#maltese resources
irldenji · 19 days
hi again!!! could i please get some matt maltese stamps & blinkies??, thanks! 🎉
Haiii sorry for the wait hope you like these!
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kirbyfigure · 9 months
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↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
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ultradannyboyblog · 7 months
Here's My New Love After Just One Look!
After each of my several previous love affairs ended, it caused a broken heart that I thought would never heal, but in time, it did. That is one of the lessons I learned early in life – you cannot control fate by trying to fall in love – if it was meant to be – it will happen. Our mind usually tries to decide matters of the heart, but only our souls can make it happen at first look – if it was…
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fairuzfan · 8 months
- Sephardi Jew here. Thank you for your posts concerning Palestinian Jews. Jewish people who are ethnically North African/West Asian are consistently left out of these conversations. Make no mistake - the word "Mizrahi" was invented by Israel to literally strip Palestinian Jews of their identities during the beginning of the occupation. The message was to either assimilate with the Ashkenazi, or die as a Palestinian. The entire reason people struggle to find resources about the history of Palestinian Jews is because it has been purposefully obscured by the occupation. While I am not Palestinian, (that I know of, the other funny thing, diaspora members of the Sephari community often have trouble pinning down our exact heritage, I'll let you guess why) my ethnic background is Moroccan, Libyan, Maltese. Jews from the Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea have always been here, will continue to be here. You don't have to answer this publicly or anything, btw, I just really try to reach out to people who elevate the voices of the Jewish people from this area of the world. It profoundly touches my heart.
of course, no need to thank me. an aspect of the occupation is a lot of palestinian jews have been erased from palestinian history which is pretty heartbreaking as someone who makes it their lifegoal to preserve palestinian cultural heritage and spread it to people.
it is really difficult finding resources on jewish history in SWANA before it was touched by the occupation despite it being a fundamental part of swana history.... and part of that is from european colonialism and the other part of it is collaboration with european colonialists and swana governments.
if anyone has sources on swana jewish history (i know of hadar cohen and avi shlaim rn), please do let me know so i can look into it!!
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ginafumbless · 14 days
Arson's matches - k.th
Some matches ignite more than just flames
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Genre: Dystopian au , Childhood friends to lovers, Forbidden love, Angst
Prologue: Love is supposed to fade, but not with him it never did. It clung to you like the smoke from a long dead fire lingering in every quiet moment, every breath you took. Even after all these years the warmth of him still burned beneath the surface of your heart refusing to extinguish. Your love was like the matches that were meant to burn everything in their path.
Note: hillo hillo you guyssss. This is probably my favorite fic that I've written. And lemme know your thoughts after Reading!!! Have a great timeee :)))
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
"The Night We Met" – Lord Huron
"I Found" – Amber Run
"Breathe Me" – Sia
"Cherry Wine (Live)" – Hozier
"All I Want" – Kodaline
"Skinny Love" – Bon Iver
"Unsteady (Erich Lee Gravity Remix)" – X Ambassadors
"Silhouette" – Aquilo
"Poison & Wine" – The Civil Wars
"To Build A Home" – The Cinematic Orchestra
"Wait" – M83
"Youth" – Daughter
"As The World Caves In" – Matt Maltese
"Almost Lover" – A Fine Frenzy
"I Will Follow You Into the Dark" – Death Cab for Cutie
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Sylvarian kingdom despite the scars of war, retained a haunting beauty that lingered beneath the surface of its landscapes. The northern territories once adorned with snow capped peaks and crystalline lakes still held remnants of their former majesty. The icy expanses now untouched by human presence gleamed like diamonds in the sunlight reflecting a serene yet melancholic beauty.
In the southern realms where the warmth of cultural heritage once flourished ancient architecture and vibrant landscapes told tales of rich history. Citadel walls weathered by time and conflict stood as silent, reflecting the beauty of the southern cities. The scent of exotic spices once carried by the breeze in bustling marketplaces lingered as a nostalgic reminder of the vibrant trade that had defined these lands.
The night sky above adorned with constellations that had witnessed both joy and sorrow retained its beauty. The stars undiminished by the ravages of war sparkled like diamonds against the dark offering a glimmer of hope to those who dared to look up. It reminded its inhabitants that even in the darkest moments beauty could endure.
