search of the new edition of Icha Icha. Sunlight struck his eye violently. It took a few moments to adjust to the brightness
He looked inside the store, looking for her amongst the piles of “New arrivals” “Hottest summer reads” and “All time favorites”. She was there, arranging another pile. A gentle frowning on her face, forehead creased in concentration. She was so careful with each copy, placing them in a beautiful pyramid shape, akin to the others. He couldn’t see the title of the books she was arranging, but they were surely ones she cared for, based on the way she delicately handled them.
He observed her quietly, enjoying her calm movements. It must have been hot inside, because her cheeks started flushing, despite that, Kakashi felt cold.
A sudden urge to go inside hit him. He reached for the door handle, but his hand slipped right through. He tried again, but it seemed as if he was made of nothing. Just thin air.
From the inside, she lifted her gaze towards him, with a look of recognition, and he felt a wave of relief.
He made a move to open the door, however his hand passed right through the handle once more.
Then her expression changed abruptly, as she stared beyond Kakashi, as though he wasn’t there. Her eyes widened, fear written all over her delicate features.
Heart pounding, Kakashi turned around to see what had scared her, but saw nothing, just the plain old buildings.
She made panicked gestures towards Kakashi from the inside, and mouthed some words he couldn’t hear. It seemed like something important. there was a desperation in every move she made.
Confused, he tried again, only to watch his fingers slip through the handle for a second time.
She urged him to come in, her hands waving rapidly in front of him.
Now he was getting desperate. His head felt odd, almost as if he had stopped breathing seconds ago, and was  experiencing a lack of oxygen.
The bookseller’s face contorted with pain, and Kakashi saw that ribbons of darkness were wrapping around her body, consuming her.
He tried to call out, scream her name, but there was nothing there.
Seconds later, darkness had swallowed them both.
He awakened with a jolt.
His heart was beating so fast, like it was trying to escape his chest. He took a gulp of air and was satisfied to feel the way it filled his lungs. He studied his surroundings and it seemed he was alone, in the middle of a forest. His body felt drained, and his head still felt cloudy, so he closed his eyes again.
“Kakashi Sensei?” Said a familiar voice.
“Is he awake?” a deeper voice asked
“I don’t know, I thought I saw him move”
“I don’t think he’s awake”
“Kakashi Sensei, can you hear us?”
Kakashi nodded slightly, eyes still closed due to the sickness, though he know recognized the voices as Kurenai’s three students.
“Try not to move much, Sensei. I’ll go fetch Sakura, Hinata stay here with him. Make sure he’s okay.”
"Yes, of course"
Hinata sat next to him and kept quiet. Her silence was very much appreciated by the tired jonin.
He must’ve fallen asleep again, because when he regained consciousness, Sakura and the Godaime were staring down at him.
“Oh good. You’re awake. I’ve cleaned most of your serious wounds and given you medicine. All that you need to do now is rest so you can restore your chakra.”
The hospital’s cold atmosphere gave him a strange sense of serenity. He didn’t know how he got here, hopefully he hadn’t been too much of a burden on the team.
“Now that we know he’ll survive, tell me, Sakura. What went wrong?” Asked Tsunade as she finished wrapping one last bandage around Kakashi’s arm wound.
The mission was supposed to be simple. Locate and report. He’d done it so many times, and this time, he had a really good team with him. Team 8 and Sakura had come to help him find one of Orochimaru’s rumored hideouts.  With their talents as trackers, they managed to find the location quickly, however, they weren’t expecting to be met with a dozen of Orochimaru’s experiments, led by none other than Kabuto.
The kids were good fighters, but the odds weren’t in their favor with the enemy doubling their own numbers. Kakashi’s instincts had kicked in, so he put himself between the young shinobi and Orochimaru’s men, if one could even call them human. Kakashi took them all out, though it had come at a great cost.
His chakra reserves were almost emptied, and his wounds had caused him to lose too much blood. That’s how he ended up here.
Kakashi was deemed unfit to fill out the mission report, due to his injuries, a silver lining in this mess. Sakura  meticulously explained everything to the Godaime, turning in a beautifully written, and extremely detailed report, unlike the one he would’ve done.
His time in the hospital went by excruciatingly slow. He had a few visits, none very interesting since they all lasted at the most 5 minutes. Everyone was busier, and not even Gai had had the time to entertain him as usual. Kakashi had been desperate to get out of there.
The only thing that seemed to occupy his mind, was the image of the bookseller, as he flipped through the pages of his book. However, that too left him uneasy, as he recalled the images he had seen in his delirium. Whenever he pictured her, a deep fear gripped his heart, as he was reminded of the darkness he’d seen swallow her. Nightmare or not, he needed to get out and see her.
Kakashi was discharged from the hospital two weeks later, just in time or he would’ve attempted an escape.
