#making sure Huaisang remembered their father as the living dad and husband he was and not as the enraged ghost he became when the qi
hello-galad · 2 years
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His father’s death, after those agonizing three months, felt as a relief. At least now, Nie Mingjue thought, their father was not in pain anymore. He squeezed his didi’s hand tighter and stood straighter, but the wouldn’t stop the tears from falling…
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
Hi hello Can I request pregnancy hcs for Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang, and Jin Guangyao? 🥺
Hello, dearie ❤️ Your request has been granted~ I hope you enjoy the fluffalicious headcanons.
P.S. I am just LOVING the fact y'all are asking for NHS. He deserves the world. And gosh, seeing reqs for JGY and NMJ warms my heart.
Nie Mingjue
Have you ever seen a boulder cry? No? Well now you have. The moment he learns you are pregnant, with HIS child, a child symbolising the strong love you have for each other, he'd go deadly soft. No, he wouldn't necessarily cry, but if you squinted you'd notice how his eyes would turn slightly glossy.
For once his constant scowl will actually disappear and he'd look (and feel) genuinely happy.
At first, he'd stay silent, thinking over what you'd just told him, before lifting you up gently (as gently as Mr.Muscle can) and giving you a big hug. Then he'd let go of you, straighten up and resume his previous resting scowl.
"I will do my best to be a good father."
Truthfully, most of the cultivation world didn't think he could even actually keep a lover around for long, much less go as far as to start a family, so news of a little Nie heir would come as quite literally - a shock. Suddenly, the entire world's eyes would be on you, much to Nie Mingjue's displeasure. Because of that, he'd become MUCH more protective of you. The world can be cruel, people can be cruel and life can be unfair, so he'd make sure absolutely nothing can hurt you.
Before he learned you are pregnant, he was already pretty gentle with you, but after telling him - he doubles on the care. He'd randomly come check up on you through out the day under the pretence of having to ask you about your opinion on "very serious matters at hand".
He'd also double on the meditiation sessions, trying to best his anger for the sake of your well-being. In fact, as secretly nervous as he is about the whole situation, somehow the very thought of you and your future child would bring peace to his heart. Though that is something Zewu-jun would conveniently forget mentioning to him. Alas, he'd suddenly remember once the two sat down for a cup of tea.
Nie Mingjue would secretly hope he could teach his child about the art of war and have actual proper sparring sessions, which he couldn't have with his brother. He would occasionally imagine, telling him stories of their ancestors, choosing their saber, showing them all of the Nie traditions and so on and so forth.
He'd also vow not to let his child turn into another Huaisang. (although knowing how complacent Nie Mingjue can be when it comes to his loved ones, spoiling this kid ROTTEN wouldn't be too far from the realm of possibilities.) Frankly, as long as his child can grow up to take good care of themself and the sect, he'd be content either way.
And above all, he'd be thankful, that he ended up with a family made on the foundations of mutual understanding and respect, and a child on the way, which is a symbol of true love.
Nie Huaisang
Does he absolutely love you to death? No questions asked. But the news of a child would catch him completely unprepared, which is fairly uncommon for the all-seeing mastermind that is Nie Huaisang.
Suddenly, saber practice and tests at Gusu seemed like a breeze. That isn't to say he wouldn't be happy, or glad, or proud - believe me, he'd be ELATED. It's just- is he ready to be a father? Is he ready to raise a child? Is he ready to be a ...role-model? Create a legacy?!
"But- I'm trash. What if I can't take care of this child? What if I fail at raising it? What if I'm a dead-beat dad? What if I die suddenly? What if war starts? What if the child doesn't like me? OH MY GOD WHAT IF THE CHILD DOESN'T LI-"
Please save him from his own self-doubt, he's more worried than Wei Wuxian and his self-worth equals that of a washing sponge. In reality, Nie Huaisang is so used to being underestimated, considered a mere spoiled prince, that the determination and unconditional love in your eyes would take him aback. Even more so, the trust you have in him, especially for raising a child, would leave him speechless.
And then would come the realization of the situation - he will be a father. And he will start a family with the love of his life, successfully continuing the Nie lineage. He'd be well-aware of the humongous responsibility that comes with raising a child and after taking a breather, he'd be more that ready to take on the world. And god forbid anybody dares say anything about his family.
After that whole fiasco, things would actually die down. Nie Huaisang is no idiot. The more obnoxious he is, the more unwanted attention he'd bring about. He'd be pretty casual with his care, often just lying with you, making blind guesses about the baby.
