#marcelo montenegro
noticlick · 1 year
Tribunal Departamental de Justicia suspende interpelación a 8 ministros de Luis Arce
El vocal del Tribunal Departamental de Justicia (TDJ) de La Paz, Israel Campero, dio a conocer que ocho ministros de los dieciséis del gabinete de Luis Arce, no podrán ser interpelados por la Asamblea Legislativa luego de que la Sala Constitucional Primera del TDJ admitió la Acción de Amparo Constitucional presentada por el ministro de Economía, Marcelo Montenegro. Campero aclaró el alcance de la…
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faultfalha · 1 year
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In the high Andes, the Bolivian Central Bank has announced that it will start using Chinese yuan for international settlements. This is a momentous event, as it will allow Bolivia to bypass the United States dollar and use a currency that is more in line with its growing economic ties to China. It is yet to be seen how this will play out in the global financial markets, but one thing is for sure: the yuan is on the rise.
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elchaqueno · 1 year
La facción del MAS tratará de destrabar préstamos este semana
La facción del Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) que apoya al Gobierno de Luis Arce intentará durante esta semana destrabar la validación de préstamos internacionales por US$ 327 millones en la Asamblea Legislativa. Un crédito del BID ya fue rechazado y el jefe de Estado pidó a sus bases exigir la aprobación. Legisladores de la facción ‘evista’ explicaron que los resultados de los 26 préstamos…
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Pichetto en Mar del Plata: "Amo esta ciudad porque es en donde me crié"
Pichetto en Mar del Plata: “Amo esta ciudad porque es en donde me crié”
“La gestión de Guillermo Montenegro es muy prolija. Su relación con el sector del comercio ha sido muy eficiente. Su actitud ante la cuarentena interminable fue de apertura y es para destacar mucho”, sentenció el auditor general de la Nación, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, en una entrevista exclusiva con La Postal de Mar del Plata. Y señaló: “Amo esta ciudad porque es en donde me crié” Por otro lado, se…
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warningsine · 7 months
Voters headed to the polls on Sunday in Portugal's parliamentary election, which is expected to be a showdown between two moderate parties, even as the far-right look to grow their influence.
Although opinion polls suggest a narrow victory for the center-right Democratic Alliance (AD) coalition over the ruling Socialist Party (PS), neither key party is expected to secure a majority.
Meanwhile, the far-right party Chega (Enough) is predicted to make sizeable gains, with surveys showing support increasing from just over 7% to around 15-20%.
Polls opened at 8 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) on the mainland and an hour later on the Azores archipelago.
Around 10.8 million people are eligible to vote to elect 230 legislators to the Portuguese parliament.
The campaign focussed on issues such as corruption, economic concerns, and health care.
Exit poll predictions are expected at around 9 p.m. local time (2000 UTC/GMT)
How will the far right influence the election?
Without an absolute majority, the two leading candidates — Pedro Nuno Santos of the Socialists and Luis Montenegro of the AD — might have to forge alliances with smaller parties to form a government.
The Socialist Party could look to former left-wing allies for alliances, while the Democratic Alliance would face a tough challenge to form a government without Chega, amid its surging popularity.
Conservative President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa faced criticism on Friday after he said in an interview that he would do everything he can to prevent Chega from gaining power. He was called out for deviating from his mandate of remaining neutral.
Montenegro of the AD, meanwhile, has ruled out any post-election agreement with Chega.
Chega's election manifesto vows to deal with "excessive" immigration while also addressing government corruption. Since the 2022 election, the far-right party has seen its support base more than double.
That would mirror gains by far-right parties across Europe.
Why were the elections held early?
The early election was called two years ahead of schedule after former Socialist Prime Minister Antonio Costa resigned due to corruption investigations involving his chief of staff.
Costa himself has not been accused of any crime.  
The investigations involved alleged illegalities in how his government handled major investment projects.
ss/nm (Reuters, dpa)
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whileiamdying · 3 hours
‘I’m Still Here’ Review: Walter Salles Returns Home With the Powerful Story of a Broken Family’s Resistance
Premiering at Venice, the film stars Fernanda Torres as a mother of five children who reinvents herself as a lawyer and activist after suffering a devastating loss at the height of Brazil’s military dictatorship.
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Fernanda Torres in 'I'm Still Here.' COURTESY OF VENICE FILM FESTIVAL
Walter Salles’ 1998 international breakthrough, Central Station, earned an Oscar nomination for the magnificent Fernanda Montenegro. Now in her 90s, the actress turns up toward the end of the director’s first feature in his native Brazil in 16 years, the shattering I’m Still Here(Ainda Estou Aqui), in a role that requires her to speak only through her expressive eyes. What makes the connection even more poignant is that she appears as the elderly, infirm version of the protagonist — a woman of quiet strength and resistance played by Montenegro’s daughter, Fernanda Torres, with extraordinary grace and dignity in the face of emotional suffering.
