#maría rodrigo
365filmsbyauroranocte · 10 months
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Que Dios nos perdone (Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2023)
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afadaily · 2 years
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📸: todopelota_arg via instagram
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Argentina NT and Their Capitan, Lionel Messi
I've been thinking about the Argentina NT team dynamics. How they are so friendly with each other. How they always talk about how nice it is be back practicing with their NT teammates. The early morning mate, their interactions during and after training sessions, the protectiveness over one another during matches, some of the selfless on pitch moments that helped win matches, their silly Instagram posts, stories and comments, their remarks about a fellow teammate during interviews and finally, their love and respect for their Capitan, Leo Messi!
And their dedication towards him.
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I don't think you'll ever find any team that is sooo happy to be part of a team. And so caring and committed towards their leader.
Yes, Leo Messi is the best player in the world. But what counts in a team more than skills is leadership and teamwork. I remember pundits and haters saying that Messi is not a good leader. He cannot lead a team, bring about unison and motivate them to win. If Argentina plays badly, it's because of him. Not just cuz he didn't produce goals during the match ("He dissapears at the big moments!"), but also because he just can't seem to get his team to play as TEAM ("All they do is pass the ball to him, hoping he could pull a trick out of his football cleats. There is no team here, just Messi + 10 men."
To some extent, this is true. The team was not cohesive. They were over reliant on Messi and the team was built around him. The NT had world class players, but they were a bunch of players put together and not really a unit. But due to the amount of talent in the team, they were expected to perform great. To produce results. The amount of pressure put on Leo due to this is only something I can imagine.
From an outsider's perspective, it did take a while for Messi to embrace the role of a leader. Everyone believed that he didn't do what a leader does to motivate his team. Hell, some believed that HE is the cause for dressing room unrests. But none of the outsiders really saw what went on in the dressing rooms. We saw how he interacted with his players on the pitch. And to most, he looked detached. They didn't see him egging his members on to play better, they didn't see him encouraging them, they didn't see him helping them out from the sidelines when he's not playing ("like Ronaldo does").
He was quite. He was tense. He looked like he didn't care.
("He's just in his own world when he's with the national team")
But things started to change. We saw him step up for his team (not for the first time, but this was what everyone remembers). The Argentina NT was getting bad press and media attention in 2016. Reports had come out that Ezequiel Lavezzi had smoked marijuana during NT training camp. Leo took the initiative to bring the whole NT to the press conference room and announce that the team wont speak to the press anymore. “We received a lot of accusations, a lot of disrespect. The accusations against Lavezzi are very serious.”
It's safe to say many were surprised. Leo Messi was officially taking a stance and standing up for his teammates. It was fresh to see Leo taking his captain role so seriously and protecting his members.
And we started seeing more of this side of Leo. The captain side. We saw him really being there for his teammates. And maybe this side of him increased the trust his teammates had in him.
With Lionel Scaloni coming in as coach, it changed things up. More young players were brought in. Players who grew up watching Leo Messi play. They considered him their role model. They felt inspired by him.
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(15 year old Enzo Fernandez's letter to Messi after his retired from his International Career in 2016)
Team dynamics changed. The Argentinian National Team liked coming together for the international matches, meeting their teammates and doing familiar Argentinian things only they know of. They hung out on each other's rooms. They grew fond of one another. They became good friends.
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As for their captain, they loved him. They were protective of him. Praised him. Not only for his skills, but his humility, his leadership and his attitude. They'd take any chance to talk about him. Though they admired and looked up to him, they worked with him, then for him. They worked together, as a unit. They were there for each other and Leo. And Leo was there for them. Together.
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You get it? It's like poetry, it rhymes!
Anyways, Argentina NT is the best team ever. They were a joy to witness, their interactions with each other, how happy they seemed when they were together and also their play during the matches. This team deserved to win the World Cup. No doubt.
The leader and his devoted followers.
The GOAT with his team of World Class dedicated players.
Part 2
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zanettis · 2 years
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m--bloop · 1 year
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opera-ghosts · 2 years
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Maria Llacer (1888-1962), the great Spanish dramatic soprano. By accounts, a huge voice. Sadly, she made only a single recording, the Act 4 Huguenots duet with John O’Sullivan. That recording thrills and tantalizes.
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calciopics · 2 years
Uruguay World Cup squad 2022: Final list of 26 players for national team in Qatar
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 months
Ángeles de la guitarra
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[El compositor hispano-cubano Eduardo Morales-Caso (La Habana, 1969) / D.S.]
