#malcolm reed/reader
make-me-imagine · 1 year
Much More Than Fond
Plot: Malcolm often comes off as a pushy, teasing, frenemy to you. But unbeknownst to you, he actually cares quite a lot about you. You could even say he has a crush.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader
Requested Prompts: "In your dreams!" "Every night, actually." + 'Secret Admirer' A/n: It's not straight forward with the secret admirer prompt; more like 'admires from afar secretly' lol
Requested By: @fandomdancer (these are from Valentines Day sorry it took me so long to get to them)
Warnings: Brief mentions of not eating/drinking water (neglecting health) - So take this as a reminder to eat and drink some water!
Words: 2.3k
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Making your way into your work space, you sighed as your head ached. You had gotten so busy with repairs, you had forgotten to eat or drink any water. You knew you should go to the cafeteria, but you couldn't ignore the reports you had to fill out.
Walking towards your desk, your eyes locked on a granola bar, a bowl of fruit and a bottle of water sitting on your desk. You blinked a few times as you looked around.
This was the third time you found snacks and water left at your desk when you had been busy with work. The first time you ignored it, thinking someone left them there accidentally but when it kept happening, you grew even more curious.
You asked around, but no one claimed them to be theirs, and no one knew who was doing it, or at least they didn't want to tell you.
You wondered how they always knew you hadn't eaten anything, and how did they always know your favorite snacks? You had received your favorite candy bar, fruit snacks, muffin, and now a granola bar. So whoever it was clearly knew you more than you were expecting.
As Malcolm marched down the corridor, his eyes caught on a familiar figure. Glancing into the room, he spotted you working on some damage from the last mission. Your face was knit in concentration as a granola bar was sticking out of your mouth.
He smirked to himself as he kept walking, his heart fluttering a bit in his chest. He had heard you asking around about the snacks being left on your desk, but no one, especially you, would have considered him as the culprit.
Malcolm tried to convince himself he was just being kind, but he knew it was more than that. The two of you had a complicated relationship. You would bicker, argue, tease each other, and sometimes even joke around with one another. That latter, usually if you were both teasing Trip. But people would hardly consider you friends.
Malcolm didn't think of you as much more than a colleague for a long time, but slowly, he found his eyes following you, checking on you, teasing you on purpose just so he could see the way you scrunched up your face in annoyance.
He had even started to notice and familiarize himself with your routines and habits. He knew you woke up at the same time every day whether or not you had duty. How you'd check with everyone and see if they needed anything before you left.
He knew your go to style of burger, pasta, pizza, the way you make your coffee or tea, your favorite fruit, your favorite muffins and candies.
And, he knew you had a tendency to get so caught up in your work that you would forget to take care of yourself. He would notice you missing lunch, or even dinner. He'd spot you going to Phlox for headaches because you forgot to drink water. And he found himself growing worried.
He knew you loved your work, and he admired that about you, but he didn't want to see you hurt yourself in the process. That was one of the first signs that Malcolm no longer saw you as just a colleague. Actually, Malcolm was far, far past that.
So far past that, that he caught himself thinking about you more often than he'd like. If the chef was cooking one of your favorite meals, he had to convince himself not to go tell you. If he heard you laugh, his stomach would erupt in butterflies. If something he said made you smile, he cold hardly repress a grin.
If he told anyone how he was feeling, he knew what they would say. Malcolm Reed has a crush.
The thought alone made Malcolm want to curl up into a ball. He knew there was nothing wrong with feelings, or relationships, but in a way he thought he was stronger than this. But as much as he wanted to think that of himself, he knew better. He had fallen for you, hard.
--- --- ---
Your eyes flicked over to Malcolm as you entered the security room. You had a few repairs there, but weren't expecting to see him, he was usually on the bridge at this time.
You often found yourself avoiding him. At first it was because he got on your nerves, but recently, as much as you hated yourself for it, it was because he made you nervous. If he would smirk or smile at you, your stomach would twist with a giddy feeling. If you caught him looking at you for any reason, your ears would burn. You hated it, just like you were supposed to hate him.
"More repairs Y/n?" His smooth voice echoed through the room.
You felt yourself jolt slightly as he acknowledged you, and by using your first name. You peered over your shoulder at him to find him looking at you.
You swallowed briefly as you looked back at the control panel "No, I thought I'd go for a jog."
He smirked to himself "Perfect weather for it."
You smiled softly to yourself, but didn't reply, instead trying to focus on your work.
There were a few moments of silence before you felt a presence grow closer. Peering back a bit, you noticed Malcolm was now at a computer panel just behind you. His presence sent a shiver up your neck, but you tried to ignore it.
The silence was broken as Malcolm began humming an unfamiliar tune, repeating the same melody over and over.
As much as your ears burned due to his proximity, your annoyance grew. "Don't you know any other songs?" You finally spoke up, annoyance lacing your voice.
Malcolm smirked, glad he finally got your attention. "Hmm, well there is this one-"
As he started to hum a now familiar tune, you shook your head "No, anything but that."
He laughed, knowing the tune from the old western that played on repeat for three weeks at movie night would trigger your annoyance.
He chuckled softly "Well what would you prefer?"
He snorted softly but went silent. You slowly started to regain concentration on your job, but it was broken as you felt as though he had gotten closer.
Looking back, you almost jumped at the proximity of your bodies as Malcolm peered over your shoulder, almost touching you.
His eyes met yours and your ears burned hot, he rose a brow and you stuttered out "Don't you know what personal space is?"
"Can't I see what you're doing in my security room?"
"I'm repairing, it's what I do."
Malcolm was afraid he was imagining the effect he had on you, but as your eyes darted nervously back to your work, he thought maybe he wasn't imagining anything.
Leaning down, he brought his face closer to yours and spoke softly "Am I making you nervous?"
You froze momentarily, and he swore your breathing stopped. But you quickly recovered as you side-eyed him.
"No, you're making me angry."
He chuckled but didn't move to leave, instead speaking again "Really? 'Cause your ears seem to be turning a different color."
You felt embarrassment and anger rush through you, could he see how he was affecting you? And was he making fun of you for it?
You met his eyes, your faces a mere inch from each other, you hissed "In your dreams."
You saw his eyes dip down to your lips for a split second. And as you heard the security room doors slide open, a faint smile played on his lips "Every night actually."
Giving you no time to respond, Malcolm rose and turned towards the new visitors and approached them, talking animatedly to the other security officers.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, as your ears and neck burned hot. Quickly finishing your repairs, you left before you could speak with Malcolm again. But as you left, you could feel his eyes on you.
--- --- ---
After your interaction with Malcolm, you threw yourself into your work to distract yourself. But by doing this, you managed to finish everything faster than normal.
As you sat at your desk, glancing at the clock, you noted it was dinner. But surely Malcolm wold be there, and you had no desire to see him at this moment.
You wanted to know what he meant by his comment. If he was just teasing you and he meant nothing by it, or, if there was truth in it. As much as you wanted to know, you also did not.
Sighing at your own indecisiveness you leaned back in your chair, eyes closed.
Hearing the door slide open, you turned and looked with light surprise. Your heart jolted as your breath caught in your throat as you saw Malcolm standing in the doorway.
Malcolm quickly shoved his hand behind his back as he stared at you. There was a moment of silence between you before he cleared his throat "Hello."
You quirked your brow in confusion as you tried to ignore your hammering heart. Your eyes glanced down at his hidden hand before you met his eyes.
"Can I help you?"
"I- uh, didn't think you'd be in here right now."
Was he nervous? You turned more in your chair so you were now facing him fully.
"Where else would I be?
"Well- I figured you were off repairing something since you did not come to dinner again."
"Oh." You felt a tug at your heart as you realized he noticed your absence. You suddenly wondered how many times he had noticed you were gone before.
Suddenly you felt a light bulb go off in your head as your eyes trailed down to his hidden hand again.
"Why would you come here if you thought I wouldn't be here?"
Malcolm could tell in the tone of your voice that you had figured it out. With a slightly defeated sigh, he brought his hand out into view, revealing a bowl of fruit.
"I heard- I know you like these, so I thought you'd want some before they were all eaten."
Your heart skipped a beat as your ears burned hot again. You stared at the fruit before you slowly looked up at his eyes. He was staring down, seemingly too shy to meet your eyes. It was a side of him you had never seen, and you were startled by how it affected you.
Barely able to repress a smile you stood up, your voice coming out softly. "So it's you then?"
Malcolm looked up and met your eyes, raising his brow.
"The one who keeps leaving me food and water?"
"Ah...well. Yes." He cleared his throat as he walked over to your desk, setting the fruit down, all while avoiding your eyes. "I had just been noticing recently what with the damage to the ship, that you've been working a lot of over time, and that you'd been missing lunch and dinner quite often, and I was afraid you might fall ill, so I thought I might as well leave you some food to remind you to eat.
As he rambled with a nervousness you had never seen, your heart was fluttering as you felt touched by his sudden caring side.
"Thank you Malcolm." You said softly, causing him to stop rambling and finally meet your eyes.
When he saw the soft expression on your face, he felt his heart melt in his chest.
"Well, you're welcome."
You smiled as you looked down at the fruit "How- how did you know what my favorite fruit was, or my favorite candy bar, well, everything you've been leaving for me has been my favorite."
Malcolm smiled, forcing away any embarrassment he might be feeling. "I know quite a lot about you actually. Things I've...noticed about you recently."
"Noticed? Like what?"
His eyes seemed to roam your face for a second and you felt vulnerable. But his face remained soft, as he smiled.
