#Sebastián Coates
calciopics · 2 years
Uruguay World Cup squad 2022: Final list of 26 players for national team in Qatar
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whatlovelybones-if · 1 year
There’s a severe lack of Sebas asks, my husband deserves so much love 😤 Can you tell us how he met the MC ? What made him so interested ?
i agree, bonnie 😞 our resident wet cat journalist deserves some love and attention too <3 i’ll just give y’all a not-so-little snippet of the scene in which they met. spoiler warning since this will be present in the game:
‘this is the worst fucking day of my career,’ sebastián thought bitterly.
the clouds thunder heavily in the night. rain drops fall in tandem with the unrelenting wind which makes the trees sway surrounding the road. the whole atmosphere was miserably cold and wet.
every single bone in sebas’s body hurt like crazy. he wonders why the hell did he even try to fight off the muggers, they outnumbered him by a lot and he had multiple cuts and bruises to show for it. darkness threatens to encroach his vision but he fought it off. he knew he’d really end up dead if he let his growing fatigue overpower him.
but hope was dwindling inside him. no one was going to come looking for him. it’s not like he had many friends. the only man he even dared to call a friend had gone missing weeks ago. and now sebastian was going to end up joining him too. the only difference was that they never found henry, while they’d find his body on the side of this abandoned road.
his stomach growls and a weary sigh leaves his body. what he wouldn’t give for a warm meal right now. maybe a bowl of his mom’s homemade chicken soup.
“you’ve been working hard again, mijo,” she’d tut while running her fingers through his shaggy dark hair. “díos mio, you worry your poor mother too much.”
a broken sob threatens to leave his throat. sebas knew he made for a pathetic sight. it was his fault he ended up in this situation after all, and he could not change it no matter what.
the stab wound on the side of his stomach stings and almost makes him blackout as he tries, in vain, to keep it from bleeding out. his assailants had made sure that he couldn’t go for help, even if he tried to crawl to the nearest hospital.
this is it. this is where he dies. this is where the short life of sebastián rafael navarro ends. shivering and sobbing on the side of an abandoned road while he dreams of a warm meal and a life unfulfilled.
suddenly, the screech of a pair of tires halt his increasingly pessimistic musing. he vaguely notices the touch of a gloved hand on his neck and wrist, checking for a pulse. sebastián wonders if he’s already dead and is currently being examined by an angel. he questions himself if they can feel how faint his pulse is, how faint he feels.
sebas hears them curse, and he wonders if angels are allowed to do that. struggling to open his eyes against the onslaught of the rain, he manages to catch a glimpse of a white coat and a face which makes his breath catch in his throat. he decides that his angel theory didn’t seem so ridiculous after all.
“it’ll be okay. i’ll take care of you.”
it is the last thing he hears before he feels himself fall unconscious while the ‘angel’ hauls him up with an unnatural strength and places him on a warm leather seat.
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Male sharkman x male reader (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Commission #3 in the list of 5! Thank you for trusting me with your prompt! I hope you like it! (For reference, this sharkman is built like King Shark, not a merman with a shark tail).
Contents: human male reader who’s bigger and taller than most, and who usually (and happily) takes care of his friends, meets a big ol’ sharkman on a tropical getaway, who’s big enough and tall enough to take care of him for a change. Some very light D/s undertones but nothing hardcore - just some manhandling and consensual dominance and praise from our big sharkman in the bedroom. Also featuring a sporty werewolf, a sexy werewolf, a cheeky naga, a cinnamon roll satyr, and a smol and shy fellow human, a tropical beach setting, and some mention of alcohol.
Wordcount: 4656
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The sun sent red and black patterns dancing over your closed eyelids, and the heat of it on your exposed skin was truly glorious. In the background, the sea brushed against the white sand, barely a whisper to let you know she was still there; that you hadn’t floated away in this blissful paradise.
And to think you’d actually been a bit pissed off with Eric when he’d first said he was having his bachelor party on a tropical island, so far from home. That had been before you’d seen the expanse of silver sand, with those picture-perfect palm trees leaning down over it like curious explorers all inspecting a rare seashell. The water beyond was so clear it looked like a moving glass sculpture, with the sand undulating away beneath it out towards the distant coral reef studded with starfish and shells and a thousand tiny fish.
Someone yelled a warning and you twitched awake, but too late. A wet, cold beach ball landed on your stomach and bounced off into the sand beside you. With a put-upon sigh, you opened your eyes and peered over at where Eric and the others had been playing volleyball with a floaty, too-big beach ball.
It was still within easy reach, so you scooped it up and lobbed it back at them one-armed, and they cheered.
“Thanks big guy!” Fennel hollered at you, and the little flash of the blond satyr’s white tail blended almost perfectly with the pale, glittering water behind him.
“No worries,” you chuckled with genuine affection for your mad bunch of friends before letting your head loll back onto the towel beneath you. You heaved another sigh and stared up at the sky between the fingers of the palm leaves. Deep contentment settled around you, despite the rising racket they were making.
When the roughhousing started to get a bit too boisterous about twenty minutes later, you sat up with a scowl and watched as Alban wrapped his thick, white, marble tail around Eric and held him in place, keeping him from reaching the ball. Eric suddenly doubled over and gave in to the shift, black fur rippling down his spine, claws sprouting at his hands, and Alban released him with a crowing laugh to let him fall into the sand on his face, while Eric’s red swimming trunks ripped open as his werewolf form took over.
“Fuck’s sake,” you muttered fondly and headed over to keep the healthy play from getting too out of hand. They were in public after all.
It had been like this since university, when you’d shared a house with Eric, Alban, Fennel, Sebastián, and Matt in your very first year, and every year after. Between Eric and Sebastián at the full moon, Alban during moulting, and Fennel at change of coat season, you and Matt had put up with an awful lot as the only humans in the house.
Now, Matt was standing on the sand at a safe distance, watching as Eric leapt at Alban, flattening the naga’s human torso into the sand and expelling all the air from his lungs with an ‘oof’ that was audible even as you crossed to them. Fennel, however, had been knocked on his ass and looked a little winded, if otherwise unharmed. You didn’t even think the naga and werewolf had even noticed that he’d been caught up in the fray, which was nothing unusual with them when they started shoving and barging each other around. Sebastián was still up at the restaurant, thank the gods, otherwise he’d have shifted too, and you’d have had two overgrown puppies and a snake as thick and heavy as a felled oak tree to wrangle. Even for a human your size, that was asking a bit too much.
