#marcus pike x plus sized reader
myfriendofmiseryyy · 1 year
Fade into you
A Marcus pike x plus sized fem reader fanfic 💜
Content warnings!!!!!!
Mentions of very toxic relationships,mentions of verbal and emotional abuse,mentions of sexual assault and abuse.
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3 months earlier:
Rain falls down my face as I stand outside his apartment for the last time,I’m done done with his mind games and constant gaslighting. I call an Uber to pick me up,and take me back “home” my own fucking apartment doesn’t even feel like home anymore every where I look I see all the memories and arguments I’ve had with jake,I can’t even sleep without having vivid nightmares about the last 12 months of our relationship.
I moved half way across the world for him,for it to be thrown back in my face when the abuse started. I should of seen it coming,I was stupid to think someone could actually love me. But at least I’ve got a job now,and I enjoy it. I work for the government,fbi to be exact,how I fucking FBI Agent didn’t see the fact my own boyfriend was abusing me for 4 years is beyond me. I get in the Uber and tell the driver the directions to my apartment,I feel on edge,I don’t trust anyone especially men. He gives me a kind smile and starts driving towards my apartment,sensing I didn’t want to speak,he just turned the radio on. Thank fuck.
I get home and slump on the couch,my now ex boyfriend has sent me multiple messages
11.30 pm
“Please I fucked up,please I love you forgive me”
11.33 pm
“Please baby,I will do anything”
11:45 pm
“Fuck you,worthless slut. You are not worth anything. Your friend is a better fuck anyway”
I block his number and his social media accounts.
One thing about being in the fbi is that I know he is going to pay for what he has done. Maybe after this is all over I will help over people in the same situation as me, help them get their life’s back on track. But first I need to help myself.
My apartment is a mess,my constant state of depression and being at work all the time has really taken its toll,I try my hardest but sometimes all the cleaning gets too much. I do the reminder of the dishes then decide to head to bed,not that I will be getting any sleep. I’m constantly terrified jake will break in,he has done it before. Breaking in to my apartment at the dead of night just to shout abuse at me,but my neighbours know what a scumbag he is,and they have cameras all over the building. “I’m safe” I tell myself.
No way am I sleeping with the lights off though,I do my nighttime routine and then text my co worker Marcus to say that I might be running late tomorrow because I’ve only just gotten back. Honestly,marcus has been suspicious of jake since the the day he burst into the office demanding that he needed to speak to me “right now” ever since then marcus has kinda been protective over me. Marcus and I have become pretty close friends (as close as Jake allowed us to be) and we check in on each other regularly. He has been through some shit the last few months with his ex Teresa,she abandoned him and called off the engagement after she met another guy. Marcus was in bits,I just wish I could of helped him more at the time. But I had to be home at a certain time,Jake set an alarm on his phone for what time I finished work,and if I wasn’t home by then he would go ape shit.
At least now I can hang out with Marcus and other co workers after work without jake breathing down my throat.
3 months later
It’s been 3 months since I broke it off with Jake,my life has taken a turn for the better. I got a restraining order against him and I came clean about what happened to Marcus,he was infuriated and wanted to put the man behind bars. However Jake is (was) a cop and trying to put a cop behind bars is…very tricky,Jake knew all the best lawyers and the case fell through. It’s weird because technically the FBI is above the police but it still felt like Jake had all the power over me. I cried and cried that night. Marcus has Been there for me every step of the way,even down to coming to my apartment at 4am after I call him hysterically crying because I had a nightmare about Jake. He has installed new locks and a ring camera for me so I can see who is at my door,and has even taught me how to defend myself in that sort of situation. We have movie nights often where we take it in turns to pick a movie,I still feel very on edge around physical contact,Marcus acknowledges that and keeps his distance if needed,but honestly I like snuggling into him. He feels safe and I trust him. I often find myself falling asleep in his arms,it’s a reminder that I’m healing. I’m healing from all the shit Jake put me through. Although at the moment I can’t see myself and Marcus being more than good friends,I can’t help myself but like him as more than friends,he is kind,caring,compassionate and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. I think somehow,somewhere,someone put us together. I’m not a religious person,far from it. But I do believe in “soulmates” and I also believe in spirit guides. Maybe this is the way my life is supposed to go. Yeah I’ve been through a lot,to much if I’m honest. But maybe meeting and working with Marcus is the best thing that will ever happen to me,he certainly restored my faith in men.
I’ve been going to therapy for around 3 weeks now,my therapist being a very wise mid to late 50s woman,who has also gone through abuse.she tells me I am very strong and have a heart of gold. And that I need to heal before I get into another relationship. She has told me a lot of methods and books I can read,I’ve read more in the last few weeks than I have in my entire life.
Marcus is interested too,I lent him one of my books and he came to work the next morning with tears in his eyes and said “if this is just a fraction of what you went through then you are the strongest person I’ve ever known” and pulled me into a hug. Marcus is never shy to show his emotions,I like that about him. He is never shy of crying at a movie or a good song,he is never shy of telling me how HE feels. It has come up in conversation once or twice how he “thinks the world of me” and I’m “the most powerful beautiful woman he’s ever met” it normally comes out on the nights I’m crying into his shoulder because I think it’s all my fault. “Darling,one day you will know how it feels to be loved by a proper man,a man who will do anything for you because you deserve everything” he will whisper into my ear,he knows I am not ready for a relationship yet,he actually encourages I heal first,just like he did with Lisbon. But feelings are feelings and we both know that our feelings towards each other are more than platonic at this point. Small touches and eye contact kinda give it away,I just wish I wasn’t so fucked in the head that I could act on those feelings.
Later that day
Marcus comes over for our weekly movie night and we start the night off like we usually do,getting takeout. I’ve started to feel more insecure about eating around Marcus recently because of my feelings for him. I’m a bigger girl and all through out my life I was told I’m “fat” and “shouldn’t be eating that” the take way is ordered and it comes in no time,we get the pizza and sourdough out of the boxes and sit down on the sofa. “You can eat around me ya know,I think your body is beautiful,I don’t care what society thinks” Marcus softly says. “I know…it’s just all through out my life people have told me I shouldn’t eat certain “fatty” foods because I’m already fat enough” I sigh.
“Well fuck them,eat what you fucking want. It’s your life not theirs.” He says softly then chuckles.
“You think I’m beautiful?” I shyly say.
“I know you are” he says and leans in closer to me.
Ya know how I said I love how Marcus speaks his mind? That is what I mean,he isn’t afraid to say something “controversial” he also isn’t afraid to admit something is off with himself or if something is off with me he will be the first person to notice. He’s just so god damn perfect.
I sigh deeply.
“What’s up” he says after finishing his pizza “pizza put you in a food coma?” He chuckles.
“No no,I’m fine! just…thinking”
“Penny for thoughts? Or do you want to be left alone for a bit?”
Prang there goes my heart strings again,god fucking damnit.
“Could we just cuddle for a bit? Could use the grounding?” I say softly.
“Sure thing hunny,come ‘ere” Marcus pats his chest.
We stay cuddled for around half an hour,to be honest I’m far from relaxed I’ve been rehearsing a fucking speech for the past hour,of how I’m going to admit my feelings to Marcus,how I’m going to go about it.
“You sure you ok? You are very quiet today” Marcus strokes my hair gently.
Fuck it I’m gonna tell him,what could possibly go wrong?
“Marcus,can we talk?” I say shyly.
“Yeah of course what’s up hun?” He lifts his head up slightly and pauses the movie on the screen.
I take a deep breath,”this has been bubbling for a while now,but I like you.more than just friends,you make me feel safe,protected…happy again,you’ve help me through the toughest times of my life…you’ve helped me heal. I never thought I would trust anyone with my heart again but you came into my life with your charm and kindness and swept me off my feet. I think I’m ready to take my healing journey to the next step,to be in a relationship again,and I want it to be with you”.
Marcus looks shocked but happy,he puts his finger on my cheek and wipes the tears,”oh darling I’m so proud of you, you already know how much I think of you,how beautiful I think you are. And how I want to spend the rest of my life proving how real love should be. But for you to say those words,I’m so fucking proud of you. I know how much it took for you to say those words,and how much it even took for you to admit you had feelings for someone again. We can take this as slow as you want,your in control here,we will do this at your pace. And I mean everything,sex,kissing,going out in public,everything is your pace I promise”. He holds my face in his hands before pulling me into a hug,I can’t help but breakdown a little. This is the safest I’ve ever felt,in years…maybe even in my life,and it’s all thanks to Marcus.”don’t cry baby,you’ll get me going” Marcus soothes me gently by rubbing my back. “There happy tears,I’ve never felt so happy and safe with anyone” I say wiping my tears.” “Is it ok if I kiss you,I really want to kiss you” “I want you to kiss me Marcus,I’ve dreamt of kissing you for the last 8 months,when I was with Jake, and he would kiss me,I imagined it was you,even though you are nothing like Jake…obviously,I’m rambling just kiss me” I laugh softly. The moment his lips meet mine it is like a million fireworks,his lips are so soft and plump,like they were made for me. They mold into mine so easily,the softness of his lips and the slight roughness of his stuble,it all feels so amazing,it feels natural to kiss him. Like we have been together all along,our skins rubbing against each other as we kiss.
When we finally break the kiss,the look on both our faces is pure bliss,”so your saying…all them years I’ve been in bad relationship after bad relationship you were here all this fuckin time,waiting for me?” I chuckle softly. “That’s how the world works darlin” he laughs and cups my face in his hand “your an amazing kisser,I can’t believe I didn’t kiss you sooner” he chuckles
“You and me both,I wish I found you when I moved over here. Not stayed with that abusive dickhead for another 5 years.” I sigh softly “you make me feel so alive Marcus”
We have a deep chat about how our relationship is going to go for the next 4 hours before heading to bed.
“Can you…sleep with me tonight, I know you normally sleep on the couch but…I want to be close to you” I say shyly.
“Of course hunny,I couldn’t think of anything more perfect” Marcus whispers.
We sleep in each others arms all night.
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 months
i work from nine to five; hey hell, i pay the price | Marcus Pike
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Summary | You use the office halloween party as a way to prove you can push yourself out of your comfort zone. You didn't expect that to mean that the apple of your eye, Marcus Pike, would take an interest in you.
Pairing | Marcus Pike x Plus Size F!Reader
Word Count | 4.4K
Warnings | Explicit smut, workplace 'romance', negative talk about bodies, body issues, plus size reader, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected PiV sex, dirty talk, mention of food and alcohol, halloween vibes, costumes, pet names, but nothing else.
Authors Note | I told myself I wasn't going to do halloween writing, and then I had a very vivid image of Marcus Pike bending me over his desk at a work party.... So I did some halloween writing. As a woman who lives life in a bigger body, this one goes out to everyone else who has felt the way reader has felt. These are MY OWN experiences, attitudes I've had given to me, and given to myself, they aren't universal, we all feel differently about ourselves, but if you've ever been made to feel less than because of the way you look, just know I see you and that Marcus Pike would absolutely take you apart regardless of how thick your thighs are. If you liked this, please consider supporting me through my Ko-Fi.
