#mango washer for sale
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
mango washing and drying line|mango washing machine|mango processing machine
Mango washing and drying line is mainly used for washing vegetables and fruit easily and quickly. It adapts SUS304 material to use for longer time. Capacity:50kg/h-1000kg/h. Wechat/whatsapp:+8613213203466
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nervouscloudtheorist · 5 months
April 11th 2024
Dear Diary,
I must be really good at gardening now because when I woke up this morning and looked at my rose garden and saw that I now have pink roses!! I wonder if there will be other colors. I must try to get them all.
Also a new person moved into to town. I haven't met them yet since I am reading up on gardening but Isabelle mentioned that their name is Kitt. I wonder what kind of person they are. I will make sure that I meet them tomorrow. Maybe I will show them my rose garden!
I think Clay may have lied to me also because I have not been able to find a single Gyroid. Either they are harder to find than fossils or they do not exist. I don't want to think Clay would lie to me but I worry since he seems to still struggle with my name. Everyone else seems to have grasped it. I don't even think my name is that complicated. It's only like 4 letters. F-I-N-N finn. I'm starting to wonder, is Clay really even my friend? I shouldn't think like that though, after all I was the one who moved into his town. I'm the stranger here really. Isabelle says that I should just give him presents to try to help him remember. but I feel like I shouldn't have to do that.
I'm getting distracted.
Anyways I did my daily shopping and bought a new washer/dryer combo and a classic couch from Tommy! It was shortly after buying them though, I realized that my house was much too small for those things and I had to put them up for sale at Re-Tail. I don't think I mentioned it but Reese allows me to go and sell items in her store as well. Like she won't just buy them from me but instead the townspeople can buy it from her on my behalf and she will just give me the money. This works really well for me cause then I don't have to keep an eye on them myself.
Sable's Clothing didn't really have anything for sale. I am really worried I'm going to be stuck wearing Khakis for a while and while they are good for my Mayoral look, they are not flattering on me at all. The fact that I am wearing a parka and a bunny hood with it does not help either. If only we had like a more fashionable shop where I could get the latest fashions. But that's going to be a long shot to get in this town since it seems like it's been neglected for a while.
I also decided tonight that I was going to take Tortimer up on his offer and go to the Island. I inivted Isabelle to go with me since I really didn't want to go alone but she said she had too many things to catch up on and a lot of paperwork to do. I don't know if that's really the truth because I don't personally have anything to do in this town but maybe that's because she does all the behind the scenes work? I dunno. Regardless I was going to Tortimer's island alone. I went to the dock where Tortimer told me that a boat would be starting today and there was a boat and a Kappa.
I had never seen a Kappa in real life so to say I was shocked would be an understatement. He told me that his name was Kapp'n and that he would take me to the island for a round-trip fee of 1,000 bells. I wish Tortimer would have told me this when he was telling me about the island because that is a steep price to play when I don't have a reliable income.
I paid the fee, mostly because I wanted to see the big deal about the island, and got on the boat. Kapp'n sung the entire time and between us, he's really bad at it. His songs were good but his voice just was not appealing to me. I guess it is good that he is enjoying himself though so I kept my thoughts to myself and just let him sing his heart out.
It was really really warm on the island. Tortimer was not lying when he said that it was a tropical island. They also had mangoes and coconuts all over! I wanted to take some home but got worried because I could really only carry so much in my hands. There was a nice lady there who I could only assume was Kapp'n's wife. She was really sweet and let me know that there was a box I could put all my things from the Island in and that Kapp'n would make sure that they got shipped to the town. I think the entire resort is run by Kapp'n's family which is really sweet. I wish that I was still around my family...
I also learned that this place doesn't take bells either and that I have to earn medals from doing island tours before they will sell me anything. Between the medals and meow coupons I feel like the 3 places should just have the universal bell currency but I suppose to each their own.
Anyways I spent a long time on the island fishing and catching exotic bugs. Probably too much time honestly, because I am too tired to continue on so I will call this a night.
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missylou22 · 7 years
Oops I did it again… 
Yup, another giant adventure. New Orleans was making me melt, so it was time to venture back up north towards the family.
But in all honesty, one of my teammates vacated his North Carolina position and I jumped at the opportunity to be a quick 6 hours from home instead of 17. No more missed birthdays, buying flights for holidays or trying to figure out appropriate vacation time.
So after a few back and forths for details, I was offered the same position I’m currently holding, just for North & South Carolina! It was a busy, hectic, and stressful few weeks trying to finish up regular work while also needing to fly up to find a suitable new apartment, pack my tiny 1 bedroom in New Orleans, move it all up to Charlotte, NC
I took a few days back in March to do the apartment searching. And because work has conditioned me so well, I plugged the few places I had in mind into mapquest route planner and scheduled out 6 visits in about 4 hours :)
Luckily my teammate and I are good friends and I was able to arrange a private tour of my new city with him and his wife and indulge in some North Carolina BBQ for dinner. Because I came in on a weekend, I was able to knock out about 3 more locations on Sunday and had one last one to see Monday before a flight back to NOLA on Tuesday afternoon. I figured 4 days would be decent since that’s what dad and I took to find my NOLA apartment but found it on day 1. I have another friend (former Redskins coworker) in the area too so it was nice to be able to have someone with me for a few of the places.
It came down to 2 locations on Monday – a third floor 1 bedroom 1 bathroom with sunroom (for my office), but no elevators or washer & dryer in unit, or a 4th floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooom with everything but a little more than what I was already paying. Guess which one I chose…
Yup, welcome to the 2 bedroom life!! It was really going to suck having to lug suitcases up and down 3 flights of stairs… I pay for convenience.  Now I have a dedicated office AND a guest bedroom!! All I had left to do was pack up my New Orleans apartment, find movers, and get on the road…. crap.
How the hell am I going to pack all this junk into appropriate boxes and where the hell am I going to put it when I get there?
Packing your entire life in 672 sq feet while also trying to keep life normal is very difficult. I took my mother’s advice and packed a few boxes every night for a week or two until I didn’t have any more space to put boxes, suitcases, etc. in my living room.
While trying to keep up with that “normal” life idea I tried to keep work as fluid as possible while also saying see ya later to the friends I made in the Big Easy. Luckily those friends are lifelong ones and made sure to give me the proper sendoff with  all-you-can-eat Crawfish, booze, baseball and Beauty & the Beast on my final weekend.
I also got some help from our Junior in Atlanta who drove all the way down to clean out my storage unit. Since the process of hiring my replacement is ongoing we wanted that BDM to be able to start fresh with a new storage unit – meaning it was up to us to completely clean it out and ship back whatever wasn’t taken/recycled. We loaded & unloaded the car 3 times, returned my corporate vehicle, and FedEx’d stuff to corporate all in one day. It was only fair that I introduce him to Crawfish and Bourbon Street. We celebrated hard on Bourbon Street – go big or go home right?!
Go big we did. I’m pretty sure I was still inebriated when I woke up before the movers arrived… It was a rough morning trying to pack the rest of my crap. I had to be careful not to stand up too quickly and rehydrate. By the time the movers got there and started taking the pre-packed boxes, I was just shoving the rest of it in garbage bags going “I’ll figure out what’s in what when I get there”. It took them about 3/3.5 hours to load everything and off they went. By the way, Abba Movers, a local business in New Orleans was AMAZING. I liked the idea of not having my stuff thrown in a storage unit somewhere to await another 18wheeler loaded with random people’s belongings and then maybe being delivered the next 7-10 days…. These guys assured me they would load everything securely, drive to Charlotte, and unload all within 3 days. Yes please!
Once the big stuff was out, it was just the little stuff and cleaning left before I closed the door on my NOLA life. Sir Quilliam Thatcher was the last thing in the car before heading out to return my Cox router for the 5.5 hour drive to Auburn.
We were loaded down and ready for the next road trip adventure! I arrived to Auburn around 10:30 that evening, threw myself in the shower and flopped into bed. I don’t have a large travel home for Quilliam yet, so I set him up in the spacious jacuzzi tub of the hotel. 
Because hedgehogs are nocturnal, he decided that 4am was a good time to throw all the plastic pieces/toys around which got him locked back in hedgie jail.
Thursday we loaded back into the car and continued through Atlanta to our new home and upon arrival, I had already forgotten how big the new space was. I spent that evening locating an air mattress for myself to sleep on and sitting on the floor in the middle of the giant living room just appreciating the quiet.