“Oi!” you yelled like a football coach, and to your pleasant surprise, both Alban and Eric looked up and froze, mid-tussle. “Knock it off. This is supposed to be a tropical paradise, and you’re not making it feel like that.” Ignoring them for the time being, you approached Fennel first and held out a hand to him. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” he laughed, shaking sand out of his golden curls. His hair spilled around his chunky, ram’s horns and ears and joined up with the stripe of pale gold fur that went all along his spine from his shaggy, ovine lower half. “Not the first time I’ve been swept off my feet by a naga,” he grinned as you hauled him back on his hooves.
“Won’t be the last, handsome,” you snorted and looked around at the rest of the beach.
Luckily, there was hardly anyone else about. A spectacular-looking mermaid with a glittering, teal and cyan blue tail that flashed pink when she moved it had hauled herself out of the water and was watching your group of guys with a slender, white-blonde centaur curled up beside her, and you couldn’t tell at that distance if they were impressed or appalled by your friends’ behaviour.
In the water, an orca mer breached the surface with his family, his children shrieking and also crashing back down into the tiny waves with as much glee and abandon as Alban and Eric had displayed on land. Not far from them, the triangular fin of a great white shark cut through the water like a knife through silk.
You paused, wondering if you should alert the family, but then you saw the orca mother clock it and dip beneath the waves. No panic ensued, so you dismissed it as another merfolk, and turned back to your group just as Sebastián sashayed down from the boardwalk and surveyed the carnage on the sand with a raised eyebrow.
“I leave for ten minutes to buy you all drinks, and look what happens,” he said in his lilting, Spanish accent. “Honestly. Here,” he added, and held out the tray of assorted drinks. As you glanced at it, you saw that they were all either beer or cocktails, and with the sun as hot as it was, you rolled your eyes.
“Didn’t you get any water as well?” you asked.
He did have the grace to look a little chagrined, but he didn’t seem all that keen to make the trudge back along the boardwalk to the restaurant at the far end of the beach, so you sighed and grabbed your wallet from your bag. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it.”
“You’re the best,” Fennel said from behind you, his hands already cupped around a piña colada that was almost big enough to bathe in.
“Go slow, yeah?” you said with a shake of your head at him. “And try not to kill each other while I’m gone.”
“Whatever you say, big guy!” Fennel giggled. “Oh, and can you get us a litre of Coke while you’re there?”
“And, like, a whole bucket of those amazing fries!” Eric added, his wolf’s voice deep and gravelly but his words still clear enough around his mouthful of fangs.
“Yeah, yeah, you got it,” you sighed with a placating wave of your hand as you turned away.
“You’re the best!” Fennel beamed, followed immediately by a hiccup.
At this rate you were going to need more pitchers of water than you could carry in one go.
The rush of someone rising out of the water behind you down the beach drew your attention — perhaps Alban and Eric had started up again — but your eyebrows rose when you saw a being you’d never actually seen before in person sloshing through the shallows on powerful legs.
Sharkfolk were rare and solitary, once shunned by their merfolk cousins as ‘beast men’ in the same way minotaurs had once been treated as lesser by centaurs simply because they had the head and shoulders of an animal instead of a human. Luckily, things had come a long way since then, but the sharkfolk tended to keep to themselves all the same. This one had red and white swimming shorts on that said ‘coastguard’, and he waved cheerily at the orca family as he left the water and made his way up the beach towards you, also heading towards the boardwalk.
He paused as he drew level with you and he looked you up and down in a way that made you grateful that your own boardshorts were still dry and hanging loose around your hips. His eyes seemed completely black, and his storm-grey head melted seamlessly into a thick neck and broad shoulders to give him a hunched-over look that spoke of immense power. His arms were thickly muscled too, his torso bare and monumental, and criss-crossed here and there with scars. He was also about seven feet tall.
“Big guy?” he chuckled at you, and it took you a moment to catch on; he must have heard Fennel’s enthusiastic exclamation. Yes, you were pretty big — for a human — but not compared to a naga and a shifted werewolf.
“Eh, long story,” you smiled. “And you’re only a foot or so taller than me.”
“I am bigger though,” the sharkman said, flexing his shoulders just enough to make his point, and more than enough to make your mouth go dry.
His smile was all sharp teeth, which didn’t help either. His lips pulled back when he laughed again, the sound deep and rich, and you swallowed, hoping his sense of smell wasn’t as good out of the water as you knew it would be in.
“Titus,” he said by way of introduction as he extended his three-fingered, webbed hand to you. “You heading up to the hotel?”
“Yeah. These losers forgot that only drinking alcohol in the heat is a dumb-ass thing to do, so… someone has to take care of them.” You smiled with affectionate exasperation around the words and rolled your eyes.
Something about that softened his almost brash expression though, and he shrugged his huge, round shoulder. “Big guy who takes care of his friends. Something else we have in common.”
You looked away, cheeks flushing hot when you realised he was flirting with you. “I guess.” You offered him your name as the two of you set off up the sand again, and then asked, “You work here all year round, or are you just here for the tourist season?”
He scratched the back of his head, his sharp, black claws rasping over his sandpaper-rough skin. You loved the watercolour tideline where the dark grey along the top of his head and down his back blurred into the milky white of his pale chest and belly. It made you want to run your hands over it to see if he was sensitive.
You tripped and refocused your attention on his answer.
“Yeah, just here for the season. I tend to move around a lot, you know? Never stay in one place long. Too much of the world to see. They needed a lifeguard for the summer, so I took the job. It’s been easy so far.”
“Let’s hope it stays that way,” you said, and he shot you another sharp-toothed grin that sent all your blood south.
“I’ll drink to that. Let me buy you one?” You’d been about to refuse, thinking that at least one of the group should stay sober, when he added, “Something soft for now, but maybe I can share a beer with you when I finish work tonight?”
You weren’t used to people being so forward with you, and it made your tongue falter.
Titus misread your surprise as discomfort, and immediately backed off. “Unless I misjudged…? Wouldn’t be the first time a guy’s not been interested…”
“No, no,” you blurted. “No, it’s not that. I just wasn’t expecting… I mean… I’m not exactly used to guys like you… You know… being into guys like me.”
“‘Big guy’?” he asked with incisive intuition, and you nodded.  
A slow, deadly smile spread across his face, lips pulling right back, and the image of him closing those powerful jaws around your shoulder blazed across your imagination; of him letting you feel the prick of each pointed tooth across your skin as he held you down in place beneath him and —
You swallowed.
