#manuela rp
ladivamagnifica · 1 year
Cosy House (Manuela and Sakura)
Three knocks in quick succession had Manuela rushing to check her makeup one last time. This might not have been a date, but it certainly warranted pulling out all the stops- she had even cleaned her quarters from top to bottom for this!
It had all started three days ago when, quite unexpectedly, Manuela had chanced upon hearing the divine voice of Lady Ichinomiya Sakura, one of the princesses of Hoshido. Rubbing shoulders with royalty and nobility was nothing new to the songstress of course, but even Manuela was in awe of her voice- so foreign yet elegant in its intonation, and wholly something she needed to hear more of, but of course it was simply bad manners to ask a princess to perform on a whim, so Manuela had mustered the courage to invite the lady to dinner at her apartment one evening. If nothing else, the pleasant company would be more than enough. Yet trouble had started when she realised that she had no bloody clue what sort of foods Lady Sakura did or did not eat; worse still was that in order to make a good first impression, Manuela also needed to be an excellent chef… which she certainly was not. She considered herself decent enough when she helped out in the kitchens of the monastery, but for years now the art of cooking had been a skill she had no need to practise- as a prima donna she employed her own personal chef for the townhouse, and here in the monastery the kitchen staff and others did most of the cooking, except when the schedule had put her down for the responsibility. 
So, in what she had thought as an excellent judgement, Manuela had asked Sakura’s retainers on what the lady preferred when eating in the company of others. The consensus had been fried chicken…  At least it was a simple dish to prepare, and that was all she would say about that, even if it did perplex her how such a woman of grace and beauty liked something so greasy and acne-inducing.
But alas, that was not the end of it, for further issues arose when Manuela realised that, try as she might, it was impossible for her to make anything fried without it being unpalatable and dry; the Hoshido sauce she had attempted to make from scratch was also a dud, and with each failed attempt, she grew more and more desperate for it to work- she would not serve anything else to the princess, and in order for this evening to bear fruit of musical collaboration, she had to serve fried hoshido chicken!
In the end, two hours before Sakura was due to arrive, Manuela had admitted defeat and paid an eye-watering amount to some of the students of the academy to make her the dish and deliver it in time for the princess’ arrival. Which left her just enough time to freshen up and add the finishing touches to welcoming her guest, including dusting off for the third time her newly purchased shamisen and koto which now sat near her dining table, next to her violin, lyre, harp and organetto. The red rug of her room had been freshly beaten; the surfaces spotless, and the folding screen, another new purchase, did well to separate her bed from the space, as she was well aware that nobles thought it unseemly for a meeting space to have direct line of sight to the sleeping area- her bed was made though, just in case!
“Lady Sakura, I’m honoured that you made it. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable while I put on some tea.” Manuela wore her most brilliant smile and bowed, holding the door open for the princess who crossed past the threshold.
As the kettle on the fireplace began to boil, Manuela retrieved the still steaming-hot baskets of fried chicken (that had the richest, shiniest red glaze Manuela had ever seen and smelt divine) from the mantle of the fireplace, placing them on the table and sitting up straight to mimic the perfect posture of Sakura, though as her back was used to being hunched over her instruments and patients, it soon protested with a persistent and dull ache.
"How was your day, Lady Sakura? I'd be delighted to hear about what keeps a lady of such stature as yourself busy during the daylight hours."
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Did the sun being gone impede your ability to See and/or Know at all (assuming it was tied to the Dark)?
It was a dark ritual, yes, but it only impacted me slightly. My specific type of Seeing and Knowing is a bit beyond my eyes. Since I fully became The Archivist, I dont actually need to see. According to my hospital records from a while ago, my actual eyes don't.. work. After witnessing the first Extinguished Sun ritual, I physically went blind.
"But Jon, shouldnt you be safe then, like Melanie?" Not if youre the Archivist. Im seeing through the symbolism my own eyes provide, through the eyes others percieve as mine, I see through The Eye itself.
But... this recent attempt for Manuela to 'darken my doorstep', so to speak, only impacted me a little. Not much visible land was in totality anyway. Wompwomp, Ms. Dominguez.
J. Sims, Wompwomp.
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corvus-musings · 1 year
somewhere in the multiverse there's a you and me that works
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
Manuela Casagranda has arrived!
Welcome to the Officers Academy!
Please remember to follow the Masterlist and all your fellow colleagues. You have been granted the Miasma and Nosferatu spells to start your journey with. We look forward to seeing the growth of your true potential.