Many powerful films have been made about the 21 years of military dictatorship in Brazil, from 1964 through 1985, just as they have about similar oppressive regimes in neighboring South American countries like Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. The human rights abuses of systematic torture, murder and forced disappearances represent an open wound on the psyches of those nations, for which cinema has often served as a vessel for collective memory.
It’s not often, however, that the spirit of protest against the horrors of junta rule is viewed through such an intimate lens as I’m Still Here. That aspect is deepened by evidence throughout the film of Salles’ personal investment in the true story of the Paiva family after patriarch Rubens (Selton Mello), a former congressman, was taken from his Rio de Janeiro house in 1971, ostensibly to give a deposition, and never seen or heard from again.
Salles met the family in the late 1960s and spent a significant part of his youth in their home, which he credits as foundational to his cultural and political development. That accounts for the coursing vitality of the early scenes, as the five Paiva siblings dash back and forth between the house and the beach, and an extended family of friends of all ages seems to be constantly dropping by for drinks and meals and music and lively conversation.
There are sweet throwaway moments like two of the sisters dancing and singing along to the Serge Gainsbourg-Jane Birkin wispy make-out classic “Je t’aime … moi non plus,” without understanding the words. Just watching how one of the youngest kids, Marcelo (Guilherme Silveira), sweet-talks his way into keeping a stray dog they found on the beach conveys the warmth, spontaneity and affectionate scrappiness of the Paiva household dynamic. The young actors playing the kids are all disarmingly natural and appealing.
The first blunt intrusion into the family’s bubble of closeness and comfort comes when eldest daughter Vera (Valentina Herszage) is out with a group of friends and their car is pulled over at a tunnel roadblock. It’s a disturbing scene in which we see teenagers — just minutes earlier cruising along, sharing a joint and laughing — ordered at gunpoint to stand against a wall while military officers question them, searching their faces for any resemblance to the “terrorist killers” they’re looking to apprehend.
An occasional hushed phone conversation or private exchange with a friend suggests Rubens’ involvement in something that needs to be kept quiet. But the script by Murilo Hauser and Heitor Lorega, based on the book by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, saves those details until long after Rubens is taken into custody. That puts us in the same position as his wife and children, wondering what their father could possibly have done to place him in the regime’s crosshairs.
The chill of uncertainty is hardest on Rubens’ wife Eunice (Torres), who does what she can to hide what’s going on from the youngest kids. But having armed strangers in their house and a car parked across the street to keep a constant eye on them is tough to explain, and the older siblings are aware something is very wrong.
The situation escalates when Eunice is hauled off for interrogation. With Vera away in London with family friends, the next oldest, 15-year-old Eliana (Luiza Kozovski), is forced to accompany her mother, with bags put over their heads to keep them from knowing where they are being taken.
The interrogation scenes, set in a grim building with confinement cells, are harrowing. Eunice is sequestered for 12 days. Denied contact with the family lawyer, she’s kept completely in the dark about what’s happening to her daughter and is unable to learn where her husband is being held. She’s coerced over and over to identify people in photo files as possible insurgents, but aside from her husband, she recognizes only one woman who teaches at her daughter’s school. Her isolation and fear are made worse by the constant screams of people being tortured coming through the walls.
There are many moments of raw tenderness after Eunice is released — notably when one of her daughters watches from the bathroom doorway, her face a mix of sorrow and terror, as her mother showers away 12 days of grime.
With the government refusing to acknowledge even that her husband was arrested, Eunice continues fishing for information, talking to Rubens’ friends who tell her the military is “shooting blind,” going after random people based on almost nothing concrete. Unable to make bank withdrawals without her husband’s signature, she struggles to keep up with expenses. At the same time, she begins studying the family lawyer’s case file, foreshadowing her eventual decision to relocate with the five children to São Paulo and return to college.
The chief focus of Marcelo Rubens Paiva’s book is essentially his mother’s quiet heroism — first as she single-handedly shoulders the responsibility of keeping the family together and protected, concealing her grief when the inevitable is confirmed, and subsequently when she earns a law degree at 48 and becomes active in a number of causes. That includes pushing for full acknowledgment from authorities of disappeared people like Rubens after democracy is returned to the country.
Salles’ heartfelt film jumps forward 25 years and then by almost 20 more, allowing us to absorb Eunice’s self-reinvention not in big crusading speeches but simply in her dedication to the work of keeping memories alive and not letting the abuses of the past be swept away.
Perhaps the most beautifully observed arc of the film is the gradual rebuilding of the family. As the children grow up and marry and grandchildren come along, they transition back into a noisy, joyful clan much like the one depicted in carefree scenes at the start. Even the simple process of sorting through boxes of family photos is viewed as a loving act of reclamation in a final stretch that will have many audiences in tears.
Torres (one of the stars of Salles’ terrific early film, Foreign Land, co-directed with Daniela Thomas) is a model of eloquent restraint, showing Eunice’s private pain and her necessary fortitude by the subtlest of means. Only once during the film does she raise her voice in anger after a sad occurrence, beating on the windows of the parked car watching the house in Rio and screaming at the two stone-faced men inside.
