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These are original characters that @mamashenanigans asked me to draw, and I had so much fun doing so!
Their characters are so cool!!!
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bonusdragons · 9 months
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September 3, 2023:
Lead Primary, Coatl, Constellation.
Seeker of Yogg's clan!
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mamashenanigans · 1 year
Yogg and Cambria
So, the absolutely amazing and talented @coffeeandtoastforbreakfast designed two characters for me! I wanted to pay for a commission, but they aren’t ready to do that, so I’ll be writing for them from a prompt to “pay” for this awesomeness. They also are working on Yogg’s messed up, Lovecraftian body horror form, so that’s super exciting and I know how well they can do it from their AFO horror sketches!
I was talking to them about my story and they are such a great listener and loved it enough to do this for me. It means so much to me!
This is a character sheet they made for Yogg’s human form. He’s the Big Bad of my story proper, but this is how he shows up in flashbacks leading to the reveal of who he really is. In a nutshell: he and the main character, Ember, had a relationship in the past that spanned decades. Unbeknownst to him, they ended up having a child together before Ember, finding out who he really is and him going cuckoo, pushed him back into the Kingdom of the Dead. Their daughter’s name is Cambria, but she doesn’t know her parentage until later.
Cambria has a Bearded Dragon named Butters(after my own Beardie) that seems to be sentient…it could have to do with her inate powers and she’s subconsiously making it reality….
Yogg’s name is a direct reference to Yog Sothoth from Lovecraft as he is my favorite Old One. He tells Ember his name is Al when they meet and pretends he’s just a regular everyday Shadow Ancient. She doesn’t like the other Ancients and barely knows anything about them so decides to play along with his weird name.
Yogg is a BIG GUY. He’s overweight and took the form of an Italian-American due to where he first formed when coming to Earth. His weight is a direct correlation to him being the God of Death, Devourer of Souls.
ANYWAY, enjoy this awesome character sheet and a lovely sketch they did of Cambria!
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Want to know more about this story and it’s mythos?
I am working on releasing a separate blog featuring a writing experiment I am doing. It is written in the first-person of a character name Tas, a scholar trying to catalogue the knowledge of The Ancients. Within his tome, he explains the history of the Universe and how The Ancients came to be and how they operate. I’ll be sharing that as soon as it gets going. I have a wonderful artist @2000dragonarmy working on a commission to go along with these blog posts, so look out for it when I share!!!
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by Dmitry Prozorov
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oldgodlover · 10 months
Oh yeah, polls are available.
So, time to vote and see who can win!
Reblog to get more answers! And tell me your reasons too!
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freakbullet · 5 months
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hearthstone signature art - N'Zoth, Y'Shaarj, C'thun & Yogg-Saron
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Day #234 of things I love about WoW:
Old God whispers. There's just something about an eldritch being whispering sweet nothings about your impending doom into your ear out of nowhere. (Also, Yogg-Saron's lucid dream quote is one of my favorite lines in the entire game).
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makaipunk · 1 year
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i did this in 2020 after the reveal of corrupted!wrathion in 8.3 but i might as well post this here too esp since the whole speculation regarding galakrond being corrupted by the old gods
i'm so tired of blizzard falling back on old gods as a plot point
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flershnork · 7 months
My beliefs for the status of each Old God.
I believe it has been said that all of the Old Gods are dead, but it has also been stated that death is not final.
Unfortunately the page containing the original interview that said this is gone, but the English translation of the quote in question still exists on Wowhead.
"I would say we should consider them dead. However as with all things in World of Warcraft and the Warcraft's universe dead isn't always dead. If there was a coming of forth of the Old Gods or herald of the Old Gods come down from the great dark-- I can see that easily happening. Not saying that happening, I'm just saying death isn't the end of the line in World of Warcraft, and it really never has been. I think that's kind of been from your character to the world around you. There is a cycle."