Sometimes, just to get a reaction, he'd ask like a spoiled child "are we close now" "are you there yet" and so on and so forth, generally aiming at making you laugh.
He has already made up his mind - once the child is born and is given a name, he'd paint it on the finest wooden fan imaginable. In FACT, getting to teach said child how to paint would his little not-so-secret dream.
As long as you're healthy, Nie Huaisang would more more than content with this turn of events. In fact, he'd be so proud to have you by his side.
Deep down he'd be totally soft and utterly emotional over the fact that he'll be a father, but those are emotions saved for later stages of your life together. (wait till you actually give birth)
Jin Guangyao
Imagine the sweetest, fondest stare in the history of stares ever. That is what you'll first see, once you inform Jin Guangyao of your pregnancy.
"What truly joyful news, my love."
He may be many things, many things indeed, but he isn't unattentive. You are his wife, his lover, the mother of his child and he would take great responsibility for that. He'd take care of you more than ever before, though he's always been extremely considerate.
Any darkness or intent of murder in his heart would dissipate once he sees you, and tripple should anybody so much as look at you the wrong way. After all, he has enough experience in the art of murder to know how to get around.
Living in a brothel with his mother showed him how harsh the world and society can be, so he'd vow to himself to give you and your child the life you deserve. Remembering everything his own father, if you could call him that, had or hadn't done for him, he has been given a good example of what not to do. He's promised to himself to be a good, loving father, who'd raise his child right. Simply he'd want his child to grow up without having to worry about surviving.
He'd fall utterly in love with this child before it is even born. He'd be constantly talking to your stomach, stroking if gently, leaving sweet kisses along your skin. That of course would only happen behind closed doors, yet the more your belly would grow, the more you'd get to spend time with Jin Guangyao.
While he wouldn't make a big deal out of your pregnancy, he wouldn't really hide it either. Lan Xichen, of course, would be first fo know, so he'd quickly come to give the two of you his blessings. Slowly news of the future heir would travel, so Jin Guanguao's overly cautious behavior would double. You'd still be allowed to go outside, of course, he is no monster, (his words, not mine) but he'd require you to go down town only when accompanied by him, or one of your most trusted people. He'd have spies everywhere, all to ensure your well-being.
He'd know almost immediately whenever you'd feel sick or generally uncomfortable because of the baby. And he'd be prepared with natural herbal remedies, massages and a ton of cuddles. Simply, he'd respond to your every beg and call. (I mean- he already does that but shhh)
Despite being, essentially, a criminal mastermind, there is no denying he is intelligent, resourceful, diligent and a good leader, in the core of it. Now, to that list can be added a good husband and a great father. After all, he'd want his child, no matter the gender, to be treated with respect and given all of the love it would require - what he always wanted, yet never received.
Thank you for reading~
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drwcn · 4 years
I can’t wait for more of your discordance au, I’m a sucker for angsty wangxian! I’m actually really curious about what’s going on with Lan Xichen the whole time he’s gone. Is he recovering for all that time or is there some political plot he needs to take care of? I saw that courtesan Meng Yao tag too which makes me even more intrigued 👀👀👀
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Awww you guys >:) Thank you so much for the encouragement. 
Unfortunately, Xichen and Huaisang are not a pair. The hidden agenda of this fic is xiyao (lol sorrah), and I know people tend to feel either YAY or NAY about xiyao so I’ve totally separated the wangixan and xiyao part. You can read one without the other and it wouldn’t make much of a difference at all. At best Meng Yao is mentioned in end of the later wangxian parts once or twice. 
I love Xiyao because I think it’s full of possibilities. Obviously canon!xiyao is tragic and problematic af, but this is an au, so... I do ...what I...want? Meng Yao in this au is his own worst nightmare - a courtesan, and Zewu-jun is the handsome polite gentlemanly amnesiac he saves. 
Below cut are more reasons why Lan Qiren longs for the sweet release of an early qi deviation (arc synopsis of lan xichen & meng yao’s half of the story). 
Lan Xichen’s Arc: where politics turned deadly.
Well, just because Wen Ruohan isn’t a thing doesn’t meant the Yin Irons aren’t a thing. Is there political bullshit waiting to happen? Absolutely. Except our protagonists are proactive this time. 
For months, both Qinghe and Gusu have been getting reports of strange sightings along their Lanling borders. NMJ and LXC have been investigating, and they suspect that JGS may have had something to do with it. Prior to Lan Xichen’s disappearance, he was getting close to finding out the truth. 
