#man sthu
ilovecryoffearsm · 30 days
I don't like it when people assume or call ugky people pretty and are surprised that ugly people are actually ugly and nkt some insecure godess. I hate it when people call me pretty because they lie to my face. It makes me look pathetic. I am pathetic, but i don't want to look like that. People who call me ugly act like i don't know it, as if i don't have to look at myself every single day. I try to make myself prettier so people ignore my ugly insides but my insides shine through, ao i try to make my insides prettier but people ignore my pretty insides because im so ugly on the outside, so my insides turn butter and shit and look ugly. I'm not cute ugly, I'm not hot ugly, I'm not internet ugly, I'm ugly. And i try to ignore that and ':3!! :D!' Or talk to bots
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kabra-malvada · 11 months
I am really starting to believe some if you enjoy my art/writing but idk why?? ,':/
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mooniemilkieway · 6 months
can monster high tiktok/ g1 purists stfu for once like
okay i love g1, actually i love all of the generations but it’s so fucking tiring how that there will literally be a g3 monster high posts and some hag will literally comment “omg g1 better mh is ruined mah childhood 😢😢😢” LIKE OMG WE GET IT YOU HAVE NO JOB NOR A SOCIAL LIFE OUTSIDE OF TIKTOK LMFAOAO.
don’t even get me STARTED on how bitches will see draculaura or Abbey or hell any curvy character and call them “fat” or “obese” for having thick thighs LIKE GIRL WHY U HATING LIKE A MAN. it’s giving onision’s rating bodies and calling one of the poor girls bodies “violin hips” OMG STHU
if you don’t like g3 then that is perfectly fine but my god why are u being a literal bigot over dolls when MH always stood for is acceptance.
anyways stan g3 draculaura she outsold all of ur favs
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steven1123x · 3 months
A Half-Gem Boy’s Adventures In The Creek: Chapter one
Steven and Greg relocate from Delaware to Maryland in order to help Steven transition away from gem-related activities and towards a more typical life with peers his own age.
A mid-1970s Dodge Tradesman drove down a road in. The van was a white, two-door, open pickup truck with a unique design. The van has a large logo on the side that says “Mr. Universe." It appears to be a customized vehicle, as it is painted in bright colors and has a distinctive look.
Inside the van were two people, a man who had long brown hair, and a brown beard. The man wore a black T-shirt. He also had blue eyes.
Next to the man was a boy, who had curly hair, he wore a red star t-shirt, cuffed jeans, and salmon pink flip-flops.
But what was unique about the boy was that he was half alien — Half Gem to be specific from his mother’s side.
“Dad! why did we have to move?” the boy asked. His father looked at him, a concerned look on his face. He didn’t want them to move. But to keep his son safe he had to. The man spoke;
“Because, Schu-Ball. Pearl and the others wanted you safe and not involved in this stuff. I… I thought I lost you when Jasper kidnapped and held you prisoner. I was so scared that day. Maybe this new life isn’t going to be so bad. You're going to make a lot of new friends in Herkleton.”
Steven just sighed and looked out the window, the radio was playing rock music, and the boy put his palm to his cheek and stared out the window.
Twenty minutes later, they were in Maryland, Steven looked at the city. Greg turned to a neighborhood, it’s For Sale sign was still up on the front lawn with a little wooden board that said 'SOLD' on it in big red letters, Greg stopped his van
Steven sees a two-story home with a modern design, situated on a quiet suburban street. The house is painted in a light gray color and features a large front porch with a porch swing. The front of the home is covered with a roofline that provides an expansive outdoor living space for relaxation and entertainment.
The house is surrounded by lush greenery, including trees and bushes, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The presence of a car parked near the front of the house suggests that the owners have a driveway, providing convenient access to the home. The overall design of the house and its surroundings reflect the harmonious blend of nature and modern architecture, making it a desirable place to live.
Steven looked at the home in question…. It was nothing like the beach house/Crystal Temple, but. It was a house….
Greg grabbed the keys from the key box that was by the door, he stuck it in and opened the lock, the house was already fully furnished. Steven stands there at the front entrance. His dad put all of their things inside.
“Why won’t you help me, Sthu-Ball?” he asked.
Can’t he see that I’m hurting? that my friends are gone now because of THIS! CAN’T HE SEE THAT?
Steven wiped some tears that were coming out of his eyes. Greg saw him and put a box down, he was about to walk up towards him, but Steven backed away.
“I want to be alone,” he muttered
“I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE!” he screamed. Without thinking, Steven ran out the door. he ran into the woods and kept on running, he wanted to go back home! he missed everyone, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Sadie, Lars, Buck, Sour Cream, Jenny, Kiki.