The war in Sylvaria was a relentless and devastating conflict leaving scars on both the land and its people. The once thriving lands became battlegrounds with the echoes of gunfire and the result of destruction haunting every corner. Families were torn apart, homes reduced to rubble and the air thick with the scent of despair. The reason for war was longstanding political tensions and territorial disputes between two major factions Monfort of the Northern Territories and the Dominion of the Southern Realms. These factions had a history of simmering animosities fueled by resource conflicts, ideological differences and past grievances.
The Monfort located in the colder northern regions of Sylvaria was characterized by its industrial prowess and a desire for territorial expansion to secure resources. It was Led by a coalition of ambitious leaders and it was believed to hold key advantages in trade and military strength.
On the other hand the Dominion, situated in the warmer southern realms prided itself on cultural heritage and traditions. The Dominion resisted encroachment by the Monfort viewing their expansionist goals as a threat to the identity of their territories. The clash of values and the desire to maintain sovereignty became rallying points for the Dominion's leaders.
The war erupted when diplomatic efforts to resolve these deep rooted issues failed. Both sides mobilized their forces, leading to a devastating conflict that swept across Sylvaria.
The Sylvarian kingdom was once whole and unbroken it was a playground for two children who saw no divide between the north and the south. Back then, Monfort and the Dominion were merely names spoken by adults, distant titles that had little to do with their small world.
You and Taehyung had grown up together in the borderlands of Sylvaria, where fields of wildflowers stretched out under the warm sun and the soft winds carried the scent of a peaceful melodies. The border between Monfort and the Dominion had been little more than a line on a map. But to you both, it was nothing but a line to cross for the sake of play and adventure.
"Catch me if you can!" Taehyung's voice had echoed across the flower-filled meadow, his laughter ringing out as he sprinted ahead of you his dark hair wild in the wind.
You grinned determined to catch up, "You’re not that fast Taehyung!" you yelled, your feet kicking up dirt and petals as you chased after him.
He stopped at the edge of the field just before the treeline turning to face you with a wide teasing grin. "Maybe you’re just slow!"
You finally caught up to him, out of breath but laughing. " I’m slow only because you’re always running away!"
Taehyung’s smile softened, and for a moment the world was paused in that perfect golden afternoon. "I’ll never run away from you" he promised, his voice quieter more sincere than his usual playful tone.
And he had meant it back then. When war and borders were still just distant ideas, when the only thing that mattered was the freedom to be together, to explore, to dream of the future. The two of you spent your days chasing those dreams whether it was hunting for secret hiding places in the woods or imagining what life would be like as adults.
"Do you think Sylvaria will always be like this?" you had asked him one day, as the two of you lay on your backs in the tall grass, staring up at the endless blue sky.
Taehyung had turned his head to look at you his dark eyes thoughtful. "I hope so. Maybe one day, we’ll live in a city where Monfort and the Dominion don’t matter It’ll just be us."
"Just us" you had repeated smiling at the thought. "That sounds perfect."
But as you both grew older, the world began to change. The war crept closer inch by inch, and with it the innocence of your childhood began to slip away. Borders were no longer invisible lines but heavily guarded walls. The fields that had once been your playgrounds became battlefield and the laughter that had once filled the air was replaced by the sound of marching soldiers and whispered fears of what was to come.
Taehyung’s visits became less frequent, though he never stopped coming. Even as the tensions between Monfort and the Dominion escalated, even as it became dangerous for him to cross into your territory, he would find a way.
One night, long after curfew you heard the familiar tap on your window. You rushed to open it, finding Taehyung crouched on the windowsill his dark cloak blending into the night. His face was covered but you could see the weariness in his eyes.
"You’re crazy for coming here" you whispered though you couldn’t hide the relief in your voice.
He smiled though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. "I’d be crazier if I stayed away."
You stepped aside to let him in, your heart racing. It had been weeks since you had last seen him and each time he visited, you feared it would be the last.
"How are things on your side?" you asked as you handed him a glass of water sitting beside him on your bed.
Taehyung’s expression darkened. "Worse. The Monfort leaders are pushing for full control over the borderlands. They’ve started recruiting… boys our age. They want soldiers."
Your stomach twisted at the thought. "But you’re not a soldier" you said your voice tight. "You don’t want this war."
