#marceline longclaw
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Been meaning to do introduce Marcy's Amphibian siblings but couldn't think of a good comic (outside of a previous one with Yulivia) and so I did this sketchdump for now.
1. Marceline going from being the top of the pecking order to being 2nd fiddle was unacceptable, especially when her younger siblings cheered it on. 2. Delia is an axolotl orphan from New Newtopia and has a love for cooking, so she's impressed by her new big sister's cooking skills (and her sister-in-law Anne). 3. Firn is the most recent addition to the Yulivia family and is a frog orphan from an orphanage in Frog Valley. 4. Marceline was adopted by Yuliva shortly after the couple retired from office and moved to Wartwood, Marceline was a little eft who lost her birth parents during the war and didn't even have a name. Due to the intellect the little eft showed, Olivia decided to name her Marceline after Marcy. 5. Group shot of the Yulivia siblings that Marcy and Yuliva have framed in their offices.
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[Yunan and her eldest adopted daughter Marceline are coming home and are a mess]
Marceline: I can’t wait to go to bed…
Yunan: Hold on, before we go inside we need to wash off or else.
Marceline: Or else what?
Yunan: Well………
[Flashback, Olivia is preparing dinner and humming a tune. Yunan walks in all muddy after doing yard work]
Yunan: M’love, I’m bac——
[Yunan is cut off as a knife is tossed at her feet and lodged in deep into the wood]
Lady Olivia: That was a warning, dear. If you get dirt or mud on my freshly cleaned floors again, I won’t miss.
Yunan: ///////I love you.
[Flashback ends]
Yunan: And that’s not only how I fell in love with your mother even more but also learned not to track in a mess into the house.
Marceline: But mom wouldn’t actually kill us…right?
Yunan: Marci, look me in the eyes, you remember how Olivia is and you ask that question again.
Marceline:……right, let’s go get cleaned up.
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Marceline, I Dare you to Smack your older sister with a Steel Chair
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How would Marceline feel about playing the role of Marcy in Hop Pop’s play?
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Marcy: Wow, you’re really good with that knife!
Marceline: Thanks. My mom taught me everything I know about combat.
Marcy: Yeah, makes sense with Yunan as your mother.
Marceline: Oh, no, not THAT mother.
Lady Olivia savagely beats up some goons whilst Yunan watches over a young Marceline.
Lady Olivia: Attempting to mug us is one thing, but NO ONE scuffs up my baby’s shoes!
Yunan: ...By Frog, I’m going to have another baby with that woman.
In Olivia’s defense, those were very expensive shoes she had gotten Marceline for her first Newtopian ball. So the thief had to die (well, maimed)
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Marceline, your name sounds exactly like the Character from "Adventure Time". Ever done something that's similar to her?
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[In the Yulivia household. Lady Olivia is finishing up dinner alongside Yunan]
Lady Olivia: Dinner’s almost done, Yun-Bun can you go get Marceline so she can wash up and set the table?
Yunan: Of course, my love.
[While Lady Olivia is cooking, a loud twang, a cut off Yunan yell and a thud is heard from upstairs]
Lady Olivia: Marceline, what did I say about traps?
Marceline: “Not indoors”.
Lady Olivia: Good, now cut your mother down from the trap and come down for dinner.
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Does Anne ever entertain Marci with her old Grubhog puppet?
A remade one sure, granted Marci would says she’s too old for puppets, she still pickpockets it from her Aunt Anne later and keeps it with her hidden grub hog plushie
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What's Marceline Longclaw's relationship with Marcy Wu like?
I haven't finalized the relationship between Marcy and her amphibian siblings but I have figured out that Marcy and Marceline have a decent relationship. Marceline having been told stories about her big human sister and how great she was, only for this clumsy, nerdy, gangly dork to show up and she was put at ease that she wouldn't have to compete with Marcy for their newt mom's affection in since Marcy isn't as legendary as the stories make her out to be. Marceline is an avid adventurer and loves Marcy's stories and how Marcy is down to help. Marceline was impressed by Marcy's alchemy that she asked to be taught and they bonded in sisterhood (Marcy directing her sister to Maddie for more potions and spells while Marcy is back on earth).
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That reminds me: has Marcy give the kids a ride on Joe Sparrow during their Amphibia vacation? Also, how did Maddie react that Marce is naming their youngest child after her?
Once the kids were allowed to go to Amphibia, No one got a ride on Joe Sparrow until seatbelts and parachutes were installed onto the saddle. Obviously it’s the fastest way to travel (until Polly finishes her airship experiment) but by that point Joe would be old and probably couldn’t fly too many people at once unlike what he did when bringing the Trio, Plantars, Grime and Frobo to Newtopia in True Colors. So it’s mostly simple rides with Marcy, however more bird mounts have been trained since and so it’s not like the kids don’t ever get a chance to fly on a giant bird.
Maddie was very touched (tho’ not knowing that the decision to name Maddison after Maddie Flour was mostly Anne’s choice as Marcy chose Yulivia to honor both of her newt moms. But Marcy approved Maddison), Marcy was equally as touched to learn that both her frog niece but also her newt sister were named after her (Marzipan “Marzi” pronounced a bit like Marcy, and Marceline Longclaw-(whatever Olivia’s last name was, Stillwater? Idk), the adopted daughter of Yulivia)
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Who is technically Deadlier between all fanon kids?
Marzipan Plantar-Flour. She looks like a sweet innocent frog girl but her knowledge of plants and potions (unwilling knowledge forced on her by her mom Maddie Plantar-Flour) means that no one expects it.
Sure Lily is skilled in combat but she’s like a Paladin in a sense of Justice and doesn’t want to kill anyone if she can avoid it. Percy isn’t a fighter and Maddison is smart but not the combat type…yet. Sprout has skills but his insecurities keeps him from being great. Marceline Longclaw-(Olivia’s last name) is mostly a petty thief and prefers traps to deadly attacks, her other siblings are pacifists. Azura probably had a body count but that’s just the Isles and doesn’t mean it, if in an actual fight then tries to not seriously harm them. Brenna Noël (Lava Scissors, Lord Dominator x Hekapoo) is trained in combat by both her moms and in villainy by Dominator but she herself isn’t a villain.
I haven’t figured out the fan kids for other ships like Huntlow, Vinira, Veesha, etc etc so I can’t 100% say who’s the deadliest but atm it’d be Marzipan
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What’s a full list of your ocs? That way we know what to request
I guess atm here's a few that I can think of/remember:
from my sci fi comics there's, Leilana Gorloxa, an adventurer and part-time pinup model. Ilxton Gorloxa, Leilana's dad and a professor of Human Culture/Studies. Lance Casanova, a fellow adventurer and womanizer. Avalon, Lance's sidekick with a mysterious past and Leilana's main crush. Moylala, Leilana's pinup manager and former model. There's more but either they don't have names atm or idr.
from my L!LD comics there's the neighbors since the only non-oc is Dominator.
from Amphibia there's the Calamity Siblings (Lily, Percy and Maddi), Sprout and Marzi Plantar, Marceline Longclaw (?) the eldest adopted daughter of Yulivia.
from TOH there's obviously Azura Noceda-Blight the Lumity kid, Paulina Rosathorn Park, the Huntlow kid, Azura's Hexside friends, Evangeline "Eva" (the girl with the horns)who is in the Oracle and Illusion tracks, Wulfrik "Rik" (the tall, gangly beast witchling) who's in the Potion and Abomination track. (I haven't thought up much about Azura's human friends in Gravesfield yet).
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