#malec groundhog fic
i don’t know which timeline was worse. the one where magnus sobs his heart out in alec arm but Alec dies before knowing what happened or the one where nagnus said he wished he never met alec and alec dies thinking magnus hates him
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foodsies4me · 5 months
"Alec gets kidnapped by the Circle and accidentally saves an angel" that sounds soooo good!!! (i love hc's/ fics that have to do with alec having a connection with an angel or speaking angelic etc) (also who am i kidding the fics all sound amazing) Also the groundhog day got me so intruged 👀 would malec be established when groundhog day sets in? would it be during their first meeting? would they be strangers?
I also have a weak spot for Alec having a connection with an angel, so writing a fic with that premiss was bound to happen at some point. Also, I am both laughing (with despair) and groaning (with despair) at that fic because some OC decided that the premiss (aka Alec being taken as a captive by the Circle) was the perfect opportunity to play a role in the fic as well.
The Groundhog Day starts before their first meeting because I decided to be extra evil to Alec.😇
Also, a snippet of the angel fic that will have to be reworked at some point:
Alec looks at the four dead Circle members on the ground before his eyes turn to Raphael and the other wounded and weakened vampires. His mind races back to what he's read in the institute tomes about Nephilim blood and its positive effects on vampire healing. "Does someone have to be alive for you to be able to drink the blood?" he asks, tilting his head toward the growing pools of blood on the ground. Raphael lifts an eyebrow. Alec doesn't miss the hunger in his eyes, the bloodlust that has been growing over weeks if not months. He also doesn't miss the clear surprise there. "A warm meal is preferable to a cold one," he says coolly, eyeing Alec warily again for the first time in days. Alec shrugs, kicking one of the bodies closer to him as he wipes the seraph blade on his pants or what's left of them. "They just died...they can't have grown too cold.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part One
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Submitted by @darknutmeg​
Five Favourite Stories
Bright Lights, Small Town by @lecrit  
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC: There are too many reasons to list here without this turning into a 1K essay, so I will break it down into three things. 1) This is my absolute favourite characterization of Magnus in any fic I have ever read. His constant struggles to find a place where he truly belongs with someone he loves and a family to call his own. Found family, especially when it involves Magnus, owns my heart. 2) Its an honest and real look at grief, specifically the scene where burns his Mother’s paintings. Who hasn’t felt this way when dealing the loss of the loved one; wanting physical memories of them gone from your sight, thrown away or in this case destroyed. Luckily Magnus was saved by a pair of strong arms. A scene which really set the tone for their relationship. 3) The airport scene, straight from a rom-com and absolutely breathtaking.
FAVORITE QUOTE(S): “I thought it was pretty obvious, but maybe it isn't to you,” Alec murmured, reaching out to wipe away a stray tear with his free hand. “You're so full of doubt, so used to holding these walls around your heart that I realized maybe you doubted that too. So, well… I'm telling you not to. You can doubt many things but don't doubt this: I love you.”
All The Right Words by @ninwrites
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC: There are few fics in the fandom featuring deaf characters, it can be difficult to portray correctly and this story does an absolutely exquisite job. As someone who is fluent in sign language and has a deaf family member, I truly, truly appreciate this type of representation in any form of media, especially when it is handled so beautifully. Alec is adorable and sweet and so so in love, it takes my breath away. Magnus learning to communicate for Alec’s sake and choosing to learn a most important expression is a moment which will stay with me forever. 
FAVORITE QUOTE: “The charm is said to bring luck and protection.” Isabelle finishes, quietly. “Alec hoped you’d accept it - he told me that he doubts you need protection, that he knows you can look after yourself perfectly well, but he … he hopes that this can help you.” From the corner of his eye, Magnus sees Isabelle’s jaw pulse slightly. “Because he can’t.”
All The Things I’d Say But Couldn’t by kaythenorthface
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC: There are plenty of alternate, early season one Malec getting together stories out there, each one with a unique take. This one however has a special touch. A parallel to an early moment in their pre-relationship: The memory demon. Having Alec reveal his long hidden feelings to Magnus through his memories, when the prior time it had forced him to face his issues. The force of Magnus’ “How long?” hits hard. I felt that. Alec kept his feelings from Magnus for years and hurt both of them in the process. Which makes the emotional confession at the end that much more beautiful, it’s ‘I’m sorry it took me so long.’
 FAVOURITE QUOTE(S): “Alexander,” Magnus says, looking very much like he wants to roll his eyes at Alec. “I told you a long time ago that I’d gone 50 years without wanting anyone before I met you. You were the first person I ever fell in love with without trying to. That isn’t something that just goes away. There’s always been a part of me waiting, hoping for you to change your mind.”
My True Love Gave to Me by @imawriteriwrite
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC: This fic is my comfort fic; it’s like a warm hug. You get to watch them have more than one first kiss, share a few adorable dates and go along with Magnus as he slowly figures out to break the ‘curse’ while realizing his own feelings. It’s like Groundhog Day at Christmas but filled with love. Also, Magnus showing up to confess to Alec while dressed in pajamas is so on point.