He looked down at his hands the weight of the world settling on his shoulders. "It doesn’t matter what I want anymore."
You reached out taking his hand in yours. "You don’t have to do what they say. You can stay here with me. We can leave Sylvaria go somewhere they can’t find us."
Taehyung shook his head a sad smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "I wish it were that simple. But they’re not giving us a choice. My family… they need me. And if I don’t fight they’ll be marked as traitors. I won’t let that happen."
The realization hit you like a punch to the chest. "They’re forcing you into this."you say
"I thought I could stay out of it, that I could protect my family without getting involved. But the more I resist the harder they push. I’ve started training Y/N. They’re grooming me to be something worse than a soldier." His voice was strained and for the first time you saw the fear in those eyes
"What do you mean?" you asked dread pooling in your stomach.
Taehyung’s gaze met yours and his next words sent a chill down your spine. "An assassin. They want me to be their assassin."
You stared at him disbelief flooding your mind. "No... they can't make you do this."
His hand gripped yours tighter desperation flickering in his eyes. "I have no choice. If I don’t become what they want, they’ll destroy my family Y/N. My father, my mother... they'll pay for my disobedience."
Tears welled in your eyes, your throat tightening. "Taehyung, there has to be another way. You can’t... you can’t become what they want you to be."
"I don’t want this" he whispered, his voice breaking. "But if it’s the only way to keep them alove... I’ll do it. I’ll become what they need me to be."
You couldn’t breathe the weight of his words crushing your chest. The boy you had grown up with the one who had promised you forever was slipping away, replaced by the assassin Monfort was molding him into.
"But you’ll lose yourself, Taehyung" you choked out. "The person I know the person who’s always cared about others... you’ll lose him."
He looked away his jaw clenched. "Maybe I already have."
From that day on the visits became fewer and far between. Each time he came there was more distance in his eyes more weariness in his movements. The boy you had known was disappearing consumed by the war and the expectations placed on him.
He became Monfort’s weapon, a shadow in the night carrying out orders that left him hollow. And yet, he always returned to you no matter the danger, no matter how deep he sank into the darkness.
"I still see you"
You whispered to him that night, as he sat on your windowsill "You’re still Taehyung. You’re still the boy I grew up with."
He had turned to you his eyes filled with a sadness that broke your heart. "Maybe to you, y/n. But to the rest of the world I’m just a monster."
And even then, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it. To you, Taehyung would always be the boy who chased fireflies with you, the boy who promised you forever even when the world tore itself apart around you.
But you both knew that forever was slipping through your fingers, like sand in an hourglass running out too fast.
The cold wind swept through the abandoned streets, bringing with it the scent of ash and iron. In the distance you could hear the steady march of soldiers boots pounding against the broken cobblestones. And you knew. You knew before anyone said a word.
He had been captured.
Your feet moved on their own, carrying you toward the source of the growing crowd. The air buzzed with tension Dominion swelling like a storm. They had him. They had Taehyung. You pushed through the crowd, people shouting with anger and the venom in their voices blending into a blur. None of it mattered. Nothing mattered but him.
And there he was standing in the center of the square, hands tied in front of him, his once sharp calculating gaze now weary and resigned. He didn’t fight. There was no escape left for him.
The crowd surged and cries of hatred filled the air. “Murderer!” they screamed. “Assassin!”
But you couldn’t see what they saw. You saw him Taehyung the one who had been forced into a life of death, the one who had once told you that his heart still ached for the Sylvaria you both used to dream of. And he found you in the crowd, his eyes searching until they met yours.
In that moment everything else disappeared. The hatred, the violence, the bloodlust it all vanished. There was only him and the memories of what could have been.
“You shouldn’t be here” Taehyung’s voice was rough, but there was no anger in it. Only sadness.
You stepped forward, the crowd too focused on their chants to notice you slip between them. “And neither should you” you whispered your heart breaking as you took in the state of him. His once proud stance had crumbled, his clothes torn and stained his face battered and bruised. Yet, he was still Taehyung, even now.
“I told you this isn’t over” he murmured his gaze never leaving yours, though his words were as hollow as the promises he had once made.
Tears blurred your vision and you shook your head, unable to find the words to express the pain clawing at your heart. "I can’t lose you" you whispered though you knew it was already too late.