The movers weren’t due to arrive till 10am on Friday but I got a call asking if they could move it up to 9am… ummm ABSOLUTELY. And at 8:45am they arrived ready to unload and while I worked my way through e-mails and created a newsletter, they unloaded everything into my new 1,187 sq foot space, not one thing missing or broken! That’s a LOT more space than I realized and all my furniture looked too small… Good thing Mom & Dad were on their way down to help me organize, decorate and check out some new furniture!
The super clutch piece to the whole weekend was the flatbed cart the apartment complex had available to help me move everything in and out. The only casualty of the entire move was a small hair I found wrapped around poor Quilliam’s tiny foot, luckily my bff is a vet with vet friends all over the place and she was able to find me a local team that see’s exotics.
Once the parental support arrived we unpacked the essentials, picked up an aggrivated Quilly, and shopped around until my hangriness got out of hand and we had to check out the restaurant downstairs.
Saturday morning we’d hit the ground running for some big girl furniture. I initially saw this fantastic looking white buffet piece to put my TV on at the Value City Furniture store. I found it in my original apartment search trip, went back to look at it when I arrived Thursday and this was my 3rd trip to the store to confirm I liked it. While I did like it, I was annoyed I couldn’t take it home with me immediately. So after declining to wait for it to be delivered, because I am impatient (and the Kitchen table we were looking at was sold right underneath our noses) I did some googling to find top rated furniture stores in Charlotte.
Welcome to Nadeau! Furniture with my soul captured as soon as I crossed the front door threshold. I was entranced. It was almost an antique setup store with furniture piled on top of each other and on my treasure hunt I went. We were overwhelmed by the amount of quality looking pieces in there, I wanted everything. And after much deliberation between pieces, what I wanted my apartment to look like, the ideas that had been stored in my brain for years and checking prices, I left with 3 items purchased.
We were able to load the small table and the bench into mom’s new car at once, but the buffet would be trip #2. As we excitedly got the pieces into the space I could see it all coming together. I was still bummed about missing out on the other table and was deciding which style I wanted for my very first kitchen table. Circle?! Square?! Rectangle!? If I get a circle farm style table I’d want to move this light a foot over, can maintenance do that? But what if I get a rectangle table? I could slide this bench over and not have to buy chairs? WHY IS ADULTING SO HARD?!
Once I decided on the colors of the first 3 pieces, I knew the style I was looking for but still hadn’t decided on shape. We went back to pick up the buffett and took another look around at the tables and there it was. A beautiful Mango wood rectangular table. I’ve never been more in love with a piece of wood… I’m hoping it lasts me a while. And my jaw about hit the floor when the sales kid told me it was only $289…. I just looked at dad with the most surprised expression while dollar signs flashed in my eyes. Yup. Mine.
We stopped at Home Depot after loading the last 2 pieces and then dad got to work attaching the legs… funny, I’m pretty sure I have the same photo of him putting together my desk 2.5 years ago :) (except this time we didn’t have to load & unload it all ourselves!! WIN!)
Now that I had some new furnishings, it was time to really make this apartment home. On to the decorating we went!
My mind is still boggled by how much space I have. I’m used to living on top of all my posessions. Here, everything is put away. It’s clean, it doesn’t look cluttered, it’s so zen!
Because I have 2 giant walk-in closets, I no longer needed my homemade garment rack, Mom and I decided to turn it into a display/headboard piece for the spare room/office. Yes the air mattress is currently in there until I find a new sectional sofa and move this tiny/semi-broken one in there.
The spare room now is not only my office, but also a reminder of all the fun things I’ve done so far. Mardi Gras items, signed sports stuff, my favorite books, etc.
The last piece of the puzzle was my master bedroom suite. I’m pretty excited to have my bathroom right in my bedroom actually. Again, because of all the space my bedroom is quite empty now that I’ve put everything away. There’s no longer a bike or grill next to my bed, clothes out in the open or crafting flowers laying around.
I legitimately don’t know what to do with myself…. Maybe I’ll add a really cool & fun chair somewhere. I also needed a little extra storage space in my bathroom so I found a cabinet unit at WalMart and put it together after Mom & Dad hit the road.
My first dinner at my very own kitchen table was a turkey sandwich, as was my first lunch. I’ll get to cooking eventually :)
I spent my office day for work on our normal conference call which was very odd because I’m used to waking up and having to get right on the call since I was an hour behind the rest of the team. It’ll take some getting used to having a whole hour before the call now. I actually had time to make coffee!! I set up my office space as well, and started planning out some sales calls for my first few days after I pick up the company car and check out the storage unit.
I’ll make the first 6 hour drive home this weekend for Nugget’s 3rd birthday and Easter. I’m super excited to be back within driving distance from the family. Can’t wait to see what this new adventure brings!
That’s enough adulting for now. I’m tired.
Queen City Oops I did it again... 
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Waialua, HI
68-055 Akule St #206
Price: $234900
This is a HomeSteps property. This property is eligible under the Freddie Mac First Look Initiative through 8/5/2016. HomeSteps First Look Program, no investor offers the first 20 days of listing, expires 8/5/2016. Freshly painted unit with very private lanai and tree top view of the surrounding area. Parking stall located near the stairs. Great for first time home buyer or investor. (FS-Fee Simple)
68-055 Akule St #412
Price: $328000
Live the North Shore dream beach lifestyle! Enjoy living in your spacious, relaxing and bright ocean view condo. Your inspiring condo is right across the street from a beautiful long white sandy beach. Perfect for surfing, swimming, snorkeling, stand-up paddling, fishing and enjoying the healthy Hawaiian life style, away from all of the crowds. This rarely available fourth floor charming unit has a full size washer and dryer, lanai and a nice size open parking spot. Mokuleia Sands has a BBQ area, an amazing and very large ocean and mountain view roof top deck, gym, garden area and a pla ce to keep your bikes. Waialua feels like old Hawaii and you are very close to Haleiwa Town and the bike path. This unit has been freshly painted. With some creativity you can create a very beautiful home!
68-101 Waialua Beach Rd #301
Price: $159900
Do you want to own a property near beach? Look no further. Enjoy a family picnic on the beach park, or just sit on the white sandy beach, marveling at the ocean. Ideal as a weekend getaway for you and your family or for investment. Fresh interior paint, upgraded kitchen and marble floors. Corner unit.
67-297 Kahaone Loop
Price: $1800000
Striking OCEAN FRONT home on White Sandy beach. Possible no. of CPR. Duplex beach home with one 3bd/2ba & one 2bd/1ba. new copper plumbing throughout, plus new electrical box for the 3bdrm side. newly fumigated (perform periodically). Colorful flowers, palm tree, and wall fenced yard for privacy. Swim, boat ride, surf, and more all from your doorstep. Sold As Is condition. Listor is owner
68-041 Waialua Beach Rd #301
Price: $189000
Great price and great location for this top floor corner end unit. Beach, surf, snorkel/dive, kayak, fishing, kite surf, paddle, all just steps away. This condo has A/C, in unit washer/dryer, dishwasher, stove/oven and dedicated parking stall. Across the street from bike path, bus line, and just minutes away from Historic Haleiwa Town, skydiving, glider planes and more. Condo doc’s are available by clicking the “supplements” icon below the photos.
67-435 Waialua Beach Rd
Price: $895000
Waialua Beach Colony is a beachfront subdivision on the North Shore of Oahu the outer island you can drive to. The gorgeous views that surround this lot will inspire you to build a home and realize your dream of living on the beach. Will have deeded beach access.
68-041 Waialua Beach Rd #101
Price: $229000
$25K Price reduction! Call now This condo is in a great location on the first floor, corner unit with large patio. Located across the street from a bus line and bike path. Walk to the beach and to Aweoweo Beach Park. Surf, stand up paddling, basketball, swimming, a playground and beautiful beaches are a short walk away. Only minutes to Historic Haleiwa Town.
131 Farrington Hwy
Price: $7900000
Private & Secluded Beachfront. Presenting rare opportunity to buy a beach front parcel. Perfect location within 15 min of Charming Haliewa town, organic foods, restaurants, stores and famed North Shore. Dillingham Ranch and Polo fields within riding distance. Ag.2 zoning allows, house & barn w/ horse and orchards. Private point setting with views of coastlines and sunsets. Beach walks, shelling, monk seals, surf, diving, mountain hikes & biking await. Appraisal value at 8.5, all reasonable offers considered. Neighboring 5.0 acre lot also available for sale.
