#marigami week 2020
fridayfirefly · 5 years
Warm Smiles and Open Hearts Chapter One
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | AO3
Written for Day One of Marigami Week: Kwami Swap
Kagami had mixed feelings about being Ladybug. On one hand, Kagami loved every moment spent as Ladybug. The freedom was absolutely exhilarating. On the other hand, she hadn't even wanted to move to Paris in the first place, much less become its protector. Kyoto, Japan was her home and had been for all sixteen years of her life, until Kagami and her Mother moved after her Mother's divorce. Her Mother got custody of Kagami, and her Father got to keep the house, the only place Kagami had ever called home. Now Kagami and her Mother lived in an apartment in Paris. When she wasn't working on her lessons, Kagami left the house pretending to be getting to know the city. In a way, it was true. Thanks to her duties as Ladybug, Kagami knew the city like the back of her hand.
Kagami hadn't yet started public school, as her Mother agreed to let her finish her current semester through cyber school. Once winter break was over, though, she would be going to Françoise Dupont High School. From the school's website, it seemed like a nice enough institution, but Kagami knew better. Françoise Dupont High School had the highest number of akumas of all of the Parisian public schools. At least twice a week, Kagami and her partner, Chat Noir, were called by Principal Damocles to stop an akuma. Frankly, it was exhausting, but at least Kagami now knew the route to school very well.
"What do we know so far?" asked Kagami as soon as she landed beside her partner. She watched as Chloé Bourgeoise, the number one cause of akumas in Françoise Dupont, got chased around the library by a giant purple hairdryer.
Chat was hidden in the shadows, perched on a bookshelf above the library, scoping out the akuma. "Nathaniel Kurtzberg, from Mlle. Bustier's class. Chloé Bourgeoise revealed his crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng to his entire class - including Marinette - which caused his akumatization. His power is in his drawings, and the akuma is likely in his pen. He wants revenge against Chloé, though his idea of revenge is currently nonviolent."
"His crush on Mlle. Dupain-Cheng may complicate our plans, we'll have to monitor her closely," said Kagami. "Now let's go stop him before he turns to violence as a part of his revenge scheme."
The duo attacked the hairdryer, trying to shut it down, but it dissolved into particles as soon as they took it out of commission.
"You might have broken one of my weapons, but I can certainly make more. I am Evillustrator, and no one can stop me." Evillustrator drew a swarm of bees that attacked Ladybug and Chat Noir.
"Chat, you go left, I'll go right."
Despite their best efforts, the fight against Evillustrator was going nowhere - anytime they cornered him, he just drew himself a way out. Anytime they managed to get close to him, he trapped them behind walls of glass or sent another opponent after them for them to defeat. "This isn't going to work," Kagami said. The way things were going, they would never be able to get the pen away from Evillustrator. "Fall back, and we'll come up with a better plan."
The duo let Evillustrator slip away, choosing instead to regroup and make a plan. After some quick deliberation, they decided to split up. Chat went to guard Chloé, while Kagami was tasked with guarding Marinette. No matter which girl Evillustrator decided to target first, neither girl would be left unprotected.
Kagami got there too late. By the time she landed in front of Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, she could already see Evillustrator through the window, talking to Marinette. Kagami was preparing a plan to storm the building when Evillustrator left through the window. Kagami yo-yoed up to the balcony and knocked on the trapdoor. A moment later, the door opened up just a crack.
"Nathaniel? Are you back again?" Marinette's worried voice spoke through the crack.
"It's Ladybug, Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng."
"Ladybug!" The door swung all the way open, as Marinette beckoned Kagami to come down the ladder. "Come down to my room and we can talk. I just spoke to Nathaniel - I mean, Evillustrator - and I have some information that might help you in defeating his akuma."
"What did Evillustrator say to you?" Kagami asked as soon as she and Marinette were both seated.
"He asked me out on a date. I agreed to go, but only if he stopped harassing Chloé. Now, you and Chat Noir can focus on just defeating him, instead of having to split your attention."
"Thank you, Marinette. That was very considerate of you," said Kagami, surprised at Marinette's actions. Even in a situation in which her life was potentially in danger, Marinette put the needs of Chloé Bourgeoise, the biggest bully in her school, in front of her own needs.
"It's no problem." Marinette shrugged. "I figure, I should do whatever I can to help you two. You save Paris day after day, so making a few sacrifices is the least I can do."
"As long as you keep yourself safe too. Now, why don't you tell me the details of this date, so that Chat and I can prepare."
Hours later, as the last rays of light were fading from the sky, Ladybug and Chat Noir lurked in the shadows on the rooftops. Marinette had already been informed of the plan - all she had to do was get the drawing pen away from Evillustrator, as that was the object that the akuma possessed.
They watched Evillustrator spend hours setting the scene for his date, from procuring the boat to drawing the decorations the adorned it. It would've made for a cute date, if you overlooked the fact that Marinette only agreed to it to stop Evillustrator from becoming violent.
Marinette walked up to the boat. “Happy birthday,” she said.
“Marinette!” Evillustrator cheered, and with a tap to his tablet, the boat got moving.
Ladybug and Chat Noir leaped from rooftop to rooftop, trying their best to stay in the shadows as they waited for Marinette to get possession of the pen.
“You're so talented!” Marinette said, get eyes trained on the tablet. “I just don't understand why you want to use your power to hurt people.”
“Not all people. Just Chloé. And I'm never doing that again. After all, you were true to your promise, so I'll be true to mine.”
Kagami let out a slight sigh of relief. Nonviolent akumas were always easier to deal with then the violent ones.
“I actually draw a little too. I’m a designer, so I’m best at drawing clothes. I'm not as good as you are, of course.”
“I'm sure you're a wonderful artist.”
“Well, can I draw you something special for your birthday? I was going to make you a present, but I didn’t have enough time to finish it, and I didn’t want to be late for our date.”
“That would be amazing.” The moment that Evillustrator handed Marinette the pen, Chat Noir and Ladybug attacked.
”Marinette, give me my pencil back. I need to draw something, now!” Evillustrator snarled, lunging at Marinette.
“No, I'm keeping it!” Her voice held a tinge of fear. “Ladybug, take it!”
While Chat Noir kept Evillustrator’s attention, Kagami swung in, grabbed the pen, and snapped it. As the butterfly tried to flutter away, Kagami caught it with her yo-yo and purified it.
“Huh? Where am I?” Nathaniel asked.
“You’ve been akumatized,” Kagami told him.
At that moment, Nathaniel noticed Marinette. His face went white. “I’m so sorry that I dragged you into this, Marinette. I was just so mad when Chloé revealed my crush... and I guess I just wanted to spend time more with you.”
Marinette smiled back at him. “It’s okay Nathaniel. I forgive you.”
“Do- Do you think we could still be friends,” Nathaniel asked tentatively.
“Of course.”
“It’s getting pretty late.” Kagami hated to interrupt, but she and Chat had been working non-stop for the last five hours. They needed a break. “I’ll escort Marinette home. Chat, could you take Nathaniel home.”
“Sure thing, Ladybug. See you tomorrow.”
Kagami contemplated using her yo-yo to get Marinette home faster, but she wasn’t quite ready to part from the dark-haired girl. “Let’s go Marinette."
The walk home was peaceful. Kagami and Marinette talked for a bit, but eventually, both girls fell into a comfortable silence.
"Goodnight, Marinette," said Kagami once they reached Marinette's house.
"Goodnight, Ladybug. Thanks for everything."
Kagami went home after that, but Marinette's smile was the only thought on her mind as she tried to fall asleep. And then the next night. And the next. And the next.
After a week, Kagami gave up trying to her Marinette out of her head. That night, Kagami decided to visit Marinette. Her excuse was that she just wanted to make sure that Marinette was okay (after all, being pseudo-kidnapped by an akuma was no laughing matter) but Kagami knew that the real reason was that she wanted to get to know Marinette. She wanted to get to know the selfless girl who was willing to put herself in danger just to help Chloé Bourgeoise, the girl who was willing to put her own life on the line to make life easier for Paris's superheroes.
"Ladybug? What are you doing here?" Despite the chilliness of the late December air, Marinette was making good use of her balcony, wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of tea in her hands.
