#mango hyung
hoseoksluna · 2 months
VAPOR, pt I. | jjk ft. myg
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pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x steam!oc
genre: smut, a hint of angst
word count: 10.6k
summary: yoongi never promised his healing time would be easy and when he hurts you enough that you need your other "boyfriend", jungkook is quick to rescue you.
pinterest board: blur | playlist: car playlist
warnings: mentions of a sex toy, jungkook is upset and angry at his hyung, public sex, dirty talk, sexual tension and frustration, praise kink, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), bruising, cum swallowing, going behind someone's back........
note: HI MY LOVES—MY STEAM DRABBLE IS HERE AND I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED TO POST SOMETHING, OH MY GOSH. OKAY, before i say anything else, i would like to put a disclaimer here: even though all my characters are fictional, they are still human in this world, which means they fuck up, which means they're not perfect whatsoever and never will be. i would like to really put an emphasis on that before you read and if i receive any vulgar and rude asks about this, i assure you that i will not respond to them. OKAY ALL SERIOUSNESS ASIDE—this was fucking AMAZING TO WRITE and i already CANNOT WAIT to start writing another part, this time with yoongi included. i promise to make everything right and—SPOILER—this couple WILL get a happy ending, so don't worry, my loves. ENJOY READING. SPAM MY INBOX. I LOVE YOU.
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There’s a mango-scented candle rustling in a bag, resting on the passenger seat, and Jungkook is driving very carefully so as to not knock it over and possibly break it. For a moment, one that reemerges in his headspace as he keeps his foot light on the pedal, he wonders if he should buckle a seatbelt around it and ensure its safety that way, his fear of ruining his surprise for you causing his brain to come up with the strangest of ideas—in the name of the love he carries for you. 
Is it love, though? 
Jungkook furrows his brows, that thought seizing his sternum enough that he has to turn his music down and let some fresh air in through the window so he doesn’t crash his fucking car. Icy sweat stings his spine, his stomach churning and without sparing a second longer, his eyes take after the sadness of the weather outside his vehicle. His vision blurs and he rubs his eye, one at a time, to focus on the road.
A red light blinks at him and suddenly, there’s fury that he feels deep within chest. 
Conceivably because slowing down means he has to face the onrush of emotions sloshing in him. Has to hear the rain not just outside, but inside, too. Has to feel the prick of those raindrops along his waterline. The heft of those clouds outside and inside his clavicles as well, tightening and tightening. 
Jungkook sighs, drumming his fingers upon his steering wheel, trying to distract himself from it all. From the invading question that absorbs his body like the vapor rising across the night-clothed street—when did he get so emotional? 
Unfortunately, he knows the answer right away.
You’ve been sad. On your own. 
It’s been a few weeks since all three of you made a deal to stick together. Yoongi has been brave, his good mood clutching him for a lot longer than Jungkook sadly estimated. You’ve spent these past two Fridays and weekends together, out and about, rolling in bed, rolling in Yoongi’s apartment. It was all fun and games until the boss reached a dead end. Somehow. Jungkook still doesn’t know what it was that Yoongi actually saw—what was that one particular thing that caused him to spiral. 
To relapse. 
And you didn’t tell him until it was too late. 
Perhaps, you did tell him—nonverbally, that is. You stopped adding your signed messages whenever he was texting with Yoongi during the week and even those alone stopped coming in as the days went on. There was something wrong and he knew it. His intuition only proved to be right when another weekend showed its face and it contained no undertone of you. And no suggestion of Yoongi either. 
Silence. Dead silence. 
And it wasn’t until Jungkook got an incoming call from an unknown number half an hour ago that he realized the gravity of the situation. 
It was you who called him up, sobbing into the phone, having stolen his number from Yoongi’s device. As difficult as it was to understand what happened, Jungkook tied all the strings of information you gave him between your broken breaths and blubbering: Yoongi hasn’t spoken to you all day and took a shower alone, the latter being the most devastating of the two. 
He felt bad for you, terribly bad for you—but simultaneously, he was upset with you. 
Still is. 
It’s one of the reasons why he’s driving up to Yoongi’s apartment. With a mango-scented candle and a puffed-up bag of cheese balls. He doesn’t want to think what the other reasons are, not when he’s staring down his gift for you, clicking his tongue at last and reaching over for the seatbelt and sliding it into its buckle. Just in time for the traffic light to turn green.
Now, now he’s speeding down the road, turning up the volume of his car playlist. A slow song by the Arctic Monkeys is playing and it’s a movie—the set of circumstances that are happening in the present. The rain, the tightness in his chest, the but faint adrenaline of the momentum. What is he really doing? 
It feels as though he’s following a script, however his eyes haven’t skimmed down the entire thing. He doesn’t know how this is going to end. Hell, he doesn’t even know if he’s doing the right thing because he’s planning on staying outside of his hyung’s apartment. Like hell he’s going inside when his sweetheart—
Jungkook purses his lips. Moves the shift stick. Kills the engine. Closes his eyes. 
His heart thumps. Turbulently. It stirs worry in him. What if he’s going to die? 
This is the first time he’s left in the hands of the unknown. He’s always had the sixth sense of knowing tactness like the back of his hand, although this time he doesn’t know shit. Doesn’t know if he’s breaking his best friend’s trust. Doesn’t know what’s going to happen once he sees you, possibly wearing one of your nighttime robes. The last time you touched him was the last time he had his release. His hand doesn’t feel as good as yours does—and his orgasm isn’t as fulfilling as when it’s shared with you. He’s brimming with frustration, with anger so vast that he could explode and he knows it’s unfair to be mad at Yoongi, when he himself said it wasn’t going to be easy, that it was going to take a lot of work. But Jungkook can’t help his feelings. Can’t help to see you. 
Only you. 
Broken, tear-stained, when it should be blush painting your cheeks red from all the love and happiness your own boyfriend should give you as it’s his duty. Something he’s responsible for. Something he should put above himself. 
“Drunken monologues, confused because it's not like I'm falling in love, I just want you to do me no good and you look like you could,” Alex Turner sings and Jungkook’s chin quivers, his heart gaining tempo, his perturbation rising—owing to the violence of that muscle, owing to the state of your feelings. 
He wonders if you’re still crying. 
He’s outside of Yoongi’s apartment. Didn’t even realize it, mind too fucked up, too full of you. 
Grabbing his phone, he sends you a text. 
I’m here. Come outside 
A reply pings right away. 
SWEETHEART: it’s raining 
He’s halfway typing his response that he doesn’t want to go inside, but he decides against it. Doesn’t want to make it worse for you. If you knew of the dark corners of his mind that don’t particularly like Yoongi at the moment, you wouldn’t look at him with those pretty eyes of yours as you always do. 
He can’t afford that. 
I have an umbrella
As his thumb hovers above his phone, waiting for your reply, he can almost hear your sigh. Can feel your breath on his clammy palm as he rubs it on his pants in effort to rid himself of the nerves crawling in his veins. The breath he was favored enough to hold in his grasp the last time he had you to himself—clamping your mouth shut as he spanked your clit for being so beautifully responsive to his touch, rubbing it until your eyes whisked back while Yoongi slept beside you, unaware. 
It’s engraved in his brain. It plays on loop before sleep overtakes him at night and it’s his first thought in the morning once consciousness reminds him that you’re not his. 
SWEETHEART: is it cold outside?
He figures you’re asking the question in order to decide whether you should change or not. It seems as though warm pajamas don’t exist in your world, for the beginning of September is in the process of blooming. It nudges his anger; provokes it enough to fill it with a lethal dose of a yearning to buy you the warmest pair of pants he could find. He clenches his fist, thumb quick to type a response. 
Wear something that covers your legs or stay home. 
The same thumb shakes at the expression of his firmness, his anger disturbed, wholly—wholly disturbed. If you come out wearing your little shorts—
A reply pings again. 
SWEETHEART: ok ill change
And another one right away. 
SWEETHEART: ill text u when i come down
That’s a good girl. 
He almost types it right then and there, but something within, despite the slowly calming storm of his feelings, despite his cock tightening in his pants at the swift image of your bare legs, at the lingering perception of you being a good girl and listening to him, drags his thumb to his emojis. A sudden renewal of his sixth sense, and he doesn’t understand how it’s happened as it dawns on him, makes him realize that’s not exactly what you need right now. You didn’t call him for a fuck. 
You called him for emotional support. 
And like the good girl you are, you merely take five minutes. Stay true to your words, text him as you’re coming down and Jungkook grabs his umbrella from the backseat. Doesn’t forget to unbuckle the seatbelt in the passenger seat. Saves himself from the embarrassment. 
The trees sway in his direction, inviting him in, once he takes two steps at the time, coming up the stairs. He watches them through the clear roundness of his shield, beckoning him closer. The rain pelts against it, but softly this time. Merciful as it knows you’re about to emerge from the ocean of such unfathomable sadness. It doesn’t wish to frighten you, rather it desires to soothe your escaping, make it less harrowing. Even the wind that whips at him stills as soon as you open the door, bathed in light. 
And Jungkook is struck with the notion that he wants to do the same. 
You’re wearing flared leggings. Gray. With sneakers of the same color and a white top that hugs your waist, that seems way smaller than the last time he touched it. He gets a glimpse of it, and it unnerves him, as you lift your hand to curl a strand of your hair behind your ear because otherwise your body is shrouded in a flannel that’s too big for you. Too robust for you and your particular liking of tight, little clothes. 
He doesn’t want to know who that garment belongs to. Doesn’t even want to come close to unfolding that thought, to even let it get a taste of his burning blood. Because there’s another matter at hand. 
You’ve lost weight. 
And he’s going to kill his hyung for it. 
You step out and it’s an instinct, the way his arm draws closer to you so you don’t get touched by the rain, even if it means the raindrops get to trace the back of his head and the nape of his neck. Yet even that invigorating, tender liquid doesn’t cool the scorching lividness that takes place beneath his skin, beneath his bones. But then you touch his hand, left to left, drag it away and hide yourself in his chest. Everything changes when you do that. 
Jungkook explodes. Silently. Gently. His chin quivers again and he doesn’t care that you can hear the tremor of his heart as you lay your ear against it. Doesn’t care that his grip might hurt you as he hugs you back, thinking he could wrap his arm twice around your much different waist. And he takes you like this. Back to his car. He doesn’t even feel the wetness pooling in his waterline, leading you as you walk backwards. And you laugh, you laugh softly while he inhales your mango scent that has somehow even crept up to your scalp, and he doesn’t believe it’s that easy. 
It can’t be that easy to make you feel better. 
He opens the door for you, a façade of nothingness plastered on his face as he tries his hardest to remain stoic so you wouldn’t see the turmoil churning within every perimeter of his body. And it’s an instinct, too, the way he catches your little purse when it slips off your shoulder, even though he doesn’t see it, too busy devouring your gaze—afraid, awfully afraid that tonight might be the last time he sees your pretty eyes, considering the contempt he’s now showing his hyung. 
If Yoongi finds out about this, it’s over. 
His life is over, too. 
Anger, frustration, sadness, love—how is he able to feel all of those emotions at once? You purse your lips, your weary eyes skip his features all the way to his mouth, stopping at his lip ring and the question rises again in his brain. 
Is it love? 
The rain falls harder. And so does he, unfortunately. 
“I got you something. It’s right there.” He tips his chin to the passenger seat without taking his gaze off of your busy eyes. They’re still looking at his mouth, watching every word come out. He finds it so endearing that there’s nothing more he wants to do than grab your cheeks and kiss you for it. Maybe his frustration would loosen a little bit if he did it. “Don’t sit on it.” 
It’s that addition to his previous sentence that causes you to flick those pretty irises of yours up to his. And he studies it as the double meaning uncoils in your brain, even though it was by accident that it tumbled out of his mouth. The weariness in your orbs parts like clouds upon the heavens, though no sunshine spills through them. There’s still a lingering blankness, something unknown, something foreign. Then, the tiniest of smiles curls your mouth and it jolts through him, his heart thudding harder—to the point that even more profound discomfort settles in. 
“Did you get me a dildo? I could use one right now.” 
The perplex that seizes him almost causes his legs to give out. And he can’t help it, the way his eyes roll back and his hand, with your purse hanging from his forearm, runs down his face. Jungkook wants to get drenched in the rain—maybe if the raindrops put out the sudden fire licking at his every nerve ending, maybe then he’ll come to understand how you manage to be in the mood when your state of mind can’t possibly let you have dirty thoughts. 
His cock tightens again and he calls you by your name, firmly. He can’t have this. Not right now. He needs to be sensible. You need it. “Get in the car.” 
You listen, but your smile falters. Grabbing your bag from his forearm, you turn around, bending over to wrap your fist around the bag on the passenger seat. Jungkook doesn’t mean to look at your delicious round cheeks and once he discovers that they’re hidden under that layer of the hideous flannel, he sighs a breath of relief. He can’t look at you that way. Averts his gaze, immediately. 
As soon as you’re seated, he clicks the door shut. Considers letting the rain have him. Did he make a mistake, being firm with you? 
Inside his car, his favorite song is mellowly playing. In the mere few seconds, you’ve managed to suffuse the entire atmosphere with your mango scent and Jungkook inhales it. It takes him into a whole different world, one filled with eternal sunlight as the song portrays it. He finds himself in a country of spring that has been briskly rained upon and now is being softly seared with those shafts of light and speckles of heat, the details of your beauty. 
“For the love of my life, she's got glow on her face…” the singer sings and the lyrics plod into his mind. Jungkook wishes the description applied to you at this very moment like it had before, like it had every single time he stole a glance at you. He misses your glow and your glitter and it pierces his unstable heart that he finds no traces of those particles of shimmer on your cheekbones and eyelids as you’re rummaging through the bag, not even on your cupid’s bow as you gasp, gently, discovering he bought you your favorite things. 
You’re looking at him with such smothered joy and it would relieve his feelings if he didn’t feel such guilt, if he didn’t feel as though he was a crumbling pillar, a failure undeserving of your time. 
You take the candle into your small hands. Such a stark contrast—his heart aches at the sight of it. You pop the lid open, sniff the aroma and your mouth rounds in a terribly, terribly cute manner. Jungkook is glad for the lack of light in the space of his car, which hides his growing manhood. He props an elbow on the door and pinches his nose, trying to regain his composure— 
“It’s mango-scented,” you say in disbelief, pouting and Jungkook can’t breathe. “And cheese balls, are you kidding me?” You open the bag right away, plopping the treat into your mouth. He’s surprised you eat just one—it doesn’t feel right. “Thank you. Honestly. Thank you.” You cradle it into your chest and Jungkook has to look away. 
What has Yoongi done to you that you react this way to such silly things? He needs to ask, but he fears your answer. And what’s worse, he fears what he’ll do to him once you tell him. 
“What did you tell him?” He needs to get away from this place, but it has to correlate with your plan, if there even is any. If not, he’ll handle it. Figure something out. 
You take a sharp breath, loading your gifts back into the bag, keeping it nice and safe on your lap. Then, you lick your lips and look at him with an intention that causes his heart to jump right there onto the wonderfully clothed flesh of your thighs. “I told him I was going home.” 
Home. Since the moment he knew of your existence, your home has been the place wherever Yoongi resided. It never mattered where. Jungkook grips the steering wheel, knuckles white. “Where do you live?” 
You tell him your address. He knows that from this day on, he’ll never, ever forget it. He starts the engine, wondering in the meantime about the ordinariest things of your life. Do you live there during the week and spend your weekends at Yoongi’s apartment? Or has he completely overtaken your life that you spend every hour of it in his presence? He wants to know. And he wants to get some food in that slim tummy of yours. “Do you have any food there? When was the last time you were there?” 
It’s you who looks away now, staring ahead, playing with your fingers while the rest are still wrapped around the bag. “I don’t live there anymore. Haven’t been there in months.” 
Jungkook bites his lip. Too, too many questions are hovering in his brain—he barely has the capacity to think about them, let alone hurl them at you. “What did he say when you told him you were going home?” 
You snivel and his heart on your thighs twitches in pain. He has to grip the steering wheel harder in order not to jump out of this car and kick down Yoongi’s door. 
Jungkook puts the car in drive, wordlessly, seething inside. He’ll invent another plan while yours will remain its prototype. Will keep you safe.
Safe, fed and tearless. 
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The drive is quiet, save for the euphonious melodies emitting through his never-ending playlist. The rain has become less severe, soft in nature, only adding to the background noise—adding to the process of your mollification that he’s overseeing. He’s put a stop to the questions. Has figured you have enough of them, for the only reason you decided to lie to your own boyfriend and go behind his back was because you needed to get out of his clutches. 
A decision he approves of. 
The quietness has helped him regain his composure fully, set some things straight in his brain as the anger in him slowly dissipated. Space is good, for both his hyung and you and he’s proud of you for allowing yourself to get to this point that you walked away. Yoongi, evidently, has returned to his hermit tendencies and Jungkook knows very well that it’s something that he needs in his healing time. It’s who he is; who he always has been. He didn’t push him away too many times for him to be possibly wrong about this and while the information he gained from you that Yoongi changed his ways shattered Jungkook’s heart and glued it back together, he knew, somehow, deep within him, that it was just an effort. For you. 
He didn’t think it was a façade because Yoongi is certainly not a phony person. 
He did it for you. Tried his hardest. And succeeded. With your help, he’s sure—which makes it all the more beautiful—but Yoongi is still Yoongi. 
Someone who deals with things on his own. 
And although the distance he needs hurts other people, he doesn’t mean it. Jungkook knows this just as well, despite the fact what he truly thinks is that Yoongi should try harder. 
For you. 
He needs to tell you this. Needs you to know. But he doesn’t think you’re ready to hear it just yet, which is okay. The plan is constructed, he’s here for you and he will make you feel better. He will caress your heart and make your belly full. Will make you forget for a little while before he gently brings you back to reality. 
You deserve this. After everything you’ve been through. Because of him. Because of Yoongi. 
And because of this, he no longer feels guilty that he has you to himself without Yoongi knowing. Even if that means he risks his brotherhood, even if that means he risks his affection for you seeing the light of day. 
You’re more important. 
It’s this thought that gets interrupted by a sudden ring of your phone. You jump, zipping your purse open and Jungkook keeps his eyes on the road. He doesn’t really want to see the kind of picture you have Yoongi saved under. He has to keep his feelings intact. Remain calm. 
Your breath shakes. “He’s video calling me.” 
Sparks of electricity nip at his fingertips. A surge of adrenaline, the threatening, false notion that he’s doing the wrong thing. Jungkook almost smirks. It’s so fucking thrilling to him. 
He lets you decide on your own what to do, but you grow unsure, nerves burdening you. He feels that heft and it’s quick to sober him up. 
“Should I get out of this car? Say I’m taking a walk?” you ask, your pretty, pretty eyes wide, your pupils so tiny. Jungkook wants to take your hand in his, take your fear that makes you think these silly thoughts and crush it. 
He’s here. He’s going to take care of this. Of you. 
“Let it ring.” 
You look back down at your phone, lip between your teeth, but Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, the red of the stoplight pervading you with the danger of your girlish freedom. And it does ring two more times before Yoongi gives up. 
You have the right to need to distance yourself just as much as he does. Give him the same silent treatment like he did to you.
There’s a smug smirk plastered on his face when he catches you putting your phone back into your purse before the light turns green. He speeds down the road, driving with just one hand, ready to unfold his plan. 
One he’s already shared with you. 
He’s taking you to the mall. 
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His hand itches to take yours as you walk beside him. Strangers stare you down, but you keep your attention on the myriads of shops lining the side of the promenade. He doesn’t understand how it’s possible that there’s so many people wasting their Thursday at such a place like this. At this hour, especially. It kind of makes him regret that he took you here, despite the fact the sole purpose of it was to feed you until you were full. The lights are too bright, children are screaming and running around and it’s giving him a headache, but one look at you changes his mind in an instant. The glow he missed has found its way back to your cheeks and there’s a glint to your eyes that he hasn’t seen in a long while. The paleness is gone and he’s not really ignorant to the way a bush of roses begins to bloom in his chest at the realization. 
You stop dead in your tracks all of a sudden. Your little purse slips off of your shoulder. As attentive as he always is, he slides it back up, a smile tugging his mouth to the side. He thinks it’s just so damn cute. And the fact you don’t pay any attention to it as well. Probably used to it. 
Red posters of sale adorn the storefront that has caught your eye. Jungkook is unfamiliar with it, but you seem to be completely enthralled by it. 
“Where do you wanna eat?” he provokes. Already knows what restaurant you’ll be feasting at, obviously, but poking you is a matter of enjoyment for him. “There’s so many food courts to choose from.” 
You look at him and clutch your stomach, as if the mere mention of food made you hungry. A faint, faded light flashes across that glint in your irises before it dwindles away and Jungkook is ready to throw you over his shoulder and push people off of his path to get you there right now. 
“Can we… go here first?” you ask, hesitatingly, grabbing a hold of his elbow, but he feels as though you’re squeezing his heart, wringing it out of all that liquid emotion that he swallowed down earlier in the car. Your touch is warm, like the pond water kissed by the sun back at his cabin, seeping into his skin and languidly streaming through his body. 