May the Goddess light your path.
- Mod Key
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lieblxng · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run), Loremaster (HELLTAKER), Adora (She-Ra), The Collector (The Owl House), Panne, Yarne, Silas, Sophie, Lilith, Manuela, Sitri, and Askr (Fire Emblem) are all available for interaction! They all have been added to the mobile muse list, the blog muse list, with their small blog bio done, the shipping list and then finally added to the muse interest check! Check them all out when you guys can!
Our biggest haul, babeeeeeeeeey! Major update, guys! :D I've gotten small bios for every single character on this 60+ multimuse blog and most of them have graphics on the main blog! And are ready to go! Yay, I'm out of coding hell! Lillie (Pokémon), Plumeria (Pokémon), Castiel (Supernatural), Ryoko (Pokémon), Fujimoto (Pokémon), Lore (HEARTBOUND), Gregory (FNAF), and Glamrock Freddy (FNAF) are still in need of graphics and are incomplete, but their bios are at least complete. I still need to work on bio summaries for those who don't have it, but there's still bio info on there!
The links in the description for the main blog, not the mobile one, don't work? For some reason? At least it works on the mobile blog and the same links can be accessed in the navigate area, so I'm not too worried about it for now. There's a lot with this update I can't list it all, but I have updated PSDs, changed blog colors to make it more noticeable, and other things. I haven't gotten all the zodiac signs for my muses too but :'D that's for later too. Alright, anyway, thank you so much for your time guys!!
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skell3 · 11 months
Jan Kilbride Fairchild musings
Because I've been writing him more lately and wanted to put this down somewhere. These are just personal headcanons for RP stuff, really.
• Jan grew up with parents who didn't really plan or want a child, so they provided only the 'necessary'; no need for birthday parties or Christmas, with the 'You already have toys, buy whatever else you want with your allowance'
• While quite smart, his is Very Blond and can be dense about feelings and emotional stuff (mostly directed at him/his own). If someone's crushing on him, they're going to have to tell him directly or show him how they feel.
• Smart, and by secondary school he realized how his parents were compared to those of the others at school. He compromised with some things, enjoying friend's birthdays and wishing happy holidays to people but never got into participating. To the point that, as an adult, he just took on the holiday hours and spent any vacation time at his home.
• As he got older, some of the most simple of affections had drawn him in. He's got some questionable exes that not only taught him some life lessons, but he would rather not talk about them. His first love is space, after all, so he can move on and hope for something better.
• In this AU, he became an avatar of the Vast and eventually was tucked into the Fairchild fold by Simon. His particulars have to do with gravity and space, with fears like falling/floating into the sky and not having anything close enough to grab on to. He also could instill the feeling of insignificance to the universe at how small and not even a breath to the things out there so much larger than them. He's still a baby avatar and learning what he can do, what works best for him, and how to bend his version of Sky Blue- The Void- to suit his needs.
• Growing up with an interest in science, it was a primary school teacher that got him into space. Since then, his allowance has gone into books, magazines and even his first little telescope. He did get a bunch of glow in the dark stars to stick on his ceiling but his parents refused to allow him to do that, so he stuck them to his school things and had them until they fell off.
• Jan would make a great housewife, keeping things clean and tidy and also a decent cook. It helped up on the Daedalus and would be perfect for having roommates (Maybe Manuela and Carter). He's chatty, however, and a bouncing golden retriever of a man who also cries pretty easily, so someone would probably need to help care for him emotionally.
• After the events of the Daedalus, Jan has hearing aids for both ears and a difficulty walking at times. Like he can never quite get used to normal gravity anymore, even as he can control his own. When he's super 'hungry' and hadn't taken on enough fear, he feels heavy and can't move as easily. It started a little before he became an avatar, but intensified after and he has to watch where he's going.
• Without his hearing aids in, Jans brain fills in the sound void with the sound of the Titan. Though it's just a memory of the noise, the Titan essentially sings him to sleep or comforts him when he has to have his hearing aids out for loud things or when it rains.
• Along with the gravity issue, he gets lost in staring up at the stars a little too easily. Sometimes he can be found somewhere up high just stargazing and totally not paying attention at all to his surroundings. This has gotten him in trouble a few times, but others he's had Mike Crew or Manuela to hang out with him and enjoy them too.
Space man. Man space man. Vastard Jan my baby boy. Gertrude did not get her hands on this one, nor should she ever. She might find it difficult to because he keeps close company with a lot of people who would protect him.