"I came to make sure you were alright. You had a pretty stressful day last week."
"It wasn't the best day of my life," Marinette admitted, "But I'm doing alright. Things are still a little awkward around Nathaniel, but for the most part, nothing has changed."
"That's good." Kagami shuffled her feet awkwardly. Her one excuse to see Marinette had run out, but she didn't want to leave just yet.
"Can I get you something to drink? I make a really good cup of tea."
"I- Sure."
Marinette disappeared down the trapdoor. Kagami looked around the balcony, taking it all in. The fairy lights, strung up on any surface Marinette could place them on, the dozens and dozens of potted plants scattered about, the pink and black polka-dotted chaise lounge. It looked warm and cozy and exactly like Marinette.
"Here you go." Marinette handed Kagami a warm mug filled with warm liquid. "It's vanilla mint."
Kagami took a sip and let out an appreciative noise. "It's very good."
"Told you so," Marinette smiled.
Kagami laughed softly. Marinette's smile was like a dream come true, like a warm cup of tea on a cold night, like winning a fencing tournament and knowing that Mother would be proud of her. For once, Paris felt like home.
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Will You Marigami Me: Marigami Week Day 2
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Day 2 of @marigami-week 2020!
Day 1 | Day 3 | AO3 link
2. First Meetings
“– Adrien’s arriving today, and since that’s going to be his seat, this is going to be my seat. Get it?”
Kagami Tsurugi’s first impression of her new class is…not great. An unpleasant blonde dressed in eyewatering yellow and white – whose pale pink lipstick is not doing wonders with her tan skin, and Kagami is willing to bet that she considers herself some kind of fashion icon – is looming over a pale girl who looks like she’s of East Asian descent just like Kagami, with her jet-black pigtails and her softer nose ridge in comparison to the blonde girl.
“Who’s Adrien?” the pigtailed girl says. The blonde bursts into shrill peals of laughter, accompanied by the pale redhead next to her.
“Can you believe she doesn’t know who Adrien is?” the blonde says. “What rock have you been living under?”
Kagami turns to look at the redheaded teacher, waiting for her to use her authority and resolve the issue, but the teacher is just sitting at her desk and regarding the confrontation with an air of detached interest. Ah. A teacher who believes that children should solve their own problems. While Kagami might ordinarily respect that, this seems to be far from the first altercation that these girls have had, so why hasn’t the teacher spoken up and resolved it?
And Kagami was so hoping to go an entire day without making an enemy. Oh well. It’s hardly the first time she’s gotten on the wrong side of someone with an inflated ego. Before she can intervene, however, she’s beaten by a dark-skinned girl with reddish-brown curls, who’s sitting alone at the front desk in the other column of seats.
“Hey, who elected you Queen of Seats?” says the brunette girl, standing up and crossing her arms. The blonde sneers at her.
“Oh, look, Sabrina! We’ve got a little do-gooder in our class this year!” the blonde says. The redhead – Sabrina – giggles. “What are you gonna do, super newbie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses?”
The brunette rolls her eyes and heads for the pigtailed girl. “Wouldn’t you like to know. Come on.”
The pigtailed girl trips on her way down to the front, spilling her box of macarons everywhere, and her face flushes as she scrambles to gather them up while the blonde and her friend Sabrina laugh loudly. The teacher finally leans forward, but before Kagami can hope that she’ll finally speak on the matter…
“Has everyone found a seat?” the teacher says once the students are all seated. Kagami blinks. A girl was blatantly bullied in front of her and she’s doing nothing? And judging by the air between the two girls, this rivalry has been going on for a while.
Wait. No. It’s not a rivalry. To call it that would imply that they’re on even footing, and the blonde most definitely has the pigtailed girl under her foot, not to mention every other classmate who just sat and watched silently. No wonder the pigtailed girl has no confidence, if this has been a long-term thing. Well, unluckily for the blonde, Kagami is not in a good mood; not after losing her chance to join the most prestigious fencing teacher in Paris due to being late for her tryout to help an old man in a hideous red Hawaiian shirt being harassed by a group of older teenage boys. And as Mr D’Argencourt had rightly said, if Kagami can’t be on time for her tryout, how can she be trusted as a reliable student?
“If your friendship with this Adrien is contingent on you sitting near him, I fail to see how it’s particularly strong,” Kagami says, slowly approaching the blonde as one would approach a venomous snake. She pauses in front of the desk and makes sure to loom over the blonde just as the blonde had done with the pigtailed girl. Unlike the pigtailed girl, the blonde merely raises one perfectly sculpted eyebrow.
“Adrikins and I happen to be childhood friends, new girl number two,” she says. “And I wouldn’t advise getting on my bad side like super newbie just did.”
Kagami’s lips twitch without her permission. The blonde’s trying to come across as tough, but she’s really just reinforcing Kagami’s first impression of her: a particularly weak bully whose only power is some kind of influence that she seems to have over everyone. This action doesn’t go unnoticed by the blonde.
“You dare laugh at moi?” The blonde slams her hands on the tabletop. “I am Chloé Bourgeois, daughter of the mayor of Paris and the Style Queen herself!”
Ah. There it is. Kagami had been wondering how this Chloé had so much power. Allowing herself a small smirk, Kagami draws herself up and straightens her back.
“And I am Kagami Tsurugi, only daughter of Tomoe Tsurugi and heir of the Tsurugi family,” Kagami says. “I can match you in both wealth and influence.”
Chloé snorts, while her classmates start to mutter. “Wealth, maybe. But influence? I’m Paris’ darling!”
“No,” Kagami says. “You’re no one’s darling but the mayor’s, if what I’ve seen in this room is any indication. The only reason you have influence is because of him, and if he wasn’t in power?” She shrugs. “I, on the other hand, have worked for my prestige. I’ve won fencing competitions and plan to compete in the Olympics. I’m a model student. Everything I have apart from my wealth has been earned.”
The other students’ heads swivel back and forth between Kagami and Chloé, as though watching a particularly exciting fencing match. Except in this case, Chloé’s far from the trickiest opponent that Kagami’s dealt with. In fact, judging by the interesting shade of splotchy red that her face is turning, she seems to know very well that she’s not winning this bout, even if she’s not going down without a fight. Out of the corner of her eye, Kagami notices a tan boy with golden hair and green eyes appear in the doorway, then pause and frown at the scene that’s unfolding before him.
“I will destroy you, Tsurugi,” Chloé snarls, drawing Kagami’s attention back to the petty drama before her. “I will make your school life a living hell. You think they’ll lift a finger against me? My daddy can cut their funding just like –” She snaps her fingers, “– that. No one would dare side with some ugly Asian bitch with a super tacky haircut over me, so you may as well go and mingle with Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Kim Chiến Lê over on that side of the room.”
Kagami can’t help but laugh at the fact that Chloé thinks that she’s just made a terrifying threat. The pigtailed girl – Marinette – is watching the confrontation with wide eyes, so Kagami offers her an attempt at a small smile. From what Kagami’s seen of her, she seems to be a sweet girl, if lacking in self-confidence, but Kagami has plenty of self-confidence to offer. That is, if Marinette is willing to be her friend. Kagami’s not sure how to go about befriending someone.
“And how do you think my mother would react?” Kagami says. “She sent me to this school under the assumption that it’s the best one in Paris. If the quality started to slip, she would most definitely investigate. And while your father may be extremely influential here in Paris, I highly doubt that he could withstand an inquiry led by the national board of education. So, go and run to your daddy. Tattle on me. But I can promise you that if your inflated sense of entitlement affects my education in any way, your influence will disappear just like –” She copies Chloé’s earlier move and snaps her fingers, “– that.”
Chloé opens her mouth, closes it, then lets out a terrible little snarl and slouches back in her seat, crossing her arms. “Whatever. Like I give a damn about your empty threats. But I’m not moving, and you can’t make me!”
“Yes, I can!” Marinette stomps over to the desk and stops next to Kagami with her hands on her hips. “That’s my seat, Chloé. I ended up there in the first place because you made me, and I’m not playing musical chairs just because you want to sit with this Adrien guy, who’s probably just as stuck-up and snobbish as you!”
Chloé’s blue eyes glitter dangerously. However, Kagami’s pleased to see that this time, Marinette doesn’t back down.
