#major kirrahe
thymelessink · 3 months
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Holding the line since 2183
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bytesie · 1 year
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"Hold the line!" You saved my men that day.
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naiitiel · 2 years
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In the new FORNAX volume: The hottest STG captain, Kirrahe.
Just a funny drawing, salarian related as always.
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hardcore-like-eezo · 2 years
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Priority -- Sur'Kesh with some Arcane magic
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exosciences · 1 year
i love mass effect so much you’ll be going about your business and then BOOM a side character shows up to remind you of a haunting and harrowing decision you made two games ago just to make sure you haven’t forgotten and then in the same breath vows that they will now DIE FOR YOU and become a war asset with a value of 20
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clericofshadows · 1 month
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Urdnot Wrex With: Lt. Steve Cortez, Dr. Mordin Solus, Major Kirrahe, and Urdnot Bakara And a Special Guest Appearance by: Adm. Steven Hackett Alliance R&D has officially begun construction on the Prothean device. The team has dubbed it: "Project Crucible". We're throwing everybody who knows how to throw a hammer at it. This is gonna be the most ambitious undertaking in human history. I'm not saying it won't be a challenge- but we can do this, Shepard. You can do this. Never doubt that. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
+BONUS (the smirk™️)
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#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot wrex#steve cortez#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i feel like i probably should have split the actually sur'kesh set in half like i did with mars#but i got lazy after i split out the normandy summit gifs and i wanted to keep the rest of the mission together lol#wrex having small conversation moments with james and EDI was everything to me#bc with both of them it felt like wrex passing on some of his old kid on the block knowledge to the new kids on the block and i just 🥺#like i didn't get it in the gif but the second part of that convo with james he says something like#'you're one of shep's new recruits? hang on kid- it's a hell of a ride!' and when i tell you i SOBBED#like the entire first half of this playthrough is soph taking her newer squadmates out to help her build the army for the reaper war#so running into all these old friends/teammates and hearing them share their wisdom with james and EDI as new recruits is everything to me!#also EDI and james look very cute in their armor (ESPECIALLY EDI IN HER HUNTER HOOD I LOVE HER YOUR HONOR)#i'm just gonna say wrex's little tongue out at the salarians in the background of padok's gif sent me so hard i had to include it LMAO#and i'd write something about the mordin cameo but the mordin cameo on tuchanka is better so i'll save my thoughts for that one#ig thanks for being wrex's inside man mordin you were real for that one#the real salarian homie of this mission was kirrahe and i love him (he's my favorite and i adore him thank you for coming to my TEDtalk) :)#and i will also say that i adore bakara and she's the highlight of this mission for me bc of the lines but also like???#her grabbing the shotgun from wrex to take out the cerberus troops is everything and his expression afterwards is *chef's kiss*#and SOPH'S LITTLE SMIRK LMAOOOOOOO i had to include it bc i saw it in the back and it sent me to the next dimension lol#and since i just use the tags to share all my annoying little thoughts on a final note:#i included the elevator bomb scene bc in soph's canon she gets injured during it for the shenko angst pre-coup bc i'm an angsty bitch :)
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bagog · 11 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 14: Shore
The sound of waves, and in the distance, the heat of the tropical zone colliding with the temperate band of the planet, stoking up a colossal lightning storm too far away to hear. Just the waves, then.
“Hey,” Kaidan’s voice was soft, but jarring compared to the noise of the surf lapping in against Shepard’s shoes. His best shoes were soaked and sinking into the sand. Kaidan looked down and had to notice, noticed the way that the hem of Shepard’s slacks was soaked, the dark patch siphoning up the cotton almost to his knee. He didn’t say anything about it. “Debated giving you some time to yourself, but then I figured maybe you could use some company.”
The sun passed behind a cloud, and a warm breeze stirred the tropical leaves. It was a picturesque evening on Virmire.
“Thanks,” Shepard said stiffly. “Just wanted to clear my head before everything starts.” He let Kaidan guide him a few paces back from the edge of the water, and he turned to look back where they had walked from.
A hundred paces away, the beach met the far edge of a sizable crater. The crater itself had become a new shallow bay along the shoreline, and the forest had begun to reclaim the sandy walls that tumbled into the water below. Hovering over the beach was a shimmer in the air: a salarian stealth drop ship, chameleon with the color of the sky. It barely made a sound as it floated three meters off the sand.
Six salarians had stepped down out of the air, each of them in their planet’s equivalent of formal wear.
“We would be legends!” Kirrahe had said, “But the records are sealed.”
And so they were, even once the Reaper War had ended and a newer, friendlier Council had been established. There was no record of Saran’s cloning base on Virmire, or of the teams that had destroyed it. To be a covert operative meant no one could call you ‘hero’, but more so it meant nobody could see you mourn your dead.
