#making planet maps/religions and cultures/foods/trade/etc
kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
Worldbuilding–The bare basics
A lot of people get hyper focused on creating something, but then don’t think about how everything works, and in getting hyper focused, instill prejudices into their worldbuilding they didn’t really think through because they are *so* used to their way of doing things and don’t think through the reasons why things are they way they are, and then errors show up.
So, let’s start from the top: - Always create from biggest to smallest when worldbuilding. The order I usually choose is this; - Universe->galaxy->Solar system->planet->map->Geography and climate->Distribution of plants and animals (if there are any)->culture
So in order of Study: Astronomy
Geography and water systems
Cultural Anthropology (Sociology, Economics, etc all fall under this one).
Why do it this way?
It’s simply because you don’t want to get stuck in a rut and make the same mistake everyone else makes. You need a cold understanding of your planet/peoples/characters before you get super attached to a wrong notion. (Tolkien got caught in this, too, don’t worry.)
Speaking as someone who studied Anthropology--For world building purposes I would do the following (for every civilization/settlement/band/tribe, etc): - Set up Trade routes FIRST (which should be settled by your geology geography and climate. Currents are easy to figure out on an Earth-like planet, if your planet isn’t Earthlike, then you need to figure out access to trade routes anyway and how the winds work.)
- Set up the distribution of your characters (if they are alien species, keep this in mind.) What environments can they withstand?
- Set up subsistence systems.
- Figure out the government structures.
- Figure out religion, and superstition (throw magic in about here)
- Figure out art last.
The justification goes this way: People build societies (and yes, foragers are societies, explaining why takes too long for the purposes of this), they people or aliens need a few basic things: food, water, shelter. Their environment will determine *some* not all of the access to this. (Trade~~~ Don’t forget trade. Homonins have ALWAYS traded, back to homo erectus, so don’t be shy of trade.)
In order to control the flow of goods and distribution, they will need governments. This will determine your economics. 
This is where people auto-go “Oh, Agriculture+feudalism” And !@#$ So boring. Look, you have probably a round planet going for you, is it always practical to do agriculture? If you have a trade network, what makes you really think that everyone is going to do one subsistence system and one government type?
This is why you start large and go smaller. So you don’t get into the trap of, “But of course it is agriculture.” Instead, you can look up subsistence systems, and figure out the distribution on your planet.
I should also note that the development of agriculture really, really depended heavily on grains being sustainable. But if you have no grains on your planet, nor something with similar attributes, the switch might not be feasible. See what I did there? I dropped a knowledge bomb on you, and now you have a plot bunny. This is what you want. You have OPTIONS now.
Also, Earth has never, ever had one subsistence system for all humans at one given time.
These subsistence systems *tend* to have different government types.
After that, you can figure out religion, because it is always there initially to reinforce philosophies and values. Often religion is more of a mechanism to remember things--important dates like taking the harvest in. And superstitions are just old leftover belief systems from either older religions that have fragmented, or particular beliefs that might have been imported.
And you figure out art last because art is always challenging and reinforcing norms. You need to know the relationship of the religion before you can start to challenge it and other parts of culture. Is art there so say how great the Monarchy is? (William Shakespeare, looking at you) or is it there to tell your Queen to sod off (Ben Jonson, looking at you.)? How can you challenge anything when the world isn’t built?
In *this* way, you don’t think of culture or your world(s) as marching towards a singular “progress” Where your people are building a “true civilization.” But rather think of people in your system as equals, trying to do the same things humans (or aliens) always do. And you won’t get stuck in an Ethnocentric rut of assuming that everyone lives in say, Europe. 
BTW, Europe is an oddball. Don’t model your worldbuilding on Europe. First it has the Gulf Stream. Second, it’s at a northern latitude, and third, it happened to develop agriculture from importation from West Asia. The kismet of these things is WEIRD. Really weird. So if you’re going to have white people WITHOUT those factors, they are NOT going to be agriculturalists. They are more likely to be like Sami and be Pastoralists granted, migratory pastoralists.
I also have to stress this... I don’t care how many time I have to do this...
If a human being was locked in a city where they were in a jail cell, and then inside a fortified castle, then had a forcefield, then was surrounded by a 20 ft moat, then had to face a firey pit, then had to put up with spikes, and had to climb through a dark forest to find the outside world.
I’m 100% betting that the human will do it. As a species, Humans are the worst pest ever.
So the inkling of a notion that HUMAN BEINGS would NOT figure out how to ever trade and invade every part of the planet, I have problems with. Think about it... Humans live on atolls, in the coldest part of the planet, and you’re imagining, somehow, despite the fact Polynesians and Indigenous peoples of Australia and North, Central and South America exist, that your people DO NOT TRADE, is a WTF moment for me. And most people will suspect 100% you’re being racist. And most of the time this is true.
If your species is not a human being. Then you need to really, really think through the biology and the climate. You need to justify every part of the world building to the reader. And if they don’t have trade networks, you won’t have empires. If you don’t have empires, you shouldn’t be focusing on cities, etc. Because you REQUIRE trade for those to work. This means *absolutely* outside influences.
To be honest, I see a lot of white people fixated on the notion of purity of the culture, but this is not the truth of human history nor is this how culture is built. So you will have to give up one or the other: Trade and settled cities or isolationism (Most isolationist countries in humanity have not succeeded in doing so.).
Culture, by its nature, needs cooperation, so you need to think through the cooperation first before you decide if and when you break it down. Trade is a huge part of this.
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Worldbuilding Tips: The Five Visitors
You’ve done it. You’ve come up with an idea for your fantasy world, but right now it’s mostly curb appeal and decorations without much else. So, you have the skin and flavor of your fictional world, but what if you’re having a bit of trouble coming up with the meat needed to make your world juicy and delicious? Well, I have a little game that can help flesh out your world.
Imagine a ship or whatever other kind of vehicle arriving on the shores or outskirts of your fantasy land and from that vehicle emerges 5 people from our own mundane world: a historian, an economist, an anthropologist, a diplomat, and a cartographer. There are some other visitors, but these are going to be the most universally beneficial.
The Historian:
This person is going to be interested in the backstory of your world. They don’t need to know every minuscule detail (though they wouldn’t turn that much information down) and just a general overview would be much obliged. Many fantasy worlds such as Tolkien’s Middle Earth and Martin’s Westeros are far more rich and interesting due to the amount of effort put into crafting their world’s histories. If you’re stumped, look to real world history for inspiration. It doesn’t even need to come from the middle ages so long as it works for your story. You should be able to answer questions like: How long has the dominant civilization been around? What are the biggest defining moments in your world’s history? What things are common knowledge that every child is expected to learn (such as George Washington being the first president of the USA) and which stuff is known more by historians and social studies teachers? And as you’re discussing the rest of the visitors, think back on how the answers you give would impact the historical aspect.
