#mandys moot call
mandylove1000 · 1 year
Hey babes I’m just wanted to let y’all know if I’m not active the next like 2ish days it may be bc of the tropical storm that’s getting ready to hit Maryland 😭
@imjess-themess @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @dragon-kazansky @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid @coyotesamachado @glodessa @notroosterbradshaw @theharddeck @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @ohtobeleah @peachystenbrough @bobby-r2d2-floyd @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @stargazing15 @intoanotherworld23 @midsummereve1993 @roosterforme @playboystark @chaotichotchnergoblin @hallecarey1 @roosterscock @just-in-case-iloveyou @saylorsaysstop @intoanotherworld23
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onthepyre · 4 months
my dear moot. so gallavich are fuckbuddies and the ian leaves and becomes an emt and then what??? how do they get back together? do they like. see each other in the couple years between because of mandy or other people or do they go no contact?? if it's no contact then why do they see each other again?? i desperately need to know. i'm invested in this au definitely more than i should be since i haven't even finished the show yet but like. it's amazing. i'm obssesed
omg hi!!!!!! thank you so so much for the question. i swear im still spinning this au around in my head ive just been so very preoccupied lately but i intend to write about that first night in the bar soon so keep an eye out for that. BUT! i will put the answer to this under a cut because it got longwinded.
so i want to start with why things fizzle out in the first place. they start up very much like canon gallavich - ian is ass over teakettle for mickey, and mickey, while definitely interested, isn't nearly as invested. things diverge from their canon characterization around the time of mick and svet's marriage. ian remains pissed, but rather than fucking off to the army, he stays - and it triggers his first major depressive episode.
and then mickey's like....... dude what the fuck is going on with you. because mickey, at this point, has bigger fucking fish to fry. instead of him being ian's main caretaker during this time it falls on the other gallaghers and mickey's just sort of around, in the periphery, and then when ian hits that manic upswing again, a LOT of the insane reckless shit he does is with or for mickey. but they never hit that deeper connection that we see gallavich develop in seasons 4/5 because they're just too fucking busy
so then ian quits work, and that's fine, but that means he and mickey dont really see much of each other anymore. they try to keep things up for a little bit, but it's just not really convenient since they aren't constantly in the same place, and so they're just kind of like, well whatever.
(they are both secretly very sad about this. but neither of them wants to come out and say that. so they just don't.)
and yeah, they do end up seeing each other a little, because ian and mandy are still friends, and she's probably so, SO tired of his bullshit, because he tells her all of these conflicting feelings he's having. she drops these stupid-obvious hints to mickey, but he's got a thick skull. so mostly she just pesters ian.
and then a little over a year goes by before the next major event - eventually they kind of put each other in the back of their minds, not really forgotten but not a main figure anymore. maybe ian gets a boyfriend, for real. but he still hasn't exactly nailed the balance of his meds, and though he doesn't experience the full spectrum anymore, there's definitely periods of time that...... aren't quite right. so he finds himself in one of those, and he gets off work and, well, that bar he used to work at is kind of close. and he kind of misses that messy thing he had going with mickey. and he drops in.
he gets more than a little tipsy at the bar, hanging around waiting for mickey to come in - and eventually he does. and ian isn't really sure how to approach this, but you know what always worked for him? starting a fight. so he does that. he calls mickey over, brings him outside, and just fucking. socks him in the face. and it does what ian wants it to! they beat the shit out of each other, take a little breather for mickey to ask what the fuck that was about, and in response, ian kisses him. they barely make it inside before their pants are off.
but ian, for the most part at least, has his life on track right now. he can't get involved in organized crime, he's a fucking emt. he has shit to be doing. his brother's a cop, even if a corrupt one. so he leaves that night, as much as it pains him, and puts it in the past. for a bit.
but FUCK! it hurts more this time. it SUCKS, suddenly, very badly. he wants nothing more than to go back again and apologize and start over, start it again the right way. and though ian loves mandy, he doesn't really trust her judgement on this specific thing. so he confides in lip. lip says, no dude, you did the right thing. don't spend more time around them than you need to. and ian takes that advice! for a little while.
another ten months goes by. it's been two years - two years! - since they had a regular thing going. and really? they're still stuck on each other. mickey very nearly reaches out a few times, but svet worries they'd be spending too much time with the gallaghers. and mickey trusts her.
