#marco reardon
somefandomcontent · 1 year
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Congratulations to all the Hudson & Rex nominees for the Canadian Screen Awards!
Best Lead Performance, Drama Series: John Reardon
Best Lead Performance, Drama Series:  Mayko Nguyen
Best Supporting Performer, Drama Series: Kevin Hanchard
Best Guest Performance, Drama Series: Natalie Brown
Best Sound, Fiction: Janice Ierulli, Matthew Hussey, Marco Döelle, Hilary Thomson, Mark Shnuriwsky, Dave Johnson, Harvey Hyslop, Matthew Thomson
Best Original Music, Drama: Gary Koftinoff, Philip J. Bennett
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kley-blog · 2 years
Well, nothing like channeling Christmas a little early . . .
Gets it all over and done with . . .
A frightfully post-post modern Christmas it is too . . .
So many twists and references . . .
I suppose I would have to watch it frequently for several decades and really do my homework to catch them all . . .
But . . .
That’s Hollywood . . .
Particularly durning Christmas madness . . .
Enjoy . . .
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marcoreardon · 2 years
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Gladys Cooper
Colorized and interprated black and white photo of British actress Gladys Cooper by Montréal photographer Marco Réardon.
The grand dame of English theater and a prolific screen actress, Gladys Cooper was one of the most revered performers of her generation. She began appearing as a photographic model as a child, and after her stage career began she became a popular pin-up postcard model for British troops during World War I. Her first film appearance was in the silent feature "The Eleventh Commandment" in 1913, but she continued acting on stage, earning notice for work in plays such as Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" in 1938 at the Open Air Theatre.
Photo noir et blanc de l'actrice britannique Gladys Cooper colorisée et modifiée par le photographe de Montréal Marco Réardon. Photographe original inconnu.
Dame Gladys Cooper est une actrice anglaise, née le 18 décembre 1888 à Lewisham (Royaume-Uni), morte le 17 novembre 1971 à Henley-on-Thames (Royaume-Uni). Elle vécut ses dernières années en Angleterre où elle meurt en 1971 d'une pneumonie à Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.
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tonimining · 3 years
PARAISO - SADAELS from Hernan Corera on Vimeo.
✺ ♞ ✺ PARAISO ✺ ♞ ✺
Directed by: Hernan Corera
Created by: Hernán Corera, Martín Holzman & Juan Daels Written by: Hernán Corera & Martín Holzman
Produced by Mamá Hungara, Argentina Cine,  Stink & JVVENAL
Cast: Sunrise Singer: Vida Uniqua Spinetta Sunset Singer: Virginia Correa Dupuy Mercy Team, Legendary Malambo Dancer: Fabian Serna Mercy Team #1: Rosalba Menna Mercy Team #2: Ornella Karen Noelia Hermida Mercy Team #3: Josefina Seoane Mercy Team #4: Lourdes Nair Gaurisse Vignera Severity Team Pythoness: Analia Pisano Severity Team #1: Ailin Sofia Barsanti Severity Team #2: Luna Gonella Severity Team #3: Victoria Vexina Severity Team #4: Isabella Ferri Soria Laud: Igor Herzog Gambling Girl: Irune Porcel Laburu Referee: Roberto Paredes Priest: Waymallen Kalen Card collector: David Duarte  Accountant: Juan Manuel Damperat
Spectators: Camila Lamaro - Justo Benitez - Federico Solimando - Jordan Lescano - Mateo Balgane - Ana Mendoza - Juan Manuel Damperat - Matias Hernan Caseros - Nahil Gelené - Carlos Sallete - Saul Garderes
Executive producers Juan Saravia Luca Macome Hernán Corera Belisario Saravia   Cinematographer Luciano Badaracco Edited by  Manuel Dondas
Production Designer Valentina Luppino Costume Designer Juan Daels Fashion Image and Concept Designer Joaquín Diaz & Josefina Roveta Stylist Joaquín Diaz & Josefina Roveta  Costume assist  Alberto Romano Gil Costume assist  Agustina Arful  Malambo costume design by Nilda Beatriz Aguiar Hair & Makeup Yamo Zarlenga for Niche Studio Hair & Make up team Mora Burset Hair & Make up team Abril Fumo
Music Director: Daniel Schnock Music: YYYY, Virginia Correa Dupuy, Igor Herzog & Vida Uniqua Spinetta