The Economist:
You don’t have to know the exact cost of every single thing in your world, but have a good guess. Be able to at least have a scale of price. If someone can buy a loaf of bread for 13 of your world’s currency, but a house costs 17, that would mean that either that bread is very expensive, that house is very cheap, or each unit of your currency is equal to a lot of real world money. Whatever you use to refer to your currency, keep not only price scaling in mind, but economics. If you have a port city, there’s going to be a lot of merchants in that area. The first primary export you’re likely to see in such a port town would be seafood, but also keep in mind the things that are closet to that port, as well as the climate. Greece for instance is a very rocky and mountainous country, so while they can grow crops, they would not have been any match for medieval French Aquitaine, the crown jewel of medieval farming territory. It’s also worth remembering that food in the middle ages was far more valuable than it is today. There was an old saying that wheat is worth its weight in gold. It was southern France’s bountiful soil that caused it to become one of the richest and most coveted territories in medieval Europe.  So, keep in mind where resources would come from and where they would need to go, as well as trade that would be useful. A seaside farming town might not have any good access to raw minerals, while a city in the frozen mountainous north might not be able to grow crops, but are bountiful in minerals. The correlation of supply and demand now opens a vital trade route between them. This becomes more complex when the topic of war comes into play. The kingdom that supplies your crops and food is at war with your oldest ally. Now there’s a dilemma between having enough food to feed your people, or betraying the trust of a long time friend. Now your world building can be used as a part of your drama and narrative tension. The economy also impacts culture. What is considered a display of wealth, or is a common status symbol? What are the living conditions of the poor, the working class, the rich, and the aristocrats? Is there upward mobility? In the middle ages, you were what you were for the most part, especially serfs: peasants tied to their land. It was illegal to leave your territory, but there was a saying in the middle ages that “city air makes you free” that once a serf made it to a city, they’d be free of the life they’ve escaped.
The Anthropologist:
Every society has a culture. The way they act, think, dress, believe, talk. It’s all impacted by culture. Beliefs tend to be tied either to what has come before, or based on the world as observed. While many modern fantasy pantheons are based on ancient Greece, it’s not the only model to live by. In a loose interpretation, religion in it’s earliest stages was a rudimentary science used to explain why things happened. A culture that developed along rivers, sea coasts, and other popular trade routes are far more likely to be diverse melting pots due to the frequent traffic of people coming and going, and the common sight of foreigners choosing to set down roots. Meanwhile, a more out of the way and isolated culture is far less likely to have widespread cultural diversity. Tying back into history, a country that has experienced a number of successful wars may tend to think of themselves as invincible, or may try to police the issues of other countries, assuming they’re always on the right side, or that they can’t be defeated. The same culture may ask a high price of any other culture that asks them for militaristic support. Ask what things your people value, be they material or abstract ideals. However, try to refrain from creating a Planet of Hats, a trope often seen in Star Trek and similar Sci-Fi shows and even some Fantasy stories where everyone of a single race all have mostly the same skills, interests, personalities, and roles in the global culture. This is also the time to start thinking about myths, legends, folk heroes, and historical people and events worth celebrating, as this may be when you start to craft holidays or celebrations. This could also lead into discussing religion, and the gods or lack there of that might be celebrated by your culture. How does your society reflect itself in art, music, literature, dance. Does the way someone dresses tell you something about their place in society? Some taboos come from simple logic. The reason it’s frowned upon to eat a cow in India is the same reason it’s immoral to eat horse in western culture. Both are beast of burden livestock worth a lot more alive than dead. Cows produce milk, a source of nutrients and health. Horses are strong and were used in just about everything from plowing fields to pulling entire families or communities a great distance. Horses even became status symbols, as even in modern culture, owning a horse or pony is still considered to be (largely) a snobby rich person thing. Understanding not only what your people believe, but even just a vague idea why they would believe it is a vital aspect.
The Diplomat:
As this landing party is your fantasy world’s first contact with our own reality. How would they react to the newcomers? If there’s more than one society in your world, how would each society, country, kingdom, race, etc. react to something completely foreign? Would they try to forge an alliance? Open trade negotiations? Declare war? Prepare a feast? How would they feel about the way we dress? act? talk? How would they react to different levels of progression in technology? Could an unbiased third party from our world help two feuding sides come to peace with one another? How would they feel about knowing of a world beyond their own? Are there actions or behaviors acceptable in our own society that are considered offensive to them?
The Cartographer:
Although it’s not necessary that all fantasy worlds have a fully designed map, it is a good idea to have at least a rough idea of where things are in relation to one another. This can tell you about climate, resources, wildlife, natural borders, natural disasters, food chains, and more. It’s worth at least taking a crash course in understanding how geographical biomes tend to be laid out in order to make your world feel more real. Some authors claim that a world map is the single most important feature, others say it’s not that important. Frankly, trust your gut based on the kind of world you have. You may need a map, you may not. It really depends on the size and scope of your world. For instance, with Disney’s
, the entire world doesn’t matter. The audience doesn’t need to know where in the world Zootopia is, or what climate or biome it’s in. Zootopia itself is the world being built, and the separate districts and biomes of the city explain the world that’s being focused on.
Secondary Visitors:
They may still be important to your world, but are less likely to be universally helpful to all people.
Biologist: if your world has creatures beyond those found in our real world, it may be worth exploring how their bodies work on a more scientific level in order to give more realistic weight to their supernatural abilities.
Linguist/Translator: If you feel compelled to come up with a language no matter how basic or complex, it may be worth while to consider the problems with communication. this may also extend to unique idioms, colloquialisms, and slang native to your fantasy world.
Teacher/Scholar: Regardless of whether or not there is a formal education system in place in your world, a teacher may be interested in how knowledge is passed down, and what information the culture might have that would be unknown to people of our world. Whether that’s how to keep a wild animal from charging you, to knowing how to forge a mineral that exists only in your world, being able to readily answer questions is generally considered to be a good thing.
Healer: There may be healing spells in your world, there may not, but most fantasy stories tend to involve either action or adventure, both of which tend to cause fights. And since fights tend to lead to injuries, it’s important to know what can and cannot be treated, and how readily available these healing abilities are to the public.
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katesturtlestories · 5 years
World Building #1
Note: this is not intended as a how to guide, this is simply my process (so far), but it may help you with your own projects.
Whenever I start a world building project, I always start with a basic map first. There’s no right or wrong way to start, this is just how I do mine. It makes it much easier for me to figure out how everything works together (weather, environment, currents, travel, mountain ranges etc) when I have a basic idea of how the land looks. The following example is my current project and subject to many changes as things evolve.
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I’m not going to go into how I figure out shapes and all that, it’s not particularly interesting, but importantly (for me), I line in where the equator and tropics would be. From this, we can see where things would logically sit, and I need my world to be logical, let’s blame my years of geographical and geological studies. These areas are the hottest and wettest parts of this world and where you’ll find monsoons and rainforests. Knowing where the rainforests are is a particularly important thing for me with the story involved with this project. I may expand on this in a later post.
Next thing I do is I make lists of things that I would like to figure out about my world. I normally start with the environment, but all I’ve figured out so far is rainforest, and only on the southern continent where the story will be set; that’s all I really need right now. I already have a story idea, and I want to move forward with the people, culture, customs, religion etc. I can figure the rest out later. Without further ado, here is my list of things to consider and build on.