And Connie.
Steven ran and ran until he was out of breath as he put his hands on his knees, the boy heard something. The Half-Gem looked up and gasped, he saw a bunch of kids, He was looking at a lush green forest with trees and bushes, giving it a natural and serene atmosphere. There was a large cooler in the middle of the creek, surrounded by kids who were going to trade in stuff for snacks and supplies. A few other items can be seen scattered around the scene, such as a backpack on the ground and a bottle near the cooler.
In addition to the cooler, there are two smaller objects placed on the ground, one closer to the left side of the frame and another one on the right side. These objects could be anything from rocks or fallen leaves to small animals or other natural elements that have been gathered in the creek.
Steven walks to the cooler and reads the sign. ‘The Trading Tree.’ Steven saw a girl standing there.
“You have anything to trade?” A girl said, Steven looked at her. She has brown skin, dark brown braided pigtails with a widow's peak, and wears glasses. She wears a light blue shirt. She also wears a keychain around her neck with five different keys on it.
“Um…I’m new here. What is this place?”
“This is the Creek! I’m Kit, what’s your name?”
“Steven Universe.”
“Like the show?” she asked in disbelief.
“Is your middle name really after Rose Quartz?”
“Yeah,” he said awkwardly.
Kit knew that she’d seen him from somewhere before, and his name did sound familiar to her, she smiled “Oh, since your new. here is something for free.” she said pulling out a choco roll that came with two choco rolls in the rapping, Steven smiled.
“Make sure that you have something to trade for tomorrow, alright?” Steven smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. He walked away from The Trading Tree and found a log to sit down at to eat his snack.
Steven opened the wrapper and began to eat the sweet chocolatey roll. As a girl walks up towards him. Steven looked at the girl, she was about nine. the girl was fairly short She had peach skin, ankle-length strawberry-blonde hair tied into a large bun at the back of her head, she also had brown eyes. “Hello! I’m Steven.” the boy said, sounding much happier than he did before.
“Hi, I’m, Kelsey,” she said, extending a hand. Steven took her hand and shook it. The boy smiled at her. “Hey, you wanna meet my friends?”
Steven nodded and stood up. They both walked to an area with a tree stump, her friends were there.
“Hey Craig, JP! I’m back, and I met this boy!” she said. Steven still stood next to her Craig walked up.
“Hi, I’m Crag Williams!”
“And I’m JP.” the taller boy said.
Steven looks at both of them; JP is tall compared to most kids in the creek. He has light skin, a large head with proportionally smaller cheeks, black eyes, and eyebrows, and red hair.
He also wears a long-sleeve orange and white striped V-neck hockey jersey, black shoes, and tan pants with a tear on his right knee.
Then he looks at Craig;
Craig is of normal stature for a ten-year-old boy and is rather slim. He has dark skin, large eyes, similarly sized ears, a prominent flat nose, and black hair. His head is also large in proportion to his body, he is the same height as Steven.
“Hi!” Steven said.
“Hi!” Craig and JP both waved at the boy.
“Um, what do you do here?”
“You get to play all day until it’s time for dinner, or on weekdays until six, but we can play all day long since it’s summer vacation,” Craig said. Steven was confused by this until six, how come?
“Um, I have a question. Why until six?” Steven asked the three kids.
“We have school. So we get to the creek at three and play for three hours.”
“Oh, right! you're a gem. It’s a building that you have to go to and learn a bunch of stuff.” Craig said. Steven nods. He thinks it sounds miserable, being in a building for eight hours a day, sitting down in a classroom, and being told what to do by a teacher. He got that enough already from Pearl.
But, on the other hand… He could be a normal kid and go to school with them. Steven looks at them, he’d just met these kids a few minutes ago. “Hey, me Kelsey and JP are going to the Candy Bar, you wanna come?”
Steven smiled at that, Finally. No responsibilities of being a Crystal Gem, he can be a kid for once in his life! He looked up. “Alright! let’s do it!” he said.
They walked to the other side of the creek, which wasn’t being controlled by the king of the creek anymore, King Xaver. Kids can play freely without the king telling them what to do.
Steven was walking with them when they saw a large tree, and he took a second to look at it. He saw a hole that was made up of leaves, Craig, Kelsey, and JP all walked inside, and Steven did too.
He heard a piano playing, two boys were playing as kids of all ages were getting candy and soda from the bartender.
“Four sodas, please,” Craig said.