“Well, it’s not every day I come across someone who’s so…” Titus began, and again, his black eyes raked the length of your body, taking in the shape of you in a way that should have made you self-conscious, but all it did was turn you on, “… exactly my type,” he finished. “Come on, or I’ll get too distracted by you to finish my shift.”
You bit your lip to keep the resulting grin contained, and walked with him along the boardwalk. He used his staff discount, and no small amount of natural charm and charisma, to get you a deal on the Coke and fries, plus another soft drink for you, and he carried two pitchers of iced water for you while you carried the rest, plus an extra pitcher, on a tray back to your friends.
“Thank you,” you murmured as you stepped off the boardwalk and back onto the hot sand.
“Pleasure,” he replied in a quiet, polite rumble and he set the pitchers down near your towel.
The sun had crept around while you’d been away, and the palm trees were now casting a shadow across half of it, so you set the tray down as if it were a picnic blanket and straightened to find him standing much closer than you’d expected.
“So will I see you at the bar tonight?” he asked, large head tilted slightly to the side.
“Yeah,” you croaked, swallowing thickly and nodding. “I’d like that.”
He surprised you then by reaching out and crooking his forefinger, gently lifting your chin a fraction with the knuckle. “Looking forward to it,” he said, and walked away down the beach, leaving you breathless and thrumming all over.
“What was that about?”
Matt’s wispy tenor beside you made you jump and you turned around to find him tucking into the fries and looking up at you with his big, innocent, blue eyes wide and curious.
Taking a deep breath, you turned to face him and smiled, feeling like the proverbial cat who’d at least been promised the canary. “Just a little something for myself… Make sure you share those with the others…”
“Just getting my turn in before the wolves descend,” Matt protested, but he stalked away towards the others all the same, and you watched him offer them around.
Titus was waiting for you at the bar that evening, wearing dark grey slacks and a form-fitting white shirt that showed off the hulking slope of his shoulders. You wondered vaguely if it had been tailored to include a slit for his sharp fin on the back, and when he turned slightly in conversation with the bartender, you saw that it had. Instead of looking ridiculous, it just looked… inviting; enticing, like it was just asking you to slide your fingertip along the jut of dark, exposed fin and tease the skin beneath the fabric…
He was perched on a tall, metal stool, leaning one elbow against the bar and chatting easily with the spiked lizardfolk working the bar, but when caught sight of you, he jutted his chin in a friendly summons, and you found yourself powerless to do anything but approach.
“Hey,” you said as you joined him, but he didn’t speak for a moment.
He let his jet black eyes roam the length of you again, and you wondered if you should have dressed smarter. When you blurted something about being there for Eric’s bachelor weekend and not having expected to need date clothes, he held up a finger and the words died on your tongue.
“You look perfect,” Titus said in a voice that should have been too quiet to carry above the music and the people, yet you caught every syllable as they shivered through you. “Come, sit,” he said, indicating the empty seat beside him. “Tell me all about yourself.”
To your surprise, it was easy to sit there and just talk to him.
He listened attentively, keeping his gaze locked on you, and although he had bought you both a drink, you almost forgot to sip from it, losing yourself in conversation. He touched you often, laughing and clapping you on the shoulder at a tale from your undergrad days, and when you told him how you usually ended up ‘designated driver’, and how no one believed quite how difficult it could be to wrangle two drunk werewolves and an inebriated naga into a taxi in the dead of winter, he leaned close and rested his three-fingered hand on your upper thigh. His weight pressed the back of your leg into the bar stool and the heel of his palm dug deliciously into the muscle of your quad, and your breath caught.
“You’re kind,” he said, stroking his thumb across the fabric of your trousers. “I hope your friends know that.”
Unexpectedly emotional, you shrugged and glanced down, breaking eye contact. “Yeah, they look out for me too,” you said, and you meant it. “I have to admit though, it’s nice to do something that’s… just for me.”
“You want to get out of here and go back to mine?” he asked, taking his hand off you and leaning back in his seat again.
The decision was in your hands, but you’d already made up your mind hours ago.
You nodded, and he smiled, all joy. “Come on.”
Your feet felt like they were floating as you followed him out of the bar and back out into the balmy evening. Pausing briefly outside, you breathed deeply and inhaled the salt air with a smile on your lips. When you opened your eyes, you found him watching you. He didn’t say anything, but you got the impression he was pleased to see you relax.
His cabin sat a short way from the main hotel, and was sparsely but nicely furnished, with a comfy couch in the living-kitchen area and big, picture windows that overlooked a seating area and the dark ocean beyond. He offered you a drink, but you both knew it was only a pretence. You shook your head and bit your lip, feeling your heartbeat quicken.
Silently, he led you through a door on your left into his bedroom, which had a large bed and white, gossamer curtains that framed a view of the sea. “Tonight is for you,” he said, leaning down over your shoulder from behind and purring in your ear. Your breath hitched again when his large hand landed at the small of your spine and he added, “Will you let me take care of you?”
Unable to form words for a moment, you just nodded.
“Good. Now, I can’t kiss you the way a human would, but I’m going to make sure you feel good, alright?”
“Uh-huh,” you managed.
Before he went any further, you clarified that you were comfortable going without a condom, since sharkfolk didn’t catch or transmit human diseases, and he nodded. That done, he turned you around and backed you slowly up against the closed bedroom door with just his advancing presence and a low, insistent growl. Given that most of your partners before that had been human, and smaller than you, the sensation was wonderfully foreign. Your body relaxed, your breath coming in fast, shallow gasps through open lips, and his growling grew louder, the sound filling the room like an idling engine.
“I can smell you,” he said, looming over you and nuzzling the tip of his nose against the soft, vulnerable side of your neck. “I can taste you,” he went on before nipping at your skin and letting his tongue lick a hot, wet stripe across your racing pulse.
You let out a weak ‘oh’ and tried to keep your knees from giving out.
Then his black eyes rolled back a little to show a delicate crescent moon of white in each, his lips peeled back off his teeth, and he slowly took the whole of your left shoulder joint and most of your neck in his mouth.
Under different circumstances, you might have been embarrassed by the high, broken wail that left you at the sensation of being pinned and held completely in place by someone so powerful, but in that moment, endorphins flooded through you and your awareness tunnelled down to just the prick of teeth through the fabric of your shirt and the massive hand that had closed around your right wrist.
“Fuck,” you hissed and he rumbled in pleasure at your reaction.