Note: there is a lot of crossover between these sections, I’ve tried to keep to the main subject at hand with the questions asked so it’s not quite as confusing.
naming conventions (for both people and places) - how do the names work? are children named after their fathers or mothers? other family members? the alignment of the stars? a physical characteristic?
societal structure including hierarchy of class systems and distinctions between them - how different is a poor person from a rich person?
government type and structure - this will have it’s own section further down
housing (architecture, building materials etc) - where and how does this society live? family groups/tribes/cities?
celebrations - which events are celebrated and how (eg births, deaths & marriages)?
festivals and rituals
music, dance & art - what kind of music is listened to? do they dance? what kind of artwork exists in this world/society? are there paintings/sculptures/poetry/songs/musical instruments?
cultural relations - how does this culture think of itself in relation to other cultures? are they better than the next country/town over? are they proud of their achievements or jealous of those of others?
marriage/partnerships - do people get married? is there a ritual involved?
gender roles and sexuality - are there distinctions between genders? will one be shunned from society for not fitting the social norm?
clothing - what do people wear? what is their clothing made of? does it reflect their job or class?
jobs and employment - which jobs are required for this society to function? which are the best and worst jobs?
monetary system/trade - does this society have money? how much is it worth? is it a bartering society? both?
education - are there schools? are there class requirements to attend? how much do they learn? is this a literate society? what is the age range of students?
games, sports and recreation - what do people do for fun? what games do they play? how do children entertain themselves? is there a professional sports league?
food - what food do they eat? are they a predominantly vegetarian society? are they cannibals? do they only eat fish every second weekday? what is the standard fare? are meals eaten in public? with family only?
communal projects - when a house or temple needs to be built, does the community come together? are there monuments? who builds these things? who is in charge of organising them?
military/police force - are there either in this society? is it voluntary? is there a draft? how exactly do they use/abuse their power within this society?
importance - how important is religion to this society? to what extent does the population share beliefs?
origin story - is there one? how does this society believe the world/universe/god/s came to be?
end of times - what does society believe will happen? is there fire? does the sun explode? a meteor land on a god’s head who then takes his rage out on the planet? does society even care or think about it? will it really happen?
mythology - what are the myths prevalent in this society? do they have any religious beliefs at all?
deity - which god/s does this society worship/believe in?
astrology - do the stars have any power over events in this world? does society believe they do?
afterlife - is there an afterlife? what does this society believe happens when they die? is there a heaven/hell? are there any funerary rites/rituals? do they bury, burn or send their dead off to sea? are there cemeteries?
soul - what does society think the soul is? do they even think about these things? do they believe in soul damage? do their actions affect their souls? are souls reincarnated?
temples/places of worship - how big/important are they? are they any at all? is religion practiced in the privacy of one’s own home? is it compulsory to attend services? are there certain trees which are revered? which gods do they worship? does each deity have their own separate place of worship?
hierarchy - who is running the temples or places of worship? who maintains the properties? how important are priests or their equivalent? who are they in charge of?
festivals - are there any religious festivals practiced in this society? what are the rules? is there a costume or dress-code?
religious texts - is there a bible/koran/book of the dead-type volume? how available is it? does every follower have a copy? do they only know the parts that have been read to them?
prophesies - is there a person who has visions? are they seen as a madman, prophet, or just gifted? do these prophesies come true? are they believed to come true? are they written down, inscribed on temple walls or just passed on through word of mouth?
food - is there any religious influence on what food is forbidden or encouraged? what are the restrictions? when can certain foods be eaten?
magic - is there any magic that is received only from a deity? what kind of magic do deities have? what kind of magic do/can they bestow on their subjects?
Science, Magic & Technology
technology - what kind of technology is available to this society? do they have electricity? is everything steam/wind/water/kinetic powered? does magic make the world go round? are there machines? what are they capable of?
astronomy - does society think their planet is the centre of the universe? what do they know about the stars? do they believe the stars are souls of the dead? the gods looking down on them? do they have telescopes?
calendars/clocks - how is time measured? is it just a block of seasons? do they measure days/weeks/months? do they measure years scientifically through various measures such as astronomy or just at the end of each winter/summer? do they have clocks? sundials? does magic tell them how much time has passed? do the gods?
medicine - what medicine is available? which diseases can be cured and which are incurable? or is it just magic? are doctors/healers trained on the job or in a university-type situation? do they serve an apprenticeship to someone experienced? are there hospitals or medicine women? both?
healthcare (tying back into medicine) - is there a healthcare system? do people pay for healing? are the poor excluded from it? are there doctors/healers who work on a pro bono system? is it free for anyone to receive healthcare?
writing - does this society have a written language? is it hard to learn? how many people are able to read/write? is their written language different from their spoken language? ie English scholars who wrote in Latin.
messages/communication - how are messages transmitted between two people with distance between them? do they write letters? use a mirror? carrier pigeons? is there a postal service? are messages written on paper/slate/stone/leaves? what do they use to write letters with? do they simply send messages via telepathy?
metals - which metals are available? what are these metals used for? how skilled are the metal workers? where is this material mined from? does it just lie on the ground around the place? is it only found in streams on a sunny day? how is this metal transported from it’s resting place to the smithy? who mines it? are there surveyors? do you need to be specially trained to find/work it?
weapons - are weapons commonplace? what kind of weapons are available? how expensive are they? are they only available to the military or the wealthy?
paper - is it available? how common is it? is some other substance used for writing? is it a different colour? is it only available to the wealthy?
glass - is it available? is it common/luxury? is it only available to the wealthy? is it used in windows? are there skilled glaziers? can you see through it? is it full of bubbles?
architecture - what do the buildings look like? do people live in houses/tents/communal spaces? do they have flat/pointed roofs? do they have chimneys? fireplaces? stairs/ladders? are the windows arrow slits? do houses have inside bathrooms? plumbing? how much space is between buildings? how tall are they? do people have separate bedrooms? is one house a series of separate buildings/tents? how is a city/community laid out?
transportation - is there a public transportation system? are there taxis? does everyone have a horse/car/bike/donkey? how are the roads? is it safe to travel alone? is it possible to travel far? are there ships/planes?
produce - what can grow in this world? can it grow all year round? or is it a season-specific plant? is it easy to grow? does it require constant rain? is there a specific fruit/vegetable in high demand?
animals - which animals are farmed on this world? do they provide a variety of resources? ie eggs, meat, leather, fur , labour etc.
fishing - how common is fishing? is it the main source of food? what can be done with fish? what kind of food can be prepared? is this area known for good fishing? are they small/big fish?
farming - how common is farming? is it the main source of food? how big are farms? can a farmer have many different types of produce and animals or just a few? how many farmers are specialised in a specific plant/animal? ie grapes for wine
foraging - what can be foraged? mushrooms/berries/coconuts? does everyone have to forage? how far away from their homes do the have to go to do so?
hunting - is society allowed to hunt the local wildlife or is it prohibited? is it sport for the wealthy? which animals are nearby? do they make good eating? are they only hunted on special occasions? during a specific season?
preservation - which kinds of food can be preserved? are there any highly desired preserved goods? what are the problems that can arise from food preservation?
food stores - which food is able to be stored? can meat be cured? where is food stored? does food need to be stored at all? are there any bugs/beetles/mice that can ruin food stores?
grains - which kinds of grains are available? what can be made from these grains? bread/beer/rice?