“Craig!” a boy said, walking behind the counter. Steven observed the boy; He had dark brown, chocolate hair, and burnt-sienna skin. His face flaunts a near-constant blush and he is thinner, as well as a little taller than Steven.
He also wore a tucked-in hoodie with gray shorts and white shoes.
“Hey, Shawn!” JP said.
“Hey, guys. How can I help you?”
“Can we get gummy worms and gummy fish with soda please?” Craig asked.
“Sure.” He said, pulling out four plastic mugs placing soda in each of them, and filling them up with the gummy candies.
“Thanks, Shawn!” he said carrying the two in his hands, then going back and getting the other two.
“Here, Steven,” he said, placing the pink plastic cup in front of him. Steven looked at it.
“Um… Is this even edible?”
“I drink it all the time!” JP said, putting his mug down, two gummy worms hung from his mouth. Steven picked it up and took a sip. He bit into the gummy candy and smiled.
“Hey!” he said, clewing it. “This is pretty good!” he said, continuing to eat/drink it. Craig, Kelsey, and JP all smiled.
Steven heard a tuba playing a single note and someone yelling ‘Dinner’
“What was that?”
“Oh, that’s the dinner tuba. It signals everyone to go inside and have dinner.”
“But… I have dinner whenever I want to.” Steven said, walking with Craig.
“Oh, but you want to go home right?
Steven nodded. they both went in the same direction to their houses. Craig opened the door to his house.
“Hey! It looks like we're neighbors!” Steven said, about to open his door.
“Yeah! well, see you tomorrow, Steven!” he said, going inside. Steven went inside the house as well. Then a familiar ringtone rang out, Steven smiled as it said ‘Connie’ on his phone’s screen, it was a picture of him and her in Beach City. Steven was holding up two fingers to make a peace sign. Connie was smiling and making a funny face. Her glasses were tucked in her shirt. Steven smiled and answered the phone.
“Hey, Connie!” Steven said happily, he was glad that he was able to talk to her on the phone, Maybe she could come over to spend a day in the Creek with him and his new friends.
“Hey! How’s Maryland?” that was her first question.
“It’s so fun! I met new friends and went to this place called the creek. it’s a vast place where kids can play!”
“That sounds so cool! Oh, can’t talk now, I'm going to have dinner soon, I’ll talk to you later!” Connie said, hanging up.
Steven went deeper into the house. He looked at some boxes on the floor that were unpacked yet. Steven texted his dad, wondering where he was. When he got a text back that he was getting sushi for dinner. Steven felt relieved that he wasn’t hurt.
The boy walked upstairs and went into his room, his room was fully furnished also with a bed and a desk. He sighed and started unpacking the box that said ‘STEVEN’S ROOM’ in a black Sharpie and a bunch of star stickers.
Steven opened the box and saw that all his stuff was inside. He picked up a purple controller that was tied up.
Probably Pearl did that. he thought to himself
He unpacked his posters. Then he found his GameCube that was at the bottom of the box. Steven set the purple Nintendo console on his desk with the controller that came with it, then he unpacked more stuff.
Greg reached the door with two boxes of sushi, one salmon for himself and one cucumber and avocado for Steven.
“Steven?” he called out, setting the boxes and his keys down on the kitchen counter.
Steven walked downstairs, hearing the sound of his father’s voice. The boy walked towards him, Greg smiled and knelt to his level. “Hey… You alright? you kinda got a little emotional a few hours ago.” Steven nodded in silence. Greg smiled once more.
“Come on, I brought us some dinner.” Steven sighed, grabbed his trey of sushi, then left. “I’m gonna go eat in my room.” Greg watched sadly as Steven walked upstairs to his room to continue unpacking. He walked out back and opened the sliding glass door and saw a man. He wore a blue polo shirt with white jeans and green shoes. He has curly black hair with a slither of gray in the middle and a black beard.
Greg waves at the man.
“Hey!” the man said.
“Hi! I’m Greg Universe!” he said.
“I’m Duane Williams.”
“Hi Duane,” he said.
“Duane! come and help me!” his wife called out from the kitchen.
“Coming, Nichole!” he said, walking back inside the house. Greg looked at his sushi for a few minutes, He put his sushi in the fridge and sat in the living room.
Pulling out his phone, he decided to text Pearl.
Steven’s phone played Your the Anchor That Keeps My Feet on The Ground by Mayday Parade. He was lying on his bed. He was halfway done packing. He decided to take a break, his tray of sushi was left on his desk, Steven sighed and turned his body, the boy sighed, he missed his home and his friends.