“Watch how you speak to me, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloé hisses. “You’re nothing but a baker’s daughter. Don’t make me put you in your place again.”
Marinette shoots a look at Kagami and straightens her spine. “Well, as Alya said, “all that’s necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing”. And as Kagami said, if your father takes it out on the school, people will have to take notice! I’m not going to sit back and let you bully me any longer! Now, move. You’re in my seat.”
Chloé makes no attempt to move, instead regarding Marinette with a curled lip. It’s at that moment that the blond boy in the doorway makes his presence known by clearing his throat and, judging by the way Chloé squeals and almost launches herself out of her seat, this must be the Adrien she’d talked about. Her shrill shriek confirms this.
“Adrikins! You’re here! Come, I saved you a seat right in front of –”
“I don’t sit with bullies.” Adrien’s shaking but holding himself tall, and Kagami’s first impression is that this is someone who’s very much unaccustomed to standing up to people. Maybe Kagami can help him as well. Helping people is what friends do, right?
“Bullies?” Chloé gives an exaggerated gasp. “Moi? Adrikins, you don’t know what –”
“I saw everything, Chloé. If you weren’t a bully, then why did you call Kagami that? Why did you just threaten Marinette?”
“And she’s wrong,” Marinette says, chancing a quick sideways peek at Kagami. “Kagami’s not ugly. She’s super pretty. It’s a bit hypocritical for someone to call her ugly when they think that shade of lipstick matches their skin tone.”
Kagami slaps a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter. She sneaks a look at Adrien to see if he’s going to disapprove of Marinette’s jab, but he thankfully seems to have tuned it out. That’s something that Marinette needed for her self-confidence, and it’s not even a particularly mean remark. And to be fair, Kagami probably wouldn’t be this close to losing control of herself and laughing if not for Marinette’s compliment. The fact that a gorgeous girl thinks she’s pretty too…
“No, Chloé, I don’t want to sit anywhere near you,” Adrien finishes. “Now, give Marinette her seat back.”
For a moment, Chloé doesn’t move. But then, with a wail, she jumps to her feet and stomps back to her usual desk, with Sabrina scurrying behind her. Marinette sinks down in her seat with a wide smile, joined by Alya a second later.
“Thank you,” Marinette says, directing her smile at Adrien. He grins and ducks his head.
“No problem. I just really hate bullies. And I never thought she was like that.” He turns to Kagami and adds, “Do you want this seat? I’m happy to sit at one of the back desks.”
Although she usually sits in the front, Kagami finds herself shaking her head. For one, she’ll be right across the aisle from a furiously scowling Chloé, which isn’t something she particularly wants to deal with all year. And for another, the dark-skinned brunet boy with the blue T-shirt who’s watching them from next to the empty seat seems like he’ll be much better company than the massive boy behind Alya, who gives off an air of very much wanting to be left alone, or the redheaded boy in the back behind the large boy, who’s doodling in a notebook. Kagami can co-exist with either of them, but Adrien seems to be a much livelier person than her, and he could potentially make great friends with this brunet boy in the front row.
“You take it,” Kagami says. Adrien’s face lighting up lets her know that this had very much been the right call, so she offers a small smile of her own in return and treks up to the large boy. “May I sit next to you?”
“Oh – uh, yeah,” the boy mumbles after a moment, so Kagami takes her seat beside him.
“Wonderful!” The teacher claps her hands like she’d done anything to help defuse the situation. “Now, for those of you who don’t know, my name is Ms Bustier…”
Kagami tunes out Ms Bustier after that, because Marinette turns to give her a radiant smile and mouth, “Thank you”. Kagami smiles back and ducks her head. Is this what it’s like to have friends? Hopefully, it’s not always this dramatic, although Kagami doesn’t think she’d mind drama if it means being Marinette’s friend.
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thekitsune · 5 years
Marigami Week 2020 Day 2 - First Meetings
Here’s my submission for today’s prompt!
(Marinette) Marinette remembered making a fool out of herself when she first met Kagami. She was stunned by the beauty and grace that the transfer student radiated when she stepped into the classroom. Alya poked fun at how long her mouth hung open for the rest of the day. And when she tried to speak to her, all that came out was incomprehensible babbling followed by her tripping and crashing into Kagami. She remembered how red her face was afterwards from the embarrassment...and from how hard it smashed into Kagami's stomach.
She avoided Kagami for the rest of the week after that. It wasn't that hard since Kagami seemed to be doing the exact same thing much to Marinette's disappointment. Alya comforted her after that and stopped teasing her about it when seeing how hard Marinette was taking it.
A week later, she visited Adrien's fencing class to bring him some notes that he missed thanks to a modeling shoot. She was surprised to see a new fencing student...mainly because the person's uniform was red instead of the usual white that all the other students wore. Before she knew it, the student walked up to her and asked her why she was there. Marinette explained that she came to bring Adrien his notes which seemed to calm them down.
When she noticed that they were leaving, Marinette decided to ask them a few questions about their uniform considering she wanted to be a designer and well...the uniform was very stylish. She was pleasantly surprised at how happy they seemed to be that someone else liked it. Soon their conversation changed to the types of music that they liked, their favorite subject, favorite snack (Marinette was surprised at how little sweets the person ate), etc.
Sadly, all good things end when Adrien finally arrived and spotted her. He ran over and thanked Marinette for bringing the notes he missed. When she told him that it wasn't a problem, he proceeded to mention how happy he was to see Marinette talking so calmly with Kagami which caused the girl to freeze. Looking back at the person she was speaking with, she saw said girl taking her mask off with a ticked expression in her eyes that she seemed to be directing at Adrien.
Before Kagami could say anything, Marinette yelped and ran out of the room after bowing and telling them bye. Poor Adrien just watched in confusion while Kagami was gripping her sabre tightly while glancing at Adrien. She wasn't sure what happened, but Adrien walked into class the new day with a wince and a few bruises while an annoyed Kagami followed behind him. ---- (Kagami) Kagami remembered her first meeting with Marinette with fondness. Fondness at their meeting, but she knew at the time she was ticked off thanks to the events that unfolded during it. She thought Marinette was a very cute girl. She seemed to have a shy demeanor, and she knew the girl thought she was attractive (she was not subtle about it considering she was staring at her with an open mouth when she entered class on her first day).
Sadly, their first interaction ended with Kagami on the floor cradling her sore stomach while Marinette babbled an apology and rushed off. She had to skip fencing practice after school thanks to it. Her mother was not happy about it. So she decided to keep her distance from the girl. While she did feel slightly bad since it was obvious Marinette had a crush on her, she did not want to run the risk of another injury thanks to it.
So imagine her surprise when she saw Marinette entering the fencing class a week later. She was already suited up so Marinette was unaware that it was her when she approached her. Apparently, she was bringing notes from class for Adrien thanks to his absence in class earlier that day. Deciding to leave her be so she could get back to her practice, she moved to leave only to hear Marinette ask her about her fencing uniform. It was odd, but she didn't mind to answer. No one really showed any interest in it before. It was her custom design so she was happy to talk about it!
Before she knew it, time flew by as they began talking about the littlest of things. Marinette was so different from the girl she met a week earlier. Apparently, when she is unaware that it is her, Marinette is a pretty open person who is happy to talk about her dreams and other's dreams. She also shares the same interest in music with her and has a unique taste in sweets. Also her family ran a bakery so she was not happy when she found out that Kagami rarely ate anything sweet.
Taking another look at her, Kagami found herself being drawn into those bright blue eyes while admiring her black-blue hair that was tied into those cute pigtails. Plus the freckles on her cheeks helped to drawn out the beauty in her eyes...yeah that was about the time she fell for Marinette. Which was why, Adrien's sudden arrival ticked her off so much.
He just had to announce that it was her under her fencing mask. She had avoided the topic of who she was during their whole conversation. Silently groaning, she pulled her mask off and watched as Marinette froze in place. Feeling a vein throb in her forehead, she directed a subtle glare in Adrien's direction. Before she could stop it, Marinette rushed out of the room. Gritting her teeth, she put her mask back on calmly and pulled her sabre up.
It was a very stress-relieving sparring match with Adrien...and the next one was even better...and the next one.