He ground his hips against you and you could feel how hard he was already. His tongue laved across your throat again, tasting you, and he drew back with a heavy exhale, eyes returning to that full, midnight black as he regarded you. “I’ve been thinking about this all day, ever since I saw you on the beach earlier,” he said. “Couldn’t stop thinking about you. Get on the bed for me.”
In no time at all, you had lain back, naked, and Titus was halfway out of his own clothes when he caught sight of you and swore softly, shaking his head.
“You are so fucking gorgeous,” he growled, resuming his efforts at undoing his fly. “I’m going to wreck you.”
Another little mewl escaped you and your cock ached to be touched, but he hadn’t said you could, so you just lay there with it leaking over your stomach.
“Good,” he said as he slid his trousers over his hips and you saw his cock.
 Thick, hard, and huge, it was everything you wanted, and you let out a barely restrained, “Please…”
“All in good time,” he purred, smiling again in a way that was hardly more than just a baring of his teeth. It was a smile that promised pleasure with the pretence of danger, and it lit you up all over.
To your surprise though, Titus actually took his time enjoying your body, but the thrill of having him run his tongue along the length of your cock while carefully keeping all his teeth out of the way was almost enough to make you spill. You could feel the way your body was practically there already, your thighs and torso shaking with want, your hands scrabbling at the sheets beneath you each time he took you into his mouth and curled his strong tongue around your cock, your spine arching, your blood pounding, but it wasn’t quite enough. Titus grinned and reached for the bottle of lube in his nightstand.  
After he’d teased your ass with his thumb for a while, being very careful of his claws around the sensitive ring of muscle, he knelt above you, lifted your right leg, and eased the tip of his huge cock inside you, inch by inch, until you were so full you could hardly draw breath.
“Oh fuck,” you hissed when he finally sank to the hilt inside you and went still.
“That’s it, I’ve got you,” he crooned, holding your hips in both of his three-fingered, claw-tipped hands. “You look so good like this for me. Gods, look at you, you’re so full. You’ve taken all of my cock…”
A garbled noise left your lips and you sobbed another ‘please’, which prompted him to draw almost all the way out again.
Slowly, attentively, he fucked you, moving with care until you were accustomed to the massive stretch of him, but before too long he began to pick up his pace, and each thrust grew a little stronger. Titus grabbed your hips and lifted you, drawing you closer so that he could fuck you deeper, and changing the angle so that each stroke caught you just-so, and you could no longer help the noises that left you in a constant stream of nonsense.
“Please, please… please…” you choked. Your cock was still untouched because he hadn’t said you could touch yourself, and it drooled all over your belly each time he thrust his hips.
He began to growl in an unending, uncontrollable strain that made your ears ring.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he said, the movements getting faster and harder, and the rhythm a little unsteady. “Oh gods, you’re gonna make me come…”
He lowered your hips back down so that he could reach around your raised leg and wrap his huge hand around your cock while you held both legs up, fully exposing yourself to him. “Yes, good, like that,” he snarled and you offered him a dopey smile. “Just like that. You look so good for me. So good. You’re gonna make me come. I’m gonna come…”
He worked you hard and fast in time with his own movements, and in a few seconds, you came with a shout, your body clenching tight around his big cock.
Titus roared, and you opened your eyes again just in time to watch his black eyes roll back to reveal only the whites.
His lips peeled all the way back, showing his pale gums and that row of lethal teeth. Bellowing, he arched his back, pressed his hips flush to your body, and spilled inside you. He let go of your cock and grabbed your other hip, pulling you right down onto him as close as he could, and you yelled again at the beautiful oversensitivity of it as he came inside you.
When he finally finished, his eyes rolled back to normal, and he set you gently down onto the mattress again. Spent and drained of strength, your legs flopped listlessly, and he also stayed put for a minute longer as if he hadn’t expected his orgasm to be so intense. His cock still twitched from time to time inside you, and he bowed his head over you, breathing hard.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he grunted. “You ok?”
“Mmm,” you sighed, body lax and exhausted and aching in all the right ways.
Titus offered you an oddly shy smile and then carefully withdrew.
He cleaned you up with a tenderness that surprised you a little after his display of dominance and strength, but he seemed to enjoy the process almost as much as he had making the mess in the first place.
When he caught you looking up at him with an almost misty-eyed expression, he quirked his head. “What? I told you I was going to enjoy looking after you.” After a pause, he added, “I saw how you were with your friends. You’re always taking care of them, aren’t you?”
Too embarrassed to respond, you just shrugged and let him keep wiping the warm washcloth over your upper thighs and across your stomach in slow, soporific strokes that made your eyelids heavy and your spine turn to water.
“You deserve to be taken care of as well,” Titus rumbled, and then he lowered his blunt, shark’s muzzle to your inner thigh and gave you the closest approximation he could of a kiss. He nuzzled the sensitive skin there and around the crease of your hip, just teasing your balls with his tongue and then moving up over your belly in an act that was as much admiration as it was clean-up.
“You’re exquisite,” he said, and then he lay down facing you on his side, wash-cloth abandoned somewhere out of sight, and pulled you into his arms. “Come here. You want to stay the night?”
“Please,” you nodded as you rolled over, letting his huge arms encircle you as he tugged your back flush to his front and then reached down to pull the sheets up around you.
You'd honestly never fallen so quickly or so deeply asleep in your life.
Thanks for reading this story, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging it (as well as leaving a like) if you enjoyed it, since that will help others find it.
Take care, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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sarandipitywrites · 1 month
Five Lines Tag
Thanks for the tag, @surroundedbypearls! Check out her lines here
Rules: Find five lines based on the prompts, then change one prompt at the end for whomever does it next.
So I have to find:
A line said jokingly
A line said by a love interest
A line said on the first or last page
A line said with sarcasm
A line said to an enemy
First, the tags: no pressure tags for @isabellebissonrouthier, @pb-dot, @nettleandthorne, @sleepyowlwrites, @oh-no-another-idea (and an open tag) to share...
A line said jokingly
A line that means more than one thing
A line said on the first or last page
A line said with sarcasm
A line said to an enemy
I'll search the Cyberwitch WIP for this one, since I'm back to working on that :D
A line said jokingly
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Vy snaps. They slam the cap onto their shaker. Their voice raises over the crashing of the ice as they shake. “I forgot I was talking to the expert—what do you do when your best friends come back from the dead?” “Have you tried making an avatar of him in Fighting Crown 12 and punching him in the face a few times?”
A line said by a love interest
“Perdón la espera.” His Spanish is muddled, words running together like paint. Not rushed; drawled. Sunlight oozing through window slats. No one in Seattle speaks like that—nor anywhere else, Vy suspects, except in San Sebastián. “Had a mess to take care of.”
