mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
It’s a real shame that goth has become nothing but mere aesthetic now when there is so much more than aesthetic. Which I am not judging anyone on how they fell in love with the subculture, if the aesthetic is what drew you in, that’s absolutely ok, people’s experience is different and hey times have changed over the years and people probably didn’t have any goth people in their corner to show them the ropes.
But it’s a fucking shame how corporate it’s become almost.
Goth is a music based subculture and this is coming from someone who claims to be a Mall Goth and Vampire Goth.
The goth subculture developed from the creation of gothic rock, an offshoot of the Post-Punk music genre.
What is Post-Punk?
Post-punk is very similar to Punk in regards to ideologies and mentality, but they differ in their musical influences.
Punk is mostly influences by elements of Rock, whereas Post-punk is all about breaking away from Rock cliches and experimenting with different musical styles.
Anarchism: The belief in the dismantling of all forms of authority, unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, i.e. capitalism.
• Non-Conformity: Not conforming or adhering to generally accepted standards or customs.
• Anti-Corporatism: A movement targeted against major international and global corporations, particularly those believed to be using unethical or unsustainable methods to create their products.
• Individual Freedom: The belief in the rights and autonomy of individuals to make decisions Without undue interference from external forces.
Goth is so much more than killstar hauls and thirst traps and makeup. Which don’t get me wrong if you do those things, I ain’t stopping you and it’s fine to do them every once in awhile, but please just keep that in mind.
But yeah.
Like I said there really isn’t any rules to being goth.
Just be you.
Be authentic.
That’s all.
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mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
“Goth girlfriend,” rant
I’m so fucking tired of these basic ass dudebros claiming “I want a goth gf,” but throw a hissy fit as soon as they figure out that they have to listen to actual goth music and not some basic rock music like Deftones, which don’t get me wrong I love Deftones too but I do think it’s quite hilarious whenever I see men claim that love goth girls but get mad when they find out that that they have to actually commit like most men.
When I say commit I mean accept the fact that we don’t look like fucking e girls you see on TikTok.
You don’t want a Goth girl Greg, you want a e girl.
Goth music is goth culture!
Goth is a music based subculture!
Not an aesthetic.
I’m a Mall Goth and Vampire Goth but at least I know that Goth comes from a music background and not some fucking fashion statement.
Rant over.
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mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
The fetishization of Goth people/women
I saw a post about this and I have to speak up.
I am so fucking over the fetishization of goth people especially goth women.
Like don’t get me wrong, I’m all for sexual liberation and for looking sexy and yes I tend to be a simp when it comes to goth men and goth women, but this whole “I want a goth girl to crush me,” is getting ridiculous. I get it’s a joke but still, it’s old and annoying. It’s one thing to have a crush on a goth person, but the whole sexualizing thing is old and annoying.
Goth is more than just “looking hot,”
That’s why miss the early 2000s.
I miss when goth people were considered the “weirdos,”
I miss when goths were feared in a way.
I feel like back then people didn’t try so hard back then too.
Say what you want about mall goths/emo/scene people but I feel like back then they didn’t try so hard. They just did what they wanted and I freaking miss that.
Nowadays everything is a competition.
Everything is sexualized and fetishized and I am so sick of it.
Again, nothing wrong with wanting to look sexy, but the sexualizing and fetishizing of goth people especially goth women is so tiring and old and it needs to die especially the whole “big tiddie goth gf,” thing.
Just stop.
Let’s got back to the gritty weird grimy side of goth because that’s what I wanna see.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.🖤🥀🦇
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Ppl calling themself emo/punk/scene/goth but they’re transphobic, ableist, conservative, or racist etc… hate to break it to ya but you aren’t any of those if you’re a bigot. You’re just a poser🤭
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mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
I don’t give a fuck if it is gatekeeping, you cannot be goth and a republican/zionist! If you claim to be goth and you are a republican, you are not a goth, you are a fucking poser!
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mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
“Goth isn’t political,”
Sir, shut the fuck up.
Goth stems from post punk and punk rock which is and always will be fucking political.
That’s why it makes my blood boil whenever some people go “I don’t wanna be political,” like then you are not a true goth!
Goth is political!
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Here's the deal with the posers. They got their idea of what "punk" is from movies/TV shows. They think being rude and disrespectful is "punk." They think being edgy and loud to make people upset is "punk," so how do they behave? Like the "punk" actors on TV.
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Conservatism goes against the core spirit of goth.
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Poser: omg you know goth is literally for everyone right?
Me: umm…yeah?
Poser: so that means goth conservatives can exist.
Me: what?! No! You know you can’t be goth and conservative right? It’s not a thing.
Poser: but you just said goth is for everyone!
Me: I did. Goth is for everyone who is POC, Gay, Trans, non binary, AMAB, AFAB, etc.
Poser: but what about the goth conservatives?!
Me: well you see those people are not real Goths, they are just poser cosplayers who want attention because they are bored. Conservatism goes against the spirit of goth like I said before. It’s like saying “I’m punk and conservative,” when punk is literally very anti conservative and capitalism.
It makes zero sense to be conservative and alternative.
Poser: *clown derp* BUT TIMES HAVE CHANGED!
Me: yeah but the rules of goth have not.
Poser: but I thought there were no rules to being goth?!
Me: well no there’s not when it comes to what you wear since goth is a music based subculture so looks don’t matter but when it comes to politics yes there are rules and the rules are you can’t be conservative.
Me: I’m not gatekeeping I am just speaking facts. Plus the goth subculture is already turning into a bastardized fashion show so yeah I am gatekeeping so fuck off and get the fuck out of my face Stacy!
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mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
Cringe Culture rant.
I have never understood this whole “cringe,” thing.
Like what is so cringe about people being authentically happy?
Like I know I did alot of embarrassing things, but I am not gonna sit here and bully myself for being authentically happy at that time.
“Omg your cringe,”
I’m gonna continue being cringe.
Let people continue to do what they want and you don’t like it maybe you should maybe I don’t know know NOT FUCKING INTERACT WITH IT!
But you “everything is cringe,” dudebros just can’t do that can you?
Well you wanna know what I have find cringe?
People being mean to someone who being themselves.
I also find the patriarchy cringe as well.
But whatever
Cringe Culture is dead!
Do what you want!
Just be you.
As long as you are not causing actual harm to other people, who cares.
Just be you.
You are a star.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
Listen, Liz Vicious is a gorgeous woman, but the fact that she did 🌽 videos when she was still a minor(allegedly) doesn’t sit well with me.
Wherever she is, I hope she is doing alright and has found peace❤️
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mallgothchloe97 · 4 months
Goth is a music based subculture!
Not a fashion based subculture.
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mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
Some limp dick twat claimed that I am a gatekeeper because I said “you can’t be goth and conservative,”
If you claimed to be goth and conservative, you missed the entire fucking point of goth.
But go off I guess.
Also I’m not a fucking gatekeeper.
Goth is for everyone at the end of the day but it’s still strange that you claim to be conservative and goth when conservatives are not accepting of anyone or anything.
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mallgothchloe97 · 5 months
Sometimes I am Mall Goth
Sometimes I am Vampire Goth
Sometimes I am Emo/Scene
Sometimes I am a trashy mcbling Bimbo
Sometimes I like pastel goth
The struggle is real lol
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
“I prefer my men in a suit,”
Yeah well I personally prefer a man in trip pants and in the nu metal clothing.
Sorry not sorry
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mallgothchloe97 · 3 months
If I hear one more person go “MCR is goth,” I will literally kill them with my teeth.
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