#marathon gear checklist
marathonclothes · 2 years
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Marathon Clothes is the top wholesale athletic apparel manufacturer processing quality apparel in bulk over the years with retailer satisfaction and demands.
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james-smith07 · 1 month
Maintaining Your Busbar Machine: Best Practices for Longevity and Peak Performance
Maintaining your busbar machine is crucial for ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come. Whether you're using it for small projects or large industrial tasks, regular maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs and downtime. But what exactly should you be doing to keep your machine in top condition? This guide will walk you through the best practices for maintaining your busbar machine, helping you achieve longevity and peak performance. Ready to get started? Go to Link to dive into these essential maintenance tips.
Why Regular Maintenance Matters
Regular maintenance is essential for several reasons. It not only extends the life of your busbar machine but also improves its efficiency and safety. Imagine trying to run a marathon without training—your performance would suffer, and you’d likely get injured. Similarly, a busbar machine that isn’t properly maintained can lead to inefficient operations, breakdowns, and even accidents. Go to Link to learn more about why maintenance is so critical.
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Daily Maintenance Checklist
Keeping up with daily maintenance tasks is a simple yet effective way to ensure your busbar machine stays in top shape. Here’s a checklist you can follow every day:
Inspect the Machine: Look for any visible signs of damage or wear.
Clean the Work Area: Remove any debris or materials that could obstruct the machine’s operation.
Check Fluid Levels: Ensure that all lubricants and coolants are at the proper levels.
Test the Controls: Make sure all buttons, levers, and switches are functioning correctly.
By making these tasks a part of your daily routine, you’ll be taking proactive steps to maintain your machine’s performance.
Weekly Maintenance Tasks
In addition to daily checks, there are some tasks that should be performed weekly to keep your busbar machine running smoothly:
Inspect Electrical Connections: Check for loose wires or connections that could cause malfunctions.
Examine Moving Parts: Look for any signs of wear or misalignment in the moving parts.
Lubricate Bearings and Gears: Apply lubrication to ensure smooth operation and reduce friction.
Review the Operator’s Manual: Make sure you’re following the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance.
These weekly tasks are like giving your machine a mini check-up, ensuring that it’s ready for the week ahead.
Monthly Maintenance Routine
Monthly maintenance involves more in-depth inspections and adjustments. Here’s what you should include in your routine:
Conduct a Full Inspection: Perform a thorough examination of all components, including the motor, gears, and electrical systems.
Calibrate the Machine: Ensure that the machine is properly calibrated for accurate bending, cutting, and punching.
Check the Safety Features: Test emergency stops, guards, and other safety mechanisms to make sure they’re functioning correctly.
Record Maintenance Activities: Keep a log of all maintenance tasks performed to track the machine’s history.
A monthly routine is like taking your car in for a tune-up—it’s about making sure everything is running smoothly and catching any potential issues before they become major problems.
The Importance of Lubrication
Lubrication is one of the most important aspects of machine maintenance. It reduces friction, prevents wear and tear, and helps the machine run more efficiently. Without proper lubrication, your busbar machine’s moving parts can grind against each other, leading to damage and costly repairs. Make sure you’re using the right type of lubricant and applying it as recommended by the manufacturer.
Keeping the Work Area Clean
A clean work area isn’t just about appearances—it’s also about safety and efficiency. Dust, debris, and clutter can obstruct the machine’s operation and increase the risk of accidents. Make it a habit to clean the work area at the end of each day, removing any materials that could cause problems. This simple step can go a long way in maintaining your busbar machine’s performance.
Checking for Wear and Tear
Over time, even the best-maintained machines will show signs of wear and tear. Regularly check for any worn or damaged parts, such as belts, bearings, or gears. If you notice any issues, address them immediately to prevent further damage. It’s better to replace a worn part than to risk a complete breakdown.
Replacing Worn Parts
When parts do wear out, it’s important to replace them promptly. Using worn or damaged parts can not only affect the machine’s performance but also pose safety risks. Always use genuine replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer, and follow the installation instructions carefully.
Training Operators on Best Practices
Even the best maintenance routine won’t be effective if the machine operators aren’t properly trained. Make sure all operators are familiar with the machine’s functions and maintenance requirements. Provide ongoing training to keep everyone up-to-date on the latest best practices. This ensures that the machine is used correctly and that maintenance tasks are performed consistently.
The Role of Manufacturer Support
Manufacturer support is invaluable when it comes to maintaining your busbar machine. Many manufacturers offer maintenance guides, troubleshooting tips, and technical support to help you keep your machine in top condition. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer if you have questions or need assistance with maintenance tasks.
Upgrading and Modernizing Your Machine
As technology advances, it’s important to keep your busbar machine up-to-date. Upgrading or modernizing your machine can improve its efficiency, safety, and performance. Whether it’s adding new features, updating software, or replacing outdated components, investing in your machine’s future can pay off in the long run.
Maintaining your busbar machine doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your machine stays in peak condition, providing reliable performance for years to come. Regular maintenance is like giving your machine a routine check-up—it helps prevent problems, extends the machine’s life, and keeps everything running smoothly. Ready to take the next step? Go to Link to explore more maintenance tips and resources that can help you get the most out of your busbar machine
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marathon-203 · 2 months
The Marathon Checklist For The Season
Whether you’re a seasoned runner or participating for the first time, a marathon checklist can get you race ready any day. Running a marathon can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. One thing that shouldn’t worry you is the gear.
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bmxoldschoolbikesblog · 5 months
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As you gear up for an upcoming bike marathon, How to prepare your bike to the marathon ensuring that your bike is in top-notch condition is crucial for a smooth and successful ride. From basic maintenance to performance upgrades, proper preparation can make all the difference on race day. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to get your bike marathon-ready.
Assessing Your Bike's Condition
Checking the Frame and Wheels
Before diving into maintenance tasks, give your bike a thorough inspection. Look for any signs of damage or wear on the frame and wheels, such as cracks, dents, or loose spokes. Addressing any structural issues early on can prevent problems during the marathon.
Inspecting Brakes and Gears
Ensure that your brakes are functioning properly and provide adequate stopping power. Check for worn brake pads and replace them if necessary. Similarly, inspect the gears and derailleurs for smooth shifting and make adjustments as needed.
Basic Maintenance and Tune-Up
Cleaning and Lubricating Components
Start by giving your bike a good cleaning to remove dirt, grime, and debris. Pay special attention to the chain, cassette, and derailleur pulleys. Once clean, apply lubricant to moving parts to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation.
Adjusting Brakes and Gears
Take the time to fine-tune your bike's braking and shifting systems. Adjust brake cable tension and pad alignment for optimal performance. Likewise, fine-tune the indexing of your gears to ensure crisp and precise shifting throughout the marathon.
Upgrading and Customizing Your Bike
Choosing the Right Tires
Selecting the appropriate tires for the marathon can significantly impact your performance. Opt for lightweight, puncture-resistant tires with low rolling resistance for smooth, efficient riding. Consider the terrain and weather conditions when choosing tire width and tread pattern.
Installing Performance Enhancements
Upgrade your bike with performance-enhancing components to gain a competitive edge. From aerodynamic handlebars to lightweight carbon fiber accessories, small upgrades can make a big difference in your overall speed and efficiency.
Preparing Yourself for the Marathon
Training and Conditioning
In addition to preparing your bike, focus on your own physical conditioning for the marathon. Incorporate regular training rides into your schedule to build endurance, strength, and stamina. Gradually increase your mileage and intensity leading up to the event.
Nutrition and Hydration
Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for peak performance on race day. Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated before, during, and after your rides, and consider carrying energy gels or snacks for quick fuel on the go.
Final Preparations and Checklist
Packing Essential Gear
Create a checklist of essential gear and supplies for the marathon. Pack spare tubes, tools, tire levers, and a mini pump for on-the-go repairs. Don't forget to bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a helmet for sun protection and safety.
Reviewing the Route and Logistics
Familiarize yourself with the marathon route and logistics to avoid any surprises on race day. Know the location of rest stops, aid stations, and emergency services along the course. Plan your transportation to and from the event, and arrive early to allow time for registration and warm-up.
Tips for a Successful Bike Marathon
Pacing Yourself
Maintain a steady pace throughout the marathon to conserve energy and avoid burnout. Start conservatively and gradually increase your speed as you settle into the ride. Listen to your body and adjust your effort level accordingly to avoid hitting the wall.
Staying Focused and Motivated
Stay mentally focused and motivated during the marathon by setting small, How to prepare your bike to the marathon achievable goals along the way. Break the course into segments and reward yourself for reaching milestones. Stay positive and visualize yourself crossing the finish line strong and triumphant.
How to prepare your bike to the marathon for a marathon involves a combination of basic maintenance, performance upgrades, and personal preparation. By following these steps and incorporating proper training and nutrition, you can maximize your chances of success on race day. Remember to stay focused, pace yourself, and enjoy the experience of tackling the marathon course.
