strange-doors · 1 month
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Strong bunny wife
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scalesandsecrets · 9 years
the scent of a pine forest!
Send my muse a scent and see how they’ll react to it.
“A pine forest? Ah, now that is a rather distinct scent in my mind,” the Argonian replied. “Of course, I’d seen pine trees in various parts of Cyrodiil when we’d arrived there. But the scent had never really stuck overmuch in my thoughts. It only really became something noticed during a visit to one of the Sanctuaries, during which I was served a cup of pine needle tea. One of the Speakers was quite fond of it and insisted that new visitors to that Sanctuary have a taste.” A slight wrinkling of the Argonian’s nose. “Indeed, the smell was almost overpowering. To this day I still don’t know how I managed to keep a straight face while I was drinking it.”
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♡ :^0
The black spots on her fur remind me of freckles. I think it’sadorable.
And I think that she is a good alchemist.
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nextsummersseeds · 9 years
Tick Tock!!
Send “Tick Tock” for a random thought without context that my character has during a day.
“That phrase ‘blood is thicker than water’ is stupid when it comes to family but damn it’s true when it comes to stains on clothes. So damned annoying always replacing shirts.”
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askdusty · 9 years
14 & 15! :^)
14: You're on a date or trying to impress someone. What would the menu be?
“Again, it depends - in this case, on what the tastes of the one I’m attempting to impress are.” Dust smirks, eyes crinkling. “But, well, for the sake of example, let’s say there’s someone coming who I would indeed like to impress, and who’s tastes I know fairly well. Good alcohol would be a must, preferably something from Morrowind if I can manage it. Better still if I incorporate it into the cooking...
 Mushrooms that are plump and in season - ooh, perhaps even a sprinkling of truffles! Yes, truffles and some of that hard, sharp cheese with oregano and oil on slices of potato, baked crispy. Venison medallions, marinated and slow-cooked in a spicy sauce until practically falling apart and scorch the tongue, with peppercorns atop. Perhaps some fish, too, for a light lunch, fresh and drizzled lemon atop...”
15: What do you typically drink with a meal?
“Typically water, mead or wine, depending on what suits it best. With something rich and chocolatey, I find milk goes best.”
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dalamusrex · 9 years
Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong? :0
7. Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong?
“I murdered the first person I fell in love with. Does that count? It was an accident, though--or, rather, I was.. not in my right mind. I do not often do things that do not make sense to me, or things that I do not feel are.. ‘right,’ I suppose? At least, in the moment. It is complicated, and it is something I struggle with. Morals are difficult and, at times, can get in the way of survival. They also differ from person to person and, depending on who you ask, some might say I have no morals at all. I, ah, have confused myself, apologies... What was the question..? Oh, the answer is likely ‘yes,’ but I would not be able to adequately explain what or why.”
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strange-doors · 1 month
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time for a meme redraw
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knightposting · 4 years
A few changes I have made to the story of destiny defied while writing the script/loose guide
-I decided to make Caerwyn a goblin, mostly because I wanted her to be something a bit more stock fantasy so that I can her weird bog witch antics more pronounced, if that makes sense
-i already discussed how the pitspawn will be amphibious, this is to tie them more to lovecraftian/kaiju vibes instead of straight up demonic
- I'm still trying to figure out how the magic system works, so far Im thinking of three distinct sources (living batteries/inborn talent, divine, "exterior battery")
- Majaaras is not the last seraph shield, instead there are two survivors of the order, Majaaras the pitspawn, and Aedus, the orc
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scalesandsecrets · 9 years
"You can take a nap on me if you need."
A wave of the assassin’s hand, followed not long after by a soft yawn. “I would not want to impose. And I’m certain I can find a place to rest my eyes for a few minutes if need be.”
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"Man has always learned from the past. After all, you can’t learn history in reverse!"
Miscellaneous Disney Quote Meme
“They have obviously not paid attention,” Brielle muttered. “Ithink there would be less problems if they had.”
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halforcsmash · 9 years
✔✔? :^0
Why do they all make me sneeze so much.
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lielle-the-conjurer · 9 years
Does that Hurt? [Ma’Jaara | Lielle]
Kneeling forward, Ma’Jaara snorted some blood out onto the cobble road. Her hands tried their best to keep her nose sealed, but it was much easier for elves’ and humans’ noses. Gods, she was getting blood all over her dress.