The final scenes in which Montenegro steps into the role are bittersweet, as Eunice has become nonverbal and uses a wheelchair, in steep decline with Alzheimer’s. The poignancy is almost overwhelming as we watch her gently lean in, her eyes lighting up and a hint of a smile forming, when Rubens’ photograph appears in a television program on the heroes of the resistance.
The movie looks gorgeous. Adrian Teijido’s agile cinematography uses 35mm to great grainy effect to evoke the ‘70s and Super 8mm home movies shot during that decade provide lovely punctuation. The other key asset to the film is Warren Ellis’ score, which starts out pensive and quietly troubling before shifting almost imperceptibly into a much more emotional vein with the surge of feeling that accompanies the forward time jumps.
While it could use a less generic international title that’s not also a well-known Stephen Sondheim song, I’m Still Here is a gripping, profoundly touching film with a deep well of pathos. It’s one of Salles’ best.
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hotnew-pt · 2 days
Marcelo acredita que Orçamento será “fisgado” após encontro entre Montenegro e Pedro Nuno
Trocas de acusações via comunicados à imprensa e ‘rodada’ de negociações às escondidas. O Governo e o Partido Socialista prometem um passo de voltar costas, deixando a viabilização do Orçamento do Estado para 2025 em suspenso. Marcelo indica que o encontro entre Luís Montenegro e Pedro Nuno Santos é bom presságio, voltando a avisar que Portugal deve “dispensar crises”. A entrega para o Orçamento…
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pacosemnoticias · 14 days
Pessoal não docente faz greve a 4 de outubro e poderá encerrar escolas
Os trabalhadores não docentes vão realizar uma greve nacional nas escolas a 4 de outubro para exigir melhores condições de trabalho, uma paralisação que "ainda poderá ser travada pelo ministro da Educação", anunciou o sindicato.
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"Hoje inicia-se um novo ano letivo com um problema crónico nas escolas de falta de pessoal não docente. E por isso estes trabalhadores vão realizar a 4 de outubro uma luta nacional pela criação de carreiras especiais, que permitira acabar a falta de pessoal nas escolas, os baixos salários e precariedade", anunciou o sindicalista Artur Sequeira.
Vários sindicalistas da Federação Nacional dos Sindicatos dos Trabalhadores em Funções Públicas e Sociais (FNSTFPS) concentraram-se hoje em frente ao Liceu Passos Manuel, onde realizaram uma conferência de imprensa para anunciar esta nova luta nacional dos trabalhadores não docentes.
Artur Sequeira lembrou que a grande maioria dos assistentes operacionais (AO) e dos assistentes técnicos (AT) ganham "pouco mais do que o salário mínimo".
Estes trabalhadores vivem em situações de precariedade e por isso têm exigido a criação de uma carreira especial, uma ambição que, segundo Artur Sequeira, foi recusada pela nova equipa do ministro da Educação, Ciência e Inovação (MECI).
"Estivemos reunidos a 3 de julho no ministério e foi-nos dito que não está no programa do Governo a criação de uma carreira especial para os trabalhadores das escolas, mas para nós essa é uma linha vermelha", contou Artur Sequeira.
O sindicalista diz que a greve é o resultado de plenários que têm sido feitos em muitas escolas, nos quais os trabalhadores têm mostrado "forte adesão a esta forma de luta".
No entanto, Artur Sequeira acredita que "o ministro está a tempo de parar esta luta".
Além da criação das carreiras especiais, com a transição dos atuais AO para uma Carreira de Assistentes de Ação Educativa e os AT para uma Carreira de Assistente Administrativo de Administração Escolar, os trabalhadores pedem uma política de aposentação que tenha em conta o desgaste das suas profissões.
A criação de uma nova portaria de rácios de trabalhadores que aumente os funcionários nas escolas é outra das exigências dos sindicatos, que alertam para os efeitos desta carência: direitos dos trabalhadores e qualidade das escolas postos em causa.
O arranque do ano letivo está a ser celebrado pelo Governo, num evento numa escola secundária em Viseu.
O ministro da Educação, Ciência e Inovação, Fernando Alexandre, está acompanhado pelos seus secretários de estado, mas também pelo Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, o presidente da Assembleia da República, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, e o primeiro-ministro, Luis Montenegro.
Cerca de 1,3 milhões de estudantes do 1.º ao 12.º anos começam, entre hoje e a próxima segunda-feira, as aulas de mais um ano letivo em que "milhares de alunos" voltam a não ter todos os professores.
Tal como tem acontecido nos últimos anos, o regresso às aulas volta a ser marcado pela falta de professores, em especial na área metropolitana de Lisboa e no Algarve.