And so, as was special tactics’ custom, 6 years after the mission, the surviving members of Mannovai and Jaeto teams had returned to Virmire to pay their respects to the members of Aeghor team, who did not survive.
“I asked about building a little cairn for her or something,” Kaidan said softly into Shepard’s ear, letting their shoulders bump. “You know just something small, couple rocks or something. They told me even that is too much… evidence, or whatever. Apparently, according to custom, they’re not even going to leave their footprints in the sand.”
“Ah I see,” Shepard let the corner of his mouth curl just a little. “So I’m making it harder by walking off alone down the beach, huh?”
“I think they see the need for isolation as a pretty human quirk,” Kaidan took Shepard’s arm and turned them towards the salarians who had gathered. Major Kirrahe was just emerging from the drop ship. “I don’t think anybody’s going to complain today.”
“I’m not sure where we’re supposed to be standing. I know there’s some ceremonial significance.” Shepard whispered as they walked closer.
“I got it, just stand next to me.” He reached down and squeezed Shepard’s hand.
“…can’t even leave her a cross made out of sticks, or?” Shepard whispered at last. He only received another hand squeeze from Kaidan.
Kirrahe began the ceremony without fanfare or preamble a few moments later. It was a rousing speech Shepard couldn’t pay attention to. He’d have to ask Kaidan to give him the notes on it later. Kirrahe stood with the backdrop of the crater. You really couldn’t tell a facility had been here. If it weren’t for the conspicuous roundness of the bay itself, it’d be easy to believe it was natural with how much the jungle had claimed it in the past 6 years.
“Ito Modrin, Aeghor Team.” Kirrahe intoned. The salarians chanted a brief syllable, something between a shush and a shout. Kaidan and Shepard joined with them as the names rolled on. A dozen or more.
“Voran Loenerz, Jaeto Team.”
It was beautiful, as far as final resting places went. He’d left his first soldier behind here. Somewhere else in the galaxy, he’d left others floating in space above an icy alien world. At least he’d been allowed to erect a monument there.
“Ridenza Clao, Jaeto Team Leader.”
The invitation had been a surprise. And it had loosened something that had been lodged inside him. About Ash, about Alchera, about everything. He wasn’t sure if the ceremony today was the beginning or the ending of something inside him, something that had been more comfortable stuck, irritating but out of mind.
“Williams Ashley, Aeghor Team Leader.”
The company chanted, and then there was a moment of silence. Only the sound of the waves, and of alien birds. Then, as if they all understood it was over, the members of the salarian team turned and began to board the drop ship once again. A few exchanged terse pleasantries with Shepard and Kaidan before they boarded, but even Kirrahe only said a few words before boarding the drop pod:
“Please take a moment if you need.”
Kaidan and Shepard stood alone on the beach.
“Tell me what you’ve been thinking about?” Kaidan took Shepard’s hand again.
“I’ll tell you everything when we get back, if you tell me Kirrahe’s speech.” Kaidan laughed, but turned Shepard to face him.
“I’m glad you were here with me today. And… I’m glad I was here with you.” He leaned forward and softly kissed Shepard, putting his arms around him.
They listened to the sound of the waves for another moment, then they cleared their footprints and boarded the ship—flew away.
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Spokes in the Wheel
Pairing: Kirrahe x Mordin Solus Characters: Kirrahe, Mordin Solus Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Archive Warnings: Major Character Death Other Tags: Double Drabbles, Salarian worldbuilding Summary: There was a word for what Kirrahe meant to Mordin, but it took a lifetime for him to find it. A series of 200 word fics about Kirrahe and Mordin's relationship. Written for the @spectre-requisitions-exchange for jaigheart. You can also read it here on AO3!
13th of Kesh, 2756 GS. 600 hours. The first time Mordin saw Kirrahe. He was dressed simply, relieved of his STG armour for a more casual fit. The black weave of his jumpsuit only served to make him look greener, his bright skin blooming against the synthetic light.
While the other agents lounged in their seats, he sat straight. His ambition could be measured by the angle of his spine. He appeared at first the picture of arrogance, a young commander with a chip on his shoulder and plenty to prove. Mordin was prepared to work through gritted teeth. He’d known sooner or later the soldier faction within the STG would rear its head in this project. No Salarian ever set foot on Tuchanka without a bullet to spare.
And that was what Kirrahe was: the unwavering path of a bullet, hurtling towards its target with the force of a mass effect field behind it.
“You’re Doctor Solus, aren’t you?” Immediately, he rose from his seat. A smooth, liquid movement. Almost disarming to witness.
