#malik otto
snapsimplex · 10 months
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paxcallow · 6 months
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sketch. doodle. figuring out how to draw some psychonauts guys. no end in sight.
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redularium · 3 months
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various psychonauts i think :]
from various periods of time . sigh . i do not know how to draw them, perhaps ill study them
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badfriend · 1 year
click here for psychonauts (2005)
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barakuma90 · 2 years
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Gristol Malik concept art from Psychonauts 2 Motherlobe edition
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cunzy4 · 2 years
“He’s in there all right…”
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Otto why couldn’t you have done that TWENTY YEARS AGO
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browngonzo888 · 8 months
last one i promise: i think rokel malik is in actuality, otto's twin sister that theodore threatened [with burning the house down and letting them die in the cold] her into being his suitress
Oh well look at that, they do kinda look alike
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aquato-family-circus · 11 months
Building on this point I made way back in last year December, it's interesting just how much the shaky situation of the Psychonauts organization could be read as a direct parallel to the Fall of Grulovia. Both of them involve groups/societies losing their "heart", so to speak, as a result of horrors caused by a Grulovian driven over the edge.
In the Psychonauts' case, it was losing Lucrecia, Ford, and Helmut that lead to the Psychonauts' foundation effectively without the soul that made the Psychonauts what it was meant to be (to expand the frontiers of knowledge regarding the human mind). Thus, all that remained was the shell and whatever fragments remained of the Psychic Seven with Otto, Compton, Cassie, and Bob. Once they began to fall apart, the Psychonauts was only a fraction of what it used to be despite the changes.
In the case of Grulovia, it'd be easy to claim that the Maliks were the "heart" of Grulovia, but I'd argue that it'd be more accurate to say that it was the regular citizens, the people who Grulovia's royal family should have nurtured and prospered. But the Maliks had been leeching them dry for years, and Theodore's decision to manipulate Lucrecia only lead to the final nail in the coffin with the Deluge of Grulovia.
In both cases, the birth of Maligula was both the "birth" of the Psychonauts as an organization, but the death of the Psychonauts as a group of friends and people driven by their heart towards a noble goal, replaced by an effectively broken shell that was held together by forward momentum and talented people who tried to keep things going. And likewise, the birth of Maligula heralded the death of Grulovia, with the leeches (Maliks) who caused the whole mess scurrying away into hiding.
And then it's telling that what began the process of healing that heart involved another Grulovian playing a part to make things right.
Raz and Gristol in this regards parallel each other, as they both narratively play a role in trying to save the heart of their respective groups. But whereas Raz ultimately achieves this by helping to heal the original wound both in the Aquato family and the Psychic Six, Gristol did not and could not do so.
This is because Gristol foolishly imposes himself as being the "heart" of Grulovia, much like the rest of his family. Lacking any self-awareness and introspection, he thus only ensured that he'd be doomed to make the same devastating mistakes that led to Grulovia falling in the first place, and nearly dooming the remnants of the Psychonauts as well.
Ford in many ways factors into this as well, as while the Maliks certainly played a part in the devastation, he basically tried to "fix" the heart of the Psychonauts and bring back Lucrecia at any cost, only for the costly nature of his mistakes leading to his own mind being shattered, Lucrecia stuck in a false identity, and Helmut trapped for 2 decades as a brain in a jar.
And the end results speak for themselves. The Psychonauts and Grulovia being seen as shadows of their former selves. The Psychonauts unable to help its own agents in mental crises, Whispering Rock's children suffering from their own troubles that go unaddressed in the first game, etc. And Grulovia a frozen wasteland whose only chance of being "fixed" lies in the hands of the very people who leeched and drained it dry, before condemning it to a watery and frozen grave while fleeing from their costly mistakes.
I find Gristol's fixation on Ford especially fascinating in this regard bc you can draw parallels between the two as trying to fix these dire straights in ways that involve a lot of mental manipulation, whether it's Gristol's more real-world manipulative tactics or it's Ford's use of the astralathe. While Ford has much more well meaning intentions it can't be denied that he pulled a lot of selfish moves in the process, like not going to get his friends' help since he must've assumed they'd never agree to such a wildly unsafe solution to the problem.
For some reason the image that always flashes in my mind when these parallels between the Psychonauts (org) and Grulovia are drawn is whenever you go to Fatherland Follies and see that show room where Ford is like on the front lines doing his EVIL psychonauts treachary on top of his Ford Plane. Like it or not once Ford and friends agreed to stop Maligula they entered the World Stage and they have lasting world-wide images built up around them afterward for better or worse.