Color Correction Alejandra Lescano Graphic Design Los Caballos Card Design Maximiliano Manso y Mariano Calvo VFX Prosthetics Marcos Berta Casting CRUDO Post-Production Coordinator Aldo Ferrari
Sound Design and Mix BAMBA Sound Engineer: Matías Yúdica Bartels Foley: Diego Marcone Producer Bamba: Tomás Becú & Juan Manuel Marín Fraga
"Pueblo de Orfalese" by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"En la vida siguiente"  by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"Lo que hay detrás del miedo" by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"En que nos parecemos" Composed by María Elena Walsh interpretada por Virginia Correa Dupuy & Vida Spinetta
AD: Florencia Poggi 2nd AD Barbara Terasani Set Decorator Carmen Rivoira Production Manager Esteban Budassi Production Assistant Franco Charnas Production Assistant Santiago Perusin Propmaster Emanuel Fernandez Propmaster assist. Fabián Santiago Enríquez Focus puller Sofia Sarasola 2nd Camera assist. Francis Farrell Video Assist Florencia Scosceria Gaffer Julian Badino Electrician Martin Poleri Electrician Leandro Rocha Electrician Hector Abel Villalva  Key grip Pablo Bejarano Grip  Maximiliano Tolosa  Sound Juan Luis Bianchi 
Press: Malena Souto Arena Photos Johanna Ekonen Translator Emma Reardon
Animal Wrangler Fabricio Salvador Elissetche  Security  Emanuel Enresto Dominguez
Catering Alexis Damian Cabilla Catering Daniela Dalto Santillan Catering Maria Eugenia Rodriguez Catering Martin Andrade  Catering Mauro Aboy 
Rental AJAF Seguros ART Risk Media Alq. Varios de producción Produtech
Hotel Baló Yamay Ecoturismo
Trucks Pimba Production Nicolás Vicchio Production Cristian Rossi  Bus TRASLADA
Con el Apoyo de la municipalidad de LAS FLORES "Generando un nuevo polo de servicios audiovisuales"
Special Thanks to:
Secretaría de Cultura de Las Flores and staff - Secretaría de Desarrollo Productivo y Sustentable and staff - Delegación de Pardo - Capilla Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro - Club de Football Social y Recreativo Unión Deportiva Pardo - Asociación de Bomberos Voluntarios Las Flores 
Bar vieja estación - Alfredo Ariel Valiante  - Mario Harrison – Lisandro  Paggi - Emilia Acosta - Camila Lamaro- - Julieta Spina - Dante Spinetta - María José Carnero - Pablo Bernst - - Nahil Gelené  - Facundo Saravia
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ymaggiewong · 5 years
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克魯斯堡劇院(Crucible Theatre),對桌球迷來說絕對不會陌生。這個位於英國錫菲爾德市中心的Icon是世界桌球錦標賽的正賽場地,被譽為「桌球聖地」、所有職業球員的夢想舞台,能夠踏上此殿堂揮桿,那怕鍛羽而歸,也足以回味一生。兩個月後,女子桌球賽將在這個傳奇劇院舉行,這是16年來的第一次,對於包括香港「四眼Cue后」吳安儀在內的4位女將確如夢想成真、意義非凡,也標誌女子桌運發展邁向新里程。
1971年開幕的克魯斯堡劇院自1977年起成為世界桌球賽舉辦場地,42年來見證了桌球歷史無數偉大時刻,Ray Reardon、泰萊、戴維斯、亨特利、奧蘇利雲等都在這裡青史留名,香港球手傅家俊也曾18次亮相,並兩度(2006及2016年)打入4強,他說不管自己是當年初出道那個黃毛小子、還是如今已變沙場老將,總之每次身處克魯斯堡比賽,心情都是那麼期待、緊張、雀躍。
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筆者2013年亦曾親到克魯斯堡「朝聖」,兼觀賞Marco對史提芬斯的世界賽首圈賽事,正因劇院並非宏偉的現代化建築物,反而更覺貼地親切。世界賽期間,場內放滿獎盃、球星巨型照片及歷屆冠軍牆,Fans也可等候偶像現身,要求合照和索取簽名,球星一般都不會拒絕。至於比賽場地雖然只設980個座位,但氣氛超棒,當兩張球枱同步作賽時,第一排觀眾與球員席接近得觸手可及。別說球手,即使作為球迷,能在克魯斯堡看世界賽,同樣是Dream come true!
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不過隨著女子桌球運動的積極推廣和速迅發展,球壇百花齊放,英國、香港、中國及泰國等球手實力接近,水平不斷提升,女將「破百」不再罕見,泰國的Nutcharut Wongharuthai早前更成為首位打出受認證「147」的女球手。運動員有表現自然有市場,容易吸引贊助商,終於,女子桌球巡迴賽(Women’s Tour Championship)今年迎來新突破,落實於8月17日「重返」克魯斯堡,先辦邀請賽打響頭炮,由4位頂級選手包括世界「一姐」伊雲絲、吳安儀、世界排名第3的Rebecca Kenna及Nutcharut Wongharuthai同場較技。世界女子桌總(WWS)同時與劇院簽訂3年合約,巡迴賽直至2021年都會落戶克魯斯堡劇院,足證女子桌球地位全面「升呢」,廣受認同。
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vaneandkarla-blog · 6 years
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Firefox comenzó como una rama experimental del proyecto Mozilla a cargo de Dave Hyatt, Joe Hewitt y Blake Ross. En su opinión, las exigencias comerciales del patrocinio de Netscape y el gran número de características de Mozilla Application Suitecomprometían la utilidad de este. Para combatir lo que ellos denominaban inflada Mozilla Application Suite, crearon un navegador independiente con la intención de reemplazarla. El 3 de abril de 2003, la Organización Mozilla anuncia que centraría sus esfuerzos en Firefox y Thunderbird.
