#mans survived but just got mega lost afterwards
the-wiggles · 1 year
What if I jarjar binksify regulus black what then
#ok hear me out so#imagine regulus being stupid#like so so stupid#but also weirdly lucky#like in canon we really only know like three things about this man#we know that he was in slugclub but like he could’ve just fucked shit up good enough to make excellent potion after excellent potion#not to mention that slughorn couldn’t resist collecting the new black heir#we also know that he loved kreacher beyond reason and also regardless of familial beliefs and treatment of house elves#that is so jarjar#kreacher probably saved this poor kids life mildly once and our little idiot went well I guess I love you forever and ever#lastly we know he was a disillusioned deatheater#so imagine our little guy just sort of#goes along#with what his family expects and what his friends are doing#but he just keeps accidentally finding out shit that does not sit right#which leads him to the locket etc#and his luck runs out#UNLESS#mans survived but just got mega lost afterwards#like imagine this idiot escapes barely via botched apparition#and he’s flat out dumb plus concussed plus he has actually no idea where he ended up#so he just#makes a life wherever that little dummy ends up#presumed dead by all in his past#people who deadass knew him and knew how stupid he was have all these theories#that maybe he was secretly an evil genius and Voldemort felt threatened after he gained too much power#ring any bells?#can we please binksify him#I do truly love the current characterizations of regulus but#can you fucking imagine
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
Now you've been asked what you do like about him what about the opposite what don't you like about goh?
Aw man, this is gonna hurt.
TL;DR - Goh’s a completely lovable character, but I have three particular issues with him that I feel could become worse if not taken care of properly.
First off, DISCLAIMERS!! To all my fellow Goh fans, please know that writing this, I do not mean any hatred to Goh in anyway. I LOVE Goh, and if you’ve seen literally ANY of my past anipoke posts, you would already know that. These are just issues I find with his character that I want to be changed for the best.
Now with that outta the way, here’s what I don’t like about Goh:
1. His iffy character development. While he’s doing fine in becoming more open to people and more willing to help Pokemon, his fighting skills are what I have trouble with it. Let’s go back to his first ever official battle.
It was at Hoenn’s Frontier Cup where he used Scorbunny and Scyther against a trainer’s Mightyena. Despite having a type advantage with Scyther, he lost horribly, which is completely understandable. He’s a beginner and doesn’t possess the same kind of street smarts and experience Ash and many other trainers have. Alright then, so maybe this will lead to a change in character of wanting to become better in battles by getting some training with Ash, who made quick work of that Mightyena trainer. Surely we’ll get some development over this topic after this episode!
He beats Saffron City’s Karate Master and scores a free Hitmonchan.
...Okaaaay, I mean, we’ve never seen the Karate Master in battle before, so perhaps it was just another fodder trainer the anime is filled of. I sure we’ll get some more Goh development after thi-
He easily defeats and captures a powerful Flygon.
.....Alright, alright, it was only a wild Pokemon. Everyone can beat those, right? Heck, in the next episode, he technically suffers a curbstomp loss against Kiawe and admits he only battles Ash every so often. Perhaps this loss will encourage Goh to train more with Ash so he could become a stronger trainer. I mean, despite his good luck with Pokeballs, he’s gonna need to be as strong as he can be for tougher mons, like Legendaries. I’m 100% sure we’ll get something out of thi-
He takes down a wild Zapdos and NEARLY captures it.
.........Uh, okie dokes, it wasn’t a successful capture, and who knows? Even though we have not seen him battle/train that much on-screen, maybe he just got a little lucky. Even in the games, it happens to the best of us. Perhaps this barely missed victory will finally give Goh the time to actually development more on-screen so that he could have a better chance agai-
He defeats Oleana’s Milotic, using his fire-type Raboot who only wanted to use a weak fire-type move.
..............Allllriiiiight, maybe Oleana just got a little cocky later on. Plus, Raboot finished Milotic by evolving in Cinderace and finishing it off with Pyro Ball. With this powerful evolution in hand, maybe Goh will finally realize that, in order for Cinderace to reach its greatest potential, he must start training for once and obtain some proper development for a chance against stronger threa-
Cinderace fights decently well against Mewtwo, even lasting longer than Pikachu and being on-par with the more trained Lucario.
....................At this point, I’m all out of excuses for him. Overall, Goh’s development as a trainer is very rushed to the point seeing him achieve numerous victories despite all odds being against his favor to be iffy.
2. Slightly touchy topic, but there are some negatives with his whole catching all Pokemon goal. So Goh wants to catch every single mon he can in order to reach up to Mew, as he said to Mewtwo in episode 46. And yes, this includes Legendaries as well. Unfortunately, this is where my issues with his goal starts. First off, where in the world will Goh keep any Legendary he encounters? Cerise’s glorified garden dome? Yeah, keep Dialga and Palkia, literal beings of space and time, inside a glass dome with a bunch of weaker mons. And speaking of which, wouldn’t catching mons like the Creation Trio or the Island Guardians cause quite the upset in, well, y’know, the natural balance of things? Sure, Goh technically hasn’t caught a single Legendary yet (Eternatus doesn’t count because it had to be sealed away), with how the anime is playing out, issues like this will surely rise throughout the series.
And yes, the anime is playing it out for Goh to indeed catch every single mon before reaching Mew. If you pay attention to the openings as well as many of Goh’s own character moments, such as episode 46, then you can easily see the signs telling us that Goh is bound to catch them all, just as Ash is bound on defeating Leon. In the past, pretty much all of Ash’s traveling companions had their own goals as well, but it’s usually because of those goals is why they leave Ash by the end of their journeys, like May and Dawn pursuing contests in other regions, Brock wanting to become a doctor, Iris wanting to find more Dragon types, Kiawe wanting to become an Island Kahuna etc. Because of that, it becomes up to the audience’s interpretation (and fanfics) on how they achieve their dreams and what challenges they could face throughout the way. With Goh, there will a lot more focus and emphasis placed on his goal, and while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s too bad there aren’t really any stakes or obstacles in Goh’s journey!
Really now, another glaring issue with Goh’s goal is that he has NO trouble going through with it at all. From his very first fodder capture, all he has to do is get a good throw and then PING! Pokemon caught. Guess the thing of having to weaken a Pokemon first before capturing it has been retconned out of the anime forever. With that said, there’s absolutely no struggle for Goh to overcome in his journey, which kinda makes things boring. Where’s the challenge? Where are his rivals? Are there any doubts? Does he have any issue of having to catch and connect every single mon in existence? No, well then good for him I guess! Sad thing too is that he catches so many Pokemon with so much potential, but they then disappear completely after their debut.
Remember that free Hitmonchan he scored from Saffron’s Fighting Dojo who seemed completely willing to train with Riolu and Farfetch’d? Never seen again. That female Raichu who loves giving berries? Completely forgotten about. That Aerodactyl Goh resurrected and bonded with before catching? Thanos snapped. The Heracross Goh obtained from a trade at the cost of a second Pinsir he worked hard to find? Literally who?
3. And my biggest issue with Goh. The fact he’s somehow on the same scale as Ash.
Don’t believe me? Well, let’s go back to the ending of episode 46. After Mewtwo teleported him, Ash, Pikachu, Lucario, and Cinderace back home, Goh said this: “We’ve still got a long way to go.”
Excuse me, but WHAT?!?!?!
You BOTH got a long way to go, even though you both suffered a complete curbstomp from a mon that would probably even make the likes of Lance, Cynthia, and Leon comparable to Youngster Joey?!?! What the Distortion World?!?! Why is Goh and, by extension, the writers implying he and Ash are on even terms when it comes to being a trainer? Goh, as a reminder, you literally only began your trainer career 45 episodes ago!!
Alright, let’s talk about Ash for a second and what he’s been through since he started his trainer career. Ash started in Kanto, and while he really only fairly achieved three out of his eight badges (Brock and Misty’s were givens, Erika’s was a thank-you gift, Sabrina’s was all Haunter’s doing, and Jessie and James are complete jokes that no one should take seriously), he still partook in as many battles as he could against tough trainers while getting some pointers from the much more experienced Misty and Brock. After that, he went on to become a much more impressive trainer in later journeys. Instead of a full recap, I’ll just list two impressive things Ash has done in each region he’s journeyed through after losing in the Kanto League.
Orange Islands: Won his first official double battle with Pikachu and Charizard despite neither initially getting along at first and then defeated the Orange League champ, Drake.
Johto: Survived an entire forest of bloodthirsty Ursaring with his friends and defeated Gary’s Blastoise with his Charizard.
Hoenn: Helped stopped both Team Magma and Team Aqua’s elemental threats and reached Top 8 in the Hoenn League despite only two of his mons being fully evolved with one being a glass cannon bird.
Kanto again: Conquered the Battle Frontier and tied with May in his first ever contest.
Sinnoh: Helped protect a Riolu from the famed Hunter J and knocked out two of Tobias’ Legendary Pokemon.
Unova: Defeated Iris’ Dragonite twice (Charizard pretty much had the high ground in their fight) and helped protect Meloetta.
Kalos: Defeated four Mega Evolutions (Lucario, Abomasnow, Absol, and Sceptile) and was one of the main heroes against Lysandre.
Alola: Became an Ultra Guardian and conquered the Alola League.
And right now as of Journeys: Defeated Korinna’s Mienfoo and Mega Lucario with only Dragonite right after the two curbstomped Gengar and defeated Chairman Rose.
And this isn’t even scratching the surface, and yet, somehow, Ash is still on the same scale of Goh. This doesn’t make any logical sense, it completely negates Ash’s experience while over-wanking Goh’s, and it ruins any semblance of power scaling between the two. Logically, Ash should be leagues above Goh and the latter should always confide to Ash whenever he needs assistance or pointers, not “Oh, we both lost to a powerful legendary, guess that means we both have stuff to learn and we’re both beginners lul”. It’s like Deku and All Might both losing a villain that’s beyond both of their capabilities, and then Deku saying that they BOTH have much to learn afterwards! Does it make sense? HECK NO.
If they had to have Goh comment about their loss, why couldn’t he say something that would’ve made more sense? Maybe say something like “Wow, I can’t believe I lasted that long, honestly.” And then Ash would say, “Hey, you’re only getting better. And me and my team will always be there in case you need more training.” Have the two acknowledge the fact that even trainers like Leon wouldn’t fare any better than them against Mewtwo. Just absolutely anything that doesn’t completely ruin what we know of these characters to the point the two are considered equals, despite all the evidence saying otherwise.
I’m getting a little exhausted now, so I’m done, but thanks for asking, anon!
And for anyone reading, please feel free to agree or disagree. I’m completely acceptable to anyone else’s thoughts/opinions over Goh and would love to hear them.
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darecruit · 4 years
New Sneak Peak!
Open Arms, Chapter 15: Tension
The audience was still clapping and whistling at the end of One Day More, even after the curtains closed and the lights came on for intermission. Shelby had missed most of the performance, having spent that time watching her daughter instead. The way her girl’s face lit up, the huge grin that stayed plastered to her face the whole time, the sense of magic and wonder reflected in those big brown eyes—that was the greatest thing Shelby had ever seen. 
 As those eyes finally tore away from the stage and met Shelby’s own, her breath caught in her throat and she was filled with an overwhelming surge of love. Her kid was amazing. 
 “Mom,” Rachel said with the same breathless awe that Shelby felt, “This is amazing! I mean—not as amazing as it’d be to see on Broadway—but I’m still really glad you brought me.” 