68-131 Farrington Hwy #B
Price: $7900000
Private & Secluded Beachfront. Presenting rare opportunity to buy a beach front parcel. Perfect location within 15 min of Charming Haliewa town, organic foods, restaurants, stores and famed North Shore. Dillingham Ranch and Polo fields within riding distance. Ag2. zoning allows, horse & barn w/ horse and orchards. Private point setting with views of coastlines and sunsets. Beach walks, shelling, monk seals, surf, diving, mountain hikes & biking await. Appraisal value at 8.5, all reasonable offers considered. Neighboring 5.0 acre lot also available for sale.
68-469 Crozier Dr
Price: $2000000
Breathtaking beachfront property on the exclusive Crozier Drive. Serene waters for surfing and diving; perfect for the ocean enthusiast. Minutes away from the Historic Haleiwa Town. Enjoy beautiful views from the comfort of your home while watching gorgeous sunsets second to none. Value is in the land. Property to be sold in As Is condition. Buyer to cooperate with seller on 1031 Exchange. Not contingent upon seller finding replacement property. Use Title Guaranty Jill Kirihara.
67-665 Kane Pl
Price: $789500
Large rim lot adjoining Ag land with 180 degree views. Desirable quiet Waialua home has been thoughtfully modernized while still retaining its old Hawaii plantation charm. 2004 new roof. New walk in shower, quartz counters & Coastal windows. Appliances are less than 5 years old. Open bright design catches the trade winds and is naturally cool and light. Covered 500 Sq.Ft. Lanai/Studio/Bath is not included in Living Area. Lot size allows for ADU and septic has been upgraded. Private country living at its best. Bring your best offer and add your story to this special property.
66-905 Paahihi St
Price: $549000
Great starter home with orange, avocado, lemon and mango trees. Lilikoi fruit also growing on property. Pets on property. Seller currently working on property improvements. Large one car carport with room to park 2 cars including driveway or a boat. Nice mountain views from property. Seller selling As-Is.
68-090 Au St #303E
Price: $359000
Rarely available in the most desirable building in Waialua.Beautiful mountain/ocean views welcome you home to this split level Ono Vista unit.Dine on the lanai,relax in the salt water pool or sauna,or enjoy the near by Aweoweo beach park.Located only 3 minute walk to Waialua Beach and Public bike path.
66-900 Wanini St
Price: $665000
Lovely home with open living spaces, with 1 bedroom unit with full bath and separate entrance. Kitchen and bathroom have been tastefully upgraded. Enjoy get-togethers in your spacious backyard and large covered deck. Minutes away from the North Shore beaches, historic Haleiwa Town, shopping, restaurants. 1ST OPEN January 29 2:00-5:00 p.m.
68-615 Farrington Hwy #25B
Price: $449000
Mokuleia Beach Colony: 1BR/1BA unit. Gated beachfront community with 26 private duplex townhouses. Walk to the sandy beach, play tennis or just relax by the pool. This community has all you could want to get away & relax. Great for an Oahu getaway! Pets ok: must have board approval, limit 2.
67-208 Niumaloo Pl
Price: $948000
Charming 3 bedroom / 2 bathroom home located in Waialua. Upper level with 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms. Lower level currently used as 2 bedrooms / 1 bathroom with large outdoor shower, and separate entrance. Central air installed throughout upper level, and split unit for lower level. Solid wood kitchen cabinets and stone countertops, as well as top of the line appliances. Cellular shades throughout the home. Bamboo hardwood flooring installed in upper level with tile in the bathrooms. New Pella double pane windows and doors. New painted interior and exterior of home. Full landscape with fe nced yard, beautiful rock wall, sprinkler system and parking for 5+ vehicles. Perfect location in a quiet neighborhood, near Waialua recreation center, and beach.
68-004 Au St #77A
Price: $749000
A one story house on nice sized fenced lot and just two short blocks to Aweoweo Beach Park! The living room and kitchen have vaulted ceilings and six new slider windows. The roof was new in 2012. There’s a storage shed with one year old roof. Nearly new Pergo Max flooring, ceiling fans, window A/C, blinds, attic fan, and hot water heater. This property has SO much potential and is priced to sell quickly!
67-250 Goodale Ave
Price: $759900
Single story home with brand new interior/exterior paint, new refrigerator, new range, new range hood, new carpets throughout. Oversize garage to fit 2 cars generously. Lots of parking in front for guests and to hold family gatherings. Larger 4 bedrooms to accommodate growing families. Inviting double entrance opens up into living room with lots of big windows throughout dining area. Very easy to locate. Come see it today! (Fs-Fee Simple)
67-241 Kahaone Loop
Price: $2250000
You’ll love this newly renovated, beachfront home with 95 linear feet fronting breathtaking panoramic views of the ocean. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in the main house, plus a separate charming studio/cottage with 1 bathroom. Beautifully maintained tropical landscaping surrounds this private retreat on the less traveled stretch of the North Shore. This elegant home has been remodeled with granite counters, stainless appliances, copper gutters, modern jacuzzi, vaulted T&G ceilings in the living area, and a solar electric entry gate. The home is beautifully furnished and ALL FURN ISHINGS ARE INCLUDED in sale!! Only 2 miles away from historic Haleiwa and restaurants, shopping, art galleries and farmers markets.
68-091 Au St
Price: $899000
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-waialua-hi/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158014562160
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Orlando, FL
925 Windmill Grove Cir
Price: $59500
Spacious and open, this 4 Bedroom 2 Bath home offers a split bedroom plan with tons of storage. Large eat-in kitchen with all appliances, washer, dryer and pantry. Large master suite with beautiful master bath featuring a garden tub and a step in shower. Three additional bedrooms and another bath make this a perfect family home! Deerwood is East Orlando premier family community, close to shopping, dining and schools! Over 700 homes available at http://www.fourstarhomes.com
2834 Silver Spur Ln #253
Price: $35500
A MUST SEE LARGE 3/2 HOME IN A 55 PLUS COMMUNITY THAT IS PET FRIENDLY, WELL KEPT COMMUNITY WITH POOL, CLUB HOUSE, AND LOTS OF ACTIVITIES. THIS HOME IS A LARGE LOT OFF OF THE LAKE. rrLiving room/ dining room combo- Area is carpeted, lots of windows for a light and bright feel, with a ceiling fan, all central air vents are in ceiling for easy placement of furniture. All blinds and window dressings remain in the home. Alarm system installed.rrFamily room- Large area with wood burning fireplace, carpeted, built in book shelves, lots of windows with a view of the lake. rrKitchen- Large eat in kitchen with island, vinyl floor, lots of cupboards for storage, pantry closet, lots of counter space, dishwasher, glass top stove, large capacity refrigerator. Laundry area closed in with washer/drawer and plenty of shelves, is located off of eat in kitchen. This area has a back exit to the large back yard and sitting area. With a shed located in back and a shed located off of the carport. Which can handle 3 cars.rrMaster Bedroom- Very large master bedroom, lots of windows for light and bright feel, carport, ceiling fan, walk in closet. Master bath area has dual sinks and large garden tub. Toilet and single stall shower ensuite.rrBedrooms 2&3- Both same size large rooms, ceiling fans, carpeted floor, walk in closets, windows.rrGuest bath- Combo tub/shower, vinyl floors, single vanity, toilet, sky light.rrCommunity lot rent- $605 month includes water, sewer, trash, and lawn maintenance.rrTO SEE THIS HOME OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. rrCALL JODY- 407-797-8976r Brokered And Advertised By: ALL FLORIDA MOBILE HOME SALES INC. Listing Agent: Jody Punzo
6515 Yucatan Dr
Price: $184900
Beautiful remodeled home. Master bedroom has been completely remodeled, new light fixtures, fans, brand new appliances, brand new faucets, bathrooms cabinets, toilets, bran new carpet in bedrooms and bonus room. Bran new granite counter top, new paint outside and inside.
8729 Isla Bella Dr
Price: $260000
This Beautiful 4BE/2.5 BA home rest in the quiet community of Isla Bella. The home boast tile floors and Berber carpet throughout. The home opens to a large family room with an impressive open view . The first floor master bedroom offers privacy with two walk-in closets, garden bathtub, separate walk-in shower, and dual sinks. It also allows access to the screen outside patio. The kitchen boasts 42 hardwood cabinets, granite counter tops stainless steel appliances with an adjacent spacious dining area. The second floor upstairs features Berber carpeting, a built in work area and 3 bedro oms. Its a must see. The home is minutes from accessing the Toll Road 408 and FL Turnpike. Close to shopping, dining, & hospital.