Divider by @saradika
Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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You tug at your skirt a little, trying to pull it down over your thighs. It seemed like a good idea at the time, to choose something skimpy for the office Halloween party. A way to challenge yourself, finally start to work through the years of bullying at school, and the off-hand comments from your almond-mom who had always told you things like, ‘you could stand to lose a few pounds’, or ‘surely a salad would be a better idea?’. 
It had been such a relief when you’d gotten this job two years ago, finally earning enough on an FBI salary to move out of your family home and into your own space. A space where you weren’t judged for how many fries you had on your plate, or how the pair of trousers you’d chosen to wear made your belly look. It had been good for you, and ever since, you’d been trying your best to challenge yourself to do things you never thought you’d ever have the confidence to do. 
Things like standing in the office, in a pair of fishnet tights, with a skirt so short that if you bent over, Dave from Finance would get a complete eyeful. Looking around though, you couldn’t help feel like it had been a terrible idea. Amy from HR looked absolutely phenomenal in her devil outfit – a red bodycon dress that looked like it had been painted on, showing not a single imperfection on her body – and Jessica, who worked reception, in a Catwoman jumpsuit that hugged her figure perfectly. You don’t think it would ever go away, the comparing yourself to everyone else, even though you knew that Amy and Jessica would totally have their own insecurities about things. 
You were trying to make yourself at small as possible, crowding yourself into the corner of the room, hand clutched around a plastic cup full of ‘spooky punch’, that Hannah, the office manager had put together, which comprised of mostly vodka, some orange juice and what looked like a whole bottle of green food coloring, with some eyeball candy floating around in it. She’d put together a Halloween playlist, which was currently blasting The Monster Mash at a decibel you think should be illegal, and everyone had contributed to her spooky buffet, which was just normal food cut into shapes – like your addition of frozen pizza that you’d cut out with a ghost-shaped cookie cutter. You know you should go and mingle. Adam, on your team has already tried twice to get you to join their little group, so you relent, and walk over, giving everyone a warm smile. It’s all going well, until Alison, nods her head in your direction and stats speaking. 
“Did you work late?” She asks, to which you shake your head. 
“No, why?” 
“Oh,” She grimaces, “I just didn’t think you’d dressed up, is all.” 
And you know it’s mainly because she’s oblivious to mostly everything, but it smarts. Sure, the orange turtleneck is something you’d worn to work before, as are the black platform heels, but the skirt that ghosts the bottom of your ass and the fishnet tights that are still probably one size too small are not something you usually wear, nor are the fake glasses, with thick black frames, or the fucking magnifying glass you’re clutching. You sigh, make your excuses and walk over to the buffet table, picking up one of the slices of pizza you’d brought. Once you’ve eaten that, you reach for one of the cupcakes at the back of the table. It’s iced like a pumpkin and the cake looks to be chocolate, which is your favourite. You’re peeling off the wrapper and about to take a bite when someone interrupts you. 
“They’re delicious.” 
You’d recognize that voice anywhere. Marcus Pike. Head of Department. Not your boss, but your boss’ boss, and the most beautiful man you think you’d ever laid eyes on. You’d sat in on meetings that he chaired, supposed to be taking notes but instead focused entirely on him and how he commanded the room. The way he talked with his hands, and how much you wish you could have him run those over your thighs. Or the way he would chew on his bottom lip when he was concentrating, wondering whether he’d like it if you did that if he were to ever kiss you. 
“Oh.” You exhale softly, suddenly uber aware of the fact he’s probably just watched you eat the ghost-shaped pizza, and now, not a minute later, getting ready to bite into the cupcake, you go to set it down on the table, but he stops you, hand gently holding onto your wrist. 
“Please,” He says softly, “I made them, so I need the ego boost.” 
You smile a little, finally meeting his eyes, “You just said they were delicious, what do you need my opinion for?” 
“I remember the raspberry muffins you made last week,” He smirks a little, “And the apple turnovers the week before those, and everything else you bring in, I need to know what the office star baker thinks about my effort.” 
You’re going to refuse, say you’re already full, despite the pizza being the first thing you’d eaten that evening, that you’ll take it home with you and report back on Monday, but his beautiful brown eyes are soft, almost pleading, so you sigh, peel the rest of the wrapper off and take a bite. It’s actually delicious. He’s put some kind of orange flavouring in the icing, and the cake itself is really good. 
“You were right,” You smile, “It is delicious.”
He smiles, like he’s won a prize and it makes you feel a bit fuzzy inside, that this man next to you has been affected by your praise. 
“Great costume, by the way.” He compliments, and you don’t miss the way his eyes trail over your body. 
“You mean you don’t think I ran out of time and came in my office clothes?” You tease. 
“You’d wear that skirt to the office?” He’s smirking at you, and also offers you a wink, which has your hand dropping to the table, holding yourself up, why on earth was Marcus Pike flirting with you? “It’s good, Velma, right?” He motions to the magnifying glass abandoned on the table. 
You chuckle a little, “First prize, got it first time,” You then take a moment to take in his costume, he’s wearing a brown jacket over one of his usual shirts, a brown satchel is draped across his body and he’s got a hat on, but it’s the whip that really gives him away, “Indiana Jones?” You say quietly. 
“The one and only.” He smiles, opening his arms a little. 
You think it must be the amount of vodka that Hannah put in the punch, but even so, your next question shocks you, “Do I ask where you got the whip from?” 
He looks around dramatically, “Just checking Amy from HR is out of earshot,” Then he leans in a little closer, “It’s from my own personal collection.” 
You reach your hand out, letting your fingers run over the material where the handle is holstered in his pocket. It feels expensive, although it’s not like you have much experience with them to pass judgement on what’s expensive and what isn’t.
“Feels expensive,” You hum, “Guess that head of department salary has to get spent on something.” 
He reaches down and takes your hand in his gently, running soft circles over the skin on the back of your hand, “You really do look lovely tonight,” He speaks softly, “Enjoy the rest of the evening.” 
And then as quickly as he was stood in front of you, he’s gone. You let out a breath that you didn’t realise you’d been holding in, focusing on the way your chest is heaving and you can feel your pulse in your head. You pick up your plastic cup and down the liquid that’s left in the bottom, wincing at the strength of the vodka, then deciding you need a top up. 
You mill about for a little bit longer, but still feel like a bit of a spare part. You’ve shown your face, spoken to everyone you should have, and now there’s a glass of wine and a bubble bath with your name on it back home. You pick up your coat from the back of a random office chair, grab your bag from your own desk, and sneak out as quietly as you can. You’re halfway down the hall, almost to the elevator, when you hear a voice from behind you. 
“Running away?” 
You turn around, Marcus Pike is leaning against the doorframe to his office. He’s taken the satchel off, and the whip is no longer in his pocket. He’s crossed one ankle over the other, arms crossed over his chest. 
“Feeling a little like a spare part,” You shrug, “And there’s a glass of wine calling my name at home.” 
He nods in understanding, “You drink whiskey?” He asks. 
“If I have to.” You answer back. 
“Well, how about you stay and have one with me,” He offers, “Leave that wine for another day.” 
You shift awkwardly from foot to foot, because why on earth would Marcus Pike want to have a drink with you? It feels like someone somewhere is having a good old laugh at your expense, but you feel your feet leading you towards him, brushing past him and into his office. 
You’ve been in here a handful of times before, mainly to drop of reports and papers, and only once whilst he’s been there. It’s been a very professional relationship up until now, no flirting, nothing inappropriate. You drape your coat over the arm of the small couch he’s got there – you imagine he sleeps on it when he hasn’t got time to go home during crunch time of investigations.  Your bag sits on the floor next to it. 
He leaves the door open, giving you an out if you want it. He points to the couch, tells you to sit down, which you do, pulling once again at the tiny skirt, trying to cover the way the skin of your thighs bulge through the holes of the fishnet tights, ultimately failing, as Marcus reaches into one of the drawers of his desk, pulling out two crystal tumblers and a bottle of whiskey. He fills them both equally, handing one to you, but he doesn’t sit next to you, he just leans against the edge of his desk. 
“I always thought it was a myth,” You muse, “Agents with whiskey in their desks.” 
He smiles at you, “It’s in there for big wins,” He explains, “Cracking cases and that kind of stuff.” 
You nod your head, taking a small sip of your drink, wincing as it drags down your throat, “What’s tonight’s big win?” You ask, fluttering your eyelashes and then cringing a little at yourself. 
“You looking that sinful.” 
You’re taking a sip when he says it, so you end up spluttering quite unattractively at his words. Is he serious? You dab at the corners on your mouth, setting your glass down on the floor, “Sorry,” You mutter, “But are you for real?” 
He smirks, “As real as you and I.” 
He pushes himself off the desk, puts his drink down on it as he moves. He takes three wide strides until he’s stood in front of you. You look up from where you’re sat, hands folded in your lap. He reaches out, drags the fake glasses from your face, throws them absentmindedly onto the couch next to you. You’re breathing heavily as reaches out with one of his hands. The flat of his palm cupping your jaw, whilst his thumb traces along your bottom lip. 
“Do you want me to close the door?” He asks, voice lower than you’ve ever known it. 
You have no words, your tongue refusing to work, so you nod instead, because as much as you’re still thinking someone is going to come in and tell you you’re being pranked, you also want to know what he’s going to do next. He’s back to you in moments once he’s closed the door and turned the lock. The light above is harsh, but it’s needed, because the blinds are closed. 
He's standing in front of you again, this time both his palms are cupping your cheeks, and he’s leaning down, ever so slowly, until his lips are a hairs breath from yours. God, you want him to push the last few millimeters and kiss you, but he’s stopped. Waiting. And you don’t want to break first. You’ve done it before, gone to kiss someone, and then felt them laugh just before you can, because why would they want to? 
“You gonna kiss me, pretty lady?” 
“I want you to kiss me first.” You admit on a shaky breath. 
You’ve got your eyes closed, so you can’t read his eyes, look for the sense of regret in them, so it’s a shock when you feel his lips on yours. It’s so soft, barely there, before he’s pulling away, still close enough to feel his hot breath over your skin though. 
“There,” His thumbs are moving across the skin of your cheeks, “Now you.” 
So, you do. You reach your hand around to the back of his neck, pull him into you and really press your lips to his. His bottom lip slots between yours and you suck it gently into your mouth. You smile a little at the sound that comes from his throat, then he’s opening his mouth against yours and you’re following, doing exactly the same, letting his tongue behind your teeth as it melds with your own. His hands are dropping from your face, trailing down your shoulders. He leans forward into you a little, his hands under your arms to tug you up. 