A line said on the first or last page
The late fire of sunset catches in the fox’s silver eyes. “You,” it says with a human’s tongue, “state your business.”
A line said with sarcasm
Making her way along the counter, Jacqui’s eyes light upon the pair of mugs still resting in front of the stools. “Is your boyfriend still here?” She reaches for one of the mugs—Jules’s. Vy snatches the mug away. “Jules is not my boyfriend.” Before Jacqui can get any other bright ideas, Vy empties the remains of the mug into a separate, clean vial. “…Right. Which is why you’re saving his backwash, which is a very normal behavior and not worrying in the least.”
A line said to an enemy
“So forward.” Vy smiles, sanguine, and leans against the doorframe. Casual. As though they can’t feel the still-warm blood coating their fingertips. “I like that.”
Cyberwitch taglist (ask to be added or removed): @leah-yasmin-writes, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @ceph-the-ghost-writer
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heirofhermes · 1 year
"I believe the gentleman said no," Sebastián cut in as he realized the situation was getting a little uncomfortable. "Please, leave."
It came off warm, gentle even, but his voice was powerful and coated with mind magic enough to get his point across. Compelled by his words, the man who was shamelessly insinuating himself to the bartender stood up and left. Sebastián, with a gentle smile but very tired eyes took his place on the bar instead, offering Brandon a nod.
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"Are they always this insistant?" he started the conversation with his favorite bartender. "Sorry to barge in like that, I thought I'd save you the trouble of dealing with the dude."
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Catching snowflakes on their tongue
Sebastián & Tesadelle
Winter prompts
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The first snow started and as she was taking a nap she head a rapid knock on her door.
“Tesa... are you awake... do you wanna go out with me in the snow?”
She woke up slowly but then opened the door to seeing Sebastián smile at her.
“Give me.. 10 minutes to get dressed for it.”
She took her thickest coat and went outside with him... hand and hand looking at the first snowfall.. seeing him open his mouth to catch snowflakes and smile when he got one.... her cheeks grew warm looking how happy he was untill he noticed she somewhat looked shivery...
“Are you cold? I could warm you a little.”
“That would be nice.... I am still... kinda sleepy...”
He held her close and hugged her tight keeping her warm... a kiss on her forehead made her face light up somewhat happy... looking at him curious...
“In my country we barely had winter.... so its actually glad I get to know it here...”
“I will make sure you feel well and we can still  later stay in and drink something warm...”
She nodded but as he looked to the side she lightly tugged at his collar.
“Could you lean down?”
“Sure what is-”
Before he could talk on she pressed her lips against his and smiled...
“Now I feel much warmer. Thank you.”
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Muere un jugador del SAO PAULO [Ciudad donde coincidi con KYLIE MINOGUE justo antes de ir a FLORIANAPOLIS fundada por españoles como NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL DESTIERRO..para luego ir a RIO de JANEIRO donde pude subir a su CRISTO el día antes de que cerraran todo por el CORONA_VIRUS apesar de que parecía que no iba a poder por un fallo INFORMATICO]..nacido día de la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU de 1997 y ha muerto en el Hospital ISRAELITA albert EINSTEIN=GLORIA ETERNA
Por cierto..el Estadio en el que ocurrió es CICERO [filoso_politico republicano romano que acabó decapitado] POMPEU [de POMPEYA] de TOLEDO [capital IMPERIAL de Carlos I de España y V de Alemania] conocido como estadio MORUMBI y entro en sustitución de Sebastián COATES que jugo en el ESTADIUM OF LIGHT del SUNDERLAND
Mi reconocimiento como el REY DE REYES O EL EMPERADOR DEL SOL es INMINENTE..solo tocarle un poco más los HUEVOS a HELIOS [=PERSONIFICACION DEL SOL] como representó el hijo del MANZANA [que cuando iba a jugar en el CORDOBA O ESTADIO ARCANGEL..tuvo accidente y se retiro del futbol]..para que lo TENGAIS COMO QUEREIS
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sevilagirona · 6 months
¿Cuál es la alineación del Sporting Lisboa para el partido contra el Midtjylland?
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¿Cuál es la alineación del Sporting Lisboa para el partido contra el Midtjylland?
Alineación titular Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es uno de los equipos más emblemáticos y exitosos de Portugal, con una larga historia de títulos y jugadores legendarios. La alineación titular de este club es siempre un tema de interés para los aficionados y seguidores del fútbol en general.
En la actualidad, la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa está conformada por un talentoso grupo de jugadores que han demostrado su valía en cada partido. En la portería, destaca el arquero Rui Patrício, un jugador experimentado y seguro bajo los tres palos. En la defensa, jugadores como Coates y Porro aportan solidez y entrega en cada encuentro.
En el mediocampo, jugadores como Palhinha y Matheus Nunes se encargan de controlar el ritmo del juego y recuperar balones clave para el equipo. En la delantera, Pedro Gonçalves es uno de los máximos goleadores del equipo y una pieza fundamental en el ataque.
La alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa es especialmente destacada por su equilibrio entre la defensa, el mediocampo y el ataque, lo que les ha permitido obtener importantes victorias y mantenerse en lo más alto de la tabla de clasificación.
En resumen, la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa es un equipo equilibrado y lleno de talento, capaz de enfrentarse a los retos más exigentes y seguir cosechando éxitos en el fútbol portugués.
Jugadores convocados Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es uno de los clubes más emblemáticos de Portugal, con una rica historia y una base de seguidores apasionados en todo el país. Cada temporada, el club se esfuerza por reunir a los mejores talentos del fútbol para representar sus colores en la liga portuguesa y en competiciones europeas. La convocatoria de jugadores por parte del Sporting Lisboa es un momento emocionante para los aficionados, ya que esperan con ansias ver a sus estrellas en acción.
Para la temporada actual, el Sporting Lisboa ha reunido a un grupo talentoso y diverso de jugadores en su plantilla. Entre los convocados se encuentran figuras destacadas como Pedro Gonçalves, un centrocampista creativo que ha impresionado con su habilidad goleadora, y Sebastián Coates, un defensa sólido y experimentado que aporta liderazgo a la zaga del equipo.
Además de los jugadores establecidos, el Sporting Lisboa también ha dado la oportunidad a jóvenes promesas de demostrar su valía en el primer equipo. Jugadores como Nuno Mendes, un lateral izquierdo de gran proyección, y Tiago Tomás, un delantero con instinto goleador, han sido convocados para aportar frescura y energía al equipo.