He can’t run away…. Maybe he can call Pearl to come pick him up. He paused his music and sat up. He scrolled down to Pearl’s contact and his finger hovered over the blue number.
He wanted to call her so bad. But he can’t do it.
Steven Quartz Universe, what are you waiting for, do it!
Steven sighed and put his phone down, he closed his eyes and went to bed. Another day awaited for him at the creek.
Steven opened his eyes, yawned, and stretched. He took his empty tray down to the kitchen. Steven went back upstairs, went into his bathroom, and turned on the faucet to brush his teeth.
Once he was done, he went to his closet and picked out a shirt, he picked out his red star t-shirt and slipped it over his head. Steven grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on, then socks with a pair of black Nike low tops and put them on. Steven looked around his room, he could unpack the rest of his things later.
He opened the door and walked down the hall. His dad was still asleep probably. it was eight in the morning, and he still hadn’t found a job yet, granted, they did move in yesterday.
Steven walked downstairs, his shoes touching the white tile flooring of the house, he went to the kitchen, but he remembered that they hadn’t bought any food yet for the house, so Steven decided to go next door.
Opening the door, the boy walked to the Williams house and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door. The woman initially was wearing a blue shirt with gray jeans and black shoes. She switched to wearing a black shirt with beige pants. She wears gold earrings. She has black braided hair.
“Hello, and what is your name?”
“Steven.” he said. The woman smiled. Craig had told her about this boy yesterday, and he’d also told her that he was half-alien.
“Of course. I heard from Craig you and your father moved in yesterday,” she said, Steven nodded. Steven walked into the house and went to the kitchen, Craig was eating cereal.
“Hi, Craig!” he said cheerfully.
“Hi, Steven! do you want to have breakfast with us?” Steven nodded and sat down.
Nichole handed him a bowl, Steven poured the cereal and milk. Then a boy walked downstairs in a work uniform. Steven looked at him;
He seems to be an average-height male who wears glasses with the whole top of his glasses black and he has tall black hair with shaved sides. He wore a green polo shirt, khaki pants with an apron with pockets on the front, he’s wearing red and white sneakers. The boy also wears a brown watch on his right wrist.
“Do you want some breakfast before you go to work, Bernard?” Nichole asked. Bernard shook his head.
“No,” he said, putting his backpack on his back, and grabbing his phone.
Steven turned to look at Craig. “Hey, Craig. where is your dad?”
“Oh, he’s probably looking for work. He hasn't found a job yet,” he said, putting his bowl on the counter, Steven stood up and did the same.
“Bye, mom! we're going to the creek now!” he said, running out with Steven following behind him.
Craig and Steven walked to the creek together. They saw Kelsey and JP waiting for them at the stump.
"Hey, guys!” Steven said.
“Hey!” Kelsey and JP both said. Steven waved. “Alright, what are we going to do today guys?” Craig said.
“We can be warriors and fight in the heat of battle!” Kelsey said, pulling out a PVC pipe taped with a piece of cardboard and a toilet paper roll.
“Yeah! And I will be your defense!” Steven said, summoning his shield from his gem.
“And we can be the bad guys who’ll try to destroy you!” Craig said, JP smiled and picked up a stick, Craig did the same and they played.
“Steven, cover me!” Kelsey said, Steven protected her as Craig and JP ‘struck’ them with their swords. Steven blocked the attacks.
‘Hey, Steven! you have anything to trade?” Kit asked.
Steven took out a few items from his pocket.
“I found this plastic ring in my room,” he said, putting it on the cooler, Kit smiled and nodded.
“Alright, Steven. What would ya like?” she asked, Steven thought about it for a few seconds.
“Do you have any chips?” he asked, Kit smiled and nodded, she pulled a lever that was attached to a filing cabinet, the cabinet pulled up and he saw slots for nine types of chips, Lays, Ruffles, Doritos, Cheetos, Pringles and popcorn. Steven looked at the section and thought for a few minutes.
“I want the ruffles, please,” he said, Kit grabbed the bag and handed it to him.
“Thank you, Kit,” he said, smiling at her and walking away from The Trading Tree.
Steven walked over to the stump. He then saw another boy he had his dreads in a ponytail with a single hair strand hanging on the right side and he was wearing a green shirt, that had light and dark green lines in a pattern, gray pants, and dark gray shoes.
“Hey, Steven! this is Omar.” Craig said, introducing the two boys to each other.
“Hi, Omar!” he said waving.
