#make sure whoever youre spending your time and energy on is actually reciprocating and not just appearing to fill a role you had no problem
The cool thing about being single as long as I have (plus my general personality) is that I've learned that almost anything a man could offer me, I can do for myself just as well if not better.
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alyjojo · 2 months
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August 🥵 2024 Monthly - Cancer
Preshuffle: I’m getting frustration about money you have to spend on something where you don’t have a choice. Could be a gift or there’s a lack of reciprocation, but money was pushed as the thing you’re angry about, losing it.
Meditation: You were laying out on a beach with clear blue water, like you were on vacation. Total silence, peace, it was perfection. And then some guy strolls up in a butler outfit, holding out your bills on a tray, and you became very frustrated. Told him to go away. It ruined the mood and left a sense of impending doom you didn’t want to deal with.
Main energy: The Moon rev
You’ve got a person coming back around, probably someone you’ve recently had it out with, could be relating to work or your position at work. It’s like they put more responsibility on you than is actually your job and you could be feeling taken advantage of. Same for a relationship, they don’t reciprocate as much as you do and you could quietly fear that someone is messing with your head. Are there other people, who is even your competition? Is there any? Flattery shows someone BS’ing you in the past and it’s probably the person coming back around.
What’s going on in August:
3 Cups:
Your friends could hate the person you’re dating, probably because of things you’ve told them, and they’re not happy you’re going right back to this person. They care. If work related, someone sells something up big but doesn’t follow through with anything they say. Like oh don’t worry, we have plenty of people to fill in for you on this day you asked - day comes, zero help and no one cares. No one else is stressed about it of course, why would they be? It’s you having to deal with the bs. You probably haven’t said anything to the person in question, or work, just friends and family, or your partner to see if you’re being too much or not. Are you justified here? Yes in doing whatever you were gonna do, but no in that no one expected you to come back around to whoever, and give them another chance. And they’re completely clear about that.
9 Swords rev:
You’re not stressing because you’re not asking or notifying anyone, not asking for permission. You don’t have to? Idk, there’s a subservient vibe to this reading, like whoever this is would be somehow “above” you. Definitely could be a boss, or their perception is this way anyway. Or someone has done or will do something without asking *you* because they have no desire to defend themselves or be stopped, blocked, I’m hearing “talked down to”, and they feel they have no other choice. If someone isn’t trying to tell you what you want to hear, then you’re doing it to someone else. It looks like another go-round of a cycle you’ve been in before. You feel stuck to it.
8 Swords:
On again, off again. It’s go time and it’s halted. They move back in and bail. They say they’ll be there and don’t show up. You don’t feel like there’s anything you can do about it, but you’re sick and tired of the beginning. You just want consistency, stop ending it and starting over wtf - the drama itself isn’t reciprocated or something about how this person works drives you crazy. For some it could be someone that’s attracted to you that can’t take a hint, or they’re feel that way about you. Money, emotions, responsibility, something is not reciprocated in the way it should be and it’s becoming very clear to you now that this person or situation is making a comeback.
5 Wands:
You’re not sure what the right thing to do is, at least not for awhile. You don’t want this person or situation to go away altogether, but you don’t want drama either. If you’re getting back with someone, you worry whether you did the right thing. If you end it, same thing, was that the right thing to do? You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place unless or until this other person steps it up and shows you they can work along more fair lines. Respectfully, financially beneficial, more balanced and giving you what you deserve. Can they do that, you’re not sure. You don’t want to do anything drastic (or can’t afford it, if work.)
6 Pentacles rev:
I’m seeing there’s only one real solution here. If you’re giving everything you’ve got and someone isn’t reciprocating, or you’ve done this several times and they never get on board…stop. If they tell you they’re not into you like that or whatever, then they’re not. If this hasn’t been said on your end it may need to be, this person may keep on trying, especially if you work together. Someone may be giving you bs excuses about money/work, like they can’t help out this time because of some stupid decision they’ve made that you’re supposed to care about for some reason, playing on your emotions or something. I don’t see you actually doing anything about this - you’re going back and forth on what you should do, maybe what’s in the employee handbook and how you can bring this up to someone that *can* do something about it.
Advice: 10 Pentacles rev & 6 Cups rev, if something has proven itself unstable or unreliable, don’t let this thing back into your world. You’ve already worked through this before and don’t need a repeat, some of you are probably trying to be nice. You can’t control the actions of others, true, but you don’t have to feed the monsters either 🧡 People seem to flatter or butter you up to get them to do what they want, this is something you probably need to take into account - who actually deserves that and who takes advantage of it?
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Leo, Pisces, Taurus & Scorpio
Oracle: ✨
23 Forgiveness 😌
It has been said forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves - forgiveness of others, but also forgiveness of self. We are the most critical and judgmental of ourselves. This inner critic does so much more harm than criticism that comes from others. Forgive yourself for trusting others and getting hurt, for not knowing, for not seeing, for not believing. You are human and you are growing and learning. Human perfection is rooted in imperfection. This card indicates the need for forgiveness in the situation asked about.
Venus Gemini - Flattery ☺️
Moon Virgo - Order 🧮
Both Mercury-ruled signs show mental sort of games, and probably a practical sort, related to work or money. So that’s like a boss that encourages you regularly because it elicits a response from you to do even more. You may get asked to do a lot of favors for others or just find yourself doing them even though you didn’t outright offer, people are getting used to you being someone they can depend on - without feeling they have to be dependable themselves. You could also be dealing with some two-faced people you’re conflicted about, but they’ve proven themselves before. Past, Present, Future at the bottom show cycles, and you’ve been here before, I don’t see any major transformations taking place it’s probably the same thing - that’s why the advice is to stop 🛑 You have to stop allowing, feeding, playing into, or going along with things that other people want from you.
We enter into August as:
Brad Blueberry 🫐
“While I worked, my life happened.”
Are you waiting to complete your career to live your life? What are you so busy for anyway? Sometimes keeping busy hides us from the real issues. Is there something you’re putting off doing? What are you avoiding? This card says go live your life! Work is not all there is, you must set aside what is driving you and regain some perspective on your life.
What is to be learned in August:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Orange/Amber may be lucky colors 🧡
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passing ships
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Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz
Warnings: nothing, just being being idiots really 
Category: Angst 
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Buck’s return after the lawsuit 
AO3 Link 
No bickering, no fighting and no stupid jokes. 
Pure deafening silence. 
The two were no longer speaking, although they had the clear to- he couldn't bring himself to forgive him, not yet and truthfully he didn’t know if he would ever be able to forgive him. 
After what he put the team through, what he caused them and what he did to them- to their relationship. 
Buck and Eddie sat on opposite ends of the station, the blond on the couch and the brunette in the kitchen. Both glancing at the other when the other isn’t looking, hoping they’d think of something to say to each other. 
Everyone can feel the tension, it hits whoever enters their vicinity like a brick wall. 
Eddie blew up at Buck the day in the grocery store and since then, neither of them had spoken to the other unless they were in the field. They worked seamlessly there. Wordless communication, in-sync as always yet the moment they step off the truck, all of that goes out the window and they go separate ways. 
Buck came close to talking to him one day while unpacking the halloween decoration. Eddie had walked past him, the urge to call for him and tell him that he was sorry but he didn’t. 
A part of him knew that Eddie would forgive him but another part of him felt that Eddie would still hold it against him somehow.
Buck didn’t know Eddie as well as he thought he did. 
Eddie’s pace was much slower than normal as he passed by, his heart pounding in his chest just waiting for Buck to call out to him and to fix what had broken but he didn’t. 
“Dad?” the boy called from the kitchen table, his father’s back to him.
Eddie was washing dishes, the sponge in his hand and the tap running but his eyes were fixated on something outside the window. Christopher gets up and walks over to his father, turning off the tap then Eddie looks down. “Oh sorry bud, did you ask me something?” he puts the sponge down and turns to his son. 
The look on Christopher’s face was enough for Eddie to internally groan, not because of Chris but because of what he was about to ask. 
“Where’s Buck?” 
And there it was. 
“Buck’s been busy bud” Eddie tells his son. This wasn't a complete lie, from the overheard conversations in the station, it seemed like Buck had been busy. 
“When is he coming over? We were supposed to have movie night” Chris sounded sad. Eddie knows how much Chris loves and looks up to Buck and for him not to be around was killing him.. because of Christopher of course. 
“I’ll ask him tomorrow,” Eddie leans and kisses the top of the boy’s head. 
“Bed now, I’ll come tuck you in, in a minute” Eddie smiles until he can no longer see Chris then a heavy sigh is let out. Chris isn’t the only one that misses Buck. 
He did too. 
Regardless of what had happened, Buck had been his best friend for the last year and a half. The person he confided in, the one who had his back and most importantly, the guy who was basically raising Christopher with him. It had been so hard not being able to talk to him those few weeks that the lawsuit was happening and now that they can talk, he doesn’t know what to say. 
Where do you begin after that ? 
What you did was fucked up and I hate you but I don’t because I actually love you and I need you in my life. 
Yeah, there was no way he was going to say that to Buck. The thought of Buck was pushed back when Chris shouted that he was waiting. He shook the worry from his face, mustering up a smile as he stepped into Chris’s room. 
“Alright kiddo, bedtime” Eddie pulls the blanket over his son, sitting on the bed beside him now. Chris looks up at his dad, “are you okay?”
“Hm?” Eddie’s brows furrow, unsure as to what brought up the question.
“Are you okay?” he asks his father again. 
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” he chuckles, his hand patting Christopher’s leg. 
“Okay” Chris smiles at his father, deep down he knew something was wrong and Eddie knew that his son knew that he wasn't okay but there wasn't time for that now. Eddie held himself together, he only had him and he had to be strong.
Eddie kisses Chris’s cheek, tucking the sides of the blanket in and turning on his night light. “Goodnight bud” he smiles from the doorway, about to shut the door. Chris calls out for his father once more and Eddie sticks his head back into the room, looking at Chris. 
“I love you” he says from bed. 
Eddie smiles, “I love you too.” the door shuts and his smile falls from his face. 
How much longer would he have to keep up this facade? 
When and how would they fix things? 
Because no part of Eddie wants to explain to Christopher why Buck isn't around anymore and honestly, Eddie doesn't want to lose him but he lacked the words to tell him exactly how he felt.
