#mal doesn't understand how she likes the idiot
hexenwrites · 2 years
Mal: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Carlos without him noticing? Diego: Hey, Carlos, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Carlos: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Mal: ...
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groriatrevi10xx · 6 months
Teagan no entiende, no entiende la fe ciega que todo el Reino tiene por su Madre, la adoración, la lealtad y más.../Teagan does not understand, she does not understand the blind faith that the entire Kingdom has for her Mother, the adoration, the loyalty and more...
La adoración que siempre recibe, su respeto, su amor.../The adoration he always receives, his respect, his love...
Y en el fondo de ella también quiere llamarse como todos llaman a su Madre.../And deep inside her, she also wants to be called what everyone addresses their Mother...
“Reina Umbra”, “Nuestra bondadosa Reina”, “Nuestra Bella Reina”, “La más bella de todas”, “Reina de nuestros ojos”, “Su Majestad”…/"Queen Umbra", "Our kind Queen", "Our Beautiful Queen", "The fairest of all", "Queen of our eyes", "Her Majesty"...
Y más, bla, bla, bla.../And more, blah, blah, blah...
Pero, ese no era el caso... Hoy no, simplemente estaba cansada de ver cómo su Madre tenía una reunión en el mundo de las Brujas, solo quiere quejarse de algo, así que deja que su mente divague... Ella insistió en ir a ese Mundo de Brujas... Y ahora se arrepiente... Mientras su Madre hacía cosas... Ella sólo deambula por el Castillo, tan oscuro y elegante... De esa Mujer loca, puede ver a través de los vitrales el Reino y cómo el castillo flota en el cielo.../But, that wasn't the case... Not today, she was just tired of seeing how her Mother had a meeting in the Witch world, she just wants to complain about something, so she lets her mind wander... She had insisted on go to that World of witches... And now she regretted it... While her Mother was doing things... She only wanders through the Castle, so dark and elegant... Of that crazy Woman, she can see through the stained glass the Kingdom and how the castle floats in the sky...
Nada mal... Se imaginaba viviendo en algo así, sólo que con toques rosas.../Not bad... He imagined living in something like this, only with pink touches...
Había oído que el Gobernante aquí no sólo era dueño de este Mundo, sino de muchos más... Muy codiciosa, se imaginó Reinando todo esto y más... Teagan se imaginó teniéndolo todo.../She had heard that the Ruler here not only owned this World, but many more... Very greedy, she imagined herself Reigning all this and more... Teagan imagined having everything...
Su imaginación se rompe, cuando escucha pasos por el pasillo vacío, se sorprende al ver a un joven mal vestido para su gusto, tiene orejas de gato y cola… Parece estar buscando algo…/His imagination breaks, when he hears footsteps down the empty hallway, he is surprised to see a young man who is poorly dressed for his taste, has cat ears and a tail... He seems to be looking for something...
--No sabía que dejaba entrar vagabundos.../I didn't know they let homeless people in...--
El chico la mira con una ceja levantada, hay molestia en su rostro… Aún así se digna mirarla con disgusto… ¿Quién se cree este idiota que es?…/The boy looks at her with a raised eyebrow, there is annoyance on his face... Still he deigns to look at her with disgust... Who does this idiot think he is?...
Sus labios se abren para decir algo, pero Teagan se sorprende al ver como de la oscuridad y las sombras, se forma una silueta de una Mujer familiar, de las sombras sale esa Mujer loca que toca el hombro del Joven…/Her lips open to say something, but Teagan is surprised to see how from the darkness and shadows, a silhouette of a familiar Woman forms, from the shadows comes that crazy Woman who touches the Young Man's shoulder...
El chico no hace nada, reconoce quién es y solo mueve las orejas… Cuando mira a Teagan, el idiota tiene una sonrisa engreída en todo su rostro…/The boy doesn't do anything, he recognizes who he is and just moves his ears... When he looks at Teagan, the idiot has a smug smile all over his face...
--Cariño, me dijeron que me estabas buscando.../Honey, they told me you were looking for me...--
La Princesa se queda fría, sorprendida, hay tanto amor en las palabras de la Mujer al Niño.../The Princess remains cold, surprised, there is so much love in the Woman's words to the Boy...
--Me dijeron que estabas en una reunión, así que decidió caminar por aquí, mientras terminaban... No quise interrumpir.../They told me that you were in a meeting, so he decided to walk around here, while they were finishing... I didn't want to interrupt...--
Arma sonríe feliz, su mirada se desvía hacia la persona que aún está ahí con ellos, la Chica no sabe si debió haberse ido antes de que la miraran…/Arma smiles happily, her gaze wanders to the person who is still there with them, the Girl doesn't know if she should have left before they looked at her...
--Veo que has conocido a la Princesa Teagan, Hija de la Reina de los Hechiceros.../I see that you have met Princess Teagan, Daughter of the Queen of Sorcerers...--
--Si, realmente... Agradable.../Yes, really... Nice...--
--Bueno, querida... Hmm, Princesa, tu Madre debe estar buscándote... Si me disculpas... Debo pasar tiempo con mi Hijo.../Well, dear... Hmm, Princess, your Mother must be looking for you... If you'll excuse me... I must spend time with my Son...--
Ella no dijo nada, solo se quedó allí... Mientras los veía irse.../She didn't say anything, he just stood there... While he watched them leave...