"Like how you take your coffee and tea, and how you always close your eyes when you take a drink of it. The way you walk the long way around to your station so you can check on everyone first. Or how you get so lost in your work you forget to take care of yourself."
There was a tone in his voice with this last sentence, that made it seem as though he was chastising you. But the smile on his face told you he was worried for you.
"Out of the two of us, who was the one who collapsed due to sleep deprivation?"
Malcolm chuckled "Touché."
You smiled "Thank you, for caring, it's kind of surprising really, I thought-"
"That I didn't like you?"
"Well, I at least thought you weren't very fond of me"
He smiled "I wasn't once. But then I started to see you for who you really are, and now, well now I'm much more than fond of you."
You smiled at each other as your eyes remained locked for a moment, taking the moment, you spoke softly. "I'm quite fond of you too actually."
"Is that so?" He questioned with a raise of his brow, his grin widening.
"Yes. As annoying as you can be, you are quite charming."
He chuckled "I'm sorry for all the teasing."
You shook your head with a soft laugh "It's alright, in a way, the teasing is what made me realize I liked you."
"Well then I wont stop."
You chuckled and shook your head with light bewilderment.
He grinned at you and cleared his throat "Well, are you still working or...would you like to accompany me to the dining hall? There's still time to eat, if you want."
"With you?"
"Yes, with me."
You smiled widely at him "I'd love too."
xx End xx
I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider reblogging! It really helps spread it to others, and makes me very happy~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi ,@starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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starfleetimagines · 4 months
Malcom Reed hugging headcanons?
Hugging Malcolm Reed
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Malcolm isn’t big on physical affection. Not because he doesn’t want it per se but because he was just so emotionally neglected as a child he isn’t always comfortable with it. So when he does show physical affection it's a big deal.
He'd definitely not hug you while on duty, unless in a dire situation where one of you almost died or something, but even then he'd opt to just hold your hand or have his arm around your waist.
He'd be a very gentle hugger. He'd hold you loose but close, hands splayed on your back as his chin hooked over your shoulder. He wouldn't hold you tight unless one of you was very upset about something, and even then he wouldn't want to hurt you.
You'd more often than not have to ask for him to hug you, at least for the first little while in your relationship. Each time you did, he'd blink in surprise (not many people have wanted to hug him let alone ask for permission), but he'd open his arms and quietly say, "Of course" or "C'mere".
Eventually, he'd start to pick up on when you needed hugs. He'd always ask, though, or softly say, "I'm going to hug you, okay?" just in case you wanted to back up. You'd do the same to him, because that would just make him most comfortable.
He wouldn't say much when you're hugging. Possibly a "you're okay" or "I got you", but he'd mostly focus on just holding you close and waiting for you to pull back.
And when he began asking for hugs, too, that's when you knew he felt truly comfortable with you.
Tag list: @wraith-queen-todd, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @make-me-imagine, @space-helen, @naivara-duneimith, @gatefleet, @shadyfirecollector, @skylar-13, @glitterandtrash
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warpfive · 1 year
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protecting the enterprise crew, and getting injured in the process
CW: gn!reader, small depictions of violence and injuries
CREW: jonathan archer, t'pol, trip tucker, malcolm reed, hoshi sato, travis mayweather
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JONATHAN - it’s difficult for jon not to immediately get angry when you take a phaser hit for him. he’s had some trouble separating his feelings from his work - you only make things much more complicated and jon has to tell himself that if any other member of the crew did that, he’d just just as pissed. but he knows that’s not completely true, and it shows in the way his hands shake as he scolds you while t’pol comms for the shuttlepod. jon takes his responsibility as captain very seriously, so coupled with the fact that it’s somebody he deeply cares for (loves?), it muddies the waters and that only frustrates him more. later on, once phlox has stabilized your wound and orders you on a few days of bedrest, jon makes damn well sure you follow it, short of posting guards outside your quarters. he doesn’t go quite so far, but he visits you late in the night. scolds you again for getting hurt to protect him, makes you promise not to do it again, tells you how he doesn’t want to lose such a good officer and friend and… he doesn’t go much further. he doesn’t have to. when you tell him you don't regret it, and would so it again to save his life, jon wants to argue back. instead, he takes your hand and promises himself it would never come to that.
T'POL - vulcans are naturally stronger and more resilient than humans - it’s a fact often forgotten, t’pol’s noticed. especially in the chaos and confusion of a cave-in, where all the members of the away team are running away and simultaneously trying to help their colleagues out. t’pol was in charge of the away mission - it was her responsibility to assure her team’s survival. that’s all she was focused on, and not the rock moments away from falling and crushing her into a thick green soup. to give you some credit, you were fast and focused. t’pol barely registered what had happened - only that she felt your arms around her, a shove, and shortly after, your cry in pain that elicited something close to fear in her chest. phlox told her that the rock had broken your leg, and that you were lucky the break wasn’t another couple inches higher, or you would’ve been a real trouble. t’pol takes easily to scolding you, calling you reckless, making sure you knew how much she disapproved of your decision to save her. and yeah, you were in and out of sleep from pain medication. still, you found her hand and squeezed it and told her to court martial you, because you’d do it again in a heartbeat. though, you noticed in the next couple weeks that t’pol has been bringing you tea and finishing your work for you - she’s not completely as vulcan as she hopes.
TRIP - it’s all his fault, of course. if trip had been more careful, more astute; if he had somehow known this would lead to that and that would cause his console to blow, he could’ve prevented the whole thing. he was just too damn focused on the problem with the engine. with the ship shaking and the captain yelling over the comm, it was difficult to focus on anything else until he heard your name and felt you push him. trip wasn’t a small guy - in the moment, he was shocked you managed to push him over. but the shock fell away to panic once he figured out what just happened. the air was smoking, someone called out your name (maybe it was him), and he saw the angry red marks over your face and neck. phlox insists the burns aren’t all that bad, but trip doesn’t really believe him. if they weren’t so bad, then why did the sight of them turn his stomach so much? he tries to keep a good attitude, but part of him was so angry that you got hurt. not angry at you, of course. trip could never truly be angry with you. he was mad at himself, and after forcing a smile and turning away, the tight grit of his jaw was somehow worse than any burns he might’ve gotten in your place.
MALCOLM - he knows, logically, that he taught you hand-to-hand combat for this exact scenario. malcolm wanted, above all else, for you to be able to protect yourself if he wasn’t able to do it personally. yet, none of that made malcolm feel even a little better when he crouched beside you, a hand ghosting over the side of your face that was quickly swelling and bleeding. yeah, you smirked up at him. asked him if he was okay, and if he saw that move you pulled to disarm the man who’d pointed a weapon at him. malcolm insisted this was no time for jokes, and he said it in a rather harsh tone. of course, he was mainly frustrated at himself. if he’d disabled the attacking aliens quicker, you wouldn’t have had to intervene. and he says as much while pulling you up to your feet. you don’t seem upset - of course you weren’t, malcolm thought. you were still trying to ask if he was alright and malcolm had to eventually assure you he was, but he was also more worried about you. though, it wasn’t until you cupped his cheek and told him you were fine did he really believe you. still, in the days to follow, he couldn’t look at your black eye or hear your pained grunts without feeling guilty.
HOSHI - she didn’t even see the man coming. that was a flaw when she got so utterly sucked into her task - nothing else even existed. not even a large man with an energy weapon aimed right for her head and would have fired if you hadn’t intervened. the fight was long and brutal - hoshi heard the chaos of it from behind, but her focus needed to be on the task at hand. too much was riding on its success. it wasn’t until much later, when the crew was safe and the enterprise at warp, did hoshi come by sick bay. and of course, your spirits were high - talk of good teamwork and making you proud hit hoshi’s ears, but she just couldn’t match your energy. not when you were this battered and bruised from defending her. yeah, you talk of duty, saying that it was your job to make sure hoshi did her job. she didn’t feel much better, so you went a step further - telling hoshi that you loved her, and even without their duties to the ship, you would’ve defended her anyway. that did elicit a little smile, but when hoshi tried to give you a kiss, you were still a little too battered. you both compromised by holding hands until phlox had to run some more scans.
TRAVIS - when he came to, travis didn’t expect to be laying on a soft bed of grass, and not the hard metal floor of the shuttlepod. the sun shined right in his eyes, and when he squints against it, the motion pulls on a nasty lump on his brow - right, the one that knocked him out. and it takes only a few seconds of consciousness to sit straight up and search for you in a panic. the mental image he had of you being sucked out into space during the crash landing was thankfully laid to rest when he found you leaned up against a tree, looking more worse for wear than travis would have liked. when you saw him awake, you didn’t move to greet him. in fact, it seemed like just sitting there was causing you a lot of pain, despite working diligently to get the homing device back online. it wasn’t until travis stumbled his way over did he discover you’d broken your leg and probably a few ribs - a small price to pay, you told him, for successfully landing the shuttle (though, successful was a gracious word to use.) logically, he knew you were right. yet, it doesn’t make travis feel any better knowing he’d been in charge of getting the two of you to the surface, and you’d broken a leg when he failed to do so. he apologizes, you don’t understand what for. it just made him feel a little better.
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space-helen · 8 days
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Words: 545
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Reader
A/N: I hope this is ok <3 sorry it's been a while
Request: Reed x Reader (pref gn or m!reader) Uhhhhhh not sure for anything specific but something established relationship and just cute yknow?? Feed my unhealthy obsession it's me uou love me (I'll pay you in kitten photos??) - @trippolthreat
“Y/N!” the man called from behind you, stopping you in your tracks. Turning you faced your partner.