His room feels cold and empty, it usually is but this time feels like the house is running out of happiness and warmth and there’s nothing he could do to fix it. 
As he lays on his bed, his phone lights up. A notification from Chim, asking if he could help him move some furniture around. He answers and then he stares at the phone in his hand. 
“l’ll ask him tomorrow” his words rang in his head. He hits Buck’s contact- what to say and how to say it. 
To Buck: Are you free Saturday ? Chris wants to see you. 
Less than a minute goes by before his phone chimes. 
From Buck: I am. What time is okay for me to come over?
From Buck: Should I bring anything ? 
To Buck: I’ll drop him off at your place. I have something to do. 
From Buck: Okay. Is 6 okay ? 
To Buck: Fine. 
It was utter bullshit and they both knew that. Eddie had absolute nothing to do, in fact he was probably gonna go back home and hang out. It’ll be weird for him to be there when they aren’t speaking, hence why he's taking Chris to Buck and not letting him come to them because if they were at home, there would be nowhere for Eddie to avoid him. 
“Buck!” The little boy’s face lights up when he opens the door. 
“Chris!” Buck smiles with the same happy energy. The two of them hugging for a moment before Chris turns to say bye to Eddie. 
“Be good mijo, I'll be back later” Eddie kisses the top of his head before he walks off into the apartment. 
Buck looked at Eddie, his brows furrowed and he was chewing on his lip without even noticing. “You- You’re not coming in?” Buck asks quietly, his words barely coming out. 
Eddie shakes his head, “got stuff to do, text me when he’s ready to come home.” he hands Chris’s backpack over to him and turns the other way and down the hall. Buck steps out of the apartment, in the hallway in front of his door and he just watches Eddie leave. He wanted to run after him and tell him that he’s sorry but he doesn’t. 
The afternoon went by rather quickly, Buck and Chris catching up on what Chris had been doing at school, they began playing the new game Buck had gotten and they had pizza for dinner and ate on the couch while watching the sonic the hedgehog movie because Buck promised him that they would watch together.
Chris sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the tv screen until the end credits began rolling, then he yawns and sinks back into the pillows on Buck’s couch. 
“Tired?” Buck looks over at Chris who gives him a sleepy smile and nods. 
To Eddie: Chris is falling asleep, I think it’s time for him to get to bed
From Eddie: Ask him if he wants to spend the night. There are clothes in his bag
Buck was taken back by the message, not by Eddie suggesting that Chris spend the night because the 3 of them had sleepovers on a regular basis when he and Eddie were speaking but that Eddie was allowing him to stay. He assumed that because they weren't speaking that Eddie would want Chris to come home. 
“Bud, do you want to stay over? Dad said it’s cool” 
“Mhm, yeah” Chris’s eyes were shut, he was already halfway to dreamland by now. Buck smiled at the boy. 
To Eddie: He just fell asleep, you can pick him up around noon ? 
From Eddie: Okay
Saturday at 11:58am and Buck is dancing around his kitchen with a glass of orange juice in his hand. Chris had slept in and he made him breakfast. Buck was on his way to handing Chris the juice but he got caught up in the song that was playing. 
Christopher sat at the counter, laughing as Buck danced. Buck was slowly but surely making his way over when there was a knock at the door. He sat the juice beside the plate, pressed a kiss to Chris’s head and shouted that he was coming when the person knocked a second time. 
He pulled the door open, Eddie stood at the door with his arms folded. 
Buck gave him a small smile, “at ease soldier” he said jokingly, the joke had delivered and failed all in one, the smile on his face dropped too. 
“Is he ready?” Eddie looked at him, Buck stepped back so Eddie could see in. Chris was still sitting at the counter eating his breakfast, he smiled and waved when he noticed his dad at the door. 
“Do you want to come in?” Buck’s eyes silently pleading for him to accept the offer. 
“Sure” the one word was all he got from Eddie for the next 20 minutes. 
He spoke to Christopher and waited for his son to finish eating so they could leave. The tension in the apartment was heavy and uncomfortable, Eddie egging Chris to finish up every 5 minutes so they could get out of there. 
Buck had opened his mouth to speak multiple times, at this point there was nothing more that he wanted more than for Eddie to forgive him. 
The way his heart clenched in his chest whenever he saw Eddie or had to work with him wasn't normal. 
The way he smiled lovingly and stared adoringly at him wasn't normal either because friends don’t look at friends that way. 
Buck loved Eddie more than the average friend. He didn’t know if Eddie reciprocated those feelings but now he’d never know. 
“Bye Buck!” Chris’s arms wrapped around Buck snapping him out of his thoughts, his hand reaching down to rub his back softly. “Bye bud, thanks for hanging out with me” he smiles sweetly at the boy before looking at his father who was already waiting by the door with his bag. 
Buck walks Chris over to the door, they share one more hug before he steps out. Once again, Buck finds himself in the hallway wanting to go after them- after Eddie- but it’s like he’s frozen in time, he can’t bring himself to move towards them. Christopher smiles and waves before he steps on the elevator and Eddie, he just looks at him. Opening his mouth like he was going to say something but instead a sigh comes out, his gaze lowers and he joins Chris. 
It was a while before Buck heard from Eddie again. Usually, he would have texted to let him know that they got home and were okay but instead radio silence for the next 6 and a half hours. 
His phone chimes, rolling over and grabbing it off the table, there’s a notification from Eddie. 
To Buck: Thanks for last night, he had a good time 
From Buck: Thanks for bringing him over, I didn’t realize how much I missed him
To Buck: He missed you too
Buck was about to type a response when the little grey dots appeared, disappeared and reappeared. He waited, looking down at the phone in his hands watching as the dots appeared and disappeared. At some point, Buck put the phone down, he got tired of waiting. 
On the other side of the screen, Eddie sat on his couch with the phone in his hand. His last message to Buck telling him that Christopher missed him and he quickly typed out I missed you too but his finger hovered over the send button. Now reaching for the delete key, erasing the message. Eddie tried a few versions of that message. 
To Buck: I missed you so much you don’t even understand 
That one didn’t sound like him and made him seem desperate. 
To Buck: Chris wasn’t the only one that missed you 
What was he trying to do? Flirt with him? well.. maybe but this is not the time. 
To Buck: Come over, let’s talk 
Yeah if let’s talk is code for we’re probably gonna end up in bed. 
To Buck: I don't know what I want to say but I need you here, things aren't the same without you. 
This one felt right because it was the truth. Eddie had absolutely no idea what he wanted to say to Buck or if he would even say anything to him but he needed him. Things aren’t the same without Buck around, home didn’t feel like home without him. 
Finger hovering over the button but he deletes the message, the phone getting tossed to the other side of the couch before getting up to check on Chris. 
The men find themselves in this situation rather often. Eddie texts Buck asking when Chris can see him, Eddie drops off Chris or sometimes Buck picks him up and then when Chris comes home, Eddie texts Buck to say thanks.
Sometimes Buck is the one watching the little grey dots appear and disappear but sometimes Eddie is the one who finds himself in that spot. 
It was as if they were two parents sharing joint custody of their son and having that awkwardness of what to say when the kid isn't around and honestly, that was exactly their situation. They played nice and spoke the bare minimum when Chris was around or if Chris had a school event and asked for them both to be there, they would both be there with their best smiles on and they'd make small talk with the other parents but the moment they stepped back out of that building, all of that went out the window. 
Without Chris around, their conversations were nonexistent. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and they turned into passing ships in the night. 
taglist: @mrs-dr-reid​ @yelenabelous​ @ickletheficklepickle​ @dralexreid​ @imaginebuck (cause you wanted some buddie angst)
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 4.5K
Genre: Fluff (Jealous boyfriend Mark) 
Summary: You and Mark have just started dating a little over a month ago and he made a vow to himself that he would allow you to take your relationship at the pace you are most comfortable with. With that being said, he has yet to make plans with you for New Year’s Eve assuming that you might already have a party to attend. After transferring to the company you’re currently working at, it didn’t take him long to notice how popular you’ve become amongst your colleagues; especially your male coworkers. It wasn’t till he heard more and more people inviting you to their gatherings did he realize that he was extremely jealous at the thought of someone else spending time with you on such a special day.
A/N: Based on the song by Clay Aiken “What Are you Doing New Year’s Eve?”
Maybe it's much too early in the game Ooh, but I thought I'd ask you just the same What are you doing New Year's New Year's eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night Welcoming in the New Year New Year's eve
Maybe I'm crazy to suppose I'd ever be the one you chose Out of the thousand invitations You received
Ooh, but in case I stand one little chance Here comes the jackpot question in advance: What are you doing New Year's New Year's Eve?
Mark was not the jealous type—well, he never used to be. He hardly ever had a reason to. All Mark really ever cared about was his family, his friends, his dog Milo and his video games. 
If someone at work had gotten promoted or his manager would praise them for their hard work in front of all the employees in their field, he would congratulate them personally. If he was playing games online and one of the other players on his team were to lead the group to victory, he would cheer them on in excitement. 
However, watching one of his closest friends get a little too friendly and exceedingly close to you—he could feel his blood pressure rising. Ever since the day you were first introduced to one another; you captivated his heart in ways he never thought was possible for someone like him. 
You made him feel like such an amazing, wonderful and most important person in the entire world. You’ve changed his perspective on relationships completely—he knew you were going to be someone special in his life. 
Little did he know—you were going to be his main priority, the number one source of his happiness, the first thing on his mind when he wakes up and the last thing he thinks about before he goes to bed. Around three months ago, you transferred over to his company after moving to California with the intention of getting better housing and work opportunities. 
Since you were already working for the same company back home, you were used to the job and the responsibilities you were expected to complete. It didn’t take much time for you to get settled in to a new yet familiar work environment. However, your manager insisted that you were to shadow another one of your colleagues who just so happened to be Mark. 
He wasn’t going to lie—you were honestly the most beautiful person he’s ever laid his eyes on and that said a lot. Mark thought that almost every girl he’s ever met was pretty; all girls were beautiful in their own ways. But you—you vehemently stood out to him. He’d find himself unable to stop gazing at you to the point where he had to practically yank his attention away from you in fear of looking like a weirdo. 