El navegador cambió varias veces de nombre. Originalmente fue llamado Phoenix pero por razones legales, debió ser cambiado al estar ya registrado por el desarrollador de BIOS Phoenix Technologies. El nombre elegido fue «Firebird» (Pájaro de Fuego), lo que provocó una polémica por parte la base de datos Firebird. Sin embargo, la presión constante de la comunidad forzó a que, tras considerar otros nombres como «Firebird Browser» y «Mozilla Firebird», el 9 de febrero de 2004 se rebautizara finalmente como Mozilla Firefox,a menudo referido simplemente como «Firefox» y abreviado como «Fx» o «fx», o más común como «FF».Este nombre se eligió por su semejanza con Firebird y por ser único en la industria informática. Para garantizar la estabilidad del nuevo nombre, la Fundación Mozilla empezó en diciembre de 2003 el procedimiento para registrarse como marca depositada en Estados Unidos.
El proyecto Internet Explorer se inició en el verano de 1994 por Thomas Reardon y, posteriormente, dirigido por Benjamin Slivka, aprovechando el código fuente de Spyglass, Inc. Mosaic, uno de los primeros navegadores web comerciales con vínculos formales con el navegador pionero NCSA Mosaic.
A finales de 1994, Microsoft se acoge al licenciamiento de Spyglass Mosaic para su ulterior desarrollo, mediante un pago trimestral más un porcentaje de los ingresos producidos por las ganancias que recibiera del software. Aunque con un nombre similar al NCSA Mosaic, Spyglass Mosaic utilizó el código fuente de NCSA Mosaic solo con moderación.
Internet Explorer fue lanzado por primera vez para su instalación como un complemento de Microsoft Plus! para Windows 95 en el año de 1995. Posteriormente se introduciría gratuitamente en determinadas versiones OEM de Windows 95, y además se incluyó de forma predeterminada en versiones posteriores de Windows. Sin embargo, el permitir que el sistema operativo llevara consigo el navegador de forma gratuita (evitando con ello el pago de regalías a Spyglass, Inc.), hizo que poco después se tradujera en una demanda y una posterior indemnización de varios millones de dólares.
Google Chrome es un navegador web de software privativo o código cerrado desarrollado por Google, aunque derivado de proyectos de código abierto (como el motor de renderizado Blink).Está disponible gratuitamente. El nombre del navegador deriva del término en inglés usado para el marco de la interfaz gráfica de usuario («chrome»).
Cuenta con más de 750 millones de usuarios,y dependiendo de la fuente de medición global, puede ser considerado el navegador más usado de la Web variando hasta el segundo puesto, algunas veces logrando la popularidad mundial en la primera posición. Actualmente el número de usuarios aumentó considerablemente situándose en una cuota de mercado cercana al 54 % convirtiéndolo en el navegador más utilizado de todo el planeta.
Los lanzamientos de Chrome son obtenidos a partir de Chromium, el proyecto de software libre que también sirve de base para el sistema operativo Chrome OS.Chromium es publicado con una licencia de derechos de autor laxa.En esencia, los aportes hechos por el proyecto libre Chromium fundamentan el código fuente del navegador base sobre el que está construido Chrome y por tanto tendrá sus mismas características, a las cuales Google adiciona otras que no son software libre. También se cambia el nombre y logotipo por otros ligeramente diferentes para proteger la marca comercial de Google. El resultado se publica bajo términos de software privativo.De acuerdo a la documentación para desarrolladores, «“Chromium” es el nombre del proyecto, no del producto, y no debería aparecer nunca entre las variables del código, nombres de APIs, etc. Utilícese “chrome” en su lugar».
El 2 de septiembre de 2008, salió a la luz la primera versión al mercado, siendo esta una versión beta. Finalmente, el 11 de diciembre de 2008, se lanzó una versión estable al público en general. Actualmente el navegador está disponible para Windows, OS X, Linux, Android y iOS.
Historia opera
Opera nació en 1994 como un proyecto de investigación en Telenor, la compañía más grande de telecomunicaciones Noruega. En 1995, ramificada a cabo en una empresa llamada Opera Software ASA. Opera fue liberado por primera vez en público con la versión 2.0, en 1996, que sólo funcionaba en Microsoft Windows. En un intento por capitalizar en los emergentes mercados para dispositivos de mano conectados al Internet, un proyecto para portar Opera a plataformas de dispositivos móviles se inició en 1998. Opera 4.0, publicado en 2000, incluía un nuevo núcleo de plataformas cruzadas que facilitaba la creación de las ediciones de Opera de múltiples sistemas operativos y plataformas, y también incluyó la navegación por pestañas. Hasta el momento, Opera era Trialware y se tenía que adquirir después de terminado el período de prueba. Pero la versión 5.0 (liberada en 2000) vio el fin de este requisito. En lugar de ello, se puso apoyado por anuncios, mostrando anuncios a los usuarios que no han pagado por ello. Las versiones siguientes de Opera daban al usuario la opción de ver los anuncios de banners o anuncios de texto de Google. Con la versión 8.5 (liberada en 2005), los anuncios fueron retirados por completo y principal apoyo financiero para el navegador fue a través de los ingresos de Google (que es por contrato el motor de búsqueda por defecto). Entre las nuevas características introducidas en la versión 9.1 (liberada en 2006) había la protección contra fraudes utilizando la tecnología de GeoTrust, el proveedor de un certificado digital, y PhishTank, una organización que rastrea los conocidos sitios web de Phishing. También en 2006, las ediciones de Opera se hicieron y fueron liberadas para los sistemas de juegos de Nintendo Wii y Nintendo DS. Opera para el Wii, llamado el Canal Internet, se pueden bajar de forma gratuita desde su lanzamiento en abril 12, 2007 hasta el 30 de junio de 2007. Después del 30 de junio, los usuarios de Wii tenían que pagar 500 Puntos Wii (alrededor de 5 dólares de los EE.UU. ) para descargarlo. Desde el 1 de septiembre de 2009, el navegador Opera vuelve a estar disponible de forma gratuita para Wii. Los usuarios que hayan pagado por la descarga del canal podrán descargar un videojuego de igual importe al coste del navegador (500 puntos Nintendo). El Nintendo DS Browser tampoco es gratis, sino que se vende como un cartucho de juego DS física.