How far in advance should I start preparing my bike for a marathon?
It's advisable to start preparing your bike at least a few weeks before the marathon to allow time for any necessary repairs or upgrades.
Do I need to hire a professional mechanic to tune up my bike?
While a professional tune-up can be beneficial, many basic maintenance tasks can be performed at home with the right tools and resources.
What should I do if I experience mechanical issues during the marathon?
Carry basic repair tools and supplies with you during the marathon, and familiarize yourself with common mechanical issues and how to address them on the go.
Is it necessary to taper my training leading up to the marathon?
Tapering your training, or gradually reducing your mileage and intensity, can help ensure that you're well-rested and fully recovered for race day.
Are there any specific nutrition strategies I should follow during the marathon?
Focus on consuming easily digestible carbohydrates and staying hydrated throughout the marathon. Experiment with different nutrition products during training to find what works best for you.
Contact Us: +1 (301) 246 2285
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marathonclothes · 2 years
Choose the right athletic apparel with this audio from Marathon Clothes. It will guide you to give better understanding of what and how to choose athletic wear during the workout.
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jenroses · 7 years
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If you’re feeling disconnected, if you are having a hard time engaging in the world and it feels like no one sees you, if you are having a hard time finding joy or finding the will to strive towards goals you have wanted, here’s a little refocusing pep talk.
First of all, it is no great mystery right now why you are having a hard time connecting. I don’t know who you are and I don’t know your life, but I know if you have a soul and are aware of what’s going on in the world as a compassionate person, you are probably stressed, worried and afraid, even if you are leading a sheltered and/or privileged existence.
And if you aren’t leading a sheltered existence, if you’re struggling with pain, illness, financial stress, housing stress or discrimination, the past year has made all those things a lot worse.
It is this way for pretty much every compassionate soul I know.
There are things you love to do, things you are very good at, things that usually provide you joy, and if you were NOT under a huge amount of stress, they’d probably still be working right now.
Because I’m a giant nerd, I’m going to put this in computer terms.
When your system is new, and hasn’t gotten bogged down, you may have plenty of emotional resources on top of what you need to get out of bed in the morning. That 8 gigs of RAM is great when you haven’t loaded all your worries.bin and intrusivethoughts.dll and Politics.exe.
When shit gets real, your entire processor, RAM and disk drive get completely sidetracked by dealing with the cognitive and emotional demands of dealingwithcrap.html.
EVERYTHING slows down. Nonessential processes get ignored. Essential processes don’t work very well.
I’m not going to tell you there’s a magic solution, but I can tell you where the problem ISN’T and give you some strategies for freeing up resources in the short term.
The problem is not you. This shit is genuinely, objectively hard. Literally everyone is struggling with it. Rich celebrities are struggling with it, and they can literally buy all the stress relief that money can buy… but they can’t just fix the problem.
Just because it’s hard for everyone doesn’t mean that your struggle is small or irrelevant. Survivor’s guilt or “Privilege guilt” from not having to struggle with EVERY issue will not help the people who are dealing with worse, and it will not help you. It is understandable to have thoughts about “But other people have it worse!” But please do not use that as a reason not to give yourself a break for struggling with what is, objectively, hard, even if it isn’t objectively the “hardest”. (Literally everyone thinks there’s someone worse off than them. And they’re right. It doesn’t MATTER in the triage of “Do you get to feel bad.” Yes. You can feel bad.
“Other people are coping better! If someone who is disabled can cope so well, why can’t I?” First of all, that idea can fuck off. I can tell you that for me, a disabled person, one of the reasons I can do some of the things I do is that my inability to do all the things that people normally do means that that stuff has been picked up by a support system I am lucky to have, If you see someone on a prosthetic leg running marathons, it’s because they had the support system to get that prosthetic leg, the physical training to learn how to use it, medical care, etc… they did not just magically wake up in the morning as an amputee with no resources and run a marathon. I’m not out running marathons because my disability precludes that kind of exercise and it’s not a reasonable goal for me to have.
There are a fair number of accomplishments which can bend to sheer force of will, but even force of will (read: sustained focused effort) is a RESOURCE that not everyone is good at, and some people who sometimes have a strong force of will, do not ALWAYS have a strong force of will in every situation.
So, how to free up resources?
Forgive yourself up front. It’s hard enough dealing with all the shit without having to deal with your own self-flagellation. It’s a hard habit to get out of. Use self talk. “This is legitimately hard. Anyone would have a hard time with this. I’m not a bad person for having difficulty with a difficult thing.”
Break things into manageable chunks.
If your phone has a calendar function, put everything into it. Operate under the assumption that you’re having a hard time and let yourself lean on the tools available to keep track, even when your brain is not registering everything. You do not need to store your entire calendar in your brain. Set up reminders.
Look for ways to streamline. I fill a pill-minder with my meds every two weeks, and the ones that don’t go in the pill-minder are literally the first thing I see when I sit up in bed in the morning. This saves a lot. If you have an elaborate hair and makeup routine, if it is too much, look for ways to simplify. When purchasing clothes, look for ways to minimize your decision-making. Don’t waste cognitive function on trivial shit that can be managed structurally.
Block out specific time to check on current events and pay attention to the national shitshow… and ONLY that time. Don’t wallow for 8 hours at a stretch on the national news, it is NOT good for your mental health. It is possible to take in the full horror in under an hour per day. You can’t fix it all, but you can pick which issues you devote time to and what kind of time you spend.  Aggregators like WTF and even Late Night hosts can help streamline the process of checking in with less stress than watching national news.
Allow yourself down time. It’s hard to be social when everyone is so stressed.
If you need connection, sometimes structured activities, volunteering, church if you go (there are very progressive churches available) are easier than casual social events.
Reach out online. You are not alone.
Now, there are going to be times when you really just have to get shit done. When you need your brain to shut the fuck up for a bit and let you DO.
Here are the SHORT TERM tricks to get your brain in gear.
Compartmentalize. Need to go have a job interview? Need to take a test? Time for some visualization. Picture all the shit that is weighing you down, every intrusive thought, as things that you can pack into an envelope or a picnic basket or hell, a U-haul if they’re big enough. Put ‘em all in. Every one of them. Close up the basket and set it down inside your front door. When you walk out that door, all that stuff stays at home. It will be there when you get back, we’re not throwing it out. Just don’t take it with you to school, to your job interview. DO pick it back up when you get home. We’re not burying it, we’re just giving it a time and place.
Some of the intrusive worries may be livelier than others. If they try to follow you out the door, or show up when you don’t want them, give them the name and voice of someone you don’t like or trust and would dismiss out of hand. “You’re terrible at this.” “Shut up, Kellyanne, no one trusts you.” “Just hit the snoozebutton, it doesn’t matter.” “Fuck off Chad, I’m getting up.” It just needs to be someone you would roll your eyes at. (h/t to the Check please fandom for this one, IDK who posted it first, but it stuck with me as one of the most useful things I’ve ever learned online.)
Be nice to your future self by taking care of literally everything you possibly can the night before. Pick out clothes. Decide what you will eat. Have a checklist if you need to. Find everything that needs finding while you’re awake. I know this sounds overly organized but it’s something I’ve had to do because if I didn’t, mornings were hell and involved me driving people places when I wanted to be asleep because we missed a bus. It is ten times easier to find clothes when you’re not supposed to be out the door in ten minutes. This is all done cognitively. Some people do these things instinctively? I guess? I don’t. I have to think about every single step every time. But it’s worth it to not have a panic attack when I’m trying to get someplace important and am ending up late. When I was still responsible for getting my kids to school, I could get my middle child from sound asleep to the bus in about 7 minutes because everything was completely set up ahead of time.
Anyway. I hope some of this helps. If nothing else, remembering that this is a reasonable response to unreasonably stimulus has helped me immeasurably.
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lindarifenews · 5 years
How to Make Money on Instagram: 3 Foolproof Strategies
Everyone wants to know how to make money on Instagram. We’re all on it all day anyways—usually spending money instead of earning it.
In the past few years, Instagram’s endless feed of gorgeous photos has evolved into something between a glossy magazine, your best friend’s taste, and a boutique shop.
With over a billion monthly users, 71% of whom are under 35, Instagram is the platform of aspiration, inspiration—and now, in-app checkout.
There are three major ways to make money on Instagram.
Work as an influencer to post content sponsored by brands
Be an affiliate marketer selling other people’s products
Become an entrepreneur and sell your own products
Read on for our best advice on all three tracks.
Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a lifestyle photographer used to grow from 0 to 600,000 followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.
How to make money on Instagram
Strategy 1: Post sponsored content
Sponsored posts might be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘Instagram influencer.’ There are over 500,000 active influencers on Instagram as of early 2019.
The base requirement here is a decent-to-impressive follower count and a competitive engagement rate. In other words, this strategy is for you if you’re good at making strangers on the internet like and trust you.
The appeal of this strategy is that it involves marketing without any of the headaches of e-commerce: it doesn’t require you to create a product or fulfill orders. In a perfect world, all this entails is just being yourself and posting about the products, services, or brands that make your life what it is.