Address Not Disclosed
Price: $119000
Traditional block home centrally located, with good bones. Way under value for quick sale!!. This 3 bedrooms/1 bedroom home has ceramic tile throughout. Large dining/family room area, separate living room. There is a carport conversion with separate entry bedroom/bath (additional to the 3/1), which can be used as in-law or rental unit. Larger corner lot with many fruit trees (mango, lime, avocado). Driveway. As-is contract. For this price, make this your dream home! Close to schools.
14626 Laguna Beach Cir
Price: $139000
Beautiful 3 2, end unit villa with water view. This is an excellent home, whether for a primary property or vacation home. Centrally Located, and well maintained common areas. A home at this price and condition wont last long.
2118 Ivanhoe Rd
Price: $750000+
ANOTHER REMARKABLE MODERN OASIS BUILT BY CLARKSON CONCEPTS IN SOUGHT AFTER COLLEGE PARK. Clarkson Concepts has an Outstanding Reputation for Building, Quality Aesthetically Pleasing Homes with Exceptional Attention to Detail. This College Park Pool Home Offers Four Bedrooms and Three and a Half Bathrooms, Master Suite on the First Floor, in an Open Floor Plan. The Home Boasts Ample Natural Light Throughout. From the Grand Foyer to the Chef’s Kitchen, to the Massive Steam Shower in the Master Suite, the Quality and Attention to Detail Throughout the Home is Apparent, The Contemporary Liv ing Space encompasses Tall Ceilings, Chef’s Kitchen with Quartz Counter-Tops, Stain-Steel Appliances, Butler’s Pantry, Luxurious Master Suite with Walk-In Closets. Home Features a Beautiful in Ground Pool and Tranquil Outdoor Space with Walk-ability to Edgewater High School, Shops, and Restaurants. Easy Access to I-4, Florida Hospital, Downtown Orlando and Winter Park.BUILDER WARRANTY. Expect to be Impressed!
13003 Plantation Park Cir #333
Price: $130000
Newly renovated 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in beautiful Plantation Park. New laminate flooring throughout and fresh neutral interior paint. Spacious with kitchen and dinging open to the living room. The living room features a fire place, nice just for some ambiance or perfect to take a chill out of a cool Florida evening. Childrens playground and picking area located right out front of the building. Clubhouse features pool, state of the art fitness center, racquetball and tennis courts. Plantation Park is centrally located in Lake Buena Vista close to the area attractions, and plenty of sho pping and dining options nearby. Easy access to 535 and I-4.
11717 Chateaubriand Ave
Price: $424900
***Martha Stewart designed home*** better than new and ready to move in to. Mabel Bridge offers a wonderful lifestyle with amenities including resort style swimming pool, cabana, playground, soccer field, putting green, close to the Tibet-Butler Preserve for walking/biking trails. Disney and the world famous attractions, golf courses and shopping outlets are all conveniently located from this community as is access to grocery shops, dining and zoned for excellent schools. This large home is located on an oversized premium lot, has a downstairs bedroom w/full bathroom ideal for guests or in-laws, in addition to the 4 bedrooms and loft located on the 2nd floor. Designer kitchen boasts 42″ cabinetry, large island, two closet pantries, double oven and a contemporary feel throughout. Formal living and dining flows effortlessly through to the kitchen/family room which overlooks the pretty outdoor kitchen pavilion with cozy fire-pit in the fully fenced yard, ideal for entertaining. Over-sized Master Suite, with built in speaker system, coffered ceiling, double entry doors with an upgraded en-suite bathroom, frameless glass shower enclosure, granite counters and upgraded tile. Bright and light throughout, this home is decorated in modern neutral colors, ready for you to make it your own. Schedule your personal tour today to fully appreciated this wonderful home.
3118 Amherst Ave
Price: $289900
Move in ready! This property features new paint, new laminate flooring, new glazed bath and tile, new plumbing and a new driveway surface. Recent updates include: Master bath, Kitchen with Silestone counter tops, custom cabinets and stack-able washer and dryer. Fenced in yard is great for dogs. Storage shed in the back yard. Call this property home and live in one of Orlando’s greatest neighborhoods!
10441 Buck Rd
Investor and Homebuyer opportunity! This foreclosed home is being sold online at Auction.com ending 12-31-2017. Live in, rent or flip this bank-owned home. To view additional photos, Property Reports with title information, Plat maps with property lines, Interior Property Inspection Reports, Financing details or to schedule a viewing, visit Auction.com now. Auction.com sells properties across the country online for banks and government agencies who are very motivated to sell these homes. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our online auctions and liv e Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 13 properties scheduled for sale in Orange County and 190 throughout Florida. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2294651 into the search bar at Auction.com
7621 Fenwick Cove Ln
Price: $289000
Stunning Two Story Townhouse With Loft Located In The Heart Of Dr. Phillips Nestled In The Gated Sandpoint Community. Newly Renovated Home Has An Easy Living Bright Open Floor Plan With High Ceilings. Featuring A Generous 1St Floor Master Bedroom Suite, Open Living And Dining Rooms Along With Beautiful Kitchen With Granite Counters, Stainless Steel Appliances And Breakfast Nook. Community Amenities Include Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Fitness Center And Recreational Building With Kitchen. Amazing Location, Minutes To Major Highways, Park Attractions, Walking Distance To Trader Joes, Sh opping, Banking, And Restaurant Row On Sand Lake Rd. The Hoa Is Onsite And Responsible For The Exterior & Roof Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance And The Security Gates. Dr Phillips Is Highly Regarded For An Excellent Lifestyle.
5921 Wolf Rd
Price: $149900
Come see this gorgeous – newly renovated 4 bedroom 2 bath single family home! Home has been freshly painted with Behr Satin paint inside and out, has new laminate throughout and newly tiled floors in all the wet areas. Brand new 30 year architectural shingle roof, new hot water heater, new electrical panel, and new light fixtures. The bathrooms have been fully upgraded and the hot water line fully re-plumbed. The fully remodeled kitchen has a stainless steel refrigerator, glass top range, modern back splash and granite counter tops with a fabulous view of the fenced backyard. Make your appointment today!!
120 E Hazel St
Price: $319000
Investors only! Cute 3/2 house with a 1/1 mother in law suite in the heart of College Park. Features include granite counter tops, laminate wood floors, updated baths, and fenced backyard. New roof 2014 and new exterior paint 2014. The front house is approx 1050 sq.ft. and rented for $1500/month. The back house is 370 sq.ft. and rented for $700/month. Front lease expires 5-31-17 and back house is on a month to month lease. Awesome investment opportunity with a total of $2200/month. House is directly across from Matthews Park.
12837 Madison Pointe Cir #208
Price: $165000
This is it!!! SPECTACULAR 2/2, MOVE-IN READY CONDO, 2nd floor Private End/Corner Unit, with Private Back-porch overlooking Conservation, in the Amazing GATED COMMUNITY of Discovery Palms. Meticulous Owners occupied for over 10 years. Pride of Ownership shows throughout, Home in excellent condition. INCLUDES ALL APPLIANCES (Whirlpool), PLUS Washer and Dryer, NEW Paint, NEW Carpet, Laminate in Living Area, Tile in Kitchen, Bathrooms and Laundry Room, High Ceilings and Ceiling Fans throughout. Beautiful Open-Plan Condo, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen with Breakfast Bar. TWO MASTER BEDRO OMS with Walk-in Closets, 2 Spacious Bathrooms with Garden Tub, Linen Closets, Vanity. Move right in and Enjoy the Florida sunsets from your 2nd floor condo, with huge screened patio. Community is Excellent proximity to all the Parks, Restaurants, and access roads, making the Home Perfect for your Family, or you as a single occupier. Condo is ready for a new Owner-occupier, Investor, Snow bird or Vacation-home buyer. Your Low HOA includes Swimming Pool , Tennis Courts, 24 hour Fitness Center, 24 hour Media Room, 24 hour Business Center, Basketball Court ,Car Care Center, Gated security access. Excellent opportunity to OWN close to Disney Springs, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Premium Outlets, Seaworld, Aquatica, International Drive, and Sand Lake Road Restaurants. Only 25 Minutes from Downtown Orlando and Orlando International Airport, and just 1 hour to the World Famous Cocoa Beach on our East Coast.