“What now?” you teased “Can’t we just leave to go to the beach already?”
This was your first break from Enterprise duties since being together. “I thought we should probably take a blanket.” you could tell the man was slightly delaying your trip.
“We’ve already packed one.” you walked over to the man and took his hand within your own. “Please, let's go before it gets too late and we hit all of the tourists.”
He sighed “I suppose.” 
“What’s wrong. Why don’t you want to go?” you placed your hand on his cheek and he leant into it.
“I’m just nervous. I’ve haven’t been out in public with someone for a long time.” he admitted.
“Malc. We’ve been pretty public on the Enterprise. Think of this as no different.”
He nodded and you moved your hand from his cheek and took his hand within your own and gaze it a squeeze. “We’re going to have a great day.” you assured “and when you’re not having fun at the beach anymore. We’ll leave.”
“I promise.”
Grabbing your things you made the short walk to the beach and quickly found a place to settle. The two of you lay in the sun next to each other for a bit before the man opened his arm to you so he could embrace you. Placing a kiss to the top of your head you found a comfortable position and continued to take in the sound of the waves, thankful that the beach was pretty empty at this time of day.
Some time later you moved from the man “First one to the sea gets to pick what we do tomorrow.” 
Before you knew it the two of you were racing to the water. You knew the man wanted to go for a hike and you wanted to visit some of the nearby museums. 
The two of you got into the sea at the same time. Splashing each other instantly as you reached it. Laughing you slipped and pulled the man down with you. “It looks like we’ll have to split the day into two parts tomorrow.”
The man stood and helped you up. “Looks like it.” he mulled it over “We’ll hike first thing. Avoid the sun closer to midday.”
You nodded in agreement “Sounds like a plan.” 
The two of you spent some time in the water before returning to the shore. Taking some time to dry off you sat and watched the sea together as the beach started to fill up.
The man got closer to you and put his arm around you. “I think we should go soon. I don’t want massive sunburn.”
“Lunch?” you offered.
“Ice cream?” 
Your face beamed “and how could I say no to that?” you gave the man a quick kiss on the cheek before gathering your belongings.
As you began to move away the man took your hand in his and held his head high as the two of you navigated your way off of the beach. As far as first holiday’s together, this one was going pretty well so far and you couldn’t wait for more in the future.
Tag List: (open)
All: @perasperaadastrawriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @trippol-threat @captainsophiestark 
Star Trek: @heyitsaloy  @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleet-imagines @captainsophiestark @perasperaadastrawriting @butchers-girl @evangeliamerryll
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Tick Tock goes the clock
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Reader Words: 5.2K Warnings: Mentions of death, maybe a bit violence? Summary: Reader and Malcolm are trapped together in a cell until Archer manages to bail them out. Prompt: Soulmate AU!, where you have a count down on your arm, that shows how long it will take you to finally meet your soulmate. A/N: This didn't excactly went into the direction I wanted it too, but I kind of like it.
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Y/N breathed in and out deeply, legs crossed cross-legged, hands resting on one knee each, urgently trying to rid the biting cold from her limbs as she regretted for the umpteenth time taking Ensign Jones with her.
As the only anthropologist, she had been sent to Licaurus, an M-class planet inhabited by a post-warp culture that, despite scientific advances, clung firmly to its traditions. One of them, for example, was that to greet visitors who were not part of one's own family, a sharp blade was held to the throat, tip out. Not, however, the sides of the neck, as the Licaurs thus displayed romantic or sexual interest, depending on which side the blade was on.
This was for the purpose of demonstrating the superior power one could theoretically have, but at the same time showing their peaceful will, as they did not actually cut the throat. A tradition that Y/N had explicitly explained several times to the rest of the landing party, consisting of Ensign Jones, a security officer, and Ensign Rouge, a science officer. Ensign Rouge had adhered to this tradition, however Ensign Jones seemed not to have even begun to listen to Y/N, because as soon as Colbix, the Lincaure who was supposed to greet them, put his edge to her throat, Ensign Jones pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Colbix. From then on, everything was out of hand.
The guards who had accompanied Colbix, another purely symbolic sign of power not exercised under normal circumstances, had in turn pointed their weapons at Jones. Y/N had tried to reason with both sides and had repeatedly asked Jones to lower his weapon. However, Jones did not seem to trust her knowledge, as he did not lower his weapon but fired a shot.
From then on, at the latest, she knew that this mission, which was supposed to be simple, would be a disaster. Before Jones had even taken his finger off the trigger, if there was such a thing with these weapons, she wasn't sure, he was hit three times in the chest and slumped to the ground. Y/N had had to suppress a scream, which Ensign Rouge had not managed so well. She had ordered her not to make a sound and certainly not to run away.
Lincauren would see this running away as complicity and would also open the hunt for her. They believed that someone who was innocent would not feel the need to flee, a tradition they had also impressed on Rouge and Jones. Rouge, however, seemed to have forgotten everything in her panic, because, despite Y/N's insistent talking, she turned and fled in the opposite direction.
Instantly Colbix sent several guards after her. Y/N had had to suppress a heavy swallow. She had seen the excited glint in their eyes. Their hunting instincts had been aroused. And all she could do now was pray for Lieutenant Rouge.
After that, everything had happened quite quickly. Two guards had grabbed her by the arms and dragged her behind them. She had not fought back, otherwise they would also declare her "guilty" and possibly do worse than lock her in the cold cell she was currently in.
Y/N, however, was not afraid for herself. She was innocent and considering that the Lincaurs had not yet executed her, they probably believed it. She was more worried about the crew of the Enterprise, especially Ensign Rouge.
She could only hope that she had been able to contact the Enterprise and was now safely back on the ship. Otherwise, there would probably be a problem soon.
They had been ordered to report in every two hours. It had certainly been seven if not eight hours since the last time. And the way she saw Archer, he would do anything to get his crew back. At least what was left of it.
She could only hope that Commander T'Pol had looked at her notes on the Licaurs beforehand. Otherwise, it could quickly end with her being the only one to survive on this planet.
With a low moan, she stretched out her legs. A soft crack came from her knees and she screwed up her face. She was really getting old.
All at once she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up. No guard had entered this room since they had thrown her in here. Perhaps she was lucky and the Licaurs had concluded that she was not part of this "conspiracy", rather a misunderstanding in her opinion, and would let her go. Or, perhaps they did find her guilty and would now execute her. Y/N hoped very much for the former.
Slowly she straightened up. Her legs and back ached and she was pretty sure she had broken a rib, thanks to the end of the gun from one of the guards that he had rammed into her chest. Her legs were shaking, but she didn't know if it was from the cold or because she could barely feel her legs.
The door swung open and two guards entered.
For a moment she really believed they were going to get her out of here. But only until a third guard pushed another person into her cell and all three retreated again. With a loud bang, the iron door was pulled shut behind them and Y/N was alone in the cell, along with the groaning man on the floor. A heavy sigh escaped her as she slid down the wall.
"Well, you sound pleased to see me," the man scoffed and sat up with a groan. Her gaze flew quickly over him. He was slightly shorter than most of the men on board, had short dark hair and appeared to have a small scar on his upper lip. His eyes continued to be closed as he leaned against the wall opposite her. "Well, I was honestly hoping to get out of here," she admitted, adding "Lieutenant" after a quick glance at his right breast.
"We're working on it. At least the captain is." All at once she understood why he was sitting in the cell with her. "So I guess Captain Archer has started negotiations with the Licaurs? For a moment I thought you were as much a prisoner as I am, sir." He snorted. "Well, I wouldn't call it a holiday." She smirked. "Perhaps not. However, it's tradition among the Licaurs that when negotiations take place, one hostage from each side is taken from the other."
"They call it joristica. Or joristico. Or even joristice. It depends on the gender. Female, Male or Other." The man raised his eyebrow. "It's tradition. Nothing is done to the hostages. Provided, of course, that Captain Archer doesn't cause any problems." He was still leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. "You sure know a lot about this culture." She looked at him for a few moments.
"I'm Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N, the anthropologist who accompanied this landing party. I should make sure nothing goes wrong." The man snorted. "Well that worked." Y/N folded her arms in front of her chest.
"Is it my fault that both Ensign Jones and Ensign Rouge threw my advice to the wind?" She looked down at the floor.
"I gave both of them a short briefing beforehand and pointed out to them the most important things and traditions of the Licaurs. I am well aware that it is not possible to learn everything in such a short time. Nevertheless, I must have told them five or six times to stay calm, not to see the greeting as a threat and not to run away under any circumstances, should an emergency occur. Both Ensign Jones and Ensign Rouge did not take my admonitions seriously or even follow them. Even when I told them so myself in the situation at hand."
Now it was up to her to close her eyes, a pained expression on her face. "And now both of them are dead. Because I failed as a superior officer."
She heard the rustling of clothes. Apparently the man had just sat up. "Ensign Rouge is not dead, Lieutenant. She is alive. She was able to contact Enterprise. Why do you think we're here in the first place?" She stifled a sarcastic comment as relief spread through her chest.
"She's alive?" Y/N opened her eyes and looked into the face of the man, who had apparently decided to open his as well. He was smiling. In the darkness she couldn't quite make out the colour of his eyes, however they seemed bright. She felt a slight itch on her left forearm, but suppressed the urge to scratch.
"Yes. She is in the infirmary with some scrapes and scratches and seems slightly traumatised, but Doctor Phlox is of the opinion that she will be fine." Absently, she noticed that the lieutenant seemed to be struggling with itching as well. Lost in thought, he rubbed his left forearm through the sleeve of his uniform. Maybe there was some substance here that didn't do well with her uniform?