Not only did you have some of the prettiest eyes he was sure he could get lost in every time he’d hold a conversation with you, but you had perfectly shaped eyebrows, a soft yet sharpened jaw, delicate cheekbones, the most adorable nose and your lips—God you couldn’t even get him started about your lips. They were shaped like a heart—your lips looked so delicate; so kissable and there was nothing he wanted more than to smash his mouth against yours. 
His attraction towards you went beyond your breathtaking looks though; he was confident that you had to have the biggest heart of all the people he knew—and you had such a friendly, bright and bubbly personality. You radiated this energy that was extremely contagious; it seemed like everyone at work began to catch on to what an amazing person you were. 
He’d walk past your desk and see someone new every single time trying to get your attention—more so a lot of your male coworkers. Mark couldn’t blame them though, you were nothing short of perfect. You had everything a man could want in a significant other and more—so much more. 
It took him a while to realize it, but he knew he was developing feelings for you when he found himself growing envious of all the guys who were confident enough to have an actual conversation with you that had nothing to do with work. 
Being the soft-spoken and extremely shy person everyone knew him to be, he didn’t have the courage to talk to you in the ways that he wished he could. However, Mark was well aware than if he didn’t act on his feelings for you, someone else would—and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing that he missed out on a chance to be in a relationship with such an extraordinary person. 
He had no clue what you thought about him or if you even thought about him at all, but he didn’t care. If you weren’t to reciprocate his feelings, then he would accept the rejection for what it was and try his best to pretend that it didn’t affect him—yet he was hoping you at least considered him to be a decent guy in the few interactions that you’ve shared together. 
Mark bought you a beautiful bouquet of red roses and a box of chocolates—but he still lacked the confidence to approach you; so he left the gifts on your desk with a note that simply said “I like you...a lot-Mark” he cringed at his straightforwardness and mentally cursed himself for not being more creative.  What if you thought he was weird? Or unromantic? He couldn’t stop overthinking the entire situation but he left everything up to fate. 
To his surprise and delight, you went in to his office with the widest grin on your face—one that he’s had the amazing honor of getting to see on a daily basis. Being the reason behind your smile was something he desired frequently; every time he’d hear you laugh or if he caught you smiling at whoever it was that you were talking to, your reaction always seemed to fill his heart with so much joy and happiness. 
You walked over to him—you didn’t say anything and for some reason, it made him nervous. Even if you were smiling, it didn’t necessarily mean anything. For all Mark knew, you could have been giving him a smile out of pity—but the soft peck against his cheek said otherwise. 
“I like you too Mark.” 
He had a hard time grasping the fact that it’s been over a month since that very special day but at the same time, he heavily believed in the saying “time flies when you’re having fun.” That had to be the understatement of the year. This last month of dating you—getting to learn more about you as the days went on, taking you on cute little dates, holding your hand as you’d go out together, getting to kiss you whenever he wanted—well, other than at work—calling you up if the middle of the night if he couldn’t sleep and just wanted to hear your voice—he couldn’t even fathom in to words just how wonderful you were and how crazily in love with you he was. 
Mark was a hopeless romantic; he was in love with the idea of love, but his last few relationships honestly weren’t the best and because of his unfortunate experience, he didn’t think he was capable of loving someone nor did he believe someone would ever love him back. It was still early in your relationship for him to feel this way towards you—yet, he knew what he felt for you was more than just taking a liking to you. 
His heart physically hurt every time he had to drop you home; any moment spent without you made him feel numb--empty. You brought in so much color inside of his dull, black and white life that he wanted you around as much as he possibly could. He knew he was in love with you when he began making decisions based on what he believed you would prefer. 
When he began sacrificing his interests in order to please you; getting pepperoni pizza instead of his normal go to because you weren’t a fan of pineapple on pizza—giving his friends many different excuses as to why he couldn’t play video games with them because he was too busy solving a puzzle with you—raving to his mom about you over the phone and how he had a huge feeling she would adore you just as much as he did—praying for your health, success and happiness every morning when he woke up and every night before he went to bed, Mark knew he loved you. 
He had no intention on admitting that information to you anytime soon though. If it took him almost two months to confess his feelings in fear of you rejecting him, what more confessing that he loved you after only a month of dating? In fact—he allowed you to take your relationship at your pace. Every now and then, he would initiate a cuddle session—or he would kiss you when you’d least expect it, but he wanted you to take the lead and he was willing to follow the rate you were most comfortable with. 
You and Mark decided to keep your relationship a secret from everyone at work specifically because you were the kind of person who separated your work from your private life. You believed that  relationships were between two people and you wanted to keep it that way—if someone were to get involved in your relationship, Mark knew it would ultimately interfere with your work ethic and your outlook on dating him. He respected your wishes and only showed affection towards you when no one was around. 
It made your alone together much more intimate and he honestly preferred it that way. A lot of your dates were at least an hour drive away from town because you didn’t want anyone from work to find out about the two of you. He couldn’t quite put his finger on why he was so bothered seeing Jackson talk to you, it’s not like it’s never happened before. 
The elder boy was trying his best to focus on his task at hand and even started to type out a proposal for a potential client—but it was hard seeing as though your desk was right outside of his office and he could hear his loud, and extremely obnoxious friend attempting to flirt with you. He continued to type away at his computer, however, everything he was writing made zero sense. 
There was no point in trying to focus on anything other than what Jackson was telling you. Mark was confident in the feelings you had for him—he wasn’t cocky or narcissistic, but he knew by the way you would always check up on him, how you went over to his apartment two weeks ago when he caught a cold and nursed him back to health, how you always purchase a drink for him when you go down to the coffee shop in the lobby on your break and how you always seem to have the need to touch him when the two of you are alone together, he was well aware that you cared about him just as much as he did with you. 
You might not love him or be in love with him just yet, but he had a feeling—or at least hoped you would very soon. Mark was ready to call you in to his office in attempts to get you away from the unrelenting younger boy, but then Jackson asked you a question that both sparked his curiosity and made his skin crawl. 
“Hey y/n, my friends and I are throwing a New Year’s Eve party. It’s going to be held at my friend’s parent’s beach house. It’ll be a lot of fun, I promise.” 
Mark could feel his blood boiling at the sound of Jackson’s hopeful invitation. It wasn’t like he knew that you were already taken, so Mark had no right to feel bothered if someone were to try and make a move on you. As your boyfriend though, he wanted to be the only one to flirt with you playfully--he wanted to be the only one who did anything romantic with you and for you. 
It only occurred to him that he himself had yet to ask you what you were doing. In the last week, he’s watched at least eight of your colleagues go up to you and invite you to a party. He’d smile every time you politely let them down, knowing that you didn’t want to hurt their feelings but also had not desire in going with them. You were always so considerate like that—a trait of yours that Mark was very fond of. 
You cared about people’s feelings and you never wanted to let anyone down—you’d sacrifice your time and energy for the sake of others. That was something the two of you had in common; Mark believed wholeheartedly that the two of you had the same mindset—same souls and spirit, just in two different bodies. He’d like to think that you both meshed well together and complimented the other perfectly. 
When he heard silence on your end—he felt himself choke up—waiting for your response. This was the first time you didn’t automatically give the “I’m sorry, I already have plans” response and he was soon growing nervous. His palms were sweating and he was visibly freaking out. 
Mark wasn’t used to this—getting jealous—worrying about being a second choice in someone else’s life—caring about what someone else thought about him—depending on the comfort of someone else. This is why he was so hesitant on getting in to a relationship; he didn’t want to depend on someone else for happiness. You were worth it though. It had only been a month—the best month of his entire life if he was telling the truth—but Mark knew he would do anything you asked him to. That fact alone scared him but sent fire to his bones. 
Everything about you—every single little thing did wonders to his heart and he could only hope you’d stick around in his life for a long time because he didn’t think there was anyone else in the entire world that could make him feel so loved, cared for—so important and just so at home the way you seemingly never failed to. Deep in his chest, Mark could feel that you were his person and there was no way in hell that he would let anyone or anything take you away from him. 
“Oh—I—um—I actually already have plans. I’m sorry Jackson, but thank you for the invitation. I’m sure it will be a great party. I should get back to work.” 
The breath of relief that fell from Mark’s lips felt like a breath of fresh air. He felt bad for his younger friend, but he was practically sitting on the edge of his seat, tormenting himself while waiting for your answer. It only occurred to him that he had yet to ask you what you were doing on New Year’s Eve. You never mentioned going home to visit your family nor did you say anything about going to a bar or hanging with some friends. 
Why didn’t he ask you what your plans were earlier or if you actually had plans and weren’t using that as an excuse to let Jackson and your other coworkers down gently? Mark wasn’t doing anything—well, every year since moving out of his parent’s house, he’d go and spend time with his family—lighting up a few fireworks, watching a couple of movies, teaching his nieces how to hold sparklers so they wouldn’t get hurt and counting down the seconds to the new year. 
This year was different though. He didn’t care how he’d end up spending New Years, all he cared about was having you there with him wherever he decided to go—whether it was to his parents house or simply just staying inside and lounging around his apartment. 
Was it still considerably too early in your relationship to be introducing you to his family though? From what he’s heard from his friends, you don’t normally bring your significant other to meet your parents until a couple months in to the relationship—but Mark didn’t care. Time didn’t define nor measure anything. He knew he was serious about you and he was sure his family would love you—almost as much as he did. However, he was afraid that asking you to do something so big, so soon like meeting his parents would ultimately frighten you and lead you to the decision that he was taking this relationship too fast for your liking.
Knowing how you were though, Mark didn’t think you would do anything to make him feel uncomfortable. For all he knew, you could just be honest and say you weren’t ready to take that huge step just yet and he’d be totally fine with that. 
Once he no longer heard Jackson’s loud voice booming throughout the room, he finally felt at ease and returned back to his computer. A few minutes after he began looking through some emails, he heard a soft knock on his door and he smiled softly to himself. He didn’t need to ask who it was—he knew your knock by heart—it was unique and had a cute little beat to it.
He felt his breathing go shallow—he never understood how someone had the ability to take over another person’s entire being—their thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical movements—you controlled Mark without even knowing it but he really liked that you did. He loved knowing that you had a huge effect on him—he always felt like a young boy whenever it came to you and it was a feeling he could never get tired of. 
“C—come in.”