1712 Cloverlawn Ave
Price: $189000
WELCOME HOME TO 1712 Cloverlawn Avenue in downtown Orlando; Lovely and Charming are two words to perfectly describe this incredible home with three bedrooms and a loft; Completely updated with a new roof and hot water heater, new flooring and paint throughout; brand new Kitchen and bathroom, this home is move in ready! A convenient loft off of the Living area, great space for an playroom or for guests and a convenient area off the Kitchen which can be used as a mudroom or additional table space; there is also a convenient bedroom off of the spacious Master which can be a home office or a nursery; beautiful pavers off of the back door and a large double lot gives this home plenty of space to entertain and room to breathe! Located in desirable downtown Orlando; Call today before it’s too late!
717 Magnolia Creek Cir
Price: $249999
TRADITIONAL SALE!! Be WOWED BY THE VAULTED CEILINGS AND OPEN FLOOR PLAN. Great starter home, everything works and has great potential. Great neighborhood. Seller is motivated! Make this home yours before it’s too late. This community has a lot to offer, including a beautiful playground and park for everyone to enjoy!
14501 Riviera Pointe Dr
Price: $450000
This versatile floor plan offers a formal living room or “flex” space (play room). Four true bedrooms and a bonus room with closet that could be a 5th bedroom. Kitchen features 42″ Maple cabinets, that have top and bottom crown moulding, solid surface counter tops, tumbled marble backsplash, centered cooking island, built in desk, closet pantry and Butler Pantry with glass uppers. Walk out to the beautiful pool and spa, surrounded by pavered decking and an oversized screen enclosure. Oversized 3 car garage features epoxy finish. This awesome community is a golfers dream. Features a driv ing range, public golf course and EZ access to Waterford Town Center for shopping. Publix is located at the entrance to Eastwood. Easy drive to the airport, Lockheed Martin, Kennedy Space Center and greater,UCF area. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
304 E South St #6029
Price: $141000
Beautiful top floor and corner unit 1 bedroom 1 bath condo in the heart of downtown Orlando. Brand new Paint in living room, master room and kitchen, new tile in kitchen and bathroom. This condo features a living/dining room combo with wood new laminate flooring and inside laundry closet. All fixtures have been upgraded. Condo also features spacious balcony over looking downtown. The property is under home warranty covering all major appliances, will transfer to new buyer. You are within a quick walk to the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Amway Center, Lake Eola, Plaza Cine ma Caf and much more. This gated community amenities include a fitness center, business center, security resort style pool and club house. 1 assigned parking space in garage will convey with the sale of the property. Additional guest parking is also located in the parking garage.
613 E Ridgewood St #1
Price: $149000
Downtown condo 1 block from Lake Eola Park in the beautiful Eola Heights neighborhood! Originally built in 1926 the building has been cited in the National Register of Historic Places as an example of the “Mediterranean Revival stylethat became popular in Florida in the 1920s”. The condo retains many classic features, including an exterior that is true to the building’s history, beautiful hardwood floors, vintage door knobs, volume ceilings with crown molding, and oak-framed windows. The efficient floor plan includes an updated kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances, a pantry with washer/dryer, tankless hot water heater, a walk-in shower finished in marble tile, and a large bedroom closet with storage nook above. Comes with reserved off-street parking. The well-run condo association has the lowest fees in downtown, making this gem even more affordable! Also perfect as an investment property – consistently and easily rented. Dont miss out on this unique historic condo in the heart of downtown.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-orlando-fl-2/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158010623125
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Arcadia, FL
8635 SW Riverside Dr
Price: $1100000
Enjoy 3D VIRTUAL TOUR. CLICK ON THE LINK TO WALK THROUGH THIS HOME. Welcome to PARADISE!! This STUNNING custom built WATERFRONT home sits on 200 ft of intersecting waterways with direct access to the Peace River and Charlotte Harbor. This extraordinary property is settled on 1.4 acres and features 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths, 4 car garage with workshop and plenty of room to park an RV and a boat. Built with concrete construction, two zoned A/C, all impact windows, insulated block, and a long life metal roof. The Gourmet Kitchen features all stainless appliances including a double-oven, warm ing drawer, pot filler faucet, microwave drawer, gas stove, an R/O system, and so much more. This spectacular home features granite counters throughout with marble, wood, and granite flooring. More interior features include a water softener, tankless water heater, central vac, dumb waiter, speakers throughout, and powder coated iron railings. The Master suite offers a fireplace, California closets, huge bath with separate walk-in shower and above counter sinks with access right to the balcony. Stepping out to the dock, you’ll find two 7K lb covered lifts, fish cleaning station, tiki table, and a backyard fire pit. This amazing estate is a must see! This is the True Florida Lifestyle! Contact your agent today for your private viewing and additional list of features.
8419 SW Sand Crane Cir
Price: $115000
Deeded lot measures 90×120 feet, which faces one of five lakes on the Thornton Creek Motorcoach Resort, www.thorntoncreekmotorcoachresort.com . Pavers, two irrigation sprinkler system, professional landscaping included live oak trees. Lot is adjacent to the Clubhouse, swimming pool and Sunnybreeze Golf Course and Bistro. Amenities include property on the Peace River with boat launching from the Liverpool landing. Resort is close to Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte.
1931 NE Voss Oaks Cir
Price: $120000
3, ½+ acre adjoining lots in Voss Oaks, a deed restricted subdivision. Beautiful park like setting with large oak trees. Adjoining lot on Voss Oaks is Lot 4, 1961 NE Voss Oaks, 3rd adjoining lot is on 4067 NE Diane Terr., Lot 2. There is already a perfect , cleared spot for building and saving all trees. There are surveys available and will be attached and provided to buyer at closing. All three lots have been cleared and manicured. All 3 lots selling as a package . Tax amount on this listing is for all 3 lots. Reference to frontage etc is only for corner lot # 3 and its a bit over to tal of 1 & ½ acres. Deed restrictions cover building size, garages, driveway, sod, landscaping etc. copy is available. Cleared, surveyed and waiting for you !! (if only 2 is of interest, lots 2 & 3 MIGHT go for $80k )
9933 SW Levsky Ave
Price: $11000
Nearly ½ acre lot in Lettuce Lake area. Easy access to the Walmart Distribution Center, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, Arcadia & I-75. Property is not within the flood hazard area. There was a home on this property; driveway culvert is still in place.
12167 SE South Hog Bay Ave
Price: $50000
Five acres of beautiful wooded “Old Florida” land along Prairie Creek. This would be a perfect place for a weekend escape for nature lovers!
4917 SE Brown Rd
Price: $350000
PRESTIGIOUS CUSTOM BUILT 4/2.5/2 HOME WITH SPARKLING IN-GROUND-SELF CLEANING-HEATED POOL AND 75 X 50 MANCAVE ON A GORGEOUS 5 ACRES ADORNED WITH MAJESTIC OAK TREES. This custom home has an open-split floor plan with cathedral ceilings ,king-size master suite, great breakfast bar with eat in kitchen, lovely french doors opening to the beautiful screened lanai/pool & jacuzzi and so much more. The picture perfect landscaped yard, and the 75 x 50 steel out building with roll up doors are just the beginning of all the extras this home has to offer. Call Donn 813-389-2448 to make an appointment.
Address Not Disclosed
Price: $154900
first floor end unit 3/2 bath condo in northshorethis lakefront condo is being sold fully furnished and turn key. just bring your clothes and toothbrush. sip your morning coffee on this spacious lanai while watching florida wildlife. master bedroom has a wonderful view of the lake as well. there is ceramic tile throughout the condo. community offers many activities.
1528 NW Magnolia Ter
Price: $116000
FIXER-UPPER 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on over half an acre that is completely fenced with a large workshop. This home has plenty of room for all of your friends and family. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom are downstairs and 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom upstairs. The kitchen/dining room, utility room & living room are all oversized. There is even a screened in back porch perfect for entertaining. Once renovated this house will easily gain equity and make someone an outstanding home. Priced right and won’t last long! Schedule your showing today!
10420 SW Riverview Cir
Price: $65000
As soon as you see this **PRIDE IN OWNERSHIP** home from the road, it conveys a “northern” feel to it with the tree canopy. Would you prefer not to have any backyard neighbors? Well, the property in back of the house is state-owned land. No backyard neighbors! The empty lot next door is included in the deal, so you’ll have extra privacy there too! Boat ramp? Yep! You can park your boat on that lot next door (or make it an Income Property if you put another home on it), and when the fishing bug hits, hitch up the boat for a **30-second** drive to the boat ramp into the Peace River–a boa ting paradise. Groceries and shopping are 6 minutes down the road. And I-75 is a short drive away to give you quick access to Southwest Florida’s many destinations. And furnishings are included!!