"But it's too late for Ensign Jones," she added with a lowered voice and gaze. "And that's my fault. I should have prepared him harder."
"No," his voice was gentle. "If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I am his direct supervisor. He falls under my purview, not yours." At these words she listened up. "What did you say your name was again?"
"Malcolm Reed."
She had to suppress a swallow. Of course, it was her luck to be trapped in a cell with a senior officer. She shook her head slightly to clear her mind. She was beginning to feel that this constant coldness was freezing her mind. "I don't think it was your fault, sir." Reed looked up from his lap and a shiver came over her
. The cold really had to be getting to her. "He may have been under your charge, however, it had been my job to properly brief him." He shook his head, but before he could say anything she continued. "But still you feel guilty, don't you sir? Is that why you volunteered to be the joristico?" Reed frowned. "How do you know?" She pressed her lips together. Why did she have to have such a big mouth?
"Well, ninety percent of the time when Phlox cancels our lunch it's because you're lying in sickbay, having volunteered for some mission, sir. I was beginning to think you were suffering from chronic self-sacrifice." As soon as she uttered the words, she bit her lip. Reed might also be a lieutenant in rank, but he was still a senior officer and therefore a little higher in rank than she was. He raised an eyebrow. "Lieutenant-"
"I know, sir. I crossed a line and I should have kept my mouth shut. Pardon me." A small smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. "At ease, lieutenant. It's all right." She smiled briefly. "Thank you." She hesitated and Reed noticed it right away. "I guess you and I are going to be spending quite a bit of time here, so don't be shy. What did you want to ask?" Y/N briefly moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. "Would you mind explaining to me what has happened since we lost contact with Enterprise? As you said, we're going to spend some more time here. And I don't know about you, sir, however, I would hate to spend that time in silence." He nodded. "I guess you're right."
Immediately he began his report. At first she listened to him attentively, but as time went by her eyes began to grow dull and tiredness overcame her. The only reason she had not long since sunk into the realm of dreams was the constant itching on her forearm. "Am I boring you?"
She blamed fatigue and constant coldness for her subsequent reply. "Sorry sir, it's just.... Has anyone ever told you that your voice is very soothing and pleasant?" Silence followed, then a soft chuckle. "Soothing and pleasant?"
"Mhhmmm. Especially the accent is nice. Different from constant Yanks where you can't understand a thing." A soft laugh rang out and it was only moments later that she realised what exactly she had been saying. Right off the bat she sat up and felt the heat rise to her face.
"I...no I... I meant... Bloody hell... See...," she tried to talk her way out of it as Reed looked at her with amusement on his face. "My accent?" She slapped her hands over her face in exasperation. "Forget it, please. It's the dehydration. And the cold. I'm afraid I can't think straight." All at once all amusement was gone from his face and replaced by concern. "How long have you been here?"
She shrugged languidly. "I don't know, sir, seven hours, maybe eight." Reed sat up straighter and slid over to her. "And how long since you had a drink?" He took her wrist in his to take her pulse. His warm skin on her cold one gave her goosebumps and instantly warmth spread through her as well.
"Sir, I don't know if you are aware, but as long as the Licaurs hold prisoners, especially joristices, they will not be provided with food, water or blankets. This is to help negotiations move along more quickly." There was horror reflected on Reed's face. "Are you telling me that the last time you drank was eight hours ago?" "Maybe longer." A shiver came over her and the itch got worse with every passing second. "The cold is worse, though."
Reed regarded her thoughtfully for a moment before sighing. "I almost froze to death once and at least I had blankets then. I'm not really up for a repeat. So begging your pardon." And with that, he put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.
His aftershave rose to her nose and she grew even warmer. Actually, that should have been pleasant after hours of cold, but the itch intensified unbearably, almost agonisingly, until she gave in, pushed up her sleeve and let her fingernails run over her skin.
A satisfied sigh escaped her.
"I certainly hope your mate won't hold it against me. After all, I'm only trying to stop you from freezing to death." She frowned, broke free of the embrace and turned. His face was closer than she'd thought, which made her slide back a little. "What are you talking about, sir?" Now it was up to Reed to frown and he nodded over to her forearm. "Your soul mate. I hope he understands."
Confused, she looked down. Her breath caught in her throat and she was pretty sure her eyes were round as plates. On her forearm, where a countdown had usually been displayed in gruesomely conspicuous white lettering, there was now nothing but an infinity sign in a more inconspicuous black. "What the hell?" Dumbfounded, she stared at her arm. "When..how..what.." Reed looked at her in surprise. "You didn't know?"
"No! How could I?!" She pinched herself once to make sure she wasn't already hallucinating from the cold. "Before the mission, there was still the countdown. Heck, even before I was thrown in that cell."
She couldn't understand it. It usually showed, after all. In her head she went through the signs again. Shivers, warmth to the touch, an irrepressible itch until the partner touched the mark- She faltered. Could it be- Her gaze met Reed's before moving to his forearm. He was still scratching through his uniform. She had to risk it. "May I see your forearm, please?"
Reed's eyes widened. "Excuse me?" She felt the heat rush to her face, however she did her best to look professional. "As you know, normal signs of finding your mate are shivering, itching and warmth to the touch. I've been showing these symptoms since you came in. Of course, it could be one of the guards, but since you've been scratching your arm yourself since you got here, I have to consider the possibility. So may I?"
Reed looked down in surprise, as if only now noticing the scratching, and nodded absently. Carefully, she took his jacket sleeve, took a deep breath and pushed it up. What came to light was the same black infinity mark that was very apparent on his pale skin.
" Bloody hell." Dumbfounded, Reed stared at his arm. She looked up in surprise. From what she'd heard, Reed was actually always professional and kept his feelings to himself most of the time. Seeing him like this...she had to admit, it was intriguing. "But it was different before!" She let herself sink back and stared at the floor. "I guess that makes it pretty obvious, doesn't it?"
She could feel his gaze on her and looked up. The light coming through the window cast no shadows on his face this time, so she could see it clearly. "Guess so. So, what do we do now?" She smirked shyly. "Maybe you could touch my mark? It still itches horribly." Lost in thought, he placed his hand on her forearm while still staring intangibly at his. Relieved, she sighed as the unbearable itch disappeared. "Thank you."
Reed didn't respond, but leaned back a little to give her more space. After some silence, Reed raised his voice. "I want to be honest with you, Lieutenant. I never really believed in all that soul mate stuff." Y/N shook her head almost in relief. She wasn't alone in that opinion.
"Neither did I really, sir. It struck me as odd that the universe should determine who is the best match for me and who I should spend my life with." He nodded in agreement. His gaze wandered down and only now did they both notice that he still had his hand on her forearm.
He turned slightly red in the face and withdrew his hand instantly. Shyly he looked into her eyes and for a moment she was no longer sure if the man in front of her was really the same man who was usually so heroically willing to sacrifice himself. "And what do you suggest we do?"
She hesitated. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" He smiled shyly. "You don't have to ask my permission. It would be a bit strange in this situation, wouldn't it? But if that's the way you want it, permission granted, Lieutenant" She smiled. "Thank you." Nervousness spread through her. "While I never, really believed in this, however, I would hate to pretend it didn't happen. I expect nothing from you and if you wish to keep our relationship purely professional, I will accept your wish." Reed's face had turned even redder. "I don't mean to offend you, however, I don't think I'm cut out or ready for a romantic relationship right now."
Now it was up to her to feel heat on her face. "Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, sure, romantic relationships are usually where soulmates end up. After all, even Starfleet has allowed relationships to happen between soulmates, even if they have different ranks. However, I think you know, as I do, that sometimes soulmates are just good friends and-"
She groaned. "What I'm saying is, I'm not ready for a romantic relationship right now either. I just got out of my last one and it wasn't that nice. Actually, I wanted to ask what exactly you want out of all this. What is your "maximum goal"? A strict working relationship? Friendship? Maybe a romantic relationship later on?"
She added the last more quietly, however Reed must have heard it because he blushed again. "I just want there to be no misunderstanding. As I said before, many expect the true love after they meet their soulmate. But if that is not your wish, I will leave it at friendship or work. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, sir."
He looked up and she thought she saw gratitude and amazement in equal measure on her face. "Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it. "
He looked down as he moved a little closer to her. During the conversation, she had been leaning against the wall, which was why they were now sitting next to each other.
"I don't know what exactly to make of this. I don't know what I should expect. Or want to expect. However, I agree with you. I would hate to forget all this. I already told you that I'm not ready for a romantic relationship right now. In the near or distant future, maybe I am. We could just take a chance on that?"
Y/N nodded slightly. Reed slowly lifted his arm. "May I?" Again she nodded and he once more put his arm around her. Though this time she didn't feel a rush of warmth, it was pleasant in spite of everything. "We could take it slow," he added after a while.
She looked up at him. "And how?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Would you mind having a weekly dinner together? Of course we'd have to see if it works with our shifts but I'm sure we could work something out. Assuming that's what you're interested in, of course. You don't have to and please don't feel pressured to do it, it's just an offer, I-"
"Love to, sir." Smiling, she looked at him and he returned her smile with a small smirk. "If you don't mind, I'd ask you to just call me Malcolm when we're off duty. Sir sounds so formal."
"Then please, call me Y/N."
"I'd be delighted."
If asked, Y/N wasn't sure she could clearly define the feelings inside her. Five minutes ago, Doctor Phlox had notified her and asked her to come to sickbay. When she asked why, he merely replied that Malcolm had injured himself. Without further hesitation, she had dropped everything and fled from her office in the direction of Sickbay.