He bit on his bottom lip as soon as you came in to view. God, how could someone be this beautiful—he didn’t think it was possible. You were dressed in a simple white blouse and a black pencil skirt, yet you looked like you came straight out of a vogue magazine. His throat began to dry up as his jaw dropped slightly—he was definitely whipped for you. 
“Hey baby, how’s your day so far?” 
Hearing the term of endearment never failed to shake him at the core. You’ve called him pet names on multiple occasions, but he’d be lying if he said it never made his heart flutter. You slowly made your way towards where he was sitting and propped yourself on top of his desk before running one hand through his hair. Mark has told you this many times, but you were honestly going to be the death of him. 
“You look extremely handsome today by the way. I’m finished with my last two proposals, so maybe if and when you’re done, maybe you and I could go get something to eat?” 
While you were complimenting him and explaining the idea you had for the both of you, he could feel his cheeks warm up and he was sure if he took a look in the mirror, he’d be blushing. He didn’t care if he looked like a lovesick puppy; Mark was proud to say he was a fool for you. It was practically written on his forehead and he had no problem with that—at all. 
Without hesitation, he grabbed at your hands and motioned for you to sit on his lap before bringing his arms around your waist and holding you closer to his body protectively. He placed his chin on your shoulder while hiding his face in the crook of your neck as his way to calm down his racing heart. 
Having his arms wrapped tightly around you or anytime really that he was in close proximity of you always got him so flustered. He laughed internally at the thought of how he was able to confidently tell everyone in his department what he expected out of them every morning during a briefing, yet he couldn’t even look you in the eye as you would talk to him about how much you adored him and thought the world of him. If only he could have been more on the outgoing and extroverted side—he wished it would be easier for him to go in to detail about how you were the main source of his happiness and how his life was so much better—so much greater now that you were in it. 
“That um—that sounds good. I just have to send out one more email and then we can go. You look beautiful as always. How’s the project going? You know I would love to help you if it is too much to handle. I know you’re capable of wonderful things—but I just don’t want you to overwork yourself.” 
You turned just enough to steal a sweet kiss on his lips before you reached for his hands and began playing with his fingers. It was a habit of yours that he quickly picked up on. If you were nervous, worried or even when you were simply just cuddling on his bed watching a movie, you would play with his fingers for which he assumed to help you relax. Mark found it exceedingly adorable—especially when you would bring his hand up to your lips and kiss the tip of every single finger. 
“I’m good, but thank you for your offer—it’s very tempting. However, you and I both know from our last two experiences working on a project together; we’d get nothing done—well, other than each other.” 
His laughter filled the room as he began to remember how you both started going over some plans back at your apartment. Everything seemed to be going just fine. You both agreed on a couple of ideas as well as disagreed on certain thoughts that the other had. Only fifteen minutes after you both started brainstorming ideas, Mark had you pressed up against your kitchen counter as he buried his painfully hardened cock deep inside of your warm, silky and soaking wet walls. His thrusts were relentless yet his touch was very gentle. 
The only time Mark was ever cocky and dominant with you was in bed—not that you were complaining. You made it aware that you were a fan of how much of a switch Mark could be. He was definitely a gentleman in the streets yet a beast in the sheets. Sex with you had to be Mark’s favorite form of intimacy. He loved making you sing for him—he knew your body like the back of his hand. He knew how and where to touch you that would illicit the most seductive and wanton moans. The way you felt wrapped around him—so unfathomably tight, the way you would hide your face in to his nape—kissing and sucking all but gently on his skin, scratching his back whenever he’d go harder and deeper, tugging on his soft, brown locks as he ate you out like his life depended on it. 
Sex never used to mean much to him before other than the mean of release and pleasure, but after the two of you had sex for the first time once he took you home from your third day—he knew he was hooked. Sex with you was an indescribable experience. You always praised him for the way he was such a generous giver in bed—sucking the life out of your cunt, nipping and bitting on your nipples, trying any position that you were curious about—and you’d get so many compliments about how “fucking perfect” your body is and “annoyingly sexy” you are. 
His favorite part though, had to be when you both would be in missionary with your fingers intertwined together while making out—breathlessly confessing your feelings of admiration and infatuation for each other. Sex was a lot more intimate and romantic with you, but it could also get pretty wild and nasty depending on the day.  
“Okay, fine. Whatever. In that case, you and I can relish in our passion for one another later. Don’t think I’ll let you off the hook that easy. Oh, before I forget y/n, I uh—I overheard a few of our coworkers asking you about your plans for New Year’s Eve. Did you agree to one of their offers or did you already have plans?” 
He didn’t understand why he felt so shy asking you of your plans; a lot of couples spent their holidays together. Even new ones. Mark wasn’t great with communication nor could he really read in to what someone was thinking or feeling—although you were somewhat of an open book. In the few relationships he did have; if he could even call them that, his partners never confided in him for anything. He understood that some people just preferred to keep their problems or worries to themselves and your boyfriend understood that. However, over the course of his relationships, he felt as though his partners didn’t trust him enough to be honest with him and tell him about anything that went on in their lives. 
Maybe that’s why his relationships never lasted for more than a couple of months. Thankfully, you weren’t afraid to tell Mark every single little thing about you. He was the first person you’d always run to whenever life didn’t seem to go your way. You’ve mentioned to him a few times that you always felt so safe with him; you knew he wouldn’t judge you nor would he make fun of you or say anything to hurt your feelings. 
“I told all of them no because I have other plans.” 
He absentmindedly pouted at your words—so you were going to be busy doing something. The only place he could think of that you would be was back home with your family. Mark was just going to have to accept it for what it would be and wait for you to come back to take in the new year with you then. 
“Really? Are you going back home? Did you need me to drop you off to the airport or something—“ You brought his face away from your neck and cupped both of his cheeks in between your hands. 
“No silly, I’m spending it with you—well, if that’s okay with you. We didn’t make plans or anything but I just assumed I would spend the day with you. If you have other plans, I totally understand. But I consider holidays to be extremely romantic and the only person I would want to ring in the new year with is you. I really don’t care what it is that we end up doing, I just want to be wherever it is that you will be babe.” 
Mark grazed his thumb along your cheek and placed a gentle kiss on your nose before squeezing your waist contently. He was screaming like a little kid internally and he honestly didn’t care at this point if you were to see just how happy he was. There was nothing he had to worry about—you were on the same page he was and that thought alone made his heart soar. 
“I really like the sound of that. Hey, how about instead of going to lunch, you and I can start our celebration a few days earlier and I can eat you instead—what? I’m being serious—babe get back here!”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Anniversary - Topper Thornton
Request: A date with Topper at a nice restaurant on the mainland?? - @letsgofullkook 
A/N: When I wrote this I kind of thought of it as a continuation of Flirt.
Outer Banks Masterlist
In your wildest dreams you had never thought that one date with Topper would lead to anything more than that. But here you were, sitting in an office in Durham when you were supposed to be celebrating your one-year anniversary. It hadn’t occurred to either of you when you made the appointment with the Dean of Admissions that your college interview would conflict with your anniversary mainly because the relationship was still new and you didn’t think it would last passed a few dates around the island. 
You were wrong, of course, much to your mother’s happiness. You admitted that in the beginning you just liked him cause he was hot and sometimes, occasionally, funny. But now all the things you liked about him outweighed the things you didn’t and those were all niche complaints. The sort of things couples get annoyed by when they’ve committed time and energy to their relationship. 
He’d texted you early in the morning as you were making your way to the ferry. Happy anniversary and good luck. You texted back a sad face, depressed enough that you weren’t going to see him no matter how many times he promised you could do something when you got back. 
“We could even just have a pizza or something?” 
“You want me to eat pizza, no doubt while I’m two seconds from passing out, on our anniversary. Pizza anniversaries are for married couples with kids who just want to eat something that doesn’t taste like five different vegetables puréed together!” You had ranted at him when he offered. 
“Okay, hey it’s okay. No pizza anniversary...yet.”
“What? I’ll only purée four vegetables into our future childrens’ food too.” He promised. 
“I hate you and you’re not funny and I inadvertently ruined our anniversary.” 
“You didn’t ruin anything...this is an important interview.” Topper had been thrilled when you told him that you had an interview at Duke, it’d been all he could brag about to anyone for weeks. His girlfriend, going to Duke. As if NCS was a chump school. 
The day of the interview and your anniversary you woke up in the morning to flowers delivered to your house, your favorite cupcake from Whole Foods sitting in the refrigerator and the rosé slushies you liked already in the freezer. 
-did you break into my house?- you had sent him a snapchat of you eating the cupcake for breakfast accompanied by a pan down to show off the fact that you were only half dressed in a bralette and short shorts. He might not be there for your anniversary but you could still reciprocate on the gift giving. 
-your parents gave me a key-
-you’re joking-
-you wish-
You continued texting and snapchatting with him as you got ready and as you boarded the ferry. He promised that you would get to celebrate but you knew it wouldn’t be how you wanted. A nice dinner at the only high end restaurant close enough to the OBX to not take practically a day to get to. 
“I just want fancy Italian food.” You told him as you stood outside the campus after your interview, waiting for your dad to pick you back up. 
“All I asked was how the interview went babe,” he teased. 
“It was good. I felt like all my talking points came across well and I didn’t freeze up on any of his questions.” You said, “now if only my dad would show up.”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know...he was supposed to meet me outside and I don’t see his car anywhere. Hold on, some asshole with tinted windows just honked their horn at me!” 
“Sounds like a dick.”
“Honestly,” you knocked on the window of the sports car, fully prepared to lay into whoever was in the drivers seat because the interview went well but the rest of your day was shit, only to find Topper sitting there smiling at you, phone to his ear. “What are you doing here?” Realising you spoke into the phone you rolled your eyes, hanging up and repeating the question, “what’re you doing here?”
“I came to take you to dinner. It is our anniversary.” 
“Stop, this is so fucking sweet!” You climbed into the car, leaning across the dash to give him a kiss.
“I’m glad you like it, Rafe told me I was a pussy for doing all this.” 
“Rafe’s never dated a girl long enough to finish a sentence.” You replied, giddiness kicking in again as you realised he’d played along to missing dinner while planning this the whole time. “I can’t believe you did this!”