Of course, there’s a downside: not all brands are born equal, and it might not be Bvlgari knocking on your door at first. Plus, there’s a wealth of scammers out there targeting aspiring influencers.
Even if you succeed with the sponsored content route, you’ll probably need to reflect on the balance between your integrity and your revenue. It’s your personal brand on the line, after all. And people trust authenticity.
You’ll need to put every brand who wants to work with you through a rigorous “does this fit my brand?” test. Read more about how one Instagram influencer knows which opportunities are right for her.
Here’s how to get started as an Instagram influencer.
Step 1: Choose a niche
If you really want to get paid on Instagram, you’re going to be living and breathing your personal brand. Make sure you truly love it.
And consider how your potential partners see things. Brands will be comparing your audience to their target market. According to a recent study, 55% of brands say they prefer micro-influencers, who they perceive to have a more authentic connection with their audience.
That means the more specific you get, the better. ‘Vegan’ is saturated, so why not try ‘sober vegan ultra-marathon runner dad who interviews famous people on his podcast’ instead? (Or don’t, because that one’s taken.)
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Today we celebrate 16 years bound by a vow to support the divinity in each other — and the greater divinity created by the union of two. . . . . Over the last 20+ years together, @srimati & I have experienced everything a relationship presents — intimacy, pain, triumph, heartache, tragedy, elation, beauty, loss, growth, and everything in between. I’m keenly aware that most relationships don’t make it this far. We have endured things that would have fractured many. Instead, we found a way to turn those circumstances into a deeper bond. So today I am grateful for what we have. I recognize it is special and rare. And I look forward to what life will present as we continue to walk this path together. . . . . Happy Anniversary to my great love @SriMati. Thank you for helping me appreciate everything life has thrown at us. For always seeing the potential in us. For co-creating a life I once couldn’t imagine. And for the beauty, awe and wonder you bring to everything you do and everything you are. Today I bow to you ???? ???????? ???????? ???? @leia_vita
A post shared by rich roll (@richroll) on Jul 13, 2019 at 12:50pm PDT
Meanwhile, if you are a European heiress/model with an Instagram husband, your brand is ready-made.
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Was this photo obvious? Probably.. but I had to #J12YachtClub @chanelofficial #WorkingWithChanel
A post shared by Marie von Behrens (@mvb) on Jul 22, 2019 at 8:57am PDT
Step 2: Build trust & grow your audience
81% of Instagram influencers have between 15,000 and 100,000 followers. If you’re not there yet, don’t panic. There are no shortcuts to growing your follower count, but there are tried-and-true strategies.
Source: eMarketer
Commit to posting consistently. And commit to posting content that is exactly what your audience wants. For instance, @Pedalboard_of_the_day posts a pedalboard every day for his 102,000 followers, just like the name promises.
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It’s #miniboardmonday . Here’s a little number I was jamming with all weekend. It’s damn near perfect. . . #pedalboardoftheday #pedalboard #pedalboards #guitarpedals #guitareffects #knowyourtone #geartalk #notpedalbored #gearybusey
A post shared by Pedalboard of the Day (@pedalboard_of_the_day) on Jul 29, 2019 at 1:57pm PDT
Step 3: Partner with brands
There are two main routes to linking up with brand partners:
Find them by pitching them directly. Contact the brands you admire yourself and tell them what you can offer. Your brand pitch needs to provide plenty of compelling details about your audience and approach.
Help them find you by signing up with an influencer marketing platform. There are a lot of these marketplaces. AspireIQ, Upfluence, and Famebit are good places to start.
On a positive note, brands are eager to seek out effective influencers. If you’re curious about how they view this whole endeavour, check out our guide to working with influencers for some insight into a brand’s perspective.
Step 4: Post transparently
As an influencer in America or the UK, you are legally obligated to make it clear when you are posting an ad. The American Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines require your disclosure to be obvious and easy to understand. Meanwhile, the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK doesn’t care for any coy allusions: say #ad, not #gifted.
To stay on the right side of the law, use the #ad hashtag above the fold (i.e., in the first three lines so people don’t have to click around to find it.)
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#Ad @barbour Uhoh, here we go..
A post shared by Alexa Chung (@alexachung) on Jun 28, 2019 at 4:27am PDT
Even better: use the Paid Partnership tag, which Instagram created back in October 2017.
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I took the new @ToyotaCanada Corolla Hatchback for a test drive with Momo up to Squamish. I take Momo where he wants to go, and the Corolla Hatchback took us wherever we wanted. Here are my findings: ???? Corolla Hatchback: sleek exterior design, energetic performance, fun to drive, great on gas. ???? Momo: sleek fur exterior, energetic performance, tons of drive, occasional gas. Link in bio! #CorollaLife #ad
A post shared by Andrew Knapp (@andrewknapp) on May 31, 2019 at 9:16am PDT
Strategy 2: Become an affiliate marketer
Unlike sponsored content, this strategy is less about spreading awareness and more about making sales. This is because you only make money when your followers actually buy the product. On the plus side, as an affiliate marketer you don’t need to worry about producing that product or fulfilling orders.
The downside is that this strategy requires a solid strategy if you want to grow without annoying your audience. Also, the term ‘affiliate marketing’ has a bad reputation. It can be associated with scammy promises of seven-figure monthly incomes and… yachts?
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Double tap if you agree???????????? #millionairedream
A post shared by Inspiration Motivation Success (@millionaire.dream) on Jul 22, 2019 at 2:24pm PDT
Approached ethically, affiliate marketing is actually a smart, and well-established angle on marketing. You recommend your favourite pens, or mascara, or dog food, and provide either a link to buy the product, or else a promo code with a small discount. Both link and promo code are unique to you, so the merchant can track sales back to your efforts. You earn a fee or percentage for every sale.
Meanwhile, as Instagram rolls out product tags and Instagram Checkout, marketers are no longer limited to saying ‘link in bio.’ As customers find it easier to buy on Instagram, affiliate marketers may well see their sales increase.
Step 1: Choose a niche
An affiliate marketer’s niche differs from a sponsored influencer’s niche in that they can be more product-focused. For instance, affiliate marketers sometimes start as product reviewers.
If you’re just starting out, you have the luxury of choosing an audience with specific material desires, e.g., dog owners who want guidance and deals on the best dog food. (And the best collars, the best dog bowls, the best dog goggles, et cetera.)
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With all of the FDA investigations & recalls happening, it can be scary when choosing a new food for your fur baby, right?! A brand that we love and trust is TruDog! ???????? They offer freeze-dried and dehydrated raw meat for our precious pups! Not only is the food easy to store and simple to prepare, but freeze-drying and gently air drying raw, premium cuts of meat, fruits, and veggies retain nature’s wholesome nutrients! ???? . Use BESTFRIEND10 for 10% off of $30+! . ???? Link in bio to learn more! . . #trudog #ad #rawdogfooddiet #rawfed #fdadogfoodresearch #newblogpost #dogblogger #dogblog #linkinbio #midnightpost #nightowl #nightdog
A post shared by Two Boys + Their Bird Dogs (@abbieandgunner) on Jul 23, 2019 at 9:43pm PDT
Step 2: Find merchants to affiliate with
You can affiliate with a brand directly, or you can join what’s called an ‘affiliate network,’ or both. (The answer is always both.)
Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a lifestyle photographer used to grow from 0 to 600,000 followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.
Get the free checklist right now!
Affiliate networks are intermediary platforms between brands who run affiliate programs, and marketers like you. They exist because, while a solo entrepreneur selling online courses might be eager to expand their reach to your audience, a Fortune 500 company must scale and automate their efforts. Affiliate networks are designed to give you a huge range of products to choose from. And you aren’t limited to just one network, either.
Amazon Associates is the most obvious place to start. The limitation is that they don’t offer codes; you have to use the affiliate link they provide. While that’s great for Pinterest, blogs, or email newsletters, on Instagram you have to put that link in your bio, or—if you have a business account—your Instagram Story.
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We are LOVING this gorgeous teacher backpack @ayanna.saunders found on Amazon!! Swipe to see inside! You can check out all of the color options with the link in our profile -> https://amzn.to/2SN2BhW Thanks for tagging us @ayanna.saunders #teachersloveamazon #affiliate #amazonfinds #teachersofinstagram
A post shared by TeachersLoveAmazon (@teaching_with_tla) on Jul 26, 2019 at 4:48am PDT
Clickbank, Rakuten, and CJ Affiliates are also reputable affiliate networks to consider.
Step 3: Post about the product
As with influencers, affiliate marketing also falls under FTC and ASA rules, so be clear about the nature of your relationship with the product. Fortunately, 54% of people say they appreciate transparency when marketers divulge their relationships, and the #ad hashtag doesn’t offend them.
Strategy 3: Sell your own products
The third strategy for making money on Instagram goes beyond marketing and into the realm of actual e-commerce.