It’s automatic, primal and right, the way he clasps his other hand across your fingers wrapped around his bicep and the way your body draws closer to his. It should be normal to do this when he’s seen you bare—when he’s seen you feral, needy and disappear into your pleasure, one he’s the creator of. Why does it feel so thrilling? So dangerous? 
You can meander through as many stores as you want. And he tells you that, or at least tries to, as he smiles at you, softly, and nods his head, letting you lead him inside the shop that has so vehemently caught your attention. 
A trillion styles of jeans, tiny tops, skirts and shorts of the same size, Jungkook understands your fascination as he takes it all in. And he’s pleasantly surprised when you indulge him as you fondle every material of every clothing you like, telling him how pretty you find it. You’re not timid to show him your disappointment either, wrinkling your nose, when the fabric is too frail or too expensive for the price, muttering vulgarities directed to capitalism and leading him away. 
It isn’t until your sight stumbles upon a rack of dresses that your breath, audibly, hitches in your throat. And you unlink your arm from his, going straight for your seemingly new obsession. 
A red dress. A sheer fabric, more like. With roses sewn in, a split in the middle, one strap covering only a part of the hanger. It’s the only piece of clothing you actually take into both of your hands, putting it against your body, as if to see what it would look like on you. Fuck if he knows what you’re doing—all he knows is that his throat is dry, the image of you wearing something like this making him a living, breathing corpse. 
Jungkook clenches his fists. Even more so when you disappointingly click your tongue upon seeing the price tag, putting it back where you found it. The thought of you not having that dress causing his heart to lodge, tightly and disturbingly, in the shriveled walls of his throat. 
Not happening. Not under his watch. 
That dress was made for you. 
Jungkook licks his lips. Doesn’t stop the words from spilling out. “Why don’t you try it on?”
You give him a look as if he was a mad man. And he is. That he certainly is. “Please, this costs more than I can afford. I’d only go home crying if I tried it on and had to put it back.”
He stifles a laugh at how ridiculous you sound. Picks up the price tag. Less than two hundred thousand wons. It wouldn’t even make a dent in his bank account. 
He grabs the hanger. Hands it to you. “Go try it on, sweetheart.” 
You roll your eyes. Don’t look amused at all. Your brows knit ever so adorably and the corners of your mouth curl downwards, arms crossing over your chest. Oh, he’s going to wipe that expression off of your face. Paint it in pretty, pretty colors. “No, thanks. I think I cried enough today. Let’s go.” 
You walk past him, but Jungkook stops you. Grabs your arm. Calls your name, firmly. “I’m not gonna repeat myself.” 
You huff. “Is there something wrong with your ears?” Your brows quirk and he thinks he died again. Might melt into a putty. Just for you. 
He smirks, showing his teeth. “It’s no issue for me,” he says, speaking of money, taking your hand in his and enveloping your fingers around the hanger. “So be good and try on this dress for me. Off you go.” 
Jungkook turns you around and, with his palms on your shoulders, he leads you towards the dressing rooms, not stopping until he finds one that’s unoccupied. You huff and puff again, but he gently pushes you inside. And when you open your mouth to say something, he drags the curtain to the side. A laughter bubbles in his chest. 
“You’re not buying this for me.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “Strip.” 
There’s no witty remark, no exhales of your exasperated breaths, only the obnoxious music blasting through the speakers and he assumes that you gave in to him. A tendril of proudness, not of his actions but for you and your good behavior, swims in the hot bloodstream of his veins and it’s now, now that he’s almost alone and you’re out of view, save for your feet clad in pink socks under the curtain, that he perceives that he’s coated in sweat. The disorder of his colorful, all kinds of feelings has turned him so numb that he doesn’t even feel grounded in his body. He needs a strong sip of alcohol. And a good meal. 
He begins to flutter the sides of his leather jacket, just to alleviate himself of how hot he feels, when he hears you gasp, your footsies shuffling on the carpeted floor. He takes a step towards the dressing room, a trembling hand reaching for the curtain and stopping there—a spasm of nerves zaps his abdomen, spreading iciness to the tips of his fingers. He knows what he’s about to see will make him a dead man for the third time this evening and because of that, he takes a deep, soundless breath, closing his eyes for a mere second before his hand pulls the curtain away. 
Nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him. 
And nothing is what you’re wearing underneath the dress. 
Abruptly, there’s no music. There’s no gasps emitting out of that marvelous mouth of yours. And the film in front of his eyes is in slow motion, accompanied by the winged fuckers going equally mad inside his stomach. You’re twirling. From side to side. Patting down the material tight against your slender body. A grin on your face, one that he’s last seen during that time joy rested in you, bathes you in a glow that he longed to see. The glint, the light in your eyes takes on a whole new intensity and it shoots embers into his bare hands, burning him ferociously and curtly—just for him to find that he likes it and that he wants more. You turn around, facing him, and you swathe him with that flaring, almost raging light. It’s the sole thing he senses amidst the numbness of his headspace. 
Except for one thing. 
The ruffle of the sorry excuse for a rose beneath the singular strap of the dress is but an inch above your stiffened nipple while the other, just as excited, is left bare for his eyes—as if the principle of being exposed like that awakened your body. But it’s the vast, stitched red buds of that flower across your small waist, stomach, mound and the apex of your thighs that brings his attention to this other thing that he’s aware of. 
He’s hard for you. 
This image of you will perpetually haunt his dreams. Your little, carmine rose tattoos as if lining your skin, mainly. His throat swallows, dryly. 
Jungkook cups himself in an effort to hide his arousal and his bafflement from your stark, astonishing beauty. He thinks you’re unquestionably otherworldly, so far beyond his reach and his league that it aches. As much as the apprehension that if you wore anything else in this fucking dressing room, he’d fall to his knees just the same.
And then you speak and somehow you bring sharpness back into his reality. 
“The socks go well with the dress, don’t you think?” 
Jungkook glances at your feet and what he sees makes him pinch his eyes and let out a rumble of laughter. There’s a fucking Pikachu on your socks, grinning up at him, mocking him for getting hard for you for the third time. 
He can’t look back up and be a witness to the magnificence of your body. If he allows himself to do so, he will combust. Bring the whole building down—
A set of footsteps sound behind him and, with a racing heart, Jungkook steps inside the dressing room, shrouding you with his body without touching you, pulling the curtain shut. You startle, backing away until your spine leans against the mirror and there’s no space, none whatsoever, for him to run from you because when he turns back around, it’s your eyes he meets first. Nose to nose, breath to breath. 
When did they start making dressing rooms so fucking small? 
His breath picks up speed. He wants to pretend he doesn’t see the thick veil of your feminine carnality shunning out the light in your irises, because he can’t afford this, not when you’re sad, not when you need a friend, not when he needs to be stable for you. But the more you look at him, the more you draw him in and he has very little strength to fight against it. 
Averting his gaze, he props a hand on the wall beside your mirror. Notices your clothes, untidy, sprawled on the bench. Finds no traces of you taking off your underwear, which means only one thing.
His heart nearly skips a beat. 
“Where’s your underwear?”
Your grin forms into a smirk and you latch both of your hands onto the sides of his jacket. Danger mingles into that carnality in your eyes and Jungkook knows, right at this instant, that he’s fucked. “Didn’t take any.” 
His cock hardens even more in his hand. A brief flashback of the way he ripped your panties off at his cabin when you disobeyed him fills his mind, and he grows weak. It’s still a private pleasure of his, one that he likes recollecting, no matter the events that took place after. And the whole escapade has caused him to form a certain attachment to your underwear—or lack thereof. Knowing you didn’t take any on your first, secret night out with him suffuses him with delectation, one that intertwines with a rising question in him. 
Did you choose not to wear it for the sake of the old time or did you choose not to wear it because you’re expecting something from him? 
He yearns to know. Needs to. 
Your fists bunch up his T-shirt underneath the jacket, tip of the tongue darting out to lick across your top lip. Your eyes follow the way you squeeze the fabric and Jungkook catches your long lashes quivering at your discovery of his quite prominent problem. A blush scatters along your nose and cheekbones and he doesn’t have to look down to know that his hand scarcely conceals his imprint. He’s grown harder for you in this close proximity and, peculiarly, light pervades him now that you know about his arousal, even though he doesn’t expect you, nor demand from you, to do anything about it. 
“Oh, you know.” Palms flat, you drift them down his stomach. Jungkook stiffens, a forest burned by you. “It would only get in the way.” 
He sucks in a breath, pressing his other hand beside your head, caging you in, his cock in full clothed glory for you. His head spins, but paradoxically, he feels himself gaining strength, as if you managed to rejuvenate him by laying out your cards on the table in such a filthy, electrifying manner. 
“Get in the way of what?”
You mirror him, sucking in a breath of your own. “Get in the way of you fucking my brains out?” 
A quirk of his brow. A twitch of his cock. He can’t breathe—you’ve taken all of the remaining oxygen in his lungs when you sucked in that breath and uttered those dirty, dirty words. How are you capable of this? What has Yoongi done to you? Jungkook drags his teeth up his bottom lip, although it attenuates close to nothing. His arousal only blossoms, the bush of roses in his gut thickening, so akin to your little, feigned tattoos. He yearns to feel them under his palm. 
A dead man, for the fourth time. 
His knees might give out. His hands are clammy.
Though his mouth acts on its own. “Have you forgotten what I’m capable of doing?” 
He watches the flashback swim past your irises and it connects to your mouth, expanding it into a coy smile. “I guess I have.” 
Bad, bad girl. It’s you who’s fucking his brains out, trembling like a little leaf, longing for his touch, calling out for his hands. He feels them buzz, interwoven with your senses and your desires. Even if you didn’t move an inch, if you remained still as a sculpture, his hands would still know you want them and it drives him to the peak of insanity—enough for him to consider taking you right here and there, in all seriousness. In spite of the fact he still has a mind of his own and is aware that he shouldn’t. For Yoongi’s sake, yes—but mostly for your sake. 
The tips of his fingers tingle with the craving to rip that flimsy fabric off of you and make you remember what he did to you, even though you fully remember. Something about that fills him with an onrush of vigorous energy, one that needs a release. It whispers, most intensely, its plea for it within his skin. 
“Do I really need to remind you?” Jungkook asks, playing your little game after all, digits clenched into fists on either side of your head. You nod, briefly, seemingly becoming smaller in his captivity, hands drifting lower, rooting by his hips. He’s surprised he’s letting you touch him like this, but then he’d let you do anything you want. He sweeps a glance at your form, just once, before he bores his gaze back into yours. It did something to you and he draws closer, senses you squeezing your thighs together. Such a cute, bad girl. “It would be a pity to rip this dress off of you. What would they think, hm? If you walked out of this dressing room and had to explain to them what happened?” 
Jungkook drags a finger down your neck and at the first physical contact, you release a breath that wafts over him, deepens his heat. He traces the line of your strap until he reaches the frilly bud of the rose and tugs at it, just once. 
He’s about to continue taunting you, but you catch him off guard. 
“I dunno, I’d tell them I wanted you to do it. That I needed the reminder,” you whisper and your low tone of voice curls unfathomably somewhere within his gut, forcing him to double over. You hook your fingers around his belt loops and Jungkook brims with gladness that he didn’t wear a belt. “What was it that you did to me?” 
He nearly, nearly rolls his eyes back. The effect you have on him—he craves to bunch your hair in his fist, teach you a lesson regarding what you’re doing to him. 
And he just might. Take full responsibility while he’s at it. 
Two responses swirl on his tongue, however. 
One to scold you for provoking him in public, but he knows it would stall the aroused energy and back it away into a corner. The other to keep going and drive you to his level of insanity. 
It’s a crossroad and he’s standing in the middle, a man in charge, his morals questioned and at absolute fucking risk. His blood pumps at full speed and sweat lines his forehead. He’s on the verge of bursting. Time and tension presses against him and with all that energy and strength pulsating in him, it’s scarcely the one he needs to put a stop to this all. It all leads into a far different direction, leading him away from the clearness of his morals. 
Then, your chest lifts in desperate staccatos and that’s it for him. That’s the breaking point. 
No way out. 
Only way in. 
For you. 
Jungkook wets his lips. “How well can you keep a secret?” 
In the same trembling staccatos, you exhale in relief and he’s ready to give you everything. Absolutely fucking everything. “I’m the best in the game.” 
A flash of light in his being. He’s immensely pleased with your answer, growing hotter and hotter. He inches closer to you, flush to your body, lips by your ear. Feels your little nubs pressing against his upper abdominal muscles. Craves to sink his teeth into the delicious flesh of your ear. “You can’t tell anyone about this,” he starts, mimicking your low tone, speaking of the evident elephant in the room, hoping you catch onto it. “And if they ask, you have to come up with something else. Can you do that?” 
He pulls away a tiny bit, just to study your reaction. Your hold tightens on his belt loops while your mouth parts and your head nods in agreement, ever so needy but patient for his next move. He wants to lick you all over just for that, reward you until you lose your voice. 
“You teased me with your words, with your little bratty mouth, and even though you listened well when I told you to lick your finger for me, you disobeyed me when I instructed you to not wear panties at my place,” he starts, lips mouthing your ear and he feels the need of your body to stabilize at the memory. Offering you his own, he presses closer to you until he pins you against the mirror, until both pairs of lungs sync in movement, his fingers skimming, barely, over the sides of your hips. Though something resistant takes place in the middle of that entwinement. Something that gives his mouth the aftertaste of copper. “And when I found out, I ripped them off of you. Fingered you so fast you came in seconds and made a mess on my hand. And then…” he pauses, an inkling regarding how to get rid of his uneasiness plaguing his mind. “Then I made you apologize and you did. You did it so sweetly that I made you come so many times until you lost count,” he alters the memory, concluding the reminder finding the aftertaste rapidly increasing, transmitting down to his heart, burdening it with a heavy load that he doesn’t know the contents of. 
“Can you show me what you did? I think I might remember better if you do.” 
He almost sinks to his knees, but the resistance, the coppery aftertaste in his mouth immobilizes him, keeps him glued on his spot and his hands begin to tremble. An image of Yoongi blazes in the back of his mind and, fleetingly, Jungkook sees a swift movement, a memory of getting hit. If his hyung is in as bad a mental state as he is, it’s inevitable that history will repeat itself. You haven’t received his blessing. Neither has he. 
But at this very moment, he thinks knuckles to his cheek will simulate the act of a kiss. 
Secrets are secrets and he’s weak.
Awfully, awfully weak. 
“Is this what you want me to do?” he asks, looking you dead in the eye, lifting his chin, hoping you see his frailty—hoping you see that he’s hanging by the thread. “Finger you in this dressing room until you ruin that pretty dress?” 
A smile. “Well, you didn’t get me a dildo, so your fingers will have to do.” 
A sharp inhale of breath. “What about this cock, huh? You don’t want it?” 
You drag a finger along his jean-clad length, barely touching him. Jungkook twitches all over. 
“It’s too big for me, you know I can’t take it.” 
A deep chuckle. He’ll ruin his jeans himself. “If my mind serves me well, you’ve always taken it well. Came around it a lot of times.” 
You whine. This, this is your breaking point and all of Jungkook’s muscles tighten at the recognition. He’s gonna give it to you. Say fuck it to it all—his life was damned the moment he set his eyes on you. Knew he was going to die prematurely. Thinks dying in Yoongi’s hands is quite merciful. It’s his best friend after all. 
“Please, Jungkook, I—”
He grabs your waist, tightly. His thumbs touch and his stomach drops. “You what?” He’s going to make you say it, he doesn’t care. He needs it. He craves it. 
A mewl, one that coils around his length. “I’m so wet. I need you. Please, do something. Anything. Let’s get out of here.” 
He turns you around and because you didn’t expect it, you gasp—loudly. Angels must be by his side, for your sounds get instantly swallowed by the blasting music. You can be as loud as you want, as he wants and he makes a mental note to remind you that when the time asks for it. 
His fingers gather the flimsy fabric, bunching it at your waist. In the sharp light, shining down at you most perfectly, he has a splendid view of your drenched thighs and swollen clit. He presses you against him, needs you to feel how hard you made him, how rock solid his cock is at the sight of your mouth-watering filthiness. He needs you in his mouth, he needs you. 
“Where?” Jungkook asks, staring you down in the mirror, brows furrowed, head tipped to yours, lips in a tight line, parting with every hardened exhale. “Where do you need me? Show me.” 
You moan, ever so softly and he can’t help but grind against your ass, fingertips making dents in the flesh of your waist. You take your hand and drift it down to your sweet little cunt and Jungkook holds his breath. You rub your center, your adorable lips wrapping around your small fingers and you show him the thick sheen of your arousal, glistening in the light. Just like you did the first time he set his eyes on you, even though the paradisiacal sight wasn’t meant for him. 
Now it is—and he’s nearly about to weep in joy. Such spiritual experience, swathed with gratitude and mercy, healing him through and through. This is for him. You’re willingly giving it to him. He never thought he was ever deserving of it, but now in your hands, at your service, it feels too good to be true. His eyes wet, his arousal taking a new form, becoming something bigger, more profound, something that will change him, cling to him for the rest of his life. 
“Here. I want your fingers.” 
He takes your palm in his, planning something with it. “Just my fingers?” 
You lean your head back against his chest. “All of you, please, please.” 
At your service. 
Jungkook wraps his lips around your fingers, sucking your dew, swallowing it, needing more. You grow more desperate, watching him in the mirror, and your little index finger grazes his lip ring, smiling sweetly, pleased with yourself. He coos at the sight, but then you turn around, pressing yourself against him, your cunt against his thigh, his cock against your tummy, and you grab the back of his neck and pull him in, harshly, for a kiss. 
You eat his mouth. He’s barely able to reciprocate your hungry kisses, the roll of your tongue, your moans at your own taste and he decides he will simply slow you down. 
Reaching behind you, his fingers tease your entrance. In response, you lift your ass for him, arching your spine as much as you can. He knows that if he were to pull away, he’d see your juices in the mirror, in the stark light, but your starvation and your craving tastes too good and he physically can’t. 
Gathering your slick, he drags his fingers past your parted lips towards your clit and you swirl your hips for him, outrunning him—making the tip of his digit give you the circles you want. He groans into your mouth, out of breath and it isn’t until he rubs your bud rapidly, with deep pressure, and you moan so loud that it alerts him enough to pull away. 
The music did not, in fact, swallow that sound. 
Jungkook clamps your mouth shut.
Without stopping his movement. Watches your eyes roll back. And he’s greedy, unfortunately so. 
Turning you around, he props your leg on the bench and he looks at your pretty cunt. Swollen red clit, like your feigned tattoos, parted lips, dripping hole and equally soaked folds, glistening in the direct light. He swears, can’t help it, fondling your femininity, all four of his fingers gliding with ease, back and forth, everywhere. Down to your other hole, to your inner thighs, back up to your seashell, to your mound and lower tummy. He cakes you with your arousal, one he’s the creator of, bunching your dress higher until he’s holding you right underneath your breasts that spill over his forearm. So full and perky—he’s unhinged. Utterly, utterly unhinged. 
He wants to smear your slick over those clothed nipples as well. 
Jungkook rubs your clit again, with the same speed as before. Your eyes lid, but keep the eye contact in the mirror, ravaging him through and through. He submits to it, even though he has the upper hand, even though he has the capability to make those eyes go cross. And they do—when he sinks his fingers inside of you, middle and ring, stuffing you full. Your walls suck him in so hard that he almost loses his footing, squeezing you so hard against him that he’s sure he will leave bruises on your tender skin. He silently promises he will kiss them later. 
“Is this what you wanted?” He lifts your leg, hoists it up in the air and begins to fuck you speedily, fingers curling in your spot every once in a while. He doesn’t want to make you come fast, but then time is pressing against him and he knows the mall will be closing soon. He still has to fill that belly. Would prefer if you came around his cock. “My fingers fucking your needy little princess parts, hm?” 
You moan his name and Jungkook shushes you in your ear, rewarding you regardless by abusing your clit with circles, alternating between those and swiftly fucking you in your tight hole. 
“I’m gonna come, Jungkook, I’m gonna come.” 
He withdraws his fingers. All of them—even those wrapped around your leg. You sway on your feet, heady, panting, and he stabilizes you with a hand on your arm. He smirks at you in the mirror, fingers in his mouth and you give him a dirty look. 
Before you can tell him off, he explains himself. “You’re coming around my cock, I don’t give a fuck, sweetheart.” 
His words wipe your face off of that scowl and you smile at him. A sunshine personified. Jungkook chuckles, pushing you against the mirror with his hand on your sternum and getting on his knees. 
He places your leg on his shoulder. “Hold your dress for me.” 
You listen right away, ever so eager. One hand clutches the hem, the other sneaks to his hair. Jungkook likes it so much that he doesn’t waste a second and envelops his mouth around your little clit. 
Just briefly. He has your dew to drink. 
He swipes his tongue along your slit. Over and over, until his sweat drips in pearls down his temples and he makes new bruises on the sides of your hips. Even goes one step further and fucks you with his tongue, letting out short little breaths and soft moans against you, gone feral by your taste and your fleshiness. He takes your lips in his mouth, plays with them with his tongue. Pulls away, stares lovingly at them and spits on your clit, sucking it inside his mouth and rubbing his face in your dripping juices, licking up everything you’re giving to him. 