El compositor Eduardo Morales-Caso publica una antología de su música para guitarra sola en un doble cedé del sello Nibius
Eduardo Morales-Caso nació en La Habana, pero su abuelo materno era asturiano y “el peso de lo español siempre fue muy importante en casa”. Había estudiado en Cuba con dos grandes maestros, Carlos Fariñas y Harold Gramatges, hasta convertirse en profesor en el Instituto Superior de Arte de La Habana. Llegó a Madrid en 1996 para hacer estudios de posgrado con Antón García Abril y en Madrid estableció su residencia hasta este mismo año en que se ha trasladado a Gijón, “principalmente por el calor. Los veranos de Madrid eran cada vez más calurosos y el clima asturiano me sienta mucho mejor. Además Gijón tiene mar y eso es maravilloso, el mar lo ilumina todo”. Además de con Fariñas, que era guitarrista, en Cuba, Eduardo también estudió con Joaquín Clerch, uno de los grandes del instrumento de nuestro tiempo, y acaso por eso la música para guitarra constituye una parte importante de su catálogo. Acaba de publicar un doble álbum con una antología de este sector de su producción.
“No soy guitarrista, pero escribí mi primera obra para guitarra en 1999. Quería celebrar veinticinco años de escritura para la guitarra y hacerlo de la mano de los intérpretes con los que yo aprendí a escribir para el instrumento. Son once, todos magníficos guitarristas, y a todos los considero amigos. Han asumido mi obra con un rigor impresionante y un compromiso técnico interpretativo que hace que mi obra suene de una manera elevada gracia a ellos, a su gran técnica y a su extraordinaria sensibilidad artística”. Ellos son los once ángeles del título. “En la numerología el once es un número angelical, un número importante, de fuerza, de poder, de espiritualidad, de conexión del hombre con el universo”. Dejemos pues aquí sus nombres: María Esther Guzmán, Pedro Rodrigo Roldán, Gabriel Estarellas, René Mora, Luis Malca Contreras, Iliana Matos, Adrián Montero Moya, Juan José Rivero Yepes, José Antonio García Fuertes, Darío Blanco y Adam Levin.
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La ordenación de las obras en el disco no sigue criterios cronológicos. “No. Busqué referencias de relaciones armónicas, centros tonales y también el principio del contraste.” Acaso por eso la primera obra guitarrística del compositor, El jardín de Lindaraja (1999) y la última, Zaida’s Lament (2023), están seguidas al comienzo del segundo disco de la antología. “Con El jardín de Lindaraja gané en 2001 el Premio Andrés Segovia en La Herradura, en Granada. Yo quería rendir homenaje a la música española y es por eso una obra de inspiración alhambrista. Y Zaida’s Lament tiene también una inspiración andalusí. Son lenguajes muy distantes, porque mi música ha evolucionado, pero hay conexiones a nivel motívico y temático”.
No le resulta fácil a Eduardo identificar las influencias de su música, pues considera que ha conseguido un estilo muy personal. “Mi obra para guitarra, por ejemplo, se diferencia muchísimo de la que se hacía antes, por la elaboración de las texturas, el tratamiento del color, del timbre, los rasgueados tan particulares, las relaciones interválicas... Busco sobre todo el lirismo y el contraste. Yo pongo la guitarra a cantar como si fuera un violín, como si fuera un violonchelo. Creo que soy un compositor que pocas veces aburro, porque doy mucha importancia al contraste. No sé si eso es una virtud o un defecto, pero establezco realmente muchos materiales contrastantes dentro del discurso para que este sea mucho más atractivo". Eduardo piensa que las vanguardias de los 60 y los 70 “fueron una moda impresionante y una novedad extraordinaria, pero se ha quedado en eso y lo más interesante en la actualidad es que hay una convivencia, hay una confluencia de dimensiones estéticas diversas, eso es lo que enriquece realmente este siglo XXI. Como estudiante tuve que trabajar todas estas estéticas y todas estas tendencias de los 60 y los 70, pero lo hice como ejercicios, luego uno elige. Y yo lo hice en libertad: mi música es atonal, contemporánea, de este siglo, pero tiene unas características muy específicas, un lenguaje muy lírico, muy melódico, con entonaciones muy precisas y muy características que definen mi expresión estética. No es una música efectista, no trabajo la gestualidad, ni la aleatoriedad; a mí siempre me gusta que mi música sea reconocida como es, con las notas reales que son, independientemente de la interpretación de cada ejecutante”.
