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These are original characters that @mamashenanigans asked me to draw, and I had so much fun doing so!
Their characters are so cool!!!
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fdblaize · 1 year
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yosh, here goes the afo bad end entry! in which afo is fond of collecting quirks and mementos of his late brother.
AU in which yagi fell prey to afo's collection in their fated battle 6(ish? he can't really tell anymore) years ago. he manages to escape with the assistance of young tenko but was promptly retrieved after a year on the run. much to afo's annoyance, ofa is no longer in his possession. yagi already passed it on to another, in a desperate bid to keep it off afo's reach.
@possiblycringe @mamashenanigans
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I love your blog and I'm new to the AFO fandom.
Do you have any recommendations of other AFO blogs to follow? I want to follow as many as I can ^.^
I wouldn't say they are all fully AFO centric just mainly so here are some positive AFO blogs. And sometimes just mainly being AFO blogs work just as well.
@kstbj - They draw a lot of AFO art and they are an amazing artist. They have all kinds and even draw some nice AFO/Machia stuff too definitely reccomended.
@20001541 - They appeared one day and talked about AFO nonstop and they are amazing at it. They always have a thought provoking statement or comment on the newest chapter and they bring excitement onto the AFO scene.
@marunalu - They are not a traditional AFO blog as they like other stuff but if you like Dad for One they are a huge advocate of it. So they always got energy to talk about Dad for One especially in the manga currently.
@aimportantdragoncollector - Fanfic writer that snoops every dad for one fanfic and creates just a gold mine of content with AFO. Usually with him being the antagonist or dad or interacting as big bad brother of Yoichi but sometimes they throw him a bone.
@figurativepieceoftrash - Residential AFO fan that writes DFO and enjoyable to be around.
@byouchi - Artist! They have a kitty AFO and they reblog a lot of conent for it.
@mamashenanigans - Writer! They got some AFO fanfics on their blog and are pretty fun. However not super AFO centric just got to mention them.
@mha-theories-dfo - Their blog name basically says it but they also write fanfics and art too! Definitely recommended as they have all the All for One content to enjoy.
@huiiiooo - Got some art, got some commentary just a fun person to have on your dash as a fellow AFO enthusiast.
@pizrad - Another AFO fan but also more on the dad for one scene. They are quite active and almost forgot to include but they are great!
@kitsunefyuu - Is my main blog if interested I'm a fanfic writer that does stand alone AFO fanfics but also enjoy writing DFO stuff.
And that's all I can remember off the top of my head that write a lot of AFO centric content on their blog. There are likely some I forgot as I have terrible memory but I hope this helps you find what you are looking for~
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writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
This looks fun @sinvulkt
1. Buried Under Memories: Yoichi kicked the metal wall. 
2. This one is a collab, but coincidentally I did write the first line of the last chapter posted. Snake Skin Charade: Recovery Girl, also called Chiyo Shuzenji, cast a spell on Izuku and then said he suffered from magical exhaustion and the aftereffects of enthrallment.
3. Making New Mistakes: On Daigoro Banjo’s fourth birthday, he told his father, “I want to become a hero!”
4. For this collab, I'll do chapter one because I wrote that line. How to Survive Planet Earth: It all started when Izuku muttered, “I’m homesick.”
5. Corgizuku: Dirt kissed Izuku’s nose.
6. The Courage to Leave a Cage: Sanzou Bruce ached all over.
7. Triple Threat: Izuku had clearly been in a bad mood all day. 
8. Father Knows Best: Hisashi Shigaraki wasn’t even particularly interested in sex, which made him an unlikely teenage father.
9. Do Not Touch a Demon King’s Hatchling: When Mezo Shoji was five years old, his father casually asked if he wanted a different quirk. 
10. Gotta Catch ‘Em All (for One): The Green Flame that Burns Eternally did her makeup perched on the rings of Saturn. 
I've learned that I tend to start stories in the middle of the action. Also I like to bully characters, but that isn't a new revelation.
No pressure tagging @gentrychild, @gojifan97, @pocketramblr, @boss-the-goofball @tunafishprincess @fractiflos @kitsunesfandomtime @mamashenanigans
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mamashenanigans · 1 year
Official AFO Bad Ending Event Announcement
It’s the end of January and thus the Bad Ending Event is upon us! Read after the gif for all the information and share, share, share!!!