thing is? yev's a clumsy kid. when he's about three, mickey turns his back for all of ten seconds and yev pulls a pot of boiling water down from the stove - and onto himself. it only really gets his arm, but it's a LOT of his arm, and naturally, mickey freaks the fuck out! and like, ive mentioned this offhand before, but he and svet are STUPID protective over their boy. like, would kill for him protective. so he calls 911. guess who shows up?
ian. of course it's ian. so they treat yev and get everything sorted out, but fuck, if watching mickey be a good dad isn't, for some fucking reason, the hottest thing ian's ever seen. and he misses him! by this point, he misses him so goddamn bad. can't get mickey out of his head. so he says, hey, you still have my number. give me a call in a couple days, let me know how yev's doing. i can come check on him, change the bandages.
and mickey calls him that night, actually. ian's like, did something happen, is yev okay? and mickey says, yeah he's fine. do you want to get dinner. and ian says yes, jesus christ, please.
and they're like, actually pretty normal from then on out. they remain ian and mickey, so of course there's ups and downs. but they're ian and mickey again.
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klai-16xoxo · 4 days
Assign your friends/moots an Animal that reminds you of them!
It took me awhile to answer that but here!
-Joe: Most definitely a dog, come one he literally called “DogBoyJoe” Joey is the most autistic dog I know u3u
-pins and Bethy: i always see those two as cute lil bunnies, i can never unsee them as one lol
-Sleepy: she is just a sleepy lil kitty!…. Besides is hard not to think of her as one with how much she say “meow” in VC lol
-Mango: now you see… since he is the biggest Godzilla fan, naturally I will say a lizard or something but honestly he is like a deer now no thanks to his user name as well in the server lol
-Calamity: is hard to figure what Cal~Cal animal gonna be but I would say something along the lines of a jellyfish, she just give off the vibe of one :3
-Tae: Tae can go from a dog to a cat in matter of seconds but mostly a doggy
-Yuu: a raven! I think we all can agree on that right?
-Kory: a silly lil spider, I both wanna hold her gently but also crunch her with a shoe but mostly hold gently lol
-Mandi: a devil dog… come on…. Do I even need to explain why XD
-Lupi: my wife is definitely a cat, there is no arguing against it!
-Emma: she remind me of a robin bird, a cute lil birdie!
-Clown: what is a clown…. A monkey in disguise?/jk
-Boris: Boris give off the vibe of a wolf idk why but he dose!
-Nezumi: a kitty cat!
-Fifi: the Queen and King of Rats, best of both!
There are more ppl but I do not know what animal fit them, sorry if I didn’t mention ya if that the case :3
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mamabearlarusso · 5 years
Keeping Appointments
I debated on cancelling again, given how things at work had changed, but then I'd never hear the end of it from Joey. He'd want all the details...including Johnny's address. I just couldn't handle another 'showdown' right now. So, I'm stuck in traffic on the freeway.
*clicks through radio stations* Nope. *click* Nope. *click, wipes tears*
Love hurts, Love scars
Love wounds and marks
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain
*shuts off engine* (What?!...you've never cut off Joan before. Yeah, well, I'm here...so, that point is moot. Never used to be.)
Music is blasting inside, but it's not really overbearing. The place doesn't look busy at all, especially for a Friday. Just two out of a possible dozen chairs are occupied. Katy is sitting up front, reading behind the desk...and I'm instantly sent back in time.
"Hey, whatcha readin'...anything interesting?"
*looks up--a little distracted, but with a smile* "Oh, uh, hey! Just these comics that the boss keeps around."
*Sees Iron Man, Wonder Woman & Thor hardback volumes--even a couple Sandman volumes all in a stack, and the one Katy's reading at the moment...just so happens to be about the Bat Family* (Of course!)
"I don't really...they're just here, and when I get bored..."
*grins* "Hey, you don't have to explain to me. Been there, done that, Sister. Nice lookin' chair, you got there." *nods towards the back* "Is he here?"
*eyes widen with surprise* "Oh yeah! *hollers* Hey, boss!"
*hollers back* "Yo!"
"Your lady friend is here."
