#make him the cutest that i've ever seen (ooc)
plum-buckered · 1 year
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    "Now that'ths thsimply COO-COO BANANATHS...! Redemption, deery me, the nonexithstent humanity! No, my dear, I.... I... zzzzz...."
        "HEY, AL, WAKE UP!"
    "OH!!! Fire and brimthstone, I'm awake! Now where waths I...? Oh yeths... I don't believe ANYTHING can thsave thsuch loathsthome thsinnerths!"
    Welcome one and all to my NEWEST Alastor, a very VERY different take on a 4P Alastor. This one is incredibly sleepy and goofy, rather than sounding like Ed Boscoe, he sounds like Ed Wynn.
    This blog is run by Hebby, it's a sideblog to @rheddradio and it will have a combination of online and para rp. The rules are basically the same as Rhedd's, so read his.
    Albert L'insomnie was definitely a difficult figure to get a pin on. By day, a vastly entertaining radio broadcaster, by night, a brutal serial killer targeting debt collectors, primarily. One notable thing about this man was how much coffee he drank, he often wore quite a bit of cover to hide his darkened eyes, for this man never got ANY sleep, allegedly. This was due to making a deal with demons, to never have to sleep again while he was alive if he could make the debt collectors pay. Eventually, his insomniac habits would cost him dearly as he slipped up while hiding a body and found himself without a head!
    Landing in Hell, Albert found his newfound abilities that manifested here were causing him to explode with potential. Turns out the demons he'd made a deal with weren't done with him, demanding he clean things up! They added to his conditions, changing his name to Alastor, a spirit of vengeance! Completely wiping out the old overlords, Alastor would pass out fully... The first sleep he'd had in decades.
    Oh, but that's not ALL... It turns out, because he'd expended so much of his power, Alastor was NOW the complete opposite of an insomniac, but rather he was narcoleptic!! Always lazy looking, ears always drooping, and with his eyes barely able to remain open, the radio host would meander from place to place, still a terrifying presence to sinners, but barely managing to restrain his habit of nodding off...
    He earned the nickname Plum from always being so plum tuckered out...!
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betterdcyz · 2 years
sometimes I think of the mr sandman song and look at the corinthian 
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fuedalreesespieces · 11 months
sota's brave confession of love being that episode:
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[worth noting here that in the dub the way richard says "WHAT-ever..." priceless.]
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[also worth noting that in the dub he says "you already said that" instead of "hah! what're you saying?!" which feels more like an inuyasha response to me. then again we'll never know since this is technically anime-only, and while i tend not to like a lot of inuyasha filler, if it's in the modern day i will eat it up. every. time.]
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inuyasha being stunned by the sheer amount of goods in a grocery store...gold. earlier in this episode he also seemed enamored by baked goods, and i wonder if he's ever really had anything resembling it? bread made its way to japan mid-16th century via portuguese traders, so it's likely he's never had anything like it and the smell must've been new to him - it would've been interesting if we'd seen him trying all these new foods!
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i can never decide whether or not sunrise likes inukag bc they'll cut out canon scenes of them but then insert scenes like this in their filler eps...what game are ya'll playing? but flustered inuyasha is adorable so i can't complain this time.
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i'm sorry WHERE is he getting these questions from i actually burst out laughing
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called out by an eight year old...
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i don't care whether or not this is ooc because i laughed way too hard like he really got dragged from potential sleep to deal with this LMAO
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this is the cutest thing i've ever seen and it only gets better:
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shortly after: sota getting kicked out of his own house after chickening out for the tenth time this episode
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flustered inukag my beloved...
anyway this episode is a dumb fun and i love it to an insane degree. the only part i would say is out of character (at least, more out of character than sunrise already does inuyasha) is when he literally makes this face at the thought of confessing to kagome:
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coming from the guy who was pretty open about his feelings in the manga and quite literally told kagome - thinking she was hearing him - that he likes seeing her smile and feels relieved when he's by her side, i don't see him getting this flustered - but the face he makes is priceless.
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yandereocs · 3 months
AAH! I don't remember where but I think I saw an ask of like your characters as kids and I did a little something.. 😈 this will be a very long ask, please bear(bare?) with me 😭
Basically a daycare au! At the bottom of every kid, I wrote their names like how I think they would write it as kids. I'll also give some little headcanons but if they're not to your liking or it's untrue/ooc, you can change it!
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one of the shyer ones
She actually isn't supposed to be in the daycare as her older brother who is also her only guardian never signed her up for it. The caretaker, Ame, doesn't give a shit though and let's Bonnie in whenever she arrives. (Let's not talk about how did Bonnie escaped from Elijah's clutches-)
In my heart, all Elijah's are bad so the Elijah in this au sucks as well, although he is a bit toned down.
Bonnie learns slower than the other children and hesitates a lot but she's a good and cooperative kid.
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i gave him an oversized version of his sweater but I wished I had given him a little suit instead since he did come from a wealthy family 😔
He's a very intelligent child despite his age. Very responsible too.
Zach likes to be responsible and help Ame with the other children but he constantly forgets that he is also a kid :(
He knows his alphabets but constantly writes in capital. Ame doesn't know why, he'll probably grow out of it.
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Ame could easily sniff out which twin is which but the other children can't so she made custom pin of each of the twins names so the other children could identify more easily. The twins do not like that though 😒
He wears Velcro shoes but it's understandable. Zach is the only child who can properly tie his own shoes.
