#marcs again. otherwise it's the soft long earred bunnies)
bunnyb34r · 7 months
Okay finally rested enough to talk ab the craft show!
So for YEARS this one has been heaaavily coveted by many crafters and has been hard to get in, but always told that it's worth it. That you'll make your table cost back in like two hours!
Yeah no... had mom not made wreaths, we would have lost money... Anyway super super dead at times like absolutely no one walking around, just the vendors getting up and shopping bc they could. Then it would pick up but you would get maybe 2 interested shoppers out of every 10. 4 if you were lucky.
People adored the boo boo bunnies and cat toys and I sold the most of them. So now I have to make more cat toys 😭. It's not the amount of effort it takes to make them, I love making them. I hate stuffing them with catnip 😭😭😭 but that's why people (and cats) love them. Also need to put bells on them bc people really like the ones with bells, which I stopped doing bc several people kept asking if I thought their cats would eat the bells... like you can cut it off man idc sgdggdgd once you buy it it's yours idc if YOU eat it if that's your thing just give me my dollar
Have to make a card for the bunnies bc it's hit or miss on if people know what they're for (you pop em in the freezer and hold them to a small "boo boo" and use it like a little ice pack, or you can pop out the reusable cube and use ice. Either way it's a cute little ice pack.
Only my one cousin bought any handwarmers 😭 and her wife had to pay me in $4 worth of quarters sgsgdggddg I was like take your time you could pay me in pennies and that'd be fine too (had a little kid pay me 25 cents for a slap bracelet in various coins and it was so sweet 🥺)
My mom posts our shows on her fb so that family and friends can show up to support us, and the first time since we've been doing these, we had 3 groups of family come in!
But that wasn't always a good thing...
[Put under read more for length]
My mom's cousin brought her daughter and granddaughter, and they talked for awhile and eventually mom's cousin bought a wreath (thank god). And she was like "oh my god this is so beautiful!! 😍" and complimented my stuff as well (but my stuff is more geared towards kids/parents like the boo boo bunnies, so she didnt buy anything from me agdgdgdg)
Then my cousin (not the handwarmers one) came and I used to really love her/she was my favorite cousin... until she moved back to the state and I realized goddamn you're super annoying and have 0 social awareness (in a THE ATTENTION SHOULD BE ON ME! and a never really thinking ab the situations she puts people in when she does shit, way. Not a "I am incapable of grasping social norms/social rituals"/"I cannot control how loud I'm being/why what I say might be considered rude" way.
Anyway she fosters dogs and has 4? Of her own, anyway she always has at least one dog with her at any time. Doesn't matter if you were attacked by one when you were a small child, or that you only have cats, it's a small dog! You're gonna like this one!!
She takes them into the grocery store too 😑. Anyway she brought her foster dog to it and ofc everyone kept coming over to see it and every fucking time she would canvas this dog like "his name is Bob. He goes up for adoption in two weeks at [shelter she volunteers at]" to every goddamn person who walked by.
"But Mar, doesn't that mean she brought customers to you?"
Nope! She and her dog blocked customers from my table bc they couldnt fucking get in with the people cooing at the dog and figured eh I'll skip this one, there's 100 vendors here.
Doesn't mean that every person who skipped would've bought from me, but none of the people who came up for the dog bought anything or so much as looked twice at my shit anyway. 😑
She did tell our cousin to meet her there though bc our cousin's wife is a photographer and she was gonna take pics of the dog at a nearby park. Didn't mention AT ALL that we had a booth, so they didnt really bring a lot of money, they thought they were just gonna say hi to us real quick then go.
