#no one passes up a bet they know they can win on the isle
hexenwrites · 2 years
Mal: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Carlos without him noticing? Diego: Hey, Carlos, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Carlos: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Mal: ...
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Hold my hand
Prompt used - holding hands
The door bell rang over and over again indicating whoever it was at the door was impatient enough to not even let harry cross the hallway properly.
" IM COMING. For fucks sake " harry yelled as he shoved ice cream into the fridge and running towards the door but the doorbell hadn't ceased.
" Merlin's sake what is - draco ?" Harry gave draco a confused look but draco had already made himself comfortable to roll his eyes and just barge in without saying a word to harry.
" what are you doing here ?" Harry asked as he followed draco into the bedroom.
" mer- just tell me what are you doing - why are you taking out my clothes ? Draco tell me what's going on right now !" Harry announced
Draco turned around carrying 2 pair of sweater, a jacket and a jeans with socks "hello to you too and we're going out " draco shoved all the clothes he had managed to take out into Harry's hands.
" no draco, I'm not but you are going out of my house " harry said as he dropped the clothes on the bed.
" harry if you're a stubborn man so man I , deal with it. Were going out, get dressed " draco ordered.
" yes you are-"
" no I'm not-"
" no-"
" yes potter. Shut up " draco shoved the clothes into Harry's hand again.
" what makes you think I want to go out ?" Harry asked as he dropped the clothes on the bed yet again and crossed his arms.
" because I'm saying so. Now get over your sulking ass we're going " Draco ordered
" draco I don't want to okay - I know you guys think I'm still sulking over Ginny but I'm not. I respected her decision and it's fine " harry said as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen with draco following him.
" you are. Look at the fucking amount of ice cream in your fridge -"
" stop snooping around " harry bellowed as he shut the fridges door on draco's face.
" potter look I don't care but your friends does. I know breaking up with Ginny was a hard thing but get over it. It's been months. Hell even she's worried about you. You haven't been out with your friend's much and they care for you okay " draco told him as he sat down at the kitchen isle watching harry shove things angrily into drawers . It was a partial lie , out of everyone draco was the one who cared the most but his ego was inflated enough to not give in yet .
" and you don't care ?" Harry's movements came to a halt just for a second before it began again as if he was making sure he heard him right
" I - it doesn't matter. I'm here now and look- there's a great place i want to take you . You'll have fun I promise. Five minutes in and you don't enjoy yourself I'll watch that horror movie with you as a torture for me okay. It's really been months since anyone Hung with you last and I'll win the bet of making you get out of the house. I could use some money " draco tried to diffuse the tension with his stupid joke
" well Draco I'd suggest you take your money back because you'll lose and don't you all have better things to do than bet over me " harry said as now he got out of the kitchen and entered the living room and started fluffing the pillows. Draco followed him and redid the pillows himself with harry glaring at him.
" well once the malfoy's bet, they don't back out. Harry just one night. If you don't enjoy I'll do that -"
" I heard you and as appealing as your offer is I won't " harry replied but before harry could've picked up next pillow he was turned around with a jerk and now faced draco.
" one time , one night harry. You know I won't offer such thing ever again. I'll even buy you that expensive Chocolate cake you like so much and on our way back I'll buy you ice creams. Just one night . One time " draco basically begged harry and with so much of a sigh, he gave in.
" where are we going then ?" Harry asked . Draco jumped up in excitement which only for a moment harry found endearing before draco collected himself and spoke " its a surprise but dress in warm clothes " harry with an eyeroll went inside and got ready.
15 minutes later harry and draco apparated to the ice skating rink, Hermione and Ron with pansy and Blaise were already waiting there.
" kids, hand over the money " draco said as he clapped his hands
" I thought you were kidding " harry mumbled rubbing his hands together, already feeling the cold starting to set on him. As if Draco had noticed harry getting cold, he swiftly casted a warming spell, much to Harry's suprise but whispered a small thanks.
" don't tell me you bribed him with sex " Blaise groaned as he handed over draco the money. Blush spread over draco's cheeks but harry just assumed it was because they were here.
" as exceptional as that offer would be for you, not everyone is like that Blaise. Some people get easily bribed with ice creams " draco explained shoving the money in his pocket
" who's idea was this ?" Harry asked finally
" mine " draco replied grinning
" wow fancy seeing you using your exceptionally dim witted brain for once " harry sarcastically replied. Draco rolled his eyes while everyone enjoyed that sarcastic harry was back.
Soon enough they had put on skates and almost all of them were going in the rink but draco.
" you're not coming !?" Harry asked simply as he stood without support
" no- what - no yeah - yeah I just need uh some time " draco's face looked almost pale. Harry watched Draco for a moment, analysing his expressions when he realised
" oh my god, you don't know how to do this, do you !! Draco " harry cackled at Draco
" it's not easy okay " draco sneered at him
" it's still hilarious " harry laughed harder
" easy for you to say potter , fucking great at everything " draco sneered at him. It took them a moment to realise that draco had used the same tone from years ago. They both chuckled at the recollection of the forgotten memories.
" I'll help you but you're still going to buy me more ice cream" harry said as he offered his hand to draco. Hesitantly draco took Harry's hand clutched it tight and stood up next to harry .
" draco you're crushing my fingers " harry whined
" well you signed up for this harry " draco snapped lightly but loosened his grip on Harry's hand and finally got into the rink.
" let me lead the way okay. Don't leave my hand alright. Stop spreading your legs " harry guided him slowly in the rink
" wow so illuminating. If this was some other circumstances I'm sure you would've said the opposite " Draco rolled his eyes. Harry blushed out of embarrassment maybe or the fact that it may have been true but the strange reaction on Harry's face made him retract his statement " I'm spending a lot of time with Blaise. You can understand " and harry nodded understandably.
" try not to - no don't move your feet that way - yes closer - perfect " when Draco finally got the hang of how the legs work he finally left the boundaries and they moved a little to the center.
" now, shall I leave your hand-"
" no " draco shouted
" for someone who I'm teaching, you sure are bossy " harry rolled his eyes
" and you knew this about me when you become friend's with me so technically you're at fault harry " draco beamed. Harry shook his head smiling because it was true.
" you have to try to- okay you're slowly going to leave my hand and you'll take a slide forward. I'll be right by your side okay- you can do it okay " harry assured draco. Draco looked at him with fearful eyes but nodded and slowly harry left draco's hand. When harry had completely left draco's hand and draco was standing on his own, harry clapped his hands in encouragement . Draco looked up for a moment, his arms spread out in air for invisible boundaries to hold onto but he was still afraid. He almost took a step forward when his leg slipped a little to the right
" HARRY, HOLD MY HAND " he shrieked but it was too late, he had already grabbed Harry's hand and had completely slipped over the ground . Harry was now laying on top of draco cackling who himself was laughing incredibly hard .
" you're blocking my air potter " draco laughed at harry . Harry immediately rolled over to the floor next to him and waited for the laughter to die out.
" look at these Little babies laughing at their miseries " pansy commented as she swiftly passed by harry and draco but they didn't stop laughing.
It was 5 minutes later when their laugh slowly died out and now were just simply smiling at each other.
" you had take me down with you " harry narrowed his eyes in a comical way.
" well potter if you must know , malfoy's don't take the fall alone. They take everyone down with them " draco smiled at harry . Harry shook his head and stared up at the ceiling of the rink when harry finally sat up and pulled draco up to sit with him.
" come on , we'll try again " harry said as he finally with much difficulty stood up
" oh no I'm fine potter. I'd much rather slide on the floor like Weasley than actually doing it again " Draco looked up at him . Harry looked behind him to see Hermione practically dragging Ron. Harry shook at the absurdity of his two friends in love. He turned around to see Draco watching him.
" last try. Come on , It was your idea and malfoy's don't give up do they " harry raised an eyebrow knowingly. Draco rolled his eyes but with Harry's help finally stood up too.
" you're never using the malfoy's line on me ever again " draco said as he dusted off the snow from his clothes.
" I will if I have to. Now let's try again" harry said and draco nodded.
When harry noticed draco's hesitation, he lifted draco's face by his chin to look up at his face
" don't you trust me . Now . Hold my hand " harry again offered his hand and this time Draco took it without hesitation and slowly they started skating again.
" I can't believe you suggested all of them something you're terrible at " harry deemed
" well harry sometimes you gotta do shit for people who matter to you, don't you. At least it got you out of the house and you seem to be enjoying it so much considering you laughed so hard when we fell down, so I'll say it's all worth it. Now tell me how do you keep the balance- what - why are you looking at me like that? " Draco asked him furrowing his eyebrows.
" no reason " harry replied fondly with a warm smile.
" I tell you draco, I don't know about malfoy's but draco is a very nice friend. Now look how I do this " harry said as he pointed his feets on the ice
" draco- you're not doing it - draco - look - dr-what ?" Harry asked when he noticed draco was smiling sadly at harry
" no reason " he blinked and watched how harry did it, smile spreading across his face.
Harry and Draco were the last ones to leave the rink after some fail attempts of teaching draco but slowly with practice draco did get the hang of it . Both of them were overjoyed when he did it.
As promised draco bought harry ice cream on his way back to his house. That night draco stayed at Harry's place talking about everything and nothing all at once. When Draco had finally dozed off, harry realised it was 3 in the morning. It was the first time ever since Ginny when time passed unknowningly. Harry fondly looked at the sleeping figure on his shoulder and smiled with appreciation.
That night when the same flutter returned in Harry's heart which made it skip a beat, he decided this time he won't fuck it up. He realised that maybe, just maybe love can also be found in another person. And that person was none other than the annoying draco malfoy.
" stupid git " harry smiled at Draco and soon enough, too fell asleep on the couch with draco.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word count 6,363. Demetri x OC  Part One
A few months after the confrontation with the Volturi Carlisle decided that the family should take a vacation to Isle Esme and he would invite Aro, Marcus, and Caius as an olive branch to try and resolve current tensions between the two covens. He also knew they would bring Demetri, Felix and the twins. He sent an invitation with the details and that’s when things got interesting. The moment they accepted the invite Alice had a vision that would change everything for Alyssa Swan, Bella’s younger sister. After her vision she spoke to Carlisle who decided that Aro needed to know about what Alice saw and to get his permission to tell Alyssa about the vampire world. Aro agreed on the condition that Alyssa joined them on the two week vacation so with that Esme invited Alyssa to vacation with them.
Aro decided not to tell anyone about what Alice saw as he knew her visions were subjective and he wanted to see for himself first hand and have Marcus confirm it. Aro had told his brothers and the four elite guards that Carlisle was bringing a human and that noone was to touch or harm her. Caius wasn’t pleased to have a human around especially if she knew the Cullens. “I thought Carlisle wanted to build bridges, so why is he bringing a human with him?” Caius said sounding displeased “Because I gave him permission brother and she isn’t just any human, she’s family” Aro responded grinning at Caius. “Family? Who’s family?” Caius demanded “Bella’s but hopefully she will bring us closer to the Cullens” Aro replied still grinning “What are you up to Aro?” Marcus asks “Nothing brother. I’m just looking forward to our vacation” Marcus was suspicious as Aro seemed far too happy to meet this human. Demetri and Jane had heard this exchange as they were the only guards in the throne room as Aro had dismissed the others. Jane was intrigued to find out if Bella’s relative would be immune to her gift whilst Demetri was curious as why Aro was allowing the Cullens to bring a human on vacation with them.
Later that night Aro called Felix and Alec to the throne room “Now the four of you are here I have some news to share. We have been invited to join the Cullens on a two week vacation, on Isle Esme. There will be a human relative of Bella’s joining us, therefore, there is a house rule in place that must not be broken; Noone is to touch or harm the human girl. Is that understood?” Aro said looking at the guards “Yes master.” Felix replied, the other three nodding in agreement.
One month later the Cullens and Alyssa arrived at Isle Esme; the Volturi were already inside the house waiting for them, Aro being excited to meet Alyssa. “Afternoon Aro, Marcus, Caius” Carlisle greeted. “Carlisle so nice to see you again” Aro said shaking his hand. “Esme my dear, thank you for inviting us to your lovely home” Marcus said smiling “You’re very welcome. We’re glad you could come” Esme replied. Demetri tuned out this conversation the second he saw Alyssa; her long brown hair, the blue denim shorts and pink strappy top she was wearing and the leopard print sunglasses covering her eyes. She was standing beside Bella and he was amazed at the self-control Bella had around her, even if she was family considering Bella was still a newborn.
“Aro this is Alyssa Swan, Bella’s sister” Carlisle says pointing to Alyssa; she lifts her sunglasses to rest on top of her head “Hello Aro, it’s nice to meet you” She holds out her hand to him. Demetri notices her chocolate brown eyes “She’s really pretty for a human” Jane whispers to Alec “Prettier than Bella was when she was human” He responds, Demetri smiling as he agrees with the twins ‘She’s beautiful. Shame about the ‘no touching the girl’ house rule’ He thinks to himself, a low growl came from Edward, causing Demetri to smirk in his direction ‘Don’t like my thoughts, stay out of my head’ He thought.
 Meanwhile, “Amazing, I see nothing, much like your sister” Aro says smiling “Jane” Caius says raising a hand to call her forward “That won’t be necessary my dear” Aro interjects, and Jane steps back beside her brother. “Alyssa, these are my brothers Marcus and Caius” Aro says pointing to his brothers. “These are our elite guards; left to right we have Felix, Demetri, Jane and Alec” They all nod, Demetri smiling at her “It’s nice to meet you all” She responds smiling.
“What I don’t understand is why another human knows about us and why is she here on vacation with all of us?” Caius asks, clearly irritated “As I said before brother, Alyssa knows about us because I gave Carlisle permission to tell her on the condition that she comes on vacation with us” Aro replies smiling “That still doesn’t explain why she had to know about us” Caius says “All will be revealed in time dear brother” Aro replies whilst looking at Alyssa and smiling. “Alyssa come with me and I’ll show you to your room” Esme says smiling and placing her hand gently on Alyssa’s back as they leave the room, Demetri watching them leave. Marcus stayed quiet observing the interactions of everyone in the room.
That evening Felix, Demetri and the twins are playing cards in the dining area; Emmett and Edward are playing chess with Bella shielding Emmett and Rosalie watching them, Jasper and Alice were reading outside on the beach, whilst Carlisle and Esme were talking with Aro and Marcus. Caius was reading on the sofa but couldn’t help smirking when he noticed Alyssa reading ‘A Vampire for Christmas’, not that he had heard of or read the book, but the title amused him.
 A little while later Alyssa got up to get a drink and on her way back to the front room she passed the guards seated at the dining table playing poker. She stood behind Demetri and observed them for a few minutes; it was clear he was losing to the others, and that Felix was clearly winning. “I see your $10 and raise $10” Felix says; Alec replies “Fold” Demetri just stares at his cards but before he can do anything Alyssa picks up two $5 chips and places them in the middle “Call” She says and smiles “Fold” Jane replies. “Ok, call” Felix says smirking at Demetri as he lays down his cards and reaches for the chips in the middle “Good, but not good enough” Alyssa smiles taking the cards from Demetri and laying them down. Felix looks shocked as she collects the chips, placing them in front of Demetri. “You’re welcome” She looks at Demetri and smiles before she starts to walk away; she then feels a cold hand grip her wrist “Please stay” She stops and looks at him surprised; he gently pulls her onto his lap so she’s facing the table “You’re my good luck charm” He says letting his left hand rest on her hip. “Yea Dem’s lost most of the night” Felix laughs, Demetri growling low in response “Did you just growl?” Alyssa asks Demetri over her shoulder, he just nods and she smiles “Ok then” Felix and the twins can’t help laughing. They continued playing poker although Demetri was more interested in the human seated on his lap than the game, but Alyssa had it covered, giving Felix and the twins a run for their money. “Full house” Alec said smiling thinking he’d won, Demetri looked at his cards “No good Alec” He responded as Alyssa laid down their cards showing they had four of a kind.
Demetri couldn’t help inhaling her scent ‘Coconut and Pineapple’ “You smell good” He whispers in her ear, but the others heard. “Thank you” She replied, Jane looked at her confused “I’m pretending he meant my perfume, even though I know he didn’t” Alyssa felt him rest his chin on her shoulder and Jane nodded. Alyssa still sitting on his lap turned to face him slightly “I’ll make you a deal” He raised an eyebrow “I’ll let you smell me, take in my scent whenever you want over the next two weeks if you promise to protect me and not eat me” “Deal” He replied quickly, smiling at her as he took in her scent again. “My own personal vampire bodyguard” She chuckled and Demetri shook his head a little still smiling “Strange little human” Alec added.
Felix dealt out new cards; Jane starting the new round said “$20” “I see your bet and raise you $30” Felix said confidently to the table; Alec matching the bet “All in” Alyssa states confidently “Fold” Comes the reply from Jane “Ok, I see your bet” Felix responds pushing his chips into the centre of the table. “Fold” Alec replies. “Ladies first” Alyssa says smirking at Felix, Demetri chuckles. Felix laid down his cards – straight flush “Good, but just not good enough” Alyssa lays down their cards – royal flush.  Demetri smiles as he and Alyssa pull the chips towards them “Thank you cara” He smiles at her “You’re welcome. Goodnight” She got up from Demetri’s lap “Goodnight” He responded watching her walk away to her room. Marcus smiled to himself seeing the start of a bond forming between the tracker and the human.