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ocombatente · 4 months
CGJ realiza correições em cartórios judiciais e extrajudiciais em quatro cidades de Rondônia
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A Corregedoria-Geral da Justiça (CGJ) realiza no período de 6 a 10 de maio uma série de correições em cartórios judiciais e extrajudiciais das cidades de Rolim de Moura, Nova Brasilândia D'Oeste, Santa Luzia D'Oeste e Alta Floresta D'Oeste. O Corregedor-Geral da Justiça, desembargador Gilberto Barbosa Batista dos Santos, acompanhado do juiz auxiliar judicial Paulo José do Nascimento Fabrício, do juiz auxiliar extrajudicial Marcelo Tramontini e servidores da CGJ, percorrem os quatro municípios durante a semana. As correições têm como objetivo fiscalizar e monitorar o funcionamento dos serviços do Tribunal de Justiça de Rondônia (TJRO), para garantir o aperfeiçoamento progressivo do Sistema de Justiça rondoniense. As atividades de verificação constante também são mecanismos de prevenção de eventuais irregularidades. As ações possibilitam o contato direto da Corregedoria com magistrados, servidores e demais atores das comarcas. Nesta semana, as equipes de correição visitarão fóruns e farão reuniões com assessores sobre os indicadores das unidades, metas nacionais e outros itens. Também ouvirão representantes da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB Seccional de Rondônia). Já o Corregedor-Geral da Justiça em conjunto com os juízes auxiliares conversam com os magistrados dos fóruns. Confira a lista dos fóruns que passam pela correição entre os dias 6 a 10 de maio: Rolim de Moura: Fórum Juiz Eurico Soares Montenegro Nova Brasilândia D'Oeste: Fórum Juiz José de Melo e Silva Santa Luzia D'Oeste: Fórum Sebastião de Souza Moura Alta Floresta D'Oeste: Fórum Min. Aliomar Baleeiro Assessoria de Comunicação Institucional JavaScript is currently disabled.Please enable it for a better experience of Jumi. Fonte: TJ RO Read the full article
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mariacallous · 4 months
Prison populations in the Balkans, already too high, grew significantly between January 2022 and January 2023, the Council of Europe said on Thursday.
In North Macedonia, the prison population rose by 26 per cent, in Turkey by 15 per cent, in Montenegro 11 per cent and Croatia 10 per cent, the rights body said in a report.
Croatia [101], North Macedonia [101] and Turkey [100] were among five prison administrations that reported “very high” prison density, it added.
Slovenia [107], Romania [120] and Hungary [112] were among seven that reported “severe” overcrowding of more than 105 inmates per 100 places available.
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“For the second consecutive year, the overall European prison population rate slightly grew,” said Professor Marcelo Aebi, head of the SPACE research team from the University of Lausanne, which conducted the research.
“This could still be a bounce-back effect from the reduction experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic years, due to the drop in offline crimes during the lockdowns, the release of prisoners in some countries, and a decrease in the activity of the criminal justice systems,” he said.
Overall in Europe, the number of prisoners per 100 places available grew by two per cent from January 31, 2022 to January 31, 2023 from 91.7 to 93.5 inmates.
In terms of incarceration rates – the number of inmates per 100,000 inhabitants – Balkan states remain among the highest. Montenegro has a “high” incarceration rate of 168, Serbia 162 and North Macedonia 142, the report found. Albania’s rate is 179, while Hungary’s is 211.
Long pre-trial detention periods are common in some Balkan countries, with Albania at the top with 55 per cent of the total number of inmates.
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
i'm getting really pissed wity that brain fuck marcelo and montenegro. I JUST HELPED PORTUGAL NOT GET LIKE USA AND I WASNT PAYED !!! ThatI zelesnhy bitch is here getting money anddoing what mfers? Have u read the comments on those videos?