She would only have had to work for another ten minutes anyway. Phlox hadn't had time to specify what exactly had happened to Malcolm and in her mind she was imagining the most horrific scenarios, from broken limbs to finding nothing but his dead, cold body in front of her. She stepped into the lift. "Infirmary." The low hum did not reassure her at all.
Nine quiet months had passed since their capture by the Licaurs, during which Malcolm had only volunteered to do the job in an emergency, when no one else was made to do it, to keep from getting hurt and to keep your blood pressure from skyrocketing.
Nine months in which, as agreed, you took things slowly. Weekly dinners, then twice a week, then three times. Over time, an occasional breakfast was added, and when Phlox cancelled, rarely a lunch. Y/N had been worried at first that she would keep him away from his friends, but Malcolm had reassured her.
He would still spend enough time with them and he promised that he would tell her if he felt he was neglecting his friends. After two or three months of eating together, they started spending time outside of meals. Every now and then she would visit him in the armoury or he would visit her in her office. Every time a report from the science department had to be brought to the bridge instantly, she volunteered just to give him a little smile.
After another two months, they had also started to meet occasionally in their quarters. To watch a film, read together, talk or just be in each other's presence. And in those nine months, she had fallen quite in love with the weapons officer. Really deeply. Maybe that was why her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as she walked through the doors of the infirmary.
"Doctor?" Instantly, Phlox's smiling face emerged from behind one of the screens. "Ah, Y/N. How good of you to come so quickly."
"Where is he? Is everything all right with him? Please tell me it's nothing fatal."
A laugh rang out from behind the privacy screen. "I'm fine, Y/N." As soon as the voice, dripping with British accent, carried over to her, the knot of fear that he might already be dead disappeared. And then, when the privacy screen was pushed aside and Malcolm emerged, she couldn't suppress a relieved sigh.
"It's nothing life-threatening," Phlox assured her reassuringly, putting his hand on her shoulder. "One of the relays exploded and Lieutenant Reed was hit by one of the pieces. Since he's your partner, I thought it would be good to call you. He just needs some bed rest."
She nodded, suppressing the urge to remind him that she and Malcolm weren't dating . Not yet. "Thank you doctor." The latter smiled broadly at her before turning to Malcolm. "Remember, Lieutenant. No exertion for the next three days. You are relieved of duty." Y/N could tell by the look on his face that Malcolm didn't like it, however he just nodded and walked over to her. She could clearly see that he was limping and struggled with herself whether to support him, but decided against it. Even though he sometimes didn't like to admit it, Malcolm had his pride.
To her surprise, however, he paused in front of the door, took a deep breath, his shoulders lifting so that his uniform tightened around his body, before turning to her with a shy smile. "Could you possibly help me? I would hate to fall in front of the other officers."
For a moment she looked at him, completely perplexed, before rushing to his side with a quiet "Of course." Instantly he put an arm around her, as he had done in the cell, and leaned lightly on her. She realised he wasn't leaning half his weight on her and she felt warm. Just the thought that he cared enough about her to worry that he was too heavy, which he probably would be, those muscles weren't made of air, stirred her heart.
They walked slowly, so as not to overload Malcolm, to the lift. She let him go first and after giving the order to the lift, he leaned against the wall. "Thank you."
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "You're welcome." Silence. The doors opened and Malcolm wrapped an arm around her again and they continued on their way. Just outside his quarters, Commander Tucker came towards them. She gave him a curt nod so as not to seem rude, but he grinned at Malcolm.
"Don't chicken out this time, all right?" He nodded at her. "Lieutenant." With a cheeky grin he walked on and confused she looked after him. "Malcolm-?" He, however, avoided her gaze, his face deep red. "Never mind," he muttered, opening the door to his quarters. She walked beside him, still confused, and helped him sit down on his bed. He groaned softly and exhaled heavily. "I really should pay more attention." His laugh sounded forced.
"What did Commander Tucker mean just now?" She clasped her hands at her sides questioningly. Malcolm blushed even redder. "Never mind, my darling." He and she froze at the same time. "What-"
"Oh, God, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention." Malcolm's face much more of a tomato at the moment. "I really didn't mean to. It's just been in my head for weeks, if not months, calling you that and- Oh my... that just sounds worse. Like I'm a possessive creep. I'm sorry..."
"Can you say that again?" Malcolm paused and looked up. What he saw took all the words out of his mouth. She had come closer, her eyes wide, her arms discreetly outstretched towards him, and he thought he saw a certain blush on her face. "What?"
Her face darkened even more and she took a few more steps closer. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest and she thought it could be heard even on the bridge. "Can you say that again? What you just called me?" Malcolm snorted and looked to the side. "Stop making fun of me! I-" Malcolm fell silent as she stood directly in front of him and took his face in her hands. "I'm not making fun of you, Malcolm. I meant it." Gently she ran her thumb over his cheekbone. "Please, Malcolm."
It was his eyes that widened now and he looked at her almost entranced. Gently he placed his hand on hers, which still rested on his cheek, stroking it and brushing her palm with his lips. "My darling." She closed her eyes and let her head fall forward gently. Warmth and a tingling exploded inside her at his words and she felt like she was drowning with love. Apparently Malcolm also seemed to have realised exactly what his words seemed to be doing, because she could feel a slight smirk against her palm. "My love. My sweetheart."
She opened her eyes and looked at him. He had straightened up and was staring at her out of his eyes, warm and loving. With his right hand he still held her left. Slowly his hand slid over her forearm, where the black infinity mark was still visible. Bending down slowly, he gently pressed his lips to her warm skin as light as a feather, never losing eye contact.
Her breath caught at the contact and her eyelids fluttered as if they couldn't decide whether to close in pleasure or stay open forever so as not to lose sight of this gorgeous man. Slowly he straightened up again and at that very moment she could stand it no longer. Gently but firmly, she pulled him towards her by the uniform.
Malcolm did not speak back, but even took a step closer. Carefully she ran her hand over his cheek. "I know we said we'd take it slow. Is nine months enough for you to decide what you want?" Malcolm couldn't take his eyes off her. "I think so."
And without much further hesitation, she pulled him close and placed her lips on his. Instantly she felt Malcolm place his hands on her waist and gently pull her closer. Her hands moved up and her fingers ran lovingly through his short brown strands as he in turn gently ran his hands up and down her waist, not going too far.
When they broke away, he pressed his forehead against hers and she smiled with closed eyes. "May I assume that Commander Tucker meant something like that?" He laughed softly. "Trip's been trying to get me to get off my ass for weeks to confess to you that I want a romantic relationship." She ran her thumb over his lips. "Oh really?"
"Mhhh." She kissed him briefly. "I guess I'll have to send him a thank you card then."
Malcolm buried his face in her neck. "Just don't, it'll only grow his ego." She laughed softly. "I want a romantic relationship too, Malcolm. But on one condition."
He raised his head. "I expect to be addressed only by such wonderful nicknames from now on."
"Do you, darling?" he softly purred. She heaved a sigh. "It's not my fault your voice goes with it so beautifully." "Especially my accent." Smiling, she buried her face in his neck. "Especially the accent."
"If that's the case, I guess I won't call you anything else, beloved."
"You won't hear any protest from me."
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thethirdromana · 11 months
New fic!
It's a thoroughly self-indulgent 2,800 word Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed PWP.
This is a pairing for which there has been a grand total of one other fic for on AO3 since 2021, so I'm not really expecting anyone much to like this but me. But I had fun.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Navyman: Malcolm Reed X Male Reader
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Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Modern Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G Warnings: Malcolm’s family is clueless, aquaphobia, mentions of scary/life threatening conditions at sea Summary: In modern times, Malcolm Reed didn’t have any Starfleet to join and is pressured into the Navy despite his fear. His family is proud, but knows nothing about his phobia so you have to help him through it during a storytelling session.
Malcolm’s family has always been overbearing. Even after he gave in and joined the Navy despite his phobia they continued to push. Malcolm’s letters while he’s at sea are often filled with regret about his choice, but every time he has the chance to retire from the service he never takes it.
Even now, sitting with his family as they tell stories of their time in the Navy, Malcolm’s face is set a certain way that only you can notice. Every mention of the choppy water or the storms at sea makes him clench his fists as he tries to not make it obvious that they terrify him. His grandfather is telling a story about some torpedoes that weren’t loaded properly and something about it makes everyone laugh.
“How about some fresh drinks, Sherry?” Malcolm’s father asks his aunt.
“Malcolm and I can get them.” You offer.
Malcolm looks at you, a slight expression of relief in his eyes.
“No, no. It’s alright, Sherry can get it. We can’t have the new boyfriend doing all the house chores” His father insists.
“No, it’s alright. My leg’s gonna fall asleep anyway. Come on, Malcolm.”
You take Malcolm’s arm and pull him up with you. In the kitchen, Malcolm puts his hands to his face and drags them down with a sigh.
“I don’t think I can take another story about waves crashing and boat sinking and-”
“Why haven’t you retired?” You cut him off.
You step closer to him so no one can overhear. “Malcolm, you are living your life surrounded by your biggest fear. Retire.”
“I can’t, you know how they are.”
“Change branches, I’m sure they’d be just as proud of their son if he were in the Army.”
“It’s not the same.” He sighs.
His arms pull you towards him and he holds you close. His grip is tight and it’s clear that those stories about the relentless sea have taken their toll.
“I’ll pretend to have a stomach ache and we can go home.” You mumble.