Antes del lanzamiento de Safari, Apple incluía el navegador Internet Explorer para Mac de Microsoft a sus computadoras como navegador predeterminado.
La primera versión beta de Safari fue presentada en la exposición Macworld el 7 de enero de 2003 y fue liberada en forma de beta pública. Su versión 1.0 se lanzó en junio de 2003. La versión 1.1 se publicó en octubre del mismo año y se convirtió en la primera versión de Safari en ser el navegador predeterminado para Mac OS X.
La versión 2.0 hizo su aparición el 29 de abril de 2005 formando parte de Mac OS X v10.4. El 31 de octubre de 2005, en una actualización de Tiger, liberada la versión 2.0.2, convirtiendo a Safari en el primer navegador que pasaba el test Acid2.
El 9 de enero de 2007, Steve Jobs anunció que el teléfono inteligente de Apple Inc. (iPhone) usaría Safari para la exploración de sitios web. Para el 11 de junio de 2007 Safari 3 fue anunciado y una beta pública fue puesta a disposición de los usuarios. En esta ocasión Steve Jobs anunció que, sobre la base de la experiencia adquirida en iTunes para PC, podrían sacar una versión de Safari para Microsoft Windows. Con el lanzamiento de Mac OS X v10.5 el 26 de octubre de 2007, fue incluida la primera versión estable de Safari 3.
El 24 de febrero de 2009 se lanzó una beta de la versión 4 del navegador con una interfaz rediseñada, y utilizando su nuevo motor JavaScript Nitro, que en pruebas sintéticas supera al rendimiento de Google Chrome y Firefox 35 beta. Finalmente, el 8 de junio del mismo año, y anunciado en el WWDC Keynote, se introdujo la versión final del Safari 4. En la versión para Windows se eliminó la pequeña interfaz Aqua del navegador, que le daba un aspecto de usabilidad similar al Mac OS X, quedando un aspecto más parecido al nativo de Windows. Esto no gustó mucho a los usuarios muchos de los cuales cambiaron a la competencia.
En enero de 2010, Microsoft negocia con Apple para que Bing sea el buscador por defecto en su navegador Safari, tanto en su versión para Mac OS X como para el iPhone y el iPod touch. Sin embargo, hoy en día, el buscador predeterminado es Google.
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titoslondon-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.co.uk/the-fashion-awards-2017-the-winners/
The Fashion Awards 2017: The Winners
Nominees for the 2017 Fashion Awards were “chosen from hundreds of international names and they represent the most creative talent and innovative businesses of the year,” BFC chairman Natalie Massenet told press upon unveiling the nominees back in October.
Tonight’s ceremony was an emotionally charged celebration as the fashion’s finest paid homage to industry veterans of the past and the bright young things of the future. Dior’s Maria Grazia Chiuri acknowledged the late Franza Sozzani, while Naomi Campbell and an assemblage of models presented a powerful, united message that while Azzedine Alaïa might have passed away, his legacy will live on.
See the full list of winners below.
1/13 Model of the Year – Adwoa Aboah
Image: Getty
Outstanding Contribution to British Fashion Award – Christopher Bailey with Anna Wintour
Image: Getty
British Designer of the Year (Menswear) – Craig Green for Craig Green
Image: Getty
British Designer of the Year (Womenswear) – Jonathan Anderson for JW Anderson and Accessories Designer of the Year -Jonathan Anderson for Loewe
Image: Getty
Swarovski Award For Positive Change – Maria Grazia Chiuri with Nadja Swarovski
Image: Instagram.com/swarovski
Urban Luxe Brand – Virgil Abloh for Off-White
Image: Getty
Isabella Blow Award for Fashion Creator – Pat McGrath
Image: Instagram.com
British Emerging Talent (Womenswear) – Michael Halpern for HalpernBritish Emerging Talent (Menswear) – Charles Jeffrey for Charles Jeffrey Loverboy
Image: Getty
Business Leader – Marco Bizzarri for Gucci
Image: Instagram.com/gucci
Special Recognition Award For Innovation – Stella McCartney
Image: Getty
Style Icon – Donatella Versace
Image: Getty
Designer of the Year – Raf Simons
Image: Getty
See all the red-carpet highlights from the awards below.