And when your knee gives out, he catches you in time, standing to his feet. Doesn’t kiss you. Is selfish. Wants your taste perpetually on his tongue. Your eyes sink to his wet chin and you lick your lips, a feral look on your own gracing your features. You resemble a horny little animal, one that he craves to own and make his. But he can’t burden his heart with that thought. Doesn’t have the strength for it, not when he’s still hanging by the thread. 
“How do you want my cock?” he asks, his own eyes lidded, darkness consuming him. “Like this or from behind? You decide. I’m giving it to you. It’s yours.” 
You’re left speechless. He taps your cheek, gently, to make you talk. If you don’t, it will be his ruination and he will die. At your Pikachu-clad feet. A sweet, sweet death. Ideal. 
“I—I can’t take it from behind.” A deer in the headlights, terribly cute. 
He chuckles, caressing your hair. “But you have.” He grins, but it’s an answer for him. He’ll take you from behind in the safe confines of your home. “Like this, then. It’s more than perfect, sweetheart.” He kisses you, deeply, but he doesn’t give you his tongue. His heart expands, his affection crawling all around the kiss. He wonders if you can feel it. 
Pulling away, he unbuttons his pants and takes out his length. He’s soaked his underwear, but he doesn’t mind. His arousal drips down and he rubs it along his tip to make it as painless for you as he can when he enters you. 
And once he does, your eyes roll back and you break into whines, ones that fuck with his brain. Your leg is wrapped around his torso, but he joins the other one, holding you by your splendid little cheeks. Like his fingers, you suck him in, even though he hasn’t given you all of it yet. He’s already losing it. Doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him once he’s balls deep. He won’t last. He physically can’t. 
Jungkook bites your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth. “You want all of it?” 
You tug at his hair. “Yes, all of you.” 
At your fucking service. 
He sinks deeper into you, hissing, furrowing his brows, sweat dripping down every perimeter of his body. Your mouth latches onto his neck and he’s gone. Even more so, when you graze your teeth upon his skin before you suck it—like he sucked your lip. He fucks you hard for it, making you let go of his neck and moan against the column. It pleases him so much that he does it again, a warm pressure coiling in his lower belly. It creates a cacophonous sound, your body colliding into the mirror and it mingles, beautifully, with the music playing. As well as the squeaky noises of your slick gliding along his cock every time he draws out. 
“Who do you belong to tonight, huh?” Jungkook rasps, filling you balls-deep just like you wanted, driving into you slowly until his pelvis kisses yours. “You can be as loud as you want, sweetheart. Nobody’s gonna hear you but me.” 
Rapid, whiny moans. He mimics their speed while maintaining eye contact with you and he groans when your eyes go unfocused, mouth parted. You’re just as gone as him. He pecks you for it, so terribly pleased. His orgasm inches closer, enveloping him with even deeper, thicker darkness. 
“To you, Daddy,” you cry out and because you called him by the title, he maneuvers you. Hoists you higher on his cock, with your legs now dangling from his forearms. And like this, he drags you up and down his length, his own moans breaking at the feeling of you tightening around him. He’s gonna come now and it’s your fault. 
“No, sweetheart, you can’t call me that when we’re here,” he scolds, shaking his head, brushing his lips against yours. “I can’t ruin you the way I’d like. They’d kick us out.” He kisses you, slowing down his tempo, stalling his orgasm. “Now apologize or you’re not coming.” 
“I’m so sorry. I won’t call you that in—in public.” 
A rewarding kiss to your neck. A hard stroke. One that blankets his vision with colorful stars. “Good girl,” he praises, looks down at you and kisses you without breaking the stare. “Now you need to be the best girl and come around my cock. I can’t fill you up—you didn’t wear your panties. I’d ruin your leggings for everyone to see.” You cry out again, the idea dizzying your mind as much as his and you tug at his hair, scratching your fingernails down his neck, touching him all over. “Can you do that for me? Can you come for me and not make a mess like the last time, hm?” 
He pounds into you, the strokes so hard that the sound of skin slapping turns disturbing and he holds his orgasm for your sake, all of his muscles clenched, stars dancing across his vision, pecking your features. And that’s it for you. 
You come so hard around him—and you are the bestest girl in the world because you manage to keep your eyes on him throughout the entirety of the wave of your orgasm washing over you, licking up at your body. Mouth parted, his name slipping past, a deep tinge of red, deeper than your dress, flushing your cheeks, eyes dazed, so gone, so fucked out, dark and alluring, so akin to his.
His bestest girl. His sweetheart. 
He needs to pull away. He needs to come. 
“Sweetheart, I know you’re tired but I need you to take off your dress and get on your knees.” 
You do it so quickly, without talking back, that even his own flush finds its way to his cheeks, his heart growing even larger and hotter, winged fuckers zapping his stomach. He fucks his fist in your face, loving the way you’re watching what he’s doing for a little while with a lingering hunger before you flick your eyes to his, beckoning his orgasm out of him. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, muscles straining, movement quickening. White clothes the colorful stars, the warmth in his stomach on the very brink of exploding. “Open your mouth.” 
And he paints your mouth in the same shade of white. You’re so good that you wrap your lips around him, sucking him softly, making popping sounds that prolong his orgasm and he grasps your hair in his fist, gently, despite the violence of his release. He’s not just giving you his cum; he’s giving you all of his affection and when you swallow and smile at him in such a kind, beautiful manner, it wets his eyes in a way that he can’t explain. 
He helps you get on your feet and you worsen his state of emotions. Like earlier, you fold into his form, hugging him skin to skin, squeezing him so hard that he stops breathing altogether. And when you begin to weep and smear his chest with your precious tears, he weeps with you. 
Never in his life before has he experienced such embrace, such love unraveling in the form of tears and quiet sobs. And he doesn’t want to absolve this again. With you, it’s perfect. And right now, he could die with the utmost certainty that you’re both crying for the same reason. 
Love unable to be real, to be fulfilled. 
He senses it. Senses it in the way he cradles your head and wipes your tears away. In the way your lips wrap around his, kissing him as if this was the very last time. You don’t have to say a word. He knows. And it’s enough. 
Jungkook dresses you. Runs his fingers through your hair in effort to fix it and make it look as nice as it did before he ruined it. And his eyes drench again when you zip him up in the meantime. No one has ever done that for him. 
The warmth in his heart heightens. He doesn’t understand how it’s possible. 
Taking your hand, purse and your dress, he leads you to check out. Pays for it. Carries the bag. Pretends you’re his; pretends his duties are nonexistent and his morals have different colors—just for this night. Doesn’t let go of your hand, even as he orders a good bowl of soup for you and himself, even as you sit down together and wait for your food. Even as you look at him deep in thought. 
“You saved me,” you unravel, a soft, tender, drowsy mien gracing your face and his heart thuds against his ribcage, gratitude surrounding it, eyes wetting again. “Thank you. And for the dress. I’ll only wear it for you.” 
The thuds halt. And it’s the only thing that does—a tear rolls down his cheek and he can’t truly believe he’s baring his feelings like that for you, in front of you. He feels as though he was dreaming and he fears he’s going to stir to awakening any moment now. 
A waiter brings your food. None of you pay him any kind of attention, though you don’t forget to say your thank you’s. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, despite the fact no words rise on his tongue, but something interrupts him. 
His phone rings. 
And it’s none other than his hyung himself. 
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makeitmingi · 5 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 18]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.3K
"Hwa hwa, you know I love you the most, right?" You threw your arms around the male, hugging him with a sweetest grin that you could muster. Seonghwa raised an eyebrow as he stared at you, more like glared at you.
"Yeah right. The only time (y/n) tells Seonghwa hyung she loves him is to get out of trouble." Jongho snorted.
"Shut up, Jongho." You hissed.
"Be nice." Seonghwa hit the back of your head, making you sulk. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Wooyoung wrapped his arms around your waist to back hug you.
"Woo~" You squirmed. Seonghwa sighed, stroking your head. He knew that you already knew what he was going to say.
"Are you tired?" He asked.
"Not at all. It was nice and relaxing. I needed this, to keep myelf busy." You looked up at him. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho knew what you meant.
"Plus, Yunho is good company." You added. All 3 boys looked up at Yunho, who was just standing there, trying to eavesdrop and watch what was happening without being noticed. He blinked when he realised that all the stared were at him. Embarrassed that they knew he was there, he cleared his throat.
"He made sure I sat down to rest after. And you! You're interfering with my coffee drinking! Even made sweet innocent Yunho turn against me." You raised a hand to hit Seonghwa.
"I-I made her a h-hot chocolate." Yunho confirmed, a little flustered to hear you call him 'sweet' and 'innocent'.
"Good. Now let's get to work." Seonghwa said, patting your head and completely ignoring you.
"I only need to fill my pasta. I'm letting my galbi and broth simmer for as long as I can let it. My garnishes and toppings are prepared." You told them.
"I'll start on apps with you?" Jongho offered. You nodded, about to walk when you noticed Wooyoung still latched to your waist.
"Wooyoung! Let me go." You patted his back. He puckered his lips in a pout before he unwillingly let you go.
You wore your apron again and went to wash your knife. This night was slightly different. With everyone working on their own dish, there wasn't a clear sous, prep or head chef. All of you just split the shared tasks while working on your own.
"Oh, wait. Let me check on the ice cream." You put your knife down and went to churners to check the consistency of the ice cream. Once they were done, you put them in the freezer.
"What's for dessert?" Yunho asked.
"That was smoked milk and vanilla ice cream. We're serving that with red bean jelly cubes, pieces of injeolmi rice cake and an almond tuile."
"Like flavours of patbingsoo but elevated." Seonghwa informed. You nodded in confirmation.
"For Western dessert, we're doing a burnt white chocolate panna cotta with raspberry swirl meringues, a passionfruit coolis and fresh mango cubes over." Jongho added.
"That sounds really nice. But burnt white chocolate?" Yunho leaned forward on his hands.
"Well, not burnt. More caramelised. White chocolate on its own is very sweet. But cook it until it becomes brown and caramelised, the flavour is a lot better and easier to balance." Wooyoung explained. Yunho nodded in interest. You continued working on the appetisers with Jongho.
"Hweh crudo. Take the marinated fish slices and roll it up with pea shoots, scallions and shredded perilla leaf. Minari (Water dropwort) jeon." You listed.
"We need to prep gujeolpan (plate with small wraps and 9 delicacy toppings)." Jongho reminded.
"Right. Then the confit tomatoes with pickles." You checked.
"I'll do the roasted eggplant with black olive doenjang and ponzu. Almost done here." Wooyoung voiced out as he worked on his dish at his bench. The door opened, the others entering.
"We're here early to help!" San declared loudly with his arms raised. Hongjoong and Yeosang shushed him.
"You can help us with the appetisers. Get aprons and wash your hands." You said.
The 4 main kitchen crew took turns. After Seonghwa and Wooyoung stepped in to guide those that didn't know their way around the kitchen, you and Jongho could work on your mains.
"Yunho, want to help me with my pasta?" You asked. Yunho's head shot up, looking for where you were in the kitchen before leaving Mingi and his task to go to you. He smiled excitedly as he bounded over like a puppy.
"So we need to shred the meat for the pasta. This is the galbi. Take two forks and pull them apart." You demonstrated.
"I can do that! And that smells so good." He pointed to the galbi. Grabbing a tasting spoon, you let him indulge in a bite. But soon, you had others around.
"Hey!" Yunho protested as you fed San, Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong too.
"Alright, get back to work." He scolded them. You stayed beside Yunho, rolling out the pasta dough.
"You don't need to shred every single piece entirely. You can leave them in different size pieces." You told Yunho. He nodded with a hum, sneaking a bite before continuing.
"Stop stealing the food." You scolded him with a laugh. Yunho grinned cheekily.
"I want to do Yunho's job too." Hongjoong whined.
"No! It's my job." Yunho barked back. He liked working with you, like your personal sous chef. Yunho watched you measured the dough with a ruler and cut it. You took bites of meat that Yunho had already shredded and placed it in the middle before closing it, joining the ends together.
"Ooh, can I try?" Yunho asked with sparkling eyes. You nodded and Yunho put the forks down temporarily for you to slowly demonstrate how to fold the pasta dough.
"Not too much filling or it'll burst." You advised.
"Yeah, just like that. Press the two ends." You leaned over to see Yunho's one.
"I'll finish up here and continue that." He smiled proudly, putting it aside before finishing his previous job of shredding the meat. Once he was done, he helped you fold the pasta.
"I'm not as fast as you." He pouted.
"You just started. I would already say you're already doing a great job." You smiled.
"Thank you." Yunho blushed from your compliment. He continued to make the pasta with you. You momentarily stepped away to check the seolleongtang broth that was bubbling away on the stove, giving it a taste to make sure it was getting there.
"How is it?" Yunho asked when you stepped back into your original spot. You looked up at him and nodded, telling him how the progress of the stock has been.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, there were a few sets of eyes staring at the two of you chat in your little corner. It was like you were in your own bubble, smiling as you chatted and made the pasta together.
"That's cute." Wooyoung noted. Yeosang nodded in agreement. Hongjoong let out an affectionate chuckle.
"They're in their own world over there." San chuckled.
"They're just talking, how is that cute?" Mingi blinked, completely missing what everyone was talking about. Hongjoong patted Mingi's shoulder sympathetically.
"It's okay not to get it, Mingi ah." Hongjoong chuckled. Seonghwa stared for a second, unknowingly clenching his jaw.
"Seonghwa hyung?" Jongho called out, breaking his brain fog. The look Jongho cast him, Seonghwa knew he had been caught spiralling in his brain. He was reminding the elder that he wasn't alone in the room. Clearing his throat, Seonghwa focussed on the cutting baord in the front of him.
"We're done here. Anyone need help on anything?" You came back to the center of the kitchen where everyone was still working.
"Appetisers are almost done. Do you want to start the dessert components with me?" Seonghwa asked you in a gentle voice. You nodded your head.
"Let's get the panna cottas in the fridge to set." You both went to get the ingredients from the walk in and pantry.
"Thanks for all the help, guys. But if you need to go prepare the front for tonight. Just go ahead, we've got it handled." You said to the 5.
"We should bring in the washed plates for tonight." Yeosang said. He and San went out to bring the plates in for the kitchen crew to use to plate the food on.
"Who is working the pass tonight?" You asked.
"I can be the main. But we'll have to rotate from time to time." Wooyoung volunteered.
"Sure. Just tap out when you need someone to take over." Seonghwa and Jongho agreed. With a small crew, this was how you had to make things work. You couldn't afford to have one person just at one station the whole night.
Soon, the crew that works the front of the restaurant all were busy trying to set up for the night, leaving only a few in the ktichen to work with your kitchen crew.
"Actually, Mingi. I would love to speak with your mother about cooking eels, preparing and procuring them." You said.
"I'm sure she'll be happy to share that knowledge with you, (y/n). She loves talking about food." He chuckled.
"Maybe she can give me her eel supplier. I would love to explore it as an ingredient more. Surprisingly, I have not been that exposed to working with it." You sighed.
"My mum's the right person to go to then. I should bring you to the restaurant one day." He replied.
"I'd love that." You had a small smile on your face.
"Let's cook the staff meal first. I have feeling we might end later than we usually do and we'll be too tired to cook for ourselves then." Seonghwa suggested. You checked the clock, about to decide what to whip up quickly for everyone but San and Mingi came over, volunteering to cook.
"You guys are busy enough. We'll take over and cook something up." San smiled.
"Thanks, guys." You, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho were very grateful that they stepped up and volunteered. San and Mingi were the best cooks out of the 5 so you weren't too worried.
"Shall we make curry rice?" Mingi suggested, holding the cubes of Korean curry up.
"I know how to make that." San laughed. The two began chopping vegetables, adding whatever meat they could find.
"Is anyone using these?" San came out of the walk in with a few packs of chicken thighs and sliced pork belly in his hands. You all shook your heads.
"I'll cook the rice. You start slicing the meat." Mingi instructed and went to get the rice cooker. The 4 of you made sure to be around them in case the two needed help. But San and Mingi were confident, they didn't want to ask for help.
"Mingi, sorry. Just a few minutes. Yunho needs another tall person to help." Hongjoong poked his head into the kitchen.
"Coming." Mingi went out.
"Hi, (y/n)ie." San smiled when you moved opposite him to check on the pasta that you made with Yunho earlier. You chuckled at the casual way he called you.
"Hi, Sannie." You returned the greeting. San looked up in surprise but smiled nonetheless, his dimple popping through.
"So are you excited for your parents to come tonight?" You asked him. He nodded.
"My parents live rather far in the countryside but when they visit, it is always a treat. I hope my older sister comes too. I miss all of them." San said.
"They must be really nice."
"They are. They treat everyone like their family." He laughed. You wondered what it must be like to have such a warm, welcoming family. Maybe your family would have been like that if your mother was still around. But even then, your father was someone that never liked you and your mother to be too friendly to others.
"(y/n)." Seonghwa called you. You looked up to see Seonghwa nodding over to where he was. Shooting San a small smile, you went over to him.
"Okay?" He whispered as you stood beside him. You let out a small hum, helping him with the dessert.
After a quick dinner, the kitchen was bustling for dinner service. You knew the parents came when the boys were all greeting them loudly and excitedly in the dining room.
"Hey." Yunho came in with all the parents behind him. You all stood up, bowing respectfully. He introduced whose parents were whose and the family members. Yunho's younger brother looked like him.
"Please, don't let us bother you. Or interrupt your flow." Mrs Song chuckled, waving a hand. She knew what it was like working in the kitchen, owning her own restaurant. You all returend to your food prep tasks.
"I'm Wooyoung. That's Seonghwa hyung, Jongho and (y/n)." Wooyoung, who was the closest, introduced all of you.
"(y/n). The head." Even if you were not looking at them, you felt all eyes fall on you. Jongho nodded at you, assuring that he could handle it. You straightened up and walked over.
"Nice to meet you." You bowed to them.
"Omo. You're so pretty." All the mothers flocked to you, cooing at you affectionately. You grew flustered, unsure of what to do or how to react.
"Okay, ommas. Let's give her some space." Yunho cut in, separating them from you. The fathers merely chuckled, shaking their heads while the mothers scolded Yunho.
"How talented you are. I heard you've been in many reputable kitchens at your age." Mrs Jeong said sweetly, holding your hand.
"Ah, no... It's all just for experience. I'm thankful for all the opportunities given to me." You gave an awkward smile. Yunho cleared his throat and his mother pulled away, shooting her son a look. You bowed your head and went back to help, not wanting to leave the others on their own for long.
"Alright, we shall let them get back to work. Let's go back out." Yunho ushered all of them out of the kitchen. He let a sigh, hoping his mother didn't scare you too much.
"What happened?" Mingi asked.
"Our mothers were smothering (y/n)." Yunho rolled his eyes as the parents took their seats.
"Hyung, (y/n) and those guys are so talented. Why would they want to work for you?" Gunho asked. Yunho shot his younger brother a flat look while Mr Jeong nudged his youngest son.
"Because I am an amazing boss, okay?" Yunho scoffed.
"Mmm, sure." Yeosang coughed. Hongjoong handed out the menus to the parents for them to see what they would like to order.
"Omma, order (y/n)'s dish. I helped make it." Yunho leaned over, pointing to which dish you made on the menu. Mrs Jeong nodded with a hum.
"Hyung helped make it? I'm so not going to order it." Gunho shook his head. Mingi snickered, reaching over to hi-five him. Yunho threatened to hit them. But in the presence of other customers, he wasn't going to.
"Order coming in for the VIP tables." Wooyoung warned as he started to read off the order slips that were coming through.
"Let's go." You all began to work on the appetisers together that would be served first. Wooyoung, at the pass, would finish up with sauces and garnishes before sending the plate out to be served.
"Service." Wooyoung put the plates out for the other boys to bring out to the table.
"Let's start getting ready for mains so we can fire once they are done with apps. In case we need to float." You said to everyone.
"How is it going in here?" Yunho came into the kitchen. You were straining your seolleongtang stock, getting it ready to plate the mains later.
"How are the appetisers?" Seonghwa asked, setting up his oven smoker with the tea leaves for his duck.
"Oh, they love it. Every single dish, I had to stop them from ordering seconds before the mains. But at least they're all excited for the mains now." Yunho grinned proudly. When you were done, you helped Jongho with setting up his binchotan grill for the cod fillets. Yunho came over to you.
"Need help?"
"No, we're good here. You should go out and be with your parents. In case they need anything." You put a hand on his arm. Yunho pouted but nodded, obediently leaving the kitchen.
"We can start firing the mains." Wooyoung said, having observed the dining room from his position at the pass.
"Gunho looks like Yunho. A younger version." You chuckled as you took the pasta out of the boiling water. You missed the odd look that your friends shot you.
"Cuter?" Jongho asked, wanting to add fuel to the fire.
"Maybe." You shrugged.
"What?!" The door burst open and Yunho yelled in disbelief, making you all jump in shock. Hongjoong, who was outside, bowed in apology to the surprised customers before hurriedly pushing Yunho in the kitchen.
