#makes me remember the delena and stelena debates I’d get into
emma-munson · 2 months
Sometimes I forget all the lore I know about the vampire diaries until someone brings it up and something just clicks in my brain.
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Lost Season 1 Reaction
Reactions are one of my new ideas for the blog expansion. I receive lots of requests to watch other shows and unfortunately I can’t write full length reviews on all of them. But that doesn’t mean I can’t watch and post some thoughts!!! Consider reactions an abbreviated review. I’m sure I’ll be playing around with format a little, so bear with me, but hopefully this another way to watch more shows and give you more great content!
First up is Lost Season 1! Let’s kind of dig in...
My History with Lost
I did not watch Lost when it aired ten years ago. Okay, that’s a lie. I watched the pilot, but it was not my first JJ Abrams show. I watched both Felicity and Alias. My primary beef with JJ Abrams is he creates great shows, but he doesn’t stick around. Invariably the show is handed off to another executive producer who doesn’t have the same vision as JJ and they run it into the ground. At the time, my husband and I were feeling particularly burned by Alias, but we still decided to watch the Lost pilot. We thought it was interesting, but we were not emotionally prepared to begin another JJ Abrams show.
That didn’t mean I wasn’t curious though! I heard all the water cooler talk over the years, but I held firm to my decision not to watch... until the finale. Yes, that’s right. I CHEATED. 
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I watched the finale when it aired because I  wanted to know what the island was. I had absolutely no context for 99.99% of the things happening, 
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but I understood the general ideas and managed to shed a few tears in the process. Yes, I cried over characters I did not know. Lost music is very emotional and they all seemed like very nice people.
I bumbled along in this thing we call life completely okay with my decision to read the first and last chapter of Lost until I met @callistawolf.  
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She asked me to watch because it’s her favorite show, but I adamantly refused. However, during one of my many Vampire Diaries bitch-a-thons, I said I would watch Lost if she watched The Vampire Diaries (I really want her opinion on Stelena and Delena). SHE SAID YES. HAHAHAHA. I think we can all agree I made out better in terms of quality, but a deal is a deal!
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And thus, my Lost journey begins. You can also follow my reactions on Twitter in my #JenWatchesLost tag.
Who Do I Love?
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Hurley is everything and must be protected. 
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Jack is my boy. I love me some wound-tighter-than-a-Timex-doctor-with-a-hero-complex. The whole physician thing really comes in handy. Maybe I should go to med school as like survivalist training. Nah. Too much work. Jack always knows what to do even though he has no idea what he’s doing. It’s impressive and stressful. There’s significant daddy issues too which reminds me of Oliver Queen. Also, he’s very pretty. I like the stubble. This shocks no one. Everyone knows I have a type.
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I am siding with Locke in terms of philosophical debates. Faith and belief are a huge part of my life, so it doesn’t surprise me I’m agreeing with Locke whenever faith versus science is debated. There’s a lot of religious symbolism and just plain old straight-from-the-bible parallels, which is amazing to find in a prime time broadcast television show.
The dog.
Who Am I Shipping?
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Jack and Kate. I typically get on board with the Plan A couple as long as the show gives me a strong storyline and evidence for why this couple should be together. I like that Jack and Kate are the flip on the bad boy/good girl trope. Kate is the “bad girl” who doesn’t believe she deserves the good guy. Jack is  protective with a a deep desire to save people. And of course, opposites attract!! She is impulsive and Jack is pragmatic. Kate runs and he digs in. They both have significant issues, but thus far they seem to bring out the best in one another. They are each broken in their own way, but my hope is their broken pieces fit together.
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Jin and Sun are perfection. I thought we were going the whole abusive husband route, but they swerved right into a rainbow! Did not expect that. It’s nice to see a married couple fighting to stay together. Jin feels like he ruined Sun’s life so he has to leave the island to find help. Sun just wants Jin to stay because he is her life. Jin is learning English and Sun is wearing a bikini. These are the building blocks of an EPIC romance.
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Charlie and Claire. They are already raising a baby so just get married. Locke can officiate.  
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Sawyer and his sass.
Hard Pass
Boone is in love with his sister? There’s a love triangle with Boone, Shannon and Sayid? Super gross y’all.
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I don’t know why, but I don’t like Michael. He bugs me.
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Jack and his “I know everything about the world because science” attitude. Dude, you are on an island with a freaking polar bear. It’s possible there’s a few things you don’t know.
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I was really angry at Sawyer when he didn’t tell Jack about the conversation he had with his dad. Do we get to vote people off the island? Because Sawyer would be the first to go. He’s back in my good graces now because he fessed up, but it was touch and go for awhile.
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The way Kate’s childhood love died was really hokey. 
Kate and Sawyer. Sorry guys, I have yet to see Sawyer as anything other than the third point in the triangle. A triangle I don’t even think the show needs. It has plenty going on. There’s great chemistry, but she also has that with Jack. Kate and Sawyer are just too similar. Their snark is fun, but I’m not getting a “Theirs is a forever love” vibe.
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I Feel All The Feels
The scene where Sawyer tells Jack about the conversation he had with his dad  before he died slayed me. When Matthew Fox cries, I cry.
Just when I started to like Boone, they killed him. And Shannon wasn’t there? Come on writers that’s just mean. It’s okay though. Smolderholder had to get a job on The Vampire Diaries and make all the money.
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I remember people talking about the number thing and wondering what it is. Now I know what the number thing is. Except I don’t really know what the number thing is.
Locke’s dad used him for a kidney. WTF? That’s so messed up. I’d be driving past the house screaming, “Why?” too.
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Fave Quote
“That thing in the woods, maybe it’s a monster, maybe it’s a pissed off giraffe, I don’t know. The fact no one is looking for us, yeah that’s weird. But I just go along with it. Good old fun time Hurley. Well guess what? Now I want some freaking answers!” (Hurley, “Numbers”)
Random Thoughts
It’s Matthew Fox from Party of Five people!!! I miss Party of Five.
The clothes from the dead people just magically fit everyone. Oh what a wonderful yet completely unrealistic plot contrivance.
Ian Somerhalder is in Lost? Did I know that? I think I did, but may have forgotten. He looks like a baby. Baby Damon is on Lost. That's some interesting cross fandoming given the Lost/TVD show switch with @callistawolf
Lost has done a pretty damn good job answering all the food, clothing and shelter questions. There’s been a lot cool and inventive ideas for tools, supplies, medicine, etc. I’m sure 95% of what Sayid does is impossible, but I believe it because he’s Sayid.
One cannot watch Lost while multitasking because all the things happen every five minutes in this show. 
This is me shouting into the void. Don’t spoil me with answers.
When do we get to make Hurley in charge of everything?
Who won the golf game? No really. Who won?
Jack has a wife? What’s the deal with the wife?
Okay but for real what is going on with these numbers?
We don’t get to find out what’s in the hatch? What madness is that??? How the hell did you guys watched this show live & wait weeks & weeks over hiatus and not lose your mind????
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