#mari kumamoto
favvn · 2 years
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stormdragon23 · 8 months
Just wanted to compare the Draw Sword Guild's casual outfits
So Goto Ryuji, Hoshino Minoru, Fujishima Tatsumi, and Kei seem to wear pretty much the same outfit with the only difference being the red designs on the black jacket
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It's hard to tell with Izawa Ippei, but it looks like he might have something similar to the others. Ishida Mari's jacket has shorter sleeves, and Kumamoto Atsushi doesn't have the red patterns and has designs on his inner hoodie, but they all follow the same theme to the others, just with minor differences
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Shimizu Akari and Tanaka Kenzo deviate more with Shimizu Akari wearing a pink hoodie, and Tanaka Kenzo wearing just a tank top but he matches the color schemes of most of the guild
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And then there's Tawata Kanae
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I'm pretty sure she just wears what she wants, and nothing can stop her
(Headcanon that the more off their clothing is from the typical outfit (what Goto Ryuji is wearing), the more chaotic their personality is. Not sure about Tawata Kanae though)
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kumamoto-division · 6 months
The Stella Maris (part 1)
"the dark star" "constellation"...since three years ago this name is whispered all around the criminal underground of japan and the supernatural worl, all are names for the same organization. The Stella Maris
Despite they exist since more time than the criminal underground itself the stella maris just out from the shadows recently but in that time they filled all the underground and supernatural with chaos and fear but,how?
Steales,assasinate, arson are only a few of they crimes. in the three years where The Stella started to be know they striked without warning, this group who apparently come from nowhere make clear that his goal it's just pure and absolute chaos and anarchy but ¿That's true? The trained eye can say that they're not driving by that,they have a bigger and darker intention and what's that intention?...and not mentioned the supernatural yet
Both sides can say The Stella Maris is possibily one of the most dangerous group that existed until now and they power isn't just from weapons, intelligence and strong
Any people related to spiritual and supernatural has good reasons to be afraid because all the members of The Stella Maris has contracts and bonds with supernatural and in they power have spirits,devils, phantoms and other criatures and more recently, somehow a few of members found a way of fusinated with criatures getting abilities and traits that would be impossible for normal humans non related to the supernatural or spiritual worl
With those powers and impulsed by the pure wish of chaos, The Stella Maris is more than decided to cause all the chaos that they can and protect the supernatural madness of they city
But who are the members?.... let's starts with
1. the Undertaker
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Alias:La Mort
Full name:"Undertaker"
Real Name:???
Specie:??? (But he definitely is not human)
Supernatural abilities
shadow control
blood manipulation
The Stella Maris
Supernatural underground
Starless Theatre
Hypnosis microphone
Mechanic haunted dolls
Skills and abilities
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
Bio:"appeared from nothing" it's probabily the best drescription about him,this strange being who is know as someone eccentric and joking is too much misterious but something obvious to all who knows about the supernatural is the fact Undertaker is not human...but what's him? A death spirit? A devil? Or perhaps....the reaper himself? No one in the supernatural worl. even in Stella Maris who (or what) is him
But something sure for all kumamoto is this Undertaker is the boss of all the Stella Maris and the leader of kumamoto city but even with the knowledge of his inmortal soul, Undertaker knew he could't do it alone then he recruited people with potential not only in his great passion,The show Business! but in the supernatural worl and the art of death he created a guild of vigilants,assasins and informants to made anything neccesary to cause chaos and protect the supernatural madness of kumamoto no matter what
-"chaos and anarchy, despite it's bad image those are neccesary to preserve the order of reality and madness"-Undertaker
Team I (nmate)
This team, is a team where just 1/3 is part of the Starless theater but they are dangerous by their own right not only for they infamous acts in the criminal underground but also due to they combat skills and a madness notorious even beetwen the rest of the group. called by Undertaker as "Stella Maris's attack dogs" is not strange for them that the "missions" they do are for "make clear a point" but they has a reason to be so dreaded in the supernatural worl. The same reason that gave they team name "inmate"
.... because the three was the first inmates in very much time that escaped from the most dreaded prison in the supernatural worl but they scape left them sequels
The time they were jailed there despite be just a few of weeks for mundane people was enough to made them more crazy they already was...and the dark energy from that place is slowly fragmenting their sanity
And without they knowledge a team in the DRB did a treat with the same prison to capture them
1. the executioner
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M (as assasin)
Corrupt romance (with Semiramis)
Full name: Kunio "Kurome" Chōten
Specie:human???/ [REDACTED]
Team:team I (leader)
Supernatural abilities:
Soul manipulation
Shadow control
"Shinigami's Eyes"
Blood manipulation
Supernatural contracts:
Jester spirits
Theater actor
Stage magician
Stella Maris
Starless Theatre
Strange Magic
Electric cane
Hypnosis microphone
Phantometal (feather ring)
Modified gun (calico M950)
"Hana" (bird bot)
Mechanic mask
Sharp cards
Truth serum
Skills and abilities
Combat skills
Bio: isn't funny how the second son of a family from aoyama is working on destriy that city?,since kid contrary to his older brother Kunio noticed the darkest side of aoyama...the abuses and corruption and since kid he prefered be with the "lower class". that "desobedience" bringed him to received abuses from his own parents,the jokes,the humillation, the mental and physical abuses that ended up in different scars all over his body (especially the whiped scars on his back) but he don't losed completely the faith in Aoyama until he discovered all the corrupt and illegal business on aoyama...drugs and people traffics,blackmail and explotation...that was enough for him,taking advantage of his bad reputation beetwen the upper class he decided to go with his "exile"
His path bringed him to Kumamoto city,where he started to work as theater actor and stage magician,exposing all the crimes of the upper class and give information in the underground with the name "Hollow"
...but he always had a bad feeling that made real with a reason:Reiji Enjouji....the oddballs incident that damaged him and his love not could minded him but...once he realized how extreme was Reiji's actions and the people who he demaged .. give information was not enough and that was the begins of his reputation not only as informant or actor when slowly but surely members of The upper class started to appear dead ,murdered in the worst but carefully ways and they crimes exposed. was The Stella Maris who answered to the ask in the criminal underground of "who's the assasin?" they just said "his name is M"
Dreaded not only for his abilities to obtain information or his combat skills, in the supernatural that fear is due to the jester devils and mischievous spirits that sometimes help him on his magic shows are not his only supernatural bonds
He has a contract and abilities related to a death being that gave him the power of controls blood and even the soul itself but that contract he made to save his spouse's life after a murder attempt from Enjouji heir had a price that got worse after his time with his team in ARCA prison inffected by the dark energy from that place...he becomes into someone (or something) completely different when the state he calls "mara" dominate him....but all in Stella Maris is sure of something, neither all the supernatural or mundane underground could stop on his goal:eliminate all the corrupt rich people and upper class
-"all those people who just think on money and power are not bettee than rats...eliminate all of them feels so good"-Kunio "Hollow" Kurome
2. The Witch
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Alias: Semiramis
Corrupt romance (with hollow)
Full name:Natsume Kurome
Specie:human (warlock)
Team:team I
Supernatural abilities:
Memories manipulation