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rphunter · 30 days
Hogwarts: Institute of Spellcraft and Sorcery, in partnership and trust with The Ministry of Magic, is delighted about your interest in our Institution. DISCLAIMER: The admins will personally fight JKR Street Fighter style with zero hesitation any day of the week. No TERF or Trans-med/Truscum mentality is allowed here ever, both admins are nonbinary and won't tolerate a word of it so don't even try.
⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡
Hogwarts: Legacy of Magic is an 18+ only LGBTQIA+ friendly and owned discord roleplay that is going to have it's grand opening soon, and is looking for interested folk to come join us!
This RP is OC only, no canon characters will be allowed.
The story takes place 26 years after The Battle of Hogwarts that brought the world to a screeching halt in the aftermath– Taking place in 2024 in Great Britain. Following the death and defeat of Voldemort, the parents of Hogwarts students banned together against the Ministry in the aftermath of the tragedy to insist that their children's education is safer.
As a result, young sorcerer's under the age of 18 have their magic bound by Aurors from The Ministry of Magic as soon as they manifest, a charm that is only undone once the individual reaches eighteen. Following the unbinding of their magic, individuals are then given the freedom to enroll in any Magical Institute of their choice– Which brought all of you to receiving acceptance letters to Hogwarts: Institute of Spellcraft and Sorcery this summer.
⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡ THIS IS AN INTEREST CHECK, PLEASE LINK THIS POST IF YOU'D BE INTERESTED IN JOINING! We have multiple playable positions, and muns get 3 open character slots for free. More slots must be purchased with in-server currency that you collect but first character applications MUST be for a first year student. I'm also not one of those admins that have everything in the item store coast thousands upon thousands of server coin, the highest price is 500 Galleons and that's a sixth character slot. We also have species options for applications, so you aren't just stuck with a silly ol' human sorcerer. ⟡ ───── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───── ⟡ CURRENTLY CLAIMED POSITIONS: - Minister for Magic, played by Steve Toussaint - Headmaster of Hogwarts, played by Manuela Mandracchia - DADA Professor, played by Chris Motionless - Muggle Studies Professor, played by Shemar Moore - Dueling Instructor, played by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan - Owner of The Three Broomsticks, played by Danny DeVito
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From Verdant Winds to Azure Moons
(Closed rp with @oc-menagerie)
Early in the morning at Garreg Mach, a set of crimson eyes shoot open. With a brief stretch, and lungs drawing in precious air, a young man emerges from bed. After a bit of brief stretching, he takes a look in the mirror. Crimson eyes aside, a scar adorned the young man's left cheek. A set of messy brunette hair was quickly tied back and kept mostly in check with the use of a black bandanna. After getting dressed properly, he compiles a few notes, and brews a cup of sweet fruit tea, before departing. He sets the cup and the collection of notes on a barrel just outside the door of his charge, Lysithea von Ordelia. With a brief, loud knock on the door to her dorm room, me departed, heading down to Abyss to help some of the less fortunate down in that area for a few hours, and taking a bit of time to study in their libraries.
"Wow, Claude was right... There really is taboo subjects down here... Maybe I could find something about removing crests if I look hard enough... But, not today- I've quite a list of tasks ahead of me yet..." Returning topside from Abyss, the crimson eyed man took care of some additional chores in his, and Lysithea's quarters. After a brief tea break with Sylvain, he now began approaching one of the last people he's had a chance to meet in his class since recently transferring from Golden Deer to Blue Lions. He managed to spot her, and began to approach.
"Excuse me, miss Fotieni! Apologies to bother ya... I haven't had a chance to introduce myself properly yet... I'm Layle Drakeus, lady Lysithea's retainer as appointed by Count Ordelia before our arrival at the Monastery. Since Lady Lysithea decided to transfer classes, I figured she prolly had th' right idea... Well that and I didn't like the way Professer Manuela glanced at me..." He chuckles nervously. Though not the tallest at Garreg Mach, he stood likely a few inches shy of six feet with a build to accommodate combat... But he greets Diana with a friendly grin.
"It's my sincere hope we'll get along during our time at the Monastery!"
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ladivamagnifica · 1 year
Lost Letters I (Open Thread)
A crumpled piece of parchment, lying alongside others scattered about the gardens. An open window from the second floor betrays the thief who stole away these private longings as the howling wind; even now, in the indigo evening chill, it plays with the forgotten heartstrings Manuela has penned much like how a cat plays with its prey, carelessly and cruelly. Thank goodness the songstress is already asleep, the bedside candle unlit, but it would be irresponsible to allow her personal letters to remain scattered around where anyone could view them, no? 