Malcolm presses a kiss to your forehead in thanks. You both walk back into the loud room full of Malcolm’s family. His arm is around your shoulders and he puts a concerned look on his face while you play the sick role.
“Really sorry to go, but I think he might need the hospital. Something he ate, I think.” Malcolm explains as he walks you out, fending off his mother who insists you stay for some soup.
When you make it to the car, parked out of view from the windows, Malcolm laughs and hugs you tight, muttering another thanks against your skin.
“We’re not done talking about retirement.”
“I know.” He mutters and hugs you tighter.
You press a kiss to his head and squeeze him back. If only he could have gone to space or something instead.
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glitter-and-metal · 11 months
Guess what? The last chapter is here as well. Big big thanks to whoever has been reading this :)
Malcolm Reed X Reader
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hi! Congratulations on graduating! I have a request for a Francis x reader (Malcom in the middle). I just started watching the show and I'm like in love with him. Anyways could you write about how while Francis is away his family gets new neighbors, and the reader is the daughter of the neighbors. She's really smart and shy. Malcom develops a huge crush on the reader and tells Francis all about it once he returns from military school. Francis starts teasing Malcom thinking the reader is malcoms age, however Lois invites the neighbors over for dinner to properly introduce each other. When they come over Francis is completely ready to tease his younger brother and his little crush however when the reader walks in and she's not who expected he's starstruck!And he ends up completely speechless the whole dinner having to watch Malcom awfully flirt with who he thinks is the love of his life.i can't decide how I want it to end sooo... But maybe he ends up pulling the reader aside flirting with her watching her get all flustered and then the reader admitted he's cute while being all reed in the face! I just want a cute fluffy happy ending!!😭😭
The Boy Next Door's Brother (Francis Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: All Francis hears from Malcolm these days is how cute the new neighbor girl is. Imagine his surprise when he comes home for the weekend to find that the neighbor girl is his age and Malcolm is still trying to impress her.
A/N: M/n means mom’s name and D/n means dad’s name
Francis loved his brother. He really did. They had a deep bond created through the traumatic experience of having an insane mother. Nothing could ever break that.
But he was getting sick and tired of Malcolm’s phone calls. Every time without fail, he found a way to bring up their new neighbor. Despite how much Malcolm talked about her, Francis didn’t really know much. Just that her name was Y/n, she had moved there about a month ago, and she was really nice.
Francis would be coming home from military school for the weekend, and he was slightly dreading it. Not just because he’d have to deal with his overbearing mother. If he was annoyed with Malcolm and his infatuation with the neighbor girl while thousands of miles away, imagine how he’d be while living in the same house.
After a long flight, Hal picked Francis up from the airport, and soon enough, they were home. Francis now felt relieved because he could lounge around for the weekend and not worry about homework or ways that Commandant Spangler would be out to get him. His brothers were absolutely ecstatic to see him, pushing each other to get to him first. Although he wanted to rest, Francis was happy to see his little brothers as well.
“Hey, Francis!” His mom yelled from the kitchen, scrubbing dishes. “How was your flight?”
“It was fine.” He responded, tossing his travel bag on the couch. “What’s for dinner?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs. Oh! I forgot to tell you, but we’re having the new neighbors over for dinner tonight. They finally got settled into the house, and we need them on our side before anyone else in the neighborhood tries to poison them against us.”
“Ah yes, normal neighbor activities.”
Francis was suddenly excited. Even though Malcolm going on and on about Y/n annoyed him, he was curious to see the girl that Malcolm wouldn’t shut up about. 
“So, Malcolm, heard your girlfriend’s coming over,” Francis smirked as he teased his brother. Malcolm started to blush, the redness reaching his ears.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” He muttered.
“Are you sure?” Francis asked. “The way you talk about her, I thought you guys were getting married.”
“Shut up!” Malcolm whined, but there was a shy smile on his face.
A few hours later, it was dinnertime. While Lois served up dinner, Francis heard a knock on the door. Malcolm raced to the door but was beaten to it by his brother.
“Francis, come on!”
“No, I wanna see the girl you keep talking about.” He pushed his little brother away and opened the door. A couple stood on the doorstep with shy but pleasant smiles.
“Hi there!” The man spoke. “I’m D/n, this is my wife M/n, and our daughter Y/n should be coming soon. She’s finishing up her homework.”
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Francis, the oldest. Come on in.” He allowed the couple inside, and they went to the kitchen to greet the family. He was about to close the door behind him when he heard a shout.
“Wait!” He stuck his head out the door and saw a girl running across her yard to get to the door. “Don’t close the door, please!”
Francis opened it wider for the girl. When she was closer to his view, he couldn’t help but be amazed by the sight in front of him. All this time, Francis thought that Y/n was Malcolm’s age. But as it turns out, she seemed more around his age. They’d probably be in the same grade if they were in school together. Reaching the front step, he was even more taken aback by how pretty she was.
“Hi.” She said, slightly out of breath. “I’m Y/n.”
“I’m Francis.” He had to push his way through the response. “I’m the oldest brother.”
“Really?” Y/n asked as he let her into the house. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“I, uh, I go to military school in Alabama.”
“Wow, you must’ve come a long way then!”
“Hey, Y/n.” Francis suddenly became annoyed again. Malcolm was leaning against the wall with a sly smile, staring up at the girl. She grinned.
“Hey, Malcolm! How have you been?” They started their own conversation, leaving Francis alone with his thoughts as they walked to the table. Shaking his head to refocus, Francis followed after them.
Francis felt both blessed and cursed. He was seated next to Y/n, but Malcolm was on the other side of her. He constantly tried to flirt with her, and Francis didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe. Luckily, Y/n started talking to Francis halfway through the dinner, seemingly very interested in his life. Much to Malcolm’s annoyance, their conversation lasted way past dinner, branching off into different topics of interest.
“He might kill me for telling you this.” Francis started, picking at a loose wood chip on the picnic table in his parent’s backyard. “But Malcolm talks to me about you all the time.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet.” Y/n smiled.
“Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to be my age. I totally thought you were a middle schooler, the way he kept talking about you.” She started laughing, and it felt so contagious that Francis couldn’t help but laugh along with her.
“Malcolm’s such a sweetheart. He’s like a little brother if I’m being honest.” If only Malcolm knew that. 
“You know, I also didn’t expect you to be so pretty.” Francis felt bold for flirting with a girl he had just met and that his brother had a crush on. But he just couldn’t help it. Maybe it was the crazy hormones his dad told him about when giving him the talk, but Francis felt like he was having a real connection with this girl.
Y/n tried to cover up her flushed cheeks and giddy smile, but it was useless.
“I can’t believe Malcolm never told me he had an older brother.” Building up courage, she started tracing shapes on the table and fiddling with her hair. “Although, even if he did, I wouldn’t have guessed that you would be this cute.” 
The two teens grinned shyly at each other. The rest of the night was filled with more conversations and flirtations. They talked so long that by the time Y/n said she should probably go home, her parents were already gone, and the Wilkerson family had all dispersed to do their own things.
“You didn’t have to walk me back. I mean, after all, I’m right next door.” Y/n said as she reached her front door, turning to Francis. He shrugged.
“Yeah, I know. But I like talking to you.” She grinned, and he took a deep breath, preparing to make his move. “So, look, I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon. And I’d rather hear about you and your day from you instead of my brother, so… I was wondering if I could have your number?” He didn’t know why he was so nervous. But all nerves were put at ease when Y/n’s smile widened.
“Of course! Let me grab a marker.” Y/n opened the front door and sifted through the junk drawer in the stand next to it. She pulled out a sharpie and grabbed Francis’ wrist. They both blushed at the contact. “Call me anytime.” She capped the marker, looking at him.
“Definitely.” Deciding to make another move, Francis leaned forward and kissed her cheek, backing away immediately after in slight fear of an opposing reaction. “Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, Francis.” She quickly kissed his cheek in return before making her way inside, closing the door behind her. Francis went home with some lip gloss residue on his cheek and a smile plastered on his lips. He quietly opened and closed the door, reminiscent of how he would when he still lived at home and would sneak in and out after curfew.
Francis got ready for bed and walked to his bed, which was the couch that sat in front of the TV. He was surprised to see Malcolm standing there waiting for him, arms crossed with a scowl.
“I can’t believe you would mess with my game like that, Francis!” He scolded. Francis laughed, messing with his brother’s hair and pushing him away from his makeshift bed.
“You don’t have any game for me to mess with, little brother.” He laid down on the couch, stretching his limbs. “Now go away.”
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Truth or Dare: Part Two
(Part One)
Plot: After their game of truth or dare, both Malcolm and Y/n come to terms with their changed feelings. During a ship-wide party, those feelings become less than secret.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Written for @fandomdancer as a fic commission on my Ko-fi
Warnings: A kiss at the end, but that's it!
A/N: The requested song is linked in the fic at the moment it starts to play.
Words: 2.2k
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Ever since your game of truth or dare with the others the night before, your mind had been working non-stop. Had these feelings for Malcolm always been there? Had they just been hidden by your friendship with him?
And the one question that seemed to be plaguing you most frequently.
Did he feel the same?
Or was this just some quickly passing crush that would be gone in a weeks time? Part of you hoped so, but another part of you, a curious part, wanted to know what would happen if your feelings were real. And if they were returned.
Jumping slightly as a hand gripped your shoulder, you looked up to see Trip staring at you.
Chuckling he removed his had "Where's your mind at? I was calling you for a good thirty seconds."
Realizing you had been wandering down the hall without paying attention, you chuckled nervously "Sorry, just a bit tired I guess."
"Not too tired I hope? You better show up to the shin-dig tonight."