Con una mezcla de talento veterano y juventud prometedora, el Sporting Lisboa se prepara para afrontar los desafíos de la temporada con determinación y ambición. Los aficionados esperan con entusiasmo ver a sus jugadores favoritos en acción y confían en que el equipo logrará grandes cosas en los próximos meses.
Suplentes Sporting Lisboa
Los suplentes del Sporting Lisboa son una parte fundamental del equipo, ya que brindan profundidad y opciones al entrenador durante los partidos. Aunque pueden no ser titulares en todas las ocasiones, su contribución es valiosa y necesaria para el éxito del equipo.
Los suplentes del Sporting Lisboa tienen la responsabilidad de mantenerse preparados física y mentalmente en todo momento, ya que pueden ser llamados a entrar al campo en cualquier momento. Es crucial que estén en sintonía con las tácticas y estrategias del entrenador para poder integrarse sin problemas al juego.
Además, los suplentes del Sporting Lisboa deben estar dispuestos a aceptar su rol y apoyar a sus compañeros de equipo en todo momento. Su actitud en el banquillo y su disposición para entrar al juego cuando se les requiera son aspectos fundamentales para mantener un ambiente positivo y unido dentro del equipo.
En muchas ocasiones, los suplentes del Sporting Lisboa son los héroes inesperados, ya que su entrada al campo puede cambiar el rumbo de un partido. Es por eso que su dedicación, compromiso y profesionalismo son clave para el éxito del equipo en su conjunto.
En resumen, los suplentes del Sporting Lisboa desempeñan un papel fundamental en la dinámica del equipo, aportando su granito de arena para lograr los objetivos planteados. Su trabajo en la sombra no pasa desapercibido y su contribución es esencial para la grandeza de este histórico club portugués.
Lesionados Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Club de Portugal, comúnmente conocido como Sporting Lisboa, ha enfrentado recientemente dificultades con lesiones en su plantel. Los jugadores lesionados han sido una preocupación para el equipo, ya que afectan su rendimiento en la liga y otras competiciones en las que participan.
Uno de los lesionados destacados en el Sporting Lisboa es el delantero estrella, quien ha estado fuera de acción debido a un problema en el tendón de la corva. Su ausencia en el campo ha sido notable, ya que es una pieza clave en el sistema de juego del equipo y su capacidad goleadora es fundamental para obtener victorias.
Además, otro jugador importante que se ha lesionado recientemente es el guardameta titular del equipo. Su lesión ha obligado al entrenador a confiar en un portero suplente, lo que ha generado cierta inestabilidad en la defensa del Sporting Lisboa.
Es crucial que el equipo cuente con un programa de rehabilitación efectivo para que los jugadores lesionados puedan recuperarse completamente y volver al campo lo antes posible. La dedicación del cuerpo técnico y el apoyo de los seguidores serán fundamentales para superar esta difícil situación y lograr que el Sporting Lisboa recupere su mejor nivel de juego.
Esperamos que los jugadores lesionados del Sporting Lisboa se recuperen pronto y que el equipo pueda seguir compitiendo con determinación y éxito en todas sus competiciones. ¡Vamos Sporting Lisboa!
Estrategia táctica Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es uno de los clubes más emblemáticos de Portugal, con una larga historia en el fútbol nacional e internacional. Dentro de su arsenal táctico, destaca la estrategia táctica utilizada por el equipo para lograr sus objetivos en el campo.
La estrategia táctica del Sporting Lisboa se caracteriza por un juego dinámico y ofensivo, centrándose en el control del balón y la presión constante al rival. El equipo suele desplegarse en un sistema de juego 4-4-2, con líneas compactas y una defensa sólida que busca recuperar rápidamente la posesión del balón.
En el centro del campo, el Sporting Lisboa destaca por su capacidad para crear oportunidades de gol a través de transiciones rápidas y juego combinativo. Los centrocampistas son fundamentales en la estrategia táctica del equipo, tanto en la fase defensiva como en la ofensiva, aportando equilibrio y creatividad en el mediocampo.
En el aspecto defensivo, el Sporting Lisboa suele presionar alto y buscar recuperar el balón lo más cerca posible de la portería rival. La solidez defensiva es una de las principales características de la estrategia táctica del equipo, lo que le permite mantener el equilibrio en todas las fases del juego.
En resumen, la estrategia táctica del Sporting Lisboa se basa en un juego colectivo, dinámico y ofensivo, que busca controlar el partido a través del dominio del balón y la presión constante al rival. Con esta filosofía de juego, el Sporting Lisboa ha logrado cosechar éxitos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, consolidándose como uno de los equipos más competitivos de Portugal.
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ponferradinavs · 6 months
¿Cuál fue la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa en su partido contra Atalanta?
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¿Cuál fue la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa en su partido contra Atalanta?
Alineación titular Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es uno de los equipos de fútbol más destacados de Portugal y su alineación titular es crucial para alcanzar el éxito en la competición. El entrenador del equipo, Rúben Amorim, ha logrado armar un plantel sólido y competitivo que cuenta con jugadores talentosos en todas las posiciones.
En la portería, el experimentado guardameta Antonio Adán es una garantía de seguridad y experiencia. En la defensa, jugadores como Zouhair Feddal y Gonçalo Inácio destacan por su solidez y capacidad para anticiparse a las jugadas rivales. En el centro del campo, João Palhinha y Matheus Nunes aportan equilibrio y control del juego, mientras que en la delantera, Pedro Gonçalves es la principal referencia ofensiva con su habilidad para marcar goles.
Otros jugadores clave en la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa son Nuno Mendes, un lateral izquierdo con proyección y velocidad, además de Pedro Porro, un lateral derecho con capacidad para sumarse al ataque y desequilibrar por su banda. En la delantera, Paulinho y Tiago Tomás son opciones de ataque versátiles y peligrosas para los rivales.
En resumen, la alineación titular del Sporting Lisboa destaca por su equilibrio entre experiencia y juventud, solidez defensiva y potencial ofensivo, lo que la convierte en un equipo temible y competitivo en todas las competiciones en las que participa.
Jugadores titulares Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es un club de fútbol portugués con una larga historia y una base de fans apasionados. Los jugadores titulares del Sporting Lisboa son parte fundamental de la estrategia del equipo y de su desempeño en la reconocida liga portuguesa.