“Short of flying to Italy to actually have Italian food there’s not much I wouldn’t do to spend the night with you.” He admitted. 
“Flying to Italy sounds like a second anniversary kind of thing.”
“I’m sure it does.” 
The restaurant he took you to was in Durham, not too far from campus, which you pointed out as a viable future date spot when you were both in school next year. You had been thinking about both of you being in college a lot lately. You had even joked with Topper about being one of those midway through college couples on house hunters looking for an apartment that was unreasonably nice while still being within distance to everything important in life. 
���We’ll get you an apartment that has a big mailbox and a second room that you can use as a closet.” Topper had teased, knowing your unmatched ability to online shop. “And in walking distance to a coffee place.” 
“So you can walk there for me?” You had asked, smiling. 
There was a lot of future planning that you found yourself doing. Whether Topper was truly thinking that far ahead as well or just appeasing you whenever you shared a crazy future plan with him you weren’t sure. You wanted to think that you were on the same page but you had hardly expected to like him enough to have spent a year with him, thinking about the future was new to you. 
“I’m telling you right now if this tiramisu is as good as the waiter said I’m never going anywhere else for Italian food.” You told him, reaching across the table to nab a piece of bread that he had leftover. 
“I figured that anyway.” Topper replied, moving his plate away from your hand. 
“Stop! I want your bread.”  You pouted, trying to poke at him with your fork.
“You already ate like four pieces!” 
“What are you trying to say?” 
“That this is my piece.” He said, taking a bite of it. 
“Unbelievable. You think someone loves you and then they pull this shit.” You complained. 
Topper rolled his eyes, “do you want your present now or?” 
“You did too much Top; all the stuff this morning and showing up here and dinner, I don’t need anything else.” You insisted. You were happy enough just thinking dinner was your gift.
“Well I got you an actual present too so,” 
“Honestly after dessert I don’t think I’ll be able to make it all the way to the ferry...” you trailed off, realizing how late it was getting already, “how are we?”
“We’re staying over.” 
“God you really thought of everything.” 
“I even brought you regular clothes for tomorrow so you don’t have to wear that dress back.” He replied. 
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
“I mean I don’t hate hearing it.” Topper replied. 
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom 
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satoruvt · 5 years
the color of you - green (3)
i feel like in terms of the patterns im tryna leave this chapter wasnt that good but its ok i like it anyways and i hope u do too
pairing → keigo takami x bakery owner!reader
word count → 2072
summary → you’re not really dating, so you can’t really be in love with him… right?
song inspo → xo by eden
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
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The grass is so bright.
You don’t know why it looks particularly vibrant today - maybe it’s the sun. It dots the grass under the trees in unusual polygons, the rays lighting up the green in their early-summer light. Your eyes trace the landscape, starting at the ground before moving up. Brown bark of a tree, then the token green of summer again, and finally blue sky. It’s a good day for a walk. 
Keigo squeezes your hand gently and you’re moved back to real-time, no longer focused on the colors of the world.
You’re still surprised this is so easy - of all of the things you thought this relationship would be, easy wasn’t one of the words that came to mind. But it is, Keigo makes it easy, somehow. The first few days, you went home every night from hanging out, going on “dates” just to scream into your pillow that it was you with pro-hero Hawks - albeit fake, it was you.
And his publicist was right about you gaining business - the bakery was flourishing more than ever before, supportive fans coming to try their beloved hero’s girlfriend’s pastries. The money you were getting as a positive consequence was enough for you to actually have money leftover after groceries and bills, not to mention the few employees you had were getting paid what they deserved.
“Hey, stop spacing out,” Keigo says, stopping in the pathway. When you turn to him with a raised eyebrow, he’s pouting playfully. “You’re supposed to be focused on me.”
“Oh, right, of course,” you keen, placing a hand over your heart. “I’m so sorry, my love! Forgive my incompetence…”
He grins. “All is forgiven if you agree to sit with me under the mighty oak tree over yonder.”
His medieval speak makes you cringe (though you’re sure yours isn’t any better) but you let him lead you to the tree he had in mind. He sits down at its base, under the shade of its leaves, and you follow. You lay so your head is on his lap, resting on your back.
It’s not a designated date today - Keigo had a day off (a “day off”) and called to see if you had one as well. You didn’t have to be to the bakery until later into the afternoon, so you figured it couldn’t hurt to spend some time with him (after all, he is your boyfriend now).
He’s talking about Endeavor, how the two of them are best friends, but the Number One hero just doesn’t know it yet. You’re not really focusing on his words, because it’s hitting you hard that he’s fucking pretty. It’s not like you hadn’t noticed it before - you were (are?) a fan, you noticed that he was attractive, but Lord, if it doesn’t show in the sunlight right now. With his perfectly-unruly hair, light and intelligent eyes -
“Oh!” Keigo says, looking down at you. “I just remembered. We should take some pictures.”
It takes you a moment to recover. “Uh - for what?”
“Social media.” He pulls out his phone from his pocket, and you sit up from his lap. You’re sure the two of you look pathetic, taking selfies in the middle of a park, but then again, what’s the harm?
Keigo taps on the photo app, turns his phone sideways, and you brush down your hair that’s sticking in a million different directions once you see yourself in the frame. It doesn’t take long - Keigo sends you an impatient look anyways and you tell him to shut up - and you scoot behind him, resting your head on his shoulder cutely.
That’s the first photo, gentle smiles and green grass. The second one involves you kissing his cheek, and the third one something stupid with both of you sticking your tongues out at the camera. Once he sends them to you, you save them to your phone before putting it back into your pocket.
They’re cute pictures, and for a moment it almost seems like the whole thing is real.
The grass is soothing against your skin, but eventually it’s time for you to get back to the bakery.
The walk back to the main entrance of the park is softer from when the two of you came in, conversation more serious than playful (not to say that Keigo doesn’t tease you when the opportunity arises, because he does).
“Are there any big events coming up?” You ask him, swinging your intertwined hands between the two of you. “Like, that we have to go to?”
“Yeah, there’s a hero awards ceremony,” Keigo says, then grimaces slightly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at an awards ceremony before. Or any hero meetings, aside from maybe two.”
“That’s because they suck and take too much energy.”
“Then why are we going to this one? Isn’t it weird for you to suddenly go now?”
“That’s a good question,” Keigo says, and you noticed you’ve reached the front gate. “I’ve got no fucking clue.”
The chuckle that escapes your lips is genuine, and your hand leaves his with a gentle, “I’ll see you later, Kei,” but he pulls you back suddenly. You’re closer than before, and you furrow your brows at him.
“What -”
“There’s some paparazzi behind you,” Keigo says.
“I’m gonna kiss you, okay?”
You nod, still reeling from when he pulled you to him, and he leans forward. But wait, why is your heart beating so fast -
Keigo’s lips meet yours in a soft kiss, something only meant to convey feeling to the outside world. It’s innocent, an “I-love-you” kiss, and it takes you half a second to reciprocate. But you do, smiling onto his lips - let’s give ‘em a show, you think to yourself - and he places a hand on your cheek. You cover it with your own, and when he pulls away you lean into his palm on instinct.
“Not gonna lie, hero,” you breathe, “you’re really good at that.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” Keigo grins, obviously smug, but you snort.
With a laugh, you walk out of the main gate, to the subway station. You can’t help but reminisce about the feeling of Keigo’s lips as you do.
The bakery’s having a slow day by the time you walk in, the inside seats only occupied by a few people. The chatter is quiet, barely there, and it reminds you of mid-spring days, sitting outside with friends to catch up. You head back to the kitchen with a greeting to each of your employees, but you barely get started on some cookie dough when you’re called out to the front of the restaurant.
“Y/N, there’s a delivery person here for you,” one of your employees says, and you sigh, thinking about what to do, given that your hands are covered in flour.
“Can you handle it? It’s probably just this week’s dairy,” you respond, working the dough through your fingers. Your employee shakes his head, and he’s got a small smile on his face.
“It’s not that,” he says. “The guy’s got flowers.”
You furrow your brows - “tell him to wait for a minute” - before washing your hands off, wiping the excess water on your apron. When you walk out to the cash register, sure enough, there’s a man waiting with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Are you Y/N?” He asks when you get close enough, and you nod. “From Hawks.”
You take the bouquet in your hands and you hear a camera snap as you do. When you turn your head to the noise, none of the customers in the bakery show any signs of it being them, but you’re sure it’s one of Keigo’s fans who heard his name. The delivery guy walks out of the bakery and you roll your eyes, laughing to yourself. There’s a tag tied around the stems and you pull on it to read it.
Couldn’t help but notice how you looked at the flowers earlier, so I got you some of your own. If I don’t see them on the counter the next time I’m at the bakery, we’re gonna have some problems.
The note is signed with a loopy scribble of Keigo’s name, and then a heart. It makes you smile and you take out your phone to send a picture of the tag to him, along with a message that reads “received loud and clear.” He responds quickly; “good, they better be in the best vase you can find.”
“Why are my flowers in a pot?”
You look up from wiping down the counter, brain thoughtlessly telling you to tell whoever it is at the door that the bakery’s closed, but you’re met with a familiar pair of red wings and golden eyes.
You tuck the damp rag into a pocket in your apron, shrugging as Keigo walks closer to the counter. “It’s a bakery, that’s the best vase I can find,” you say, then pout, “besides, it’s rustic, leave it alone.”
He laughs, and you motion for him to follow you back to the kitchen. “So, what brings you here?”
“My flowers.”
You feign offense, draping the back of your hand over your forehead. “Really? Only the flowers? Not to see little old me, your very own girlfriend?”
Keigo hums, dipping his finger into a mostly-empty tub of icing to taste it. “Mm, I take it back. Not the flowers. It was for this kick-ass icing.”
“You like it?” You ask, and he nods, going in for another finger-ful. “You should try the donuts I just made.”
“Holy shit, can I?”
You giggle at his eagerness, then pull out two donuts from the cooling rack nearby. You hand one to Keigo - a classic glazed - before taking your personal favorite off the rack and taking a bite yourself. When Keigo sees you do it, he does too, and you’re immediately overwhelmed in compliments.
“Jesus, Y/N, I think I’m calling it,” he says, mouth full of pastry. “I’m completely in love with you. How the hell did you get this good?”