“My superiors spoke highly of you,” he continued, offering his hand. “I’m eager to see what you and your scientists are made of.”
“STG hired the best,” Mordin replied. “Adjust expectations accordingly.”
20th of Pa’esh, 2756 GS. 1800 hours. His head felt lighter than yesterday morning. Far from a relief, instead every movement needed to be recalibrated. Relieved, now, of his right cranial horn, what before was a simple turn of the head would now send him careening.
Rather than spilling onto the floor, a pair of arms caught him, steadying him with apparent ease. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Kirrahe chided.
“No time for rest. Immediate danger dealt with, must now deal with other… personal matters.” Mordin blinked. Drop 16 still felt like a dream. The inconvenient kind. The events of the day moved through his mind as though another salarian had lived them. Yet the injury to his horn proved otherwise.
That was until he remembered Maelon. The dismay in his voice when he saw they had killed krogan females was all too real.
“Personal matters. You mean Maelon?”
“Yes. Hope to convince him to recant protest now that dust has settled. See necessity in parameter shift.”
“I’ve already struck it from the official report. He’s young, one moment of weakness shouldn’t define the rest of his career.”
Gratitude swelled in his chest. Hard to believe this was the man he’d traded so many venomous barbs with yesterday.
1st of Da’esh, 2762 GS. 1000 hours. Medical personnel had reassured him all was well. Though the Commander— no, Captain’s unit had taken heavy losses, Kirrahe himself escaped with only minor injury. Mordin knew better.
He’d drafted countless emails inquiring after him. Deleted them just as quickly. Better to go himself.
Hearsay placed Kirrahe on Nasurn, his homeworld, in his clan’s embrace. The natural place for any salarian to return when life’s tests threatened to overwhelm, though Mordin had never felt such loyalty to his own.
“The first word I received when I was released from hospital was that Clan Narra had accepted my family’s bid for a reproduction contract,” Kirrahe told him not long after their reunion. “It looks like I’ll be a father again.”
A match most males would kill for. Then again, Kirrahe had.
“Seem hesitant.” Mordin sniffed. “Unlike you.”
“These days I save my certainty for my soldiers. I don’t have much to spare for myself.” The captain stretched, then winced, clutching a hidden injury. “It is nice to think something good could come from Virmire… what a mess.”
“Your last daughter— a product of the Modification Project success, correct?”
“True, but she’s not the only good thing that came from those days.”
15th of Kesh, 2765 GS. 500 hours. “Are you willing to admit that I was right?” Was the first thing Kirrahe said to him on Sur’kesh. Before platitudes, before niceties.
Mordin wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Would sooner die,” he shot back, which only encouraged the Captain— no, Major.
“I see age has done nothing for your obstinance,” Kirrahe said. “Perhaps we settle the matter over drinks, loser pays.”
Neither needed reminding of which argument they were returning to. One word, and it was as fresh in Mordin’s mind as the day it was had. The weary look on Rentola’s face as they continued was a clear sign they were not alone in their remembering.
What few hours Mordin had to waste were spent in Kirrahe’s company. Although, he was ashamed to say, he couldn’t remember who won, which certainly meant it was not him. Still clear, however, was the flash of Kirrahe’s eyes in the failing daylight. They invited curiosity. Questions Mordin had never forgotten, but buried beneath years of guilt.
Later, Eve would jest that perhaps their kinds were not so different, if the vehicles for how they expressed love played out so similarly. Albeit with fewer headbutts.
Mordin had no answer for her.
27th of Da’esh, 2765 GS. 2100 hours. It will be raining on Nasurn, Mordin thinks. It always does this time of year. When he closes his eyes, the patter of stone on the reinforced glass nearly passes for its chorus.
As he slips further into the distance, Shepard’s figure vanishes beneath a plume of rubble, and he is left with his memories. Nostalgia drowns his fears.
In the years after the Genophage Project ended, Mordin dove deep into the ancient wisdom of his people. He’d long thought there’d been no word for what Kirrahe is to him, at least not until the asari settled among the salarians. By the time he learned there was, their lives had passed one another by. Or so he thought.
Like the cycle of life itself, salarian lives turned in circles. It brought him to Shepard, to Tuchanka, to Maelon, and to Kirrahe.
Shadows pass over him as he draws nearer his destination. A nervous song plays upon his lips. He remembers how Kirrahe’s hand folded over his as he spoke the word back to him. Skin so green it stripped the colour from Sur’kesh’s leaves.
The door opens. Fire drinks the moisture from his skin. The wheel turns for him again.
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rynegaias · 2 years
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jacensolodjo · 11 months
major arminta reminds me of Kirrahe a li'l lol with like a dash of Ash thrown in.
