retro-vintage-time · 9 months
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lepertamar · 1 year
jfc angels are soooooo boring
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midorinpd · 2 years
3ffuvking diffenret mentdl jreakdowns afterr leavjfn a mancic episodee ijfhew past hourrimsodorn can icjdueutrufkign die alresfy
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wateryourgender · 2 years
or Osteomancic, is a gender connected to divination using bones.
this gender may feel wise, skeletal in some way, and like a form of old magic. it may also feel like old cracked bones that tell a story or warning.
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names: Bone Skele / Skelly / Skellie Skull
pronouns: Bone/Bones Osteo/Mancy Scapuli/Mancy Skull/Skulls
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nociodvelura · 5 years
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the-lost-lamb · 6 years
Nazovi me, ma nazovi me pravim  imenom. Lilit sam ja, razbludela kćer tamne strane sveta. Vrag u meni diše, dahom užarenim, slabe na blud mamim. Zato beži, ja milosti nemam. Niti duše. Pašće tvoje odbrane, kad očima popijem svu želju na iskap. Vidovita sam. U misao prodirem, navirem u buicama, udaram u talasima o tvoje hridi. Crni mesec. Demon sna. Podaj se kobi. Ili se već jednom probudi.
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nightsysdoesart · 4 years
visology infodump i: origin theory of deviants and abilities- the moon theory
-there are two main schools of thought about deviant abilities- the moon theory of abilities and the linn theory of abilities
-superpowered people are called deviants in the metaverse
-these visology infodumps will have somewhat of spoilers but will be more of a supplement to the stories (once they’re all published and whatnot)
-disclaimer: this is solely for the world called metaverse that @genesiscaveat and @peregrinator7​ and i created. everything in this world, all the characters, events, and everything else is A. our intellectual property as it is all original work (or sourced from inspiration like writing prompts, but that’s merely inspiration and our work is our own) and B. definitely not meant to reflect any real life people, events, entities, etc. (for legal purposes, you know how it is)
okay now that that’s out of the way... (gods i hate posting original written work to this site when it can be so easily stolen...)
(this ended up being 600+ words long, soooo below the cut!!
Humans are, naturally, not gifted with supernatural abilities. otherwise, the abilities wouldn’t be considered supernatural. There are several different “families” of abilities that share different genetic origins. Deviants, or people with devious abilities, are by definition, not entirely human. There are many ways one could have a devious ability. Devious abilities rarely come with overly defining traits, so one often can’t tell a deviant just by looking at them. I’ll cover that, as well as effects of abilities, in Dormant vs Active Devious Abilities and Effects (Infodump #3). The main sources of devious abilities are: Aalmotari heritage, Legendary Creature heritage, and Genetic Modification. These break down into different categories further clarify matters.
Within the alien Aalmotari species, there are five subspecies. The Cikkwuth, or Chromashifters, are the most powerful but also with the highest hormonal and emotional responses- leaving them lacking in logic and impulse control. The next most powerful species is the Isosga, or Shadows, who, contrary to their name, possess all manners of elemental abilities. There are also the Eikhuln, or Shifters, who have many different types of abilities. The last main group is the Zrikryb, or Nonpareils, who have fauna-related abilities, and are the least hormonal/emotion-driven and most logical-thinking subspecies, or so their studies say. There is a fifth subspecies, but they have been mostly killed off by now because of the Zrikryb viewing them as “aberrations” and a mockery to the species. Zagna are not technically a subspecies of their own; they are just the Aalmotari the Zrikryb deem as outside of what is “acceptable” and thought less of because of it. Aalmotari Culture and History (Infodump #4) will go more in-depth in this.
Within the Legendary Creatures group, there are Elementals, Fae, and many other creatures, let’s call them “Other” for now. Genetic Modification copies DNA from any of these species or their descendants into the Modifiee in hopes of giving them the ability as well. Thankfully, Linn mostly perfected this process early on and most GM procedures nowadays take less than five minutes to administer. However, copying other species’ DNA into humans’ is not the most straightforward of processes. In descendants of those with GMs, the DNA tends to mutate and cause abilities that neither parent possess genetic makeup for. This is shown to be especially true with GM material copied from Aalmotari descendants- the parent species has the ability to reproduce asexually and with a partner, and is from another solar system, so the differences are quite great. It’s honestly a miracle that Linn was able to develop this technique so long ago, long before Normals would ever have had the technology to even come close.