1/59 Adwoa Aboah and Christopher Bailey
Image: Getty
Agyness Deyn
Image: Getty
Amber Le Bon
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Amber Valletta
Image: Getty
Ashley Graham
Image: Getty
Aymeline Valade
Image: Getty
Camilla Rutherford
Image: Getty
Caroline Flack
Image: Getty
Caroline Rush
Image: Getty
Charlie Heaton and Natalie Dyer
Image: Getty
Charlotte Dellal
Image: Getty
Connor McGregor, Donatella Versace and Lewis Hamilton
Image: Getty
Dame Natalie Massenet and Erik Torstensson
Image: Getty
Derek Blasberg
Image: Getty
Dermot O'Leary
Image: Getty
Doina Ciobanu
Image: Getty
Erykah Badu
Image: Getty
Eva Herzigova
Image: Getty
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
Image: Getty
Hailey Baldwin
Image: Getty
Halima Aden
Image: Getty
Harold Tillman
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Holly Marie Willoughby
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Isaac Carew
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Iska Lawrence
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Jessica Kahawaty
Image: Getty
Jourdan Dunn
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Kaia Gerber
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Karlie Kloss
Image: Getty
Kate Reardon and Anya Hindmarch
Image: Getty
Laura Carmichael and Christopher Kane
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Lilah Parsons
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Livia Firth
Image: Getty
Mary Charteris
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Mary Katrantzou
Image: Getty
Matty Bovan
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Millie Mackintosh
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Nadja Swarovski
Image: Getty
Naomi Campbell
Image: Getty
Olga Kurylenko
Image: Getty
Pamela Anderson
Image: Getty
Pixie Lott and Oliver Cheshire
Image: Getty
Poppy Delevingne
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Professor Green
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Richard Biedul
Image: Getty
Rita Ora
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Ruth Wilson
Image: Getty
Selena Gomez
Image: Getty
Sheikha Aisha Al-Thani and Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al-Rabban
Image: Getty
Stella Maxwell
Image: Getty
Stephen Jones
Image: Getty
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Suki Waterhouse
Image: Getty
Suzy Menkes
Image: Getty
Tallia Storm
Image: Getty
Tania Fares
Image: Getty
Tinie Tempah
Image: Getty
Winnie Harlow
Image: Getty
Image: Getty
This article originally appeared on Vogue.co.uk
The post The Fashion Awards 2017: The Winners appeared first on VOGUE India.
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bighousela · 7 years
WAVE  A man wakes from a coma speaking a fully formed but unrecognizable language baffling linguistic experts from around the globe. Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaveShortFilm Folllow on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waveshortfilm/ WAVE - TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/214217381 Director’s Bios Benjamin Cleary is an Irish filmmaker living between London and Dublin. In 2015 he wrote, directed and edited his first short film, Stutterer, which won the Oscar for Best Live Action Short at the 88th Academy Awards in February 2016. Stutterer has played at more than 80 festivals worldwide and has won over 20 awards including a Cannes Young Director Award, an Irish Film & Television Award (IFTA) and a London Critic’s Circle Award. In addition to this Benjamin was selected for the esteemed Les Nuit En Or scheme in France as one of 30 award-winning directors from around the world to tour Europe presenting their work. Benjamin is represented by Anonymous Content for film & TV in the US. In the UK he is repped by Ian Benson of The Agency, London. TJ O’Grady Peyton is an Irish director who graduated from the London Film School’s prestigious graduate program in 2010. Fresh into the professional ad space, he was shortlisted for the Young Director Award at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in 2013 and 2015, later earning a People’s Voice Award at The Webby Awards in 2016. He has created narrative-driven commercials for such top clients as BMW, Gatorade, Cadillac, Coke, Nespresso, and Conde Nast, among others. A cinephile from a young age, TJ infuses a cinematic edge and emotional through line in all of his work, no matter what length. TJ is represented by Decon in New York and he is currently studying screen acting in one of Ireland’s leading creative hubs, Bow Street. Later this year he will be acting alongside Ellen Page in zombie thriller “The Third Wave”. The Story of Wave July 2015. Ben had spent over a year making STUTTERER which had just started its festival run. After editing the film for ages and caught in the throws of festival submissions, he was in dire need of jumping into something non STUTTERER related. TJ had just returned from directing a commercial in Australia for Gatorade with NFL Quaterback Cam Newton and was very eager to direct a short while also sink his teeth into some more acting. Ben and TJ had been mates for years and have always wanted to collaborate. After chatting one night, TJ mentioned that he wanted to give acting a proper go. Ben had seen him in a small Irish indie feature a few years previously and was impressed. They decided that Ben would write something for TJ to act in and both would co direct. The rules were simple: zero budget, under five minutes, and something they can shoot on a weekend with a few mates… Cut to: nineteen months later. 