"Geez, Yunho! There are customers! You can't just suddenly yell like that." He scolded in a hiss before exiting to return to the dining room.
"Yunho, don't do that. You're disrupting customers and it's not safe where we're working with knives here." You frowned.
"Wait, do you seriously think Gunho is cuter than me?" Yunho planted his hand on the counter, blocking your way with his body. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho snickered.
"Does it matter? Now, I need to plate my dish." You said, walking around him to go to the plates.
"Yes, it matters to me!" Yunho threw a tantrum, stomping his food as he whined.
"(y/n)~" He whined when he realised that you were ignoring him. You plated each pasta on each plate, making sure the positions of each pasta was accurate and similar. He leaned down in front of you.
"(y/n), tell me I'm cuter than Gunho." He said. You rolled your eyes, patting his head to pacify him then walking to get the seolleongtang into a jug so you could pour it over the pasta. Yunho sulked, following you around like a puppy with separation anxiety. You poured the broth over, garnishing with two oils.
"Pass me the egg garnish." You instructed. Yunho sighed but handed the containers for you to put the garnishes over.
"Bring these out for service, will you?" You told him and went to prepare the other portions. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho called the others for service too.
"Yah. Don't just stand there. Keep moving." Mingi clicked his tongue as he carried the dishes in his hands.
"We might have a little lull time before dessets." Wooyoung said.
"(y/n). Tell me I'm better than Gunho." Yunho came in again, still pushing his agenda. You raised an eyebrow at him. He was seriously a pouty puppy.
"I don't know Gunho well enough to know if you're truly better than him. That's biased." You pointed out.
"True." San, who overheard, voiced in agreement. Yunho whipped around, glaring at San.
"Get out." He pointed at the door. San scoffed and rolled his eyes before going out. Turning back around, Yunho saw that you had slipped away. You were still doing the few orders for mains and appetisers that came in.
"Service." You handed the plates to Wooyoung. Yeosang came in to take them out to the dining room. Seonghwa and Jongho also served what they finished working on. Yunho brought them out.
"Let's take 5." Seonghwa suggested. You stepped out the back door for a breather. Yunho came back to find you missing.
"I'm just taking a breather, Yunho." You said when he stepped out of the back door.
"I know." He said, taking a seat beside you on the stoop. With his body practically brushing against yours, you didn't move away uncomfortably. You sat there in silence.
"Why were you so adament on me thinking you're better than Gunho? It doesn't matter what I think." You asked with a chuckle.
"No, it matters to me." Yunho said firmly.
"Because you can't like Gunho. I want to be the only one that you like." He frowned.
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violetsiren90 · 2 months
The Lighthouse Keeper
~a What the Moon Saw drabble~
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Pairing: Yoongi x f!Reader (What the Moon Saw universe)
Genre: drabble; non-idol AU; friends to lovers; childhood friends, angst
Summary: Life moves on. The moon blooms and wilts. The tide sinks away from the sands and returns with new waters. Yoongi stays.
Content warnings: PG rating, but ALL my content is off-limits to minors; drinking and drunkenness (set in a cantina); cigarette smoking; Yoongi gets hit on; longing and pining; sad Yoongi 😔; some ogling of a female character by Hoseok; reference to the death of a minor character; allusions to domestic violence; allusions to semi-homelessness; allusions to casual sexual encounters; this is just pure angst, honestly.
Word Count: ~1600
Author's Note: This has been sitting in my WIP folder, and in the wee hours of the morning last week I sat in a hospital cafeteria with the shittiest cup of coffee I've ever tasted (that I was nonetheless grateful for) and finished it up. Poor, sweet Yoongi . These two are my comfort couple and coming back to them has a way of reminding me that "nobody knows how the story ends - live the day, do what you can."*
As always, if no one has told you today, please know that you're loved, and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
*"Nobody Knows", the Lumineers
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"Alright, old buddy, what's got you down?" 
     A slim, dark-haired young man slid into the booth across from Yoongi. The older man's eyes softened slightly, and his mouth quirked up into a small smile as he regarded his companion over a swig of Pacifico.
     "Who says I'm down?" he asked in a mildly affronted tone, drawing a hand over his beer-slicked lips.
     The other man's mouth broke into a toothy smile, his lips pulling into a heart-shaped grin as he let out a boisterous peal of laughter.
     "You never call these days unless you are," he rejoined, grabbing a foggy acrylic standee from the center of the table and squinting at its small list of beverages. "Geez, they really don't have much of a selection here, do they?" 
     Yoongi snorted.
     "Since when are you an alcohol connoisseur? You don't even drink, Hoba."
     "I do too!"
     A waitress sidled up to their table and slid a food menu in front of Hoseok, who trailed wide eyes up her tattooed arm to her bright blue pixie cut with a thick swallow.
     "Our mango ahi tacos are on special tonight," she hummed with a wink.
     The young man's ears flushed a bright shade of crimson as he stammered something about passing on the food but wondering if they had any ciders. She pocketed her tongue in her cheek as she flicked her eyes to Yoongi.
     "You hungry?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow and tilting a hip clad in low-slung cargo pants and a studded belt in his direction. Yoongi looked up at her and shook his head, taking another sip of beer.
     "Hm, damn shame," she hummed, flicking her eyes over him a last time before sauntering back to the bar.
     Hoseok tracked her every move with a slack jaw, craning his neck to watch her slip through the kitchen door before turning his face - features, still frozen in lascivious astonishment - back to his friend.
     "Holy shit, hyung," he murmured, covering his mouth with both hands, "You could see her nipple piercings right through her shirt!"
     Yoongi grunted in assent, trailing a cloudy gaze over the table's waxy surface as he picked at the bottle's damp label.
     "You gonna get her number?"
     "What?" Yoongi shifted in his seat, eyes refocusing on his friend.
     Hoseok sighed.
     "Nope, you're not. How long's it been, hyung?"
     Yoongi glanced down at his beer again, then raised it to his lips and drained the bottle.
     Jung Hoseok had met Yoongi the summer between freshman and sophomore year of high school. He had attached himself instantly to the older boy, an unusual experience for Yoongi, who was used to people as sunny as Hoseok steering clear of his little storm cloud. He was one of the few friends from those days that Yoongi still called up, on occasion. One of the few who knew the context of his life - the sandy paths on which he'd come of age...what he'd found there, and what he'd lost.
    "Don't, Hoba," Yoongi murmured lowly, his voice suddenly thick in his throat. 
    Hoseok hummed, lips pulled into a thin line. The waitress returned with a hard cider, a Pacifico, and a plate of nachos they hadn't ordered. While Hoseok changed shades like a chameleon on a tomato and attempted to stammer his thanks, Yoongi cast his eyes out the window.
The sun was hanging low in the sky, the gulls pushing their yellow legs from weathered wooden perches to soar beyond the edge of the pier and into the little golden space between the fading light and sparkling waters. The sandy beach stretched around the edge of a rising rockface, dappled with lush green ice plant and yellow sea asters, a few miles to the north. Around the other side of the stony promontory was a place Yoongi knew well. The shore there drew inward and curved into another swell of land as the cliff rose; near its highest stretch an old wooden stairway weaving down its face.
     Tucked away to the side of those stairs was a ledge - a few meters wide and about as deep - that jutted out as the cliff sloped down to its base. It was smooth and fairly even, nearly level with the closest steps; a perfect little hideaway barely visible from above or below. Perfect for two children to sit, huddled against the rock, as they whispered their dreams and fears; for a boy and a girl to hold each other through nights that couldn't be spent at homes far less warm and gentle than each other's arms; for a young man and woman to give themselves to one another at last and too late.
    It was where Yoongi had sat utterly broken, on the last morning of a summer ten years past, his head tilted back against the stone as he wept up to the sky, praying to any god that would listen that you would run fast and run far - that you would finally spread full your beautiful wings...that you would forget him.
    But Yoongi never forgot you. Not one word that you spoke, not one touch of your gentle fingers or your soft lips.
     He had left the ledge that day, but he had carried you with him - down the beach and back into the horrid little shack where three nights later Yoongi's father hit him for the very last time. Yoongi had carried you with him to the doorstep, as he threw the man out into the dirt. Then he had carried you with him to every couch and car and dingy apartment that served as a night's shelter until he had saved up enough for a little place of his own; had carried you around with the tools and lumber as he spent long, hot days building the tiny workshop beside it. And he had carried you, on a some miserable nights, into the beds of strangers - who, through no fault of their own, could never ever compare.
    "My dad died," Yoongi said drawing his eyes away from the window. He said it with a quiet simplicity that he seemed to embody more and more with age.
    Hoseok looked up from the plate of nachos, mouth full. He looked as if he were sorry, but didn't want to say that. Instead he got up and slid onto Yoongi's bench of the booth, gently shoving the older man over to stay flush with his side. Yoongi wouldn't usually tolerate that sort of closeness, but with Hoseok it was different. Hoseok knew.
    "How's your mom?" he asked softly.
    Yoongi nodded.
    "She's okay. She's taking it better than me, actually. Already talking about leaving."
    "Are you going to?"
    Hoseok's voice sounded hopeful. Yoongi's right hand slipped instinctively into his jacket pocket, slender fingers curling around a little whittling knife with a pink heart painted on its handle. 
    "I don't think so, Hoba."
    The younger man sighed through his nose. He was quiet for a long moment before turning to his friend.
    "I got an offer from a high school down south. VP. I start there in the fall."
    Yoongi raised his gaze, his small smile affectionate and his eyes soft. He wouldn't let the sadness reach them - he'd learned how to push it away.
    "They'll be lucky to have you," he murmured sincerely.
    Yoongi was used to people moving on. Everyone did...everyone but him. While the world turned, Yoongi stayed.
    "Someday, you need to leave, hyung,” Hoseok urged him quietly. “She's out there somewhere living her life. She'd want you to live yours too."
    At the mention of you, Yoongi felt his heart squeeze and ten years of carrying your memory well up and into his throat.
    Hoseok clapped a hand onto Yoongi's back, and raised the cider to his lips.
Hoseok knew, but he didn’t understand. No one ever really seemed to.
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    As the cantina closed its door for the night, Yoongi ushered a stumbling Hoseok into the back of a cab. 
    "You're nah coming?" the younger man slurred as Yoongi stood and moved to shut the door. 
    He shook his head.
    "Gonna walk. Goodnight, Hoba," Yoongi gave his friend a little endeared crook of his mouth before closing the cab door and tapping the back of the car as it rolled away from the pier.
    Pulling a pack of Marlboros from his pocket, he watched the cab's red taillights fade into the evening blue. Yoongi lit a cigarette and turned to walk the path that wove along the edge of the cliffs. While he walked he wondered about you. He wondered if you were safe, if you smiled and laughed. He wondered if there was someone who made your eyes sparkle and your smile shy, someone with whom you could share your joys and sorrows. Yoongi wondered if you had found a home.
      The moon had risen to meet the stars when he reached the little stairway. He gingerly descended its rungs - neglected of repair and worn with their years - until he reached it, the little ledge in the moonlight. He stepped onto its smooth surface, the lower half of the rickety railing long fallen away, and sinking down he closed his eyes.
    The full bright moon washed over him, and for a moment, Yoongi felt it understood. It had seen, after all.
It had seen the boy and the girl and what they had become for each other. It had seen you give Yoongi a home, and it had watched him, in return, teach you to fly - to fly far away.
But Yoongi carried you with him. After all, you were his home, where else would he go? As the wind whipped up off the sea and swept around him, whispering of another summer's end, the moon watched Yoongi stay another season. And if it could have seen his heart, it would have watched him go to its little window, and, as the darkness fell, light a lamp to shine out across the sea.
The moon heard Yoongi pray that you'd never return.
…It saw him stay on the chance that you might.
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
me and you, and you and me; just us, and your friend jungwon
a/n. they love jay sm i just had to write it after a couple of tiktoks that i saw 😭 like someone asked jungwon how he peels a mango and he started with “jay hyung–“ 😭😭😭 also this is for my beloved @slytherinshua i hope it can make u feel even a bit better :D
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dating park jeongseong is a dream. he himself is a dream. you knew what you signed up for when you started dating him – being enhypen jay’s girlfriend meant that you had to make some sacrifices, like giving up normal dates. however, it turned out it wasn’t the biggest… obstacle.
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you were casually sitting on jay’s lap in the living room, his eyes focused on the movie playing in the background. the boys were out to eat (the truth was that heeseung knew you need some time alone and urged them all to just leave the dorm for an hour or two) so you were able to cuddle onto jay freely. it’s not that he minded pda but it’s rather you who was still hesitant when the guys were around. (your boyfriend thinks it’s cute and he doesn’t insist on changing anything).
so he’s not surprised that you start pecking his face, giggling between the kisses. jay shifts his gaze to you, eyes full of love.
“you’re way too adorable, you know?” he hums and you grab his face in your hands before placing a quick kiss on his lips “come on, that was way too fast”
you grin teasingly, tilting your head. jay’s hands shift to your hips, thumbs drawing circles in a soothing motion.
“yeah–?” you didn’t get to finish because jay placed a long kiss on your lips, knocking air out of your lungs.
just when you pulled away, the doors suddenly opened.
“jay hyung which pants should i get?! the black or the red ones? both are really cool but – hi y/n! – i feel like red is more my color you know?” jungwon started talking, plopping on the couch next to you and jay.
you hid your face in the crook of jay’s neck, opposite side from jungwon, hiding your reddening face.
“mhm those are cool” jay hummed, turning his head to his younger friend’s phone, his fingers drawing shapes on your t-shirt now “but those seem to be made out of a better material if i’m being honest…” jay started thinking out loud.
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you opened the door to their dorm, excitement buzzing through your veins. you just came from shopping with your friends, looking forward to show jay what you purchased.
“hi guys!” you greeted the boys in the room, no signs of jungwon and jay in sight.
“hi y/n! what’s up?” jake asked, eyes turning from the screen to you. they were all invested in the fifa match that jake, heeseung, riki and sunghoon were playing. sunoo was just watching something on his phone but waved at you as well.
“i went shopping. oh, hi jungwon!” you hummed upon seeing the leader entering the room as well. he sent you a warm smile, although there was a puzzled expression on his face.
“hi y/n” he nodded. there was a moment of silence with the game’s rustle in the background.
“have you seen jay–“ you and jungwon blurted out in the same moment, causing all of the boys burst out laughing.
“i’m in the kitchen!” your boyfriend called and jungwon hesitated but insisted on you going first.
“hi baby” jay hummed upon seeing you and wiped his hands against the apron. while placing a kiss on his cheek, he cocked an eyebrow “how was your meeting with your friends?”
“so fun! i wanted to–“ you stopped when you noticed his gaze shifting. as you turned around you noticed jungwon in the doorway, fidgeting nervously
“sorry to bother but it’s really an emergency. i think i might have messed up…?” the leader mumbled, sending you an apologetic look. you just sighed and moved away, so that jay could walk up to the younger one.
you ended up playing fifa with boys, absolutely destroying them in 1v1s matches.
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“oh wow” jay’s eyes widened upon seeing you. you did a dramatic twirl and chuckled, stepping inside “you look… woah. i’m speechless. when did you get that dress?”
“not long ago. remember when– nevermind. are you ready to go?” you asked, scanning his figure “you don’t look bad yourself, mr park!”
“and what do you think about my hair?” jay asked, grabbing his wallet before grabbing your hand.
“it’s… way too hot” you mumbled and watched him close the door.
“jungwon said i should slick my hair back and apparently i should do this more often, judging on your reaction” jay teased, looking at you.
he looked handsome, really. in a suit, with his hair styled and a fashionable watch on his wrist. a real gentlemen. you, on the other hand, wore a black dress on straps with a loose belt that you tied in a ribbon. jay wanted to take you on a date – he didn’t say where. just that there’s dress code.
“so? where are you taking me?” a hum left your lips and you grabbed his hand, following him.
“you’ll see. i hope you have comfortable shoes though” he let out a small giggle.
jay only told you that you were going to a restaurant. you had to take a walk there but nevertheless it was worth it. seoul streets covered in streetlight and night sky above you set you in a romantic mood.
“i don’t think we’ve been here before” you blurted out, looking around.
“yeah. jungwon recommended this place to me and i have to say, it’s stunning” jay said. you almost rolled your eyes, noticing that the dishes you ordered are on their way “actually, the one you chose is jungwon’s favourite–”
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it was a chill sunday morning, some rain was falling. you looked out of the window, sighing.
“jay…” jungwon whined, grabbing the offer’s sleeve
“yes, baby?” jay answered almost mechanically but you sensed a glint of playfulness in his voice. everyone – including you – looked at him “what? he’s my baby”
“i’m so done with you two” you scoffed, wrapping your arms around your knees to bring them closer. you didn’t want to make a fuss out of it. because you really like jungwon, you really do but is it normal that jay and him act more like a couple than you…?
“oh, someone is jealous?” jake giggled, poking your leg
“shut up, jaeyun” you bit back more aggressively than you intended to. jungwon snuggled onto jay dramatically and your boyfriend threw an arm around him with a smirk.
“you’re so jealous. relax, baby” jay grinned.
“don’t call me baby. apparently he’s your baby–” you stopped mid sentence, realising that no one is taking you seriously. you stood up with a huff and started to leave “–i’ll give you some space so you can make out!”
“ooooh!” riki cooed, the boys breaking into giggles.
welp, here goes not making a fuss out of it.
they look at each other and the empty air chair that you were sitting on just a while ago.
“well, to be fair you and jungwon do act like an couple. he’s all over you like, always” heeseung speaks up slowly, looking at their leader.
“it’s just a bromance!” sunghoon grins, earning a head shake from jungwon. he stands up and follows you quietly.
“hi y/n…?” his voice rings up from behind a door. you fidget with a plushie that jay once bought you.
“come on in” you sigh. jungwon steps inside, closing the door “i’m sorry–“
“no, i’m sorry. i know i’m a bit too much sometimes but i just appreciate jay hyung so much and i look up to him. he’s amazing… you know that, duh. you’re his girlfriend after all” the leader says and plops down on the bed, pout on his lips “i just failed to realise that… you’re in his life too. and i really like you as well. i’ll try not to disturb you two but… i just can’t help it, he’s so cool”
“i’m cooler though” you scoff, causing him to grin. you lay down, hugging the plushie tightly “i appreciate you saying it. sometimes i’m jealous because you two just have such an amazing friendship, you know? but i’m sorry too. i overreacted”
jungwon shook his hand and rested his head on the pillows, closing his eyes.
“i just hope i didn’t cross the line and we can be friends as well” he mumbled.
“won, i never said we can’t! we can be friends, i’d love to! i swear i’m like one thousand times better than him” you grinned and ruffled his hear. a wide grin spread on the boy’s lips as he pulled you into a hug “and i don’t make roblox faces all the time…”
your giggles slowly faded away and jay finally stood up, wanting to check up on you. and why it got so quiet suddenly.
he almost melted upon seeing you two napping together peacefully. because the truth is that the both of you hold a special place in his heart (along with the rest five boys, of course) and he was glad to see you bonding.
(however, he was not glad to find out that you already exchanged goofy pictures of him and shared embarrassing stores that mainly included him)
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @kazmura
410 notes · View notes
turtledovenycx · 7 months
𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞-𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲 (𝐅.𝐋) 𝟐
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🎧Because (Changbin and Felix) - STRAY KIDS
🎧we fell in love in October - girl in red
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐅𝐖/ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖
𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏| 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐| 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐚𝐠: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
⁀➴ 𝐖.𝐜 𝟒.𝟐𝐤
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⚠️: 𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐡! 𝐬𝐡𝐡��! 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥
“Which flavor?” Felix asked opening the big freezer with different varieties of Ice cream and cold desserts.
After your breakdown Felix convinced you to get ice cream together, trying to be as assuring as he could, smiling softly and taking your hand as the two of you walked to the store. 
“Mango,” you say softly as he picks two mango bars and goes to the register.
The evening was cool the wind tickled your red nose making you sniff as you waited for him outside. 
“Here you go,” he said pushing the treat into your hands. Silently you opened the pack. The sweetness melting in your mouth, and your headache fading.
Looking back you saw Felix sitting on the footpath his knees bent. He looked up at you and patted the spot next to him. Following him you placed your feet similarly and the two of you ate in silence. 
“Want to talk?” he asked, you shook your head 'no' unable to form your feelings into words. He deflated a bit, he really wanted you to speak to him, and tell him your worries but he did not want to force it out. Felix's ears perked as he heard you speak up. 
“I broke Minho’s board,” you say softly.
“Is that why you were crying?” he asked eyes trained on yours as you looked down like a scolded child. You nodded, feeling bad again until you heard soft giggles. Felix laughed in a way that made you feel silly, a good silly. He was not mocking you this dude genuinely found you funny ... and cute.
“Oh you’re so cute, don't cry. Hyung does not skate anymore pretty.” the pet name made your stomach flip as you willed your face to stay as calm as it could. 
“He won’t mind it was an old board too, I promise, it's not a big deal,” Felix reassured before collecting the waste wrappers. He turned around to see you look up at him. 