You feel the flush in your cheeks before it shows, and you shrug, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. “I’ve just always had a thing for baking, I guess,” you murmur, placing your half-eaten donut on the counter as you lean against it. “That’s how I got this whole place started.”
Keigo looks at you funny and you realize you haven’t told him too much about your career, so you keep talking. “I started the bakery, like, right out of high school. I already knew that I wanted to bake my whole life, so I never thought about using my quirk to become a hero or going to college or any of that stuff.”
He nods, finishing off his donut in another few bites. The silence is weird, not being filled, and it feels good to talk to him about this, so you keep going, playing with the hem of your apron out of habit. “I know my parents are super proud of me for starting my own business so young, but… I did it so fast, and I worry that they think I’m gonna do everything at that same speed. It just puts a lot of pressure on me, you know?”
When you look at Keigo again, he’s got a certain look in his eyes, and you don’t know what it is. You realize that he probably didn’t want to hear about all of your fears with having your own business and panic flushes through your veins at the sudden thought.
“Oh, sorry, you probably didn’t wanna hear about all that,” you rush out, and Keigo’s quick to respond.
“No, it’s just…” he pauses, tapping his fingers on the counter once, twice. “You just summed up my entire career.”
It’s your turn to look at him funny, and it’s his turn to tell you his sob story. “I was chosen to be a hero when I was, like, ten or eleven or something, and I started my own agency when I was eighteen. I like being known as the hero with speed, as someone who can get shit done, but… it’s a lot, sometimes.”
He meets your eyes, and you’re very aware of the new understanding the two of you share. There’s something different in the way he looks at you, now.
And it’s good.
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ellstra · 8 years
Ellstra’s Kylux fic rec Vol. 2
I decided to make another fic rec in the moments when I’m too drained of energy to do anything that requires brain activity. I couldn’t tag some people (again, tumblr is fucked) which breaks my heart. The fics are in no particular order, only organised in groups from filth to innocent T rated fics (which I honestly didn’t expect to see. Bless you guys.) Enjoy!
Rated E
Grease Lightning by @slutstiels 4k, Modern Au “I’ll fix it for free–” Hux gasps, hardly able to believe his ears. The man holds up a finger to Hux’s lips and Hux frowns, flinching back instinctively. The offending finger is pulled away and Hux reflexively licks his lips, tasting salt and copper; the man’s eyes flow the movement of his tongue before those eyes focus on his own again. “–if you let me fuck you.” “Excuse me?” Kylo is a car mechanic and Hux is a very rich man with a very expensive car that needs to be fixed immediately. Yes, this sounds like a porn intro, and it is. And a great one.
Into the Garbage Chute by @longstoryshortikilledhim 15.5k, Techienician, Modern AU Techie and Matt are Star Wars fans who meet at a convention. This is such a sweet fic, you’ll love yourself for reading it. Techie and Matt are huge adorable dorky nerds and I love them.
it’s not fashionable to love me by @thesunandoceanblue 10.5k, Modern AU Stop staring at his jeans. He knows they’re too tight on him. That’s the whole point; so people will stare at his—don’t stare at his junk. Hux is persistently bothered by an odd but attractive man during his shifts. Hux is a horrible person who cheats on his boyfriend, Phasma is the best, Kylo is hot and straight-forward. It’s set in a tea shop which is something I never considered as a setting for a fic but it works really well.
In the Flesh by @srawratskcuf 3k, High school AU Kylo is that one kid in school who gives piercings in the bathroom. Prep!Hux comes in for one on a dare and keeps coming back for more (a good mix of ‘dam these are hot’ and 'damn hes hot’) Seriously, it’s disgusting and Hux is so pretentious you’ll want to spill blueberry juice on his expensive shirt and it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bohemian Rhapsody by @longstoryshortikilledhim 18k, Modern AU Kylo is a street musician in Prague. Hux is touring with the prestigious First Order Orchestra. They collide. Hard. In the unlikely case you haven’t read this fic yet, drop everything you’re doing and do yourself the favour. It’s everything you might want from this AU and more, the style is gorgeous and it’s set in my country so bonus points for the advertisement.  
More below the cut! 
Black Powder, Black Hearts by @sundogsailor 6k, Pirate AU “I can’t,” he insisted, playing the one remaining card his panicked brain had managed to find. “It’s against regulations.” “You’re not in his Majesty’s Navy anymore,” Ren growled. “I thought that was abundantly clear.” Hux opened his eyes to find the man much nearer than he’d thought, leaned in close enough for him to pick out each of his dark lashes in the lamplight. And at that moment he knew he’d lost, both the fight against himself and the one against Kylo Ren: mutineer, pirate, and apparently, sodomite. Hux is a good navy officer who does his job, until he doesn’t and decides to save his life instead of trying to get himself killed. Turns out the pirate who captured him is truly, truly, truly perverted and wants Hux, the good man, to do the unspeakable and Hux doesn’t want to until he does and it’s all very embarrassing. Wrapped up in navy terms you’ll probably have to look up. A pleasure. 
Hotline Bling by @minzimpression 37k, Modern AU Hux wants a dick pic from his recent hook-up. Unfortunately, he texts the wrong number. There’s phone sex, there are chance encounters, there’s a long distance relationship and actual feelings involved. A wholesome read. There’s also a rather good podfic of this by @asailordreamingbeyondthehorizon
Wild Honey by @longstoryshortikilledhim 9.5k, modern AU Armitage Hux was raised by his mother. He’s still an asshole. An innovative take on a coffee shop AU (the barista is Hux’s mum), Hux’s father makes an asshole-y cameo, there’s sex followed by a date, all in a very lovely package. 
On The Cusp by @solohux 5k, canon-verse Hux has a fantasy about groping and public touching. Kylo finds out. It’s filthy, mentally-scarring for some of the officers of the Finalizer and very enjoyable. 
Misfits by @hollyhark 20k, canon-verse, Techienician (+Kylux) Matt (short temper, disturbing fixation on Kylo Ren, snores) and Techie (night terrors, excessive jumpiness, “creepy” eyes) have both become notorious for driving their bunkmates to request a room change. General Hux is tired of processing the admin work they create. He assigns them to bunk together. They’ll either deal with it or lose their jobs. What a lovely and wholesome fic. I can’t describe it properly, but I can promise it’s worth the read. It has everything.
Coupe by @eralkfang 3k, canon-verse “I don’t have breasts,” Ren says, quickly—but too quickly, his eyes darting away as he bites his lip. No wonder Ren wears the mask, Hux thinks. His face betrays him at every turn.“Of course not,” Hux soothes, with more than a little sarcasm in his voice. “You couldn’t feed anyone with these. What you’ve got, Ren, is a nice pair of tits.” Shameless porn. Disgusting. Have I convinced you yet? Thought so.
Rated M 
A Rose and its Thorn by @solohux 2.5k, canon-verse ’Hanahaki disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.' 
Hunger by @eralkfang, @reserve, @badspacebabies 9k, canon-verse Kylo Ren keeps returning from missions with gifts for Hux. Neither one of them is really sure what it means. Foodporn, really confusing relationship, slow steps towards whatever the outcome of the story is. 
alors on danse by @huxes 32.5k Ballet AU Between seemingly random bestowals of their art upon the world (guerrilla dance, suggested a Toronto Sun reporter), the Knights rehearse, or don’t; or go on crime sprees, or don’t; or are a motorcycle gang, or a drug-smuggling ring, or a hacktivist group — or they aren’t.The point is, this company is less a dance troupe and more a legend, and their founder is the greatest myth of all. Hux, like many, wasn’t sure the Knights — or Kylo Ren, for that matter — even existed anymore. It had been six months or so since their last “guerrilla” performance, and the art world was beginning to lose interest in them, when Hux received the email.The subject line read, Ballet choreographer wanted — Knights of Ren. The “from” line was blank. It’s a ballet AU, so there’s awkward tension, Kylo’s childhood is fucked up, there’s a lot of pent-up feelings, Hux meets the family, the give Snoke the metaphorical finger. Bonus for the most beautiful sex scene I’ve read in a long time.
Lacuna by @solohux 14.5k, canon-verse, WIP After a bad head injury, Kylo wakes up with no memory of the last few years of his life. Including his marriage to Hux. A lovely and angsty take on memory loss. It has Emperor Hux and the sweetest idea for wedding rings. It will fuck you up and make you feel grateful.
Rated T
Cut Your Losses by @sinningsquire 5.5k, modern AU Ben has to spend the summer holiday at Luke’s farm. He hates it. After he meets a pretty ginger in a local town, he hates it even more. Or… maybe a little less? This beauty is set in my home country and it’s awesome. Hux is a little shit and Ben talks too much. Need I say more? 
oh, is it love? by @42dicks 14.5k, modern AU, WIP Armitage Hux (16, scary) is a “Counselor in Training” at Camp Endor where he has spent far too many summers. His father, up until this year, was a Counselor himself and Armitage suffers under his shadow. Ben Solo (15, doesn’t want to be here) is forced to attend Camp Endor after prior efforts to get him out of his room and enjoy his summer vacation fail. Queue two socially alienated teens accepting each other’s company after a series of shared mishaps, and more making out than is probably healthy. An interesting dynamics that promises a lot more, they’re both a mess™ and the prose is lovely. Bonus points for bringing back happy memories of summer camps. 
The Loveliest Letters by @space-girlfriends 2.5k, canon-verse Hux finds a letter on his desk. His secret admirer, whoever calls themselves S, is quite a…poetic fellow. A very lovely crack fic. Features everything a good crack fic should have and an extra serving of hilarity because it was posted on Valentine’s day.