“They’ll never stop, Y/N. Not until the blood they crave is spilled” he said, but you saw the fear in his eyes fear not for himself, but for you.
You wanted to argue you wanted to to tell him that you would save him, that there had to be another way. But when you looked at the executioner standing nearby their hands gripping the sword with practiced ease your words failed you. The crowd was baying for his blood and no amount of pleading could change what was about to happen.
“Please…” Your voice cracked and you stepped forward until the soldiers blocked your path. “He’s not ...he’s not just an assassin. You don’t understand.”
Taehyung’s gaze softened and he shook his head gently. “Let it go, Y/N. It’s better this way.”
“No!” you cried your hands fisting at your sides as you fought against the soldiers who held you back. “I can’t let you go, Taehyung. I can’t watch them—”
His eyes were glassy as he smiled that small broken smile. “You’re the only thing I’ll remember, even in the end.”
The crowd grew louder, the jeering became unbearable. You could see the fury in their faces, the desire for revenge against a man they didn’t even know. To them Taehyung wasn’t a person. He was a symbol of everything they hated.
And yet, to you… he was everything.
The executioner stepped forward and time seemed to slow. The metallic gleam of the blade reflected the setting sun and your heart clenched painfully as the distance between it and Taehyung closed.
“No, no, no,” you sobbed, fighting harder against the soldiers your body trembling as the weight of what was about to happen crushed you.
Taehyung’s gaze never wavered from yours even as the blade was raised above his head.
“I love you” he mouthed, though the words were swallowed by the roar of the crowd.
And then the sword fell.
It was swift merciless. The sickening sound of metal meeting flesh echoed through the square and the world around you seemed to shatter.
The crowd cheered.
But you didn’t hear them.
You didn’t see the faces of those who celebrated the death of the man you loved. All you saw was Taehyung, his body crumpling to the ground in a lifeless heap his blood staining the earth beneath him.
You screamed the sound ripped from your throat as you broke free from the soldiers’ grasp and ran toward him. Your knees hit the ground and your hands trembled as you cradled his face, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Taehyung” you whispered, your voice broken and raw. “Please… please come back.”
But he didn’t. He couldn’t. His once bright eyes were dull the life that had burned so fiercely in them now extinguished.
You pressed your forehead to his your sobs shaking your entire body as the weight of the loss settled deep into your soul.
“I love you” you whispered through your tears, though you knew he would never hear it.
Around you, the crowd dispersed, their bloodlust sated. To them, the war had claimed another victim. But to you, it had taken everything.
You stayed there holding his lifeless body as the sun set on the broken kingdom. The stars began to appear in the sky, glimmering like distant promises of hope but for you there was no light left.
All that remained was the silence, the cold and the memory of the him who had once loved you since forever.
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 year
Sometimes I browse websites for resources for a specific language and I find history books or novels instead (looking at you "Maltese Falcon") but even worse sometimes I find "Bang Insert Country: How to sleep with women from Insert Country"
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peterlorres21stcentury · 10 months
Peter made a lot of movies 🎦
This list is as much a resource for me as it is for all Peter Lorre fans! I'm reorganizing my physical media collection and curating all the PL films in particular, but I realized that my Internet Archive collection is incomplete. If you don't see a link to a particular film, it's because:
Titles in red mean that I DO NOT own either a physical or a high quality digital copy of this film.
Titles in blue mean that I DO own a physical or high quality digital copy, but I have not yet uploaded it out of plain forgetfulness.
I'll be working to upload as much as I can in the next few months. If you happen to have a link to a high-quality copy of any of the movies in red on this list, please let me know!