Chance is as playful as Chase but is more in the quiet side when Chase is away (although they're rarely apart from one another anyways). He is more of the follower.
He's one of those kids that always writes out of the line so his writing looks uneven.
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The leader of the twins. Calls himself the leader of the whole daycare.
Gets hurt easily but is too "manly" for bandages.
He's always pouting for no reason.
Chase is the worst writer in the daycare. Ame believes that Chase is more of a builder type than writing.
If Chase is ever separated from Chance, he will spend his time trying to find his brother. Chance on the other hand, waits till Chase gets back.
He wears rain boots because he plays around mud and water a lot. Ame doesn't like this because he gets really dirty. To ease Ame's worries, Chase decided to wear boots so he wouldn't get so dirty anymore....
It doesn't work. He still gets dirty.
Honestly, Chase is a good kid. He's just a handful.
Also, maybe both the twins crave more physical attention than the others which is why they are always doing crazy things to get Ame's attention.
This is what you get for bringing in neglected children, Ame.
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Ame the caretaker! Its hamster Ame btw but I did thought of it being OG Ame instead but if that was the case, OG Ame would have been training these kids for war instead of taking care of them 😭
She wears space related pins! One is of Saturn, the other is a star and the moon.
The daycare building has a big sign outside which says no adult male cat hybrid with brown hair allowed.
Ame adores the children and is really patient with each of them, even Chase and Chance.
Being an experiment made to take care of children, she's doing as they had wanted.
She has fluffy pigtails if you don't know what's happening with her hair.
Anyways, that's all and again I deeply apologize for the long rambling. I really love daycare aus 😭 I'm planning to make more of the daycare au and adding more of your ocs to it, if you don't mind, of course! :)
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* All Elijahs are absolutely bad (it would just be strange if he WASN'T a horrible person in every universe 😭) so he is BANNED!! Bonnie's able to slip away from him through her bedroom window when he's off at work and just wanders over to the daycare. She can't read, meaning if the sign were to say "ELIJAH FRONT BANNED" or something like that, she wouldn't even know. But if she saw a crossed out picture of his face she wouldn't even piece it together 😭
* Girlie is just like "Wow he looks just like my brother :)" without even thinking of the possibility that it IS her brother 😭
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* I gave Zack the suit, just like you wanted 💪💪
* Younger Zack wearing a suit in his childhood is actually canon!! The reason he's seen wearing his sweater when he meets up with Bonnie during the night though is because he wants to be a normal kid and is sick of wearing a stuffy suit all day HAHA
* My boy Zack is forcing himself to grow up too fast 😔
* He thinks it's his responsibility to help the other kids since he's going to be the next in charge of the clan. These are his people!! It's his job!! Which means he never allows himself to play :(
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* Zack's always been affectionate. He can't exactly express that at home, so he's always expressing his gratitude towards Ame for being nice to him
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* These two are absolute menaces. They cannot be trusted alone‼️‼️
* Not that it matters, since most of their time is spent clinging to Ame's legs and pulling her along so she can watch them do some sort of dangerous stunt
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* All of these kids need a good maternal figure in their life. Bonnie has no parents, Zack's mom is only married to his father for the status, and the Twins only live with their dad. They all just need a kind lady to give them a hug and say that she's proud of them 😭
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irish-urn · 2 years
SPOILER - I wanna talk about the GOOD and the BAD! Let’s start off with the good: Casey and Derek were true to their characters and I loved that Derek matured, like it’s still him but he’s grown now and he’s a good father! Second, Dasey acted like a married couple! Sorry Case, but I’m so glad she’s having marriage troubles with her husband Peter. I liked Simons character, he’s a bit like Derek, he’s goofy, friendly, and has a good heart. The bathroom scene! Casey secretly wanted to take a bath with Derek. It’s not mentioned directly in the movie, but I think it’s safe to say Casey DID go to Queens and ditched dancing in New York because she talks about the first year at Queens with Derek. That bugged me about VWD. Now for the bad, Derek dropped out of his first year of college, what! Dasey never happened in college? I’m the #1 Dasey in College fan so this felt like if someone poured pickle juice on me and then slapped me and then threw a tomato at me. Sorry, but on my rewatches I skipped the Skylar and Luca scenes. I understand why Marti, Lizzie, and Edwin weren’t in the movie, but still, I wanted to see them so bad. And Emily. I liked Simon but I wish he didn’t exist, for Dasey reasons. Derek being a musician that lives in Paris isn’t OOC, but it’s also not what me or a lot of people expected. I wanted famous hockey player Derek, dammit! Derek and Casey having kids at a young age IS OOC to me, but it’s whatever. Life happens. I didn’t like how Casey and Derek spent years apart. One is a lawyer and the other is a musician who’s always on tour so it makes sense, but it’s fiction so make it happen anyways! That’s all I can think of right now, but even with the bad, I still thought it was a pretty good movie! I have a feeling the follow up movie or series is going to be even better. Anyways, what’s your good or bad?
OH BOY. my good and bad.
My Good: The characterizations were everything I hoped for. Everyone was so in-character for the situations that they were in. I LOVED Simon. He wasn't what I was expecting but I really really enjoyed him. I also VERY MUCH liked the new kids. Was Luca kind of a jerk? Yes, but I knew WHY and so I'm looking forward to seeing him grow. Molly and Kai were the cutest things I've ever seen and I loved them. Skyler has the potential to be super annoying and instead I adored her.