Supernatural contracts:
Flowers spirits
Pagan spirits
Strange Magic
Stella Maris
Different types of poison
Kana knifes
Hypnosis microphone
Phantometal (charm bracelet)
Mechanical broom (anti-gravity)
Truth serum
Hallucigen gast
Poisonous nail polish
Poisonous lipstick
Skills and abilities:
Fashion expert
Combat skills
Poison knowledge
Bio: sometimes,people in stella maris wonder how Natsume joined in first place or,how he fell in his path of death and poison but he have the answer to himself "his mother"
after she attacked him and ingresed to a psychiatric he always wondered why she did that. After years he learned the truth:his mother was bullyed and torture mentally by a rich woman until her collapsed and when Natsume knew it he used his knowledge in different types of plants and toxicology and killed the same woman,knowing that bitch not was the only one who made things like his mother's situation he accepted the offert from his fiance (now his husband) and joined to Stella Maris using his poison and magic to help on the goal of causing chaos and help Kunio on his revenge
Considered as the corrupt romance of Stella Maris,but this red haired is not only a deadly poisoner known for the price of his services by people who contract him but for be a powerful warlock who know different types of magic that he learned traveling with his father but in the supernatural he's well know by his powers in the memorie manipulation watching people's memories throught a crystal ball and manipuling them with cards being able of manipuling them,erase them and some rumors say he has a deck of tarot cards with memories that catched his attention and now are part of his collection
his time on ARCA prison inffected him less than his teammates and now he's working on a way of undo what's left of the dark energy inffection
-"i was clear about the terms and price of my poison but my magic?, that has no price and is just for me so if you don't accepted it then rest...this poison is not painful"-Natsume "Semiramis" Kurome
3. the queen
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Alias: Bluefire
La signora (in Stella Maris)
"the lady on the lake" (codename)
Full name:Aoba Yamamura
Team:team I
Supernatural abilities:
Frost and cold manipulation
Supernatural mystique
terrorist bomber
Strange Magic
Stella Maris
Double Face
Aphrodisiac perfume
Poisonous nail polish
Knockout gas (in form of different jewels)
High-grade explosives
Ice bombs
Skills and abilities:
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
chemical expertise
escape skills
Bio: contrary to his teammates, Aoba commited criminal acts so much before than them,his childhood was in a middle beetwen the white and black with a drunk mother who burned him in a whole leg and eye and tried to kill his sister,the faith he could had for that bitch losed when he met his younger half brother who was abandoned by Ukina,but he has lights in his siblings and father but all that days ended with his father's death, murdered by Aoyama's upper class that moment was the starts of the same hate towards all the corrupt upper class and his revenge when he bombed his father killer's houses. But that wasn't the only things that happened, after his father died he only saw sadness,a abusive "boyfriend", the "war", suicides and abuses provoked by the same person that affected him and his friends was destroyng his sanity
all those things seemed better a bit with his relationship and love for certain arsonist but with Himura's arrest the cycle started again, his lover's arrest,a miscarriage that broke him and his mind and made him try to suicide he begins his own reign of terror that started with the massive arsons and bombings know as "the blue hell" where at least a considerable part of japan was burned leaving around of 2000 hurts and deads incluiding civilians and Chuokhu workers, tthe event that gave him the name "Bluefire"
Initially his attacks just happened time a time and was only in places like drugs trafficcants basis but 1 one years ago his attacks are more often and in places completely random, especially zones with several buildings at the same time but the reason why he was never catched yet it's for his great intelect and escape abilities, researching the places where he will to attack and all the possible scapes routes,and also for his seductive attractive even with the mask and his great mystique and charm who use as distraction before kill all poeple who could catch him
He joined to Stella Maris due to his teammates. with all the mental breakdowns and things that happened him his mental state got worse and his behavior normally pyromaniac and crazy but calming was more erratic and unstable. then "Hollow" and "Semiramis" bringed him to Stella Maris and he joined just because "it's better than nothing"
Although Bluefire strangely do missions for the supernatural group (out of his normal attacks). he's more use by Undertaker for starts fire and causing his burning destruction to people and groups who made the dark star mad and let clear a point. something that make him feel happy because he can unleash his pyromaniac insanity with freedom
But the truth it's that under the surface he's the most unstable beetwen team I and strange magic. his time in ARCA prison inffected him the most and impulsed by things like his bipolar disorder it's neccesary be careful dealing with him because his great intelligence, knowledge about explosives and escape skills,and his unstable mind are reasons why he's considered so dangerous in the mundane underground
Although he not has the same supernatural abilities than Hollow and Semiramis. he is able of provoke frost around him but can't manipulate ice itself
-"i don't know what i did in a past life to deserve all that happened thekse last years...if the worl give me this then...then.... THEN I WILL TO BURN IT ALL, BURN EVERYTHING UNTIL IT BECOMES TO ASHES JAJAJAJAJAJA"-Aoba "Bluefire" Yamamura
Team K
1. The songbird
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Alias: "Doll"
Full name:Hanami Yamamura
Real name:[REDACTED)
Age: 2 (21 physically)
Specie:Cybernetic doll. Human (formely)
Team: team K
Supernatural abilities
Seductive charm
Siren voice
String magic
Theater actor/singer
Fashion designer
Theater Starless
Stella Maris
Strange Magic
Double Face
Extase (enchanted scissor)
Bird bot (second form)
Heels with guns
High-grade explosives
Poisonous nail polish
Phantometal (symbol beetwen his shoulder blades)
Skills and abilities
Diplomatic skills
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
Bio:the four Stella Maris member who is a supernatural criature and the first one "artifitial". "Hanami Yamamura" borned as the "project bizarre doll". Originally a human-size porcelain doll his creator. Kururi Yamamura changed the most of his porcelain parts with synthetic flesh and metal turning him into a type of robot. but technology isn't the only thing that gave him life. He was also created by "Semiramis" who made rituals in the porcelain doll to give him "life", "Hollow" used his supernatural abilities and taked a human soul that he put into the doll. the result was Hanami's "rebirth"
Although initially shocked and confused for being alive again. this time as a cybernetic/magic being the doll with time accepted his situation with joy of have a second chance in life. The doll named himself "Hanami". The name of cherry blossom bloom and adopted his creator's lastname "Yamamura".
Hanami started to work in the theater initially as the costume designer with time his talent singing and dancing was more evident. Seeing it Undertaker and Kunio decided made him a singer and dancer affiliated to the Starless Theater. Usually giving him a good position in the "show restaurant" nights made by the Starless (to Hanami's joy).
Despite have a joy and warmth personality the truth is that Hanami is ruthless and sadic. Taking advantage of being able to connect to cyberspace he started to attack any hacker or A.I who try to fuck with him and Starless. That same ruthless and bloody nature bringed him to be another Starless's assasin. Usually going for hackers and possible cybernetic menaces to supernatural (actually that is how he met the android A.R.K and both becomes lovers)
Although he's happy with his new life. Hanami can't help but feel certain intrigue for his life as human, a life he cannot remember with a reason. When he looked at his soul by first time Kunio "Hollow" Kurome was shocked for all his grief and how he died. Knowing Hanami could't live "normally" with those type of memories after talked with Kururi and Natsume. Natsume used his magic and sealed Hanami's human life memories
Although he was angry with them. Hanami thought on the little things he remember from his human life (the blood,the grief, and the pain) understanding their good intention he forgive them...but even with it. Hanami sometimes wonder ¿How was his former human existence?
