#manga versions tend to come out before anime XU
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Megaten wiki update. 
Working on making pages atm, even tho they are just stubs. 
P4MC’s page is (for the most part) formatted how MC’s need to be formatted. FeMC is next.
IT each have their own stubs and gallery stub. Feel free to have at it there. (Galleries I’m trying to format them as Games, Mangas, Animes, Stage Plays/Live Action, Special Events, Other, They aren’t fully labeled how I’d like but that is the rough order they are in atm)
Persona x Detective has a stub created
I’m going to try to expand as much as I can on Souji (and other stubs of P4MC tabs), P4 manga, Femc, and then P3 manga. 
If anyone has any special interest stub they want created so they can expand on it, just comment or shoot me an ask and I’ll get the ball rolling (or if someone knows how to make the stub they can go for it obvie)
Researching on the best way to deal with spoilers. Mostly in concerns with Naoto (gender reveal, cause that is a spoiler), Adachi, Izanami, Goro, Sumi, Maruki, Ikutsuki, Ryoji, Yaldy/Igor, (and Teddie?). I’m trying to figure out what’s the best course of action. A warning? Is there a way to have a spoiler page and then a non spoiler page? (ex: if it’s  non spoiler, Naoto is referred to as male, but then in the spoiler page it changes to female pronouns. Or the best way to deal with the Kasumi/Sumire situation....) However, below is my idea to make it so the wiki is friendly with people who don’t want to be spoiled (see below for my rough) 
Ideas for Spoilers (subjected to change):
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So as you can see, there is a non twist spoiler page, you’ll write it as if you believe she’s Kasumi, up until the twist. Then if you click on spoilers, it becomes Sumire, and if you want the real Kasumi, then you click on the other tab (or can return to the fake version). 
I’m not sure if this is the best way to go about it, but I want to try to save people from being spoiled on the first page like people were complaining about with Sumi when P5R first released on the other wiki. 
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