TW: mildly sexually suggestive content, minor character death, violence
“To the Love which I have yet to know,
In these nights of melancholy you haunt me, Sweetest, with the absence of your lips upon mine and the void of your starlight eyes; in this vast world, far and wide, I wonder where I might find you- if I should ever be so lucky. Is our story one where we shall meet and see the puzzle-pieces of our souls interlock in an instant, or are we doomed to be forever distant and strangers to one another? What compels the Goddess to write us as we are, and what will She pen upon Life’s paper?
If I were to become the author, our story would start on a moonlit night, caught in the summer rain of Enbarr’s ivory streets: I am younger, more foolish and naive; you are ever-handsome and a scoundrel, and it all begins as I walk miserably on the arm of another- a nobleman whom you have been paid to kill. It is child’s play to one so dangerous, and though I am afraid, the ring on my finger at once becomes not a chain around my throat but weightless as his body falls to the cobbled street with a silent cry; you look at me only when the deed is done, and I am seized by a twisted and blackened longing to witness more of the raw strength those arms of yours possesses… and how your hands would feel around my throat, caught in a lovers’ embrace. Perhaps you see that carnal desire, for I am soon swept away and taken, much like a princess captured by a dragon, away from the monotony and liquor of the stage to live in the woods where you reign as king. Each night you come to me unbeckoned yet wanted; each morning I come to your loving arms and sinful lips… 
A fanciful dream, is it not, My Love? Alas, I fear I have kept you waiting too long, for I am no longer the ‘Jewel of the Andrestian Empire’- is that what keeps you away from me? I fear you would think of me as an old crone now; the crows have begun to leave their marks upon my skin when I laugh, and the colours of my past have begun to cause aches in my bones during the winter months. Have the years done the same to you? Goddess I hope so… I hope you are alive to age alongside me, even if I should know you at a distance, or as a fleeting moment. To believe otherwise would surely kill me.
All my love,
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nagargent · 1 year
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Nic
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday (no year): 14th July
Where are you from? What is your time zone? The UK (BST)
Roleplay experience: I started around like '06 via msn or stuff doing Harry Potter or Naruto rp with my friends.
Got any pets?: Catcat!
Favorite time of year: Summer - I hate the heat but like, I need the sunlight to keep myself together
Some interests and things you like: Reading, writing, languages and linguistics, astrophysics, mythology, history, animals uh... I find almost everything interesting and it definitely keeps me awake a lot.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: I fell asleep at a scout camp once in the toilets and didn't hear the tannoy that was sent out for me. My grandfather taught me how to stroke bees. I love water/the oceans/seas/rivers but never learned how to swim. Peas scare me. I'm pretty good at -- and rather competitive about trivia games and quizzes.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: The Sims! Dragon Age, Persona, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Stardew Valley, Wildermyth
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire or Fairy and I just think Dreepy is very endearing.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I saw a review of it on a news channel and decided to try it out. Then I became obsessed and haven't looked back since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've watched playthroughs and read scripts for all but I played about half of fe5, fe7 (lyn and eliwood modes only though), fe8, 3/4 of fe9 before my emulator crashed, fe10 and everything post Awakening.
First Fire Emblem game: Fates
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Either Genealogy, Radiant Dawn or Three Houses
Any Fire Emblem crushes?: Ayra, Mercedes, Camilla, Lucia, Diamant, Jeorge, Sonya and oh my god I hate myself for this but Sylvain.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom but now I'd probably opt for Libra or Henry? - Fates: Takumi before I knew what an S support was. Kaze as a neutral pick, Subaki for Hoshido and Niles for Nohr - Three Houses: Dimitri or Mercedes ? - Engage: Yunaka was my first!