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From now until the end of February, writers and artists are invited to take part in the All for One Bad Ending Event hosted by me(MamaShenanigans) and @possiblycringe !!!
Bad endings are fun, but can sometimes be a challenge for writers and hard to depict for artists. This event is meant to be a great exercise in creating a work where the Big Bad(All for One) wins, nobody wins, or a story that takes place AFTER the bad ending(but still is bad). That’s a lot of ‘bad’!
I LOVE bad endings, or rather, when the villain wins! It’s pretty much ALL I write…not counting my still WIP of real world Yoichi being a real world cat lady….we whisper about that in secretive circles.
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Types of ‘Endings’
The Big Bad wins: All for One ends up having his cake and eating it too! Doesn’t matter how it gets there, but the self-described Demon Lord HAS to come out on top by the end of the story. In context, it’s bad for everyone else but him.
Nobody Wins: Despite whatever conflict happens, neither side wins. It’s just terrible for everyone including Mr. Comic Nerd in a Suit. So sad, too bad.
After the Bad Ending: This is a fun one! Your story can take place after All for One has eaten his cake, but the platter is still full! This can be a slice of life sort of story or even something wicked where it seems the good guys are finally going to fix that bad ending….except they don’t.
The biggest thing to take away from this is that: there is NO good ending. Even if you write an aftermath(#3), nothing good can come of it. However! You can definitely play around with all three of these. Maybe it’s an aftermath(#3) where nobody wins(#2)…but then AFO wins(#1)? Maybe you continue on past the Big Bad wins(#1) and just continue right on into #3. Or, you can write or draw for each type! Doesn’t matter! Only that it’s bad.
Minimum story length of 1k words
Fits one or more of the above types of endings
Can include any other characters or relationships such as Yoichi(hurray!) and DFO(Dad for One), and any setting such as canon, fantasy au, real world/no quirks au. Etc and so on. All alternate universes are welcome if you want to write one!
Horror and gore are perfectly fine. NSFW is not permitted in this event.
You can submit as many entries as you want!
Has to depict a bad ending in whatever way you think that would look. All for One must be featured.
Horror and gore are fine. Just no NSFW
Can submit as many entries as you want!
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Please note that the prizes have changed since the last post was made.
To keep things fair, @possiblycringe and I will be creating prizes based on a “first come, first serve” basis. This way, neither of us will be making more prizes than the other. That would be exhausting for one of us! How that works is, for example, the two 1st prize winners are announced. One for art, the other for writing. The first winner to contact me with what they want(art or fic) gets that pick and the other winner will have to take whichever the first one doesn’t.
Choices for Prizes
Written Prizes
Contact me with a prompt
1st Place: 2k word fic
2nd Place: 1.5 word fic
3rd Place: 1k word fic
Art Prizes
Contact @possiblycringe with your prompt
1st Place: Full body color with cell shading
2nd Place: Half body color
3rd Place: Half body lineart
Timeframe & Submitting
Starting now (January 27th) until the night of Sunday February 26th(I have the next two days off after) by 11:59PM. Please note that there is leeway due to time zones!
Submissions can be made at ANY time, so you don’t need to sit on your work until the 26th! I’d prefer you didn’t!
To submit, post on tumblr, AO3, fanfiction.net, or whatever works for you! Tag me if you are able on the platform, otherwise, tag me in a discord we’re both in or DM me on Discord or here with a link to your work! My discord is MamaShenanigans#9608
AO3 Tag/Collection & Inspiration
For writers that want to keep their bad ending a secret from readers, you can tag your work with AFOBEE2023! I will create a public collection once submissions start coming in!
For inspiration, here are three of my works that hit every type of bad ending!
COLD—example of a nobody wins bad ending. Horror
Alternatives chapters 2-3 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the bad ending of a Mafia AU
Alternatives chapters 3-4 & chapter 5 epilogue featuring the aftermath of a bad ending where fat!AFO has already become Emperor of the world.
@possiblycringe and I are so excited to see what you all come up with! Have fun and do bad!!!
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kitsunesfandomtime · 3 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Got tagged by @aimportantdragoncollector and got to admit looks very fun!