  Shelby couldn’t help the snort that accompanied her laugh and immediately covered it up with a perfectly-convincing cough, but the looks she was now getting told her it was too late. Her cheeks reddened, not from embarrassment but from those knowing eyes all looking her way. She had tried so hard to avoid this—picking end seats in the mezzanine, waiting until just before the lights went out to take their seats, dealing with the endless whining from Rachel about having to wait—and now it was all for naught.
 She could hear the murmurs growing louder by the second; it was only a matter of time until someone spoke up. Thinking fast, Shelby delved into her purse and pulled out a handful of twenty-dollar bills. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, kiddo,” she smiled to her child. “Tell you what, if you promise to go and come right back, you can check out the merchandise and get whatever you want. There and back, Rach, no side trips, got it?”  
 Rachel’s eyes lit up at her mother’s offer, taking the proffered money without a second thought. “Yes, I promise!” She hurried off before her mom had a chance to change her mind.
 Shelby watched her go, almost calling her back twice (was it actually smart or safe to let her go off alone like that?), but then heard her name being called from all around her. Sighing, she turned her attention towards the crowd.
 Rachel weaved in and out of scores of people; no one paid her any mind, and she was able to get to the kiosks in record time. Her eyes scanned all of the merchandise and she could practically feel her mother’s money burning a hole in her pocket. When her turn came, Rachel listed off all of the things she wanted—a t-shirt, tote bag, program, magnet for the fridge, a pack of 4 buttons she planned to pin to her corkboard at home, and a coffee mug for her mom. The college-aged worker gave her an astonished look when he told her the price and she then produced the wad of cash, but he didn’t say a word. There were others waiting in line, after all, so she was given her change (less than eight dollars), and then she was weaving through the crowd again.
 Rachel caught sight of her mom before Shelby noticed her. No wonder, her mom was busy taking pictures with a group of middle-aged women, and there were still more people waiting for their chance with her. The group of ladies thanked Shelby and then they were replaced by a young couple. Hazel eyes met hers during the switch and Rachel was given an apologetic smile; she returned it with a mega-watt one of her own. How could she not? Her mom was awesome. Everyone else knew it too.
 The teenager made her way to her mother’s side just as the young couple were leaving. She heard a few protests from those behind, no doubt assuming she was cutting in line, but Shelby was speaking over them now. “I’m sorry, that’s all I have time for—it’s back to mom duty for me,” she said, wrapping a protective arm around Rachel’s shoulders. Disappointed mutterings could be heard, but the small crowd dispersed just the same. Shelby let out a long sigh and settled back into her seat, pulling Rachel down beside her.
  Finally able to relax, Shelby’s eyes traveled to the bulging bag in her daughter’s lap and laughed. “Lord, Rach, did you buy out the store or what?”
 “No, I just got the basics. I really wanted to get you this one t-shirt but they didn’t have your size—of course, I could have gotten it had you let me look before the show, but no matter. I got you a coffee mug instead. It was either that or a ball cap, and you don’t strike me as much of a hat person,” Rachel prattled on, her tone excited but no less serious. Shelby just laughed.
 Rachel continued chatting a mile a minute and Shelby listened in rapt attention, so in awe of her kid and thrilled with how happy she was. Shelby was glad she could do that for her daughter. After the week they had had, Rachel deserved this.
 So lost in her thoughts and her conversation with her daughter, Shelby was startled when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She turned, ready to tell whoever it was that she wasn’t taking any more pictures, when she caught sight of a man of middle-age in a button-down shirt and wearing a headset.
 “I’m sorry for interrupting, Ms. Corcoran,” he quickly apologized, “I’m John, the stage manager, and I wanted to personally invite you to come backstage after the show. We would all be so honored to have you.”
 Shelby gave a gracious smile and briefly considered declining, but Rachel’s squeal and excited bouncing couldn’t be ignored. She’d never hear the end of it if she said no. “Of course, we would be delighted to,” she said. John smiled and thanked her, disappearing as quickly as he came.
 Shelby barely had time to turn back to her daughter before all of the air rushed out of her lungs as Rachel all-but-tackled her coming in for a hug. “Ooof!” she groaned, catching the girl all the same.
 Rachel pulled back with a sheepish look, then burst forth with an exuberant, “This is the best day ever!”
 “For me, too,” Shelby couldn’t help but laugh; her daughter’s excitement was infectious.
 The lights went out and Rachel turned her attention back to the stage as the music started playing. Shelby’s attention never left her daughter.
Open Arms * Open Arms * Open Arms
“I’m starving!” Rachel exclaimed as she and her mom left the theater two and a half hours later.
 ”I know. I’m sorry it took so long. I had planned for us to already be having dinner by now,” Shelby said as she lead the way to the parking garage. “I never expected to end up backstage, and then to have stayed so long…maybe I really should have said no.”
 Rachel stopped dead in her tracks and stared at her mother incredulously. “You’re joking! Mom, it was awesome!” she declared emphatically. “You made them all so happy! How could you even think to have said no?”
 “Because I didn’t want it to get in the way of our day and our plans. And look, it has,” Shelby answered, reaching for her child’s hand and gently tugging to move her along.
 “Mooooom,” Rachel whined, “You’re ridiculous! If it had been me and I knew one of the greatest actresses in the world was in the audience watching me perform and didn’t come backstage afterwards, I’d be so upset! I’d probably think I sucked or something!”
 “You could never suck, Rach,” Shelby said.
 “Okay, bad example,” Rachel agreed, making Shelby chuckle. “But I bet that’s how every single one of those performers would have felt if you hadn’t gone back to see them! Would you really have been okay with crushing all of their dreams?”
 The mother rolled her eyes as she pushed Rachel in front of her through the open door to the garage. She pushed the button for the elevator and waited for the lift to come. “I’m sure they would have survived,” she noted.
 “But at what cost, Mother? What if your actions had made one of them lose their spark and decide to quit and become, I dunno, an accountant or something? That would be tragic,” Rachel persisted.
 “I’m not that important, Rach,” Shelby laughed, “But I appreciate your confidence in me, kiddo.”
 “Okay, first off, you are!” Rachel said just as the doors to the elevator opened. She stepped inside and then turned back to her mom. “Second, they’re all just starting out. Imagine if Barbra, Mom, Barbra came to see a show you were in and then didn’t come backstage. How would you feel?”
 Shelby smiled conspiratorially, pushing the “3” button and waiting for the elevator to reach that floor. The lift dinged and the doors opened. “Barbra actually did come to a show early on in my career. And yes, she came backstage. You’re right, I would have been crushed otherwise,” she said as she stepped out.
 “What?!” Rachel gasped, shell shocked. She shook the surprise off and darted out of elevator after the woman. “And you never told me?!”
 Shelby smirked at the girl over the roof of the car before sliding into the driver’s seat. “Get in and I’ll tell you all about it on our way to dinner!” she called to her.
 “I still can’t believe you never got a photo with Barbra—or at the very least an autograph!” Rachel repeated once more as they came to a red light.
 “It’s Barbra, kid. No one goes against Barbra,” Shelby said and Rachel nodded in agreement. It was certainly the truth but Rachel still felt it was a travesty that her mother didn’t have a memento of that auspicious occasion beyond, you know, her actual memory of it.
 She stifled a yawn and looked at the car’s clock. It was 7:42; she and her mom had taken their time with dinner, enjoying their food and each other’s company. It had been the perfect end to a fantastic day, but now Rachel was looking forward to getting home and crawling into bed. She wished it wouldn’t take so long to get home, though; she wasn’t sure she’d make it the whole two+ hours without falling asleep.
 Shelby smiled and patted her knee when Rachel shared that thought. “Don’t worry, kiddo. We’ll be comfy in bed in no time,” she said, turning left when the light turned green.
 Rachel looked around in confusion as her mom turned into another parking garage several minutes later. “What are we doing now?” she asked.
 “We have a bed waiting for us,” Shelby said as she parked. She smiled at Rachel’s stunned expression, then unbuckled her seat belt. “C’mon, Rach.”
 “Wha—Mom! We’re not driving home? I don’t have anything with me! I’ve got a nightly routine and—”
 “And I’ve got it all covered,” the mother interrupted. “I packed a bag and put it in the trunk before I went to bed last night. I’ve got everything you need. Now come on!”
 Shelby had just gotten the door open to the luxury suite they were calling home for the night when Rachel darted into the room before her. With a delighted squeal, the teen vaulted for the king-sized bed and landed not-at-all gracefully. Shaking her head, Shelby followed her in, wheeling their small suitcase behind her.
 “This has easily been the third most amazing day in my entire life!” Rachel declared, lifting her head to smile at her mother. “First, of course, was the day I officially met you in person, and second was singing Defying Gravity on stage at your last Wicked performance.”
 “Today was a wonderful day,” the mother agreed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “But I think it only comes in at number five for me.”
 Rachel nodded in understanding and held her good arm out for her mom to help her sit up. “Meeting Barbra in person is obviously your number one. What are the rest though?”
 Shelby raised a teasing eyebrow and shook her head. “Barbra’s not my first,” she said, laughing at her child’s gasp. “You are. The day you were born. Followed by the first time you called me ‘Mom’, the day we met and you officially became mine, and the day we moved into our house. So yeah, I’d say today is a solid five.”  
 Feeling her face grow warm from her mother’s overwhelming declaration of love (not a bad feeling by far, but one the fourteen-year-old was still coming to terms with having directed at her), Rachel looked away shyly. In the very next instant, she found herself pulled into her mom’s arms and held close. Rachel relaxed into that embrace, letting herself be lulled by the gentle thumping of Shelby’s heartbeat against her ear, and couldn’t think of a better way to end this amazing day—safe and secure in her mother’s arms.  
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darksiderssin · 5 years
Post Apocalyptic Slowburn feat. Horsemen
WOW THIS TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH. Super long post, so I’ll stick it under a cut so you don’t have to scroll forever XD
War: The fact that you've survived despite your planet being dead for the good part of a century has impressed the guy right off the bat. Not so much the Watcher, but War is adamant you stay with him- initially to prove to the Council that humanity isn't extinct and strengthen his case. Then you start having each other's back- you are vicious with that machete and Chaoseater is never too far from neatly bifurcating whatever's out to eat you. He's blunt when he tells you why your world ended, and you admit that it's not cool that this was pinned on him just because he was the closest person at the time, and War comes to treasure your loyalty like you treasure having him for a companion. You have a solid friendship already going on here. 
By the time the Chosen are dealt with, War doesn't expect you to blindly follow him into the Black Tower for his rematch with Straga and grudge match with the Destroyer, but you do. Your bond is only strengthened by Azrael's confession that the Apocalypse was a mistake, so you are 100% down to help him fight Abaddon. Afterwards, it's just kinda natural that you stay together- you have work to do. 
If your first kiss as a couple took a while, then you'll have to wait for one of your more calmer moments to get it on. No Watcher to taunt him now, no Council out to vindicate him- War knows what's coming next. You sit beside him, leaning on his shoulder and holding his arm gently as he admits that despite everything, despite the fact that he's ready for whatever comes next, he is terrified of losing you. That night is spent with your bodies intertwined in a way you know the Horseman just needs, but he's so scared that he might break you in half that you have to talk him through it the whole time, reassuring him and giving him praise. The look in those eyes as he takes you is a mix of feral lust and deep devotion that makes your loins twinge in just the right way, and the growled curses in Abyssal against your ear is enough to send you over the edge. You spend the rest of the night sleeping in an exhausted pile of tangled limbs, but it's a moment of peace you both deserve. 