14-ish shoot days. Over thirty crew members. Twelve actors. Twenty locations. Fourteen outfit changes. One made up language. One Phantom. One Alexa. One 5D. Dawn shoots. Night shoots. Storm shoots. Sleepless nights. Three post houses. 46 VFX shots. Entire vats of coffee. Sixty youtube videos from every continent. And a world premiere in Tribeca. That original plan to come up with something tiny and contained went out the window when Ben read an article about an Englishman who had suffered a severe stroke. When he recovered, the man was speaking fluent Welsh even though he hadn’t lived in Wales since he was a young boy. Ben became fascinated with the phenomenon and started to discover similar cases around the world. He wrote a script loosely based on these strange happenings – but the kicker being that the protagonist would be speaking an entirely new language. Over the course of an intense month of work, Ben and TJ started planning how they would bring WAVE from script to screen.  Excitement started to build! Enter: producer extraordinaire, Rebecca Bourke. For the first week or two Ben and TJ started rounding up a few mates and loosely planning a shoot in Ben’s flat (while they worked out how to create a made up language that would sound believable). But things really got going when they managed to convince Rebecca to join the team. Rebecca is a talented producer who runs a production company called Assembly in Dublin. Suddenly the whole thing took on a more professional feel and started to gain momentum. Over the next nineteen months, the team found themselves pulled in all directions. Everyone was busy, many of us being taken away to work outside the country. WAVE became this process where like it’s protagonist – our production had to discover its own short hand to make this passion project come to life. We would get together every few months when everyone was in Dublin to shoot a bit here, and a little bit there. And slowly but surely everything began to fall into place. We had the excellent cinematographer Burschi Wojnar on board who has his own Alexa and was immensely generous with his time. As the lead actor, TJ was on his own in many of scenes so we were able to shoot whenever we wanted. And we had Rebecca on hand to organize a watertight shoot and call in the favours whenever needed. It was tough at times and frustrating and the project went through many ups and downs, but it was actually a great way to make a film and WAVE became a passion project that everyone loved being a part of. The genre police would probably call WAVE a dramedy, and there’s probably truth to that, but from deep pain, comes great comedy, and Ben + TJ do feel deeply connected to the films tragic current. Its those moments Ben + TJ find most fascinating to explore. Alienation. Isolation. Loneliness. Empathy. At it’s heart the directors hope WAVE is successful in exploring the human condition in an interesting way. In the end, the team have (finally) made a film that they’re all very proud of. If they had to do it all again starting tomorrow, would they be crazy enough to dive back into the deep end? The answer might just be yes. Credits: CAST Gasper Rubicon - TJ O’Grady Peyton Frank - Emmet Kirwan Leaf - Tiny James Huldvar - Danny Kehoe Doctor - Daniel Reardon Speech Therapist 1 - Caoimhe O’Malley Speech Therapist 2 - Barry Kinsella Russian Doctor 1 - Conor Fleming Russian Doctor 2 - Rebecca Bourke Girl at bus stop - Sarah Flanagan Extras on Bray promenade - Pauline Curtin, Margaret Colgan, Matthew Pereira, Sandra Kurova, Casper & Bear, Owen Quigley, Bridie Horan, Neal Swaine, Andrew Kingston, Julien Torades, Jack Nother, Marguerite Collins VO Artist - TBC CREW Director - Benjamin Cleary & TJ O’Grady Peyton Writer - Benjamin Cleary Producer - Rebecca Bourke Production Company - ASSEMBLY Director of Photography - Burschi Wojnar 1st AD - Stephen Rigney Art Director - Jill Beecher Phantom Operator - Seamus Connolly Costume Designer - Sarah Flanagan Script Editor - Seamas O’Reilly Gaffer - Kevin Fox Focus Pullers - Mark Hannon, Gosia Zur, Keith Pendred Clapper Loaders - Conor Fleming, Denise McKenna Camera Assistants - Sam Whelan Sound Recordist - Frank Asencio, Dean Murray, Rob Moore Boom Operators - Anthony Assad Make Up - Orlaith Shore Assistant Art Dept - Brian Quinn Production - Dave Minogue Paramedic - Ian Fitzgerald Camera and Grip - Widescreen, Film Equipment Hire and Viko Nikci Lighting - Teach Solais and Cine Electric Studio - Replay House Post Production - Screen Scene Editor - Nathan Nugent Post Producers - Alan Collins, Peter Greene Motion Graphics - John O’Riordan VFX - Bob Corish Compositor - Zdravko Stoitchkov - Absolute Post Production Assistant - Geri Krasteva - Absolute Grade - Gary Curran - Outer Limits Caoimhe Maguire - Outer Limits Graphic Designers - Sinead Foley and Emma Grattan Sound Editor, Sound Designer and Foley Artist - James Latimer Music - Nico Casal Blogs - Dave Byran entertainment.ie, Buzzfeed Social Media - Annabel Cleary LOCATIONS Bray Head Hotel Royal City of Dublin Hospital Roma Takeaway Sandymount Strand Dublin City DART SPECIAL THANKS Jim Duggan, Jake Walshe and Hubert Montag at Screen Scene Absolute, Adam Clarke, Outer Limits YouTube Ena Cummins at Bray Head Hotel Lulu and Shay Cleary Sarah Flanagan Hannah Vickers Caoimhe Doyle Gemma Davey Donnacha Brady John Keepler Sean Sheehy Alison Callinan Ian Fitzgerald John Nally Renaldas Damijonaitis Historic Interiors DenLors Tools Geri Krasteva Amy De Bhrun Mike Donnelly Gareth Averill