"Very funny, Katy!" *walks out from behind the curtain*
*playfully* "So, I'm not the only one wondering about Vicki, huh?"
*points* "You hush! *Turns to Katy* Where we at?"
"Batgirl paralyzed...by the Joker."
*Joey winces*
*mutters under my breath* "Of course, she is."
*Joey smiles and the subject is completely changed* "Okay, then...how you been?" *ushers me towards the back*
*sighs* "Two words: Mountain Magic."
"Whoa, you don't hear that too often...what's the terrain like?"
"I only had the cookie dough."
*pulls back curtain* "Pfft, well, there you go..."
"Two and half quarts of it."
*raises brow and whistles in respect, as he nods, letting the severity sink in* "Salty?"
"Nice! Syrups?"
"Three. This was all by myself...not to mention several fingers of Jack, I had before hand. I ended up falling asleep, so I don't know if I finished it all...but I made a pretty good dent."
"So, by all that, am I not supposed to already know the answer to my next question? Or do I pretend and ask anyway?"
*rolls eyes* "Yes...'Blondie' was involved. No...I don't want to talk about it, things are still...fresh and I just need time to think things through."
"Okay, but Babe, you do have--"
*looks away* "No. Don't call--he...*sighs* just, please--I know it's silly, but--"
"Hey, I gotcha. But, Mands, promise me that you'll--"
"--talk to someone. Yeah, I know...I will. I just have to stop...feeling so, damn numb first."
*nods* "Understandable." *sits there for a beat* "So, if you're numb, does that mean you won't even feel the needle?"
*rolls eyes* "Very funny, asshole! *back hands his chest* I'm not drunk off my ass, this time."
*Joey chuckles* "Oh boy, were you shit-faced! Too bad we didn't have camera phones back then. *thinks to himself for a minute and cackles* Man, you were a silly drunk."
*turns him around* "Would you get out of here, already?"
A little while later, he's working on my back again and it's quiet--sans the music and the needle. There's usually a comfortable quiet, between him and me, especially when it comes to this part--whether I'm in the seat or watching him work on another customer. There's a trust and a history built there that I could even feel, easing it's way back in last time. But now, the easy silence is allowing thoughts to pop up...thoughts that I had buried down deep and they only recently had the audacity to show their faces again.
*stares at the only thing I can really see clearly from this position, a picture on the wall...art that Joey most likely drew himself* "You know, that I'm sorry, right?"
*needle still buzzing as he keeps his eyes on his work* "For what?"
"For what I did to the family...to you...it wasn't right...total asshole move."
*turns off the needle and looks me in the eye* "Hey, you don't--"
*pointedly* "Yes. I do. Now, turn that back on, I wasn't kidding. I gotta get back soon."
*huffs, rolls his eyes and continues*
"I was being a selfish asshole."
"Well, you're being pretty bossy and stubborn right now, I don't think that balances it out?"
"Joey! After everything you guys did...you were always there for me. Your parents always gave me a place to stay, when it was too late to be out on my own. Your mom never let me go anywhere, without making sure I had enough to eat. I could always talk to you, when I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I don't know if I would have even gone to college, if it weren't for all of you encouraging me. No college means no business school...means no degree...no degree means no Daniel...no Daniel means no Sam and Anthony. No matter what's happened between me and Daniel, no matter how many times I feel like a failure as a mother, I'm not going to live in a world without my kids."
"Yah, Mama! Okay! You were an asshole, you happy now?"
I hadn't realized when the needle turned off, but he was waiting for an answer. "No. That's the problem, I feel awful. I mean, how can you even look at me right now?"
(With a complete straight face) "Because you're a paying customer." *his eye twitches and he starts smiling, as he puts the needle down, rolls his seat back and sighs* "Look...I'm not gonna lie. It hurt, pretty damn bad. But you know what Mom and Pops said?"
"I'm afraid to ask."
"'Growing pains always hurt, Mijo.' 'Everyone grows at their own speed and in their own way.' And, over the years, I've realized that you were ready for your next stage in life...we just weren't part of it."
"Joey, I--"
"Do I wish that we could've at least, had the Christmas card and kid pictures thing every year? You bet, I do. But there's no point in wringing my hands over the past. You're here now...giving me money to create my art on your skin for all time. *smiles mischievously* That's all that matters. *squints his eyes and winces* And, if by chance, I happen to leave a vengeful message on your back. Meh. Who cares, you'll never see it, right?"