He now stood in front of the bookstore again. His hand shook as he grasped the handle, but immediate relief hit him when he made contact with the warm metal. He sighed, and pushed the door open, eager to see the face that had haunted his dreams.
"Hello, welcome to Red Leaf Bookshop. Can I help you with anything?" Called out a petite woman from behind the counter. His stomach sank when he realized, it wasn’t whom he’d been looking for.
Taglist: @incorrect-titans-quotes @iwanttobesomeone @galaxydefenderjulia@artlovingloser @sachi-sims @savemefromthispayne @maimori @alexanderlightwoodii @mazakiackerman @tshuuls @aubraella @kleklerosa @theunknownrandom
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kaici · 3 years
A magyar szamuráj
A WORLD FLAGS projekt néhány japán művész összefogásának eredménye, akik szamuráj animeszereplőként gondolták újra és rajzolták meg a világ számos országát. Bár sokan a 2020/21-es tokiói olimpiai játékokhoz kapcsolják ezt a projektet, a művészek attól függetlenül alkották meg a karaktereket, saját bevallásuk szerint: „This World Flags project has nothing to do with Tokyo 2020. However, although it is unofficial, we support the Olympic Games, and we support various events such as sports competitions and festivals that will be held in the world in the future.”
A hivatalos oldalon megtekinthetők az eddig elkészült, egyéniséggel rendelkező karakterek, akiknek öltözetét, erősségeit, hobbijait és kedvenc ételeit az adott ország jellegzetességeihez igazították. Bemutatom Puskást, a japán művészek tollából született magyar szamurájt:
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Jómagam is meghökkentem a babaarcú, részben Szent Istvánt idéző öltözéket viselő figura neve láttán. Pedig a névválasztás érthető, hiszen a többi karaktert is a saját országának tehetséges labdajátékosáról vagy sportolójáról nevezték el (pl. Figo a portugál, Iniesta a spanyol, Drogba az elefántcsontparti, Neymar a brazil szamuráj neve).
Nézzük meg Puskás weboldalát!
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A nagybetűs országnév alatt (ハンガリー, Hangarí) a hosszú piros sávban egy közmondást látunk minden egyes karakternél. Kicsit mosolyogtam, mikor lefordítottam a mienket: „Szégyen a futás, de hasznos.” (逃げるは恥だが役に立つ, Nigeru va hadzsi da ga jaku ni tacu).
Ezután a kék jelvényben országonként egy-egy kandzsi látható, a mi esetünkben: 匈. Magyarországot ugyanis nemcsak a fenti módon, katakanával lehet leírni, hanem kandzsikkal is. Ez az ún. atedzsi: olyan kandzsikat választanak a külföldi szó leírására, melyeknek kínaias olvasatát egymás után kiejtve az adott szót kapjuk, az írásjegyek jelentésétől függetlenül. Magyarország (Hungary) átírására a 洪牙利 ill. 匈牙利 kandzsikat is használják. A kék körben az utóbbi szó első kandzsija látható.
Ezután következik Puskás neve, szintén atedzsivel: 舞守華守. Magyar oldalakon elterjedt a karakter teljes neve mint Maimori Kamori, hiszen a weboldalt angolra állítva ez olvasható a kandzsik helyén. Valóban létezik a 舞守華守 kandzsiknak ilyen olvasata, de jelen esetben nem adtak ilyen nevet a figurának, hanem az eredeti nevét (Puskás) írták át az írásjegyek kínaias olvasatát felhasználva (kb. Bu-su-ka-su).
Egyébként a weboldal automata fordítója igen mókás neveket tud generálni, így erre nem szabad hagyatkozni. Ha német nyelven nézem az oldalt, akkor Bogdanit (母倶駄弐), Albánia figurájának a nevét Mutter Kuda 2-nek (Anya Kuda Kettő) fordítja. Való igaz, a „Bo” édesanyát jelent, a „ni” pedig kettőt :) A pontatlanságra a weboldalon fel is hívják a figyelmünket, így valóban óvatosan kell kezelni a más nyelvekre lefordított információkat: „However, because of automatic translation, the words may be misspelled or the meaning may be incorrect.”
Névhosszúságban amúgy a lengyel szamuráj a csúcstartó, 7 kandzsiból álló 十真士衛不数奇 (Tomaszewski) nevet visel.
Visszatérve Puskáshoz, a neve alatt a magyar szamuráj legfőbb adatait láthatjuk:
Születési dátum: október 12. (Puskás Ferenc 1927. április 1-jén született, így hozzá nem köthető ez a dátum, de ha a futballhoz szeretnénk kapcsolni, ezen a napon játszotta első hivatalos mérkőzését a magyar labdarúgó-válogatott 1902-ben, Bécsben.)