You smiled and nodded "I will be there"
"Did you need something?" You asked, recalling why he had come up to you.
He handed you a PAD "Just for you to check this over."
"Ah, alright, will do."
"Maybe take a nap before the party tonight, ey?" He smiled as he wandered off.
You let out a small sigh, you really needed to get out of your own head. Sighing again, you headed to your room to take a shower. How could you take a nap with your mind so worked up? It's the reason you didn't really sleep in the first place.
The ship was still stuck in the storm, and expected to be until the following day. So, after some discussion among the crew, and encouragement from the Captain there was going to be a party tonight. Food, music, dancing. Should be fun. Though, a heavy weight had seemed to find it's way into your chest.
You hadn't seen Malcolm since the previous night except once from a distance. When you saw him, you felt as though your chest was going to explode, so you turned around and avoided him.
You seriously needed to get grip on yourself and figure out your feelings before tonight. Yeah, right.
Malcolm couldn't seem to stop his eyes from wondering around every space he entered, looking for your presence. He had only seen you once earlier in the day walking the opposite way. He had resisted the urge to follow after you, but regretted it when he didn't see you again.
He hoped he would see you tonight at the party. He wanted a moment to be with you, to see just how strong his newfound feelings were.
He wasn't quite sure what he was going to do either way. He had lingering suspicions that maybe you had feelings for him, and he wanted to know for sure. If you did, then perhaps your relationship could become more. And if you didn't, well then, he would hope to remain your friend at least.
Checking the clock, he realized it was about half an hour until the party was going to start. Deciding to go to his room to get ready, he tried to ignore the twisting in his stomach as nervousness filled him.
--- --- ---
As you made your way into the large room, people were mingling and laughing together, as some danced in the center of the room.
The whole party was themed around old Terra traditions. Old music, food, and drinks. A theme you assumed was devised by the Captain and Trip.
You felt a nervous flutter in your chest as you looked around the room, your eyes looking out for one person. As your eyes settled on him, you felt you heart jolt.
Malcolm stood with some others, smiling about something and you felt butterflies shoot through your stomach.
A few days ago you would have gone up to him easily, with no problem. But now, you walked to the other side of the room, unable to even look at him.
You had come to the conclusion that your feelings for Malcolm were real. As much as they seemed to come out of nowhere, you had a feeling they had been simmering for some time.
Finding Hoshi, you stood and talked with her, wondering if you'd get the courage to approach Malcolm soon.
"Hey, look!" Hoshi whispered to you, catching you off guard.
Following her finger, you looked across the room to see Travis dancing with Hannah, grins on both of their faces.
Your thoughts were distracted from Malcolm as you grinned at the sight. It looked like Travis found his courage after all. And, he wouldn't have to eat a whole batch of southern pear salad it seemed.
Malcolm searched the room for you, his eyes scanning fervently. As they finally landed on you, he felt his chest tighten. You had a bright grin on your face that took his breath away, literally.
Following your line of sight, he saw you watching Travis and Hannah. He smiled at the sight as well before he looked back at you.
Feeling a sudden burst of courage, he walked across the room towards you, his eyes never leaving your face.
Your heart leapt at the sudden familiar voice as your eyes darted to Malcolm, who had appeared by your side.
Swallowing the sudden surprise you smiled "Hey Malcolm"
He stared at you for a moment before finally clearing his throat and finding his words "Would you care to dance?"
Your eyes widened slightly at the question as your heart pounded. "Dance?"
You could feel Hoshi look between the two of you and you wondered if maybe she could feel the tension as well.
He nodded with a smile, though you could see something in his gaze. Nervousness?
"Alright." You said softly, your voice much quieter than you meant.
But Malcolm heard you fine and smiled brightly at you "Great, come on."
As he reached down and slid his hand into yours, you felt your breath hitch. After giving Hoshi a parting glance, you followed him to the center of the room, butterflies rampaged through your stomach as his hand left yours before gently landing on your waist, the other moving to your shoulder.
As the two of you began to slowly dance to the music you felt as though you had nothing to say. You had never been so speechless around Malcolm.
The song that had begun playing was new to you and you felt a nervous flutter. You weren't used to old music, and you were afraid you'd embarrass yourself.
Malcolm, seemingly noticing your hesitation smiled softly as he leaned a little closer "Just follow my lead."
You met his eyes and felt a warmth in your chest, your eyes seemed to stay locked forever, before Malcolm began stepping in rhythm to the song. You followed along, constantly reminding yourself to keep breathing.
"Have we ever danced before?" Malcolm asked after a moment of silence.
After you thought on it for a moment you shook your head, starting to feel your self relax in his presence again. "I don't think so."
"Hmm. That's a shame."
You smiled, repressing a chuckle "Yeah it is. If I had known you were a good dancer I may have looked for an excuse."
He grinned at you "I'm not the best, but with the right partner..." He trailed off softly, and you thought you could hear a subtle hinting tone in his voice.
After he twirled you lightly, he brought you closer than you had been before. Your face felt warm, but you tried to stay calm.
He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it, seemingly second guessing himself.
"What?" You prodded softly.
"I just- was thinking about that game of truth or dare yesterday evening."
Your heart seemed to jolt suddenly as you smiled, laughing softly "Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, it's a shame it ended so early. I never got a chance to ask you a truth."
"Didn't you?"
He shook his head in response "I dared you early on in the game to chug some cider, but that's it."
"Oh yeah. Thanks for that by the way." You said sarcastically earning a laugh. You swallowed, butterflies heavy in your chest, before you spoke again "Well was there something you wanted to ask me?"
He smiled softly, and you could see something shining behind his eyes. You had asked the right question.
"It's not something I thought of during the game, but after."
You rose your brow inquisitively and he chuckle softly before straightened himself up a bit and speaking playfully "Truth or Dare?"
You let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes playfully. The playful part of you wanted to choose dare, but the other part of you, the one that recently discovered your new feelings, wouldn't let you. You had a feeling in your gut, that he felt the same. And that this truth would make it real.
"Truth." You said softly with a smile.
Malcolm seemed to take in a breath before he spoke, his voice soft, only loud enough for you to hear.
"Do you feel the same way about me, as I do about you?"
The over thinker in you wanted to convince you maybe he meant friendship, but you knew that was stupid. He wouldn't ask you that. The only reason he would be asking a question like that, is if this was a confession in itself to you.
'Do you love me as much as I love you?' His inner thoughts spoke, but he reworded it, for fear of the emotion being too strong.
"I think-" you stopped yourself before you started over with a soft nod of your head, your eyes filled with fear, surprise, and joy "Yeah, I do."
Malcolm let out a relieved sigh that seemed to bare a heavy weight he wasn't aware he was holding until it was gone. "Oh thank God."
You couldn't resist the laugh that bubbled out of you, allowing him the relief to laugh as well.
You spoke softly "Can I ask... when did you know?"
Was it as recent as your discovery, did things change for you at the same time?
"Well, I think I always knew, in some way. But, I didn't realize it fully, until last night actually, it was like it suddenly smacked me i-"
"-in the face!" You finished, your face showing your surprise "Me too!"
You nodded fervently and he let out a bewildered laugh. "Wait...so were you actually checking me out when I was doing my pull ups?"
He saw the shock cross your face before you smacked him, making him laugh and mutter out an apology.
"I guess it was good that Trip convinced us to play that stupid game. Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise."
"Shh! Don't say that!" You said, causing him to look around startled.
"What why?"
"You really want Trip to have that over our heads for the rest of our lives?"
Malcolm's eyes widened as the thought "Oh God, definitley not."
You chuckled "So let's maybe keep that under wraps huh?"
He nodded and laughed "Just our little secret then."
--- ---
The rest of the party went well, you and Malcolm only left each other's sides a couple times througout the night. But anytime you'd look to catch his eye, he was often already looking at you.
It wasn't obvious to the others, as far as you could tell, what had happened between the two of you. So it would remain your secret for a while longer.
When most everyone had wondered off to bed, you parted ways with Hoshi and Trip before heading back to your dorm, Malcolm trailing alongside you.
You got to your door a lot faster than you would have preferred, and gave Malcolm a shy yet bright smile.
He grinned at you before he looked around and cleared his throat.
"This may come off a bit fast, and I understand if you say no, but, would you mind if I kissed you goodnight?" His eyes were heavy with nervousness as he asked and you almost reached out and touched his face.
Your heart swelled in your chest as the butterflies returned. You were shocked at the question, but far from displeased by the suggestion.
You smiled, and you were sure you face was flushed as you replied "I wouldn't mind at all."
Smiling, Malcolm slowly inched forward, his lips hesitating just before touching yours, before he kissed you. It was gentle, and only lasted a few seconds, but it was special. You felt a shiver run through your body a you felt a giddiness in your stomach.
When Malcolm pulled away, he kept his face close to yours as he looked into your eyes.
His voice was nearly a whisper when he spoke "I was afraid...that might feel weird, but it was..."
"Perfect?" You asked softly.
He smiled and nodded "Exactly."
You smiled in return as you slowly pulled away from each other. You were sure both of you felt the desire to kiss again, but it was best this night end here, with a perfect ending with a promise for more to come.
"Good night Malcolm" You said after a moment.
He grinned down at you "Goodnight Y/n."
xx End xx
Thank you for reading, and I really hope you liked it!
This was a two-part commission fic, so if anyone is interested in getting one as well, you can find he llink to my ko-fi at the top of the fic.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist:@starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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starfleetimagines · 1 year
How would Malcom reed react to you crying?
Malcolm Reed Reacting to You Crying Would Include...