--¡¡¡Debe ser una maldita broma!!!.../It must be a damn joke!!!...--
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****La Bandera de la Libertad y el nuevo comienzo, el recordatorio del regalo de la Primera Bruja, la Primera Reina/The Flag of Liberty and the new beginning, the reminder of the gift of the First Witch, the First Queen*****
G: Lol... Lo tenía tirado por ahí, así que... lo saqué para no dejarlo en la basura... XD/Lol... I had it lying around, so... I took it out so as not to leave it in the trash... XD
Arma y/and Umbra: Son mías... {They are mine...}
Brittany {Teagan} es de {Brittany {Teagan} is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Neko-Player es de {Neko-Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox
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here we gooooo
shadow and bone s2e2 reaction
ok I know some people didn't like that they changed sturmhond's character but I kinda like it...it makes him more of a "privateer" *cough pirate cough*
also it makes sense that he didn't know the darkling and alina were working together since literally everybody else does...especially since they changed it to have the darkling not be on the ship
darklina scenes are very well done...the desire and the way the darkling is describing his past and his way of thinking
I love the genya darkling sceneeee...it shows that what the darkling is doing is affecting him physically
it almost seems like the darkling doesn't like his nichevo'ya which is a whole different side of the darkling we haven't seen
not the darkling saying thank you and then being creepy as hell
OMG PER HASKELL it's all coming together now...kind of
omg not nina knowing everything
Matthias it'll be ok babe 🥺
I love sturmhond only learning mals name after he became valuable 🤭
Tolya and Tamar understanding how Alina felt on the outside of both Shu and Ravkan 🥺🥺
they definitely make Alina more of the "hero" type as well with her originally being the one to want to find the amplifier to tear down the fold
"there is a cost, always, to making difficult choices. The key is making sure that cost is not regret."
"trust is the other side of secrecy kaz, remember that" love them...and their secrets
Pekka never took kaz seriously until crooked kingdom so having him take him serious now is gonna change some things...I just wonder how
aww now we get sentimental sturmhond
Paddy is such a good sturmhond honestly they just casted extremely well because tolya, Tamar and wylan are all extraordinary 😭
ope...he still doesn't know mals name 🤭
"when people say impossible they mean improbable" love
morozovas journal?
BAGHRA...well she's not blind...YET...but we'll see
I love this sea whip hunt...the music is so good
I think it's cool that they made it on an island and they were on their feet not on a boat
ahh the helnik flashbacks are so well placed
his facial expressions 😭🥰
"have we met before?" this man 🙄
wylan looked SO DONE when jesper called him a total stranger 🤭🤭
jack understands wylan SO WELL like he's PERFECT
also wylan and jesper have such good chemistry even though it's still the stage where jesper "doesn't like" wylan...it's great!
no FUCK THAT if that creep ass bitch thinks he can't put inej back in the menagerie
how tf is he getting stabbed and fine with it???
there's that upped rating again (aka watching the madman pull the knives out of inej)
God I love jesper he's so cool
(also don't mind me rewatching all the wylan scenes like 3 times)
I need scenes where kaz had all the shit planned the while time...cuz that was always the best parts in the book
(because when Nina showed up I thought that was gonna be Kaz's whole thing like "everything went to plan")
not jespers thumbs up while wylan was getting choked 🙄🤭
omgggg durast jesper GET IT
don't mess with nina she's a bad bitch
ope! here comes the black veil!
did jesper just slap wylans ass? 🧐
also him helping her stop summoning 🥺
"my alina" that's some bad bitch energy
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theskyexists · 2 years
I don't know what it is - maybe it's me - but Naomi Noviks romances are so....weird. in the silver fairytale book I was like - well alright - it's a fairytale. But this is a ya book. And maybe that says enough too? But what does El find attractive about him? That is to say - she does find him attractive - we find out, but for most of their ostensible romance she either despises his good luck and privilege, or misinterprets his relationship with his enclave and parents as abusive. She notices his hair more than she notices other people's hair. And it is silver, which is very cool. She wants to kiss him eventually (and more). And she figures she owes her friends to him. But they NEVER understand each other - she only does in the literal last minute they're together, and he never does. He's almost invincible and doesn't consider other people's viewpoints at all. He doesn't take his own safety seriously when it IS relevant, even though he knows she cares about him. I just mean.... her feelings are mostly camaraderie, irritation, anger and worry. There's not a moment of SHOW, of moments of connection? Tenderness? Giddiness?Or did I just not notice it? It could absolutely be deliberate - El trying to be standoffish, defending herself with anger and suppressing stuff. She deliberately doesn't notice that his hands are warm, he smells nice, her stomach does a flip, her eyes linger onthe details of his face? but in the second book it feels way too much like she likes him because he's a poor little boy. You don't have to worship his strengths not to NOTICE them. In the first book he kills to protect, not only to get mana. He IS heroic, and modest about it because he figures it's not heroic to do what he likes. THIS she should have challenged. Just because you like to do what you're good at, which in this case is saving people and killing demons, doesn't mean that you're not a hero. You're not BRAVE, but you are a hero - and that IS worth something. But the second book seems to imply he doesn't care about the people at ALL just the mals. Even though he went after El in the first book bc he was investigating whether she was a maleficer. Not a mal. He's more of a paladin in the first book than a fight fight fight mana junkie. I would have been way more into it if he'd kept the first books characterisation and El would have slowly come to begrudgingly appreciate how good he looks when he fights, how powerful, and how wonderful when he saves one of her friends whom she loves very much, even as she still snaps at him for being that suicidal heroic paladin idiot. And she realises he really is like her but she doesnt project - they're different, together. HE WAS LITERALLY GONNA FIGHT UNTIL HE DIED IN THE GRADUATION HALL HE SAID. WHY?? DOES HE NOT LOVE HIS PARENTS AT ALL? WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH IS HE? in the second book. Like I don't understand.
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