It was around 03.00am and Felix and Demetri were out on the beach looking out at the ocean “You ok? You seemed distracted tonight D. You don’t usually lose so much” Felix said “I don’t know I just couldn’t focus on the game, but I still won though” “With the help of a human” Felix replies nudging him “With the help of a beautiful human Fe” Demetri responds smiling, Felix nodding. “What had you so distracted D?” “I can’t help thinking about why Aro allowed Carlisle to tell Alyssa about our kind and why he insisted she come on vacation with us” “It is a bit strange, it’s as if he knows something we don’t and doesn’t feel like sharing the information” Felix responds “He’s definitely keeping something to himself Fe, that much was obvious when he first told Marcus and Caius about Alyssa and the vacation. Jane and I were the only guards in the throne room at the time as Aro had dismissed the others” “Whatever it is, Caius is not happy about her being here and I doubt that will change anytime soon” Felix added.
The following morning Alyssa walked into the kitchen wearing a pink bikini with a mid-thigh length black cover up that was slightly see through due to the crotchet pattern. “Morning” She greeted the room with a smile; grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and preparing a quick fruit salad for breakfast. Demetri stopped reading the second he caught her scent and watched her walk into the kitchen “Good morning Alyssa” He said smiling from the other side of the kitchen island “Sleep well?” “Er kind of” She replied “I found it a little weird, hard even to sleep knowing there are 15 vampires in the house” She looked down starting to eating the fruit. “I’m sorry to hear that” He didn’t like hearing that she didn’t feel safe enough to sleep ‘I made a promise to protect her and I will keep that promise, ensuring she feels safe’ He thought to himself. “I’m going out to sunbathe” She made her way outside and found a nice spot on the beach and after laying down a beach towel she removed her cover up and got comfortable.
About five minutes later he made his way outside and sat beside her. “I know you guys probably don’t sunbathe but can you at least put some shorts on? You are way too overdressed to be outside” She said looking up at him, he nodded “I’ll be right back” He sped inside and changed into a pair of beach shorts and was back outside sitting beside her quicker than she thought possible “Better?” He asked “Much” She leant in towards him and whispered “Sparkles” He raised an eyebrow at her “Sparkles?” She smiles nodding at him; lying back down, Demetri laid down beside her his hand lightly brushing hers. “Favourite colour” She asked “Red, you?” He replied “Blue... Favourite animal?” “Cats, you?”  He replies “Tigers, I even asked for a tiger for my 6th birthday” She giggles at the memory. “Not sure they’d make great pets cara” He laughs “That’s what my mum said funnily enough” They continued to ask questions as a way to get to know each other. “Do you have any hobbies Demetri?” “I like reading and travelling. I’ve seen quite a bit of the world, but there are places I’d still like to see. What hobbies do you have?” “I also like reading, shopping and baking. I’d like to travel when I’m older, see the world” She replied ‘I could show her the world’ He thought looking at her.
She rolled onto her front and Demetri did the same “Can I ask how long you’ve been a vampire?” “Over 1000 years” He replied “Wow! How old were you when you were turned?” “I was 21” He answered and she smiled “You look good for your age” He chuckles at her response “Thank you. Can I ask how old you are?” “I’m 17. I was wondering do you have a gift? Is that why you are an elite guard with the Volturi?” He nodded “Yes, I have a gift. I am a tracker and yes that is why I am an Elite guard. Although there are other trackers out there I am the best at what I do” “Really? How does your gift work?” She asks curiously “I pick up on the essence of someone’s mind and can follow it like a scent over any distance. To be able to do this I have to either have met that person physically or anyone who has met the person in the past” “Oh my god that sounds so cool. It’s also good to know if I ever get lost I can just call you; the best tracker in the world and find out exactly where I am” She says smiling at him, he smiled back “I’m unsure if I can track you” Alyssa looked confused “I cannot track Bella because of her shield, even when she was human” “Are you able to track me? I mean I know Aro and Edward can’t read my mind” “I haven’t tried, but I will later when we are apart and will let you know” She nods in response.
Marcus had spent the day reading inside but every now and again he would look outside at Demetri and Alyssa and smile at how well they’re getting along. “Are the Cullens really expecting us to let Alyssa leave here alive?” Caius asks Marcus “I think so yes and I don’t think Aro is going to give the order to kill her either” “Are you going to give the order?” “No Caius I am not. I do not believe her to be a threat to us” Caius huffed but said nothing, still not happy that Alyssa knew their secret and was on vacation with them.
That night Alyssa sat on her bed reading her book A Vampire for Christmas when there was a knock on the door “Who is it?” “It’s me Demetri” He replied poking his head round the door, she smiled “Come in” Demetri came into her room and closed the door “Just wondered what you were up to?” “Just reading” She replies holding up her book “What about you?” “Nothing much. I was reading but it’s gotten a bit noisy in the other room” He chuckles softy “You’re welcome to stay in here and read with me” She replied, he smiled at her “I’d like that. Thank you Alyssa” He sat on the bed beside her reading; thinking about how they’d spent the day together on the beach. He noticed her heartbeat was slowing down and looked to his side to see she had fallen asleep sitting up reading but with her head down. He took the book from her and gently laid her down; laying down beside her and continuing to read. “Goodnight cara” He stroked her hair and felt relaxed knowing she was with him, her heartbeat slow and steady and her scent filling his nostrils. ‘I hope she sleeps better tonight’
 Alyssa woke lying on her side and when she opened her eyes she saw Demetri “Morning” Her voice sounded sleepy "Morning cara” He replied smiling “You stayed?” “Yes, hope you don’t mind” “No, I don’t mind” She smiled at him. “You didn’t get bored whilst I slept then?” He shook his head “Nope. I spent most of the night reading. I’m used to spending my nights alone so it was nice to have some company, even if you were sleeping” He winked at her and she blushed slightly “So does that mean you don’t have a mate then?” “That’s correct, I have yet to meet her” She noticed that he looked and sounded a little sad “1000 years is a long time to be on your own” Alyssa said sympathetically resting her hand on his arm, Demetri felt a warm feeling run through him at her touch and he smiled at her before placing his cold lips to her forehead; both their eyes closing in the moment. “I hope you find her soon, you’re too nice to spend forever alone” She said quietly “Thank you. You are very sweet” He replied softly ‘I could spend forever with you’ He thought looking at her lying in front of him; he’d never thought that about anyone before. “I plan to look around the island a bit and maybe go swimming; did you want to come with me? I mean if you don’t have plans or anything” She was blushing again, he smiled at her “Sounds like a good day, I’m in. It’ll give me a chance to see if I can track you too”
Demetri showered and changed in a pair of grey shorts and a white t-shirt whilst Alyssa had breakfast; then waited for her in the front room whilst she got ready. “Fancy a game of chess?” Felix asked Demetri “One game as I’m waiting for Alyssa. We’re going out for the day” Felix raised an eyebrow “I think he’s traded you in for someone better Felix” Jane teased “And she’s human” Alec added laughing; Felix put a hand to his chest and feigned a hurt look “How could you D? After all these years” Marcus was smiling at the guards’ behaviour and was happy that Demetri was spending time with Alyssa, even if he hadn’t realised what she was to him yet. Alyssa stepped out of her room dressed in short blue denim shorts, a blue strapless top and her leopard print sunglasses, she had a black bikini on underneath. Felix smirked when he saw Demetri eyeing Alyssa as she walked towards them. “Ready?” Demetri asked her completely forgetting he was part way through a game of chess with Felix “Yes, I’ll just grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Have you finished your game?” She asked nodding towards the chess board “Alec can take over for me” He said getting up and taking her warm hand in his cold one and leading her out of the house.
“Master is she his…” Jane started but Marcus cut her off “I think we all know the answer to that, even if they haven’t figured it out” “How is it that he doesn’t know?” Alec asked “Not all mate pairings are ‘love at first sight’ sometimes the bond forms over time. He likes her and is clearly drawn to her as he has spent the last 24 hours with her and she likes him too. They’ll figure it out soon, don’t worry” Marcus replied smiling “I’m glad he’s finally found her. He deserves to be happy” Felix added. “Wonder how Bella and the Cullens will react when they realise Demetri and Alyssa are mates” Jane mused “It doesn’t matter what they think and anyway they are in no place to judge or object” Alec responded. The Cullens were all off doing their own thing; some had gone to the mainland to hunt.
Demetri and Alyssa walked hand in hand exploring the island until they came to cliff edge that was opposite a waterfall. “That’s an amazing view” Alyssa said smiling before looking up at Demetri, he smiled too looking down at her “Yes it is. Want to go for a swim?” He asked nodding down to the water below, before removing his t-shirt “Yes but how are we going to get down there?” She responded whilst removing her shorts and top “Do you trust me?” He asked holding out his hand “Yes” She placed her hand in his and he pulled her to him; wrapping an arm around her waist he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist “Good girl” He smirked “Don’t let go” “I won’t” He felt her arms wrap around his neck before he jumped, landing in the water below. They came up to the surface Alyssa giggling “What’s funny cara?” “I just can’t believe we jumped off the cliff” She responds looking up “It was the only way down. Thank you for trusting me” “You’ve given me no reason not to Demi” He liked hearing the nickname she gave him and kissed her cheek causing her to blush. He put her down and she swam away from him going under the water; he watched her resurface and turn to face him “Come on Sparkles” She smiled and in a flash he was in front of her wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his side whilst his other hand began tickling her. She started laughing and squirming in his hold “D-Dem…s-stop” “No” He continued to tickle her enjoying seeing her squirm in his hold “Pl-please…Spar-Sparkles” Sounding breathless from laughing “Sparkles. Really?” He replies smirking, continuing to tickle her and she nods resting her head on his shoulder trying to catch her breath; he pauses tickling her and starts stroking her hair whilst gently resting his head upon hers.  
After spending a few hours in the water Demetri picks Alyssa up and jumps up on the cliff above “Thank you Dem” “You’re welcome” They both put their clothes back on and continue to explore some more of the island, walking hand in hand. “How are we going to find out if you can track me?” She asked “I’ll stay here whilst you go hide somewhere and I will try and track you to find you. I’ll give you 5 minutes and please be careful” “I will” Alyssa went and hid, waiting for Demetri to find her. Demetri closed his eyes and tried to reach out to pick up the tenor of her mind only to find he couldn’t find her tenor which meant he couldn’t track her; this made him feel uneasy, anxious even. He took an unneeded breath to calm himself before setting off find her by tracking her scent ‘This may take a while’ He thought. Ten minutes later he found her “I’m guessing you can’t track me?” “Correct cara mia. I had to find you by your scent which takes longer” “I’m sorry Dem” She looked down, his fingers lifted her head up “No need to apologise cara, if I ever have to ‘find’ you it’ll just take me longer than normal but I will always find you” She nodded and took his hand in hers “Thank you for coming with me today” She said smiling at him “Thank you for inviting me” He smiled backed at her.
That night Alyssa makes herself a pasta dish for dinner and Demetri offers to help “You know how to cook?” He shakes his head “No, not really, but I’d still like to help though” She smiles at him “Ok then, if you want to fill that pan with water till it’s half full that’ll be good. Thank you” Felix is watching them from the front room and can’t help laughing “What’s funny Felix?” Alec asks “Demetri trying to help Alyssa cook when he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing” Felix started laughing again, Alec joining in. “Oh leave him alone, he’s just trying to bond with his mate” Jane says quietly causing Felix and Alec to look at her confused “Since when did you start defending him sister?” “I’m just saying he’s making an effort so you shouldn’t laugh at him” “But sister it’s funny to watch” Alec chuckles and Jane shakes her head.
“Have you seen Bella?” Alyssa asks Marcus “She went with Edward to hunt on the mainland earlier today and have yet to return. In fact all the Cullens have yet to return from their activities” “Oh, ok. Thank you for letting me know” She sounded a little disappointed, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Demetri “I’m going to read outside” She went into her room grabbed her book and sat outside on the veranda attached to her room. Demetri followed her grabbing the blanket from the sofa as he passed; he sat down beside her placing the blanket over them “Here let me” He said taking the book from her and began reading to her; she moved a little closer to him and rested her head on his arm. She fell asleep whilst he read to her feeling comfortable with him. He picked her up gently and laid her in the bed, covering her with the duvet before changing into a pair lounge pants and climbing in beside her “Good night cara mia” He placed a kiss to her hair and spent the night reading whilst she slept.
The following afternoon the Cullens and the Volturi were split between the beach and the front room all doing various things “Hey Bells, what are you up to later? Want to do something?” Alyssa asks “I’m sorry Ally, Edward and I are going out tonight. Actually we’re going out with Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie” Bella replies “It’s a date night” Emmett added “The six of us are going over to the mainland” “Oh ok. No worries. Have fun” Alyssa responded trying to hide her disappointment and got up deciding to go for a walk on the beach. Demetri put down the book he was reading; got up from the chair and ran after Alyssa “Hey, wait up” He called out and she stopped “Hey Dem. What’s up?” “Are you ok?” “Yea, I’m fine. Why?” “You seemed a little disappointed when Bella said she had plans for tonight” He replied “Well it’s just… they invited me to come here with them and yet they don’t want to spend time with me” She wasn’t smiling and he didn’t like it “Well their loss is my gain” He smiled at her “I like spending time with you Ally; so much so I wondered if you wanted to go out with me tonight?” He asked “What? Like a date?” “Yes Ally. I’d like to take you out on a date” “I’d love to” She replied smiling and gave him a quick hug, he felt happy knowing he had made her smile. “What did you have in mind?” She asked “I was thinking dinner and dancing” “Sounds fun. Dinner, wait… you can’t eat anything?” “Don’t worry about me, I have that covered” He took her hand in his and they continued walking along the beach.
Later that night Alyssa got ready in her room; having decided on a black mid-thigh length dress with spaghetti straps and black stilettos; natural looking make-up with her hair curled and in a half up/half down style. Demetri had decided on black jeans, a grey shirt and smart black shoes. “How come you’re all dressed up Demetri?” Emmett asked curious “I’m taking Ally out for dinner and dancing” He replied “You’re taking my sister out on a date?” Bella questioned “Yes, Bella, I am. Your sister is a lovely girl and I enjoy her company” He replied; Marcus smiling at the tracker as he could see the mate bond was getting stronger between him and Alyssa. “I don’t think I like the idea of that. Edward…” Bella started but trailed off when Alyssa entered the front room; Demetri gasped “Wow! You look amazing Ally” She blushed looking down and taking her bottom lip between her teeth she looked up at Demetri through her lashes “Thank you” “Ready?” He asked looking her up and down ‘Beautiful, absolutely stunning’ He thought to himself smiling and placing a hand on the small of her back they made their way to the dock where the boat was waiting for them.
“Edward I don’t like the fact that he has taken her out, I mean if she had ended up on one of their ‘tours’ he would have killed her without a second thought” Bella said loudly “Bella, calm down. He isn’t going to hurt her, trust me. I’ve read his thoughts and they are…” “His thoughts are what Edward?” Rose asked joining the conversation “His thoughts are private!” Jane shouted entering the room “He would not appreciate you reading them let alone sharing them Edward” She continued. “She’s my sister and I have a right to know” “No Bella! You don’t. None of you have a right to know his thoughts just as none of you have the right to object them going on a date” Alec added “I mean they have spent the last few days together, not to mention he has stayed in her room the last two nights” Felix said smirking. “How did I not know she has spent so time with him” Bella said the last word with disgust “Probably because you have been too busy to talk to Ally, let alone spend time with her” Jane replied “You heard Demetri Bella, he likes spending time with your sister” She added smirking “You make it sound she’s his mate” Emmett responded; the twins and Felix didn’t answer, they just turned around and left the room. “Don’t worry about Demetri and Ally, let’s get ready for our own date” Edward said holding out his hand to Bella.
Once on the mainland Demetri and Alyssa made their way to a restaurant for dinner. Once seated their waiter came and took their order; Alyssa ordered Mango and Lime Chicken with Rice and a glass of water, Demetri ordered the same. “I didn’t think you could eat food” Alyssa said quietly “We can eat food, it just doesn’t taste very nice and we have to…deal with it later” “Oh Dem. Don’t make yourself uncomfortable just for me” “You are the only person I would eat food for and anyway it’s a date; you can’t eat alone” She smiled “Thank you Demi, you’re very sweet.”
After dinner Demetri and Alyssa made their way to a club; he ordered them some drinks and then took her hand and led her onto the dancefloor. They spent a few hours dancing and drinking before making their way back to the house. “Thank you for tonight Dem, I had fun” “You’re very welcome. I had fun too and thank you for coming out with me” “Anytime Dem” She responded “Will you stay with me again tonight?” She smiled at him “Yes Ally I will” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side burying his nose into her hair and breathing in her scent.
They both got ready for bed and climbed beneath the duvet and Demetri began reading to her “I’m getting sleepy” She said quietly “I can tell” “Goodnight Demi” “Sweet dreams Ally” He kissed her forehead and she fell back against the bed and tried to ignore the pleasant warmth spreading through her.