You drag your mouth from him to stand up, his hands dropping to your hips to guide you behind his desk. There are nerves bubbling under your skin because you know what he wants as he pressed your ass into the wood. He wants you to sit on it. To be fair to the department, it’s a sturdy looking desk, but the thought of the way it’s going to creak under your weight makes you want to crawl into a hole. Marcus doesn’t push though, just brings his mouth back to yours, letting his hands wander a little, dragging them back up your body to palm your tits through the layers you’re wearing. 
“I think you did this on purpose,” He speaks against your mouth, “Like you knew this woman had always driven me wild.” 
You don’t mean to, but it makes you laugh, “Don’t tell me Velma from Scooby-Doo was your sexual awakening?” 
He laughs back, doesn’t confirm it, but doesn’t deny it either. He’s looking down your body, having pulled back a bit, “Fuck,” He mutters, “Every time I look at you, it gets better.” 
“The magic of a slutty Halloween costume.” You shrug. 
He nods his head, but speaks again, “It’s not just that though,” He’s speaking softly now, “I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, wandering around the office all the time, driving me mad.” 
This would normally be the time that you’d try and fight against the compliments being thrown your way. Tell them they must be lying, or joke that they need to get their eyes tested. But somehow, it doesn’t feel like you should do that here. There’s something about Marcus that makes you think he wouldn’t lie, wouldn’t string you along this far just to have a laugh at your expense, so you don’t do it, for the first time in your life. 
You reach up to his shirt, undo two of the buttons, “You know,” You hum, “I think exactly the same as you, with your whip or not.” 
He breathes out, taking hold of your wrists to stop your movements, “Let me make you feel good?” He asks. 
You meet his eyes, feeling heat rise across your face, but you nod anyway, because you’ve come this far, and you can already feel wetness pooling in your panties. He drags his hands down your body, grips your hips and forces you to sit on the edge of the desk, dropping to his knees in front of you. He’s looking you straight in the eyes, as he pushes the material of your skirt to gather at your waist. Your legs open further, and Marcus groans when your movement reveals the see-through black lace of your panties. It hadn’t felt right to dress as a sexy Velma and wear your normal underwear, is how you justify it. 
You’re expecting him to tell you to lift up so he can drag your tights off you, but instead, he hooks a finger through the material at your groin and fucking rips them apart. It makes you gasp. You’d chide him for ruining them, but at this point you don’t care. They were cheap, and if it means you’re going to have his mouth on you quicker, then you’re not going to complain. 
Marcus leans forwards, you can feel the heat of his breath splaying across the lace material, and then he drags his tongue across the length of your folds over the lace of your panties. Even with the material barrier between your skin and his mouth, you’re tipping your head back in pleasure, letting out a breath as he repeats his movements, dragging his fingers just behind his tongue on his last pass of movements. It’s not enough. 
“Please, Marcus.” You beg quietly. 
“What do you want, pretty lady?” He asks, looking up at you with angelic eyes, as if he couldn’t possibly think what it is you want from him. 
“Your mouth.” 
“You already have it.” He points out, proving his point by licking another stripe up your panties. 
“Marcus,” You sigh, “Move the… fuck… move the damn material out of the way.” 
He lets out a huff of amusement, “See,” He says, doing exactly as you ask, hooking his fingers under the material and moving it to the side, “All you had to do was ask.” 
He doesn’t waste any more time now. Letting his tongue dip between your slick folds, dragging the wetness that’s pooled at your entrance up to your clit, where he flicks softly with the tip of his tongue. You feel his thumbs spreading the lips of your cunt, baring you to him so he can really start to work you up. He presses the flat of his tongue to your clit, working it gently as your hand settles into the curls on his head, anchoring him there. He’s doing all the things you love, moving between wide stripes of the flat of his tongue, and quick flicks with the tip, until your hips are grinding against his face and you’re biting down onto your bottom lip to keep quiet. 
“You taste so fucking sweet, pretty lady,” He speaks against your skin, surprising you a little as he pushes not one, but two of his fingers into your soaked cunt, “Feel good?” 
“Oh God,” You breathe out as he hooks his fingers inside you, pressing against a spot you had no idea even existed inside of you, “Don’t stop… don’t fucking stop.” 
He doesn’t, the obedient man that he is. He starts dragging his fingers in and out of you, whilst his lips wrap around your clit, pulling it into his mouth, laving it with attention from his tongue, which sends you over the edge. 
Your thighs are clenching around his head as your body convulses. All you want is to cry out, call his name into the room, but even though you can hear the music from the party down here, anyone could be walking past, and it would be just your luck that it would be Amy from HR. His mouth is working you through those aftershocks as your thighs ease the pressure around his head. 
He's breathing as heavy as you are when he stands, slotting himself between your open legs. You can feel the hard length of him pressing against your silken center, as he dips his head to kiss you again, your taste intoxicating on his tongue. 
“Can I fuck you?” He asks, almost desperately, “You gonna let me?” 
“Please.” Is all you can get out, as he drags you off the desk, flipping you around so your front is pressed against the wood of the desk. 
He’s got his hand on the nape of your neck, pressing you down. You can hear him undoing his belt, dragging the zipper of his jeans down. You shuffle a little, widening your stance as he takes his place behind you. You can feel him dragging his cock through your folds, gathering the slick he’s pulled from you, before he’s plunging into you in one go. It takes everything you have not to scream. He’s big. Stretching you like no-one has before and it feels so fucking good. 
Marcus is still gripping the back of your neck as he starts moving, his other hand gripping the plush cheek of your ass, spreading you open even more as he slowly drags himself in and out of you. He’s going slowly, and you think that the way his breath is hitching in his throat means he’s struggling to keep his composure, so you decide to have a little fun. 
When he’s pulled almost all the way out of you, you turn your head as much as you can with his hand resting there, looking over your shoulder at him as you wiggle your ass, slowly backing into him, letting your cunt suck him right back into you again. 
“Baby, you can’t do that,” He pleads, his fingers digging into the skin of your ass, “Carry on like that and this will be over before it’s begun.” 
“Don’t care,” You mutter, “Harder, please.” 
He starts pounding into you now, the sound of his skin slapping against yours is obscene. You’re both trying as hard as possible to keep the moans and groans as quiet as possible, and you can’t help but wish he wants more, that he’ll take you home sometime, unwrap you and let you scream for him, but you decide to focus on the here and now. 
“Touch yourself.” You hear demanded from behind you, “I want to feel you come on my cock.” 
You snake your hand underneath you, pushing the discomfort of how your arm is trapped between your body and the desk, and start tracing quick circles over your clit. You’re already sensitive, hanging on the edge from his mouth, so you press harder, move your wrist faster. 
“Feel so fucking good, baby,” Marcus groans behind you, “Close, ain’tcha?” He asks, “Go on baby, let go for me, let me feel you.” 
And it’s his voice that does it, that finally tips you over the edge, has your cunt clenching around him, walls fluttering and teeth biting into your bottom lip as your knees give way. Thankfully, Marcus is gripping at your hips, which helps to keep you upright. 
“Where, baby?” He asks, voice strained, and you don’t catch what he means, “Quick baby, where do you want me?” 
“Anywhere.” You groan out, “I don’t care Marcus, just come for me.” 
You think for a moment he might stay inside you, which would be fine, you thank the implant under the skin of your arm, but at the last minute he’s pulling out of you, feeling the hot slick of his cum on the skin of your ass as he lets out a low groan out of his mouth. He’s breathing heavily behind you, pulling his jeans back up. You try and move, to push yourself up, but you’re worried if you move further you might collapse. 
“Stay there.” He says gently, leaning over you to pluck a few tissues from the box on his desk, gently wiping away the mess he’s caused, pulling your panties back into place and letting your skirt cover as much of your ass as it can in your position. 
“You okay?” He asks softly, helping you to stand, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear. 
You nod, because you are, you’ve never been fucked so thoroughly, never been made to come so hard in your life, but there’s an anxiety settling in your stomach. What always happens now is they’ll tell you they had a great time, but don’t think they want to see you again, which is going to be even more embarrassing because you have to work with this man. 
It's almost as if he can sense your anxiety, because he’s cupping your cheek again, leaning to give you a soft kiss on the lips, “Would you maybe want to go out sometime?” He asks, “I know we’ve done things out of order, but I’ve wanted to ask for a while.” 
You smile, because it does make you happy, that the man you’ve fancied for the best part of a year actually wants to take you out, “As long as you promise to take me back to yours after and let me see you naked?” 
He blows out air from his mouth, but his eyes are twinkling, “You drive a hard bargain,” He muses, “But you’ve got yourself a deal.” 
He’s moving from you now, over to the couch, picking up your coat and your back, motioning you over so he can help you into your jacket, hooking your bag onto your elbow, then moving to gather his own things, “Wait, right now?” You ask, sounding surprised, as he shrugs his jacket on. 
“I know a great diner just down the road.” He shrugs, picking up his satchel. 
He’s walking back to you, but you put a hand on his chest, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” You ask, watching a confused look fall over his face, you dart your eyes to his desk, where the whip from earlier is lying abandoned, “I’m only coming back to yours if you bring that.” 
You watch as a smirk splays across his lips. He snatches the whip from his desk, shoving it into the satchel, “Well, pretty lady, lead the way.” 
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pedroshotwifey · 7 months
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A Real Man Frankie Morales x plus size!fem!reader - Frankie has you sit on his face. (1.2k)
Fucking Mine Dave York x fem!reader - You help Dave get out some frustrations. (839)
One Condition Marcus Pike x fem!reader x Ezra (Prospect) - You and your partner, Marcus Pike, get stranded on an inhabited planet and run into problem after problem. You find yourselves in a compromising position that requires help from a strange man, who comes to you with one condition. (4.9k)
Cramped Innocent!Din Djarin x GN!reader - As you tried to explain, the two of you really don't fit in the cockpit. (927)
Bargian Javier Peña x male!reader - You and Javi play through one of your scandalous fantasies (2.1k)
Salty Sweet Javier Peña x fem!reader - Javi eats you out on your birthday---with a deliciously kinky twist (1.3k)
Better Ezra x f!reader - You join Ezra on his unscheduled break, not knowing you're in for the ride of your lifetime. (2k)
Good 'n' Deep Fat!Frankie Morales x f!reader - Fat Frankie can't be sated. (2.6k)
What Matters Older Joel Miller x f!reader - Your and Joel's first time together turns into so much more. (1.9k)
Needy Sub!Frankie Morales x dom!f!reader - Frankie gives you control for the night and you make sure he gets the most out of it. (1.6k)
Tease Sub!Dieter Bravo x sub!GN!reader x dom!Dave York - You and Dieter think it's fun to tease Dave, and Dave thinks he should teach you both a lesson for it. (2.4k)
Toeing the Line fwb!Marcus Pike x f!reader - Can you really just be "friends"? (740)
Stress Relief Pre-outbreak Joel Miller jacking off to some porn
Mini Skirt Javier Peña x fem!coworker!reader - You start thinking down on yourself---luckily, Javi's there to lift you back up. Nothing some praise and a good fuck in his office can't fix. (2.7k)
Song fic requests:
Haunted QZ!Joel Miller x afab!reader - Haunted by Beyonce
Requested Drabbles
Want some help on what to request? Try one of these links! (Make sure to specify which prompt list you’re using or I will assume it’s prompt list 1 :)
Prompt list 1
Prompt list 2
Prompt list 3
Prompt list 4
I am also willing to write for JDM characters (love me some Negan 🤭) , Oscar Isaac characters, Cassian Andor, Hugh Jackman characters (Logan is my fav) and Rick Grimes! Feel free to suggest a different character and I’ll see what I can do! ❤️
Small letter about the requests (basically saying that this is a safe space for all of you to request whatever you'd like!)