Rather than using your personal brand to sell other people’s products, sell your own. This might be a coffee-table book of your most popular photos. But it could also be your time and advice as a consultant; or your high-end fashion line. And if you already own a business, selling on Instagram is an obvious addition to your marketing strategy.
Turning your audience into your customers may well be a natural fit. And with the rise of e-commerce platforms like Shopify, and print-on-demand services like Printful, it’s increasingly simple to run an online business that delivers real-world products.
Step 1: Imagine your product
Models sell clothes. ASMR slime accounts sell slime. Marketing experts sell online courses. Your product might be a natural, intuitive extension of what you’re already doing, like @rad.slime’s slime shop.
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CELESTIAL UNICORN PARTY ???? the reactivation process! all orders from thursday- sunday have been dropped off at the post office!
A post shared by Theresa???? (@rad.slime) on Mar 18, 2019 at 3:40pm PDT
Meanwhile, model/influencer Alexa Chung created her eponymous high-end label, and model/influencer Jeanne Damas founded @rouje. (So now please refer to both of them as ‘model/influencer/fashion designer.’)
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Hello Couture ???????? (The new ❤️ Daria @rouje dress will be available this week … Stay tuned!)
A post shared by Jeanne (@jeannedamas) on Jul 1, 2019 at 5:08am PDT
On a more attainable scale, photographer @AndrewKnapp added an e-commerce income stream to his influencer dog Momo’s account @momosface by selling stickers, books and prints.
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Be more like your dog.
A post shared by Momo's Face (@momosface) on Jul 24, 2019 at 7:21pm PDT
Step 2: Build your product
If your business plan involves selling your own products (as opposed to, say, dropshipping—but more on that later) you need to build it. Find a supplier.
Step 3: Set up your account so it’s shoppable
In the past few years, Instagram has been rolling out all sorts of shopping-focused features: the Explore tab, product tags, shoppable posts, shoppable Stories, and Instagram Checkout.
In order to take advantage of them, you need a business account. You also need to create a product catalogue. Check out our step-by-step guide on how to sell products with Instagram shopping.
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"Guilt free junk food" -Doug • The best part about my line of dog toys is that they're zero calories! It's Amazon Prime Day today and tomorrow, and u can get my brand new toys exclusively on there! Link in bio or find them on Amazon ????????
A post shared by Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug) on Jul 15, 2019 at 8:30am PDT
Step 4: Build out your e-commerce infrastructure
Set up a website to provide more information to your customers. Consider running a few ads to build awareness. You’ll probably also need to build a landing page to guide people through the final purchasing steps. Keep your audience’s experience at top of mind.
Step 5: Post your products
You can hype your products using regular Instagram posts or Stories. Instagram analytics tools will help you measure your success.
That said, if your Stories aren’t converting into sales, you might want to check out our tips.
Step 6: Fulfill your orders
Depending on your product, you can handle inventory yourself, outsource to a third-party logistics company, or live the dropshipping lifestyle (which is when the manufacturer sends it to the customer themselves.)
The more orders you have, the more time you’ll be spending on this, so be realistic. Here’s a back-to-basics guide on how to delight your customers with shipping, delivery, returns, and everything else.
Tips for earning money on Instagram
Ready to try one of these strategies out for yourself? These best practices will save you some time.
Know your worth
Influencers need to know: what’s the going rate for posting a Story (with swipe up) to, say, 27,000 followers? How much do people charge for running a product giveaway to a niche audience with an impressive 5% engagement rate?
When it’s time to negotiate rates with brands, you need solid information on the landscape. Check out our complete guide to Instagram influencer rates.
Keep tabs on your competitors
Use social media monitoring (and listening) to stay on top of the conversation in your field, and among your competitors.
Set up Instagram-specific search streams in Hootsuite to watch what’s happening on the platform. Then set alerts using Hootsuite Insights to monitor what your competitors are up to everywhere else.
Respond to customer inquiries quickly
Twitter found in one study that 71% of people expect customer service responses in less than an hour on social media. A near-immediate response is imperative to your customer support strategy.
Be professional
Speaking of being professional, this is a business. Your brand partners and customers are treating it as such. As an influencer, missing deadlines and ignoring contracts is the fastest way to burn bridges. (Besides, say, demanding free stuff from other businesses.)
Don’t buy fake followers
Just don’t. It doesn’t work and it’s kind of embarrassing. Oh, and it’s called fraud now.
Use Instagram tools to save time
Any entrepreneur will tell you how fast the hours disappear when you’re getting a business up and running. There are dozens of tools out there to help you automate your posts, edit your photos and video, or run reports on your account’s performance.
Promote yourself on other channels
You need to provide more than inspiration if you’re looking to turn views into sales.
Creating a blog or YouTube channel will expand your content marketing to provide the information that prospective buyers want as they make their buying decisions.
Likewise, using other social media platforms will widen your reach. And email newsletters mean you aren’t at the mercy of the Instagram algorithm when notifying your audience about new content.
Save time managing your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, engage the audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles. Try it free today.
Get Started
  The post How to Make Money on Instagram: 3 Foolproof Strategies appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.
How to Make Money on Instagram: 3 Foolproof Strategies published first on https://likesfollowersclub.tumblr.com/
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Fresh off the plane from my latest adventure and like all good travellers the wheels were already in motion for my next trip. Having just been inspired by the breathtaking scenery of New Zealand’s South Island, I knew it was time to take the step (well, many of them) and go see ‘the beast’, Mount Everest.
In search of some advice and thoughts on what it may be like trekking to Everest Base Camp, I contacted my cousin, Lauren, who had spent time around the Annapurna Circuit while in Nepal and before I knew it we had decided to team up and plan the trip together.
Now, trekking to Base Camp is not a decision to be taken lightly. After further reading and research into what was required, we quickly realised this wasn’t going to be a luxurious holiday. However, the draw to see and experience one of the world’s natural wonders overrode any hesitation, but we knew we’d have to be in good shape to make the most of the journey.
Our destination – the incredible Himalaya’s. Image by Lauren Chartier.
We both started our own fitness regimes to build up the cardio and muscle strength required to take on the trek. This included plenty of running 3-4 times a week, gradually increasing our distance (or, you can be like Lauren and train to run and complete a marathon), weights (especially leg strengthening) and hiking. As we both reside in Adelaide, we are blessed to have many hiking trails so close by in the Adelaide Hills to help us prepare.
However, if you don’t live near hiking trails you can adapt to make the most of what you have. One of the blogs I read was by a guy who prepared for his trip to Base Camp while living in Brooklyn. He used the stairs at his workplace to get used to uphill trekking and even parts of Central Park for his training. You just have to be creative sometimes!
Although many blogs stated you do not need to be at an extreme level of fitness, people found the trek much more enjoyable having built up their fitness levels before they set off.
Preparing for the altitude
The only difficult area in which to prepare for is the altitude. Adelaide being at sea-level meant we were restricted in that sense. There are altitude masks you can buy which create the effect of high altitude breathing however, they’re pricey – so we decided they weren’t necessary.
We felt that with proper medication, spending time acclimatising on the trek and by taking it slowly, we’d be okay.
Hiking in your local area is a great way to prepare for the trek to Base Camp. Here’s Tom hiking in the Adelaide Hills. Image by Lauren Chartier.
The next thing we needed was to make sure we had the right gear and clothing. Trekking around some of the highest altitudes on earth means that you want to make sure the gear you take is going to be reliable. A trip to Snowy’s Outdoors sorted us out, especially with the main piece of equipment all trekkers rely on – their boots. We both bought ‘Asolo, Fugitive GTX’ boots and straight away could tell they were worth every cent.
Like all boots, it’s essential to wear them in before you head off (it’s recommended to wear trek boots for at least 3 months’ prior to your trip) however, the Fugitive’s were not only incredibly supportive right from the start, but extremely comfortable to wear especially while trekking over rough terrain.
The other reason we needed to make sure we had the right gear was because we were heading to Base Camp in December (ideal times to do Base Camp are April to May – September to November), and as it was going to be getting colder in the Himalayas, we both made sure we had warm but breathable clothing for the trek. Here is a list of items which we recommend taking to Base Camp.
Here’s an idea of what to add to your checklist when taking on Mt Everest Base Camp.
Travel documents
Passport + copies, travel insurance, cash/credit card and your itinerary.
Trekking pack, day pack, 3L water pack or water bottle, hiking poles, headlamp.
Hiking boots, spare boot laces, casual shoes, hiking socks.
Down/Fleece jacket, wind and waterproof jacket & pants, upper and lower thermals, t-shirts, gloves, underwear.
Sun protection
Bucket Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm.
Snack food (chocolates + swiss army knife, scarf, ear plugs, colouring books and pencils.
First-aid kit
Aspirin, Band-aids, Imodium (for mild cases of diarrhoea), Rehydration powder, Chlorine Dioxide (water purification tablets), Diamox (For altitude sickness).