-"i'm so happy with this life but....what if I remember?"-Hanami "Songbird" Yamamura
2. the cat
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Full name:Nekonari Wataru
Specie:human (with nekomata blood)
Team:team K
Supernatural abilities:
Cat instints
Feline reflects
Spiritual comunication
Theater actor
Undertaker's secretary
Stella Maris
Starless Theater
Kunai knifes
War fans
Spider bots
Electric cane
Knockout gas
Truth serum
Skills and abilities
Stealth expert
Combat skills
Genius level intelligence
Bio: originally a child with a loving and normal family,except for the fact he was able to see and feel spirits but he never toll his parents about his power. to them Nekonari was just a sleepy but smart boy with affinity for cats. Until the day when desperate for q evil spirit who wanted attack his family he tell them that he can see phantoms and about the evil one that wanted hurt them. Although confused both of them listened his son but sadly they Wataru family was attacked by dark spirits. The parents just protected and tell their son to run away before died. Completely destroyed by his parents dead Nekonari wandered in the streets just to be kidnaped and almost sold as slave until certain being appeared
Noticing the presence of souls Undertaker appeared on the basis where Nekonari and too many children were locked up and he killed and eated the souls of all the trafficcants. Impressed by Undertaker's supernatural powers and how handsome he was. Nekonari introduced himself and told Undertaker about his instincs and ability of see phantoms
Intrigued by his soul and power Undertaker bringed the teenager to Stella Maris basis and examinated him noticing a presence of nekomata assendence
Surprised for the casuality of find him Undertaker asked him what he wants to do now and to his shock the boy answered "i want to stay by your side and be useful for you. Sir". Surprised and amussement Undertaker taked Nekonari under his wing as spy and informant. The boy learned and trained to take advantage of his feline features to be useful. Learning the art ancient ninja arts and weapons and especially how control his ability of see spiritis
Now Nekonari is the second leader (unnoffically) of Stella maris but he acts more as Undertaker's assitance and secretary being especially loyal to his savior and crush. He's respect by the other members due to his hardworking and confident nature
-"Undertaker sama. All my loyaltu is with you and our group nobody else"-Nekonari "Nekomata" Wataru
The Stella Maris is in neutral terms/allies with
Scorpion Den (having similar goals and a team affiliated to them)
The Kairikiru productions (having a alliance beetwen informants)
The Kito-Gumi of Shizuoka due to deals beetwen Undertaker and Sakura Kito
But Stella Maris are in bad terms/enemies with
The Aoyama's Upper Class
The Crossroads of Ginza
The Katen-Gumi of Yokohama
The ARCA prison
And recently Avici criminal syndycate once Undertaker found out Avici work with a group dedicate to human experimentation
If Undertaker is the leader he considers the Team I as Stella Maris's "attack dogs" and the team K as the "brain" of the group
Although the group has they basis in Kumamoto their has a team who operates in Hamamatsu and a alliance with Verne publishing-house's that sends them hidden information
Although is not confirmate yet, it is assumed Stella Maris has contacts and allies all over the supernatural worl
The reason why the Team I(nmate) is so dreaded is not just for their madness and skills. but also for be the first inmates who escaped from ARCA in centuries and caused a massive prison break
Stella Maris is the responsibles of the creation of the accesories called "Phantometals" with help of the scientist Nadya Kuromiya
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types of weapons the hunters would use pt. 2
this time, the draw sword guild, definitely not my favorites :)
goto ryuji:
his sword is really cool, actually. a very nice ruby red. i think he would have a long sword and short sword (kind of like the daisho, a matched pair of japanese swords). otherwise, he would just use his hands. or his teeth. i think he just doesn't really care too much about how it's done, as long as it gets done
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sugimoto reiji:
it's not stated in the manhwa what class he is, so i head canon him as an assassin because i think there's only one or two that are canon. so, i think he would have a dagger for short-range kills, and kunai and shuriken for long-range kills (slightly inspired by genji from overwatch's kunai and shuriken setup - the green even matches his usual suit...)
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tanaka kenzo:
his fists suit him as a tank-esque fighter. if not that, then brass knuckles (slightly inspired by seo seongun from lookism... beloved...) also i just think he likes to get hands on with things, if him during the jeju arc gives us any clue what his fighting style is like
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tawata kanae:
i think a two-sided spear or scimitar would be cool. she also has double blades as it is, so i think she just likes working with two instead of one. higher level of efficiency and all
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as i was adding photos... i realized... what this was inspired by... lmao
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yeah. that fits her for sure
fujishima tatsumi:
i think he would use things more for looks rather than efficiency, so anything cool or unique... a scythe seems up his alley. something like ruby's scythe (especially because it also works as a gun - and i think the engineering mind i've head canoned for him would love to fiddle with that and make it abysmally powerful)
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ishida mari:
i headcanon him as a ranger because i think there's literally only taegyu otherwise. so he would use a compact bow as his main weapon (inspired by the chiron form of the coronacht bow), but he also uses a rapier. he strikes me as a rich kid that studied abroad in london and learned fencing (i know it's really specific but those are just the vibes i get)
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shimizu akari:
she has her giant golden battle axe. i also think she would know boxing, so she has short-ranged hand-to-hand combat down
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kumamoto atsushi:
he doesn't really need a weapon, since he has a strange fighting style, and i headcanon he transforms like yoonho. but... something blunt, like a mace or a club. maybe nunchucks? or something similar to the playful cloud weapon from jujutsu kaizen?
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hamada kei:
they're an ice type mage, so they have a varied attack pattern, but i think they would like a bowstaff or a baton (inspired by nami's clima tact from one piece. it even has the bonus of controlling the weather through temperature - which kei can... sorta do, lmao). something to easily knock-out any monsters that get near them so they can run before they throw up. really, it's more of a back up weapon, since they would take anything out before it got too close to them (inspired by this video!)
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izawa ippei:
the actual canon assassin. well, i headcanon he likes collecting all sorts of weapons and learning how to use them, but his go-to would be something slightly ranged, like a spear (inspired by maki's from jujutsu kaizen) or a scythe (i think something simple like the one from soul eater would suit him best)
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hoshino minoru:
i also headcanon him as an assassin (i mean, look at that raid outfit - you can't tell me that's not built perfectly for stealth and a better range of motion!), but more short-ranged and borderline fighter style. i think he has a sickle for quick chain kills, and an old dagger for sneak kills. (sickle is directly inspired by percy jackson and chronos' sickle, but i don't think we ever got to see it in a movie, but something along these lines would fit well. dagger is more of the hunting/gutting knife from the hannibal nbc series)
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well... that about wraps it up! i tried to get more visuals from media this time instead of just googling the weapon type from the internet. there are some pretty cool weapon designs already out there, unique ones that always catch my eye. i just like weapons a lot lmao
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manawari · 1 month
A world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood — sixteen years of age—, he or she must take an aptitude test as they will choose a faction and commit to it for life. Each of these factions are dedicated to a particular virtue. However, these factions also gained a negative and a positive trait.