The following morning Demetri woke Alyssa up with breakfast in bed “Ally wake up” He shook her arm gently and she opened her eyes and gave him a sleepy smile “Good morning cara, I’ve made you breakfast” “Good morning Dem” She sat up in bed and he placed the tray on her lap and climbed back into bed beside her “Thank you for breakfast” He had made her pancakes with strawberries. Once she finished eating he took the tray and placed it on the floor; he then put his arm around her gently pulling her closer and began to reading aloud. That afternoon they played a game of Chess before Felix, Demetri and the twins left to go hunting. “I’ll see you soon Ally” Demetri said before placing a kiss to her forehead. “Ok and don’t rush, I’ll be fine here with Marcus and Caius”
Once they left Ally got up and sat in the chair near Caius ���Can I ask you about what you do?” Caius looked up from his book “Sorry, did the Cullens not tell you about us?” She shook her head “I kind of got a crash course in Vampires, if you get what I mean” “I’m not sure we do understand my dear” Marcus replies “They told me that Vampires existed; that they are vegetarian and that the Volturi rule the Vampire world and that you are not vegetarian, They also said Humans are not allowed to know of your world unless they are to become one of you” Ally replies “What?” Caius asks confused “I thought Aro told Carlisle to tell you about us” “He did, just a quick version. I don’t think he wanted to overwhelm me. After all I thought Vampires only existed in books and movies. He was also a bit vague when it came to telling me about the Volturi and what you do” “When you come and visit us at the castle I will give you a history lesson all about us Ally” Caius replied “You mean I’m welcome to come to the castle for a visit?” “Yes Ally and you will be the only human to leave the castle still human, apart from Bella, of course” Caius said with a little smile. “Thank you” She replied smiling “I think you’re starting to like her brother” Marcus said too quiet for Ally to hear “I’m able to tolerate her that is all Marcus” He replied quietly “It’s a start Caius”
A few days later Demetri and Alyssa were back at the cliff edge ready to go to swimming; he wrapped his arm around her lifting her up and she wrapped her legs around him, arms going round his neck. They landed in the water below with her still in his arms and he leant his head down; nose resting against her neck as he breathed in her scent. Her fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck; he purred and placed a chaste kiss to her pulse point, she smiled and kissed his neck in return. “I should put you down so we can go swimming again, but I really don’t want to… Not yet anyway” He said low in her ear, arms tightening around her “Then don’t. We can swim later, we have all day” She replied running one hand down from his neck to rest on his chest; the other hand still playing with his hair, she gave it a gentle tug. He growled moving one hand to the back of her head threading his fingers into her hair; gently he pulled her head back exposing her neck to him. He ran his nose up and down her neck then left a trail of open mouthed kisses against her neck; she gasped and a soft “Mmm” left her lips, he purred again and felt her fingers brush through his hair, nails gently scratch his scalp. “Mine” He whispered into her ear before placing a kiss just below it. “What?” She breathed “Am I…?” She looked into his eyes “Yes Ally, I’ve never felt like this about anyone before” He looked unsure of himself and took an unneeded breath “Will you be my mate… and… accept me… as your mate in return?” Hope shone in his eyes although his face said he was scared of her answer. She nods and smiles “Yes” She kisses his cheek and wraps her arms around his neck; he sighs in relief tightening his hold on her before kissing her temple “Thank you amore. Thank you” “You don’t need to thank me Dem” She chuckles “I’m happy that I’m yours because it means that you are mine… as long as you accept me… as your mate” She winks at him and he smiles “Of course I accept you as my mate, 110% cara. I’m looking forward to spending forever with you” He kissed her lips and continued to hold her in his arms happy that he finally found his other half.
That evening they took a walk along the beach enjoying the warm night air; stopping to look out at the calm sea as the sun sets. “I feel safe with you Demi” She wraps her arms around him “I’m happy to hear that” He kissed her hair “I will always look out for you Ally, no matter what” He sat in the sand and gently pulled her down with him so she was sitting in front of him, his arms wrapping around her from behind.
Marcus smiles as Demetri and Alyssa walk back into the house hand in hand; seeing the mate bond in effect “Good evening you two, had a good day?” “Good evening Master, we’ve had a great day” He smiles down at Ally lovingly, a look that doesn’t go unnoticed by Aro and Carlisle. “Brother?” Aro asks looking to Marcus; who just nods in response, causing Aro to smile widely. “Demetri, may I?”  Aro asks holding his hand out and Demetri steps forward and places his hand in Aro’s letting him see the moment Ally learnt she was his mate and accepted him.
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therectoress · 3 years
Till Human Voices Wake Us (And We Drown)’s timeline so far:
Year 696, Crown Princess Skylark is born in the late hours of the night during the Winter Equinox to King Lestyn and Queen Amicia of the Kingdom of Acaidal aka “The Continent’s heart” aka "The Golden Kingdom” with a mark in the form of a lilac on the nape of her neck. This alerts everyone that she was blessed with a soulmate, which means that by holy and mortal law she can never enter an arranged marriage; this also confirms she is the prophecy child and is destined to destroy the world.
Year 708, Since infancy Skylark’s strange behaviour has caused rumours to circulate and because of this and her parent’s refusal to accept any and all offers of betrothals, Acaidal is attacked during the ball hosted for the Princess 12th birthday (”the age of consent back then,” according to Tissaia). When their army is defeated and the castle surrounded, the palace is set on fire with her family and the courtiers inside, effectively trapping them. After her parents and her grandmother say their (rushed) goodbyes to her, the Queen takes off her signature pendant and gives it to her daughter, instructing a soldier to try and take the Princess out through the tunnels below the castle. Once outside, the building collapses on itself, triggering her conduit moment and the complete destruction of her kingdom by their attackers’ hands and her own.
Year 709, Skylark is saved from unknown captors, from an unknown location by Rectoress Depraysie after months of physical/psychological torture. Upon reaching Aretuza she tries to kill herself and sometime during the week she spends in recovery (after the Rectoress saves her), she argues with the woman and is forced to endure her Enchantment prematurely in retaliation. Depraysie changes the colour of her hair (her most famous feature) and makes her indistinguishable from Princess Skylark’s remaining portraits, lastly erasing all evidence of what had happened to her during her time in captivity. She is, however, unable to get rid of the mark on the girl’s neck, much to her frustration. – The trauma produced by the fall of Acaidal, her imprisonment and her Enchantment would soon cause her to develop PTSD and worsen her depressive/anxious tendencies. Depraysie also suspected that a throat infection she had contracted during her stay in the dungeon would be to blame for instigating her genetic predisposition towards OCD into violent existence. – Afterwards, Rectoress Depraysie procures a body that is similar in build to her already favourite apprentice and “proves” by various methods to several monarchs that it really is her, successfully tricking people into believing that Princess Skylark is dead. After spreading some more rumours, she gives Nilfgaard’s Emperor, the late Queen Amicia’s brother, the corpse for safekeeping. Centuries later that same skeleton would be returned to its “homeland” when the first king of the newly restored and named Kingdom of Cintra was anointed. Occasionally, new monarchs are known to ask mages for confirmation that the bones are indeed Skylark's and it is always given.
Year 714, She meets fifteen-year-old Lytta Neyd aka “Coral” aka “The overbearing, nosy friend she absolutely just tolerates”. At first glance, the redhead tells her that her name is now meant to be “Tissaia” and she embraces it, going by it from that day forwards. With time she grows to love the medium like a sibling and trusts her with the truth and the many painful, distressing side effects of the bond (both things which Coral already knows due to her psychic gift).
Year 718, Tissaia meets fourteen-year-old Margarita Laux-Antille aka “Rita” aka “The bane of her existence”. At first, she considers Rita “needy” and “annoying” and thinks that she “weeps too much”, but she’s a girl recently orphaned, afraid and alone, so Tissaia takes pity on her and threatens a younger student into changing rooms with her so she can take care of the blonde, who insists on sleeping in the same bed with her when Rectoress Depraysie is particularly horrid. With time she grows to love the blonde like a sibling and trusts her with the truth and the many painful, distressing side effects of the bond.
Year 720, Stregobor asks for permission to court Tissaia, now a gorgeous twenty-four-year-old young woman, but is denied and warned off of it by Rectoress Depraysie. This second-handed rejection causes the man to turn on Tissaia and the sorcerer tries to punish her for his humilliation for centuries.
Year 721, Coral is allowed to depart for Temeria’s court after her Enchantment, leaving a distraught, resentful and confused Tissaia behind.
Year 723, Rita “steals” Feyre’s assigment after their Enchantment and departs for Kadwen’s court. Tissaia de Vries finally departs for Redania’s, determined to succeed and prove Rectoress Depraysie wrong.
Year 832, Tissaia commits her first premeditated murder. It is an act that will slowly change her magic in a brutal, unknown manner.
Year 810, Tissaia is sexually assaulted by the grandson of the first king she served, killing him is self-defence and “slaughtering” him in revenge. Margarita makes the scene seem like an accident, and Coral and her take her away to – hide her in – Skellige “for many, many months” so she can recover.
Year 846, Falka’s rebellion commences and what first was a “noble” war changes into a peasant one, further degenerating into a massive witchhunt in which Mirthe, an ancient city of mages, is burnt down.
Year 860, She founds the Chapter of the Gift and the Art, and the Brotherhood of Sorcerers with the help of four other mages, amongst them future Rector of Ban Ard/Arch-master Stregobor and future Arch-master Artorius Vigo. Three centuries later, she’d still be the only woman in the Chapter.
Year 870, The prologue - In late October Tissaia has one of her worst episodes to date, instinctively making a mess of her office and later getting high on a concoction she stole from Rita, who in turn bought it from an elf, to try and negate her powers (which tend to be unpredictable and escape her control during those instances). Amidst the delirium and a high fever she is still able to subconsciously summon an incredibly aggressive thunderstorm to the isle of Thanedd.
Year 1188, After 477 years of being constantly “tormented” by their bond, Tissaia finds her soulmate in Yennefer of Vengerberg when the girl stumbles at her feet in Tor Lara. In her desperation to not be parted from her, she strikes a deal with the girl after she expresses her desire/duty to go back to her family. She subsequently wins their bet and when they return to Aretuza the strategy she used prompts the girl to have a breakdown where Tissaia has to stop her from dying after she slits her wrists. That same night she abducts the girl’s father and portals to an abandoned barn in Cintra where she taunts and proceeds to torture the farmer, ultimately killing him after his body gives out by having him eaten alive by wild boars to cover up her tracks, locking all exits and setting the place on fire when she’s certain he’s passed away.
Year 1173, Yennefer of Vengerberg is born in the early hours of the morning during Beltane to a half-elf father and a human mother after over 18 hours of labour with a crooked spine and a mark in the form of an orchid next to the deformation in her back.
Year 1788, Her conduit moment is triggered by a teenage couple whose almost assault causes her to create a portal to the Tower of the Gull. Immediately enchanted by the stranger who finds her she almost follows her through another one but stops herself when she realises she’d be abandoning her family. She strikes a deal with the “lady”, where either she’ll prove that Yennefer is deeply unwanted in her home or she’ll fail at doing so; in the first scenario, she is to come back with her and in the latter “her chaos will be bound and she’ll never hear from her again,” which Yennefer simultaneously does and doesn’t believe. Hours later she is cruelly bought from her father for four marks by the witch (as her mother calls her), losing their bet. After being locked in a room, she breaks a mirror and in a desperate attempt for control tries to kill herself by slitting her wrists with a shard of glass – “four cuts for four marks” – but is immediately stopped by her “new master”.
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eddieeatsass · 4 years
Leave Me Breathless
Summary: "Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to today's festivities, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way. A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over." Pairing: Reddie Rating: M Read On AO3
"Do you have your inhaler?"
"Yes mom."
"And your pills?"
"Yes mom."
"And you have my number? And the number for poison control? And the one for the hospital? And-"
Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to the wedding today, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way.
A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over.
"Sorry mom, Bill's here, gotta go!" Eddie rushed out of his house before Sonia could get another word in, bounding down the walkway towards the red Ford Fiesta.
Bill let out a slow whistle at the sight of Eddie's attire. Eddie simply rolled his eyes, getting into the front seat and trying to ignore the buzzing anxiety that laid just under his skin.
Bill noted Eddie's apprehension and reached over with a reassuring pat to his leg.
"Don't worry, Sonia suspects nothing."
"Yeah Eds, don't sweat it sweet cheeks." Richie's voice projected from the backseat.
It was slightly muffled from where he laid under a blanket, completely covered up in case Sonia had decided to follow Eddie out to the car.
 When Eddie had asked his mom if he could go to a wedding, he hadn't been entirely honest about its whereabouts. As far as Sonia was concerned, Eddie was just tagging along as a friend to Bill's aunt's wedding. But in reality, Eddie was Richie's date to his cousin's nuptial.
Given that Sonia hated Richie more than any of Eddie's other friends, he'd figured using Bill as a scapegoat was his best bet.
 Bill was silent as he pulled out of Eddie's driveway, waiting until he got around the corner to finally erupt into victorious laughter.
"We did it! We fooled the troll!"
"Oooh what's on the other side of the bridge!?" Richie cheered, flinging the blanket off himself and straightening up. He finally got a look at Eddie for the first time and his eyes widened like saucers.
“A beautiful maiden, apparently.” Richie answered himself.
“Call me a maiden one more time, Trashmouth, I swear to god-”
Eddie was cut off as Richie grabbed his tie to pull him forward, kissing him with enough force to send all complaints out the window. If Richie was gonna kiss him like that, he could call Eddie whatever he wanted.
Bill cleared his throat, reminding the two of them that they weren’t alone.
Eddie pulled away blushingly, shooting an apologetic look to Bill who just smiled.
Their friends had been infinitely supportive of their relationship, even going as far as to help Eddie lie to his mom so he could spend time with Richie. However, the losers had sat them down a couple weeks ago to have a discussion about ‘PDA amongst friends’, and since then Eddie had been making a concise effort to keep things toned down around everyone else.
“So how long did it take you to get out of the house this time?” Richie asked, buckling his seatbelt and settling into the backseat.
Eddie let his eyes roll back into his head as he let out an exhausted groan.
“She’s getting worse.” Bill winced.
“I think she suspects something.” Eddie sighed, slumping down in defeat.
“Do you think she knows we’re dating?” Richie inquired worriedly.
“I don’t think so.”
“Thank god. If Miss K. catches on, that could make it real awkward between us in the bedroom.”
Bill laughed at their antics, making a right turn and slowing to a stop in front of the library.
 Bill hopped out of the car, rounding it to meet Richie where he exited.
“Don’t crash my car.” Bill warned.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Richie promised.
“Don’t have sex in it either.” Bill added as an afterthought.
“Now that, I already dream of.”
“I promise! I promise! No fucking in your car!” Richie raised his hands in surrender.
“Thank you. What time will you be back?” Bill asked as he began climbing the steps to the library doors.
“Wedding ends at 9:00.” Eddie answered from his open window.
“Alright, have fun you rascals.” Bill disappeared through the double doors and Richie leaped into the front seat.
“Okay now that Bill is gone can I please kiss the life out of you?” Richie pleaded. He barely waited for Eddie’s response before pulling him in for a searing kiss, drawing it out until Eddie was completely pliant.
Eddie made a noise of contempt when Richie pulled away, but Richie just patted his cheek.
“We don’t wanna be late for the wedding, Eds.” Richie teased.
With a final defeated sigh, Eddie resigned himself to sitting back in his seat as Richie pulled away from the curb, starting towards their destination.
 The venue was breath taking, covered head to toe in periwinkle decor. Guests crowded just about every inch of the floor, so it was a miracle they even spotted Richie's parents.
Maggie waved them over with a grin, her warmth always a comfort to Eddie.
Richie's parents had been extremely supportive of the shift in their relationship. Maggie had made sure that Eddie knew he was always welcome in their home, no matter what came of him and Richie's future. Wentworth had been a little less overt about his support, but he had made a comment over dinner one night about how Eddie was a good influence on Richie, so he counted that as a win.
"Don't you both look handsome!" Maggie greeted them as they walked up.
"Glad you could make it, Eddie." Wentworth commented with a curt nod and a smile that seemed genuine.
"I'm glad too." Eddie responded, squeezing Richie's hand where they were connected.
"Richie, dear, why didn't you wear the shirt I picked out for you?" Maggie tsked, adjusting the collar on the shirt he was wearing. Richie swatted her hands away.
"I like this one better." He grumbled, fixing it himself.
Truthfully, Richie would have looked good in any shirt, but Eddie knew he picked this one because Eddie had once mentioned liking it.
The notion that Richie would dress specifically for Eddie did little to relax his racing heartbeat.
 The ceremony started not long after they'd arrived. They filed into a room lined with fancy white chairs and claimed seats in the back, separating from Richie's parents who sat a couple rows from the front.
Eddie had been to a few weddings, and they were always the same. He'd prepared himself to sit through an hour of biblical references and awkward vows, so he was surprised when things didn't unfold as usual.
The bride walked down the isle sporting the biggest smile Eddie had ever seen in his life, and she was wearing a pantsuit. She was also covered in tattoos, and half of her head was shaved like Cyndi Lauper, (who was Eddie’s favorite singer despite the fact that Sonia had forbidden him to listen to her). Eddie thought she might be the coolest woman he'd ever seen, next to Beverly, of course.
The groom was a big man, probably tall enough that he needed to duck under doorways. As the bride joined him at the altar, they shared a chaste kiss, which Eddie wasn't even sure was allowed. It made him like them even more.
 The ceremony commenced and Eddie could already tell that the man officiating the wedding wasn't a pastor, or at least not like any pastor he'd ever met. The man cracked jokes, went off script, and teased the bride and groom when they fumbled over their words. It gave the entire room a welcoming aura that Eddie sank himself into.