2626 NE Highway 70 #91
Price: $25000
Well maintained 1 bedroom with full bath has a new lifetime roof and upgraded windows, central air. 2 recently built closets in large fully enclosed florida room with new windows, nice gazebo area with 10 x 10 shed, ..55 plus community with pool and club house activities. One of the biggest lots in community, close to shopping centers. Water included with lot rent of $307
8644 SW Reese St #224
Price: $34000
Park Model for sale in beautiful Arcadia Florida, 750 sq. feet, completely furnished and ready to move in. Unit includes a beautifully finished all season lanai, double hung thermal pane windows, air conditioning, queen sized sofa bed, extra refrigerator, washer and dryer and much, much more. This meticulously cared for park model comes with an extra large lot , large enough to accommodate a fifth wheel trailer or motor home. Storage shed in back, golf cart included. this unit (224) is located in Lettuce Lake Travel Resort, not far from Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte on the Pea ce River and has boat launching facility close by. See Photos, asking price: $34,000 Contact Sold
2692 NE Highway 70 #659
Price: $69000
Beautiful golf course location; recently redecorated and upgraded. Cathedral ceilings/fans throughout; open living room/dining room combo; bright kitchen and morning room. Master suite w/walk-in closet, 46×30" shower, double vanity, garden style tub and solar tube. Excellent storage, work space, and laundry. Fully furnished/turnkey including appliances and built-in 60" TV. Screened in lanai overlooking golf course. Covered carport and shed.
7274 SW Lark Dr
Price: $136000
WELCOME TO SUNNYBREEZE!! This lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath pool home is a must see! The interior has been freshly painted and a newer A/C unit has been recently installed. Sunnybreeze has a golf course and a public boat ramp. This home is a perfect starter home or winter retreat!!
2213 NW Windy Pine Ave
Price: $36000
1.39 acres with a 2 BR 1 bath concrete block home built 1999. Corner lot, fenced, storage shed, in the county. Property has beautiful oak trees for shade. Zoning allows for horses and other grazing animals. Located west of Arcadia off hwy 72, easy drive to Port Charlotte or Sarasota.
405 N Arcadia Ave
Price: $69950
Historic Home for Sale in Arcadia 3 bedroom One Bath on oversized corner lot. Classic look with traditional front porch and generous room sizes. Open living and dining areas, with a galley kitchen. Purchase this home for a mortgage that would be less than you would pay in rent for this property. The yard is big enough for a swing set or other outdoor equipment. Privacy fence between this and the north property. A great home for someone who wants the wonderful feeling of home ownership and community!
804 Harris Rd
Price: $43500
Cute home, located just minutes away from Downtown Arcadia, schools, and shopping. This 3 bedroom 1 and a half bath concrete block home on 0.65 acres, could be yours today. All this home needs is some TLC and you.
2960 SW Lois Ave
Price: $62900
Look at all the features of this mobile home. 1796 SF of living area, plus a 11×24 lanai with glass windows, concrete walkways around the home and to the fenced-in pool, carport, 2 storage bldgs, on .48 of an acre lot. Trees include citrus, mangoes, palms and oak trees. Home has 3 BRS 2 Baths, Formal living room with fireplace, formal dining room with built in China cabinets and storage, kitchen with breakfast bar, family room with wet bar. Front part of the yard has privacy fencing. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property.
2529 NW Eucalyptus Ave
Price: $85000
Large Master area containing a retreat / office, master bath with garden tub, separate large shower, double sinks and walk in closet.Huge kitchen with a center island,and snack bar. Home is in need of repair. Was previously rented. Selling as is. New well pump and pool pump 2016. Neighborhood Description The area is historic Pine Level. Very quiet. Mostly pasture land. 3 Churches in the immediate area. Live in the country ,but only 6 miles from all your shopping needs. [ Walmart, Publix, Winn Dixie CVS, Walgreen, Tractor Supply, Restaurants ]
11427 SW Pine Ave
Price: $130000
STUNNING AND MOVE IN READY DESCRIBES THIS TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH PARTIALLY FURNISHED HOME IN THE LOVELY SUNNYBREEZE COMMUNITY. This home is beautifully maintained inside and out beginning with the open split floor plan, spacious kitchen with pantry and built in desk, huge great room, seperate dining room, 10X33 FLORIDA ROOM JUST OFF THE KITCHEN AND MASTER BEDROOM that will be wonderful for entertaining, one car over sized garage, landscaped manicured lawn, fruit trees, hurricane shutters and OUTSIDE LIGHTING. Call today to see this terrific home at an unbelievably great price.
11731 SW Anne Ave
Price: $125000
Over 2100 sq.ft. of living area, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath with HUGE rooms and closets, his & hers master baths. Jacobsen built truly move in condition and well upgraded. Walk in closets, large laundry room, spacious pantry and much more. Extra fill was brought in to raise the home plus there is a 12×20 detached 1 car garage / workshop with electric. 1 lots 120×125. Just over the Charlotte County line from Port Charlotte and Lake Suzy and Just 5 minutes and 2.2 miles to Super Walmart and I-75 and almost walking distance to Kingsway Country Club and golf course. Convenient to Port Charlotte, No rth Port for shopping, restaurants, etc.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-arcadia-fl/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157965219525
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Arcadia, FL
8635 SW Riverside Dr
Price: $1100000
Enjoy 3D VIRTUAL TOUR. CLICK ON THE LINK TO WALK THROUGH THIS HOME. Welcome to PARADISE!! This STUNNING custom built WATERFRONT home sits on 200 ft of intersecting waterways with direct access to the Peace River and Charlotte Harbor. This extraordinary property is settled on 1.4 acres and features 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths, 4 car garage with workshop and plenty of room to park an RV and a boat. Built with concrete construction, two zoned A/C, all impact windows, insulated block, and a long life metal roof. The Gourmet Kitchen features all stainless appliances including a double-oven, warm ing drawer, pot filler faucet, microwave drawer, gas stove, an R/O system, and so much more. This spectacular home features granite counters throughout with marble, wood, and granite flooring. More interior features include a water softener, tankless water heater, central vac, dumb waiter, speakers throughout, and powder coated iron railings. The Master suite offers a fireplace, California closets, huge bath with separate walk-in shower and above counter sinks with access right to the balcony. Stepping out to the dock, you’ll find two 7K lb covered lifts, fish cleaning station, tiki table, and a backyard fire pit. This amazing estate is a must see! This is the True Florida Lifestyle! Contact your agent today for your private viewing and additional list of features.
8419 SW Sand Crane Cir
Price: $115000
Deeded lot measures 90×120 feet, which faces one of five lakes on the Thornton Creek Motorcoach Resort, www.thorntoncreekmotorcoachresort.com . Pavers, two irrigation sprinkler system, professional landscaping included live oak trees. Lot is adjacent to the Clubhouse, swimming pool and Sunnybreeze Golf Course and Bistro. Amenities include property on the Peace River with boat launching from the Liverpool landing. Resort is close to Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte.
1931 NE Voss Oaks Cir
Price: $120000
3, ½+ acre adjoining lots in Voss Oaks, a deed restricted subdivision. Beautiful park like setting with large oak trees. Adjoining lot on Voss Oaks is Lot 4, 1961 NE Voss Oaks, 3rd adjoining lot is on 4067 NE Diane Terr., Lot 2. There is already a perfect , cleared spot for building and saving all trees. There are surveys available and will be attached and provided to buyer at closing. All three lots have been cleared and manicured. All 3 lots selling as a package . Tax amount on this listing is for all 3 lots. Reference to frontage etc is only for corner lot # 3 and its a bit over to tal of 1 & ½ acres. Deed restrictions cover building size, garages, driveway, sod, landscaping etc. copy is available. Cleared, surveyed and waiting for you !! (if only 2 is of interest, lots 2 & 3 MIGHT go for $80k )
9933 SW Levsky Ave
Price: $11000
Nearly ½ acre lot in Lettuce Lake area. Easy access to the Walmart Distribution Center, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, Arcadia & I-75. Property is not within the flood hazard area. There was a home on this property; driveway culvert is still in place.
12167 SE South Hog Bay Ave
Price: $50000
Five acres of beautiful wooded “Old Florida” land along Prairie Creek. This would be a perfect place for a weekend escape for nature lovers!