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ABNEGATION — the selfless.
Min Byung-gyu (transferred to Dauntless)
Eun-seok (transferred to Dauntless)
Sung Jin-woo (transferred to Dauntless)
Sung Jin-ah
Park Kyung-hye
Han Se-mi
Song Chi-yul
Han Song-yi (eventually end up in Dauntless)
AMITY — the peaceful
Yoo Jin-ho (transferred to Dauntless)
Yoo Soo-hyun (transferred to Candor)
Lee Ju-hee
Cha Hae-in (transferred to Dauntless)
Ma Dong-wook
Jung Ye-rim
CANDOR — the honest
Park Hee-jin (transferred to Erudite)
Lee Bora
Son Ki-hoon (transferred to Dauntless)
Ishida Mari
Fujishima Tatsumi
ERUDITE — the intelligent
Choi Jong-in
Woo Jin-chul
Lennart Niemann
Norma Selner
Sugimoto Reiji
DAUNTLESS — the brave
Go Gun-hee
Baek Yoon-ho
Lim Tae-gyu
Seo Ji-woo (transferred to Amity)
Thomas Andre
Liu Zhigang
Goto Ryuji
Tawata Kanae
Hwang Dong-soo
Kim Chul
Hoshino Minoru
Kang Tae-shik
Christopher Reed
Siddharth Bacchan
Shimizu Akari
Kumamoto Atsushi
Izawa Ippei
Tanaka Kenzo
Some notes:
- Jin-woo turns out to be Divergent.
- Sung Il-hwan is one of the Factionless.
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fukuokanodivision · 2 months
The Kamora Files - Volume 1 [Disclaimer - Some of these crimes may not apply to all characters or teams listed. With that in mind, please don’t take this too seriously.] ______________________________________ Entry #1 - MIHANASA ______________________________________ MIHANASA is Fukuoka’s 1st DRB rap team, consisting of Chuohku experiment Inouye Sanyu, card dealer Kawanoe Tasuku and teachers aide Kawanoe Ming. 3 outsiders and freaks who strive to supposedly “protect” others from unavoidable realities under a supposed “family” of the same name. Despite the catchphrase “You WILL remember our name!” It is clear that concealed under their presumable abused label hides something more important…______________________________________ Bio #1 - Sanyu Inouye ______________________________________ Sanyu Inouye [known as “Harleen”/“MC Rogue”] is a downtown circus performer and former experiment of Chuohku. A woman who loathes the concept of normal and fights to regain a better life off the radar. Having enough of such harsh treatments from Chuohku, multiple crimes from her have been committed. Maybe her “MIHANASA” acts as her little sanctuary of freedom, however such practices are scarred to her own grave. ______________________________________ [Crimes] - 1st Degree Murder [Multiple Counts] - Theft [Multiple Counts] - Gang Activity [Multiple Counts] ______________________________________ Bio #2 - Tasuku Kawanoe ______________________________________ Tasuku Kawanoe [known as “Fukuoka’s One Eyed Bastard”/“Katame”] is a casino card dealer in downtown Fukuoka. A man who despises both fate and destiny who also takes part in uniting the MIHANASA. Deciding against family matters and relations, few crimes from him have been committed. The cards may hold most presumable answers in this reality, though the upper hand isn’t always as innocent as you think. ______________________________________ [Crimes] - Gambling [Multiple Counts] ______________________________________ Bio #3 - Ming Kawanoe ______________________________________ Ming Kawanoe [known as “Miss Ming”] is a teachers aide in uptown Fukuoka. A woman whose hatred for her parents only grows and also takes part in helping the MIHANASA. Similarly to her older brother, few however more nutritious crimes from her have been committed. Surely teachers are mostly trustworthy people in this world, although it isn’t always the case in some circumstances. ______________________________________ [Crimes] - Attempted Murder - Cursing ______________________________________ Entry #2 - The Stella Maris ______________________________________ The Stella Maris are a group of underground criminals stationed as “theatric individuals” in Kumamoto Division. Consisting of multiple people [including a terrorist, informant and poisoner who are known to cause chaos with their music as DRB representatives.] Posing under a masquerade, it is currently unknown what true intentions lie for them… ______________________________________ [Crimes] - Gang Initiation - Assassination [Multiple Counts] - Withholding Information [Multiple Counts] - Criminal Poisoning [Multiple Counts] - Terrorism/Arson [Multiple Counts] - Diplomatic Immunity [Multiple Counts] - Espionage [Multiple Counts] ______________________________________ Entry #3 - Lola Takahashi & Kureha Koizumi ______________________________________ Bio #4 - Lola Takahashi ______________________________________ Lola Takahashi [known as “Aphrodite”] is a well respected model in Saitama. A woman with natural beauty and a strong asset for Femme Fatale. With an estranged past, large crimes from her have been committed. Rapid fame and fortune may appear fantasy like, however behind the scenes is easy to deduct some omissions. ______________________________________ [Crimes] - Organized Crime [Multiple Counts] - Seduction [Via Prostitution] ______________________________________
Bio #5 - Kureha Koizumi ______________________________________ Kureha Koizumi [known as “The Heart”/“Eclipse”] is an artistic prodigy in Saitama. A woman with a huge passion for the arts and the final piece to Femme Fatale. With others wanting to know more, it’s a small surprise that crimes from her have been committed. Art can come in many forms, but all types of art hold deadly secrets behind them. ______________________________________ [Crimes] - 2nd Degree Murder [Multiple Counts] - Looting [Multiple Counts] - Propaganda [Multiple Counts] ______________________________________
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uenodivision · 10 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 4) (Cont.)
Risk Takers
Tasuku "Katame" Kawanoe
Dice "Dead or Alive" Arisugawa
Take a Chance
The Hegemony
Tomi "High Class" Chōten
Miho "Iron Maiden" Kobayashi
There's Only Us (No One Else)
Dec@yed 0ri9in5
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Nikki "1-Up" Yoshie
Criss "Paradox" Hiromi
Our Chronicle
Heart Throb
Ren "Vox" Nakashima
Eden "Ember" Yamamura
Aoba "Guinevere" Yamamura
Shuu "Men-H" Edogawa
Forever Fantasy
Murder Inc.
Rintaro "Ignis" Himura
Akari "Cinder" Himura
Akihisa "Azrael" Mashiro
Touya "MC Darling" Kisaragi
Last Sound You'll Ever Hear (The Sentinels Diss)
The Sentinels
Wataru "Overseer" Sasaki
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Kisouna "Verdict" Yuzairu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Say Goodbye to Your Liberty (Murder Inc. Diss)
Ichiro "MC B.B" Yamada
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Final Frontier
Tranquil Set
Yuriko "Black Dahlia" Kuromiya
Rashaad "Straight Up" Young
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Shisuta "The Saint" Heisha
Come What May
Anti-Trust Fund
Meari "Bloody Mary" Miracle
Reika "Belladonna" Aichi
Trust Nobody
The "New" Yozakura
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Leave It to Me (Yozakura Forever!)