irrigation - what kinds of irrigation practices are available? do farmers rely on rainfall/flooding to survive? do they build canals? a sprinkler system?
manufacturing - what kind of products are able to be manufactured from the goods provided from the agriculture industry? do farmers/fisherman/foragers/hunters manufacture their own goods or pass on the raw materials?
trade - does a farmer trade or sell his goods? where do they go to do so? do the buyers come to them? is there a marketplace? how does the farmer transport their goods? horse and cart/train/truck/goat/magic carpet?
government type - democracy, theocracy, monarchy, theocratic monarchy, republic, autocracy etc
succession - how is a new leader chosen? are they voted in? selected from a lottery at random?
hierarchy - who has more power? who is second in command? how equal are the advisors? is the king only a figurehead? are the nobility able to influence government decisions? if society objects to a decision/law made, are they able to petition it effectively?
laws - what are the laws of the land? what is the worst possible crime someone could commit? what can they get away with?
legal system - how does someone refute a claim against them? are there lawyers? is there a courthouse? do they have to petition the king? who makes the final decision? judge/king/priest/god/public?
criminal punishment - what punishments can be expected for those proven guilty of their crimes? prison/death/excommunication/a fine/banishment?
taxes - how much does each person pay in tax? how is this amount decided? who collects the taxes? can the tax be paid in goods? does it have to be paid in goods/money? can someone get an extension/exemption from payment if they don’t have enough?
distribution - how are city funds distributed? are they distributed at all? what percentage of taxes go back into repairing the roads and erecting new town halls/temples?
This is far from a complete list, there are countless things I’ve missed and a hundred questions I haven’t asked, but this is basically how I do it. I find the things that need to be known and then ask questions. And this, my friend, is how I world build.
If there’s interest, I may do a series of posts of my actual answers to these questions, they’ll be much more bite-sized though, I promise.
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kurahieiritrjio · 3 years
World building
Sharing an old project based on an Ice Aged Greece to help focus the concepts here.
Believe it or not coloration is the greatest imagination grabber of all. It focuses the scene to provide the setting. Shape comes second. Lumpy, rounded, square, flat, twisted, gnarled, fuzzy, oval, squat, sloped, angular, and circular all give distinctive impressions of how something looks. How many shapes can you think of that describe rocks, tree limbs, cave mouths, faces and body builds. Animals and plants all have distinctive colors and features of shape that should be combined when you describe this element to give a breathtaking four dimensional feeling kind of setting to promote any written scene.
Here is a worksheet that is helpful to help you figure out your world, Example used is Ice Age Greece. Ignore the Futuristic tags since I devised those for my own worlds. This worksheet was designed for space travel obviously. However this will be helpful in explaining how your world is a character that all other characters must interact with at all times whether they realize it or not. In some cases I will also add notes for you to consider before you fill out that section.
 Generalized Outline- World Building Basics: Science Fiction
Astronomical/geological Section:
Planet Name:
Planet Class:  Moon, Super Terrestrial, Terrestrial (Earth like)sub-jovian, Jovian (Think Jupiter) Sub-terrestrial (Think Venus or Mars For Size):
If Terrestrial; Is it Like Earth Now, the Past, or Futuristic (very High tech):
How Is This Planet The Same or Different From Our Planet?
Type of Atmosphere?
Geography: Mountains/deserts/plains/woodlands/ Swamp/ Oceans, Etc. Physical Features Include Size/ Gravity/atmosphere/ Moon(S)/Sun Class: (F5 Lower Strength White Through F-9 Lowest- to G Class Yellow (Our Sun is in This Category= G1 to G9 (9 Is Weakest) or K Class (Red Dwarf Close to Death =Plot Added Drama)/ Constellations of Note:
Maps: Get Graph Paper and Build Your Own Maps or Buy Some D&d Type Maps and Then Do Mental Alterations or Chop and Pastes onto Larger Sheets to Create a Map to Help You See Where Your Characters Are Going to and Coming From! (No Matter What Genre You Are Writing it helps you to see the distances the characters cross so they don’t do 100 miles in a week at one time, then two hundred miles in one week somewhere else. Pace and Time Laws Do Not Change, and Therefore You Will Have to Give Space and Time References to Build a Good Story:
What Natural Resources Exist (Such as Mining Resources to Build Technology from If Applicable)? Yours will be stone/animal/flora heavy:
How Are These Resources Utilized by The Dominant Species Specifically?:
Climate: Distinct Seasons; Summer/winter/spring/ Fall/dry/wet/ & Types of Weather Patterns: Ie. Snow, Rain, Arid, Humid, Tropical:
Temperatures Expected Average Highs/Lows During Each Season:
Flora And Fauna Section:
Food Sources: What Do People And Animals on Planet Eat?
Domesticated Animals: Types of Livestock For Work or Food Can Your Planet Support Based Upon Geography And Climate?
What Types of Companion Animals or Pets Does Your World Have, If Any?
 Wild Animals:
What Kinds of Animals Does This Planet Support Naturally? How Do The Main People And Animals From The Wilderness Regions Interact? Are Wild Animals Carnivores, Omnivores, or Herbivores, or Some of Each Type? What Is The Food Chain Like? Ex: Herbivores Need Plants in Large Numbers to Eat So The Carnivores Can Eat Them And The Omnivores Eat Both Meat And Plants Aka Like Humans Do:
Are Any of These Wild Life Animals Intelligent Like Your Dominating Species Is Intelligent?
 People or Races Section:
Population Size:
World Population:
City Population: (Only Those Needed For Story Line):
Town Populations:
Village Populations:
Specific Race (S) of Note:
In What Ratios? (I. E.  30% White Skin, 15% Black Skin, 12% Blue Skin,  65% Green Skinned)
 Culture And Society:
Villages or Cities, Rural or Suburban, Inner-city Versus Outer-city (Think New York With Brooklyn And Other Suburbs For Inner Outer City Concept)
Language(s) Spoken:
Specific Cultural Aspects: (Hunter Gatherer/ Farmer/ Industrialized?)
Holidays, Celebrations, Rites of Passage, Family Traditions?
What Are The Most Important Festivals And Holidays?
How Important to Culture Are These Rituals And Holidays?
Behaviors Frowned Upon?
Behaviors Approved Of?
Word or Phrases Specific (Idioms) to The Region in Question?
Any Known Origins to The Words or Phrases Used by People of This Area?
Significance of Following Cultural Enrichment Forms:
Leisure Activities:
What Forms Do These Items Take?
Gender Roles: Which Gender Is Dominant or Is There No Dominance at All?
How Does Society Enforce Those Gender  Roles Through Education, Through Expected Conformation of Roles Between The Two Genders?
Family Structure:
Who Raises And Teaches Children?
Who Cooks Meals by Tradition?
Do Extended Families Live Together or Is it Parents And Children Only in Each Dwelling?
Are There Different Types of Food Eaten in Different Social Classes or Unified to Region (Japanese Eat Stir Fry/ Americans Eat Steak And Potatoes as Example)
Social Class: Warrior/spiritual, Wealthy/working/poor/middle Class Etc:
Where Do Each Class of People Live And Do Their Dwellings Vary From Class to Class?