Uno de los jugadores titulares más destacados del Sporting Lisboa es Sebastián Coates, un defensa central uruguayo que ha demostrado ser una pieza clave en la defensa del equipo. Con su fuerza física y habilidades tácticas, Coates es un líder en la cancha y un jugador en el que el equipo confía para mantener la solidez defensiva.
Otro jugador titular importante es Pedro Porro, un joven lateral derecho español cedido por el Manchester City. Porro ha impresionado con su velocidad y su capacidad para unirse al ataque, brindando opciones ofensivas clave para el Sporting Lisboa.
Además, no se puede pasar por alto a João Palhinha, un mediocampista defensivo portugués que ha sido fundamental en el centro del campo del Sporting Lisboa. Con su inteligencia táctica y capacidad para recuperar el balón, Palhinha aporta equilibrio al equipo y protege la defensa de posibles contraataques.
En resumen, los jugadores titulares del Sporting Lisboa son una combinación de talento, experiencia y juventud que hacen del equipo un contendiente fuerte en la liga portuguesa. Con su determinación y habilidades futbolísticas, estos jugadores son la columna vertebral de un equipo con una rica tradición y un futuro prometedor.
Formación Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Clube de Portugal, comúnmente conocido como Sporting Lisboa, es un club de fútbol con una larga historia y una academia de formación reconocida en todo el mundo. La formación en el Sporting Lisboa es altamente valorada por su enfoque en el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes talentos, tanto en el ámbito deportivo como en el educativo.
La academia de formación del Sporting Lisboa cuenta con instalaciones de primer nivel y un equipo de entrenadores altamente cualificados que guían a los jóvenes jugadores en su proceso de crecimiento y aprendizaje. Los valores de trabajo en equipo, disciplina y pasión por el fútbol son inculcados desde las categorías inferiores, preparando a los jugadores para alcanzar su máximo potencial tanto dentro como fuera del campo.
Muchos jugadores de renombre mundial han pasado por la formación del Sporting Lisboa, destacando figuras como Cristiano Ronaldo, Luis Figo o Paulo Futre, entre otros. Estas leyendas del fútbol comenzaron su camino en la academia del Sporting Lisboa, lo que demuestra la calidad y el prestigio de su formación.
Además del aspecto deportivo, la academia del Sporting Lisboa también pone un fuerte énfasis en la educación de sus jugadores, asegurando que tengan las herramientas necesarias para desarrollarse tanto en el fútbol como en otros aspectos de sus vidas.
En resumen, la formación en el Sporting Lisboa es reconocida internacionalmente por su excelencia en el desarrollo de jóvenes talentos, combinando la pasión por el fútbol con los valores de educación y trabajo en equipo.
Partido Sporting Lisboa vs Atalanta
El próximo partido de la UEFA Champions League entre el Sporting de Lisboa y Atalanta promete ser un enfrentamiento emocionante y lleno de acción. Ambos equipos se han destacado en sus respectivas ligas y llegan con la determinación de asegurar su lugar en la siguiente etapa del torneo.
El Sporting de Lisboa, conocido por su sólido desempeño en la liga portuguesa, buscará hacer valer su condición de local y aprovechar el apoyo de su afición para obtener una victoria decisiva. Con jugadores talentosos en todas las líneas, el Sporting intentará imponer su estilo de juego ofensivo y de alto ritmo para desequilibrar a la defensa del Atalanta.
Por otro lado, el Atalanta llega a este encuentro con la intención de demostrar su potencial como uno de los equipos más competitivos de la Serie A italiana. Con una propuesta de juego dinámica y agresiva, el Atalanta buscará desestabilizar la defensa del Sporting y aprovechar las oportunidades de gol que se le presenten.
Sin duda, este será un partido lleno de emoción, rivalidad y grandes momentos para los aficionados al fútbol. Ambos equipos tienen la calidad y la determinación necesarias para ofrecer un espectáculo inolvidable en el campo de juego. Los seguidores de ambas escuadras esperan con ansias este enfrentamiento que promete ser un duelo épico en la Champions League. ¡No te pierdas este emocionante encuentro entre el Sporting de Lisboa y el Atalanta!
alineación oficial Sporting Lisboa
El Sporting Lisboa es un equipo de fútbol portugués con una rica historia y una base de seguidores apasionados. En cada partido, los aficionados esperan con ansias ver la alineación oficial del equipo, que está compuesta por los mejores jugadores de la plantilla.
La alineación oficial del Sporting Lisboa suele ser anunciada poco antes del inicio del partido, y los seguidores están pendientes de cada detalle. El entrenador del equipo tiene la tarea de seleccionar a los jugadores que considera estar en su mejor forma y que puedan ayudar al equipo a obtener la victoria.
En cada partido, los jugadores clave del Sporting Lisboa suelen ser figuras destacadas en la alineación oficial. Estos jugadores son fundamentales para el éxito del equipo y son admirados por los seguidores por su talento y dedicación.
La alineación oficial del Sporting Lisboa puede variar de un partido a otro, ya que el entrenador puede optar por hacer cambios estratégicos dependiendo del rival y las circunstancias del encuentro. Sin embargo, los seguidores confían en que el equipo saldrá a la cancha con determinación y entrega en busca de la victoria.
En resumen, la alineación oficial del Sporting Lisboa es un aspecto clave en cada partido, y los seguidores esperan con emoción ver a sus jugadores favoritos en acción. El amor y la pasión por el equipo se reflejan en el apoyo incondicional que brindan en cada encuentro. ¡Vamos Sporting Lisboa!
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mollydsails · 6 months
March 22 - Molly D has been in St Augustine for about a week. The ICW travel from Vero was 3 days. Molly D left Vero a week ago today. Our first stop was Titusville.
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We were able to get one of 3 available moorings in Titusville. Experience has taught me that the mooring pennants here are gross, with seaweed, slime and marine growth all along the pennant. I know this, so I dress accordingly. Foul weather pants and coat . Check. Sailing gloves for palm protection. Check. Rubber soled boots to prevent slipping on slime. Check. I know it may sound like overkill for picking up a mooring line, but trust me it isn’t! After the one and only time getting my clothing slimed and slipping on slime, I learned how not to dress. I had luck on my side this time, as I was able to hook the mooring pennant just below the ball float. When I hoisted the pennant close to Molly D, I was able to feed our mooring line through the thimble and secure it to a cleat without having to touch any slime!!! Victory!
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Can’t tell me that this pennant isn’t gross.
Titusville moorings are first come, first served. Pick up an empty mooring, note its number, and phone the harbormaster. Easy peasy and inexpensive at under $19 a night!
We were in Titusville on the night of a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. Front row seating!