Fury: She absolutely didn't want you around at first. Why you didn't just go to Haven was beyond the Black Rider's comprehension, but you don't get in the way, you're smarter than you look, and you're not a bad shot with a bow and arrow- if you're lucky, you might catch Fury musing aloud how archery is a dying art among other races and that it's refreshing to see it still practiced by humans. ("What was that?" "Shut it and keep walking.") It becomes nice to have you around, though; your reassurance against the taunts of the Seven is strangely comforting, almost, especially when you say you don't know why they call her the dumb one and mention that it's pretty rude. 
Speaking of the Seven, hearing them say awful things about how they want to eat you or something along those lines pisses Fury off to no end. Like no, that's her emotional support human, get fucked. Especially when Pride has the nerve to insult her further for "cavorting with the dustborn mongrels"- at least you have a clapback for it that takes Fury by surprise. It definitely knocks Pride's ego down more than a few notches when she's lying defeated with your arrows sticking out of her, But when the masks fall away, you tried to save Fury from Envy, and Envy took you away as a result as the Horseman fell. Fury's mega pissed when she sees that Envy has you chained like her brother was as she assaults the Council.
After it's over, and Fury has ferried the last of the humans at Haven away to safety, she admits that she was terrified of losing you. Now that you both have a moment alone, she's holding you to her chest and making sure Envy didn't hurt you. She finds a few marks and grumbles about it, even when you insist that it's not that bad and it'll heal. "She took what was mine," Fury growls, then captures your lips in a kiss. If you thought Envy left a mark, you're in for a ride, my friend; there's no real method, none of her usual dominatrix posturing, this is her boasting to her deceased enemy that she tried to take away her cherished human, the one who made her want to change, and failed. She's not giving you a moment to breathe, and you get sucked into the frenzied, feral, "holy-shit-we-survived" sex that leaves you both covered in hickeys, and you're pretty sure you passed out at some point. Sure, you've got a temporary colony to set up in the morning, but you crazy kids earned this. 
Strife: You know him as Jones, the mild-mannered man of few words that you ran into on your way to the big-ass tree in the middle of Manhattan. He asked if you were alone, and when you explained that it was just you and where you were heading, he asked if he could tag along, since a giant tree isn't something you see every day. You talked about yourselves on the way, but you didn't glean much from his brief answers; middle child, two brothers and a sister, not a local by any standards. You brushed it off as him being a tourist when things literally went to hell in a hand basket and let it go. Ulthane and the other two Makers welcomed you both warmly, and you settled in with the others, finding your place to sleep. You noticed that Jones looked amazed that there were still so many humans alive after everything- you joked about needing a bigger tree, considering a tree this big would draw way more people, given time, and you might run out of room. With time, though, you'd started to pick up on things that he said that gave you the impression that he was a total fish out of water; not knowing about Chuck Norris jokes, or any of the TV shows that had been on before the world ended, and it seemed like he'd never picked up a book, either. You guessed that he was just raised a certain way and left it at that- you just didn't have the heart to ask. 
It was one day while you were out hunting together, when you got jumped by a pack of Stalkers. Just your luck, your gun jammed, and you had no idea how to fix it. But just as you'd resigned yourself to the fate of being a lesser demon's chew toy, you heard gunshots ring out next to you- you had no clue where they came from, but Jones was holding two ornate pistols that blasted huge holes in the heads of the Stalkers and didn't seem to run out of bullets. When the smoke cleared, you didn't let it go- he was going to tell you what happened right now. Jones tried to tell you that you didn't want to know, but you were his friend, and he knew you wouldn't stop until you knew the truth. So he showed you. You were sworn to secrecy, but you felt you could trust him more now that you knew who he really was under the mask of a grizzled man in his late thirties, and it showed. Everyone joked about how close you two were getting and you nearly spat your stew across the room when someone asked when the wedding was one night over dinner. Jones took it in good jest, though- but wow, if you two weren't thinking about it later.
He did sleep with you, but it wasn't at Haven. You two were out on a run for supplies and any other things that could be useful to Ulthane or the others when you found what was left of one of the big hotels in town. There had to be stuff in the old safes here that the rich folk left behind when the End came, one being one of the mattresses in the suites that could fit like three people on it, and it was in pretty good nick. Maybe out of some childish impulse or lack of thought, you thought it'd be hilarious to tackle him onto the mattress. After he got over the initial shock and realised you were playing around, you both had a friendly wrestle on the mattress, laughing and rolling around until he let the facade fall away, pinning you down. You could feel his smirk under his mask before he took it off and tossed it aside, capturing your lips as your play-wrestling took a more intimate turn. I mean, no better way to break in a mattress, right?
Death: He was surprised, but elated to find you after stopping some of the Phantom Guard from pulling you out of your hidey hole. Gently as he could manage, he coaxed you into coming out to talk. You were alone, no clue where your friends had gone, and moreover, you were lost. You offered to help the Horseman look for the pieces of the Rod of Arafel, but you weren't sure where you would go after that. Begrudgingly, Death offered to take you with him (a poorly worded statement either way from someone named Death) so he could take you somewhere where you would be safe and protected- and most importantly, you wouldn't be lonely. At this point, anywhere sounded better than Earth, so you went with him. Then, the Pale Rider noticed something with you- not so much on your part as it was his, but...what was this old, familiar feeling? He thought he was being protective because he'd promised to get you to safety, but now he had these thoughts of staying with you. But War...
The more you convinced Death to tell you more of his family, you came to see another side of him- a side that was selfless and wholly prepared to sacrifice for his siblings. You found that quite endearing, that he seemed so human beneath the mask. He made you swear not to repeat any of what was said, but you knew that was a good thing. He was starting to trust you more, enough so that he'd started to take your perspective into consideration when you two were presented with obstacles or challenges, or listen to any random tidbit of trivia or a memory with interest. You wondered if it was love or if you were reading too much into it, and secretly Death wondered the same thing. He was beating around the bush when it came to figuring it out, but it wasn't like he was doubting it, gently brushing his knuckles against your arm as you slept next to him.
Death has to admit it- away from prying eyes. Really, it's the last thing he does, and he knows it's going to be cruel when he has to leave you behind, but he really wants to get back to you someday- time progresses differently depending on the realm you're in, after all. That's why he has to come clean to you. You're not sure how it happened, but you're so close, your body pressed against his chest. You reach up to remove the mask barring access to his lips, but his hands catch yours. "No." It's not said to scorn you, it's a request that shows his vulnerability- you're not sure where it comes from, but with his hands so attentive to your body's aching need, you can forgive him. Lying in the afterglow of your completion, Death feels an ache in his chest. He feels the crushing weight of his duty to War, to his siblings. One day, he hopes, you can forgive him for having to put you second.
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 5 years
Da Deff-Flash Raidaz
// Homebrew for an Ork Freeboota warband I’ve been thinking up for some time. A distillation of all my favorite things about Orks in Warhammer.
“I’z ridin’ dis high ‘til Ragnarork comes!”
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In the clustered and chaotic regions of the galactic center, there could be found a hostile dustball world orbiting a red giant. Though in the center of major orkish territory, it was of little interest to most passing overlords, save as an occasional source of boys. Those parts of it not dominated by great desert flatlands were composed of stormy seas, colossal mountains, or the rare and oft-disputed jungle infested with disease and mutated predators. Phalton Prime, or “Kruzbal” to the Orks, had seen many apocalypses, yet its surface was still home to millions of greenskins, most of whom had since devolved into a savage state. These savage orks were often press-ganged for cheap labor by the few but powerful Tek-Tyrants of the wastes, mountains, and seas.
It was on this world of Kruzbal that one unfortunate Freeboota was waylaid, setting of an explosive chain of events. Kaptin Gorn Blast’ead’s space hulk Black Grog, damaged and flying from the Warp after an unknown misfortune, crashed deep in the deserts of the planet’s singular continent. Crawling battered and stranded from the wreckage, and rounding up what few crew he had left, the Kaptin surveyed the forgotten world he’d found himself on. Within hours they were set upon for their trove of scrap and tech by raiders, which Gorn just managed to fight off, earning him the ire of the first of many tyrants on the world.
Requiring more ork-power, Gorn set about conscripting the local tribal greenskins. Though tough and quick to worship the space-bound ork as some manner of demigod, many could not handle the strange wonders of technology he brought with him and quickly went mad. Among this number was a boy by the name of Ur-Kog, though his change was markedly different. Ur-Kog showed a knack for survival, and a level of control over his insanity. Starting off lame, dumb, and runty by ork standards, Ur-Kog nonetheless started climbing the ranks faster than any of Gorn’s new soldiers. His knowledge of the wasteland was of immense help to the Kaptin, and the newly-appointed Nob’s skill with rallying mobs and tinkering with technology completely unknown to him before grew and grew, along with his physical form. Soon, Blast’ead had become a mythical figure to the savage orks of Kruzbal, slaying the Tek-Bosses and gathering a massive WAAAGH! with Ur-Kog as a prominent general. All was almost lost, however, when Gorn was at last laid low by Da Immortul Slagg, greatest of the coastal Raida Tyrants. The WAAAGH! would have been scattered if Ur-Kog hadn’t seized control of the mobs, assaulting Slagg’s fortress and claiming the Warboss’ head, along with final control of the planet.
For all the barren, ransacked wastes that covered Phalton Prime, the world was host to a strange and powerful hidden treasure. Known as “Kwiksilva”, this metal was prized and fiercely fought over by all the greenskins who called the planet home. Found in scrap deposits in many of the deepest and most treacherous ruins of the wastes, kwiksilva was solid and incredibly durable in its base form, to the point it could not be easily “forged” and so was either used for trinkets, or large and unwieldy armor plating. Bluish-silver in color, when exposed to the right alchemical properties, the normally impenetrable metal could be rendered into an unstable semi-liquid state. In this form, the metal had powerful narcotic properties. It could increase healing factors on injection or inhalation, as well as sending the user into a berserker rage, at the cost of severe physical and mental degradation for most all users. Kwiksilva was prized more than gold or iron, and is still one of the few reasons Kaptin Ur-Kog will return to his old homeworld, save for the occasional mob of “tradishunul boys”.
Since refitting the Black Grog, Madkap Ur-Kog Flashmaw (as he is now known) has made a name for himself across orkdom as a figure of insane but jovial chaos. He first came to prominence during his lootings of the Octarius sector and its neighboring regions, earning the respect or anger of many warbosses, as well as the Imperium of Man. Ur-Kog styles himself as a “collector”, and behaves eccentrically even by Freeboota standards, being easily taken by certain obsessions, and commanding a motley band as mad as he is. With the gathering power of WAAAGH! Ghazghkull, Kaptin Flashmaw has decided to throw in his gaudy cap with the Warlord, for a chance at going on the biggest looting spree the galaxy has yet seen.
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The kultur of the Deff-Flash Raidaz, as Ur-Kog’s Freeboota krew is known, is a bizarre and distinct thing. Many superstitions and curiosities can be traced as holdovers from their tribal roots, influenced by their Kaptin’s own oddities, and the unconventional makeup of the krew, being composed of many different clans of orks, a large proportion of grots, and even a few non-greenskin mercenaries. This mix has inspired an orkoid culture markedly distinct from most others.