Do Clothing, Personal Items Such as Jewelry or Fashions Vary Based Upon Class And Wealth?
Do Hairstyles And Similar Things Vary by Class And What Types Are There? (Long or Short Hair? Beards or Mustaches Etc Go Here)
 Genealogy: Build Bloodline Maps For Visual Bloodline Traits And Such For Future Reference, Even If Not Mentioned in The Story Per Say, They Can Be Great Ways to Add Tension Based Upon Race And Other Background Hints You Don’t Go Into in Depth And They Make For Very Interesting Characters!
 Religion(s): )Major Notes) An example: Greece never followed the standard proto religious format of Gods created the world and Universe. They always felt the Universe created the Gods both male and female as mediators between Universe and man, plants, and animals. It was one of the very first cultures to embrace pantheons or multiple Gods belief system. That is the reason it still influences out modern world to this day. Instead of fatalistic driven human sacrifice to appease the Gods, these guys actively sought out more than one God to get the decision they wanted long before the classic era Mythology tomes of their ancient religion was passed into a physical written format. That needs to be shown in action to some extent. Have these people doing rudimentary rituals reminiscent of much later Classic era Ancient Greece religious ceremonies. Read classic Greek Mythology. The titans of earth and sky are the well known distinction that sets ancient Greece apart from the rest of the world.
This provides a very strong tool for making the story line zing if you explore the mythology for the oldest recorded roots, and downgrade the best known Grecian ancient rituals significantly into a more generic shamanic norm. Give clues to the later evolution into Greek specific rituals through your prototype religion which tickles memories of school classes that touched upon the classic era Greek in many schools. Then readers will really stick with your story because they will be desperately trying to figure out where the main is living.)
 One God or Many? Name Some And Denote Genders Implied:
Spiritual Philosophies:
Beliefs About Birth, Death, And Afterlife?:
Does Culture Condone Burial, Cremation, or Something Else?:
Who Is in Charge of Places of Worship?:
Does This Place Have Magic Practices And If So How Does That Affect The World on a Planetary Wide Basis as Well as Locally?
How Does Religion in General Impact The World?
Will it Have Relevance in The Plot Line of The Story? Or Will it Simply Be a Low Key Element That Helps Define Character Behaviors in Story Line?:
Do Different Races Have Different Gods?
Does Technology And Religion Co-exist Peacefully or Are There Strong Conflicts Between The Two Factions?
(*myths from Religions Alive or Defunct/ History / and Politics Are Always Relevant to the Shaping of a Character’s Behavior and Actions!)
Architecture: Describe the houses and buildings with some interior details so we can see where everything is in relation to living quarters and/or communal get together areas.
What Levels of Education Exist on This Planet or in a Specific Area?  Give List of Educational Expected Forms Such as Home School to High School and College If Possible.
For my world Education system, who trains under which hall (This Is The Term For Schools Based Upon Highly Specific Technology, Medicine, Textiles, Political, Police, Computers or Space Travel in My Sci-fi Series Which Means Trained to become a Journeyman Level For The Particular Trade... It’s a Guild Based Trade Society Kind as You Can See....If You Choose Hall Style, Is Training Off Planet, or Planet Sponsored (For Home Planets With Resident Halls)
Give List of Halls And What They Train Help Insure Plot Consistencies And Add Details to Plots.
What Forms of Specialized Education Systems Exist If Any for your genre and expectations by readers?
 Time Section:
 What Calender or Other Methods of Measuring Time Exist? Include Clocks And Time Pieces, or Sun Dials, as Well as Give Some Form of Indication as to Whether or Not This Society Is Aware of Months And Years Passing. (All Technology Using Species Will Have Both Clocks And Calendars For Certain as Will Any Medieval Societies Have at Least Calenders If They Have Oceanic Shipping And Trade With Outside Races And Nations)
 Technology Section: (If in your case it is flint napping, and wood work, basket making and similar, you do need to have this down pat to be believable.)
Technology, Science And Jobs Section; Is Technology Eco Friendly or Industrial Pollutants Generating? Large City Complexes With Factories & Refineries, or Smaller Information Dominant Social Structures That Have Pleasant in Home Offices, Smaller Scientific Designated Areas Versus Agriculture Regions.
What Levels of Technology Exist on This World (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships And Higher?)
Communications Systems Include Mail, Phone or Other Forms of Vocal/written Communications. Are There High Tech Telephones or Is There a Mailing System? How Does it Work For Sending Info Like ‘Help, We’re Being Attacked! Send The Militia!’ How Does it Work If Calling Home to Say, “Hey Mom And Dad I’m Getting Married Next Week, or I Got That Great New Job!”?
Is Technology The Same Planet Wide or Only in Specific Regions?
Is Technology Distributed Based Upon Racial or Economic Factors or Equally Shared?
Is There a Technological Aspect That Will Have Significant Impact Upon The Story?
What Is The Major Forms of Transportation? (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships?)
How Does Technological Advances Shape These Forms of Transportation?
What Level of Technology For Weapons Where Applicable? (Forges/Assembly Lines/robot Workers as Examples)  
Are There Any Weapons Restrictions, And Are Those Restrictions Important to The Plot Line?
How Has The Technology (Or Magic) Helped to Build up or Destroy The Society That Uses It? Is it Still Helping to Build, or Destroy Its Users?
 Medical Section:
What Level of Medicine Exists?
Who Does The Healing?
What Technology Is Involved, If Any? (Shamans And Witches And Magic Users Would Use Herbs or Crystals)
If Technologically Advanced What Types of Medical Care Is Available to The People (Hospitals And Insurance Company Concepts  Go Here)
What Types of Diseases And Illnesses Are Common?
Are They Curable, or Lethal?
Who Cares For Sick Family Members With Non Lethal Colds?
Governmental Questionnaire:  
What Kind of Government(s)  Exist in This World? (Story Relevance Specific) (Politics Is Always Relevant to Some Degree in Every Story Line!!!)
Does Your Planet Have More Than One Government?
Sovereigns = King Queen, by Birth With Dukes And Lords
Democratically Elected= President And Congress as Example Elder’s Council,
Land Holders Council, Dictatorships, Ogliagarchy, Parliamentary (Limited Sovereign- Must Get Elected Groups Agreement to Do Certain Things) Militant (Yes it Is Different From Tyranny, A.k.a. Dictators),  Cooperative (A Lot Like Ogliagarchy, But a Smaller Group Making The Decisions),
How, & Why Did This Government Come About?
Diplomatic Corps) How Many? Any Special Training required?
How Are Relationships Between Countries? Are Any Currently at War With Each Other? If So, Why?
How Does it Work? Purchases Taxed Only, Land, Paychecks, Possessions, Birth Fees?
Taxes and Regulations upon Imports & Exports Where Applicable. Community Based Trade Without Taxation Such as a Village Would Be Seen as Normal. Trade? Name Some Imports, Exports (Look at Geography for Natural Resources to Come up with These Items- a Farming Community Will Trade Grain and Food Stuffs with More Industrialized Areas for Things like Forged Metal Goods Etc)
Are There Taxes on Imports and Exports?