4917 SE Brown Rd
Price: $350000
PRESTIGIOUS CUSTOM BUILT 4/2.5/2 HOME WITH SPARKLING IN-GROUND-SELF CLEANING-HEATED POOL AND 75 X 50 MANCAVE ON A GORGEOUS 5 ACRES ADORNED WITH MAJESTIC OAK TREES. This custom home has an open-split floor plan with cathedral ceilings ,king-size master suite, great breakfast bar with eat in kitchen, lovely french doors opening to the beautiful screened lanai/pool & jacuzzi and so much more. The picture perfect landscaped yard, and the 75 x 50 steel out building with roll up doors are just the beginning of all the extras this home has to offer. Call Donn 813-389-2448 to make an appointment.
Address Not Disclosed
Price: $154900
first floor end unit 3/2 bath condo in northshorethis lakefront condo is being sold fully furnished and turn key. just bring your clothes and toothbrush. sip your morning coffee on this spacious lanai while watching florida wildlife. master bedroom has a wonderful view of the lake as well. there is ceramic tile throughout the condo. community offers many activities.
1528 NW Magnolia Ter
Price: $116000
FIXER-UPPER 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on over half an acre that is completely fenced with a large workshop. This home has plenty of room for all of your friends and family. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom are downstairs and 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom upstairs. The kitchen/dining room, utility room & living room are all oversized. There is even a screened in back porch perfect for entertaining. Once renovated this house will easily gain equity and make someone an outstanding home. Priced right and won’t last long! Schedule your showing today!
10420 SW Riverview Cir
Price: $65000
As soon as you see this **PRIDE IN OWNERSHIP** home from the road, it conveys a “northern” feel to it with the tree canopy. Would you prefer not to have any backyard neighbors? Well, the property in back of the house is state-owned land. No backyard neighbors! The empty lot next door is included in the deal, so you’ll have extra privacy there too! Boat ramp? Yep! You can park your boat on that lot next door (or make it an Income Property if you put another home on it), and when the fishing bug hits, hitch up the boat for a **30-second** drive to the boat ramp into the Peace River–a boa ting paradise. Groceries and shopping are 6 minutes down the road. And I-75 is a short drive away to give you quick access to Southwest Florida’s many destinations. And furnishings are included!!
2626 NE Highway 70 #91
Price: $25000
Well maintained 1 bedroom with full bath has a new lifetime roof and upgraded windows, central air. 2 recently built closets in large fully enclosed florida room with new windows, nice gazebo area with 10 x 10 shed, ..55 plus community with pool and club house activities. One of the biggest lots in community, close to shopping centers. Water included with lot rent of $307
8644 SW Reese St #224
Price: $34000
Park Model for sale in beautiful Arcadia Florida, 750 sq. feet, completely furnished and ready to move in. Unit includes a beautifully finished all season lanai, double hung thermal pane windows, air conditioning, queen sized sofa bed, extra refrigerator, washer and dryer and much, much more. This meticulously cared for park model comes with an extra large lot , large enough to accommodate a fifth wheel trailer or motor home. Storage shed in back, golf cart included. this unit (224) is located in Lettuce Lake Travel Resort, not far from Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte on the Pea ce River and has boat launching facility close by. See Photos, asking price: $34,000 Contact Sold
2692 NE Highway 70 #659
Price: $69000
Beautiful golf course location; recently redecorated and upgraded. Cathedral ceilings/fans throughout; open living room/dining room combo; bright kitchen and morning room. Master suite w/walk-in closet, 46×30" shower, double vanity, garden style tub and solar tube. Excellent storage, work space, and laundry. Fully furnished/turnkey including appliances and built-in 60" TV. Screened in lanai overlooking golf course. Covered carport and shed.
7274 SW Lark Dr
Price: $136000
WELCOME TO SUNNYBREEZE!! This lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath pool home is a must see! The interior has been freshly painted and a newer A/C unit has been recently installed. Sunnybreeze has a golf course and a public boat ramp. This home is a perfect starter home or winter retreat!!
2213 NW Windy Pine Ave
Price: $36000
1.39 acres with a 2 BR 1 bath concrete block home built 1999. Corner lot, fenced, storage shed, in the county. Property has beautiful oak trees for shade. Zoning allows for horses and other grazing animals. Located west of Arcadia off hwy 72, easy drive to Port Charlotte or Sarasota.
405 N Arcadia Ave
Price: $69950
Historic Home for Sale in Arcadia 3 bedroom One Bath on oversized corner lot. Classic look with traditional front porch and generous room sizes. Open living and dining areas, with a galley kitchen. Purchase this home for a mortgage that would be less than you would pay in rent for this property. The yard is big enough for a swing set or other outdoor equipment. Privacy fence between this and the north property. A great home for someone who wants the wonderful feeling of home ownership and community!
804 Harris Rd
Price: $43500
Cute home, located just minutes away from Downtown Arcadia, schools, and shopping. This 3 bedroom 1 and a half bath concrete block home on 0.65 acres, could be yours today. All this home needs is some TLC and you.
2960 SW Lois Ave
Price: $62900
Look at all the features of this mobile home. 1796 SF of living area, plus a 11×24 lanai with glass windows, concrete walkways around the home and to the fenced-in pool, carport, 2 storage bldgs, on .48 of an acre lot. Trees include citrus, mangoes, palms and oak trees. Home has 3 BRS 2 Baths, Formal living room with fireplace, formal dining room with built in China cabinets and storage, kitchen with breakfast bar, family room with wet bar. Front part of the yard has privacy fencing. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property.
2529 NW Eucalyptus Ave
Price: $85000
Large Master area containing a retreat / office, master bath with garden tub, separate large shower, double sinks and walk in closet.Huge kitchen with a center island,and snack bar. Home is in need of repair. Was previously rented. Selling as is. New well pump and pool pump 2016. Neighborhood Description The area is historic Pine Level. Very quiet. Mostly pasture land. 3 Churches in the immediate area. Live in the country ,but only 6 miles from all your shopping needs. [ Walmart, Publix, Winn Dixie CVS, Walgreen, Tractor Supply, Restaurants ]
11427 SW Pine Ave
Price: $130000
STUNNING AND MOVE IN READY DESCRIBES THIS TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH PARTIALLY FURNISHED HOME IN THE LOVELY SUNNYBREEZE COMMUNITY. This home is beautifully maintained inside and out beginning with the open split floor plan, spacious kitchen with pantry and built in desk, huge great room, seperate dining room, 10X33 FLORIDA ROOM JUST OFF THE KITCHEN AND MASTER BEDROOM that will be wonderful for entertaining, one car over sized garage, landscaped manicured lawn, fruit trees, hurricane shutters and OUTSIDE LIGHTING. Call today to see this terrific home at an unbelievably great price.
11731 SW Anne Ave
Price: $125000
Over 2100 sq.ft. of living area, 3 bedrooms, 3 bath with HUGE rooms and closets, his & hers master baths. Jacobsen built truly move in condition and well upgraded. Walk in closets, large laundry room, spacious pantry and much more. Extra fill was brought in to raise the home plus there is a 12×20 detached 1 car garage / workshop with electric. 1 lots 120×125. Just over the Charlotte County line from Port Charlotte and Lake Suzy and Just 5 minutes and 2.2 miles to Super Walmart and I-75 and almost walking distance to Kingsway Country Club and golf course. Convenient to Port Charlotte, No rth Port for shopping, restaurants, etc.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-arcadia-fl/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157948260780
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Aiea, HI
Perfect home for first time home buyers or investor. This split level townhouse is located on the quiet side of the complex and has fresh new paint, new laminate floors throughout, and has been well maintained. Great central location across from Neil Blaisdell Park, you will be steps away from shops, restaurants, and bus stops, and minutes away from Freeway exits and entrances. Call your agent today!
Well Maintained 3/2.5 in Village West with 2 car garage. Split level, bedrooms upstairs. New dishwasher, washer, dryer. Conveniently located close to bus, school, shopping center, district park. Sold in “As Is” condition.
First showing at first open house this Sunday, 2/12, 1pm-4pm. Conveniently located near shopping, restaurants and schools and just minutes from Downtown Honolulu. Updated kitchen. Cozy. Cooler side of building. Move-in condition.
Here’s your opportunity to own in the highly desirable community of NEWTOWN ESTATES. With over 2,300 sqft of living space, this large 4 bed/3 bath split-level home is waiting for you! Vaulted ceiling & open floor plan is prefect for gatherings with family & friends. Enjoy the beautiful coastal & mountain views along with cool breezes from your roomy lanai. Spacious 1 bed/1 bath living area downstairs can be used for whatever your heart desires; guest/in-law quarters, hobby room, man cave, home office or simply rent it outjust to name a few. Fruit trees of lychee, guava, mango, and pa paya right in your backyard!