“So, Omar. how was that trip to California?” Craig asked, Omar popped the lollipop out his mouth and spoke;
“It was good, it was a lot of fun, I wanted to see the Walk Of Fame. That was cool!” he said. pulling up pictures from his phone, Steven looked at a gold star with a little TV set in the middle, and above it, it said 'STEVEN UNIVERSE’ on it.
“Woooah! Cool!” Steven said, stars in his eyes as he looked at the picture. Omar smiled and nodded.
“Hey, wanna go to the other side and go to The Creek’s Kitchen?” Steven was confused. These were some new places that he had never been to before. At the same time, he did move yesterday. So, he couldn’t complain much.
“Let’s go,” Omar said, walking ahead of them, Steven walked behind them, looking at the kids and the creek happily playing. Thankfully it was June, so he could play in the creek with Craig and his new friends.
“So, Steven. What was Deleware like?” Craig asked.
“It’s nice, I live on the beach, and my dad used to work at a car wash. And before that, he was a rock star.”
Craig remembered seeing an episode once where his father showed him a VHS tape about how his parents met each other. They both fell in love and eventually had Steven. But it came at a price. Rose and Steven couldn’t both exist, so Rose had to give up her physical form to birth to her son.
“That I know, and your mom gave up her body to have you,” Kelsey said, Steven nodded and put a hand up to his arm and rubbed it.
“You alright?” Kelsey asked.
Steven nods and they keep walking, they walk through the overpass to get to the other side.
The other side of the creek was a lot nicer than the other part of the creek, he’d been here yesterday to go to the Candy Bar, but it got more and more impressive to look at. Steven saw kids playing freely in the creek.
They walked to The Creek’s Kitchen — now called The Creek's Restaurant, he saw that the restaurant had tables and chairs set up. Steven remembers one time that he brought the Pizza restaurant and the Fry shop together in Beach City.
They all sat down, Steven saw a boy handing them menus. He saw the boy who was about his and Craig’s height. He has dark hair, dark blue-rimmed glasses which have one of the lenses knocked out, as well as a cast in a sling on his arm, due to his gathering mishaps.
“Hi, Craig.” the boy said.
“Hey, Tien,” he said waving, Steven looked over his menu.
Grilled Cheese,
Chicken tenders. (Buffalo, garlic, regular)
cookie selection (Oreo, chocolate chip, or frosted sugar cookies)
Coke Zero
Root Beer
Regular Milk
Chocolate Milk
Strawberry Milk
Steven read the items. They all looked good,
“How many pieces of chicken are there?” Steven asked. seeing no description of the item. Tien walked over to the boy.
“There are five tenders. And you have some choices of sauces like ranch, barbecue, buffalo sauce, and honey mustard.”
“I love ranch!” the boy smiles.
“And what would you like to drink?” the boy smiles.
“A Coke Zero, please,” Steven said, Tien smiled again and wrote it down on his notepad.
“What would you guys like?” Tien asked
“I will have the Sliders with a lemonade,” Craig said.
“Kelsey and I will both share the cookie selection and two glasses of Chocolate milk,” JP said, Kelsey nodded in agreement.
“I’ll take the grilled cheese with Kool-Aid,” Omar told him, handing him the menu.
“Alright, I will be back with your drinks shortly,” he said.
Steven pulls out his phone and gets a missed call.
Missed Call.
Steven swiped his finger to the right and put the phone on his ear. His fingers drumming on the table as it was ringing.
Craig looks at him, and Steven’s eyes keep darting from left to right.
“Hey, Steven. How are you?”
“I’m good, what are you doing?”
“I’m about to go train with Pearl.”
“Oh, are you at your house?”
Connie was packing up some stuff such as a tank top: shorts and his mother’s soward. “Yeah, I’m going to do some training with her,” she said, picking up her duffel bag and walking downstairs. Steven nodded.
“Okay, Connie. I’ll talk to you later,” he said, hanging up. Steven set the phone down and looked at the table.
Craig, who sat next to him, put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Steven, you okay?” he asked his new friend, Steven nodded and waited for his snack.
Tien came back With their snacks and drinks.
“Here you go guys, your snacks,” he said handing them out, Steven smiled as he put his napkin used for his fork and knife on his shirt.
“Thank you,” he said, as he took his fork and took a chicken tender and cut it with his knife. Craig didn’t want to judge him too much, so he ignored it and ate his snack.
Craig, Kelsey, JP, Omar, and Steven all went back to Stevn’s house, they wanted to have a sleepover at Steven’s probably this week. Greg will have to talk to their parents on the phone first, Steven couldn’t wait! he can be a normal kid after all. He was so excited for this! He took a selfie with them and sent it to Pearl.