I've always liked that in the end the thing that saved Lucy and brought her back/allowed her to snip Maligula back into the subconcious of her mind, it was Raz, it was the family she wanted so much to protect but got maniupulated into hurting by the Maliks.
The Psychonauts (org) being set on the path to hopefully saving themselves from becoming even worse than that shell of their former selves fascinates me because despite how hyped up it is, they're honestly pretty early on into their life as an organization. Like, taking everything at face value, the Psychonauts are only a 20 year old organization, that's like, nothing in the grand scheme of things so far. They've definitely already been making their mark but now I think they have the next generation of agents in a good place to eventually take things over, because the old guard of the Psychic 7 has their heads on more straight and can guide the growth/rebuilding/restructuring a lot more before they're gone in like another 20-30 years.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 11 months
I'm confused by the Psychonauts timeline. And I don't mean "Oh doesn't it take place in the 1980s cause of the second game having magazines?" vs "doesn't it take place in the 1800s because Fred validly being the great great great grandson of Napoleon Bonaparte and we can look up Napoleon's lineage and see that said great great great grandchildren lived in that age?" vs "Doesn't it take place in a futuristic 2000s because vibes?"
No no no no no.
I'm talking about what events took place in what order?
Like... Ford and Otto meet and decide to go to some place in the woods to study this thing called Psitanium. Many people think they dropped out of college but they could have also been like... geology majors...
And apparently Otto knew a hydrokinetic woman named Lucy from Grulovia so...
Mark that actually first in the timeline, Otto knew Lucy and knew a war was happening in Grulovia. Sometime after that, Otto and Ford meet and start studying Psitanium. Lucy's husband, Gelsin, dies in the war so she leaves. Leaving her sister behind.
Lucy and Ford start bonding long before other psychics join them, but then we don't know the exact order that people came in.
Compton, Cassie, and Bob are somewhere in the mix with Helmut being last but... which of them came first!? Was it Cassie who struggled to socialize with the others and only bonded with Ford? OR was it Compton because his psychic abilities were having trouble being honed and Ford was like- why don't we try to help? OR was it Bob who had no one else around and was probably aimlessly wandering or drunk? We don't know. Make it up yourself.
Helmut and Bob have a wedding, which... includes... Truman. Wait how old is Truman!? I thought he was younger than Augustus but Augustus is clearly around Raz's age (maybe older) in the memory vaults but now looks older than Truman.
Do we need to put THAT on the timeline, too!? *sigh* just... plot things out...
After that wedding the next point in the timeline is Lucrecia's return to Grulovia because the war eventually breaches its borders, and fearing for her sister's life, Lucrecia heads back. This is now a lot easier to plot out. Lucrecia heads back, turns the tide of war (pun intended), and becomes the War Minister under the Malik Crown. Lucrecia eventually creates mild floods at protests, and gains the moniker "Maligula" from either those of the crown, or the protestors. During this time, her letters start to no longer show up in the mail and Maligula gains a big name for herself (as we see with Psychic Times Magazine). The Deluge happens. Marona and Lazarus are killed and then she is left to succumb to her primal fight instincts that try to protect her from feeling the guilt and aiming her rage at those she blames to be the real cause of her sister's death. Other protestors, or even the crown. The Maliks flee, and after many militaries cannot get to Grulovia, they send in the small group of Psychics that have also probably been published in similar magazines (most likely thanks to Otto). The fight with Maligula happens, Helmut "dies," Ford "kills" Maligula, and he takes Maligula and Helmut's brain to the Heptadome.
Things get messy here again. Because while it may seem that Maligula's, Augustus's, and Ford's rewrites happened back to back in Helmut's memories of the incident, there's implications that it wasn't the case. Ford recalls at the end of "Tomb of the Sharkophogus" that "I had my Lucy back." This implies that he first used it to isolate Maligula. Afterall, it he remarks he had his Lucy. Ford goes on to say "But I knew the world would never forgive her. So I had to hide her somewhere safe."