Aloha mai kakou All the charm & grace of a bygone era tastefully remodeled atop scenic Halawa Heights. Amazing 4,384sf of Living Area on a huge 8,239sf lot. Multiple Entrances w/2 driveways accommodate 9 cars. Main House: IMMACULATE. Central AC. Owned 36 PV Panels, Solar Water & Solar Attic Fan. Scenic Dining Room. Three bedrooms (2 w/full bath) a family room w/full bath can double as 4th bedroom. THE BONUS ADDITION built in 2003 is a large two story extension that needs TLC! has 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, bonus 3rd room, living/dining, laundry area & wet bar. FINISH THE EXTENSION YO UR WAY and it would be the cherry on top!!! Did I mention the breathtaking Panoramic Ocean, Diamond Head, Pearl Harbor & Coastline view? Broker’s Open House Wed, Feb 22 at 10:30am-12pm. E Komo MaiWelcome!
Rarely available spacious split level end unit with separate living, dining & family rooms. Garage was converted into Family-TV room & a bedroom. To be sold “As Is”. Building is pet friendly. Open house Sunday 1/22 2:00 – 5:00pm.
Rarely available, this property has great potential to make it what you want. Not often does a unit at the Hillside Terrace become available that has a two-car garage. And, it’s an end unit so you get extra windows for better ventilation. On the first level a foyer welcomes you at the entrance then transitions into the kitchen, dining, and living room with a split a/c with the half bath off to the side. The master bedroom situated on the second floor is quite spacious and also has a split a/c with a small deck that offers a mountain view. On the third level, there’s another 2 bedrooms w ith a full bath and laundry closet. This won’t last long so be sure to schedule an appointment today to see this great opportunity!
Great locations just minutes away from Pearlridge shopping center. Enjoy living in a centrally located area with easy access to the H1 and within close proximity to Pearl Harbor and Hickam. Two side by side parking stalls located in front of unit with ample street parking. Property to be sold “As Is” condition. Pet friendly community.
Gorgeous harbor views in this 2/2 in the desirable Lele Pono. Huge wrap around tiled lanai overlooks heated pool below. Great potential in great location. Centrally locted close to Pearl Ridge Shopping Center, hospital, restaurants, Pearl Harbor/Hickam and more. Easy access to H-1. Pet friendly gated building with guest parking. Unit includes 1 covered parking stall. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property.
Large lot level in Aiea Heights with view of Pearl Harbor and coastline. Long driveway to accommodate up to 5 cars. Single level home, original floor plan and needs extensive repairs. Seller will not make any repairs nor pay for the termite inspection. Sold AS IS. Buyer to do due diligence. Do not enter property without listing agent present. NO OH. Close to Aiea High School and Bus Stops. Home has 4 bedrooms but Property Tax Records show 3 bedrooms.
Very special location in PACIFIC VILLAGE. Across street from Pearl Ridge Shopping Center. Cool tropical end unit with nice yard area surroundings, close to parking stalls. Developer customized a 4 bedroom into a 3 bedroom with double sized master bedroom. This unit needs work and all updating, all appliances and interior will be in “as is” condition. Opportunity for special buyer to custom this home further! Roof assessment of $248 runs til 2/23, will not be paid by seller. Large back courtyard has been covered and with skylights for added living area and expansion possibilities. Very c lose to Rec Center/Pool/BBQ and Rec area.
This is your new opportunity to enjoy a home designed by the much sought after, yet rarely available, Hawaii’s renowned architecture. Some classic details include floor to ceiling huge windows, generous wooden ceiling with bold lines, hardwood floors and natural light. The kitchen and bathrooms are tastefully updated to be in harmony with the original architecture: granite counter tops and new stainless steel appliances. Long lasting metal roof. New martin garage door. Master and the 2nd bedroom are on the main level. Nice size 3rd bedroom with its own entrance downstairs. A great locat ion with lush garden and country feel across the street from the Camp Smith Entrance. Quiet and private home with no neighbors in the back. A CPR with an adjacent vacant lot in a peaceful neighborhood. This collectible home has been lovingly maintained and will be an ongoing delight for you.
Estate Sale! Location, location, location. Minutes to freeway entrance and fifteen minutes to town. This four bedroom, one and one-half bath on a 6, 753 square foot LEVEL lot needs major TLC or tear down to build your new dream home. Sold strictly “AS IS.” Don’t miss this fabulous opportunity! Number of bedrooms/bathrooms does not agree with the tax records.
Rarely available, this property has great potential to make it what you want. Not often does a unit at the Hillside Terrace become available that has a two-car garage. And, it’s an end unit so you get extra windows for better ventilation. On the first level a foyer welcomes you at the entrance then transitions into the kitchen, dining, and living room with a split a/c with the half bath off to the side. The master bedroom situated on the second floor is quite spacious and also has a split a/c with a small deck that offers a mountain view. On the third level, there’s another 2 bedrooms w ith a full bath and laundry closet. This won’t last long so be sure to schedule an appointment today to see this great opportunity!
Finally! An immaculate, move in ready, pet friendly complex that is VA approved. 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms with washer/dryer in unit. Master bedroom displays vaulted ceilings with built in cabinets and shelving in both closets. Guest bedroom features full size walk in closet. One assigned parking spot and PLENTY of guest parking. (Note upon entrance, all stalls on right, diagonally parked are complex overflow!) Easy access to Camp Smith, Fort Shafter, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, NCTAMS PAC & Tripler Army . Easy access on to H1 (both directions), Pearlridge, Honolulu Intl Airport, MCB H, Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield. AHS Home Warranty included! Look for St. Timothy Episcopal Church sign, for entrance to Harbor Pointe. (Harbor Pointe’s sign is MUCH smaller than church)
Look no further! Highly desirable and rarely available 2 bedroom 1.5 bath Townhouse in Pearl Horizons. This spacious 2 bedroom townhome boasts an open floorplan, washer and dryer in unit. A resident manager and staff available to maintain the area. There is a pool, party gathering area and guest parking. Walking distance to Pearlridge Mall and an easy access to and from the H1 freeway. Exceptional value on a great location, close to shopping and schools.
EXCEPTIONAL price for this 3 bdr/2bath apartment. Rare resort-like lifestyle with heated pool, tennis courts, putting green, exercise rooms, sauna, basketball room, barbecue areas with stunning views and more. Unit is in excellent condition and ready for a new owner to just move in. Newly renovated kitchen, bathrooms, floor, NO POPCORN ceiling. Pet friendly building. Hidden gem in a very central location, close to Pearlridge mall, schools, hospital, bus line. Enjoy cool trade winds, peaceful, serene and very green setting right next to Golf Club.
Enjoy the majestic mountain views w/ cross breeze in this pet friendly 1-bedroom, 1-parking unit. Nicely renovated with new kitchen, cabinets, lighting under cabinets, laminate counter top, garbage disposal, fridge and newer stove. The bathroom with new power toilet, vanity, sink, water valves and more. This gated, secured building has visitor parking, pool, tennis court, BBQ/Rec area and keyed elevator is conveniently located near military bases, Arizona Memorial, freeways, shopping centers, and Aloha Stadium. Unit to be sold “As Is”. Great starter unit for owner-occupants or investors . Special assessment of $76/mo is until end of 2025, for the elevator modernization. (has been paid)
GRAND OPEN HOUSE ON SUN, 2/26 AT 2-5PM! Spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath townhome in Aiea. This townhome has tons of room with over 1000 square feet of living area. Spacious living room and kitchen design with good natural light throughout the unit. Nice dark hardwood flooring throughout the home. Ground floor corner unit with large lanai. Very big master bedroom with walk-in closet. Close to Pearl Harbor, Pearlridge mall, golfing, schools, and parks. Enjoy the perfect Hawaiian weather at the BBQ and Pool area.
THIS HOUSE IS AVAILABLE FOR RENT NOT FOR SALE. RENT $900. DEPOSIT $900 MONTHLY. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED EMAIL OR TEXT (347 309-6053. The rental fee is inclusive with utilities; Kitchen completely equipped, Kettle – Toaster – Dishwasher – Freezer – Microwave – Oven – Dryer – Heat – Water – Washing Machine
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-aiea-hi/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157929419170
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