Ur-Kog’s madness takes the form of wild mood---swings that can see him go from cruelly ruthless, to jovial even by human standards. The Kaptin’s greatest strength is his ability to inspire loyalty in his krew. He is fond of grand displays of prowess, as well as trying out new “toys” and weapons, and so will reward heavily any boy who distinguishes himself. Ur-Kog claims he has an “eye fer anytin’ orky”, which influences his looting decisions. He has stolen and refitted Imperial walkers, xenos tanks, and even broken deadly creatures like Tyranid bioforms. Many Ogryn mercenaries can be found in his crew, whom Flashmaw seems to like for their brute strength and loyalty. Though happy to get in a good scrap, Ur-Kog’s intense greed influences his decisions more than bloodthirst.
Even before the dawn of technology on Kruzbal, the tribals of the desert wastes were just a step away from becoming full-blown Speed Freekz, with squig-breeding and boar-rearing being major vocations. Nearly all the krew of the Black Grog are members of the Kult of Speed, devoting many hours to tinkering on their kustom bikes and buggies. Many “Old Way” superstitions can still be found amongst the greenskin mechanics, along with nautical traditions from the oceanic tribes, and so Deff-Flash vehicles tend to be outfitted with many trinkets and skulls, designed to make each bike and trakk appear like a living, mechanical beast. This extends to spacecraft and aircraft, as well. Due to the high proportion of grots to be found in the WAAAGH, Meks have an easy time scrounging extra scrap and making repairs, as the tiny greenskins are excellent at crawling into small places – though sometimes a cooked gretchin has to be pulled out of an engine afterwards.
Ur-Kog himself is in possession of two personal bikes, a speed-buggy, a fighta, and a massive command trukk. Though not taken to the field as often, the Black Grog is also home to an arena in which the Kaptin likes to showcase his many other “kollecturz bitz”, including Tyranid beasts, experimental walkers and deff-dreads, Mega-Gladiators, savage muto-wolves, boars, and squiggoths. Even clever orks have trouble determining what Ur-Kog considers “orky”, but the Madkap is very clear that he only collects the orkiest monsters around.
Central to the kultur of the Deff-Flash Raidaz is kwiksilva. Initially a treasure found only on Kruzbal, the clever Meks of Flashmaw’s WAAAGH! have since found ways by greenskin alchemy to refine the substance out of certain high-quality metals, in a process not even fully understood by said Mekboys. Any boy in the mob experienced enough to have bought their first bike likely also has at least one small trinket of kwiksilva on their person. More powerful orkz will have armor, weapons, and even vehicles covered in the alloy, prized for its durability and rust-proof, lucky shine. Nobs may sometimes wear injector-rigs, courtesy of the Painboys, which will fill their veins with liquid metal in the heat of battle. Other boys may inhale the substance as an aerosol spray, dulling their already minute pain-sense and inspiring them to acts of suicidal bravery.
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Notable Members
Kaptin Gorn Blast’ead — “Ya fink dere’s nuffin’ left ta take from me? Wrong! Ya just took me patience! And I ain’t got no patience!” — A veteran Freeboota who prowled the inner systems for many a century before a freak post-looting Warp accident waylaid him and his on the dusty world of Kruzbal. A highly ruthless and intelligent ork, Gorn quickly found promise in the savage orks of the planet, using their madness to his advantage as he toppled the raider warbosses one-by-one. Gorn’s preference for encouraging reckless behavior in his warriors would in turn lead to Ur-Kog taking charge, and madness becoming the rule of the day in the Deff-Flash krew.
Madkap Ur-Kog Flashmaw — “I’z so flash ye could melt a humie’s face wif me smile!” — The current Kaptin of the Deff-Flash Raidaz, known as the Madkap Flashmaw. Ur-Kog is renowned across the Five Segmentae as a notorious looter, bloody reaver, and lunatic as far as orks are concerned. Ur-Kog plies the spaceways in his eternal quest to assemble the “orkiest WAAAGH!” around, collecting outcasts and oddballs from across orkdom, hoarding technology, and building a menagerie of the meanest xenos beasts alive. Flashmaw is roundly hated by anyone not a part of his own loyal krew, with many orks finding him weirder than can be tolerated. Still, Ur-Kog has since fallen under the banner of WAAAGH! Ghazghkull, impressed by the power of the Goff Warboss, and happy to take part in a level of carnage the orks haven’t seen in millennia.
Wazzmek — “It’z got flash! It’z got speed! It’z da Morkiest machine you’z eva seen!” — Known only by his title, Wazzmek is the head mekboy of the Raidaz. Touted as one of the best meks in the galaxy, Wazzmek is usually left to his own devices when not working on the Kaptin’s own rides. The Mek is viewed by most with a hefty mix of respect, awe, and fear, as he’s been given free reign by the Madkap to do whatever he pleases in the name of whipping up new and deadly gadgets. Wazzmek is a sight to behold thanks to his many kwiksilva bioniks, which can make him look more like a humie space marine or xenos construct than an average Mek, thanks to the lucky, stainless shine.
Grendus Rendus — "GRENDUUUS!!!” — Ur-Kog’s closest bodyguard, an Ogryn taken from an abandoned prison world in the Segmentum Ultima. Grendus is a scarred old beast, larger than the average ogryn, heavily enhanced with cybernetics, and with a distinct orkiness about him, having sallow skin, big teeth, and a dull fire in his eyes that even Nobs fear. To survive as the personal guard to an ork warboss is no easy task for a mere abhuman, and Grendus is renowned for his foul temper and sheer refusal to die.
Meek da Lukky — “I’z got meself some scrap! Eh? Eh? Happy, Boss?” — Personal gretchin servant to Ur-Kog, and occasionally Wazzmek, though the grot is loath to do anything that puts him in harm’s way more than usual. Meek has served the Kaptin since his pillaging of Greater Octarius, and is noted for the unusual amounts of luck he seems to have, avoiding death and misfortune where many hundreds of grots would have died. Though he hasn’t gotten away completely unscathed, Meek’s done his best to keep the streak going, including bathing himself in lucky blue warpaint.
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The Deff-Flash Raidaz are led by Kaptin Ur-Kog Flashmaw, whose word is final, leading by virtue of his might, cleverness, and massive horde of gubbinz. Immediately beneath him are the veteran oddboys, such as the Chief Mek and his crew, the senior Painboys, Weirdboys, Runtherds, and more. Also included among the Kaptin’s “Best Mates” are his Nobz and bodyguards.
The main mob of the WAAAGH! consist of the many boys and lesser oddboyz of the krew. Generally the first thing on any new boy’s mind is the purchasing of his first bike, which will ensure he has a chance at glory on most any mission. Most of the Black Grog’s krew have an obsession with tinkering, and if not making modifications to their ostentatious and savage vehicles, they’ll be decking themselves and their weapons in fearsome charms meant to help during boarding actions. This culture of eye-catching style seems to make each warrior more reckless, as they feel if they’re going to die, at least they’ll look “flash” doing it.
Distinct amongst ork mobs is the odd makeup of Flashmaw’s krew. Though not the most numerous WAAAGH, the boys are generally quite hearty and wealthy – this is thanks to the disproportionate number of grots the greenskins have found themselves in possession of. Gretchin take care of most minor repairs, menial labor, and food sourcing (sometimes in a direct sense), leaving the Mekz with plenty of assistants and the boys with more free time to spar and tinker. The grot population boom has gotten to the point where it can sometimes be hard to account for all the little buggers, and many areas of the space hulk are even home to pockets of grot “tribes”. Flashmaw nonetheless views this as ideal, as he is also fond of recruiting many oddboys, from Mekz to Madboyz, surrounding himself with greenskins as insane as he is. This has lead to an elite crew that are nonetheless extremely eccentric. In addition to the many beasts and artifacts the Kaptin has collected, Ur-Kog also makes use of Ogryn mercenaries spirited away from lost Imperial prison worlds, who are often rubbed down with green paint, cybernetically enhanced, and used as bodyguards and enforcers more loyal to the Kaptin than even his own Nobs.
Of course, the Deff-Flash Raidaz are diehard devotees of the Kult of Speed, and so any battle plan that can get away with it more often than not includes hordes of bikes, trukks, trakks, tanks, buggies, and jets. Ur-Kog is a flyboy himself, though his need to lead from the front usually sees him taking to a bike or trukk at the head of his mob. Though Ur-Kog prides himself on having at least two of every gubbin, from grot-artillery, to heavy walkers, to Kommando electro-stabbaz, the vast majority of his battle plans prefer a massive armored cavalry charge, with plenty of screaming air-support.
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Of all the insults and ire laid on Kaptin Flashmaw, his favorites include being called “the most garish being in the galaxy” by an Eldar commander, and making a Blood Axe Warboss’ eyes water. Red features heavily on all Deff-Flash clothes and vehicles, due to the krew’s obsession with speed, and its ability to blend in with the rust so common on “flash-poor” vehicles. In addition to this, black tribal markings, and trinkets made from gold and kwiksilva are used for in abundance. Boys of all stripes will often coat themselves in white and black body paint – a holdover from tribal practices meant to protect against the searing sun of Krusbal, and a signifier of strength. On top of all these colors and baubles, boys will sometimes decorate their vehicles with personal colors and symbols, and all the krew are fond of such decoration, using bones and precious metals to make both themselves and their mounts look as savage and piratical as possible. The resulting mix is an eclectic and indeed eye-watering palette of colors and designs, with bright treasure gleaming against filth and rust, and warriors at once dressed in the tattered remains of the finest clothes they could loot, on top of dusty and oily tribal paint.
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Notable Battles
Ransack of Greater Octarius — After refitting what remained of the Black Grog, the newly proclaimed Madkap rallies his first ever spaceborne WAAAGH! to see the galaxy. Not far from the Phalton system lies the Ork Empire of Octarius, where greenskins by the billions waged constant war against numerous threats that had the generosity to assault them on all sides, from within and without. Knowing no allegiance, and itching for adventure, Ur-Kog’s Deff-Flash Raidaz hop from planet to planet at random, fighting anything they encounter, and looting the spoils down to the last rusty nail. It is here that Kaptin Flashmaw’s madness first becomes fully manifest, and his obsession with collecting strange trophies and defining the elite and flamboyant nature of his krew solidifies. By the end of the first WAAAGH! Ur-Kog, the Deff-Flash krew is brimming with oddboys the Madkap took pains to press-gang, in preparation for his next great exploit.
Da Inkredible WAAAGH! — With enough resources to fully realize his wild dreams, Ur-Kog takes to the greater galaxy, moving in an unflagging loop around all five Segmentae. The Madkap’s krew has become much different in makeup that when it started. Where previously there were droves of savage orks lead by insane Nobs, getting by on unpredictability, numbers, and a few unique perks, now there was a full-blown WAAAGH! brimming with vehicles, specialists to maintain the arsenal, mercenaries, and a shocking boom of laborer-grots. The Deff-Flash Raidaz become established as a major force of the Freeboota and Speed Freek ork kulturs, with Ur-Kog’s name being spoken of with bemused respect or bitter irritation by warbosses and other commanders around the galaxy. Ur-Kog makes a habit of indulging in great debauchery, and when not in an active warzone, the krew entertains itself with exotic arena fights, copious amount of grog and chems (including kwiksilva), tinkering on their beloved vehicles, and searching for new opportunities to loot and pillage. Still, Ur-Kog remains restless, in some small way resenting the lack of respect paid by other overlords and bosses, despite his immensely orky WAAAGH! and great trove of loot.