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timriva-blog · 6 months
Portugal, una derecha dividida
Montenegro es el ganador de las elecciones sin que su partido se haya movido: gana porque el PS se ha despeñado Escrito por Ángel Rivero El pasado domingo se celebraron elecciones legislativas anticipadas en Portugal. La justificación de la disolución del Parlamento decidida por el presidente de la República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, era la dimisión del primer ministro António Costa, salpicado…
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ferrolano-blog · 7 months
El colapso del sistema político portugués tras un bienio catastrófico le sirvió el domingo en bandeja al ultraderechista André Ventura, líder del Chega, la oportunidad para dar un salto histórico... Todos los actores políticos tradicionales de Portugal trabajaron en la práctica en los dos últimos años a favor de la ultraderecha... No obstante, el principal valedor del Chega fue desde el primer momento el Gobierno socialista, que murió de éxito con la mayoría absoluta... Los escándalos se sucedieron... llegando a elegir como sucesor al exministro de Infraestructuras Pedro Nuno Santos, que había tenido que dejar el Gobierno por el escándalo de las indemnizaciones de oro de la aerolínea TAP... El presidente de la República, el conservador Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, también hizo su decisiva contribución para el éxito de la extrema derecha, al negarse a que los socialistas recompusiesen su gobierno tras la dimisión de Costa... El intenso aumento de la inmigración en el último decenio, la fuerte subida de precios en los productos básicos y la coyuntura internacional de inseguridad, con las guerras y la emergencia climática, completaron un escenario en el que Ventura, hábil demagogo formado en la escuela televisiva del fútbol y los sucesos, jugó sus cartas con eficacia... La evidencia es que, tras ser el que mejor resistió en el sur de Europa en los últimos lustros, el sistema político portugués ha entrado también en colapso, justo cuando se ha recuperado la participación, hasta un 66% que es el máximo de este siglo, lo que demuestra que la abstención era un reflejo de un malestar profundo que no se canalizaba en las urnas (Anxo Lugilde)
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videiradacosta · 10 months
Marcelo, embora seja popular não é propriamente um populista, tem ideias e práticas democrático-liberais do tipo reformista, estilo Ala Liberal, do tempo de Caetano. Portanto, sabe da sua responsabilidade histórica enquanto Presidente da República; portanto, acha que a evolução será sempre na continuidade, que as graçolas e as cunhas são parte do exercício do cargo, porque o mais importante é o continuum, a primavera que transita tudo do inverno para o verão. Eu noto-lhe, por vezes, tiques de quem gostaria de ter a gravitas de Mário Soares, Guterres e Sampaio, por exemplo, mas para isso ele necessitava de mais densidade, de um sentido de oportunidade histórico genuinamente democrático. No caso da crise atual, ele optou pelo "golpe de estado" - exagero meu -, quando poderia interpretar o pedido de demissão do primeiro ministro à luz da maioria absoluta, em defesa do voto dos portugueses. Bom, poderia ter sido pior: se consagrasse Montenegro, o tal que proclamou, no dia 7 ou no dia 8, a seguir ao putsch, que estava preparado para governar. No fundo, só assumiu o papel de andorinha anunciando mais uma primavera marcelista.
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Em um clima de otimismo e reconhecimento, a Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 abriu suas portas nesta quarta-feira (dia 4), no Centro de Eventos do Ceará, em Fortaleza. Com a expectativa de gerar mais de R$ 300 milhões em negócios e receber cerca de 25 mil visitantes nos quatro dias de evento, a feira, que está na quinta edição, é considerada uma das principais do segmento no Brasil, reúne fabricantes, revendedores, empresários e profissionais da cadeia produtiva dos materiais de construção do Norte e Nordeste. “Pretendemos colaborar para impulsionar todo o ecossistema da construção civil, que é um dos mais representativos para a economia, responsável por boa parte do PIB nacional”, observa Carlito Lira, CEO da Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 e Presidente da Associação dos Comerciantes de Materiais de Construção do Ceará (ACOMAC-CE). Na solenidade de abertura, foi entregue o Prêmio Mérito Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 para empresários de destaque no setor, em cada Estado do Nordeste: Antônio José de Freitas Mello, fundador do Grupo Normatel, e Gilberto Joaquim Gomes da Costa, Presidente do Conselho da ACAL Home Center - ambos representando o Estado do Ceará. Alex Mendonça, Vice-Presidente do Grupo Carajás - representado pelo gerente regional Fábio Costa, veio do Estado de Alagoas. Carlos Aurélio de Carvalho Nunes, o Carlinhos da Tupan, Presidente do Grupo Tupan, marcou presença pelo Estado de Pernambuco. Também receberam a 1ª edição do Prêmio Mérito Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 os empresários Genivan Josué Batista, da Rede Aconstrutora (RN); Marcelo Brasil, do Grupo Potiguar (MA) - representado pela filha, Camila Brasil; Henrique Lara, Presidente da Projecta (PB); Luzinaldo Alves (Naldo), Presidente do Atacadão do Piso (BA); e Tiago José, Presidente da Ampla Material de Construção (PI). “A partir desta edição, a Expoconstruir Nordeste passa a ser um evento anual. Iremos homenagear, a cada evento, empresários que investem no setor, em cada um dos Estados do Nordeste. Com seu trabalho eles geram emprego, renda e contribuem para o desenvolvimento da nossa região e do nosso país”, explicou Carlito Lira, CEO da Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023. A abertura também teve a presença de autoridades políticas e empresariais - a exemplo do Presidente da Habitafor, Carlos Kleber (representando o prefeito José Sarto), o vice-presidente da Fiec, André Montenegro; Liana Fujita, titular da Secretaria Executiva de Logística Intermodal e Obras (representando o Governador Elmano de Freitas); o vice-presidente da Área Financeira do Sinduscon-CE, Clausens Duarte; e o presidente da Agência de Desenvolvimento do Ceará (ADECE), Danilo Serpa. Inovação Ao longo dos quatro dias de evento, os visitantes poderão conferir as soluções mais inovadoras para construção, reforma e acabamento, com fabricantes de todo o Norte e Nordeste, além de outras partes do Brasil. Revestimentos, rejuntes, louças sanitárias e cerâmicas, materiais elétricos e hidráulicos, máquinas e equipamentos, iluminação, tintas, itens de proteção e segurança, entre outros, estão entre as atrações dos expositores, em uma área de 10 mil metros quadrados de estandes. Arena do Conhecimento A feira também será um grande difusor de conhecimento para empreendedores de todos os portes que estarão participando do evento - desde donos de lojas de materiais de construção até gestores de obras e profissionais da área. Na Arena do Conhecimento, estarão sendo realizadas palestras sobre planejamento de negócios, logística, estratégia de vendas, marketing digital, entre outros conteúdos, que podem ampliar a visão dos empresários. "Um evento como a Expoconstruir tem um potencial transformador: o empreendedor participa, adquire novos conhecimentos e volta com novas ideias, para melhorar o seu negócio", projeta Carlito Lira, CEO da Expoconstruir. A Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 é uma promoção Associação dos Comerciantes de Materiais de Construção do Ceará (Acomac) e pelo Sindicato da Indústria da Construção