“Let me walk you home,” he says grabbing his board tucking it in his arms, and waiting for you to catch up. 
The community was almost asleep, everyone in the comfort of their homes, lights slowly shutting off on different floors of the buildings as you and Felix make your way to yours.
“My parents fight a lot.” you blurted out, the two of you stopped in your tracks. “The night when you found me crying I had run away. They can get really mean,” you explain not looking at him. “I- I did not break it... My dad broke the board…. He was angry and it all happened so quickly that I could not stop him. Just like I can’t stop them from fighting...... I'm sorry.” arms wrap around you once again hesitantly. Felix brought you into his embrace once more.
“Hey, it's okay. It's okay hmm? Does he hurt yo-” he asked feeling protective of you 
“Oh god no, they just say stuff,” you say, scared to talk too much.
"What made him so angry?"
"He- I came home late? I'm not sure. He got so angry when I told him I skate now." you sniffled remembering your dad call your friends junkies, what if he stopped you from coming here?
“I love skateboarding, I don’t want to stop. I love it, I love hanging out with you guys.” tears slipped through your eyes again. 
“You don’t have to stop. Ever. In fact, I'll come to pick you up every day... I mean.. if you want that?” Felix whispered a little embarrassed at his final statement, even though the two of you were standing in a space with no one in sight. You let out a breathy chuckle, "No, it's okay."
At his assurance you felt better, you looked up to see his eyes on you, the space between the two of you almost negligible.
For a split second his eyes fell onto your parted lips before quickly turning to release you from his hold. He missed the soft color on your cheeks, your face feeling warm despite the breeze. 
“Are you okay now?” he asks looking back to see your building, lights on in your apartment. 
“Yeah, I should go home before…” you say you did not wish to leave. not wanting to leave him, he walked you to your balcony. 
“I’m gonna go in.” but before you could climb over the small gate he held your hand.
“Lemme take this,” he said gently removing the bag from your grasp with the broken board. "I'll give it to Hyung."
“Please, tell Minho I’m sorry, I can pay him back... I can-”
“Shh, it’s okay. I told you he won’t mind. Hyung has a new board he barely skates. Don’t worry about it okay?” he smiled, bringing a small smile to your face too. You climbed the fence and looked back to see him turn to leave. 
“Felix, I- Thank you.”
He looked back at you the bag slung over his shoulders. He just winked at you before getting on his board and rolling away. That was when you knew for real. You were falling for Lee Felix.
 Felix boarded straight home his heart warm, ‘she talked to me, she told me… I made her feel like she was okay… I made her smile.’ the smile never left his face until he dialed Minho to explain.
"YOU BROKE MY BOARD!!!" the elder's voice echoed through his Samsung, okay so he may have lied. Minho absolutely fucking minded that his board was broken, but obviously, he wouldn't let you know that.
"Hyung, you have to let me explain." the bluehead tried to calm the furious guy on call. good thing he didn't go to hyung's apartment.
Minho was definitely going to be mad but who cares when he remembers you smiled at him. The Cat dad calmed down once Felix explained your situation, his worry drifting to you, asking if you were okay to which Felix proudly said "I made sure she was fine."
Falling for Felix was also easy like befriending him, and it happened quickly.
Now when you visited the ramp your eyes searched for the cotton candy blue hair. You tried to stare without him noticing you, blushing when his eyes caught you - it has happened too many times too- Han catching on quickly and teasing, you sometimes too loud on purpose so that Felix looked over to the commotion.
"Careful..." his deep voice whispered close to your ears. too close you could feel his breath hit the top of your ears. You were currently in his arms, one foot still on the wayward board. Someone had accidentally pushed you too hard, that someone being Han who thought it would be funny to push you like you guys were some high schoolers. You would have fallen if it wasn't for Felix, who came running as soon he saw the scene go down.
"That wasn't funny Ji, She could have been hurt," he told Jisung who was standing across from you. He had a nice jawline... you thought as you looked up to see him glare at Jisung,
"You okay?" Jisung asked you ignoring the scolding from Felix and Chae.
"I'm okay, I wasn't ready sorry it's my fault." you quickly release yourself from his hold and get off the board.
"No, it wasn't." you heard the Aussies deep voice.
"Don't get your boxers in a twist we were only playing." Han scoffed after making sure you were okay.
Felix rolled his eyes before he was pulled away by Chan.
“Haha he likes you,” Han whispered to you earning an elbow to his side. It was fine because you liked him too, you just did not know how to say it. 
You were getting good at skating too, finally learning to get on and off, braking and gliding.
Felix helped you a lot more now, after the ice cream trip he was progressively spending more time with you.
Always walking you home (sometimes using lame excuses like I’m on the way even though everyone knows his home is two blocks from your building), helping you learn tricks, and most importantly coming out at night so that you are not alone when things get too much at your place.
He held you on nights you cried and then made you cry from laughter on nights you were feeling better. You slowly began opening up to him, telling him all sorts of things that happen at home, at your university, in class. He became a second presence to you, always having backup headphones and enough change for snacks. and never complaining when he had to sit with you all night on some days. Felix enjoyed this hangout as much as you did, he didn't mind he had to sacrifice sleep as long as he got to listen to your voice.
Time flew and the feelings between the two of you grew though they remained unspoken.
One particular incident was when the group was resting, chatting about this and that when Felix placed his head on your shoulder. You froze turning your head to look at him, eyes closed peacefully and basking in the sun, he stayed like that till everyone got up to leave, and a faint blush dusted your cheek. 
They were obvious to everyone now that there was something going on between you both . It was bolder, lingering touches on your waist, always placing your hand in his while walking with you. It became a need to be always close to each other, sitting side by side with the group.
A few weeks in one day you reach the park Hyunjin's spare tucked safe in your arm, you now borrowed boards from each of them so that you do not have to take them home.
“Hey, Chan.” you greeted him as you walked into the skate park. As usual, you scanned the park for a glimpse of Felix. Weird last night that he had said he would be there.
“Hiya” Han called you over to where he sat,
“Hey,” you say walking over to him but still looking around. 
“Where is Felix?” you asked, as you put your stuff on the bench. Han grimaced slightly before looking at you. 
“He didn’t tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” 
“Felix is leaving..” 
“What?” you felt your old anxiety rise,
“He is leaving?" The question is more rhetorical, it should not hurt you that much but it did. The sadness also arises from the fact he did not say a word yesterday to you when you met him.
“Yeah, I think so… I’m sorry I thought you knew,” Han said realizing that you might actually cry right now. 
“You okay?” his hands reached for yours. 
“Yeah, ahem- yeah I’m fine, it’s just a surprise. Where is he?”
“Not sure… I can ask…” you nodded before turning to Chan who had walked over to the two of you. Throughout the whole day, everyone tried to make small talk with you but your silence persisted. Chae even offered to buy you sweets and later insisted on walking you home. 
“He won’t leave without saying anything,” Chase reassured you. After Felix and Hannie, Chae talked the most to you. You provided a small smile nodding at her, even though Chae was reassuring the whole group was worried as Han dropped the news and Felix had vanished.
“Yeah of course…. Thanks for walking me Chae,” you say keeping the goodbye short. Before returning home you looked through the window again, catching a glimpse of Chae’s red hair reminding you of the long-haired boy. 
“Dude, your friend was at the skatepark.”
“Who” you ask abandoning the book you were reading to look over at your sister who was hanging her coat in the room. 
“I don’t know his name the one with the blue hair.”
Felix?! Did he come back? Did he come to say bye?
Thoughts rushed into your mind as you slipped on your outfit and slipped out of the room. You sprinted to the skatepark not wanting to miss the chance to see him … maybe for the last time. The thought scared you, you did not want to lose Felix, not Felix. You had lost the comfort of your home, your peace of mind, and your parents. You saw the tuft of blue hair disappear as he rolled down the ramp and he emerged on the other side side stepping off the board. 
“You’re leaving?” you ask approaching him as he braked and got off the board. 
“Did Han tell you?” he asked, you nodded “yes.” there was a moment of awkward silence. A moment.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you say reaching him. He stayed quiet eyes trained on you. 
“You didn’t come for four days, were you just gonna leave like that?” your own voice sounding doubtful of itself. Felix had no obligation to you, you did not even know if he felt the same way for you, why would he tell you if he was leaving? 
“I wasn’t -…” he cut off as you started speaking again for eyes looking everywhere but his.
“Don’t leave please,” you whispered drawing his attention to you. 
“Don’t leave, Han is gonna miss you it might break him, Hyunjin today promised to show you his book if you stayed and Chan almost cried. Chae promised to break your legs, Bin and Seungmin are… everyone will just….”  
“And you?” Felix stepped closer to you, 
“Hmm?” you say confident you had misheard him. 
“What about you, when I leave?” 
“I will be sad about not having you here too.” 
“And?” another step closer, your feet stay rooted. 
“I will have to console Han.”
“You won’t miss me?”
“I… I don’t know.” you mentally slap yourself,
“That’s it?” he asks the small smile falling from his face, he was close to you now towering over your figure as you stared into his eyes. 
“What else is there?” you whisper his eyes bore into yours as you got distracted by his freckles. 
“Nothing else?” he spoke lowly, hands gripping your elbows softly. 
 The words on the tip of your tongue. Come on spit it out, this may be your only chance. But you couldn’t. Fear of rejection. Fear, in general, stopped you from at least trying to get what you wanted the most right now. Felix.  
 He sighed before stepping away, “I-... I think about you a lot.” he says stopping himself from continuing but his words were a reassurance you needed then.
Felix turned around and grabbed his board ready to walk away as he felt you grip his forearm and turn his body to face yours again.
You could not say bye to him at least not without showing him how you felt so you took hold of his face, and leaned on your toes to press your lips against his.
The board fell from his grasp as you scrunched your eyes tight. Felix first thought he was dreaming, but after his hands felt the soft fabric of your jacket, he knew he wasn’t, you were right here. Kissing him.
He moved his arms to wrap around you as you pulled away heels touching the floors again. You caught your breath looking at him, hands bunching up his t-shirt’s collar. He leaned down to capture your lips once more between his, a small sound of surprise escaping you as he held your face. The lights of the park turned off signaling it was late at night yet the two of you did not separate.
Kissing Felix felt less scary than you thought, his lips were so soft and he tasted like the watermelon-flavoured gum he chewed a lot. The two of you pulled away and his eyes shot open to find yours closed still. Your heart was beating and it could be heard in your ears.
“I like you,” you say loud enough for him to hear. Just him. Your eyes were still closed as you continued “I will miss you. A lot and I can’t leave without letting you know how I feel, I will regret it. I like you Felix.” he placed a peck on the tip of your nose, coaxing you to open your eyes. You did to find his forehead touching yours as he smiled. 
He pecked your lips once more. “I really like you too,” he whispered. The words he said lifted a weight off you, relief flooding at the prospect of him reciprocating his feelings for you. 
“You do?” you ask, his arms now held onto your waist as you move farther away to look at his face. 
“I do. I like you so much,” he says not a hint of doubt in his voice. The butterflies in his stomach would not settle as he saw your eyelashes flutter at his confession. It was like you were willing yourself to believe. The momentary happiness dissolved as you remembered he was leaving, Felix frowned as your smile dropped. 
“When are you leaving?” you ask pulling away completely his board was by your feet so you picked it up needing something to fiddle with. And he let you, Felix usually did not like people touching or messing with his board, he once almost pushed Seungmin off the ramp for hiding his board but when you picked it up it felt natural to him, he liked that you liked his board. 
“Will I see you again before you go?” you ask, you feel like crying you’ve been feeling so for the past four days. You missed him. 
A pause before he grinned.
“You will see me tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and on and on,” he says smiling his toothy smile. “I’m not leaving.” 
“What?” you ask blinking as if that would clear things up. 
“My family is leaving, they are shifting back to my hometown. I’m staying here.” 
He wasn’t leaving. He wasn’t leaving! you had confessed and he wasn’t leaving. Wait .. you thought he was leaving oh no you kissed him, you will see him tomorrow and you kissed him.
“You.. you’re not, leaving?” you ask 
“No, I’m not.” “But Han,”
“He assumed that I was leaving, I just went to find him and explain before I could talk to the others everyone just thought I was leaving.” he chuckled.
“Oh my god, you’re not leaving.”
“No, but hey it made you kiss me.” he winked but you were mad. You pushed his shoulder his laughter increasing. 
“You’re an ass. You could not have told me this these four days or .. or right before we…” 
“We?” he was giggling enjoying teasing you. 
“We… I feel so embarrassed right now.” he laughed before coming closer to you, you stepped back before he placed his arms on your side.
“Hey, don’t be nothing has changed. I like you.” he bent his neck to look at your downcast eyes. 
“I’m sorry, but you were so cute explaining why I shouldn’t leave that I couldn’t correct you. Besides it was high time you told me how you felt.” He explained loving your flustered reaction 
“What about you? You didn’t make a move either.” you countered trying to pry out of his arms. 
“I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way. You were closed off before and I did not want to scare you away.” it was true at first you were not welcoming to everyone, being pretty reserved and closed off even Jisung had to wriggle his way through that wall you built. 
“I’m sorry,” he says genuinely no laughter this time as he pulls you close once more. 
“I almost cried. Thinking you were gonna leave without even telling me.” 
“Sorry.” he leaned down to peck you again but you stormed off. You could hear him chuckle behind you before he caught up to your pace.
“Let me walk you home,” he said taking your palm and walking forward. you wanted to ask him but he just walked forward. His finger interlocked with yours. It made your grip tighter.
“Are you mad?” he asked, you did not answer simply walking but you stopped. Felix looked curious as you walked towards him stopping a few feet ahead. 
“You are really not leaving right?” you asked, “If this is also a prank I will hate you.”
He smiled before stepping closer and wrapping you in a hug, “I promise I’m not leaving.” you did not hug him back he figured you were still a bit embarrassed and angry at his mischievousness.
“Okay. goodnight.” before leaving he managed to sneak a kiss on your cheek to which he received a glare. He will have to make it up to you for disappearing for four days and scaring you. But he felt content as he watched you disappear into your home.
Amongst the embarrassment of assuming and everything you felt happy. He liked you back and you were blushing like a sixth grader who just got cooties.
“So you just left for four days?!! I thought you were leaving!” Han yelled at Felix his helmet raised high ready to bash Felix as you watched at the sidelines- pretend angry like Joey said 'mob mentality or whatever'-.
Chae had twisted his hand for a total of five seconds, five seconds that Seungmin took his sweet time counting. After all, everyone was relieved that their friend wasn’t leaving. Relieved but furious. As a punishment Felix had to buy Ice cream for everyone. 
“Mango for you?” he said smirking extending the different types of Ice cream to you, the mango bar in front. You reached for the chocolate cone instead and walked off, you could hear his chuckle looking back as you saw him distribute to everyone else, fighting Chae for the mango bar. He kept his eyes on you the whole time. 
“Still mad at me?” he says walking backward, how the hell was he doing that avoiding all the poles and other obstacles you will never know.
“You tricked me into confessing,” you say watching him and walking home. “I didn’t you assumed I was leaving.” he swayed before waiting for you to catch up. You rolled your eyes, he was right but he could have corrected you.
But before you could retort you see your father waiting at the entrance of your building. You froze Felix's eyes following your gaze to see him, arms crossed. 
“I have to go,” you say lowly as you walk forward. But he kept along with your steps till you guys were in front of the man. You hoped he was sober and not angry. like last time you did not want to cause a scene outdoors.
“Who are you boy?” you father asked, his tone rude. 
“My name is Felix sir.” he replied back rather confidently. 
“You on something?” 
“Dad!” you intervened, “What are -” 
“No sir, I don’t use any sort of recreational drugs.” Felix cut in for you, saying calm as still water. 
Your father grunted staring at him, his eyes falling on his blue hair. His faced morphed a disgusted expression before he turned to you.
"Get inside quickly." He gruffed before walking back inside throwing one last glare in your direction. 
“I’m sorry he isn’t usually like this. He is drunk.” you apologies to Felix, 
“Hey. it's alright,” he said stepping in front of you once again, hesitating before using his pointer finger to raise your chin to meet his eyes.
“It’s okay you talked to me about this remember.” you gazed at him, face mirroring his sweet smile. 
“Thank you.”
“Go on a date with me.” the words are out simultaneously
“What?” you chuckle even though you heard him.
Felix ran his fingers through his hair before asking again. “Tomorrow evening? A date? You and me?” his fingers pointed to and fro between you.
“Okay.” Your feelings were clear, you both liked each other. There was no reason to deny or decline it.  
“Okay,” he confirmed before letting you go back to your apartment. He made sure you got in alright before getting on his board and riding away not before stopping by a certain building with bright neon boards.
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a/n: hope you guys enjoyed this. I now have a date to plan. The next chapter will contain smut so Minors DNI. I will write an SFW ending too like an epilogue.
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tagging 🏷️: @noellllslut, @comet-falls, @daughterofodine (My newest tag buddy)
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won4ver · 1 year
♡ = favs [ prompt + dialogue list ] [ prompt + dialogue list pt 2 ] [ song lyric prompt list ]
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exclusive ot7 insight
lipstick stains [ hyung line ] ♡
words left unsaid
the perfect moment [ riki fluff oneshot ] 2k
it was a mistake [ pt 1. riki angst twoshot ] 655
mango perfume [ pt 2. riki angst twoshot ] 1k
cupid’s arrow [ heeseung fluff oneshot ] 774
the perfect picture [ jake angst oneshot ] 1.1k
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this collections models
Lee Heeseung
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greedy [ suggestive oneshot ] 1.8k ♡
heeseung was greedy. he was addicted to the feeling of you, he needed you.
so sweet [ smut oneshot ] 1.8k
heeseung was yours to ruin, to punish.
sweet eternity [ vampire one shot ]
↳ teaser
no contact [ suggestive oneshot ] 1.8k
It really wasn’t his fault that he got jealous when other men talked to you, even with your little no-contact situation.
cherry lips [ fluff + suggestive oneshot ] 1.1k ♡
Heeseung loves the cherry aftertaste on your lips.
Jay Park
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i love you, tenderly [ fluff drabble ] 469
to jay, everything is sweeter coming from your lips
Jake Sim
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11 : 11 [ timestamp ] 0.3k
you wished for forever
timber [ fluff oneshot ] 0.6k
jake comes come to find you doing just dance with his members after you told him you were too busy to hangout with him in the morning
i love you the most [ fluff oneshot ] 789 ♡
Jake has always found you beautiful, he adores everything about you. But if you ask him about what his favourite thing about you was, he always responds by saying he loves every part of you. But as he’s staring at you through the camera lens he couldn’t help but change his mind.
la lune n'est pas à nous ce soir [ fluff oneshot ] 1.0k ♡
It was hard feeling so deeply for someone knowing that they didn’t know about your existence. Jake couldn’t stand it anymore and knew he had to somehow get your attention. Even if it meant giving you his biology textbook that he needed for his next period.
a cherry for my cherry [ suggestive oneshot ] 0.87k ♡
“you’re sweeter than cherry” - sweeter than drugs, april june
Park Sunghoon
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dance with me [ fluff oneshot ] 760 ♡
sunghoon thinks you hurt yourself, but all you want is to kiss him
a poets draft [ street racer oneshot ]
You were convinced that Sunghoon was incapable of loving, and he was prepared to sacrifice everything to prove you wrong.
↳ teaser
best hidden secret [ suggestive oneshot ] 1.1k
In Sunghoon’s opinion the worst part about being in a secret relationship was the sight of all these men thinking they had a chance with his girlfriend, but he knew no one could make you feel the way his touch did.
Kim Sunoo
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season of lilies [ angst oneshot ] 0.6k
the lilies have never stood as beautiful as they did after you left.
Yang Jungwon
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kitty [ fluff oneshot ] 2.9k
Jungwon’s your kitty, it’s a shame the world wasn’t here to see it. Or in which Jungwon gets jealous at his girlfriends annual halloween party.
forelsket [ angst + fluff oneshot ] 379
forelsket : noun. the euphoria felt at the beginning of falling in love. (to be in love).
Nishimura Riki
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tulips bloom in our tears [ reincarnation series ] ♡
in your first life you promised riki that you would love him the same in every life, and he promised he’d love you forever. what you didn’t know was that the gods heard your promises, and they cried for you. your fate in that life was already decided, you were born to die early, and he was born to live forever. the gods tears fell from the clouded abyss, disguised as rain. they cried for the wandering boy, the boy who couldn’t get in. they wished for a miracle, oh and what a miracle it was. the couples fate was changed, they would meet and fall in love all the same in every life. who knew all it took was a wish on the tears, the everlasting tulips bloomed in the holes of their melancholic love and created their own heaven.
the morning dancers songbird [ fluff oneshot ] 1.1k ♡
After a song mixup and the threat of being disqualified Nishimura Riki thought that he’d lost the opportunity he’s been waiting on for years. With the opportunity hanging by a thread, you came rushing in like a songbird, singing your song and saving his team.
pretty little braids [ fluff oneshot ] 0.6k
you would never have expected to find pink hair in your brush, especially not when you have black hair.