The main categories used for sorting devious abilities in the Moon Theory are Kinetic abilities, Somatic abilities, Cognitive abilities, Elemental abilities, Science abilities, Faunic abilities, Mancic abilities, and Other abilities. All Kinetic abilities are of Aalmotari heritage. The subcategories of the Kinetic abilities are the Cognitive Kinetic abilities, associated with Shifter heritage; Somatic Kinetic abilities, also associated with Shifter heritage; Elemental Kinetic abilities, associated with Shadow heritage; and Other Kinetic abilities, which are associated with Chromashifter heritage. Somatic abilities are associated with Shifter and “Other” Legendary Creature heritage. Cognitive abilities are generally associated with Shifter heritage and certain Legendary Creature heritages. Elemental abilities are associated with Elementals. Science abilities are associated with Chromashifter heritage. Faunic abilities are associated with Nonpareil heritage, as well as some Legendary Creature heritages. Mancic abilities are associated with Fae heritage. Other abilities are associated with Chromashifter heritage.
Note: There are rarely more than eight Chromashifters in existence at any given time, and true Chromashifter heritage is truly rare. Most deviants with abilities commonly associated with Chromashifters are descendants of those who have had a GM. Aalmotari genes are the most dominant of these- especially the Shifter genes. However, those that get GMs often ask for rarer abilities or Kinetic Elemental abilities, which is why there is such a wide variety of abilities in the Metaverse.
Screenshots of general groupings of abilities, to give one an idea of what abilities are in each category. These categories are by no means a complete list of all abilities of existence- just the common and notable abilities. Note: Mancic abilities are not yet listed as only one entity in the Metaverse has been recorded with these abilities.
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powderpinkelaphant · 4 years
Who are we if not our self?
An elf on a shelf?
A far left Republican?
Do you fall victim to a cliche?
Become the stereotype depicted.
Does your name no longer precede You?
But an upstaging understudy.
When did your name become something other than you?
When the polish on your nails became the steel of your coffin. The Jewels feeding flamboyant fire.
When did feeling yourself become the last thing on the shelf?
Pushed to the back forgotten like oats.
Who do we become?
Toxic dragons lost in a purgatory.
Assumptions cutting deeply. Mancicals holding you back.
If they break you would surely fall.
We've already fallen past our knees
Watched the light slip beneath our wings.
Sacrificed in the name of conformity.
Taking away our self.
Preceding us with one word..
A word
Taking place of us.
Turning us in to dragons lost in a purgatory.
My Gay nephew.
My lesbian Granddaughter
My transgender Son.
Forcing us to adopt a boiling pool.
Taking our autonomy.
All for what?
Your comfort.
What about us?
The children who do not know themselves without fear.
Without an eternal Halloween costume.
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manfrommars2049 · 6 years
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Fearless by Marko Mancic via ImaginaryVehicles
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catoncrack59 · 4 years
Two worlds and two me's Part 2
I walked into the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza restaurant and I decided to why not take a look around because hey if I'm going to be in this world a while better make a use out of it,so I looked around the area and it just what I expect from a kid's pizza place,there were arcade machines,a prize counter,a stage with animatronics on it,and a ball pit all now just covered in dust.I walked towards the prize counter to see some nostalgia toys that came from 80's era,and just from predicament the prize counter had pizzeria brand toys and plushies others were just regular toys like dolls,slinkys,bownsy balls,action figures,and animatronic? It was bazzar that a animatronic on a prize shelf and a cat animatronic nor a less but it wasn't a human size no It was the size of bobcat.The furr texture had tri color coat of a Calico cat,so out of my damn curiosity I grabbed the cat animatronic and set it down ontop of the prize counter.When I got a better look at it,it looked like it had been left to withered for years but still looked peserved to be able to function,I took look at it one more when I noticed a manual,an instrusction manual I opened the little thin book and began to read it.