Throwing in Da Kap — Word reaches the Madkap’s ears of a new power rising, with one notable name only being spoken of more and more across the galaxy — Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka. While ever a wildcard at heart, the Kaptin decides that the best new opportunities for loot, recruitment, and carnage lie under the banner of one powerful Goff warboss. Gathering up as many preliminary resources as he can, Ur-Kog seeks out the warlord’s WAAAGH! back in the Octarius system. Ghazghkull accepts the Madkap’s allegiance, though is predictably happy to be rid of the Freeboota once it comes time for the greater WAAAGH! to sally forth. In truth, Ur-Kog cares little for the Goff’s dismissive attitude, as he knows the straightforward nature of such a traditional warboss will make for a disciplined central WAAAGH! — allowing the good Kaptin to continue on with his chaotic pillaging as he wishes, knowing there will always be a great horde to retreat into if ever his victims seek to retaliate. The Deff-Flash Raidaz continue their wild ride, with opportunity fresh in their hungry eyes.
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diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader -“The Golden Boxers”
The Joker stumbled on the gold boxers by accident and didn't even care for them until he realized they have some kind of strange power over Y/N. What is a man supposed to do with such intoxicating ability? He's going to use it, of course. 
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1.  First contact
Gotham’s royal couple is choosing some new clothes for their wardrobe at “Sauvage Coeur”, a very chic boutique belonging to one of The Joker’s business partners. The venue is closed to the public for the night, this way Y/N and her boyfriend can roam around and enjoy the shopping spree.
“What about this shirt, Pumpkin? Do you think this purple shade is too light for my skin tone? Should I get it?” J asks for your opinion, not sure he wants it yet.
“…U-hum…” you reply, completely absent minded.
“OK then, I’ll take it,” he adds the item to the pile in the cart and gazes your way just to see you staring at a mannequin wearing a pair of golden boxers next to the “Intimate Apparel” male section.
You seem totally smitten, almost in a trance.
Y/N grabs some socks from a nearby display table and rolls them in a hurry, stuffing them inside the underwear afterwards.
“Pretty close,” you grin to yourself and The Joker is confused.
“What are you doing, Princess?!”
“This…” you point out towards the plastic model, “…this would look great on you!” the excited girlfriend shouts.
“Hmm…” he huffs, analyzing the skimpy, tight boxers. He takes more socks from the table and shoves them inside the garment, finally pleased on how the crotch appears. “That’s more like it,” J grins, full of confidence. “Size matters, Pumpkin!”
“Oh!” you enthusiastically exclaim because it is actually closer to the truth. Your eyes are so big and you seem so captivated he reads the tag out of pure curiosity:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 10,000 dollars.”
“I guess I’ll take them,” J lifts his shoulders up because why not?
He loves gold anyway.
2. Discovering the Hidden Powers 
The Joker crawls in bed next to you, resting his chin on your arm.
“What are you reading, Doll?” he pretends to be interested in your magazine.
“Meh, boring things,” you sigh and glare his way, ignoring the fact that he’s naked. Y/N goes back to turning pages while J sulks, not happy about your reaction.
He pulls down on the strap of your lacy nightgown and you pull it back up, kissing his forehead in the process.
“Not tonight, baby. I have a terrible headache.”
“Do ya’?” he squints his eyes, suspicious on the reason. “I must point out that shopping for new clothes tonight got me quite aroused, especially after you tried on those pretty dresses,” he lifts your already short nightgown higher, softly pecking your thigh.  
“Maybe tomorrow, hm? I really do have a terrible headache,” you explain and go back to reading.
The King of Gotham pouts more, his pride hurt after the obvious rejection.  
“Fine!” he growls and rolls out of bed, grabbing the freshly washed boxers waiting on his side of the bed, getting ready to sleep since it’s clear he won’t do anything else this evening. One leg goes in, then the other. The soft fabric hugs his hips and…
“Oh!” you gasp and ogle J as he adjusts his pillows, suddenly paying attention. You scoot over, biting your lip so hard it hurts. “You look really sexy in this,” you walk your fingers on his abs, seductively battering your eyelashes.
“Do I?” he sneers, in a bad mood because you told him no moments ago.
“Yeah…” you gulp and slide on top of him, starting to kiss him in a frenzy.
“I thought you have a headache,” The Joker points out and you don’t even remember uttering the words.
“It’s gone now!” you scream with such determination there is no doubt about it.
Interesting…, your boyfriend has time to think before his Queen goes crazy on him.
Not bad for a woman that just miraculously got rid of a migraine in a few seconds. A true mystery!
3. More Powers
The next morning J is roaming around in his gold boxers, searching for one of his guns. You keep on following him like a lost puppy.
“You need something, Pumpkin?” he frowns, not understanding why you’re acting weird.
“Nope,” you fastly reply, pinching his butt when he bends over to peek under the sofa in the living room.
The Joker kind of jumps, rubbing the sore spot.
In the two hours since he’s been up, his butt wrapped in the golden fabric got slapped, pinched and groped more than humanly possible. Not that he doesn’t enjoy the extra attention.  
“Stop it, Y/N! What got into you?” he scoffs, groping you back.
“Nothing,” you innocently answer, playing with your hair.
“I’m going to go take a shower, wanna join me?” he takes the underwear off and you have a change of heart.
“I already took a shower before you woke up, plus my headache returned. I’ll go make coffee, OK?” the Queen loses interest and heads towards the kitchen.
The Joker wants to test a theory building up in his mind and slips into the enchanted underwear again.
“Are you sure, Princess?”
You turn around to say “yes” but your brain can’t focus when you see The Clown Prince of Crime with the glorious flimsy garment.
“Oh!” escapes your mouth and you get rid of your nightgown and bikini so quickly he almost missed it.
You rush in his arms, dragging him towards the master bathroom.
“Come on baby, hurry up. I wanna have some fun too,” you impatiently cling to him and J sarcastically chuckles:
“I thought your headache returned!”
“It’s gone,” you nonchalantly conclude and push him through the opened door, not being able to control the urge of making him yours.
I might be onto something here, J debates before Y/N makes him forget about the newly discovered feature of the magical golden boxers.
4. Booby trap
Frost is waiting for his boss to get ready and The Joker wants a guy’s opinion regarding his hypothesis, that’s why he decides to ask the clueless bodyguard a few questions.
J emerges from the walk-in closet in his underwear, halting a few steps away from Jonny.
“So what do you think Frost?” he grouchily sucks on his silver teeth. 
“About what, sir?” the henchman is not sure what’s going on.
The Joker gestures towards his mid-section and Jonny panics.
Oh my God, a booby trap! What do I say?!  flickers in his brain because when The King of Gotham asks trick questions you better give him the correct answer, otherwise you’re a goner.
“Looks very…e-hem… nice on you, boss!” Frost confidently blurs out.
“How nice?”
Shit! This is a Mega Booby Trap! Jonny thinks and starts sweating. Slightly, but he’s starting to. Why?
The Joker’s Mega Booby Traps or MBT’s (as the crew named them) are very dangerous to get out of and lethal to a fault.
“Very nice, sir! Gold suits you.”
“Hmmm…” J sneers, not particularly thrilled with his bodyguard’s reply. “If you were a woman, for example Y/N, would you go ballistic at the sight of these boxers?”
Fuck! An Extra Mega Booby Trap !!! I’m screwed ! Frost loses the track of his thoughts, seeing the imminent end galloping his way. Why?
The Joker’s Extra Mega Booby Traps or EMBT’s (as the team named them) are the hardest to escape with your life: if the boss doesn’t like the first letter of the first word coming out of your mouth, you can kiss your existence goodbye.
Jonny takes a deep breath, already picturing his funeral:
“Only a sophisticated and refined woman like Y/N would know, sir!”
J puckers his lips, deeming the response to be acceptable for his wacky standards.
“I supposed she would…” the green haired plague announces before walking back into the closet.
Frost feels the need to sit down, entirely drained after the experience.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become a legend among his peers: the first one to ever survive The Joker’s horrific EMBT. They will even open a blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Unsung Champion of EMBT’s and Other Crap He Survived.”
5.  Karma
The King and Queen returned to “Sauvage Coeur” boutique because they both want to choose something special for their date night.
You didn’t find a dress yet.
“What about this red one, baby?” you inquire, maybe he can help out with a decision.
“…Yeah…,” J’s flat opinion reaches your ears.
“Alright, I’ll take it,” you conclude and gaze his way just to see him standing in front of a mannequin dressed with a gold bra plus matching thong next to the women’s “Intimate Apparel” section.
The Joker seems hypnotized, almost in a daze.
He finally snaps out of it and grabs a few socks from the display table nearby, rolling and stuffing them in the bra.
“Close enough,” J smiles, incapable of taking his eyes off the golden top and bottom.
“What are you doing?!” you skeptically interrogate.
“This would look awesome on you!” he purrs, already imagining you wearing the two-piece he would love to take off your body as soon as possible.
“I don’t know…” Y/N hesitates but rolls more socks that she places in the bra, backing out to see the results. “That’s more like it. Size matters, J !”  
“Daddy loves,” The Joker purrs louder and he’s so excited it makes you read the tag although you don’t care for the outfit:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 12,000 dollars.”
“I suppose it won’t hurt to add this to my wardrobe,” you accept to get it because why not?
You like gold anyway.
6. Flip side of the coin
The Joker didn’t pay attention to you after the date last night. He locked himself in the office all day and ordered not to be disturbed since he’s planning an important heist. You sure missed him and you realized how much the second he showed up to go to sleep; your boyfriend seems pissed and that makes him more delicious.
“Hi baby,” you shove yourself into him and kiss his neck, cuddling under the covers.
“Not tonight, Y/N! I’m tired!” he growls and pushes your hand away.
He hears you whimper, the spoiled Princess kind of fake cry.
“But you didn’t pay attention to me since this morning,” you complain and slide your fingers in his sweatpants.
“I’m tired, woman! Are you deaf?!” he snaps, ready to give you the speech about his manhood and how the crown jewelry works on his terms, not yours. He will definitely underline that there’s nothing you can do: when the King says no, it’s no. “I told you before, Y/N…” he initiates the rant and you try to avoid it.
“Fine, fine, I get it! OK? Fine!” you get annoyed also and dart out of bed. “If you must know, I went through the trouble of washing the stupid gold bra and panties for you. Almost broke a nail when I started the washing machine. A nail !!! Can you imagine the scare?!” the irritated Y/N mumbles, letting the silky robe she’s wearing fall on the floor. “My heart skipped a beat, J! It was terrible and you were in your office, not given a damn!” you continue to admonish, unaware The Joker’s heart skipped a beat also since now he can see the revealing gold two-piece acquired from the boutique yesterday.
“Which nail?” J suddenly pretends to be interested since he pretty much distinguished only that part; the rest went blank.
You lean over to show him your pinky, sulking.
“This one.”
“My Poor Pumpkin,” The Clown Prince of Crime whispers, carefully squeezing it like it’s about to explode. “Does it hurt?” he displays a seductive smirk as he pulls you on top of him.
“Not anymore…I thought you were tired,” you wiggle to escape when his arms go up and down your back, certainly wishing to initiate something.
“Me?! Tired?! When did I say that?” he grinds his teeth, forcefully holding the feisty pain in the ass.
“Just did!” you squirm harder, breaking free and distancing yourself from him.
“You must be hallucinating, Y/N,” The Joker gets on his elbow, intrigued.
You’re intrigued too: all the wrestling made his sweatpants glide lower on his hips, exposing the top part of the golden boxers.
“Oh!” you gasp and your reaction makes J remember he’s wearing the secret weapon. With a swift move he removes the pants and he’s not even finished when you basically attack him.
I think I possess a weapon of mass destruction, The Joker contemplates before not being able to concentrate anymore.