La antología se ha publicado en el sello Nibius, heredero de Verso, donde editó Morales-Caso su primer álbum en España, y las tomas elegidas son muy especiales, ya que son tomas hechas por los propios intérpretes, “a veces en los estrenos, a veces en sus casas; me las han cedido generosamente. Por ejemplo, en la de María Esther Guzmán suenan unos pajaritos de fondo, me encanta eso. Tengo que citar sin más remedio a Luis del Toro Modolell, el ingeniero de sonido que ha hecho la masterización, un trabajo impresionante por el que le estoy muy agradecido”.
[Diario de Sevilla. 4-08-2024]
La ficha ELEVEN ANGELS Eduardo Morales-Caso (1969) Il sogno delle streghe [2001]. [María Esther Guzmán] Fleeting reminiscences [2013]. [Pedro Rodrigo Roldán] Samskara [2010]. [Gabriel Estarellas] Trois sortilèges [2012]. [René Mora] The fragile loch [2015]. [Luis Malca Contreras] El jardín de Lindaraja [1999]. [Iliana Matos] Zaida's lament [2023]. [Adrián Montero Moya] Three oriental glimpses [2020]. [Juan José Rivero Yepes] Intangible Maelstrom [2016]. [José Antonio García Fuertes] The Lake's glistening moon [2018]. [Darío Blanco] Diabolical rumours [2003]. [Adam Levin] Nibius (2 CD)
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i-kai · 2 months
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— “yes i know that he’s my ex, but can’t two people reconnect?”
dating lee donghyuck was every hopeless romantic’s dream. his late night serenades, affectionate touches, secret song dedications, and endless love letters were just some of the things that you — the hopeless romantic that got to live said dream — were on the receiving end of. everything seemed perfect, right?
until you received the worst message ever in your life two weeks before you made your debut. the four words, “we need to talk” made your heart drop from what felt like a skyscraper filled with all the sanity you had left.
after that, you’d never give your ex a chance ever.. again.. right..?
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pairing: idol!haechan x idol!reader
genre: smau, exes2lovers, miscommunication, humor, angst, fluff
featuring: nct dream, iso (y/n’s group!), riize, aespa, nct wish
warnings: cursing!!! and a few dirty jokes here and there (only between the adults)
taglist: OPEN
★ PLAYLIST ★ bad idea right? by Olivia Rodrigo — run for the hills by Tate McRae — Fade Into You by Mazzy Star — NIGHTS LIKE THIS PT 2 by The Kid LAROI — get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo — All I Wanted by Paramore — exes by Tate McRae — Heavy by The Marías — Cologne by Beabadoobee — Strangers by Ethel Cain — Casual by Chappell Roan
author’s note: YAYYY new smau!!!! i’m excited for this one teehee i hope u guys are too 💜 leave a reply under this post if you wanna be on the taglist! (*´ω`*)
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iso! 彡 happy family 彡 dreamies
OO1 — wanting him to suffer ≠ missing him
OO2 — can’t a woman have hobbies?
OO3 — girl whatever
OO4 — is it casual now?
OO5 — #nonchalant
OO6 — mother and father
OO7 — y/nlore
OO8 — that one friend that’s too isopilled
OO9 — military training
…and more to come!