What happened was this: 
Xue Yang (who will exist solely in other people’s narration) had killed the Changs and taken a piece of the Yin Iron. Upon capture, XXC and SL (both alive and well and doing their own thing) delivered him to the Chief Cultivator, thinking justice has been served. (Lol. no.). Once JGS got his hands on one of those, he began to plan world domination bad things with it and shit started acting fucky right away, eliciting the suspicion and subsequent investigations of the Lans and Nies. 
Jin Guangshan does wonder how his secrets are being leaked, but he doesn’t get to find out until the end. 
Lan Xichen, on his part, is fairly sure of what’s been causing the appearances of these so called “fierce corpses”. He knows about Lan Yi’s barrier in the Cold Cave, and suspects someone has gotten their hands on a piece of the Yin Iron. Both he and Nie Mingjue suspect Jin Guangshan, and have been quietly collecting proof. 
Jin Guangshan, not about to be defeated so easily, sets up a trap and ambushes Lan Xichen during one of his investigations. LXC was in “plain clothes” as part of the investigation, because it’s dumb to go around investigating dressed as the Sect Leader of Gusu Lan, but during the ambush, Lan Xichen loses Liebing and Shuoyue in the process.  The only thing he has on him is Shuoyue’s sheath when he is found by Meng Yao. 
When Lan Xichen wakes up, he doesn’t remember anything or who he is. He sees a pretty young man who introduces himself as Lianfang. Lan Xichen was wearing blue when he was found, so “Liangfang” calls hims A-Lan. 
Meng Yao’s tragic back story that’s actually tragic:
The bullshit - er, the story - as always, starts with Meng Yao getting kicked down the steps at Jinlintai by his Ho™ of a dad Jin Guangshan. In this universe, Jin Guangshan isn’t just a rich powerful Sect Leader, but also the Chief Cultivator. If anything, he has more reason than ever to make sure Meng Yao isn’t around to besmirch his good name (not that he has any good name to bismirch).
Claiming Meng Yao to be a liar, Jin Guangshan ordered his goons to have Meng Yao “taken care of”, but before that could happen, Madam Jin had come out to see what was the commotion. This was Zixuan’s birthday celebration after all, everything had to be perfect. 
What she saw certainly enraged her, but her husband was about to kill a boy, possibly his own son, spill blood on their son’s day of birth celebration. Such cosmic bad karma she couldn’t possibly accept. “You don’t have to kill him, you absolute buffoon, just make sure he never comes back here!” 
She meant buy his silence with money but Jin Guangshan had a more permanent solution.
Before the day’s out, Meng Yao was sold to a brothel, and was told “that’s where you belong”.  Once, perhaps, he had dreamed about gaining the love of his father, but no longer. Now he simply wants his father ruined and dismembered. 
But first he has to live. 
The madam of the brothel had a keen eye for “good merchandise”, and one good look at young Meng Yao with those big eyes, delicate frame and dimples and she knew she could make big bucks off of him. 
(And before anyone asks how old MY is here, the answer is: young. One of the many reasons why I would personally like to volunteer to stab JGS until it looks like he’s been cursed with the Thousand Holes Curse.) 
The first couple of years were decidedly grim for MY. He was kept away from customers (mercifully), but he was a brutally trained in the art of dance and music. They kept him fed enough to dance but not too much to “ruin his figure”. His instructors quickly found that the youth was a quick study and got up no matter how many times he was trampled on (literally and metaphorically). It was no secret that life was gruesome, but Meng Yao survived. Meng Yao made his debut. Meng Yao became famous.
The establishment where he made his debut renamed him Lianfang - to collect/gather fragrance - and so from then on, he became Lianfang-gongzi. Soon, his art (and other stuff) caught the eye of an obliging patron who purchased him from the madam. 
The patron, by all accounts, was a brute of man who had more appreciation for the liquor in his cup than the arts, but he was a cultivator, wealthy enough, connected to many other cultivator gentry familiues, and most importantly, led a subsidiary clan of the Chief Cultivator. As his prized courtesan and dancer, Meng Yao served at his whim, entertained at his parties and made happy his friends, all of whom were practicing cultivators or at the very least connected to the cultivation realm. 
Our evil gremlin would not be our evil gremlin if he didn’t make the best of every situation. Meng Yao quickly discovered that not only was he particularly talented at getting people to divulge information to him, but that men were significantly uninhibited after sex and alcohol. Armed with a sweet face, an eidetic memory, and a hate inside him that longed to see Jin Guangshan severed limp by limp, he began his revenge plot. 