I think I found a weapon for total annihilation, Y/N reflects since her vigilance noticed the switch in her boyfriend’s mood as soon as he saw her in the golden minimal attire. Further testing will be required.
7. Another booby trap
You summoned Frost to the Penthouse, probably in regards to the heist J is planning. A fool’s expectations…Not even close!
Jonny steps out of the elevator and freezes: Y/N is waiting for him, wearing nothing more than the golden two piece. Frost immediately feels he’s about to faint, his eyes tensely searching around for the deadly threat.
“J is not here,” you correctly guess the reason for his anxiety.  
Jonny leans on the coffee table closest to him, avoiding looking at you but it’s hard not to.
“Frost!” you sulk. “As a man, what do you think about this outfit, hm?”
OH. MY. GOD! Another Booby Trap!!! Why me??? the bodyguard is on the verge of a nervous  breakdown, imagining how cute he’s going to look in his silver casket. Already picked the color. Why?
Y/N’s Booby Traps are by far the most atrocious you can come across besides The Joker’s.
“Ummm… It looks stunning on you, Y/N!” Jonny stiffens and his luck has left him.
“How stunning?” you lift your left eyebrow in contempt, displeased with the short reply.
Fuck me, a Colossal Booby Trap!!! runs through his mind, believing the cemetery on Gimmer Street has the best tombs available. Why?
Y/N’s Colossal Booby Traps or CBT’s (as the team named them) are plain and simple death sentences: one single sound that comes out of you wrong and you’re history.
“Impressively stunning, gold is your color for sure!” Jonny affirms with the utmost flair.
The Queen sniffles, meditating on his answer.
“So Frost, if you were J, would you immediately want me no matter what right in the moment you see this skimpy lingerie?”
Lord have mercy, a Gigantic Booby Trap!!! and the room starts spinning as he hopes somebody will bring flowers to his grave. Why?
Y/N’s Gigantic Booby Traps or GBT’s (as the gang named them) offer no possibility of an escape: if you make it to round three like he did, you’re literally dead.
“Only a person with amazing swag and class like Mister Joker would know,” Jonny babbles a bunch of nonsense since he reached the end of the line.
You roll your eyes and arrogantly push him out of your way, scoffing:
“Hmm… I suppose he would!”
Frost watches you walk upstairs, his heart racing like crazy.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become more than a legend among his peers: a living and breathing myth! The first one to ever survive Y/N’s horrific GBT! They will even open a second blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Ultimate Victor of GBT’s and Other Shit He Survived.”
Gotham’s true hero! Batsy has nothing on him. 
And that’s a verified fact.
Also read: Masterlist 
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Thief of Hearts Part 3 - Say Something
Written by: @mega-aulover
Prompt 43: Prompt - a story based on the song “Say Something”, by Great Big World and Christina Aguilera… [submitted @xerxia31]
A/N: This song is so great and I couldn’t help but snatch it up for Thief of Hearts, but I wasn’t sure which scenario to post so I wrote three. 
You get to choose your favorite scenario so please comment and tell me which one you want me to continue. Please vote in the comments not in the tags.
Rating: T (warning rocky times ahead)
Find Part 1 Part 2
* Scenario One * Say Something-
“Say something, I’m giving up on you
I’ll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would’ve followed you.” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
The apartment looked like a tornado had gone through it, the sofa was tossed, the coffee table was upside down, shards of a broken lamp littered the floor. Peeta heaved, allowing himself to feel every single turbulent emotion at the loss of Katniss. He drank deeply from the bottle, it’s amber liquid no longer burned down his throat but the blazing memory of his last moments with Katniss scorched his heart.
Four hours earlier:
“Who are you?”
He turned around to see Katniss standing there in his shirt, her lovely hair askew, her silver eyes wide upon her face, hurt written in their depths.
“Katniss,” he approached her, his mind spinning quickly formulating words.
“Who are you?” She backed away from him.
Her backing away was like being kicked in the nuts.
“You mentioned the purse,” Katniss shook her head, her hand extended in front of her. “I wasn’t going crazy that day, it was you.”
“Katniss, I told you that wasn’t me and I wasn’t speaking about that…I was talking about a job.”
“With her, with the blond. I saw you yesterday…I didn’t want to believe it…but…she’s real…you’re with HER when you come home late,” Katniss mumbled, her large eyes filled with tears. She gazed at him, her lips trembling, her arms wrapped around her middle protectively.
“Cashmere is,” Peeta’s mind raced to come up with a way to explain it all. “Katniss I haven’t cheated on you. I swear. I never took your purse, I love you.” It was true, Peeta Mellark was in love for the first time.
Katniss stared blankly at him.
“Say something?” He could see she was giving up on him. “Katniss please say something, don’t give up on me, on us? I’m the one for you if you allow it.”
It had been love at first sight, when he saw her on the street that day. He ran because he was so scared, but her face, her eyes, they haunted him. Then he began looking for her. That night in the bar was no coincidence. He walked up to her to tell her the truth, but her kiss, her kiss was better than Fourth of July fireworks.
He brought her home, the sex was incredible, and when she’d hit him with the pillow he’d never been more in love. Then the worry set in. The entire time they were together, he was scared that his private and personal worlds were going to collide and combust.
He was living his nightmare.
“What else have you lied to me about?”
“Katniss I grew up in a bakery, I swear. I even paint…” Peeta ran his hands through his hair, quickly thinking how to keep her here to convince her, but it was a losing battle.
Katniss took a vase and launched at him. Peeta dodged it. “YOU’RE A LOUSY CREEP!” she yelled, then she ran, and he’d almost lost her. When she tripped, his heart nearly stopped. He cradled her in his arms, unable to think of her demise, He needed to catch her and he did, he thought everything was going to be okay. But she slipped from his hands like fog.
Four hours later :
The door to the apartment opened. “Peeta?”
“She’s gone,” Peeta slurred, he drank deeply from the liquor bottle. He followed her, he would have followed her anywhere, he was so in love.
“Peeta.” Finnick approached him slowly. “I’ve never seen you this way.”
“She left me,” Peeta muttered standing up, “I have to find her Finn…I love her.” Peeta swayed.
“Peeta you need to get yourself together, we’re too close to the end. We’ve worked too hard to have you fall apart.”
Peeta shoved the bottle at Finnick’s chest. “I want out.”
“Peet,” Finnick said, taking the bottle from him.
“I want Katniss,” Peeta said, his eyes were wild, “I had her, had her and she left. She overheard me with Cashmere…she heard me and thought I was a thief, and a cheat.”
“Peeta you are a thief, you’re the best thief and conman around, and if you don’t do what we planned they’ll kill your nephew.”
Peeta stared at him. The only reason he’d gotten dragged back into this world is because of his five-year-old nephew, Toby. Peeta was only a kid himself when he and Rye began stealing things. The things they stole were priceless pieces of fine art, expensive and rare jewelry. Peeta was agile and quick, Rye was the planner but he was reckless.
They were getting ready to pull the biggest job of their life, stealing the Mockingjay Diamond, when their father died. Peeta left it all behind. Rye kept up with this world. His brother wanted to steal that diamond for nothing more than the glory of taking it.
Then nine months ago, Rye was murdered and so was his wife. The only survivor was Toby, and Cashmere was using him as leverage to drag Peeta back.
Peeta had gone to Finnick, the man who had helped him get out. Somehow, he had ended up here, lost and broken.
“Hey Peeta, say something?”
Hearing those words repeated to him, caused him to feel small and hopeless.
Finnick kneeled down and handed him a clear photo. “Cashmere has him, she has Toby.”
Peeta glanced up at Finnick.
“Say something?” Finnick questioned.
What was there to question? It was already decided.
* Scenario Two * I’m Feeling So Small-
“And I am feeling so small, It was over my head
I know nothing at all, And I will stumble and fall
I’m still learning to love, Just starting to crawl” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
“Hi, Haymitch,” Katniss whispered, standing outside of his cabin in the rain. She was cold and wet. Her lips trembled. This was the only place she could think of, the one place where no one could find her.
Haymitch had taken her in at the age of eleven when she had no one. When he found her, she’d been living in the forest, hiding from the man who’d caused the death of her family. Haymitch had brought her up and helped her hide from Brutus the man responsible. She’d testified but her life was in danger and the government wouldn’t help her.
Haymitch took it upon himself to help her cope with the daily fear that someone could be out there wanting to hurt her the way they’d hurt her family. She kept a low profile, only had a few friends. She paid for everything in cash, had a disposable phone.
“Come in,” Haymitch waved her in.
It was like going back in time. Nothing had changed, nothing at all since the moment she’d left here. Haymitch remained.
“You in trouble?” It was a rhetorical question, Haymitch knew everything about her. He made it his job to keep her safe.
Katniss shook her head, but the tears threatened to fall.
“Yeah, you are,” Haymitch said wiping his face, “Come on, you look like you can use a bath and a good meal. Go get dry, you smell like a wet dog.”
The mention of food caused her stomach to grumble. She hadn’t eaten anything since she’d found Peeta with that woman, over 48 hours ago.
Haymitch didn’t say anything more when he heard her stomach, he only nodded, his peppered hair was askew.
Dejectedly, she walked down the hallway to the room, drenched from the storm outside. Opening the door, she put her bag down and stared into the void. Water droplets splashed on the floor. Everything looked the same, down to the dust bunnies by the window sill.
She began crying. She was feeling so small, everything was over her head.
How had it all gone wrong, she wondered. She’d finally felt safe, with him. As much as Haymitch protected her, she never felt secure enough, there was always an outside chance danger would follow her. Tears mixed with the rain streaking down her face as she recalled how happy they were three months ago.
Three Months Ago:
They were moving in together. Katniss watched Peeta’s ass as he moved up the stairs, his broad shoulders and the muscles moved as he carried the heaviest boxes with ease. He was strong, and she marveled at his physique.
It was hot outside, her internal temperature, however, was hotter. She swallowed, she wasn’t as experienced as other women, she’d only had two boyfriends. Her first was a high school boy named Marvel, but he was only nice to her until the moment they did ‘it’. Afterwards, he turned mean and cruel.
Katniss was glad that he’d gone off to school and broke it off with her.
Her next partner had been Darius. He was safe, and the sex wasn’t great either. Maybe because she wasn’t emotionally involved with Darius, and it showed. They dated for nearly two years, and she was never comfortable with him touching her.
Peeta, on the other hand, she couldn’t wait to be with him, around him. She was amazed that someone who was hot like him wanted her. He was beautiful, exciting and she had finally found out what it was like to orgasm. Her nipples tightened at the thought of having him once more, her underwear became damp. She began imagining him stripping off her shorts and taking her roughly against the door.
“Are you okay?”
Katniss snapped out of her naughty daydream. She blinked and her cheeks bloomed pink. They had arrived at his floor and were in front of his door. “I need a bath,” she rushed out as she opened the door for him.
He put the boxes down. His eyes twinkled and he gave her that darned sexy grin of his, the one that made her knees week. “I can join you now, we’ve got a tub that’s big enough for two.”
Her eyes widened, she hadn’t considered doing it in the tub before.
Peeta chuckled, “You’re so pure.”
“I’m not,” Katniss shot back. He didn’t know of the things she’d done to survive, who she had become. If he knew, he would have a different idea about her.
He picked her up, surprised, she squealed.
“Yeah you are, but you’re perfect for me.” He put her down in the bathroom, his mouth quickly sought contact with hers. He backed her up to the sink, his kisses causing a rush of wetness that ruined her underwear. Katniss hands frantically sought purchase on his chest. She slid them down, toying with the hem of his t-shirt, as she pulled away from his dangerous kisses.