Trade Section/
Large Mass Goods or Specialized Goods. Example, Are They Like Corroscant From Star Wars.. Must Import Food And Water to Survive.. Or Like Mon Calamari... Lots of Exports, Lesser Imports Due to Self Sufficiency. Export Raw Materials or Finished, or Refined Goods.  
How Are Goods Imported and Exported? (By Ship/truck/train/caravan/plane Etc...)
How Is Local; Trade Carried Out? (Barter May Exist in Local or a Credit Ledger You Pay off When Harvest Time Is Done as Example)
What Types of Currency Is Used? (Money And Coins/ Credits or Plastic Cards/ or Implanted Chips/ Gems or Barter Forms (A Chicken For a Bag of Grain Example) Currency? What Are Denominations in Credit/ Money Forms For Your Planetary or Nations? Driads For Coalition as Example. If You Have Major Ports of Call Built Into Your System, You May Have a Star Grouping Form of Currency Such as Example Star Wars Driad, as Well as an Internal Set of Indigenous, or Planetary Specific Currency. Are the Monies Based on Metals, Papers, Fabrics, Jewels and Crystals, Microchips, Cards, or Barter?
Is There More than 1 Monetary System to Be Considered for this Story Line?
In Depth Judicial System: What Rules For Theft or Does This Species Idolize It? Violence (Warrior Species Will Probably Have Ritual Battles And Other Forms of Accepted Violence And Laws That Uphold Forms of Ritualized Violence)are There Laws For or Against Sex Crimes? Or Any Other Form of Judgement Ruled System Such as Divorce, Wills/probate, And Drug Slave Trade Laws or Bans Etc. And Who Enforces... Military <Militant Rule Government System> Private Security Groups (Hired by Government?) Regulation Trained Police or Law Enforcement Agency That Is Government Backed. Embezzlement, Fraud/perjury, Domestic Situations: I.e. Traffic Tickets/ Monetary Disputes., Lawsuits, You Get The Idea.
What Level of Law Enforcement Exists?
Is There a Structured Legal System Such as in America With Lawyers And Courts? Or Is it ‘Caught And Hung Same Day’ Variety (Antiquated/medieval) System?
Who Makes And Upholds The Laws of The Region?
What Are The Laws And The Consequences For Breaking Them?
 Basic History:
Any Major Wars? Inter-species to Interplanetary?  More Than One Country/nation And Governmental Styles Will Have a Past War History. First Space Voyage, Famous Treaties or Constitutions With Who Signed And Why? These Are Good to Make Obscure References to in Novels That Take Place Elsewhere If Only to Remind The Reader of The Exotic Setting Without Having to Bash Readers Over The Head. Major Holidays, Interplanetary And Galactic? Design a General Interspecies Calender, or National Holiday Calender Depending on The Genre Writing. History World and Local
Wars of Significance?
Treaties of Significance?
Major Discoveries That Have Altered History
Natural Disasters, and Other Events That Have Altered History?
Are These Histories Directly Affecting Your Story Overtly, or Simply Shaping Character Behaviors (Same as Religion)
If Important to Main Story List Some Ways it Will Affect the Characters and Story Line Potentially.
History of Interactions Between Different Societies?
Important Historical Figures That Influence a Culture or Society? In Example:  Religions Created By, Governments Designed By? Laws That Make Differences? Metals Found and Forged for First Time? (You Get the Idea Here)
Military.. Draft Based or Volunteer Corps? Paid a Good Wage/ Poor Wage? Does This World Have Sets of Treaties to Provide Troops in Time of Crisis in Example  Coalition Sponsored or Local Provisions Such as Lord Calling on Vassals, or Do They Have Full Time Experienced And Trained Army or Similar Liberation Intentioned Forces? Example : Major Ports And Military Platforms Paid For by Coalition Agreements in Return For Skills Such as Tech Support, Housing For Warriors, Docking/repair Platforms in Space Etc...(Sci Fi Examples)
 For Fantasy Only Section:
If There Is Magic on this World Is There More than 1 Type of Magic (Type Is Healing or Warrior, or Holy Relic Making, or Getting from One Place to Another in Examples)
How Does Magic Work in Your World? Cast and Get Immediate Results or Cast and Wait, or Perhaps You Need a Power Object to Do Anything at All.
What Are the Limitations of Magic? (Example Magic Might Not Work to Resurrect the Dead, but it Might Be Able to Recreate an Arm If You Lose One in a Fight)
What Magic Taboos Exist? (I.e. Creating a Frankenstein Would Be a Taboo in Many Cultures):
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kimyoonmiauthor · 4 years
Intelligent World Building Guide (using experts) Part I
Why do you need yet another World Building Guide?
Instead of listing questions, I aim to give you possible answers to those questions using academia, and places to look and go.
You’d want this guide if you’re stuck writing white cis het orthosexed zedsexual characters in an agricultural society without slaves, somewhere in a temperate climate cut off from the rest of the world, because you’re too afraid and don’t know where to look for resources.
What are your expertise?
I am anthropology major. We study everything about humans and ask “Why?” We dig up reasons from the past, present and think about the future.
But my hidden degree is in world building, since I also looked at psychology, sociology, astronomy and geography as part of getting my degree. I also watched a crapload of documentaries and remember almost all of them.
Some of these are rules, some of them are more like loose guidelines. You’ll have to research to do modifications to a non-Earth planet with habitation, of which we frankly don’t have data for.
1. This is only for Earth-like planets, humans and biomes.
2. This guide will not help with school work or dissertations.
3. This Guide will par down and simplify the subjects at hand since it is a springboard to help with research. (Though there will be links to academic and non-academic papers.)
4. This guide might use theories that later prove to be untrue at a later date. Adjust as necessary.
5. Your own research is necessary to make this guide helpful to you. Do not end with this guide.
Things that the guide will not have overall:
- city building (I sorely want to learn this--if I do, I’ll add it into the archive later.) - updated geography basics - Music (Cultural and global look) - Architecture (I’d have to ask my cousin if she knows any Anthro Architecture books.) |- In depth Governmental Systems. - Herbology (I’m working on it, but I’m slow and delayed)
This guide series in order will have:
- Basic Geology - Geography (Cultural and physical) - Map making resources - Calendar - Population and Genetics - Species Propogation - Culture - Trade (Stop isolating your characters and making excuses for why that’s why there are no POCs in your story) - Language - Governmental Systems - Detail Economic Systems - Food Systems - Stratification/Rankings - Social Systems (Hate, etc) - Marriage - Magic, Witchcraft and Religion - Technology and Magic - Fictional Magic Systems (History, etc thereof) - Clothes - Technology - Basic World Building FAQ - Wars - Ethnomedicine - Archaeology - Art theory (For your artistic characters). Each Section breaks down the sources and the case studies to look at.
Any Section with a controversial theory will be marked as such. Any new hypotheses will also be marked.
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kurahieiritrjio · 7 years
A Gift for my Writer Pals
I started compiling this world build close to a decade ago, and have merged so many things into a master document that it is impossible to not have a very complex and intriguing world in using this whole crib. I spent a lot of time working on societies and the like too. So I hope this is a well rounded enough crib that anyone can use.