So with all the gear set and our training getting us into shape, the time had (finally) come to set off to Nepal! In the next article, before we head off to start our trek to Everest Base Camp, we’ll share our experience and highlights of the beautiful city Kathmandu.
For some, making it to the base of the world’s highest mountain is a pretty big feat. But is the preparation really that much different from other difficult treks? Leave your thoughts below.
The post Adelaide to Everest – Preparing for Base Camp appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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sophie7492 · 3 years
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Whether you’re a seasoned runner or participating for the first time, a marathon checklist can get you race ready any day. Running a marathon can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. One thing that shouldn’t worry you is the gear.
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andythomas684-blog · 5 years
How to know about outdoor hiking?
The great outdoors can be truly inspirational and there is no better way to explore it than by hiking. New to hiking? This guide is aimed at providing you the knowledge you need to embark on your first hiking adventure.
Asses your Ability
If you over exert yourself the enjoyment can soon be taken out of a hike leaving you reluctant to venture out again. It’s important to understand your capabilities and limits before deciding on your first hike. No hike is “too easy” so start small and work your way up to more difficult, longer hikes.
A certain level of fitness is of course required. If you are a fit person you may find you can walk further with less effort than those who are not so fit. If you have good balance you may find you can handle trickier terrain easier than others. Related Articles : https://www.hikingbay.com
Pick a Partner
It is not recommended to go hiking alone especially if you are a novice. If you are not overly confident ideally partner up with someone more experienced than you. They can pass on useful tips before you start and also teach you along the way. Your companion can also offer encouragement if you are struggling and help if you get lost. Dangers are more easily spotted by two than by one and can more easily be avoided.
Peace and quiet might be nice but sharing the outdoors with someone else can be much more rewarding!
Planning your Hike
A day hike can vary, depending on terrain, fitness and inclines. As a general rule, with a rucksack, you can walk 2 miles an hour (add an extra hour for each 1,000ft of incline). So on a 6 hour hike with no inclines you can walk 12 miles. Realistically on a coastal path you may do 10 miles in the same time. Either way make sure you pace yourself. As beautiful as a coastal hike is it may not be the best place to start. Uneven terrain under foot is not easy to traverse and uneven steps leading up hills can be difficult and test your limits. A distance may look easy on a map but you never know how steep or awkward the inclines and declines will be until you tackle them! If a coastal hike is your preferred option break the hike into smaller sections and if you are doing well you can carry on a little further. Always under-estimate your ability to avoid fatigue and discomfort and therefore reduce the risk of unnecessary accidents.
With this in mind, woodland and lowlands may be an easier place to start. Smoother, flatter footpaths make hiking easier, ideal when just starting out. Easier hikes will increase confidence and enjoyment and happy, confident hikers will be more inclined to continue hiking and push themselves further. Like marathon runners, it is all down to training and persistence. Keto Hiking Food For A Multi-Day Hike https://www.hikingbay.com/tips-to-choose-keto-hiking-food-for-a-multi-day-hike
Maps can help you plan routes and distances to ensure you are within your limits. Short hikes are always advisable to start off with. Maps can also help you plan exit strategies. You may hike for 2 hours and think that 2 hours is enough so make sure there is an option to exit and an option to carry on. With good planning this can be done throughout a 6 or even an 8 hour hike.
An important thing to remember, especially in this techno savvy world we live in, mobile phone reception is not always available to pull up a GPS map. Batteries run down quickly when connected to the internet and GPS. So take your map and compass, they will not let down.
What to Wear
Waterproofs and extra layers are essential as weather can be unpredictable, on coastal paths or up steep descents especially weather can change at the drop of a hat.
You also need to think about weight. If it is summer lighter options are available, thin base layers, micro fleeces and pack away jackets would be more sensible than heavy waterproofs and soft shells. In winter merino wool base layers are ideal due to there warmth to weight ratio. Most people tend to take care of the top very well and ruin the good work by wearing leggings or jeans, neither is recommended for hiking. Loose fitting, stretchy trousers will offer breathability and comfort, try a 4-way stretch trouser.
Lastly, but arguably the most important part of what to wear, you need to consider your footwear. Whatever you decide to wear the most important thing is that they are comfortable AND broken in! Boots are the obvious choice, offering additional support around the heel and ankle. GORE-Tex or IsoDry boots will offer more comfort and Vibram or IsoGrip soles will offer more grip, traction and durability. Hiking Food for Diabetics https://www.hikingbay.com/hiking-food-for-diabetics-meal-ideas-trail-mix-and-food-guidelines-to-follow
Type of Rucksack
As a general rule a day pack would have a capacity of 20 to 35 litres, more than a day and less than a week a rucksack of 40 to 55 litres would be needed and over a week a 65+ litre capacity is recommended. Remember to account for your own ability, strength and fitness. Remember strength and fitness will not reduce the effects of blisters and extra weight will only make them more uncomfortable so try to pack as light as possible.
If a 65+ litre pack is needed to carry all the kit needed and there are two of you, you might consider two day packs instead, failing that a small day pack (20L) and a medium sized pack (40L).
What to Pack
Besides a rucksack there are a few other essentials you will need, check out our top 10 hiking essentials for more information. For a day hike don’t worry about cooking elaborate meals. Packed sandwiches and pasta salads as well as snacks such as nuts and flapjacks should keep you going.
If you are planning a multi-day hike you will need to consider cookware as well as other camping equipment. This would include a tent, roll mat, sleeping bag and, depending on what you intend to cook, a camping stove and pans. Be sensible about what food you take, tinned food is convenient but is heavy whereas freeze dried food is lightweight. You should be drinking around half a litre of water an hour, depending on how hot it is but do not want to be carrying more than 2 litres of water. Hydration packs are the easiest way to carry a large amount of water and access it easily. If you plan on hiking for more than 4 hours you should plan in a water stop. If water is only available from streams or rivers, pack purification tablets to kill any germs and make it safe to drink (also good for cooking).
Walking Poles
Walking poles are not an essential piece of kit for hiking but are useful especially for first timers. Not only do they help make the hike easier by sharing the load of your body and the rucksack, they also take the pressure off your feet, legs, knees and back. Some people find them invaluable when going up or down hills.
Improved posture, balance, stability and momentum are some of the other benefits. Walking poles also work your arms and other parts of the upper body, not dissimilar to a cross trainer in a gym. Don’t be tempted to just use one pole, you will not build the same momentum or gain the same benefits as using two. what to wear on a hike and still look cute https://www.hikingbay.com/what-to-wear-on-a-hike-and-still-look-cute
Before you Leave
Double check your checklist. Ensure all the gear you need is packed and any that isn’t needed is left at home! It is easy to pack that extra item but less is more, extra weight will only hinder you down the line. Tell someone your route and your estimated time of arrival (ETA) at each contactable point. Time is everything when lost, so stick to the plan. If the plan does change, ensure your point of contact is informed as soon as possible to avoid worry and a search and rescue team! Lastly enjoy your hike and ensure you show the same care the wonderful countryside, coastal paths and woodlands that you would to your own home. Leave no trace to ensure the beauty is passed to the next adventurer exploring the path you have trodden.
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wpdesignshop-blog · 5 years
Wordpress Design In Edgar WI
Wordpress Design In Edgar WI
Looking for the best wordpress design in ? We offer local -based companies a full range of business solutions for every aspect of wordpress design and web development.
WordPress Website Design
We specialize in WordPress website design, but we also have worked on virtually every platform available.
A Website for Your  Business
First and foremost, we are business people who are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We believe that your website design should support who you are in your business and how you work with your clients or customers. Too many wordpress design firms are creating WordPress websites from templates that do not work well with the way businesses actually operate.
When we work with clients, we strive to determine what your primary business goal is for your site and then we work to create a site that will be easy to manage and operate.
We have worked with start-ups, entrepreneurs, non-profits, private companies and industry giants.
We bring our strategic business mindset to create websites for businesses that look as great as they work.
Website Design for Your Bottom Line
For us, the bottom line is your bottom line. Our wordpress design and each WordPress website we create is:
Customized to support how you work with your clients
Systems-based to minimize overall maintenance time
Offers strategic wordpress design geared toward helping you access more clients
Mobile-friendly with wordpress design that is “responsive” — designed to display nicely on whatever device your visitor is using to access your website, whether that is a cell phone, iPad, tablet, laptop or desktop
Delivered based on a fixed-cost estimate. No hidden fees or extra costs.
Custom Web Development 
Very few websites require customized web development. We have worked across many industries — healthcare, financial, legal, retail, e-commerce, media and more — throughout the TX area, nationally, and internationally. We have seen virtually every need and solution in wordpress design. As a result, we are able to use our breadth and depth of knowledge to save you time and offer innovative solutions when you do need custom web development.
WordPress Design in for Your Size, Style, and Budget
Your wordpress design should be as unique as your company is. There’s no other business exactly like yours. Our goal is to create a website that reflects who you are so that your best clients can find you.