He stepped back slightly to remove his shirt, and she expelled the breath she had in her chest. She shyly ran her hands up his muscled abs. His hands were still at her waist, waiting for her signal to undress her. The one thing she learned about Peeta was that he was a gentleman, he didn’t take from her like others had, he always gave her pleasure first, always waited to see if she was ready, and he put her needs above his own. It was thrilling, to know she could dominate this beefy gentle giant.
His hand cupped her cheek, his lips were only a breath away. “You sure you’re okay with moving in with me?
He looked so vulnerable, his blue eyes were seeking assurance.
“I know it’s only been three months but I just can’t imagine not coming home to you.”
Katniss nodded, the action caused her lips to join with his. She wasn’t afraid of taking the leap, but then she’d never actually lived with a man, shared his bed, and allowed him into her inner sanctum. And two weeks into living with Peeta, Katniss had learned so much about herself. She was learning to love, and like an infant, she was starting to crawl.
Three Months Later:
Her hand went to her midsection. She’d been flying high until she’d seen him with that woman yesterday. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. Betrayed and broken, she gave up on him, on the dream of what they were. Katniss blinked as she took stock of her surroundings.
“Peeta Mellark,” Haymitch said coming into the room. He put a plate of food on her dresser. Took the towel he had draped over his shoulder and wrapped it around her.
Frowning, she registered that she was trembling. She rubbed her shoulders. She was numb from the inside out. “How bad is it?”
“Thought you would ask,” Haymitch reached into his back pocket and produced a file.
She took the file, her eyes trained on her mentor. Swallowing, Katniss was unsure if she wanted to know the truth. There was a lot at stake. Biting her bottom lip, she silently flipped through the information.
“What else are you hiding?”
His question stopped her from reading the file. Her hands trembled. She looked down a lonely tear streaked down her cheek.
“Say something?” Haymitch persisted.
Going to her wardrobe she collected her weapons. What was there to say? It was already decided.
** Scenario Three ** And I will Swallow my Pride-
“Say something, I’m giving up on you, And I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you
And anywhere, I would have followed you….And I will swallow my pride
You’re the one that I love, And I’m saying goodbye” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
Peeta rounded the corner and saw her waiting in line to get on a bus. He realized this was one of those out of town buses, not a city bus. “Damn,” he muttered, jamming his hands through his hair.
He had woken up when he heard the soft click of the door. At first, he thought she was in the other room, but when he heard the front door shut close he knew she was leaving him.
Flying from the bed, he had quickly grabbed the pants that Katniss always instead he keep folded over a chair, and shirt. He hadn’t even bothered looking for his shoes. It was imperative that he get to her. He’d hurt her, and in turn, she’d walked out on him. Peeta couldn’t even blame her, he’d broken her trust by not telling her what was going on. He kept things from her for her own safety.
But that had backfired. Everything blew up in his face. He still recalled the heartbreak written on her face, her pain so great her hands trembled. Hands that had gripped him with want and need. But it was more than just desire, they needed each other.
He yelled, “Katniss,” but someone honked the horn at the same time and she didn’t hear him.
He was still a block away from the stop where she stood. Peeta took a shortcut, running through an alley, but he was too late, the bus flew by. He saw her sitting inside the bus. “KATNISS!”
“STOP!” he yelled at the bus, waving his hands, hoping the bus driver saw him. It kept on going. Peeta took off after the bus on foot.
He panted as he ran full force chasing the bus, but the great machine rolled on. Not even his metal bionic leg helped him chase down the bus. He came to a stop but noticed his car was few feet away.
He would follow her to the ends of the earth, he wasn’t going to give up on her. Not now that he knew her secret, he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers. As quickly as he could, he took out his keys and before long he was driving after the bus.
He was willing to swallow his pride, he was willing to give up his lifestyle for her. Because he loved her. She was more precious to him than the Mockingjay Diamond Cashmere wanted him to steal. He shouldn’t have said yes to the job, but he needed the money.
During the two-hour car drive out of the city, he put on his shirt and discovered he had a pair of his non-lace up sneakers in the car. The bus drove into a smaller town. He followed it wondering where Katniss was going.
The bus came to a stop and several people got off, Katniss amongst them. He quickly scanned the area for a place to park. Peeta saw a spot to park and although there was someone waiting he cut them off and stole the spot. The guy behind the wheel was honking at him and yelling obscenities. Peeta didn’t bother responding.
He jumped out of the car and hopped around on his feet to put on his sneakers. The man shut up when he saw his metallic foot. With his sneakers in place, his eyes searched for Katniss. It wasn’t a busy town, it was quiet. There was an afternoon crowd, but nothing compared to the throngs of people who lived in the city.
He spotted her as she walked briskly.
His heart beat quickly when saw her cross the street. He thought he could reach her until he saw her head to a police station. He came up short when he saw a tall man dressed in a suit. This guy wasn’t a regular cop, this guy had government agency written all over him, from his polished black shoes to the dark navy blue tie.
He was a tall bronzed man with sea green eyes, and he was calling her name. “Katniss.”
She waved at him, indicating familiarity.
Had she betrayed him, he wondered. Then he shook his head, that couldn’t be he knew the truth about her.
One Month Ago:
He’d arrived early from his trip, he had anticipated surprising Katniss. Lately, she hadn’t been herself. Her eyes didn’t focus on him they strayed off to the side as if she was thinking of something other than him. She also avoided certain things, like tea, and just before he’d left he wanted to take her to a steakhouse and she declined.
She couldn’t stand the smell of his favorite tea. Plus she told him to take it easy on the cologne. Katniss always liked the way he smelled. The conference held nothing that could help his father’s bakery. He heard his phone go off, he was going to let it go, but it kept on ringing.
Frustrated he pushed back the shower door, as he was showering, soap got in his eyes. “Ah hell.”
He blindly searched for a towel as the ringing persisted.
“Hello,” he growled into the phone.
“Hello, Peeta.” Cashmere’s smooth voice caused Peeta to sigh angrily. The woman was dangerous, but she wanted something. She’d been trailing him for months now, it was one of her goons who had attacked Katniss, he’d seen him and tackled him to the ground.
“I heard you were in town again. How was the conference? Did it help you figure out a way to save the bakery?”
“I’m not interested, Cashmere.”
“Oh come on Peeta, be reasonable.” She sounded like she was pouting over the phone. “I need the best and you are the best thief. I will make it worth your while, there is a great cash reward, it will help your family.”
His father was ill, the bakery was being run by his mother and was failing. They’d let go of the staff, made changes, but the economic fallout had hurt them. Skyrocketing prices of ingredients combined with no one wanted to pay the higher prices affected the revenue.
“No.” Peeta shook his head. As a kid, his mother had beaten him, and Peeta found the streets to be an escape. He had been good at stealing good at morphing into a character in order to take what wasn’t his. Soon, he found himself stealthily getting into places no one else could. Then on one of his jobs, someone got shot. An innocent woman, It changed him seeing a human die. Peeta lost his drive all he could see was her face and he couldn’t steal anymore.
It helped him see what he would miss if he ever got caught. He had walked away, gone back to the bakery.
“I’ll give you one more hour,” Cashmere said before the line went dead.
He threw the phone back on the desk. There was no way in hell he was going to help her. They would be okay. Angrily, he rushed back to the bathroom, by now the water was no doubt tepid at best, but he had a head full of shampoo. In his haste, Peeta forgot the floor was wet and slipped. He grabbed the door handle of the shower but he kicked over the wastebasket.
The contents spilled on the floor. “Crap.”
Quickly, he picked up the scattered contents, then he stopped short when he pulled a toothbrush-like handle from behind the toilet bowl. Peeta fell on his butt when he realized what he was holding.
The pregnancy test stared up at him, its sign positive.
It all made sense; her lack of appetite for red meat, her turning green at his tea choice and her sensitive nose. His hands shook at the realization that Katniss was pregnant.
One Month Later:
The discovery of the test she’d carefully thrown out in the garbage propelled him to say yes to Cashmere, with the understanding that after that he was out. It was why he’d said yes to the job. He knew she was pregnant, and was waiting for her to say something to him. It’s why he couldn’t let her go, why he would follow her anywhere she went even if that meant turning himself in.
Peeta loved her, and he was going to be a father.
He watched her lower her head, she didn’t look at the man in the face, she stared at her feet as she spoke, he could tell she was distressed. The screeching sound of a car could be heard. Peeta watched from his vantage point as the car came barreling down towards her.
“KATNISS,” he screamed, running toward her.
Katniss turned around at the sound of his voice as if searching for him. Then she turned her attention to the man. She pushed him out of the way screaming his name, “FINNICK!”
Peeta watched, horrified, as the car hit her and then sped away.
“KATNISS.” Peeta ran to her. His hands shook as he held her. “Katniss, I love you.”
Around him, cops poured out of the station. An ambulance was called.
“Say something?” Peeta touched her skin, it was still warm, but she didn’t reply. It seemed as if she was saying goodbye.
But there was nothing to say, nothing he could do.
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charlesoberonn · 7 years
Kaiju Attacks Support Group
“Hello, I’m Tal, and welcome to Bringspring’s first ever Kaiju victims support group meeting.” a middle-aged balding man introduced himself.
He was sitting on a lawnchair in the middle of a suburban basement. The place was lit well enough, and relatively furnished, with a nice carpet, some paintings and a TV, but the atmosphere was still dreary.
“10 years ago, Kajuro, the radioactive mega-turtle, attacked my city and destroyed the apartment building I lived in.” Tal shared. “It was only by a miracle that I survived under the rubble. After living 2 years in various refugee camps, the government provided me with this home in Bringspring, where I met my wife, Eliza.” he gestured to the woman who was just done arranging snacks on a nearby table.
In front of him, sitting in similarly cheap chairs, were two more individuals, a man and woman.
“Now, why don’t we all introduce ourselves and our experiences?” he looked at the woman sitting left to him.
She sighed and eventually decided to speak. “My name’s Delilah. My town was annihilated by the mythological giant serpent Gaoquztatl when I was a teenager. My parents moved here after that.”
The man next to her spoke afterwards. “I’m Greg. My city was attacked by the elder god, L’yon’th’er only a year ago. I actually live in a town nearby, but when I heard of a Kaiju support group, I drove over here.”
“Well, Greg. We’re happy to have you.” Tal smiled at him. “Now, if you will, please tell us a bit about your experience. I’m not very familiar with elder gods.”
“Oh it was pure horror. Literally.” Greg’s face turned pale. “L’yon’th’er feeds on mortals’ terror. It spread a feeling of dread across everybody who saw its many eyes and tendrils. We were all trapped in its circle of madness. It didn’t even attack the city until the last battle when it was banished back to the dark dimension.”
“Sounds terrible.” Delilah looked at him. She put a supportive hand on Greg’s shoulder.
“Yeah, it was. I wish it was as simple as just a big snake.” he said, his voice still shaking.
“Excuse me?!” Delilah immediately withdrew her hand, she seemed downright offended.
“Now now, Greg. There’s no need to dismiss Delilah’s experience. Kaijus are a source of trauma no matter what they are.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry.” Greg looked in Delilah’s eyes.
“I forgive y-” she started saying before being interrupted.
“I’m just saying.” he continued. “A big snake at least has a material form. And it doesn’t mess with your brain like an elder god does.”