Generalized Outline- World Building
Astronomical/geological Section:
Planet Name:
Planet Class:  Moon, Super Terrestrial, Terrestrial (Earthlike)sub-jovian, Jovian (Think Jupiter) Sub-terrestrial (Think Venus or Mars For Size):
If Terrestrial; Is it Like Earth Now, or Past or Futuristic:
How Is This Planet The Same or Different From Our Planet?
Type of Atmosphere?
Geography: Mountains/deserts/plains/woodlands/ Swamp/ Oceans, Etc. Physical Features Include Size/ Gravity/atmosphere/ Moon (S)/ Sun Class (F5 Lower Strength White Through F-9 Lowest- to G Class Yellow (Our Sun I in This Category= G1 to G9 (9 Is Weakest)or K Class (Red Dwarf’s Which May Be Close to Death =Plot Added Drama/ And Constellations of Note:
Maps: Get Graph Paper and Build Your Own Maps or Buy Some D&d Type Maps and Then Do Mental Alterations or Chop and Pastes onto Larger Sheets to Create a Map to Help You See Where Your Characters Are Going to and Coming From! No Matter What Genre You Are Writing, So Pace and Time Laws Do Not Change and Therefore You Will Have to Give Space and Time References to Build a Good Story
What Natural Resources Exist (Such as Mining Resources to Build Technology from If Applicable)?
How Are These Resources Utilized by The Dominant Species Specifically?
Climate: Distinct Seasons; Summer/winter/spring/ Fall/dry/wet/ & Types of Weather Patterns: Ie. Snow, Rain, Arid, Humid, Tropical:
Temperatures Expected Average During Each Season:
Flora And Fauna Section:
Food Sources: What Do People And Animals on Planet Eat?
Domesticated Animals: Types of Livestock For Work or Food Can Your Planet Support Based Upon Geography And Climate?
What Types of Companion Animals or Pets Does Your World Have, If Any?
Wild Animals:
What Kinds of Animals Does This Planet Support Naturally? How Do The Main People And Animals From The Wilderness Regions Interact? Are Wild Animals Carnivores, Omnivores or Herbivores, or Some of Each Type? What Is The Food Chain Like? Ex: Herbivores Need Plants in Large Numbers to Eat So The Carnivores Can Eat Them And The Omnivores Eat Both Meat And Plants Aka Like Humans Do:
Are Any of These Wild Life Animals Intelligent Like Your Dominating Species Is Intelligent?
People or Races Section:
Population Size:
World Population:
City Population: (Only Those Needed For Story Line):
Town Populations:
Village Populations:
Specific Race (S) of Note:
In What Ratios? (I. E.  30% White Skin, 15% Black Skin, 12% Blue Skin, 65% Green Skinned )
Culture And Society:
Villages or Cities, Rural or Suburban, Inner-city Versus Outer-city (Think New York With Brooklyn And Other Suburbs For Inner Outer City Concept)
Language(s) Spoken:
Specific Cultural Aspects: (Hunter Gatherer/ Farmer/ Industrialized?)
Holidays, Celebrations, Rites of Passage, Family Traditions?
What Are The Most Important Festivals And Holidays?
How Important to Culture Are These Rituals And Holidays?
Behaviors Frowned Upon?
Behaviors Approved Of?
Word or Phrases Specific (Idioms) to The Region in Question?
Any Known Origins to The Words or Phrases Used by People of This Area?
Significance of Following Cultural Enrichment Forms:
Leisure Activities:
What Forms Do These Items Take?
Gender Roles:which Gender Is Dominant or Is There No Dominance at All?
How Does Society Enforce Those Gender  Roles Through Education, Through Expected Conformation of Roles Between The Two Genders?
Family Structure:
Who Raises And Teaches Children?
Who Cooks Meals by Tradition?
Do Extended Families Live Together or Is it Parents And Children Only in Each Dwelling?
Are There Different Types of Food Eaten in Different Social Classes or Unified to Region (Japanese Eat Stir Fry/ Americans Eat Steak And Potatoes as Example)
Social Class: Warrior/spiritual, Wealthy/working/poor/middle Class Etc:
Where Do Each Class of People Live And Do Their Dwellings Vary From Class to Class?
Do Clothing, Personal Items Such as Jewelry or Fashions Vary Based Upon Class And Wealth?
Do Hairstyles And Similar Things Vary by Class And What Types Are There? (Long or Short Hair? Beards or Mustaches Etc Go Here)
Genealogy: Build Bloodline Maps For Visual Bloodline Traits And Such For Future Reference, Even If Not Mentioned in The Story Per Say, They Can Be Great Ways to Add Tension Based Upon Race And Other Background Hints You Don’t Go Into in Depth And They Make For Very Interesting Characters!
One God or Many? Name Some And Denote Genders Implied:
Spiritual Philosophies:
Beliefs About Birth, Death, And Afterlife ?
Does Culture Condone Burial or Cremation, or Something Else?
Who Is in Charge of Places of Worship?
Does This Place Have Magic Practices And If So How Does That Affect The World on a Planetary Wide Basis as Well as Locally?
How Does Religion in General Impact The World?
Will it Have Relevance in The Plot Line of The Story? Or Will it Simply Be a Low Key Element That Helps Define Character Behaviors in Story Line?
Do Different Races Have Different Gods?
Does Technology And Religion Co-exist Peacefully or Are There Strong Conflicts Between The Two Factions?
(*myths from Religions Alive or Defunct/ History / and Politics Are Always Relevant to the Shaping of a Character’s Behavior and Actions!)
What Levels of Education Exist on This Planet or in a Specific Area?  Give List of Educational Expected Forms Such as Home School to High School and College If Possible.
For This Group, who trains under which hall (This Is The Term For Schools Based Upon Highly Specific Technology, Medicine, Textiles, Political, Police, Computers or Space Travel in My Sci-fi Series Which Means Trained to become  a Journeyman Level For The Particular Trade... It’s a Guild Based Trade Society Kind as You Can See....If You Choose Hall Style, Is Training Off Planet, or Planet Sponsored (For Home Planets With Resident Halls)
Give List of Halls And What They Train Help Insure Plot Consistencies And Add Details to Plots.
What Forms of Specialized Education Systems Exist If Any?
Time Section:
What Calender or Other Methods of Measuring Time Exist? Include Clocks And Time Pieces, or Sun Dials, as Well as Give Some Form of Indication as to Whether or Not This Society Is Aware of Months And Years Passing. (All Technology Using Species Will Have Both Clocks And Calendars For Certain as Will Any Medieval Societies Have at Least Calender's If They Have Oceanic Shipping And Trade With Outside Races And Nations)
Technology Section:
Technology, Science And Jobs Section; Is Technology Eco Friendly or Industrial Pollutants Generating? Large City Complexes With Factories & Refineries, or Smaller Information Dominant Social Structures That Have Pleasant in Home Offices, Smaller Scientific Designated Areas Versus Agriculture Regions.
What Levels of Technology Exist on This World (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships And Higher?)
Communications Systems Include Mail, Phone or Other Forms of Vocal/written Communications. Are There High Tech Telephones or Is There a Mailing System? How Does it Work For Sending Info Like ‘Help, We’re Being Attacked! Send The Militia!’ How Does it Work If Calling Home to Say, “Hey Mom And Dad I’m Getting Married Next Week, or I Got That Great New Job!”?