Roisin Scott Credits Dagmar Barr Ciaran Irwin Maria Fiorentini Emer Casey Stephen Doring Flaminia Iacoviello Hazel Lowry Jessica Massey Manuel Pombo Jake Fox YouTube Video Contributors Joe O’Grady, Teresa O’Grady-Peyton, Michael Garvey, Marco Hinojosa Patricia Cahuantzi, Carmen Tarín, Karl Moran, Spesialista Band Michael Binchy, Suhaila Binchy, Aurelia Binchy, Tess Bunworth Sheelin Conlon, Billy Clark, Mark Hayes, Flaminia Iacoviello,Fiona O’Farrell Stephanie Burchell, Marcella McLoughlin, Sheila Lynam, Don Veale Emma Fleetwood, Nykol O’Shea, Ciaran Murray, Jennifer Dunne, John McCoy Annabel Cleary, Winnie Cleary, Lulu Cleary, Shay Cleary, James Hartshorn Gosia Zur, Carmen Leuthi, Burschi Wojnar, Matt Cooper, Gemma Fitzgerald Mark Fitzgerald, Ian Fitzgerald, Michael O’Connor, Jenny Bourke, Kristof Van Marsenille, Ruth Bourke, Adrian Bourke, Hugo Bourke, Adrien Bourke Julien Bourke, Jane Bourke, Lochlainn Sweeney, Suina Sweeney, Eoin Sweeney Henry Bourke, Emily Kennedy Bourke, Beibhinn Bourke, Isabel Gargollo Nicole Hajj, Josua Gerner, Jan Gerner, Danilo, Ariandia, David Magnier Lisa Fawsitt, Keith Elliott, Caroline Elliott, Megan Campbell, Alex Moran Roderigo González-O’Brien, Pelayo Vazquez-Roderiguez, Javier RomeroCumbreras, Javier Blanco-Villarroel, Luke Arragutainaq, Eva Arragutainaq Annabelle Arragutainaq, Aaron Zaska,Todd Davis, Michael White Savannah James-Bayly, Laura Murphy, Luke Kenny, Michael Mello William Langslet, Santiago Munez, Kaori Taketani + friends, Mark Kearney Tara Kearney, Katerina Graham MUSIC Emilie Simon - Franky Knight - “Les Amants Du Même Jour” The Chantels “Sure of Love” Margaret Murray The Childrens Opera Group “Sumer is Icumen” Margaret Murray The Childrens Opera Group “Simple Simon” David Bowie “Rock n Roll Suicide”
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bestsnookervideos · 7 years
Best Snooker Shots 2017 - The shots that you can not miss! Best Soccer Matches Aggregates the best videos from all around youtube If this is your vidoe and you want us to remove it please send us a message. Thank you. The 2017 Ladbrokes Players Championship professional ranking snooker tournament was played between 6–12 March 2017 at the Venue Cymru in Llandudno, Wales. It was the 17th ranking event of the 2016/2017 season.In the 2016/17 season the Players Tour Championship was cancelled, and the main event was renamed to Players Championship and moved to Llandudno. It is now being played between the top 16 players on a one-year ranking list. WHAT A SHOT! The best snooker Shots of 2017 TOP SHOTS!!! TOP 25 GREATEST SNOOKER SHOTS | Masters Snooker Billiard 2017 [Ronnie O'Sullivan, Joe Perry, Mark Allen] Joe Perry, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Judd Trump, Shaun Murphy, Barry Hawkins, Neil Robertson, Liang Wenbo, Mark Allen, Ding Junhui, Marco Fu, Ali Carter,Mark Williams In the 1870s, billiards was a popular sport played by members of the British Army stationed in India. Snooker gained its own identity in 1884 when officer Sir Neville Chamberlain, while stationed in Ooty, devised a set of rules that combined pyramid and life pool. The word snooker was a long used military term used to describe inexperienced or first year personnel. The game grew in popularity in England, cemented by the formation of the Billiards Association and Control Club (BB&CC) in 1919. It is now governed by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA).The World Snooker Championship has taken place since 1927, with Joe Davis becoming a key figure in the early growth of the sport with 15 championship wins from 1927 to 1946. The modern era began in 1969 after the BBC commissioned the snooker television show Pot Black and began to air the World Championship since 1978, which led to the sport's new peak in popularity with Ray Reardon dominating the game in the 1970s, Steve Davis in the 1980s, and Stephen Hendry in the 1990s; Ronnie O'Sullivan has won the most world titles since 2000. Best 5 Snooker Shots 2017 Steve Davis and John Parrott show how to hit the screw shot, in which the cue ball rolls back after contact with the target. The video contains slow motion footage of what's happening to the cue ball in response to contact with the cue.The objective of the game is to score more points than one's opponent by potting object balls in the correct order. At the start of a frame, the balls are positioned as shown, and the players then take turns to hit shots by striking the cue ball with the tip of the cue, their aim being to pot one of the red balls into a pocket and thereby score a point, or, if this is not possible, to at least hit a red ball so as to avoid making a foul shot. If the striker pots a red ball, he or she must then pot one of the six colours (in snooker, the term colour is understood to exclude the red balls). If the player successfully pots a colour, the value of that ball is added to the player's score, and the ball is returned to its starting position on the table. After that, the player must pot another red ball, then another colour, and so on. This process continues until the str
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marcoreardon · 3 years
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Les soeurs Gaudreau / Gaudreau Sisters, Stanbridge East, Québec, 1912
Stunning Black and white photo taken in 1912 of the Gaudreau sisters restaured and colorized by Montreal photographer Marco Réardon in March of 2021. Unknown original photographer. They lived in Stanbridge East, Québec, a few kilometers north of the US border.
