#mancic genders
wateryourgender · 2 years
or Osteomancic, is a gender connected to divination using bones.
this gender may feel wise, skeletal in some way, and like a form of old magic. it may also feel like old cracked bones that tell a story or warning.
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names: Bone Skele / Skelly / Skellie Skull
pronouns: Bone/Bones Osteo/Mancy Scapuli/Mancy Skull/Skulls
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catoncrack59 · 4 years
Two worlds and two me's Part 2
I walked into the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza restaurant and I decided to why not take a look around because hey if I'm going to be in this world a while better make a use out of it,so I looked around the area and it just what I expect from a kid's pizza place,there were arcade machines,a prize counter,a stage with animatronics on it,and a ball pit all now just covered in dust.I walked towards the prize counter to see some nostalgia toys that came from 80's era,and just from predicament the prize counter had pizzeria brand toys and plushies others were just regular toys like dolls,slinkys,bownsy balls,action figures,and animatronic? It was bazzar that a animatronic on a prize shelf and a cat animatronic nor a less but it wasn't a human size no It was the size of bobcat.The furr texture had tri color coat of a Calico cat,so out of my damn curiosity I grabbed the cat animatronic and set it down ontop of the prize counter.When I got a better look at it,it looked like it had been left to withered for years but still looked peserved to be able to function,I took look at it one more when I noticed a manual,an instrusction manual I opened the little thin book and began to read it.
'Hello I'm Inko Inko the cat! (instructions) Press the black botton on it's stomach and once activated connect your phone to the animatronic like a mo control and boom! Your own robot pet!'
"Phone connecting animatronic? It sounds like Fetch from the Fazbear Frights book that I read maybe it's a cousin to the robot dog? Still I can't throw away something useful" I said
as I press the black botton on the stomach but.......nothing happened,I was about to mash it but knew that I couldn't let my impatience get the best of me,so I waited.I took out my phone and watch some videos to past the time,when I heard something mancical moving I looked up from my phone to see the cat animatronic activated,I put my phone in my pocket and decided to help the cat so I grabbed it,turned it on it's backside and let it's robotic feet on the ground as I let it go.The robotic cat take a look at it's surroundings before it's body towards me and pounce on me,makeing me fall to the ground I looked at it and saw the animatronic wag it's robotic tail from side to side.When out of nowhere felt a vibration coming from my phone,I pulled it from my pocket and saw a message
'Hello BFF'
"yep cousin of Fetch should've figured,but hello" I said to it
'Would you play with me or play Q&A?'
"Ok it looks like it the same texting lingo ats Fetch,but I guess Q&A?"
'ok what question do you have first?'
"What gender are you?"
'female next'
"do you know a dog named Fetch?"
'Yes I was design to be like Fetch but I'm not quite him’
”ok, do you know where fetch is?
’In Washington and currently deactivated’
"ok I think that's enough" I said to the cat petting her head.I get up from the ground and swiped away the dust from my pants, after I swiped the dust off I looked around more of the Pizzeria.
I heard some manical feet following me,I looked around and when I looked down it was.... Inko? Hmh I guess she followed.So I ignore the manical feet and kept looking around, we walked through the halls but then we saw an office?
’oh wait this is fnaf of course there would be an office’ I thought as I walked into the office and saw a chair behind a table. I sat down on the chair and spin around for a little bit until I bothered give the office a good look. The office reminded me of Ultimate Custom Night, two powered doors, three vents, and the whole pizzeria had the structure looked lite came from the game.
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archival-arrival · 2 years
tag list
#librarian kazuha / #admin Kazuha
#librarian valentine
#archive coined
#wateryourgender <- anything we reblog from our old blog
#moot reblog
#moot asks
#artic / #articgenders / #artic genders
#affectic / #affecticgenders / #affectic genders
#animic / #animicgenders / #animic genders
#caputic / #caputicgenders / #caputic genders
#charludic / #charludicgenders / #charludic genders
#chaludic / #chaludicgenders / #chaludic genders
#deitic / #deiticgenders / #deitic genders
#drinkic / #drinkicgenders / #drinkic genders
#euphoriac / #euphoriacgenders / #euphoriac genders
#enigmatic / #enigmaticgenders / #enigmatic genders
#electic / #electicgenders / #electic genders
#explodic / #explodicgenders / #explodic genders
#fashionic / #fashionicgenders / #fashionic genders
#familiaric / #familiaricgenders / #familiaric genders
#instrumentic / #instrumenticgenders / #instrumentic genders
#katharic / #katharicgenders / #katharic genders
#lunic / #lunicgenders / #lunic genders
#luminic / #luminicgenders / #luminic genders
#mancic / #mancicgenders / #mancic genders
#mechic / #mechicgenders / #mechic genders
#monic / #monicgenders / #monic genders
#placic / #placicgenders / #placic genders
#pictic / #picticgenders / #pictic genders
#plantaeic / #plantaeicgenders / #plantaeic genders
#piratic / #piraticgenders / #piratic genders
#poisonic / #poisonicgenders / #poisonic genders
#scentic / #scenticgenders / #scentic genders
#skeletic / #skeleticgenders / #skeletic genders
#spacic / #spacicgenders / #spacic genders
#strigoic / #strigoicgenders / #strigoic genders
#tempic / #tempicgenders / #tempic genders
#tropic / #tropicgenders / #tropic genders
#visuic / #visuicgenders / #visuic genders
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archival-arrival · 2 years
i wanna take a break from coining and work on flags for things that already exist, anyone have any requests?