Steven’s phone buzzed and he looked at the notification
‘You guys look so adorable!’ then she sent an emoji holding back tears and smiling.
Steven chuckles to himself and puts his phone back into his pocket. They'd made it into their neighborhood, Steven pulled the key out of his pocket put it in the lock, and opened the door.
“Is your dad home?” Craig asked. Steven shook his head.
“His van is gone. He’s probably picking some stuff up at the store,” he said, walking farther in. They went to the living room. Steven saw something hanging on the wall, so he called someone.
“Excuse me for a second guys.” Opening the sliding glass door that led to the back, he tapped Pearl’s contact and put the phone to his ear.
“Hello?” Garnet’s voice was heard on the other end.
Steven looked back to the picture hanging above the living room’s couch, the picture was hanging in the temple after he was born in 2000.
He was trying not to throw up or pass out. His hands were shaking, Craig stepped outside and saw Steven holding his phone up to his ear and standing still. He stood there for a while. Crag walked up towards him, Steven stood frozen, not talking.
“Steven?! Are you alright, are you hurt?” Garnet asked Steven wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. He stared at the phone,
He stared at his cell phone with various icons and buttons displayed on its screen. In the center of the phone, there is a white caller ID labeled ‘Garnet’ with a phone icon next to it. The screen also has other icons, including a clock, a car icon, a letter icon, a heart icon, and a microphone icon.
The phone also features a speaker, a camera, and a mail icon. There are several buttons on the screen as well, such as a back button, a home button, a recent apps button, and a share button. Additionally, there is an arrow icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Steven put it on speaker, and then he spoke.
“Y-Yeah…. I’m here. And no I’m not hurt.” Garnet didn’t believe that for a minute, she could sense that something was wrong.
“Steven…” She said. Steven clenched the phone in her hand as she continued. “I can tell that something is wrong. Are you homesick?”
“I was,” he said, looking at Craig. Then he smiled, he had friends in Deleware and Maryland. And he loved going to the creek. “But after a day being in the Creek and playing with my new friends. I’m not anymore.”
“That’s excellent to hear, Steven! But why did you call exactly?”
“Um…” Steven said, as he walked up to the open sliding glass door and looked in the living room, and saw his mother’s picture up on the wall. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, yes. It was a picture but he could feel her watching them from heaven — or within him.
Steven was eating dinner with his father. The smell of shrimp pasta hung in the air. “So, how was your day, Dad?” the boy asked.
“It was good, Schu-Ball. You had fun at the Creek?”
“Yeah! hey Dad, I have a question.”
“What’s up?”
“Did the gems give you the picture of mom?” Greg nods.
“Yes, they did. Why?”
“No reason, I thought we didn’t have that in the house yesterday.”
Greg twirled his fork full of pasta and put it in his mouth. “Well. I asked Pearl and she said that I could take the painting, they miss her too as much as I do.”
“But you have me, Dad.”
Greg smiled, he stood up and ruffled his black curly hair, Steven smiled and stood up, putting his plate in the sink. Greg looks at him. “Why won’t you watch cartoons?”
“Aw, yeah!” Steven ran into the living room and jumped on the couch.
Picking up the remote and turning on the flatscreen TV, changed it to Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants playing, Steven crossed his legs and watched the cartoon.
Steven was getting ready for bed, he took a shower and put his PJs on, and now he was in bed. he went to sleep, and a new day was upon him tomorrow.
A\N: Hey guys! This is a new story I’ve been working on! tell me how you like it, and I’ll see you later!
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lafleshlumpeater · 10 months
Sthu man we all know conrad let belly win shoot your shot like. This guy literally got the ball in the hoop without looking (i think the third of fourth one, he was looking right at belly) and one handed at the same time, you think hes gonna miss it when hes looking and with both hands?? Please
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Tehe just ordered one of my early birthday presents, Barry(price) is doing a signing and I got me one eeeek happy early 20th to me -🦇
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THIS MAN RIGHT HERE???? YOU GOT HIM TO SIGN SOMETHING????? (don't ask why I have this picture sthu)
(Again, really sorry that I'm late to this. I've been busy with life and trying to finish so many asks and fics 😭😭)
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
yk something that drops my jaw to the floor every time?