You may share this list widely, but remember some of these films are under an assumed name, hiding from the copyright gremlins. Shh. ;)
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M (1931)
Bomben Auf Monte Carlo (1931)
Die Koffer Des Herrn O. F. (1931)
Der weiße Dämon (1932)
Fünf von der Jazzband (1932)
Schuß im Morgengrauen (1932)
Stupéfiants (1932)
F.P.1 Antwortet Nicht (1932)
M (English dub) (1932)
Unsichtbare Gegner (1932)
Du haut en bas (1933)
Les requins du pétrole (1933)
Was Frauen träumen (1933)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
Crime And Punishment (1935)
Mad Love (1935)
Crack Up (1936)
Secret Agent (1936)
Lancer Spy (1937)
Nancy Steele Is Missing! (1937)
Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)
Think Fast, Mr Moto (1937)
I'll Give a Million (1938)
Mr. Moto's Gamble (1938)
Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1938)
Mr. Moto Takes A Chance (1938)
Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)
Mr. Moto in Danger Island (1939)
Mr. Moto Takes A Vacation (1939)
Island of Doomed Men (1940)
I Was An Adventuress (1940)
Strange Cargo (1940)
Stranger on the Third Floor (1940)
You'll Find Out (1940)
Mr. District Attorney (1940)
The Face Behind The Mask (1941)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
They Met in Bombay (1941)
All Through the Night (1942)
Casablanca (1942)
The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942)
Invisible Agent (1942)
Background to Danger (1943)
The Constant Nymph (1943)
The Cross of Lorraine (1943)
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
Hollywood Canteen (1944)
Passage to Marseille (1944)
The Conspirators (1944)
The Mask of Dimitrios (1944)
Confidential Agent (1945)
Hotel Berlin (1945)
Black Angel (1946)
The Beast With Five Fingers (1946)
Three Strangers (1946)
The Chase (1946)
The Verdict (1946)
My Favorite Brunette (1947)
Casbah (1948)
Rope Of Sand (1949)
Double Confession (1950)
Quicksand (1950)
Der Verlorene (1951)
Beat the Devil (1953)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
Congo Crossing (1956)
Meet Me In Las Vegas (1956)
Hell Ship Mutiny (1957)
Silk Stockings (1957)
The Buster Keaton Story (1957)
The Sad Sack (1957)
The Story of Mankind (1957)
The Big Circus (1957)
Scent Of Mystery (1960)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Five Weeks in a Balloon (1957)
Tales of Terror (1962)
The Comedy Of Terrors (1963)
The Raven (1963)
Muscle Beach Party (1964)
The Patsy (1964)
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bburn-art · 5 months
Where did you learn to make such good use of block blacks? Was there a particular book or tutorial series that inspired you?
Please & thank you
Thank you for the question!
I don't have any particular books or resources that taught me how to do what I do, I can give you a walk through of some of my main influences.
My favorite comic illustrator is Chris Bachalo, whom I consider to be one of the absolute best at what he does. I think his style has really had a strong influence on my work, and I very much still look up to him to this day. I'm also a big fan of Mike Mignola.
Secondary influences include noir/neo noir films like the Maltese Falcon or Payback (1999). I love to watch movies with this aesthetic because of their emphasis on dramatic lighting and harsh contrast. I'm also a big fan of baroque art for this reason, as I believe studying the classics will always help make you into a better artist. This era in particular has always attracted me, since all the poses & light are high contrast-- the polar opposite of the works from the rennaisance that came before it (though, when studying anatomy, that's the era I flock to). Another influence is probably cold war propaganda posters and 60s/70s counterculture artwork. These have really heavy lines and broad contrast, so I tend to model some of my work after them. Lastly, I used to study chinese traditional painting, which I think plays into what I make even to this day, especially my understanding of line weight and value.
I hope this answers at least part of your question!
PS: To anyone else who's ever sent me an ask, this is the first time since I've joined tumblr that I could actually view & respond to one. This website is eternally broken, so don't hesitate to DM me.
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today-review · 2 months
Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO)
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Have you spent a lot of money and resources on your amazing website and wondered why the traffic doesn't grow much? Being visible in Google search is of utmost importance nowadays. Why? 85% of people who are looking for products or services perform the search online.
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dear-indies · 1 year
What are some of your favourite underused fcs?
CracKs KnuCKles
I have a directory HERE of people I think are underused and underappreciated with resources but here are some of my favourites, please let me know if you want a certain age range or something because I could have easily added another 100 more.
Lily Tomlin (1939) - is a lesbian.
Ming-Na Wen (1963) Macanese / Chinese Malaysian.
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Jack Black (1969) Ashkenazi Jewish / German, as well as Northern Irish, Scottish, English, remote French and Welsh (converted to Judaism).
Don Lee (1971) Korean.
Christina Applegate (1971) - has multiple sclerosis.
Sara Ramírez (1975) Mexican and some Irish - non-binary (they/them) and queer.
Dominique Jackson (1975) Afro-Tobagonian - is trans.