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Those Damn Hot Dogs
Chapter One of Therapy for the Well-Adjusted
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: 1859
Warnings: Nerdie doesn’t know how the FBI works (despite watching all the crimes procedurals), one gun shot, insulting hot dogs 🌭, random book reference, a wee bit of blood, yelling & cursing
Summary: Marcus Pike was mandated to go to therapy. His journey there was very bumpy. We meet Dr. Mint and Vernon! (both OFCs)
Notes: I started this because I wanted Marcus to be a bit unhinged. Like why not? 😀
But also because I’ve had some bad experiences with therapy and some very positive ones.
Plus I enjoyed the doctor’s names way too much. I’m on my mess with puns. 😉
If you feel you need therapy or counseling, you should research the best cost effective options for you and make sure that your therapist is someone you feel comfortable with. Vibes are important in this case.
Main Masterlist/ Marcus Pike Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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Marcus is talking with his therapist, Dr. Mint. He never thought he would need to see one. Not that people don’t need to see them or take their mental health seriously, they should and he does. He has to. He’s an FBI agent. Although he is in art crimes, there’s still quite a bit of shady characters, deals and crazy crap that people will do to have their art or hide how they got it.
The journey to Dr. Mint took Marcus two months from the incident to now.
The incident in question was something he never expected. Marcus Pike prided himself on being able to roll with life's punches, no matter how gut-wrenching they might be. Prior to ‘the incident’ his team were investigating possible pieces of art that were thought to have been smuggled into the country. Supposedly from California over to the East Coast. That should have been his first clue, the mention of that state. He was briefed about two consultants coming to assist since they had dealings and information of the particular ring of smugglers.
Patrick Jane and his wife Teresa Jane.
The amount of time Marcus had put into this case had been the last few months. Tracking leads, making connections, reviewing financials, flights, etc. He implored his superiors that they didn’t need their help. They’re making headway toward busting these guys without these two, especially one of them’s penchant for causing property damage and being a PR nightmare. The higher ups said that his team had enough time to find these guys and they haven’t so this case needs to be closed now. Pike didn’t understand the urgency, these were typical smugglers, not traffickers or people or drugs, but he had to back down. He would take many deep breaths and interact with them as little as possible.
Of course Patrick Jane asked to be on my team. The vest wearing, tired brown shoes having hot dog water looking bastard.
Agent Pike knew he’d have to grin and bear it. He’s a professional and a special agent. Unlike this prick, he can’t just do as he pleases. There are rules, regulations and he would like to stay gainfully employed at a job he loves. Patrick Jane nor his hot dog water loving wife Teresa will make him lose it.
The first two weeks went fine. Limited interaction, and all about the case. The third week was when they finally caught the smugglers at their warehouse. A mix of Marcus pulling up prior maps of an area outside of DC on the outskirts of the state of Virginia and Patrick seeing a pattern in pieces they were taking. The bust was running smoothly, all of them were caught except one. Marcus was chasing him and the idiot ‘not an actual agent’ Patrick decided he was somehow going to help chase the perp as well in those slippery ugly brown shoes.
It was his own fault.
Not Pike’s. He called in that he saw the suspect, let them know he was in pursuit and was chasing them. It was Jane that called himself trying to be some action hero popping out from a nearby alley to chase the same perp. Pike yelled at him to move, Patrick chose not to listen. His ass paid the price. Literally.
Some might have thought Marcus did it on purpose, especially if they knew the extremely sorted history between Patrick, Teresa and Marcus, but he truly did not. The suspect had pulled a gun and was trying to shoot Marcus, he dodged and shot the perp in the calf, disabling him enough for Pike to run over and clap cuffs on him. He then called for an ambulance.
Pike heard Patrick cursing as he was laying on the ground. Marcus thought maybe he just fell, but there was blood, not from the suspect. Jane was bleeding from his ass, the bullet had grazed him before hitting the suspect. Before Marcus could hold it in, and remain professional he laughed. Not a chuckle or snicker but a full, down on both knees next to the perp laugh. Which made the smuggler laugh as well. Teresa and the other agents made their way over and wondered what an agent and criminal could find so funny. Mrs. Hot Dog became hysterical that Patrick was bleeding so of course he leaned into it, shaking where he hadn’t been before.
Marcus and the suspect watched and looked at each other, “That’s some bullshit my guy.” Pike agreed. Standing up holding the suspect in front of him, he took him over to be booked and processed.
Patrick was taking his sweet time getting off the ground and Teresa was beginning to yell at Marcus, telling him that she’d have his badge for harming her Patrick.
Marcus Pike had enough. He requested to not have them in this case, asked to be reassigned, and has kept interactions to a minimum. He didn’t ask Patrick to chase a suspect. He’s a consultant. He’s not supposed to be doing it anyway!
Uncharacteristically, Marcus yelled and told Teresa to “keep her hot dog water looking man out of the way of FBI business. Had he not been here, the suspect wouldn’t have shot him. Jane needs to stay in his lane and keep all his hot dog foolishness over there.” Teresa was going to say something else, “You don’t say shit to me. You left me then, how am I supposed to know you’re going to do your damn job in the field if you didn’t even have the backbone to tell me no face to face or over the phone. You didn’t ask what actually happened! Put a bun on him to soak up his blood and hot dog water.”
Everyone was silent, even Jane.
No one expected Marcus to say anything, let alone admonishing Patrick and Teresa’s behavior. Everyone knew it was a lot but Pike had been a consummate professional during their entire time here.
Teresa was mortified and started to cry. Jane finally got up and limped over to the supervising agent who just told him to go over to the ambulance to get checked out.
No one directly addressed it, not until the Jane’s were gone and they threw a party. Marcus was invited but he declined. He’d been put out on administrative leave and was at home tuning his bass guitar. Wondering about what they said. They suggested he take some time off, cool his head and could come back after some counseling session.
Marcus had tried to go to the FBI one but it ended on a weird note. The initial meeting went well, but the small older woman asked for a hug. She said that Marcus resembled her former husband. He politely declined and told his supervisors that it wasn’t going to work with the FBI’s counselor.
Pike now had two weeks to find one he could see and clear him. His colleague Mark, suggested one that had helped him and his wife during a rough period in their marriage:
Dr. Mint of “Mint and Julep Counseling: Helping therapy go down smooth.”
The name and the tagline made Marcus chuckle and highly suspicious so he researched them, Mark vouched for the group of counselors and doctors. It’s worth a try. It had to be better than the last one.
Marcus wore his red flannel shirt, open exposing his white t-shirt underneath. Rubbing his hands on his dark wash jeans, getting the sweat off them, he opened the glass door leading into the reception area. The colors were neutral: white, tan, gold and gray. There was a friendly older gentleman at the desk who wore and striking green sweater and had bi-focals, peering at Marcus upward, maybe trying to look through the upper half of the glasses.
“Good afternoon sir, here for an appointment?”
“Yes I am. New patient for Dr. Mint. Marcus Pike. Nice to meet you sir.”
“Oh! You’re early, that’s nice. Wait there. Did you want some water? I’ll let them know you’re here. Should be finishing up with the previous patient shortly.” The gentleman informed him and Marcus took a seat on one of the black leather chairs.
He waited about ten minutes, he’d been fifteen minutes early. It was easier to find than he thought and it was in a stand alone building rather than in a strip mall. It was near a Panera and a Dunkin’s so Marcus had some landmarks for it.
Dr. Mint has sepia bangs which seems to be their natural hair color. The rest of their hair is cut close and is dyed a deep plum color. Normally Marcus might have taken a pause given that they’re also wearing a cream sweater that looks one size too big for them with black slacks and loafers, but they shake his hand and have a strong grip. Pike respects this and follows the good doctor to his office. The agent figures it can’t be worse than the last therapist. Dr. Mint is a few inches taller than Marcus but thin, willowy he might say. Something about him invokes trust, could be their sharp jaw and or that once they sit and Marcus begins talking about what happened with the two hot dogs, he sees something in their dark brown eyes that he didn’t with the other therapists. Dr. Mint didn’t think he’d lost his mind.
Pike’s luck has finally changed.
The doctor thanked Marcus for coming to see them and hoped that he would make a future appointment. They also stated that given the pressure he was under and the specific circumstances, they weren’t sure there was a right way to approach the situation.
“I mean, it is kinda funny. If you think about it, Dr. Mint.” Marcus departs their office and makes an appointment for later in the week with Vernon, the front desk gentleman. On his way out, he held the door for a woman in a cobalt dress, she thanked him and smiled. Pike felt his eyes linger on her for a few moments as she went to the desk and checked in with Vernon too. She sat down, crossing her legs at her ankles after setting her black tote back in a chair next to her. She was on her phone for a few and then pulled her bag into her lap, making herself smaller despite the waiting room being empty save for the man behind the desk.
Marcus wondered what brought her to this place, it could be anything. Her blue dress stuck out in his mind and he remembered there was a book about a woman in a blue dress, what was it called? He stopped to grab a salad and soup from Panera before heading home.
“Wait…” Marcus pulled into his parking space outside of his apartment building. “Devil in the blue dress, I think it’s by Walter Mosley. Wasn’t that a movie too? Maybe I should watch it tonight.” As tonight’s feature was decided, he set about trying to find which streaming service it would be on.
Marcus felt he made a good choice today.
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Hot dog haters 🌭: @megamindsecretlair @jessthebaker @avastrasposts @jeewrites @josephquinnswhore
@bishtrouille @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring @morallyinept @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
@soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @rosecentaur1916 @rulexofxnines @inept-the-magnificent
Chapter Two
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fhatbhabiee · 4 months
Ardiente Tentación
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DBF!Javier Peña x Plus Size Reader ft. Marcus Pike
word count: 1.4k
warnings: implied smut (nothing too descriptive), reader is plus sized/fat, readers got tig ole bitties (no skeeter bites in this house), wedding, inspired by s10e12 of greys anatomy, javi being a bit of a douche, marcus being a sweetie pie, not beta read
note: so sorry this took so long 😭 work has been kicking my fat ass on a spiritual level. but she's finally here! i'm sorry if this sucks but i hope everyone enjoys!
song inspo: Ardiente Tentación by Sentidos Opuestos
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"Whatcha doing pretty girl?” Marcus whispered in your ear, placing a kiss on your sweet spot. You giggled like an idiot as you turned your head and pecked his lips.