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remember to subscribe to our monthly magazine to see our next issues
@ WON4VER do not plagiarize, copy, translate, or repost
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leeknowlover99 · 5 months
Singles inferno with enhypen hyung line episode 3 inferno
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previous part masterlist next part
pairings: heesung x reader, jay x reader, sunghoon x reader
word count: 4k
warnings: flirting, mentions of making out, anxiety, swearing, y/n is a bit indecisive
bright sun woke you up after staff pulled up the blinds. you blinked twice and realized where you are. all the memories coming back to you rapidly, arriving at inferno, first meal, couple matching, car ride with Heesung, dinner, swimming at night, Heesung’s lip on your while you made out in the kitchen. wait did that really happen? maybe it was just a dream? projection of your tired and overstimulated brain. you got so caught in your thoughts that the staff had to repeat themselves for the third time until you realized they are speaking to you.
“y/n please start getting ready. we’ll start filming you now. breakfast in 30 minutes!” someone rushed you to get up.
still very much in the haze you climbed out of your bed and headed to the bathroom. you quickly locked the door behind you. great, they were going to start filming right away so you had no chance of talking with Heesung about what happened at night. you started washing your face trying to get your brain to think faster. it was real. you knew it was. you still felt his burning touch and sweet taste of his lips. you immediately felt hot at the memory. now you needed the cold shower.
when you left the bathroom Heesung was already sitting in your bedroom fully dressed, styling his hair in front of the mirror.
“hi pretty” he greeted you with a bright smile.
“hi Hee” you smiled trying not to panic and went to grab your outfit. you packed short jeans skirt and corset for today. quite bold but you loved that combination. it looked super good on your body. after you got dressed you joined Heesung in front of the mirror to do your make up.
“wow look at you stunning as always. and we kinda matching” he winked at you. he was right, your skirt was matching with his dark blue shirt.
“is that destiny?” you decided to flirt just as he would.
“we’ll have to find out” he gazed at you with dark eyes. seems like memories from last night got to him too.
breakfast was such a feast, fruits, yogurts, pancakes, bacon, eggs - so many delicious things. you ate in silence sending each other knowing smiles and gazes. you wondered what will viewers think about your change of behavior compared to last evening.
“guys please talk, we need to make some content” director urged you finally.
you both laughed a little bit embarrassed but complied.
“so did you enjoy the last night?” Heesung asked with playful glint in his eyes.
you did not miss how he used word “night” specifically. you were sure what he was referring to.
“i enjoyed it more than i would like to admit” you answered munching on some mango.
“oh really?” he raised one eyebrow. “i enjoyed it too. a lot”
he grabbed a strawberry and handed it to you, you took a bite hesitantly surprised by his action. his fingers gently touched your lips as he was feeding you. it sent shivers down your spine, straight to your core.
“i’m wondering how coming back to inferno will be. i hope we spend a lot of time together.”
his words made something flatter in your stomach. but before you could respond loud announcement disturbed your breakfast.
“y/n you can’t come back to inferno with Heesung today” the voice said.
you mouth dropped and you looked at each both shocked and worried. did they found out about your kiss? are they going to expel you from the show? you started sweating. but were you the only one to blame?
“y/n new contestant is waiting for you in the lobby. please come back to inferno with him” voice continued.
Heesung eyes widened same as yours.
“what the fuck?” you asked surprised. Heesung looked angry now.
“what about me?” he asked.
“i have no idea what is going on.”
you were both mad confused. will Heesung have to come back alone? or will he even come back? you started to get worried.
“y/n you need to leave in ten” director urged you.
breakfast was abandoned, you quickly started to grab your stuff from around the apartment. many different emotions were stirring in your belly. you felt a tingle of excitement to meet the new contestant. but at the same time you were anxious and didn’t want to leave Hee.
„i don’t want you to go” he whined lying down in bed.
“i don’t want to be separated from you Hee, but we’ll see each other soon right?” you weren’t really sure.
“i guess” he didn’t look convinced. “don’t fall for another guy” he joked.
“and who said i fell for you?” you laughed.
“take care pretty” he said goodbye looking at you with a serious expression. for the moment you thought he was going to kiss you but then he stepped back and waved.
you made your way downstairs. bitter excitement buzzing in your veins. you carried your bag through the lobby. cameras shooting you from every angle. you felt like the star. white cabriolet waited for you in front of the hotel. inside you saw a sun kissed blonde guy in sunglasses. when he spotted you he immediately hopped off and opened the door for you.
“hello, i’m park jongseong, you can call me jay.” he introduced himself and you took a closer look at him.
he was very handsome and looked super cool with his precisely styled blond roots and undercut.
“hi, nice to meet you, i’m y/n” you responded sitting down in the car. Jay closed the door and circled the car to get in.
“what a way to make an entrance as a new contestant” you pointed at the elegant car. it looked expensive.
“a new contestant ?” he looked at you confused. “i thought it was you.”
you looked at him awkwardly. you had no idea what he meant.
“i joined yesterday with everyone, went to paradise and today they asked to leave my date and meet new person” you explained.
Jay’s eyes widened at your words.
“what the heck? it was the same for me!” he exclaimed.
“you were in inferno?” you looked at him questioning. was he trying to prank you?
“yes, me and other four people.”
“four?” you raised an eyebrow. “in my inferno there was six. everyone went to paradise.”
“wait does that mean there are two infernos?” he asked cautiously after few moments.
you thought about it for a second. it must be it, there’s no other explanation.
“looks like it” you confirmed quietly shocked at the discovery.
“we’ll find out for sure soon..”
you were still frozen from shock. Jay leaned over you, grabbed the seatbelt and fastened it for you. it made you blush involuntarily, he emanated such a masculine energy.
“let’s go?” he asked.
you nodded and he started the car.
“so they are separating the couples now? that’s interesting.” you commented after you drove for few minutes.
“not much separating on our side, me and Jia were the only couple.”
“oh really??” it meant you’re going to meet a lot of new people who hasn’t have a date yet.
“this season is so intense. so many things happening! i’m excited to find out what’s next” Jay started sharing. “i was actually surprised that there were only 5 persons, now it makes sense.”
“yeah i was wondering the same. also our island looks completely different. it’s very wild and hilly, there was a lot of walking.”
“oh so you’re going to enjoy my inferno. there are two beautiful beaches. i can’t wait to see sunset there, must be beautiful” his voice was soft and dreamy. you knew him for 15 minutes but already started to like his aura. it was so different from Heesung’s.
“but did you enjoy your evening in paradise?” you were too curious not to ask.
“the room was so pretty, super luxurious. and i ate delicious food. so it was pretty cool overall.”
“but did you enjoy the company?” you continued.
“hahah it was alright.” he didn’t seem very enthusiastic. “and you?”
“i really loved swimming at night, view was amazing. we had a good time.” you did not lie but also did not reveal too much. you knew you should be careful with your words.
“oh we didn’t go swimming, but we were in the spa, massage was great” he explained.
“that must’ve been so nice. if i ever go to paradise again i want to try it too” you got excited, you’ve never been in a spa, always too busy, but wanted to experience it since forever.
“i’m more than sure that you’ll go again” Jay answered and looked at you, keeping his eyes on your for few seconds. you felt heat both at his words and gaze. was he sending you a message? or are you reading into it too much? you wondered.
“we’re here” he announced as you made it to the helicopter. you unbuckled your seatbelt and starting getting up but he stopped you gently grabbing your wrist. it was first time you touched and you felt a jolt of excitement. “wait i’ll open the door for you.” he simply said.
Jay also took your bag, refusing your protests.
“it’s heavy, i got this, don’t worry” he assured.
you started walking towards the helicopter, but then you noticed something unusual.
“wait is someone already sitting inside?” you spotted a tall figure in there.
“hm looks like it.” Jay looked as surprised as you. “go in first” he gave you a helping hand and you stepped inside meeting the gaze with none other than Park Sunghoon.
“y/n hi” he waved visibly excited to see you.
“Sunghoon hi. what are you doing here?” you asked surprised but happy to see a familiar face.
Jay got inside the helicopter too and him and Sunghoon stared at each other in silence for the moment.
“i don’t think we met. i’m Jay” he spoke first.
“Sunghoon, nice to meet you.” he responded and looked at you question in his eyes.
“apparently there’s a second inferno. and we’re going there now” you started explaining.
“i was in paradise last night with a different girl but today they told me to pick up y/n from lobby and come back with her.” Jay added.
Sunghoon eyes widened.
“are you serious? that’s crazy!!”
“yeah i’m still shocked” you screamed as you already started going up and noise was making it hard to hear each other. “but where’s Soo-ah?”
“i think she left to our inferno. they told me that i’m not coming back with her and i should come down to the lobby.”
“ahh okay”
rest of the flight was spend in the silence. all three of you contemplating the new reality. it was only the second day and already so much was happening. you were sitting sandwiched between two super attractive males, and in the night you were making out with another one. it all felt crazy. too many thoughts were buzzing in your head, it felt like a helicopter was in your head too.
it felt like flight literally lasted only few seconds. you arrived at the island and it looked so different from the previous one. much smaller and less hilly. Jay continued being a gentleman and helped you get off the helicopter safely. now he was carrying your bag as all three of you were walking along the stony beach.
“wow it’s so pretty here” you awed looking around.
“it’s so cool. ours feels like a real inferno in comparison” Sunghoon agreed with you, also looking around with wide eyes.
“damn it must be really bad there. everyone is going to be so stunned when they see you. i bet they are not expecting it” Jay commented.
“i’m excited to meet everyone!” you felt curious about the remaining three contestants. you and Sunghoon were so lucky, you are going to know almost everyone now. only Jia staying a mystery. Jay offered you an arm as you were climbing up to the area where everyone was sitting. three figures were waiting for you at the long table. their heads turned in curiosity as you started getting closer.
“what’s going on?”
“oh my god”
you heard their voices as they realized that Jay came back without Jia but with two new people. you made it to the table and met their confused faces. it made you chuckle.
“Jay what is this?” asked a girl dressed in a float flowery dress.
“everyone meet Y/N and Sunghoon” he introduced you.
“i’m Yuri, nice to meet you” the flower girl responded first.
“hi, i’m Harin” said skinny girl with strong facial features, she was stunning. your first thought was that she must be a model.
“i’m soobin” the tall guy introduced himself. he seemed quite reserved but his half smile was adorable.
“they came from the second inferno” Jay dropped the bomb and proceeding to explain what’s going on.
they were all shocked and taken back. you told them the whole story while watching their surprised faces with amusement. it was so exciting. you noticed that Yuri was the most talkative and charming one out of the group while Harin and Soobin were hiding their emotions more and speaking less. Sunghoon also wasn’t talking a lot. you were wondering if he would prefer to be in your inferno instead of here.
after most of the questions were answered you decided it’s time for some rest before lunch. girls invited you to their room and you followed them. the place was small but cozy. three mattresses and little bed tables. girls said you can take Jia’s bed for now so you made yourself comfortable. you were glad you are finally able to rest a bit. this day was the crazy ride from the start.
“Y/N tell us all about the second inferno. it was three guys and three girls right?” Yuri immediately started the investigation sitting close to you. Harin kept her distance and sat by the opposite wall.
“yes, so you know me and sunghoon, i was in paradise with Heesung, he’s very playful and charming. Sunghoon went with Soo-ah, i would describe her as outgoing and loud” you tried to find words for a good synonym of annoying. but maybe you were just biased because Sunghoon seemed to like her. “and the third pair was Jake and Mina. Jake is very friendly, has like a golden retriever energy. and Mina is pretty much the same, super cool. i think they match really well.”
“wow, i really want to meet them now!” Yuri said with dreamy eyes. “but how was paradise? i was sad that i couldn’t go.”
“paradise was great, we had such a huge apartment with full windows. the view was insane. we ate a lot of good food and went swimming. it was a bit cold but nevertheless quite fun. so overall it was super cool. i hope you’ll be able to go soon!”
“how was Heesung?” now Harin asked the question.
“he’s so fun to be around, very flirty. i really had a good time with him” you tried to keep your answer short.
“but did he make your heart beat faster” Yuri continued questioning leaning in towards you.
“i guess” you responded hesitantly.
“ohhhh” the both giggled.
“and Sunghoon? do you think he likes the girl he went with?” Harin wondered.
“hm it’s hard to tell, but they seemed to click immediately in inferno” you responded.
“ah, he’s so in my type!” she confessed.
“it’s only day one, everything can change. but now you tell me about what’s up in this paradise!” you prompted them.
“Jia is the most beautiful person we’ve ever seen and she was so magnetic. the boys fell for her hard” Harin rolled her eyes at Yuris answer.
“yeah we didn’t have the chance.”
“ohh interesting, but Jay didn’t seem super enthusiastic when i asked.” you wondered out loud.
“‘maybe he wanted to keep it to himself or something” she shrugged.
“we were here all evening with Soobin but he’s very quiet, we didn’t talk much.” Yuri continued.
“maybe he needs some time to warm up” you made a guess.
“maybe, i hope he does. he’s quite cute.”
before lunch directors invited you to film an interview. they asked you multiple questions about paradise with Heesung, meeting Jay and arriving in second inferno. you were exhausted at the end of it trying to come up with the most honest but proper answers. after you were done you decided to stay at the beach where they were filming you and watch the sea. water was shining in the sunlight, like there was a million diamonds in it. soft waves were crashing against the rocks, pleasant sound of water filling your ears. you were trying to process all that was happening. even though only few hours passed you missed Heesung, you felt more secure when he was around. now it felt like you were left alone. you wondered what he was doing, was he as confused as you? or maybe everything was easy for him? you felt sharp stabbing in your chest when you thought about the possibility of him falling for Jia. she seemed amazing from girls stories. maybe she’ll make him forget you. you tried to push these thoughts away and focus on the present. you had the opportunity to get to know Sunghoon now. after all he was the one who caught your eye first. but he did seemed a bit reserved. you met his eyes few times as you were talking at the table but he always quickly broke the eye contact. and there was also the fact that Harin was interested in him too. you still wanted to talk with him though. but there was also Jay. he made a great first impression on you and was able to keep it. so good looking and such a gentleman, he was making your heart flatter. but again he was in paradise with Jia and you wondered if he liked it. maybe he didn’t want anyone disturbing him now. you were walking along the beach and over analyzing everything. you wish things were more simple for you but you were always the type of person who hyper fixated on things and analyzed too much. it is supposed to be fun. just do what you feel like at the moment. you reminded yourself.
you were about to head back to girls when you noticed someone walking towards you. you squinted your eyes to recognize the person. it was Jay.
“hey y/n! i brought an umbrella so you don’t get sunburnt” he said approaching you and opened an umbrella for you.
“thank you, i completely forgot about it” you laughed.
“what are you doing here all alone?”
“i think i just needed a little break. to be alone and breath, so much happened today, it’s crazy” you explained. you felt comfortable around Jay and you trusted him enough to be completely honest.
“ahh i see, understandable. so are you an I?”
“yeah hahah, i need my alone time to recharge.” you smiled. “and you? you look like an E.”
“good guess. but i still get you. sometimes i’m exhausted after socializing too much.”
“but the view of the sea calmed me down. it’s so pretty here. it almost doesn’t feel like an inferno” you admitted. you were already feeling a little bit better and conversation with Jay was helping as well.
“wait for the food and you will change your mind. and by the way lunch will be soon so i think we should head back to others.”
“oh right, let’s go.”
lunch was no where near the feast you had in paradise but it wasn’t bad - chicken and cucumbers. you peeled cucumbers with Yuri and Jay while others opened chicken cans and prepared water.
“i guess cucumber is better than carrot” Sunghoon laughed.
“ah i want to go to the paradise and eat all the delicious food” Yuri pouted.
“it’s so good trust me, i had steak yesterday and it was one of the best i’ve even tried” Jay shared.
“ah don’t talk about steak now, we’re miserable in here” Soobin nudged him playfully.
“the longer you spend in inferno the sweeter paradise will be” Harin said.
“i think i miss coffee the most” Yuri added.
“iced coffee would be so perfect now, it’s way too hot in here” you commented.
“yeah morning and evening is good but the middle of the day is like hell.”
suddenly an announcement interrupted your conversations.
“singles there will be couple matching today. it will start in an hour.”
you almost choked on your cucumber, Sunghoon patting your back to help you.
“thank you” you smiled at him.
“yah this is crazy! how are we supposed to chose someone!” Yuri exclaimed.
“we need to talk with others now so we can decide better” Harin proposed.
“yeah i think it would be good to talk more. we barely got any time” Jay agreed.
“Sunghoon can we talk first?” Harin made her move.
in a span of minutes everyone coupled up to have some quick conversation. at first you were left at the table with Soobin. you made some small talk, but you didn’t really feel the flow between you two. he was cute and handsome but not your type. you felt a bit awkward talking to him. next Jay approached you.
“Y/N let’s go for a walk” you agreed with a smile.
you felt more comfortable in his company and topics naturally came up during conversation.
“ahh it’s so amazing that you like to cook, i wouldn’t say i’m a master chef but really like it too. but i am not that much of a baker” you were babbling.
“i don’t have much occasions to bake but definitely want to try it too in the future. i was thinking about making cinnamon rolls.”
“i love cinnamon rolls!” you jumped in excitement.
“i’m getting all hungry from that conversation. i hope i’ll get to eat something delicious in paradise today.” you didn’t miss the allusion this time.
“me too. i want to order some sea food” you smiled at him.
“fingers crossed for good food today” he joked as you made your way back from the walk.
Sunghoon was waiting for you next to girls room.
“let’s get inside and hide from the sun” he invited you when you and Jay parted your ways.
“did you talk with everyone already?” you asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
“yeah and you?” Sunghoon plopped down next to you.
“i did too. so much is happening it’s hard to keep up.”
“it’s a bit overwhelming. but for me i immediately feel if i could like someone or not” Sunghoon confessed.
“hm so have you decided already?”
“not yet” he turned his head towards you keeping intense eye contact. his face was so unreal, he looked like a sculpted god. “did you enjoy paradise with Heesung?”
“it was fun” you kept your answer short. “and you with Soo-ah?”
“it was good, it made me realize something” oh he was being mysterious. you couldn’t figure him out. “did you talk with the girls?”
“yeah we had a whole gossip sesh” you laughed.
“hahaha i knew it! i told the boys that you probably know everything now. but don’t worry we chatted with the boys too.”
“so you know who likes who?” you raised your eyebrow studying his face.
“i might know some things. but i won’t tell. bro code is real.”
“i guess that’s good. it means you can keep a secret.”
“of course i can. don’t ever offend me like that” he nudged you playfully.
“sorry sir, my bad” you nudged him back.
loud knocking on the door interrupted your laugh.
“sunghoon, y/n time to chose. write the name of the person you want to go with on the ticket and throw it in the mailbox.” director explained to you handing you paper and pen.
you had five minutes to make a decision. you considered it for a bit but decided not to give it too much thought and went with your gut feeling. you wrote the name of the person and threw the ticket in the box. now you could only hope he had chosen you as well.
taglist: @caravm @semisemirin1i82 @yourbobaeyestell @deobitifull
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sicjimin · 11 months
Can you do jimin carsick on a normal day and how it annoys him that he started off his day being sick which makes him tired when compared to the other members so he's not as productive on the days where he gets carsick and there's no telling on which days he will because it's so unpredictable.
You can choose the caretaker who reassures him and gently gets jimin out of his frustration
a.n : a usual opening for my fic .. i'm sorry this take soooooo long to be fullfiled, i hope this won't disappoint you after the long wait, and i hope you're still around anon 🥲 thank you for requesting ! and sorry for the broken grammar all over, somehow after almost 2 months not writing, my english isn't english-ing
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tw : emeto
Jimin isn't a hateful person per se, like .. if you had to sit him down in an interview, and they ask him to put it on the list someone or something that he hates, it would definitely take him longer than 5 minutes to give something out—or even none. Maybe he would put something silly like mangos, mint choco, and etc ; that would sent the members teasing him or the interviewer burst into giggles, as they all know, there's no actual hatred in Jimin's body for it.
But on some days, bad days to be exact—Jimin would love to be asked that kind of questions and he would answer it delightfully without having to think long ; and he definitely put every meaning into his answers.
It's being sick.
He hates being sick. No—scratch it. He loathes being sick.
And bless God for putting his soul in a petite body that's apparently : have a great resistance towards cruel and inhumane hours of dancing, but very weak against a moving object (re: cars, trains .. and every other transportations you could name). It's so .. goofy, if he think about it.
He hates how it comes on the most unpredictable times—sometimes when he's in rush hours and running late, or sometimes when he's already dealing with anxiety before something big—and how sometimes it comes even he already prevented it. A big gulp of benadryl, dramamine .. everything you named it ; in the morning, still got him dizzy and gagging at the parking lot in those bad days.
And lucky for him, today is one of those days—and it's just match perfectly how they got to shoot something a bit far away, 30 mins of ride if there's no traffic.
He starts to sense that something is going wrong in the first 10 minutes of ride—as he tries to tuned in with whatever conversation Taehyung and Jungkook get going on in front of him, and Yoongi quiet scroll through his phone—when he feels a familiar tightness around his middle area.