Vinny Chhibber (1980) Indian.
Chrissy Metz (1980)
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer.
Jana Schmieding (1981) Miniconjou Lakota Sioux, Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux.
Brian Tyree Henry (1982) African-American.
Utkarsh Ambudkar (1983) Marathi Indian / Tamil Indian.
Levy Tran (1983) Vietnamese.
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / Irish, German.
Gabourey Sidibe (1983) Senegalese / African-American.
Heather White (1983) Mohawk / Nakoda Sioux.
Bobby Wilson (1984) Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Dakota Sioux.
Brian Michael Smith (1984) African-American - is trans.
Savannah Welch (1984) - is paraplegic.
Ryan O'Connell (1986) - is gay and has cerebral palsy.
Nicole Byer (1986) African American - had said that she “doesn’t identify as straight” but is uncomfortable with labels.
May Calamawy (1986) Jordanian, Palestinian / Egyptian.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is romantic.
Aidy Bryant (1987)
Jay Hayden (1987) Irish, English, Scottish / Korean.
Mamoudou Athie (1988) Mauritanian.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian.
Sharon Rooney (1988)
Anna Diop (1988) Sundanese.
Laith Ashley (1989) Afro Dominican - is trans and asexual.
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (1989) has hypermobile EDS with marfanoid phenotype causing blindness in one eye and deafness - is a lesbian.
Daniel Kaluuya (1989) Ugandan.
JuJu Chan (1989) Hongkonger.
Danielle Brooks (1989) - has openly dated men and women but has chosen not to label her sexuality publicly.
Harvey Guillén (1990) Mexican - is queer.
Eric Graise (1990) African-American - is a bilateral amputee.
Nathaniel Curtis (1990) Indian / English - is queer.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, English, Scottish, Danish, Manx.
Daniel Ezra (1991) Afro Jamaican.
Sofiya Cheyenne (1991) Taino, Dominican, Syrian, and Italian - has Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita.
Alexander Hodge (1991) Chinese Singaporean / Irish.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British.
Vico Ortiz (1991) Puerto Rican - non-binary (they/them).
John Boyega (1992) Yoruba Nigerian.
Jake Choi (1992) Korean - sexually fluid.
Theo Germaine (1992) - non-binary (he/they).
Tyler James Williams (1992) African-American.
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy.
Lily Mae Harrington (1993)
Beanie Feldstein (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish - chosen not to label her sexuality but is openly dating a woman.
Omari Douglas (1994) Nigerian - is gay.
Emmett Preciado (1994) Mexican and White - is trans.
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mixtec and Zapotec - is pansexual.
Rish Shah (1995) Indian.
Angel Bismark Curiel (1995) Taino, Afro Dominican, Spanish - has asthma and a heart murmur.
Lauren “Lolo” Spencer (1996) African-American - Lou-Gehrig’s disease.
Tony Revolori (1996) Guatemalan [Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other].
Alaqua Cox (1997) Menominee and Mohican - is Deaf and an amputee who uses a prosthetic leg.
Jharrel Jerome (1997) Afro-Dominican.
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is trans genderqueer (he/they) and is deaf.
Georgia Rankin (1998) - has skeletal dysplasia, had her hip bones removed, and uses a wheelchair.
Bilal Hasna (1999) Punjabi and Palestinian.
Danielle Perez (?) Afro-Dominican - is a double lower leg amputee and is queer.
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girlhorse · 1 year
on a very basic level i am not anti doodle, even the poorly bred ones usually are temperamentally just fine if not a bit anxious or energetic. most of them do fine with families and id rather see them with pet owners than other more intense breeds. I AM staunchly anti fad-breeding and unethical breeding practices whcih unfortunately is the reality of the vast majority of doodle breeders (though pure bred dogs are absolutely also plagued by shitty breeders)
i do think some of the mixes made are Bat Shit and poorly thought out (ie husky x poodle) or just completely redundant (ie bichon x poodle) but a lot of them are produced to fill a growing demand in the USA for a non shedding (not all doodles are non shedding which i will explain if anyone wants to know), "family friendly" companion dog that can easily adapt to a suburban or urban environment. personally i *do* think plenty of purebred dogs actually meet this need, (poodles, maltese, mini schnauz, bichon, coton de tulear, havanese ❤️❤️❤️❤️, cresteds, boston terriers, lowchen, etc) but they are typically small dogs (a lot of doodle owners, tho not all, want an 20-60lb dog) or they may still be a little too high energy to be companion dogs (spoos).