A long time ago, we discovered that we served clients best by beginning where they are. This means starting with the exact budget a customer has to spend and then later adding to the wordpress design in phases as more money comes available. It’s a source of pride for us to deliver the very best website and wordpress design for the amount a customer can afford. We will take your budget and put everything we can into your WordPress site.
We have worked with many business owners to identify and determine the very best wordpress design for them. Our consultants focus on you, and serving your website design needs – this is not about selling you something. So it doesn’t matter to us if you are just starting out and need a quick one-page site to get going or you have been in business for 50 years and want a wordpress design that will interface with multiple clients. We serve each and every client the same way. We want you to have exactly the wordpress design you want.
When you purchase wordpress design, we’ll ask all the questions that can help you determine exactly the website design or web development plan that is ideal for you.
Stuck with an Unfinished WordPress Design?
We estimate that nearly 62% of our business comes from business owners who purchased a WordPress website or wordpress design from another web development company that, for whatever reason, could not deliver a satisfactory finished product. We have heard so many stories and seen so many examples of why a website isn’t delivered. If you are in this situation and are worried about what’s next, rest assured, we will deliver your wordpress design – on budget and on time.
Protect Your WordPress Design Investment
Our wordpress design experts also have helped clients determine a strategy to:
Recoup their original investment
Utilize whatever wordpress design and development that is currently available
Transition smoothly and seamlessly from their previous wordpress design company
Minimize the spend on your new wordpress design
Our goal is to reduce the stress associated with a bad wordpress design experience and move your toward your goal – completing the project. We offer patient, kind service and help destress your wordpress design decision making.
Buying WordPress Design in – What to Look For 
Buying a new WordPress website, a new wordpress design or web development is difficult. Most business owners present their project to a company, the company says they can do it, and the business owner plunks down a deposit and hopes for the best. Because business owners believe they don’t understand wordpress design, they tend to look at wordpress design as a difficult purchase decision and assume they need a company to tell them what they need.
In fact, this purchase is like every other purchase in your business.
You are looking for the best wordpress design agency or website development team you can get for the budget you can afford.
You are buying a relationship with a company you can trust.
It’s almost impossible to know ahead of time what kind of experience you will have with a company, so we suggest using this checklist when you are interviewing a local wordpress design agency. While this is not a hard and fast list, these are questions we suggest you ask. Unfortunately, the clients who did not ask these are the ones we often see on their second, third or even fourth attempt to develop their WordPress website or create a new wordpress design.
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a WordPress Design Company
How long have you been in business? What brought you to wordpress design? How long have you been designing websites?
What is your business focus/expertise? What makes you an expert?
Is wordpress design the focus of your business?
How many websites do you design and develop each year? (this helps you see how up-to-date they are on current technology)
What is your background? Do you have experience in my industry?
Have you developed sites in my industry? If so, may I see them?
Have you ever missed a wordpress design deadline? If so, why?
Have you ever lost a client? If so, why?
Beyond WordPress Design in — Additional Services
Website Design
Logo Design
Slider Templates
Image Icons
Video Editing and Starter Images
Audio Editing and Play Icons
Landing Page Design
Facebook Pages
Twitter Themes
WordPress Site Designs
Graphical Research
Image Buying Facilitation
Product Images
If you are ready for exceptional wordpress design service in email or call us today for a free quote.
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#Marathon, #Wisconsin
#local, #Wisconsin
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cheapfaresnews · 5 years
Get the Most Out of your Summer Vacation
After having planned your next vacation by reviewing available cheap travel options such as cheap airplane tickets, cheap auto rentals, discount hotel rooms, discount travel deals, and cheap vacation packages you should give some thought how to make your vacation easier, safer, and more fun.
The following are must know summer vacation intel and helpful tips, according to Liza Weisstuch:
·      Swim safely.  No matter how confident you are in the water, always swim where there is a lifeguard and never, under any situation, swim alone.  Many drownings involve single swimmers.  If you can’t find someone to swim with, at least find someone to watch you in the water.  Before diving into water check for depth and obstructions and remember that feet first is much safer than head first.  Never drink and dive.  Alcohol is a major contributing factor in drownings.
 ·      Prepare in advance for an extended road trip.  Keep in mind such trips are marathons, not sprints. One of the most serious problems on the highway is drowsy drivers.  Over half of driver involved fatigue related accidents experienced no symptoms prior to falling asleep behind the wheel.  Instead of relaying on your body to provide warning signs of fatigue, prioritize getting at least seven hours of sleep the night before.  
 Other rules you should follow include traveling during hours when you are normally awake, scheduling breaks every two hours or 100 miles, avoiding heavy foods, traveling with alert passengers, and taking turns driving.
 Distracted driving, everything from texting to eating, is responsible for over 10 percent of all crashes.  Nearly one in three drivers admit to typing or sending a text message or email.  40 percent of drivers admit to reading a text message or email at the wheel.  This is risk not worth taking.  Safe driving requires your full attention.  
 ·      Enjoy the great outdoors.  While being one with nature can be relaxing and rejuvenating, there are factors that can put a damper on an otherwise perfect trip.  To minimize the odds of having a poor experience, you need to plan ahead, know what you will do when you get there, and what to do when you are ready to leave.
 Check up on the site you want to visit well in advance of your departure.  Many places require a reservation and can be booked up to six months in advance.  Even when visiting first come/first reserve sites, you should try to get there mid-week to avoid the rush.  Visit the website hikingproject which provides information on trails and interesting destinations in any area for any level of experience.
 Prepare a checklist before packing.  Pull out your gear, including your tent and stove, ahead of time so that you can make certain everything works properly and all the pieces are there.  
 Planning a menu is important, including what to eat, how to prepare it, and how you will store it.  Dehydrated foods are a great way to keep it simple, which helps with prep and cleanup.
 When leaving do a final sweep to make certain that you have all your gear for next time.  Dispose of all your waste and leave the site better than you found it.
 ·      Include every family member in the fun.  Involve your kids in planning.  This will result in them being more vested in the entire vacation and will likely lead to much less complaining.  Encouraging children to choose activities will ensure that they will be more interested.  
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marathonclothes · 2 years
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The Marathon Checklist For The Season
Whether you’re a seasoned runner or participating for the first time, a marathon checklist can get you race ready any day. Running a marathon can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. One thing that shouldn’t worry you is the gear.
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
My life as a new corporate pilot
When I was fresh out of college, I stumbled into one of the most fun flying jobs I’ve ever had. I had been volunteering for a local airshow and another volunteer introduced me to his friend who managed aircraft for some local companies and high-net-worth individuals. The operation wasn’t an airline that required an ATP so my low flight time, while not exactly a selling point, didn’t cause any legal issues. The problem would be getting me insured in the airplanes. I don’t know what kind of insurance premium was paid and the strings that had to be pulled to list me on an insurance policy for a corporate jet but I am forever grateful that it happened. For someone with less than 1,000 hours and a mere 20 hours of multi, this was an amazing opportunity.
It may be legal to take off in this, but it’s not usually safe.
The Cessna Citation 500 series was a great first jet and I learned a lot about flying turbine aircraft as well as how to be an effective first officer and part of the team. Other than the regulations, we didn’t have many set company rules to abide by. A lot was up to our judgment in regards to runway lengths, time on duty, and minimum visibility for takeoff since the regulations don’t restrict those for part 91 operators.
I learned from some accomplished captains. Three of them had single pilot waivers for the airplane so they were all sharp but welcomed reliable first officers that could help in high workload environments. Not only did I absorb valuable experience learning my role as a first officer, but I witnessed examples of how to be a good captain for later in my career. On the first flight, the captain asked me to work the radios and read the checklists as he called for them. After we took off, the tower controller at CAK handed us off to departure and that’s when I first experienced the sensation of speed that comes with flying a jet. I thought I misread the altimeter when I said 3,000 climbing to 5,000 within a minute of raising the gear. I couldn’t believe how fast we were traveling. We were barely in the air and were accelerating through 200 knots toward 250! As I grew more comfortable and could keep up with the plane, it became a wonderful home in the sky.
From time to time we would get a trips in the Citation V that would last three or four days. Being that we flew all part 91 missions and the airplane almost never moved unless the owners were in it, the captain and I would stay with the plane until the boss had struck “the deal” and it was time to come home. This often led to copious amounts of time to check out local restaurants and museums that I would have never been able to visit otherwise, and to explore wherever it was that we happened to be.
Many times we only had two legs on trips that would sometimes last two or three days. I didn’t get much flight time but those trips paid and as a flight instructor building time towards my coveted ATP, I was just happy to be there. Besides, I figured airline recruiters would prefer me to have more Citation time than a few more hours teaching steep turns in a Cessna 172. We flew for owners that went to Canada, so it was my first international experience too. The paperwork was intimidating at first but the actual flight was just as easy as flights within the US (aside from some thick French accents on the Center frequencies around Montreal). Not all of our trips were to exotic destinations but one particular trip landed us in Key West.