Civil do Ceará (Sinduscon-CE) e conta com apoio oficial do Conselho Regional dos Representantes Comerciais no Estado do Ceará (Core-CE), Coopercon-CE, Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Ceará (CAU-CE), Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Ceará (Fiec), Sebrae e Agência de Desenvolvimento do Estado do Ceará (ADECE). Expoconstruir Nordeste 2023 Até dia 7 de outubro - Centro de Eventos do Ceará (Pavilhão Leste) Informações: expoconstruir.com.br
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
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La Confederación Argentina de Atletismo viene realizando un gran esfuerzo a los fines de concretar un tercer GPS y un segundo meeting “E”, durante este año 2023. En este caso con la colaboración de las Federaciones Atléticas de Provincia de Buenos Aires, Federación Marplatense, y Federación Metropolitana respectivamente. El apoyo económico del ENARD y Atletismo Sudamericano y la colaboración en alojamiento de la secretaria de Deportes de la Nación, y diversas empresas privadas. La organización  en el Semana del Mar Ofrecerá  plazas de alojamiento y comida limitadas, por lo que se solicita confirmar participación o baja urgente para asignar lugares en el hotel en orden de mérito. También habrá disponible un bus desde Buenos aires a Mar del plata ida y vuelta (plazas limitadas). Aquellos que quisieran ser beneficiarios de tales servicios, por favor inscribirse en el siguiente formulario: Click aqui A la brevedad posible se publicará listado de beneficiarios de alojamiento y comida como así también del traslado. El mismo se realizará en orden de mérito deportivo.    Listado de atletas habilitados para Grand Prix Semana del Mar 1-10-23 100 metros llanos 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                FAM 10.47     1.8         Tomás Pablo Mondino                   SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                    SL 10.57     1.0         Tomás Ariel Villegas                      SL 10.62     1.8         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                      MZA 10.65     -1.0        Bautista Diamante                           FAM 10.66     1.8          Felipe Harte                                     FAM 10.69     1.5         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                   FAM 10.70     1.0         Francisco Santinelli                        SF 10.70     2.0         Gonzalo Agustín Delgado                            SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                  FAM   400 metros llanos 45.34                    Elián Gaspar Larregina                  FAM 46.61                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 47.86                    Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 48.00                    Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM 48.45                   Leandro Paris.                                 SL 48.57                   Maximo.Peratz                                 BA 48.66                   Manuel Robles                                 FAM   800 metros llanos 1:49.18                Leandro Ismael Paris                      SL 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 1:50.93                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                     BA 1:51.65                Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                    BA 1:52.01                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                              FAM 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                      SF 1:52.67                Marcelo Eugenio Labonia                            FAM 1:53.15                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                   CAT 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte   BA 1:53.65                Vicente Gómez                                FAM   3.000 metros llanos José Zabala                                      SF Julian Molina                                   SF Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA Fabián Manrique                                            FAM Pablo Agustín Toledo                     SDE Alexis Corrias                                  RN Gianfranco Presti                                           COR José Lorenzo Riba                          COR Juan Ignacio Dutari                         COR Agustín Contreras                           BA Ezequiel Chavarria                         TUC Daniel Diaz Mateo                          FAM Fausto Alonso                                  FAM Carlos Augusto Johnson                SF Miguel Garro                                   FAM Manuel Rojas                                   BA Alan Esteban Niestroj                    FAM Mauricio Agustín Garzón                             SDE Nahuel Alberto Di Leva                 FAM Antonio Hernando                          CHU Mauro Ezequiel Rozza                   FAM 400 metros con vallas 50.35                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro                            SL 51.94                    Guillermo Manuel Ruggeri            FAM 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                FAM 54.28                    Iván Edgar Montenegro                  BA 54.66                    Sebastián Daniel Mengeón            ER 54.87                    Bautista Joaquín Astiz                   BA Tomas Ballarini.                              