I also super liked the aesthetic of it and the way they did the spliced screens. I just liked the look of it.
The Bads: Nora and George's plot annoyed me but thankfully their scenes were short enough I could deal with it (although I probably will skip them on my rewatch). I missed the kids as much as everyone did, but remain hopeful.
My main issue with it is: I think they were really mean to Derek and Casey in order to get them to where they are now.
So, before I'm a Dasey shipper, I'm a Derek Venturi stan and a member of the Casey McDonald defense squad. As long as they are happy, I am willing to give the plotline a lot of slack.
But Derek and Casey? They aren't happy. One of them is lonely and afraid, and the other is miserable and overwhelmed.
I'm going to have to do another post just about my take on Derek Venturi, and another one for the McDonald family, but tldr: Derek and Skyler need family and connection, and the McDonalds need breathing room. They've set it up so that these two families need each other and I really hope we get the chance to see them work together... Because my babies are so so sad without each other. And I'm not talking as a shipper or because I think they should bone. They just work better as a team, and I hate that they tore them apart for so long.
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achoonihaachu · 3 years
Hello! May I request the brother's reactions to a younger MC that carries a particular stuffie around with them? They like plushies, sure, but this specific one is sentimental, so it gets carried everywhere. There is not a single moment when I do not have Perry the Platypus with me, and I think it'd be fun to have a full conversation with him in front of the brother's
Waaah sorry if this is too specific. Thank you! (:
Brothers react to a young Mc who carries a Sentimental Plush
a/n: The MC in this prompt will be around the age of 9-13. This story will be PLATONIC and i think it's the cutest thing :(( I'm so sorry if thisn't what you thought of when you initally sent me the ask! </33 Also hello! Happy 2022 to all of us! I haven't posted in a few days because I've been so busy with the holidays </33 I hope this makes up for it?? *fingers crossed*
warnings: nothing honestly, demon brothers acting like good brothers, belphie steals from a child, mc was probably throwing tantrums a few times, not proof read :<< , a bit ooc at times maybe?, PLATONIC FIC!
Lucifer- Young MC has a pink unicorn plush bc idk,, Satan is his son-brother and bc luci is deffo a manly man who wants to be surrounded by manly things T_T
Lucifer was already a little shocked to see this tiny human being walk into the Devildom. He wasn't expecting a child to show up and that was a mistake on his part.
But that was the best mistake he's made in his entire lifetime.
Him and his brothers were almost strangers living in a house together but when you came along, all doe-eyed and curious— unafraid of anything, they grew closer than they'd ever been.
They chipped in and were raising you together.
You managed to do so much in the short amount of time you'd been alive.
Something Lucifer noticed, however, was how you were always glued to this tiny stuffed plushy of a pink unicorn.
First of all, he's seen unicorns, they aren't as pretty and nice and pink as the shit you see in popular media.
They aren't Satan's familiars for nothing.
But you seemed to adore the fluffy thing so he just leaves you be.
You do your chores with the thing, you go on trips with it in your arms; You never go anywhere without it.
He doesn’t mind as long as it doesn’t get in the way.
One day, though, he comes home after an extremely tiring day at RAD. He felt sluggish and he almost dread going up to his room because he knew that there were only stacks on stacks of paperwork he still had to tend to.
When he made it up the stairs to the hallway of their rooms, however, he sensed that something was a little different about the air.
He treaded lightly towards the door to his room, he felt a presence waiting behind the mahogany wood. He twists the handle slowly and peaks his head in and— he sees you face down on his bed, arms wrapped tightly around his velveteen pillows. Your shoulders shook lightly. He approached you hesitantly and sat down, "Hey there, little one. Would you mind explaining why you're in my room?" He asked, voice unusually soft; then again, he was a lot nicer to you than his brothers. You said something, but he couldn't quite understand since you didn't even try lifting your head to explain to him what was bothering you. He shakes his head and chuckles, "Alright then, come here."
He lifts you up to sit and turns you to look at him and his smile immediately falters. You were crying. "(MC), what's wrong?" He went into full on dad mode.
"M-Mams got Pinky dirty." Oh. Well, guess who's going to get hung by his toes to the ceiling.
"(MC), humor me this... Why do you like that unicorn so much? If Mammon ruined your plushy, we can just buy you another one—"
"NO!" He had not expected you to yell.
You kneeled on the bed and the mattress dipped slightly as you grabbed him by the collar, "Luci, you will never ever suggest something like that again, okay? Pinky is very important to me and you know this."
He blinks at you and inelegantly snorts in disbelief, "More important than me and my brothers?"
You hesitate, your grip on his collar loosening ever so slightly before tightening again,
"I love you all equally… but Pinky is very important."
He doesn't get human children at all.
Mammon- Young MC with a duck plush bc Mammon’s like a clingy duckling :DD
Mammon doesn't really get to use the "Big Brother Mammon" card on his 5 younger siblings.
They do not respect him in the way they should respect someone older and more powerful than them.
But then sweet little MC walks into his life and he will never admit it but he has adored you since the minute he sees you waddle into the Devildom with a sizable duck plush in your arms.
He babies you 25/8, honestly.