Our Florida trips always had early show times. An early show time wasn’t a big deal for a Parrot-head like me to get a paid for a pilgrimage to the Mecca of the Jimmy Buffet world, so I figured I was coming out ahead. The early flight meant getting to the airport at 5am to prep the plane for a 6:30am departure. Even if the aircraft owners were running late, we would be munching on conch-fritters with gentle steel drum music dancing in the background by early afternoon. The captain had taken the trip because it overlapped with his girlfriend’s birthday. A ticket on the airlines for her to tag along with him for a few days using his already paid for room meant I had a full three days to myself in Key West. I went to Margarittaville, saw the roosters roaming Duvall Street, and did my fair share of snorkeling. I also made sure to take plenty of pictures to prove to my parents how hard I was working. At the time I was training for the Chicago Marathon race and Key West made for a beautiful place to run. I was caught out in a pop-up thunderstorm while running, which made for a refreshing way to cool off towards the end of the run.
Sometimes a trip of a few hours can mean escape from winter temperatures.
A trip to Fort Myers in the Citation Ultra was even more enjoyable because it allowed for some escape from the Ohio winter, which by early February was feeling brisk. Relaxing in 70 degree weather for two days while being paid to be there. Sign me up! The captain on that trip introduced me to Brazilian steakhouses and the delicious meats and flavors my tongue didn’t even know existed. Oh, the rigorous life of a corporate first officer.
Airplanes like these bring new meaning to the phrase, “A mile of runway will take you anywhere,” because they take you there at 400 knots!
There are tough days flying corporate too. The time we couldn’t get out of Teterboro fast enough to get our passengers to a wake in Cleveland due to an unpropitious EDCT (Expect Departure Clearance Time) delay was stressful, but it was mostly good flying. I always felt useful, considering there was a specific purpose for each trip. The other aspect I enjoyed was the level of customer service we could render simply because we knew who we were flying. Flying an owner time and time again, I would get a feel for how they liked to operate in regards to their schedule and we would act accordingly. We even stocked the airplane with different snacks and their favorite drinks based on who we were flying.
There is a downside to this job that I should point out for anyone considering a similar position as mine. I suppose in some ways you could consider it an occupational hazard of sorts. Once we arrived home in Cleveland from our trip to Fort Myers and the owners had left, the captain and I were tidying up the airplane to put it away when I noticed he appeared to be experiencing some shoulder pain. The captain kept rotating his arm as if he were trying to stretch it. The line guy with us asked if he had perhaps hurt it sleeping in a funny position on the hotel bed to which he replied. “I think I swam to many laps in the outdoor pool.” Needless to say we didn’t get any sympathy from line service that day.
What can I say? It’s a rough life that I hope to make a career out of.
The post My life as a new corporate pilot appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/12/my-life-as-a-new-corporate-pilot/
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queenbeez-blog · 5 years
101 Hobbies to Start in 2019 – Listed by Types of Hobbies
via WordPress bit.ly/2EYqcIc
When I was in high school and college, I remember feeling bored. The world was wide open and the possibilities of creating and recreating myself were endless, but everything good in life seemed to be ahead of me. I was always waiting for that good part.
Now, I’m no longer preparing myself for the future. Perhaps I’ve already arrived.
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Published: Dec 26, 2018
101 Hobbies to Start in 2019 – Listed By Types of Hobbies
As much as we love our work, lately our work has become a problem. With travel blogging, there isn’t much separation between work and life, and we’ll admit that we’re both workaholics.
We got swept up in the busyness of NYC and only realized recently how much we started to value work more than anything else. One day we made it a goal to take the evening off, and when we realized we didn’t know how to fill our time, we went right back to work.
This might sound simple, but for us, it hasn’t been so easy. We also need something that we love to do for ourselves and not so we can post about it, which is weirdly a prevalent part of the present human experience.
The Benefits of Hobbies
A few reasons I want to find some new hobbies next year:
To play and relax – We need to find hobbies that can make us zero money and that might possibly bore everyone. haha
To sharpen my mind – I have such terrible memory now and may well be on my way to having early onset Alzheimer’s (it’s in the family and it freaks me out).
For personal growth, enrichment and emotional health – something I’m constantly needing work on.
For better physical health – we already rock climb, but I think we need some activiities with cardio.
Other benefits include:
Learning a useful skill
Socializing and making new friends
Making extra money
Title of Subsection
Also, with our blog, you may already know we’re all about exploring our hometowns and greater backyards. We firmly believe that adventure starts within yourself by cultivating a spirit of adventure. Many of these can be done at home. How much more local can you get?
“Find three hobbies you love: one to earn money, one to stay in shape, and one that allows you to be creative.” And if there were a fourth, we’d add one to make the world a better place. Which of these would you like to do next year?
Content Menu
Outdoor Hobbies
Sports Hobbies
Travel Hobbies
The Arts & Creative Hobbies
Crafting Hobbies
Food & Cooking Hobbies
Collecting Hobbies
Enrichment & Miscellaneous
Outdoor Hobbies
Some of our friends are peak baggers, which is a form of collecting where you summit a list of peaks of your choice (ie the 14ers in Colorado). Also check out our 25 best hikes in the world.
Rock Climbing
It’s a great way to exercise without feeling like you’re exercising. Frequenting the local climbing gym has also been one of the best ways for us to make friends as we move from city to city. Here are some beginner climbing tips for getting started.
Get started by going on a guided canyoneering trip. This is also a great guide to get started.
A lot of climbers also slackline to work on their balance, but there are also people who only slackline. This is the kit we want to set up at home once we move out of our tiny NYC apartment.
Mountaineering is taking hiking to the next level by adding in more technical aspects. You can pick up gear at REI, and they can always show you the best gear. They also have the best return policy.
Mountain Biking
Explore the outdoors on two wheels. Pick up some mountain biking faves here.
Camping can be as relaxing or as extreme as you want. Just as an example, we have this cheaper tent for car camping and this one for long backpacking trips.
If you want to experience the outdoors but still need the comforts, glamping is the way to go. This is one of our favorite glamping trips.
Kayaking, Canoeing, or SUP
Kayaking, canoeing, and/or SUP are great when you travel because it lets you explore areas most people don’t get to. This was one of our first times kayaking.
Try this out by going on rafting trips with guides. You can then pick up some gear when you’re ready to take it more seriously.
Skiing or Snowboarding
We’ve met quite a few people who move to a new city just because of their love of skiing or snowboarding. If you’re worried about the cold, just be sure you have solid winter clothes and you’ll be all set.
Scuba Diving
We had always been interested in scuba diving and finally took classes and got certified in San Diego. We’re whiskey divers now.
Fishing, Crabbing, or Lobstering
Here’s a great beginner fishing kit to get your feet wet. We also wrote this guide on how to go crabbing on the Oregon Coast.
More: 25 Best Hikes in the World to Put On Your Bucket List
Sports Hobbies
A great way to start is by taking lessons at a local archery club.
Regardless of how serious you take bowling, if you go more than a few times a year, you should pick up your own shoes to save money (men’s and women’s).
Cycling comes in many different forms and is a great way to explore and challenge yourself. Check out cycling gear here.
Golfing is great hobby to pick up and something you can do while traveling around the world. Read this book on stuff all golfers should know.
Horse Riding
Whether you want to become a full fledged equestrian or just horseback ride when you’re traveling, there are plenty of different options to get into this.
Ice Skating
Lutz Jump, Twizzle, and Salchow Jump around the ice. Or if you’re like us, just try to learn skating backwards first. If you’re in NYC, here are the best ice skating rinks to visit.
Martial Arts or Kickboxing
I’ve been taking kickboxing with a gf of mine on and off for a couple years. I would borrow gloves, but I always had my own hand wraps.
Parkour / Ninja Warrior
Ever since Ninja Warrior became popular, gyms have been popping up everywhere for free running and NW training. You can even start to build a homemade course.
A couple of our friends were semi-pro paintballers. There are arenas all over the world and you can even pick up your own paintball gun to practice at home.
Jacob used to run a 10k every year with his dad and has done a half marathon. Neither of us really enjoy it any more but we have a lot of friends who do. We love these shoes (men’s + women’s) since they’re great for travel and running.
We picked up one of these pennyboards to learn this year but have been intimidated by the car and pedestrian traffic in NYC.
We’ve been surfing a few times and even took surfing lessons while we lived in San Diego. We’d love to get back into when we’re closer to the ocean.
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise especially as you get older since you don’t put as much stress of your joints.
Join a Sports League
Join your local rec league, whether it’s basketball, tennis, ultimate frisbee, or Jacob’s latest obsession – pickleball.
We’ve never gotten into yoga, but our yogi friends swear by these yoga mats.
More: 9 Wonderful Places to Go Ice Skating in NYC
Travel Hobbies
Cruising is a great way to get a taste of many different countries and cities. Best part? You don’t have to worry about transportation. Check out our ultimate cruise calendar.
Learn to Fly a Plane
Check out the local airport to take lessons.