'Hello I'm Inko Inko the cat! (instructions) Press the black botton on it's stomach and once activated connect your phone to the animatronic like a mo control and boom! Your own robot pet!'
"Phone connecting animatronic? It sounds like Fetch from the Fazbear Frights book that I read maybe it's a cousin to the robot dog? Still I can't throw away something useful" I said
as I press the black botton on the stomach but.......nothing happened,I was about to mash it but knew that I couldn't let my impatience get the best of me,so I waited.I took out my phone and watch some videos to past the time,when I heard something mancical moving I looked up from my phone to see the cat animatronic activated,I put my phone in my pocket and decided to help the cat so I grabbed it,turned it on it's backside and let it's robotic feet on the ground as I let it go.The robotic cat take a look at it's surroundings before it's body towards me and pounce on me,makeing me fall to the ground I looked at it and saw the animatronic wag it's robotic tail from side to side.When out of nowhere felt a vibration coming from my phone,I pulled it from my pocket and saw a message
'Hello BFF'
"yep cousin of Fetch should've figured,but hello" I said to it
'Would you play with me or play Q&A?'
"Ok it looks like it the same texting lingo ats Fetch,but I guess Q&A?"
'ok what question do you have first?'
"What gender are you?"
'female next'
"do you know a dog named Fetch?"
'Yes I was design to be like Fetch but I'm not quite him’
”ok, do you know where fetch is?
’In Washington and currently deactivated’
"ok I think that's enough" I said to the cat petting her head.I get up from the ground and swiped away the dust from my pants, after I swiped the dust off I looked around more of the Pizzeria.
I heard some manical feet following me,I looked around and when I looked down it was.... Inko? Hmh I guess she followed.So I ignore the manical feet and kept looking around, we walked through the halls but then we saw an office?
’oh wait this is fnaf of course there would be an office’ I thought as I walked into the office and saw a chair behind a table. I sat down on the chair and spin around for a little bit until I bothered give the office a good look. The office reminded me of Ultimate Custom Night, two powered doors, three vents, and the whole pizzeria had the structure looked lite came from the game.
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retro-vintage-time · 8 months
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tvinemania · 5 years
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TAJKUN - NOVA DOMAĆA SERIJA Tajkun je zamišljen i opisan kao kombinacija trilera i porodicne drame. U centru price je Vladan Simonovic, u Srbiji omražen zbog bogatstva koje je stekao tokom raspada Jugoslavije devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Ako je ranije iz senke mogao da upravlja svojom kompanijom, a donekle i privredom cele zemlje, politicari na vlasti sada ga po potrebi stavljaju na svojevrsni stub srama, koristeci ga za jacanje svog politickog autoriteta. Istovremeno, isti politicari saraduju sa Simonovicevom konkurencijom i planiraju da sebe ili ljude iz svog najbližeg okruženja pretvore u novu klasu njima bespogovorno lojalnih tajkuna, sa prividno cistom prošlošcu. Stoga pokušaj atentata na Simonovica nece od njega naciniti žrtvu u ocima i politicara i medija pod njihovom kontrolom. Naprotiv, taj napad samo ce ga uciniti još više izolovanim i ranjivijim, pa ce i istragu o atentatu morati da vodi sam. On je progonjen covek prisiljen na drasticne mere radi ocuvanja sebe i svoje kompanije. Pored javnih i tajnih neprijatelja, on je sukobljen i sa sinom, ali i sa ostatkom porodice, koju na okupu u stvari održava njegovo bogatstvo. Autor scenarija za seriju naslovljenu Tajkun je provereni Đorde Milosavljevic, a reditelj svih epizoda ove prve sezone je Miroslav Miša Terzic, reditelj hvaljenih i nagradivanih filmova Ustanicka ulica i Šavovi. Direktor fotografije je Radan Popovic, izmedu ostalog, snimateljeg cuvenih filmova