You get carried around, bossed around, heck he's tried feeding you—
But if he ever tries to do anything to your ducky—
Falling from the Heavens would only be the second worst thing he's experienced.
He loves walking on this tightrope of destruction when it comes to you and your ducky; he'd try to take it away from you because he gets jealous of how much attention you give it.
Yes, the Great Mammon gets jealous of a duck plush. He’s already competing for the favorite person/thing spot in your heart and now a duck joins the competition.
You were in Mammon's room for the afternoon; he won the daily roulette spin that the brothers do at breakfast before you wake up to see who's the lucky demon who gets to spend time with you.
Seeing you so act relaxed and just having fun like a kid should, made Mammon's heart all warm and fluttery. His brothers would say otherwise and try to deny but deep down in the pits of their hearts, they would all agree that Mammon's the best older brother. Lucifer was great and all that but he's got quite the cold persona to him and though Mammon's almost always broke and trying to steal their stuff to sell off, he's always always there for them. You were hanging out with "Big Brother Mammon" and he had told you to just sit and wait as he bet on an online blackjack tournament. You pouted at first but decided to spend your time playing with your ducky. Mammon started to regret his decision; He was getting increasingly restless as you cuddled the big yellow stuffie, I mean… Why would you do that when there's a perfectly good Mammon in the same room as you—? "Yo, (MC). Put the duck down and c'mere." He huffed. You blink at him once before you turn your back towards him.
He gawks at you in disbelief; this tiny human did not just do that—
He flicks his wrist and using his magic, he plucks the duck from your hands and keeps it levitated in the air just above you, even as you jumped you weren't tall enough to reach it. "(MC), I'll give ya back the duck if ya promise that you'll cuddle me." He proposes. Honestly, you "forced" him into a pact but he's more clingy than you've ever been.
“Why do you like the stupid duck anyways? The Great Mammon is so much better than the fluffy thing.”
Your bottom lip wobbles a bit and you stare at him, “I changed his name to Mams… Because he’s the best and since you’re the best… I…” Your voice was watery. He felt like he was going to implode. He sighs and walks over to you; he doesn’t say a word as he picks you up and brings you to his couch.
He plops you down on top of him as he lies back down, “W-well if he’s just as awesome as me, why do you want to spend more time with him, huh?!” He doesn’t even try to hide the bright blush dusting his cheeks. You giggle and wrap your arms around him, squishing your face against his face,
“You’re the best brother but Mams is number one in my heart.”
Mammon.exe has stopped working.
Leviathan- Young MC has a Perry the Platypus plush bc platypus-es (platypi?) live in water and also original req :DD
He’s an avid collector of figurines and plushies himself. He believes that art can and should be appreciated in all forms and one form of appreciation is through adorable, huggable physical fluffy bodies.
(He really just loves his body pillow and stuffies of all the waifus he has).
He doesn’t really hang out with you in public much to know that you take your little platypus everywhere with you.
When he lets you hang around in his room, he notices that you hold onto it like it was your lifeline.
He really wanted to ask you why, out of all possible plushies you could be obsessed with, it had to be a teal platypus with a tiny little spy hat but… his nerves got to him before he could get the question out.
You would sleep in his bed-tub with your arms tightly wrapped around it.
Before you ask, yes, he has an entire album in his phone of about a hundred photos of you cuddling Perry.
Moe <3
Yes, he sends about a dozen to the super secret brothers chat every time you take a nap in his room.
Yes, the rest of the boys are jealous.
Basically, Levi would be the brother to get the sentimental value of the plush; the other Avatars don’t really get your affinity for a stuffed toy.
Well, he was gaming one particular night when lo and behold, you knock on his door to hang out.
He, of course, lets you in with no questions asked.
Levi scurries back over to his desk and picks up where he left off, “Hey, (MC). I’ll finish this round then I’ll be with ya, alright?” He yells over the loud boss music he was blasting on his speakers. You simply nod and walk over to the bed-tub and almost immediately fall asleep. Levi’s room was just really cold and you felt comfortable in his bed-tub. The room was never silent, the dubstep and the bass drops in Levi’s playlist kept you from falling into deep sleep and for a fraction of a second, you regret going to Levi’s room to nap.
Belphie would force you to sleep even if you weren’t tired… Maybe it isn’t too late to move spots.
Just as you were considering slipping out of the third-born’s room to hang out with the twins, Levi turned off the gamer playlist and left his desktop on the home screen of the game he was playing. “We won!” He cheers as he walks over to you. You smile giddily at him, “Congratulations, Levi! Teach me to play next time!” You say excitedly. Your hold on Perry loosened and he fell out of your arms and onto the bed just as Levi sat down.
Levi’s ass was smothering Perry.
You gasp and start trying to push him off, “Levi! Get up! Perry’s suffocating!” You cry. Levi immediately gets up and checks on your platypus. He totally gets your reaction; if anyone sat on his Ruri-chan body pillow, he would flip shit. He starts apologizing profusely, sorrys leaving his mouth a million miles a minute before you shake your head and shush him, “Levi! Calm down! He’s fine!” You giggle.
“It’s not fine! Remember when Mammon sat on Ruri-chan?!”
“Yeah… You almost threw him out of a window-”
Satan: Young MC with a black cat plush bc… well, do i have to explain myself- ._.
Satan is the brother to have a very strong (secret) soft spot for cute things. You, by yourself, were the cutest thing Satan has laid his eyes on in eons.