*Laughs in spite of myself* "Joey! Don't you dare!"
"Then quit interrupting my art, Woman!" *buzzing starts up again*
We fell back into that comfortable silence again...like nothing happened. "So, about Vicky?"
"Just busy with work and the kids, Mandy, that's all. We'll work out a date and swing by."
"I'm thinking a weekend dinner, maybe a late lunch. I want her telling some good stories...gotta catch up on what I missed."
The drive back to the office, was painful--as expected--but it wasn't as bad as what happened when I got there. A mail carrier dropped off a thick Manila folder, with a big giant name plastered on the return address. Everything came rushing back at once, Robby mad as hell, the phone call at Johnny's, REALLY not wanting to have to deal with those damn doctors ever again. . .
As if on cue I got a call, with a look at the caller id, it was @drlivingstoneipresume.
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mojowat · 5 years
A personal view on the nature of VR and reflections on the Alterities symposium.
The symposium was an excellent first leap into serious critical reflection on the nature of virtual reality and other nominally immersive experiences.
My own impression of these technologies is still guarded even though I have heard people talk about VR as a technology who’s time has come. The persuasive argument that it has reached the tail end of the hype cycle bell curve and that it can be considered a mainstream technology seems premature. The argument goes that it is mature as a technology, that the content emerging for it is now beyond the fairground curiosity stage, that it is tackling serious issues under the guise of empathy, but I am still not wholly convinced.
I find it hard to accept it for a number of reasons and I have tried to explore these in the following post.
Immersion vs Disconnection
The greatest advocates for VR would say that it immerses the viewer/participant in a world that surpasses existing mediums in its totality of experience. But this immersion to me still feels like a denial of reality, a hubristic arrogance that presumes we can remake reality in ways that are more engaging than the world of tangible objects and beings. During the conference the case was made that just by being in 360 degree proximity to a recorded moment of time, for example in a refugee camp, doesn’t immediately generate more empathy with the subject matter than through more conventional methods of character, story and montage. In fact Eleanor Dare incisively skewered this fallacy in her talk that exposed how empathy can be easily be biased from the point of view of the person who the camera embodies. In a VR experience of Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ is your empathy biased by embodying Marion or Norman? I suspect that this kind of immersion is a kind of disconnection. It reinforces a view of the world as a series of diversions, as a technological peep show separate from lived reality.
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There has long been an argument that lived reality itself is an illusion, a consensual hallucination that allows our consciousness to make sense of our existence. This maybe true, but it is the only measure of our reality and therefore whether you see lived experience as a concrete phenomena or an illusion generated for someone else’s amusement, the distinction rapidly becomes moot during your everyday interaction with the world because you have to except a certain set of experiential rules or you would literally be paralysed by philosophical feedback loops - ‘What’s the point of existence if it’s all an illusion?’ and other existential dead-ends. If VR is just an illusion inside an illusion then you could be justified in seeing the act of donning goggles not as disconnection but just another layer of the hallucinogenic onion skin. However I veer to the opposite conclusion that if it is all virtual then we don’t need goggles to experience deeper levels. Our perception of other realities is already available to us via other means.
The Corporate Platform
The reason for VR’s third dawn in 2015 was largely due to cost and reach, far more than a technological apex or a cultural coming of age. Two things came together in this moment. Tech firms Facebook and Google had bought VR tech companies in 2010 and 2011 respectively and were keen to get their products out to their global user base. The realisation that VR content could be produced for a mass market audience through Google cardboard and codecs developed to deliver the content on Youtube meant that barriers to entry were reduced. Facebook also saw that its recent purchase Occulus Rift could give them traction in the games market, especially if they could promote it through their core platform.
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Both companies saw that the possibility of VR and AR lies less with experience of immersive worlds and the associated imaginative possibilities, but rather, as a means to monopolise the attention economy.
As was brilliantly outlined in the keynote by Mandy Rose, Director, Digital Cultures Research Centre UWE Bristol the threats posed by immersive technologies are real, eye tracking and focus measuring means the deployment of machine learning to the task of plotting our attention directly through our eyeballs. Big tech is no longer happy with the phone in your hand they want it strapped to your face. This is the true motivation for VR’s third attempt at the big time.