My cousin's wife was like YOU DIDNT TELL US THEY HAD A BOOTH HERE?!?! OMG LOOK HOW CUTE!!!!! and they bought 2 handwarmers from us 🥰. And we gave their son some stuff for free as a gift (plus bc they ended up staying for like 2 hours and that shit is only so fun for a 7 year old for so long. But it was more so just Handwarmer Cousin staying to talk to my mom for most of it while her wife, son, and Dog Cousin went shopping/canvased Bob around. But I like HW cousin still so it wasnt bad sgdggdgd I just half listened to them talk while I took care of customers. Sold 1 ornament (the whole show), some cat toys, and I think another bunny, in that time lmao)
But the whole time Dog Cousin was there I was like 😐/🙁 instead of my fake customer service smile bc that smile only lasted until the second person she canvassed Bob to and that was approximately 30 seconds.
She didnt even consider buying anything, or say anything ab our table. Only when my mom asked her if our prices were reasonable. To which we got a "yeah." Then immediately back to Bob. 😐
After they left I went to walk around and goddamn there was nothing really good there except two crochet tables which had little plushies but nothing that jumped out at me.
Did trade a tooth pillow for a small tombstone shaped bar of soap of about the same price with another vendor sggdgdgdgd which was odd but nice
Anyway here's hoping my cousin wont come to the next/last show and that we find fun stuff at that one to buy sgdgdgdg
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Kagaminette || Halloween on ice
For Marigami week at @marigami-week day 3: protective
The class goes to the Halloween disco at the (very crowded) ice rink but when they all split up, Kagami’s determined to spend it well with Marinette. (~1.5k words)
note: (i know its called marigami week but ive been calling them kagaminette for so long its stuck im sorry) im also late oof and theres like 1% of the actual prompt in here but i hope you enjoy :D 
It’s not the most formal date out there; far from it, especially considering the fact that they hadn’t gone out with the intention of making it a date and the fact that the only reason the two were alone now was because they’d lost most of Marinette’s classmates in the crowd (Rose and Juleka were swallowed up immediately; Nathaniel and Marc going into a corner in the stands; the chaotic group that consisted of Alya, Kim, Alix, and a helpless Max zooming onto the rink; and the others just plain disappearing).
But it was an impromptu one and now that it was, Marinette knew that Kagami was not going to let it go to waste (it had taken a lot of convincing--and perhaps some half-truths--to get her mother to let her come after all).
And yet… 
“I’m not too sure about this Kagami…” Marinette mumbled, huddled right next to her girlfriend as the crowd in the centre surged around them. The strobing disco lights were flashing all sorts of colours, moving around and settling on different people every time. “It’s… really crowded.”
For a brief moment, she swore a spotlight focused on Juleka and Rose before moving on; the former magnificent in her mysteriously stylish costume (the name of which Marinette hadn’t caught), the latter almost downright terrifying as a petite but very realistic zombie. 
Kagami scanned the centre, her sharp gaze visible even in the dim lighting (in truth, she wondered if that was a hazard; surely in such a crowded, party environment everyone should be able to see everyone else as easily as possible). They both stood on the outside of the rink wall, their ice skates and costumes on. Ones they had made together; a demon and an angel.
In a lovely twist of events that had surprised everyone, it was Marinette the demon who had arrived at the rink, side-by-side with her beautifully angelic girlfriend. Although, the latter had insisted herself that Marinette be the angel, claiming that the angel wings that they had worked so hard on deserved to be worn by the ‘true angel.’ (”And besides, it was you who did most of the work, Marinette. You deserve it much more.” “But I only did it so that you could wear it Kagami! And well... I may have...”)
And it hadn’t taken much to convince her otherwise; Marinette claiming that she had already started making the costumes based on their respective measurements and swapping them would have rendered all her earlier work useless... not that it would have mattered; they were able to share each others’ clothes anyway.
“We can handle it,” Kagami said decidedly, squaring up her shoulders in the way Marinette knew that nothing was going to stop her now. She sighed but relented as she was led onto the rink, where her feet suddenly decided not to move. At least the skaters glided almost effortlessly out of their way.
She swallowed; she hadn’t been on the ice since… since when? 
Oh! Since that double date with Adrien and Luka and Kagami. She smiled in spite of herself; oh how much things had changed. 
Kagami glanced at her, her own smile forming at the sight of Marinette’s; demonic red and black makeup and all. “How are you feeling?”