Favorite Fire Emblem class: DARK FLIER. but also any pegasus class is so chefs kiss for me
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? I'd want to be a pegasus knight or a mage but I could see myself being an armoured unit tbh
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? LION PRIDE LETSSSSSGOOOOOO
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Micaiah :D
How did you find TOA? I just searched the fire emblem rp tags on a whim one day and found the group. Had a nosy around and was really impressed and excited to join :)
Current TOA muses: Elincia, Goldmary and Julia
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Lincie! :D
Have you had any other TOA muses? I've had quite a lot um... Eirika, Ares, Orochi, Mercedes, Mae, Manuela, f!Shez, Macuil, Lana, Forrest, Constance, Tana & Celine
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I do feel a big pull to healers usually? Or pegasus knights.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Character's bonding and forming relationships.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Unlocked 2021 Cha Cha Slide
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 Usually like noah but with a t but sometimes i call it twaaah just to be silly.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 Tatiana, Safy, Rodrigue, Altena and Yunaka all have either blogs or partial apps. Of them Tatiana and Rodrigue whilst still outliers could potentially hit me with a steel chair at some point in the future.
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elegantmadness · 1 year
Eternal RP Search
As the title indicates, I'm pretty much always on the lookout for some new RP partners! Please keep reading if you might be interested! c;
Basic Info:
I'm (old af) 33 now, so I'm only looking to write with partners 18+. This is non-negotiable.
I default to third person past tense; I'm happy to switch to present tense if that's your preference, but I won't write in first or second person for RP purposes. In the same vein, I can't write with a partner who uses first or second person. Sorry guys!
Expect there to be some NSFW content; I don't fade to black. That said, I'm happy with smut-focused threads or plot-focused ones with NSFW as more of a side feature. Please let me know your limits so I don't step on any toes! Also expect at least some mention/discussion of kinks.
I'll write over email, in gdocs, or on discord. Please do not ask me to join your server/group RP or to RP here on tumblr.
My post length tends to fluctuate from 4+ paragraphs to novella, though I'll never give you fewer than 4 paragraphs. I cannot tolerate one-liners or super short paragraphs; I absolutely want someone who can give me at least 4 paragraphs per character.
My posting frequency can, admittedly, be a little sporadic, though I won't make you wait more than a few days for a reply. Ideally, I'd like a partner who can offer something similar -- 3-5 posts per week. I don't generally do rapid-fire, and if posts get slower than once per week I start to lose motivation.
I tend to prefer m// and m/f pairs, though in certain circumstances I'd be happy to double with f//. I'm also happy to include trans, nb, and characters that otherwise fall outside of the binary.
I will not exclusively write tops for your bottoms, men for your women, or canon characters for your original characters. I am, however, happy to double/triple/write casts/write poly so we can each write what we like.
Here I'll list all the fandoms I'd be interested in writing; I'm going to keep the info bare-bones to avoid making this post any longer than it already is, but I'll also add in a gdoc link with more comprehensive info. Characters in red are ones I wish to write; if no one's in red, I'm fine with writing any.
Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core-focused)
I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters. Doubling is absolutely on the table, but please note I have zero interest in writing Clerith, Cloti, or Zerith; otherwise, please don't be offended if I have no interest in a pairing you offer.
I could also be potentially interested in including characters from other Final Fantasy games (Squall, for instance, or Lightning). I'm familiar with 7, 8, 10 + 10-2, 12, and 13 (but not 13's sequels).
AGSZC (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
AGS (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth polycule)
SZC (Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
I'm also familiar with Three Hopes, though, admittedly, I'm not hunting for pairings with Shez or Arval. You're welcome to ask about them if you'd like to double, though! I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters.
Characters I'm absolutely not looking to write/write with: Bernadetta, Annette, Marianne, Rhea, Flayn, Hanneman, Constance, Manuela, Petra, Mercedes, Hilda, Ignatz, Raphael, Ingrid, Seteth, Lysithea, Caspar, Hapi, Monica, Leonie, Alois, Cyril
Sylvain/Felix (I'm willing to play Sylvain if you want to play more than one Sylvix thread)
Hubert/Ferdinand (I'm willing to play Hubert if you want to play more than one Ferdibert thread)
Yuri/Sylvain (I might be inclined to play Sylvain depending on the plot)
Dimitri/m! or f!Byleth
Star Trek
I'm familiar with TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, AOS, PIC, and PRO. I'm personally looking to write an original character opposite a canon, and while I'm happy to double up I'm fine if you want a canon/canon pair or canon/oc in return.
Please note that I have no real interest in writing characters from TOS/AOS or PRO. I'm also less-than-enthusiastic about PIC, so I'd really like to stay away from those storylines.
I would, however, thoroughly enjoy a more complete crossover of TNG/DS9/VOY (or any of the two).
Please do not ask me to write Chakotay/Seven of Nine.
Julian Bashir/f!OC
I've played through everyone's routes, though I'll probably want to reacquaint myself with whomever you ask for since it's admittedly been a while.