(I might lose followers for this LMFOSOASODO)
bro idk why but when I first saw/read omegaverse and like animal hybrid! reader stuff I thought it was a big joke and never paid attention to it
I only figured out recently that YALL MFS ARE SERIOUS….
like is this who we are now? is this what the world has come to? what happened to us??? LIKE ISTG THE REQUEST B SOMETHING LIKE
“hey 🥺, can I request alpha!_____ x omega!reader when y/n gets her tail and ears touched and becomes in heat 🥺🥺”
there is so much wrong in that. it PAINED me to type it out. 
first off, whats with the 🥺……….
third, the tail and ear thing is actually crazy like im not even joking.
“why do u care so much omg its not even that big if a deal if ppl like that then let them be!!”
why do I care so much? WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH..?
and if I see anyone in the comments that says 
“its very normal im into that too!!”
then ur weird as hell and idgaf if i sound mean bc ARE U OKAY? WHAT HAVE U GONE THROUGH IN YOUR LIFE TO BE INTO THIS? 
“he GROWLED at the man who was eyeing your ears, “theyre. mine.” he BARKED as he walked away, a hand on your waist”
this is actually scary and if this is a furry thing lmk bc what mental illness to u have to make u like this?
which leads me to another topic ; furries
if ur a furry I have one question: r u okay?
BECAUSE how are u at ur BIG GROWN AGE wearing a heavy hot costume as an animal, jumping over things on all 4 of ur legs/hands whatever and claiming that there’s nothing wrong with u
furries actually belong in a psychiatric hospital
and for anyone who brings up the “if they want to identify as an animal they can!”
STHU no they can’t theyre human not a damn cat fox bird hybrid
anyways if ur a furry and need to talk to someone about your problems I recommend getting a therapist or a psychiatrist or like a doctor bc u prolly got some unknown disease or something
in conclusion someone please explain this to me because until I hear a valid reason on why someone wants to be a human hybrid with cat ears and fox tail with butterfly wings im standing w what I said.
runa out fr.
(edit: I opened the tag #omegaverse and why is there nsfw.)
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“You’re a Cancer? Ayeee that’s why we vibe! All of my friends are Cancers”
…no but when I found out what you are, strangely enough it clicked that you remind me SOOO much of Neil… and we all know how much I love that guy and his personality and how much I used to pray to end up with someone like him.
Plus Deven is literally the man of my dreams.
And Tiana is too and you’re literally the boy version of her… which we both know I’ve been praying for.
This is weird LOL
“I know we’re not supposed to read that stuff… but when I did…”
“…it was on point?”
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soulchronicity · 2 years
me: im so bored i dont have anything to do my moon blog, sthu au blog, and write brothers blog: hey you have u- me: man if only i had something to do! 
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adi06lena · 2 years
also can we talk abt this
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i would 🍴 her 😽 like i swear to the norns of valhalla. you hold me at gun point and be like "🍴 christine's 😽 like she's your last meal"
babe. you don't even need to hold me at gun point it's a YES WITH NO HESITATION????
but ur aceeeee- sthu dink im ✨a sexual✨ smh fr Lord forgive me i am so sorry i promise im holy pls 😭
Ur in deep man(literally) and needs to touch grass 😭😭
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danifandxm · 3 years
i swear if Matthew Mercer pulls some dune level sandworm type shit in marquet (since there IS desert) in Campaign 3, I might as well pour one out for the gang
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kabra-malvada · 1 year
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kenvais · 3 years
"my next theme is gonna be gojo" sthu. that man is a WHOREEE.
so am i <3
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Been seeing a lot of white people liking posts and making comments in relation to non-black poc ig and youtubers for apparently not saying + doing enough about what is going on, and while I believe non-black poc has work to do in terms of anti-blackness, that convo + work is within our own communities, and in relation to black folks. It is not for White ppl to comment on. Honestly they’re so shameless
I ain’t sticking up for the influencers or YouTubers but just for regular folks in general, I really hate when people push others or make them feel like they’re not “doing enough.” It’s like people already feel sad and guilty for all the injustices that go on. And a lot of folks read, write, share, create, and even try to attend things and then you got those toxic ass people that try to make them feel bad for not “doing enough.” Like sthu man
I hate when people be like “why aren’t you doing this?” or “why aren’t you doing that?” or be trying to correct someone at every damn turn. Like damn man stfu and let people do their part, work, or activism in the way that works for them. People don’t gotta sacrifice themselves or their health just to prove they’re “doing enough.” That’s a toxic ass way of thinking (especially in leftist and progressive circles) and I fucking hate that shit. Social justice and progress ain’t no damn competition nor is it about “proving” anything. We just do what we can.