FAM Salto en alto 2.23 a                   Carlos Daniel Layoy                       FAM 2.06 a                   Benjamín Santiago Aguilera          FAM 2.06                      Santiago Zezular                                            COR 2.03                      Lucas Figueroa                                BA 2.01                      Walter Imanol Alfonzo                  MNS 2.00                      Lautaro Taiel Mantello                  CHU 2.00                      Gastón Emiliano Benítez               MNS 2.00                      Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto con garrocha 5.60                      Germán Pablo Chiaraviglio           SF 4.80                      Nicolas Yglesias Nascimento-bra BA 4.70                      Agustín Carril                                  BA 4.30                      Félix Oruezabala                                            FAM 4.20                      Zahir Alejandro Romano               SF 4.10                      Raffin Pampa                                   COR 4.10                      Ayrton Franco                                 SF 4.00                      Joaquín Olmos                                 FAM   Salto en largo 7.55       1.7         Luciano Gabriel Ferrari                 COR 7.52   ��   2.0         Julián Farías                                     BA 7.43       1.5         Brian Agustín López                       SF 7.32 a    1.8         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 7.27       0.7         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 7.13       1.2         Ignacio Joaquín Fushimi                FAM 7.05       0.3         Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Lanzamiento de bala 20.74                    Nazareno Uriel Sasia                      ER 19.73                    Juan Ignacio Carballo                     COR 17.44                    Juan Manuel Arriéguez                  BA   Lanzamiento de martillo 74.59                    Joaquín Gabriel Gómez                 FAM 64.58                    Sebastián Ariel Tommasi                              ER 63.43                    Lautaro Gabriel Vouilloz                             BA 61.60                    Tomás Olivera                                 BA Mujeres 100 metros llanos 11.47     0.7         María Victoria Woodward                           COR 11.51     0.7         María Florencia Lamboglia           FAM 11.85     -0.3        Melanie Soledad Rosalez                             FAM 11.97     0.7         Sofía Tamara Casetta                      FAM 11.98     1.6         Ana Laura Catelén                          BA 12.02     1.1         Camila Roffo                                   FAM 12.02     0.9         Morena Zárate                                 BA 12.04     1.1         Luisina Zabala                                 COR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                FAM 12.06 a  -0.1        Valentian Napolitano                     FAM 12.10     0.6         Victoria Zanolli                               ER 12.14     -1.2        Marlene Koss                                   FAM 12.15     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                     COR 12.05     1.6         Abigail León-Rodríguez  ven        BA 400 metros llanos 55.22                    Martina Escudero                            RN 55.23                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                   COR 55.76                    Camila Florencia Roffo                  FAM 56.58                    Celeste María Molina                     BA 56.76 a                 Sofía Ximena Ibarra                        FAM 56.93                    Ana Laura Catelén                          BA 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                  FAM 57.02                    Paulina Knees                                  FAM 57.35                    Luisina Zabala                                 COR 57.56                    Tiziana Rimedio                              SL 57.59                    Malena Galván                                FA 57.64                    María Emilia Batalla                       FAM 57.87                    Helen Bernard Stilling                    FAM 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                            ER   800 metros llanos 2:05.83                Martina Escudero                            RN 2:09.89                Juana Zuberbuhler                          BA 2:10.06                Evangelina Luján Thomas                            CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                              FAM 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                       FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                          BA 2:15.16                Victoria Olives                                SF 2:17.45                Sofia Ximena Ibarra                        FAM 2:18.97                Martina Adamo                               FAM 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                 BA 2:19.10                María José Rosales                         SL 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                           ER 2:19.44                Camila González                                            FAM 2:19.81                Agustina Inés Pintos                       CTS 2:20.27                Florencia Allevato                          FAM 2:20.66                Leila Giselle Ferraro                       FAM 3.000 metros llanos Belen Casetta                                   BA Mariana Borelli                               BA Carolina Lozano                                             SF Clara Macarena Baiocchi                             COR Angela Sofía Gómez                       FAM Renata Dolhare                                FAM Micaela Levaggi                              BA Ainhoa Roldán                                BA         U20 Nair Dianes                                      BA Angela Sofia Gomez                       FAM Iara Becker                                       FAM Camila Farinelli                               FAM Agustina Peralta                              FAM Catalina Garcia Paul                       FAM Constanza Garrido                          BA Leticia Rodriguez                            FAM Shalom Lescano                              BA         U20 Nadine Vilca                                    CAT       U23 Brisa Rodriguez                               BA Salto con garrocha 4.00                      Carolina Scarponi                           FAM 3.60                      Paula Gómez Iriondo                      SF 3.50                      Josefina Brunet                               SF 3.50                      Carola Bruno                                   FAM 3.40                      Melina Magalí Cardozo                 BA Salto en largo 6.20 a    -0.3        Victoria Zanolli                               ER 5.77       1.1         Andrea Ubiedo                                BA 5.74       -0.6        Marlene Koss                                   FAM 5.65       0.1         Leila Garetto                                    SF 5.55       1.6         Camila Luciana Zita                       FAM 5.52       1.6         Paula Augstina Dulcic                    FAM Lanzamiento de disco 56.92                    Ailén Armada                                  BA 48.00                    María Candela Ratibel                   FAM 43.07                    Magalí Dadario                                BA           Listado de atletas habilitados para el Meeting E “Juan Carlos Zabala 3-10-23   200 metros llanos 20.92     0.9         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                   FAM 20.93     1.3         Tomás Pablo Mondino                   SF 21.10     1.8         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.37     -0.