I'm shamelessly asking for poly here, but please don't be alarmed that I'm asking for 4 -- I don't imagine they'll all be played in the same scene often if at all ^^; I will happily write any of the other LIs in return, however!
f!OC/Sanosuke | Saito | Souji | Hijikata
The Wayhaven Chronicles
What I'm looking for here is a little hard to explain, so please bear with me! While I'm not averse to simple doubling, I'd really enjoy a poly or polycule situation with the male love interests (Adam, Nate, Mason, & Felix).
In the case of a polycule, however, I wouldn't want to focus on the romantic/sexual side of things between the boys, though I like the idea of the intimacy and closeness it potentially lends itself to the RP. In such an instance I would absolutely love to write an MC or OC, but I'll happily discuss it and compromise so we're both content!
I know it hasn't been released yet -- and won't be for quite some time -- but I love the idea of playing in the world. I absolutely want to include all the LIs, and like above would be happy to indulge in poly, simple doubling, or a polycule (to be completely honest, I'm most interested in the polycule here).
I'd even be happy to focus only on the canon characters and not include OCs at all, but I'm glad to include them too. I just really want the opportunity to explore the boys and the world better.
That's pretty much it for fandoms I'm actively searching for, though you're welcome to check my gdoc for more information and for other fandoms I'd potentially be interested in! (Persona 5's in there, as well as some other IF titles and otome!)
If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out either here on tumblr (through a DM is preferred, tho asks are okay too) or on discord (Resoan#4408). Hope to hear from some of you soon!
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
Thank you so much to everyone who threaded with Mannie, but alas, I need to drop her for now.
Manuela Casagranda has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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findyourrp · 10 months
Hi there! I’m male, 40+ and I am looking for a female rp partner who is in the 30-40 age range (this might be a bit of a long-shot on Tumblr but oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️… as long as you’re at least 21+, it’s fine with me). Looking to write MxF with myself as M and partner as F.
We don’t have to start with NSFW or smut but I would love to get there eventually. Looking for someone who can write at least 1 or 2 literate paragraphs at time in 3rd person, past tense.
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses (me on the left, partner on the right)
Seteth/Female Byleth
Male Byleth/Hilda
It is OK to substitute an OC in any of these pairings as long as your OC kind of suits the dynamic. Same with a CC. I am also open to totally original characters and settings. I can do fantasy, sci-fi, or slice of life. Interact with this post for more specifics. On both Tumblr and Discord I go by Lynel J Hutz.
Thanks! 😄
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professor-byleth · 2 years
Manuela is ready to play~
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skell3 · 9 months
RP ramblin'- Space Edition
@radiantgardenprince and I write a bunch.
We've got the Space Pod trio for our multiverse RP- Manuela, Carter, Jan. ((Call them a space 'pod' bc working with A/B/O and subvocals, and Manuela and Jan both sound like whales while Carter's definitely a dolphin.))
Stuff under the cut so I can ramble-
But the three of them are finally in a flat together, because Jan found the perfect one to cater to Vast, Lonely and Dark. -Manuela's room has no windows -Carter's room is the master with its own bathroom -Jan's room has a sliding door out to the porch Kitchen/dining are community spaces, and Jan and Manuela share a bathroom. After moving in they eventually work on furniture things. Living room has a couch like normal, then a hanging chair for Jan and bean-bag chairs in a pile for Carter to settle all snug in. The TV has a dimming strip over it, and the lights in the place have either been replaced with much dimmer bulbs, or a bunch of xmas/fairy lights are around for the boys to see.
Since I write Jan, and I've got him a Vast avatar, his room's definitely oriented for him to be able to see the sky as much as he wants. He has a telescope and star curtains and glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling (accurate to his favourite time of year). Jan sort-of floats when he sleeps, as he's still learning to figure out his Vast stuff (and it honestly helps him sleep better; like being in space). However, that means he has straps on his bed to help keep him from drifting or hitting the ceiling (and then the floor the following morning). Sometimes the three of them cuddle up in Jan's bed and keep him from drifting. Definitely getting into being/are a polycule, so go team space pod.
Other than stuff happening to Jan and him needing to be put back together-- this is our good wholesome stuff and I wanted to ramble and gush a bit.
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goodcryunicorn · 1 year
Manuela’s residence
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Manuela’s residence in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, is a 5 bedroom; 4 bathroom on a private island
[this is for rp purpose only based on this house]
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