She was really ticked off. Still, she didn't lose a match that day!
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marigami-week · 5 years
Sorry for forgetting to do a week until post! Anyway!
Tomorrow is the beginning of this year’s Marigami Week!
I hope everyone is looking forward to it!!!!
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sweetmeatdale · 4 years
Pretty big fic(for me) I’ve been working on since February
Marinette and Kagami get fused by an akuma an some drama goes down from there posting it with two of the prompts from @kagamiappreciationweek2020 (no hesitation/mirror)
Here’s a link to some art I commissioned from @mikoriin
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theriveroflight · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction Masterpost: F/F ships
A list of all my Miraculous Ladybug femslash fics. Stories will generally be hosted on AO3 unless otherwise indicated.
Title (with link) | Rating | Word Count | Chapters | Ship | AU/theme | Event (if applicable) | Date Published/Updated
All fics under cut.
In Pursuit Of | T | 1210 | 1/1 | Chlogami | Miracle Queen fix-it | @miraculousfanworks Feb 2020 event | 2/6/2020
Chloé isn’t the type of person Kagami would normally bother with; she would (metaphorically) throw Chloé aside if Kagami really knew her.
kill ‘em with a kiss | T | 1471 | 1/1 | Lilanette | Canon Divergence | 2/25/2020
Marinette wants to play? Lila knows the game better than anyone. Marinette will go down. It’s only a matter of when.
Tracing Names | T | 1015 | 1/1 | Alyanette | Dystopia AU | 5/2/2020
Taking the time to grieve, at last.
where the lightning splits the sea | T | 1285 | 1/10 | Lilagami | sci-fi/dystopia | MLF Oct 2020 event | 10/20/2020
It's 2028, and climate change has irrevocably affected Earth.
The first hurricane to hit in Parisian history is here, and not everyone is prepared for the storm.
And of course, there are people lurking in the background -- waiting to take advantage of it.
testament inscribed in sand | T | 1653 | 1/1 | Marigami | grief | MLF Anniversary giveaway | 12/6/2020
Kagami knows love will be her ruin, and grief will be Marinette's.
stuck fixated on one star | T | 1005 | 1/1 | Marigami | post-Adrigami breakup | Spin the Record challenge | 1/31/2021
It's reckless at best and dangerous at worst. Kagami does it anyway.
starry nights and a light sky | T | 19794 | 1/1 | Auroreille | canon-compliant slow(ish) burn | Femslash February | 2/27/2021
Aurore has always wanted to be a meteorologist. So, when the competition comes, she's practically a shoo-in in her mind - but then Mireille comes along, and everything turns around.
the song stuck in my head (every song i’ll ever love) | T | 777 | 1/1 | Julerose | Getting Together | MLF Tumblr 500 ficlet | 3/18/2021
Juleka doesn't listen to lyrics enough.
Shooting Straight | G | 598 | 1/1 | Marigami | Archery | MLF Tumblr 500 ficlet | 4/6/2021
In which the knowledge of: a) Kagami doing archery b) my learnings from summer camp/Scouts c) the definition of "switching targets", taken approximately too literally
combines to form a ficlet.
shuffling the cards of our game | T | 4050 | 1/1 | Lilanette | Star Wars AU | Lilanette Week | 6/22/2021
Really, they should never have been rivals in the first place with such similar views on the world.
Through It All | T | 16177 | 28/29 | Auroreille | akuma attack | MLF Snippet July | 7/30/2021
Aurore and Mireille are zapped by an akuma that takes them through some doors.
taking the plunge | G | 1362 | 1/1 | Julenette | Canon Divergence | 9/4/2021
Juleka's liked Marinette for a long time. And even though Marinette liked her brother first, Juleka manages to find herself stumbling into a relationship with Marinette anyways.
strike up the band (and kiss me) | G | 1023 | 1/1 | Marigami | Fluff | 11/30/2021
Marinette really wants to kiss Kagami. Luckily, Kagami also really wants to kiss Marinette.
your magical mystery ride | T | 1134 | 1/1 | Julenette | Magic AU | Julenette Week 2021 | 12/6/2021
Ladybug nearly falls into the water before Juleka can open the window.
what’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing (someday we’ll find it) | G | 2097 | 1/1 | Julenette | Marichat tropes but it’s Purple Tigress | 12/19/2021
Marinette doesn't know what she wants, but Tigresse keeps visiting her.
Or: how to fall in love, or at least something close to it, in three weeks.
risen with healing in her wings | G | 3074 | 1/1 | Marigami | Holiday Party | MLF Secret Santa | 12/23/2021
The hero holiday party presents many issues, especially when Ladybug and Ryuuko are under it together.
moving on (moving closer) | T | 2293 | 1/1 | Marigami | Injury Recovery | 1/30/2022
When Marinette collapses in the middle of battle, Kagami rushes to her aid. Despite the fact that they were fighting before.
i wish things were different | T | 1259 | 1/1 | Julealya | Divergence from Rocketear | ML Femslash February & Purple Noir Week 2022 | 2/1/2022
In which Alya and Nino break up, and Juleka's presented with an opportunity.
a marriage of cultures | T | 3249 | 1/1 | Marigami | Wedding | ML Femslash February & MLBCNY | 2/3/2022
When planning a wedding, there are usually several road blocks. Some of them are easy to anticipate, like whether Marinette's capable of finishing the outfits in time. Others are harder, like Tomoe's disapproval of the wedding's structure.
what’s your (true) name? | G | 1543 | 1/1 | Feizoe | Fantasy AU | ML Femslash February & MLF Rarepair Month & MLBCNY | 2/7/2022
Inhuman is not an insult. Far from it, in fact.
been picking up the pieces of our hearts | G | 1036 | 1/1 | Alyanette | ML Femslash February | 2/10/2022
Alya and Marinette talk out their issues, and do more than just talk.
sweet summer | T | 1004 | 1/1 | Zoenette | ML Femslash February | 2/17/2022
Zoé flies to Paris for the summer, and meets someone new.
meet me in the pouring rain | T | 1009 | 1/1 | Marilene | MLF Rarepair Month | 2/19/2022
Marinette's glad she's out of there.
evidence you want me | T | 1260 | 1/1 | Lilalya | MLF Rarepair Month | 2/20/2022
Alya Césaire, private investigator, has been on the trail of the thief Volpina for some time.
utterly incorrigible | T | 1005 | 1/1 | Nathemilie | MLF Rarepair Month | 2/22/2022
Is Emilie's wife really flirting with her in hero persona?
(The answer is yes.)
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sae-what · 4 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020
Yeah I know I’m a week late, but that’s what happens when you ✨procrastinate✨. Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle <3
1 List of fics completed this year in order they were finished
heart diagnosis (first Ladynoir fic, where LB takes a magazine quiz to see if she has a crush on Chat)
power couple (Love square identity shenanigans, Chat announces his relationship with Adrien - and actually, I posted this fic before the Adrichat fiasco back in April)
the first and last wish (Plagg and Tikki make a sacrifice)
uncharted territory (Ladynoir mutual pining and dates in disguises, LB denying her feelings for Chat )
you’re surprisingly light (my first, but not last, Adrigami fic)
It’s Nice to Have a Friend (Adrienette childhood friends to lovers, based on that TS song)
once upon a dream (Ladrien sleeping beauty AU)
i’d love to go on a date with you (#LetLadybugWearATuxedo2k21)
silly notions (Ladrien would literally die for each other, so this Medieval AU fic happened)
infinite (Ladynoir stargazing, Ladynoir July)
i admire you (Childhood AU for Ladrien)
he’s a little claw-strophobic (an Adrichat November fic)
for every question why (gabemoth was our because) (my Gabemoth fic :)...)
saying something stupid (like i love you) (Ladybug accidentally confesses that she’s in love with Chat, and they both think it’s a joke, fluff and mutual pining)
i’ve got a boy crush (Adrigaminette, unrequited Marigami, a whole lotta unrequited yearning)
drown in your green (Marinette experiences a panic attack and reoccurring flashbacks after the events of Chat Blanc)
In The Name of Adrichat (Love square identity shenanigans, in which Marinette gets Adrien and Chat Noir to go on a date)
2 Number of words written
50k+ published. I’ve definitely written more words than this bc I’ve had fics where I deleted them, and other WIPs that I never got back to.