A part of me longs to leapfrog this inconvenient truth about the intention of the platform and deep dive into the relative aesthetic and social power of the media, but the two aspects are wedded to each other like two lenses in a stereoscopic view finder. This is not how it has to be, but at least in the current environment of surveillance capitalism this has to be accepted as an operating norm. Every creation essentially has the shadow of big tech hanging over it. This seems to be an issue more specific to VR than any other media delivery method. Film, television and computer games are all to a greater or lesser degree influenced and developed by corporate investment and control however each of the above examples can be created and experienced without adherence to one specific platform or technology, where as VR seems to be exclusively experienced within a walled garden provided by Silicon valleys biggest monopolies, where tracking technology is implicit in the mix.
The headset is no longer a high resolution specialised technology, it has become a face housing for the ubiquitous spy in our pocket. The irony is that one of big tech’s biggest critics Jaron Lanier who has argued persuasively that  the reach and intrusion of social media and big data into our lives, famous for outlining in his book of the same name ‘You are not an App’, was one of the early exponents and developers of VR.
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Facial Architecture
VR has always had a strong link with early nineties cyber paganism and a new age optimism. Returning to Jaron Lanier, he was the epitomy of this kind of technological shamanism, initially espousing a humanist view of VR technology as a benign saviour and mind expanding aid. In the early nineties it was seen as a new frontier of psychedelic imagining beyond the strict conventions of mainstream office bound computing, a techno flavoured post modern red pill. Inside these worlds the libertarian fantasy of unbounded opportunity would allow acolytes to free themselves from the limiting factors of location, economics, gender, sexuality or race. The only problem with this was the limits of the technical implementation. Ever since Ivan Sutherland’s ‘Sword of Damocles’ the technology has not really escaped its clumsy shell. 
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If you search for VR in a search engine you don’t see images for wonderful VR worlds, you see images of eyeless smiling models engaging in some mysterious enervating experience from within a plastic box. This appears little removed from Sutherland’s experiments forty years ago. The problem with body attached technology, especially technology that covers the face is that it looks like the apparatus of a psychology experiment or an optometrist’s clinic. It seems intrusive and unwieldy. Perhaps this is a temporary problem of miniaturisation and successive generations of the technology will see it shrink to the size of an average pair of glasses or even be permanently be implanted in the viewers retina. But as was seen with Google Glasses, miniaturisation brings its own problems, as technologies become more invisible the more we become concerned about their secret intrusive presence in our lives. Are other people voyeuristically and surreptitiously collecting visual mementoes for sexual gratification, state sponsored surveillance or monetary gain.
Does the idea of a technology welded to our eyes cross a fundamental taboo? No one wants to be blindfolded unless rules are clearly agreed at the outset. By consciously blunting our senses are we losing something that is not readily given up.
I think VR also has design problem in the same way that the ‘Umbrella Hat’ does. It is a perfectly reasonable solution to a reasonable problem. VR provides a way to experience a creative world in a total all encompassing visual and auditory form. The umbrella hat likewise allows the user to stay dry and also remain hands free while walking in the rain. However there is something vaguely ridiculous about an umbrella on your head, in the same way that there is something vaguely ridiculous about wearing a black box on your face. This may be personal but I know that many people are put off by this phenomenon. I call it the ‘embarrassment factor’. However this is not necessarily an insurmountable problem and certainly seeming to talk loudly to someone who is not present in the space is now common as a result of mobile phone and this would have been considered highly embarrassing three decades ago.
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Even if all these things are true and it will always only have limited audience, Does it matter If VR is always a niche pursuit enjoyed only by those for whom it provides pleasure, probably not and as long as it can cross boundaries perhaps it is useful.
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I'm Pumpkin Rick And Morty Shirt
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However, I was basing my views on the woman’s comment “I don’t think that we should be telling women anything,” which seems to suggest she think ‘safety’ methods are useless or unfair, etc. And Tyler thank you for pointing out my unfairly gendered nouns — I try to be unbiased but I do sometimes fall into referring to the ‘stereotypical’ gender examples. I’m Pumpkin Rick And Morty Shirt. I have a lot of problems with what the woman in question said as well. I disagree heavily with her own use of gendered pronouns, because anyone can get raped. Also, to Kevan, the worst thing in life certainly isn’t being single.