Delilah’s face soured. “Well that ‘big snake’ messed up my brain real good, I’m traumatized for life. Seems like all your elder douche did was turn you into a pretentious dickbag who barges into other people’s support groups.”
“Oh sweet god...” Tal mumbled. “Now now, there’s no need to fight. Greg is just as much a part of this group as you and me, Delilah. We just started, we need time to get to know each other. And Greg, your experience, though unusual, isn’t any more meaningful than Delilah’s.” he explained.
“None of us was in the other’s shoes. This is why we’re here, to find solace in companionship and common understanding.” Tal smiled, he looked at the two expectantly. There was a long silence.
“Okay but like...” Greg started talking and Tal groaned. Delilah seemed more pissed off. “If L’yon’th’er and Gao-what-its-face were to fight each other...”
“-Then Gaoquztatl would eat the pile of black goo before it could blink with any of its 50 eyes.” Delilah interjected.
“L’yon’th’er isn’t black goo, it’s color is incomprehensible, and it’s got infinite eyes, not just 50. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.” Greg grabbed a pretzel from the snack table.
“And Gaoquztatl isn’t just a ‘big snake’. It’s an ancient mesoamerican deity that’s immortal and got impenetrable hide. Its hunger knows no bound.” Delilah started pouring herself a glass of juice.
“Its hide isn’t impenetrable to a ray of insanity projected directly into its brain.”
“It doesn’t got a brain. It’s made of stone and gold.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake- enough.” Tal tried interjecting, but was ignored.
“L’yon’th’er got alchemical abilities that would melt the gold right out of Gaoquztatl’s scales.”
“But Gaoquztatl is too fast. It can cross entire deserts in mere hours, L’yon’th’er will never be able to catch it.”
“Speed doesn’t matter inside the circle of madness. There’s a reason that ancient civilizations considered L’yon’th’er to be a god.”
“Gaoquztatl is also a god. It survived a thousand extinctions, it would survive this.” Delilah finished her glass and grabbed for a potato chips.
“L’yon’th’er is from the dawn of time and is timeless. If it’s a war of attrition, there’s no doubt it would win.” Greg started pouring more pretzels into an empty plastic cup.
“But it won’t come to that, because eventually Gaoquztatl will catch it. It’s over 3 miles long, it can wrap around L’yon’th’er’s form before it can expand its circle.”
“What makes you think L’yon’th’er doesn’t already have its circle up just for this battle. It’s timeless, it can predict all of Gaoquztatl’s moves a million years before it made them.”
Tal stood up, rage on his face. “Enough!” he screamed. The two others and his wife looked at him with silence.
“This isn’t what this group is about. I lost so much in the attack, I know the two of you did too. This useless argument is only distracting us from what’s important. It’s not about which monster is worse, which can cause the most damage, and who would defeat who. It’s about us, the people.” he gestured towards himself and then towards everybody in the room.
“It’s a scary world out there. Disease, crime, war... and giant monsters. But we’re still here. They don’t matter. We do. We survived all of it.” he looked at Greg. “We survived madness.” he looked at Delilah “We survived annihilation.” he looked at his wife. “And we survived tragedy.”
“And together, we’ll thrive.” he put his hands on both Greg’s and Delilah’s shoulders.
“Yeah...” Delilah muttered.
“You’re right.” Greg said.
“Besides,” Tal added. “Kajuro would kick both of their asses. She’s from outer space, nuclear, and her shell is unbreakable...”
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enzaime-blog · 7 years
Norine Reed's Alzheimer’s Disease and Survival
New Story has been published on https://enzaime.com/norine-reeds-alzheimers-disease-survival/
Norine Reed's Alzheimer’s Disease and Survival
Norine Reed had worked at a Portland apparel company for two years when she noticed something strange happening. She’d start a routine task and forget what came next, as if she had driven into a mental fogbank. Her primary care doctor chalked up Norine’s memory problems to stress and told her not to worry; we all forget things as we get older. But Norine’s problem just seemed to grow. Her large, boisterous family (her son-in-law affectionately calls them “the loud family”) noticed that Norine was telling the same stories over and over, as often as three times in a single evening. She started getting lost, even in her own neighborhood in Troutdale, Ore. Her grown daughter, Christine, remembers when her mother was driving them to Target just a few blocks away from Norine’s home. “She went to turn left at the light when we were supposed to turn right,” Christine says. “I said, ‘Where are you going?’ She said, ‘I don’t know.’ She forgot where we were going. She forgot where she was.” Norine’s memory problems began to take a toll on her 33-year marriage to Todd, a friendly security system salesman. “She’d ask me something about my job, then completely forget what I told her,” he says. “I thought she was just not paying attention to me. That she didn’t care.” But it was a routine medical appointment that sounded the final alarm. On the day of her checkup, Norine arrived at the clinic to find a sign on the door directing patients to a new address. When she found the new location, she told her doctor, “You moved and didn’t tell me!” “Norine,” the doctor said. “We moved a long time ago. You’ve been here since then.” The physician referred Norine to neurologist Michael Mega, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of Providence Cognitive Assessment Clinic at Providence Brain Institute. After a series of tests, ranging from pencil-and-paper quizzes to sophisticated brain scans, Dr. Mega delivered the diagnosis on Feb. 9, 2009. As Norine sat with Todd, Dr. Mega showed them a scan of a healthy middle-aged brain, then a brain of an 80-year-old. Norine’s brain looked more like the 80-year-old’s. Her hippocampus, the center in the brain where memory is formed, was shrinking. Norine had rare early onset of Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative disease that destroys memory, reasoning, thinking and eventually the body’s ability to function. It strikes the vast majority of its sufferers after age 65, and the average life expectancy after diagnosis is 10 years. Norine and Todd were in shock, then in tears. Norine’s thoughts immediately turned to her grandmother, who has dementia and requires 24-hour help. “I don’t want to live like that,” she told Todd, “where somebody has to take care of me.” What distinguishes Alzheimer’s disease from other forms of dementia is the presence of clumps of toxic proteins in the brain, believed to be the cause of the disease. One of these proteins is the sticky “beta-amyloid,” which binds together to form plaque between nerve cells. Another protein creates tangles rather than plaques. Researchers suspect that both tangles and plaques play important roles in the formation of Alzheimer’s disease. In the 1980s, Alzheimer’s research made a giant leap forward when scientists discovered a gene mutation in some families that causes carriers to produce excessive amounts of the amyloid protein. At last, researchers could isolate that defective gene, inject it into mice, and study the effects of the beta-amyloid protein and plaques on a living creature. As research progressed in human trials, scientists discovered that treatments to eliminate beta-amyloid protein and plaques didn’t have much effect on people with late-stage Alzheimer’s. By then the damage to the brain had been done and couldn’t be reversed. Antiamyloid treatments might, however, benefit people in the early stages. Fortunately, better diagnostic testing now allows doctors to detect Alzheimer’s earlier, when the toxic proteins are just beginning to have an effect. The research trials at Providence Brain Institute are targeted for people with very early Alzheimer’s disease and its precursor, mild cognitive impairment. Support for this research comes from Providence St. Vincent Medical Foundation. If successful, these treatments can be given long before toxic proteins and plaques cause irreparable damage – a potential breakthrough in treating Alzheimer’s. “If these new agents delay the decline from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease by merely five years,” Dr. Mega says, “then the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in our society will be cut in half.” “I was losing my best friend” In the weeks after her diagnosis, Norine hadn’t yet enrolled in a clinical trial at Providence. She was still reeling from the news, which hit her husband as hard as it did her. “I was losing my best friend,” Todd says quietly. “It seemed like the end of the world at that point. She was going to fade away and forget who I was.” The couple met when they were both 20. Norine worked as a computer operator at the University of California, Los Angeles. She was on her way home one night when she decided to stop by the Air National Guard base to visit a young man she had a crush on. Instead, a new guy was working the shift – Todd Reed. “She actually laughed at my jokes,” he recalls. “I just said, ‘Hey, if you have nothing to do, why don’t you just stay around and talk?’” The pair was inseparable from then on. They were engaged a month later and married within six months. They had four children, Christine, Mindy, Matthew and Eric. They built a life together and watched as their own parents and grandparents aged. Even as Norine’s grandmother developed a non-Alzheimer’s dementia, Norine never thought she’d develop a similar illness, and certainly not at age 51. By the time she was diagnosed, Norine’s ability to work had deteriorated to the point that she took a voluntary layoff. Although she didn’t suffer the visual or spatial misperceptions common with Alzheimer’s disease, she stopped driving for fear of getting lost. Now she and Todd threw themselves into battling the disease in whatever way they could. Norine bought every vitamin and supplement that Dr. Mega suggested. She worked on lowering her stress, which has a damaging effect on the brain. She did brain teasers to help grow new neural networks to replace those killed by beta-amyloid protein. And she began taking Aricept, an Alzheimer’s medication that sometimes sharpens mental acuity. The couple joined an Alzheimer’s support group for patients and their families, but found the experience unnerving. “It was hard listening to the people who were further along than I was,” Norine says. “You see your future, and you’re heading toward it,” Todd adds. “You can’t stop it,” Norine says, “It’s like a train.” A remarkable change Six months after diagnosing Norine’s condition and stabilizing her medication, Dr. Mega suggested she enroll in a clinical trial for an antibody called bapineuzumab (pronounced bap-ah-NEWzu-mab). Bappi, as it’s called, is an antibody produced by rabbits that binds to the beta-amyloid protein and removes it from the brain. It’s in the last phase of testing before possible approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. As with many clinical trials, this one has a necessary catch: Norine wouldn’t know whether she was getting the antibody or a placebo. The blind approach helps determine if a given treatment is working. She agreed without hesitation and began receiving infusions every 13 weeks. After her first infusion, she didn’t notice any change except for a migraine headache. It was possible that she had been given an inert substance, the placebo. Her second infusion seemed about the same at first. Shortly afterward, her daughter Christine asked her mother how many infusions she’d had. “Two,” Norine replied. The significance of that answer was almost imperceptible, but it didn’t escape Christine. Her mother had remembered the number. After the third infusion, other positive signs began to emerge. Norine would start to tell a story and stop herself. “Did I tell you this?” she’d ask. “That’s right, I did.” Norine became aware that she wasn’t getting lost as often. The fatigue that had drained her during the months before the diagnosis and forced her to nap before and after work was going away Her friends noticed that the shuffling gait she had developed also was disappearing. By now it was irrefutable: the fog in Norine’s brain was beginning to lift. “I was able to read again,” Norine recalls. “Before starting the trial, it would take me months to even read a skinny paperback because I couldn’t remember what I’d just read.” After the third infusion, “I started realizing that I was able to understand. That’s how I knew I was getting better.” Dr. Mega doesn’t know for certain if Norine is getting the antibody, but a battery of tests given every three months confirms that Norine is regaining her cognitive ability. Nearly two years after she began the clinical trial, Norine has regained many of the abilities she had lost. She no longer relies on the written reminders that used to guide her through each day. And after some gentle prodding by Todd, she is driving again, starting with short trips to the nearby coffee shop. She’s considering going back to school to get a master’s degree in apparel design, a project that would continue to exercise her mind. In the meantime, she has taken a temporary job with another apparel manufacturer. “There’s a possibility that the stress might be too much,” Norine says of her new job. “If I start to feel like it’s too much, I won’t continue.” “We’re taking it a day at a time,” Todd says. “There are no guarantees. But I’m so grateful for Providence, for Dr. Mega, for the study. We got our life back. Whether it lasts for 30 years, or 10 years or 10 more months, we’ve got our life back.”
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