3 Your most popular fic
power couple has the most kudos 
every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree (an AU of the book Flipped) has the most hits.
4 Your personal fave
My personal favorite has to be i’d love to go on a date with you, but I also want to put every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree up here as well.
I’ll talk about the first fic later (I also talked about why it’s one of my faves in this post), but the second is because it’s based off of a book I used to read as a child called Flipped. This fic has a special place in my heart bc it’s an Adrienette fic, one of my fave ships in ML, in the universe of my favorite book when I was young.
5 Your favorite scene
The scene in uncharted territory when Ladybug realizes that she’s in love with Chat Noir. She’s on a date with him in this one, convincing herself that it isn’t actually a date, but she’s still enjoying the time she has with him. Until Andre the ice cream maker slaps her silly with realization and makes her overcome the truth that she’s in love with him.
The yearning and the pining, Chat respecting her feelings, all of that is just… aaahhh I’m a sucker for it 🥺
6 A fic or scene that challenged you
Starting the fic i’d love to go on a date with you really challenged me. I was really going through a tough time writing it. I explained it on this post, but I got a lot of help, and it’s one of my proudest works bc of how I overcame the struggle to write it. Plus, Ladrien rights, and Ladybug in a tux, so for all these reasons, this one has to be one of my favorites.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of
Okay, I’m picking two because HECK.
This line from silly notions:
Adrien gently shut the double door, bringing with him the moonlight that still rested in his frame, and rested upon his lips was the kiss that could’ve been.
I think this was my first time writing something like this, like.. yearning, but not quite getting there yet, ya know? Ladybug yearning to be with Adrien, despite the fact that she shouldn’t, but she wants it, wants him. Aahh, Ladrien 💞
Also this in my Chat Blanc fic, drown in your green:
Ladybug could soak herself in [the] green [of his eyes] if she could. She would swim in it, would drown it in, beg for it if it meant it could never turn blue. Never turn dull.
When I first wrote that line, I was only just.. writing it to write. But then when I reread it, and saw the word blue, I was like.. “omg. It has a double meaning. Folks, it has ~double meaning~. Ladybug is desperate to go back to the times before she ever fought Chat Blanc, but also desperate to return to the days when she had only witnessed Chat Noir happy.
But overall, I really like the color symbolism in this fic aaahhh, proud of it.
8 A comment that touched you
Ahhh there’s a lot of comments, but I think there’s one comment that wins this one. I received a really touching comment for my Flipped AU from BurnDaBreadGetDaGirl on AO3, when I was really struggling to continue writing it. I asked on the A/N how to overcome the writer’s block, and she wrote by far one of the most inspiring comments I’ve ever read. Ever. She told me to just kind of.. bask myself in the character’s POVs, think how they think, and even go about my daily living just thinking about how the characters would react or think about certain things. I’m only paraphrasing, so my words can’t do justice to her comment, but it was so beautiful. I ended up getting in touch with her on Discord. 
Burn, idk if you’re ever going to read this, but your comment really touched me, even to this day, and I want to thank you for your support <3
9 Something that inspired you to write
Music inspires me a lot, I can’t even list all the songs I’ve listened to, but I know Taylor Swift’s songs is up there for sure. I wrote a fic for one of her songs, It’s Nice to Have a Friend. Also folklore and evermore inspired me a lot to write a couple WIPs I have.
Other people’s pieces of writing, fanfics from this fandom, but also fanfics from other fandoms, particularly The Umbrella Academy fanfiction. I read a lot of TUA fics in 2020 as well.
The lack of specific narratives, tropes for specific ships, certain dynamics, and all that. You know, when you have that thought where you go “Welp, if no one will write this, I guess I will!” Yeah, that’s me most of the time 😆 I wrote this fic, Little Red Riding Hood with the Blond Hair, because of that kind of thought. It’s a Misternoire/Adrinoire Folklore AU fic, and I hadn’t read anything like that so I decided, hey, why not. I love Misternoire/Adrinoire because Lady Noire is just a little shit, and I love her. I feel like there needs to be more of her in fanfiction.
And of course, everyone on the Miraculous Fanworks server on Discord really inspired me. They made me feel more confident in my writing. But not only that, they made me feel like I have a place in the ML fandom. Feeling a sense of belonging really made me have more confident with the things I post online for the ML fandom in general. I feel like I had a voice, and since joining, I’m much more eager to express myself and my ideas. I can’t thank this server enough, I’ve grown a lot bc of them <3
10 Your proudest accomplishment
Overall, just realizing that my writing has worth, and that I should write for me. This took a really long time for me to learn bc I felt really insecure about my writing. But then I realized that I write because I have a specific and unique narrative that I want to tell. My works aren’t comparative to other people’s bc each of one us has something amazing and beautiful to share.
11 Do you have any goals for next year
Mmm it would be nice to reach a certain word count? Maybe publish at least 25k words? Idk, I’m not too strict with writing goals. I just like writing whenever I want to.
I’m not tagging anyone but if anyone wants to do this themselves, then go for it!
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fridayfirefly · 5 years
Warm Smiles and Open Hearts Chapter Three
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | AO3
Written for Day Five of Marigami Week: Confessions
"Goodnight, Ladybug," Chat Noir said as he vaulted off of the rooftop.
"Goodnight, Chat," Kagami replied. She and her partner had just finished their nightly patrol. Being that it was late January and their patrol lasted several hours, both teens were exhausted and cold. However, Kagami wasn't quite ready to go home.
The route to Marinette's balcony took her right past the Eiffel Tower. Paris looked pretty at night - so pretty that Kagami could almost pretend that she didn't miss her home city of Kyoto. Becoming Ladybug had certainly given her a greater appreciation of Paris, but Kagami still dreamed of her past home. She dreamed of walking under sakura trees on a breezy spring day, laughing with her friends, picking fallen petals out of each other's hair.
Yet all good dreams come to an end, and every morning when Kagami woke up she was still in Paris, holding the weight of the city on her back. There was one good thing about Paris, though, one shining star that lit up Kagami's whole world.
"Ladybug!" There was her star, standing on a balcony, face lit up by the fairy lights that decorated her room. She gave Kagami a warm smile, warm like the summer breeze coming through the window of her bedroom in Kyoto. Dark hair, blue eyes, and the warmest smile Kagami had ever seen - Marinette Dupain-Cheng was Kagami's light in the darkness.
Kagami couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. "Marinette. How are you tonight?"
Marinette beamed at Kagami and Kagami couldn't quite remember what she was so angsty about, only minutes prior. "I'm having a great night. I finished my calculus homework early, which gave me enough time to get to work on some of my class president duties - my class is going to Kyoto, Japan in a few months, but don't tell anyone, it's still a surprise." Kagami muffled her shocked gasp. "Speaking of surprises, take a seat and wait right here. I have something for you."
Marinette disappeared down the trapdoor, out of sight. Kagami collapsed onto the polka-dotted chaise lounge, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. As class president, Marinette was in charge of choosing the class trip location. She chose Kyoto. Which meant that Marinette... Marinette chose the class trip location for Kagami. Because she cared about Kagami.
Not even the sound of Marinette coming back upstairs could stop Kagami's emotions. "Ladybug? Why are you crying?" The concern in Marinette's voice only made Kagami cry harder.
"It's nothing," Kagami lied. She couldn’t tell Marinette the truth, even though she wanted to. It was too dangerous to let her friend know that Kagami and Ladybug were the same person. "I'm just having a rough day."
"Okay." Marinette sat down next to Kagami. "I got you a gift. For saving me from Evillustrator."
"You didn't have to. It's my duty as Ladybug to save all civilians from-"
"I wanted to," Marinette cut Kagami off. "I made it for you because I wanted to." She handed Kagami the present, a ladybug-themed gift bag, overflowing with black and red tissue paper.
“Thank you, Marinette.”
“Your welcome, Ladybug. Now open it!”
Kagami carefully pulled out the tissue paper to reveal a box full of black and red macaroons, along with a beautiful handmade coat, dark blood red on the outside with soft black velvet lining the inside. It was the mouse thoughtful gift Kagami had ever been given. “You got this for me?”