When they began exchanging vows, Eddie found himself getting choked up. They seemed so in love with each other, so happy to be getting married, it made something that had long been frozen in Eddie's heart begin to defrost.
No one in his family had seemed to marry for love. It was usually the product of two lonely people choosing to be lonely together, he’d never seen a wedding that had actual emotion behind it.
He felt Richie squeeze his hand, and when he looked up, he found him already watching Eddie with matching tears in his eyes. Richie didn't cry often, in fact, Eddie could count on his hand the amount of times he'd seen him shed tears. Wordlessly, Richie brought their conjoined hands up to his face and placed a kiss on the back of Eddie's hand.
"I love you." He mouthed, lips brushing against Eddie's hand.
The rest of the room fell away until it was just the two of them, and for the first time since they'd gotten together, Eddie allowed himself to visualize a future with Richie. A future where they could have their own wedding, where Richie's family could become his family, where Eddie didn't have to hide who he was.
"I love you." Eddie mouthed back, completely breathless.
He knew that the moment would pass soon, that they’d fall back into light-heartedness and pretend this never happened, but for the moment Eddie relished in it.
 They didn’t even notice the ceremony was over until everyone began cheering, rising from their seats and blocking the view of the altar.
Richie leaned in close, resting his forehead against Eddie’s, and suddenly the energy shifted. There was a mischievousness in Richie’s eyes that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
“Now that we’re done with the compulsory part of being here, wanna see if we can find a coat room to sneak off to?”
Eddie’s responding grin felt almost feral, his pulse beating loudly in his ears.
“Follow my lead.”
 They filed out of the ceremony room with everyone else, back into the lobby where guests would wait until the room was rearranged into a dining area, but Richie and Eddie didn’t wait with the others.
Eddie followed Richie as he weaseled his way through the crowd anonymously, all the way to a tiny door that was labelled ‘basement’. They slipped inside unnoticed and bounded down the stairs until they came upon several open rooms. Some contained guests’ coats, some contained extra furniture, and some seemed to be washrooms at the far end of the hall. They chose the room closest to them and tumbled inside, already connected at the lips.
“Fuck this god damn shirt.” Eddie huffed, beginning to unbutton Richie’s offending garment.
Richie laughed deeply and Eddie felt it in his bones. He pulled Richie closer by his lapels.
“I’m gonna marry you some day.” Eddie said mindlessly, kissing down Richie’s exposed neck.
“Not if I marry you first.” Richie shot back without missing a beat. He was making quick work on Eddie’s belt, trying to get his pants down as quick as possible, but Eddie stilled him with a hand against his chest.
Richie looked up at him with wild eyes.
“You know I’m serious, right?” Eddie asked a bit timidly.
Richie brought his hands up to cup Eddie’s cheeks.
“Edward.” He said, unfaltering. “I would marry you today if I could.”
The statement was so genuine it took Eddie’s breath away, leaving him completely speechless. With nothing else to say, and too much love in his heart, he made it his mission to take Richie’s breath away too.
Eddie got to his knees, looking up at Richie through hooded eyes as his shaky hands undid Richie’s pants.
And with more determination than Eddie had ever had in his life, he promised himself two things.
He was going to marry this man one day, and right now, he was going to make this man lose his mind.
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BakuSquad In Jail
I saw these pics randomly and talking with my friend, @thatweirdfrenchcanadian​ , we came up with some funny HCs for the BakuSquad and the reason they got in jail.
I have no idea who the artists are, I’ve been having the pics in my phone for a while, but if anyone knows the artist, please let me know so I can tag them appropriately!
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They were at a party, just the 5 of them, and they were happy for getting into Pro-Hero agencies, and now they weren’t side kicks anymore, so of course, they had to celebrate accordingly!
A huge party where they all let loose and have fun without anyone judging!
What none of them were expecting was to get shit faced drunk and do lots of weird shit, enough to somehow get into jail for whatever reason.
Kaminari Denki:
Baby Pikachu got so drunk that he made Momo make a Pikachu onesie for him, on the spot, along with a Naruto headband, and made Mina do some lines on his face, to resemble Naruto, then went out to the nearest monument and threw paint at it.
If they were human statues, he’d draw lightnings on their foreheads and write “VOLDEMORT WAS HERE” on their torsos.
If they were animals, he will paint them in weird colours.
And if they were some new art, he’d just throw random paint and say “IT’S MODERN ART, YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND, NORMIE!”
If that wasn’t enough, he stole a shopping cart and made Kirishima push him in it down the street.
Street that was actually a slope made by Todoroki in an attempt to ice skate and show off.
Unfortunately, Kirishima got distracted by a pigeon and started running after it to become the new Snow White, and Denki kept going down the ice slope, shrieking in the cart, thinking he was in a roller coaster.
When the policeman got him, he started giggling, saying he’s not drunk, just super LIT, FAM, and started doing a super fast triple dab.
Triple dab that he ended up slamming his arm into his head so hard that he knocked himself out and he was out like a light.
Bakugou Katsuki:
You can’t blame a guy who goes to sleep earlier than 9pm and barely drinks alcohol, so he can have a perfect hero-training schedule that he got drunk from very few shots of vodka and now he was feeling light like a feather and wants to entertain people...
More or less because their awes and gasps of wonder boost his ego so much that he wants to show off his explosions.
Katsuki starts doing random explosions around the house, then, when people tell him to do flashier tricks, he goes out and pulls lots of different typed of explosions, flashier, with more light, with more heat, with more colour, with more sound and whatever else the audience wanted.
When the cops came, they wanted to charge him for illegal use of fireworks, which sent Bakugou into a blind frenzy since NOBODY CALLS HIS EXPLOSIONS MERE, LAME FIREWORKS, OKAY?!
He started roaring and growling at the policeman, showing him that he can do EXPLOSIONS not some stupidly lame fireworks, which only ends up with lots of curses, fighting, and it takes a lot of new policeman to get him an elephant tranquillizer to make him stop.
Of course, they needed special restraints for him, since he’s so violent, but that wasn’t a problem, and Bakugou was used to these restraints, since he was forced to wear them twice before.
Poor Sero was mostly innocent, and he is pretty used to light drinking and these types of parties, but he really wanted to let loose this time around, so he started playing beer pong, never have I ever with vodka and tequila shots, and many other drinking games that made him SO happy in his drunken state.
As well as that, he had some weed joints that he really wanted to smoke...
And some LSD, because what could be better than trippin’ at a party when you’re so happy?
Always time for first times!
He used his tape to get into a spiderman position, hanging down from the ceiling after getting the LSD and started smoking some joints, letting the euphoria take effect on him.
Hanta started grinning and giggling, swaying back and forth with that tape, until someone, that he still has no idea, even to this moment (Definitely Denki) dared him to play Tarzan out in the city, so he started jumping from building to building, yelling incoherently that he is the KING OF THE URBAN JUNGLE...Or something like that, it was mostly unintelligible.
When he got arrested, he got into a spiderman position again and winked at the policeman, asking if he wanted to be his Mary Jane.
Then passed out and fell on the ground...For some reason, giggling in that unconscious state.
Ashido Mina
Mina was drinking cocktails, martinis and tequilas with each costume she would do for the catwalk she created in the house, each time, flashier and more ridiculous outfits, but hey, they were fun, and for some reason, most of them had holes...From accidental acid drips.
She MAY also be on acid anyway, who knows...Mina says her name is symbolic for more than her Quirk...
She got dared to recreate some iconic make ups from James Charles and mid-way to her look, she realised she didn’t have everything she needed, so she went to the closest shop and raided the make up isle, trying out each and every one of the products there, using her selfie camera as a mirror and trying to do her best.
The shop assistants were horrified at the girls behaviour, but her only answer was “Hi, I’m the Alien Queen, wanna be my Predator?”
When the cop car came over, and the lights started going red and blue, she thought she was being photographer by the paparazzi, so she brought a random pair of sunglasses, with the tag in the middle of her face, and put her fluffy boa around her shoulders.
And started posing.
She didn’t have perfect balance for most of the posings, but she tried her best to mimic all those cool fashion pics she saw in magazines.
At the end, she asked the cop if he wanted an autograph, and when he refused, she giggled, took out her eyeliner and wrote on his forehead ALIEN QUEEN XOXO
Kirishima Eijirou
Kiri was the most innocent in all of this, and he shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place, but he wanted to be where he best friends are, so that’s just that.
Well, he was convinced by the rest of the BakuSquad that it’s MANLY to drink, so he had a drinking contest with TetsuTetsu, that ended up with both of them under the table pretty fast.
The bet of this contest was that whoever was the first to wake up would win, and since TetsuTetsu won, Kiri had to take the water gun that Tsuyu brought and pretend to play CS:Go in the nearest store.
Of course, he did just that, but he was completely oblivious to the fact that Tokoyami wrapped his bandana to his face, instead of his forehead, to look like a funny western cowboy or whatever, and when he got in the store, all not-so-stealthily, the shop assistants hit the alarm and called the cops for having a robber.
With all that loud noise, he started squirting water everywhere, shrieking and saying WATER IN THE HOLE, THROW THE GRENADE, TAKE COVER, HIT SPACE, AHHHHHH!
Needless to say, the assistants and customers were more confused than scared.
When the cop came over, he blinked at him confused, saying that he can’t get in jail, since he’s a shark, and then shoot water in the cop’s face.
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The end:
When they all woke up, Mina was the first to realise what happened, due to her phone buzzing like crazy to her Snapchat stories, and only then she realised what happened...At least to her.
Then, her jailer told her how she got there, and she could only laugh at how bad she was in only a few hours of the night.
Of course, Yaomomo was graceful enough to bail them out of there, was the caution was nothing more than a breeze and they didn’t actually do anything too bad to actually keep them there anyway.
All that, while Midoriya was bawling his eyes out like a waterfall to some random jailer, telling them how amazingly kind hearted and nice heroes they are, and that they did a mistake, and it won’t happen again...
Blah Blah Blah.
He didn’t even realise how Mina walked out of her cell and sprinted to the boys’ cell, where she stood on the ground, telling them what Jirou, Tsuyu and Tokoyami told them happened that night and how they all ended up there.
Of course, it was all in good fun, despite the fact that they were sure Aizawa was going to hunt them down and kill them for the idiocy they did...
But they aren’t called the 1-Braincell Squad for no reason, right?!
To commemorate such a weirdass experience, Mina took the picture with her phone, telling them all to look natural, so they did as told.
Except Bakugou, who was beyond pissed off at what happened and kept grumbling something about stupid fireworks.
They were SO doing this shit again.
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engelspolitics · 3 years
Most Dangerous Weapons in Mythology
Zeus’ Thunderbolt
· The thunderbolt reflects Zeus' personification of storm and sky. In an instant, the sky god could smite an individual dead from afar. It also related how he could ride the lightning instantly and descend from the heavens.
The sword Tyrfing
· The sword was created when King Svafrlami, the grandson of the god Odin, trapped the dwarves Dulin and Dvalin and forced them to make him a sword.
· The dwarves were master smiths and resentfully forged Tyrfing. The sword never rusted, featured a golden hilt, and could cut rocks and iron like butter. To make it even more intimidating, it glowed like fire.
o But the dwarves decided to take revenge by laying curses on the sword. First, every time the sword was drawn, it was destined to kill.
Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra
· Vishnu is known as the "Preserver." He is a guardian of men who appears on Earth in the form of various avatars to fight demons and preserve stability in the cosmos.
· this weapon is a discus composed of 108 blades. This design is symbolic of Vishnu's association with the sun and also a representation of the Hindu depiction of the Wheel of Life.
o The weapon can destroy anything and traditionally cannot be used by mortals
Poseidon’s Trident
· Poseidon ⁠— Neptune in the Roman tradition ⁠— had a trident that was forged by the Cyclopes at the same time as Zeus' thunderbolt and Hades' helmet.
· Poseidon's trident probably originated from a simple fishing spear
· The spear could also create an earthquake, shatter rocks, and calm a stormy sea. It is for this reason that Poseidon is also the god of earthquakes.
Sharur the Speaking Mace
· Sharur was the massive mace of Ninurta, the hero-god of hunting and war in ancient Sumeria.
· The most notable use of Sharur was when Ninurta fought the demon Asag (also called Agag), who was a demon of sickness and disease à Sharur worked as a tricorder providing crucial information on the monster
· Warrior sword; first found in the tail of an eight-headed dragon by the storm god Susanoo. The god then gave it to his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu, who then gifted it to her grandson, Ninigi, who came to Earth to become the ruler of Japan.
· The sword has been passed down through the years and is one of the three sacred treasures of Japanese imperial regalia; however, the sword remains hidden, so no one has ever seen it.
· Kusanagi has divine powers and is a symbol of national identity to Japan
Arthur’s Excalibur
· Excalibur's origins are unearthly, with some traditions holding that it was forged on the mystical isle of Avallon. The sword has also been attributed with some powers — it purportedly burned so brightly that it blinded enemies. And in the right hands, it was said the be powerful enough to slay heaps of foes.
· Excalibur's scabbard also allowed the wearer to suffer blood loss and not die, and some tales say that wounds did not bleed at all when wearing the scabbard.
Thor’s Mjolnir
· The meaning of Mjolner's name — "Pulverizer," or "That Which Smashes"
· It was originally created by two dwarf-brothers, Brokkr and Eitri, as part of a wager made between them and the god of mischief, Loki.
o However, to win the bet, Loki cheated by biting the dwarves as they wrought the hammer. As noted in "Goddess," the result was a handle that was too short. However, Thor was pleased with it and used it to slay giants
o it could be folded up and stuffed into a small area, which is why Thor usually kept Mjolnir tucked in his shirt.
o The hammer never missed its target, and when thrown, the hammer always returned to its owner. Mjolnir is also red-hot to the touch and it shot lightning
Marduk’s Imhullu
· The most important deity to the ancient city of Babylon was its patron god, Marduk, who was responsible for justice, healing, and compassion and was also a storm and agricultural god
· Marduk defeated Tiamat, the incarnation of chaos, to bring order to the universe and create heaven and earth and co-create humanity
o It is in his battle with Tiamat that Marduk uses a weapon named Imhullu, which means "evil wind" to kill Tiamat
Fragarach the Answerer
· In Irish mythology, the sea god and guardian of the underworld, Manannan mac Lir, wielded the divinely-created sword Fragarach
· Aside from being able to cut through shields and walls, the blade delivered a piercing wound that could not be healed. Thus, Fragarach was dangerous even to the wielder if they didn't know what they were doing
· When the sword was placed to a person's throat, they could neither move nor tell lies àherefore the sword is called the answerer
· He who wielded Fragarach controlled the wind itself.
The monkey king’s ruyi jingu bang
· One of the great stories of traditional China is the Ming Dynasty novel "The Journey to the West." The work is based on the pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang to India in A.D. 7. Xuanzang is accompanied by various companions, including a monkey, Sun Wukong, also known as the Handsome Monkey King
o He was kicked out of the Celestial court for misbehavior, and Xuanzang and Monkey have numerous adventures fighting brigands and monsters while experiencing moments of Buddhist enlightenment.
· The Monkey King used the Ruyi Jingu Bang to battle his enemies. This was a magical golden staff that he earned after defeating the dragons of the four seas.
· The staff had the ability to change size or fight independently from its user. For example, when the Monkey King originally found it, it was over 8 tonnes, but when it was stowed behind his ear, it was the size of a needle
The Spear of Destiny
· The spear that a Roman soldier used to pierce the side of Jesus’ body
· One well-known example of the use of the lance was during the First Crusade. According to the story, peasant Peter Bartholomew had a vision from St. Andrew telling him to retrieve the lance to use it against Islamic forces. After reporting his vision to Crusade leaders, a search was conducted. Nothing was found until Bartholomew jumped into a pit and pulled out a long iron rod, claiming it was indeed the Holy Lance. It was accepted, and the Crusaders used it to successfully take the ancient Greek city of Antioch.
o Later, Bartholomew was put to an ordeal by fire to see if he was really telling the truth and died in the process, discrediting him in Christendom.
· There are currently three different relics that claim to be the authentic Holy Lance, but none of them claim to have holy powers
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hokkaidossoul12 · 3 years
Pats for the cup boys (Cuphead AU + story)
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Although, it should be the other way but meh, Cuphead and Mugman didn't mind ^ w ^ in this AU Dorothy follows the two dish brothers on their journey to collect the soul collects to hand into the devil, but...there is a good reason for why. WARNING: The story contains blood in it, if you don't like these kind of story then please do not view it. But, if you do then press "keep reading" to view it.
in this AU Dorothy follows the two dish brothers on their journey to collect the soul collects to hand into the devil, but...there is a good reason for why. As I had mentioned in one of my previous drawings devil wanted her soul and eventually he would find a way to get it...this is how. At the time Dorothy couldn't use her powers as her eye had be injured. It was one day she had gone for a walk around the isles and eventually went to inkwell isle where she found a woods, she was hoping to somehow find a cure to heal her eye and get her powers back. But, because of previous events that had occurred before she met dice it had scared her out of wanting to be around anyone but Dice. It was the reason for the tear on the leg of her overalls, she remembered running from a gang of bulls who were looking for trouble when she had blindly run into something, clamping harshly down on her leg with a loud SNAP. She fell, the thing tore at her leg as  if it were a rabid dog. She yelled in pain as she looked down at the huge bear trap that was practically bigger than her foot. She saw her own blood seeping through her pant leg, her whole leg throb as it did so. Dorothy whimpered, trying to loosen the trap from her leg but failed to as when she had tried to open the trap it seemed to tear her leg more and for her to let out a pained yelp. But, she found that there was another problem waiting for her as she felt something grab the back of her neck and slam her face to the ground. Dorothy was kicked, punched, and beaten by the bull gang to a point until she unable to even sit up properly.