@fukuokadivision1 @shinagawa-division @saitama-division @akihabaradivision @kobedivision @hamamatsu-divison @kumamoto-division @suginami-division @katsushika-division @kanazawa-division @niigata-division @edogawa-division @okinawa-division @minato-division01 @shizuokadivision
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 2 months
golden week in kumamoto: mt.aso, dolphin watching, and suizenji park
Each year around the first week of May, several national holidays fall together in a row, giving most workers and students the week off from work and school. This week of holidays has been named Golden Week, and it's a time when many Japanese people go travelling. This year for Golden Week, two of my partner's friends came to Kumamoto to visit her, so we all spent several days exploring Kumamoto's gems together. I had been to several of the places before, but wanted to share the pictures we took anyway.
On our first day together, we headed to Mt. Aso, which I've explored several times before and wrote about here, here, and here. Since I've covered much of Aso before, I'll just share some pictures. Since it was Golden Week, there were many people taking advantage of the days off to travel, so we waited for almost an hour in a line of cars trying to get in. I had never seen Aso so busy!
It was a beautiful sunny day, so the big field below the caldera where the visitor center is was breathtaking and almost didn't even look real.
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After enjoying the sunshine and fields below, we headed up to the caldera itself, which was thankfully open and safe to enter. They have cement shelters at regular intervals with containers of helmets in them in the case of an emergency eruption.
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On our way back to my partner's house from our day at Aso, we stopped at a small local restaurant called Kurinomi Cafe which advertised a fully vegan menu. It was a really cute shop seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and I had to confirm with the staff that the food was actually vegan, and she assured me it was. We were so happy to find this rare gem in rural Japan! I ordered the gratin croquette burger, and it was really tasty!
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The next day we headed to an island chain in the southwest of Kumamoto prefecture called Amakusa. Amakusa is known for its beautiful natural scenery and strong Christian influence. Because of its isolation as an island away from the mainland, Christianity was able to spread and survive there in secret even after it was outlawed in the rest of Japan during the Edo period. Therefore, there are many beautiful churches on the island.
According to japan-guide.com, many hidden Christians found clever ways to practice Christianity in secret while it was outlawed, including disguising images of the Virgin Mary in Kannon and Buddha statues, carving crosses into the back of Buddha statues, and altering their prayers to resemble Buddhist chants. This way, the Christian population in Amakusa was able to survive and thrive into the modern era.
We didn't visit any churches during our trip to Amakusa, but instead enjoyed another of its famous attractions, dolphin watching. In the sea between Nagasaki's Shimabara peninsula and Kumamoto's Amakusa islands, about 200 dolphins live and breed year-round. Therefore, there are many companies offering boat tours so that tourists can enjoy watching the dolphins swim and jump in the water.
We took a 2 hour boat tour and were able to see many dolphins! It was difficult to catch them on camera because they appeared and disappeared quickly, but they were very beautiful and I felt like I could watch them all day if I could.
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After our fun and relaxing tour, we looked around some souvenir shops and stopped at a cafe for dinner. For dessert we ate Basque cheesecake topped with syrup from a bankan, a citrus fruit native to the region. I'm not sure why, but Amakusa is also known for their Basque cheesecakes, often infused with bankan flavor.
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After eating our cheesecake and enjoying a view of the ocean, we headed back to my partner's home to call it a night.
The next day was our final day together and we spent it in Kumamoto city visiting Suizenji Park and Kumamoto Castle, both of which I covered in previous posts here and here.
Since Suizenji Park is known for being a tea retreat, we enjoyed drinking traditionally made matcha tea and sweets while overlooking the garden.
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From there we headed to Kumamoto Castle and enjoyed the museum inside the main building.
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Outside the castle, I noticed they were doing renovations on one of the castle outpost buildings, and it was really interesting to see the process and care which they took during reconstruction, so I wanted to share a picture!
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With that, we dropped our friends back off at the station so they could head back to their homes in Fukuoka. Although I had seen several of these places before, they were so lovely that I enjoyed visiting them again, and the weather was perfect for being outdoors and enjoying nature.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you are enjoying nature whenever you can too!
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jamespoeartistry · 1 year
Watch "Mix - Marie Digby / Say It Again (at Kumamoto Castle_Japan)" on YouTube
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yyh4ever · 4 years
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Yu Yu Hakusho 2009 Blu-Ray Booklet
Part I (pp.1-17): Comments from Yoshihiro Togashi and Japanese Voice Actors
Part II (pp.18-35): the rest of the characters’ profiles, anime episode guide and interview with the animation staff.
This 35-page booklet comes with the 2009 Blu-Ray Edition. The illustrations were made by Mari Kitayama, anime’s character designer. It has a brief summary of the characters (no new information). I’d just like to highlight the messages from Yoshihiro Togashi and the Japanese voice actors:
1. Togashi drew Yusuke leaving a message
“Thank you for buying!!! Enjoy it!!”
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2. Main cast comments: the four voice actors, who played the main characters, share their memories and send messages to the fans.
Note: The Picture Drama mentioned by the voice actors in their messages is the one recorded exclusively for this Blu-Ray BOX in 2009. I did my best to adapt some Japanese expressions to English, so I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Nozomu Sasaki ● Yusuke Urameshi
- Born on January 25th, Hiroshima Prefecture;
- Affiliated to 81 Produce (voice talent management firm);
- Representative works are: "AKIRA" (1988) as Tetsuo; "Genji Tsushin Agedama" (1991) as Agedama Genji; "Here is Greenwood" (1991) as Kazuya Hasukawa; "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" (1988) as Julian Mintz; "MONSTER" (2004) as Johan Wilhelm Liebert; "Beverly Hills, 90210" (1992) as David Silver; "21-Emon" (1991) as 21-Emon etc.
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I went to an anime convention held in Seattle the other day. There, I had the chance to meet and talk with many anime fans and everyone I met said that they love "Yu Yu Hakusho". When I signed an autograph for a hardcore guy who was cosplaying Yusuke, I thought I was the one who wanted his signature, and for a beautiful lady who drew a really cool picture of Yusuke and showed me, I seriously thought about asking her to give it to me. I was impressed by the fact that although it is a work from 17 years ago, it is not old to the fans and they are still loving it. I feel like "Yu Yu Hakusho" has revived within me. And with this Blu-ray release, "Yu Yu Hakusho" has been revived even more! Whether you've seen it in the past or for the first time, please enjoy it. "Yu Yu Hakusho" will surely be revived many times in the future, I am very happy to have met this wonderful work that has been loved by people all over the world for a long time and continues to live on.
Shigeru Chiba ● Kazuma Kuwabara
- Born on February 4th, Kumamoto Prefecture;
-  Affiliated to 81 Produce;
- Representative works are: "Urusei Yatsura" (1981) as Megane and others; "Fist of the North Star" (1984) as narrator and others; "Mobile Police PATLABOR" (1988) as Shigeo Shiba;  "DRAGON BALL Z" (1989) as Raditz; "One Piece" (1999) as Buggy etc.