“Of course. I made the coat and the macaroons myself. Homemade gifts are always better.”
“I’m... this is amazing Marinette. You’re amazing.” Suddenly Kagami’s reasons for keeping her secret from Marinette no longer mattered. The only thing that mattered was that Marinette was the best person that Kagami had ever met, and Kagami never wanted to lie to her again. “Marinette, can I trust you to keep a secret?”
“Of course, Ladybug. I swear, I would never tell.” Marinette said earnestly. One look into her wide, honest eyes was enough for Kagami to make up her mind.
“Tikki, spots off.”
Marinette’s eyes widened; her lips parted in silent awe. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag on the Kyoto trip.”
Kagami gave her a wry smile. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I promise the lies were necessary, for your own protection. Hawkmoth is ruthless. But I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. Not when I like you the way I do.”
“I like you too, Kagami.” Her voice was sweet, like the pastries her Mother would take her to get after Kagami won a competition.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Kagami said, but it wasn’t completely genuine. Kagami had assumed that revealing her identity would satisfy her desire to grow closer to Marinette, but she still wanted more. She wanted Marinette to know that she didn’t just like her as a friend. Kagami liked Marinette in a romantic way: in a holding hands, sharing ice cream, staying up late just to talk to each other way.
Marinette suddenly flushed, her cheeks turning pink. “I have a crush on you, Kagami,” she blurted out. "I've had a crush on you since the first week of school when you told Chloé to leave me alone and asked to be my friend. I've had a crush on Ladybug since she saved me from Evillustrator and then came back every day that week, just to ask me how I was doing. I didn't know what to do before now, because I thought that they were two separate people, but now I realize that it was you the whole time. It's always been you Kagami."
Kagami couldn't remember the day she fell in love with Marinette, but there was never any doubt about it. Kagami didn't hesitate. "I feel the same way. Marinette, would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?"
Marinette's blush deepened. "I would love to."
"I'll pick you up at six, if that's alright."
"That sounds wonderful." Kagami wished that she could take a picture, just to make sure the memory of Marinette's smile would never fade.
The moment was broken by the sound of bells ringing from a church down the block. 12 tolls of the bell - it was midnight.
"I need to get to bed," said Marinette. "Promise you'll pick me up tomorrow at six?"
"I promise."
Marinette smiled. "Goodnight, Kagami."
"Goodnight, Marinette. Sweet dreams."
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fridayfirefly · 5 years
Warm Smiles and Open Hearts Chapter Two
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | AO3
Written for Day Two of Marigami Week: First Meetings
Kagami's Mother didn't bat an eye when Kagami requested to be placed in Mlle. Bustier's class. She simply shrugged and relayed the information to Principal Damocles over the phone. Kagami felt a tinge of guilt about it - after all, she would be placing Marinette in an incredibly awkward position, trying to get to know the girl as both Ladybug and as Kagami Tsurugi. But Kagami didn't want to go to Françoise Dupont if she couldn't have Marinette there with her. It had been two weeks since Kagami met Marinette, and she still thought about her newest friend every day and every night.
On the first day of the new semester, Kagami's first day at Françoise Dupont High School, she felt nervous. Kagami wasn't a naturally anxious person. Years of fencing tournaments had taught her how to rid herself of anxiety, as it would only cause her to make mistakes. Yet, Kagami couldn't seem to stop the anxiety threatening to overcome her. Not when her friendship with Marinette was on the line. What if Marinette only liked Kagami as Ladybug? What if Kagami was only good enough for Marinette because she was a superhero? What if Marinette didn't like the real Kagami?
"Kagami. It's time to go."
"Yes, Mother."
Kagami rushed to the door, taking the stairs two at a time. She greeted the family chauffeur as she slid into the back seat beside her Mother.
Though her Mother was blind, she always seemed to know how Kagami was feeling, sometimes even before Kagami herself recognized her emotions. That morning was no different. "I know that the move to Paris was difficult for you. The friendships you made in Kyoto meant a lot to you. But I promise you, Kagami, you will make new friends. Everything will turn out fine in the end."
"I know."
"Yet you're still worried."
Kagami fidgeted slightly, a habit she thought she broke long ago. "Mother, why did Father leave us." It was a conversation Kagami had wanted to have for a while but was always too scared to talk about.
Kagami's Mother sighed, and placed her hand on top of her daughter's in a comforting manner. "Oh, my dearest Kagami. You did nothing to drive him away. He lost sight of the truly important things. He became ruthless in his pursuit of success, and in the end, when I made him choose between his company and between his family, he made the wrong choice."
"I thought that being ruthless was important. You always tell me 'never hesitate'."
Her Mother shook her head. "'Never hesitate' is for the truly important things in life. It's for standing up for what you believe in and telling people how you feel when you feel it. Not for success or for money."
"I understand, Mother."
As the car pulled in front of Françoise Dupont High School, Kagami felt her dread start to dissipate.
"Have a good day at school," said Mother.
"Goodbye." Kagami shut the door behind her and watch as the car pulled away.
As soon as Kagami walked through the classroom door she spotted Marinette. Sitting in the second row, with that perfect smile on her face, was Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"You must be our new student," Mlle. Bustier spoke. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class."
"My name is Kagami Tsurugi. I was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. I moved to Paris a few months ago, though today is my first day at a Parisian school. My hobbies include fencing, archery, and ice skating."
"Why don't you take a seat behind Chloé." Mlle. Bustier gestured towards an open seat on the left side of the room.
Being a part of Mlle. Bustier's class meant having to deal with Chloé Bourgeoise. It was a necessary sacrifice to spend time with Marinette; however, as Kagami saw the sneer on Chloé's face, she wished that Mlle. Bustier had placed her in the empty seat behind Marinette instead.
Kagami took a seat and pulled her notebook out of her backpack, ready to take notes. The classes at Françoise Dupont were much easier than Kagami's accelerated online classes. The only reason that Kagami's Mother chose Françoise Dupont was for the school's world-renowned fencing team, coached by Olympic Gold Medalist Armand D'Argencourt.
A few hours later, classes let out for lunch. Kagami was preparing to find a quiet place to eat when she passed by Chloé and Marinette in the halls.
"Stop trying to befriend Adrien. He doesn't need friends like you," Chloé snapped.
"If Adrien wants to be my friend, that's his choice," Marinette defended herself.
"Adrien doesn't know what he wants. His only flaw is that he can't recognize that some people aren't worth his time. You, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are not worth his time."
"Stop," Kagami surprised even herself with the amount of authority she projected into her voice. "Leave Marinette alone, Chloé Bourgeoise."
"You leave me alone. This is none of your business, new girl."
"It is my business if you think you can get away with bullying people. Leave Marinette alone, or else."
Kagami glared at Chloé. For a moment, it seemed like Chloé was going to protest, but eventually, the blonde caved. "Fine, whatever. Marinette isn't even worth my attention." Chloé whipped around and stormed down the hall, out of sight.
"Thank you," Marinette sounded pleased.
"It's no problem. At my old school, we didn't tolerate bullying."
Marinette sighed. "Françoise Dupont used to have a very strict no-bullying policy, but when your Father is Mayor Bourgeoise, you can get away with pretty much anything. Chloé keeps causing akumas, but she never faces any repercussions."
"That must be very frustrating."
"It's very frustrating. But don't worry. With the right friends, Françoise Dupont is a pretty good school."
Kagami saw her opportunity and didn't hesitate. "Would 'the right friends' be able to include you?"
Marinette smiled. "I would love to be friends with you, Kagami. If you want to, you could ask Mademoiselle Bustier if you could sit behind me instead of behind Chloé."
"I think I’ll take you up on your offer.”
“You should come with me and eat lunch with my friends. Alya, Nino, and Adrien are all really nice. I think you’ll like them.”
“Thank you, Marinette. You’re very kind.”
"Anything for a friend."
Kagami did end up liking Alya, Nino, and Adrien, but in the end, it was Marinette who consumed Kagami's every thought. Marinette was the most genuine person Kagami had ever met. She was kind to Kagami, kind to Ladybug, kind to all of her friends, kind to strangers she met on the street. Even though Kagami was the one who wore the earrings, she knew that Marinette was the truly miraculous one.
