unite4humanitycharity · 2 months
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Best places in Islam - Makkah - Madeenah - Bait Al Maqdas - Masajid
Help build Mosques for poor communities from all around the world.
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islamicwelfaretrust · 2 years
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Best places in Islam - Makkah - Madeenah - Bait Al Maqdas - Masajid
Build a Masjid with Islamic Welfare Trust
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ziarazaqadri · 3 years
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#savepalestine #save #ghaza #phalastine #phalastine♥️🇵🇸 #freepalestine #free #saveislam #savemuslim #betul #maqdas https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-FUQFMqcO/?igshid=1x2ta5zsyvfzs
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saeedbinsaeedjew · 4 years
Titoli del Dajjal
Il suo nome non è chiaro ma sarebbe famoso per i titoli di "Aawar" (con un occhio solo) e Dajjal. Un altro suo titolo è "Cristo". È dovuto ai seguenti motivi:
(a) Il suo occhio è stato cancellato.
(b) Avrebbe conquistato la terra dalla Mecca, Medina a Baitul Maqdas.
Patronimico del Dajjal
1- Abu Yusuf
2- "Amirus Salem" o "Ilahkar"; questi titoli sono dati da ebrei.
3- "Raees": i cristiani gli hanno dato questo titolo.
4- Dittatore
5- Il grande sovrano
Caratteristiche del Dajjal
Le qualità di Dajjal sono orrende e spregevoli e mostrano il suo carattere malvagio e sporco. In alcune tradizioni del Messaggero di Allah (S) è menzionato:
1- Il suo occhio sinistro è cieco.
2- Il suo occhio destro è cieco.
3- È cieco e le pupille dei suoi occhi sporgono. In altre parole, ha un occhio o è cieco nell'occhio destro o sinistro.
4- È di carnagione chiara. C'è rossore nella sua faccia.
5- Ha la fronte ampia e il collo lungo.
6- Ha i capelli lunghi e ricci.
Fede degli ebrei su Dajjal
Gli ebrei porterebbero fede su Dajjal e lo considererebbero il loro più grande leader e guida. Penserebbero che sia il salvatore promesso delle loro scritture.
Diranno: “È lo stesso salvatore, nelle cui aspettative eravamo stati per molto tempo. È la stessa persona descritta nel nostro libro sacro ”. La vera causa degli ebrei che hanno fede nel Dajjal è la loro animosità nei confronti dell'Islam e molto presto il Dajjal avrebbe combattuto contro i musulmani; che in effetti è lo scopo ultimo di ebrei e sionisti.
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Bete Giyorgis/The Church of Saint George
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St George’s Church is Lalibela’s masterpiece, the most skilfully executed and best-preserved of the Lalibela churches. Chronologically, it is probably the last of the eleven rock-hewn monolithic churches in Lalibela. These churches are a testament to the skills of Ethiopia’s medieval stonemasons. It was carved from a type of volcanic tuff (a light, porous rock formed by the consolidation of volcanic ash), the sole architectural material that was used to create the structure. It is thought that its construction goes back to the late 12th or early 13th century and has been called the "8th wonder of the world". The church itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Originally named Roha, the historical and religious site was named Lalibela after the King Gebre Mesqel Lalibela of the Zagwe dynasty, who commissioned its construction. According to Ethiopian cultural history, Bete Giyorgis was built after King Gebre Mesqel Lalibela of the Zagwe dynasty had a vision in which St. George appeared before him, claiming that he had been forgotten. Because of this, the king was instructed to construct the church in honor of St. George’s memory. But, Lalibela’s goal was to create a new Ethiopian Jerusalem, and he recreated many biblical scenes, such as the stable, out of carved rock.