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                FAM 21.42     1.3         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                      MZA 21.49     -0.6        Francisco Santinelli                        SF 21.51     1.3         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                  FAM 21.52     1.3         Lucas Adrián Villegas                    SL 21.60     1.3         Tomás Ariel Villegas                      SL 21.65     1.3         Felipe Harte                                     FAM 21.75     1.7         Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 21.81     0.3         Gonzalo Agustín Delgado                            SL 21.82     1.5         Pablo Zuliani                                   SF 21.82     2.0         Manuel Juárez                                 FAM 21.82     1.3         Manuel Federico Robles                FAM 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                  FAM 21.92     1.3         Máximo Peratz                                BA   400 metros llanos 45.34                    Elián Gaspar Larregina                  FAM 46.61                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.86                    Julián Alberto Gaviola                   FAM 48.00                    Estanislao Mendivil                        FAM   1.500 metros llanos 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 3:49.85                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                   RN 3:50.00                Juan Ignacio Dutari                         COR 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras        BA 3:50.57                Miguel Garro                                   FAM 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan                            FAM 3:51.17                Augusto Mariano Cochet                              FAM 3:51.21                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                     BA 3:54.67                José Lorenzo Riba                          COR 5.000 metros llanos 14:20.97                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:25.66                             Alexis Gabriel Corrías                   RN 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                    FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                         TUC 14:43.76                             Mauro Ezequiel Rozza                   FAM 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                             SJ 14:44.71                             Gianfranco Presti                                           COR 14:45.96                             Agustín Adrián Da Silva                MNS 14:54.35                             Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 14:52.45                             Nahuel Alberto Di Leva                 FAM 14:53.68                             Manuel Rojas                                   BA 14:56.41                             Emmanuel Alejandro Ance           BA 31:52.77                             Mateo Díaz                                       FAM 32:44.27                             Marcelo Frías                                   BA 8:45.81                Angel Díaz                                       FAM 8:29.42                Daniel Oscar Penta                         SF 8:43.11                Claudio Maximiliano Farías          SF     Salto en alto 2.23 a                   Carlos Daniel Layoy                       FAM 2.06 a                   Benjamín Santiago Aguilera          FAM 2.06                      Santiago Zezular                                            COR 2.03                      Lucas Figueroa                                BA 2.01                      Walter Imanol Alfonzo                  MNS 2.00                      Lautaro Taiel Mantello                  CHU 2.00                      Gastón Emiliano Benítez               MNS 2.00                      Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto con garrocha 5.60                      Germán Pablo Chiaraviglio           SF 4.80                      Nicolas Yglesias Nascimento-bra BA 4.70                      Agustín Carril                                  BA 4.30                      Félix Oruezabala                                            FAM 4.20                      Zahir Alejandro Romano               SF 4.10                      Raffin Pampa                                   COR 4.10                      Ayrton Franco                                 SF 4.00                      Joaquín Olmos                                 FAM Salto en largo 7.55       1.7         Luciano Gabriel Ferrari                 COR 7.52       2.0         Julián Farías                                     BA 7.43       1.5         Brian Agustín López                       SF 7.32 a    1.8         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 7.27       0.7         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 7.13       1.2         Ignacio Joaquín Fushimi                FAM 7.05       0.3         Santiago Madroñal                          BA   Salto triple 16.01     2.0         Maximiliano Andrés Díaz                            SAL 15.39     1.3         Nazareno Heber Melgarejo           FAM 14.98     1.4         Fabrizio Luciano Buenanueva      FAM 14.91 a  0.9         Maximiliano Albarracín                SAL 14.88     1.4         José Emmanuel Alvarez                 CHA 14.69     2.0         Martín Natanael Heredia               FAM 14.48     1.7         Ezequiel Sferra                                BA 14.37     2.0         Diego Daniel Dimaro                      BA 14.25     1.3         Valentino Javier Molet                  SF 14.14     0.9         Denis Lautaro Belizan                    CHA   Lanzamiento de bala 20.74                    Nazareno Uriel Sasia                      ER 19.73                    Juan Ignacio Carballo                     COR 17.44                    Juan Manuel Arriéguez                  BA 15.19                    Juan Pablo Sale                               SF 15.03                    Marcos Luciano Pitón                    MZA 14.96                    Lázaro Bonora                                 SF Lanzamiento de martillo 74.59                    Joaquín Gabriel Gómez                 FAM 64.58                    Sebastián Ariel Tommasi                              ER 63.43                    Lautaro Gabriel Vouilloz                             BA 61.60                    Tomás Olivera                                 BA 57.82                    Julio Nahuel Nóbile                        SF   200 metros llanos 23.67     -0.2        María Florencia Lamboglia           FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                             FAM 24.82     0.9         Sofía Tamara Casetta                      FAM 24.85     1.2         Read the full article
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