(Per Marinette's suggestion, Kagami returned from lunch a few minutes early.
"Mademoiselle Bustier. I would like to sit next to Marinette, for now on."
With a knowing smile, her teacher replied, "I think that can be arranged.")
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Will You Marigami Me: Marigami Week Day 3
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Day 3 of @marigami-week 2020!
Yes I know late update but this is what happens when you have like 3 or 4 WIPs and next to no ability to commit for longer than a day oops
Day 2 | Day 4 | AO3 link
3. School festival
“I can’t believe your mother let you come!” Marinette’s saying as she pulls Kagami along through the stadium, where the students of Françoise Dupont have set up their school festival fundraiser. As class president, having done most of the work organising the festival behind the scenes, Marinette’s been granted the day off to have fun and survey the fruits of her labour, along with the other class presidents such as Aurore Beauréal from Ms Mendeleiev’s class. Although Aurore’s hot-tempered and a little self-centred and a bit of an airhead – literally, what with her obsession with the weather – she’s very likeable and thrives as a natural leader, and she’s one of the few people who have earned a rare wide smile from Kagami.
“I may have led her to believe that my attendance was mandatory,” Kagami says. She’s also been given free reign due to her job as vice president and the work she and the other vices had put into helping their presidents, and although she’d never thought that she’d end up with this role over Marinette’s outgoing, outspoken other best friend, Alya had insisted that she had enough on her plate with the Bugablog and that Kagami should take the role. And, well, Kagami was never going to say no to spending more time with Marinette. Although judging by Alya’s sly grin when suggesting this, Kagami’s never been able to shake the suspicion that Alya had had an ulterior motive for turning down the position.
“Well, you weren’t lying! Your attendance is absolutely required to, you know, oversee everything and make sure that it runs smoothly.” Marinette nudges Kagami with a small grin and loops their arms together, causing warmth to crackle and spark across Kagami’s skin from where they’re in contact. A short distance away, Rose’s deafening squeals hit Kagami’s ears from the Glitterfication booth, and Kagami looks over her shoulder and spots Rose absolutely covered in glitter from the bombs that people throw at her, while she wields a trash can lid as a makeshift shield. She’s so obviously Princesse Tortue in this very moment, what with her skill with her shield. How can anyone else not see it?
“Oh my.” Kagami covers her mouth to stifle her laughter at the sheer size of the line at Adrien’s booth. “I can’t believe he went ahead with his kissing booth idea.”
Marinette snorts when she follows Kagami’s gaze. “Well, he did have a point when he mentioned that it gave him some control over how he’s touched. He gets to set the time limit for the kisses, and he can have them removed if they try to break his rules. But in the streets, you know…can’t say no because of his father.”
“I have a few choice words about Mr Agreste,” Kagami mutters. “You know, if you had run a kissing booth, I’m willing to bet that your line would rival that of Adrien’s.”
Marinette’s cheeks turn as pink as her overalls. “No way!” she says. “He’s Adrien Agreste! Everyone in Paris who swings that way wants to smooch him.”
“And everyone in our class who swings that way has had a crush on you at some point,” Kagami says. But this is the wrong thing to say entirely; Marinette gives a high-pitched giggle and looks at Kagami out of the corner of her eyes.
“Are you, um – you know, are you including yourself in that group?” she stammers out. Kagami���s stomach turns over in her abdomen. It’s no secret that she’s an ace lesbian but…well, her ridiculously large crush on Marinette is a secret. And if she reveals this secret now, will it disgust Marinette? Will she lose one of her best friends?
Never hesitate, says a voice that sounds suspiciously like her mother’s. Hesitation costs you the win.
“What would your response be if I said yes?” Kagami says slowly. Marinette’s face turns as crimson as Scarmony’s suit, although this does nothing to alleviate the churning in Kagami’s gut, because is that a good crimson or a bad crimson? Marinette mumbles out a response that’s unintelligible to Kagami, even with her sharpened hearing after months of wielding Plagg’s Miraculous. “Pardon?”
“I would, um…I’d uh…” Marinette looks down, her hair falling into her eyes. “I’d…be very happy?”
Kagami’s never understood when people say that their heart skips a beat. But Marinette’s response makes her breath catch in her lungs and her heart falter in its steady rhythm, and she forces herself to stop walking and turn to Marinette. Their arms unlock from each other, but she’s quick to take Marinette’s hands to compensate.
“May I kiss you, Marinette?”
Finally, Marinette looks up and meets Kagami’s steady gaze, even though her eyes flicker away periodically. She takes a deep breath…and nods, and Kagami lets out a breathy laugh and ducks her head. Then she raises it and leans in, closing her eyes, and the velvety warmth of Marinette’s lips when they meet hers in a chaste, awkward kiss far outstrips any piece of luxury furniture that Kagami has ever owned. Who needs her massive bed with its superb-quality bedding when she’s got soft skin and silky hair and permission to touch?
“Wow,” Marinette breathes when they finally separate but keep their foreheads together, unwilling to pull away any further than necessary to draw in oxygen. “Are you sure that was your first kiss? Because that was…wow.”
Kagami actually giggles. She never giggles. But then again, Marinette’s an exception for a lot of things that she never does. “My first kiss was stolen out of necessity.” To break Dark Cupid’s spell, but Marinette can’t know that. “But I can honestly say that I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone else. You’ve been my target ever since I walked into your classroom.” She squeezes Marinette’s hands and adds, “And it seems that I’ve finally hit my bullseye.”
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Will You Marigami Me: Marigami Week Day 1
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Okay, yes, I know this is like a day late for the @marigami-week 2020 day 1 prompt but I’ve had wifi issues all day, don’t @ me
Day 2 | AO3 link
1. Kwami swap
“Here. I trust you.”
Fukō blinks down at the small hexagonal box that’s being offered to her by Scarmony. “M-Me?” she says. “But you picked Foxglove and Princesse Tortue. You always choose the other heroes.”
Behind Scarmony, Princesse Tortue giggles, the fringe of her blonde pixie cut falling in her eyes as she ducks her head. Next to her, Foxglove shifts on the balls of her feet, peeking sideways at Princesse Tortue with reddish-brown eyes.
“I figure it’s time I got your input,” Scarmony says. His blue eyes glimmer playfully behind his spotted scarlet mask as he places the box in her hand but doesn’t let go, giving her the option to back out if she truly wants to do so. That’s one of the things Fukō appreciates about her partner, to be honest: that he doesn’t bluster and try to boss her around like some egomaniac, but rather treats her as though they’re truly equals, such as when he’d told Master Fu off for trying to keep her out of the loop at first.
“If you’re sure, then I won’t let you down.” Fukō slips the little box into a pocket of her black suit. “I’ll find the perfect Bee holder.”
“Well, don’t take too long,” Foxglove says dryly in her usual quiet voice. “Or we’ll just think that you’re trying to hide from the mean akuma while the rest of us get sent to dreamland.”
“Foxy!” Princesse Tortue elbows Foxglove. “Be nice!”
“What?” Foxglove says. “It was a joke. I was kidding.”
“I appreciate your attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere,” Fukō says. “But I don’t intend to hide. I’m going to find the perfect Bee to paralyse Fatigue and then I’ll be back.”
But who to pick? rings in her head as she leaps through Paris. Scarmony seems to have the talent to pick a frightfully fitting holder for the Miraculouses; Foxglove is quiet and used to skulking, making the most of being a deceptive hero, and Princesse Tortue possesses a loud, vibrating energy that makes her perfect as a hero to draw fire and shield others from that damage. If the Bee’s power is subjection then they’ll need someone quick, both physically and mentally; someone who’s not intimidated by power but will jump in to do what’s right regardless; someone like –
Like Marinette. The thought hits Fukō like a bolt of lightning, and before her brain can catch up with her body, she’s bounding in the direction of the Dupain-Cheng bakery, praying that Marinette’s there and hadn’t ventured out and gotten caught up in Fatigue’s attack. Despite wielding the primordial force of destruction and bad luck, it seems that the universe has granted Fukō her wish, because when she lands on Marinette’s balcony and raps on the hatch door, it swings open after just a few short moments.
“Fukō?” Marinette says with wide eyes. “What’s wrong? Are we in danger from the akuma?”