He takes a deep breath, hoping that it's just anxiety pooling in with the mental image of doing a shoot, mixed with his quite filling breakfast. It doesn't help much; a few more seconds pass with his hands balled up in fists, starting to sweat.
It happens so fast, like one moment he starts acknowleged the telltale of it—then another second it grows.
He feels dizzy now.
"Hyung ..", Jimin tries to switch his gaze from the quick passing of trees on the road, but his head feels heavier than before, as if his stomach had dropped. The pressure increases exponentially in his belly and he bites on his lower lip to stop the groan that threatens to slip out.
Yoongi snaps up from his phone, and when their eyes meet his gaze looks worried. "Jimin-ah, are you okay?", he asks quietly, eyes wide open, brows furrowed and worry written over his face. His voice comes out as a question, and his hand reach to rub circles on the younger's thigh in an effort to ease him.
Jimin shuts his eyes as he takes another deep gush of breathe, even with the darkness—everything is spinning around him. And he feels sickeningly warm at the same time. "Bag ..", he manages to utter, barely above a whisper—not trusting himself enough to be more detailed with whatever he's feeling. Or else their lap; Yoongi's and his; would be covered with his breakfast now.
Jimin could hear Yoongi's quiet curses, followed with loud fumbling around his bag and hushed call towards the others that seated in front—in between the ringing in his ears as his breakfast pooled right on his throat. Then, Yoongi's palm is under his chin as the rapper tap his shoulder.
He opened his eyes slowly, seeing bag already pushed towards him, "Here."
The elder's voice is quiet, worried, and there are tiny lines carved across his forehead like he was trying to figure something to do.
Jimin feels like he's not part of his body anymore everytime he feels sick—like it got another mind to control what his next moves and no room for Jimin to think and contemplate it. He barely got to mumbles a quiet "sorry" to his members—before his stomach curved in, forcing a quiet loud and gross gag filling the car. Tears pooling in his eyes with the force and embarassment that came with it. And he felt himself get pushed to the side, colliding with Yoongi's chest as the older wrapped his arms around him, and his low "It's okay .. you will feel better after this" get drowned with the next heaves, that apparently more productive as a mouthful of vomit splatter to the bag.
Jimin gasps, breathing heavily and panting from the overwhelming amount of nausea that has filled his system. He tried getting out of Yoongi's grip, yet the elder held him close as the smaller man shook, bending forward even more when his stomach pushing all his breakfast out, filling the bag rapidly without giving him room to breathe.
"Hyung .. sorry ..", Jimin coughed for a bit, then shook with another sickly retch as even more puke fountained out of his mouth.
Yoongi hums, keep rubbing small circles around his shoulder blade to comfort his trembling figure and keep him steady. Jimin keeps his eyes shut tightly, barely registering the concerned mumbles around him—as his body worked up, continued to let his stomach content out for quite some time before he doubled over with unproductive spasms.
Jimin slumps against Yoongi, almost completely limp, his head lulling to the side, lips slightly parted and his hair stuck against his neck.
"Jiminie," he heard Taehyung calls out, sounding worried "Are you alright?"
Jimin lets out a shaky breath, "I'm fine..", he mutters quietly, eyes still closed. "It just hurts a little.. my stomach.."
"Do you want us to stop somewhere?", he recognized that as Jin trying to sound caring and calm, but was clearly still worried.
"No... no it's fine.", Jimin says, "We're only few minutes away, right?"
"Yeah.", Jungkook replies, voice laced in worry. Jimin nods weakly at the youngest's reply.
The car went in silence and Jimin's body feels weak. But he can't afford to sleep when he needs to remain conscious—not until his stomach stops feeling so horrible. He just hopes that when he wakes back up he'll feel somewhat rested.
"Do you need something? you have your medicine with you?", Yoongi's quiet voices brings Jimin back to reality and he shakes his head, keeping his eyes not being open for too long in attempt to avoid the new round of nausea. "No.... to both. I think i forgot to take my meds this morning. I dont think today .. will be like this", he mumbled in between heavy breaths.
Jimin can imagine the concern look on Yoongi's expression—he knows his hyung, he would understand if it was him.
"Let's rest for awhile then.", Yoongi suggested calmly, rubbing small circles on his back again.
Jimin knows that his bout of sickness wont end simply with once episode of throwing up. He knows his body better than that—along with how he already lost count with waves of nausea that passes through his body since he stepped out of the car until now.
It's almost 2pm now, they already moved from the shoot location to the practice room as they need to rehearse few things for their new songs and upcoming shows.
Jimin frowned, looking at his reflection in the mirror like it's personally offended him when he got the moves wrong—no, he got it right but something feels off with how he did it. It's not .. perfect enough. He takes a deep breath, gulping down a whine out of frustration that been building up, and blinks—the room spins momentarily ; but he brushed it off—before moving his hand along with the beat on his head.
"Hm?", Jimin hums, choosing to look at Hoseok—that been eyeing him for the past minutes—through the mirror, so it doesn't break his focus.
"You should sit this down for a minute, take a rest", the older frowns, "You're pale"
"I know, I know," Jimin sighs, "But i cant, we have to go soon..."
"Jimin, you don't look good..."
"I will after this, just few minutes i promise", Jimin mumbles as he continues, trying his best to shake away the sudden nausea creeping back over him, "I'm okay, really"
"Hobi hyung... please just trust me", Jimin pleaded, finally looking at his friends—and he can see Hoseok's hesitancy, but the older gives in anyway—leaning closer to check the other out more carefully. He watches as he reaches to pat his arm in reassurance.
Jimin smiles in appreciation, before turning his attention back to the choreography that he was supposed to master perfectly before their run through.
It takes him a while to get everything back into place—he isn't sure whether that's because his vision is starting to blur or because of the sweat dripping down his temples. But he can't complain, he has to concentrate, otherwise this whole practice session could turn into vain.
He closes his eyes tightly, feeling the nausea becoming more intense along with his movement. Taking a deep breathe even through the help of his parted lips didn't help. His tongue felt thick and cottony in his mouth, and he knows he probably won't last much longer.
Just as he thought that—just when he was about to move one foot to make the next step forward, his stomach turns once again—this time causing him to bend forward. A wave of nausea hits him and the taste of bile floods in his mouth. He gags, quickly clamped his mouth as his lunch burns through his throat and filling his cheeks.
His eyes widen, panic washing over him as his stomach rolls again, pushing more intense gag that he knows will breaking his composure.
He barely register that someone called out for him—that Yoongi and Hoseok been on his side, ready to help—when he makes a run to the bathroom.
He cant throw up here.
He slams the bathroom door open with a slim time—he gagged into the palm of his hand and turned toward the nearest sink instead.  Jimin doubled over and spewed a chunky stream of vomit into the sink. He barely aware with the rush of footsteps behind him, the sudden touch going up and down over his back, and how his already grown hair not spilling all over the sink—as he's too busy following his stomach command. Over and over he shuddered and spewed out chunks of his half-digested lunch.
"Ssh, Jimin, breathe ..", Yoongi cooed at him, holding onto his shoulders to keep him steady—while Hoseok stood by the sink, watching Jimin vomit out his meal with his face scrunched.
"Hoba", Yoongi croaked out as his fingers found their way under Jimin's hair and pulled it back, grimacing as his voice drowned with the younger heaves, "Can you bring him water and towel?"
Hoseok nodded, rushing out of the room, secretly glad that he didn't have to witness it for a moment as his own stomach starts to turn as well.
"Hyung ..", Jimin paused, panting, and let his mouth hang open as nausea still thick lacing over him. "This is so gross", he chokes out before another retch soon overcame and water rushes out of him.
Yoongi chuckles, "Yeah it is .. but it's okay, you have to let it out"
After Jimin vomits for what seemed like ages, though he knew it was only about ten minutes, Hoseok comes with Yoongi's request—towel and bottle of cold water in hands. "Are you feeling better?", he cooed at the younger that slumped against the sink as he rinses his mouth, eyes rid rimmed and filled with tears—while Yoongi steadily held him by waist ; afraid that the younger legs might gave out anytime soon.
Jimin groans softly, wiping his forehead with the towel, "A bit.."
"That's good", Hoseok smiles, "You need to go home"
"Go home?!", Jimin splutters, brows furrowed. "You can't tell me that."
Hoseok laughs, "Yes I do, you must be exhausted", he pauses briefly, "You've practiced a lot. That's enough, and you're not feeling good"
"I already feel better!", Jimin whines, shaking his head furiously before he cut out with a gasps, as dizziness rushing through him and makes him lose his footing.
"Jiminie .."
"See? You barely can hold yourself up", Hoseok points out, helping Jimin lean against Yoongi that been quiet. "Hyung can go with you"
"Hyung ..", Jimin whines again, moving his gaze towards Yoongi, hoping that the latter would help him somehow.
He still needs to practice ! There's a lot of movement that he hasn't perfected yet ! How can they make him go home?
"Jimin," Yoongi calls his name sternly, and Jimin knows Yoongi is serious this time. "You're not doing a great job either right now"
Jimin groans at that, knowing it's true. The younger is not in control anymore, and it hurts his stomach to even move at all. Jimin hates having an effect on everyone around him, especially those close to him—they shouldn't have to worry about his health when it comes to their career.
"Okay", Jimin looks down, suddenly feeling too tired to argue. "I'm sorry hyung"
"No, no. Don't apologize", Hoseok assures him; "You've already done enough".
Jimin sighs, "Okay.."
"Here, drink some water first", Hoseok said gently. Jimin nods slowly, opening the bottle of water and taking a sip. "Good boy, now go home with your hyung and take a rest", Hoseok ruffles his hair, smiling warmly at Jimin who returned it weakly. "And call me when you get home"
"I will hyung"
They watch as Hoseok walks out, leaving Jimin alone with Yoongi. Jimin lets out a soft sigh, leaning further towards Yoongi's chest, "I'm sorry you have to go out early too with me. I can go home al—"
"Nah", Yoongi cuts him out, as he trailed behind the younger. "Thank you for letting me out early", he chuckles. "You know sometimes rest doesn't hurt, and i'm sure everyone won't do much either today"
Jimin huffs, tugging Yoongi's sleeves to walk closer with him unconsciously, "But we only have few weeks left—"
"And you have been performing for 10 years, Min .. a day of rest won't reducing your performance", Yoongi smiled fondly at him, wrapping his arms securely around his body, "Let's rest today okay? We can continue tomorrow."
"Okay", Jimin sighs, knowing Yoongi will always find the counter attack if he's going on and on—then fine, he'll allow himself to go a little off the beat this one afternoon.
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theharrowing · 1 year
last night at dinner post-yoongi concert, we had a perfect little group of 7. according to everyone's age:
i was everyone's hyung, kim seokjin. i really took on the "hyung will do it" role and made sure everyone stayed fed and that their glasses were full (with the help of my jimin!)
my partner frank was min yoongi (love that for me).
chaotic little mango (@blog-name-idk) was jung hoseok. (fitting that you're the richest member hehehe 🤑 sorry i had to pee so much!!! i should have sat on the outside!!!)
memes (@madbutgloriouspond) with the namu thighs was our leader kim namjoon. (how many times have you made yourself spit-take? and then announce how happy you are. big joon vibes!)
pretty princess kelly (@here4btsfics) was our darling park jimin. (how many things did you consume that you were not supposed to, baby??? how do you feel today???)
our very sweet, very babygirl m (@here2bbtstrash) was our kim taehyung. (what an honor to dote on you when your soulmate wasn't busy doing so!)
and last, but absolutely not least, our darling little baby maknae mg (@echotoyou) was our jungkookie. (our group was already a delight but the positive energy rose greatly when your smiling face joined the table! i'm so glad you came out!!! safe travels today, lovely!!!)
my heart is so full after getting to be in the same room with all of these wonderful people. 10/10. the laughter and joy was unprecedented. thank you boongi week for bringing us all together! and my partner for being a champion and hanging out with 6 unhinged fanfic armies hehehe (he had a lot of fun!!!) 💜💜💜
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skzinka · 1 year
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« hey little boy. » she said as she hopped into the room, dropping onto the couch, half on jeongin.
« ouch, » he said with a laugh, moving away slightly and letting her settle on properly, « what are you doing here, uh? »
« what do you mean what i am doing here? » she pretended to be shocked, before snatching a piece of mango from the plate on the table, « where you go, i go. remember? »
chan : it's very simple. you are looking for inka? you will find jeongin at the same time.
hyunjin : they're like fake twins. they look very similar but they are also very different.
changbin : they're both adorable demons.
hyunjin : they're really always together, practically glued at the hips if you ask me.
changbin : we rarely see them far from each other. just like last night, they were both out for dinner again.
« last night's dinner was so good, » she said as she continued to eat fruit, « it's been a long time since we went out together to eat. »
« right, we are used to ordering so we don't have to go out, » inka nodded her head, « it's easier this way. », « you can just say that we are lazy. »
« we're not ! » inka cast an accusing glance at jeongin, « okay, maybe a little. but we often leave the dorm to go out together ! »
she nodded once again, bringing her legs up on the sofa, « that's right. we like to walk around and discover new places, you always follow me even when we don't have a specific destination in mind. which is surprising. »
jeongin tilted his head to the side, seeming to silently ask her why this remark, « because you're more the type of person who wants to go out knowing exactly where you're going, and i'm the free butterfly type who goes out without necessarily knowing what direction to take. », « ahh yes, you're right. i like to know where we are going but with you, i don't really mind. »
lee know : jeongin listen to inka a lot, every word she says, he records it. and it's the same for her.
felix : they're really close, they talk about everything together, and they do not hide from each other what they feel.
seungmin : right. i think jeongin is the only person who has ever seen inka really cry.
han : inka is very quiet when it comes to talking about her feelings, but she tells jeongin absolutely everything.
« i think you are the only person who has ever seen me in all my states. » she declared while playing with the cushion she had in her arms, « mh, what about lua noona? », « well.. the only one in stray kids. »
« you don't talk about what you feel easily, » he said as she agreed with his words, « at first you were just holding it all in and isolating yourself. it was very bad for your mental health. », « yes i know. with hindsight now i realize that. but it's mostly because i don't want to worry anyone. »
« but it's by doing this that people are worried about you. plus, i know you, and i know that you always put everyone before yourself. chan hyung does this too. » inka gave jeongin a sorry little smile, « now, you have to learn to think a little more about yourself. », « i will try, i promise. » they made a pinky promise before laughing together.
hyunjin : during a day off period, inka couldn't go back to thailand, so jeongin invited her to his house.
changbin : oh that's right, inka didn't know if she should accept or not, until jeongin's mother personally asked her on the phone to come.
chan : she was so embarrassed to have disturbed his mother, that she almost forgot her suitcase.
changbin : she can be really clumsy sometimes.
« when i came to your house during our day off, i was so touched by the kindness of your parents. they were so adorable. » jeongin nodded as he moved slightly closer to her, « my mom likes you a lot, she told me that you were a real ray of sunshine. »
« oh really? we got along very well right away. », « right right. she often asks me how you are and when you will come back. » inka began to play mechanically with jeongin's fingers, « oh really? i should visit them one of these days. »
« it was great to have you home. you got along with everyone, and the atmosphere was more lively. we did a lot of outings in town. what was your favorite place? » inka pretended to think before smiling widely, « probably that family restaurant we all went to together. with your brothers and your parents. »
« oh right, you met my big brother that day. » inka bent down to grab two mangoes, giving one to jeongin, « yes, and he's so cool by the way. », « more than me? », a mocking laugh escaped from her lips, « of course. » and jeongin hit her lightly, both ending up laughing heartily.
felix : inka is the kind of person who stresses a lot and takes all the blame on her shoulders.
lee know : you're right. if something goes wrong, she takes all the responsibility for it, even when she can't help it.
seungmin : jeongin helped her a lot to slow down this bad habit.
han : he soothes her in a way. despite the fact that he is younger than her, he has always looked after her.
felix : the simple fact of seeing jeongin is enough to make her come back to her senses and not panic, he allows her to think of a solution.
« i always feel better when you are near me, » she said, staring at the ground, « i feel reassured, calm and confident. just seeing you makes me focus on anything and everything. »
« oh really? », « mh, like an appeasement. it's always been like that anyway, since day one. » a laugh left jeongin's lips and he camouflaged himself behind his hands, « our first meeting was somewhat.. interesting. »
« i mean.. it was hilarious. », « it wasn't hilarious for my shirt that got covered by pumpkin soup. » inka imitated the boy, hiding behind the cushion, « oh please i was so embarrassed that day. it was my first day at the agency, and i wasn't sure how the refectory worked, so i just had some soup and you unfortunately got in my way. there was not a single drop left in my bowl, it was a complete mess, even your face had soup on it. i tried to apologize but i couldn't pronounce the korean words well. »
« you almost said some bad words to me. », « oh gosh right.. but at least, it wasn't worse than my first meet with jisung.. » jeongin nodded his head sharply, « what happened again? even though he already told me about it, i think.. », inka picked a fruit before laughing, « we shoved each other violently and i was so angry that i insulted him in thai. »
chan : when inka joined stray kids, it was not easy for her, but jeongin always supported her.
changbin : he never left her side and refused to let her go out alone.
hyunjin : she spent sleepless nights brooding, but jeongin always managed to calm her down.
changbin : they both have this protective aura towards each other.
« do you remember the week after i debuted with stray kids? » jeongin nodded, suddenly becoming more serious, « it was an extremely difficult time. »
« it was really not simple. i was terrified and desperate. i was in a very bad mental state and i wanted to stop everything, give up my dream and go back home. i spent entire nights without sleep, isolating myself and working relentlessly to get everyone to accept me in the group, » inka sniffed softly, urging jeongin to hold her hand firmly in his, « all this seemed insurmountable to me, i felt like i would never get anywhere, that i would never do anything right. but in the end, if i was able to get out of it, it's partly thanks to stray kids' members and especially you. »
jeongin looked up at inka, offering her a compassionate and radiant smile, « you told me that my voice reassured you, » a laugh left his mouth, « you took my hand in yours and i blushed so hard that day, but i stayed with you the whole time. »
« ahh right, and this is still the case today. hearing any sound from you makes me feel better, your laughter is a serotonin boost. » inka did not hide the growing smile on her lips as she looked up at jeongin, « all this to say, thank you jeongin. for helping me get out of this hell and always keeping you by my side even when i am hellish. you never let go of my hand and that helped me a lot. »
jeongin took their hands out from under the cushion, showing that they were well joined, « we will always be there for each other, » she nodded gently, ignoring the reddened tips of the younger man's ears, « but, let's move on to another topic or we'll get so cheesy we won't talk to each other for three days. » they ended up laughing together while instantly moving away from each other.
lee know : they almost never argue, it is extremely rare.
han : mh, i think it's because they know each other extremely well, they know exactly how the other will react to certain situations.
felix : so they make sure to choose the right words and not to go too far to avoid getting unnecessarily angry.
seungmin : even when they argue, they stay glued to each other.
han : it's impossible to separate them.
« i don't remember us ever having an argument, » said inka with a pout on her lips, « i don't think i ever yelled at you. »
jeongin shrugged his shoulders and thought, « i think there is only one time, when we really had a fight. », « oh? when? », « when i left the dorm without telling you and you looked for me everywhere because i didn't answer the phone. you even looked for me in the whole agency. »
« oh you're right, i was so angry that day. » jeongin nodded in agreement, « you were scary. », « i was worried as hell ! »
« you yelled at me so much that night that we ignored each other all night. i was so pissed. » inka approached jeongin, laying her head against his shoulder, « you were so young back then, i was afraid that something had happened to you, and in the end, i felt so bad that we ended up talking all night together. »
« it was the real beginning of our friendship, we promised to tell each other everything from that day on. » inka nodded as she sat back down properly, « since that day, everything has always gone well between us, and we are closer than ever. »
« i'm glad you yelled at me that day, thanks to this we were able to get closer and you never treated me like a child again. », « thanks to my bad temper, you are a responsible adult who no longer forgets his phone at home when he plans to go away for the day. »
changbin : they don't like physical contact, but when it's the two of them it doesn't matter.
chan : they know each other by heart.
hyunjin : jeongin knows inka's tastes in everything, he retains every little detail about her.
changbin : inka can tell what jeongin is thinking just by looking at him, he is like an open book to her.
hyunjin : oh right. sometimes, we are all silent in the living room, then suddenly inka shouts "innie!", then she goes on to say "no, we won't be eating noodles again tonight.", and he's like "why" with a sad face, and we look at them thinking that they communicate by telepathy.
chan : it happens very often.
changbin : they're terrifying.
« thank you for always being with me after all these years, thank you for always taking care of me and understanding how i feel. i keep our friendship deep in my heart and i intend to cherish it for a long time to come. i don't want to sound cheesy, but you are very important to me. i don't think i could have accomplished what i have if you hadn't been by my side. »
« you're really cheesy. » he said with a childish disgusted look, « it's all because of you. you make me soft. », « eww, disgusting. » inka ends up pushing him gently and laughing.