Perhaps this was him still having her in the astrolaithe, BUT it could also be that he and Lucy came up with the plan of hiding her further from herself. Remember: Lucy accepted the name of Maligula before the Deluge (Cruller's Correspondence). It was even the name they featured her with on the Psychic magazine before the Deluge. But we don't know. This is a hole in our understanding. It's an even bigger hole with Raz saying that Ford was "the greatest leader the Psychonauts had ever seen," back in PN1 (before Maligula was the reason that Ford's mind became fucked up). Meaning that not only should Ford have at least a FEW missions under his belt, it would mean the back-to-back memory wipe makes no sense. But if the back-to-back memory wipe makes no sense then there would be no reason for Otto to have not known the brain in the jar was Helmut Fullbear! ESPECIALLY when Ford is supposedly out of it during Helmut's funeral and when Ford is at the founding of the Motherlobe.
Another hole in our understanding is even where Ford got the idea of the circus. Was it from Lazarus Aquato and his famous national aquatic circus that Augustus tells Raz about? Was it from the fact that the Galochios were supposed to have been a rival circus in the past? We don't get anything with that!
So what are we left with? I suppose it would have had to have been something like this - Ford rescues Lucy, but between all of her friends she believes she killed Helmut, as well as her sister. Possibly unable to deal with the grief, She begs Ford to help her redeem herself by saving Augustus. But Augustus, traumatized by the loss of his mother to his aunt rejects her until they're both locking their memories away. And then Ford... well there's another grey period.
What makes the MOST sense is that he was HAILED as the best leader the Psychonauts had because he was 1. The First, and 2. Took down Maligula. And basically immediately after tried to seal the memories of Lucy away with the Astrolaithe and accidentally broke his own mind by the time they had Helmut's funeral.
THEN we get into the New Leadership of the Psychonauts. Mostly led by Otto, but we also have Truman as the only other leader. Who is clearly old enough to have been at Helmut and Bob's wedding given the figments you can find in Bob's Bottles.
I'm guessing that Ford and Otto had their time as leaders, but when Cassie left, Truman was the one in charge. But that's only guess work. Truman could have just been leading the Psychonauts as the organization we know it since the beginning.
But the most IRRITATING part of the Psychonauts timeline is the current batch of agents. No, not Raz and the Juniors, I'm talking about the Senior Agents. The superstars.
Where did Sasha Nein, Milla Vodello, Hollis Forsythe, and Morceau Oleander come from?
Like... we know their backstories and where they were BEFORE the Psychonauts. But we only see Hollis recruited. And she's able to call the Psychonauts and get Truman to come on a mission to fix her mess.
But like... if the Psychonauts are just a phone call away, they're clearly established for the populous rather than the way they're called in like... the E3 reveal trailer by military. So HOW did she become SECOND HEAD? Who was Truman's second hand before her? Did he have one before her? Was this during a time that like... Otto and Compton were in charge?
Were Morceau, Sasha, and Milla already there? That would make the most sense, considering how popular and available the Psychonauts are. But then again, why would someone who got into the Psychonauts so late become the Second Head??
And it's not even that Hollis was an immediate field agent, as she dropped being a nurse and got a graduate degree in mathematics. So she either took off away from the Psychonauts and got that degree then came in later, or under the Psychonauts got her degree.
We don't have the order of half of the founding members, and we don't have the order of the modern psychonauts being recruited.
All. We have. Are Headcanons. And even then those clash a lot.
Like, I can say: "Oh I think Truman became leader fairly quickly thanks to his age being around 20s or 30s at the latest and Otto and Compton were struggling with trauma" but at the same time it's equally valid to say: "Ford was the leader who lost himself overtime rather than shattering immediately"
And sometimes that's great. But sometimes that can cause people to yell at one another.
What am I trying to get at?
Nothing I'm just neurodivergent about numbers and timelines are something I'm VERY neurodivergent for.
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The Psychonauts Battle Royale consists of 64 characters and will take place over 6 rounds! Round One will be set to last a week as I gain traction, but later rounds may be shorter (let me know what you think!)
I chose characters (with only a few small exceptions) that exist only in the real world and are not exclusive to mental worlds, just to keep character divisions more clear! Did my absolute best to seed the poll interestingly and decently fair, but go easy on me, I've never done any big polls before!
I have already set everything up so I won't be taking any requests or changes to the bracket at this point, just go with what you see! The list of characters has been placed below the cut for your viewing pleasure.
Feel free to send asks and talk to me about the polls, reblog them, send them around, etc.!!! I'm excited to see what some of these results will be!