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Im Pumpkin Rick And Morty Hoodie
Women aren’t something you should seek to win, especially not by giving in to sex that you do not want. Exactly! However, I have to admit that the main points of the article expressed in the cartoons were awesome! I feel like our definition of rape has expanded so much in recent years that there are definitely new possibilities for preventing it. Like 50 years ago a “rapist” was a guy in an alley with a knife and a trench coat. Today, we know it also includes a husband forcing himself on his wife or a woman taking advantage of a drunk male peer. I think these more recent definitions offer a lot more hope for prevention efforts targeted at potential rapists than did our previous notions.
Im Pumpkin Rick And Morty Sweat Shirt
Gregg Moore I’m not sure where you are getting your info from, but my husband, brother, male friends, and male coworkers i know weren’t taught what you say men are taught. Don’t generalize all men based on the actions of a few. Also boys and men can be taught not to rape but they do it anyway. So your point is moot. again, more stupidity. If you can’t even guarantee that a normal man can walk home without getting robbed, what the hell makes you think you have a clearly defined “right” to walk home in a high risk manner and still expect to not risk being assaulted? are you completely brain dead? Also, Chrissie Carden, men are systematically taught that they should get laid no matter what, that no means yes, that women are asking for sex depending on certain variables.
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Society teaches this to men, and although the fact that they are taught that is not inheritably their own fault, it is still something that is taught to all men. Some men are better than others and don’t take those teachings to heart or use them to their advantage, but it’s still something that men are taught. Mixay, not sorry but you’re being willfully ignorant. There are plenty of studies done that show that the vast majority of men feel as though they constantly deserve sex no matter what the woman wants. Until you’ve done actual research on or studied the topic as I have, please refrain from insulting my intelligence. You’re simply making yourself look like an asshole.
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The fact that you think rape is systematically taught to males is dumb and the vast majority of men are not rapist. If calling you out on your bullshit makes me a asshole, So be it. point is there are people that will say they would force a woman to have sex but would deny they would rape a woman”.The researchers from the Violence and Gender study argue it would be beneficial for men should undergo educational programming in college clarifying the different behaviors that constitute sexual assault. percent of men said they would act on ‘intentions to force a woman to sexual intercourse’ if they could get away with it”.”Close to 1-in-3 collegiate males admitted in a recent study they would force a woman to sexual intercourse, but many would not consider that rape.
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Do you know what systematically taught means? And do you realize that there are over 151 million men living in the U.S. If you are saying the vast majority of men are rapist it would have to be over 50%. That means we have around 75 million rapist walking around but guess what? We don’t. Actually Mandy Messenger that “study” was highly flawed and obviously propaganda. The study had an extremely small sample size for one(N=94, not statistically significant)..and they were cherry picked from subgroups on campus. I’m Pumpkin Rick And Morty Shirt. To add insult to injury the used the Dolouth Model….and asked “How likely would you be to do a sexual act without asking (including kissing) on a scale of 1-100 if there were no consequences?”A highly misleading question. And they included any answer above 5% as a definitive “Yes” answer… Which is patently absurd given the question
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saviormikasa · 7 years
84, 16, 189
84: people call me: mirf, randy, randa, crip, cripranda, mira, myranda, mirica, mandy, mirr, moot, etc. 