It was moments later she was then that a couple of the bulls held her still while another bull grabbed the bear trap and began twisting it around. Dorothy screeched in agony as felt the skin and fur on her leg being tore and the sharp teeth of the trap digging deeper into her leg, causing blood to drip from her leg. It continued on and on until Dorothy felt herself about to pass out from blood loss. It was then without a few seconds that a sort of magic was used on one of the bulls and it seemed that they're soul was yanked from their body as the bull's now lifeless body hit the ground. She was then let go off by the other bulls who attempted to run from whatever else was there. The last thing Dorothy saw was a blurry purple figure before everything went black. Dorothy shivered, knowing that if it wasn't for the die headed man she would've likely be killed by that bull gang. But, she was so stuck in her thoughts that she almost didn't hear someone coming nearby. "heh, you can't catch me!" Dorothy panicked as she heard a voice from further in the forest. Without thinking she climbed up a tree and went to one of the highest branches in the tree. She looked down from the tree to see two small cup children run through the forest, they both seemed to be playing a game of tag. Dorothy tried to look closer at the two cups and they seemed to be around the same size. But, there was a different between them both. One had a small red nose with a white and red straw and red pants while the other had a big blue nose with a white and blue straw and blue pants. But, they both wore brown shoes and black long sleeved shirts. Dorothy presumed immediately that the two cups were brothers and possibly even twins. She saw the boys run around, the red cup seemed to be chased by the blue cup who eventually caught him. "I got you!" the blue cup said while giggling before both the cup kids laughed with joy as they continued their game of tag. Dorothy smiled and softly laughed seeing the two dishes chase each other around. She continued to watch the two boys, that was until she heard a cracking sound from underneath her. She looked down and saw the branch she was on about to snap off. She gasped and looked for a branch to grab onto, she then saw the branch above her. But before she had time to do anything the branch underneath her snapped and she yelled as she fell from the tree. A much larger tree branch was knocked by her leg on the way down, this didn't hurt Dorothy but it did loosen it a lot. This quickly caught the attention of the two cups, both of their eyes widen as they saw her hit the ground. She groaned from the impact and felt her vision blur for a sec. But just as her vison came back the large branch from the tree snap and land straight onto her stomach, knocking the wind right out of her. Both the cup brothers were quick to run to her aid, both boys using their effort to lift the large branch off her. Dorothy winced as she looked up at the boys. She thanked the two boys despite how shaky her voice had become from this. The cup boys stared at each other in a worried manner, "we need to get her to Elder kettle, I think she's hurt" the red cup nodded in agreeance as they both wrapped an arm round her. Dorothy whimpered as the two boys carried her back a small cottage. She then saw a kettle outside who was napping in a rocking chair. "Elder Kettle!" the kettle had awoken from his sleep once he heard the red cup call his name, the kettle then saw both cups carrying Dorothy and the kettle quickly jumped to action, "oh my goodness! bring her inside, boys!" the kettle quickly went to the door and opened it to let the two boys carry her in and sit her down on the couch inside the house. The kettle then checked Dorothy over, it was the moment that when the kettle pressed gently on her stomach she yelped and her big fluffy tail curled around her stomach. "hmm..." the kettle saw a few twigs in her tail and gently pulled them out. "I think you may have more than bruising, let's see if I can get you something to fix that" the kettle then
went to a shelf with potions on it and looked through them, he then found one and pulled it out. The kettle then looked closer at the potion and sighed, "this is gonna need to be use a certain way, it'll only take a few minutes, I have the right stuff to use." Dorothy nodded and elder kettle went toward the kitchen. But, just before he did the kettle turned to the two cups, "Mugman, Cuphead, please keep her company while I prepare this" both boys obeyed the kettle and sat with Dorothy. The three of them then chatted for a small while, Dorothy had learned the names of the two cups, the red cup was Cuphead and the blue cup was Mugman. Shortly after they talked to each other the kettle had finally finished with the the potion and brought it out to Dorothy. She then took the potion and drunk it. It only took a second for the effects to kick in and before Dorothy knew it she was better within a few seconds, but it wasn't just her stomach that was healed but also her eye that had been injured before. She then tested to see if she could use her powers and they seemed to work just fine, Cuphead, Mugman and the kettle seemed to be shocked by her using her powers. Dorothy explained that she had powers to begin with but because of the injury on her eye she couldn't use them. After some time Dorothy had checked the time and saw that she needed to head back to the casino, she then thanked the kettle and two boys while shaking the kettle's hand before taking her leave. A few weeks had gone by, the two cup boys had found themselves in the casino despite Elder Kettle warning them many, many times. Cuphead had found himself on a winning streak where king dice watched the two boys. Dorothy had seen what was going on from afar and eventually saw the devil come to see how far Cuphead had gotten. The moment she heard the devil making a deal with the cup that she knew the two boys were going to be in danger, she knew cuphead was blinded by greed the second he picked up the dice. Dorothy's eyes widened as she saw the red cup roll the dice and the devil chuckle. "SNAKE EYES! YOU LOSE!" both boys shook as the dice slammed his large hand down, "oh no...Cuphead, what did you do?!" both boys quickly turned to see Dorothy close nearby. "Dorothy? what-" before the red cup could speak the devil loomed over the two brothers who trembled, "Now...ABOUT THOSE SOULS!" Dorothy was worried for the two boys as she didn't want them getting their souls taken by the devil. She had a worried feeling in her gut as she thought about elder kettle, she knew that if their souls were taken by devil that kettle would be heartbroken. But, Dorothy then realized that the devil had been after her own soul for so long and knew how powerful her soul was, so...she knew exactly what she was to do next. She let out a sigh before standing in front of the two boys. "Hold on a sec, devil, Cups and Mugs are only kids, you can't just take their souls...", the devil looked at her and scoffed. "well, they knew what they were doing stepping foot inside this casino" devil then stared her down. He did this while pointing to Cuphead "that cup took my bet and lost...so it's either he and his brother give me their souls or I take them MYSELF!" Dorothy then clenched her fists, "maybe there's another way!" her ears flattened as she looked at the devil. The devil snarled at her response, "and what exactly is that?" Dorothy then took a step back from the devil before suddenly summoning her soul out of her body, the devil saw her soul and his eyes widened, he could see her rainbow magic radiating off of it as it shined a blue color. She then put her soul back into her body, now devil knew exactly how special her soul was. "You can have my soul instead...so those boys don't suffer in hell with you" from the corner of her eye she saw king dice flinch at her words, but he knew he wasn't allowed to intervene. The devil narrowed his eyes and chuckled, but before the devil could speak she quickly spoke up again. "But...before we can settle with this deal...I must set some conditions." The
devil chuckled, "go on then." Dorothy sighed, looking back at the cup boys before turning back to the devil, she had a plan in her head. "I know you have a bunch of runaway debtors, and since the cups got themselves in this mess they'll help me to collect the debtors' contracts. You will give us three days to collect the contracts, if we succeed you free all the debtors from their contracts including the ones that work for you, but... if we fail...you are free to take my soul..." Dorothy then stuck out her hand and give the devil a serious look. "...deal?" the devil gave her a wicked smile and was about to shake her hand when she stopped him, "I should also mention, if you cheat in any sort of way then the deal is off." This made the devil pause and grumble, "fine..." a smiled formed back on the devil's face as both shook on the deal, but when they did Dorothy felt a weird sensation around her soul as she did so. Dorothy had then taken the two boys out of the casino and left to rush back to Elder Kettle, and as she did Dorothy had scolded Cuphead for his reckless act. It from that time on Dorothy went with the two brothers to collect up the contracts of the debtors.
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End My Dear Friend
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Warning: n/a
A/n: Here’s the end of it. I had fun writing this. It was in my brain for the longest, but I just didn’t want to make more than 5 chapters for my stories. Anyway, let me know what you think!
Sam (19), Paul (16), and Quil (15) gave up their ability to shift when they would have respectively been around 25-27 since Emily, Rachel, and Clair would age. They have kids—Emily: 3, Rachel: 2, and Clair: pregnant (Not really mentioned, but just clarification/to give an idea).
Comment if you’d like to be tagged
Tag:  @pillowjj​ @summeerrr​
A year later
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.” I turn around and smile.
“Vanity!” I run up to her and hug her. I was worried that she wouldn’t come. Having her here makes everything complete. We hear a knock on the door, and it’s Felix just to congratulate me. I give my thanks, and Vanity helps me finish up the final touches and helps me put my dress on.
It’s an Augusta Jones dress named Terri. It was something I saw and wanted ever since I was in 10th grade. The second I saw it, my heart skipped a beat, and I wanted to cry (I didn’t, I just wanted to). Vanity fluffed out the bottom of my dress and made sure it flattered me for the pictures they were about to take.
“You look so beautiful Y/n/n. If I was human, I would cry, love.” She tells me, wiping an invisible tear from her eyes. I laugh, and Alice comes in to make sure I am ready. If it wasn’t obvious, Alice volunteered/decided to be the wedding coordinator for our wedding. She rushes us to go downstairs. Because of my situation, I decided against having bridesmaids/brides-man. Instead, Jared volunteered to walk me down the aisle as a surprise.
I walk up to him and link my arm with his. My nerves start getting to me as the music changes to a soft violin musical playing.
“You ready, Blue?” I smile up at my brother of over 10 years and nod.
“More than you know, Magenta.” He squeezed my arm and proceeded to walk me down. Up ahead, I see Embry, standing there in all his glory. I made him wear a white suit to match my dress. I remember Alice threatened him if he got a single drop of even sweat on it, she will have him by the throat and shake him like a chicken.
Walking up to the man I love, I could see a tear lightly stream down his face as he tried to keep his composure. I told him before, if he doesn’t cry, I’m going to re-walk down this damn isle. He knew I was serious too. Emmett, who became our ordained minister due to a loss bet he and Embry had, patted his shoulder in support. I was scared at first, but the nerves vanished as soon as Emmett opened his mouth.
“You may be seated.” He started, “Hello. And welcome, to this beautiful wedding. A Call wedding—bringing two different beings to one. Two different species, if you will, to one. Before we dive into these shenanigans, I would like to remind everyone what happens when two worlds collide,” I can see Charlie putting his head in his hand and shaking it. Emmett proceeded for 5 minutes, making sexual innuendos but also giving blessings. Two things that should not be in the same sentence.
The reception was beautiful. The pack demolished every last bit of food there was. Emmett brought out poker cards and had Charlie, him, Jared, Embry, Paul, and Billy playing poker at my wedding. If I didn’t think that Embry and I could have more weddings in our lifetime together, and if he didn’t look like the most handsome when he was laughing, I would be pissed right now.
But Alice was.
Twenty years later
It had been twenty years since I had seen the Cullen’s. For every birthday Renesmee had, Embry, Charlie, and I would take a trip to visit them. Ren desperately wanted to have him in her life, and so, Bella and Edward introduced them to each other, so long as there was a gag order on Charlie. Not to ask any questions and just enjoy the moment.
I will say that it was a stressful time when Ren was born. Bella did survive, and as soon as she was clear, hell broke loose. The Volturi tried to kill us, but luckily Alice and Jasper had their own trick up their sleeves. If I’m honest, it was hard seeing Vanity on the other side. But when it was decided that the Cullen’s broke no law, they left. Before leaving, like the spontaneous and child-like we are, we ran to each other and hugged before leaving. I knew we’d see each other again, but it just might be a while before we do.
A few days ago, Carlisle informed me that they will be heading back for a visit. Ren wanted to have her official seventeenth birthday where she was born. Something about wanting to feel the nostalgia of it all. Here we are, Jake, Embry, Emmett, Jared, and Paul moving furniture around. Emily, Leah, Clair, Kim, Rachel, and I are fixing a buffet in the kitchen. Sam, Seth, and Orion (Leah’s imprint—who’s also a shifter) went out to get some supplies for her party. Alice and Esme are drawing up plans to renovate the house afterward. Rosalie and Jasper decided they wanted to be friendly and cordial…so she worked on her car in the garage away from everyone, and Jasper went hunting. At least they’re trying.
“OK! Bella said they should be arriving soon! And they’re bringing Ren’s friend Nadya…who’s fully human and doesn’t know shit about our world. So, let's try to be normal…Emmett.” Alice says, looking at the big guy in the middle of the room with a cheeky smile.
“What!? I am completely professional.” We all looked at him and rolled our eyes. Rosalie came back from the garage and stood next to Emmett.
“Well, look who graced us with her presence,” Paul says, sarcastically. Rachel waddles out of the kitchen and scolds him. “What!?” There was crying coming from upstairs, and Emily runs up to her desperate child. Sam, Seth, and Orion pull up with the supplies that Alice specifically wanted and allowed the pixie to do as she pleased while everyone just watched. By the time she was done, Bella, Ren, Edward, and Nadya—with Sue, Billy, and Charlie behind them—pulled up. We all hid and waited until they enter the living room.
“SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY REN!!!” to say to her, and Nadya was shocked was an understatement. They screamed and held onto each other as if they were in a horror film…I mean, aren’t they, though? As Ren introduced and hugged/welcomed everyone here, two shapeshifters caught Nadya and Ren’s eyes.
“Oh, hell no,” Edward says, looking straight at Jake. Leah and Embry's bust out laughing at what just happened to not only Jake but also Seth.
“Edward, you know we can't control it,” Jake says. Jared in the background making bets with Quil and Embry on who’s going to win.
“I say Edward.” – Jared
“No shit, he’s a dad. Of course, he is.” – Quil
“My bets on Jake. He’ll attempt to reason with him.” – Embry
“Naw, Jake tried to take Bella. This might be anger he never knew he had.” Emmett joined in, betting $20. They had a pool of $60 at this point. Then I hear,
“Join…no fight…”
“I'm going to say no fight because Ren has power over both of them.” I join in, placing a $20 while smiling. Embry and Jared look at me, and before they can say anything, “NO TAKE BACKS!” Needless to say, I won the money, and the party continued. Edward chaperoned Jake and Ren the whole night. One wrong thought from Jake and his life was done. Treaty or no treaty. Seth, on the other hand, was flirting and having a ball with Nadya. I wonder how that’s going to end up.
After the party ended and everything was cleaned up, Nadya and Ren went to bed while Alice and Esme took over in renovating parts of the house that Nadya hasn’t seen, so she isn’t suspicious. Embry and I headed back to our house just on the outskirts of Forks and La Push. I didn’t get any special treatment just because I was Embry’s mate. But if I’m honest, I’m glad I wasn’t on the Reservation. At the time, my family was still there. The only time I was allowed was to visit my grandparent's grave.
Nana died of another heart attack, and Papa died soon afterward from the loss of Nana. That year I had gone missing. Aunt Lydia and dad had a falling out. Mom and dad split after two years, multiple counseling sessions, and marriage and therapy appointments. Nothing seemed to work between the two of them. I felt terrible. It felt as if that was my fault. Embry and Jared made sure that it wasn’t. It was hard to believe them, but eventually, I knew I had to move forward one way or another.
I tried to send anonymous letters to them; it helped some, but not enough. Although, a few years ago, dad and aunt Lydia finally rekindled their relationship, and Aunt Lydia reached out to mom. It was painful for all three of them, but they finally came to a neutral ground and grieved like they should’ve all those years ago. Aunt Lydia stayed in the area and got married to her second husband. Mom moved back to Texas and eventually started dating but not for a long while. And Dad moved to Seattle, where he met an old high school sweetheart of his.
I now lay in bed with my husband on Isle Esme, a gift from Carlisle and Esme for our 20th wedding anniversary. Do you know how hard it is to not explain to the natives on the island that all the food I got wasn’t for me, but for my husband? Do you also know how irritating, yet flattering, it was to see women attempt to flirt with Embry? He was awkward and continuously looked for my help. Other times, he would pass by them and blankly ignore them.
“You know, babe. Emmett gave us this gift that I think we should try out. Then go into town for a while.” I perk up at that and look at my husband.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” I said with excitement.
“A butterfly…” he shows and explains to me what it does. We test run it, and boy, does it make you want to grab the edge of a table and break it. Ironically, that’s precisely what I did. The bastard had it on high too, and I nearly lost my shit. Needless to say, we didn’t go into town until the next morning, and he still made me keep it on.
Later that night, while Embry was asleep, I glanced at him and just felt a rush of happiness submerge deep from within. This, this right here is the life I’ve been searching for. This is the life that I will be forever grateful for.
Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
Request Open! (Go to the description bar on my page to put one in)
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knittingdreams · 4 years
Fireheart - Chapter 15
We all knew I was lying when I said I’ll post more often, I’m so sorry xD
Find more chapter in Ao3 (currently 32)
Or read whatever you missed from the Masterlist
Testosterone for days
The stars were flickering in the moonless sky as the group of friends lied sprawled on the grass, empty cans of soda littering the space and loose papers and notebooks long forgotten on the table only a few steps away.
“What a beautiful night,” Thea said, her head resting on Kaya’s lap.
Sam glanced at his watch and got his phone out of the pocket of his black jeans. Celaena hadn’t texted all night, and he knew there was no point expecting her to, but she could at least reply to his texts. He typed another quick message wondering how the fight had ended and put the phone away.