« i'm grateful for everything you have taught me and everything you have given me, having you by my side is very precious to me. no one knows me better than you, and i hope it will stay that way for a long time. »
« how cute, little baby innie. » inka nodded, a huge smile on her lips that clearly copied jeongin's, the latter drawing the girl into his arms by himself. « let's take some pictures together. »
inka's message for i.n : innie! thank you for supporting me every day and being my best friend, i love you a lot ♡ xx
i.n's message for inka : inka noona, let's continue to have a good time together, even when we don't feel well. i'll always look after you, okay? love you ♡ xx
« 2 kids room, » says inka in a cheerful way, « inka, i.n ! » continued jeongin in the same way.
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✧⠁taglist : @kurosism @writerblock-sucks @mynameisnotlaura @alyszaen @felixsbrat
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wayvment · 9 months
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Winwin 🫧 Update (230929)
happy Mid-Autumn festival🌛
have a great Chuseok~ what are you having for dinner
eat lots during this Mid-Autumn festival, have a good reunion with your family
i ordered some Chinese fried dishes with manager hyung
i’m so hungry, i’m waiting for the food to arrive. in the first picture, the yellow one is a mango pomelo sago mooncake! kun-ge ordered it. it’s really good ☺️
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whitefoxgirl · 11 months
🦊Culture Shock🐰 A Jungkook Series Episode 3: Food (ft. Jimin)
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Summary: Jungkook starts a podcast with his best friend who is a foreigner to discuss different topics they were shocked culturally about.
Author's Note: Hello my beautiful readers! Requests for BTS scenarios are open because I'm feeling uninspired! I wanna finish the Namjoon series with a BANG! And writing for others might get the wheels rolling~
Author's Note PS: If you'd like to be tagged, reblog with this. I am tagging people who reblog, but if you wish to be tagged comment or simply reblog and I will add you :)
Pairing: Jungkook x BFF!Reader (not dating, just two best friends) Fandom: BTS Warnings: Brief mentions of suicide, cringy, full of crack moments. Genre: Fluff, crack, angst Word Count: 2.3k
Taglist: @7ndipity; @yoongimentita7; @ancoraesisto; @lovemeforeternity, @hrtss4jk, @ellelabelle
🡸 Previous episode Next Episode➔
Jungkook: *sighs* *singing* 여러분~ 🦊: *whisper screams* Jungkook: *singing* 너무 보고싶었어!~ 🦊: *whisper screams* *giggles* Jungkook: *giggles* *singing*여러분도, 나 보고싶었어?!~ 🦊: *whisper screaming* No~ We didn't miss you~ Jungkook: *gasps then laughs* Jungkook: Welcome to episode 3 everyone. 🦊: This week has been... Jungkook: Exhausting. 🦊: Yeah... We were scheduling with our guest today and he's so busy. Jungkook: Super. 🦊: That's how you know you got too much free time, and you need a girlfriend. Jimin: *snickers* Jungkook: *deadpan/trying not to laugh* You trying to deny our relationship? 🦊: *groans in disgust* *imitating Cody Ko* EW! DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! Together: WHAT THE FUCK!~ *trio laugh*
🦊: If you heard laughter right now, I can assure you, you're not hearing voices. That is in fact... *pause* *sighs in relief* the voice of an angel. Jimin: Stop *chuckles* Jungkook: If you guys think we flirt, you guys have to listen to Y/N and Jimin. 🦊: Which, again, we're just friends. Jimin: Strictly! Friends! 🦊: Yeah. Jungkook: And even though in the comments people are trying to figure out who Y/N's crush is, I can assure you it is not Jimin. 🦊: DON'T give more clues than that! Jimin: He does listen to the podcast, so... Don't expose them. 🦊: Thank you, angel Jimin: You're welcome, baby
Jungkook: Oh my god... ANYWAY. Y/N brought Jimin because they're bored of me already. 🦊: For sure! You annoy the SHIT out of me *giggles* Jungkook: Love you too~ 🦊: No, but, I brought Jimin here today, because he was on the trip Jungkook took to my home country Jimin: Yes. It was really fun and I opened my eyes to the amazingness of the mango. 🦊: Yeah. This brings me to the topic of the episode which is! Jungkook: 음식! Jimin and Jungkook: Ko! Mee! Dah! 🦊: *giggles* 🦊: Comida!~ Trio: Food!~
🦊: @yoongimentita7 Jungkook: Mentita~ Little mint!~ 🦊: They requested that we talk about the differences between our food or how our families met. Jungkook: I think today we'll only talk about food since us meeting each other's families should be an episode of its own. 🦊: yoongimentita, thank you so much for your request!~ Jungkook: And @lovemeforeternity, thank you so much for suggesting this subject! 🦊: Yeah!~
Jungkook: I think Jimin's story is much more interesting. Jimin: *sighs smiling* Yeah 🦊: So for context, when I was getting to know Jungkook more, I was telling him that I miss my country because they had Puerto Rican mangoes, and if you're not aware, Puerto Rican mangoes are small, which is why instead of giving you a sweet sensation, it gives you a bittersweet sensation. Jimin: I was eavesdropping *laughs* *Jungkook and 🦊 laugh* Jimin: And I groaned in disgust because I don't like mangoes. 🦊: Shooketh. Jungkook: *chuckles* Jungkook: Y/N was telling me all of the things they miss and they mentioned a couple of fruits, but when they said "mangoes" Jimin-hyung stopped in his tracks and looked at them like they were crazy. 🦊: *giggles* He did!~ Jimin: I just didn't believe that I would like it, because it's just messy and hairy. 🦊: It is. Which, Puerto Rican mangoes do have hair, bUT! they stick together rather than- Jungkook: Spread around 🦊: Yeah! 🦊: So... Jungkook, Jimin, and a couple of other friends and I took a vacation in my home country. Jimin: It was amazing. 🦊: Jimin left the country with like.. 20 phone numbers. Jimin: *laughs* Yeah~ Jimin: I just didn't believe Y/N when they said that Puerto Rican mangoes were... *scoffs smiling* Basically the solution to my mango-hating agenda. Jungkook: So... Literally, the first thing that Y/N did once we landed, was call their mom... Ask her to cut down a few mangoes, and then took us to their childhood home. Jimin: And let me tell you guys... It was... A. MA. ZING! 🦊: *claps* WOOOOOO!!!! Jimin: *giggles* It was bittersweet. It had hairs, but since they stuck together, they didn't get stuck in between my teeth. 🦊: And it wasn't the one they sell in Korea, which is what we call a "pineapple mango". And those mangoes are... Huge, super sweet, and... what we say in Spanish "empalagante", which- Jungkook: Which, if you have eaten anything sweet, continuously, you definitely know that feeling. Like... Your- Jimin: It's like your tongue gets sticky with sweets 🦊: Sticky... *smacking her lips repeatedly* Jungkook: *smacks his lips repeatedly* *scrunches his nose* Just overly... sweet, it's just ugh~ Jimin: That's another reason why I didn't like mangoes. 🦊: He didn't know the wonders of different types of mangoes. Jimin: *chuckles* I didn't Jungkook: I remember Y/N cutting Jimin-hyung's mango. They just cut a line and peeled the skin like a fucking sticker. 🦊: *giggles* Which is the CORRECT way to eat it. Jimin: It was... so messy. THAT part I didn't like. 🦊: *imitating Thanos* It is inevitable. Jungkook: YOU DID NOT JUST DO THANOS AFTER THE LAST EPISODE
*trio laughs*
Jimin: But I can still remember the taste of it *sighs* It was... bittersweet, soft yet hard, it was orange and small so- Jungkook: Yet it still looked big on Jimin-hyung's hand. 🦊: Oh my god!~ Leave his hands alone!~ Jungkook: *laughs* 🦊: He got more bitches than you. Jungkook: *gasps* How dare you?~ Jimin: Well!~ Jungkook: HYUNG! *Jimin and 🦊 laugh* 🦊: 너무 귀여워!~ Jimin: 맞아, 귀여워~ Jungkook: Honestly, that was an AMAZING mango, and I understand why Y/N was so sad about not being able to eat them. 🦊: And they can't import it here because it's like... 40 United States Dollars to get one from Puerto Rico to Korea. Jimin: And how do you specify that? Like... Just straight up say "I want a Puerto Rican mango" Jungkook: Yeah, what even is a "Puerto Rican" mango. 🦊: Like how can you describe... Both: I want a small, bittersweet mango Jimin: *gasps*... You two sometimes freak me out. 🦊: *giggles* We spend TOO much time together. Jungkook: That's why I don't have a girlfriend. 🦊: *scoffs* Anyways, mine should be last *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* Jimin: YEAH! YEAH! It should!
Jungkook: So, for American food, it wasn't that surprising, since we have American food in Korea. 🦊: It's low-key expensive here too. Jungkook: Yeah, but now with what you told me. Jimin: Inflation Jungkook: It's basically the same price in both countries 🦊: Crazy Jungkook: What was surprising was tasting plantain. Jimin: We had a lot in Y/N's home country. 🦊: A plantain is like a banana, but it's used for cooking, like tomatoes. They're bigger and harder to peel and they can't be eaten raw. Jungkook: Nope *in between chuckles* Made THAT mistake 🦊: *chuckles* Jimin: We ate a lot of Latin cuisine. Rice with chicken, stuffed potatoes, pasteles, a- Jungkook: Just a lot of stuff. Jimin: Yeah! 🦊: I have no idea what your culture shock is gonna be *giggles* Jungkook: Oh! That's because I never told you because I didn't wanna make you feel bad. Jimin: Awwww!~ 🦊: *gasps* Jungkook: So, we had a lot of Latin cuisines, but the ones that upset my stomach the first time eating it was Puerto Rican cuisine. 🦊: Really? Jungkook: Yeah! Now it's whatever because I eat it whenever you cook it and it doesn't upset my stomach 🦊: You got accustomed to it Jungkook: *imitating Y/N* For sure!~ 🦊: *sighs smiling* Jimin: We got accustomed to it now because you bring us food in between anything. Practice, shoots, anything. Jungkook: *snickers* Our unpaid personal assistant. 🦊: Oh my god... Jungkook: Well, the first time I ate Puerto Rican cuisine... *sighs smiling* *chuckles* 🦊: What?~ Jungkook: There's a lot of spices, right? 🦊: Uh-huh~ Jungkook: Like, "sofrito", "sazón", "adobo" 🦊: *smiling* Uh-huh!~ 어쩌라고~ Jungkook: *laughs* I just remember after eating my "arroz con gandules" BOOKING it to the bathroom
*trio laugh*
🦊: *gasps* 잠깐만! 레알?~ Jungkook: 레알!~ Jimin: I had to take some medicine because my stomach couldn't handle it 🦊: *gasps* I mean... I get it, Koreans barely use seasoning, you guys just rely on spice Jungkook: True. I remember the first time that Y/N cooked for me. They were adding all these things and boom boom boom, salt, pepper, adobo, garlic, and this and that. I was like "What are they doing?" 🦊: I'm seasoning it!~ *giggles* 🦊: This is a great segway to my experience. My~ Trio: CULTURE SHOCK!~ Jungkook: *deadpan/trying not to laugh* I hate it here 🦊: *in between giggles* My culture shock was YOUR cooking. Jungkook: Really? 🦊: I just remember the first time you cooked for me. I told you that I wanted some Korean BBQ, but we were pretty far away, I don't know why... Jungkook: We were on vacation with some friends 🦊: Right right right 🦊: So, we didn't wanna go out, and I wanted some BBQ. Seokjin-Oppa busts out the grill, everything's normal. Jungkook: Yoongi-hyung wanted to cook but you insisted it had to be me 🦊: Yeah! Because, at that time, I had cooked so much for HIM, I wanted to taste HIS cooking 🦊: So, he's opening up the... what was it? Jimin: 삼겹살 🦊: Yeah, the 삼겹살 package, in front of the grill. It's already hot and then just *stutters* I can't even SAY it! *laughs* *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* 🦊: He just PUTS it on the grill like a madman! I was thinking to myself *imitating Tati Westbrook* Oh my god~ Time and place~ *Jimin and Jungkook laugh harder* 🦊: I was like... Where's the salt? AT LEAST salt! But NOTHING. And it's not like the grill was seasoned because you can season your grill before you cook Jungkook: Exactly 🦊: Nope... No seasoning Jungkook: OKAY BU- Jimin: 어땠어, 어땠어? How was it? 🦊: *sighs in defeat* it was delicious~ Jungkook: Okay!~ Okay!~ 🦊: *chuckles* I was just shocked you know? In my country you season EVERYTHING Jungkook: Guys, one time, we were eating something and they mixed mayonnaise and ketchup, which, normal, I do that too. But they added cruSHED GARLIC 🦊: OKAY But how was it?~ Jungkook: *sighs in defeat* It was delicious~
Jungkook: That was your first one 🦊: Yes Jimin: Tell them your most memorable one Jungkook: *laughs* Jimin: The way they explain it is so funny!~ 🦊: Oh my god... Okay~ Jimin: *giggling* 🦊: So, I always wanted to eat 떡볶이. Jungkook: Which, if you guys don't know, 떡볶이 is a cylinder-shaped rice cake with Korean chili paste or 고추장. 🦊: There's a lot of things in it, but that's the- Jimin: The basics of it. 🦊: Yeah, so I always wanted to eat it and *laughs* *Jimin and Jungkook laugh* 🦊: Guys... *in between laughs* It was the most ass-ripping, gas-inducing, PAPITO, I saw hell. I saw satan himself *strutters* I-You know what, I didn't see satan. I saw the flames of hell as I was plunging DOWN. Jungkook: *laughs loudly* *gets away from the mic* 🦊: My ass was ripping itself apart like HAHAHA! Papito! It was in 부산, and it was at this place that Jungkook found. He ordered it for me, but the owners were like "They're a foreigner, they won't be able to handle it". Jungkook: I thought I trained them for this moment, but apparently not. 🦊: So, the owners compromised and gave him the 떡볶이 with MILD spice *gets closer to the microphone* Guys... it was MILD! Okay? MILD. *Jimin and Jungkook snicker then laugh* 🦊: I remember taking the first bite and I looked at Jungkook and just thought to myself "Que carajo es esto?!" like "What the fuck is this?!" *in between laughs* I SAW- Papito, I saw God, I saw hell. My ass was ripping itself apart *laughs* *bangs the table once* Jungkook: Their eyes were wide and their face was... crazy red. 🦊: It was... HORRIBLE!~ And I looked at Jungkook and said "Papito, this 떡볶이, THIS IS KOREAN 떡볶이, this truly is Korean 떡볶이. Because this is spicy as FUCK, and the owner put it mild for me. If this is 'mild' for them I DONT WANNA KNOW what the normal 떡볶이for you guys is like" Jungkook: *laughs* They said that after we left the restaurant. They were not rude to the staff or anything. 🦊: And, guys, I really tried to, I REALLY did, because the food was really good, but I was sweating. Jimin: *snickers* 🦊: I was sweating, and I couldn't see the fingers in front of me. Jimin: And Y/N doesn't like to waste food so it was really hard for them to just not eat it. Jungkook: Yeah, but Yoongi-hyung saw them struggling and helped them complete it and finished it for them. 🦊: Yeah. *in a sweet voice* 고마워 윤기 오빠~ Jungkook: I helped too! Why don't you ever thank me like that?~ 🦊: Eh... Anyways! Those were our~ Together: CULTURE SHOCK!
Jungkook: Thank you so much, Jimin-hyung for taking your time and doing the podcast. Jimin: Of course! Even though it's been only 2 episodes posted, I love listening to the podcast. 🦊: Really?~ Jimin: I'm an avid listener, yeah! 🦊: Oh!~ Thank you so much, angel~ Jimin: You're welcome, baby Jungkook: But most of all, thank you, guys, for continuing to listen and interact and comment on the podcast, it really gives us strength to continue 🦊: Jimin? Jimin: Yeah? 🦊: Wanna do the outro? Jimin: Yeah~ I'll do it in Spanish~ 🦊: Oh~ Jimin: Mi gente, nos vemos despues 🦊: *gasps* OH MY GOD!~ That was soooo- Jungkook: Stop!~ *laughs* Jungkook: 여러분~ 안녕히 게세요!~ 🦊: Bye everyone! See you next time!~
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here4kpopfics · 1 year
Spotify decided the first song to play when I got home at 4 in the morning saying goodbye to my friends was Spring Day. So we’re gonna be emo rn.
This was by far the most exhausting week, but I barely feel it. I’m sure I will when I finally sit still for more than an hour. But good fucking lord let me gush over my favorite people okay?
First @theharrowing for being best mommy and daddy and hyung and just the most loving and caring and hilarious and beautiful person anyone could ask to be friends with. I’m so happy we live so close but so mad we also live so far. I will randomly drop by to just cuddle Oliver and annoy you with my love. Accept it, my hyung. 💜 (and tell your partner he is literally the best)
@blog-name-idk you are insane and I absolutely adore you so much. I’ll make it to yours and maybe ONE DAY we’ll take a normal photo together. But I also hope not bc that’s our *thing* now. I will get you into Seventeen and it’ll be fun. Let me know what kind of stickers you want for your laptop. I gotchu boo. 😘
@madbutgloriouspond I’m in love with you. Full stop. The appa to my eomma. You are beautiful and I love your freckles and I can’t wait to attend memes’ hair salon next time. Pls let us obsessed over Christopher and Binnie and fics and just I love you. I’m so happy I met you and Mango. So fucking happy. I’ll make you more bracelets. 💜
@echotoyou I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. you brought so much fun energy and my jaw was seriously hurting from how much I was smiling because YOU were so smiley. I love you. I adore you. I wish we could’ve had more time together. You are amazing. 💜
And finally the one and only beautiful @here2bbtstrash The one who is the reason I wrote LTDO and others. the one who beta’d FiC and has been nothing but amazing and supportive and just all around my favorite person on this toxic hellsite. The Taehyung to my Jimin. I will always be there when you need water or for me to hold something so you can pee or to hug you through Seesaw. I cannot put into words how much I genuinely love you and miss you so much already. My favorite babygirl. 🥺💜
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cakejerry · 11 days
what would jungkook and JIMINS partner talk about now that's the real question
"Oh.... You're been dating Jimin hyung for how long now? Okay...... No it's just that I noticed you bought him a mango smoothie and I'm wondering if you knew that he actually hates mangos, which I'd know seeing as I've been his best friend for 12 years now. No it's fine, he'll drink it, but you really should've asked first. How tall are you again? 177? Oh that's cute, y'know Jimin always said he likes taller men so I guess technically you count. I'm 178 btw also what you do for a living? That pay well? Would you be able to buy bvlgari rings and channel necklaces whenever Jimin shows interest in them? Not really, huh? Oh, well. We can't all be rich I guess. What's the last time you treated Jimin to a massage and a homecooked meal? NEVER? Jimin I think you might need to break up with this guy. Yeah no I don't think he's good for you, his vibes are off. Yeah. Yeah I can deduct that from a single conversation, what do you mean? You had plans? I don't care. I'll take you instead."
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zhounauts · 7 months
MANGO BERRY— ENHYPEN a creamy blend of mango, banana and pineapple, topped with fresh berries, granola, and drizzled with honey
KEY 𓇼 ... fluff 〰 ... oneshot ☀︎ ... angstish ⛱ ... series ☼ ... wip ☾ ... hiatus ☆ ... favs ✿ . . .smau
INGREDIENTS: LEE HEESEUNG → the palace almanac; enha hyung line series 𓇼⛱ ☾
PARK JONGSEONG → the palace almanac; enha hyung line series 𓇼⛱ ☾
SIM JAEYUN → the palace almanac; enha hyung line series 𓇼⛱ ☾ → nutelloco for u 𓇼〰
PARK SUNGHOON → conversations w/ the moon 𓇼〰 → love to hate u! 𓇼⛱✿
KIM SUNOO tba. . . YANG JUNGWON → viral hit ⛱𓇼 → tankini dreaming ☆𓇼〰
NISHIMURA RIKI → lowkey 𓇼 〰 → HEY, 153 FM; n.riki x f!reader ☾ 𓇼⛱ (pls its my 3rd story and SO CRINGY don't read.) → not what she seems; nrk x fmr ☆𓇼〰 → late ☆〰 OT7/misc. → liar's game 〰
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼⋆。˚ 𓇼⋆。˚ 𓇼⋆。˚ 𓇼。˚ 𓇼
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prommethium · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Thank you @ainomica for the tag 💛✨
Favourite ship ever: Hualian (but god knows I can't pick between them moshang and ranwan 😩) Last song: Failure Story by Kim Jae Hyung Last movie: Une Historie d'Amour et de Désir (2020) by Leyla Bouzid (stunning movie, after watching it I bought it. It is about a beautiful exploration of desire from the perspective of a repressed (by culture and religion) young man, he navigates his feelings as he learns about his culture and himself.) Currently reading: On earth we're briefly gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (enjoying it so so much, probably one of the best books I'm going to read this year.) Currently watching: Nothing. Currently consuming: fresh mango and an orange. Currently craving: iced tea.
And now...
@fismoll7secinv @birbfeeder2artisticboogaloo @subtlybrilliant @jadedzer0 @stareyemoth @icarus-suraki @shooting-the-stars @quilleth @oneiro-nautical @rabbitkissed
Please do not feel obligated!! Sending love and lots of good vibes to all of you!! ✨🌿🌸💛
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