Then you pull out a soft plush of a black cat from behind you and Satan… He almost dies.
He’s not as clingy as Mammon by any means but… he’s close.
He loved spending time with you because, yes, you’re adorable but you also have exquisite taste in plushies.
He smiles like a dad when he watches you play with the plush and he feels honored when you let him hold it, even if it’s just for a few moments.
He might not understand the sentiment but he understands your love for it’s cuteness.
Satan is absolutely the type to buy you more plushies so that you and him could play pretend with all the soft plushies you have.
He’ll never admit to his brothers but sometimes, he forces you to play with him.
He’s such a softie for cute things, ergo, he’s a softy for you.
He never actually sits down to ask you why you like it so much. He’s known for his wit and quick-thinking so in a way, he’s formulated a logical explanation as to why you might like the plush so much. Honestly, he’s thought of 4 or 5 different explanations that make sense in his big brain.
One afternoon, you and Satan were having a picnic in the gardens behind the House of Lamentation. The weather was perfect so you two decided to seize the moment. Besides, all his brothers were busy doing their own things and this gave Satan an excuse to hog your time before Mammon whined about it or before Asmo could steal you to take pictures of you.
You sit your cat plushie beside you and prepare a small sandwich for it.
Satan had finished setting the drinks out and he watches you plate a small portion of your sandwich in front of Gato, your cat plushie. He didn’t have the heart to tell you that Gato literally meant Cat- you thought it was some sort of magical word. He smiles to himself and sits cross legged in front of you.
A question lingers on his mind, “Hey, (MC)? I have a question for you.” You stare at him quizzically as you bite into your sandwich, “hm?” You hum.
“Why do you like Gato so much?” He asked, picking up a cup to take a sip of the herbal tea you prepared earlier in the day. You chew slowly, thinking of a proper answer, “mm… M-well, Gato’s cute! And I remember that I got it as a gift back in the human world!” You say after you swallow. He hums, “Well, I got you a bunch of other cat plushies… Do you not like them as much as Gato?”
You shake your head vigorously, “I love them, tan-tan! I love all my kitties equally but… and don’t tell them I told you this…” You move to cover Gato’s ears. Satan watches you in amusement.
“I love you more!”
Satan loves cute things; he loves you. He practically melts when he hears you utter those words. He chuckles quietly to you before he reaches over to pinch your cheek lightly,
"I love you too, kid."
Asmodeus: Young Mc with a bunny plush bc Asmo is the prettiest bunnyboi demon :D
Asmo’s probably more obsessed with cute things than Satan.
And that boy is obsessed.
He loves seeing you walk around at RAD with Lucifer and your arms are clung tightly on a furry white bunny just as cute as you.
He takes so many photos of you and holds a weekly photoshoot to photograph just you, him, and your bunny to post on his Devilgram.
He’s kind of like a momager in a sense that he wants you to pose perfectly for the shot, he does your hair and make up and he’s willing to fight Diavolo himself to get the lighting down to a tee and honestly, bad photos are almost nonexistent! (especially when he’s in the photos).
He never really questioned it except once during family game night when Belphie asked you to choose between them and your bunny and without hesitation, you pick your bunny over the Seven whipped Demon Lords.
He cried.
Out of all the brothers, it’s well known that Asmo’s the drama king. He absolutely is the type to fall on the floor, a weeping mess, if left ignored. In a way, he loves your attention specifically because you look up to him and love him regardless of his looks.
Many people around his age or are adults in general, want him for his beauty and most of the time, they want something more devious and less innocent.
He loves that you just love so innocently. Whether you love him or that bunny, it’s all so innocent and so genuine.
He took you to Madam Screams one afternoon; he had to sneak you out of the house because if Beel found out that you two were heading to his favorite food place, the sixth-born would have probably ran ahead and finished everything.
Asmo tugs you along the busy road, you were practically buzzing with excitement as you thought of all the macarons you were going to eat— you felt a little bad about not bringing Beel along but you decided to get him something before you head home. The light-haired demon smiles at you as you look up at him, one hand interlocked with his while your other hand holds onto your bunny plush tightly, "Careful, (MC). It's really muddy in this area so you need to hold onto your bunny properly!"
Just as he says that, a car whizzes past with a honk and the watery mud on the placement sprays a little onto the sidewalk and—
Your bunny gets dirty.
Your eyes go wide with a gasp, your hands are shaky as you stare down at your furry friend. Asmodeus was speechless but his vacant hand was quick to snap a picture of the model of the car and the color; plate number was a little blurry but he was certain that he'd be able to hunt that demon down. How dare they ruin your precious bunny.
Your eyes grow watery and you choke back a sob, "N-no… A-Asmo, what do I do?!" You cried, your voice was small as you tried your best not to sob.
"We can go home to wash your bunny after our lunch date— it's alright, (MC)! Lucifer can put it with our other laundry—"
"I-I can do it! I can clean my bunny! Let's go home right now." You start tugging him back to the direction of the house.
"Wait! (MC)! Our day out! I can buy you a new plush-” You stop in your tracks and glare at him and Asmodeus has never felt more afraid in his entire life.
“Right! Back home! We’ll wash your bunny!”