1. Bird Cage Ch 22: Izuku made it.
2. Hated by life itself: “What… If I died?”
3. Longing for the Unattainable CH 3: This woman claimed her name is Inko.
4. Bluebird Illusions: In the Northeast of America, a man of infamous renown from the other side of the world traveled.
5. An Unending Hunger for more: This hunger was something Izuku had suffered ever since he was born.
6. Moonlights and Lanterns: In this forest, there are stories of monsters that haunt this domain far longer then humans have lived.
7. Slow Burn & Liquor goes down bitter: CH 5, "What a mess, can't those heroes work faster instead of snooping around?"
8. A Look into All for One: There is a fine line between love and hate.
9. Don't you want to become a Cult Leader?: "Don't you want devoted followers?"
10. Doll: In a memory long ago, his mother used to have dolls. 
My style varies from story telling to voice lines to whatever sounds the coolest. Like what story is this? And then run with it also spooky vibes. LOL
No pressure tagging @mamashenanigans, @donkeys-waffles and honestly anyone else who wants to do it can tag me with their post! So take away~
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mcfanely · 2 years
One for All October, the Winners!
Heya, everyone! After such an amazing influx of content for our little event, Katydid and I are extremely excited to announce the winners of One for All October! Everything was absolutely amazing and because of that, we've added in some more prizes since we struggled so much to select the winners overall, we wish we could give prizes to every last one of you!
So we've got some second place prizes, along with a boat load of honourable mentions! So without further ado -
First place in both art and writing will receive prizes from both of us: a half-body color artwork from myself and a fic of a minimum of 2,500 words from Katydid.
Second place winners will receive a sketch from me and a fic of a minimum of 1,000 words from Katydid.
Honorable mentions will receive a snippet from Katydid.
First Place Winners in Art and Writing:
@coffeeandtoastforbreakfast for this absolutely beautiful and sad piece about the end of One for All and All for One, the colours? Immaculate. Do I want to get my hands on it? Yes I do (I kid I kid, but Coffee you better get this framed I was in awe when I first saw it, it deserves to be on your wall)
And @gojifan97 for Yoichi Shigaraki: The Sociopathic Hero, a very different and fun take on Yoichi’s character and an extremely fun read that Kat and I both adored! It caught both our eyes as something unique and awesome!
Second Place Winners in Art and Writing:
@artistichermit a terrifying Evil Yoichi, the lighting is so cool and the composition, we had to give it it's own prize! 💙
@figurativepieceoftrash for Ouroboros, an absolutely haunting story and the way it was pace and just the CONTENT? Beautiful.
Art Honorable Mentions:
I have to preface this with the fact that due to being strapped for time, I am unable to give out any honourable mentions (not that I don't have any, god I literally loved everything so much, you all are amazing I can't sing your praises enough) due to work commitments and a packed schedule-
Though here comes Katydid with an unending ability to write, an undying love for snippets and a LOVELY list of Honorables for you all!
@possiblycringe for Yoichi’s hero poster and Yoichi watching All for One and Second fight!
@marchsage with the lighting and the cold colours👀 (Fane speaking; this was up there with one of my favourites)
@littlemusic-muse, because just look at them both!💙
@2000dragonarmy because Kat and I were so happy this prompt spawned adorable art
@pastel-meadow0203 with this evil baby💙 evil
Writing Honourable Mentions:
@mamashenanigans COLD by MamaShenanigans, Can't go wrong with a horrifying creature and a dark setting!
@gentrychild Family by Gentrychild the brotherliness, the VIBES, loved it so much
@missremember Radial Crack by MissRemember, when I say Kat and I were theorising~
Hello There, Mini Me by SherlockianDemigod221 The innocence of little Yoichi had me melting
@metablood Growing up in his shadow by MetaBlood What an evil big brother, an organised psychopath right there!
@ilentari Revenge of the Little Brother by Ilentari We were cackling, it's what All for One deserves, I've read this multiple times
@chaoticargeltal Brains in vat, or when All For One watched the Matrix too much by ArgelTal Oh the horror of this realisation
Viva La Vida by Space__Cryptid Royalty AU AND AFO with a wife? Such a beautiful fantasy
Randomly Picked Honorable Mention:
@acanfullofspiders To Be A Hero by acanfullofspiders, the role swap, the PLOT👀
Finally, Katydid had a lot of trouble narrowing down the honorable mention list and really wanted to offer a prize to everyone, so there is an additional participation prize: anyone who participated in One for All October but did not win a prize can send an ask for the 5 headcanons game or fic title game. This is only open to One for All October participants and you can freely bombard my own asks or Kats!