(Here, I took inspiration from Nirvana in Fire’s character Princess Xuanji of the fallen Hua kingdom who was sold into servitude but established Hong’xiu’zhao, a spy network of girls/women who either worked as courtesans or secondary spouses of noblemen. Her goal was to create chaos and dissension within the royal court and government, like mites eating away at a large tree from within.) 
Meng Yao amassed an enormous amount of intels on gentry families and evidences of the many underhanded conducts of the Chief Cultivator himself. He did this through his own work and through the other women working in his network, all of whom have been wrongfully aggrieved in some way. He promised them that one day he would help them to freedom. 
For five years he’s been collecting secrets of gentry families, and had been stirring discord for three, weakening their cohesiveness, and using their growing animosity to weaken Jin Guangshan’s control on his subordinates. Naturally, Meng Yao heard about Xue Yang and the Yin Iron. It was also him who had been drawing attention to it for the other major sects. 
Meng Yao doesn’t know Lan Xichen is the Sect Master of Gusu Lan, but he has no interest in hurting a man from nowhere. “You can stay here with me until you are better. After that, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to be on your way.”
Physically Lan Xichen recovered quickly, but when it was clear his memories wouldn’t be coming back, Meng Yao allowed him to stay. 
The rest, as they say, is history. 
Meng Yao has been Lianfang, been the famed courtesan, for longer than he cares to remember. He’s been had, used, and passed around by so many men that their faces are just blurried sillouettes in his memory. And yet, he’s never felt for a moment that he belonged to any of them, not even his patron, who possessed his contract and could resell him back to a lesser establishment and ruin him in a heartbeat. 
But when A-Lan held him in his eyes, warm and dark like a summer’s night, without judgement or expectations, only gentle sweetness and a fond regard, Meng Yao could almost pretend he was just A-Yao, the name whispered reverently by those soft lips. The hand that held his moved to stroke his cheek, almost shy, and Meng Yao realized with a fearful pang that if this man from nowhere with nothing were to ask, Meng Yao could most definitely become his. 
The thought scared him more than he was willing to admit. 
The message delivered by the pigeon was clear. Meng Yao crumbled the slip of paper in his hand, then set it aflame in the candlelight. 
The man who’s been living with him for the past four months, who he knew as A-Lan, who he trusted enough to take to bed, was the Sect Master of Gusu Lan: Lan Huan, Lan Xichen.
Everyone, even a non-cultivator such as himself, has heard of Gusu’s Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen’s young widower, left alone after not even six months of marriage. 
But if even he wasn’t married, Lan Xichen could never accept him as he was, no matter now much his personal desire wanted him. 
His hands shook. He balled them into fists. 
Meng Yao should’ve known... he should’ve known it was too good to be true. 
No matter, he told himself. This too, is an opportunity, perhaps the only one I will ever have. I will use it to destroy Jin Guangshan once and for all. 
Lan Xichen made his way to the window, and gazed out into the courtyard where A-Yao was reading under the willow tree. 
You should go home, a voice inside him said. Go home to relief Wangji of his burden, to release Wuxian from his mourning. Go back to the seat of Sect Master and the responsibilities waiting for you. 
One more day, another voice fought back. Just one more day. 
He doesn’t leave for another month. 
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Happy Birthday to Me Pt. 3
And then I got crushed in the biggest bear hug I think I’ve ever had. Pretty sure my feet left the ground for a moment. 
Nie Huaisang’s brother Mingjue, who has now insisted I call him DaGe (Which I will do because I do, in fact, despite the apparently common public opinion that states otherwise, value my life), had engulfed me in his enormous arms. 
I returned the hug with a bit of awkward patting. Good to know he likes me I guess? Haha. 
And then Lan Xichen hugged me. I gotta say. His arms are thinner than DaGe’s, but just as strong I’d wager. He didn’t crush me but it felt like he probably could. Is that a Lan thing? Are all the Lans super strong???? 
(I’m thinking yes because Lan Yi seemed equally capable of squishing me like a tube of toothpaste if she wanted to when she hugged me later). 
Then I got a double hug from the girls. MianMian even kissed my cheek 
I even got a hug from Wen Qing! Without any pokes or jabs! I think Wen Ning convinced her to be nice. Hah. 
It wasn’t until Gamby pulled me into her arms that the emotions really really started to get to me. It started so hesitant at first, but then she held me so firm. Is that what it’s like to be hugged by a mother? Is… Is that…. Oh.