I believe their startled looks may indeed have had to do with posing. Many cameras from that era required quite a long exposure. They likely would have been told to try not to blink; and the natural reaction when trying not to blink is to stare wide-eyed. You saw this a lot with portraits, esp. those old shots of Civil War soldiers and miners headed to the gold rush.
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marcoreardon · 3 years
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Newspaper Boys, 1915, Los Angeles. B+W photo Colorized by Marco Réardon, Montreal photographer.
Restauration and colorization by Montreal photographer Marco Réardon of a black and white photo taken in May 1915 by american photographer Lewis Wickes Hine.
Tough specimen of Los Angeles newsboys. Nine-year-old newsie and his seven-year-old brother named «Red».
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marcoreardon · 3 years
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Colorisation par le photographe Marco Réardon d'une photo noir-et-blanc d'un bus de la RATP dans une rue de Paris en 1952.
Le Renault TN 6 est certainement le bus parisien le plus célèbre. Autobus de 50 places à plate-forme arrière, moteur à essence 6 cylindres de 7,98 l., caisse en bois, il sort des ateliers de Billancourt à partir de 1932.
Il allait remplacer sur les lignes du réseau parisien les vieux Schneider et les tramways, en complément d’un modèle TN 4 moins puissant. Au total, 770 Renault TN 6 furent mis en service. « Réformés » en 1955, ils ne disparurent définitivement du paysage parisien qu’en février 1969: près de 40 ans de bons et loyaux services.
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marcoreardon · 4 years
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Leola N. King, First Female Traffic Cop, in 1918 in Washington, colorized by photographer Marco Reardon
Location: near the Carnegie Library in Washington, D.C., USA.
Léola N. King en 1918, première femme policière de Washington aux États-Unis. Photo colorisée en octobre 2020 par Marco Réardon, photographe à Montréal.
Photoby: GHI/Universal History Archive
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marcoreardon · 2 years
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Basilique de Quebec colorisée par Marco Réardon, photographe à Montréal, Québec
Photo noir et blanc de la Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville et de la Basilique colorisée par le photographe Marco Réardon. Sur cette photo prise vers 1880, on peut voir que chaque façade de magasin était ornée par des auvents. Selon l’historien Jean-Marie Lebel, ceci avait pour but de protéger les passants des intempéries en leur offrant la possibilité de faire du lèche-vitrine à leur guise.
Sur la gauche, le cinéma Empire, le restaurant Kerhulu et les magasin Simon’s et la bijouterie Birk’s. En haut à droite, la librairie Garneau, Holt Renfrew’s et la rue du Trésor.
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marcoreardon · 3 years
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Photographie de la famille de M. Adjutor de Montigny alignée sur le perron de leur demeure à l'Île d'orléans, Qc, en 1926. On y voit M. Adjutor de Montigny, son épouse, Éva Tailleur, et leurs douze enfants. Le couple s'est marié en septembre 1912.
L'île d'Orléans est riche d'histoire et de patrimoine. Plus de 325 familles d'origine française, qui compte aujourd'hui plus de 100 000 descendants répartis partout en Amérique du Nord, y ont élu domicile et défriché le sol au XVIIe siècle. Photographie originale noir et blanc (gélatino-bromure sur verre) d'Edgar Gariépy (1881-1956) colorisée par le photographe Marco Réardon en janvier 2021.
1926 photograph of Mr. Adjutor de Montigny’s family aligned on the porch of their home on Île d'orléans, Que. It shows Mr. Adjutor de Montigny, his wife, Éva Tailleur, and their twelve children. The couple married in September 1912.
Île d'Orléans is rich in history and heritage. More than 325 families of French origin, which today has more than 100,000 descendants throughout North America, made their home and cultivated the ground in the 17th century.
Original black and white (gelatin-bromide on glass) photograph by Edgar Gariépy (1881-1956) colorized by photographer Marco Réardon in january of 2021.
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marcoreardon · 4 years
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Black and white photo of silent films actress Gloria Swanson colorized by photographer Marco Réardon. Original photo taken by photographer Alfred Cheney in 1922.
Gloria Swanson was born Gloria May Josephine Svensson in Chicago, Illinois. She was destined to be perhaps one of the biggest stars of the silent movie era. Her personality and antics in private definitely made her a favorite with America's movie-going public. Gloria certainly didn't intend on going into show business. After her formal education in the Chicago school system and elsewhere, she began work in a department store as a salesclerk. In 1915, at the age of 18, she decided to go to a Chicago movie studio with an aunt to see how motion pictures were made. She was plucked out of the crowd, because of her beauty, to be included as a bit player in the film The Fable of Elvira and Farina and the Meal Ticket (1915). In her next film, she was an extra also, when she appeared in At the End of a Perfect Day (1915). After another uncredited role, Gloria got a more substantial role in Sweedie Goes to College (1915). In 1916, she first appeared with future husband Wallace Beery. Once married, the two pulled up stakes in Chicago and moved to Los Angeles to the film colony of Hollywood.
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