Beelzebub: Young MC with a burger plush bc… well, it’s Beel-
Beel doesn’t show a lot of emotions; he’s this big stoic dude that stands over six feet tall with muscles upon muscles and so when you walk into the Devildom for the first time, you kind of cower in fear… (understandable).
Behind this adorable little burger plush.
It even has cheese, lettuce and tomatoes :(
He salivated when he first saw the burger and you peeked your head out from behind your plush and you saw him drooling as he towered above you and…
You were inconsolable for half an hour after that; something about a big strong demon was terrifying for a young person. Go figure..
After though, Beel and you grew inseparable, he was your strong big brother who loved and protected you and everyone you loved from the world.
That would include your burger buddy.
He had a few close calls; he would almost always eat your burger plush at least twice a week.
You would give him the cold shoulder every time he’d almost do it.
He would ask you about your obsession with the plush in the most frank way possible and you’d always shrug and say you just liked it because you’ve had it since you were a baby.
He’d nod ang go back to eating or working out.
You run up to the twins’ room with the goofiest smile on your face.
A gift bag held tightly in your hands.
“Beel? Belphie? Is Beel in there?!” You called out as your fist raps against the hardwood door. You could faintly hear shuffling beyond the door and it swung open, revealing your favorite brother. “(MC)?” Beel stared down at you, a towel in hand. The ginger was obviously sweaty, his black tank top clung to his torso and you could hear what you could only classify as work out music played in their room behind him. You grin widely up at him and push the gift bag you had in your hands towards his free hand, “I got this for you because you always look at my burger!” You explain before you run down the hall and back into your room.
Beel stares at the bag in his hand for a moment before he opens it and inside was… a burger plush exactly like yours.
He cooed as he pulled it out. Humans are so cute and genuine, he thinks. He inspects the plush in his hands and sees his name embroidered on the bottom bun in cursive. He smiles to himself.
You sit in your room, your burger plush in your arms when you hear a faint knock on your door. You skip over and open it and you see Beel stand in the doorway. Before you could say anything, Beel lifts you up in his arms and twirls you around; both your plushies were squished together between your chests. He stands in the middle of the hallway, cuddled up to you and you swore you could hear faint purring rumbling in his chest.
“Thank you, (MC).”
“No need to thank me silly! I wanna thank you for always protecting our family!”
His grin widens on his face, “I’ll always protect our family.”
“Don’t eat your burger plushie though.”
Beel pouts.
Belphegor: Young MC with a cow plush bc can belphie and cows as a combination ever be topped?!
Belphie was always carrying a cow print pillow and his brothers never really batted an eye at him. He just did what he wanted and hoped that everyone else did the same around him.
He sees you walk around with the plush of a cow and he… Well, he steals it for a solid three days.
He genuinely steals from you, the small human under the care of his family. He didn’t feel remorseful or any sort of shame. If anything, if Satan didn’t walk up into the attic during one of Belphie’s afternoon naps, when the youngest brother just so happened to be cuddling into your cow plush, he probably wouldn’t have returned it.
During those three days, you refused to eat, spend time with them, take care of yourself- you were just moping around the halls and in all the different rooms with the saddest put you could muster up and all the brothers were sad and worried about you… except for Belphie.
Well… He felt a little bad. Just a tad bit.
When Satan gave you the cow plush, your smile was literally so big and your joy was through the roof. The could’ve sworn that they were back in the Celestial Realm from the incredibly bright aura you had-
Belpie muttered a half-assed apology and you, with your nice human heart (“or whatever…”, he’d say), you simply hugged him and accepted his apology.
Belphie left it at that and let you be with your plush.
He would always take it from you when you napped with him. Of course he’d only pull it out of your grasp when he was sure you were sleeping soundly.
During one of your many naps, Belphie was lying down, with you on top of him, when he asked a simple question…
“What’s up with you and your cow plush?”
You gave the seventh-born the stink eye and shrugged, “I don’t know, what’s up with you and your pillow?” You retort, your hands stroking the fur patch that was your cow’s makeshift mane. His chest rumbled lightly as he chuckled, “I don’t know… I guess I just like it.” He breathes out. You giggle to yourself, “Well then, I guess I just like my plushie… I mean, I’ve had it for years anyways.”
A small part of Belphie was worried; He thinks he’d rubbed off on you a little too much. Your sass was getting to his levels and well… He worried that he’d only get worse as the years went by.
“What if we exchange for a week?” He suddenly asked. You crane your neck to look at him and from all the wiggling, you fell off of him and land on the soft cushions that surround the pair of you, “You mean you want us to exchange? You’ll get my plush and I’ll get your pillow?” You asked incredulously. He simply nods and you gawk at him.
“No? What do you mean—”
“Nope! This is my plush.”
You get a faceful of a soft white pillow being chucked straight at you.