Angry Asian Guy
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scythemaster1 · 4 years
i hate when my mom talks about me being trans. im not a man. i want to keep my boobs. sthu
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kpoptionate · 5 years
scary movie w hyunjin
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[masterlist in bio] 01.27.19 [repost 04.29.19] genre: fluff word count: 0.892k a/n: this is short and literal shit, i wrote the last 75% of this in twenty minutes two months after i started it summary: in which hyunjin tries to be a big boy™ to impress his s/o but ends up just looking like the big baby™ he is
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this definitely topped the list of the worst decision’s hyunjin’s ever made
what was supposed to be a night where you curled up against him like a baby so he could protect you ended up,,,,not really going his way
the complete opposite, to be exact
“i’ll change the movie if you don’t wanna watch this, hyunjin,” u’d offered to him when he sat down beside you since he’d walked into the apartment as u were already watching it
“no, no it’s fine !! ^̮^”
how cute, he thought he was gonna last through a horror movie with u
the thing was, hyunjin was younger than u by a couple months
obviously causing u to treat him like a little baby uwu (。◕‿◕。)
not that he didn’t like it, obv
just,,,he really wanted to show u what a mAn he was ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
and what better way to do that than suffering through a super scary movie !!
it,,,probably wasn’t the best idea, to say the least
he had planned ! planned
for u be super scared n cling to him like a koala n shove ur face in his neck every time the music got creepy n he’d run his fingers through ur hair n giggle n tell u it’s gonna b ok bc it’s just a movie
so ofc he chose the scariest one he could find !!!
!tsk, tsk, such a naive little boy
“hyunjin, are you coming ??” u called out to him from the couch bc he was taking foreveR to get the popcorn
he was actually hyping himself up but you don’t need to know that
he brought out all the snacks n plopped down against u, pulling the covers over both of y’all and wrapping his arm around ur shoulder
u rewinded the movie to the first scene, and so it begins !!
the first fifteen or so minutes of the movie was alright, not really anything to worry about
but hyunjin was starting to get a little,,,on edge
what if something happened ?? something popped out ?? death ?? monsters ?? ghosts ??
he tried to calm down n convince himself that it was ok !!
right now he had to look tough anyway bc u had already seen this part of the movie before he’d arrived !!!
that uh
was getting difficult
the music started getting spooky ಠ~ಠ
the scary dude disappeared and it was too quiet ಥ_ಥ
and then he just
pOPPED OUT OF NOWHERE i’m sorry i’m not good at scary descriptions
u, ofc, having seen this scene already, were completely unphased by it
but it took all of hyunjin’s might to hold himself down and not jump out of his seat (ಥ﹏ಥ)
hopefully u didn’t notice him tense up ??
as the movie continued
hyunjin’s jumping got a hell of a lot more noticeable
but he couldn’t helP it, it was getting too scary >:(
luckily for him, the part you’d watched without him ended !
so u jumped too !!!
“it’s ok to be scared y/n it’s just a movie (ᵔᴥᵔ)”
he wrapped his arms around ur body n pulled u super close to him
n y’all sat like that for a few minutes until the sUpeR scary scene was happening
like ppl were being murdered n shit
but hyunjin cOULDN’T WATCH
tOO SCARY 。゜(`Д´)゜。
so he pulled u closer—if at all possible—n buried his head into ur neck
u giggled at him n he just whined n snuggled into u even more n he stayed like that til u paused the movie to focus on him
u scratched his head a lil bit n he slowly lifted his head up
brows slightly furrowed n his lips all pouty
ur heart ? busted the fATTEST nut in existence
uwu juice everywhere
“aww is someone scared of the movieee ^̮^“
“sthu y/n ¬_¬”
u sat there teAsing him for a few minutes while he just
u raised ur eyebrow at his sudden outburst as he pulled away from u
this was nOT how it was supposed to go
yoU were supposed to be the one snuggling against him n hE was supposed to be the one teasing u bc he is noT a baby
but when he told u all that
u had the audACITY to just lauGH
he looked at u with a fake offended face n u just ruffeled his hair n gave him a bright ass smile that waRmed his heart
“come here u big baby” u cooed, holding ur arms out to him
he pouted n protested at the nickname as u wrapped ur arms n legs around him
“no matter how tough u are ur still my baby” u whispered
placing a kiss to his forehead n lacing ur fingers with his, u made sure he knew being ur baby isn’t a bad thing !! it’s cute !!
u turned off the movie n put on an episode of sponegbob
n even tho he tried convincing u he was still super tuff and didn’t need to watch stoopit cartoons  ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿  ̿
hyunjin just accepted the fact that he was ur smol one n rested his head on ur chest, feeding u popcorn that had previously been thrown in the air when he got scared
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