Kako je propao rokenrol i Crni bombarder i stalni saradnik znamenitog americkog sineaste, Aleksandera Pejna. Scenografkinja je Sandra Subic, a kostimografi su Ašok Murti i Kristina Kostic. Udarne uloge igraju: Dragan Bjelogrlic, Tihana Lazovic, Vuk Jovanovic, Bane Trifunovic, Marko Bacovic, Hana Selimovic, Neven Bujic, Vanja Nenadic, Dubravka Kovjanic, Ivan Đordevic, Miloš Petrovic Trojpec, Rade Markovic, Minja Pekovic, Olga Odanovic, Anita Mancic, Toni Mihajlovski, Jelena Đokic, Svetozar Cvetkovic, Gordana Gadžic, Miodrag Krivokapic, Vojo Brajovic, Jovo Maksic, Feda Stojanovic, Bogdan Diklic, Bojan Žirovic, Janko Volaric Popovic, Peda Bjelac…, a zanimljivo je da je manja uloga pripala i cuvenoj pevacici Bebi Dol. #Tajkun #serijaTajkun https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Mjykjlqc2/?igshid=h2pq5uvkh0b0
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archival-arrival · 2 years
tag list
#librarian kazuha / #admin Kazuha
#librarian valentine
#archive coined
#wateryourgender <- anything we reblog from our old blog
#moot reblog
#moot asks
#artic / #articgenders / #artic genders
#affectic / #affecticgenders / #affectic genders
#animic / #animicgenders / #animic genders
#caputic / #caputicgenders / #caputic genders
#charludic / #charludicgenders / #charludic genders
#chaludic / #chaludicgenders / #chaludic genders
#deitic / #deiticgenders / #deitic genders
#drinkic / #drinkicgenders / #drinkic genders
#euphoriac / #euphoriacgenders / #euphoriac genders
#enigmatic / #enigmaticgenders / #enigmatic genders
#electic / #electicgenders / #electic genders
#explodic / #explodicgenders / #explodic genders
#fashionic / #fashionicgenders / #fashionic genders
#familiaric / #familiaricgenders / #familiaric genders
#instrumentic / #instrumenticgenders / #instrumentic genders
#katharic / #katharicgenders / #katharic genders
#lunic / #lunicgenders / #lunic genders
#luminic / #luminicgenders / #luminic genders
#mancic / #mancicgenders / #mancic genders
#mechic / #mechicgenders / #mechic genders
#monic / #monicgenders / #monic genders
#placic / #placicgenders / #placic genders
#pictic / #picticgenders / #pictic genders
#plantaeic / #plantaeicgenders / #plantaeic genders
#piratic / #piraticgenders / #piratic genders
#poisonic / #poisonicgenders / #poisonic genders
#scentic / #scenticgenders / #scentic genders
#skeletic / #skeleticgenders / #skeletic genders
#spacic / #spacicgenders / #spacic genders
#strigoic / #strigoicgenders / #strigoic genders
#tempic / #tempicgenders / #tempic genders
#tropic / #tropicgenders / #tropic genders
#visuic / #visuicgenders / #visuic genders
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iskondesign-blog · 5 years
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After all the hard work, It is nice to finally hold the book in hands! "I am Jessica" is available to preorder on Amazon. Dust Jacket and interior design by Najdan Mancic. If you need professional book cover and formatting, get in touch today - [email protected] #bookcoverdesign #books #book #bookstagram #booklovers #readerscover #covers #coverdesign #bookcover #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #books #reading #bibliophile #booklover #goodreads #bookreview #bookblogger #iskondesign #design #instacovers #writers #selfpublishing #indieauthor #indiepublisher #writers #bookauthor #author https://www.instagram.com/p/BwW1-TwHojq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n2vbcgr6wt3k
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wateryourgender · 2 years
A gender connected to tarot divination, tarot reading, tarot cards and all things magically tarot related. this gender feels like a magical and mysterious tarot deck.
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names: Tara / Tarra / Tarah / Tarrah Taro / Taroh Card Cardo Carder Cardre Read Reed
pronouns: Card/Cards Taro/Tarots Tarot/Card Deck/Decks Tarot/Diviner Tarot/Read Read/Reader
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nociodvelura · 5 years
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