“No. May I come in?” Fukō waits until Marinette nods before slipping inside and leaping off Marinette’s bed with the grace of the animal that she embodies. Marinette follows down the ladder at a more sedate pace. “We need your help, Marinette.”
“Me?” Marinette points at herself. “What could I possibly do? Unless you’re – oh no – you’re not going to –”
Fukō grins and fishes out the little Miraculous box, then holds it out to an ashen Marinette. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I present you with the Miraculous of the Bee. With the power of subjection, you will help our team defeat Fatigue, then return the Miraculous to me after the battle. Can I trust you?”
“W-Why me?” Marinette pushes Fukō’s hand away, her own hand trembling. “My only superpower is super clumsiness! Why not Alya, she’d be a much better superhero –”
“Because being a superhero isn’t dependent on your physical attributes,” Fukō says. “Your mind and soul are what matter. I already know that you have a brilliant mind and you never hesitate to stand up to people like Chloé Bourgeois. You’re exactly the type of wielder we need for the Bee. The Miraculous will take care of any physical shortcomings. You don’t think I can jump off buildings as a civilian, do you?”
Marinette snorts as she chews her lip and frowns at the proffered box, while Fukō holds her breath. Thankfully, after a heart-stopping few moments, Marinette nods, takes the box from Fukō, and snaps it open. Brilliant golden light pours out, making her gasp and shield her eyes, and when the light dies down and materialises into a little bee kwami, Marinette’s rendered speechless.
“Hello, my queen!” The kwami bows. “I am Pollen, at your service!”
“Bug-mouse! Fuzzy bug-mouse!” Marinette jumps away from Pollen, trips on a stray piece of fabric, and would have fallen backwards and collided with her chaise if not for Fukō swooping in to grab her. This close, Fukō can clearly see the freckles that dust Marinette’s cheeks like stars in the night sky, and she can’t help but wonder what it would be like to gently lay Marinette down on the chaise, then count every single freckle with her lips and –
Fukō blinks and resists the urge to shake her head. Where did that thought come from? Clearing her throat, she sets Marinette on her feet and releases her.
“Sorry,” Marinette says shakily. “I understand if you don’t want to work with me –”
“Of course not, my queen,” Pollen says, her blue eyes gleaming. “I’ve seen far stronger reactions in the past. A previous holder attempted to impale me with his sword, so at least you didn’t throw anything at me.”
“O-Okay…” Marinette removes the Bee comb from its box and slides it into her hair. “Um, what do I need to know? How do I transform? What’s my power?”
Fukō smiles. She can most definitely appreciate someone who asks the right questions. “Your special power, from my understanding, allows you to paralyse an opponent. Pollen is the kwami of subjection.”
“Indeed,” Pollen says. “Your Venom will allow you to immobilise one opponent and then you’ll have five minutes before you detransform. And you must simply say “buzz on” to transform.”
“Pollen, buzz on!” When the golden light that encases Marinette fades, Fukō can’t help but look over her outfit. It’s simple but striking, just like Marinette: a tight suit that’s black across her shoulders and upper arms, meeting elbow-length yellow gloves with black fingers, and a yellow torso with a sweetheart neckline and black stripes tapering down her abdomen, yellow thighs with black stripes also tapering down, and knee-length black boots with yellow soles. Her pigtails are striped and tipped with yellow, her bright blue eyes now stare out from behind a simple yellow and black mask that unfortunately hides the freckles on her cheeks, and –
Fukō blinks and wrenches her eyes away before Marinette, who’s now examining her weapon, can realise that she’s openly staring. It wouldn’t do to be seen exhibiting such unprofessional behaviour, especially since she’s never once stared at Foxglove and Princesse Tortue like this. What’s going on with her today?
“Um…” Fukō clears her throat. “Name. You need a name. And then we can go and help Scarmony, Foxglove, and Princesse Tortue.”
“Oh, wow.” Marinette replaces her trompo around her waist. Her gorgeous, shapely waist. Oh no. “You need Foxglove and Princesse Tortue as well? This must be a tough akuma!”
“He can put anyone to sleep with one hit,” Fukō says, praying that her warm cheeks aren’t visibly red. “That’s why we need you to immobilise him. Foxglove and Princesse Tortue are there to distract him and shield us from hits. We really need to return and help. Name! What should we call you?”
Marinette hums. “I never really considered a superhero name for myself. I never even thought I’d be a superhero. What do you think, Fukō?”
Well, if Fukō can choose a name for Marinette, it’ll most definitely be something to do with honey, to reference Marinette’s sweetness. Honeybee? No, that’s far too generic and common for someone like her. Honeycomb? Hmm, close but not quite. What else does Fukō love about Marinette?
Her pastries, whispers an annoying voice in her head. Fukō tries to swat it away. And her buns, as Adrien would say, not that you’d understand that kind of –
“Honeybun!” Fukō blurts out. Marinette blinks.
“Honeybun?” she repeats. Fukō nods and scrambles for an explanation to hide what had just played out in her traitorous brain.
“Yes! Because, um…your parents are bakers! And you like sweet things, and honey is sweet and references bees!”
Tell her that you think she’s sweet as honey, you coward.
Marinette’s face lights up in her signature wide smile. “I like it! Honeybun. It’s sweet and cute, but too much of it and you’ll be sorry.”
I could never have too much of you. Okay, seriously, Fukō’s going to have words with her brain after this. For now, she forces herself to compartmentalise her flustered feelings and she clears her throat.
“Excellent reasoning,” she says. “But we should really go now, before Fatigue catches Scarmony and the others.”
“Right!” Honeybun unslings her trompo and follows Fukō out of the trapdoor and onto the balcony. “So, um…I just jump? Off a tall building? And fall?”
“I’ll catch you if need be,” Fukō says, her lips twitching. Honeybun giggles and hoists herself onto her balcony railing.
“And I trust you to do that a hundred percent. Okay…here goes!”
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thekitsune · 5 years
Marigami Week 2020 Day 7 - Teasing Each Other
Sorry for taking so long! Today’s prompt is Teasing Each Other! How do the two tease one another?
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thekitsune · 5 years
Marigami Week 2020 Begins!!!
It is past midnight which means that Marigami Week has officially begun!!!!
Today’s prompt: Kwami Swap
So the prompts for today will focus on the girls Kwami swapping, whether it’s the Ladybug miraculous and dragon miraculous, the mouse miraculous and the dragon miraculous, any miraculous just for the heck of it, etc., as long as Kwamis are swapped, it fits!
Now make sure to tag me so I can reblog your submissions to the marigami-week blog. Use @thekitsune or @marigami-week so I’ll know! ^^
Now on three, let’s all cheer!
1....2.....3! MARIGAMI WEEK!!!
Have fun!!!
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fridayfirefly · 5 years
Warms Smiles and Open Hearts Preview
Kagami Tsurugi never asked to become Ladybug. She never asked to become Paris's protector. She never asked to carry the weight of a whole city on her shoulders.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng didn't have superpowers, but she had a warm smile and an open heart, and sometimes that's enough.
For the upcoming Marigami Week (Feb 9 - Feb 16) I’m writing a four part Marigami fanfic featuring:
- Kwami Swap! Kagami is the Ladybug miraculous holder
- Kagami falling head over heels in love with Marinette’s smile
- Marinette being a really good friend
- Identity reveal fluff
- First dates
- And so much more!
I’ll be posting updates on the following days (February 9, 10, 13, and 15). If you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know! I’ll also be posting on AO3, if you would rather read it there (tumblr and ao3 usernames are the same)
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thekitsune · 5 years
Marigami Week 2020 Ends
And with Monday here, the 2020 Marigami Week has ended. I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the week. Your participation was great and loved ^^
I hope everyone liked it. I’m sorry for being slower this go around in comparison to last year’s. The next time I hold Marigami Week, I’ll do my best to keep up for everyone’s sake ^^
If I have missed anyone’s submission for the week please let me know. I’d hate for them to feel left out. If anyone is late, then go ahead and upload whenever you can and just let me know so I can reblog to the Marigami Week blog ^^
Until the next ship week ^^
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thekitsune · 5 years
Marigami Week Day 4 - Cuddle
I was rather late on posting this! Sorry! Today’s prompt is Cuddles! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes!
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