“Uh… A-a bit wobbly, to be honest.” She laughed nervously. “It’s been a while.”
“Indeed. The last time I’ve gone skating was on that double date last year.” Marinette’s eyes widened; so Kagami remembered too. “Do you remember?” She nodded vigorously.
“Definitely. There was so much drama back then, wasn’t there? When you thought you liked Adrien but he liked me and I thought you liked him but you liked me but you both thought I liked Luka--”
Marinette stopped when she heard Kagami’s laughter (a sound she was probably never going to get tired of), joining in after a moment. “It was a mess, wasn’t it?” She agreed, Marinette catching her fond smile. 
“It was.” She squeezed her hand. “But I’m glad that’s over.”
“Me too, Marinette.”
“Hey you two!” A familiar voice called out. Alix zoomed up, coming to a sharp curve around them, her bunny ears swinging from the speed. “Hurry up and get skating! You’ve been standing there for so long!” She raced into the crowd, a scarecrow following swiftly and yelling after her. Marinette could barely catch the “You’re slow Kim!” as she disappeared.
“Your friends are right,” Kagami said, gripping her hand tighter. “But we can start slow.”
Marinette nodded, cheeks dusted. Maybe if it weren’t such as unpredictable time she would be fine, but the rink was bustling with more people than she had initially thought, now that she was actually in it (and now that she remembered just how empty it had been on that double date before; she could hardly imagine that same rink which had served only four teenagers now held over two hundred skaters, on the rink alone). 
“Don’t be ashamed, Marinette,” Kagami said encouragingly.
“O-oh I know!” She laughed as they began marching, taking slow glides in the clockwise direction of the crowd’s flow. 
They skated for half a lap before picking up speed silently, Marinette gaining enough confidence to loosen her hold on Kagami’s hand, blushing when she realised just how tightly she’d been squeezing. 
A blur of brown and grey swerved in front of them. “Hey lovebirds! Say cheese!” Alya yelled, skating past with her phone out as she snapped a photo. She grinned, laughing as she looked at it. “You both look terrified! Love it!” 
“Wa-wait Alya take another!”
“Maybe if you catch up to me!” Alya winked, turning to face forward again with a swing of her arms, the glittering makeup stitches shining in the colourful lights.
Marinette groaned. “Bet that’s going to make it in our yearbook…” Kagami laughed softly. “Glad you find that a good thing.”
“It is not but it is an amusing thing.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Easy for you to--” 
Oh no--
Sensing them without seeing, she was ripped away before she could move, Kagami tugging her away.
An arm wrapped around her back, the both of them twirling towards the centre as a familiar scarecrow crashed into the wall.
“Oh my god Kim you moron!” Alix yelled, coming to a stop in front of him. “You nearly killed someone!” She turned to face them, her eyebrows raising as she realised just who he’d nearly killed. “You nearly killed Marinette Kim.”
Kim shook his head, looking around for his straw hat before he found the two; Kagami’s eyes narrowed at him, Marinette’s wide. “But you can’t kill angels?” 
“Kim are you serious?”
He blinked. “Oh right. S-sorry Marinette! Sorry Kagami--I got a bit outta control back there.”
“No kidding,” Alix muttered, picking up his hat and chucking it at him. 
Marinette smiled. “It’s alright… but maybe be careful next time.”
“Others will not be as fast as we are,” Kagami added, her voice low and firm. 
Kim winced at her tone but nodded. “I will!” 
Alix huffed, crossing her arms. “Maybe it’s time for a break. Ever since Max got off we’ve been a mess and I’m starved; where’s the free sausage sizzle?”
Marinette wriggled her arm out of Kagami’s hold, pointing towards the direction of the entrance. “It should be to the left of the entrance. Inside where the cafe is.”
Alix nodded. “Thanks Marinette! Let’s go Kim, before you kill another person,” She said before skating away.
They watched them go for a brief moment as Marinette relaxed, her thumping heart slowing. 
Before realising that she was still in Kagami’s embrace (and then her heart sped up again).