You can contact us for your prizes through our socials below. We will not do NSFW content and we reserve the right to ask for a different request. And please be patient since we have quite a few prizes to work on for this contest!
Discord: katydid#9629
Ao3: Katydid
Tumblr: @aimportantdragoncollector
Discord: mcfanely#3085
Ao3: McFaneLy
Tumblr: @mcfanely
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astersatdawn · 1 year
Brimstone and Emerald Dreams
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All for One
Rating: T
Sensei | All for One is Midoriya Hisashi, Bad ending, Possessive Sensei | All for One, Izuku in Tartarus
Oneshot | 1.6k words
But he did make it to his destination, eventually, and with the right combination of Quirks the locks on the door broke away and let him pass through.
And there he was.
If All for One had been anyone else, he might have paused to check if he was really asleep. On his cot, Izuku sat, chained from head to toe, slumped over, his back to the wall. Search told him he was asleep, and even without the Quirk, All for One would know. All for One had seen Izuku fall asleep sitting before.
[Or, with his victory assured, All for One traveled to Tartarus to collect his prize.]
ao3 link: here
This was written for the bad ending event hosted by @mamashenanigans and @possiblycringe
Tonight, Tartarus was quiet. 
It was not unusual for Tartarus, be it the old or new building, to be silent. The prison was rigid in how both its guards and prisoners were meant to act, each step and breath to match another tick of a clock on a never changing schedule. Sound inevitably became a forgotten thing when it fell into the background, not even worth acknowledging. 
What made this silence different, however, was how it felt more like All for One was walking into a freshly abandoned ruin than a high security prison. It was only obvious to someone like him who was coming from the outside in, for it let him see the pitiful attempt to mask the silence. Janitors dressed as guards wandered the halls, but cowered at any shadow that crossed their path; blinking cameras moved at regular intervals, recording every act like a reprimand was imminent, even though it no longer was. 
All for One knew that, for the first few hours, this illusion of that well maintained routine would hold out. All who dared hope for goodness and justice could pretend to breathe easy, that Tartarus would stay in its timeless bubble, ignorant to the reality just a few miles away, where all members of law enforcement were drafted into the climax of the war, to deal with the unquenchable chaos that had been plaguing the streets for hours now, and still had no end in sight. 
Truly, all this was for a futile yet desperate effort to keep the worst of the villains they’ve managed to catch out of the field for as long as possible. The destruction All for One and his minions had brought to Japan alone already sent the country to its knees, begging for reprieve, and once the prisoners here began their unnecessary riot and realized they could make another escape, Japan would truly know no salvation. 
Not that they stood a chance before that fatal moment, but dreams were always best crushed slowly yet thoroughly.
That is all to say, this was the bare minimum, and if the old Tartarus was not enough to keep him in, it was no wonder this one fell to his whims so easily, now that the world was setting itself firmly in his grasp. 
How far hell had fallen, but even hell must bow before its king.
Even the halls attempted to delude his path, a futile resistance to the last, all long and winding, containing hundreds of matching doors unable to act as a guide to his destination. Not like All for One needed one, not with Search. He knew exactly where to go, could see the bright glow a few levels down even with his eyes closed. 
He could travel down there faster if he really wanted to. Taking his time through the hallways left him impatient, but the child he wished to visit was asleep, just as All for One hoped he would be. An explosive entrance would put the boy on guard, and that would make the night far more difficult than it needed to be.  
But he did make it to his destination, eventually, and with the right combination of Quirks the locks on the door broke away and let him pass through. 
And there he was.
If All for One had been anyone else, he might have paused to check if he was really asleep. On his cot, Izuku sat, chained from head to toe, slumped over, his back to the wall. Search told him he was asleep, and even without the Quirk, All for One would know. All for One had seen Izuku fall asleep sitting before. 
Most often, it would have been at the boy’s desk, drool spilling out from his lips and falling onto his sleeves, barely missing the analysis journal he’d likely have beneath his pillowed arms. He could tell at a glance the boy's dreams were more pleasant than his school days, dreaming up Quirks and heroes. Sometimes, when Inko had been there to catch the end of Izuku’s late night research sessions, she’d quietly fret about, worried about waking him up, but also wanting to make sure he slept comfortably in his bed. As the ever reliable Hisashi, he would offer her reassurance, slip next to Izuku, and a hand on his shoulder was all that was needed to make sure Izuku stayed asleep as he pulled him into his arms and tucked him into bed. 