There's still also the pervasive myth that hybrid dogs are healthier than purebreds, which is a misconception about genetics and ethical breeding practices, but it's hard to get people to change their minds.
Personally i think instead of shunning doodle breeders from purebred dog circles, it might be better to at the very least Educate and Provide resources for those that actually want to take the steps to breed as ethically as possible, (ie health testing, titling dogs, having a drawn up "standard" or function that Makes Sense, and being careful about choosing sire and dam, etc), even to the point of mentoring and selling breeding prospects to RESPONSIBLE doodle breeders. We also need to continue to educate people on spotting red flags in dog breeders and shifting the focus from buying a puppy to finding a breeder you want a dog from
Because the reality is regardless of how much push back doodle owners and breeders get from the purebred community, they are still going to be bred and going to have demand so long as we are living in a nuclear family style hellscape, and the further purebred communities push doodle owners and breeders away, the less likely they are to ever interact with purebred dogs and communities ever which tbh is vital for the production of temperamentally sound and healthy dogs.
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philo-corpus · 8 months
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I know It doesn't look like it but another self portrait, or maybe more specifically a self portrait of what I feel. Sometimes it feels as though the affection i have for ppl can be overbearing and I think I hide it well but let's be honest, probably not. I may even distance myself if I think there's an imbalance, like resources guarding them but not eating them if that makes sense
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action · 2 years
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We posted 247 times in 2022
That's 85 more posts than 2021!
105 posts created (43%)
142 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs we reblogged the most:
We tagged 241 of our posts in 2022
Only 2% of our posts had no tags
#take action - 110 posts
#signal boost - 76 posts
#climate change - 37 posts
#action - 30 posts
#voter registration - 21 posts
#news - 20 posts
#ukraine - 19 posts
#donate - 18 posts
#register to vote - 17 posts
#lgbtqia+ - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 45 characters
#sleeping while black shouldn't get you killed
Our #1 post of 2022
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Ways to support Ukraine 🇺🇦
More than 500,000 people have already left Ukraine due to the invasion by the Russian Federation. The European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management estimates that roughly 18 million Ukrainians will be affected by the conflict in humanitarian terms, with 7 million internally displaced and 4 million seeking refuge elsewhere. To help those still in Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian refugees, we’ve compiled this list of resources.
HelpUkraineWin.org has a collection of vetted and trusted resources, charities, and organizations to help Ukraine.
Some additional ways to donate:
Vostok SOS provides immediate evacuation support.
Malteser International provides essentials for Ukrainian refugees.
Ukraine Crisis Media Center provides fundraising links and a list of tips for sharing information.
Misinformation spreads fast on social media. It is more important than ever to share accurate, verifiable news and information. Here are some resources to learn how to identify misinformation:
This link from the nonprofit WITNESS shares tips for identifying authentic video sources (available in English, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian, and Arabic).
These visual verification tips, also from WITNESS, provide information on verifying images and videos (available in English and Spanish).
This interview with NPR contains tips for identifying fake TikToks.
35,180 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
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Our Top Posts in 2022:
It's Offical — We're Just 100 Days Out...
You heard it from Former First Lady Michelle Obama, we are just 100 days out from the 2022 midterm elections.
This fall when voters head to the polls, we get to choose who represents us -- including all 435 members of the House of Representatives, 35 out of 100 Senators, and countless elected officials in our local and state governments.
Our elected officials make decisions on everything from our access to health care to the judges in our courts.
Head over to our partners @whenweallvote at whenweallvote.org or text VOTE to 56005 to check your voter registration status
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Volunteer with @whenweallvote. You can sign up right now at whenweallvote.org
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Learn more about your right and what's on your ballot at whenweallvote.org
Remember, @whenweallvote, we can change the world.
2,118 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Take action to honor the Uvalde elementary school victims.
The death toll continues to climb from a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Last year, over 1500 children and teenagers were killed by guns in the US. Enough is enough. Gun control legislation is needed to end senseless gun violence in America.
Here's how to show your support👇
Donate to Everytown for Gun Safety
Send a message to your Senator to urge them to pass gun safety laws
Wear Orange on June 3-5
5,172 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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Two years later, still no justice.