“Working on invitations for the rehearsal dinner.”
“You know we could have hired someone to do all the planning.”
“Yeah but I like doing it myself.” Marcus chuckled, knowing when it came to things like this you always preferred to do it yourself. He glanced over the scattered invitations on your desk and let out a small hum.
“What?” you asked, looking back up at him.
“Don't see your dad anywhere.”
Things were… complicated. After you had moved away, you stopped talking to your family. It was nothing against them but you just needed a fresh start. Sounds harsh but it really helped. After a few months you decided to reach out and check in on everyone. Your mother was happy to hear from you- nearly cried and wept the entire phone call. But your dad didn't wanna hear what you had to say. He sure did speak his mind though- calling you selfish for leaving and not looking back, saying how much of a disappointment you were because you wanted to follow your dreams and not his.
“Haven't spoken to him since I left and before you say anything I don't plan on it.”
“Okay okay I won't… How about you take a break?”
“Marcus I don't have-” you were cut off by him picking you up from your chair and getting tossed over his shoulder like a sack of taters.
“Marcus what are you doing?” you yelled out as you gripped onto the back of his work shirt.
“Gonna make my fiancé feel good till she can't walk anymore.”
— • —
You sat at the table next to Marcus, talking to your friends as Marcus talked to his. The rehearsal dinner was going great- everyone was enjoying themselves and everything was going as planned. Until you felt Marcus reach over and gently squeeze the inside of your thick ass thigh.
“What is it baby?” you asked, looking over at him. He didn't say anything and just motioned over to the entryway of the venue. You looked over and saw your dad standing there.
“Want me to take care of it?” Marcus asked, gently stroking his thumb up and down the skin of your thigh.
“No I got it…” you excused yourself from the table and walked over to him.
“Hey sweetie…”
“I didn't invite you.”
“No but your mom-” you scoffed and rolled your eyes. Ever since you told her your dad wanted nothing to do with you she'd been trying to mend things between you two. You expected her to go above and beyond for the two of you to talk but you never thought she'd invite him to the rehearsal dinner. You're starting to remember why you moved away and cut off communication with everyone here.
“Dad there's a reason why-”
“Hey I got the car parked."
The sound of his voice knocked you back a few steps. It's like you were face to face with a damn ghost.
Javier fucking Peña.
He looked the same but older. He still had his mustache but he'd grown his hair out a bit. As much as you hated to admit this to yourself he still looked fine as hell.
“Hola hermosa.” he smirked. “I know we weren't invited but thought we could drop by and say hi.”
Cocky asshole.
“Hi.” you flashed a fake smile. “Now you can leave.”
“Cmon hermosa don't be like that. Just one drink and we'll leave.” he walked closer to you, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. “Promise.”
To this day you couldn't understand why or how Javier had you eating out of the palm of his hand. Even after all this time- even after being with Marcus and on the verge of marrying him, it still worked.
“One drink and you're gone. Both of you.”
“Honey…” Marcus whispered in your ear. “Gonna take your dad home.”
You looked up and over at your dad. Just as you suspected the “one drink” turned into almost running the venue dry. You looked around, trying to find Javi so he can take your dad back home since he was the one who brought him here, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Thank you baby… I'll take care of everything here and I'll see you at the wedding?”
He smiled, leaning down and kissing you gently.
“See you at the wedding almost-Mrs Pike.” he kissed you one more time before getting up and escorting your dad out the venue.
You got up and walked around the venue, making sure everyone got home safe. Once everyone was gone you were alone in the venue, collecting the last of your things before leaving.
“So you're getting married huh?” he called out. You turned around and nodded.
“Yeah. He makes me happy. Something you could never do.”
Javi chuckled, wiping the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “I made you happy hermosa. Had you always begging for more.”
You rolled your eyes. “I had a weak moment..”
“Weak moment? Amor I hate to break it to you but that weak moment lasted almost 2 years.”
“I have to go.” you pushed past him, walking out of the venue and over to your car. He followed you, spinning you around and pressing your body up against your car, crashing his lips onto yours.
You wanted to pull away. Everything in your body was screaming to pull away or knee him in the balls. But you didn't. It was like you stepped into a time machine and went back to sitting on his couch, all sweaty because of him.
You reached behind you, opening the door and climbing in with him.
“Tell me if you wanna stop…” he whispered in between kisses. He reached around and unzipped your dress, slipping the straps off your shoulders and exposing your huge tits.
“Mierda los extrañé…” (Fuck I missed them) he whispered, leaning down and taking one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue swirling around in circles. You arched your back, moaning at his touch.
Stop. Pull away. This is wrong.
If it's so wrong then why does it feel so right?
— • —
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your fingers rubbing over the delicate fabric of the white dress. It was beautiful. It outlines every detail of your soft body- every curve, every love handle. Your tits practically spilled out of the sweetheart neckline. One wrong move and you'd have a nip slip. You didn't care. You were getting married to the love of your life…
A knock pulled your attention away from the mirror. You turned around and there he was.
“Te ves linda…” (You look beautiful…) Javi muttered.
“What are you doing here Jav?”
“Wanted to wish you luck.” he walked closer and tucked your veil into your hair, pulling the front side over your face. “Now you look like a bride…”
“Yeah a bride who cheated before she even got married…”
“Think of it as… your last fuck as a single woman.” he placed a soft kiss on your temple. “Happy wedding day.” with that he walked out of the room. You turned back around and looked at yourself in the mirror.
Fucking Javier Peña…
You walked down the aisle, eyes instantly going to Marcus. His heart swelled at the sight of you walking towards him. Tears filled his eyes. His dreams were coming true. Dream job, beautiful woman as his wife. Everything was perfect. You stepped in front of him and held his hands. He reached down and pulled the vail over your head.
“God you look beautiful baby…” he sniffed, few tears rolling down his cheeks.
“And you look so handsome honey..” you reached up and wiped his tears away.
You both stood there, staring into each other's eyes as you listened to the ordained minister talk his speech. Right before you switched rings with Marcus, the minister asked one question.
“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
He was in the far back, close to the door. He stood up.
“I love you.” Javi blurted out, grabbing everyone's attention. He slowly started to walk down the aisle getting closer. “I love you hermosa. I always have. And I always will.”
You turned and faced him, too stunned to speak.
“Run away with me. We can leave right now.” he walked up to you, taking your hands out of Marcus’ hands. “What do you say?”
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divider: @saradika-graphics
Main Masterlist — Javier Peña Masterlist
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xmissrogersx · 7 months
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━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━
━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━
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pascalpvnk · 7 months
february fic recs list
hello! welcome to the third installment of my end of the month fic recs posts, sorry it's late, my bad :') listed in no particular order, just as each fic was read! [once again, if your fic has found a cozy home on my tbr blog, don't fret! i will work through each one slowly but surely xx (divider by @saradika-graphics)
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heed all warnings according to each fic. if there's something on here that isn't your cup of tea and you don't want to read it, then scroll past. thank you!
fic recs masterlist // main masterlist // most recent fic
a * denotes smut (18+ MDNI!!)
Joel Miller
keep it squeaky* - @joelscruff (j.m. x f!reader) in a feud with her neighbor* [bonus scenes] - @proxima-writes (pre-outbreak!j.m. x f!reader) morning cardio* - @joeloverture (dbf!j.m. x f!reader) mornings like these* - @joelsgreys (post-outbreak!j.m. x f!reader) psyche and cupid* - @macfrog (jackson!j.m. x f!reader) jet stream* - @strang3lov3 (soft dom!j.m. x f!afab!reader) it''s your turn for choosing - @familyvideostevie (j.m. x reader) hard pill to swallow.* - @cerridwen007 (j.m. x f!reader) unbelievable* - @joelmillerisapunk (mechanic!j.m. x f!reader) fade in to you - @studioghibelli (j.m. x tommy's gf!reader) nobody's son, nobody's daughter. - @fragilefable (j.m x f!reader) tell me more - @endlessthxxghts (j.m. x f!afab!reader) wildflowers - @tightjeansjavi (j.m. x f!reader)
Frankie Morales
liquid gold* - @endlessthxxghts (f.m. x afab!reader) something right* - @sweetercalypso (f.m. x afab!reader) full* - @endlessthxxghts (f.m. x afab!reader) stupid cupid - @hellishjoel (best friend!f.m. x f!reader) comfortable* - @endlessthxxghts (f.m. x afab!reader) perfect fit* - @lowlights (f.m. x plus-size!f!reader) plus one - @always-andromeda (f.m. x f!reader) valentine's day* - @polaroidpascal (f.m. x f!reader)
tres besos - @mrsmando (javier peña x f!reader) solo round* [dating start!] - @futureman (josh futturman x f!reader) keep it* - @jksprincess10 (marcus pike x f!reader)
hippies & cowboys* - @cowgurrrl (joel miller x art teacher!reader) ongoing the rite of movement* - @tightjeansjavi (husband!pornstar!joel miller x f!pornstar reader x pornstar!tommy miller) ongoing bark! bite! bleed! [part I*] [part II*] - @cherubispunk (fwb!frankie morales x afab!reader) ongoing
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lionlena · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal
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One Shot:
♡A kitchen disaster
♡Just let it go…
♡New job, new problems...
♡Just breathe
♡His Curls - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (completed)
♡Hate run, love speed - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress)
♡We don’t love each other - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 - Final (completed)
♡A perfect day for a perfect girl (It's your birthday and Pedro makes you feel loved and special all day)
♡What sleeping position do they most like when you are with them? (Pedro Pascal characters)💤
♡How will they react to your makeup? (Pedro Pascal and his characters) 👁️👄💅
♡Headcanon: How do they behave when you have a migraine? (Pedro Pascal characters)🩹😴   (+ Dave and Marcus)
♡Headcanon: How will they react if you tell them about CDD? (Pedro Pascal characters) 👰💔😱🤕  
♡Headcanon: Who will be ready to kill for you? From most willing to least... (Pedro Pascal characters) 🔪💀☠️🩸
♡Headcanon: How do they cook for you? (Pedro Pascal characters) 🥕🧑‍🍳🍓
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Joel Miller
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One Shot:
♡This is just a nightmare… (The Last of Us ff/ Joel/Ellie)
♡Strong for both of us
♡Trouble with ex
♡Dyeing your hair…
♡Together in happiness and depression… (no outbreak)
♡Unforgivable mistake, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, (in progress)
♡I can't be everywhere (No outbreak!) Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5... (in progress)
♡You need a better place (Joel loving a girl with epilepsy)
♡Blue dress (Joel Miller x plus size!reader)
♡When Joel goes limp… (JoelMillerxf!reader)🤷🍆🩹
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Javier Peña
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One Shot:
♡I’ll protect you… (bc you’re mine)
♡I’ll hurt you… ( bc you’re mine )
♡I’ll leave you (bc youre not mine)
♡I'll stay with you... ( bc I love you)
♡You’re hot…
♡A girl from the street
♡Dancing With Your Ghost - Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Epilogue (completed)
♡Too many shadows behind you - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5 (in progress)
♡Nicotine (JavierPeña and You)
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
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♡Dynasty - Part 1, Part 2, (in progress)
One Shot:
♡Mean (JackDanielsxf!reader)
♡Llamas don't drink whiskey...