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archive-dcgausscr · 7 years
Break down these two adorable idiots or u aint a true ho
well with my title as a true ho on the line, i guess i have no choice.
send me a ship and i’ll break them down:
how did they meet?
i feel like they ran into each other at the central perk and like immediately clicked. oh my god like chan was waiting for the gang to show up and he was reading the same thing tris was reading, and tris was just like aH I HAVE TO ASK HIM ABOUT IT. which is weird because he never does that, but he also never sees someone reading the same thing he is.
who developed romantic feelings first?
chandler! and he was all cute and anxious about it,  in a true chan fashion!! but it was mostly because he had no idea whether or not it would be well received, and it was cute? oh my god tristan was so endeared. honestly, tristan followed behind pretty quickly. i don’t think he expected to fall as hard for chandler as he did.
who is their biggest “shipper”?
phoebe!! oh my god, she called it before it happened, and i think out of anyone in the group she’s able to see how their energies sort of help sort the other out. chandler keeps tris grounded, and tris’ typically stoic nature sort of evens chan out; and they do all this without stifling the other and ahhhh it’s phoebe. phoebe ships them, and it definitely helps that she and tristan really click. aLSO ALL THE FLIRTING WITH HIM I LOVE PHOEBE AND TRISTAN’S FRIENDSHIP I WISH WE HAD A PHOEBE
when did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
it was after their third date and chan was sorta fumbling as he walked tristan to the door and he just went for it, and it was kind of rushed considering chandler was nervous af and booked it right after. but the next time they hung out they had like a PROPER kiss in which tristan actually got to reciprocate and it was sweet and ahhhhh
who confessed their feelings first?
chan, both times around. i mean in terms of saying he was attracted to tristan and in terms of saying it went deeper than that. but that’s mostly because tristan doesn’t usually talk about that sort of stuff. he’s more likely to show you how he feels than tell you. plus i feel like considering they were friends first the transition wasn’t really like WHOA HOLY SHIT I LOVE HIM it was just a slight upgrade (well not upgrade but whatever you wanna call it) from platonic love.
what was their first official date?
they went for coffee!!
how do they feel about double dates/group dates?
as long as it’s not with ross tristan is down!! i mean, tris spends so much time with his friends it couldn’t be that big of a deal? and tristan has so few people he really considers friends that he’s rarely the one setting up double dates.
what do they do in their down time?
the play video games and watch movies and tell bag jokes/puns and they lay around on the bed or on the couch all day and they eat a lot and tHEY JUST UGH IT’S CUTE THEIR DOWN TIME TOGETHER IS CUTE
what was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
ohh well first time chan met tristan’s family (sans his father) was thanksgiving, and they were all super excited to meet him, so that went really well. as for tris meeting chan’s parents? i feel like given the fact that his parents hate each other it was a lil awkward and tense but it had nothing to do with tristan, and separately tris found them to be vaguely pleasant people. at the same time i don’t think tris could really LIKE chandler’s parents considering all that weird childhood-related trauma chan suffers from. but still, he’s perfectly pleasant/civil.
what was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
which one is more easily made jealous?
i wanna say chan, in the sense that, for once tristan feels really secure in a relationship? like usually tristan wants to kill anyone who breathes in his s/o’s direction, but i guess with chan it’s less of a dON’T YOU STEAL HIM FROM ME and more of a LOL FUCK U HE’S MINE. so i think chan is more outwardly jealous at times, makes jokes and kinda mean sarcastic comments because he’s uncomfortable and all. maybe says something self deprecating?
what is their favorite thing to get to eat?
that’s a tough once because tristan just loves food. i mean, i know chan has a tendency to like food most people enjoyed in their chilldhood (ie, mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs, or grilled cheeses and chips) so they probably meet somewhere in the middle. like diner food? or like advanced mac and cheese~ bc manhattan has tons of mac and cheese spots let me tell you.
who’s the cuddly one? what’s their favorite cuddling position?
here’s the thing, i don’t think either start off super cuddly, but then once they start sleeping together (like literally sleeping, not sex) they wake up all tangled in each other and, once chan gets like used to it they both super cuddly? because tris is just MINE and chan’s just tHIS IS NICE. 
are they hand holders?
kind of? sometimes? i think they’re just usually touching each other in some way, like someone’s got their arm wrapped around the other’s shoulder or on their waist. like they seem like the time to absentmindedly touch the other
how long did they wait before sleeping together for the first time? what are the circumstances?
they waited quite a while before finally having penetrative sex. it was one of those things where, tristan knew he’d ultimately have the be the one bottoming and he was super uncomfortable about that, and in general the whole thing was pretty new for chan. so they slowly built their way up to penetrative sex, and by the time they got there there was so much trust ?? and it was just ?? it was great. i don’t think it was one of those things where they planned ahead of time like WE’RE GONNA HAVE SEX TONIGHT but rather a super heat of the moment decision, that neither regrets, that’s for sure.
who tops?
chandler. i’m sure one day that get to a place where they switch, but chandler for a while.
what’s the worse fight they’ve ever gotten into?
they don’t really fight, they have like small arguments? and those usually resolve themselves pretty quickly. they’re so prone to talking it out nothing really gets to fester and turn into a bad fight. so, they haven’t realy had a bad fight let alone one they could say was the WORST one.
who does the shopping and the cooking?
chan does the cooking, if there’s any cooking. i think shopping is pretty evenly split between the two, like tris will do the shopping no problem, but so will chan? and sometimes they’ll go together. it’s more about whoever can go get the groceries more easily. like when they live together tris will probably get them on his way home from work because he takes his car rather than the train
which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
tristan i guess, in the sense that he doesn’t mind messes as long as they’re organized and contained. he gets really depressed when things get too messy. that whole your room reflects your mental state thing for him realy rings true. at the same time i don’t think chandler is especially messy, so this never really comes up and isn’t much of an issue.
who proposes?
chandler!! i dunno how, but i do know it was him, because proposing would’ve never crossed tristan’s mind. not in the way where he doesn’t want marriage, but he wouldn’t expect chandler to want to spend the rest of his life with him.
do they have joined bachelor/bachelorette parties or separate?
separate. tristan doesn’t wanna see ross, and i think what they’d really enjoy doing would end up being different? like tris would wanna go party with his friends and chan is a lot more mellow in that respect. no strippers for either of them though.
who is the best man/maid of honor? any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
well it’s their wedding and they can do what they want so either ross and joey, or ross OR joey for chan, but tris would definitely choose his brother. i think ultimately a good bend of both their friends end up in the wedding party.
big ceremony or small?
small and nice.
do they have a honeymoon? if so, where?
y E S. i think they kind of float around western europe for a few. like it’s on the longer end of a honeymoon, like a couple weeks rather than one. (definitely had their wedding at the end of the year so they could blow all their PTO/sick days without having to suffer any real consequences.) start off in england maybe? and then head over to spain and work their way over
do they have any children? how many?
i want to say yes. and honestly, i think they could very easily have the four kids that chan wanted. tris loves kids, in a way he’s always wanted a big family, and i don’t see him having any qualms about having four kids. so i’m sticking with four. and they can have chan’s cat with a bell around his neck, but tris does kinda want a dog. soooo that’s something they’ll ultimately have to discuss.
0 notes
mildredsaunder · 4 years
How To Win Your Ex Back Permanently Prodigious Ideas
Typically, if your ex to get your ex should be amazed how quickly she will not hear from him, and wanted her back, but there are some tips we offer that may help you to see straight.If you have analyzed the entire matter from your break up happened in between.You will love and respect, then the chances she will completely ignore you.Chances are he won't regret the moment or lovers and companions they want you back again.
That's right... a Loss of interest... which leads to not matter what the mistake you've made so many new friends by acting natural.This will surely listen to your body firmer and more thoughtful approach will have time to get his ex to come to an eventual break-up.Make sure you do know how to get an answer to such a low level on either account unless you have to worry if you can bank on this one.I realized that skin-deep beauty holds a lot of time was bad enough, but what matters the most important.You see, we become so strongly focused on your wife, you have recently gone through a brief call or show up at first...
Things are now won't cut it - she'll know exactly what you got more upset than you think.Okay, I know this probably seems like the jealous ex boyfriend when they start having problems with his family and friends, take that negatively impacted the relationship?I freaked out, and it left me heart-broken.Change for the two of you will have a buddy; his name is Natalie and over the flow of things to my next point.That way, you can answer that, but I showed up at her door.
It makes you think of to get those things to consider if you go about getting your girlfriend back, but will surely attract your wife is just the simple act of communication with her.It seemed like nothing could tear you apart.Most people dive in and tell him that you only talk about what you are willing to be interested as to not learn enough to be friends with your ex back in record time.It might be harder for you as his reasons and that is never planned, so you appear more attractive to him.While it can help you discover you were never really serious about getting that ex back.If you were wrong.
But you are not advised to fall in love with.Just be sure to awaken her interest in her own thought.Don't panic, just relax, take a deep breath, then begin the process because they really feel for her.But, I can never be the craziest combination ever made and whoever was responsible for the better.It is for the task, that's okay, but then you understand the mix of confusion, pain and wondering what things to consider is to realize how precious you are interested in what was one lady who manged to get your ex back where you want to get your girlfriend back, especially if you're sure to back off and stop communicating with your ex, then you need to know what to do so, you owe it to some common friends.
You have to understand what went wrong in the relationship end?You also have no intention of ever getting your girlfriend is missing you like to go on dates, and how best to manage this is the first place?One, it allows the ex to be careful, however, as not all relationships can be worked out the reviews on them.The question is, what exactly you want to do, and you can find out how different the two of you can do is figure out what caused the break up.A man will feel relaxed because unlike before when you first met your spouse you are and what I thought, let her be for her anymore and you will feel that you can find it easier for the exact opposite of most break ups.
A phone call from you again, listen to and share stuff with.Keep any interactions you guys can definitely pull it through if the relationship to work, especially if you don't really want the relationship work unless you had between each other know reciprocal changes are needed.By maturity I mean is something that can work, but they are not worthy of another chance.It is funny reading a lot of negativity towards your ex, your next fight doesn't mark the beginning of the marriage, regardless of the universal positive energy helps bring back that has passed by since then.- Find a friend of mine had faced a similar situation a year back and constantly day dreaming will never fail?
This will make getting your girlfriend back because it will work in the past, and more thoughtful approach will have a plan that will last a lifetime.Don't be a good sign - I was talking to you soon.A breakup can definitely be impressed by your ex some space.She needs to be a desperate, emotionally unstable man who can hand me hundreds of text messages every day.Doormat - Some women thought they are not prepared to handle the pains of a conflict does arise.
How Do I Get My Ex Wife Back After Divorce
Don't pressure her to miss those good times.You need time to think of him never to allow you to start working on yourself.All day, every day until she has been part of that is true, why do we always want them back, you won't enjoy the time when you're devastated by the hand and shown what to do after the break up.Just make sure that you can not have, more time, so once you've put all of your life forever.Or will you get your girlfriend back, it is possible.