Road Tripping
Road tripping is a great way to explore the area around your city and appreciate your greater backyard. To help you get started, check out our day trip guides and weekend trip guides.
We loved our 3 months living in an Airstream and recommend trying it out for a season or even a week. Even if you’re not a full timer, it’s great to travel 3-4 months out of the year.
We’ve never entertained the idea of sailing full time since I get seasick, but we’re visiting some of our sailing friends hopefully this year. We’ll see if they change our minds.
More: The Ultimate RV Checklist – Everything You Need For Your First RV
The Arts and Creative Hobbies
This is a great hobby you can practice anywhere without any extra equipment. Watch some videos to get started beatboxing.
We started our blog as a hobby before it became our full time gig. If you want to start a blog, here’s how to start a blog in 5 easy steps. If you want to take it to the next level, check out our course on working with brands.
You can take classes online, in person, or pick up guide books to help you get started.
Coloring can be fun and therapeutic. We did it for a date night and checked out some beautiful travel books.
We started taking hip hop classes last year, but after a few lessons our teacher had to leave the city. Now we need a new teacher! Maybe next we’ll try salsa, ballroom, belly dancing, or even pole dancing.
Whether you just want to doodle, draw anime characters, or comics, you can learn how to draw. This book is so great for people who don’t think they can draw.
There are a lot of different mediums to engrave and it can get really advanced, but it’s easy to pick up a kit for beginners.
Graffiti Art
It’s amazing to see how popular graffiti is and there are beautiful pieces all over the world. With its growing popularity, you can sign up for classes to get started too.
Graphic Design
GIMP and Inkscape are free and great for beginners. Once you get serious, you’ll want the Adobe Creative Cloud to step up your game.
I’ve always wished I could do some basic impersonations. Check out our friend who’s amazing at impersonations!
Improv Class
Whether you want to perform or not, it’s a great way to get over a fear of what people think about you.
Our neighbor has a set of juggling balls on his coffee table so that anyone can pick them up to try. With a little bit of practice, you can do some impressive things.
Latte Art
Release your inner barista by whipping up some latte art. Even if you don’t succeed, you can sip up your messy creation. Here’s a great book for inspiration.
Lately, we watched Magic for Humans, which has piqued our interest in magic. Start with a nice deck of cards to practice your sleight of hand.
Musical Instrument
We both grew up playing piano but lost a lot of what we learned. We still bring our books around with the intention to start practicing again.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint. I took art classes when I was younger and Jacob bought me an easel a few years back so I can start again.
No matter what camera you have, you can always learn how to shoot better photos. If you’re looking for a beginner DSLR, check out this one.
We’ve gotten to know many different people who have their own podcast. Some do it for a hobby and others do it for a living. This set is all you need to get started.
This tool set has the highest ratings.
Did you know that Jacob and his brother created a kid’s puppet show? The initial plan was to learn how to puppeteer as well, but they quickly learned how complex puppeteering is. If you want to dabble and practice puppeteering, buy a couple of puppets or make your own if you’re feeling crafty.
Videography / Filmmaking
Learn how to capture and edit videos so you can create beautiful memories of your own travels. You can even learn to shoot with just your phone by shooting with a gimbal.
Voice Lessons
If you want to take your singing to the next level, consider getting voice lessons to help you improve. The exercises help so much.
Writing can come in many different forms. Join a writing group, or join NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November where you write a novel in a month to help motivate you.
Writing Music
Try your hand at writing your very own music. When you’re comfortable, you can even try performing it at local open mics.
More: How to Start a Blog in 5 Easy Steps
Crafting Hobbies
Balloon Twisting
I did not know this was a thing until one of our friends got into it before his kid’s birthday party. All it took was a basic kit and a bunch of YouTube videos.
Candle Making
Learn to make candles with a DIY kit then enjoy your creations at home or give them out as a gifts.
Cross-Stitching / Embroidery
This is another great hobby that has a ton of resources and kits so that you can do it on your own.
Flower Arranging
Have you ever tried arranging your own flowers. It’s a lot harder than it looks. If you love having fresh flowers at home, this is a great hobby. You can start with this book.
Jewelry Making
I have some basic tools and have learned from friends who make and sell jewelry.
Knitting / Crocheting
I’ve done some basic knitting, which can be relaxing. You can also make nice handmade gifts for your friends.
Leather Crafting
This is a great starter kit for leather crafting.
Start your love for Origami with a basic kit, or nerd out with Jacob by making these crazy Star Wars ones.
Scrapbooking is a great way to work on something that you’ll always cherish. Plus, with so many pre-made accessories, you can easily make it your own.
This is a great practical skill that will save you money. Since I’m short, I always need to hem my pants, which can add up. To start, just pick up a basic sewing machine.
Soap Making
I always think of Fight Club when someone brings up of soap making, but you can always make something more artisanal.
Want to become friends with Nick Offerman? Get into woodworking so you can chat about one of his favorite hobbies. Here’s a book to get you started.
Food & Cooking Hobbies
Bread, brownies, cookies, scones… oh man, my mouth is watering just from the thought of this. Start with the Baking Bible.
Brew Your Own Beer
If you love craft beers, why not try making your own? Here’s a kit to get your started.
Canning / Pickling / Making Jam
Learn to can, pickle, and jam some of your favorite foods. This has over 350 recipes.
Coffee Roasting
This is another great hobby to turn one love into another. If you already love drinking coffee, try roasting your own beans.
We’re all about learning easy recipes since neither of us love cooking (check them out here). We’re probably going to try some InstaPot recipes starting next year.
Food Styling
I’ve always wanted to learn food styling, especially since we take so many food photos. Pick up a book or take local classes.
I’ve tried urban gardening, but have a black thumb. I’m always jealous of people who can grow anything. Apparently having plants in your home can reduce stress and improve productivity.
If you love hosting parties, this is a great hobby to get into. Right now, all we can make is an old fashion, but if you want to get started, check out this guide to over 1000 cocktails.
Wine Tasting
If you’ve ever wanted to become better versed in wine, try taking a wine tasting class. You can also get this book to help you learn more about wines.
Board Games
There are endless board games out there. Our recent favorites are Guesstures and Pit.
If I were to play, I’d get this chess board.
If you love dressing up, try cosplaying.
Lately we love playing Overcooked with friends.
Have a weekly poker night or play other card games. If you’re serious, you could even join tournaments.
Puzzles can be so therapeutic. Find some puzzles of your favorite places.
Trivia Night
If only I had a team of professors… I used to love going to Trivia Night. Even if you don’t win, at least you learn some random and useless facts.
Collecting Hobbies
Find the closest dark sky for some amazing stargazing or attend a star party. We’ll put out a post about the best upcoming events to look out for soon.
During our travels, we met so many birders. Also if you get into wildlife photography, these flashcards can help you with birds.
Foraging is a great hobby if you love to cook too. This book will help you identify, harvest, and prepare edible plants.
Get a New Pet
I wouldn’t say we collect them, but we love our cats and really enjoy spending time with them. We’ve also recently met a lot of people who love breeding fish.
More: 15 Incredible Weekend Trips from Las Vegas
Enrichment & Miscellaneous
Book Club
This is a great way to do something social and help you reach your reading goals.
Start off by getting a DNA test and see how much of your genealogy you can track.
Home Improvement
If you spend a lot of time at home, this is a great hobby to make your space more of your own.
Keep a Bullet Journal
Bullet journaling is a great way to keep records of your day-to-day without the pressure of writing. The Field Notes Expedition is perfect for anyone who travels a lot.
Learn a New Language
Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone. I’ve tried Italian and now want to learn Spanish. How about you?
Learn How to Code
Learn how to code or web design so you create your own sites or help others do it.
Learn Sign Language
If you know anyone who uses sign language, then try learning sign language as well. These Youtube videos can help you get started.
Learn to Write with Non-Dominate Hand
I’ve always wanted to be ambidextrous. Practice writing or other daily task with your non-dominate hand.
I started using a meditation app to help me sleep. It’s become a great habit that I’ll continue next year.
Minimalism / Declutter
We started regularly decluttering after we started moving every year. It’s been incredibly freeing. This is a great documentary to check out if you’re interested in minimalism.
Public Speaking
We’ve talked about joining Toastmasters to get over my fear of public speaking.
Pick something you care about and find a way to get involved with a local organization.
Favorite Quotes on Hobbies
If you need a few more words of motivation to pick up a hobby next year, here are some more quotes I loved.
“I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.” – Sylvia Plath
“Legendary innovators like Franklin, Snow, and Darwin all possess some common intellectual qualities—a certain quickness of mind, unbounded curiosity—but they also share one other defining attribute. They have a lot of hobbies.” – Steven Johnson
Always find time for things that make you happy to be alive. – Unknown
Do you have any hobbies? What hobbies have you had in the past?
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“Discovery consists not of seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes” – M. Proust
Esther + Jacob
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 5 travel blogs in the US. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They explore a new city in depth every year and currently base themselves in NYC.
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