♡What does Jack's ranch look like? 🤠🐴🐓🐮🧑‍🌾
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Javi Gutierrez
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One Shot:
♡Too hot
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Frankie Morales
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One Shot:
♡Lost cat
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Marcus Pike
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One Shot: 
♡"7.44 am"
♡If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years...
♡Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
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Oberyn Martell
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♡Red Viper and Fox - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress, soon english version)
One Shot:
♡♕Queen's Milk
♡I Hold You
♡Remember me… (ANGST!)
♡Leave... (ANGST)
♡Headcoanon: Oberyn's finger kink... 🤤💦🤌
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The Old Guard (movie)
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One Shot: 
♡ Amira
♡ It hurts like hell    
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jolapeno · 6 months
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welcome to jo’s march madness master list
i have LOVED reading all of these wonderful fics, and I wanted to put them in a place where others could enjoy them. i've tried to break them down into characters, but I've not highlighted content warnings, so please check warnings/ratings.
some links ⥄ all my fic recs ⥄ are you after some less than 3k fics? check out @goodwithcheese's quick pic fic here
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delta landscaping 14 + 15 by @rhoorl [triple frontier multi characters]
love language by @trulybetty
adrift with you chp. 8 + 9 by @morallyinept [frankie x ofc!jude]
always there for you by @pedroscurls
home by @dancingtotuyo
life is but a by @wordywarriorwrites
hold fast (series) by @jeewrites
imbued by @morallyinept
the melting point series (up to chp. 11 currently) by @penvisions
against the apples by @kteague
the study by @superhoeva
acts of service by @swiftispunk
he with the dark curls, you with the by @hellishjoel
tonight you belong to me chp. 3 by @intheorangebedroom
it's about the way you... by @penvisions
paper airplanes by @littlemisspascal
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call me javi by wildemaven
safe place by @gnpwdrnwhiskey
every inch by @javierpena-inatacvest
señorita chapter by @lavendertales
take the weight off his shoulders chp. 8 by @thetriumphantpanda
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mine by @secretelephanttattoo [joel x tess]
denim on denim by @fuckyeahdindjarin [joel (in shiv's world)]
just to see you smile by @gnpwdrnwhiskey [joel x oc!bee]
a lovers pinch by @hier--soir
honey, i won't be home by @trulybetty [jackson joel]
rookie mistake by @fuckyeahdindjarin [seams!joel]
new perspectives by @thetriumphantpanda
the duke's illicit affair by @hellishjoel
northern lights by @morallyinept
raw edge by @fuckyeahdindjarin [seams!joel]
adoration (bodies series) by @morallyinept [tw: mention of breast cancer]
thirst for beauty by @psychedelic-ink [plus size!reader]
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second chances part 1 + 2 by @pedroscurls
i'll crawl home to her by @ezrasbirdie
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love at first... sight by @goodwithcheese
out of sight by @goodwithcheese
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this is the way by @psychedelic-ink
a rule of three by @5oh5
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southern nights by @secretelephanttattoo
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
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Welcome to a fun little event where you get to ask for all sorts of filth! Spin the Wheel, Pick a Pedro Boy, and Get a Drabble! Bring your jammies, snuggle up in your sleeping bag, charge your favorite toys (just kidding) and come join me for some filthy fun with our favorite boys!
Bangathon requests are closed, thank you all for submitting your ideas!
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Complete Bangathon Masterlist:
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Marcus Pike, Kneeling Reach-Around
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, 69
Pero Tovar x F!Reader, Cowgirl
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Plus Size F!Reader, 69
Max Phillips x F!Reader, Reverse Cowgirl
Ezra x F!Reader, Spooning
Pero Tovar x F!Reader, Missionary
Francisco "Catfish" Morales x F!Reader, Cowgirl
Din Djarin x F!Reader, 69
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, Snuggled Spoon
Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Wife Reader, Mermaid
Marcus Pike x F!Reader, Kneeling Reach-Around
Oberyn Martell x OFC, Sit on the Throne
Ezra x F!Reader, Advanced Crab Walk
Joel Miller x F!Reader, Blowjob
Javier Peña x F!Reader, Honey Bear
Francisco "Catfish" Morales x F!Reader "Ms Jackson", Seated Oral
Oberyn Martell x OFC, Snuggled Spoon
Ezra x F!Reader, Missionary with a Pillow
Marcus Moreno x F!Reader, Spooning
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader "Murch", Sit on the Throne
Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader, Honey Bear
Joel Miller x F!Reader, Snuggled Spoon
Dieter Bravo x M!Reader, Kneeling Reach-Around
Javier Peña x F!Reader, Octopus
Din Djarin x F!Reader, Sit on the Throne
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, Honey Bear
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, Froggy Style
Ezra x F!Reader, Honey Bear
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myfriendofmiseryyy · 1 year
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The intimacy of being understood by someone part 2
Warnings:swearing,reader feeling insecure,mentions of bad relationships and toxic men.
Date night:
The next day:
After yesterday I found out that Marcus was friends with my boss,and no I didn’t get in trouble for being late. I also found out that Marcus is one of most amazing people I’ve ever met,he is kind,thoughtful,trustworthy and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. After we arrived into work (fashionably 3 hours late) Marcus introduced me to my new co workers I would be working with as a emt in the fbi. He showed me around the building I’d be working in,filling me in on where to get coffee and catch a break which in his words is “the most important thing” which I wholeheartedly agreed with. I Learned that he works in the art crimes department,and he loves art and old movies,SWOON! after Marcus showed me around I got to work on some paperwork I had to do before actually going into the field,normal boring shit but it had to be done,it was 8pm before I knew it and Marcus popped his head around the office to say he was going home,and I should get going too. I finished off the papers around half an hour later and to my surprise Marcus was waiting for me. “Marcus you scared the shit out of me!” I laugh. “Just wanted to get you home safe” he laughs,”sorry for scaring ya!” We walk to the subway station together talking about where we should go for dinner tomorrow,should I call it a date? Probably not. “He is just being friendly”I think to myself Marcus suggests an American diner not to far from the station,apparently it sold killer pancakes. “Sounds like a plan to me agent pike” he laughs at me using his professional name “American diner it is then agent smith” we laugh and joke until our trains arrive,”hey could I get your number? Just in case I need to contact you”. Marcus asks,”sure” I give him my number and Marcus puts it in his phone.
“You sure you gonna be ok getting back on your own?” Marcus asks with a caring smile “Yeah if I need you I’ll text you”I smile warmly back,we both stand awkwardly for about 5 seconds before Marcus leans in and gives me a hug “I’m glad I met you today,and even more glad we are somehow working together” he chuckles “so am I Marcus,I can’t thank you enough for today”. The hug lingers for around 20 seconds and I smell his cologne,it’s musky and woody with a hint of his natural musk. I’m slightly taken back by the hug and after we part I’m longing for more…hopefully another day.
Marcus’s train arrives and we say our goodbyes and I wait for mine and put my AirPods in… I put on Lana del reys new album she released last week while waiting for my train…one of the worst days turned quickly into one of the best,all thanks to Marcus. Even if we stay just friends,I can tell he going to be in my life for a long time.
I wake up feeling refreshed,but nervous. I need to get a outfit ready shit. It’s just a causal friend date not to fancy right? And it’s the middle of autumn,it’s gonna be cold last thing I want to do is freeze. Plus I hate showing skin anyway,i look in my closet and find a simple but cute outfit, “this will do”
I look in the mirror,”I look stupid Marcus going to think I’m weird and fat” I push the thoughts away and put on some light makeup and have a bite to eat. Whiskey comes up to my feet,”hey boy,you hungry?” “I’ll feed ya” I feed whiskey,then there is a knock on the door. “Shit” I grab my phone and my bag and take a deep breath,and answer the door.
Marcus is on the other side with flowers in his hand. Holy shit he looks gorgeous.
“Got these for you,you look gorgeous” Marcus smiles and blushes lightly
“Omg Marcus you didn’t have to do that!” “You don’t look to bad yourself” I smile and wink. God that was probably so cringe I say to myself and put the flowers in a vase before leaving with Marcus.
“So where is this diner?” I say while walking with Marcus.
“It’s not to far from mine,I’d figured I’d drive us there,it’s actually quite a trek from yours” he chuckles
We walk up to Marcus’s car and he opens the door for me “ladies first” “oh such a gentleman” I laugh “only for you” he winks. Omg did he just wink at me??get a grip it was probably just a joke. Marcus looks over at me and puts his hand on my thigh, “hey you ok?” “Yeah! I’m fine just being stupid” “you’re not stupid” Marcus says softly while staring the car. “And you look amazing” he looks over at me with a gleam in his gorgeous brown eyes. I must of been daydreaming because before I knew it we were parked outside the diner. “Ready to stuff ourselves with pancakes?” Marcus laughs “hell yeah!” I say laughing softly.
Marcus takes my hand to help me out the car,the brief moment our hands touched felt like electricity. And I think he felt it too as when our hands touched his hand clenched slightly,maybe I’m reading into it too much.
We get inside and it’s amazing,not to posh so I’m happy I didn’t go with the other outfit in the end, I find us a seat while Marcus gets the menu. When he sits back down again I take a moment to really look at him…without looking like I’m staring,he is in a plain white shirt with a leather jacket,how can he make something so basic so hot? “You look absolutely amazing btw” I say to him quietly.
Marcus blushes “you think?I wanted to look half decent for you,you really are an amazing person and I don’t even know that much about you yet,but I want to get to know you,maybe as more than friends too.you’re beautiful,and strong. I know that already
I just sit there looking shocked for a second “Marcus you really mean that?”
“ I mean every word,if you want this could be our first date,only if you feel the same way about me obviously” he chuckles.
“I…feel the same way,you’re gorgeous Marcus. And you’re so kind,I’m not used to guys actually being interested in me,all my exes said the same thing,that they couldn’t accept me for who I was. One of them even went as far as cheating on me with a slimmer girl because and I quote “I’m to disgusting to have sex with” and I believed him,I would throw myself into toxic situation after toxic situation because I didn’t know any better…kinda why I moved here,fresh start I guess.
It was now Marcus’s turn to looked shocked “sweetheart I’m so sorry that happened to you” he takes my hand,”none of them deserved you,you deserve someone who loves and respects you,and takes care of your every need. I’m a firm believer that love stems from respect,and respecting your partner’s feelings,sticking with them through thick and thin. Call me a old school romantic,I’ve probably watched to many old movies,but men these days are trash” Marcus chuckles softly “I’ve had my fair share of bad relationships,hell I’ve even been divorced,but I’ve gotten the help I needed,I went to therapy and healed. And I’m ready to date again,and I want that to be you”. Marcus smiles softly and looks into my eyes “we can take it as slow as you want darling,you’ve been hurt in the past,we both have and if you want to just be friends for a while I’m fine with that but,you’re beautiful and you deserve someone who loves and respects you,and if you’d let me,I’d do that for the rest of my days.