Representing the climax of the rock-hewn tradition, it's the most visually perfect church of all. The church is a 25m by 25m wide pit consisting of a three-tiered plinth in the shape of a Greek cross – a perfectly proportioned shape that required no internal pillars (each arm of the cross is of equal length, a motif echoed on the roof, which is engraved with a triple Greek cross.) Due to its exceptional preservation, it also lacks the obtrusive roofing seen over the other churches. Bete Giyorgis is connected to the other sunken stone churches through a series of elaborate tunnels.
𐰸 The church grounds are accessed via a descending trench and tunnel, which allow access to a sunken courtyard surrounding the building. 𐰸
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𐰸 Inside, light filters in from the windows and illuminates the ceiling’s large crosses – beauty in simplicity. 𐰸
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𐰸 Peer over the curtain to see the maqdas’ beautiful dome. Behind the curtain lies a replica of the Ark of the Covenant. (However, the only ones allowed to view it are the priests.) 𐰸
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There are also two 800-year-old olive-wood boxes (one with opposing corkscrew keys) that locals believe were carved by King Lalibela himself and now hold the church’s treasures. Some of the cavities in the walls surrounding the church hold mummified corpses.
  𐰸 Note the exquisite 16th-century canvas depicting St George slaying the dragon. 𐰸
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𐰸 Early-morning worshippers head for Bete Giyorgis (House of St George). 𐰸
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 Source: Lonely Planet and Wikipedia.
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andarabi · 6 years
Signs and Incidents that Became Appeared after the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn
Signs and Incidents that Became Appeared after the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn a.s :
Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and blessings be upon the Messenger, the Prophet, the Warner, the Trustworthy and upon his Progeny, the blessed descendants, and curse be upon all their enemies.
No matter how powerful the tyrants are and no matter how long their rule lasts, it is of no use because Allah the most High is All-Powerful against them. Thus, Allah, the Almighty, always lies in wait for the tyrants and the sinners. He punishes them and sends different types of chastisement on them in this world and the Hereafter.
The same rule applies to those who did injustice to Imam Husayn (a.s.). They martyred him and insulted the ladies of his family. Allah punished them in different ways and made them taste the bitterness of different calamities, although their chastisement would be much more in the hereafter. The Almighty Allah always helps those who defend the truth and those who have to face injustice in the way of exalting the truth.
Those who endeavored to keep the name of Allah alive and bore the in-justice patiently for defending the truth, have become famous in this world and their enemies shall dwell in the Hell forever; an unfortunate destiny!
After the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the Almighty Allah showed many signs and miracles that prove the veracity of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and his high and esteemed position near Allah.
For this reason their name and remembrance will remain alive forever, and all those freedom-loving people have followed him and shall continue following him till the uprising of Qaem Ale Muhammad (a.s.) when he would finally take the revenge of the holy blood of Imam Husayn (a.s.).
Here we mention some of the signs and clear proofs mentioned in different Islamic sources that became apparent after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.).
1. The severed head of Imam Husayn (a.s.) recited Quran and supplications while it was held aloft on the point of a lance.
Miftahun Najah fi Manaqibe Ale Aba: P.145; Al- Khasaisul Kubra 2/127; Al-Kawakibu Durriya: P.57; Isafur Raghebeen: P.218; Nurul Absar: P.125; Ehqaq- ul-Haq 11/452-453.
2. Imam Husayn (a.s.) threw his holy blood towards the sky and not a drop of it fell back on the earth.
Kifayatut Talib 284; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 454.
3. On the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) blood rained from the sky and whatever the people had was smeared with blood and the effect of the blood remained on the clothes till they became old and this redness on the sky was such that anything like it was never seen before.
Maqtal al-Husayn 2/89; Zakhairul Uqba, p.144, 145, 150, Tarikh Damishq (Selections from the same) 4/339; As-Sawaiqul Mohreqa p.116 & 192; Al- Khasaisul Kubra: 126; Wasilatul Mal: 197; Yanabiul Mawaddah: 320, 356; Nurul Absar:123; Al-Ittehaf be hubbil Ashraf: 12; Tarikhul Islam 2/349; Tadkeratul Khawas: 284; Nazm Durarus Simtain: 220; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/458, 462.