 FAVORITE QUOTE(S): “Alexander,” Magnus says, looking very much like he wants to roll his eyes at Alec. “I told you a long time ago that I’d gone 50 years without wanting anyone before I met you. You were the first person I ever fell in love with without trying to. That isn’t something that just goes away. There’s always been a part of me waiting, hoping for you to change your mind.”
Reconstruction by bumblebeesknees
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC: Healthy communication between Magnus and Alec is something we often preach about and while the show did a decent job with it, they could have done so much more. Like with their reunion after the first ‘break up.’. This fic fills in all those gaps absolutely beautifully. Alec’s vulnerability about potentially screwing up and forcing Magnus to leave him, the broken trust they still need to rebuild and the love, there’s so much love here. Present scenes are built around past ones seamlessly so you see how they slowly find their way back to each other. And the bracelet. Don’t even get me started on that. It’s the omamori charm of Shadowhunters fic.
 FAVORITE QUOTE(S): “I love you,” says Magnus and even though Alec’s not consciously thinking about it, some part of him must realize that the necessary thing to do is pull away. But Magnus is still holding onto Alec’s hands, the beads of the bracelet is digging into Alec’s skin and Alec – Alec doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand why Magnus refuses to let go, refuses to break away from Alec’s gaze when Alec can’t because he’s frozen in place.
“I love you,” says Magnus a third time, as though maybe this time around it’ll make sense to Alec. It doesn’t. “I shouldn’t have waited this long to say it. I just – I didn’t know how.”
Author Story
Shadowhunters made me dig out my fanfic writer’s hat for the first time in over a decade and it’s telling that the very first thing I wrote was a wedding fic because Malec was my inspiration. Malec made me come of out of hiding and I’m forever grateful for it. Playing with those two boys in various situations has been an absolute delight, Magnus’ character has so much depth and Alec is so stalwart and loyal. They are so many ways to make them fall in love over and over again.
The talent of the writers in this fandom is exquisite, inspiring and something to be admired. I am grateful to be here amongst you and even though I suck at updating and I’m extremely unorganized, I’m glad to have a place to share my little words and I’m thankful for the audience I have gained.
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i love time loop fics and this one was so great I’m tears
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the groundhog fic has given me lifetime trauma thank u ily
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magnus finding out the reason alec keeps on dying is bcoz he kesps on saving him is my thirteenth reason
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loved yadab so much
watching magnus desperation was chefs kiss.
thank you for writing 🔥
Thank you, love.
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I have read YADAB and it was wild. Truth be told, not a fan of loop fics. But this one was great. Unhinged Magnus is mwah, belissimo. I like how you don't try to glorify him, he was tired and snaps at people he wouldn't dare to snap at in normal circumstances. It's not right, but it's human.
I know it would sound kinda strange but I didn't get enough of Magnus reuniting with Alec after 500 years of his death. It was great but I just needed more tears more self-blame more bare feelings. This is not to say it wasn't good, just my personal opinion.
Magnus considering necromancy... Mmm, I dunno what prospect allures me more. Magnus staying on the good side or losing batshit. Well, I hope @/carelessflower will deliver some good unhinged mom! Magnus one day. I'll wait patiently until that.
Magnus bringing all shadow world to keep Alec safe is what Magnus would do of course shysksbsa
All in all, I had a great time reading, you talented as always, thank you for writing this, waiting for amnesia au and LRHWY.
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Thank you babygirl. I’m really happy you liked it. This fic was a roller coaster lol
With regards to not having enough reconciliation scenes, I get what you mean. Magnus, is not someone who processes things easily. He needs time, a lot of time. So when the time loop stopped, it took a days to process what actually happened. And he realised, he doesn’t want to process it. He cannot continue living his life with all those empties, he doesn’t want to share all of it with Alec (Alec only knows in brief of what happened). Which is why he decides to remove those memories. That’s where his head is at. But yeah I get it. I would have wanted more of soft stuff after too lmaoooo. I wanted to write a really long scene where they talk about it but the story seemed complete to me when the loop ended.
Magnus bringing the entire shadow world to protect Alec though>>>>>>>>>>>
Thank you again though. I loved writing this fic so much🥺
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“I’ll try harder next time, I promise.” Alec struggles through the blood in his mouth.
This was SUCH an Alec thing to say.
Needless to say, I loved the fic. *chef's kiss*
Alec Lightwood has me so soft 24x7 🥺
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im ready for this angst train let go
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“I’m sleeping. I’m sleeping.” The boy says urgently and clutches the covers more tightly.
rafael is so me-coded i used to do this all the time but im the worst actor ever lmaooooo
Alec leans closer and sits in Magnus's lap, both his legs on either side of him. He grabs Magnus's face gently and kisses his nose.
my fav aesthetic, so domestic. can u imagine all that long limbs trying to fit in tho? alec my tallest smol bby
He strokes Magnus's cheeks softly, letting him get away with whatever he’s hiding and replies. “And what happened in this dream where I’m 70% less attractive. Are we still married?”