“No Marcus I really want to date you,so much especially now after you said all that I’m not good with words but you just blew my mind with how incredibly beautiful and intelligent you are. You make me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time and we haven’t even kissed yet. You have already made me a better person,and I really want to find out more about you.you’re so sweet and interesting,when our hands touched it was like electricity and when we hugged last night…I didn’t want to let go,I wanted you to hold me forever. You make me feel safe.
By time we finish talking our food arrives
“Also you like pancakes so that’s an immediate green flag for me” Marcus winks while tucking into his pancakes. “I could eat pancakes all day if i could”
“You’re so adorable”I laugh softly while digging into mine.
“Not as adorable as you tho aye? Marcus flashes a cheeky smile
We finish off the pancakes and make light conversation for another 15 minutes mostly about our love for music and movies
“I’m really falling for you” Marcus suddenly says
“Really? Because I literally fell for you the moment I met you”I laugh
“I suppose you did,but I mean it I said to myself I’m not going to rush into things but I’m falling for you babe. Marcus chuckles
“If you don’t wanna rush into things then we can take this at your pace,you know that right? I say softly
“I think I would like to take this slow,but I can’t help myself you’re beautiful,kind compassionate and intelligent. I just can’t help falling for you”
“Then we can take this slow,but I’m falling for you too.you’re genuinely the greatest person I’ve ever met.
After a while of more talking…and flirting me and Marcus step out of the diner “what you wanna do now? You can come back to mine if you want,it’s way to late for anything to be open,unless you just want me to drop you home?”marcus says softly
“Yours sounds good” I chuckle “might get a good night kiss then” I wink
“Oh I’m making sure of it” Marcus laughs.
Well that’s the end of part two,it went on way longer than I expected it too! I hope y’all enjoyed:))
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osped · 10 months
🌟 Good Morning, Bachelor Nation! 🌟 by @elvinaa
You have a big ass by @pedros-husband
How about 7 Pedros for a minute each? by @oonajaeadira
scary movie typa guy ; genre of movies pedro boys are into by @creedslove
Having Triplets: by @absurdthirst
reader calls, telling him they had to go to the emergency room by @judysxnd
he hated the feeling or thought of reader ever leaving ; protective pedro ; blind date ; comforts him ; none of that really matters ; him just loving being a girl dad ; pedro x sick!reader ; whole pregnancy by @talaok (at this point I sould've just put her masterlist link here, lol)
it's not that kind of cold shower (pedro x gn/m!reader) ; 🎯MASTERLIST🎯pedro pascal x gn/m!reader by @pedge-stuff
Pero Tovar and his Guerrera by @prolix-yuy
friend sets Pedro and (y/n) on a blind date by @talaok
take my hand - pero tovar x fem!reader by @pedrito-friskito
Temple of Love ; Grumpy Pumpkin by @sirowsky-stories
Window Shopping by @the-dendrophile-bookdragon
Birfday - Oberyn by @writeforfandoms
I’m Here by @davnittbraes
Forgive These Bones I'm Hiding (Part 2 of 2) by @whataperfectwasteoftime
I know that I shouldn't... but I love you. by @odetodilfs
Nᴏᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Bᴏʏs (Jᴀᴠɪᴇʀ Pᴇñᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Crossroads (Javier Peña x AFAB!Reader) ; Narcos Masterlist by @ithebookhoarder 
wait, what? by @plentyoffandoms
Trick and Treat by @jobean12-blog
tolerate it [javi peña x gn!reader] by @mandoalorian
quickie at the party ; LA LLUVIA 🌧️ by @creedslove
the sun will shine again by @foli-vora
loads of hickeys by @talaok
doing a million steps nightly skin care routine ; The Millers 💖 by @creedslove
Joel Miller Masterlist by @jobean12-blog
sated by @softlyspector
Feral Masterlist by @ohraicodoll
"a gentle hand" — joel miller by @louswrld11
All Good Things [a Joel x f!reader fic] by @criticallyacclaimedstranger
a sheep in wolf's clothing by @jupiter-soups
Halloween Special by @strang3lov3
I wanna show you off by @joelscurls
crying for the first time ever by @joels-shitty-puns
grumpy!husband!joel by @cruelfvkingsummer
Skinny Dipping by @second-axis-point
Kinktober Day 13: Javi Gutiérrez w/overstimulation and bondage. by @odetodilfs
In The Silence by @dindjarindiaries
D.D. - "Then we'll find out together." by @missredherring
Uncut by @beskarandblasters
the cantina by @spctrsgf
trying boba tea for the first time by @toxic-seduction
50. Nothing is wrong with you. 55. I’m not going anywhere. ; Soft!Din by @ezrasbirdie
Familiar & Unfamiliar by @theidiotwhowritesthings
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #10: Dieter Bravo - A Kiss While Baking by @something-tofightfor
Surrogate Love {Dave York x F!Reader} by @absurdthirst
Broken by @musings-of-a-rose
sweet treat (frankie morales x f!plus-size!reader) by @mrsmando
Kɪʟʟ ғᴏʀ Yᴏᴜ (Fʀᴀɴᴋɪᴇ Mᴏʀᴀʟᴇs) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Telltale Heart by @astroboots
fading ; something new [plus size fem reader] by @ezrasbirdie
pretending to be him ; RE-ENCOUNTER 🎨 by @creedslove
used by you by @foli-vora 
Tʜᴇ Oᴛʜᴇʀ Mᴀɴ (Sɪʟᴠᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
PS : I reblog all this amazing fanfic on my other tumblr account on @uwiuwi. I just like to reread, but it got me so stressfull when my main blog so full with reblogs, so I make this masterlist for my future self. I hope none of the authors of the fanfics I put in here mad. Sorry and Thank you for your hardwork guys.
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 ❅ all pedro pascal masterlists ❅ all marcus moreno masterlists ❅ all marcus pike masterlists ❅ all max lord masterlists ❅ all max phillips masterlists ❅ all oberyn martell masterlists ❅ all pero tovar masterlists
𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥 ❅ all pedro pascal ❅ all pedro smut ❅ all pedro fluff ❅ all pedro angst ❅ all pedro pascal x gn reader ❅ all pedro pascal x male reader ❅ all pedro x plus size reader 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐨 (𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒆𝒔) ❅ all marcus moreno ❅ all marcus smut ❅ all marcus fluff ❅ all marcus angst ❅ all marcus x gn reader ❅ all marcus x male reader 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐤𝐞 (𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕) ❅ all marcus pike ❅ all marcus smut ❅ all marcus fluff ❅ all marcus angst ❅ all marcus x gn reader ❅ all marcus x male reader
𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝 (𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒) ❅ all max lord ❅ all max smut ❅ all max fluff ❅ all max angst ❅ all max x gn reader ❅ all max x male reader 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 (𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔) ❅ all max phillips ❅ all max smut ❅ all max fluff ❅ all max angst ❅ all max x gn reader ❅ all max x male reader
𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 (𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔) ❅ all oberyn martell ❅ all oberyn smut ❅ all oberyn fluff ❅ all oberyn angst ❅ all oberyn x gn!reader ❅ all oberyn x male!reader 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐫 (𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍) ❅ all pero tovar ❅ all pero smut ❅ all pero fluff ❅ all pero angst ❅ all pero x gn reader 𝐭𝐢𝐦 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 (𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏) ❅ all tim rockford ❅ all tim smut ❅ all tim fluff ❅ all tim angst ❅ all tim x male reader 𝐳𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 (𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 + 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔) ❅ all zach wellison ❅ all zach smut ❅ all zach fluff ❅ all zach angst
𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚 - 𝐣
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
She's Under the Weather
Marcus Pike x plus size female reader
Fanfiction is 18+ MDNI
Main Masterlist / Marcus Pike Masterlist
Word Count: 1.6k (I got right into it - I surprised myself)
Summary: You have a day off and Marcus finds a reason to come home early.
Warnings: don't choke! Soft Marcus, unprotected P in V (wrap up people), inside jokes, cockwarming, aftercare
Notes: There truly isn't too much to this. I'm trying to work on getting to the meat of the issue (Pun was fully intended). I felt like adding Marcus Pike smut to the Pike Pool after finally making the man a Masterlist. He deserves equal sweaty time like other Pedro boys!
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Six months of dating Marcus had changed you, a former wallflower, now a blooming rose with new found confidence in yourself. Marcus always asked you what you wanted, how you wanted things and took it at your pace. It had been so long since you’d been pampered. It was almost as if he worshiped the ground you walked on, different places to eat out twice a week, the lunches he put together for you. It was all so overwhelming. It did make you wonder what you could do for him. Anything to return an ounce of the reassurance and grace he offered you. Even when the pair of you were in the throes of passion, his answer was the same,
“Only you could make me feel this way. I have all I need right here.”
It was a cool Tuesday November morning, you had the day off due to a happy accident of having too much PTO and needing to use it before it expired. You had kissed Marcus goodbye as he headed off to work, you were sitting on his couch, wrapped up in a throw blanket as you hadn’t felt the need to set dressed yet. The combination of your cool thighs and warm shoulders felt good. A ping from your phone told you two things: one, that Marcus has arrived safely at his office and two that he wanted a picture of you. Seeing his favorite girl relaxing would make him happy, he said. You wondered what pose you should do, but settled for a simple portrait photo complete with a messy poofy bun, red cotton sleep camisole that was comfortable to you and a smile. 
Have a great day at work today. Stay safe and I love you Marcus.
When you only saw read and nothing else, you put the phone down and went to get dressed, putting on a purple scoop neck shirt with fleece leggings. You decided that you’d look around Marcus’s apartment and cook him some dinner for when he got home.
Marcus nearly choked on his coffee. 
He had checked his phone while he sat in another boring meeting held with the directors of each department, briefing them on various happenings in the FBI. A meeting that very literally could have been an email. 
He cleared his throat and excused himself out of the room, not taking his eyes off the photo you’d sent him. Your sweet face with a matching smile looking up at the camera, the deep red of your camisole lazily draped across your skin and the ample amount your chest that was exposed for him, if he squinted, he may be able to make out the outline of your nipples peeking at him, enticing him. A fellow agent exited the meeting to check on Marcus to which he politely waved the young one off. He lied and told him he had to go home and check on you, that you’d taken some time off because you were feeling under the weather. He also added that he’d likely be out the rest of the day and would complete half of his work from home so there wouldn’t be any delays. The younger agent said he would let the team know and Marcus was off, gathering his belongings from his office and headed home to you.