includes flag alts, flag combos, prn flags, flags for terms without flags yet etc
(i also wouldnt mind -mancic gender reqs i love the flags for that suffix so much i wanna make more)
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wateryourgender · 2 years
A gender connected to tarot divination, tarot reading, tarot cards and all things magically tarot related. this gender feels like a magical and mysterious tarot deck.
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names: Tara / Tarra / Tarah / Tarrah Taro / Taroh Card Cardo Carder Cardre Read Reed
pronouns: Card/Cards Taro/Tarots Tarot/Card Deck/Decks Tarot/Diviner Tarot/Read Read/Reader
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related to astrology, using stars and planet alignments in divination, magic in constellations, space and fortune-telling.
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names: Astro Astra Cosmo Comet Celeste
pronouns: Astro/Astros Astro/Astrology Astro/Mancy Star/Stars Star/Starry or Star/Stary Constel/Constellation
am i assigning mona megistus this gender? yes
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wateryourgender · 2 years
A gender related or connected to reading runes as a form of divination.
this gender may feel like a rune carefully carved into a small stone and placed into a satchel with other similar small stones.
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names: Rune Stone Mark Rock Peter
pronouns: rune/runes stone/stones symbol/symbols rune/diviner
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wateryourgender · 2 years
DivinationGender or GenderMancy, a gender related to forms of divination. this gender feels connected to magic, fortune-telling and general divination.
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FluidMancic or MancicFluid
a gender that is fluid between divination/mancic genders. it many change depending on which form of divination the user practices.
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FluxMancic or MancicFlux
similar to fluidmancic, this gender fluxuates between mancic/divination genders and may change depending on which form of divination is practiced.
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names: Divine Divina / Davina Diviner Rune Cato
pronouns: Divine/Divines Divine/Divination Divine/Diviner Mage/Magic
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related or connected to crystal divination.
this gender may feel like a collection of crystals, magically charged crystals, or just magically crystalized.
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names: Crysta / Krista Crystal / Kristal / Crystel / Kristol Kristy / Kristie / Kristi Gem Gemma Jewel Larique
pronouns: Crys/Crystal Crystal/Dviner Gem/Gems Gem/Stone Jewel/Jewels
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related or connected to pendulum divination. this gender may feel like a swinging pendulum that points at other genders the user may be feeling that day or just feels like a magical pendulum.
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names: Pen Penny / Penni / Pennie Penda Pendula
pronouns: pen/pendulum pendulum/diviner swing/swings penda/pendant anchor/anchors
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wateryourgender · 2 years
a gender related to divination with sigils.
this gender may feel like a beautifully drawn powerful sigil possibly connected to protection, healing, banishment, warding, calming or other. this gender may also feel magically charged like a sigil.
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names: Sigil Sigel Sigal Sigl Vigil Virgil Siegel
pronouns: Sigil/Sigils Mark/Marks Symbol/Symbols Sigil/Diviner
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wateryourgender · 2 years
new suffix
so heads up
working on a bunch of divination genders
would prefer if people were respectful about them as the different practices stem from different origins. they arent just for witches, though i would prefer if divination practices were the ones using the labels as theyre made with these people in mind, if you really feel connected to the gender you may use it.
(or i can coin an alternative gender for you)
these genders are in no way meant to be disrespectful to these practices. if you are disrespectful in the notes of the posts (like saying its nonsense, stupid or whatever) you'll be blocked.
that said if you'd like to coin something yourself
the new suffix we came up with is Mancic = mancy meaning divination in greek + ic meaning of/pertaining to.
im going to be posting them when theyre done rather than putting them in the queue like other genders.