Many times, All for One had considered keeping Izuku asleep for eternity. As a boy, he’d always found more peace in dreams and delusion. Being trapped in his dreams meant his son couldn’t pursue a reckless dream and die a martyr like his brother had done. But keeping his son asleep meant Izuku’s happiness would not be dependent on All for One, but instead on whatever paradise he found in unconsciousness. He would never see his son’s smile, or hear his voice or his laugh—dreams would reduce them all to useless mush. The boy would not be his if dreams kept him away.
In hindsight, maybe letting him sleep for a few years would’ve been the better alternative, if it meant the boy would not obtain One for All. That Quirk made those childhood dreams obtainable, or it had, until the moment they had been snatched away and brought him to this defenseless place. The almost achievement meant that one false step and the boy would’ve been lost again, and just like his brother, it would be to somewhere he could not yet reach him. The only worth in his son obtaining that Quirk was letting his son learn his lessons the hard way.
Tonight, the boy’s dreams were quiet, but not pleasant. Nightmares likely caused by those very delusions he’d long since harbored, All for One’s certain, with the way his brow scrunched and sweat slowly built on his forehead, likely only moments before the nightmare’s climax. In the past, All for One would have waited it out to see if the boy would run into his arms and cling to his father, afraid that if he let go the nightmares would drag him back.  
This time, however, like he had done on those nights he slept away from his bed, he reached out and cast Izuku into a deeper slumber. Dreamless or not, it didn’t matter, if it meant the two of them could have a moment of peace. The only sign there had been a change at all was the way the boy’s shoulders relaxed.
He did not pull away his hand. Instead, he ran his fingers through Izuku’s hair, longer and more tangled than it had been when All for One last saw him. He would have to change that later. In the meantime, All for One sat next to the boy and gently brought the boy’s head down onto his lap.
“Now isn’t this familiar?” All for One mused, no longer concerned he’d accidentally wake the child. Inko hadn’t realized it when he was around, but Izuku was a lighter sleeper than she gave him credit for. It’d been convenient to figure that out when the boy was five rather than fifteen. The boy’s breath evened out. “Did you truly think you’d ever know peace without me?” 
As if in response, his facial muscles scrunched, then relaxed. 
“Your father’s back to chase all the nightmares away.” Another stroke through his curls, a tangle caught and smoothed away. “No thanks to that man you call a mentor, we’ve been kept apart for far too long. But that changes tonight. I believe you and I will both agree that’s for the best. I know you’ve hated your time here. It’s a shame I couldn’t come sooner, but I had something to finish first. You understand, don’t you, Izuku?” 
The boy’s nose wrinkled. 
Truly, All for One would not mind staying here a while. Even though his memories of this place were not fond, there was a charm in the creation of such a warm memory in a place that had tormented both him and his son. An irony in how these walls were meant to bind and separate them, but instead brought them together again. If society had not betrayed his son as it had he didn’t think such a task would have been as easy. Izuku was far too much like his brother, always willing to fight for others, even those who hurt him. Had that society not clipped the boy’s wings, even with the ongoing chaos, taking his son back would have taken more effort, nor would it have been a guarantee.  
Yet here, the boy slept on, oblivious to the distant smell of smoke and iron. Sleep would keep him away, and when All for One let him wake, he would make sure the boy only found the ashes. Maneuvering those who had no hope had always been easier. He’s certain his son would be the same. 
All for One did not entirely care how much time had passed, content with the sight of his son in his arms after years of distance. Yet, when he heard something rattle in discontent with his enhanced hearing, the earliest sign of the inevitable riot, All for One knew it had been long enough.
“It’s time to go home, Izuku.” He lifted Izuku up, arm under knees and Izuku’s head fell against his chest. He pressed a kiss to the boy’s forehead. “We’ve kept your mother waiting long enough.” 
And as he came, so too, did All for One leave unimpeded, but with the very prize he came to collect. 
Outside, the world burned as its king ordained, and in the king’s arms, his child slept on in peace.     