“A-ah Kagami it’s fine now… you can--” She blushed as Kagami turned to look at her, her face… much closer than she anticipated. “You can… um… l-let...” Her voice trailed off as Kagami continued to gaze at her, an expectant look on her face. 
Then just as suddenly as she’d been pulled into Kagami’s arms, Kagami nodded, “Right,” and pulled away. 
And she cursed herself for even mentioning it.
Sure, standing like that in the middle of the ice rink might not have been the most practical thing but it had been the most comfortable thing.
Somewhere, a certain brunette glasses-wearing Frankenstein’s monster facepalmed as the music changed, followed by a hush over the crowd. 
The colourful lights dimmed, until the rink was bathed in a pale flush of reds and pinks. As one they slowed, some moving into the centre to find their own space, others getting off as lights spotlighted on couples (Marinette noticed Adrien and Nino under one, Nathaniel and Marc in another). 
And then one on them, too.
A look of wonder crossed Kagami’s face as she gazed around the centre, Marinette’s face too red to hide even under the red lights. 
“Is this… a couple’s dance?”
She squeaked, stammering. “U-um well it could be! Maybe!”
Kagami nodded slowly, deep in thought before looking up and offering her hand to Marinette. “Then may I have this dance?”
She tensed, a thrill going through her body... before the words spilled out in a breathless rush. “I-I don’t know are you sure? Youmightnotwantitthat’sall--I mean I’mnotthebestdancer--or skater--andcombiningthosetwotogether--well it’s not gonna wend bell--end well. End well. And well let’s be honest and--”
“Yes?” She breathed.
“We’ll go slowly.”
And they did, thankfully for Marinette’s sake, because her heart was beating way too fast for her to really be in control of her body and she was gripping onto Kagami too tightly and oh, her hands were so sweaty oh no Kagami must think she’s gross. And such a coward too, her legs were wobbling for goodness sake why was she like this--
“I like this,” Kagami said suddenly (and never mind it was a good thing she was like this). She smiled, the same, soft, mushy smile Marinette always received (and would never get tired of receiving). 
And that was all it took. Marinette relaxed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. That’s right; she didn’t have to panic around Kagami, didn’t have to worry. “Yeah,” she whispered. “I do to--”
“Come on lovebirds, get moving,” another all too familiar voice piped up in frustration, as all too familiar hands took Marinette’s and wrapped them around Kagami’s neck, a gentle push sending her gliding forward, in an all too familiar scenario. 
But before either of them could really register anything, Alya was already speeding away, her laugh sounding much too cunning for Marinette’s liking (maybe Trixx was getting to her).
“Alya I’m going to kill you!” She yelped after the girl, who flashed her a peace sign without turning around. 
“More like you’re going to thank me girls!”
Marinette groaned, head lolling forward just short of Kagami’s forehead. “I’m… so sorry about her.”
Kagami breathed out a laugh. “It’s fine. She’s very enthusiastic about… other people’s love lives.”
“Ever since she got me and you together she’s been calling herself the most successful matchmaker and now that Adrien and Nino are together she’s basically proclaimed herself Cupid.” Marinette huffed, rolling her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she challenges Andre tomorrow.”
“Alya would be a better matchmaker than that ice cream man,” She stated, so matter-of-factly that Marinette had to stifle a laugh. But then Kagami frowned, thoughtful. “Though I don’t think Alya got us together. I’m certain we would have started dating with or without her interference.”
“That’s true. We would have found each other regardless.” Marinette beamed, thinking of the day Alya had rushed in announcing that it wasn’t Adrien Kagami liked, but Marinette--a week after Marinette had finally figured out her true feelings. “But who knows how much longer we might have had to wait to be with together.” 
Kagami’s own smile was enough of an answer, and in the flushed lighting, Marinette thought that even if she was without the halo and the wings and the hastily applied glittering makeup (because her mother would have possibly grounded her for life otherwise so they’d had to do it on the way to the ice rink), Kagami would always look as good as an angel.
Kagami would always be an angel to her.
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