In the middle of the night on March 13, 2020, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT, was senselessly killed by police as she slept in her own home. Breonna was a daughter, friend, sister, and hero in her community.
Since her death, no one has been charged for her murder. The only semblance of justice that we have seen is the passing of the Breonna Law in Kentucky. But there is still much work to be done to ensure that other innocent people do not continue to lose their lives in the same manner.
Your name will forever be on our minds, in our hearts, and on our lips as we SAY YOUR NAME.
Rest In Power, Breonna 🕊️
6,247 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Supreme Court overturns Roe V. Wade, ending federal abortion rights.
Abortions will be banned immediately in:
Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming
These states have laws to protect the right to an abortion:
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, Washington DC, Vermont
Click here for details on where abortion stands in your state.
Here is what you can do:
Donate to an abortion fund to provide help for those whose rights have been stripped or jeopardized.
Find a local protest or call your representative to make your voice heard.
Consider purchasing abortion pills or emergency contraception. For information on your rights to self-managed abortion, visit reprolegalhelpline.org
6,539 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fractallogic · 1 year
I found my new favorite finnish resource (https://uusikielemme.fi/)
it reminded me of my favorite finnish fact, which is that 'no' isn't just 'no', it's like, a whole negation verb
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what a goofy-ass language. there are so many morphemes. in another life, I probably do research on finnish morphosyntax (which I actually started to do in first-year syntax when I did my paper on finnish negation—again, this is my favorite fact about finnish) instead of arabic and maltese morphology
anyway I guess a language learning fixation is fine for now. whatever makes my brain sparky is good. let's spark this brain into finishing revisions of this draft ASAP, I guess
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The Apostles’ Table: A unique Maltese Easter tradition
Saying that every culture builds its cuisine from the resources it finds within reach is a truism, but there are some important exceptions to this rule. Malta is one of them. Born at the crossroads of important trade and pilgrimage routes in the Mediterranean, Maltese traditional food is an exceptional meeting of often unexpected influences that […]The Apostles’ Table: A unique Maltese Easter…
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4n-advisors · 2 years
Citizenship in Malta by Investment
Citizenship by investment programs (CIPs) have gained popularity in recent years as a way for wealthy individuals to obtain citizenship in another country through a significant investment. One such program is the Malta Individual Investor Program (MIIP), which allows for individuals and families to obtain Maltese citizenship in exchange for a substantial contribution to the Maltese economy.
The MIIP was established in 2013 and is designed to attract high net worth individuals to Malta. Under the program, applicants must make a non-refundable contribution of €650,000 to the Maltese National Development and Social Fund, which is used to finance projects in the areas of social welfare, education, health, and culture. Additionally, applicants must also invest at least €150,000 in government-approved financial instruments and maintain a residence in Malta for at least 12 months.
The program has several benefits, including the ability to travel visa-free to over 180 countries, including the Schengen Area, the UK, and the USA. Additionally, Maltese citizenship provides access to the EU's labor market and the ability to live, work, and study in any EU member state.
The Malta Individual Investor Program (MIIP) is a citizenship by investment program that offers a pathway to Maltese citizenship through a significant investment in the Maltese economy, including a non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund and investments in government-approved financial instruments.
To apply for Malta residency, you will need to meet certain requirements such as having a clean criminal record and sufficient financial resources. You will also need to submit an application and supporting documents to the relevant authorities
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However, the program has also faced criticism from some quarters, with concerns raised about the potential for money laundering and the risk of granting citizenship to individuals with questionable backgrounds. In response to these concerns, the Maltese government has introduced a number of measures to strengthen the due diligence process, including background checks and vetting by international security agencies. However, the program has also faced criticism from some quarters, with concerns raised about the potential for money laundering and the risk of granting citizenship to individuals with questionable backgrounds. In response to these concerns, the Maltese government has introduced a number of measures to strengthen the due diligence process, including background checks and vetting by international security agencies. Overall, citizenship by investment programs like the MIIP provide a means for wealthy individuals to obtain citizenship in another country and enjoy the benefits that come with it. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before making a decision to invest.
Address: 20 Kavallieri Street, Xlendi, Gozo, XLN-1450,Malta
Phone Number:+356 79597003
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