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It has been known for a long time among some intellectuals, as a matter of course, that this three-dimensional space, the Underworld and the Spirit World exist in such a way that they overlap due to differences in wave motion. We are "conscious beings" that are currently using our physical bodies as a tool to learn how to love and control our emotions through our experiences in a three-dimensional space-time, but the man I played, Kazuma Kuwabara, also learns what is important to humans by meeting Yusuke and his friends.
This time, when "Yu Yu Hakusho" was made into Blu-ray, video commentaries and a picture drama were recorded. Even though it has been more than ten years since the broadcast ended, the atmosphere has not faded but rather has become more vivid.
Unlike audio commentary, video commentary appears as live video, so it is different from a normal recording. However, when the director gave a signal to start, the conversation proceeded with each of us instantly feeling and comprehending the division of roles.
 A work is not completed by staff and cast alone. The reason is that it cannot be viable without the existence of a third creator, the "audience", who is the most important thing beyond the point of transmission.
The love and support of the fans elevates this work and makes it grow. In that sense, the work "Yu Yu Hakusho" can be said to be a masterpiece that has been sent out to the world together with its fans. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our fans again. Thank you! And thank you for your continued support!
Megumi Ogata ● Kurama
- Born on June 6th, Tokyo;
- Affiliated to JTB Entertainment;
- Representative works are: "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S" (1994) as Sailor Uranus; "Magic Knight Rayearth" (1994) as Princess Emeraude; "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (1995) as Shinji; "Cardcaptor Sakura" (1998) as Yukito Tsukishiro etc. In addition to releasing many CD albums as an artist, she appeared as a storyteller in the NHK special program "Kaidan Hyakumonogatari" (2009).
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"Every role I play is important”.
That's what I always answer whenever I'm asked what my most important work is. It's true. Without any one of them, I wouldn't be where I am today, so all of my works are important. However, there are few works that make my chest ache just by looking back and it’s so painful that it grabs my heart tightly (for me, looking back = the feelings of the role come down to me). "Yu Yu Hakusho" is undoubtedly one of the first works on the list.
Yu Yu Hakusho is one of my debut works as a voice actress (at the same time, I played the role of Shizuo in "Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai").
A very popular character of a very popular work that suddenly shook an industry where I had no idea what I was doing. Moreover, the difficult role of "a high school boy possessed by a youkai who has lived for 1,000 years”...I am happy. There are not many voice actors who can make such a debut. But to be honest, it was hard for me at the time. Not only because of the pressure, but also lots of things going on at the same time in the environment...Nevertheless, I can live here and now because I was able to overcome this period. I can do my best.
For me, the role of Kurama was the very "origin".
I love you. I still love Kurama as much as ever...Second only to his fans (laughs). I was surprised to see that “he” still lives in me, so much so that when I stood in front of the microphone with the Picture Drama script in my hand, he came down to me easily. I am also deeply grateful for this project, just for the fact that I was able to interact again with everyone who hasn't changed at all (laughs, Yusuke, Hiei and Kuwabara-kun).
Come and take a leap in time along with us. To everyone and to our "those days".
And let’s meet again sometime, somewhere. As Kurama.
Nobuyuki Hiyama ● Hiei
- Born on August 25th, Hiroshima Prefecture;
- Affiliated to Arts Vision (Japanese talent agency);
- Representative works are "The Brave Express Might Gaine" (1993) as Maito Senpuuji; "B'TX" (1996) as Teppei Takamiya; "The King of Braves GaoGaiGar" (1997) as Guy Shishiou; "Mobile Suit Gundam/The 08th MS Team" (1996) as Shiro Amada; "Gurren Lagann" (2007) as Viral etc.
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It's a work that made "Nobuyuki Hiyama" a major voice actor. After all, at that time, most of the people got to know me from this "Yu Yu Hakusho". I loved the character "Hiei" and I still like him. I remember how difficult but fun it was to play him, such as his rebellious ways and how he kept his distance from his friends.
It was also quite hard to properly use "humph," "tsk," and "idiot”. When you watch this BD-BOX, please, see that as a point of interest, it’ll make Hiyama happy (laughs).
This time, I played the role of Hiei for the first time in a long time, but it feels like I was able to play him without any difficulties. That's why I realized once again that Hiei is at the forefront of my acting roles.
In the Picture Drama, Hiei was used as a punch line, but even at the time of airing, Hiei was used as a gag character and a character to toy with, in dramas (made by Mr. Chiba) recorded as CD bonuses¹, that is also strangely nostalgic.
Finally, everyone who bought this BOX. Thank you very much.
"Yu Yu Hakusho" is a truly memorable work for me.
At the same time, I think it's a very interesting work to watch now.
For those who watched it on air back then, please watch it again.
If you are watching it for the first time this time, please enjoy the world of "Yu Yu Hakusho" with a fresh feeling.
And please charge up the Yu Yu discussion across generations.
Translator Note:
¹ Mr. Hiyama is talking about the Yu Yu Special Mini Drama “Warrior Hunger”, written and directed by Shigeru Chiba, that came as bonuses in the “Yu Yu Hakusho Music Battle Edition 2” and “Yu Yu Hakusho Memorial CD BOX”.
Lastly, I’d like to highlight Kurama’s parents, Shiori Minamino and his stepfather Mr. Hatanaka:
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Shiori Minamino
Kurama’s mother in the Human World. She has a kind heart that transformed him, a villainous youkai. Her husband had passed away and she fell ill. However, thanks to the power of the “mirror of darkness” stolen by Kurama, she recovered and remarried a man named Hatanaka (right).
I wonder how old Kurama was when his biological father passed away, probably very young. I’d also love to see him working at his stepfather’s company.
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osharenippon · 2 years
College Girls' Domination
During the early 1980s, Japanese media developed an intense fascination with college girls. However, what lay beneath this phenomenon?
Starting in 1980, college girls captured the nation's attention, serving as fashion icons for women and objects of desire for men. The media played a significant role in amplifying this craze, placing these young women in the spotlight.
A moment often credited with igniting this phenomenon was a television commercial by the camera manufacturer Minolta. The ad featured 21-year-old Yoshiko Miyazaki shyly taking off her jeans and T-shirts underneath a tree, revealing her full-figured bikini body. Japan was captivated by her curves and the fact that she was an ordinary student at Kumamoto University. Before this, many had perceived female college students as distant, intellectually gifted beings or hailing from privileged backgrounds. Thanks in part to Miyazaki's charisma, this image underwent a transformation: these women were not only bright but also approachable and beautiful.
Even before the Minolta commercial, the general media had begun to capitalize on the sexual allure of college women. In 1980, Weekly Asahi, a magazine targeting salarymen, started featuring attractive ordinary university students on its cover. A few months before the Minolta commercial, Miyazaki herself graced the magazine cover.
In 1981, the influential Nippon Cultural Broadcasting radio station launched the "Miss DJ Request Parade," hosted by a rotating panel of female students. It quickly gained popularity, and several of the featured women would follow in Miyazaki's footsteps, becoming famous TV personalities. Among them were Mari Chikura from Seijo University, Naomi Kawashima from Aoyama Gakuin University, and Keiko Saito, a junior of Miyazaki at Kumamoto University.