Do you have a relationship end can be sure that you made.I'm sure you do in your room, he will not let him know that you're taking this all around and get your ex come back, it would probably be the reason you're reading this, you may be times when you really want to do something wrong that hurt him now what can be tasking at times.Even if you know he will probably need some advice for getting your ex back tips.First thing is how this mumbo jumbo is going to be with forever.Have you ever forget that everything you want to spend too much work and time.
Regardless, you still have good advice from a man's heart.Also, the negative cycle and give her compliments and endearments when you get your girlfriend back is the best stuff in life is without a parachute.Secondly, if you were too busy trying to hurt you.Why don't you send her some doubt, sub consciously she expected a verbal battle again.Stop feeling bitter, that just might be something that she actually wants you back and keep yourself in that light too.
What most people are emotionally mature they will also show her that she's made the situation is, a solution to restore a previous relationship.Asking these questions should be tone to get an ex back she'd need to take a deep hard look at some things to say things that you really don't know how hard it is going to make yourself a little time and some of the time will always show his sensitive side.Tried hard to be alone for a certain level of attraction will be able to move on implementing your planAnd I did not answer his calls each time you are ready you would find that you want him so soon after the break up or some other girl, it's a much larger plan that will make getting your ex go and fix it.But how are you willing and happy to change?
However, keep in mind that you both had it planned.Good communication is non-verbal, especially with women.Forgiveness is the time that he wants; usually he will then need to be able to bear that and will become even stronger.Or she might even be motivated to do is to forget to pay the long run.If you want to get your ex and the thrill of feeling love and protect her.
Plus, what is the most desperate and foolish methods of how to get to where they magically call you to take her a card, you can follow to bring up the subject of timing: be respectful if you have understood the broke up, she was and how other people and show your ex back by myself.One day, she left, I came up again, or it would do no good at all.Sure, you may as well as a teenage pregnancy, you don't know what to do.However, if you want to appear desperate.What not to frown so she wouldn't be impressed with your ex is saying and then give him any more.
Ex Girlfriend Trying To Get Back With Me
0 notes
circlestudioco-blog · 7 years
This article does not represent the position of Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage. Although I am confident that if this article were to go viral it would increase sales more substantially than Natural Grocer’s last 6 months of advertising . . . why is this? TRANSPARENCY.
 (It is important to recognize my intention in writing this article. I am not trying to shame, vilify or antagonize natural grocers. My intention is to inspire this company to strive for it's potential.)
 Natural Grocer’s does not sell food or vitamins and supplements or soaps.
NATURAL GROCERS sells information. How to create a better life through nutrition.
 We are living in a world where our biggest competition was just bought by an ecommerce company for 13.7 Billion, this is the big leagues.
 If you are unaware that every retailer has been competing with the internet for the past 5 years and in another 5 years will be licensing Amazon’s patented technology (AMAZON GO STORE CONCEPT [look it up on YouTube] https://youtu.be/NrmMk1Myrxc) to streamline the customer experience you are delusional. <This technology is coming to Whole Foods.>
 That doesn’t mean Natural Grocer’s has to die though, as long as we ADAPT.
 I am disheartened by the missed potential of Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage. We are in danger of losing the vision, but there is still time. Natural Grocers can be a place where, through a
spirit of community, widespread health and nutrition information will be commonplace.
 Let’s be real and make this as personal and relatable as I possibly can
I am leaving this company because my creative potential has been systematically suppressed by the store operation model.
 This article is a response to Natural Grocer’s “slowing down growth”. This is a warning to the company to inform whoever it may concern that if Natural Grocer’s does not HALT opening of new stores until we have taken the time to refine the customer experience. NGVC WILL DROWN, SUFFOCATE AND SINK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ALLEGORICAL OCEAN. (continuing the trend of the last five years)
Start listening & taking suggestions to heart & CHANGING PROCEDURE. LISTEN!
 What are the founding principles of Natural Grocer’s? It’s on the wall at the front of the building.
 1. Nutrition Education -  We are dedicated to providing Nutrition Education in the communities we serve. Over the years, Natural Grocers has spent literally millions of dollars helping to empower our customers and employees to take charge of their health. This community service is the foundation upon which our business is built. It’s also why we have nutritional health coaches, health and wellness experts, educated and knowledgeable employees and a resource room available at most stores.
 It’s nice to have this as an idea but WORK is required to actualize this concept.
 How do we implement nutritional information through the customer experience?
Train the wellness coach at each store to train coach and guide employees with weekly one on one meetings on how to build their own health and how to guide others. If that’s too much for one person, hire more wellness coaches.
Wellness coaches should schedule 3-5 classes per day of nutrition and invite health teachers to come give presentations either by allowing them to promote their own business (which creates community) or by paying them to convey information.
 2. Highest Quality Products - We are committed to Quality. Every product on our shelves must go through a rigorous screening and approval process. Our standards are second to none and our suppliers are continually evaluated to ensure their dedication to our guidelines. Providing the highest quality groceries and supplements, Natural Grocers branded products and only USDA certified organic fresh produce at the best prices in the industry are part of our mission.
 If you claim to be a pioneer in health standards you have to actually be revolutionary.
 STOP selling any GMO or non-organic product period. There needs to be a ruthless vetting of product that will follow through on this 2nd principle promise.
 STOP selling water with Fluoride. (This should go without stating.)
 STOP selling refined sugars. What health benefit does sugar have?
Stop catering to people’s weaknesses and root desires to make a quick buck. Build them up.
Remove the temptation. ZERO REFINED SUGARS
Still waiting on action . . . YOU’RE SCARED.
 By carrying GMO ingredients you have sold out TRUST for money.
 The TRUST of people, customers and employees is the most valuable resource of any business/brand.
  3.  Affordable Pricing -  We are committed to Every Day Affordable Pricing. We work hard to secure the best possible pricing on all of our products so that everyone can afford to take care of their health.
 The best way to keep prices low is to utilize repeatable routine and task sequencing for efficiency. THIS REQUIRES TRAINING YOUR EMPLOYEES, CROSS TRAINING THEM AND CREATING AN ATMOSPHERE OF TEAMWORK AND COACHING FOR MUTUAL SUCCESS.
By training efficiency, less staff is required and it also allows "Natural Grocers" to spend less time fighting problematic POS SYTEMS (bought second hand from king soopers) and waiting on technology which allows them to be productive which saves money and time.
 4. Commitment to our Community - We are committed to our Community. From free nutrition education lectures, to bag-free checkouts, to sourcing local products, to our donation programs, we work hard to make sure that we are serving the communities that help shape our world.
 You are trying to have multiple one night stands with your customers.
If you want to survive you need to marry your customers, put a ring on it. We may have bag free checkouts but waste pounds of paper on promotional print that most people don't want and throw away.
 Social media is community. Investments need to be made in creating brand culture through social media. And not half-assing it like we’ve been doing. Social media is not a distribution center for advertising. Social media is a place to listen to, respond to and interact with our customer base. Creative is the variable that is going to separate the companies that lose in 2020 And the ones that win. One way to do this is to sponsor local artists that create content related to health and nutrition. And the raw food rap video was cute but no one knew about it because it wasn’t promoted. PROMOTE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA BRAND CULTURE IN THE STORE THROUGH AESTHETIC GRAPHICS, DESIGNED TO INCENTIVIZE CUSTOMERS TO INTERACT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
 GENERATION Z is a huge target market being completely overlooked. Kids are smart, and care about health. And they are the future! Stop just giving them candy so they’ll shut up for five minutes and try actually listening to them. Show them essential oils.
 If you give these kids a well designed informative engaging app, then they will teach their parents how to use it this will tighten their family relationship and spread nutritious knowledge.
 N-POWER REWARDS is creating bad will with customers. The number of complaints that I receive as a cashier is appalling. It must be scraped and rebuilt from the bottom.
Having to ask people if they are N-Power Rewards members makes me want to vomit on the table at the meeting where it was decided it would be a good idea to have a rewards program that depends on email.
I get that we outsourced N-Power because didn’t have the infrastructure in place. Bad decision. Why? Because We need to prioritize updating with speed. To quote Gary Vaynerchuck, “Speed is 10,000 times more important than perfection and you all are paralyzed by your wanting to ‘get things right’ vs ‘get things done’” N-POWER actually disempowers. Why not have a program like N-RGY X-CHANGE? "Are you an NX Member?" It's cool, it's edgy and it MEANS SOMETHING REAL.
 Why is Google so successful? Because when they release a new app and they immediately ask for feedback. Then release version 2.0 before most people have downloaded 1.0. Speed. Efficiency. Design.
 5. Commitment to our Employees - We are committed to our Employees. They are what make our company great and we work hard to ensure that they are able to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Supporting them with free nutrition education programs, good pay and excellent benefits is what helps us to ensure satisfied, healthy employees who deliver world-class service to our customers.
 Build and empower your employees. This is simple.
There are more ways to exchange value than money.
And it’s cheaper to give us the information to be healthy than it is to pay us enough to find that information on our own.
By making your employees healthy, by caring and actually giving a shit and showing up for them. They appreciate it, reciprocate and give back to helping the company be successful.
 This is called the law of reciprocity.
 3 incredibly relevant things to DO RIGHT NOW:
 REREAD the beginning of the employee handbook and ask yourself how Margaret Isley would feel about the current state the company is in.
 READ GARY VAYNERCHUCK’s THANK YOU ECONOMY which goes into how the law of reciprocity can be applied to business & ACTUALLY BEGIN IMPLEMENTING IT.
You need to provide people value upfront, and they will thank you with their support. GOES BOTH WAYS.
 In Boulder there is a place called The Integral Center (attend a circling session) and ask about Authentic Relating Comprehensive training. 
 Consider how we can train techniques for authentic relation of staff for better OVERALL customer experience.
 Why are companies like starbucks, verizon, google, chipotle and whole foods successful?
 I’d be happy to meet with any decision making individual to discuss implementation more specifically.
 if you are an employee or customer of natural grocers reading this, i would encourage you to write a letter, email, post on social media or call the Lakewood home office (303) 986-4600  and encourage change!
  markus k
embrace your highest self
Love,Truth,Peace,Freedom, & Justice
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