Lysandra’s voice raised over the chit-chat that had taken over her backyard, always so commanding but caring.
“Should I order some more pizzas? Is anybody still hungry?” 
Everybody laughed almost in unison, telling her there was no way they could fit another single bite. She had fed them all kinds of snacks during the early afternoon, and had ordered enough pizzas to feed the whole football team afterward.
“Okay, okay,” Lys laughed with them. “I’ll go fetch some more drinks then.”
“Don’t,” Sam stood up from his spot on the grass next to her. “I’ll do it this time.” He needed to move, to get a little distraction to stop worrying about Celaena. He knew worrying was pointless, but he couldn’t help it.
“I’ll help you.” Aedion stood up from Lysandra’s other side and followed him into the house through the double glass doors. 
They walked through the kitchen in silence, and Sam opened the fridge and started getting cans out, and passing them over to the team captain standing behind him. Once he thought they had enough, Sam closed the fridge’s door and turned around to find Aedion staring at him. 
“Did I miss anything? Do you want more cream soda?” 
“Em, no, it’s okay. Just wondering if you’re okay. I know it’s none of my concern, but you seem a bit… off tonight.” Aedion was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his arms full of rattling cans of soda.
Sam wished he could tell him the truth, but that was impossible. “I’m alright,” he said instead.
“You know, you can-” Whatever Aedion was about to say got interrupted as Ren Allsbrook walked into the kitchen from the front, as if entering his own house. There was a huge smile on his face as he greeted them.
“Hey, lads! Oh, cream soda!” The principal’s son grabbed a can out of Aedion’s arms and cracked it open as the rest of the team filled in through the hallway.
“What are you all doing here?” The captain asked while all the cans disappeared from his arms one by one. 
“We knew you’d be here, and enough party organizing, it’s actual party time!” Ren patted Aedion on the back and headed towards the half-empty box with cold pizza sitting next to the fridge. 
He jumped up and sat on the counter, a slice of pizza in one hand, and the soda in the other.
“Hi Sam, when are you officially joining the team?” Ress Brulleman bumped his fist and took a seat next to Ren.
“I’m not really into playing sports,” he lied. “I’d rather watch them.”
“Cheeky bugger, he likes watching the cheerleaders from the sidelines, right?” Ben hooked an arm over Sam’s shoulders casually, as if they’d been friends for their whole lives. “I’d do the same if I didn’t have to play.”
“Watch your mouth, one of those girls is mine,” Aedion said in a playful tone.
“And Sammy here is really good friends with her, isn’t he?” Ben winked, and Aedion rolled his eyes, but crossed his arms over his chest and faked a stern look.
“You know, we’re just that, really good friends,” Sam lifted his hands, hoping someone would finally understand he had no romantic interest in Lysandra. 
Before Aedion could reply, the girl herself walked into the kitchen, her hands on her hips as she took over the scene. Ress and Ren were seated on the counter side by side, chewing on their slices of cold pizza. Ben still had an arm around Sam’s shoulders, standing by the fridge. And Aedion was standing by the kitchen isle, his arms folded, while Ilias was silently standing to one side, a half-smile on his lips.
“I don’t recall inviting you guys to my place,” Lys said with her brows furrowed. “But, welcome!” She added with a huge smile as she relaxed and went over to hug each of them individually. 
“Should I order more pizza?” She asked as she finished her round and went to stand next to her boyfriend, an arm wrapped around his waist and her head resting on his shoulder.
Sam watched the smile that spread on Aedion’s lips, the way his eyes traveled down to Lysandra’s hair as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He raised an arm to play with one of her long brown curls as the rest of the team cheered and thanked her for the food and hospitality. 
“Okay, let me go make the call.” Aedion squeezed Lys’ waist before he let go and she walked out of the room.
“Fuck, you did win the lottery with that one,” Ren said with a mouthful as they all watched her walk away. 
“I did.” Aedion’s reply stung in Sam’s chest, and he shook his head, walking out of the kitchen as he excused himself.
He heard the boys starting to chatter loudly again as he opened the glass doors and slipped onto the backyard. He sat back down on his previous spot, joining the cheerleader’s conversation as if he’d never left.
“Definitely Ress!” Briar was saying. She blushed a little as Sam joined them, but kept going. “I mean, he’s got that beautiful ash-blond hair that always looks a little messy, and he just seems so cute! I think he’s the kind of guy that’d pamper the shit out of his partner.”
“No, no, no way,” Ansel was saying. “He seems too innocent, and also, he’s into dudes! I think Ilias would be a better partner in crime, the quiet ones always hide something interesting under their sleeves.”
“I agree,” Thea said as she laughed a little. “You know, if I liked boys, I think he’d be more like my type. The dark hair, and those compelling green eyes.”
“Thea!” Kaya said as she ruffled her hair. 
“What? You like both boys and girls, you tell me what you think then! The fact that I don’t like boys doesn’t mean I can’t comment, right Sam?”
Sam cleared his throat and ran a hand through his messy hair, looking through the kitchen doors and watching the boys still eating cold pizza and being silly. “I don’t know,” he said.
“Come on, we’ll make it easier,” Ansel quipped. “Best eyes out of those guys in there.”
“Ilias,” Thea and Ansel said at the same time.
“Aedion,” Kaya giggled.
“I’ll stick with Ress,” Briar said, shrugging.
“What? He’s got boring brown eyes!” Ansel complained.
“Not true! Anyways, Sam?”
“Okay, I think... I’ll vote for Aedion’s too,” Sam said, laughing a little at the silly game.
“Yes!” Kaya jumped up, making Thea jump to a sitting position too as her head bounced on Kaya’s lap.
“Next,” Ansel said, lifting a hand. “Best body?”
All the girls seemed to think it over for a moment, looking through the glass to inspect the team.
“Ren,” Ansel concluded.
“Ditto,” Kaya agreed.
“I’ll go with Ben,” Thea said, getting booed for it. “What? He’s a bit shorter and skinny, he’ll be a better match for me, I’d look like a gnome next to any of the others!” Everybody laughed at this, and Sam leaned back on his elbows.
“I’ll vote for Aedion,” Briar said, blushing all over again.
“What are you voting my boyfriend for?” Lys approached the group and sat next to Sam.
“They’re voting for the best body in the team,” he explained.
“Oh, I’ll definitely go with Aedion too! You should see him without his clothes on,” Lys wiggled her eyebrows, her lips tugging up in that huge smile that could light up a whole room as everybody laughed out loud.
“What about you, Sam?” Ansel pushed.
“Are you playing too?” Lys turned to him with an eyebrow raised, and Sam’s cheeks heated up.
“They made me,” he said innocently.
“You know,” Lysandra scooted closer to him and lowered her voice. “You can vote for him too, I wouldn’t mind.” Sam watched Lysandra with his eyes wide open, and she cracked up laughing. “Time for a new game, girls, the boys are about to join!” Lysandra said once the laughter eased.
As if on cue, the boys walked into the yard, Ren holding a pile of pizza boxes in his hands, while Ilias carried a keg of beer over his shoulder as if it was a stereo. Ben popped a little speaker on the grass inside the circle of assembled girls, and the music started playing as the boys sat on the grass. Cups started to circulate, the chatter got louder and seconds seemed to blur into minutes, and hours.
The girls danced a little choreography as the boys sang and clapped, the team started playing drinking games, making bets, and suddenly, somehow, Ren was jumping into the pool in his underwear and calling everybody a chicken for not following. Ben was the first to follow him in, his back muscles flexing as he jumped headfirst, his little black boxers snuggly fit around his thighs. Ress cannonballed while he laughed, splashing everybody and making the girls all stand up as they squealed. 
The three boys jumped out, soaking wet and dripping water, and ran after the girls, lifting them in the air and dropping them into the pool with their clothes still on. Thea and Kaya went in first, almost at the same time, and came out screaming and complaining about how cold the water was.
“Don’t you dare!” Ansel yelled as Ren ran after her. As she ran, she took her top over her head, threw it to a side, and ran straight to the pool, jumping head first. “I rather do things my way,” she said as her head poked back out of the water, and she showed Ren the middle finger. Her lace bra was as red as her hair, and her freckles looked like stars fallen from the skies. 
Seconds later, Aedion was cradling Lysandra in his arms as he walked towards the pool. Lys was pouting her lips, looking like a little child, but she didn’t complain as Aedion jumped in and she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“Ilias, Sam, come one! Jump in!” Ben yelled from inside the pool. 
Ilias was standing as far away as possible, leaning against the wall of the house. “I’m good, thanks,” he said solemnly, and Ben shrugged.
“I rather not,” Sam grabbed his phone out of his pocket and checked for any messages. Even if Celaena was scheduled for the last fight, she should have finished by now, and still, she hadn't texted him. Maybe he should go over to the hotel, check if she was back, see how the fight had gone.
“Come on,” Lysandra said, showing up by his side and grabbing the phone off his hand. She set the phone on the grass with the rest of their things and pushed him gently with a hand against his lower back. Suddenly, she smiled a mischievous smile as she yelped: “Now!” 
She shoved him forward, and Aedion tackled him by his middle, scooped him up onto his shoulder, and ran the few feet separating them from the pool. The water hit him hard, waking up all of his senses. The water was freezing cold, and his shirt got stuck to his skin as he jumped out for air. Everybody around him was laughing, and a few of them were clapping. 
“Great tackle, captain!” Ren high fived Aedion.
Lysandra jumped back in, and swam to their side, wrapping an arm around Aedion’s shoulders and letting her body float, her foot intently brushing the side of Sam’s arm.
“Stay,” Lys mouthed to him as if she could read his mind; as if she knew he was planning on leaving only a minute ago. 
So Sam took his soaking wet shirt over his head, threw it on the grass, and stayed. 
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mad-queen-thorn · 4 years
GW2 Community Retrospective
I was tagged by @brax-was-here
Give yourself five compliments!
Give your friends four compliments!
Say three things you’re proud of from this year!
Say two thing you tried this year and never before!
Say one thing to your future self! Tagging: @talk-of-tyria @infamous-mage @mindlessabnormity (Don’t gotta do it if you don’t want to, but you guys came to mind!) Answers under the cut:
1. I’m funny! I love to make my friends laugh with the silliest of things. I can draw! My art always seems to make my friends smile, its the main reason I do it. I’m a big, tall, strong woman! Yeah, I’m tall irl, and honestly? I wish I was taller. One of the things I like about myself is how tall I am. I’m empathetic. Empathy is one of the strongest things in my emotional arsenal. And it doesn’t take me long to feel like how a friend is feeling when they vent to me and I can come closer to their level and give support. I think this is positive because it helps me help other people.  I’m good at jumping puzzles! I just love them and seem to pick them up real easy.
2. Honestly? DAPR has been the best thing thats ever happened to me.  They picked me up, a little runt ranting about the Thorns and saying silly things about them in the tags. I was like a cowering kitten under a table but I eventually came out of my shell and now I have a group of amazing friends who spend time with me weekly, be it them putting up with my tomfoolery or me laughing like a saturday morning cartoon villain because I successfully murdered people in Among Us and turned the crewmates on one another for a flawless win :) Shout outs to @fivebrights and @kharrij being some of the people I’ve formed friendships with and weathered the year with. I know this isn’t 4 compliments but I could honestly write essays about DAPR. 
3. Hmm... this is a hard one. But I think putting myself first and putting up boundaries is something I think I should be proud of. As I mentioned above, I’m highly empathetic, but it has allowed me to stay in toxic frienships and damage my mental health as a whole as I have the awful habit of putting others before myself, and I still do. But this year I put up some boundaries, they hurt, yes but my relationships are healthier in the long run. The second being less strict with myself when it comes to my art. I always fret that its not good enough and are currently learning to just go with the flow and just draw whatever I want. And learning when my thoughts are being clouded and stopped irrational actions from happening. Slamming on the breaks and stopping my mental health from causing damage.I had a horrible habit of isolating when I was having a bad day, and thought I was a burden to others. But I’ve got good friends by my side. There was a lot of mental growth this year.  4. I was a bridesmaid! Way back earlier this year before covid hit my country. I wore a purple dress and walked my brothers dogs down the isle. Everyone said I was beautiful.  I tried new food! When I get into something new (game/fandom ect) I tend to want to try food related to it. And the menu was various types of steamed buns from Asia. Bao Buns, Buuz ect. I tried a few, and I like them a lot. I also tried Miso soup and I love it. 5. Things may feel like they’re on the brink of crumbling right now as I’m writing this due to the past week being troublesome. News of people passing, other little things that keep piling on. But believe me, I bet you look back and notice how more strong you may be in 2021 than in 2020. 2020 was hell, and I’m proud of you for pushing through. It wasn’t easy. You gained some pretty big scars, and reopened a few old ones. But you’re still here, aren’t you? Reading this right now? Good. You made it, you damn well made it. 
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mockamoly · 5 years
🏴‍☠️Pirate the musical🏴‍☠️
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This is the master post to introduce Korean two-hander musical <Pirate (해적, 2019)> and its female actor pair called “Challang ”*.
This is a typical pirate story
Young Louis, son of the pirate, lives with a parrot named Victoria 2nd beside the sea after his dad passed away. One day, Dad’s old colleague Captain Calico Jack visits him, turns out that dad’s old painting of rose was actually a treasure map that could lead to the treasure buried somewhere in the Rose Island. As they recruit new sailors and sails away, romanticism and tragedy wait for them….
And the story of people who erased
 While what makes this story special and have a soft spot in the heart is the way of description.
In this musical, pirates are a minority of societies, nonperson who can not have their own record and the voices that rarely heard.
Other than Jack and Louis, the main character is Anne and Mary, who based on the famous female pirate Anne Bonny and Mary Read, happen to love each other, get their own scenes and stories.
If you have some interests in this kind of story
 Fortunately, there are quite lots of videos of <Pirate> since actors change their curtain call repertory every day. That’s why I’m writing this post. For next days, I will update the summaries and Kor-Eng lyric translation posts. I wish this could bring joy to @mooncastle , as she introduced me the Revue few years ago.
 Although this musical has a various hint to observes the life of minorities, it criticized for cast only 2 female actors among total 6 actors. Those are Rang Yeon and Im Chanmin. When they on the same stage, fandom calls it as Challang(찰랑), by combining their names-Cha from Im Chanmin, Lang from Rang Yeon. This is a quite enjoyable coincidence, as in Korean "찰랑" is the adverb that uses to describe the sound or the shape of the lapping water.
Rang Yeon - Jack / Mary / Caleb(father of the Louis)
Im Chanmin - Louis / Anne
Numbers and Summary
1. Golden Age of Piracy 해적의 황금시대 
2. Ghost Ship 유령선 ◆LYRICS◆ Louis recalls the memory of his father who was pirates
Captain Calico Jack, who insists he’s the friend of Louis’s father, suddenly knocked into Louis’s house. Jack told they stolen the great treasure but after that, he abandoned to a desert island by a revolt. After escaping the island by the help of sea turtles, Jack looked for his old colleagues but found everyone doesn’t come back-except only one person, Louis’s father: Caleb.
3. Most Handsome in My Village 우리 마을에서 가장 잘 생긴 사람 ◆LYRICS◆
Along with the keepsakes of Caleb, they find out the drawing that painted a rose, one point marked. Jack thinks that’s the map spotting treasure buried- The famous Rose Island, only well known by pirates.
4. Power of Cradle-Pirate 모태해적의 힘  ◆LYRICS◆ While Jack trying to snatch the map of Rose Island, Louis eagerly wants to join the journey with him.
Jack stole or, borrow the ship -at least Jack told so-, gathered new crews include old Howard who always complaining. They sail aboard and Louis writing their journal of the voyage.
5. Journal of the Voyage 항해일지
6. Pirates Labor Song 해적 노동요    Jack insists they need a gunman. Howard complaining of sharing treasures. But Jack makes them wordless by mentioning Jonathan Barnet the Pirate Hunter. If they captured by Barnet, they will all get hanged. So, they need combatant.
 While rearranging at the port, Jack gives rules. Don’t get drunken. Don’t get in gambling. Do not brag about the treasure isle! Don’t fall in love. Actually, there is also the rule all pirates should not run away while in combat. But Jack orders Louis to run away and hide if combat happens.
 However, Jack himself couldn’t save his mouth at all. Anne Bonney, the mistress of the bar, hears Jack’s story and demands him to take her as a gunman. Born as an illegitimate child, she could not get birth registration but learned how to shoot a gun with her legitimate brothers like aristocrat does.
7. Stella Maris 스텔라 마리스 Against the rule of “no woman on the ship”, Jack and Anne lay a bet of shooting match. Pirates Labor Song +  Stella Maris ◆LYRICS◆
Anne wins but called to law court as her former husband sues her for run away. Jack suggests paying bail for Anne, but Anne gets furious.
8. Be Envious 질투하라 ◆LYRICS◆  She curses a god of the church, declares her new era, jumps into a sea to disguise her death while promising meet Jack on his ship. On Jack’s ship, Anne disguised as a man and called as Anthony.
9. Just a Feeling 기분 탓이야  ◆LYRICS◆  Jack got a crush on Anne, trying to deny his feeling.
10. Couldn’t be Other Than 아닐 리 없다  ◆LYRICS◆ Jack and troupes getting in the ship battle with other pirates. Anne fights against the swordsman who uses two swords.