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Rocket trail in the sky
On Saturday Molly D made her way north for our next overnight stop in Daytona. Weekends are NOT the ideal time to travel the ICW. Weekends are busy with boat launching ramps, fishermen, pleasure boaters, jet skiers, and parties on sand bars. The ICW from Titusville to Daytona is narrow in many spots and can become congested with boat traffic going in all directions. Friends of ours traveled the route from Titusville to St Augustine a day ahead of us. They dubbed this travel the “asshole Olympics”. I understand that term. Molly D anchored just north of the twin Seabreeze Bridges in Daytona. The anchorage we favor can handle 3 or 4 boats at most. That night there were 3 of us in the anchorage all respectfully distant from each other. No drama.
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Daytona anchorage
On Sunday we made the trip from Daytona to St Augustine. Another beautiful day. Another congested day on the ICW. Our route this day took us through some shallow water areas. Our friends clued us in on areas that they found “skinny” and the route they took to avoid going aground. Extremely helpful. Navigation on this day was tense for the Captain, but Molly D has an excellent Captain and she didn’t even come close to running aground. On this day we passed under 2 fixed bridges that had more than 65’ clearance! A rare occurrence! It sure helped to have low tide conditions.
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Look! A rare sighting of over 66’ of clearance!
Molly D has been hanging out in St Augustine since Sunday.
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On a mooring in St Augustine.
In all our stops in St Augustine, we never knew that a Publix Supermarket was a short dinghy ride north of the municipal Marina. Thanks to Dan and Marsha for telling us about the Publix! We took a short dinghy ride to a public dock just south of the Vilano Bridge. Publix was a short walk away and in sight of Publix was the Atlantic Ocean. Vilano Beach is undergoing redevelopment. The buildings that have been remodeled or that are newly built have an Art Deco vibe to them.
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View to the Atlantic from Publix
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An art deco style hotel on the right
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Vilano Public Pier
A visit to St Augustine would not be complete without lunch at the Cellar Upstairs restaurant at the San Sebastián Winery. They have the best burgers!
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Rooftop dining at The Cellar
As guests of Dan and Marcia, David and I were able to tour the Castillo de San Marcos fort. Hard to get my head around the fact that the fort was built over 300 years ago by hand from coquina stone quarried from the nearby Anastasia Island. Some of the walls are 12’ thick. The fort’s construction began in 1672 by the Spaniards. The fort changed ownership several times over the years, being owned by the Spanish then the British and then back to the Spanish and then to the United States. A very interesting visit.
Tomorrow (Saturday) Molly D will be on the move again. We’ve been waiting for a good weather window to make the offshore trip to Fernandina. Hasn’t happened (well there was one yesterday but we had important stuff to do like laundry and eating at The Cellar; priorities, you know). Offshore conditions will put Molly D on the ICW to Fernandina. How long will Molly D stay in Fernandina?? Depends on how long it takes to get decent conditions for the 160 mile, 22-24 hour offshore trip into Charleston. I sure wish “Go go Gadget” were a real thing and Molly D could be airlifted from Fernandina and put down irectly into Charleston harbor. Wouldn’t that be nice?
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anneisbusy · 7 months
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
I haven't watched Barber, but the pepper salt hair and the black coat look so good on him <3 I hope we can get pictures of him attending the San Sebastián Festival :)
I agree, he looks great. But there's no pepper left in that hair lol It just looks like it in certain lighting and the gif coloring makes some spots look darker. He's all grey now, white at his temples.
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Sporting, ecco la formazione schierata con il Casa Pia
I Leoni dello Sporting faranno ora visita alla Juventus FC per l’andata dei quarti di finale di UEFA Europa League. Questa la formazione dello Sporting CP: Antonio Adán [GR], Ousmane Diomande (Jeremiah St Juste, 45′), Sebastián Coates [C], Matheus Reis (Gonçalo Inácio, 45′), Ricardo Esgaio (Arthur Gomes, 68′), Manuel Ugarte, Pedro Gonçalves, Nuno Santos (Rochinha, 85′), Marcus Edwards, Francisco…
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juarezesdeporte · 2 years
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Derrota Uruguay a Ghana 2-0, pero queda eliminado al quedar a un gol de conseguir su pase a octavos de final
Doha., viernes, 02 de diciembre, 2022..- Uruguay necesitaba ganar para seguir vivo y puso todo de su parte este viernes para avanzar a los octavos de final del Mundial y cantó victoria 2-0 ante Ghana en el Grupo H.
Pero un triunfo de Corea del Sur por 2-1 sobre Portugal en el otro duelo de la eliminatoria los dejó fuera. Hwang Hee-chan marcó en los descuentos para darle el boleto a los surcoreanos.
Giorgian de Arrascaeta, uno de los jugadores que había sido descartado por Diego Alonso al comienzo del torneo, prendió la ilusión de los uruguayos con dos goles con apenas seis minutos de diferencia en la primera mitad.
Pero el gol de Hwang, anunciado en el videomarcador del estadio Al Janoub, llevó la tristeza al banquillo y a los cientos de hinchas uruguayos que teñían las gradas de celeste. El máximo exponente fue Luis Suárez, a quien se pudo ver llorando en la banca.
Uruguay no bajó los brazos y asedió sin éxito la portería de Lawrence Ati Zigi consciente de que un tanto les daría el boleto a la siguiente fase por la diferencia de goles.
Sebastián Coates tuvo la última ocasión al rematar fuera en el área un pase de Edinson Cavani desde la derecha en los útimos minutos de la prolongación.
A Uruguay solo le valía la victoria tras arrancar con un empate 0-0 ante Corea del Sur y caer 2-0 con Portugal.
En su cuarta participación mundialista, Ghana quedó fuera como última del grupo al sumar tres puntos. Portugal alcanzó la primera posición.
(Associated Press)
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theusarticles · 2 years
Live updates: Uruguay vs South Korea and other World Cup news and highlights
Live updates: Uruguay vs South Korea and other World Cup news and highlights
Uruguay Manager: Diego Alonso Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera, Serge Rochet, Sebastián Sosa Defenders: Ronald Araújo, Martín Cáceres, Sebastián Coates, José María Giménez, Diego Godín, Mathías Olivera, José Luis Rodríguez, Guillermo Varela, Matías Viña Midfielders: Rodrigo Bentancur, Giorgian de Arrascaeta, Agustín Canobbio, Nicolás de la Cruz, Facundo Pellistri, Lucas Torreira, Manuel Ugarte,…
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