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doumaistrash · 3 years
Mr. Sandman
A one shot fic for @my-gunpowder and @papermachette
A/n: so i wrote this song fic in like 1 hour bc i needed to get it out of my head. Some lines may be cheesy, corny or cringey but i still hope to those who read it that they enjoy it. Note that my first language isn't actually english it's german so there might some spelling mistakes but fuck it. I'm an absolute sucker for pain and toxic relationship (also me: can't really write angst :/). And i'm a fan of jose/chepe and their creators so yeah (my oc also makes an appearance bc why not?). Thank you for creating your blogs and i hope you enjoy this gift from me :3
Chepe and José are in their youth and i hope i haven't writen Chepe too ooc
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
Were did they go so wrong? Was it always going to be this way? Or was this relationship doomed from the start? Maybe it was his fucking pride that got in the way. Yes. That was it. Maybe if he had been more open and less of an asshole, if he wasn't such a fucking coward, afraid to be vunerable for one second then mAYBE-
Give him two lips like roses and clover
Then tell him that his lonely nights are over
He still remembers his soft lips. So gentle, so loving. Kissing his knuckles when he got into a stupid fight with some asshole again and had to get fixed up. The first time he did it, he felt as his heart would explode out of his chest. The raw emotions he saw in the other boys eyes were so strong that he couldn't help but to stutter and blush. No one ever looked at him like that. No one.
Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
After that he knew. He knew that he fell in love. Every time he saw him on the streets or in the market his face would feel hot and everytime the young man would wave at him, he himself would smile and wave arkwardly back. Sometimes he would even run away but every time he would be asked about it, he would tell the person to fuck off, because he was Chepe and Chepe wasn't a coward. Because Chepe was a player, not a blushing school girl who would run away just like that.
So please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
"Would you like a second chance?"
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
The confession was chaos. He never felt so nervous in his life. Chepe was hot and cold at the same time. He was shivering out of excitement? Nervousness? He didn't know. He didn't care. Not with the boy of his dreams so close to him. Yet so far away. He found a spot far away from the village. A lake wich he found on acciedent. When he needed to cool off from his parents. And seeing his crush marveling at his secret spot filled him with pride. But then those eyes. Those cursed eyes with these emotions so open. They turned to him and he felt his knees go weak, his throat go dry and his heart go faster. Run away. And so he did. But before he could, another hand grasped his wrist. He tried to get free but he couldn't. It wouldn't let him. He asked, wanted to know what was wrong. Chepe didn't want to tell him but of course his stupid mouth didn't want to work like he wanted it to. I love you. Chepe saw a soft smile appear and he knew everything would be alright.
Give him the word that I'm not a rover
Then tell him that his lonely nights are over
The kisses. The words. They felt like the sweetest honey. When the boy gave them to him. He pretended not to care or to feel annoyed. But he knew that deep in his heart he never wanted it to stop. And by the looks his now boyfriend gave him, Chepe knew that the other boy knew as well.
Ooh Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
But of course the world isn't always covered in rainbows. Chepe didn't like it when his boyfriend hung out with others. His jealousy getting the better of him. Endless what-if's in his head that would never stop. Accusing the other boy that he left him for someone else. Someone better. Someone who was not Chepe. The arguments never stopped. They only got worse. He knew that he would never leave him. But Chepe wasn't vulnerable. He wasn't for one fucking second. He didn't apolegize. And that was his first mistake.
So please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
"I could give you one..."
Could you really?
Oh, Sandman bring us a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
The boy gave him everything.
Give him two lips like roses and clover
Then tell him that his lonely nights are over
And he threw it all away. Like it was nothing.
Oh Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Why did he threw it away? The kisses. The words. The touch. The laughter. The raw love in so many forms.
So please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
"Of course. I can make you see him again. Your José."
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
A small little glas closed with a cork dangled in front of his face. A golden glowing yet black sand swirled inside it. The person holding the small glas, standing in front of him had long black hair that reached to the ground and covered their face. Their green big ruana dirty and torn.
"You just have to drink this."
Give him two lips like roses and clover
Then tell him that his lonely nights are over
Chepe took the glas. Uncorked it and drank it.
That was his second mistake.
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snapdragon-mina · 4 years
Critical Beauty
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A/n: This is my part of the POCuties Playlist Collab :)
I love bo with my WHOLE heart. I'm sorry if it seems rushed or ooc, ive been hella stressed lmao. Anyway, enjoy this fic based on Critical Beauty by Pentagon.
Warnings: Swearing? I think that's all.
You became friends with Konoha Akinori rather easily when you transferred. He was fun to be around and you guys just clicked. After a few weeks of friendship, he offered for you to come watch him and the team practice.
"Hey, (l/n), you don't have anything to do after school... Do you?" He asked.
"Uh no, not that I know of. Why?"
"I wanted to see if you'd come watch me and the others practice." He shrugged as he relaxed in his seat keeping a watchful eye on the clock.
"Volleyball practice? That's a bunch of hot sweaty men in one place, sir who do you take me for?" You held a look of disgust on your face as you looked at him. Konoha snorted and shot you a look.
"You don't wanna know."
You faked offense but agreed to watch his practice after class.
You arrived shortly after practice had already begun. You opted for quietly taking a seat as nobody had even seemed to notice you slip into the gym. You were there for a good five minutes before Konoha realized you were already here. He had stopped dead in his tracks, piquing someone's attention.
"Wait, (l/n), when did you get here?"
You rolled your eyes at the question. "Been here for like 5 minutes, thanks for finally noticing tho." As the two of you were joking around you could feel someone else's eyes on you.
"Konoha, why is the one with that phat ass staring at me-"
As soon as those words left your lips, Bokuto froze and all eyes were on him. Akaashi bumped his shoulder against Bokuto's and that knocked him out of his semi-frozen state. "What's your name?" He blurted out almost immediately.
You raised an eyebrow but answered him nonetheless. "I'm (l/n) (y/n); Konoha's only friend."
Konoha flipped you off at that.