“Not much, but I am afraid it is swelling.” The herbalist snorted again between words, wracking her brain for herbs she could find on the side of the road in Falkreath’s forest. Didn’t nettle leaves help to reduce inflammation? As long as they didn’t sting, correct? She couldn’t quite remember. But a small rash might not hurt; she had fur, after all.
“Can you find some nettle for me? I think they grow in this forest– do you know what they look like? Oh, and if you have any bandages or some clean cloth you wouldn’t mind me using, I would love that.”
“Nettle? Um... Oh! Cloth I do have!”
Awkwardly fumbling with her bag, Lielle stepped towards the Khajiit, “Here.”
She urgently handed over some of her extra linens, then stood and looked about the area as if the nettle the woman asked for would appear out of nowhere. Alchemy was certainly not a strength of hers; if only the nettle did appear out of nowhere for her.
“Nettle, nettle, nettle,” she mumbled, hoping perhaps the repetition would bring up some sort of image in her mind’s eye, “I’m... afraid I might need more direction.”
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strange-doors · 1 month
Majaaras and Caerwyn are two of the most recent recruits to the Knights Of Dunhallow, with Majaaras being the first in generations to study directly under the order's founder, an Earth Elf named Ulraste, and Carwyn being a student and envoy of Dame Luna, the best warrior amongst the Moonborn.
Due to their similar (lack of) experience, they were grouped together for their first mission, and have become quite the dynamic duo since then, to the point that they're each other's preferred partners for duo missions.
They are opposites in temperament and combat styles, with Majaaras's propensity for brash and straightforward tactics being held in check by Caerwyn's experience as a patient hunter, and with Caerwyn's near perfect stealth allowing her to identify and pick off enemies Majaaras may not notice.
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knightposting · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What does your character think about their past? What would they change about it? How has their past affected their actions and thoughts?
oh shit neat, sorry it took me fucking forever to respond.
I’ll answer for one of the characters in Destiny Defied, because I need to work on that more!
So, for Majaaras, before he was a paladin (still working out all the details about orders, what order he was in, and whether he shares one with one of the other MCs), he grew up in the city of Amzurinium, a post apocalyptic settlement built around the corpse of the dragon king that fell during First Contact.
I’m still working out the details of his backstory, (I’m worried about being too edgy but like, it’s a magic nuke apocalypse, the fuck you gonna do) so far what I have is that he’s an orphan turned thief, someone who stuck to the shadows and stole what he could to survive. What made him join the Seraph shields was when Lashuk, an orc paladin under the seraph shields, travelled into town on orders to aid any sick or wounded.
Majaaras, a young teen at the time, had been battling a nasty infection from an untreated wound on his arm, and while Lashuk was a skilled healer, his arm still had to be amputated. With no one to turn to, he begged Lashuk to take him on as a squire.
Because of these experiences, Majaaras has the firm belief that a lot of people he encounters, even those that treat him poorly, are victims of awful circumstances that are just trying to survive in a hostile world, so he rarely holds grudges (though, when he does, they’re intense). However, he’s also pretty cynical at times, believing that he’s one bad day from being stuck at rock bottom again. (This belief is intensified when almost his entire order is destroyed)
While he had a rough childhood, he doesn’t want to think about what he would change. He doesn’t want to dwell.
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scalesandsecrets · 9 years
Send me ± for a headcanon about our characters
While Nor does quite enjoy Ma’Jaara’s company, he does feel like he has to be a bit more on guard with how he acts around her ever since she found out he was Brotherhood. Not so much in the sense that she would possibly turn him in to the guard, but a bit moreso that he has to re-prove that the trust she had in him was not misplaced or misguided or resulting from dishonest means. He is very aware of her apprehension regarding the Family, and as such feels that his actions and words are being closely monitored and scrutinized just in case he does end up bearing ill intentions in the end. And though his actions regarding their friendship have been benign, he doesn’t want to do something that might result in even the slightest whiff of something maligned and therefore end up losing the relationship that they do have.
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"Oh, goodness--look at how young that little one is. Are you the mother, ser?" Ma'Jaara simply smiles, slowly rising to stand on the tips of her toes to get a better look.
Your muse just walked in on mine holding a newborn baby. Howdoes yours react?
Brielle shifted her arms in a way that would allow theKhajiit to see the baby. “She was born a few days ago,” she said, smiling. “Andno, I am not the mother. The woman was a former patient of mine though—a friendnow—and she asked if I could watch this little one while she took care ofsomething.”
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