Milling around the house, you had decided on spaghetti and meatballs for dinner as that’s the ingredients you had. Now that dinner was planned, it was late morning and you hadn’t had your coffee yet. As you started a fresh pot, the door opening and slamming closed started you. Putting the pot down and picking up a pair of scissors, you slipped behind the kitchen island putting something between you and whoever this was.  
“Baby! Where are you? Come here!” A voice you last heard this morning called out to you, setting the scissors down, you relaxed upon seeing him throw his suit jacket on the floor and remove his tie, quickly closing the gap between the two of you. 
“Marcus?! What are you doing home? Shouldn’t you be-” His lips crashed against yours, finally rid of his tie as he cupped your face, his hands still cool from outside. His hips pressed against yours, hungry, nibbling on your lips until you opened your mouth with a moan and let him in. His hand then trailed to the small of your back, pressing your body against his, grinding into you with a sense of urgency. When he allowed you a breath, he parted only to pull your shirt up and off you as he’d felt moments ago you weren’t wearing a bra. Pike pushed you back against the counter, his hands warming themselves on your hot skin with his face between your breasts before he veered toward the left and circled his tongue around your areola. The air was heated from his mouth and your hands pulled his head closer to your breast encouraging him to continue. He let out a light chuckle,
“You weren’t feeling that well and sent me an SOS sweetheart.” You were going to ask if it was your text this morning but he took your nipple into his mouth and wrapped his lips around your areola sucking hard. 
“Yes I feel so fucking bad…” You whine weakly, your fingers dancing across his back before feeling him tug at your leggings. Moving his hands, you removed his button down shirt and while he took another pause to remove his undershirt, you removed your legging and underwear. Exposing how slick he had managed to make you, you cleared your throat before making two hops up onto the counter. “Now I really do feel a little bad, you could have helped me up Marcus.” Your boyfriend smiled at your fake pout, removing his belt, dropping his pants and boxers, stepping out of both. 
“You got up there honey. Besides, I got to see you do it. That’s a special kind of reward in and of itself. You alright here?” He asked, spreading your thighs and settling himself between them. Lined up with your wet core, he looks up at you, kissing your nose before your lips. “Tell me.” He asks.
“I’m so sick Marcus you’re supposed to be making me feel better because I’m ill.” Your bottom lip was stuck out, still going with the sick angle Marcus had mentioned when asked. He nibbled your lip that was poked out and slid into you slowly, taking his time to become flush with your hips.
“I always take care of my sweetheart. You’ll feel a hell of a lot better shortly.” He didn’t move though, he enjoyed watching you get a little frustrated with him for not immediately rutting into you, despite telling him that’s what you wanted. He instead held your leg under your knee and spread you a little more, moving slowly, purposely dragging inside of you.
“Marcus…” You moaned in his ear, wrapping your arms around his back to pull him close. He started to increase his pace as your free leg snaked behind his hips. He grunted, knowing you weren’t playing fair. He was one to savor while you often wanted it as soon as possible. 
“That’s how you’re play it Love? Alright then. Let’s see how quickly I can get you better then.” The smirk on his face as he released your leg and took hold of your hips made your brows furrow. He stopped again, letting you squint your eyes at him. Your noses touched as he smiled and began his quick thrusts of his throbbing heat into you, having you yelp his name. “Feeling a bit better, are we sweetheart?” Marcus teased biting your shoulder, the loud groan that released from your throat told him all he needed to know as he continued, sucking where he bit. 
“I’m close, so close Marcus…” You panted, scratching his back. Your head hit the backsplash on the wall and he released one of your hips to grab your head, but you shot him a stern look and he placed his hand back where it was. Despite how roughly he was moving his hips, Marcus always made sure you were safe and it was one of the many things you loved about him. That wasn’t what you needed right this moment though. He did move his hand one more time, however, this was to pitch your swollen nipple that he had been sucking on earlier. Your walls began to quiver more quickly feeling ever closer to what he’d started, you felt him as well, pulsing inside of you before he filled you with his last few pumps. The sensation and the churning of his spent inside of your core made you call his name and climax, digging your nails into his back. Falling forward into your chest, Pike kissed above your left breast where your heart was. Your hand left his back and ran through his hair, “I’m happy you’re home. I guess me being ‘sick’ has its perks.” 
You kissed his forehead as he sat up, not pulling out yet, content to stay within you a bit longer. He brushed a few stray hairs out of your eyes so he could look at them. “Yes you were so sick honey.” The two of you laugh, Marcus stands at his full height and presses on your chest with his hand lightly, meant for you to stay right where you are. He makes his way into the bedroom and comes back with a warm washcloth to clean you up and wipe off the counter a bit, noting that he’ll need to wipe that down later. “Let’s get you to bed shall we? Come on.” This time, he helps you down and you both lay down for a midday nap followed by another afternoon treatment for your ‘sickness.’
Pike pool swimmers (safety first!) 🛟: @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty @magpiepills @i-own-loki @morallyinept @pedritapascal @yorksgirl @goodwithcheese @marcus-is-my-muse @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @guelyury @legendary-pink-dot @pedroshotwifey @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
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absurdthirst · 11 months
Weekly Writing Round Up: October 29th - November 4th
Kinktober Day 29: Pregnancy {Javier Peña x F!Reader}
Kinktober Day 30: Hotdogging {Agent Whiskey x F!Reader}
Crashing the Party {Dieter Bravo x Plus Sized!F!Reader}
Kinktober Day 31: Free For All {Mando x F!Reader}
The Wolf in the Woods {Werewolf!Marcus Pike x F!Reader}
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday Week In Review on a Monday
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How is everyone doing? Did we make it through the last week? Those who got a long weekend I hope it was a good one! Yesterday was a clusterfuck and I had the mother of all naps - the type where you wake up and don't know where you are let alone what day of the week it is lol.
So here is Sunday's Week in Review, on a Monday edition! 💕
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Strings IV
First Sentence Game
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore (Ezra) by @oonajaeadira
While I’m still undecided if I truly enjoy Prospect, I absolutely do love a good Ezra fanfic and this one doesn’t disappoint. It started as a late-night read last Sunday when I was the only one awake and once I started I couldn’t stop. It also seems to have popped up for a lot of other readers as I’ve seen it all over my dash since. @oonajaeadira master list is a joy to go through on Sundays at the moment. 
Until Now, Until You | Chapter 1 (Javier Peña) by @wildemaven
This was all the right levels of sexy and spicy and leaving you wanting more and I can’t wait to see how this plays out when the two run into one another again!
Leave off Your Wanderings (Joel Miller) by @oonajaeadira
This series is a total balm to my TLOU2 feels - this is the ending Joel deserved (and in my mind the official sequel to TLOU) and in the third instalment the autumn vibes are warm and cozy, and the build-up between Joel and Songbird is soft in all the right places. This whole series is a warm gentle hug and the writing is so good - definitely check this one out.
Hungry Hearts | Atlantic City (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain
I’m sad that this series is nearing its end, but that means I get to go back and read it again. Between flashbacks of young Joel with baby Sarah we’ve got Cherry and Joel reconciling in present day and never knew mini-vans could be so sexy, so check it out!
The Layover | Epilogue (Frankie Morales) by @goodwithcheese
This finale was bittersweet - it has been such a pleasure to follow this story, so much so that it was a highlight of my week. The story wraps up in a way that is perfect for reader x Frankie with them both on pace with one another. It’s done so perfectly that I read it more than once. I will be revisiting this story for sure.
Late Night Texts | Epilogue (Javier Peña) by @mvtthewmurdvck
Another fantastic story that came to a close this week *sigh*, this was just  the perfect ending. This story is a delicious rom com romp and I know will hold up to multiple reads. I don’t want to give anything away if you’ve not read it, but it’s a delight.
The Window (Dave York) by @wildemaven
This was a delight to read and Heidi crafts a great story of longing from a distance that has a soft ending that is all enveloping and lends itself to multiple reads. 
Bush Pilot (Frankie Morales) by @legendary-pink-dot
Oh boy, this one *fans self* this one was something else. Frankie taking you to see the sunrise but makes you see stars instead in the back of his truck. Oomph, all kinds of good spicy smut here that lends itself to a second read… or three ;) 
sam and diane, eat your heart out (Marcus Pike) by @chronically-ghosted
I could easily be biased as this was written based on the prompts I sent Taylor - however, Taylor blew it out of the park with our boy Marcus! This was spicy in all the right places and honestly, I would love to see more of these two. This is a take on Marcus Pike x Reader that I haven’t seen before and it will be on my perma reread list that is for sure! Also, peep the Cheers reference, *squee*
IRL | Part 2 (Javi Gutierrez)  by @grogusmum
I’ve had a hard time finding some good Javi G. fanfics, but this one here is so good in its characterization. The story of Javi meeting Reader for the first time since meeting online, is incredibly sweet and I had been waiting in anticipation for this second chapter since I finished the first. It’s also one of the few plus sized reader fanfics that nails it without going over the top and making the character a stereotype. I have this bookmarked to go back and re-read this week, because that ending has been living rent free in my head all week.
Private Dick (Tim Rockford) by @wardenparker
Speaking of plus size reader interpretations - this was one of the few that really resonated with me. I haven’t come across many Tim Rockford fanfics (if you have any others, please send them my way) - but this felt like a perfect interpretation - great at reading situations, until they’re too close to him, but he’s in a process of redeeming himself through his relationship with Reader.
Fics I’m Looking Forward to Reading…
My TBR List is still a work in progress, will share it when it’s done 💕
Light Me Up (Benny Miller) by @musings-of-a-rose
Thanks to Jess and Heidi I seem to be straying into Benny territory this week and have been recommended this story to dip my toe further in. I mean the opening premise alone is enough to have me excited to get stuck in!
Double Dealings (Javier Peña & Ezra) by @julesonrecord & @stardustandskycrystals
1920’s, New Orleans and the potential of two Pedro characters? I cannot wait to get stuck into this one this week over my morning coffee this week!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@shirks-all-responsibilities reminding me of my grumpy Joel (Pedro) header for the mobile layout of my blog. Now has me thinking about making a seasonal one now! September is Halloween Eve of course! 🎃
@wildemaven’s early morning thot post that just took on a life of it’s own 🥵
@rhool’s live blog of the pilot of the Pedro show that never was ‘The Sixth Gun’ entertained me while I had a tame evening watching something Mr. Truly wanted to watch while sipping on a non-alcoholic beer lol.
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
The long weekend - didn’t do anything, no one slept through the night, but there’s something satisfying waking up on a Monday and knowing you don’t have to work.
Saturday’s interactions and posts were a delight to go through and helped my Saturday working go by so much quicker and made for a more enjoyable day.
This Week’s Song…
This recommendation came from @gnpwdrnwhiskey who told me it was Dieter x Bryony coded and it totally is. I’ve listened to this on repeat and I’m dying to revisit these two again, and have something up my sleeve 🎃
Hope everyone has a great week this week and Monday is treating you well! 💕 xx
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