4. On the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) whenever a stone was lifted gushed out blood underneath it.
Tadkeratul Khawas: 284; Nazm Durarus Simtain: 220; Mawaddah: 320, 356; Tarikhul Islam 2/349; Kifayatut Talib: 295; Al-Ittehaf be hubbil Ashraf: 12; Isafur Raghebeen: 215; As-Sawaiqul Mohreqa 116 & 192; Miftahun Najah fi Manaqibe Ale Aba (Manuscript); Tafsir Ibn Kathir 9/162; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/262, 281, 283.
5. When the severed head of Imam Husayn (a.s.) reached Darul Imarah (the royal palace) blood could be seen flowing from the walls of the palace.
Zakhairul Uqba: 144; Tarikh Damishq (Selections from the same) 4/339; As- Sawaiqul Mohreqa 192; Wasilatul Maal: 197; Yanabiul Mawaddah: 322; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/463.
6. At the time of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the sky became deep red, and for several days it seemed that it was smeared with blood and as if it had become sick.
Al-Mojamul Kabir: 145; Majmauz Zawaid 9/196; Al-Khasaisul Kubra 2/127; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/464.
7. For seven days after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) when people saw the sun after Asr prayers they used to see the walls red, due to the deep redness like red clothes and veils, and they used to see that stars are crashing against each other.
Al-Mojamul Kabir: 146; Majmauz Zawaid 9/97; Tarikhul Islam 3482; Seer Alamun Nubla 3/210; Tarikhul Khulafa: 80; As-Sawaiqul Mohreqa: 192; Isafur Raghebeen: 251; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/465.
8. After the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) for two or three months, people saw that, as if the walls were smeared in blood from sunrise to sunset.
Tadkeratul Khawas: 284; Al-Kamil fi Tarikh 3/301; Al-Bidaya wan Nihaya 8/171; Al-Fusoolul Muhimma 179; Akhbarud Dul: 109; Ahqaqul Haqq 11/466, 467.
9. After the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the horizons of the sky became deep red, and this redness was the weeping of the sky upon the tragedy of Imam Husayn (a.s.): the camel that was looted from them was slaughtered but when it was cut, they saw that its flesh was a fire and its meat was bitter.
Maqtal al-Husayn 2/90; Tarikhul Islam 2/348; Seer Alamun Nubla 3/311; Tafsir Quran Ibn Kathir 9/162; Tahzibut Tahzib 2/353; Damishq 4/339; Al-Mahasin wal Masawi: 62; Tarikhul Khulafa: 80; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/467, 469.
10. Till Six months after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the horizon was deep red, as if something like blood was visible in it.
Tarikhul Islam 2/348; Seer Alamun Nubla 3/210; As-Sawaiqul Mohreqa: 192; Majmauz Zawaid 9/197; Tarikhul Khulafa: 80; Miftahun Najah (Manuscript), Yanabiul Mawaddah: 322; Isafur Raghebeen: 215; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/269, 270.
11. After the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) for three days the world was pitch dark and at that time redness appeared, and no one touched the lifeless body of Hazrat (a.s.) unless he was burnt.
Tadkeratul Khawas: 283; As-Sawaiqul Mohreqa: 192; Nazm Durarus Simtain: 220; Miftahun Najah (Manuscript); Nurul Absar: 123; Tarikh Damishq 4/339; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/274-275.
12. The sky did not weep for anyone except for two: Yahya bin Zakariya and Imam Husayn (a.s.). The weeping of the sky is such that it turns red like hot oil.
Tarikh Damishq 4/339; Kifayatut Talib: 289; Seer Alamun Nubla 3/210; Tadkeratul Khawas: 283; Nazm Durarus Simtain: 220; As- Sawaiqul Mohreqa: 192; Miftahun Najah (Manuscript); Yanabiul Mawaddah: 322; Nurul Absar: 123; Tafsirul Quran Ibn Kathir 9/162; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/476-478.