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
3 Sentence WIP Game
Tagged by: @mamashenanigans
Write 3 sentences on your writing project, post them, then tag three other people!
Birdcage - Chapter 6 (WIP)
"Hey do you want to hang out this Sunday?"
Izuku didn't hesitate to talk to the boy he had 'befriended' after some violence. Shoto stared with his Soba hanging out of his mouth as if registering what the hell he was talking about. Izuku watched as the male tried to swallow his noodles in one gulp making a slight face that was clear had forced it a bit. It would be awkward if he choked-
"Couldn't you have waited until I swallowed?" Shoto questioned quite bluntly as he wiped his mouth.
(Lol it inspired me to work on the chapter so here a slight snippet)
Tagging: @raizavier, @rain-coat-killer, and @nonobadcat
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ginkotracks · 1 year
3 Sentence WIP Game
Tagged by @mamashenanigans
Write 3 sentences on your writing project, post them, then tag three other people!
(Please make your own post)
“Alright, my boy,” Toshinori said, crouching down in front of little Izuku and holding out ¥1000 to the two year old. Izuku shifted in place, drowning slightly in the fluffy, teddy bear jacket All for One had dressed the boy in, and grabbed the money to look at it.
“Daddy says it's his birthday tomorrow,” Toshinori said, “so you’re going to pick some gifts out for him, okay? You have  ¥1000 to spend.” they were outside Daiso, so they should be able to get about 10 things.
Did he entirely believe it was the man’s birthday tomorrow?
Not at all.
Was he still going to take the opportunity to take Izuku shopping with him?
(its more than 3 sentences but jfdklsjfds not by much i don’t think)
Tagging @akseedragon @cans-of-beans @mcfanely
(feel free not to, but this seemed fun! ^^)
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CW Blood
For my submission for All For One Bad Ending Event, I decided to go with the AFO Wins idea:
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This is a scenario if AFO managed to both steal OFA and kill Midoriya in the process. (If this were DFO, that would probably be different, but I decided to go with a super bad ending. I’m very very sorry guys)
If AFO got OFA, it’s most likely he would somehow destroy all of the other vestiges and leave just Yoichi.
@mamashenanigans and @possiblycringe
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Grief & Family
Grief & Family by MamaShenanigans
All for One has been grieving the death of his little brother for over a century, but he found a temporary solution to free him from the upsetting feeling.
Now, that solution has truly paid off—in more ways than one. —— Prize for the All for Apocalypse event I co-hosted
Words: 6050, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Sensei | All For One, Yoichi | First One For All User, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma, Midoriya Hisashi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Inko/Sensei | All For One, Sensei | All For One & Yoichi | First One For All User
Additional Tags: All for Apocalypse Event, Prize, Should have been around 1k words but it's around 6k, prompt too good, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Sensei | All For One is Not Midoriya Hisashi, it'll make sense, trust me
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46252816
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airainsidebooks · 1 year
Hello! Here with a new BNH fic for the AFO Bad Ending Event 2023! I hope you read it and like it.
Summary: AFO was once an older brother, therefore, he knows an older brother would do anything to keep his younger brother safe, or in this case little sister, and he absolutely intends to use that to win.
@mamashenanigans @possiblycringe
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3 Sentence WIP Game
Tagged by @gentrychild who offered up a delicious WIP.  You caught me editing an interesting one.
Write 3 sentences on your writing project, post them, then tag three other person!
(Please make your own post)
AITA for abandoning my family?
Years ago, I was seriously injured by a vile, dangerous man. I had no choice but to leave my wife and child in order to heal and to protect them from that monster’s reprisals. Now my son won’t speak to me and refuses to hug me. AITA?
Tagging @boss-the-goofball and @gojifan97 and @mamashenanigans
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greycatsinpants · 1 year
I made an art piece for the AFO bad end event. It doesn't explicitly show DFO, but I did have that in mind while making it. This was pretty fun to do. @mamashenanigans
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mamashenanigans · 5 months
Here it is! The fic where some of my semi, kinda, maybe popular snippets I’ve posted come from!
Hope yall enjoy. It’s weird. The best kind!
Oh, and it’s kinda self-indulgent. If you can’t figure out why then I dunno if you should know lol!
Special thanks to @aimportantdragoncollector for beta reading this for me! You’re awesome!
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