12. I Won’t Let You Go 가만 안 둬 Anne defeats the swordsman, who introduce self as Marco. Marco would rather die than become prisoner. Eventually, they admit they fell in love, at first sight, Marco turns out to be a female who disguised as a male, as Anne did.
13. Intermission Song 인터미션 ◆VIDEO◆ A Weird, cute metaphysical song sang by ~Victoria 2nd~ the parrot plush doll. It’s just for giving some break to actors to change their clothes because it’s a two-hander musical. woohoo! Anne demands Jack to accept Mary as her along. Jack complains as his love crush is hopeless, but accept anyway because Mary is so competent. 14. Ghost Ship rep. 유령선 rep. ◆LYRICS◆  While sailing, Louis and Mary build their friendship while exploring an unexpected ghost ship. They arrived in Rose Island but only found many skeletons and an empty box. Old Howard of the crew insists it would be Caleb, father of the Louis, who killed all colleagues and took treasures. Jack believes Caleb is not the kind of person. Howard revolts but defeated. They leave Howard alone in the Rose Island in traditional pirate way-only one bottle of water, one gun, one bullet. Howard trying to shoot Jack with it as last revenge- but he fails. Anne shoots him back. Howard’s corpse washed away into the sea of Rose Island. Louis read the diary of Caleb that he found at the island, refer to the Pirate Labor Song. It shows what happened after they discard Jack. Caleb and colleagues were planning to bury treasure in the Rose Island while they repair the ship. Caleb got left behind from the line because he was thinking of Jack, miss him. When Caleb back to his colleagues, they already ended up killing each other, only one left. Caleb survives from him. but threw away all the treasures in front of the sea at Rose Island in untold agony. Louis keeps the story as secret. 15. Rose Island 로우즈 아일랜드 ◆LYRICS◆ 16. Jolly Roger 졸리 로저 ◆VIDEO◆ Louis helps Jack macking new Jolly Roger.  
Jack tells the secret to Louis: he has no experience in killing people at all. He’s just good at image-making coward and hides in the wine barrel while the battle goes hard. That was the reason he discarded to a desert island. 17. Romantic Pirate 낭만해적  ◆VIDEO◆ Pirate Wedding 해적 결혼식 ◆LYRICS◆ *At the Special Performances Day, they are adding a special number: Mary and Anne getting married.
18. Golden Age of Piracy rep. 해적의 황금시대 rep. ◆LYRICS◆ Jack’s ship ends up to meet Jonathan Barnet the Pirate Hunter. Only Anne and Mary fought until the last. Anne shouts to Jack: "Had you fought like a pirate, you could die on the ship like a pirate." Every pirate sentenced to get hanging but only Louis could save his life as Jack insists Louis is just an errand boy, not pirate. Jack worries mockery more than the death itself. As pirates are ignorant, none of them could write their own story and people will make fun of them they get hanged. Jack believes only Louis could write their real story as it is.
19. Most Handsome in My Village rep.  우리 마을에서 가장 잘 생긴 사람 rep. Louis sings for Jack while he goes to execution. Maybe, the heaven on earth for pirates vanished with the death of Jack.
20. I Won’t Let You Go rep. 가만 안 둬 rep. Mary misses Anne and worries about her in a condemned cell.
At the moment, Anne visits Mary. Luckily, she could save her life as her father put up bail. However, Anne wants to reject it so she could die with Mary together. Anne doesn’t want to live without Mary.
21. A Dream That We Can’t Remember 우리 모두의, 기억나지 않는 꿈 
Mary convinces Anne to keep alive, even after she dies. 
I Won’t Let You Go rep. + A Dream That We Can’t Remember ◆LYRICS◆
22. Finale 피날레  Louis turns back home alone. The flag, Jolly Roger that drew on rainbow color, flaps above his house.
Louis starts to write the story, in memory of Jack, Anne, and Mary. Louis reminds the reason that Jack brings Old Howard on a journey: Howard was once an idolized pirate in Jack’s childhood, and Jack wished to thank him by taking him to the treasure.
*** I do not own any rights videos and contents that linked here. I just gathered curtain call videos that already uploaded on you-tube, add some notes and translated the lyrics. These are un-official English lyric translation, My first language is Korean but not for English so let me know if there is anything wrong as grammar or inappropriate.
Please respect the creators in general, if you have any more inquiries than I could reply- please contact to the musical production
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delphinewinter · 5 years
The First Rule Of Fight Club
WHO: Delphine Winter & @lucachristensen WHEN: Sunday Afternoon {Past} WHERE: AU Campus WHAT: Del comes up with a brilliant idea to help both of them with their “boredom” problems.
Delphine was bored, she had thought that school starting up again would make things better. Summer had been a complete waste. Staying with people she'd rather murder then converse with. Sadly, the new school year wasn't offering much either. She needed to find something to hold her attention. Before she started creating chaos for fun. Scrolling through her phone she glanced up from her spot every so often. Fate intervened and one of her favorite sources of entertainment just happened to walk by. Getting up quickly she shoved her phone in her back. "Luca," she caught up to him a mischievous grin on her lips. "Just the person I was looking for." She knew poking Luca was like poking an angry bear most of the time. Though his time on the mainland seemed to calm him a little. Much to her dismay. She missed the days of bloody fistfights and building fires. "I was just thinking, I wonder what Luca has been up too. I've missed our chats."
He found it strange that once he made it passed the food and the amazing about of pillows he could collect in a good condition. Luca was pretty sure the best thing about the mainland was their various music options. heavy beats always seemed to stream through his earbud on the daily. even when fellow villain children slide up next to him. taking a drag of his cigarette, he pulled one bud out when he saw who it was. hearing her speak made him scoff out loud. “bullshit.” was offered gruffly as he pulled his phone out, the cracked screen had a deep red in between the shards. his fingers were well calloused since. “you’re probably just randomly fucking bored and i am the poor fucker that happened to be walking by.” he eyed her as breathed the cancerous smoke from his lips. they weren’t really friends. Delphine wasn’t the type of fucking person that hung around with his sort of disenfranchised royal blood. or that’s what people would think anyway. she probably enjoyed violence nearly as much as he did. taking another drag he breathed out before cracking his knuckles. “so, what do you want?” he didn’t really feel like dragging a conversation out.
A normal person probably would have taken offense to Luca's harsh tone. Del on the other hand just chuckled lightly. "And here I thought you didn't take the time to know anything about people." She kept up with his pace as she sighed. "But you're not completely wrong. I was just thinking that this place was far to quiet." There was a pout to her lips. Shifting so she was in front of him. She walked backward as she spoke. "Then  I realized its been forever since I saw a good brawl. Or even a one-sided one-hit knockout. Which you know are my favorite forms of entertainment." She slowed to a stop. Her eyes dropping to glance at his hands. "But your knuckles are looking rather healthy these days. Does that mean that my favorite fighter has turned over a new leaf??"
a shrug was all he offered at her unsaid insinuation. that maybe Luca cared more than he ever said. more like he observed. knew enough to discern a threat. consciously he flexed his hands in reaction to her question. it had been. a long time. sighing he took the last drag of his cigarette before tossing it. it helped mask the phantom taste of blood on his tongue. yeah. he got that. "we all make sacrifices not to go back there." was the only reply he had to offer. running a hand through his hair, just to give one of them something to do... other than clenching so tightly he could feel the blunt edge of his nails dig in. he couldn't put into words what he had stirring in his chest. how it crawled up his spine and reached for his throat. it was the same thing that urged for something to burn. someone to bleed. move the focus. swallowing the snarl deep in his throat, he cleared it as he focused on her face. "are you going to start getting your hands fucking dirty?"
She knew that he wasn't wrong. they all had to hide parts of themselves to fit in. It was like one big game of pretending. Only you weren't really allowed to relax. She chuckled a little as she shook her head. "Oh Darling, we both know I do not get my hands dirty." she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm far too pretty for that kind of work. I am a much better spectator." Her head tilted, her words giving her an idea. A gleam of excitement flashed in her eyes as she spoke up again. "What if I told you that we could work together to fix both our problem." she grinned a little. "You get to release some of the "tension" I know you are trying really hard to strangle down. And I get to watch a little bloodshed." she was practically buzzing. If only she would have thought of this sooner, she wouldn't have been so fucking bored.
every one of his instincts wanted to tell her to fuck off. he didn't want to a fucking thing to please anyone. but there was another part of Luca. one that he could easily recognize as desperate for something. anything. quietly he paused for a moment. the vk in front of him was bloodthirsty in her own right. she always had something to say about the shit he had done on the isle. usually something along the lines of praise. which had been fucking weird then. despite his usual urge to brush it off, he eyed her shrewdly before cracking his knuckles just by clenching his fists. "what did you have in mind?"
the smile that grew a crossed Del's lips was almost devilish as she let her arms drop. "Well, you remember the fights back on the isle. The ones that Manu ran." she'd spent countless evening watching them. To be fair there was only so much in the way of entertainment on the isle. Plus the ragging hormones and testosterone of most of the male occupants lent itself nicely for the event. "What if we put together our own little fight night. Here on the mainland." She chewed at her lips for a moment as she thought. She took a step closer, "You would get to knock out a few teeth and bust a couple heads. And I get entertainment. We would both profit. Take bets, serve drinks, make it a big show." Her eyes twinkled with a kind of ambition that was usually dangerous in Del's hands. "Not that you care about the show. That's my ends of things."
yeah he remembered them. didn't usually participate in the fight ring. it had a semblance of rules. at that time he preferred no rules and the chance that the opponent didn't get back up. it was more fun that way. but the more Delphine spoke on it. the more he had a feeling it would be perfect for him now. Luca needed to have a few rules to follow but also fucking needed blood on his hands. he watched her as she took a step closer to him. a twinkle in her eyes he knew could be dangerous. fucking thrilling. "you're right I don't fucking care." he started as he moved to walk around her but not allowing his long legs to carry him away too quickly. "but I'm listening."
She practically bounced in her spot as he shifted to start walking again. "I'll take care of everything. All you have to do is bring your beautiful self and that unbridled rage you've corner the market on." She followed along next to him. Her mind working at a million miles a while as she started to piece things together in her head. "We need a location and fighters. I'm sure I can get both just give me a couple days. And I'll have everything worked out. I'll keep you  posted." She pulled out her phone instantly firing off a text as she paused her steps. "I don't think I've been this excited for something in ages..." she caught back up to him.
Despite himself, he smirked at her behavior. Luca could obviously tell she was excited. it was an odd occurrence in his mind he couldn't judge her for it. there was a thrill of excitement rolling up his spine. it could be worth it. "I'll leave all that shit to you. probably can get more than a few idiots to go for it." his legs continued to carry him along but for the first time that day, he was looking forward to something. shit it had been a few months. "just don't get too fucking excited until you can actually find a place and shit." maybe he was tempering his own excitement with all of the appointments he's dealt with in life. "but it would be fun to break a few bones." a smirk pulled at his lips in thought. his or someone else's.
She rolled her eyes a little. "I'll find a place don't you worry." She knew just who to ask too. I just had to figure out how to win them over. "Okay, I have a lot of planning to do," glanced up at him as she spoke. "And I'm sure I've overstayed my welcome in your presence. So I'll leave you to it." She shifted as she changed directions allowing Luca to continue on his own path. Pausing for a moment she turned back to him. "I'll be in touch soon." Was slipped from her lips as she offered a little wave.
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See You Again (A Harry Hook x reader story)
wow! Part 8 is finally here! i had a lot of fun writing this part!!
Part 8
Summary: When Hadley, Daughter of the feared ruler of the Underworld Hades, is sent along with her 4 best friends to Auradon Prep she must leave behind a certain pirate who stole her heart.  Will she be able to keep the promise she made to him or will it all go up in flames?
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Descendants.  Hadley and the plot between her and Harry are mine.
The day after Mal had given Ben the love cookies and the big win for the tourney team, Hadley sat in her eighth period class; History of Woodsmen and Pirates.  They had just finished up a unit on good pirates which Hadley came in the middle of when she was brought from the isle. She came in the middle of the learning about Blackbeard. She also learned about Captain Jack Sparrow, even though some people believe he is bad he did live on the isle for a short time before he was pardoned by king beast and was free to sail.
“Okay class settle down” Mr. Collins said when he walked in the room.
Mr. Collins was a middle aged man with a large gut and a slight bald spot in the back of his head.  He wore a pair of thick rimmed glasses that sat over a crooked nose.  He took a stack of papers out of his briefcase and started passing them out.
“Today we start our unit on villan pirates.  I am passing out a small quiz for today's pirate. Answer as much as you can.  Return It to my desk when you are done.”
Hadley looked down at the paper placed on her desk and her heart skipped a beat.
                                      Pop Quiz on Captain Hook                             1. What is Captain Hook's full name?                Captain James Hook                                2. Name Captain Hook's first mate.               Mr. Smee                               3. What are Captain Hook's crimes?               Murder ( he threw a crew member overboard after he wouldn't shut up)                Attempted murder ( tried to kill Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys)                Kidnapping ( Tinkerbell and the Native American princess Tiger Lily)                Manipulation ( Tinkerbell)                  4.Where did Captain Hook sail before being put on the Isle of                                                              the Lost?                Neverland, just off the coast near Mermaid lagoon and Skull Rock.                         5.What is the name of the crocodile that ate his hand?                Tick-tock                        6.What is the name of Captain Hook's ship and where does it                                                    reside now?              The Jolly Rodger now resides ship wrecked on the Isle of the Lost just off the opposite coast.  It serves home to his family of three children and him.  
Hadley was the first one done due to her extensive knowledge on the infamous Captain thanks to Harry. She smiled at the memories of when she and Harry would stay up late on the beach of the Isle and tell stories of their parents past and laugh at how they always went wrong.  She stood and walked over to Mr. Collins desk, handing him the paper with a light smile.  Gotta blend in right?  
Sitting back down at her desk she fiddled with the silver hook around her neck working on her drawings. Not once since she'd been in Auradon had anyone asked why the daughter of Hades had a hook around her neck.  Probably because they were afraid if they asked they'd see a side of her they wished they hadn't.
When everyone had finished, Mr. Collins graded everyone's papers and stood at the front of the class.  
“Well done, some of you were able to answer the whole quiz.  The others who were not able to, don't worry we will go over everything in the next two classes.” He held one of the papers in his hand.  “ Now there was one of you who went above and beyond the questions and gave a little more information.  Hadley it’s impressive, you know more about Captain Hook's ship and his crimes than I do.  Well done.” Collins smiled at her.
A deep blush spread her cheeks when he called her out.
“ That's only because she's a villain too!”  Percy Pan, son of Peter Pan, loudly announced.
Mr. Collins glanced over at Percy.
“That maybe true but she has knowledge on the subject that even rivals our textbooks, Percy, and she shared it. Thank you Hadley.”
Percy began mumbling about how his father was better.
Hadley stopped mid shade and glared over at the orange haired boy.
“well your dad made him the way he is now!” Hadey snapped.
“ He was a villain before my father even knew him” Percy sassed.
“That maybe true but before your father happened Captain Hook wasn't insane.  Your father cut off his hand and fed it to a crocodile, unprovoked might I add, who then tried to eat him every chance he got.  Your father constantly tormented him with clocks and crocodile shadows just to get a laugh.  Your father constantly attacked the Captain, who at this point was an older man and could barely keep up. He stole his treasure on multiple occasions and hid it for Hook to find.  He stole his ship, took his treasure and his hand.  All because he was an adult?! So yes naturally Hook wanted revenge.  Who wouldn't.  He may not have been nice to your father but he was and still is an excellent Captain, with a loyal crew who would lay down their lives for him.  He is as close to a real father as I can get! And I won't tolerate anyone who talks down to someone just because they're a villain.” By this time Hadleys hair was flaming red, taller than her father's her eyes turned a brilliant shade of ruby red and a fire quickly spread over her body as she shook in anger.
There was fear in Percy's eyes as he started at the goddess.  
“Okay okay! Hadley calm down!” Mr. Collins gasped.  
Hadley pinched the bridge of her nose  and took a big breath sighing out “I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm fine. I'm cool.”  The flames slowly absorbed back into her, her eyes returned to their normal blue along with her hair, which still held a soft glow. She sat back down in her seat as Mr. Collins looked to her with pure astonishment in his eyes.
“Hadley, would you mind sharing how you know so much about Captain Hook?”
“ummmm…. My best friend is his son, Harry Ho-”
The rest of the class gasped.
“There's more of them?!” Percy stammered.
Hadley turned to look at him with her jaw clenched and a murderous look in her eyes.
“Yes in fact, Captain Hook has three children, all of which I am close with.  His oldest daughter Harriet and his youngest daughter CJ, who are like sisters to me.  So I suggest you zip it, otherwise Hook's hand won't be the only human body part fed to Tick- Tock.” Hadley's hair glowed a bright blue as Percy sunk back in his chair. She turned back to Mr.Collins, her gaze softening slightly but still holding a hard stare.
“ as I was saying, i am best friends with Harry Hook, his son.  Captain Hook told us his  stories when we were young.” She sighed.
“ Thank you Hadley for sharing with us. Now as many of you know Captain Hook used to sail in Neverland…” Hadley tuned Mr. Collins out for the rest of the class.
When the bell rang she marched down to the courtyards with tables.  She found Doug, Dopeys son, sitting at blue picnic table working on homework.
Hadley slammed her books down, startling him.  Her head dropped on to the books as she sat down.
“ Bad day?”