13. At the time of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the sun became eclipsed, and stars became visible in the afternoon. People thought that - Last Day- had arrived!
Al-Mojamul Kabir: 145; Kifayatut Talib: 296; Maqtalul Husayn 2/89; Nazm Durarus Simtain: 220; Majmauz Zawaid 9/197; Al-Ittehaf be hubbil Ashraf: 12; Isafur Raghebeen: Yanabiul Mawaddah: 321; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/479-480
14. At the time of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) the sky became pitch dark and the stars became visible during the day, such that the Gemini star could be seen even at afternoon. Red dust rained for seven days and the sky looked as if it were colored with blood.
Tarikh Damishq 4/339; As- Sawaiqul Mohreqa: 116.
15. On the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s.) no stone was lifted in Damascus and Baitul Maqdas but that fresh blood was found below it.
Al-Mojamul Kabir: 145; Zakhairul Uqba: 145; Al- Unsul Jaleel: 252; Wasilatul Mal: 197; Tahzibut Tahzib 2/353; Kifayatut Talib: 296; Tarikhul Islam 2/348; Seer Alamun Nubla 3/212; Maqtalul Husayn 2/89 and 90; Al-Iqdul Fareed 2202; Al-Khasaisul Kubra 2/126; Majmauz Zawaid 9/196; Tarikhul Khulafa: 80; Miftahun Najah (Manuscript); Nurul Absar:
123; Yanabiul Mawaddah: 321; Isafur Raghebeen: 215; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/484.
16. On the day of Ashura the fowls refused to eat.
Maqtalul Husayn 2/91; Ihqaq ul-Haqq 11/490.
17. A beam of light emerged from the furnace containing the holy severed head of Imam Husayn (a.s.) and shot up to the heavens. The white birds were seen circling it.
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strugglingsoul · 3 years
When I wrap hijab around myself and make an effort to dress modestly, I imagine a parallel universe where Hazrat Maryam AS is there in Bait al Maqdas in her modest attire. I see Hazrat Asiya AS doing her best to preserve her Emaan. I try to copy the Taqwa of our mothers and female companions of Prophet PBUH. Though we don't exist in same timeline, but at least I can try to be like them. When I'll meet them in Jannah, I'll tell them how I wasn't honored with their presence in worldly life by the will of Allah SWT but I did what I can to make a connection with them that was beyond the time. I'll ask them about their struggles and will share mine. We'll sit beside a flowing river and I'll listen to their stories firsthand. I'll tell them how I craved for their presence and how I found them all in myself. May Allah bless me with their company in Jannah. Ameen!