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wateryourgender · 2 years
Suffix masterpost
If there arent any listed that you know of please feel free to add them (with the creators/coiners credited!). I'll have this masterlist seperated into a few lists, our own we've coined, coined by anti-endos and coined by pro-endos (because i know some people prefer not to use terms coined by pro-endos and some dont care)
Our suffixes:
Artic (Genders related to art)
Animic (when your gender is related to animals, the term Animic comes from Animalia)
Affectic (when something affects your gender and/or how you perceive it)
Caputic (genders related to object heads, caput being latin for head)
Drinkic (when your gender is related to a drink!)
Deitic (deity related or deitykin genders)
Ephoriac (genders connected to feelings of euphoria)
Enigmatic (genders that are hard to understand)
Fashionic (when your gender is in someway related to fashion or certain fashion styles)
Familiaric (genders related to witches familiars)
instrumentic (instrumentvrelated genders)
Katharic (genders related to cleanliness)
Lunic (moon related genders)
Mancic (genders related to divination)
Mechic (genders related to mechanical things, machines and tech)
Placic (when your gender relates to places/a place is involved with how you perceive your gender)
Pictic (genders related to pictures in some way)
Plantaeic (genders related to plants, plantae being the scientific name for plant)
Piratic (pirate related genders)
Poisonic (genders related to types of poisons)
Scentic (gender relates to scents/smells)
Skeletic (genders related to skeletons/skeletal structures and bones)
Spacic (genders related to space in someway)
Strigoic (vampire related genders)
Tempic (when your gender is related in some way to weather)
Tropic (genders related to tropes)
Visuic (visual aesthetic genders/genders related to things you see)
Suffixes from anti-endos
audiomonic (@/chronicallyqueercoining)
ponyic (@/chronicallyqueercoining)/(gender is related to ponies, specifically my little pony)
satiric by dyomldes-but-xenos
annoyic by chaoticgenders
tastic by chaoticgenders
kandyic by chrinicallyqueercoining
-languic (: a gender related to a language. Speaking it, learning about it, reading about it, the feel or aesthetics of it, the beauty of it, etc. just a suffix meaning relating to language or a language.) by melodymogai
 -reflectic (to mean any gender related to light reflecting on something.) by melodymogai
-Bakic (: when the gender is related in any way to baking. Pronounced bake - ic.) By melodymogai
numberic by chaoticgenders
hypecific by chaoticgenders
strainic by chaoticgenders
-lpsic by chronicallyqueercoining
voxic by justyouraveragexenouser
vintagic/vintic by kingaemogai
Suffixes from pro-endos
floviean by miaulogy
genric, libric, authic by noxwithoutstars
-corpenvic: a suffix for an Aldernic identity in which an object, theme, feature, or something else, gives you Aldernic/body envy (by galaxys-hoard)
Unknown/No Alignment.
Coric (coined by anon)/(Coric genders are related to Core Aesthetics)
Suffixes by bored-coiner (+loric)
Thing (@/squidthing)/(genders where youre a thing but also something tied with it)
Cute (@/squidthing)/(genders related to being cute/cute genders)
obsesic by gender-mailman
Monvic by kei on bugbane-xenos
Envic by mogaiz-heaven
Comfis by page-2-ids
anonic by sunkissed-mogai
placial by scaryterror-mogai
dualic by corvihound
seamammic by pronoun-magpie
NSFW suffixes (1)
carrds (1)
if i get anything wrong here please do correct me!
please please tell me more to add ive been trying to work on this for months!
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wateryourgender · 2 years
tasse = cup, mancic = mancy (divination) + ic (of/pertaining to)
tasseomancic (tass-ee-oh-man-sick) is a gender related to tea divination, reading tea leaves from the bottom of a cup and herbal magic. this gender feels like a warm cup of herbal tea, magical and possibly plant-like.
this gender doesnt have to be limited to just tea as tasseomancy can be translated to divination of the cup, it could be coffee or some other drink this gender feels connected to/you use in cup divination.
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names: Tass Tassie / Tassy Tessie Cup Tea Leaf Latte
pronouns: Tasseo/Mancy Tea/Reader Cup/Diviner Tea/Teas Cup/Cups
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wateryourgender · 2 years
and thats all the divination genders i had for today
if you wanted to coin a mancic gender yourself and use the third eye png i used for the flags
here it is!
(note: i played around with the lighting so the image would be white in the flag but you can have it be whatever shade/colour)
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