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simpiner · 2 years
We hold the line
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He claims he was right in saying it was an honor fighting with the Commander again if they have shared camaraderie. Kirrahe manages to limp a considerable distance in pursuit before collapsing at a door. If Kirrahe is alive but Thane Krios is dead or never spoke with Shepard before the attack, then Kai Leng attempts to kill the councilor but instead shoots a cloaked Kirrahe at point blank. We look forward to returning the favor.ĭuring the Cerberus attack on the Citadel, Kai Leng threatens the salarian councilor's life. You were there for us in our hour of need. To that end, I wanted to reiterate that STG will be there to help when the need arises, regardless of the political climate. It seems fate has decided our meetings coincide with galactic threats. An unnamed soldier, in Kirrahe's stead, also attempts to cover Shepard but does not survive.įollowing the mission on Sur'Kesh, Major Kirrahe sends Commander Shepard an e-mail, again promising his support against the Reapers.Ĭommander, it was a pleasure seeing you again on Sur'Kesh, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. If Kirrahe did not survive Virmire, Lieutenant Tolan takes his place at the beginning of the mission. When the Cerberus troops are defeated, Kirrahe stays behind to protect Shepard's flank while the Commander proceeds to the Species Observation Area. Demolishing a wave of troops with a Scorpion pistol, Kirrahe expresses his pleasure at getting to work with the Commander again before covering Shepard's team in the firefight. During the fighting, Shepard encounters Kirrahe in a skirmish with Cerberus troops. When Commander Shepard descends down the facility to extract the only remaining female krogan, Cerberus launches a surprise attack, attempting to prevent Shepard from acquiring the krogan. If Javik is present, Kirrahe repeatedly assumes Javik is a genetically modified drell or turian for use in some psychological tactic, rather than an actual living Prothean. If Garrus and/or Liara is present, he greets them enthusiastically, remarking that the Reapers have a way of bringing them together. He promises Shepard that regardless of what the politicians decide, he would gladly support retaking Earth. If Kirrahe is spoken to before entering the base, he mentions that it was he who found the krogan females on Tuchanka and brought them to Sur'Kesh. Now promoted to Major, he is present at an STG facility that runs experiments on female krogan, loitering near the elevator entrance of the base. If Kirrahe survived the events on Virmire in 2183, he is on Sur'Kesh during the Reaper invasion in 2186. He hopes he and Shepard might have the opportunity to work together again in the future. Kirrahe and his surviving men can be found in the engineering section, sympathetic to Shepard's loss Kirrahe says they will get off when the Normandy next makes port and find their way home. However, with Shadow Team's help, Kirrahe can escape with Shepard aboard the Normandy. Either Ashley or Kaidan takes over command of the salarians after his death and coordinate the attack from then on. Without help from Shepard's team, Kirrahe is killed by the geth air support midway through the operation. Aegohr Team provides fire support to Mannovai Team and manages to evade the geth flyers that forces them to hunker down, then later spearheads the attack on the second AA gun. While Kirrahe takes personal command of Mannovai Team, Aegohr Team is given to either Kaidan or Ashley. Shepard can assist Kirrahe's assault along the way by sabotaging geth positions and listening to how the salarian attack is progressing over radio chatter. In it, he explains that though they are covert operatives rather than heavy troopers, they are still part of a proud tradition – "We would be legends, but the records are sealed." Kirrahe hears some dissent amongst his men and gives them an inspirational speech. In light of this, he names his teams after key salarian settlements (Aegohr, Mannovai and Jaëto) to remind his men what they are fighting for. He is personally involved, leading three teams of his salarian officers (along with either Ashley Williams or Kaidan Alenko) to draw out the geth, knowing they would take heavy losses. Kirrahe develops a plan to destroy the facility, with the help of Shepard's crew: to place an improvised nuclear bomb at a critical part of the base. He is suspicious of Wrex (if Wrex was allowed to join the crew), describing the salarians' intervention in krogan evolution as 'a mistake', but allows Commander Shepard to deal with Wrex's anger. “This mission just got a lot more complicated.” - Spoilers for Mass Effect follow.Īfter discovering Saren's krogan breeding facility on Virmire, Kirrahe sends a message to the Council asking for a fleet to help destroy it, but a communications disruption results in a garbled message, and as a result only the SSV Normandy is sent to investigate.
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obiroguewan · 2 years
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Mass Effect 3
Shepard: Is there an easier way around? Kirrahe: You could say that.
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naiitiel · 2 years
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here comes the boy
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hardcore-like-eezo · 2 years
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Priority -- Sur'Kesh
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brujah-remade · 3 years
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Who’s this? He’s a... friend.
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