maqui-chan · 5 months
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i have a thing called reading too fast and it makes me prone to misreading texts. for a second i really thought 'whitney i know you're a whore but goddamn not my caretaker 😭'
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particlewaveform · 5 months
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garashir · 4 months
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lonelymoonrambles · 2 months
I always wonder what I'd do if I was in the Star Trek universe.
I think I'd be an Outpost Scientist researching mysterious biology... Writing a paper about sentient soil, or studying a forest on some random planet for 10 years sounds nice. (*ahem* keeping secrets from starfleet about the true nature of the planet) 😌
So what would you do? And please specify in the tags/comments if you have thoughts on this, I'm so curious!
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maxwellscorner · 3 months
I love your Henry Design it looks Beautiful and Charming 🩷😍
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Thank you so much! I love love drawing this big lovable man 💚💚
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geekysteven · 10 months
Instead of Star Trek Voyager integrating the Maquis crew into Starfleet roles, what if the whole ship got radicalized by the second season and the series ends with Janeway getting the crew home just in time to obliterate several Cardassian targets
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stopthatbluecat · 1 year
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Reminder that Benjamin Sisko fucked Cal Hudson in lederhosen.
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hiidkwhatimdoing7525 · 4 months
Feeling sad? just remember there is historical record of little Lafayette
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hope you're happy now :)
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ravenclawerised · 2 years
Rewatching DS9 again and I am just so interested at how an average Bajoran would view Kira by the end of the series. How an average Cardassian would? We know that a lot of what she does is known to the Bajoran people. Shakaar mentions Furel and Lupaza bragging about her whenever they get news of the station. But lets actually take a look at this:
She is the highest ranking Bajoran on DS9 outranked only by the Emissary
Most times Sisko did anything in the capacity as the Emissary, Kira was one step behind and to the right
She was with Kai Opaka, the most widely loved and respected Bajoran, when she made her journey through the Celestial Temple and “answered the call of the prophets”
She was highly respected (and loved) by Vedek Bareil who was hugely popular on Bajor (he could very well have been Kai if he hadn’t taken the blame for Kai Opaka’s actions during the Occupation)
She and Kai Winn had a well known feud and after Kai Winn’s fall from grace at the end of the show, Kira must come out pretty great to everyone else
She is the one who found and saved the great Bajoran hero, Li Nalas, from a Cardassian work camp and then within a week saved Bajor from a civil war that had been encouraged by Cardassians.
Between her saving Li Nalas and his fellow prisoners AND finding the Ravinok and saving the Bajorans (and Cardassians and Ziyal) from the Breen mines, was she the person Bajorans turned to when searching for their lost love ones? Was she a symbol to those who kept looking for their loved ones because Kira Nerys found those thought to be lost?
She prevented ANOTHER Bajoran Civil War and helped elect Shakaar as the First Minister of Bajor. Again being associated with a widely loved and respected member of Bajoran society.
Kira was in charge of DS9 during Dominion Occupation and started up the station’s resistance cell
She was permitted to use the Orb of Time, one of Bajor’s most sacred objects
She was the chosen by a Prophet to be their vessel during the Reckoning with the Pah-Wraith...and the KAI was on the same station. But it was KIRA who was chosen
She plays chicken with a Romulan fleet...and wins!
She was a key figure in the Dominion War. She started as a resistance fighter who was assigned to a falling apart, unimportant old Cardassain station and becomes the Colonel of the single most important port in the Alpha Quadrant. She is the right hand of the Emissary. She is widely respected by many beloved figures in Bajoran society.
And this list is just the most public things that have happened to her. This doesn’t even take into account any of the stories about her that involve her dealing with whatever BS the Star Trek universe decides to throw at the characters that week. Klingons beam in and fight? Gets stabbed and keeps fighting. Emissary is transported to 2024? Kira is on the team that pulls him out.
By the end of season seven, do politicians on Bajor hold their breath or breathe a sigh of relief if Kira gets involved? Do Vedeks seek her out to ask her about being possessed by a prophet? About her experiences with the Orbs? About Kai Opaka’s last words? Do families still grieving those missing from the Occupation petition her to look for the lost?
And how about the Cardassians?
The Cardassian government would probably never publicly admit to any time she foiled their plans, but Tekeny Ghemor tells her that she has her own section in the Cardassian Central Archives and is a public figure on Cardassia
Would the Cardassians in the Breen mine whisper their thanks among their family that Kira Nerys found them?
Tekeny Ghemor, someone who was respected enough to be considered as the face for the Cardassian resistance against the Dominion controlled Cardassian puppet government, publicly considered her his daughter/family by asking her to participate in the Shri-tal ritual and give her all of his secrets prior to his death (something highly valued in Cardassian society)
She was a part of Damar’s resistance. She helped them fight the Dominion and was with Damar when he died for Cardassia. In the story of how Damar was martyred for Cardassia’s freedom from the Dominion, Kira Nerys, a Bajoran, is heavily featured.
In all Bajoran/Cardassian relations, do Cardassians seek to involve Kira as a woman of her word who will treat in good faith or do they cross their fingers and hope she is nowhere near their business?
Can you tell I think about Kira Nerys a lot?
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tribblesoup · 6 months
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Some less commonly seen photos of Torres.
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maqui-chan · 2 months
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Pure Sydney's reaction to successfully making PC c*m is really cute ok...
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pancakemolybdenum · 2 years
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@josuyasuweek2023 day 7: au / redesign / anything you want
theyre both gonna lose like a month of replicator rations. who puts a bunch of kids in important roles on a spaceship anyway
idk been watching a lot of voyager lately
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jeanfrancoisrey · 4 months
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Ciste à feuilles de sauge (Cistus salviifoius)…
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People needs to start appreciating Kasidy Yates right now. Her boyfriend who is literally the station's captain tells her about an embarassing feud with some Vulcan and how he doesn't want his friends to know even though they'd be sympathetic and the scene immediately jumpcuts to her telling all his friends the entire story
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maxwellscorner · 6 months
Your humanised engines' faces look kissable to me. Idk why, they just do.
(Sorry if this is a weird ask 😅)
Don't worry that's not weird, I wanna make them as kissable and cute as I can, it's part of my evil plan >:3
The actual question is which one is the most kiss-worthy? 🤔
Also I'm obssessed with your sausage engines, I had to sketch this
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muiromem · 5 months
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Kathryn Janeway - "The Fates"
The Moirai of Greek myth. The youngest, Clotho - the spinner who controlled life, choosing when a person was born and weaving their thread of existence. The middle one, Lachesis - the allotter who measured out the length of this thread and decided a person's destiny. And the eldest, Atropos - she who was inevitable that ended a mortal's life, cutting the thread and choosing the manner of their death.
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