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121islamforkids · 3 years
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  This Hadith is about the prayer and following Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. All of us know, When we offer our prayers, we need to follow all the Sunnah and methods of Our Nabi. We can’t add anything from it and We can’t leave any step. The Story of Changing the Qiblah The story of this Hadith is about the time of changing the Qibla Awal. When after the migration from Makkah to Medina Qibla was changed.It was a big trial for Muhammad SAW and for His companions as well. But the true believers followed him and never argued for that.  When Islam was revealed in Makkah,  the Kabah was the Qiblah in which direction Muslims used to offer Prayer. Kaaba was built by Prophet Ibraheem and His son. And it is the oldest and first house of Allah. Once Holy Prophet BBUH  was ordered by Allah to turn towards Jerusalem to Pray. Muslims complied with this divine instruction and continued to do so. all the companions of the Holy Prophet obeyd the instructions and never raised any objection or argument.   In Madinah there was a big number of Jews. Jews were used to do their holy rituals in the direction of Bait-ul-Maqdas( Jerusalem). Bait-ul-Maqdas was built by Prophet Sulemon and also the House of Allah.  My dear students,   This was just to Make jews understand that, islam is not a different religion. It was the religion of Prophet Mosa and all other Prophets. And Muslims also have a firm belief in all prophets and books.  Prophet PBUH tried his best to lead jews so that Jews may accept Islam. But they didn’t. Just few Jews believed and accepted Islam. Others became enemies of Ilsam and holy Prophet PBUH . They started to create hurdles and hidden plannings against Muslims.  After 17 months, Allah ordered Mulsims to change the direction and pray towards Kabah. Dear children  This was the time of Asr prayer. All muslims were offering thier prayer following Muhammad SAW.  In the meantime, The order of Allah was revealed to Prophet that, Turn your sides towards Holy Kabah. So Prophet PUH turned back and changed direction. All companions of Our Prophet started to move and go back to the Holy Prophet PBUH in a moment.  No question was raised. Read this story at site https://www.instagram.com/p/CY3QFtkg6vs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mamoonhameed · 3 years
Watch "Qaum e hadees ka pehla qibla bait ul Maqdas hai is kay leyeh jang karna sahi hai?" on YouTube
قومِ حدیث کے پہلے قبلہ المعروف یروشلم والی مسجد کے بارے میں قرآن_کیا_کہتا_ہے. سے پہچان کریں اور منافقین کی پکڑی ہوئی مسجد ضرار کو پہچان لیں تاکہ اللہ آپ کو تفرقہ بازی، کفر اور اس کے لیے جنگ کرنے والوں اور جنگ پر اکسانے والوں سے بچائے اور رسول کے پہلے قبلہ یعنی مسجدالحرام کا حصہ بننے کی طرف راہنمائی ہو انشاءاللہ آمین.
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cartoonmirror · 5 years
America Israel policy: Worldwide danger
America Israel policy: Worldwide danger
Christians around the world including America believe that Jews crucified Jesus_Christ, while Islam says that Allah saved Him from crucifixion. Muslims and Christians around the world hate Israelis because of crucifying Jesus and occupying Al-Aqsa.
Facts prove that Israelis are conspirators and they believe in violence. Jews greatly promoted nationalism and secularism among Christians after…
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media-zoon · 7 years
Mediazoon: “After the United States, Guatemala also announced his transfer to Betal Maqdas".
Mediazoon: “After the United States, Guatemala also announced his transfer to Betal Maqdas”.
Guatemala (Mediazoon): After the US, the Latin American country, Guatemala also announced its transfer from the Tel Abb-based accopied Betal Maqdas-based Embassy.
According to British media, Jimmy Morriles, President of Guatemala, has allowed his embassy in Israel to move to Jerusalem.
Jimmy Morris told the Facebook post that he made this decision after talking to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…
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besturdubooks-blog · 7 years
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Bait ul Maqdas aur Falasteen By Maulana Enayatullah Wani Nadvi بیت المقدس اور فلسطین Read Online Download (3MB) Link 1       Link 2
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raaztv · 4 years
hazrat suleman (s) ki ALLAH se dua | prophet dawud (as) and bait ul maqdas
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omgsaidahaider · 4 years
Safar-E-Maqdas | A Documentary about Al Aqsa Mosque
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berlinlondonworld · 5 years
EP 13 II Bait ul Maqdas Ky Waris Kon II History of Masjid-e-Aqsa
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mathswarriors · 5 years
#Palestine : #SaudiArabia K AIK WAZIR KI BAIT-UL-MAQDAS K DORAY K DORAN BE-IZZATI. #Palestini BACHAY #SaudiArabia K WAZIR K MUHH (MOUTH) PAR THOOKTAY RAHAY. #Palestine K AWAM KA #SaudiArabia PAR #Israel KI HIMAYAT KA ILZAM. 12:45AM #FastNews #News #PK https://youtu.be/I9kDbrfKI9E https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RfP-aHAEV/?igshid=1qorgk5d18j2s
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