"I'm Bokuto Kōtarō, Its nice to meet you (l/n)-chan!" He smiled really wide up at you.
"(l/n)-chan, huh? Okay." You smiled back down at him and he swears he felt his heart swell.
At this point the entire school knew. A few days ago, you bumped into Bokuto in the hallways. As you went to apologize, his eyes lit up and he reached into his bag, pulling out a -somehow perfectly intact- flower. "(l/n)-chan! This morning I was walking, and there was a rose. If you like it you can take it!"
"Oh, thank you, Bo. Pink is actually one of my favorite colors." You smiled as you gently took the rose from his hands.
His eyes widened slightly at your smile and shifted his eyes away. "I never knew you liked pink... But now that you're holding it in front of me, It suits you." He walked off before you could notice the growing warmth spreading through his face.
That wasn't the only time, though. Over the course of three months, you would receive dozens of gifts. Anything ranging from flowers, to food, to jewelry. He always said something that made it super obvious how absolutely infatuated he was with you. However, his dumb ass didn't even realize he was being obvious until you called him out during his latest gift.
Bokuto came up to you after one of his practices. "Something annoying but sparkling was strangely in my pocket. I swear I don't know how it got there." He handed you a silver ring with some sort of gem inside of it. Was it real? You have no idea but you wouldn't put it past him if it was. "You can have it, since my fingers dont fit."
You looked at him skeptically before slipping the ring onto one of your fingers. His face started heating up again as he watched you and you could've sworn you heard something along the lines of: "it fits on your finger so well that it gives me chills."
"Are you positive you have no idea where it came from?" You asked, peeping the ring that looked eerily similar to the one he just gave you, on his finger.
"Yep! Not a clue. It's just a coincidence that the same one happens to be on my finger too."
At this point you'd had enough. You stared him directly in his eyes, not saying or doing anything; waiting for him to crack.
He started shifting his weight from leg to leg under your gaze. "Don't stare at me like that." You didn't let up. "Fine, what are you curious about?" He tried to look anywhere but directly at you.
"Bo, you keep gifting me these little gifts. I really do appreciate them, but I need an explanation." You crossed your arms and waited patiently.
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "I don't need to say the obvious again, it's written all over your face."
You grinned. "I'm not saying anything in response until I get a proper confession. Details and everything." Bokuto's eyes widened.
"I'm not ready to-"
Your smile softened. "That's fine, Bo. I already adore you as is, so I'll wait for you. Just do it when it feels right for you." The panicked look on his face dissipated and he nodded.
"Okay! Wait for me until then, please." And with that he ran off to do God knows what.
Four more months and Bokuto was still giving you gifts, but he had yet to actually "confess properly". You were patient through it all and then one day, Bokuto stopped giving you gifts.
Your thoughts were spiralling as you questioned why. Why would he stop? Did he mean to? Did this fucking idiot go broke buying me all that shit? You shook your head as you walked towards you locker. You almost didn't notice Konoha standing there with a smug little shit eating grin as he held out a letter with a little heart seal on it.
"Konoha what are you-"
"(l/n)-chan I'm so in love with you, please make me the happiest man in the entire world and accept my confession!" It was obvious that he was faking. He could barely get through a word without laughing.
"Eat shit and die." You laughed as you snatched the letter from his hands.
"It's actually Bokuto-san's letter. He was supposed to give it to you like a week ago but he chickened out and Akaashi-san had to get the letter from him. He asked me to deliver it to you since we're in the same class and all."
"Oh say less" He waved goodbye to you and walked off, leaving you with the letter. You carefully opened it and read it to yourself silently.
"I would fall over and die if I said this in person, but this is a letter! :)
Day after day I live for you, I'll give you everything. If Im with you I swear everywhere will feel like Hollywood. You have the best smile I've ever seen and everytime you smile I feel really hot, it's like I'm addicted to you. I just want you to know that I really really really like you.
-Bo <3"
You smiled softly before placing the letter in your bookbag and getting what you need out of your locker.
After class ended for the day, you walked towards the gym as you knew volleyball practice was being held today. The moment you pushed the door open, Bokuto's head snapped up and he looked at you. "(y/n)!"
"Ooh first name basis I see. Okay then, Hi Kōtarō." You smiled. He returned it as he dropped what he was doing and rushed to give you a hug. You returned it with a laugh. "Dude, you're all sweaty."
He pulled away and apologized quickly. "So uhm, did you? I mean, did Konoha give you my letter?"
"He did. Kou, you are the absolute fucking cutest." His smile grew almost 10 times wider. He looked and felt nothing but pure euphoria at that response. You could hear his signature "Hey Hey Hey" outside with how happy he felt. He all but peppered little kisses all over your face.
"Bokuto-san we have to finish practice." Akaashi called out and Bokuto nodded and promised that he'd take you out on a real date as soon as he was able to.
"I swear I'll make you as happy as you made me."
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plum-buckered · 1 year
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    FINALLY we can do SIDEBLOG REPLIES! I'd been wanting this SINCE 2016!
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plum-buckered · 1 year
     As a reminder, Ed Wynn is the voice claim for Plum, but what a legendary segment!
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plum-buckered · 1 year
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    Oh yeah, Plum is like... 8 feet tall. Very much a difference between him and Rhedd, who's like. 6'1.
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plum-buckered · 1 year
    tag dump
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