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The first time he saw you crying, he would realize that there's nothing he hates more in the world than seeing you falling apart.
No matter if it was the first time he saw you cry or a future time, he would not know what to do at first. He's not the best with emotions in general, so when he sees you - his love - crying, he'd just momentarily shut down. He'd freeze, just staring at you as his heart broke in his chest.
He'd mutter your name softly before he moved closer and offer you a hug. If you accepted the gesture, he would just hold you quietly as you cried against his shoulder. He'd run his hands up and down your back, or his fingers through your hair. He wouldn't say much, maybe a few "I got you"s or "it's okay"s.
If you didn't want the hug, he would kind of stand there like 🧍‍♂️ this emoji. "What can I do?" he'd then ask, trying to keep his voice soft. He'd do whatever you wanted or needed.
Even if he isn't good with emotions, he is an incredible listener. He would listen to you rant and ramble for ages, or stutter and sob out incoherent sentences. He'd listen and would ask if you wanted advice or if he should stay quiet. He's better at solving problems than handling emotions, but if you didn't want a solution to the problem or advice about how to deal with it, he'd stay quiet.
He'd try to touch you in some way - if not a hug then a hand on your knee or an arm around your shoulder. Just something to let you know he's there.
When you've calmed down, he would gently ask if you were okay and if you needed anything. Again, he'd do whatever you asked of him.
As your relationship progressed, he would slowly start to react faster - able to push aside his own shock, heartbreak, and uncertainty with emotions to comfort you. He'd start to pick up on cues that would tell him what you needed when - if you were crying be cause you were frustrated you might not want a hug, but if you were crying because you were said, you usually would. Things like that that would help him better comfort you and care for you.
Tag list: @wraith-queen-todd @agent-catfish-kenobi @make-me-imagine @naivara-duneimith @space-helen @mrs-l-mccoy @thisismysecrethappyplace
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warpfive · 1 year
can I request malcolm reed with a medical officer S/O? ☄️
malcolm reed x doctor!reader
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CW: gn!reader
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malcolm doesn’t like going to sick bay. it’s nothing against you or phlox - their resident denobulan is strange but friendly and you…well, you’re you. malcolm would be hard-pressed to find an excuse not to see you if it weren’t for your occupation. he just doesn’t being poked and prodded and examined unless his life depends on it - and even then, he wants it to be over quickly.
in the beginning, malcolm had this fantasy that because he was dating you, he’d be somehow exempt from showing up for regular crew physicals. or at the very least, maybe he can get his physical from you…in private…in his quarters…
that’s not how it goes. malcolm is ordered into sickbay and you welcome him with a soft smile but direct him on the bed. he tries to give you a look, hoping you could maybe let him off the hook with a quick physical just so he could say he technically did it. but the only favor malcolm is given is a sweet laugh, and brush of his hand, and a scanner in his face.
before, in a crunch, malcolm would be able to work through an injury. if he focuses hard enough, he can usually ignore the pain until his work is done. that doesn’t really happen when he starts dating you. unless sick bay is swamped, you always seem to find malcolm right when he gets a scrape, or in the most serious instance, when he banged his head and was seeing double. (he didn’t seem too upset that there were two of you.)
on the other end of the spectrum, when malcolm gets sick, he only wants you to take care of him. again, nothing against phlox, but he prefers the way you press your cool hand against his burning forehead to phlox’s pet leech. he becomes a big baby when he’s sick, and while he puts up a front for the crew, he absolutely falls into bed and wants you to nurse him.
when he’s in a teasing mood, expect him to call you “doctor” in a flirty tone. of course, this is malcolm, so you really have to know him and get him to pick up on his flirting. he would teasingly call you “doctor” in front of other people and they would simply assume he was calling you by your title - but no, you picked up on the special way he says the syllables. 
but when you two are alone, malcolm is absolutely embarrassing. calling you things like “doctor delightful” and insists he needs a full body check-up. you tell him to talk to phlox about it and he argues that it needs to be done as soon as possible. besides, he trusts you more than most people - though, once you tell him he really should go to sick bay for this problem or that, he quickly changes the subject. 
malcolm is a great listener, so there’s been many occasions where he ends up sitting and listening as you ramble on about some problem you’re having in sick bay. he doesn’t really understand the medical talk (he was never very good at biology) but he does try his best to help. though, more often than not, malcolm helps you by just letting you ramble.
you’re a doctor. you’re not supposed to be biased for or against any one of your patients. so when the enterprise is attacked/disabled/etc and a lot of the crew start flooding in, malcolm is the one who sets you straight and reminds you that you can’t just treat him first and ignore those who need it most. he’s very good at being objective, though knowing you want to help him first will always affirm that you love him.
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space-helen · 9 months
Truth or Date
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Words: 981
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Reader
A/N: Sorry it's taken so long! It was written ages ago but has just been sat on my drafts.
Request: One where Malcolm and the reader play truth or dare and slow dance together to Glen Miller - @fandomdancer
The whole team sat in a circle, all looking at each other as they waited for Trip to select who his truth or dare victim would be.
“Malcolm, Truth or Dare.”
You smiled, knowing that he would pick the man, they always seemed to circle back to each other regularly. You knew they both got a kick out of it really.
Malcolm sighed “Truth.”
“Why don’t you ever pick dare?” Trip moaned “You scared of a little dare?
You laughed at Trip's words as Malcolm laughed, you could feel him moving slightly beside you. “I’ll consider doing a dare next time.” 
Trip let out a huff. “Fine.” he took a second to think of a truth and you could almost see a lightbulb light up in his head. “Which member of the crew would you want to spend some quality time with.” he gave Malcolm a wink and the whole group let out a mess of laughs and whistles.
He pondered it for a second “I don’t want to answer that.” a bunch of voices encouraged him to spill and he finally spat out “I’m sat near them.” you felt him tense up as soon as he said it and you also did the same.
He was sat near them? What did that mean? Trip simply nodded “I suppose that’s good enough. But I’ll get more out of you I swear.” 
The man stayed tense beside you as you mulled over what just happened in your head. He said he was sat near the person. You were sat one side of him and a random ensign was the other side. You certainly didn’t think it would be them. Was it you?
You thought about the man some more, you’d worked closely for some time and would say you knew the man pretty well. You’d often eat together and catch each other between shifts. Movie nights were always a favourite for the both of you when you could convince him to actually endure some of the movies. Did he like you? You didn’t think so? There were no outright signs, yeah he may have smiled more when he was with you. Maybe he made extra time for you sometimes as well but surely not.
The biggest question was did you like him?  You had to admit that sometimes when he smiled his eyes caught yours and it felt like your heart skipped a beat. You did sometimes long for his company as well. You knew you had a connection with him unlike the others on the ship.
Were these actually feelings for him?
Everyone standing up ripped you from your thoughts. Music began to play and you guessed that the truth or dare section of the evening was over. Trying to scramble to your feet a hand came into your field of view. Looking up you could see Malcolm in front of you. Taking his hand you allowed him to help you to your feet.
“No problem.”
“Are you also thankful that torture is over?” you tried to joke as you straightened yourself out slightly.
“I think it could actually be used as a form of torture.” you laughed and his own followed.
“You’re right. It’s horrible.” 
Trip was soon with the two of you, pressing Malcolm with questions and you used this as the perfect opportunity to grab a drink. Standing by the table you watched as everyone danced to songs that sounded familiar, some were songs from the 2000s, others current stuff but eventually songs by Glenn Miller began to play. You only knew of the man since Trip decided to introduce everyone to him one evening, Malcolm quickly became a fan and you were soon listening to his music more often than not.
What took you totally by surprise was Malcolm appearing in front of you, causing you to jump slightly as he spoke. If you’d had any drink in the cup you would have spilled it but thankfully it was empty.
“I’m sorry.” you laughed “What was that? I was totally somewhere else?”
The man smiled and waved away your apology with his hand “It’s alright. Want to have a dance?”
“Oh uh.” you put your cup down on the table and turned back towards him “Sure, can’t let the music go to waste can we?”
“Exactly my thinking.”
Taking his hand you allowed him to pull you into the crowd. The song was fairly fast paced and the two of you laughed and smiled at each other as you danced. You weren’t sure when it happened or how but you were soon slow dancing with Malcolm, a very unexpected turn of events.
The two of you started a fair distance apart but as the song progressed you began to get closer and closer as you danced and soon enough it felt as if you could feel each other's heartbeats and the tension between you was palpable. 
“Hm?” he looked down at you slightly.
“About earlier, I think I know what you meant about them sitting near. I just wanted to say I feel the same way.”
His brain froze for a second before continuing. “I’m glad. I’m really glad. I’m sorry, I just can’t find the right words.”
“That’s ok. If I totally misinterpreted the situation-”
“You didn’t.” he cut you off. “I do like you Y/N. I really really like you. How about we try and do a proper date? Give me some time to sort it but I want to make it special.”
You smiled “You don’t have to do that for me.” “I want to.” he insisted “I want to officially start off the whole journey really well to set the standard. It’ll only be up from there.”
The music changed track and you were pulling apart. “Don’t set the bar too high.”
“I’d do it in a heartbeat for you.”
Tag List: (open)
Star Trek: @heyitsaloy  @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleet-imagines @captainsophiestark @perasperaadastrawriting
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hollowslantern · 5 months
dating Malcolm Reed headcanons (Malcolm Reed x fem reader)
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he leaves you for a man
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I'm absolutely dying for a Malcolm Reed x tall!female!Reader oneshot, however I have no inspiration.
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esmestarz · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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