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
Argentina enfrenta a Croacia en busca de su sexta final mundialista
Argentina enfrenta a Croacia en busca de su sexta final mundialista
Foto: Maximiliano Luna, enviado especial. El seleccionado argentino intentará este martes mañana alcanzar la sexta final mundialista de su historia cuando se enfrente con el vigente subcampeón e invicto Croacia en una de las semifinales de Qatar 2022 a disputarse en el Estadio Lusail.El partido comenzará a las 16 con transmisión de la TV Pública, TyC Sports y DSports. Estará arbitrado por el…
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afadaily · 2 years
Robert Lewandowski 🗣
“I think Argentina deserved to qualify, today they dominated from the start until the end”
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📸: liricoimagen via instagram
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cmatain · 2 years
Presentado en Pisa (Italia) el número 26 (2022) de La Perinola, en una jornada académica en recuerdo del hispanista Alessandro Martinengo
Presentado en Pisa (Italia) el número 26 (2022) de La Perinola, en una jornada académica en recuerdo del hispanista Alessandro Martinengo
El pasado 28 de octubre tuvo lugar en el Aula Magna Storica (Palazzo de la Sapienza) de la Università di Pisa (Italia) la actividad académica «Vivir es caminar breve jornada». In ricordo di Alessandro Martinengo. Giornata di studio organizzata da allievi e amici. En el marco de esta jornada en recuerdo del prestigioso hispanista italiano —especializado en Quevedo— recientemente fallecido, se…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Declaran la nulidad del juicio a Milagro Sala por la sustracción y destrucción de un expediente judicial
#Jujuy #Judiciales | Declaran la nulidad del juicio a #MilagroSala por la sustracción y destrucción de un #expedientejudicial
El  Tribunal en lo Criminal Nº 3  de Jujuy declaró la nulidad del juicio por la sustracción y destrucción de un expediente judicial, en el que están acusados Milagro Sala, al abogado Alberto Bellido y al empleado judicial Marcos Romero,  desde su inicio el 18 de agosto de 2022, por incapacidad física temporal sobreviviente de Alberto Bellido para estar en juicio; debido a que temporariamente ha…
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boomgers · 25 days
Todo lo malo y lo bueno lo aprendimos en este barrio… “Los Reyes De Oriente”
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La hermandad de Javo, Mike y Santos, tres amigos del Oriente de la Ciudad de México, y el amor prohibido de uno de ellos por la madre del otro, desata una guerra que destruye a ambas familias y reformula todo lo que creían acerca del amor y la amistad.
Estreno: 25 de septiembre de 2024 en Netflix.
Creada por Leticia López Margalli, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Joshua Okamoto, Elias Toscano, Manuel Villegas, Ingrid Águila, Gabriela Ruiz, Kat Rigoni, Rodrigo Ostap, Mauricio Pimentel, Roberto Sosa, Mariana Gajá, Evangelina Martínez y María Rojo.
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Discovery and conquest of the Caribbean Sea by the Spanish, 1492-1595.
« Westermann Großer Atlas zur Weltgeschichte », 1997
by cartesdhistoire
On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus reached San Salvador in what is now the Bahamas archipelago, then he discovered the northeast coast of Cuba and Haiti (La Española). During a second expedition, he discovered Dominica and Guadeloupe, then he explored the south coast of Cuba and discovered Jamaica (Santiago). His brother Bartolomé founded Santo Domingo in 1498. In 1508, Ponce de León named a harbor on the island Puerto Rico, which took its name, then he founded San Juan in 1511.
During his third voyage, in 1498, Columbus reached the island of Trinidad and discovered the mouths of the Orinoco River: the flow of the river indicated that the hinterland was much larger than the islands previously discovered. So, the idea of “mainland” began to emerge. In 1499, Alonso de Ojeda, accompanied by Amerigo Vespucci, explored the coast from east to west, starting from Guyana. On the shores of Lake Maracaibo, upon seeing Indians living in huts on stilts, he named this region “Venezuela”, meaning little Venice.
Rodrigo de Bastidas discovered the mouth of the Magdalena River and was the first to land on the Isthmus of Panama in 1500. During his fourth voyage, Columbus sailed along the coast of the isthmus from present-day Honduras (1502). Vasco Nuñez de Balboa founded Santa María la Antigua del Darién in 1510, the first permanent colony on the mainland, then he discovered the “South Sea” in 1513. Pedrarias Dávila founded Panama in 1519.
In 1528, Charles V granted the exploitation of Venezuela to Augsburg bankers, the Welsers. The expedition of Nicolás de Federmán reached the land of the Muiscas in the Andes in 1539.
The first European to ascend the Orinoco was Diego de Ordaz in 1531 (he was also the first European to reach the summit of the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico). Where the Orinoco narrows the most, Antonio de Berrío founded the town of Santo Tomás de Guayana in 1595.
In the Andes, Benalcázar founded the Spanish Quito in 1534, then Popayán in 1537, and Jiménez de Quesada founded Santa Fe de Bogotá in 1538.
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citylighten · 5 months
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so I feel like there's two routes you can go with Mortimer. Make him look as distinguished as the man from The Twilight Zone or make him really hot. Without tweaking his features too much, I decided to make him a little unconventional looking. He's slightly based on José María Yazpik.
Personal lore underneath that unforunately ties into Sink or Swim lmao
Bella Goth has been dead for some time in my game. And in addition to the children they already had, she left him two baby girls and a host of ugly dogs. I didn't play with the Goth's so I was like, "it is what it is." Then recently, when I was looking over my unplayed sims I noticed Rodrigo had the surname Goth.
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So I do more investigation
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As far as I'm concerned Mortimer yearns for death to be reunited with his sweet Bella.
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