“Sadly. Apparently it's the heart I was in for.” Magnus rests his head against Alec's chest and focuses on his heartbeat.
alec's costume for halloween gonna be his ratty sweater + acid green socks + a board with 80% less attractive carved on it cuz it gonna be most scary for magnus
Max tilts his head upwards at Alec and pouts again. Alec kisses his head and peers at magnus. “Magnus, you weren't here yesterday morning. You were in LA.”
ominous music start playing in the background
Alec grins and drags Magnus to the bathroom where Alec thoroughly clears his brain of any secondary thoughts other than his amazing mouth on him.
now this, remind me of several fic ideas in draft, not gonna state which one though
“I know. But it’s revenge for all the weird heterosexual things I had to witness back in the day.” Alec's grin can be heard through the phone.
alec be the pettiest bitch in the planet and i will still support him i support alec rights i support alec wrong
“Alec, Alec, Alec, please stop. Stop dying on me.” Magnus begs as he lays his head on Alec's chest.
hello 911 this sentence right here
im gagging over all the time magnus fail to save alec like its getting bad for me but i love this trope idk idk sue me idc
He spends the entire day on the beach where Alec and he got married and only came back to Jace’s call, screaming and crying. He runs to his husband and mutters apologies over apologies in his ears.
why do i love this type of angst so much, like regret and desperation mixing together in a perfect miserable bowl
Magnus doesn't find out who it is before the night ends. Every single one of them fails at protecting Alec and Magnus screams loud enough to flood the entire city of New York.
Before the city can drown, Magnus wakes up again with Alec peppering kisses across his face.
this sentence *chef kiss*
He closes his eyes and puts one step inside, ignoring the loud “Magnus, no,” from behind.
cant believe magnus making this dumbass move is totally in character for him actually
Max lets out an ugly chuckle. “I’m not weak like you, Bapak.”
now i dont know about you but if i say this to my parent hell gonna break loose doesn't matter how much mistakes my parent made they gonna sweep the floor with my ass
He can get power and maybe his family back. Magnus can have the life he deserves back. Shadow world can go to hell for Magnus cares.
i dont give a fvck magnus in a bit problematic era is valid and i support him
“The butterflies are supposed to be Blue.” Magnus looks at his hands and they have turned almost black now with anger but he doesn’t care who he destroys today.
smart and feral magnus is the most sexy magnus, carved this into the accord @ alec lightwood-bane
Magnus snaps his fingers and a dagger appears in his hand. He pushes the sword in Alec's hands forcefully. “How about you try it Alec? Plunge the sword into me and kill me” He screams.
mister this is a mcdonald drive through pls staph STAPH
“I wish I had never fucking met you, Alexander. That you never knocked on my door that night.” Magnus exhales. “Every single one of my nightmare is related to you. I wouldn't be in all this pain if not for you.”
this is pain but all i can think about is alec's mind yelling the entire chorus of antihero after he heard magnus said this. god's timing always right. now, shrek forever after!au when magnus's magic accidentally reacts to his outburst and re-set the timeline to when alec never met magnus. someone writes this
He wants to turn the shadowhunter into a toad.
“I will drown you in a pool of ducks.”
“Shut up.” Jace says even though he looks scared at the prospect.
the only brother in law that matter
“I thought you’d freak out if you wake up in our room again. So when I woke up this morning, I got you here.” Alec explains.
very virgo of him to do so
“You said a bad word yesterday, daddy.” Max explains.
they gonna have a cuss jar in the near feature arent they
Alec follows through on his promise this time.
but he wont be able to 70 years from now on- JK HAHA thats my alter ego talking love is fine love is great love is infinite i love love
great work as always your magnus angst always magnificent
Thank you. Thank you. My Magnus angst is the reason I can get through life.
I love how your thoughts go from A to Q in 0.06 seconds. It’s like watching a genius work in real time.
This fic was so fun to write because it was absolutely unhinged. I got to write soft Magnus, Magnus in his unhinged era, angry Magnus, sad, desperate Magnus. It’s like Magnus x10000.
Also yes, Alec making himself small in Magnus’s lap is such a soft aesthetic🥺
me getting 7 more fic ideas only from your reactions alone lol.
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the groundhog day fic is making me scream wat iz this angst? what did magnus ever do to u
plzzz i loved it so much
alec taking him to the couch so that he dont freak out is so alec
Thank you. 🌻
I can’t get over how soft Alec is sometimes. There were tidbits of him doing cute shit like this in the fic.
Magnus is too iconic so I have to put him through hell sorry not sorry.
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magnus watching alec die over and over again is sad but those two realities hit worse specially the one where max and rafe hate magnus
Those two realities weren’t a part of the initial outline but then I thought why the fuck not? Let’s put Magnus through more hell lmao
Magnus *stuck in a time loop*: this is the worse thing to ever happen to me
Me *holding the cards to the next two realities*
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there’s a Groundhog Day malec fic? where
I’m posting it right now. Will be up in like 20 minutes.
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The Malec Groundhog Day fic turned out more angstier than I thought lol. I’ll be posting in a few hours.
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