Is Technology The Same Planet Wide or Only in Specific Regions?
Is Technology Distributed Based Upon Racial or Economic Factors or Equally Shared?
Is There a Technological Aspect That Will Have Significant Impact Upon The Story?
What Is The Major Forms of Transportation? (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships?)
How Does Technological Advances Shape These Forms of Transportation?
What Level of Technology For Weapons Where Applicable? (Forges/  Assembly Lines/robot Workers as Examples)  
Are There Any Weapons Restrictions, And Are Those Restrictions Important to The Plot Line?
How Has The Technology (Or Magic) Helped to Build up or Destroy The Society That Uses It? Is it Still Helping to Build, or Destroy Its Users?
Medical Section:
What Level of Medicine Exists?
Who Does The Healing?
What Technology Is Involved, If Any? (Shamans And Witches And Magic Users Would Use Herbs or Crystals)
If Technologically Advanced What Types of Medical Care Is Available to The People (Hospitals And Insurance Company Concepts  Go Here)
What Types of Diseases And Illnesses Are Common?
Are They Curable, or Lethal?
Who Cares For Sick Family Members With Non Lethal Colds?
Governmental Questionnaire:  
What Kind of Government(s)  Exist in This World? (Story Relevance Specific) (Politics Is Always Relevant to Some Degree in Every Story Line!!!)
Does Your Planet Have More Than One Government?
Sovereigns = King Queen, by Birth With Dukes And Lords
Democratically Elected= President And Congress as Example Elder’s Council,
Land Holders Council, Dictatorships, Ogliagarchy, Parliamentary (Limited Sovereign- Must Get Elected Groups Agreement to Do Certain Things) Militant (Yes it Is Different From Tyranny, A.k.a. Dictators), Cooperative (A Lot Like Ogliagarchy (not Oligarchy as that’s a type of tyranny), But a Smaller Group Making The Decisions),
How, & Why Did This Government Come About?
Diplomatic Corps) How Many? Any Special Training required?
How Are Relationships Between Countries? Are Any Currently at War With Each Other? If So, Why?
How Does it Work? Purchases Taxed Only, Land, Paychecks, Possessions, Birth Fees?
Taxes and Regulations upon Imports & Exports Where Applicable. Community Based Trade Without Taxation Such as a Village Would Be Seen as Normal. Trade? Name Some Imports, Exports (Look at Geography for Natural Resources to Come up with These Items- a Farming Community Will Trade Grain and Food Stuffs with More Industrialized Areas for Things like Forged Metal Goods Etc)
Are There Taxes on Imports and Exports?
Trade Section/
Large Mass Goods or Specialized Goods. Example, Are They Like Corroscant From Star Wars.. Must Import Food And Water to Survive.. Or Like Mon Calamari... Lots of Exports, Lesser Imports Due to Self Sufficiency. Export Raw Materials or Finished, or Refined Goods.  
How Are Goods Imported and Exported? (By Ship/truck/train/caravan/plane Etc...)
How Is Local; Trade Carried Out? (Barter May Exist in Local or a Credit Ledger You Pay off When Harvest Time Is Done as Example)
What Types of Currency Is Used? (Money And Coins/ Credits or Plastic Cards/ or Implanted Chips/ Gems or Barter Forms (A Chicken For a Bag of Grain Example) Currency? What Are Denominations in Credit/ Money Forms For Your Planetary or Nations? Driads For Coalition as Example. If You Have Major Ports of Call Built Into Your System, You May Have a Star Grouping Form of Currency Such as Example Star Wars Driad, as Well as an Internal Set of Indigenous, or Planetary Specific Currency. Are the Monies Based on Metals, Papers, Fabrics, Jewels and Crystals, Microchips, Cards, or Barter?
Is There More than 1 Monetary System to Be Considered for this Story Line?
In Depth Judicial System: What Rules For Theft or Does This Species Idolize It? Violence (Warrior Species Will Probably Have Ritual Battles And Other Forms of Accepted Violence And Laws That Uphold Forms of Ritualized Violence)are There Laws For or Against Sex Crimes? Or Any Other Form of Judgement Ruled System Such as Divorce, Wills/probate, And Drug Slave Trade Laws or Bans Etc. And Who Enforces... Military <Militant Rule Government System> Private Security Groups (Hired by Government?) Regulation Trained Police or Law Enforcement Agency That Is Government Backed. Embezlment, Fraud/perjury, Domestic Situations: I.e. Traffic Tickets/ Monetary Disputes., Lawsuits, You Get The Idea.
What Level of Law Enforcement Exists?
Is There a Structured Legal System Such as in America With Lawyers And Courts? Or Is it ‘Caught And Hung Same Day’ Variety (Antiquated/medieval) System?
Who Makes And Upholds The Laws of The Region?
What Are The Laws And The Consequences For Breaking Them?
Basic History:
Any Major Wars? Inter-species to Interplanetary?  More Than One Country/nation And Governmental Styles Will Have a Past War History. First Space Voyage, Famous Treaties or Constitutions With Who Signed And Why? These Are Good to Make Obscure References to in Novels That Take Place Elsewhere If Only to Remind The Reader of The Exotic Setting Without Having to Bash Readers Over The Head. Major Holidays, Interplanetary And Galactic? Design a General Interspecies Calender, or National Holiday Calender Depending on The Genre Writing. History World and Local
Wars of Significance?
Treaties of Significance?
Major Discoveries That Have Altered History
Natural Disasters, and Other Events That Have Altered History?
Are These Histories Directly Affecting Your Story Overtly, or Simply Shaping Character Behaviors (Same as Religion)
If Important to Main Story List Some Ways it Will Affect the Characters and Story Line Potentially.
History of Interactions Between Different Societies?
Important Historical Figures That Influence a Culture or Society? In Example: Religions Created By, Governments Designed By? Laws That Make Differences? Metals Found and Forged for First Time? (You Get the Idea Here)
Military.. Draft Based or Volunteer Corps? Paid a Good Wage/ Poor Wage? Does This World Have Sets of Treaties to Provide Troops in Time of Crisis in Example  Coalition Sponsored or Local Provisions Such as Lord Calling on Vassals, or Do They Have Full Time Experienced And Trained Army or Similar Liberation Intentioned Forces? Example : Major Ports And Military Platforms Paid For by Coalition Agreements in Return For Skills Such as Tech Support, Housing For Warriors, Docking/repair Platforms in Space Etc...(Sci Fi Examples)
For Fantasy Only Section:
If There Is Magic on this World Is There More than 1 Type of Magic (Type Is Healing or Warrior, or Holy Relic Making, or Getting from One Place to Another in Examples)
How Does Magic Work in Your World? Cast and Get Immediate Results or Cast and Wait, or Perhaps You Need a Power Object to Do Anything at All.
What Are the Limitations of Magic? (Example Magic Might Not Work to Resurrect the Dead, but it Might Be Able to Recreate an Arm If You Lose One in a Fight)
What Magic Taboos Exist? (I.e. Creating a Frankenstein Would Be a Taboo in Many Cultures)
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