She told me she couldn’t believe she got to spend my birthday with me again. Did we before? We must have. With Mom and Dad. I wish I could remember. I wish I could remember anything. 
But with that hug. The smell of her. So familiar. Like a dream I’d forgotten. The feel of her arms so tight around me. It was so warm.
It was all I could do to keep myself from breaking down entirely.
I was saved by the kids. A-Ling and A-Yuan had yet to stop chanting surprise at me (their dedication was impressive) and the pair of them had decided to each claim one of my legs. It gave me something else to think of and a reason to end the hug, even if part of me wished I could stay in that hug forever. I decided that was enough for sentimentality for that moment and started stomping around with my newly acquired ankle weights.
“Rawrrr Rawrrr!! I will stomp this whole town down!!” he growled to the delight of my nephews. Our gleeful game was soon interrupted by a giant peacock. 
Shijie’s husband looked… well more resigned than anything, holding little A-Lian like a buffer between us.
Obviously I scooped that little angel up immediately. She’s quite lucky she looks more like her mom. Gotta say.
“My gift to you,” he said with what was, I’m sure, as much dignity as he could muster, “Is to be nice to you until 10:30 PM.”
Oh okay. Very slick. 
So you see, just after he and Shijie got married, I was forced to attend one of his glittering golden birthday parties. Now he may be a major pain in the ass, but he’s Shijie’s pain in the ass. So for her sake I decided that I would be nice and give him an actual present for one. 
But what do you give a Jin? They have literally everything! But, with my never ending pool of wisdom and grace, I thought of the perfect present. 
I told him that I would be nice until 10PM. When asked why only til 10, I answered with the truth. “I’m not sure I could last longer than that.”
That little brat decided to one up me by a whole half hour. That jerk. 
Well I’m not one to waste opportunities. So I did the worst thing I could think of at the time and gave him a biiiiig huuuuug. (he is BONY. Don’t know how Shijie can stand it. But whatever. She’s happy so I’m happy I guess.) ((Made sure not to crush my favorite niece though, don’t worry. ))
My ankle weights decided finally that it wasn’t fun to cling to my pants if I wasn’t gonna be a monster anymore. Jin Ling transferred his sticky fingers to his father’s pants instead. The look Jin Zixuan saves just for his children. We may never be best friends, but I have to admit that man loves his family.  You can see it in his face every time he looks at his children or my shijie. He adores the lot of them. And he’ll adore the new baby when it comes too. 
He actually restructured a large part of his business when he married Shijie. Made it so he didn’t have to live and die at work. He’s practically a house husband now. Dotes on the three of them.
Credit where credit is due, my dude. Credit where credit is due. 
And I KNOW it made a huge mess with his dad and everyone. Ended up giving a lot of power to his half brother.  Never seemed to regret it though. And I’ve never seen a man so devoted to his family before. 
So he may not be completely useless, but still rather not spend all my birthday chit-chatting with him. So I went off to find Lan Zhan instead. I bounced little A-Lian for a bit as I looked. I handed A-Lian to Shijie as I passed because the two were making eyes at each other and I’d never deny either of them anything. (A-Lian buried her face into Shijie right away it was so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute). Besides I needed my arms free. 
I kept that bounce in my step as I trotted up to Lan Zhan and pulled him into a hug. 
I’d wasted so much time trying NOT to hug him. I wasn’t about to waste any more than I had to from now on. 
Probably held on tighter than was strictly necessary but whatever. It’s my birthday. I hug who I want and everyone gets to deal! 
Besides, I needed a sec to collect myself again. When did I get to be this high-strung?
“So this is why you were on your phone all the time these past couple weeks?” I asked when I trusted my voice to come out not sounding like a muppet. 
He did that adorable little yes hum he does that always makes me feel warm inside. 
How does he do that????? All he has to do is HUM and I’m on cloud 9?????? That shouldn’t be allowed. 
As I contemplated this, suddenly I heard a little demon cough behind me. Damn it , SangSang. I was in my own little world and you ruined it ;3;.
“I don’t know what to say!” I said after letting go of Lan Zhan, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I was not expecting all this but.. Thank you!”
Be gracious, Wei Ying. When people do nice things say thank you not sorry.
I’m trying to learn. X_X
Then the little demon spoke again. (Yes, YOU SangSang. Don’t deny what you are.)
“Leave the speeches for after the gifts! Now we PARTY!”
Can’t argue with that logic. Heh. 
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