{ Reblogs of this post to spread the word are appreciated! }
Adam Joseph Gette
Archetype Raz
Augustus Aquato
Benny Fideleo
Bob Zanotto
Bobby Zilch
Boyd Cooper
Cassie O'Pia
Chloe Barge
Clem Foote
Coach Morceau Oleander
Compton Boole
Crispin Whytehead
Crystal Flowers Snagrash
Dion Aquato
Donatella Aquato
Dogen Boole
Dr. Caligosto Loboto
Edgar Teglee
Elka Doom
Elton Fir
Ford Cruller
Franke Athens
Frazie Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
Gisu Nerumen
Gloria von Gouton
Gristol Malik
Helmut Fullbear
Hollis Forsythe
J.T. Hoofburger
Kitty Bubai
Lili Zanotto
Lizzie Natividad
Lucrecia Mux
Maloof Canola
Marona Aquato
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind
Mikhail Bulgakov
Milka Phage
Milla Vodello
Mirtala Aquato
Morris Martinez
Mr. Bun
Mr. Pokeylope
Nils Lutefisk
Norma Natividad
Oatmeal, the Psi-Popper Generator
Otto Mentallis
Phoebe Love
Queepie Aquato
Quentin Hedgemouse
Razputin Aquato
Sam Boole
Sasha Nein
Sugarcube, the World's Smallest Pony
Truman Zanotto
Vernon Tripe
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thefandomcassandra · 1 year
Broken Bridge (3/5): Your Eyes on Mine
They say that grief is a wrecking ball. That grief takes the breath out of your lungs and the strength out of your limbs and the will to live out of your very soul. In that moment, a large piece of Helmut Fullbear dies. With the passing of Bob Zanotto, the only light in Helmut’s life goes out.
(Razputin Aquato enters the mind of Helmut Fullbear to help him process his grief and to get his assistance in helping stop the return of Maligula. It doesn't hurt that his husband isn't...dead, per se. The hard part is convincing him of that fact.)
Helmut knows how this goes. It replays in his dreams every night. He's memorized every line down to the stage directions, the well worn script a hell of his own making.
After all: the man who let his husband die doesn't deserve restful sleep.
Everything about her is different. From how she holds herself to the way the water whips around her—no longer a partner in crime, but a beast that needed to be leashed before it could do anything other than bite the hand that feeds—there isn't a trace of their Lucrecia to be seen. Sharp and cloaked in fine furs, the malignant Maligula is a far cry from the threadbare but beloved Lucrecia they'd last seen. Instead, the Minister of War, the Lapdog for the Maliks, the Deluge of Grulovia, Maligula stands opposite them, her teeth bared in a derisive sneer. She is ready to kill them. She is willing to kill them.
At her side is the little red-eyed Alp. They barely come up to her knee, comically small in comparison. As they look back and forth between her and the rest of them, the Alp seems to remember something.
They reach up and tug on her coat to get her attention. When she bends down to hear them out, they whisper something, mouth and intentions hidden behind their hand. She laughs at whatever they say and waves a hand at them as she straightens back up. A beat later, she turns her full attention back to her foes.
Her grin lights Cheshire against the curtain blue sky, wicked sharp with ill intent. The presence of the Alp does little to change the mood of the scene—dour and tense as sandbag ropes. "Ah, my so-called friends!"
"We are your friends, Lucy!" Ford cries out. Doesn't he know that this is a futile effort? Doesn't he know that he can't save her? Doesn't he know that nothing good will come from him trying to redeem her?
(He's out of line, out of order, but that's become the norm. The little nightmare has forced rewrite after rewrite, each version worse than the last in different, horrifying ways.)
(At least it's something new.)
"Are you truly?" She cocks her head, sharp eyes scanning everyone. Otto, with his deus ex machina, is the only one she lingers on. Maligula eyes him with calculated hunger, as if feeding him and his ideas to her snakes would help her cause.
(Does she know about the Hyperhyglaciator? Is that why she's bothering with Otto this run?)
"Of course!" Ford pleads with her, everyone else only background to his moment. "We've always been your friends! If you would just let us help—"
That was a mistake.
Read the Rest on AO3
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snapsimplex · 9 months
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helping the twins with their homework
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*Ibrahim inizia a preoccuparsi molto che Heinrich Ludwig è diventato imperatore del nuovo Sacro Romano Impero con il nome Heinrich III e vedere il ritorno del partito Nazionalsocialista tedesco che sta deportando gli ebrei sionisti seguaci di Abu Qasim Muhammad in Russia nel territorio più freddo e remoto come la Siberia e nota anche che Heinrich III e Otto Von Bolschwing stanno iniziando a mettere anche restrizioni contro la popolazione musulmana che vive in Germania,Austria e Italia vedendo cambiamenti che non gli piacciono per niente e odia ancora di più il suo lontano parente Abu Qasim Muhammad: non bastava il suo sadico desiderio di uccidere tutti i Quraysh, ha desiderato anche di distruggere l'Europa e il cristianesimo tramite i suoi seguaci ebrei d'Europa.