16: favorite book: Paper Towns or I’ll Give You The Sun
189: the last book you read: I’ll Give You The Sun
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mandylove1000 · 8 months
I just wanted to say heyyyyy to my moots it’s been a hot minute 😅 I’ve been here I promise I’m just barely reading lately and if I have its not even my normal fics I read I’ve been all over nfl and nhl fics lately bestie I can’t even explain i constantly go through phases of my life of loving both sports and then just being like eh idc😂 but I’ve always loved them both my teams if you care for the nfl it’s the Baltimore Ravens cause of my momma and then nhl here’s the curveball the Carolina Hurricanes 💀 to be fair my elementary school best friend introduced hockey to me and that was her fave team so I adopted the love for them I’ll always have a strong ass place in my heart for Sidney Crosby though love that man and Eric Staal is forever the captain of the canes 😂 I refuse to acknowledge he left. Anyway just wanted to let you know I’m alive (barely the house being renovated is killing me slowly)
@imjess-themess @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @dragon-kazansky @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid @coyotesamachado @glodessa @notroosterbradshaw @theharddeck @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @ohtobeleah @peachystenbrough @bobby-r2d2-floyd @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @stargazing15 @intoanotherworld23 @midsummereve1993 @roosterforme @playboystark @chaotichotchnergoblin @hallecarey1 @roosterscockpit @just-in-case-iloveyou @saylorsaysstop @intoanotherworld23
Oh my god have I been gone long enough some of you have changed usernames or deleted 😭
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mandylove1000 · 18 days
Hey moots do any of you by chance have any tips on how to get skunk smell out of a dog and your house and your bed(it’s just my blankets thank god) 😅
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mandylove1000 · 1 year
Hey moooooooots
Ok so I wanted to make this so you guys all see it.
I call a lot of you guys love lovely sweetheart lovebug honey sweetie and things similar to them usually it is different all the time
so I needed to know if any of you guys dislike and If you do can you tell me so I can try not to say them to you or anything like that cause I am incredibly bad at remembering names so I try to do something that is an indication that I mean it in a loving way if that makes sense. Also if you don’t want to be added to my moots list for when I do posts like this please let me know as well!
Also if you are listed twice could you let me know which ones
Also also if you have new works that I haven’t seen feel free to dm me them or just tell me the names or if you have a library that I need to follow let me know as well. I know some of you guys do but i have def missed some
@imjess-themess @youlightmeupfinn @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @chrissyevanss @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @dragon-kazansky @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid @coyotesamachado @glodessa @welcome-to-my-multiverse @notroosterbradshaw @theharddeck @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @chaotichotchnergoblin @leahs-existentialcrisis @peachystenbrough @roosterscockpit @milesdickpic @stargazing15
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
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I feel like most of you know what I’m gonna say. But first I just want to say thank you for being a moot. I love you guys and I hope you have a great year and all that. Also feel free to just come chat about life. Even if it’s simply a book or anything.
Now back to your regular schedule. If you guys have posted any stories and haven’t see me in your comments please let me so I can come read them all! If you have a library and I don’t follow it can you let me know so can turn on notifications.
Anyways this part is mostly so you guys can see the face behind the name. When my hair finally grow back it will be that color until I’m ready to do platinum again
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
hi mooooots I hope you are having a good week so far.
If I ever write a comment and you get a little inspiration or like it feel free to use it. Like I don’t mind at all especially since I don’t write I just consume. I’m happy to help with ideas for y’all. Also feel free to pop up in my dms if you ever need any second opinion if needed. 🤍
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@imjess-themess @youlightmeupfinn @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @chrissyevanss @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @dragon-kazansky @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid @coyotesamachado @glodessa @welcome-to-my-multiverse @notroosterbradshaw @theharddeck @sebsxphia
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
@ my moots if you see this can you guys let me know if you have a library/second blog where you have your fics so I can follow them. I’ve been slacking on reading lately and I know I’ve missed a lot of you guys work.
If you’ve written anything lately and haven’t seen me reblog it can you drop a comment so I can find everything and put them in my messages to read later😊
Anyways I hope you guys are having a good day/night. I love y’all.
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
Moots! Have you guys posted anything recently if so please just like this so I can come read your works that I’ve missed 😭 I’ve been slackin on scrolling my feed lately and I’m sure I’ve missed a lot.
@imjess-themess @youlightmeupfinn @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsign-valley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @chrissyevanss @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @callsign-dragonbaron @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
I’ve been slackin on scrolling my feed lately and I’m sure I’ve missed a lot. And I was wondering if I missed any of your posts and if you have taglists if you do you you tag me 🤍 and if you have a library let me know so I can follow and turn on the notifications for them!
@imjess-themess @youlightmeupfinn @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @chrissyevanss @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @callsign-dragonbaron @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
Ok moots if you see this and you’ve written or read anything that you know I’d love just drop a comment for me cause I’ve been playing a game for a few days and I’ve 100% been ignoring tumblr 😬🤍
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