The Warcraft Wiki cites a slightly different translation of this quote.
"I would say that we should consider them dead. But! As with all things in World of Warcraft and in general in the Warcraft universe, death is not always final. Therefore, if there is the coming of the Old Gods, or some precursor of the Old Gods appear from the eternal darkness, from the Void, for example, if there is any way or opportunity to return them, I imagine that this may well happen."
Y'shaarj - Dead. Possibly could come back but I think it is unlikely.
Yogg-Saron - I refuse to believe he is dead. Ulduar was just pushing him back into his prison. From what I've heard, according to Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, some still hear his whispers, although I have not read it myself and I have heard that some things in it do not align with the actual lore. It could be a situation like with the heart/blood of Y'shaarj, but I doubt it.
C'thun - Was probably still alive until 7.3. Sword of Sargeras most likely killed him though. It is possible that parts of his body could still exert power like what happened with the heart of Y'shaarj.
N'Zoth - Since N'zoth died in Ny'alotha, which is an alternate plane of existence, it is possible that we destroyed a vision of him and he is fully alive, the plane is connected to the void and his spirit was also destroyed, or the plane is more connected to Azeroth leading to his spirit being sent back to the void. I think option 3 is most likely. We know that past N'zoth, or the Knowing Presence, saw the events of The War Within. ("With many eyes, they will see again. They will drink, and be uplifted." clearly matches the plot summary of Azj-Kahet) If he saw our future, he likely also saw our past, including us killing him. N'zoth likely worked his own death into his plans. Either, his death is forwarding his plans, or he has a contingency to come back from death.
Theories for the Future
N'zoth - I personally believe that N'zoth will be in Midnight. We know that the void has been trying to gain access to the Sunwell, and we know that it possesses the power to summon beings and restore spirits. (Summoning of Kil'jaeden and revival of Kel'thuzad as a lich) I don't think we are going to see full zone sized N'zoth looming over the skybox of Silvermoon, but I do think that Xal'atath (or some other void aligned entity) is going to summon N'zoth's spirit to store in a mortal vessel.
Y'sharrj & C'thun - I don't think we will see either of them. It is possible that with my N'zoth theory, all three could come back, but they aren't really enough of planners to benefit from existing in a mortal vessel.
Yogg-Saron - Come on, we are returning to Ulduar in The Last Titan. Yogg-Saron's prison. There's no way he doesn't come back. On top of that, The War Within is already giving us Nerubians, which were Aqir descendants connected to him.
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malicefay-art · 2 years
Scallop are so weird I love them
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Like I wonder if these little buggers inspired the design of Warcrafts Yogg-Saron
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jerek · 1 year
Honestly 9999% of it is I had to hear femboy discourse between 2 transmasc teenagers last week and i'll die before I let that shit find me here. Imagine. You let slip one lore tidbit to keep em on their toes. And they look up at you and go "uh. What origin. What diagnosis. Maybe you just have OSDD. 1b's the one where you uhhh you."
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yangus · 2 years
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wowhead · 2 years
my descent into madness WILL begin in 2023
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shathyar · 21 days
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lendasdeazeroth · 2 months
Yogg-Saron, O Sonho Lúcido
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Yogg-Saron é um dos quatro Deuses Antigos de Azeroth. Eles são misteriosos e terríveis seres mais velhos que foram derrotados e sequestrados pelos exércitos dos titãs durante as idades primordiais do mundo. Após sua queda nas mãos do Panteão, incontáveis ​​milênios atrás, Yogg-Saron foi aprisionado dentro do complexo titânico de Ulduar, nas profundezas do que se tornaria o continente de Nortu
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oldgodlover · 3 months
Sometimes I wish there would be a discord server for Old Gods, but I haven't found any yet.
It makes me fear that I should make one myself but I don't want the responsibility of owning a server either...
So, in case anyone knows about a Discord server dedicated to Old Gods, please share a link 🙏
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