“You don't know the half of it.” she groaned. “ I snapped at Percy Pan, threatened to feed him to Tick-Tock the crocodile if he didn't shut his mouth.”
Doug laughed but before he could say anything Evie ran up behind him holding a paper I front of his face.  
“ for the first time its like I'm more than just a pretty face.” Evie smiled.
“A shocker hu?” Doug laughed.
“ I've never thought you were just a pretty face E. You've always been smart.” Hadley said looking up at her best friend.
“ Thanks H.  But I bet I could get an A on the next test without the mirror.”
“Of course you will -”
“There you two are!” Mal exclaimed stomping up to the table. “ I have been looking for you literally everywhere!”
Hadley and Evie looked at each other concerned.
“what's wrong?” Evie asked.
Mal let out a long breath. “ Ben just asked me out on.. on a date!” She whispered the last part.
Evie glanced at Hadley who snickered at her friends horror stricken face.
“ We can handle this!” Evie and Hadley stood up ushering Mal back to the dorms.
WHOA! ok guys so thats part 8 DONE! If you liked this part and would like part 9 please like,comment or relog!  This story can aslo be found on my Wattpad page as well (@phelpsphan).  Also if you want to be tagged in this series to know when i up date it please message me!  
Tag list: @sexyshortie-universe // @haroldhookwriter
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scribo-ergo-sum · 6 years
Soulmate AU, Fated Failure 2/2
No one understood why you wanted to be a teacher, except other teachers. There was something wonderful about watching students’ eyes light up when they finally understood something. Being there to aid students as they grow and learn about the world was something magical you could never give up. You especially wouldn't give up your favorite day of the first semester, Career Day. Today was the day, for your senior students to realize that life didn't end after high school and that there were a million options out there beyond just going to college. Many of your students were on career, or tech tracks so this day was even more important for them. During your free period you made your rounds of the stuffy gymnasium making sure to give reassuring smiles to your students as they plucked up the courage to visit the different tables. The table for the welding, and construction groups were always the biggest attraction. You made your way down the center isle curving towards the tables set up for the military tracks. They were always the most imposing, and you typically found that if you chatted with some of the officers your students were more likely to approach. The recruiter standing alone at the Army table looked like your best bet. He was tall, and built just like the army men in the old war propaganda posters. You plastered on your best parent night smile and he smiled back.
“Good Morning ma’am. Looking to switch careers?
“Good Morning.” You laughed once his question registered. “I'm afraid my principal would die before he let me leave the building. I'm one of the teachers on the Senior team, just checking in. Everything going ok? You were looking a little lonely over here.”
Captain Rogers Ma’am.” He stated holding out his hand for you to shake “We’re doing just fine.”
“Well I was hoping if I broke the ice some students might wander over" you glanced around noticing a couple students make a wide loop hopefully in your direction. “Captain. I believe you said we? Are there more of you? I hope they’re not too young or some of my students may skip class to hang out here all day. I believe last year we had some lovely older gentlemen, and did not have to worry.” You laughed at the thought of your students harassing the last year’s recruiters as you’re sure they would someone as attractive as Captain Rogers. He smiled at your joke, and shook his head.
“Just Sergeant Barnes is with me today. I’m sure you’d like to meet him.” The Captain smiled wide as he looked around, hoping to grab his partner, he looked like he had something funny he wanted to tell you but needed to wait for the Sergeant. “We’re filling in for the usual recruiters but he seems to have wandered off.”
“Ms. Y/L/N?” a small voice broke into the conversation. You turned to see a student from your third period. “Sorry to interrupt-"
“Not at all.” you assured her, giving a side glance to Cpt. Rogers. “Captain Rogers was just mentioning the awesome opportunities to work with advancing Technologies through the Army. You know a lot more about that than me, perhaps you could take my place?” Your student beamed. “It was wonderful meeting you Cpt. Rogers. I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N if you or your partner find yourselves needing anything.”
You made a few more loops around the cafeteria before your planning ended and you needed to return to your other classes. You caught a few glances from Captain Rogers and gave an amicable wave as your eyes caught the hard stare from the man he had mentioned earlier. Sergeant Barnes was not the same clean-cut army officer as Captain Rogers, but both men did the uniform proud. You're fairly positive a few girls from your A.P course were considering signing up just to upgrade their boyfriends versus their resume. He stared liked he was trying to see into you versus catch your attention. You felt a slight blush, and hoped it wasn't over something embarrassing like your skirt being tucked in your underwear. You broke the staring contest and casually ran your hands along your skirt. Everything seemed fine, and you had worn stackable bracelets so you knew it wasn't your two favorite words that had caught the eagle-eyed Sargent’s attention. Finishing your last goodbyes to a few doe-eyed students all dreaming of bright futures, you decided it was time to return to your classroom. You thought you heard someone shouting after you from the gymnasium, but when you turned no one was there. You figured the student could find you later.
The rest of that week, and the next passed with a lackluster routine. Midterms were coming up. and if the students wanted follow any of those careers they needed to graduate high school as well as your class, first. You found yourself sitting on a stool at the island in your kitchen thinking over the last essay question you needed to write for the midterm exam. You fingered the stem of your wine glass letting your eyes trail around the living room of your apartment. Your life always walked the fine line between cozy clutter and utter disaster. You couldn't quite decide where it fell today. Your work pants were hanging off the back of the couch. but you could see the floor throughout the apartment. That counted as a win, but the dishes mocking you from the sink said otherwise. The bookshelf you put together from IKEA was almost full enough to buy another, maybe you needed to take more books to your classroom versus leaving so many in your apartment. A knock at the door broke into your musings. You looked at the door waiting for it to yawn like the doorknob in Alice in Wonderland and explain to you why anyone was at the door when you had made yourself cook for once instead of ordering take out. You slipped off your bar stool, and snagged the pants off the sofa shuffling them back on as you moved toward the door.
You pulled the button through the loop as you squinted through the peephole. While your door may not have yawned, your evening was getting curiouser and curiouser. Sergeant Barnes was standing, well shuffling, on the other side of your door with a bundle of sunflowers. The bright yellow flowers stood out against the dark hues of his uniform. His hat was tucked under his right arm, hair longer than you what you imagined was regulation. Your brain ran through every scenario that could have landed him at your door. None of the good, and most of them made zero sense. The nervous biting of his lip is what finally did you in, and you decided to open the door. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tried to find a pleasant reaction to wear as you opened the door. His reaction when the door swung open told you that your face had opted for the high school tested and approved “what shenanigans are you up to now" expression over the “friendly welcome.”
“Hello...Can I help you?” you asked slowly, realizing he wanted you to speak first.
“Hi. Ma’am. Umm. I'm Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes. I don't know if you remember me -but uh.” He stammered like a freshman trying to piece together a presentation in front of their class that they had forgotten to memorize.
“Yes. You were at the Career fair at the high school, but I don't believe we had the chance to be introduced.” You realize you should have been more concerned by the entire exchange. There was a man you hadn’t spoken a word to, standing outside your door like you had a date that you had forgotten about. However, despite being very confused, you felt completely safe. Despite the at least 6ft tall wall of muscle in front of you, you felt less stressed than you had all week. You allowed a small smile to drift across your face and leaned against the door frame in a more relaxed position. “Captain Rogers passed along your name, but I can't imagine I made enough of an impression on him to have him sending a Sergeant to my door with flowers.” You hoped a joke would cause him to stop looking like your door was the entryway to a firing squad. However, he didn’t appear to like the insinuation that the flowers were from the captain if his hands tightening around them were any indication.
“No. Well, yes we did not meet officially at the fair- the uh flowers are from me- you see" the Sergeant ran his hand over his face and wrapped it around his neck pulling at his collar as it moved back to its home squeezing the life out of the sunflower stems. “God why is this so hard"
You smiled again, waiting for him to continue. You were starting to think this was going to be the beginning of your hallmark movie, and this man you barely knew was going to profess love at first sight. You told the thought to stop right there. Attractive as he was, you weren't his soulmate. You let the cloud of sadness pass you by and tried to look reassuring to the poor man still hunting for the elusive English Language.
“You see Ma’am. We actually met before the fair.” You allowed the shock to show on your face. “We met at the park, I believe I uh told you to fuck off?”
Your eyebrows joined the rest of your hair at the top of your forehead. If you hadn't spent the last several years fine tuning your temper control with hordes of high school students you would have slammed the door in his face and never looked back. Hell, temper aside you still wanted to slam it. You also wanted to push him, and tell him to fuck. Off. You knew the steam leaving your ears must be visible. The army man stiffened and tried to finish his speech.
“I came to apologize. I thought- I thought you were my friend Steve. Captain Rogers who you met at the school. He threw the Frisbee. I was mad- I didn't realize- I thought it was him coming to chide me for running into a damn tree like an idiot. God, Doll. I am sorry. I was an ass. I promise I am not always an ass. Please give me a chance to prove to my soulmate that she's paired with a fuck up, not a complete and total dick.”  A nervous smile moved across his features, he tried so hard to look remorseful and apologetic.
You huffed. He was your soulmate, you had to let him try. You'd spent your entire life with the F word tattooed on your wrist. You could handle anything at this point. You needed to give him a chance, but that didn't mean you couldn't make him work for it.
“How exactly did you get my address Sergeant?” You used your best disappointed voice. “Who at my school is getting fired over your chivalry?”
“Shit. Um. I promised I'd keep the name to myself. But I did promise to lead some safety assembly in exchange? It’ll be the worst hour of my life, especially since Steve will have to come. Who the hell knows what it'll take to make that happen. But I figured, well I hope a chance to fix things with you will make it all worth it?”
Barnes gave a shit eating grin after the last thought, hoping his suffering for the children would get him on your good side, or at least out of the penalty box. You let out a disgruntled sound.
“Let me try to fix this,” he continued. “Let me buy you a coffee, let you see the guy behind the shoving and the swearing.” Crossing your arms, you decided for one more jab before you let it go.
“I don’t drink coffee.” You allowed his face to fall for a few seconds before you continued. “But I know a place that makes great hot chocolate down the road. Let me out these in some water before we go.”
           He passed you the flowers, and you heard him let out a deep breath. You turned your back but he stayed in the doorway. You looked at him smiling the first real smile he had the privilege of experiencing. You thought for a second he may have stopped breathing.
“That's as close to an invitation to come inside as you’re going to get Sergeant. Better grab it while it lasts.” The smile you received in return was worth every bruise on your heart.
“Please call me Bucky.”
“Feel free to call me Y/N.” You leaned under the sink to grab a vase. “Well. Bucy. We are going to need to work on that mouth of yours. I am an English teacher I'm sure we can find some less colorful phrases for you to try.” He laughed and mumbled something your ears didn't quite catch. You shot him a look waiting for him to try again.
“What kind of teacher doesn't like coffee?” He said smirking. Realizing your opportunity, you let the widest grin move across your face as you grabbed your keys to move toward the door.
“Oh fuck off Bucky.”
After years of hating your soulmate tattoo, you finally let yourself laugh it off, and the melody of your soulmate laughing with you made it that much easier.
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krazy-holly · 6 years
Here is the second day of my 12 days of Christmas drabbles!
Day 2 (Dec 14th) Fandom: Pokemon. Prompt: Ugly Sweaters
Meowth entered the room Jessie and James were sitting quietly in, playing a game of chess intently.
“Hey guys…” Meowth announced himself and grimaced when the pair turned to look at him.
“The invitation came…” He said simply and James’ face fell while Jessie’s lit up.
“It did!?” She demanded, rushing forward and snatching the piece of paper from the pokemon’s hand.
Reading it quickly, she grinned and dashed from the room, laughing in a rather frightening manner.
James and Meowth shared a look.
“And so the hell begins…” James muttered under his breath and Meowth collapsed onto the couch beside him.
“Do ya think Buck has to worry about this too?” Meowth asked James as the human began to put the chess set away.
“Buck? I thought his name was Bush.” James stated, closing the chess box and putting it away on the shelf.
Meowth shrugged and James sighed. “Either way, I’m sure he isn’t going to suffer quite like we are about to…”
Meowth grimaced and nodded in agreement. “I suppose this means we’re gonna get dragged to the Christmas store, ain’t we?”
James grumbled. “Yeah…”
Just then Jessie popped her head into the room and grinned. “Go get Mimi and Wobbuffet. We’re going shopping~!” Jessie sang and Meowth and James sank into the couch in disappointment.
The hell had only just begun.
The five of them entered the Christmas store, Jessie skipping while James and Meowth were dragging their feet and rueing the day they were born.
Mimikyu seemed completely indifferent about the situation and Wobbuffet seemed equally excited as Jessie.
“We have to find the perfect one!” Jessie exclaimed, bouncing off into an isle full of the most ugly sweaters James had ever laid eyes on. Meowth was tempted to put on sunglasses due to the amount of glitter and bright blue pom poms adorning the disgustingly awful sweaters.
“Ooh, look at this one!” Jessie cried out, holding up possibly the most horrifying sweater in existence.
Meowth would much rather spend an entire day translating Mimikyu then look at that sweater for one second longer.
“You know…” Meowth began. “Why don’t you just put Mimikyu onto a sweater. Then you’d win for sure.” Meowth suggested with a grin in Mimikyu’s direction. The ghost-fairy pokemon just stared at him passively in return until Meowth got the chills and had to look away.
Jessie ignored Meowth and instead began to look at a sweater adorned with way too many pepto pink ribbons.
“How does this one look?” She turned to ask James. James shrugged. “Ugly.” He answered.
“Perfect!” She exclaimed. “Then we got one out of five done!”
Meowth and James looked up at her with surprise at this.
“Wait-what do you mean ‘one out of five’?” Meowth asked hesitantly.
“Why, I’m going to get all four of you ugly sweaters too!” She exclaimed happily and James and Meowth paled in horror.
Wobbuffet looked excited and Jessie pat him gently on the head in approval.  “Come on, i’ll get you one first.” She told her pokemon before heading off into a different section of the store.
“We gotta get outta here…” Meowth hissed, watching fearfully as Jessie picked out a bright yellow sweater covered in brown pom poms for Wobbuffet.
James nodded in agreement. “Let’s go!”
The pair began to rush for the doors when suddenly Jessie was there, blocking their way, a grin on her lips.
“Not leaving, I hope.” She smirked at the pair before looking down at Mimikyu and cooing gently at him. “I bet we can find a perfect ugly sweater for you to wear over your pikachu costume!” She exclaimed and picked him up gently before heading off. Of course, not before sending a warning glare that promised death if James and Meowth so much as took one step out of the building.
The pair swallowed thickly before resigning to their fate and slumping onto a bench.
“We’re doomed.” James moaned.
Meowth simply grumbled under his breath.
(Three hours later)
“You guys look perfect!” Jessie beamed at her team as they stood there looking like pouty toddlers as they let her smooth out their sweaters and gaze at them in approval.
“I hate this…” Meowth growled. James nodded in agreement.
“Alright. I think we’re done here!” Jessie exclaimed, heading to the cash register much to Meowth and James’ relief.
They paid for the way too expensive ugly sweaters and headed home. Just in time too, because they had to head out almost immediately afterwards if they wanted to make it to the party in time.
The five of them entered Giovanni's giant building to be greeted by loud music and a large crowd of other team rocket members mulling about, eating and dancing.
Jessie instantly scanned the crowd before her eyes settled upon her subject of loathing hatred.
James and Meowth tried to back away from the pair as they stomped up to each other but Jessie tugged them back.
“Cassidy.” Jessie spat.
“Jessica.” Cassidy grinned. “Looking good, I see.” She gestured to Jessie’s sweater.
“Touchee.” Jessie gazed at Cassidy’s equally ugly sweater.
Then, in a rare moment of friendliness, the pair shook hands. “May the worst sweater win.” Jessie nodded to Cassidy before turning on her heel and walking away, dragging James and Meowth alongside her.
Meowth and James quickly made their way to the buffet table, ready to stuff themselves with food. Meowth growled under his breath as he scratched at his arm. He hated this stupid itchy sweater Jess was forcing him to wear, and from James’ uncomfortable look, as did he. But both did not wish to feel the full force of the wrath of Jessie...So they grinned and beared it.
Roughly a half hour had passed when the crowd went silent as a member of team rocket that James did not know went up onto the stage in the back of the building and spoke into a microphone.
“Attention all members of Team Rocket! As you know, Giovanni was oh so generous as to let host this Christmas party once more for us. And as I’m sure you all are aware, the time has come for the votes to be counted to see who's ugly sweater won this year’s ugly sweater contest!”
James heard Jessie suck in a tense breath from beside him and Meowth looked up at her, nodding in encouragement.
A moment passed and James knew that it was purposeful for added suspense.
Finally, the team rocket member spoke.
“And the winner is-”
Another unnecessary moment of suspense.
A moment of silence.
“WHAT?!” Jessie and Cassidy’s outraged yells echoed through the building.
From across the room came Butch’s furious shout. “IT’S BUTCH.” A moment passed. “AND I DIDN’T EVEN WEAR A UGLY SWEATER. MY MOM MADE THIS.”
James and Meowth sweatdropped before restraining Jessie before she could cause harm to everyone in the vicinity.
They briefly wondered if they would get out of this alive…
It would most certainly be a Holiday party they would not forget...
Well, that was my second fanfic to ever post online! I hope you enjoyed it!! I had a blast writing it! Big warm thanks to my BFF for helping me proofread it and edit it: @ninjagamer25
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s fanfic!
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