The "university students" boom would peak in 1983 when college girls became a prominent part of the raunchy late-night show "All Night Fuji." "All Night," which aired until 1991, would become one of the most influential shows of the decade. 
Driving this frenzy was that an unprecedented number of women—1 in 3 high school graduates in 1983—were pursuing higher education, and public perception of this group was evolving to match the changing times.
However, the catalyst for all of this was a magazine called JJ, published by Kobunsha, which would go on to become one of the most influential fashion publications in Japanese history, solidifying college girls as influential fashion trendsetters in the country.
Next: JJ and the Rise of the Akamoji-kei
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stormdragon23 · 8 months
Headcanon that with the exception of Goto Ryuji and Sugimoto Reiji (I imagine them being the oldest though), the Draw Sword members were introduced from oldest to youngest since we don’t know much about them (I don't think there's that much of an age difference between them though):
Izawa Ippei (Maybe he looks the way he does because he's usually the one to look after the others)
Ishida Mari (I'm just going to assume she looks young for her age. A lot of the Solo Leveling characters do honestly. Maybe it’s her height too)
Tanaka Kenzo (It's confirmed he's older than Akari at least)
Hoshino Minoru
Kumamoto Atsushi
Tawata Kanae (Minoru, Atsushi, and Kanae being around the same age kind of makes sense to me)
Fujishima Tatsumi (Nerdy younger brother vibes?)
Kei (You know how younger siblings tend to be taller than their older siblings? That's what I'm imagining for Kei)
Shimizu Akari (Menace youngest sibling vibes)
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kumamoto-division · 5 months
day in the life: Strange Magic workplaces
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Aoba works as a librarian. he is responsible of restock shelves,acquiring things like database,journals and magazines for the library. organize program such a story our for children and cataloging and classyfing all the books. It's actually a busy work for him and Aoba hates people who think or say that be a librarian is something "easy" because isn't.
He also take online classes at the university studing universal literature and chinese history as a hobby. He also take some chemist classes,he mainly study online with just a few of pressencial
When Aoba is not busy with the library he works as a model. He model mainly for brands of goth and alternative fashion, wearing dark and fantasy style. He wear especially women clothes like dresses and tight-fitting clothes due to his female figure. and sometimes he model things like perfume and makeup. He started to model after school and just when he was not busy but since a year ago he models more oftem. Aumenting his fame
Of course that's just in the day because during the night Aoba dress up with a long wig,a masquerade gown and his venetian black mask and he out to made arsons and bomb buildings as the arsonist/terrorist bomber Bluefire but if Aoba is honest he preffer the arsons
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Kunio works in Kumamoto's "Starless Theater" a theater well know by the musicals and fantasy dramas but also know for be a restaurant with "show nights". Besides his job there as actor he also helps with the theater props and teaching them youngest actors in rehearsals and perform better, Kunio is also the main singer and dancer during the "show nights" when the Starless is also a restaurant
He also has a "second job" as stage magician. Kunio often do street magic shows, sometimes he is hired to perform in restaurants or nightclubs. He even appeared in TV alongside other magicians like Queen Card of minato and a few of nights weekly Kunio started to host his own magic show online. His favorite type of magic is the horror magic because is the magic that's is the most alike theatre
Kunio also works for The Stella Maris as the group's main assasin know as "M" . He has a huge reputation in the underground as a assasin know for be dilligent and efficient but also very bloody with anyone who is hired for kill. But in the supernatural and mundane is know for be a great blood knight, always looking for strong opponents (humans and supernatural). enjoying of all the fights with maniac glee and sadism. the upper class feel a especially fear for him because "M" is know for his great hate towards them and his no mercy ending with rich ones lives
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Natsume is a famous artist with several works in different museums and art galleries. Despite his paints are the most knows he also is very good in different types of art (like draws, statutes and ceramic). He also teach art classes in different universities, high schools and elementary schools, he also teach art to kids in orphanages and charity events
Natsume also owe and works in his mystical items and fortune-telling store named "The Pandora Box". Is a store where he sells items like jewels charms, kaychains and wicca stuffs like herbal inciense, homemade snacks,esscencals soils and clothes dessigned by him. But the store is decorated with his portraits and draws as a "gallery" to anyone can buy Natsume's art works. The Pandora Box is also a fortune-telling salon where Natsume works giving tarot card reading using a crystal ball or tea leafs reading. He acts very theatric, seductive and eccentric as fortune-teller but Natsume is very serious with his power of see someone's past,present, future and memories and is careful with the advices and warning he give to his clients. After all he don't want to made prophecy gods and fortune spirits angry
In the underground Natsume is know and dreaded as the infamous poisoner "Semiramis". He mix magic and science to make effective and very deadly poisons and potions. since the type that just provoke a simple paralysis to the poisons that provoke a very slow and painful death and simptoms. His services are very expensive to the ones who can pay it but Semiramis's services are free for poison people like abusive spouses or relatives
Bonus!: Aoba choosed show a few of images from his modeling works and photoshoots, he surely looks beautiful in all of them
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various headcanons that i forgot aren't actually canon pt. 3
the draw sword guild team, who definitely aren't my favorites
Firstly, I don't know why, but I made the jump of headcanon-ing Hoshino Minoru as Goto Ryuji's nephew. This isn't canon but I refer to it a lot, so I just wanted to clarify straight away this is not part of the manhwa!