Magasság: 175 cm
Vércsoport: 0-s
Hobbi: hímzés, vártúrák
Erőssége: vízilabda, lovaglás
Gyenge pontja: ijesztő arcmaszkok (valószínűleg a busó álarcokra gondoltak)
Kedvenc ételei: halászlé, akácméz
A jellemzők alatti hosszabb szöveg pedig a karakter személyiségéről szól. Megemlítik a lengyelekhez hasonló virágos hímzéseket a ruháján, a felmenői közt levő nomád lovas nemzetség tagjait, és különösen hosszan írnak arról, hogy szamurájunk mennyire szereti a termálvizeket (külön kiemelik a Gellért fürdőt is).
Puskás tehát a mi halászléevő, várszerető, jámbor magyar lovas szamurájunk. A stílusa nagyon tetszik egyébként, a vörös haj & zöld szem párosítás is megnyerő, de lehetnének jóval férfiasabb arcvonásai, mert én rögtön nőnek néztem :)
Zárásként hadd mutassam be további kedvenc karaktereimet a WORLD FLAGS projektből.
Olaszország (Giovanni):
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Belgium (Dardenne):
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Malájzia (Axamu):
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Lengyelország (Tomaszewski):
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Képek forrása: https://world-flags.org/
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Hieland Gloamin
Mang the lanesum bens eftir the new rain, the forenicht is fresh afore the Back End. The bricht muin leims atwein the pines. The kirstal wattir skelters ower the stanes. Quynes hoyin hame frae the wash in the linn reishil back slae, throu the bamboo shaws. Lotus leafs dance bi the fisherman’s boat. The parfumed whuffs o the Simmer haes gaen, tho thair maimorie hauds for monie a day.
Highland Dusk
Among the lonesome mountains after the rain the evening is fresh before the Autumn comes. The brilliant moon gleams between the pines. The clear stream skelters over the stones. Girls wending home from the wash in the stream rustle slowly through the bamboo growth Lotus leaves wave by the fisherman’s boat. The fragrance of the Summer has now gone though the memory lingers for many a day.
Wang Wei (701-761).
Translated into Scots by David Purves, in his collection “Jade Lute”.
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maimoris · 2 months
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ㅤ💭ㅤㅤ 𝗆ⴗㅤ𝗈𝗁ㅤ𝗆ⴗ ㅤᵕ𞥆ᵕㅤㅤ
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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𝕯⍺𝗋𝗄 𝕾𝗒𝗆𝖻꯭𝗈𝗅𝗌
◍𞄴ㅤ ׅㅤׂ  🕷️  ੭
(( ㅤּ 🚬 ㅤׄㅤ ✽
🏴‍☠️⃝ㅤㅤ݁ㅤ.ㅤ ◡ ☒
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symbols : @maimoris | divider : @v6que
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maimoris · 2 months
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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੭ㅤ ㅤׄㅤ 𝗈𝘯𝖼𝘦 𞄴 upon ㅤׅ ੧ ㅤ࣪ㅤ ㅤ𓈒
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੭ㅤ ㅤׄㅤ ⍺ 𞄴 𝖽𝗋𝘦⍺𝗆 ㅤׅ ੧ ㅤ࣪ㅤ ㅤ𓈒
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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🤎⃝ㅤㅤ ㅤׄㅤ ㅤ·ㅤ 𝕾t⍺𝗋𝖻𝗈ⴗ ㅤׄㅤ ﹒ ㅤ⊂𞄳
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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֜ ★ .ㅤ ㅤ݁ㅤ ㅤ 𞥙ㅤ ㅤ. ㅤׄㅤ )) 𞥆 ׅ
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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moodboard : @maimoris | divider : @v6que
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maimoris · 2 months
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ⵢㅤ 𓈒 ㅤׄㅤㅤ 𝓘ㅤ𝖼⍺𝗇ㅤ𝖻ᧉㅤ⍺ㅤ ㅤ· ㅤׅㅤ 𑇓
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ⵢㅤ 𓈒 ㅤׄㅤㅤ𝓑ᧉ𝗍𝗍ᧉ𝗋ㅤ𝖻𝗈ⴗ𝖿𝗋ꪱᧉ𝗇𝖽ㅤ ㅤ· ㅤׅㅤ 𑇓
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
౯ ﹒ideiasㅤׁdeㅤ﹒usersㅤ⌅
@mamihere @iluuvpink @bl00druns
@meanvamp @candiirush @jmtalker
@homiranha @bubblyland @priya
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cr @maimoris
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maimoris · 2 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𞋰𞄴 ㅤׅㅤ 🌟 ㅤ݁ㅤ 𞋹 ㅤ𝅄
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 👘ㅤ݁ㅤׄㅤㅤᡣ꯭ㅤ ㅤ𓈒ㅤ!!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰ㅤ 💮ㅤ ݁ㅤ .ㅤ 𞋲 ㅤ ꒱
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cr @maimoris
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