#mallow steene
enteringdullsville · 1 year
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As They Appear in Rough Sketch:
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As They Appear in It’s Color Theory:
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Top to Bottom, L-R: Aaron (maroon), Percy (persimmon), Paige (beige), Amber, Tyler (teal), Skye (sky blue), Ivan (navy), Mallow (mauve), Fuchsia, Ronnie (saffron), and Lucy (puce).
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cadoized · 7 years
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Using a different technique than a i started out with; colouring under the lines of the original rather than going on top and having to reline everything. It looks better imo as it keeps the textures and such of the original. idk how i wouldve done the headbubble otherwise 
Original panel:
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bridoesotherjunk · 7 years
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I liked this shot of the three of them.
To be honest, if Pokémon narrowed it down to these two traveling with Ash, I’d be pretty cool with that.
I’d prefer he stay with the whole group but if they did...
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sliggoons · 4 years
May I have some mallow headcannons on her teaching you how to bake cupcakes with the help of orangaru too!
This is adorable aksjejebsrn. Y’all really love baking headcanons huh lmao
Also i apologize if there are ErroRS I am super tired but I wanted to finish another request before bed oops its like 12:30
Mallow x Reader Baking Headcanons
Mallow had the day off from helping out at her family’s restaurant, so she wanted to spend time with you obviously!
She suggested the two of you go down to Oranguru’s hut for some drinks, the three of y’all (mostly just you and Mallow) were chatting and not talking about anything in particular. 
Oranguru asked Mallow if she was ever going to make more of her tropical fruit cupcakes, or that’s what she said Oranguru wanted. Turns out, shortly after he rescued her and bandaged up her leg, Mallow had baked some cupcakes for Oranguru in return. 
“I could make you more right now! Wanna help, Y/N?”
Oranguru wanted to help too, so the three of you went back to Mallow’s house to use the kitchen. The restaurant kitchen was much nicer, but it was still in use even during a slow day. 
Oranguru was in charge of juicing the berries to use as a flavoring! 
You helped Mallow measure out the ingredients
She is very grateful to have your help and company! Usually she’s just cooking with Steene, or her dad overwhelms her with tasks, so it’s nice for her to enjoy it with her s/o and a new pokemon!
You didn’t feel like too much help, since you had never baked anything before, but Mallow is very patient and a great teacher! 
Mallow 10/10 would do that cheesy thing where she’d sneak in little touches, trying to show you ‘the proper technique’ for holding the whisk, even if you’re sure there isn’t a correct way
Oranguru would probably make quiet a mess. He’s rather big and bulky, and the three of you in the small kitchen would be a struggle. Oranguru learned the hard way that baking is a lot different than making drinks! 
Mallow did most of the work, not going to lie
But it was really your time to shine when it came to decorating! It was a little hard to get the hang of the piping bag, but making cute fondant flowers and leaves was a lot of fun! 
You, Mallow, and Oranguru just spent the afternoon talking and eating baking the cupcakes. You gave half the batch to Oranguru to take back to his hut to eat and give away to customers. 
After Oranguru left, you and your girlfriend made quick work of cleaning up the kitchen, and then took the evening to deliver fresh cupcakes to all your friends!
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Before and After: Ridley, Reese, Mallow, and Percy!
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
About halfway through Season Two, my art style finally solidified, so most characters remained relatively constant from that point onward. Most. The S3 cast were mostly solidified upon conception, but…
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Reese has a longer bob cut, the scar on her face has faded, and her head is more oblong.
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Percy’s head shape became far more severe.
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Amber’s face rounded out and hair thing swapped colors with her highlights.
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Ringo’s jaw squared out, his fang swapped sides, and his hair became more reptilian looking.
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Skye’s head flattened out on top and her eyes became more expressive.
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Mallow became a darker mauve, has messier hair, and ditched her jacket.
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Avery has a more streamlined face and grew his hair out.
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Bonnie changed very little, but is a much more vibrant shade of ebony.
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Cal gained two-tone hair and a SLIGHT cyan tinge.
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And Rusty was apparently squished in an accident, since he’s a more reddish color and has a noticeably different facial structure.
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bridoesotherjunk · 7 years
What do you think of the new S&M evolution animation where Mallow's Bounsweet evolves? A lot of people complained it looked too much like Sailor Moon but I kinda like it (though I just may be biased since the Bounsweet family is may favorite Gen 7 Pokemon XD)
tbh that bit in the episode was really nice. the animation was very fluid and the squash and stretch frames for her transformation were pretty cool. Made it look like her body was bouncing into it’s new form. Very nice and a very new take on evolution.. Hey, if you’re gonna do a magical girl shoutout, why not shoutout the original, right?
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