Reiji had a really long lasting emo phase. It kept going even when he was a hunter, and only stopped when he was promoted to vice guild leader. But he still has tattoos and piercings from back then, and it drives the team wild (they figure out he has his tits pierced and he never knows peace)
Tatsumi was in university to become an engineer. He tends to do random things whenever he gets bored. As in, dismantling the communal kitchen dishwasher and trying to "upgrade it to maximum efficiency," or taking apart various devices to try and "create a homemade roomba," and so on
Ryuji's lockscreen is an old, fat cat, and his homescreen is that same cat with kittens, and a rather excited young child. This has sparked rumors within the team that he has a kid (the kid is a very young Hoshino Minoru, his nephew)
One of Tatsumi's better hobbies is the trumpet, much to everyone's dismay. However, they realize Minoru is a heavy sleeper when Tatsumi attempts to play the Megalovania theme and Minoru just. Sleeps entirely through it
Kanae was going to be a tattoo designer/artist (I think being a tattoo artist requires a medical degree in Japan... but she would not care) and she still doodles designs in her spare time
Kanae also wants to have every inch of her tattooed, as a goal of hers, so she takes suggestions from the team (Kenzo and Tatsumi aren't allowed to suggest anything because they keep advising onigiri)
When Reiji created the team, he first hired Kenzo, Kanae, and Tatsumi. A tank and two fighters. He hires Mari, a ranger, and Akari, a healer after Tatsumi nearly dies doing stupid shit in the gates
Mari was a sheltered rich kid. The team takes it upon themselves to educate him on the wonders of 60 cent ramen packets (and other things as well)
When Akari moves in with her pet bugs, Kanae goes back to trying convince Reiji to allow her to have a pet python. Reiji doesn't budge, and for her birthday, Kenzo, Tatsumi, and Minoru all band together to sneak a python to her room (it goes about as well as you'd imagine, which isn't well at all)
Kenzo is terrified of bugs. At some point, Akari's millipede escapes. This is where their little rivalry begins
Ryuji doesn't really interact with the team a whole lot (at first), doesn't even attend the trainings. He's moved out of the offered room that comes with being a Draw Sword Guild leader. The kids are a little disappointed, because they've heard a lot about the Goto Ryuji, and barely get to see him outside of dungeons or gates
At some point, the Annual Guild Conference is held in Las Vegas. The entire team begs to go, because it's Las Vegas, and Reiji relents. Even Ryuji goes
Ippei and Mari are tied for being the shortest two on the team. Kenzo uses their heads as elbow rests a lot
Everyone tends to distance themselves from Atsushi a lot, since his fighting style is... dangerous. Kenzo is the only one who is really friendly with him, since he's so confident that he's stronger than Atsushi, so he can't ever kill him
Ippei is prone to insomnia, so it becomes a thing to just. Walk into his dorm room to bother him if you're up at 4 am, because he's most likely up as well
Kei isn't an insomniac, but they are a night owl, so they tend to run into Ippei in the communal kitchen a lot, and they become really good friends when they start playing Minecraft together
Akari discovers Ippei's old streamer videos. Even though he deletes them immediately, it's too late. She's clipped several videos of him getting jumpscared, or rage quitting, or doing something stupid, etc. They become reaction images in their groupchat
Tatsumi challenges him to speed-running Minecraft and loses terribly, but now they know Ippei didn't fake his speed-running videos. Tatsumi always challenges him at least once a month
Reiji urges Ryuji to participate in the team, which prompts Ryuji to choose Atsushi, Kei, and Ippei as potential hunters. Reiji recruits them immediately, but Ryuji still doesn't interact with the team much, to Reiji's disappointment
Ippei accidentally microwaves a fork one time in the morning after not getting any sleep. His expression did not change a single bit as the microwave caught on fire. "Oh no," has become an expression throughout the group
Atsushi, like Yoonho, is capable of shifting powers. He turns into a brown bear, but it's a really unstable shift. He's working on controlling it
(I chose bear because I think Kuma = bear in Japanese, so little brown bear boy!!! He's not little hes like 7 feet tall but you know what I mean)
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gagosiangallery · 3 years
Announcing the representation of Rick Lowe
September 20, 2021
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Gagosian is pleased to announce the representation of
__________ New Painting Will Be Revealed as Part of Gallery’s Artist Spotlight Online Series Artist Will Be Featured at Art Basel 2021 and in Upcoming Social Works II Exhibition in London First Solo Exhibition Is Scheduled for September 2022 in New York Gagosian is pleased to announce the representation of Rick Lowe. Lowe’s numerous collaborative projects, undertaken in the spirit and tradition of “social sculpture,” are paired with an extensive body of work in painting, drawing, and installation. Working closely with individuals and communities, he has identified myriad ways to exercise creativity in the context of everyday activities, harnessing it to explore concerns around equity and justice. Influenced by Joseph Beuys’s formulation of “social sculpture,” he has moved from figurative “anti-painting” to the making and maintenance of projects aimed at the transformation of social structures and sites, and to symbolic abstract painting. In 1993, Lowe cofounded Project Row Houses in Houston’s Third Ward, working with fellow artists James Bettison (1958–1997), Bert Long, Jr. (1940–2013), Jesse Lott, Floyd Newsum, Bert Samples, and George Smith—as well as with neighbors and other creative thinkers—to establish a cultural district in a block and a half of derelict shotgun houses. Lowe’s work in Houston has also led him to initiate and participate in other community enterprises throughout the United States and abroad, including the Watts House Project (1996–2012), an artist-driven redevelopment organization in Los Angeles; a collaboration with British architect David Adjaye on a project for the Seattle Art Museum’s Olympic Sculpture Park (2005); and the production of Trans.lation: Vickery Meadow, a group of six pop-up community markets, for the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas (2013). Among his ongoing initiatives are the Victoria Square Project (2016–), a collaboration with Maria Papadimitriou in Athens’s Victoria Square in the context of Documenta 14; Black Wall Street Journey (2018–) in Chicago; and Greenwood Art Project (2018–21) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Having used the game of dominoes to engage with residents of the Third Ward during the development of Project Row Houses, Lowe devised a visual language based on the resemblance between his aerial photographs of the game and maps of urban districts. By tracing and layering the patterns he discovers in these images, he continues to produce paintings and drawings that, while visually abstract, represent the reconfiguration and movement of communities over time. Lowe has exhibited these works in institutions worldwide including the Phoenix Art Museum; Contemporary Arts Museum Houston; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, New York; and Kumamoto State Museum, Japan. Lowe will inaugurate the third season of Gagosian’s Artist Spotlight series, an online program launched in April 2020. A collection of related editorial content—including an exclusive video featuring an interview with the artist filmed in his Houston studio—will launch on September 29. A new painting inspired by his collaborative public project in Athens, and related stylistically to his dominoes works, will be revealed on October 1 and made available exclusively online for forty-eight hours. Lowe will also be featured in the gallery’s booth at Art Basel this month, and in the upcoming Social Works II exhibition in London, which opens on October 7. Lowe’s first solo exhibition at the gallery is scheduled for fall 2022 at Gagosian New York. Rick Lowe was born in 1961 in rural Russell County, Alabama, and lives and works in Houston. Collections include the Brooklyn Museum, New York; Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami; and Menil Collection, Houston. Solo exhibitions include Art League Houston (2020). Group exhibitions include No Zoning: Artists Engage Houston, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (2009); Economy, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland (2013); and Polis, Museo de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (2018–19). He also participated in Documenta 14, Athens (2017). Among Lowe’s numerous community art projects are Project Row Houses, Houston (1993–2018); Watts House Project, Los Angeles (1996–2012); Borough Project (with Suzanne Lacy and Mary Jane Jacob), Charleston, SC (2003); Small Business Big Change, Anyang Public Art Program, Korea (2010); Greenwood Art Project, Tulsa, OK (2018–21); and Black Wall Street Journey  Chicago (2018–).Lowe is a recipient of the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence (1997), American Architectural Foundation Keystone Award (2000), Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Governor’s Award for Outstanding Service to Artists (2005), Skandalaris Award for Excellence in Art and Architecture (2009), Creative Time’s Leonore Annenberg Prize for Art and Social Change (2010), and Texas Medal of Arts Award in Visual Arts (2015), among other awards. In 2013 President Barack Obama appointed him to the National Council on the Arts, and in 2014 he was named a MacArthur Fellow. Lowe is currently a professor of interdisciplinary practice at the University of Houston. _____ Rick Lowe. Photo: Brent Reaney
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tkijepang · 4 years
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Mari kita berdoa untuk Jepang 🇯🇵 !!!! Mari kita berdoa untuk Kumamoto !!!! Mari kita berdoa untuk Tsunagi !!! Banjir di Jepang menewaskan sedikitnya 58 orang, kota-kota hancur dan tertutup lumpur!
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