Ibrahim nota la repressione antislamica crescere a dismisura per convertire i musulmani al cristianesimo perché il Sacro Romano Impero è una nazione cristiana:
-divieto di possedere libri di argomento islamico
-cancellazione delle usanze legate alla cultura islamica,uso della lingua araba scritta e parlata, festività civili affermatesi però in periodo islamico.
-cancellazione di usare i nomi arabi
Con tutte queste repressioni e diritti civili strappati nuovamente a causa di un governo cristiano, Ibrahim insieme a sua moglie Zainab al-Khalidi, i loro figli Yusuf e Badra, i suoi colleghi Omar Soudani,Samir al-Khalifawi,Asma al-Quraishi,Amir al-Mawli,Haitham al-Badri e Yassin al-Badri lascia Berlino e viaggia a Mosul nel Nord Iraq, uno stato salafita dove gli arabi dominano sui i curdi che non vogliono unirsi allo stato laico sunnita Baathista di Malik al-Badri*
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babblingstacey · 1 year
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Typical party right? Men watching tv; women in the kitchen.
Luckily, everyone was getting along great.
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The kids (and Celeste for some reason) took full advantage of the rumpus room. Otto played games with Lucas and his cousin Malik while Arabella and cousin Samantha played with the new gaming console.
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psi-king · 1 year
does Dove have an intern? Or did they have a mentor in the past?
All information I'm about to tell uses lore from my AU Grulovian Tales so things might be very different from canon.
Dove have an intern?
There is a yes and no answer to this. Do they have an official intern? Well in Grulovian Tales none of the heads have a full-time intern, they all share the responsibility as their jobs as the three heads are highly time-consuming. This leaves Dove mainly as a mentor to both Adam and Norma, and when Truman goes missing they end up becoming a full mentor to the two for a while. [ In Grulovian Tales the Junior Psychonauts still have mentors until they are adults. ] They also take responsibility for all interns cause the three heads are sort of mentors over anyone in the junior psychonauts and internship program, just never full-time like the others.
Did they have a mentor in the past?
There is a depressing, chaotic, and good answer to this.
Before they lost their dad [ Helmut Fullbear ] and their papa [ Bob Zanotto ] started avoiding them cause they reminded him too much of Helmut; they used to have the two as mentors.
But after the fall of Grulvoia, Dove ends up unofficially adopted by their cousin Truman Zanotto who becomes a mentor to them until adulthood.
But they also had a fourth mentor, a non-psychic spirit actually. This 4th mentor was no other than Gzar Theodore Malik.
This is a little confusing but in my AU Theodore was on his deathbed when Gristol was 14, a year after the dam disaster. His brain ended up donated to Otto's brain tank and Dove, the same age as Gristol, stumbled upon it due to being able to see lost spirits who are aware they are dead.
Dove was interested in psychology at the time, and was determined to get their mind off the whole loss of their father situation by taking on one of the toughest challenges they could, knocking actual sense into Theodore.
This not only led to Dove keeping Theodore in one of those balls similar to Larry for a large portion of their life, but also led to Theodore in a way becoming a sort of mentor to Dove. He pushed them, rather strictly, in a certain way to pursue their dreams of psychology, and due to this Dove became a psychologist way before they even reached their 30s. That's how they got their job as the Motherlobe's psychologist and added to them becoming the third head.
Due to Theodore having no real power to break Dove, it was impossible to end up in another Maligula situation so Dove was never really in any real danger the whole time. Just a person way to determined to crack Theodore's narcissism and make him realize what he did was wrong. After 20 years of this yeah it made a big difference in the corrupted king, but in a weird way if it wasn't for him Dove would of fallen into a deeper depression and never became the Motherlobe Psychologist or the third head so yeah, he was most certainly the 4th unofficial mentor of Dove. [ At the same time everything that was destroyed in their life was due to him so he had to fix it somehow ]
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apotelesmaa · 2 years
Nightmare blunt rotation: Otto, Sasha, Oleander, Hollis
Ok blunt rotation: Bob, Compton
I’m not smoking weed with that old man: Ford
Dream blunt rotation: Lucretia, Helmut, Cassie, Milla
Gristol: Malik
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